Catalogue-Weeroc CAEN 2021-08b

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Tools for Discovery n Electronic Instrumentation

Read-Out Chips Catalog

Non-binding document, subject to change – March 2021 – V2.0

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Our quality system is responsible for the proper functioning of all our internal
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From the initial product design and its development stages, till the delivery
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Tools for Discovery Phone +39.0584.388.398 Phone +49.212.2544077 Phone +1.718.981.0401
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WEEROC Tools for Disc over y

Frontend analog and mixed ASICs

for particle physics

CAEN SpA carries on its partnership with Weeroc, the microelectronics company designing and providing front-end
read-out chips for most of the particle detector or photodetectors. Weeroc offers off-the-shelf programmable read-out
chips and associated support for a fast and successful integration of the read-out chip in the final user system.

Readout ASICs

For each of the available ASIC, Weeroc offers a testboard
designed to test and characterize the chip. This tool is suited
to easily evaluate the performances of the ASIC and, thanks
to its features, allows a versatile use with real detectors.

CAEN-Weeroc sinergy
CAEN has developed many complete readout systems based
on Weeroc front-end ASICs. We are particularly proud to
present the FERS-5200 board family for the readout of large
detector arrays, with its first member being a 64-channel unit
based on the Weeroc CITIROC1A for SiPM.
Product lineup
About Weeroc
Weeroc is a fabless microelectronics company designing and providing front-end read-out chips for most of the particle detector or
photodetectors. Weeroc offers off-the-shelf programmable read-out chips and associated support for a fast and successful integration of
the read-out chip in user system.

Weeroc designs custom read-out chip on customer request for specific application not
covered by programmable component off the shelf.

Weeroc’s core of design expertise includes low noise and radiation-hardened mixed
signal ASICs.

Weeroc is certified ISO9001 since 2015.

Application Domains
Weeroc ASICs are suitable for most industrial or research application involving photodetector or particle detector read-out.

Dedicated Design
Weeroc can design dedicated ASIC for specific application. Non-recurrent design cost are
paid by the final customer who have exclusive access to the design he ordered. Typical
microelectronics design is 18 months from requirement specification to tested
Product lineup
Programmable read-out chip off the shelf
Weeroc offer a full range of product to read-out almost any kind of detectors. The table below describes which read-out chip is suitable for
which kind of detectors. Weeroc application engineers can help you choose the best fit for your detector and application.

Silicon Micromegas

Maroc 3A   
Catiroc 1   
Citiroc 1A 
Petiroc 2A  1
Triroc 1A 
Skiroc 2A   
Gemroc 1    
 Fully optimized readout -  Compatibility -  Compatibility not fully accessed
1 Petiroc can read RPCs on the trigger line solely, no compatibility on the energy measurement line
Weeroc products maturity is ranged using technical readiness level (TRL) scale. The Weeroc definition of TRL is described below.

Technology Readiness Level Description

TRL 1 ASIC project
TRL 2 ASIC in foundry
TRL 3 silicon available
TRL 4 First measurements, minor bug detected
TRL 5 First measurement, conclusive in lab
TRL 6 Application prototype available
TRL 7 Full system using ASIC available
TRL 8 Full system using ASIC running
TRL 9 Full system running ASIC, reliability proven

Non-binding document, subject to change – March 2021 – V2.0

Product lineup
Maroc Catiroc Gemroc Skiroc Citiroc Petiroc Triroc
Prod. Version 3A 1 1 2A lA 2A lA
TRL 9 8 9 8 9 6 8
Package~ PQFP240 TQFP208 PQFP160 BGA400 PQFP160 TQFP208 TFBGA353
Detector - MA-PMT, PMT - MA-PMT, PMT - micromegas - Si PIN diodes - Si PM - SiPM - Si PM
Compatibility - Si PM, Si PM array - GEMs - Silicon strips - Si PM array - SiPM array - Si PM array
OP.timized readout MA-PMT PMT GEMs Si PIN diodes SiPM SiPM SiPM
Channel 64 16 64 64 32 32 64
Measurements and - Free running trigger - Free running trigger - Free running trigger - Free running trigger - Free running trigger - Free running trigger - Free running trigger
operations - External trigger - Ext trigger - Ext trigger - Ext trigger - Ext trigger - Charge (shaper) - Charge (shaper)
- Charge (shaper) - Charge (shaper) - Charge (shaper) - Charge(shaper) - Charge (shaper) - Time (trigger) - Time (TDC)
- Photon counting - Time (trigger) - Data 3-level trigger - Time (TDC) - Time (trigger) - Time (TDC)
- Time (trigger) - Time (TDC)
Outputs - 64 Triggers - 16 Triggers - Trigger OR - Trigger OR - 32 triggers - 32 triggers - Trigger OR
- Trigger OR - 16 Shapers - 1analog multiplexer - 1 analog multiplexer - Trigger OR - Trigger OR - analog multiplexer
- 1analog multiplexer - Trigger OR (charge) (charge) - 1analog multiplexer -1 analog multiplexer (charge)
(charge) -ADC (lOb) - ADC (10/12b) (charge) (charge) - 1digital multiplexer
- ADC (8/10/12b) - TDC (lOb) - TDC (10/12b) - 1digital multiplexer (trigger)
(trigger) -ADC (lOb)
- ADC (10b) - TDC (lOb)
- TDC (10b)
Input Polarity Negative Negative Negative Positive Positive Negative (optimized) Negative (optimized)
Positive Positive
Applications Energy meas. Energy meas. Energy meas. Energy meas. Energy meas. Energy meas. Energy meas.
Main features SPE application Time stamping Time stamping Time stamping Time of flight Time of flight Time of flight
Photon counting rate Low dead time Data readout: 3-level Photon counting Time stamping Time stamping
< 30MHz Zero suppress data trigger Calibration input Photon counting Zero suppress data
MA-PMT gain adj. SPE spectrum Input DAC Input DAC
Input DAC SiPM HV adjust. SiPM HV adjust.
SiPM HV adjust.
*QFP with equivalerit BGA to Digital Converter - TDC Time to Digital Converter
Maroc 3A
Photomultiplier-tubes read-out chip

MAROC3A is a 64-channel chip designed to readout

negative fast input current pulses such as those provided
by Multi Anode Photo Multipliers. Each channel provides
a 100% trigger rate for signal greater than 1/3
photoelectron (50fC) and a charge measurement up to
30 photoelectrons (~ 5 pC) with a linearity of 2%. The
gain of each channel can be tuned between 0 and 4
thanks to an 8-bit variable gain preamplifier allowing to
compensate the non- uniformity between detector
channels. A slow shaper combined with two Sample and
Hold capacitors allows storing the charge up to 5 pC as
well as the baseline. In parallel, 64 trigger outputs are
obtained thanks to two possible trigger paths: one made
of a bipolar or unipolar fast (15 ns) shaper followed by
one discriminator for the photon counting and one made
with a bipolar fast shaper (with a lower gain) followed by
a discriminator to deliver triggers for larger input
charges (> 1 pe). The discriminator thresholds are set by
two internal 10-bit DACs. A digital charge output is
provided by an integrated 8, 10 or 12 bit Wilkinson ADC.

Detector Read-Out MAPMT, SiPM

Number of Channels 64
Signal Polarity Negative
Sensitivity Trigger on 1/3 photo-electron with a 106 PM gain or 50 fC
Timing Resolution 60ps RMS on single photo-electron, threshold 1/3 of photo-electron
Dynamic Range 5 pC (106 PM gain), Integral Non Linearity: 2% up to 5 pC
Packaging & Dimension TFBGA353, PQFP240 discontinued
Power Consumption 3.5 mW /ch, power supply= 3.3V
Inputs 64 current inputs
Outputs 64 trigger outputs
Wired OR of the 64 triggers for each of the 2 discriminators
1 multiplexed analog charge output that can be daisy chained
1 digital charge measurement ( 8, 10 or 12 bits)
Internal Programmable Features gain adjustment between 0 and 2 over 8 bits for each input preamp, trigger threshold
adjustment (10bits), analog and digital charge measurement, 64 trigger outputs, 64
trigger masks

They are using Maroc 3A CAEN SpA More about Maroc 3A

Via Vetraia 11
CERN (ATLAS luminometer) 55049 - Viareggio • Italy
Jefferson lab (CLASS12) Phone +39.0584.388.398
Industrial applications under NDA Fax +39.0584.388.959 -

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/21

Maroc 3A
Photomultiplier-tubes read-out chip

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/21

Catiroc 1
Large-Photomultiplier-Arrays Read-Out Chip

CATIROC 1 is a 16-channel front-end ASIC designed to readout

photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) in large scale applications such as
water Cerenkov experiments. The concept of the ASIC is to combine
an auto-trigger chip to 16 PMTs to obtain an autonomous macro-cell
for large area of detection.
An adjustment of the gain of each channel compensates for the gain
variation of the PMTs and allows using only one HV cable for the 16
PMTs. In the ASIC, the 16 channels are totally independent. In each
channel, the auto-trigger starts the charge and time measurements
which are then converted and stored. Only the hit channels are read
out by one serialized output. The time measurement is done by a 26-
bit counter at 40 MHz for the coarse time and a Time to Amplitude
Converter (TAC) for the fine time, giving a resolution of 200ps RMS.
The charge measurement is done by a dual gain preamplifier followed
by a shaper with variable shaping times (25 ns, 50 ns or 100 ns).
Charge and fine time values are converted by a 10 bit ADC.
Moreover CATIROC 1 can be used as an analogue front-end ASIC for
PMTs. The 16 triggers and 16 shapers output can be used in an
application specific optimized front-end board.

Detector Read-Out PMT, PMT array

Number of Channels 16
Signal Polarity Negative
Sensitivity Trigger on one third of photo-electron on each channel
Timing Resolution 200ps RMS on single photo-electron
Dynamic Range 400 photo-electrons (106 PMT gain)
Integral Non Linearity 1% up to 400 p-e
Packaging & Dimension TQFP208
Power Consumption Power supply: 3.3V
Inputs 16 voltage inputs
Outputs 16 trigger outputs
16 shaper output
1 or of the 16 trigger output
1 serialized digital data output (50bits/channel)
Internal Programmable Features 16 channel gain adjustment (16x8bits), trigger and gain threshold
adjustment (2x10bits), charge measurement tuning, 16 trigger
masks, channel by channel trigger output enable.

They are using Catiroc 1 CAEN SpA More about Catiroc 1

Via Vetraia 11
JUNO experiment 55049 - Viareggio • Italy
WA105 collaboration Phone +39.0584.388.398
Fax +39.0584.388.959 -

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/21

Catiroc 1
Large-Photomultiplier-Arrays Read-Out Chip

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/21

Citiroc 1A
Scientific instrumentation SiPM read-out chip

Citiroc 1A is a 32-channel front-end ASIC designed to

readout silicon photo-multipliers (SiPM) for scientific
instrumentation application.
Citiroc 1A allows triggering down to 1/3 pe and provides
the charge measurement with a good noise rejection.
Moreover, Citiroc 1A outputs the 32-channel triggers
with a high accuracy (better than 100 ps).
An adjustment of the SiPM high-voltage is possible
using a channel-by-channel DAC connected to the ASIC
inputs. That allows a fine SiPM gain and dark noise
adjustment at the system level to correct for the non-
uniformity of SiPMs. Citiroc 1A can be calibrated using a
unique calibration signal.
Timing measurement better than 100 ps RMS jitter is
possible along with 1% linearity energy measurement
up to 2500 p.e. The power consumption 225mW with all
stages on.

Detector Read-Out SiPM, SiPM array

Number of Channels 32
Signal Polarity Positive
Sensitivity Trigger on 1/3 of photo-electron
Timing Resolution Better than 100 ps RMS on single photo-electron
Dynamic Range 0-400 pC i.e. 2500 photo-electrons @ 106 SIPM gain
Packaging & Dimension TQFP 160 – TFBGA353
Power Consumption 225mW – Supply voltage : 3.3V
Inputs 32 voltage inputs with independent SiPM HV adjustments
Outputs 32 trigger outputs
2 multiplexed charge output, 1 multiplexed hit register
2 ASIC trigger output (Trigger OR)
Internal Programmable Features 32 HV adjustment for SiPM (32x8bits), Trigger Threshold Adjustment (10bits),
channel by channel gain tuning, 32 Trigger Masks, Trigger Latch, internal
temperature sensor

They are using Citiroc 1A CAEN SpA More about Citiroc 1A

Via Vetraia 11
INAF – IASF (CTA experiment) 55049 - Viareggio • Italy
CERN (Baby mind experiment) Phone +39.0584.388.398
Fax +39.0584.388.959 -

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/21

Citiroc 1A
Scientific instrumentation SiPM read-out chip

SSH – Slow Shaper ; FSH – Fast Shaper; PD – Peak Detector

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/21

Petiroc 2A
SiPM read-out for time-of-flight PET

Petiroc 2A is a 32-channel front-end ASIC designed to readout

silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) with both polarities for particle
time-of-flight measurement applications. Petiroc 2A combines
a very fast and low-jitter trigger with accurate charge and time
measurements. Energy and time are digitized internally with a
10-bit ADC and 40ps-bin TDC.
The concept of the ASIC is to combine two measurement lines
that won’t interfere one with each other to measure both first
incident photon timing measurement and whole crystal light
charge integration.
An adjustment of the SiPM high voltage is possible using a
channel-by-channel input DAC. It allows a fine SiPM gain and
dark noise adjustment at the system level to correct for the
non-uniformity of SiPMs.
The power consumption is 6 mW/channel, excluding buffers
used to output the analogue signals. The main application of
Petiroc 2A is PET time-of-flight prototyping but it can also be
used for any application that requires both accurate time
resolution and precise energy measurement.
Detector Read-Out SiPM, SiPM array
Number of Channels 32
Signal Polarity Positive or Negative
Sensitivity Trigger on first photo-electron
Timing Resolution ~ 35 ps FWHM in analogue mode (2pe injected) - ~ 100 ps FWHM with internal TDC
Dynamic Range 3000 photo-electrons (106 SIPM gain), Integral Non Linearity: 1% up to 2500 ph-e
Packaging & Dimension TQFP208 – TFBGA353
Power Consumption Power supply: 3.3V
192mW Analogue core (excluding analogue outing buffer), 6mW/ch
Inputs 32 voltage inputs with DC adjustment for SiPM HV tuning
Outputs Digital output (energy on 10 bit, time on 10 bit - 40ps bin)
32 trigger outputs
1 multiplexed charge output, 1 multiplexed hit register
2 ASIC trigger outputs (Trigger OR on 32 channels, 2 levels)
Internal Programmable Features 32 HV adjustment for SiPM (32x8b), trigger threshold adjustment (10b), charge
measurement tuning, 32 trigger masks, internal temperature sensor, trigger latch

They are using Petiroc 2A CAEN SpA More about Petiroc 2

Via Vetraia 11
Industrial applications 55049 - Viareggio • Italy
Cannot be disclosed Phone +39.0584.388.398
Fax +39.0584.388.959 -

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/2021

Petiroc 2A
SiPM read-out for time-of-flight PET

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/2021

Triroc 1A
All-in-one SiPM read-out for multimodal PET

Triroc 1A is a 64-channel front-end ASIC designed to

readout silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) with both polarities
for particle time-of-flight measurement applications. Triroc
1A combines a very fast and low-jitter trigger with accurate
charge and time measurements. Energy and time are
digitized internally with a 10-bit ADC and 30ps-bin TDC.
The concept of the ASIC is to combine two measurement
lines that won’t interfere one with each other to measure
both first incident photon timing measurement and whole
crystal light charge integration.
An adjustment of the SiPM high voltage is possible using a
channel-by-channel input DAC. It allows a fine SiPM gain
and dark noise adjustment at the system level to correct for
the non-uniformity of SiPMs.
The power consumption is 10 mW/channel, excluding
buffers used to output the signals. The main application of
Triroc 1A is PET time-of-flight but it can also be used for any
application that requires both accurate time resolution and
precise energy measurement. Triroc 1A is available in naked dies or BGA packaging (12x12mm, 353 balls).
Detector Read-Out SiPM, SiPM array
Number of Channels 64
Signal Polarity Positive or Negative
Sensitivity Trigger on first photo-electron
Timing Resolution 88 ps RMS
Dynamic Range 3000 photo-electrons (106 SIPM gain), Integral Non Linearity: 1% up to 2000 ph-e
Packaging BGA (12x12mm, 353 balls)
Power Consumption Power supply: 3.3V
Inputs 64 voltage inputs with DC adjustment for SiPM HV tuning
Outputs Digital output (energy on 10 bit, time on 10 bit - 30ps bin)
1 multiplexed time trigger output
2 ASIC trigger 0R outputs (64 channels, 2 levels)
Internal Programmable Features 64 HV adjustment for SiPM (64x8bits), trigger threshold adjustment (10bits), charge
measurement tuning, ADC Track & Hold/Peak Sensing, 64 trigger masks, internal
temperature sensor, trigger latch, Power Pulsing

They are using Triroc 1A CAENSpA More about Triroc 1A

Via Vetraia 11
Trimage collaboration (PET/IRM/EEG) 55049 - Viareggio • Italy
Industrial application Phone +39.0584.388.398
Cannot be disclosed Fax +39.0584.388.959 -

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/2021

Triroc 1A
All-in-one SiPM read-out for multimodal PET

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/2021

Skiroc 2A
PIN Diode and Low Gain Silicium Detector Read-Out Chip

SKIROC 2A is a 64-channel front-end ASIC designed to readout

silicon PIN diodes. Each channel is made of a variable-gain and low-
noise charge preamplifier followed by two shapers – one with a gain
of 1 and the other with a gain of 10 – to provide a charge
measurement from 0.2 fC up to 10 pC. A time tagging is performed
by a 12-bit TDC ramp. The charges and times are stored in a 15-
depth Switched Capacitor Arrays (SCA), the values of which are
converted by a multi-channel 12-bit Wilkinson ADC and sent to an
integrated 4 Kbytes memory. The analog value of the charge is also
available on an output pin. The trigger chain is composed of a high
gain fast shaper and a discriminator and allows each channel to auto
trigger down to 0.2 fC. Thresholds of the 64 discriminators are set
by a common 10-bit DAC and an individual 4-bit DAC per channel.
Each discriminator output is sent to an 8-bit delay cell (delay time
tunable between 100 ns and 300 ns) to provide the Hold signal for
the SCA cells of the slow channel. The power consumption is 6.2
mW/channel and each stage can be individually shut down when not
used. 616 slow control parameters are available to set various
configurations and ensure the versatility of the chip.
Detector Read-Out Si PIN Diodes
Number of Channels 64
Signal Polarity positive
Sensitivity Trigger on 0.2fC
Timing Resolution N/A
Dynamic Range 10 pC, Integral Non Linearity <1%
Packaging & Dimension BGA 400 (17x17mm)
Power Consumption 6.2 mW /ch, power supply: 3.3V
power pulsing
Inputs 64 current inputs
Outputs 1 multiplexed analog charge output
12-bit charge and time measurement
Trigger 0R of the 64 discriminators
Internal Programmable Features Common gain adjustment for the input, common trigger threshold adjustment (10
bits) and individual threshold (4 b), 12-bit charge and time measurement, 64 trigger
masks, multiplexed analog output

They are using Skiroc 2A CAEN SpA More about Skiroc 2A

Via Vetraia 11
CALICE ECAL 55049 - Viareggio • Italy
Phone +39.0584.388.398
Fax +39.0584.388.959 -

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/2021

Skiroc 2A
PIN Diode and Low Gain Silicium Detector Read-Out Chip

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/2021

Gemroc 1
Micromegas and GEMs semi-digital read-out chip

GEMROC 1 is a 64-channel front-end ASIC designed to

readout negative fast (<1ns) and short (<10ns) current pulses
from low gain detectors (GEMs, Micromegas, …). GEMROC 1
provides a semi-digital readout with three thresholds tunable
from 1 fC to 500 fC and integrates a 128-deep digital memory
to store the 2 x 64 discriminator outputs as well as the
timestamp from a 24b counter. The three thresholds are set
internally by three 10-bit DACs. The gain of each channel can
be tuned individually from 0 to 2 over 8 bits, allowing the
compensation of non-uniformity between the 64 detector
channels. Each channel can auto trigger down to 1 fC input
charge. A multiplexed charge measurement up to 500fC is
The power consumption is 1.5 mW/channel and the chip can
be fully power-pulsed allowing a significant power reduction
by disabling unused blocks.

Detector Read-Out Micromegas, GEM

Number of Channels 64
Signal Polarity Negative
Sensitivity Trigger 1 fC
Timing Resolution N/A
Dynamic Range 500 fC
Packaging & Dimension TQFP160
Power Consumption 1.5 mW /ch, power supply: 3.3V
power pulsing
Inputs 64 current inputs
Outputs 2 encoded data outputs per channel streamed out in serial
1 multiplexed charge output
3 multiplexed trigger outputs or 3 trigger 0R of the 64 channels
Internal Programmable Features Trigger threshold adjustment (10bits), 3*64 trigger masks, multiplexed latched
trigger or direct OR64 trigger outputs

They are using Gemroc 1 CAEN SpA More about Gemroc 1

Via Vetraia 11
Industrial application (NDA) 55049 - Viareggio • Italy
Phone +39.0584.388.398
Fax +39.0584.388.959 -

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/2021

Gemroc 1
Micromegas and GEMs semi-digital read-out chip

V2.0 - Non-binding document, subject to change, 03/2021


Weeroc Testboards
Control Systems for Weeroc ASICs

A simple way to learn the use of Weeroc ASICs Overview

Weeroc Testboards are compact form factor platforms designed to
Features control and read out Weeroc ASICs. This tool is suited to easily evaluate
• Specific design for each Weeroc ASIC the characteristics of the ASIC and, thanks to its features, allows a
• Hosting a small ASIC for easy DAQ management versatile use with real detectors. The testboard provides easy access
• Easy characterization and debug of the ASIC to all ASIC’s digital and analog I/Os and implements a DAQ system
• Access to all ASIC’s digital and analog I/Os consisting of an Altera Cyclone III FPGA and 12-bit ADCs.
• ASIC internal signals monitor
The board hosts connections for detectors and the relative High Voltage
• Data acquisition with real detectors
distribution lines. Moreover, it provides the possibility to inject signals in
• Connections for an external High Voltage power supply
the ASIC analog inputs using a generator.
• Mini-USB for data transfer and board power supply
• Control and acquisition software for Windows OS (LabVIEW A dedicated software for each different ASIC is available. It provides
interface for TRIROC 1A board) a simple GUI to set all the programmable parameters of the ASIC and
allows the user to perform calibration and DAQ in an intuitive way. Some
Software firmware options can also be set in order to manage DAQ within an
Testboard Software

For each different testboard, a dedicated User Interface

software for Windows OS is available for free download. It
provides a simple GUI to set all the programmable parameters
of the ASIC and allows the user to perform calibration and DAQ.
Some firmware options can also be set.
The TRIROC testboard is equipped with a LabVIEW User

Ordering Option

Code Description
WWTBCATIROC1 Testboard for CATIROC 1 chip
WWTBCITIROC1 Testboard for CITIROC 1A chip
WWTBGEMROC1A Testboard for GEMROC 1 chip
WWTBMAROC3AA Testboard for MAROC 3A chip
WWTBPETIROC2 Testboard for PETIROC 2A chip
WWTBPHOTORC1 Testboard for PHOTOROC 1A chip
WWTBTRIROC1A Testboard for TRIROC 1A chip
SIPM Readout

FERS-5200 Tools for Disc over y

Front End Readout System

A distributed and easy-

scalable platform for the
readout of large detector

FERS-5200 is the CAEN solution to readout

data from both small experimental setups
and large experiments consisting of many
thousands of detectors. The system was
conceived to accomplish the present
experimental necessity for high scalability,
high channel density, and a reduced cost
per acquisition channel.

Overview Features
FERS-5200 is a Front-End Readout System designed for • Scalability: from a single standalone FERS unit for
large detector arrays, such as SiPMs, multi-anode PMTs, prototyping to thousands of channels (tree network
Silicon Strip detectors, Wire Chambers, GEM, Gas Tubes, structure)
and others. FERS is a highly-scalable distributed platform. • Modularity: multiple FERS units managed via a single
Each unit is a small card (~7 x 17 cm2) which houses 64 Concentrator board
or 128 channels and includes Front End electronics, A/D • Flexibility: FERS units can be tailored to specific
converters, trigger logic, synchronization, local memory, and detectors and applications
readout interface. • Compact size: High-channel density FERS units
FERS is a synonym of flexibility: a single user-interface and
readout infrastructure has been designed to support and
perform a wide range of front-end tasks suitable for a large
variety of detector types. In most cases, the front-end is
based on ASIC chips. This design is perfect for large detector
arrays, combining high density, cost-effective integration of
multi-channel readout electronics with a small footprint, and
low power draw.
This is the case of the first FERS-5200 model: A5202, based
on the Citiroc-1A chip produced by Weeroc for SiPM readout.

Ordering Option

Code Description
WA5202XAAAAA A5202 - 64 Channel Citiroc unit for FERS-5200
WDT5202XAAAA DT5202 - Desktop 64 Channel Citiroc unit for FERS-5200
WDT5215XAAAA DT5215 - Collector Board for FERS-5200
SIPM Readout

Tools for Disc over y A5202

64 Channel CITIROC unit for FERS-5200

The readout of large SiPM

arrays has never been simpler
and cost-effective

The A5202 module is the newborn FERS-5200 board for the

readout of SiPM arrays. Being also the first member of the family,
it constitutes a proof of concept for the system itself and a great
starting point for other FERS-5200 board development.


Features Overview
• 64 channels (= 2 Citiroc-1A chips) The first FERS-5200 unit being developed is the A5202
• Acquisition modes: spectroscopy (PHA), counting, time (DT5202 is the boxed version for desktop use) that uses the
stamping with ToT Citiroc-1A chip produced by WeeROC for SiPM readout.
• Onboard power supply module for SiPM bias generation More precisely, the A5202 is a small board (~ 7 cm x 17
cm) housing two Citiroc-1A chips (64 readout channels).
• Up to 128 A5202 FERS units (up to 8192 SiPM pixels) Each readout channel is composed of a Preamplifier, a
can be managed and synchronized via optical link
Slow Shaper with pulse height detector, and a Fast Shaper
using a single Concentrator Board.
followed by a discriminator. Pulse height values from each
Citiroc-1A are converted sequentially by a 13-bit ADC
to perform energy measurements. The 64 channel self-
triggers (discriminator outputs) can be used for counting,
time stamping, to determine the Time over Threshold (ToT)
information, and also to generate the board bunch trigger
that starts the ADC conversion. The A5202/DT5202 board
also integrates the A7585D power supply module necessary
for biasing the SiPMs, and the interfaces for readout,
synchronization, and control.
Electronics for SiPM

DT5702 - A1702
32 Channel Silicon Photomultipliers Readout Front-End Board

A compact ASIC-based solution to readout SiPM Overview

arrays with coincidence trigger logic The DT5702/A1702 is a compact 32-channels Front-End Board (FEB)
designed to perform energy and time measurements with SiPM arrays.
Features Given the increasing use of SiPMs in physics experiments, this solution
• Based on Weeroc CITIROC 1A ASIC is a valid approach for a variety of applications thanks to its flexibility,
• Amplification and shaping of the SiPMs output pulse compact form factor and channel density.
The board provides adjustable bias voltage to the detectors and is able to
• Provides bias voltage in the range of 20-90 V individually adjustable
process and digitize the analog signals.
for each channel
The analog input signal is processed by a Weeroc CITIROC 1A ASIC
• Discrimination of shaped signal at configurable level from 0 to 50
providing charge amplifier with configurable gain, fast shaping with
SiPMs photo-electrons
the peaking time of 15 ns for trigger formation and slow shaping with
• Provides basic coincidence of signals from each pair of adjacent configurable peaking time in the range of 12.5 ns to 87.5 ns for amplitude
even-odd channels
measurements. Thanks to these features the DT5702/A1702 has a
• Timing resolution up to 1 ns wide range of possible applications: from veto systems of neutrino
• Formation of two independent timestamps experiments to SiPM arrays imaging.
• Lemo I/O for time reference and control signals The triggering logic is realized by a XILINX Spartan-6 FPGA. A trigger
• DAQ and control software with data output in ROOT format independent firmware is available, useful to extract triggering pixel
• Daisy chain of up to 256 boards into one network interface positional information, improve timing resolution and estimate the time
• Multiple boards event validation
The communication interface of the board is a 3-port Ethernet switch,
• Efficient back-end communication based on Ethernet standard which allows connection to a host computer and daisy chain of multiple
• Trigger-independent firmware available (NEW) boards.

The board is available in boxed (DT5702) and naked (A1702) version.

DT5702 - A1702 Front-End Board is a custom design developed by the Albert Einstein Center for
Fundamental Physics of the University of Bern for the readout of SiPM arrays used in the veto
system of Liquid Argon Neutrino Experiment.

A1702 - Front-End Board.

A data acquisition control software (FEBDAQMULT) with GUI
is available in order to test the performances of DT5702/A1702
boards. The software is a C script based on Cern ROOT Data
Analysis Framework and is tested on Linux OS. The code is
open source and may serve as a template for more dedicated
Block-scheme of analog signal processing circuit. experiment-optimized DAQ software.

DT5702/A1702 readout of SiPM signals.

FEBDAQMULT GUI, 32-histograms per FEB summary.

FEBDAQMULT GUI, single histogram tab activated.

Ordering Option

Code Description
WA1702XAAAAA A1702 - 32-channel SiPM readout Front-End Board
WDT5702XAAAA DT5702 - 32-channel SiPM readout Front-End Board BOXED
This catalog, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means
without written permission from CAEN S.p.A.
CAEN S.p.A has publishing rights for all images reproduced in “Read-Out Chips Catalog”.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented in
this catalog, CAEN S.p.A. reserves the right to modify its products specifications without
giving any notice; for up to date information please visit

Rev 08 - Printed in Italy, February 2022

© CAEN S.p.A. - 2022 Technical Documentation & Communication Office - CAEN S.p.A.
Tools for Discovery n Electronic Instrumentation

Weeroc SAS
Ecole Polytechnique
PEI Avenue de Coriolis
91120 Palaiseau - France

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