CSP Day-1
CSP Day-1
CSP Day-1
Introduc on
“ Welcome to our Yoga Awareness Project!
We are the students of Raghu Engineering college from computer science and
Cyber Security, 3rd year.
As we navigate the chaos of modern life, we o en forget to priori ze our well-being. Yoga,
an ancient prac ce, offers a powerful solu on. With its roots in India over 5,000 years ago,
yoga has evolved into a global phenomenon, transforming lives physically, mentally, and
Over the next 8 days, we'll embark on a journey to explore yoga's benefits, debunk common
myths, and provide prac cal ps for incorpora ng yoga into your daily life.
Join us as we discover the power of yoga together! Share your thoughts, experiences, and
ques ons, and let's create a community that inspires holis c well-being.
Brief overview
The Yoga prac se began at 7am in morning and went on ll 9:30am. The Yoga master
lecture the par cipants on the role of food and water. they are excited to learn about yoga
Asanas and their effec veness against Stress.
What is yoga?
Yoga** is a physical, mental, and spiritual prac ce that originated in ancient India. It
is a discipline that encompasses a variety of techniques aimed at achieving unity and
harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. The word "yoga" itself comes from the
Sanskrit root "yuj," which means to yoke, unite, or bind, symbolizing the union of the
individual self with the universal consciousness or divine.
Origins of Yoga:
Yoga's origins trace back over 5,000 years to the ancient Indus Valley civiliza on
(around 3,000 BCE), although some scholars argue that it may be even older. It developed
over thousands of years in the Indian subcon nent, drawing on a rich cultural and spiritual
tradi on.