ANM2nd Year

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UP. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION:NOVEMBER-20072 AUXILIARY NURSING MIDWIFERY. (VEAR-FINAL) MIDWIFERY (T) | question no, Do ne MLR maa A) lear er 8) Greenish wer ©) rownish a Normal Labour is called: wrer=a D) Golden peer 1) Dstocia Pree eon ©) futon eRe 0) False Labourcoreererre nainaloncydeis moe a easter 1) 08-05 dys 03 0s fer ieee a orate Preis At rene — 0-12 days 10 42 fy The numberof calories required ap {) 1516 days 15 & 16 f4 _0) OL02 days 01 05 fea pregnancy i ree HY rear? ANIO00- (S00 eal 000 1800 ete gy 700-7500 {V7S00-ZTO0 Kel as00 @ 2700 zat) 7700-2000 Average age of menarche: wateePa A aay AVM years 13% 14 wt 8) | cal 2000 2800 aheitét Keal 2700 ® 3000 zeit 1 ©) 18-20 years 18 & 20 we 0)10-I2 years 10 8 12 af Choose right and wrong in the following statements: 6 eee whe hu. sie ear ae oT RAL : ‘ter delivery of new born ub ad shale ined Wea 3 ae, Ta ae we aR c Codon ste nid yer of vars een coitera ata wea Br r The most ideal peis for chldbicthis pyecoid pehis. wea ote ay eae aRe Teas Seas wae Jt Frst fetal movements aed ightsing yer a mesh “RNA Bare awe Er D Fillup the Blanks: 5 = Is the outmost layer of uterus raha BH Was wet Gee ea BT | acenta is removed with... method. ier 1. Frere oer &1 [ Te won who has never gen birth oa abl cid Inoue - sa oat t, The Bgeretal diameter normaly measures dhl U ‘Anterior fontanale ‘closes by 1 Write short notes on any & of the following a [si eee nei 3 [ efi iedng Pe Fra Pebistfeae 3 3 Holt Ain Preparation cabo are a WOOD aa = Sn aa Fany of the =| Wat pees cir pasa Tafa @ Fire a GaeMe? a 7 of its management. ad oe ah area Describe the management of first stage of labour. Hi BURT Te #7 He eT HN dT OT aHtA Hg) U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION:JUNE-2028 ast AUXILIARY NURSING MIDWIFERY (YEAR:FINAL] PAPER-ID. : 1142 ot: HEALTH CENTER MANAGEMENT SUB.CODE: 318 03 HOURS MAX.MARKS: 75 The question ae four rear ‘mewn ofeach question are given ony ane opto is correct. Choose and write nl he correct 5 in, ru e ld health day is celebrated on Faq eave Perse onan 1 a {7 Ann ___b)L2 Apri ) 1 April 47 June T2_| Anveretraviral therapy is given for: GeARetarerea AR _aeferq eh neh ' [| aw ____) leprosy wutn eighth, footed uherevlsis eee_| B | ots therapy is gven to treat which disease, eter Qe ver dtnrdl a genoray eed oral a loberculosis eyeeaeifa__b) Dengue ¢) flaring d) Measles rat a his dome within. yy ast tthe ere Psa 1 by) days 12a 6) 7 days Tet A) days TS | lo which year National Leprosy programme was tiated in India, sea Praad efterara nvtrs ge een ' james 0) 1955 987 )1959 Choose right or wrong in the following statements ( SXI=5) 5 2 |! OPV vaccine is two drops. otthat Masta alae ti 1 22_| NOTis gven to treat leprosy. puter ary ra ensTAl er arer 1 3 | OARE\s a government organization, Say a were dene 1 Zh | NON services is only for child. qoriqa Rare apaerwati as rae 1 ZB _| Neasles vaccine is given at 8 months after birth, eaktan dkerara pang are Reavorar ei 1 Filup the blanks ( SXI=5) 5 BI | fulllormot ADSis..... cqaarganie___ 1 BZ | One aganwadi worker is appointed for ....population, we oftrrarglanteat _.wereren fee Prac far ara \ B3 | Fullform of WHDis....., WHO aprepe mt mit 34 «Is the permanent method of contraception in females, ..__1fenail # alfyatwas ar eae edtrt 1 1 H_| dudicial body of vilage level is... mr ere aA =a wer | Write short notes on any 4 of the fllawing ( 4XS=20) a TAL | Importance of records and reports, Revts sth Peake amr rrea 5 42_| ASHA 5 | 4.3_| MES 5 ch | Role of NGOs, NODs 8 fF 5 Leprosy, ue 5 Boiter, ruse 5 - a ae a fmaleria, Explain the prevention of malaria, 0 irae aaa aaa ng education for self-development. 0 aA fate aA FF CH we 0 order a Pree VT 0 at sub center. 10 jon, Teer A UPA wife ae Se SRV ed Panorsrarhr asters | |) U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION:SEPTEMBER-2023 ese: AUXILIARY NURSING MIOWIFERY CYEAR-FWNAL] PAPER-ID : {141 IOWIFERY (T) SUB.COOE: 317 “ cee WAKMARKS: 75; Marks "| ‘Question 5 || betes Rewer ene Uhiy one option f correct. Choose and write only enrrect option after writing question Tish fra Recerca Fare ah ae eer ae rere eT T How many days belore menstruation ovation occu THRE woh Ver eaves Nae e \_Wdays 28 FR WM days 14 FRA ih 82 days 32 fey 4.07 doys 07 FA | T2 | Invbich year he lntgrated Cid development service ita ed. Pee WePlper eet Paepra Tae PY TeT : i970 197. won W978 UD | lnftl distress what ound nthe awit i. orb ape A Glee wa wera BT : eri casoosa TF BFTI i Meconium HAART. Pobydramnios CfcRreregtftsire iv. Bile fet : UA | The emergene cntreceptive ils has tobe talon within haw mary hours, ATaTaasTe THF aI ep Tea PTT Tel ey Mae aT a ' afear i SR (32 W2) LERhors (6282) Tews (72 #2) w B2hours (62 2) | eitca codes T_—— {artery Svein WA SAX 1 rer iL Darteries 6 hein2 HFG oA 1 FRreT fi_Zartores 6 2 veins 2 APG 3A 2 re Wi lartery&2vein 1 UF SAR 2 RT ‘Chase right or wrong in the fllowing statements. TETRA Ua a Mel aI etd wT MTT wT Mla ree e 2 Breast fondo actos natural contraception RFU Wer Mp iaen TAIRA SUA aed aT AT 23_| Vann Kmeiation sve the neonate fo prevent hemaragi disease Cera Sor & way RIC awa WY RK Sara 24 | Truelebor pain have no efect on dltation of the ceri. Se wera UIST cpr a Aten rea a wig ula el Vee Cl 25 _| Uteriedachary after dalrey is know sah eo Te TA are aT AMT eT AT eu Zi_| enopause she sin of premerey. Fill up in the blanks, 4 Fist 6 wees alter delvery is called... HA BE IE 6 WME cnn OAT ATRTST £00 of Women whose LMP is June 20° 2072 wil be. (ora HigeroH a) UeITA 20 et 2022 @ SAP SSTeI... ee WP meas. The permanent metodo we aa e filorm of FAS AST TOT, = fare Uy wife feuaTOrat Ferrer Ens the presumptive or possible signs of pregnancy. THTRAT & OANA en waa Sew eT Wa. Unmarzation eA Female pebis eT AOL Brest engorgement A BT SUR 1 et UP. STATE MEDICAL FAG H EXAMINATION bri oe - AUXILIARY NURSING MIOWAFERY (YEATLFINAL MIDWIFERY (1) PAPER-ID : AI 109 HOURS SUB.CODE: 317 — MAKMARKS: 75 The question ae ee i Four options af aneverof wach quton wu give, oly ant option arog Choose wd ita correct option. | (tle) iio llopin tube ie reir eye wh dada WG The pigmentation of skin around the cheoks doi - aah ara tomareoraran | yea eH ° uring pragnancy a called, ren tert el ay nearer ra tere wea _{ tinea gra Perse Sti gravidarum er een) Cos €) Chadwicks sign aravw erat Aerie fntanele iss t.., month, feria dh wr ona al ___}) B months ) L2 months his present between pi 81 called, Fer oh aio of Frontal suture etere fre) b) sagittal suture tforee feerft «) Lamba! suture. Cracagzrr fr 4) Corona suture amare teh Premature separation of normally situated placenta i calld, anne ead i ’ er Fe he wor aT og re TAT Placenta nar See i b) Placenta previa eter fap _| ed Abrupt plac 4) Placenta percreta rer tredrer Choose right or wrong in the following statements (GXI=5) ogel’s formula is used to calculate the expected date of delivery. sera. rs ah oe 2 se d)idmonths { LBL ) 20 em 250m EE_—————— The first fetal movement felt by the mather in pregnancy is called qui aire at gree aN AP ae eh yor Gere wh fownF rat The maximum dation of cor occurs during the latent phase of fi Re cneni eae ternicuraacstieban Umbilical cord has 2 artery and | vein, ef-rer 22 wor ote Fare ort Injection DINPAis the barrier methad of family planning evar Foe wear Priors wh ere FAA EL Fill up the blanks ( SX!=5) jermanent sterilization done in male, __ yet a eur ert a ore yer ane The colour of amniotic uid in Rh incompatibility is... nea ore ieee aor eh — Cha & Presence of excessive aminiotic fluid is called... orf Sea TTTEN A GRU A __ wer sat zh The maternal surface of placenta contains... lobes, era arg wae 7 athe tn Write shart notes an any 4 of the fallawing ( 4X5=20) Kangaroo mother care, tne Ha aa aA ese ATA TI Ft the management of woran in third stage of labor, sere wheats ah ere tient er we FAFA fal care. Write in detail about the antenatal advices. were Rea ae wee a Fee : f postal eri, a reer AT RA AT Fegan sytons of PT. Bylan he management of PPL wee cara fer sr a rT ET and write the nursing management of pre-eclampsia aera aor edu fre re are ar we tro FTW ah a a U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATIONSEPTEMBER-2023 ¢ —_ AUXILIARY NURSING MIDWIFERY {YEAR.FINAL] PAPER-ID : 1142 cy: HEALTH CENTER MANAGEMENT SUB.CODE: 3 203 HOURS MAXMARKS: 75 uel IME bys | ; Marks we. Question Four options of answer of each question are given, only ane option is correct. Choose and write only the correct 5 option. (5XI=5) J 11 | WHO was established on: waio at ence ge () 1 april 1948 (0) 7 april 948 (0) F april 146 (8) F april 1947 Which is the permanent method af family planning. Pears Preavart aor eng eet & (a)oogper-T atee2 __(b)tubectomy fener) (c) ral pls sft _(f) use of condom sah St Kopli's spots are clinical feature of, ater dy we rr Ahh herr Fe ! (a) pertuisis ret ak _(t) chickenpox welt (c) cholera (@) measles wer —— 14 | Which isnot the element of communication: 18 atareaprara set (a) message W2=1_(b) sender dere (c) channel ret __(d) attention ar ASHA workers work atthe level of; omar rroraf aii a re ue eTH wel B56 (ap District fre (b) Community erga __(c) Vilage if (PHC sheath (Choose right and wrong inthe follwing statements: DPT is combined vaccine to prevent diphtheria, pertussis and bere E aita gutta, wdhra nee ges eae Trachoma is an infection caused by virus. Zain arta dearer ere NRHN was started inthe year 2008, woman af appara a 2005 9 eh 1 Hans raccoon medium for transmission of vector borne dieses. Sex aya git > wae & ere ere wea Wantoux testis done to diagnose 1B, titer Fara ae & fg ich tia Foe ara SA Fillup the blanks: UNICEF was established inthe year. 1941 BPR a wT, 1946, US Dengue is caused due to. dengue virus (DENY)... virus. 3. dengue virus (DENY)... AERC & RU eT ‘An Anganwadi worker cover 00D... population or otras ropa 1000... ree wae AE Full form of DOTS is.. Directly observed treatment, short-COUPSE. ann siewar yt 0°... Directly observed treatment, short-course. HIV post exposure prophylaxis shouldbe started within. 72 hours. ‘among aie CaUTE MAINTE. hours... Hare Parse age Write shart notes on any 4 of the fllawing: ‘Write the steps in preparation of sub centre action plan. Gus OR ord torn Gur aA } ae feeet Maintenance of reports and records at sub centre. Suehra Oe RUTE Ue siPictal or aera RCH ‘Explain under 5 clinics. SRK s aeliftl A CAST BL Role of ANM in national health programs. iBT eae oT A TT Hl PI? | 12 3 {LE} | ttt Describe in details about the steps in counselling. ay Uae & ail & ay Rt aaa a peroulosis. Explain DOT in deta Siena eA i abu cad chain aay ae A FRA A = U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: NOVEMBER-2023 M2 £ AURWIARY NURSE AND MIOWFERY (YEAR, FNAL) ae 7 SUB CODE ; 318 ini CENTER MANAGEMENT MAX, MARKS: 75, uostion Que, 7 : tn Four options of ors of wach question are given Gly one apn le earroet Choose and write only correct option aftor weiting quostion na ie i WV | Mission ndradhonush was started... trarreauequaih qeona gem __| dn 2005 sere 2005 1) a gen Dae ZO ere 704 0) Mor 2068 208 _+_—_ 2 Mets et flr HART dae lee 8. — A) Ans mosquito WAIST Te £) Culex mosquito were sere {) Fomale Anophole ult FT efor reer 1) rg anata ee i 18] Antiretroviral treatmant is given to pravunt eae Ferg Ge) et eer ere fee re hee |_| —_| As ea ightheriaf ___) Luprosy pu & 0) Malar ete | LA | Ooath in nda should be ragistered with nanan | A)Olb dogs 6 ARS1__ 8) 0 apn 7 aay defhgraror ore ao L___) dg 04 Au ere Rees ated on, Hi ——_B) 2th Api ote (Mth April 7 otter, D) 07th June st dys nfet__ |_| al ‘right and wrong in the following statements: [| -21_| The scope ois ony for MEN EC wr arr eet MOH ab [| 22_| OCB s administered intradermal route ash a GereaferamfS mena rer iret [| 23 _| Sitefor mantous testis gltesl muscles inthe buttock. Far fleur apres Petri refecret ferafarat | 2.4 | Basic unit of panchayati raj is gram panchayat ter ror ol aye gem areal BL 25 _| The dose of OPV vaccine is 2 drops, inh enfin egren 2a L Fillup the blanks : 8_| Mantoux test is done to identify, Be & tere Hela eee fay ote e 3.2_| COVID-19 disease is caused due to, virus. COMD-(9 ath ee oreor eral 33 _| full form of DOT: : 3.4_| Full form of NS\ Uae OT RTA, Night blindness occurs due tothe deficienoy of eather ware ee Write short notes on any 4 of the following What are the Roles and responsibilities of ASHA? sien abt atrertt of forever ae e What is the aim of health education? eareay Rien eprssese eee Write short nates on Under five clinic. se corga fetter We were area fare Write about the functions of PHO, use ara area Write about the Principles of Home Visits, ae wero a Reractall & aie fara 3]—|—|—|—|—en| —|-|-| | — en enen|en|enlen|en} 3} ws of RCH neem mea area ae, rogramme. | 2+3+5 the strategy of NRHM, Wtsireeaun ar 7 PRRTAH H saya D5 U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: NOVEMBER-2023 AUXILIARY NURSING MIDWIF 3 ii t : cr MIDWIFERY (T) RY (YEAR-FINAL] PAPER-ID : IV IA SUB.CODE: 317 03 HOURS, MAXMARKS: 75: a Question ~ | Four options of answer of e Marks | ater writing question no, ‘ach question are given. Only one option is correct. Choose and write only correct option 1 | Normal color of amniotic Huds... Gra A) Clear ap Nee a amr ary er eT | 8) Greenish ears ish TT Ait Normal Labour is Mra Weta RL OTATR aan — A) Oystocia L3eerKReM— B) Ture Labour 4 3) Ture Labour ea aaa : Sales fe cere a preee e 0) utocia yet 0) False Labour es A) Chadwick's sign As fden epi fag Tee eae L | Cibaates sun tese ot leer stem 4 | Guter layer of ut is cal . ee lad. rere PT ae eee area __| A) Myometrivm sree 8) Perimetrium oR) pee pace ) Myocardium strife 0) Endometrium stAfece ) 500 gm Rela ara aT pa 8) 1000 gm. C) 100 gm. 0) 200 gm Choose right and wrang in the following statements; 21 | First fetal movement is called lightening. ora weeh eeraet ay are AEE wer S.| 22 ete Surgical removal of uterus is known as Hysterectomy, fara al rea farce eer eery eh ReRaeTA ere. There are one artery and 02 veins in the umbiica ord fare car ere sr one era APGAR scaring ad te the ie ane i 10 assess the progress of labour. CsA v sire ene eT Soa Ha UM aT SHE eT | Negele's formula is used ta clause the expected date of every, Seal eh overeat @Pca RTO aa | wrguatn fear 1 up the blanks | Anterior fontanale closes by... months after birth ora ®..welAl ara waarra whereas Presence of excessive liquor arnitin the uerusis called. eae art moter oredr CET Ur wa SR mesa is the permanent sterilization done in male... URW H a irs areh ear tere Permanent cessation of menstruation is known as. ‘Fabgiee et Bl RATAN TTC HT HET AAG ____ ‘Soon after birth the white creamy patch on the fetus is known as HA Tid Te YOUR athe AeA eed a & BOA oral sia Write short notes on any 4 ofthe following 41 | Explain about the advantages of breast feeding, eiTar & coral are A acre 42 | Role of ANM in providing antenatal are, Hae eee aT AA CTT aN yIHT [Bape Je ey wo a TE are her care, Gos Hex ame aA Fee STAT TE HLTA PE Aheakh series. org et RL eae Game weaT ora wATe| : tive management of third stage of labour. 1a GPRM ae, ete pare Pe tomy? Explain about the nursing management of episiotomy, udtetsitetet ane afer oe al aa iia, Explain the management of anaemia in pregnant women. sn teh igen a ce er a TL sia? Write the nursing management of pre-eclampsia, vt-wactarfeta hacer apr sfeter sett Foret fhe management of ectopic pregnancy. shen mfr) ahead B21 | 2+3+5 1 THoimmediate core of premature baby, wera RIA rs eer eee U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW eX LUNE: DOURSE: AUXILIARY NURSE AND MIDWIFERY (YEAR: Fu aaa SUBJECT: MIDWIFERY ‘SUB CODE:-40317 TIME: 3 HRS. MAX, MARKS: 75 O. | Sub, No, | fu Question Marks 1 Four options of answer of each correct option after WAHMs aed are given. Only one option is correct. Choose and write only 5 IL] The first menstruation is called as. RUE mnftey ee a aver OTT. A)_Menarche : |_| y re FATE__b) Menopause Patat C) Dysmenorthea fSwerifeaT__D) Amenorrhea WHR 2 | Causative organism of syphilis is... PAPA 3 aa Oe 8. A) Chlamydia Trachomatis atnrgfsay reer ica tea Gert 2 SAT —_B) Treponema pallidum praia D) Haemophilus ducreyi 13 art of the fallopian tube is called as, dhe ea BY Yor wt er TAT ey endiciti i ) Appendicitis 8) Bartholinitis arefePAEA__C) Salpingitis BeMEA_D) Endometrits Crgea | 14 | Polymenorrhoea means. A) heavy periods 4rd HIfttas ef g) Fa... D) Menstrual cramps Tifter wf flee periods @t-are Mifare tf Cc) Abnormal bleeding SfATATa TARTANA | 16 | Inflammation of ovary is known as. ois a sere Yor wT eT TTT ~.. A) Endometriosis USIARTARA __B) Oophritis ormmrefea ©) Salpingitis wfetftfe___D) Mastitis feefee Choose right and wrong in the following statements: 2_| Leukorthea is breast discharge. RAR &H Bd 81 22_| Amenorthea is a menstrual disorder. GAAIRGI ep Fifer ul walt Rape 81 |_23 | Action of oxytocin is to reduce pain, aifeeftelftra # fear ad al aH aca 2 24 | Decidua has been known as maternal uterine tissue. S¥igan a Hig THiNa Gar & yA oT oa eS! 25 | BCG vaccine is to prevent measles. ax 8 Fara & fery aefioht aot cheer eee sia ed Fill up the blanks : 81_| IUGR stands for UGR I ote 32 | EDD stands for EDD oT ee. 3.3 | Posterior fontanelle closes at... Wy Brera wag oor & 84 | When a pregnant women starts to feel their baby’s movement in the womb is called as. Wad We efe afge Bt aH oh Set wt ete EAA OF ATA GA nnn PE AMC! 85 _| Fertilization occurs tas Weal Bh Write short notes on any 4 of the following 4A1_| Explain structure and functions of female reproductive organs. Hf WPT 3H @) eieerat Wa ‘oral area 4D | Describe physiological changes during pregnancy. THfaRN atari are weit uReacta a1 ahs wth 43, | Explain about special needs of postnatal mothers. Vaan Hast # fata orawrarcnai & ae aT 44 | Explain structure and functions of placenta, ter at eicern wd oral @) wreTSa 45. | Describe the scope of family welfare programme. URAR acura ara’ ark wi aT wi 4B. | Write on cephalo pelvic disproportion. We tfee (East we fera l {7 List the minor ailments during pregnancy and write its management. ao eh aay ote Serer Hees Fer “iological changes of puerperium. ARTA wl oRafta ati Taha | es and signs and symptoms? Explain its diagnosis and management. SA reso FT 7 eH PATA Ue AT] HST 2865 fre its causes? Explain the management of antepartum hmorrhage. aT 26365 its causes and signs and symptoms. Explain its management and etl gate Gre SH re ar as He TAH aU Us afeeTeTS 1845 fons? Explain role of ANM in LSCS. UereReiee By UATE wh, ware) 2845 U.P STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, y/| LUCKNOW \\\ / \ i EXAMINATION: OECEMBER-2021 WM C) V pe eM MANAGEMENT saree rr MAK MARKS: 75 msn Question = ia 5 | ar ol Tee oT th wns a Uy ae are aliens earrek Choose and write oy extrac nt haan ate rr ame a Ree Be a Re ren Re Sea KA acelel cd a mere el nt wr nf eer 1 ancora eae Te) APA HE in minimum need peoneun =xer andar 2 ted VADN0 papules ea AA ea 4) Tsruplce Angina wor ker in IC A tran) nth wy ea As [ears erp onerin a vnawde geographic ria rown Tae Tee ao A Te . A foe ah 8) aia nig @ Ec rent (ene rufa sion in “AY ape at oar 4) son 05 seat 2005 8) Jul a a mA ) b): ue et a D) March 2016 ard 200 et eee ® Fsbo ito weggore areart | res ak ah Argh nas a orca sat a eat = ~) WAM porticipates anc epee oo i Taya al anganwadh centres aaron Aeogh ee ware ara HPA Aewawr Te AA AGUs work to promate aneurin inv sovielyate weeny WEA MOS aT aoe Meat HT agar 2 & fev waa ta a FI tosenty Tealth centre is the first contact point Between the primary heath care syitem and the community, wrogerfers wuftra rata a oir Cie Se ae wa ma eee SA | te ine tablets should be gas Tor treating malaria. taux testis done to estimate the prevalence of ‘fear ara Le days of rth in India. reat aeOT AIK A eT z caused due 10 Virus. wits 19 — "teen Unheee ee eT Lar eae eerie | O Ter Pe bene pelt ae ae eh were A eh Rerreay wea @ om TAT A) Frontal Suture taterey wT a ur TN Renae eee ae ; 1.2 | Fest possible spn ol pregnancy mriFavay ‘wy wan wont fie Al Fatigue e5r4 _8) Oickaniog Per O imaerea getter 1) Fatal heart sound Frey wt) WS ; 13 | Prana pesto d rreahy shit pecans reas Peete ea ee MW ee @ Or Oh cote eae ort at amt wet 6 AvPhcerta secrete rer efter 8) Placenta Prva crater sift Lia pec sat eheper 1) Plcanta Percrata whiter esiter haeet 1.4 | Softess ofthe cervix in pregnany isso A ‘uften & garner at ee © A) Chadwick's spn ter fry 8 fateioe iene fre C)Goodle's sign spre fee D) Heyor's sign borat Ree 7 TS | Osterloyer cf uterus moter meh wae A) Myometrim aretiitrery 8) Perimetriom SFR RRzr= 0) Myccardium rattan ary D) Endometriom Yatifeera 5 | Choose right and wrata in the flowing statements: 2.1_| Sorgcalramaval of virus knew ot Hyatereciomy, GREAT TAR wi Paved a) eee") oes B) 1 22 Congenital ar lies ore ebnarmalties present alter bith omar afeaen ot are el 81 L [2.4 | Anencepaly caries or partial abuence alata qeanb ww Hara or pi aquiteta 8 Theres one atries and? van unideal ard war afore on wordy She az her Gre FL E Flu the Blanks: = 3.l_| Presurce of wecesshe Iau alle aera led — = 3.2 _| Gollencoloured amniatic hid ndicates_qaee oan waPafear ge wha am & .... s 3.3 __| Theocciita frontal daneterix____afehtichewear oR of 1 34 That tal monet by etree. —— a0 re egy Fo Ge Nek AES WaT wT a 1 3.5 _| Thamaternal surlace ol the placenta conuins.__.kbex ite @ Rewra wea A Won BA EL 1 Write short nates on any 4 ofthe folowing 20 4i_| Menstrealeyce, a ae : 4.2 | female Pelis. arer Sferet 5 4.3 _ | Kangaroo other Care. #7 Arar tert) 5 44 | Apger score. orm i = SE : = So ia 5 he 40 ol pregnancy, *THieeat wy Gieaiwe Say) 10 1 ent of pre-eck 10 a a deficiency anaia a preqnancy wafeen Sey To BA ae Ge wey a a Peay) planing: aFRare Fan y Renae To i ta pregnant women? Haq qd Revita Hem age 10 or Rega a Sires 10 eee —__— —_—_—— U.P. STATE wore FACULTY, LUCKNOW AUXILIARY NURSE B MIOWIFE EXAMINATION: SEBTEwaER-Potg MIDWIFERY Hes. t " Given. Oly one options earrect Clones and wit any earret option wa ‘nvluntary control al urine Secretion or ——— ne Tee cant A) Digourea_siferrraften A) Ret * Pr an ax aration ene P i oa af hormone in menopause Tages Re At £) locontence of wine x=orerter after D) None ws EE

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