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G.N.M1**YEAR |" MEDICAL FACULTY || (PAPER)U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUEKNOW EXAMINATION: DECEMBER - 2021 2 YEAR: FIRST YEAR JECT: FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING ‘SUBJECT CODE: 4503 TO: SHAS MAX MARKS: 75 Sub. Wars i | ue, uestion 1 Four pn of answer of sah weston are give. hl ne options correct Chose and write any earrectopion | 5 after writing question numba it rer sere a ar Frere Pre ae eer an @Fre me eT et eT Seang dire aft Re a ae FL ee T.1 | Une ounce is equal to: war atfer av aerace 1 (A) 80 (8) 30m) (C) 60m! (0) Kim 7.2 | Rectal temperature is taken in case of Saecv eevee ay rere A fever sire © 1 A) Unconscious patont Serer 8) Shock efact (0) Children below 5 year saree wat r ts aeet O)Al of the above sere a T.3 | Apatient bout to undergo abdominal inspections best place in which ofthe olawing position? T ear har ack er at Fava Aa ve Fula a at arc ETT R? A)Prone sitet 8) Trendelenbung &rrart_C) Supine aerger 0) Selinger T.4 | The leading cause of death in adolescence is Fesefrerarean a ayra arr way TUTE E A)Momicide _gewr_B) Substance abuse anew xect eratact 0) Accident gece _D) Eating disorder $fenfa 36 TS | Meaning of U1 quo rarer ; A) Once a day Peer a was are B) Thrice aday Reeser are C) Atimesa day Rearat 4 are O) Twice day Peers Dare Thoose right or wrong in the fallawing statements: fret sree 7 Wer ar arte Get 5 21_| Inflammation of the gums called gingivitis ra rer ay args A Esra eT aT 1 2.2_| World health day is celebrated on 7th April fewer areca fee 7 sitet Hire See 1 2.3 _| The most common deficiency seen in alcoholics is thine eafaat # Seth are arc wat 30m wah wrara E 1 24 | Preventing of bed sore is nat the responsiblity ofthe nurse. ed sore a tpt erci #t forewertt ft & i 2.5] A natural body defense that pays an active roe preventing infection s body hair T roar sep ere Terr at Hasan at diawy A after afta fact tae arte Bae ss Filup the blanks Pers eae 3°: 3 3 iscaled..... 5 TauEU eT ___. WETTATEL 1 32 ised for monitoring blood pressure... & 4a Ow AY tara ftw see Rear area 1 53] drops of urine are used in benedict solution for urine ast... AEDT a ere HEE We A HY ch T Sqahar fvar ota Fa _| Black color of urine is called... seer aoe. STATE i 3.5 _| Absence ofsleep is called.....rfta ®t qureute a... FSATATEL 1 rite short notes on any four ofthe folloving feritaferr tA Pret are we Beet ate fae 20 Zi _| Ethics of nursing fear 3 4.2_| Record Rave 5 3 | Types and purposes of postion Fewer ware are seat 5 a ative and passive exercise we afte fafera eararet 5 25 | Comfort devices and their uses ane fEarge He serh SaeT 3 c technique Carrere e aerial Tour of the follwing Prefect A A Pett ure we Rreare AT 40 $.1 | Clarify hemorrhage. What are the cinical features of hemorrhage? Difference Between hematemesis and hemoptysis 10 £ | ret are Pr aterferas Fae Hematemesis st Hemoptysis avatearear sie @ || 32 is Wallace ow ron eit patient? aera often tl aera ater | 10 3 amr ak? sara et erste MEET ro snap water enema. CAAT aT ene FST 10 a tL Jain the procedure of measuring blood pressure 10 54 er we aT TT ATM TE 3A TE patient. agree? SereRt vate Fare | 10 snake bite, areata Seer ar 1 setae sree | 10U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: DECEMBER - 2021 JURSE: GNM YEAR: FIRST YEAR JBJECT: FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING SUBJECT CODE: 4503 IRATION: SHRS MAX MARKS: 75, Sub. uestion Marks ue. Four options of answer of each question are ‘iven. Only one option is correct. Choose and write only correct option 5 after writing question number. Se rar see 5 ar Fes Ree ere at Paro | see ieee Sarg ere fh Fare eet ate fet TU] One ounces equal to: wa ated were T (A)_ 80 (8) 30 (C) 60m! (0) im 1.2 Rectal temperature is taken case gf ‘ere eaten As arate A en sre 1 Unconscious patient aeertat 8) Shock eitrat {) Chilkren below § year 5 raya aso sar at O)AI ofthe shove sere aay 1.3" | Koatent about to undergo abdominal inspections bast paoaewhrel fe Toloving position? 1 Stet atheer oh arereo eeeer sf euty sae rea o AProne_stt__f) Trendlonburg kr C). Spi gO) Sideling argo 1.4 | The leading cause of death in adolescence Feieiraeen a ayea ar oop areor i A) Homicide _gear_B) Substance abuse arges meat amt Year Dace ean _0) Eating disorder $fearfrer site TS] Nearing of 10 ow ser are T AY nce day Ret e_B) Thrice a day Re eva) times aday Rear 4 are O) Twice day Peer 2 are Choose right or wrong in the follawing statements: Seif aretha EY a ara ee 5 2.1_| Inflammation ofthe gum is called gingivitis oar How) Hes A Gora eT ara 1 2.2 _| Woriheath day is celebrated on 7th Apol fava saree femme 7 ope oe waren arene i $3_ The mas common cefcieny seen in alchlssthamne wafset Hee seo eh Ha wah erat i 5-4_| Preventing of bed sores ol the responsi of he nurse Bed sare SY dor fase at & 1 2:5 | A natural body defense thal lays an active role preening fttan bis Flr 1 Fp pee ete cer at aaesor at atest Hai after from & ae ute are Fillup the blanks: Fret care 3 3.1_{ Hiserce of urine scaled... 3p eM eT T 32 eee sed for motoring Hand pressure... deag awa aA Gaia TT i 33 drops of urine are used in benedict solution for urine test —- BRAT Fave are char A aA aT aT T ayata fear sre 3.4 | Blackcolor of urine is ced... aan arer ia. aaa H 35 | Nisence ofslep is called... a aiqereaR at. wer aTaTT T Wite short notes on any four ofthe following fessiaacra a feed an aaa ASA 20 4.1 | Ethics of nursing after ay aera 3 2 | Record Rest 3 £3 _| Types and purposes of position Fear ware ge sear 5 A | Retive and passive exercise witra 3k fefewrar carat 3 5 devices and their uses awe: Rearge ae ser Se 3 6 _| Aseptic technique wateeerersea ‘Answer in detail of any four ofthe folowing Proafafae A AP an ac Rea Se 40 1 ‘What are the clinical features of hemorrhage? Diflrence bet ween hematemesis and. hemoptysis. 10 Bi caer are fy aries Fete ark? Hematemesis se Hemoptysis aren she & 2 Telerau wil yu manage and teat aburn patient? aetat oRtanieret aa At] 10 = [stop Water enema. Cahora GRtntea ARTI 10 aT eASTSTL lan the procedure of measuring ood pressure | To Ser at are area Ye ae Hee aTE patient. Mere eae? aerartah ater eat | 10 snake bite arate suurcerar ei sate sea | 10o. No. SOURS SUBJECT: ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY IME: 3 HRS, U.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: JUNE-2024 GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWAFERY (FIRST) ‘SUB CODE-44501 MAX. MARKS: 75, Suh] Question uo. Marks write onl Four options of answer of each question are given. Only one option is correct. Choose and write only correct option after writing question no. U1 | Route of administration of injection i. 22 RR TET ATAB.. _{-A) Subcutaneous TERN B) Intramuscular ¥eTRAER_C) Intravenous ¥EFFA_ 0) intradermal ¥eretie 12 | Ue span of RBC is... RBC A MA ret Bat @.. A) 120 days 120 f&1__6) 130 days 130%) 140 days 140 fet 0) 150 days 150 fe A) Humerus GTB) Skull wes ©) Femur I, D) Pelvic fern 18 | The largest bone of the body 6. mus RR BY aN AB Gel Bn, (4 | Largest organ of the body is... RR TTA AST HTB. A) Liver eee 8) kidney Pref} © Lungs ty D) Skin a 15 | The master endocrine glands... —Re1 Samra aa... A) Thymus MEE _8) Hypothalamus BRUNE Thyroid URES 0) Pituitary Req Choose right and wrong in the following statements: 21 | Rabies is a zoonotic disease, ala WH yhear ata 22 | Bhysolggy is the study of diferent structures of human body, ROR aFTa RRR wa AAA oT nae 23 | Anaphase is the fourth phase of mitosis. weit erga ar een ae 81 24 | Oculomotor nerve is the third cranial nerve. Shipetirer ater cad ware aT Bh 25 | There are 87 bones in the axial skeleton of a child. WH ae ote soarreH 87 egal Cee Fill up the blanl 31 | Enlargement of spleen is called a5... ART OT AGA sana OME 82 | FSH stands for... SPURTE PT ATTA 83 | Tears are produce by....... glands. 9... HUGE BRITTEN EI A | Largest nerve in the body is... eH aa GN aT?, 85 | Meninges have «0... numbers of layers. APTA H . Te Hh aT. Write short notes on any 4 of the following Al_ | Describe evolution of microbiology and its relevance in nursi - er ha Fea Reorer oAR aRT rere rar A sy ene |—|—|—|—|=|en |—|—|— 42 | Explain about the cavities of human body. FPA RAK A eI aA aa Describe structure of cell with the help of a diagram. FAB era a ART A Hea a wT ea nosocomial factor Dia ear i os infection. “elt dare St GR Write about the composition of blood. aa #1 Weaa aA feu! Write on types of lymph nodes. fern sige & were oe fara 1 4 of the following: reread ae ae ee about the functions of tongue. Raat m with the help of a diagram. Explain about the functions of recta wl RT wT aol EI AT NTA da eSU.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: JUNE-2024 i: GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY (FIRST) CT: PSYCHOLOGY & SOCIOLNBY Sis. SUB CODE-44502 MAX. MARKS: 75. Question Marks, Four options of answer of each ‘Wuastion are given. Only one option is correct. Choose and write only correct option |__| after writing question no, The process involves the recollect Hon of nfarmation or gaining access tothe stored information in the memory whenever required i Sener srt whe eaten acer a ena sent nr ae a weenie AXkncoding process WONT HAM 8) Storage process srarem HFA }—}-QRetrieval process ym frat D) Forgetting process ea frat 12 | Classification of group as Primary and secondary was done by. ap a Nr af anes Be aH afer ora Prana op Sorkin WREA_0) CH Cooly ARAL HY ClAugstecomte OMe wHE "oy Mocks Page Pe one aha Te confton in which a parson experiences loss of memory i. RUA FA ef a ae Par oF Ba. A) Paranoia YEH§% 8) Alopecia _ehftrar © Amnesia tft@1__b) Anorexia ‘The term for the marria 196 between one man and one woman. 6 Fou I war Ht a lag whoa Tis [oR ctoupsomy waphtag "G) Nonoamy GaRNG O) Povey ape ‘ois the founder of psychoanalysis? Ta wears aha 8 A Aeaham STE __B) jean Pioget UH RUNe _C)Max Wertheimer ae afte ‘Choose right and wr D) Sigmund Freud Fes ser rong in the following statements: Aural community consist of people thing invilge. mtr ara aH Aw A aera 8 Psychology word is derived from the langu Longue talon FRAT ee eA waMl8 PTET 2s aca ure is deve om Lan word oe aa eH a EBL awenle delinquency is postive social behaviour. PFE ata we wero arafrs ara Bi imits of local community, clan, or tribe is called end amy. ae ira waar, waa ay Sera or ie Reg wet a wut wh oe eg ae he i Fil up the blaoks: Dowty prohibition act was established in, sas CO PAY APTI BRANT. Hang «hy Ba 2 | The fundamental uitofsocetyis.... WHA a AREER fal san the study ofscience ofsodey, TS RETOOL ba = 35 UNICEF stands for apt ora Formulate alate Qe a EA NOTA TRL Write short notes on any 4 ofthe following Write short note on, characteristics of culture. Sepa of fehuerat oz eter Fee GL Enumerate causes of poverty ina, Ma TT re AL Describe about the causes of child labour. Qt 3 april 1 aves a Measures to prevent alcoholism. SREGKA 27 & sa. Describe basic needs of family. tar A RHR sneer Tw wR Ke of sociology for nurses. WATARTEA wus wi al differences? Explain about the factors causing individual aftr we tal ea wrest Toe thinking for nurses. era aa a afaes development for nurses. ne of personality ge THEUP. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: JUNE-2024 (COURSE: GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY (FIRST] eee SUBJECT: CONMUNITY HEALTH NURSING-1 nee TIME: 3 HRS. : [oJ sub. . = ; rT 3 Four options of answer of each question are given. Only one option is correct. Choose and write only correct option after writing question no. u 1 habit of eating.nw. FATA woe. 4 Ce uaa eat B) Chalk Tee ©) Chocolate eee D) Vegetables festa 7 ‘te chairs wi) 12. | Which of the following disease is caused by deficiency of haemoglobin? Prafere #1 a7 a wha tient? A) Malaria HRB) Anaemia wifey __C) Rabies veto ©) Cholera Sa 1 jtamin By is also known as...feerert @l a. ae-@ af rT Sa 81 ’ pala a ‘hscaticead Wality ie 8) Thiamine fart C) Riboflavin eae? _D) Niacin Frenfert ing is cooking throu nn AIOTS TEER ' SU nee ete ay ee ee eee eee 5. | Which ofthe following is a contagious disease? PrafeaH @ ar wr way ean ar 87 ! 1A) Diabetes HUG 8) Hear attack wT ERT Cy Hypertension Sea TRTURY_D) Diphtheria goer Choose right and wrong in the following statements: 5 2|_| Haemorrhoids are the condition of upper respiratory track, Waren uel ara au ait Ruf 81 1 22 | Typhoid is an air bom — infection. ZIEUHIES WH ag aia Hara f 23 | TV and Radio are examples of incividual health education. ft, she Ua ere care te 35 warez 1 {24 | osteomalacia is due to deficiency of vitamin D.sffectrar era i ai ref 3 area 1 (lias Vitamin ks a ft soluble vitamin, PRET K War aan Yarra FACT BL 1 5 I ! ! ! ! i Fill up the blanks : 3 _| DPT vaccine protects against... Site) cian eee waa. 82 | BCG stands for. SRA PATTER a 33 | study of old age people is called. FG ARI OY IT ans PEMA 3.4 | The act of coughing up blood is termed as. co OS THY ei Pers BA fra aM... wer aT eI 35 | Severe itching of skins termed as... SUH Gah aH... were Write short notes on any 4 of the following Al | Write about cold chain system, @les a wurehl a eee 42 | Qualities and functions of community health nurse. agente area a yor se wrhi 43 | Write about the purpose and principles of home Visit. 76 WHO & Tea Ud Rael & aie H fara 44 | Write about the sources of water supply, Wet agfd & ata ak A FRC 45_| Types and standards of ventilation. ACR & WOR AN APE Characteristics and importance of audio-visual aids. €24-%7 rent # wan wd AeA “Answer in details of any 4 ofthe following: _ aT G2 rel eitesOT Bs ett a ay pg, plan about the principles of communication WAR | 2g food preservation? Explain about the methods of food | Dede v cou education? Explain about the principles of health education | DoQvs raf eat eure iol Woe 8s of counselling, UTA wy UR ute we TEE a WERT baU.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: JUNE-2024 E: GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY [FIRST] ‘SUB CODE-44503 CT: FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING & FIRST AID MAX. MARKS: 75 i es vie 3 Four options of answer of each question are given. Only one option is correct. CI ption after writing question no. thoose and write only correct| 5 A) Renal threshold Sa Daihes i is roar ahh wel aa gI Presence of sugar in the urine is eas ee eran Bee Etaetadira treme {Ghamruscular injections are administered in which degree of wae N)1S degree of angle 15 {Sih ar ato, O60 degree of angle 60 ff ar atot angle? Scmreayer gulaura fara feat & ator oe ae] 1 8) 45 degree of angle 45 fe at ator 13 | TDS means..... GH ar TATA, A) Once a day RAMUS AB) Twice a 14 [wi 0) 90 degree of angle 90 FSi ar atu, day RAAMAR_C) Thrice aday Rada D) Four a day fea ¥ ay ar hich types of bandages is used to fa sten the rectal or perineal dressing? ace UT Ween Ufa wr seer fen ten 2 ST ‘Rae SRin wt alee & Pere] 7 Srreetbaane TUE) T- bandage ufc Tangle bandage Bata we) D) talled bandage ts arch gt 1S | Difficulty in swallowing is called... PATER ZT Bn. BAMA SI q Amores eRe gees a Dysphagia (E8FMa1_0) Dysmenonhes Fert ‘Choose right and wrong inthe following statements: 5 | 21 | Ying on abdomen s called supine Position. Wet aer ae wl Quer Uliana GT 1 [22 mach is called stomatitis. few Garrat RMECH PE TAT SL 1 2s5 in which sounds produced in dregs ae heard using stethoscope, afebeeaa ae] 4 Fluid volume deficits also known as hypervolemia, Sa Hao) ooh at eGR aa Aa aT aI 1 Pypothalamus, Sun 1 POH STA a 1 5 ; = NANDA #1388 1 {32 | stifening of body after death is called... Pee eT eeTe arava 3. 1 23 | Aninstrument used to measure blood pressure is called. = TITY FI IU NIT SU a PATA TL 1 24 | Blood present in stool is called a: FA SoA TETA... eae 1 [3 | Visual examination ofthe body is called... BR BT Ra ajar PETAR 1 a Write short notes on any 4 of the following 20 41 | Define fracture. Write the first aid Sesser of atte patent. eee a bite wha Tl mS 5 STAR weer FSV 42 | Rights of administration of Stef ee itor, 5 43 a1 290s of Beds and wite about the principles of bed naling * Saar es ee Principle ing, eT TNs aI Mea] 44 of Hope and Nurse role in maintaining personal hygiene a 5 epee pall ty cS ee ing pi yglene, SARI ST BT Ae 45. nurse in disast jement Toe aa a ae, 5 a Feo fer s 40 r 8id management of di ferent types of shock WaAl ai] 24345, SHAR Watt & aH aaa hafta oe, ares Ruka aR Aa in about the barriers to cor Mechanics? Wite about the principles of ‘body mechanics. facil & aay feral List out the sites of measuring pulse and Explain the] 2+3+5, SAG A ar ea rns Sah mmunication, ARIA HAR a] ses 24365) 5? Explain about dry old applications. $3 squat] 545RSE JECT le UP. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION.JUNE-2023 GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY (YEAR-AIRST] Ste C0 + FUNDAMENTAL OF NURSING MAX MARKS: 03 HOURS ; : 8003 4503 vi) ‘Sub ues. The question Marks Four options of answor of each question are given, only ane option is correct. Choose and write only the correct ‘option, ( SXt=5) Insomnia means, Para onty 1 Araility to walk wert one B) unconsciousness tet 6) inability to eat orem D) inability to sleep wi oreefat {ayoluntary passing of urine is known as oPeve™ ya ear area A) Enuresis waht B) Elimination yet —_C) Micturition artareemraereAagent_D) Defecatian xe Term Malena means Hera Toft 4). Dark colour stool containing blood mek tn aerora frail ee 15). Pus in urine roa 0) Painful micturition zarer tera ). Bland in urine tear g a The angle of nsertion of Minjestions ong gaara tre rave 15 B) 25° pis" 0) 30" Bad smeling breath is term as waiail gtuwlaea A) Halitosis Beir) chellosis eta __—_—C) calculus reepet _D) sordes vita Choose right ar wrong inthe fllawing statements (5XI=5) General waste are discarded in yelow leur boy in basal weer era TAT aro Inflammation of gums is called ging, rasta aarren PieeTeaereae Normal blood pressure ofan adult is (20/BDrnm of hg, wap weer ar erat earar I20/8Onm hg Ware Tniredermal injection is given atthe subcutaneous layer of the shin erate reread ota alee Rao Normal body temperature of an adults 37 degree Celsius. wor acres adh er earr=T ATI Re afeeTa Te Fillup the blanks (SXI=5) Bleeding from nose is called... are Vga omega position is used to relieve dyspnea, .... tra wrseehr aia A aera ge AS RI AOI TATNL Sie fornia muscular jection inn adil... rae gerreeaaTT RECT. asphyia Means nn. SRAARTAT TONER TIO means... ong aoe Write shart nates on any 4 ofthe following ( 4XS=20) Rights of patient. WA ofeore Beneral principles of first aid, ureter ferent ear aa Personal protective equipments. caterer Rat sweeA Chain of infection transmission, wipro eer a ere Important rules of bandaging, wetaieet mca ro arses responsibilty n administration of ool medicine. Aer car were ara eh Boner ssw deta of oy af be avn (HOD [you prevent bedsore in unconstous patient. wan wa wt ofa meaTen Explain about the steps of nursing process. =f pfarar at ae Of physical examination, reter wher a uRvatea SAI nursing aire Roane eRe pA ora | WD aa aA RATE aT ea arr ee RT TTLU.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: DECEMBER - 2021 ese bay YEARFIRST YEAR SUBVECT: Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology ig IME: SHRS No | Sub, uestion ee) tue. 3. Choose and write only correct 5 1 Four apins of answar of each question are given Ualy one opto is correct Choose and wile vt ar tog erin umber es sre sre ar are Ry ae Arr ar Beret Bat Ea Fue ae ar ft Ror ep ah 1.1) Thre ar... of is eek ah ; L (0 (2 0 (0) 1.2 | Shull consist of aera reas aor iy {N)Wbore 1a wef (8) 22 bone 22g (0) Bone Sees (i) 30 bone 30 weet 13 [Ulespanof RES: eater ay sheer ae i LIU doys_i20 et (0) Bays tft (0) Tet 7c (i) 2weeks 2 1-4" |The td of sue is nom as sr esas aP ad EHR , Weal te _@)Tssur sar (0) tology seer roe (0) Glands sera {.5 The conmor passage way or food anda tha: sre atte wars fete aremear art I WPharyn sree (0) Mouth is () Lary eae (0) Trachea Pant ze Choose right or wrang inthe following stataments Sesifne ere wet ar aay eet 5 2.1 | Ebon joins hinge int Ret arate cats steti u 2.2 | Nerve cells Fegenerate after injury, Sire aia Gate hare er Seine El 1 2.3 | Tonsiisa lymphoid organ effet Cw ae a aes i 142.4 | There are thre lobes inthe eft lung. ame Sra a trata a Fi 1 2.5 _| Preumococci is an acid-fast bacteria, Feat at war airs. sfreney R 1 Fillup the blanks Poet earer ark 2 3:1_| Clale is aso lv a8... EAH ssa i 3.2 _| The longest bone in the body iS anus OR TRRY eh Bes &. 1 3.3 _ | The ony movable bone inthe stlis isda Ras Teese, 1 3.4 | Power House of the celis.. SRNR TE a 1 BS The inventor ‘of Microscope is... FIERA #1 HATE & ee 1 Write short notes on any four of the following Aref A a Fresh ore oy aftr eat Fae 20 4.1 | Menstrual cle rte ea ep 3 4.2. | fine strization and eiplain diferent types of senaion anadt at shorts wt ae Ate werehaea a |S Saree FU 4.3 | Newans age 5 Synovial joint. FReH FAITE wige zy Draw a eat labeled diagram of cel. Sr eae mise Re eayTL 5 Cerebrospinal hid Seatfevere wae 5 Answer in detail of any four ofthe flavin ese HR Ree ox ww Raa sae 40 Name the tissues of the body and explain Ethel tissue, Sih Sasi kara tafav stesvesr sane erem | 10 Af es fertors lei gro and explain the pulmonary circulation gaara speegeta afteiawor carer AFC d write their functions. sath arateU.P. STATE MEDICAL FACULTY, LUCKNOW EXAMINATION: DECEMBER - 2021 YEAR: FIRST YEAR : PSYCHOLOGY, socILOGy ae URATION:SHRS lB ‘uestion (as | Que, four onto of newer f ach question regen, Only ow ‘onton is correct. Choose and write nly correct option ater writing | 5 question number 14 | Titi onal eto scl etl ag GoREaS BS 1 Uw activa ae & # ) Belief sree (8) Lew are (C)Coercion zara (0) Education ferent 12 | Recaectin shut ort birthday Stoedin wait RU arate at A ear aaa 2 (W) Episode memary sree: (B)Semanti memory rears ona zat (C) Procedural memary ftv, aay {O)Short term memory aresaRerr Ef Fi 13 | Pecho-analitic theory is deve Sree (A) Sgmand Freud es a ‘amare mee Dolmen (O) James 3% 1.4 Unacceptable desire or cities ar erected it soil deste chal by arsed: goa ay aaa a¥ RNTERe ae EB fear aren & Wlenieaion wear (@) Regression (C) Sublimation seer ae fren (0) Substitution wereeneer 15 Marriage within the graup is * ; Logan atta ® eaten eae Se me (0) Polygamy weer (0) Eagamy arb Pe Choose right ar wrong in the following statements = 2.1. | Cure dont teach behavior patter BEER eae ed aft Rare Fi a 2.2 | Fens the sates uit ot scey etme aoe wt OS et & - 2.3 | Utazaton eats vilage UCR a aha & 4 2.4 | Pehandry means having many huskard eiiter a at wT a 2:5 | foo controls etal behavior ame tris area camer x Fillup the Blanks 5 St | Wor thn Hs call a0 Oa ae a 3.2 | Average income per person in Seer is called. ew at wit eae SIG a. 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