3 - Distillation Final
3 - Distillation Final
3 - Distillation Final
a12 x
(a12 - 1) x + 1
q = -z - (1 - z )
1- KB 1- KA
• No energy balance
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry In binary distillation the specification of xDPAGE
28-02-18 and 6xB for the
nent fixes the distillate and bottoms flow rates D and B
Mass balances
30 2 Evaporation and distillation
Fig. 2.12 Distillation column overall mass balance envelope.
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry In binary distillation the specification of xDPAGE
28-02-18 and 7xB for the
nent fixes the distillate and bottoms flow rates D and B
Equilibrium curve
• Relative volatility:
g 1 P1sat K1 y/x
a12 = = =
g 2 P2sat
K 2 (1 - y ) / (1 - x )
• Equilibrium curve:
a12 x
(a12 - 1) x + 1
• The equilibrium curve: relation between composition of
a liquid on a tray and the composition of the vapor with
which it is in equilibrium.
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 28-02-18 PAGE 8
The equilibrium curve: from x to y
• And so on…
• Operating line:
• Straight line
• Intercepts x = y at y = xD.
• xD and R may be chosen freely.
a12 x
Equilibrium curve y= Operating line
(a12 - 1) x + 1
L” = L’ + FL L
FL = q.F F
L”-L’ = q.F L” = L’ + qF
V’ = V” + FV V
1− q =
Fv = (1-q).F F
• Combining with:
V -V = L - L - F
'' ' '' '
L'' - L' hV - hF hV - hF
q= = =
F hV - hL DH vap
• This is the heat needed to evaporate 1 mole of feed.
• Sub-cooled liquid:
• The feed condenses a part of V’’.
• FL > F and V’ < V”
• FV < 0, so q > 1
• Superheated vapor:
• The feed evaporates a part of L’.
• FV > F and L’’<L’
• FL < 0, so q < 0
1− q =
Feed stage
Equilibrium curve
Fig. 2.18 Determination of (a) minimum number of theoretical stages and (b) minimum
reflux ratio in a McCabe-Thiele diagram.
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 28-02-18 PAGE 36
Optimal reflux ratio, Ropt
• Operating line
rectifying section:
(xF = 0.35)
N = 12
Number of stages = 11
(one for the reboiler)
Nmin = 6
Number of stages = 5
• Rmin = 1.354
• Calculate B and D.
• Calculate α.
• Calculate Nmin (R = infinite).
• Calculate Rmin and Ropt.
• Determine N.
• Calculate H.
• Calculate the energy
Propane Butane
A = 4.53678 A = 4.35576
B = 1149.36 B = 1175.581
C = 24.906 C = -2.071
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 28-02-18 PAGE 45
Depropanizer - working pressure: 13 bar
• Calculate B and D.
• Calculate α.
• Calculate Nmin (R = infinite).
• Calculate Rmin and Ropt.
• Determine N.
• Calculate H.
• Calculate the energy
• Antoine equation: 10
log P ( bar ) = A -
C + T (K)
• At Tavg = 60 a= = 3.3
• At Ttop = 40 C:
a= = 3.6
3.8 !"#$ = 3.3
• At Tbottom = 80 C: a =
= 3.0
a12 x
(a12 - 1) x + 1
yn+1 = xn
=1 =0
• Operating line stripping section:
ym+1 = xm
=1 =0
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 28-02-18 PAGE 54
Step 3: Calculate Nmin
y1 = ( K A ) yn+1
n x3
• At the top: y1 = xD
• At the bottom: yn+1 = xB Fill in
y1 = ( K A ) yn+1
xD = ( K A ) xB and 1 - xD = ( KB ) (1 - xB )
n n
• So:
xD = ( K A ) xB
n N min
xD æ KA ö xB
=ç ÷
1 - xD = ( KB ) (1 - xB ) 1 - xD è K B ø 1 - xB
é æ xD ö æ xB ö ù
ln êç ÷ ç ÷ú éæ 0.95 ö æ 0.10 ö ù
ln êç ÷ ç ÷ú
ë è 1 - xD ø è 1 - xB ø û = ë
è 1 - 0.95 ø è 1 - 0.10 øû
N min = = 4.3
ln a AB ln 3.3
• Nmin = 5
Nmin = 5
yn+1 = y¥ and xn = x¥
yn+1 = y¥ and xn = x¥
y∞ L' x∞ + Dx D x∞
= ' = α AB
1− y∞ L (1− x∞ ) + D 1− x D 1− x∞ ( )
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 28-02-18 PAGE 62
Step 4: Calculate Rmin
y∞ L' x∞ + Dx D x∞
= ' = α AB
1− y∞ L (1− x∞ ) + D 1− x D 1− x∞ ( )
KA =
KB =
1− y y∞ L' x∞ + Dx D x∞
1− x = ' = α AB
1− y∞ L (1− x∞ ) + D 1− x D
( ) 1− x∞
α AB =
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 28-02-18 PAGE 63
Step 4: Calculate Rmin
xD 1 - xD
- a AB 0.95
- 3.3
æ L' ö x¥ 1 - x¥
Rmin =ç ÷ = = 0.40 0.60 = 0.92
è D ømin a AB - 1 3.3 - 1
• With x∞ = xF if q = 1
• Rmin = 0.92
/ Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 28-02-18 PAGE 64
Graphical determination of Rmin
• Ropt = 1.1
• We now know:
• Equilibrium on each tray: N = 9
• Height of one stage: HT = 0.60 m
• Stage efficiency: EMV = 0.70
N 9
• Actual number of stages: NT = - 1= - 1 = 11.8
• N = 12 EMV 0.70
• Given:
• Steam: ΔHvap = 2100 kJ/kg (Mw = 0.018 kg/mol)
• Propane: ΔHvap = 425 kJ/kg (Mw = 0.044 kg/mol)
• Butane: ΔHvap = 386 kJ/kg (Mw = 0.058 kg/mol)
• Apply q = 1:
V '' = F + RD - B = 500 + 1.1×176 - 324 = 370 mol/s
E = 0.10 × 370 × 0.044 × 425 + 0.90 × 370 × 0.058 × 386 = 8147 kJ/s
• Steam consumption:
QR × M steam
fm,steam =
DH vap , steam
fm,steam = = 3.9 kg/s