Magus Spell Level 1
Magus Spell Level 1
Magus Spell Level 1
Color Spray (Continued) [1] Enlarge Person [1] Enlarge Person (Continued) [1]
Sightless creatures are not affected by color spray. School transmutation; w eapons affected by this spell deal more damage (see page
Level sorcerer/w izard 1, alchemist 1, summoner 1, w itch 1 145). Other magical properties are not affected by this spell.
Casting Time 1 round Any enlarged item that leaves an enlarged creature's
Components V, S, M (pow dered iron) possession (including a projectile or throw n w eapon) instantly
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) returns to its normal size. This means that throw n and projectile
Targets one humanoid creature w eapons deal their normal damage. Magical properties of
Duration 1 min./level(D) enlarged items are not increased by this spell. Multiple magical
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; SR yes effects that increase size do not stack. Enlarge person
counters and dispels reduce person. Enlarge person can be
Description made permanent w ith a permanency spell.
This spell causes instant grow th of a humanoid creature,
doubling its height and multiplying its w eight by 8. This increase
changes the creature's size category to the next larger one.
The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty
to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls
and AC due to its increased size. A humanoid creature w hose
size increases to Large has a space of 10 feet and a natural
reach of 10 feet. This spell does not change the target's speed.
If insufficient room is available for the desired grow th, the
creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a
Strength check (using its increased Strength) to burst any
enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained w ithout
harm by the materials enclosing it-the spell cannot be used to
crush a creature by increasing its size. All equipment w orn or
carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee
Source: PFRPG Core
Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook,
Expeditious Retreat [1] Feather Fall [1] Feather Fall (Continued) [1]
School transmutation; School transmutation; It does not affect a sw ord blow or a charging or flying
Level bard 1, sorcerer/w izard 1, alchemist 1, summoner 1, Level bard 1, sorcerer/w izard 1, summoner 1 creature.
inquisitor 1, alchemist 1, summoner 1, inquisitor 1 Casting Time 1 immediate action
Casting Time 1 standard action Components V
Components V, S Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Range personal Targets one Medium or smaller freefalling object or creature/
Targets you level, no tw o of w hich may be more than 20 ft. apart
Duration 1 min./level(D) Duration until landing or 1 round/level
Description Saving Throw Will negates (harmless) or Will negates (object);
SR yes (object)
This spell increases your base land speed by 30 feet. This
adjustment is treated as an enhancement bonus. There is no Description
effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow , climb, The affected creatures or objects fall slow ly. Feather fall
fly, or sw im. As w ith any effect that increases your speed, instantly changes the rate at w hich the targets fall to a mere 60
this spell affects your jumping distance (see the Acrobatics feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet),
skill). and the subjects take no damage upon landing w hile the spell is
in effect. When the spell duration expires, a normal rate of
falling resumes. The spell affects one or more Medium or
smaller creatures (including gear and carried objects up to
each creature's maximum load) or objects, or the equivalent in
larger creatures: a Large creature or object counts as tw o
Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts
as four Medium creatures or objects, and so forth. This spell
has no special effect on ranged w eapons unless they are
falling quite a distance. If the spell is cast on a falling item, the
Source: PFRPG Core object does half normal damage based on its wPFRPG
Source: eight, w ithCore
bonus for the height of the drop. Feather fall w orks only upon
Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook,
free-falling objects.
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Flare Burst [1] Floating Disk [1] Floating Disk (Continued) [1]
School evocation(light); School evocation[force]; try to take the disk more than 3 feet aw ay from the surface
Level bard 1, druid 1, sorcerer/w izard 1 Level sorcerer/w izard 1 beneath it.
Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V Components V, S, M (a drop of mercury) When the disk w inks out, w hatever it w as supporting falls to
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) the surface beneath it.
Effect 10-ft.-radius burst of light Effect 3-ft.-diameter disk of force
Duration instantaneous Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; SR yes Saving Throw none; SR no
Description Description
This spell functions as flare, except it affects all creatures in a You create a slightly concave, circular plane of force that
10-foot-radius burst from the target point. follow s you about and carries loads for you. The disk is 3 feet
in diameter and 1 inch deep at its center. It can hold 100
pounds of w eight per caster level. If used to transport a liquid,
its capacity is 2 gallons. The disk floats approximately 3 feet
above the ground at all times and remains level. It floats along
horizontally w ithin spell range and w ill accompany you at a rate
of no more than your normal speed each round. If not
otherw ise directed, it maintains a constant interval of 5 feet
betw een itself and you.
The disk also w inks out if you move beyond its range or
Source: APG Source: PFRPG Core
Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook,
Material objects not in use are alw ays affected by this spell,
w hile an object w ielded or employed by a creature
Source: PFRPG Core Source: APG
Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook,
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3 of 4 12/15/2010 8:56 PM - Pathfinder Spell Cards
An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force
that performs simple tasks at your command. It can run and
fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as w ell as
clean and mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a
time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told
to do so as long as you remain w ithin range. It can open only
normal doors, draw ers, lids, and the like. It has an effective
Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100
pounds). It can trigger traps and such, but it can exert only 20
pounds of force, w hich is not enough to activate certain
pressure plates and other devices. It can't perform any task
that requires a skill check w ith a DC higher than 10 or that
requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. This
servant cannot fly, climb, or even sw im (though it can w alk on
w ater). Its
Source: PFRPG Core
Created by Perram's Spellbook, Created by Perram's Spellbook,
4 of 4 12/15/2010 8:56 PM