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Sertraline and rapid eye movement sleep without atonia: an 8-week, open-label study in

depressed patients

Bin Zhang 1 *, MD, PhD; Yanli Hao 2 *, MD, PhD; Fujun Jia 1, MD, PhD; Yi Tang 1 , MD, PhD;

Xueli Li 1, Mphil; Wuhan Liu 1, Mr; Isabelle Arnulf a *, MD, PhD 3

* These authors equally contributed equally to this work

Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangdong Mental

Health Centre, Guangzhou 510120, China.

Department of Human Anatomy, Guang Zhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510182, China

Sleep Disorder Unit, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Centre de Recherche de l'Institut du Cerveau et

de la Moëlle épinière - Pierre and Marie Curie University; Inserm UMR_S 975; CNRS UMR

7225, Paris, France

Word Count: 4480 words (main body) with 2 figures and 4 tables

Article submitted to: Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry

Version: 1

Corresponding author: Bin Zhang, MD, PhD, Guang Dong General Hospital, Guang Dong

Academy of Medical Science, Guang Dong Mental Health Center, No 123, Hui Fu Xi Road,

510120, Guang Zhou, China.

Tel.: +86-20-81888553, Fax: +86-20-81862664, E-mail:


The work was supported by an Investigator-Initiated Research (IIR) Program grant from Pfizer

Pharma (Study Code: WS458774) and a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China

(Grant No: 30800303), both awarded to Dr. Bin Zhang.


Previous studies have reported that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may induce or

exacerbate rapid eye movement (REM) sleep without atonia (RSWA) and increase the risk of

developing REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). However, most of these studies of them were

retrospective and cross-sectional studies in nature with small sample size on a mixture of SSRIswith

small sample sizes, and they included data on a mixture of SSRIs. As Because different SSRIs have

different pharmacological profiles, the specific effects of a singleof individual SSRIs on RSWA

should be studied. In an 8-week, open-label trial of sertraline in depressed patients (n=31),

depressed patients were administered 50 mg of sertraline at 8 am on the 1st day, ; this dose and was

subsequently titrated up to a maximum of 200 mg/day. All patients had underwent repeated video-

polysomnography (vPSG) (at baseline and on days, 1st day, 14th day, 28th day, and 56th day). Both

tonic (submental) and phasic (submental and anterior tibialis) RSWA were visually

countedassessed. The tTonic RSWA increased from 3.2±1.8% at baseline to 5.1±2.3% on the 1st

day on sertraline and to 10.4±2.7% on the 14th day;, with this value then remained stable measures

until the 56th day. A similar profile was observed for phasic RSWA as well as and for the

proportion of patients with abnormal phasic anterior tibialis RSWA. No RBD was observed. The

increase of in tonic muscle tone during REM sleep over time was correlated with reduced REM

sleep Latency latency (r=0.56, p=0.004), PLMI (r =0.39, p=0.047), and improvement in depression

(HRSD score, r =-0.43, p=0.03). The increases of in phasic submental RSWA (r =-0.51, p=0.02)

and anterior tibialis (r=0.41, p=0.04) RSWA was were correlated with decreased REM sleep

Llatency, and it were was not correlated with patient s’ demographics and or clinical

characteristics. Sertraline could induced or exacerbated RSWA, but did not induce RBD.

Compared with idiopathic RBD, the sertraline-related RSWA had some specific characteristics of

being correlated with REM latency and no predominance of male sex gender and or elder older

age, so suggesting they that RSWA and idiopathic RBD might have involve different mechanisms

with than idiopathic RBD.

Key-wordsKey words: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep without atonia (RSWA); REM sleep

behavior disorder (RBD); sSertraline; depressed patient

Clinical Trial Registry: An 8-week, open-label study to evaluate the effect of sertraline on the

polysomnographic resultsam of depressive patients with insomnia, (

4 Registry identifier: NCT01032434.

Abbreviations: 5-HT: serotonin; AASM-2007: American Academy of Sleep Medicine 2007

version; AHI: apnea-hypopnea index; AI: arousal index; ANOVA: one-way analysis of variance;

BMI: body mass index; CT: Computed computed tTomography; DA: dopaminergic; DSM-IV:

diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition; ECG:

Electrocardiographelectrocardiograph; EMG: electromyogram; EOG: electrooculography; ESS:

Epworth sleepiness scale; HRSD: Hamilton rating scale for depression; MSLT: multiple sleep

latency test; OSA: obstructive sleep apnea; OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder; PD:

parkinson’sParkinson’s disorderdisease; PLMI: periodic limb movement index; PLMS: periodic

limb movement during sleep; PSG: pPolysomnographym; PSQI: Pittsburgh sleep quality index;

REM: rapid eye movement; RSWA: REM sleep without atonia; RLS: restless legs syndrome;

SCID-2: the second version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders;

SE: Sleep sleep Efficiencyefficiency; SL: Sleep sleep Latencylatency; SSRI: selective serotonin

reuptake inhibitors; TESS-S: treatment emergent symptom scale-severity; TESS-T: treatment

emergent symptom scale-treatment; TRT: total recording time; TST: total sleep time; vPSG:

video-ploysomnographypolysomnography; WASO: wake after sleep onset.


Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterized

by the loss of normal atonia during REM sleep and dream- enacting behavior [1, 2]. Idiopathic

RBD is a male-predominant disorder that usually emerges after 50 years the of age of 50 years [1,

2], and it is frequently described before the onset and during the course of synucleinopathies, that

include ing Parkinson’s disorder disease (PD), multiple system atrophy, and dementia with Lewy

bodies [3]. RBD is strongly associated with an abnormal increase of in phasic and tonic muscle

tone during REM sleep, a condition named termed REM sleep without atonia (RSWA). However,

it is not known whetherWhether RSWA is a sufficient and necessary condition for the emergence of

RBD remains unknown, ; however, although some cases of RSWA have been documented with

RSWA andto later become full-blown RBD [2, 4, 5]. According to the international International

classification Classification of sleep Sleep disorders Disorders, Ssecond edition Edition (ICSD-2), the

criteria of for RBD include the appearance of elevated submental electromyogram (EMG) tone

and/or excessive phasic submental or anterior tibialis EMG activity during REM, combined with

sleep sleep-related injurious, potentially injurious, or abnormal REM sleep behaviors

documented during polysomnographic (PSG) monitoring.; while On the other hand, the criteria of

for subclinical RBD only include the REM sleep PSG abnormalities and but withoutdo not a include

a clinical history of RBD [2]. The An “abnormal amount” of RSWA (as a percentage of REM

sleep) has been determined by different methods, based on measures in normal subjects and in

patients with idiopathic RBD. When using theUsing the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

2007 version (AASM-2007) criteria for measuring tonic and phasic muscle activity [6], 18% of

REM sleep time with in which any 3-second lasting tonic or phasic muscle activity lasted 3 seconds

on in an epoch was specific characterized of as RBD in a series of 15 patients with idiopathic RBD,

15 patients with RBD associated with Pparkinson’s disease and 30 matched controls [7]. Gagnon

argued that a similar cutoff (greater than 20% )%) of the tonic submental muscle activity during

REM sleep was a reasonable threshold for defining muscle activity as excessive or potentially

pathological [4]. In another study being consisted ofthat included 80 patients with idiopathic RBD,

tonic submental muscle activity greater accounting for more than 30% of the total REM sleep time,

and a phasic submental muscle activity greater accounting for more than 15% of the total REM

sleep time were considered optimal cut-offs to for the diagnose diagnosis of idiopathic RBD from in

normal controls [8].

In view of the clinical lore and a small number of published studies, antidepressants may

induce or exacerbate RSWA and increase the risk of developing RBD or subclinical RBD [9-15].

A recent clinical epidemiological study on parasomnia in psychiatric out-patients find outrevealed

that the lifetime and 1-year prevalences of RBD and/or subclinical RBD among psychiatric out-

patients are were 5.8% and 3.8% respectively%, respectively. It These prevalences are is ten times

more commonhigher than the prevalencethe prevalence of RBD in the general population. Further,

compared with RBD patients in the general population, these psychiatric outpatients with RBD are

were of younger in age, were predominantly female predominance, being were associated withmore

likely to be using antidepressants usage, and no had lessfewer concurrent neurodegenerative

diseases compared to the RBD patients in the general population [16]. In recent decades, The

sselective serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are have become the first-line

antidepressants, and they are suspected to; in recent decades, and their potentialexert effects on

RSWA can beare suspected from based on basic knowledge on of muscle atonia during REM sleep.

The normal loss of muscle tone during REM sleep results from occurs due to two mechanisms:, one

is passive, and onewhile the other is active. During non-REM sleep, the firing of sSerotonergic

neurons descending to the nuclei of the cranial nerves and to the lower motor neurons is reduced

their firing, leading to the disfacilitation ofing the neurons; during REM sleep, the during non non-

REM sleep, and cease firing of serotonergic neurons ceases during REM sleep [17]. As a

consequence, muscle tone is reduced from light to deep non-REM sleep, as well as and then during

REM sleep, leading to hypotonia (postural muscle tone is reduced but still present). In addition to

this passive mechanism, an active paralysis of postural muscle tone (termed atonia) (named atonia)

occurs specifically during REM sleep,, and the postsynaptic lower motor neurons are eventually

blocked via the uses a the cholinergic-glutaminergic-glycinergic pathway to eventually block the

postsysnapticpostsynaptic lower motor neurons. In humans, drugs that stimulate the serotonin

system (e.g., fluoxetine, paroxetine, and venlafaxine) and those that block acetylcholine

transmission (tricyclics such as clomipramine) can induce RSWA and/or RBD, possibly because

due to their they prevention of the normal sleep-related hypotonia (serotoninergic drugs) or the

normal REM sleep-related atonia (anticholinergics) [5]. Previous studies have suggested that

compared with controls, SSRIs could intensify dreaming [18], and produce increasemore RSWA

than did controls, and might possibly increase the risk of developing RBD [4, 9, 11, 12, 15].

However, most of these researches studies are were retrospective, and cross-sectional studies with

small sample size on a mixture of SSRIswith small sample sizes, thatand the subjects received a

mixture of SSRIs. It is well known that not all SSRIs do not have the same pharmacological

profiles, ; so thus, different SSRIs might have different ial tendencyies to induce RSWA. With this

in mind, tThe specific effects of a singleindividual SSRIs on RSWA should be studied. The main

purpose of this study is was to characterize the effect of sertraline on RSWA in depressed

patients in an 8-week clinical trial with using repeated video-ploysomnographypolysomnography

(vPSG) assessment.


2.1. Patients and Study Design

The protocol of this study protocol was approved by the Independent Ethics Committee

(IEC) of Guangdong Provincial Mental Health CentreCenter. Written informed consents were was

signed obtained from each patient prior to participation.

All patients were enrolled from the inpatient population of Guangdong Provincial Mental

Health Center. If a patient was diagnosed with a single or recurrent type of major depressive

disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition

(DSM-IV) upon admission, the specific diagnosis of the patient’s diagnosis of the patient would was

be ascertainedwas determined by one of the authors (BZ) using the second version of the

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-2) [19]. None of the patients

included in the study fulfilled any other current or lifetime diagnostic criteria of for DSM-IV Axis

I disorders. The pPatients were males and females, aged 18 to 65 years, with a Hamilton Rating

Scale for Depression (HRSD) scores ≥ 18 and HRSD-a sleep disturbance factor scores in HRSD ≥

3 [20], reflecting a moderate-to-high level of illness severity (depression and insomnia). Possible

concurrent medical disorders were ruled out by a thorough medical examination and laboratory

tests (eElectroencephalograph [EEG], eElectrocardiograph [ECG], cComputed tTomography

[CT], and blood analysis, and urinary urine analysisanalyses). Patients were excluded if they had

experienced serious adverse events while taking sertraline; , if they currently had significant

suicidal or homicidal tendencies (either frombased on their medical history histories or HSRSD

scores ≥ 4 on item 3, “suicide”), in HSRD ≥ 4); if they were currently pregnant or breastfeeding; ,

if they were currently shift workers; , if they currently had a significant sleep disorder (e.g., RBD,

obstructive sleep apnea [OSA], periodic limb movement during sleep [PLMS], restless legs

syndrome [RLS], and so on),; or if they had a serious medical condition in the previous 3 months.

After a 7-day washout phase for patients receiving who had received medicine

treatmentmedication in the previous 3 months and a subsequent 2-night baseline vPSG assessmentthe

following 2-night baseline vPSG assessment, the patients received sertraline for 8 weeks. At baseline

and during the 4 visits (days 1st day, 14th day, 28th day, and 56th day), the patients were assessed by the

HRSD (which measures clinical improvement), Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS-

Severity [TESS-S] and TESS-Treatment [TESS-T], which measure: side effects) [21], Epworth

Sleepiness Scale (ESS, which measures: sleepiness) [22], and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index

(PSQI, which measures: sleep quality) [23]. On the 1st day, 50 mg of sertraline was administered at

8 am on the 1st day. It was thenThen, the dose was titrated according to the clinical efficacy and side

effects;, with the a maximum dosage of was 200 mg/day. Similar to the 1st day, sertraline usually

was usually administered at 8 am during thisthroughout the clinical trial, except for cases ofin which

the patient was significantly sedatedion and or was receiving a dosages of 200 mg/day. Sertraline

would bewas administered at 8 pm for patients with who were significantly sedatedion, and

sertraline would be administeredand twice daily (8 am and 4 pm) for patients with receiving the

dosage of 200 mg/day,. Concomitant use of central nervous system medications during the trial,

especially benzodiazepines and sedatives, was prohibited.

2.2. Video-Polysomnographic Study

At baseline, the sleep laboratory test consisted of two consecutive nocturnal vPSG

assessments followed by a daytime Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT). Because of the first night

effect, the first night was regarded as an adaptation night [24]. Measurements of tThe vPSG

variables on the second night and the MSLT result on ofobtained on the third daytime were

defined as baseline data. Because of daytimethe MSLT was conducted during the day, the third

night was not suitable for vPSG assessment. Thus, the vPSG assessment for the 1st day of drug

treatment was initiated on the fourth 4th night, and 50 mg of sertraline was administered at 8 am

on the fourth 4th day. The acute effects of Sertraline sertraline on RSWA and sleep architecture was

were evaluated in during the 1st day vPSG assessment, which was not conducted in most of

previous researchesstudies. Further, these patients were assessed by vPSG in three following

subsequent visits (days 14th day, 28th day, and 56th day). On each of the subsequent 3 visits during

the 8-week trial, the patients were assessed by with one night of PSG followed by the MSLT.

According to theThe nocturnal vPSG, included the following basic recordings included : a

standard EEG (F4-A1, C4-A1, O2-A1, C3-A2), an electrooculographelectrooculography (EOG: LE-

A2, RE-A1), a submental electromyographelectromyography (EMG), a bilateral leg’s EMG

(anterior tibialis muscles), an ECG, nasal airflow pressure, thoracic and abdominal respiratory

efforts, oxyhemoglobin saturation, breathing sound, and body position. All of the sleep variables

were derived from the visual scoring of the recordings using standard criteria and were divided

into two groups: sleep continuity indices and sleep architecture indices. Sleep continuity indices

included the total recording time (TRT, “lights out” to “lights on” in minutes), total sleep time

(TST), sleep efficiency (SE, the TST divided by the TRT), sleep latency ( SL, “lights out” to the

first epoch of any sleep in minutes), REM latency (sleep onset to the first epoch in the REM stage

in minutes), wake after sleep onset (WASO, stage W during the TRT, minus the SL, in minutes)

and arousal index (AI: the number of arousals divided by the TST). The sleep architecture

indices included the percentages of time spent in each stage (the time in stage 1, stage 2, stage 3,

and the stage REM stage divided by the TST) [6]. The 5-nap MSLT was performed according to

the standard recommendations to determine the mean SL [25]. All computerized sleep data were

further edited by an experienced blinded PSG technologist, and this technologist were who was

blinded to this the researchstudy. Sleep stages, respiratory events, and periodic limb movements were

scored according to the AASM-2007 criteria at 30-second intervals [6];, but however, the REM

sleep was scored according to a modified method [26]. In this method, the first epoch with the

occurrence of in which rapid eye movement and a low-amplitude, mixed-frequency EEG were

observed was used to determine the onset of an REM sleep period. The termination of an REM

sleep period was identified either by the occurrence of specific EEG features (K complexes, sleep

spindles, or EEG signs of arousal), ) or by the absence of rapid eye movement and low-amplitude,

mixed-frequency EEG during for 180 seconds [26]. At the first night of baseline vPSG assessment,

sSubjects with significant PLMS (PLM index [PLMI] ≥ 15), or significant OSA (apnea-hypopnea

index [AHI] ≥ 15) on the first night of the baseline vPSG assessment would bewere excluded from the

study. The video recordings were also examined by the sleep technician for to identify any

abnormal movement, behavior and/or vocalization during REM sleep.

2.3. Tonic and Phasic EMG Activities during REM Sleep

According to the AASM-2007 criteria, tonic muscle activity during REM sleep was defined

as an epoch of REM sleep with in which the submental EMG amplitude was greater than the

minimum amplitude demonstrated in NREM sleep for at least 50% of the duration of the epoch

having had a submental EMG amplitude greater than the minimum amplitude demonstrated in NREM

sleep. Phasic muscle activity during REM sleep was defined by following criteria. : iIn a 30-

second epoch of REM sleep divided into 10 sequential, 3-second mini-epochs, at least 5 (50%) of

the mini-epochs contained bursts of transient muscle activity. These excessive bursts of transient

muscle activity bursts were 0.1-5.0 seconds in duration, and their amplitudes were at least 4 times

as highhigher in amplitude as than that of the background EMG activity. Tonic muscle activity was

only scored in the submental EMGs, while phasic muscle activity was scored in both submental

and anterior tibialis EMGs [6]. To exclude the the disruption of REM sleep of by physiologic

events for REM sleep, REM epochs in which an EEG arousal, a snore artifact in the submental

EMG, PLMS, or hypopnea was present were eliminated from further analyses [11]. Finally, the

numbers of 30-second epochs without atonia, 30-second epochs with phasic submental muscle

activity, and 30-second epochs with phasic anterior tibialis muscle activity were computed

separately for each REM period. The number of their epochs was then divided separately by the

total number of epochs of REM sleep to obtain the exact percentages of phasic and tonic RSWA.

In this study, Both of the aabnormal tonic and abnormal phasic RSWA were defined as being more

greater than 18% in this study [7].

2.4. Data Aanalysis

The data were are presented as the mean ± standard deviation for continuous variables

and as numbers or percentages for categorical variables. Parametric and non-parametric data

were compared using the independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U test respectivelyt, respectively (2

groups). A oneOne-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Kruskal Wallis Test tests were

performed for to comparing compare parametric and non-parametric data (≥ 3 groups).

Significant effects in from ANOVAs were further examined with post-hoc tests using the least

significant difference method with a BoferrroniBonferroni correction for multiple comparisons.

Mann-–Whitney U tests with adjusted p P-values (significant at P=0.005) were used for multiple

pairwise comparisons. The cChi-square test was used to analyze the differences in categorical

variables. The cCorrelations between the reducing reduced score rates ofchanges in the clinical and

polysomnographic measures and the reducing reduced score rates ofchanges in tonic and phasic

EMG activities during REM sleep were performed determined using the Pearson test. A two-sided

5% level of significance was considered statistically significantapplied. All statistical procedures

were performed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 17.0 for Windows (SPSS,

IncInc., Chicago, IL).


3.1. Recruitment Pprocess

Fifty-five patients with major depressive disorder were initially enrolled in this study.

Seventeen patients were excluded for the following reasons: 11 patients had other comorbid DSM-

IV comorbid Axis I disorders, and 6 patients did not have moderate or severe insomnia (HRSD-

sleep disturbance score < 3). Among these the 38 remaining patients, 11 patients without who were

not taking any medicine treatmentmedication directly entered underwent the baseline vPSG

assessment. During the first night of baseline vPSG assessment, 7 patients were excluded for the

following reasons: 3 patients were diagnosed as with significant OSA, and 4 patients were

diagnosed as with significant PLMS. Therefore, a total of 31 depressed patients with insomnia were

enrolled in this study. Nine patients discontinued treatment during the trial period. Of these 9, 5 .

Five patients discontinued treatment before the 14th day (2 due to worsening symptoms and

combinations with other drugs; , 1 due to a gastrointestinal side effect; , 1 due to emerging

psychotic symptoms requiring the addition of antipsychotic drugs; , and 1 due to refusal of to

participate in further sleep tests). One patient discontinued during between the 14th - and 28th day

due to a revised diagnosis of bipolar disorder. , and Three 3 patients discontinued during between

the 28th - and 56th day (1 due to a revised diagnosis of OCD and 2 due to refusal of to participate in

further sleep tests). Finally, 22 patients completed this trial. Theis recruitment process was is

shown illustrated in Figure 1.


Insert Figure 1


3.2. Demographic and Cclinical Ccharacteristics

The thirty-one patients were predominantly young (32.7±9.2 years old) and female (female:

61.3%) subjects. Their demographic and clinical characteristics are presented in Table 1.


Insert Table 1


3.3. Clinical Assessment

Table 2 shows selected clinical and polysomnographic measures. The mean daily sertraline

doses for sertraline were 126.9±25.4 (100-150) mg on the 14th day, 144.0±30.0 (100-200) mg on the

28th day, and 134.1±28.4 (100-200) mg on the 56th day. Only a few patients took received a

sertraline dose of 2000m mg/day of sertraline (2 patients in on the 28th day and 1 patient in on the

56th day), ); so sertraline were was administratedadministered twice daily for to them these patients

(1000m mg at 8 am and 1000m mg at 4 pm). Further, no patient was administered sertraline was

not administered to any of the patients at night for significant sedation. In addition, there were

onlyOnly limited side effects (TESS) were observed during the 8-week trial. The HRSD scores

started began to improve starting fromon the 14th day of treatment. The HRSD-sleep disturbance

scores were became significantly lowered decreased after the 28th day. The scores of PSQI and ESS

scores decreased gradually during this trial, ; and both questionnaires on the 14th, 28th, and 56th

days, the scores of both questionnaires were significantly lower than those at baseline. No patient

reported any violent, enacted dreams at home during the study that, which could evoke indicate

clinical RBD.

3.4. Polysomnographic Assessment

There were no significant differences in the TRTs during the trial. From the 14th day

onward, the TSTs and SEs became longer and higher, respectively, than compared with those at the

baseline or on the 1st day respectivelyy, respectively. From the 14th day onward, the SL and WASO

scores decreased significantly, and the SL scores reached a normal range (< 30 minutes) after the

14th day. The AI reached the highest level on the 1st day and showed awas decreased at the

subsequent visits. There was were no statistical differencesignificant differences between baseline

and the latter last 3 visits. The percentage of stage 1 sleep decreased during the trial; and it was

significantly lower on the 28th and 56th days than on the 1st day and at baseline. The percentage of

stage 2 sleep remained stable during throughout the trial. The percentage of stage 3 sleep increased

gradually and was greater and was more than 10% at during the last 3 3 latter visits compared with

baseline and the 1st day. Compared with baseline, the the REM latency latencies was were

significantly prolonged significantly on the 1st day and decreased gradually during the treatment.

However, the REM latency latencies was were longer at during each of the visits than at baseline.

No statistical differencesignificant differences was were shown observed in the percentages of REM

sleep during throughout the trial. Compared with their levels at baseline, the PLMI scores increased

as soon as theimmediately after sertraline administration of sertraline on the 1st day. From the 14th

day onward, the PLMI scores continued to increase, and it were became significantly higher in

during all three latterthe last 3 visits than atcompared with baseline andor the 1st day. The AHI kept

scores remained stable during throughout the this clinical trial. During the daytime assessment

(MSLT), the mean SL remained stable during the trial (Ttable 2).


Insert Table 2


3.5. Tonic and Phasic RSWA during REM Sleep

Tonic and phasic RSWA increased mildly and non-significantly from the baseline to the first

night after sertraline intaketreatment. Then, from the 14th day onward, all ofboth tonic (submental)

and phasic (submental and anterior tibialis) RSWA increased and became significantly higher in

all threethe last 3 latter visits than compared with baseline and the 1st day. There were no further

differences between the last three last measurementss,, which were taken on the at 14th, 28th and 56th

days.. At the endpoint of this clinical trial (the 56th day), tonic RSWA reached 12.0%±4.3%,

phasic submental RSWA reached 11.4%±4.2%, and phasic anterior tibialis RSWA reached

15.1%±6.6%. According to cutoffs the cutoff of for abnormal tonic and phasic RSWA of > 18%,

the proportion of patients with abnormal phasic anterior tibialis RSWA became was significantly

higher in all three latterthe last 3 visits than at baseline and on the 1st day, while the proportions of

patients with abnormal tonic and phasic submental RSWA kept remained stable during the current

trailthroughout the trial (table Table 3 & figure Figure 2 a-c). Notably, no abnormal movement,

behavior and or vocalization were was observed during REM sleep on the video recordings in REM



Insert Table 3



Insert Figure 2 a-c


Because the recurrent major depression (defined as up to 7 episodes in the this study) should

share some biological and clinical aspects features with bipolar sepctrumspectrum disorders, we

compared tonic and phasic RSWA between single type depression and recurrent type depression, .

and noNo significant difference was shown between the two groups during the currentthe trial

(table Table 4).


Insert Table 4


We calculated the reducing score rates of thechanges in clinical and polysomnographic

measures and tonic and phasic RSWA from endpoint to baseline ([the value at the endpoint - the

value at baseline] / the value at baseline × 100%). The reducing change in score rate of tonic RSWA

scores (216.4% ± 53.9%) was positively correlated positively with the reducing changes score rates

ofin REM Latency latency (37.0% ± 22.7%) (r =0.56, p=0.004) and PLMI (129.4% ± 49.8%) (r

=0.39, p=0.047) scores, and was negatively correlated negatively with the reducing change in score

rates of HRSD scores (-68.6% ± -21.3%) (r =-0.43, p=0.03). The reducing score rates ofchanges in

phasic submental (202.9% ± 87.1%) (r =-0.51, p=0.02) and anterior tibialis (151.3% ± 61.5%) (r

=0.41, p=0.04) RSWA scores were positively correlated with the reducing changes in score rates

ofthe REM lLatency scores. The amount of RSWA did not correlate with the dosage of sertraline.

On the other hand, no significant correlations were shown observed between the reducing score

rates ofinchanges in RSWA scores and continuous demographic and clinical characteristics, (such

as: age) age at the baseline, ,and and the reducing changes in score rates of RSWA scores were not

significantly different among categorical demographic and clinical characteristics, (such as:

gender,) at the baseline.


In the current study, Sertraline sertraline exacerbated RSWA during the current study, but did not

induced RBD. From the 14th day onward, the tonic and phasic RSWA and the proportion of

patients with abnormal (>18%) phasic anterior tibialis RSWA (>18%) becamewere significantly

higher increased than that ofcompared with their levels at baseline and on the 1st day;, and

thensubsequently, these levels then keptremained stable. The results ofTo some extent, the phasic

RSWA results were not inconsistent with those described byin Winkelman and James’s study to

some extent. In Winkelman’s that study, compared with normal control, only tonic RSWA was

significantly increasedaltered in subjects taking serotonergic antidepressants compared with normal

controls only had significantly tonic RSWA,; and the both submental and anterior tibialis phasic

(submental and anterior tibialis) RSWA in levels both submental and anterior tibialis did not reach

thechange significantly level [11]. It This differencet might be due to the small sample size (n=15)

and a mixture of antidepressants used in the study performed by Winkelman and James’s study.

Indeed, tTwo subjects were even taking bupropion (2000m mg/day), which might have diminished

RSWA [11]. Further, using if the a cutoff of abnormal tonic RSWA greater than 20% was used

[4], the proportions of patients with abnormal tonic RSWA in the current study were was similar

among the current study andto that ofin two previous studies (the current study: 4.5% [1/21],

Winkelman and James: 13.3% [2/15], Zhang et al.: 14.3% [3/21]; χ2=1.44, p=0.09) [11, 12]. In

summary, these results support the notioned that SSRIs could can induce or exacerbate RSWA,

especially for phasic anterior tibialis RSWA. It was reported that mostMost abnormal sleep

behaviors seen observed in RBD have been reported to correspond to movements of the limbs [27].

However, no patients reported some abnormal behaviors being related with to RBD in the current

study. It This result might be have occurred due to these the following reasons. F: firstly, some

subtle behaviors might be have been ignored by patients and their bed -partners, and even

couldmay not be have been detected by in the concomitant videos. ; Secondlysecond, because the

clinical meaning significance for of RSWA was is still elusiveunclear, and RSWA which might only

simply be an unusual PSG finding and may could not develop into overt clinical RBD. ;

Thirdlythird, it is possible that RSWA could can develop into RBD, but, by chances, it this did was

not happened occur in the current study with due to the small sample size. Further, RSWA could

might also be a necessary (permissive) but not a sufficient (active) condition to promote RBD. One

may might also imagine that higher amounts levels of RSWA are necessary for the RBD-associated

dreaming behavior to be enactoccured. In this directionMoreover, an average of a mean of 39% the

amount of tonic RSWA was observed in of patients with idiopathic and PD-associated RBD

experienced tonic RSWA in a previous study [28] is a mean 39%, which is large greater than the

12% found in our study. (Iranzo et al., 2005). Also,Additionally, RSWA amounts are were higherwas

more common in patients with multiple systemic atrophy than in those with PD or idiopathic RBD;,

but however, the severity of the corresponding behaviors is was milder [28]. This suggests that

both conditions, RBD and RSWA, are strongly, but not linearly, linked.

The REM sleep suppression (e.g., increased REM latency and, decreased REM sleep

duration, and so on) is characteristic for of antidepressants, and is strongly linked to increased

serotoninergic tone [29, 30]. In this study, the reducing reduction in score rate of REM latency

scores was positively correlated with the reducing reduction inscore rates of all ofboth tonic and

phasic RSWA. It This result was is consistent with the study of Winkelman and James’s

suggestionstudy, in which the extent of prolonging prolonged REM latency was suggested to serve

as a marker of the degree of RSWA [11]. Since Because the correlation between REM latency and

RSWA was has never been reported in previous studies for patients with idiopathic RBD or

neurodegenerative disease-related RBD in previous studies, so the mechanisms of

producingunderlying RSWA should beare likely different between idiopathic RBD and

antidepressant-related RBD. It This notion might be supported by some certain risk factors (male

sex gender and elder older age) for idiopathic RBD not that were being not shown found in this study

and or some previous studies [4, 11, 12, 15, 31]. Unlike the effects observed with to most

antidepressants, the percentage of REM sleep kept was stable during throughout the this trial. This

phenomenon was also reported by another research study about testingthat tested the effects of

sertraline on sleep architecture [32], so it might suggestsuggesting that sertraline had has less of a

suppressive effecton on the duration of REM sleep duration than most antidepressants. In addition,

the percentages of REM sleep after sertraline administration were somewhat lower than those at

baseline, ; however, although all of them did not reach thenone of these differences were statistical

differencesignificant difference., It mightpossibly be due to the small sample size in this research

studyto some extent. In some previous case reports, the antidepressant-related RBD could

disappeared as soon as theimmediately following the discontinuation of antidepressant uses

discontinuation [10]. In this study, the reducing reduction in score rates of tonic RSWA scores was

also significantly correlated with PLMI and HRSD scores. As some previous researches studies

suggested,, similarlysimilar with to the antidepressant effectiveness -effectiveness (HRSD) scores),

the extent ofextent of increasedto which the PLMI increment scores increased might reflect the

pharmacological effect of sertraline on depression-related 5-HT and/or dopaminergic (DA)

neurotransmission being involved in depression [33, 34]. Thus, RSWA, PLMS, REM latency, and

HRSD scores might be involved in the mechanisms about 5approximatelyof 5-HT and/or DA

neurotransmission to some extent; this likely explains, why all of these scores wereso it was

understandable that all of them correlated with each other.

For clinicians, the central question is remains whether the sertraline-induced RSWA being

induced by sertraline can beis associated with clinical repercussions. According to subjective sleep

and mood aspects parameters and the objective sleep quality and continuity observed viain PSG,

sertraline-induced RSWA being induced by sertraline doesdid not have cause significant clinical

disturbance in the current clinical trial. Or inIn other words, the potential adverse effects of

sertraline-induced of induction of RSWA by sertraline might be outweighed by the significant

improvements of in mood and sleep parameters caused by sertraline. It was noted that

depressionNotably, depression is a common mental disorder with the a prevalence of 10-20% [35],

and most of depressive patients were are currently treated by with antidepressants, especially

SSRIs in the current timeSSRIs. Thus, SSRIs-related RSWA should be considered a serious public

health problem in depressed patients, since because it might be represent a potential risk factor for

RBD. However, the SSRIs-related RBD is usually ignored by most physicians. For If patients with

the usage of use antidepressants, and if they reported abnormal movements, behaviors and

vocalizations behaviours during sleep, vPSG should be a routinely be used to assess ment for aandn

accuratelye estimateing their RSWA.

Some caution should be exercised in interpreting the effects results reported here. First, no a

placebo -control group was not involved used in this researchstudy. Second, the sample size in this

study was small.


In the current study, Sertraline sertraline exacerbated RSWA during the current study, but did

not induced RBD. Unlike idiopathic RBD, the sertraline-related RSWA had was correlated with

REM latency and no was not predominance predominantly associated with the of male sex gender

and or elder older age, suggesting the involvement ofthat different mechanisms are involved in

idiopathic RBD and sertraline-related RSWA. Further, although the sertraline-induced RSWA seems

did not causenot to have significant clinical disturbance, and no overt RBD was not found observed

in the current study, . regarding Despite these observationsfindings, RBD being the greaterincreased

prevalence of RBD t in patients with the usageusing of antidepressants compared with than than that

in the general population, indicates that the antidepressant-related RSWA should is be a potential

public health problem issue forin the depressed patients.

Compliance with Ethical Standards


The work was supported by the an Investigator-Initiated Research (IIR) Program grant from

Pfizer Pharma, (Study Code: WS458774) to Dr. Bin Zhang and a grant from the National Natural

Science Foundation of China (Grant No: 30800303), both awarded to Dr. Bin Zhang.


Conflicts of Interest:


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Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the depressed patients (n=31)

Mean ± standard derivation deviation (range) or

Demographic characteristics
Age (in years) 32.7±9.2 (18-57)
Gender (males/females) 12/19
Marriage (married/single/divorced or widowed) 17/9/5
Occupation (full-time/part-time/no job or retired) 16/7/8
Education (university or above/middle 11/16/4
school/primary school or below)
Residencet (city/town/country) 13/10/8
clinicalClinical characteristics
Age at onset (in years) 23.9±8.0 (15-33)
BMI (kg/m2) 23.2±6.2 (19.4-25.3)
Total duration of illness (years) 9.7±10.4 (0-27)
Single type/recurrent type 8/23
Number of illness episodes of illness 2.7±1.9 (1-7)
Length of the current illness (in weeks) 6.6±5.0 (2-12)
BMI: body mass index

Table 2. Changes in cClinical and polysomnographic measures across theduring sertraline

treatment in of depressed patients

Baseline 1st day 14th day 28th day 56th day Statistics
(n=31) (n=31) (n=26) (n=25) (n=22)
a b b
Dosage (mg/day) 50.0 126.9±25.4 144.0±30.0 134.1±28.4b F=103.90, P<0.001
a a b b, c c
HRSD 22.4±5.3 23.1±5.3 14.5±4.1 9.7±2.6 6.9±1.9 F=13.02, P<0.001
a a a, b b b
HRSD-sleep disturbance 4.1±3.3 4.0±3.6 3.5±3.1 2.7±1.4 2.5±1.5 KW=11.85, P=0.01
TESS-S 0.8±1.5 0.7±0.7 0.5±0.6 0.5±0.6 KW =0.94, P=0.24
TESS-T 0.6±1.6 0.6±1.0 0.4±0.5 0.4±0.4 KW =0.57, P=0.60
PSQI 13.5±6.2 a 7.9±4.7 b 6.3±3.4 b 6.0±3.5 b F=11.14, P<0.001
a b b b
ESS 7.2±4.5 5.3±3.9 3.8±4.1 4.0±3.5 KW=15.57, P=0.003
TRT (min) 504.7±71.9 492.2±86.0 507.4±77.2 511.1±59.4 499.5±63.4 F=0.79, P=0.87
a a b b b
TST (min) 364.9±103.5 347.5±114.3 423.2±98.6 440.1±103.7 427.1±88.5 F=14.09, P=0.01
a a a, b b b
SE (%) 72.2±22.8 70.6±29.1 83.4±27.5 86.1±31.3 85.5±27.8 F=5.71, P=0.03
a a b b b
SL (min) 51.9±29.5 46.6±23.5 25.3±14.1 21.7±11.8 22.4±12.3 F=13.25, P<0.001
a b b b b
REM lLatency (min) 77.3±38.1 134.3±82.9 121.3±67.0 109.4±73.1 105.2±60.3 F=27.05, P<0.001
a a b b b
WASO (min) 87.9±31.9 98.1±35.6 58.9±19.8 49.3±21.3 50.0±17.7 F=35.93, P<0.001
a b a a a
AI 8.9±6.6 13.8±7.2 7.3±6.8 6.4±4.8 6.0±5.2 F =6.66, P=0.04
a a a, b b b
% Stage 1 12.8±5.9 15.2±6.6 9.0±4.4 7.0±1.7 8.0±2.9 F=5.03, P=0.03
% Stage 2 59.2±21.3 57.4±18.7 57.9±20.5 56.8±19.3 53.2±22.4 F=1.73, P=0.34

% stageStage 3 3.2±1.5 a 2.8±2.2 a 12.9±5.8 b 14.1±8.4 b 16.0±7.9 b F=12.06, P<0.001
% REM sleep 24.8±7.1 24.6±6.9 20.2±8.5 22.1±10.4 22.8±9.6 F=0.86, P=0.72
a b c c c
PLMI 3.6±1.5 5.1±3.9 8.7±3.1 8.3±3.7 8.5±3.6 F=9.81, P=0.003
AHI 6.2±1.7 6.3±1.7 5.9±2.0 6.0±1.9 5.9±1.9 F=0.24, P=0.27
Mean SL of MSLT (min) 16.4±11.3 14.7±8.9 15.2±9.5 17.1±10.4 14.6±9.0 F=0.30, P=0.34
HRSD: Hamilton rating scale for depression, TESS-S: treatment emergent symptom scale-

severity, TESS-T: treatment emergent symptom scale-treatment, PSQI: Pittsburgh sleep quality

index, ESS: Epworth sleepiness scale, TRT: total recording time, TST: total sleep time, SE: Sleep

sleep Efficiencyefficiency, SL: Sleep sleep lLatency, WASO: wake after sleep onset, AI: arousal

index, REM: rapid eye movement, PLMI: periodic limb movement index, AHI: apnea-hypopnea

index, MSLT: multiple sleep latency test.

a, b, c
Groups with different superscript letters are significantly different.

F: ANOVA, KW: Kruskal- Wallis tTest.

Table 3. Percentages of epochs with tonic and phasic RSWA across theduring sertraline

treatment in of depressed patients

Thirty30-second Epoch Baseline 1st day 14th day 28th day 56th day Statistics
(n=31) (n=31) (n=26) (n=25) (n=22)
a a b b
% Tonic RSWA 3.2 ± 1.8 5.1±2.3 10.4±2.7 10.2±2.5 12.0±4.3 b F=52.62, P<0.001
Patients with abnormal tonic RSWA (> 0 0 0 0 2 (9.1%) χ2=7.42, P=0.12
18%), n (%)
% Phasic submental RSWA 3.4 ± 1.9 a 4.8±2.2 a 9.4± 3.8 b 10.3±3.9 b 11.4±4.2 b F=32.38, P<0.001
Patients with abnormal phasic 0 0 0 1 (4.0%) 0 χ2=3.44, P=0.49
submental RSWA (> 18%), n (%)
% Phasic anterior tibialis RSWA 6.2± 2.1 a 8.2± 2.8 a 14.6± 6.8 b 15.5± 6.6 b 15.1± 6.6 b F=20.73, P<0.001
a a b b b
Patients with abnormal phasic anterior 0 0 8 (30.8%) 9 (36%) 7 (31.8%) χ2=33.44, P<0.001
tibialis RSWA (> 18%), n (%)
RSWA: REM sleep with atonia.

% tonicTonic and phasic RSWA: the numbers of 30-second epochs with tonic and phasic RSWA

being were divided separately by the total number of epochs of REM sleep.

F: ANOVA, χ2: cChi-square test.

Table 4. Percentages of epochs with tonic and phasic RSWA betweenin patients with single type

and recurrent type depression across theundergoing sertraline treatment in of depressed


Single type Recurrent type Statistics
Baseline n=8 n=23
% Tonic RSWA 2.9 ± 1.9 3.3 ± 2.1 MWU=1.82, P=0.39
% Phasic submental RSWA 3.6 ± 2.1 3.3 ± 1.9 MWU=1.14, P=0.51
% Phasic anterior tibialis 6.0± 2.5 6.3±2.2 T=1.37, P=0.47
1st day n=8 n=23
% Tonic RSWA 5.2±2.6 5.1±2.4 T=0.54, P=0.72
% Phasic submental RSWA 5.0±2.7 4.7±2.3 T=0.77, P=0.63
% Phasic anterior tibialis 8.5± 3.3 8.0± 2.9 T=1.32, P=0.46
14th day n=8 n=18
% Tonic RSWA 9.8±3.2 10.7±3.0 T=1.37, P=0.38
% Phasic submental RSWA 9.6± 4.0 9.3± 3.7 T=0.90, P=0.53
% Phasic anterior tibialis 12.9± 5.7 14.8± 7.0 T=1.76, P=0.27
28th day n=7 n=18
% Tonic RSWA 12.1±3.9 10.0±2.7 T=1.08, P=0.56
% Phasic submental RSWA 10.2±4.4 10.1±3.8 T=0.27, P=0.68
% Phasic anterior tibialis 18.1± 8.2 15.1± 6.7 F=1.50, P=0.47
56th day n=6 n=16
% Tonic RSWA 13.9±5.7 11.6±4.7 T=0.93, P=0.49
% Phasic submental RSWA 12.7±5.8 11.1±4.6 T=0.46, P=0.67
% Phasic anterior tibialis 14.5± 7.8 15.3± 5.9 T=0.62, P=0.55

RSWA: REM sleep with atonia.

% tonic Tonic and phasic RSWA: the numbers of 30-second epochs with tonic and phasic RSWA

being were divided separately by the total number of epochs of REM sleep.

T: independent t-test, MWU: Mann-Whitney U test.

Legend of the figuresFigure legends

Figure 1. Flow diagram documenting illustrating the recruitment and treatment of depressed

patients with insomnia. PSG: Polysomnographyam; DSM-IV: Ddiagnostic and Sstatistical

Mmanual of Mmental Ddisorders, Ffourth Eedition; HRSD: Hamilton Rrating Sscale for

Ddepression; OSA: obstructive sleep apnea; PLMS: periodic limb movement during sleep; OCD:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Figure 2 a-c. Tonic and phasic EMG activities in REM sleep across theduring sertraline treatment

in of depressed patients. Figure 2 a. Tonic EMG activities in REM sleep (x axis, : baseline and

days 1, 14, 28, and 56, the 1st day, the 14th day, the 28th day, and the 56th day; y axis, : % of 30-second

epochs with tonic RSWA). Figure 2 b. Phasic submental EMG activities in REM sleep (x axis, :

baseline and days 1, 14, 28, and 56, the 1st day, the 14th day, the 28th day, and the 56th day; y axis, : %

of 30-second epochs with phasic submental RSWA). Figure 2 c. Phasic anterior tibialis EMG

activities in REM sleep (x axis:, baseline and days 1, 14, 28, and 56, the 1st day, the 14th day, the 28th

day, and the 56th day; y axis, : % of 30-second epochs with phasic anterior tibialis RSWA). EMG:

electromyogram; REM: rapid eye movement; RSWA: REM sleep without atonia.


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