Poor Sleep Quality Associated With Obesity in Men: Abstracts/Sleep Medicine 16 (2015) S2-S199
Poor Sleep Quality Associated With Obesity in Men: Abstracts/Sleep Medicine 16 (2015) S2-S199
Poor Sleep Quality Associated With Obesity in Men: Abstracts/Sleep Medicine 16 (2015) S2-S199
sleepers, when compared with good sleepers, showed a statistical- Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group). The patients without RLS were
ly significant decrease in theta2 band power at the frontal (FP1, as matched group in similar with age, gender, locationof lesion. We
F3, Fz, F4) regions and increased beta band power at the parietal analyzed the clinical characteristics of the patients with and without
(P3, Pz, P4) and occipital (O1, O2) regions. Lower theta2 band RLS.
power in the parietal (P3, Pz) and occipital (O2) regions signifi- Results: Two hundred seventy-five of patients with acute cere-
cantly correlated with sleep quality. In addition, higher delta1 bral infarction were studied. Twenty-two cases met the diagnostic
band power in central (Cz) and higher theta2 band power in central criteria for RLS. Nineteen out of 275 (6.91%) cases were diagnosed
(C3, Cz) and occipital (O1, O2) regions significantly correlated with with new RLS. In RLS group, cortical lesion of cerebral infarction
cognitive performance. is 21.05% (4/19), subcortical lesion is 78.95% (15/19), the basal ganglia
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that sleep quality in IPD lesion in subcortical cerebral infarction is 47.37% (9/19), but the right
could influence cognitive function and our findings may encour- basal ganglia lesion is 6/9 (66.67%). The prevalence of periodic limb
age further research using qEEG to evaluate cognitive function in movement and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA ) in RLS group were
various neurological disorders. 73.68% (14/19) and 78.9% (15/19) separately. The sleep quality and
neurological function in RLS group were worse in comparison with
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2015.02.1505 no RLS group. 42.11% of symptoms of RLS in RLS group had reso-
lution of symptoms after 180 days.
Conclusion: The prospective study demonstrates acute cere-
bral infarction resulting in new RLS. The subcortical lesion of cerebral
Poor sleep quality associated with obesity in men infarction may be the risk factor of post-stroke RLS, in particular
W. Sun basal ganglia lesion. The prognosis and sleep quality of patients with
Tulane University, USA RLS are worse.
Introduction: To examine the association between sleep quality
and obesity status.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study of 3225 Chinese
participants aged 16–65 years was conducted in Beijing. Body mass Insomnia and depression among post ischemic stroke patients
index (BMI) was classified according to the Working Group on Z. Afif, B. Munir
Obesity in China, and sleep quality was assessed by the Pittsburg Medical Faculty Brawijaya University – Saiful Anwar General
Sleep Quality Index questionnaire. Logistic regression models were Hospital, Indonesia
applied to estimate the odds ratios and 95% CIs of obesity by sleep
quality adjusted for potential confounders. Two sets of potential con-
founders were used in the adjusted models. Model 1 was adjusted Introduction: The incidences of sleep disorders and depression
for sex and age. Model 2 was further adjusted for education level, among post stroke patients are consideraly high. Post stroke pa-
occupation, marriage status, smoking, drinking, body pain, and health tients with sleep disorders often complain of fatigue, depression,
status. memory and attention deficit. This study is conducted to deter-
Results: Poor sleep quality was associated with overweight/ mine the incidence and correlation of insomnia and depression
obesity in men but not in women. Additional adjustment for among post ischemic stroke patients.
education level, occupation, marriage status, smoking, drinking, body Materials and methods: Analytic descriptive study that been con-
pain, and health status did not attenuate the association (OR = 1.41 ducted at Neurology Outpatient Clinic of Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital
with 95% CI: 1.03–1.93; p < 0.05) among men. The adjusted OR per Malang between June and September 2014. Age, sex, onset of stroke,
sleep quality score hour was 1.07 (1.01–1.14) for overweight/ type of insomnia, and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) were
obesity, suggesting that for one score increase in sleep quality, recorded and analyzed.
obesity/overweight risk increased by 7% in men. Results: There were 44 patients included in this study, consist-
Conclusion: Sleep quality was negatively associated with ing of 19 males (43.2%) and 25 females (56.8%). Based on the age
overweight/obesity in Chinese men but not women. of patients, there were 25 patients (56.8%) over 60 years and 19
Acknowledgements: We wish to thank all the participants for their patients (43.2%) under 60 years. Based on the onset of stroke, 12
cooperation in the data collection. This study was funded by Na- patients (27.3%) experienced the attack < 6 month and 32 patients
tional High Technology Research and Development Program of China (72.7%) > 6 month. There were no significant correlations between
(863 Program) (NO. 2006AA02Z428) and Fogarty International Center age, sex, and onset of stroke with the depression level (p > 0.05).
of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number There were 36 patients (82%) who experienced insomnia. Among
D43TW009107. them, 6 patients (17%) had early insomnia, 2 patients (6%) experi-
enced the maintenance insomnia, and 10 patients (28%) experienced
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2015.02.1506 late insomnia. There were significant correlations between main-
tenance insomnia and late insomnia with the depression level
(p = 0.005). Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) evaluation
revealed that 15 patients (34.1%) experienced severe depression
Clinical characteristics of restless legs syndrome after acute and 23 patients (52.3%) had mild depression.
cerebral infarction Conclusion: There were associations between insomnia and the
D. Yongmin depression level, especially maintenance and late insomnia. There
Department of Neurology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nachang was also high tendency to experience depression among post isch-
University, Nanchang, China emic stroke patients.
Materials and methods: All of admission of acute cerebral in-
farction were screening in accordance with IRLSSG (International
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