How To Increase Your Self-Esteem Author Penny Cloutte
How To Increase Your Self-Esteem Author Penny Cloutte
How To Increase Your Self-Esteem Author Penny Cloutte
How to…
increase your
How to...
increase your self-esteem
What is self-esteem?
Everyone holds opinions about the type of person that they are.
These opinions are at the heart of self-esteem and they affect
how you feel about and value yourself. Self-esteem is not static
and fixed; your beliefs about yourself can change throughout
your life as a result of circumstance and experience.
You might find that life events such as losing your job, ending a
relationship or being bereaved give your confidence a huge knock,
but high self-esteem can act as a buffer to absorb these knocks
and help you bounce back.
Mental Health Promotion
Your beliefs make the difference between high and low self-esteem.
It is important to realise that these are only opinions, they are not
facts. They can be biased or inaccurate, and there are steps you
can take to change them.
How to...
increase your self-esteem
Your own inborn nature or temperament will play a role, but your
experiences and relationships with the people around you also
have an important part to play.
The way you feel about experiences such as these will depend
on lots of other factors, but negative core beliefs about your
intelligence, appearance and abilities will often be formed:
• Y ou will probably feel anxious and might shake, blush and panic
(see Understanding anxiety for more information).
• You may also try to avoid the situation all together, or behave
in a way that you think will keep you 'safe', e.g. not going to
a social event on your own.
This reaction is likely to confirm the negative core beliefs you have
about yourself and leave you feeling you have even less chance
of coping with a similar situation in the future.
How to...
increase your self-esteem
Personal relationships
If you have low self-esteem you might find that you form
damaging relationships. You may feel you don't deserve to be
treated with love and respect, and so allow friends or partners
to take advantage of you or control you.
Social life
For some people with low self-esteem it can be very difficult to
hear criticism and you might find that you are overly-sensitive and
upset very easily. You might therefore stay away from activities
that can expose you to any type of judgement, leaving you to
become isolated and frustrated.
If your low self-esteem comes from a belief that you are not
competent or intelligent, you may struggle in the workplace,
avoiding tasks that you don't feel confident about or trying to
produce work which is perfect. You might find it difficult to
complete applications or go to interviews as you do not believe
you are good enough.
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Negative behaviours
You might find that to try and deal with your low self-esteem
you behave in ways that are damaging to you and those around
you. You might find that you try to 'escape' from life and engage
in risky behaviour like taking drugs, unsafe sex or drinking too
much. You might also develop an aggressive or violent personality
to try to hide your vulnerabilities and protect yourself from
further damage.
No-one is happy all the time, and having high self-esteem does
not mean you will always feel confident about work or have
successful relationships. However, good emotional health and
positive self-esteem are strong predictors of happiness. If your
core belief about yourself is mainly positive you may still associate
with some of these behaviours, but your ability to cope with them
will be much better.
How to...
increase your self-esteem
Mental Health Promotion
As you identify what your core beliefs about yourself are, and
where they come from, you can begin to challenge and change
them. One way you can do this is to write down evidence to
challenge each belief and begin to explore other explanations of
a situation. For example, if you think that no-one likes you, you
can start to record situations that show a different pattern:
How to...
increase your self-esteem
These might feel like small examples, but as your list gets longer
over time you can look back at it and challenge the negative
opinions that you have been holding on to.
You will probably find that some of the suggestions listed next
appeal to you more than others, perhaps because some of them
are things you are already doing. That is completely natural, but
by trying something new or changing your routine, your view
of yourself will begin to shift. This will boost your confidence
and your self-esteem and help you to break your cycle of
negative beliefs.
Mental Health Promotion
Make a list of several things that you like about yourself, you
might include:
• things about the way that you look e.g. I have a nice smile
• your characteristics e.g. I am patient
• things that you do e.g. I give money to charity
• skills you have e.g. I’m a great organiser.
Take your time and aim for 50 different things, even if this takes
you several weeks. Keep this list and look at a different part of
it each day. If you are worried about an event that is coming up,
such as a job interview, take the time to read the whole list and
show yourself that you have a lot to offer.
Be assertive
Being assertive does not mean you need to be aggressive or
difficult, but it will help you to set clear boundaries. It means
you value yourself and others, and can communicate with
mutual respect.
Work can provide identity, friendship, a steady routine and a salary.
Some people thrive in a busy environment and enjoy working to
ambitious targets; other people see their job as a means to an
end. Wherever you sit on this spectrum, it is important that the
balance between your work and your home-life feels right for
you. If you have been out of work for some time, then you might
find a short-term position or volunteering can help you build your
confidence back up. See Mind’s employment campaign Taking
Care of Business (visit for more information
about work and mental health.
This could cover anything from learning a language, to singing,
to a painting class. Think about where you feel you have some
natural ability, or things which you have always wanted to try.
The internet, your library and adult education colleges should
Mental Health Promotion
have details of local clubs and classes that you might want to go
along to. Try to find activities that will not challenge you too much
to begin with so that you can feel you have achieved something
and have a chance to build your confidence.
Eating healthily has a positive impact on your physical and mental
health. Eating a well-balanced diet at regular meal-times with
plenty of water and vegetables, and only occasional treats, will
help you to feel more healthy and happy.
Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the present moment,
using techniques like meditation, breathing and yoga. It has been
shown to help people become more aware of their thoughts
and feelings, so that instead of being overwhelmed by them, it
is easier to manage them. The ‘be mindful’ website has more
information and details of local classes around the UK (see
‘Useful organisations’ on p.17).
How to...
increase your self-esteem
Mental Health Promotion
Talking therapies
Cognitive behavioural therapy is a form of counselling or therapy
which aims to identify connections between thoughts, feelings
and behaviour, and to help develop practical skills to manage
them. This has been shown to be effective in helping people to
manage and challenge negative opinions about themselves, and
build a more positive set of core beliefs which will, over time,
increase your self-esteem. (See Mind’s booklet Making sense
of CBT.)
GPs are the first access point to health care on the NHS. They
can provide an assessment and diagnosis, and help you access
appropriate treatment. If your symptoms are mild then you might
be referred to your local IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological
Treatments) programme to access talking treatments.
Unfortunately, waiting times for psychological treatment on the
NHS are often very long.
If you feel that you don’t want to wait or that you would like
more support than is being offered, you may choose to see a
therapist privately. If you do see a private therapist then they
should be aware of the guidelines for treatment issued by the
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and be appropriately
How to...
increase your self-esteem
qualified to offer you the support you need. See the Mind booklet
Understanding talking treatments and the British Association for
Counselling and Psychotherapy in ‘Useful contacts’.
Mental Health Promotion
Useful contacts
Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm)
Details of local Minds and other local services, and Mind’s Legal Advice
Line. Language Line is available for talking in a language other than English.
Be Mindful
Website that explains the principles behind mindfulness, and gives
details of local courses and therapists.
Depression Alliance
tel: 0845 123 23 20
Self-help groups, publications, supporter-services for people
affected by depression.
NHS Choices
Information on assertiveness, wellbeing, exercise, sleep and more.
Site gives details of local support as well as online tips and tools.
Mental Health Promotion