DLL Eng8 4thQ Week 3
DLL Eng8 4thQ Week 3
DLL Eng8 4thQ Week 3
GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates
and Time: WEEK 3 Quarter: FOUR (4)
I. OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in
various text types; reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of information sources,
active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in
various text types; reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of information sources,
active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.
B.Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized
oral speech featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance and behavior
III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that
RESOURCES there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resources Use English Worksheets https://www.youtube.com/ Use English Worksheets
and Learn (UEWL) pp. 228- watch?v=aWXrgIJl5yU and Learn (UEWL) pp. 197-
229 205
A.Reviewing Previous Activity 17: Picto-nalysis Activity 19: Boat Ahoy! Activity 1: Proud Asians What was the story “The From where did you get
Lesson or Presenting the Vanity of the Rat” all about? your sources of your
New Lesson Tell whether the pictures Have you ridden a boat? Identify the people in the assignments?
are engaged in How did it go? pictures by matching them
transactional or interactional with their names in column
function of language. Fill out the diagram with the B and their nationalities in Short video presentation of
things associated to it. column C. Korean marriage, family,
and kinship
Are the people in the watch?v=aWXrgIJl5yU
pictures familiar to you?
B.Establishing a Purpose for Based on your answers, Activity 20: Unlocking of Activity 2: I am Known For... What influenced Korea’s What is a bibliography?
the Lesson can you give your own idea Difficulties traditional morality?
on how transactional Pair Work. With the
conversation differs from knowledge of Afro-Asian
interactional countries and their people
communication? learned from previous
lessons, .
C. Presenting Activity 18: Get down to “Bumboat Cruise on the Activity 3: K-W-L (Korea Study the sentence: https://www.youtube.com/
Examples/Instances of the business Singapore River” by Miriam and it’s Culture) watch?v=x7QMPhElh1k
Lesson Wei Wei Lo Korea’s traditional morality
Research on how to write Group Work has been strongly
the business letters influenced by Confucianism
How does Culture shape centered on the family.
one’s identity?
D.Discussing New Concepts Looking at the sample How do Singaporeans Reading Selection: Explain what a Kernel Show samples as given in
and Practicing New Skills letters, compare them with adjust to changes? sentence is. learner’s module page 524.
#1 friendly letters you once The Vanity of the Rat
wrote before. Use a Venn
Diagram to illustrate the
E. Discussing New Concepts Which letter requires a more Activity 21: Quotable
and Practicing New Skills formal use of language? Quotes
F. Developing Mastery Do you write often?To Activity 22: Think about Activity 4: Comprehension Activity 8: Trimming Up Try preparing a bibliography
(Leads to Formative whom do you write to? Consequences Check of your sources from the
Assessment 3) The Korean Way of Tea by researches you made about
What particular character Jung Yu-Ran Korea. Follow instructions
trait of a Korean family is given in your learner’s
implicitly revealed in the module page 523.
G.Finding Practical Activity 23: Rough Drafts Should parents interfere Do you drink tea? Why is it important to cite
Applications of Concepts with their children in the your sources?
and Skills in Daily Living What type of language do choice their partners in life? If you were to live in Korea,
you use in your letters? would you drink tea?
H.Making Generalizations How does a business letter What other situations call Activity 5: Listen to me What is a kernel sentence? What is a bibliography?
and Abstractions about differ from that of a friendly for writing business letters?
the Lesson letter? How do we make a
What does the inference What does the the answers
reveal about the characters to your activity 8 imply
Which uses transactional and Koreans as a whole? about kernel sentences?
Which one uses
interactional language?
I. Evaluating Learning Write a friendly letter to a Activity 24: More Letters Activity 7: Convince Me! Activity 9: Untangled Activity 10: Look it Up.
friend who you have not Please.... Thoughts
seen for a long time. What Exchange views with your Go to the library and list at
type of language will you Form five groups and do the classmates in a form of an Untangle the sentences. least five sources where
use? tasks assigned. informal debate. Reduce the sentences to you can find more
kernel sentences. information about Korea.
Prepare your bibliography in
a 1/8 index card.
J. Additional Activities for Study the poem “Bumboat Surf the internet and look What is a kernel sentence? Conduct a further research What is an annotated
Application or Cruise on the Singapore for sample resumes. about Korea and its culture. biography?
Remediation River” by Miriam Wei Wei
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me