??the Washington Post (12.10.19)
??the Washington Post (12.10.19)
??the Washington Post (12.10.19)
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Turkey’s Envoy:
o≠ensive Trump
ISIS fight behind
Kurdish forces shift ouster
focus, leaving behind
U.S. allies at critical time DIPLOMAT TESTIFIES
Move based on Giuliani’s
beirut — The Turkish invasion of ‘false claims,’ she says
northeastern Syria has forced the
U.S. military and its Syrian Kurd-
ish allies to significantly curtail BY J OHN H UDSON,
their shared military operations K AROUN D EMIRJIAN,
against the Islamic State at a criti- R ACHAEL B ADE
cal moment in the ongoing fight to AND P AUL S ONNE
stamp out the group’s residual
presence, creating an opening for The former U.S. ambassador to
the militants’ comeback, U.S. and Ukraine whose abrupt ouster in
Kurdish officials say. May has become a focus of House
Hundreds of fighters with the impeachment investigators said
Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Friday in remarks before Con-
Forces (SDF) have been relocated gress that her departure came as
to the front lines with Turkey and a direct result of pressure Presi-
away from areas where the anti-Is- dent Trump placed on the State
lamic State operations were fo- Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, arrives Friday on Capitol Hill to give a deposition to House investigators, who Department to remove her.
cused, drawing manpower and re- have focused their impeachment strategy on President Trump pressuring Ukraine’s leader to investigate former vice president Joe Biden. The account by Marie Yovano-
sources away from the daily raids vitch depicts a career Foreign
and missions that have thwarted Service officer caught in a storm
an Islamic State revival.
Defense Secretary Mark T. Es-
per said on Friday that the United
States had not abandoned its
New revelations test impeachment focus of unsubstantiated allegations
pushed by the president’s person-
al attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani
and a cast of former Ukrainian
Kurdish allies and that the 1,000 officials who viewed her as a
troops deployed there would con- BY R ACHAEL B ADE Joe Biden, a 2020 presidential ‘Just the facts, ma’am’ — and the threat to their financial and polit-
tinue hunting down the remnants AND M IKE D E B ONIS Some Democrats weigh candidate, and his son Hunter. Constitution,” she told lawmak- ical interests.
of the Islamic State. The militant The episode, Democrats argue, ers, according to a senior aide. She told lawmakers that she
group lost territorial control of its Recent revelations about Presi- expanding inquiry’s is clear-cut, easy for Americans to “His policy, his personality, his was forced to leave Kiev on “the
self-proclaimed caliphate earlier dent Trump’s conduct are testing scope beyond Ukraine understand and doesn’t require potty-mouth, that’s about the elec- next plane” this spring and subse-
this year but is making strenuous the limits of House Speaker Nancy further proof, as the White House tion, and let’s make sure that we quently removed from her post,
efforts to resuscitate its organiza- Pelosi’s narrow impeachment has released a rough transcript of understand the reasons he is — with the State Department’s No. 2
tional structures across Syria and strategy, leading some Democrats quiry just over two weeks ago, the call. In a conference call with the inquiry is because he has not official telling her that, although
Iraq. to wonder whether the probe Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her top lieu- Democrats on Friday, Pelosi em- honored his oath of office. We will she had done nothing wrong, the
“We will continue to work with should be expanded beyond the tenants have coalesced around a phasized that the focus should be honor ours.” president had lost confidence in
the 80 members of the Defeat-ISIS Ukraine scandal. plan to focus on Trump’s pressure Ukraine. But a spate of allegations about her and the agency had been
coalition and the Syrian Demo- Since House Democrats on the Ukrainian president to in- “What we are doing on im- other possible abuses has under significant pressure to re-
cratic Forces to ensure the defeat launched their impeachment in- vestigate former vice president peachment is about the facts — SEE IMPEACHMENT ON A5 move her since the summer of
of ISIS,” he said, using the acro- 2018.
SEE ISIS ON A11 Escalating obfuscation: Trump, allies try to sow confusion and doubt. A5 Muzzles off: Despite pressure, subpoenaed diplomats are still talking. A4 SEE YOVANOVITCH ON A4
Some reports that you may have missed. Read more at washingtonpost.com. First to avoid jail in bribery scandal
tence on Sartorio. In addition to a er crimes. Levitt asked the judge to consider
Anti-Muslim group Montgomery, Ala., year of probation, she imposed a Sartorio’s daughter received a giving Sartorio a sentence of
loses Trump club gala elects 1st black mayor Businessman sentenced $9,500 fine and required him to 27 out of a possible 36 on the ACT, probation and community serv-
to year of probation in complete 250 hours of communi- court records show, with help ice.
An anti-Muslim group that Voters in Montgomery, Ala., ty service, the office of the U.S. from two corrupt test proctors The attorney described Sarto-
had been planning a gala at elected Steven L. Reed on
college admissions case attorney for Massachusetts an- who were paid to alter some of rio as a “small-scale entrepre-
President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Tuesday as the first African nounced. her answers. The daughter has neur” in the specialty food busi-
Club in Florida said Monday that American mayor in the 200 years There were two parts to the not been charged with any crime, ness. “He is neither rich nor
the Trump Organization had since the city’s founding. Reed, BY N ICK A NDERSON scam orchestrated by admissions famous — and he has no aspira-
abruptly canceled the event. already a trailblazer as consultant William “Rick” Singer. tions to achieve either status,” the
After Florida newspapers Montgomery County’s first black A California businessman who In one, parents paid for their attorney wrote.
reported on the planned Nov. 7 probate judge, defeated David paid $15,000 to inflate the ACT children to pose as recruited “Mr. Sartorio genuinely Prosecutors recommended a
gala by ACT for America, the Woods in a runoff election with test score of one of his daughters athletes to improve their chances one-month prison term, arguing
event was condemned by groups 67 percent of the vote. The win was sentenced Friday to a year of of admission to prominent uni- and unequivocally that Sartorio took steps to con-
including the Council on was a milestone for the city probation in the college admis- versities. In the other, parents ceal his crime by withdrawing
American-Islamic Relations. remembered as both the cradle sions bribery scandal, prosecu- paid for cheating on college ad- accepts responsibility cash in multiple stages for the
washingtonpost.com/national of the Confederacy and the tors announced. mission exams at testing centers Singer payment, to avoid bank
birthplace of the civil rights Peter Jan Sartorio, 54, of Menlo Singer controlled in Houston and for his crime.” reporting requirements.
movement. Park, Calif., was the eighth parent West Hollywood. Peter K. Levitt, Peter Jan Sartorio’s “Crimes like this one — com-
Maryland delegate washingtonpost.com/national sentenced in the Varsity Blues Sartorio took part in the test attorney mitted in secret and paid for in
accused of fraud admissions cases — and the first cheating. cash — are difficult to detect, and
to avoid jail time. Court records show that Sarto- still more difficult to prosecute,”
Maryland delegate Tawanna P. Redskins fire coach Sartorio pleaded guilty in May rio paid Singer $15,000 in cash to and Sartorio’s attorney said she the prosecutors wrote. “When
Gaines, a Prince George’s County Gruden after 0-5 start in Boston to one count of con- obtain an inflated ACT score in was unaware of the scheme. discovered, they must have
Democrat who has served in spiracy to commit mail fraud and 2017 for his older daughter. Ac- “Mr. Sartorio genuinely and meaningful consequences.”
House leadership, was charged Washington Redskins owner honest services mail fraud. Oth- tress Felicity Huffman, who paid unequivocally accepts responsi- In all, 52 people have been
with federal wire fraud, accused Daniel Snyder on Monday fired ers who pleaded guilty to the the same amount in the test- bility for his crime and recogniz- charged in the scandal, including
of using $22,000 in campaign Coach Jay Gruden after his same crime have received prison cheating scam, was sentenced es that the victims of his offense 35 parents. So far, 19 of the
funds for personal expenses. team’s 0-5 season start and the terms from two weeks to five last month to 14 days behind are the students who took the test accused parents have pleaded not
Gaines, 67, resigned from the 33-7 home loss Sunday to the months. bars. without seeking unfair advan- guilty. One was recently arrested
General Assembly last week. New England Patriots. But U.S. District Judge Indira Singer has pleaded guilty to tage,” his attorney, Peter K. Levitt, in Spain and faces extradition.
washingtonpost.com/local washingtonpost.com/sports Talwani imposed a lighter sen- racketeering conspiracy and oth- wrote to the judge on Oct. 4. nick.anderson@washpost.com
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OHIO Under that law, physicians NEW YORK income taxes and was sentenced
convicted of performing an to six months of probation.
Washington Post iPad app Appeals panel backs a abortion under such Five sentenced in Speaker Matthew Shepherd (R)
We bring you a richly designed reading experience
hold on abortion law circumstances could be charged mistaken gang killing sought Gates’s removal after
with a fourth-degree felony, Gates refused to resign. Gates has
— a replica of the printed newspaper, along with a A federal appeals court on stripped of their medical license Five men were sentenced to said he would seek reelection
14-day archive, more than 40 comic strips, all Post Friday upheld a judge’s decision and held liable for legal damages. prison on Friday for the brutal even if he were expelled.
blogs and real-time social media. The app gives to put on hold an Ohio law The pregnant woman faced no stabbing death of a teenager who The last time the Arkansas
you video, photo galleries, new search functionality prohibiting doctors from criminal liability under the law, was mistakenly targeted as a gang House removed a member was in
and offline reading. Find it in the App Store. performing abortions based on a but it still fell into a category of rival. 1837, when its speaker was
fetal diagnosis of Down restriction that abortion rights State Supreme Court Justice expelled after stabbing another
syndrome. groups label “reason bans” Robert Neary pronounced the member on the House floor
The 2-to-1 ruling from a panel because they attempt to get into sentences for the June 2018 during a debate.
of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the mind of the pregnant woman killing of Lesandro Guzman-Feliz, — Associated Press
Design Differently. the 6th Circuit in Cincinnati said
the law signed in 2017 by then-
as she is deciding whether to
continue a pregnancy.
15. The victim, known as “Junior,”
was followed into a Bronx bodega, PENNSYLVANIA
Gov. John Kasich (R) is probably The American Civil Liberties dragged onto the street and
unconstitutional but didn’t make Union sued the Ohio Department stabbed with knives and Dog reunited with
such a declaration outright. of Health, the state medical board machetes. family after 12 years
The attorney general’s office and county prosecutors over the The crime triggered protests
said the state will seek a review by law on behalf of Planned demanding “Justice for Junior.” A toy fox terrier that
the full 6th Circuit. Parenthood and several abortion Guzman-Feliz, who lived about disappeared from her family’s
The ruling is a disappointment providers. a block from where he was slain, South Florida home in 2007 was
for abortion opponents, who had A federal judge placed the state wanted to become a police officer. found this week over a thousand
promoted the law as an anti- law on temporary hold last year, A video of the attack showed a miles away in Pittsburgh and
discrimination measure. saying federal law is clear that bread knife piercing his neck and reunited with her owner on
The Ohio law specifically states can’t limit a woman’s right delivering the fatal blow. Friday.
outlawed abortions in cases in to terminate a pregnancy before The judge sentenced Jonaiki The 14-year-old named
which there was a positive test viability. The state appealed, Martinez Estrella to life without Dutchess was found hungry,
result or prenatal diagnosis leading to Friday’s decision. parole. Jose Muniz, Elvin Garcia shivering and in serious need of a
indicating Down syndrome. — Associated Press and Antonio Rodriguez nail trim under a shed on
Hernandez Santiago got 25 years Monday, according to Humane
to life, and Manuel Rivera got Animal Rescue.
23 years to life. The property owner took the
Eight other defendants are dog to a Humane Animal Rescue
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In worrying turn, some with lung injuries from vaping are hospitalized again
BY L ENA H . S UN provide additional details. strongly advise patients to stop clude the possibility that nico- Center for Tobacco Products. Of Vitamin E acetate, which is
Doctors and officials are par- using e-cigarettes or other vaping tine-containing products play a 225 products tested that contain sold legally, is commonly used as
Federal health officials investi- ticularly concerned about the products. For those with addic- role in this outbreak. THC, nearly half contained vita- a nutritional supplement and in
gating mysterious vaping-related young people who have fallen ill. tion to nicotine or THC products, The Food and Drug Adminis- min E acetate, a cutting agent skin-care products. It’s not harm-
lung injuries said Friday that Eighty percent are under 35 years patients should consider cogni- tration has collected more than used to stretch the amount of ful when ingested or applied to
some patients are being hospital- old, and 15 percent are under 18. tive behavioral therapy and con- 725 samples from roughly half THC in vape cartridges, he said. the skin. But health officials have
ized for a second time, a disturb- Of 80 patients under 18 for whom sultation with addiction medi- the states with reported cases. Experts in the legal marijuana warned it could be hazardous
ing new development in the on- the CDC has complete clinical cine services, the guidelines But the agency’s forensics lab in industry have said vitamin E when inhaled, potentially caus-
going national outbreak that has information, 56 required inten- state. Cincinnati has only been able to acetate has been used on the ing the sorts of symptoms many
spread to every state except Alas- sive care and almost 1 in 3 needed With the start of flu season, the initiate testing for about 300 marijuana black market because patients have reported: cough,
ka. mechanical ventilation to CDC is also stressing the impor- samples because many of them it is colorless and odorless, has shortness of breath and chest
“We are aware of a handful of breathe, Schuchat said. tance for health-care providers to contain little or no liquid, said similar viscosity to THC oil and is pain.
patients who have been readmit- In many cases, doctors say, ask patients about their use of Mitch Zeller, director of FDA’s much cheaper. lena.sun@washpost.com
ted for clinical care after dis- teenagers have told them they vaping products “in a nonjudg-
charge for lung injury,” said Anne vaped as a way to deal with stress mental way.” Vaping-related inju-
Schuchat, principal deputy direc- and anxiety. Doctors said those ries and respiratory viral illness-
tor at the Centers for Disease underlying problems need to be es, such as influenza, have similar
Control and Prevention, which is addressed. symptoms: cough, shortness of
heading the public health investi- “I think we miss the boat if we breath and difficulty breathing.
gation. treat the lung disease and then In the vaping-related cases, near-
The hospital readmissions send them home to high risk for ly 80 percent also have gastroin-
have taken place as quickly as five recurrence,” said Anne Griffiths, testinal symptoms including ab-
days and up to 55 days after a pediatric pulmonologist at Chil- dominal pain, nausea and diar-
discharge, Schuchat said. It’s not dren’s Minnesota who has treated rhea, officials said.
known what triggered the relaps- patients in about half of the two Officials still don’t know the
es. In some cases, patients had dozen cases at the pediatric hos- cause of the injuries. Schuchat
resumed vaping. It’s also possible pital and reviews all the state’s said there may be more than one
that initial lung damage made vaping-related cases. Some of the cause. The most recent data con-
patients more vulnerable to other teens have told doctors they rely firms earlier information that
illness. Another possibility, she on vaping THC to help them most patients used products con-
said, is that treatment with ste- sleep, she said. taining THC, the psychoactive
roids, which many clinicians “My response to them is, if you ingredient in marijuana.
have been using to care for such are sedated, that’s not the same as The CDC on Friday backed
injuries, may “set you up for healthy sleep,” she said. The bot- away from its earlier, broader
increased infection risk.” tom line, she said: “Discharging recommendation against using
The CDC did not reveal exactly children home after this lung all vaping products and nar-
how many relapse cases have injury without counseling or rowed its recommendation in-
been logged, but Schuchat said therapy or addiction manage- stead to warn people against
the agency is aware of fewer than ment, I think, is a big mistake.” using e-cigarette or other vaping
five such cases among the 1,299 To help clinicians better diag- products that contain THC, espe-
that have been reported. At least nose and treat these cases, the cially those bought off the street.
28 people have died in the vap- CDC released more specific But a small proportion of pa-
ing-related outbreak. guidelines Friday. The guidelines tients have reported exclusively
A 17-year-old male from the emphasize a close follow-up of using nicotine-containing prod-
Bronx who died of vaping-related patients because some with only ucts, and many people with these
injuries Oct. 4 had been hospital- mild symptoms experienced a lung injuries have reported com-
ized twice. He was first hospital- rapid worsening within 48 hours. bined use of THC- and nicotine-
ized in early September and read- The CDC is also recommending containing products. The CDC
mitted later that month. New that health-care providers said agency officials cannot ex-
York officials reported his death
Tuesday. Health officials there
are investigating the products he
In Utah, there have been two
cases where patients were read- Open Sun-Wed 10-8 Red Line’s Offer expires 1//19
As La. elections draw near, Trump holds last-minute rally expansion of Medicaid and Ed-
wards’s support for equal pay and
an increase in the minimum wage
crats than it did when Edwards
took office in January 2016. The
number of registered Republi-
also “make a real difference in cans has increased by about
BY T IM C RAIG both great people.” has spent more than $4.5 million age to nearly 500,000 residents. women’s lives.” 10 percent during the same peri-
As the first statewide contest on the race. “The governor has not One of Edwards’s most high- But in the final days of the od.
As the only Democratic gover- since the impeachment inquiry demonstrated any ability to get profile accomplishments has campaign, Republican groups Meanwhile, as Edwards’s Re-
nor in the Deep South, John Bel against the president began, the the support of the majority of been legislation reforming the have been trying to undercut Ed- publican challengers fight to
Edwards appeared to be doing election’s outcome will indicate Louisiana voters, and this is an criminal justice system in a state wards’s support among women by make the runoff, both Abraham
everything necessary to win a sec- whether Trump has sway in other electorate looking for a change.” that had one of the nation’s high- accusing him of overlooking a and Rispone are campaigning as
ond term in Louisiana, a state upcoming gubernatorial elec- There are reasons for the GOP est, and most racially unbalanced, former aide’s alleged sexual ha- strong Trump allies.
whose populist Democratic roots tions, including in next month’s to be optimistic. During the state’s incarceration rates. The legisla- rassment. Rispone, who argues he’s the
seem to fray a bit more each year. races in Kentucky and Mississip- week of early voting that ended tion, which reduced sentences for In separate television ads re- “outsider” candidate, has aired a
Edwards signed some of the pi. For Democrats, Saturday’s con- Oct. 5, about 375,000 people vot- some drug crimes and made it leased last week, the Republican television ad calling Trump’s pol-
nation’s most restrictive abortion test will test whether a relatively ed, ranking only behind the 2016 easier for some inmates to seek Governors Association and the icies “phenomenal.” Abraham,
laws. He cozied up to President conservative Democrat can still presidential election in early vot- parole, could cut the state’s prison Truth in Politics PAC hammered whom many state party leaders
Trump, scoring an invite to a state count on liberal urban voters and ing turnout. Republicans cast 42 population by 10 percent over a Edwards for his decision to hire support, has argued that the
dinner at the White House. And in African Americans to turn out in percent of those ballots, even decade, according to the Pew Johnny Anderson as his deputy House should expel House Speak-
a state with a robust Catholic big numbers in a state where their though they make up just 30 per- Charitable Trusts. chief of staff, a veteran state offi- er Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) over her
population, Edwards aired televi- party continues to shrink. cent of the state’s registered vot- But Edwards, a devout Catho- cial and Democratic operative support for the impeachment in-
sion ads showing him shaking “For a Democrat to get 50 per- ers, said John M. Couvillon, lic, has angered some Democrats who faced claims of sexual harass- quiry.
hands with Pope Francis. cent in a deep red state was always founder of JMC Analytics and over his repeated support for anti- ment in the 2000s. A new allega- Yet, some Louisiana Republi-
All that still might not be going to be a challenge,” said Mary Polling. abortion measures, including a tion surfaced in 2017 when he cans doubt the impeachment dra-
enough for the governor to win Patricia Wray, a Louisiana-based “I don’t think this happened in “heartbeat bill” he signed this worked for Edwards, and the ma in Washington will factor
his reelection battle outright on political consultant and a former a vacuum,” Couvillon said. “In my summer that outlawed abortion woman who made that allegation heavily in the outcome.
Saturday, after Trump made an Edwards aide. “I know [Edwards] view, impeachment played a part as early as the sixth week of a was featured in the Truth and “I don’t think it makes a differ-
11th-hour rally on Friday to boost anticipated things becoming very because this is a huge difference pregnancy. The bill did not make Politics ad. ence,” said Roby Dyer, chairwom-
support for the two leading GOP tight at the end of the race, and I in partisan enthusiasm.” exceptions for rape or incest. “Six women reported Johnny an of the Calcasieu Parish Repub-
challengers. think that is exactly what we see But Democrats say Edwards re- “This was an opportunity for Anderson for harassment. The lican Executive Committee. “Most
Trump is wading into a so- happening.” mains well-positioned to avoid the governor to show real empa- governor hired him anyway,” people were going to vote anyway,
called “jungle” primary where Ed- Several recent polls have the runoff, drawing on his person- thy and compassion for his con- Juanita Washington, a former and I don’t think most of them
wards and five other candidates shown Edwards’s support in the al popularity as well as his record stituents, many of whom were state employee, says in the emo- aren’t even listening to that non-
from both parties will be on the election hovering in the mid- as a folksy, bipartisan leader. low-income women, and he tional ad. “I was his latest victim.” sense.”
ballot. Edwards needs more than 40 percent range. Abraham and After serving in the Louisiana signed it anyway,” said Amy Irvin, In a statement, Edwards noted But Wray says Trump’s visit
50 percent of the vote to avoid a Rispone are locked in a tight bat- House of Representatives, Ed- executive director of the New Or- that Anderson abruptly left state only adds to the last-minute un-
Nov. 16 runoff, where he would tle for second place. wards was elected governor in leans Abortion Fund, an abortion government after Washington’s certainty of the campaign.
probably face either Rep. Ralph Although Trump has not en- 2015 with an easy defeat of Repub- rights advocacy group. allegations surfaced. In 2015, Edwards won 29 coun-
Abraham (R) or GOP business- dorsed either Republican, the lican David Vitter, who was a U.S. Irvin now fears Edwards’s ac- “Gov. Edwards believes Ms. ties that Trump also carried a year
man Eddie Rispone. president hopes he can help force senator marred in scandal at the tions could accelerate the abor- Washington’s allegations, and he later. Most of the counties are
Trump encouraged rallygoers Edwards into a runoff by driving time. Edwards succeeded Bobby tion case landing before the Su- has a zero-tolerance policy for rural, and Wray noted that
to cast their ballots Saturday be- up GOP turnout. Trump won Lou- Jindal, a Republican who left of- preme Court, threatening Roe v. sexual harassment,” said Eric Trump’s visit coincides with Fri-
fore the Louisiana State Univer- isiana by 20 percentage points in fice deeply unpopular amid deep Wade. But she still expects liberal Holl, a spokesman for the Ed- day night football.
sity-University of Florida football 2016, the best showing for a GOP budget cuts and a $2 billion budg- women will turn out and vote for wards campaign. “They will be tuning into the
game. presidential candidate there et deficit. Edwards on Saturday. Still, some party leaders con- local radio and local television for
“I need you to send the radical since Ronald Reagan’s landslide After he took office, Edwards “The people I talk to continue cede they face a potentially insur- their third religion — after real
Democrat establishment a loud reelection in 1984. worked with a Republican legisla- to be upset with the governor, and mountable challenge as white, ru- religion and Mardi Gras,” said
and clear message: You are going “We’ve always felt this race is ture to balance the budget, impos- indicated they are not volunteer- ral southern voters continue to Wray, referring to football high-
to fire your Democrat governor going to go to a runoff,” said Amel- ing a sales tax increase. He also ing or making donations to his flee the Democratic Party. lights and scores. “So, they will
who has done a lousy job,” he said. ia Chasse Alcivar, the communi- successfully fought to expand campaign, but also feel they don’t The Advocate newspaper not- tune in, and also definitely hear
Trump praised both Rispone cations director for the Republi- Medicaid under the Affordable have any other choice but to vote ed, as of June, Louisiana had Trump’s message.”
and Abraham, saying: “They’re can Governors Association, which Care Act, which extended cover- for him,” said Irvin, noting the 6 percent fewer registered Demo- tim.craig@washpost.com
The World
Ethiopia’s reformer premier wins the Nobel Peace Prize
tions. Abiy’s proposed changes
are also seen by some in Ethiopia
Abiy Ahmed honored for as likely to exacerbate ethnic ten-
ending Eritrea standoff, sions, and he has already survived
one assassination attempt.
initiating change at home Abiy’s peace deal with Isa-
ias also has yet to result in a full
resumption of normal ties, large-
BY M AX B EARAK ly because of Eritrean reluctance.
Conscription is still mandatory in
addis ababa, ethiopia — Eritrea, despite the end of the
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy military standoff with Ethiopia.
Ahmed won the Nobel Peace Prize “The peace deal unfroze diplo-
on Friday for his dogged pursuit matic relations, reopened tele-
of democratic reforms and re- phone lines and has allowed some
gional peacemaking efforts. travel between the two countries,”
Abiy was awarded the prize, “in said William Davison, an Ethio-
particular, for his decisive initia- pia analyst with the International
tive to resolve the border conflict Crisis Group. “But key border
with neighboring Eritrea,” said disputes are unresolved, and Eri-
Berit Reiss-Andersen, chair of the trea remains without constitu-
Nobel Committee, which decides tional government, so there has
the winner. been no peace dividend yet for its
A peace accord between Abiy long-suffering citizens.”
and his Eritrean counterpart, Abiy was born to parents who
Isaias Afwerki, formally ended a belonged to different ethnic
20-year military standoff that fol- groups, which is unusual in Ethi-
lowed Eritrea’s secession from opia. Some analysts say that back-
Ethiopia in 1993. As many as ground makes his calls for unity
100,000 people were killed be- more effective in a country divid-
tween 1998 and 2000 when a ed politically into nine semiauto-
border dispute flared into an all- nomous sub-nations. In inter-
out war. views with local media, he has
Abiy, a 43-year-old former in- recalled a poor upbringing, sleep-
telligence officer, has ushered in ing on the floor and lacking elec-
an era of hope for peace and tricity and water — both still
greater freedoms in Ethiopia, unavailable to large portions of
Africa’s second most-populous Ethiopia’s population.
country, which has long been MAHEDER HAILESELASSIE TADESE/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES Abiy is the third sitting head
governed by authoritarian re- A man cries while meeting family in July 2018 after entering Asmara, Eritrea, for the first time in 18 years. Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed, below, of government from sub-Saharan
gimes. Upon taking office in April was recognized by the Nobel Committee,“in particular, for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighboring Eritrea.” Africa to win the Nobel Peace
2018, Abiy initiated the release of Prize, after Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
thousands of political prison- said that “this victory and recog- “No doubt some people will of Liberia and F.W. de Klerk of
ers, lifted bans on various politi- nition is a collective win for Ethi- think this year’s prize is being South Africa, who won jointly
cal organizations, prosecuted for- opians, and a call to strengthen awarded too early,” Reiss- with Nelson Mandela in 1993 as
mer officials accused of torture our resolve in making Ethiopia — Andersen said in her announce- South Africa transitioned out of
and vowed to move Ethiopia the New Horizon of Hope — a ment of the prize. “The Norwe- its apartheid era.
toward its first free, multiparty prosperous nation for all.” gian Nobel Committee believes it Last year’s Nobel Peace Prize
elections in 2020. Abiy’s recognition by the is now that Abiy Ahmed’s efforts was awarded jointly to Denis
Abiy has also made bold moves Norway-based Nobel Committee deserve recognition and need en- Mukwege, 64, a Congolese doctor
to broker peace in neighboring was reminiscent of President Ba- couragement.” who treated thousands of women
Sudan and South Sudan, both rack Obama’s 10 years earlier. Ethiopia remains one of the who were raped or sexually as-
beset by civil conflict. Abiy spear- Like Obama at the time, Abiy is world’s most insecure countries, saulted as a result of conflict, and
headed rounds of talks between near the beginning of his term with more than 3 million people Nadia Murad, 26, who advocated
opposing sides in both countries, and has not yet fully implement- displaced from their homes and for the support of Yazidi women
and he has sought a role in medi- ed the broad changes and peace more than 1,000 killed in 2018, captured and held as sex slaves at
ating other regional conflicts, deals he has set out to accom- mostly because of ethnic strife. the hands of the Islamic State.
such as a maritime dispute be- plish. But his initial decisions in The country’s economy is danger- max.bearak@washpost.com
tween neighboring Kenya and office have prompted an outpour- ously weak, and tens of thousands
Somalia. ing of hope that those stated of Ethiopians have become refu- Michael Birnbaum in Brussels
In a statement, Abiy’s office EDUARDO SOTERAS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES objectives will be achieved. gees in search of less dire condi- contributed to this report.
prize on the 16-year-old Swede, there is a linear relationship be- tion of standing armies” — which Sweden’s Greta Thunberg speaks in September at a climate demonstration outside the White House.
the Norwegian Nobel Committee tween climate change — or re- some have interpreted as requir- The 16-year-old may have had several factors working against her in the peace prize competition.
gave it to Ethiopian Prime Minis- source scarcity, more broadly — ing a direct connection to peace
ter Abiy Ahmed, who was praised and armed conflict.” and conflict. Falkner said. called climate change a “threat have been a huge public relations
for his efforts to “achieve peace Janne Haaland Matlary, a poli- “If you make it too broad, it He added that it’s difficult to multiplier.” boost for the teenage activist, who
and international cooperation.” tics professor at the University of becomes a bit meaningless,” Urdal prove a direct causal relationship It’s also possible that the timing is now in Denver as part of a tour of
Why was Thunberg passed Oslo, agreed that Thunberg was a said. between climate change and con- was not quite right for Thunberg. North America. But Thunberg has
over? How could so many forecast- “wild card” nominee. The link be- Robert Falkner, a climate ex- flict, in part because the same The committee draws up a short- said she does not protest to “get
ers have been so wrong? tween climate change and conflict pert at the London School of Eco- crisis can trigger different re- list “of the most interesting and awards and prizes.”
The peace prize selection proc- is still “quite tenuous at this point,” nomics, questioned the narrow- sponses in different countries. worthy candidates” soon after the She tweeted Friday to her
ess is highly secretive — all the she said. “Everyone sees flooding ing of the prize. “If you want to But he said: “Where there are nomination deadline at the end of 2.8 million followers that she
committee would reveal was that can cause conflict, migration and return to a narrow definition of already sources of ecological January. But some of the more would be doing what she does
there were 301 nominations this so on, but this is in no way well conflict — as in military conflict or stress that can spill over into con- impressive moments of Thun- every Friday: demonstrating
year. The names of some contend- established as a security policy interstate confrontation, which is flict, those will be intensified, mul- berg’s activism — the global cli- against climate change.
ers are made public by their nomi- issue yet.” in a sense the early 20th-century tiplied and accelerated. That’s mate strikes, her transatlantic Of course, at her age, she may
nators. Thunberg, for instance, The prize has gone to environ- perspective on conflict and war — why the Pentagon, [Britain’s De- voyage on a sailboat, her U.N. have plenty more chances to win
was nominated by three Norwe- mental champions before. In that’s very antiquated and a fense Ministry] and NATO are speech — came later in the year. the Nobel.
gian lawmakers. But the full list 2007, the Intergovernmental Pan- rather narrow notion of conflict,” studying this.” The Pentagon has The award undoubtedly would karla.adam@washpost.com
CANADA would hold steady and wages In response to the EUROPEAN UNION wrongdoing — and her past work Franco mausoleum to be shut:
would grow as scheduled, it said. Conservative platform, the for a U.S. think tank that paid Spain will temporarily close the
Conservatives promise The election is set for Oct. 21. Liberals said it included Macron claims ‘crisis’ her over 10,000 euros ($11,000) a mausoleum where Francisco
to balance budget To raise revenue, the $53 billion ($40 billion) in cuts. over leadership tussle month. Their move could delay Franco is buried starting
Conservatives would eliminate In contrast, Trudeau has vowed the start of the new commission, Saturday to avoid disturbances
Canada’s Conservative Party corporate tax breaks worth to ramp up spending but keep French President Emmanuel due to take office Nov. 1, and as officials prepare to exhume
on Friday promised to balance $1.5 billion ($1.1 billion U.S.), debt on a downward path. Macron spoke Friday of a curb the influence of France. the dictator’s remains. Spain’s
the country’s budget in five years cut Canadian foreign aid by The platform details emerged “political crisis” between the Each E.U. member state ruling Socialists want to turn the
without slashing government 25 percent, crack down on tax after Canadians began voting in European Union’s executive and nominates a candidate for the Valley of the Fallen into a
jobs if it wins an election this evasion and impose a 3 percent advance polls on Friday. its parliament after lawmakers commission, who must then win memorial to the 500,000 people
month, but the ruling Liberals tax on big-tech companies. Conservatives and Liberals are rejected his commissioner pick, approval from lawmakers. killed in the 1936-39 civil war.
insisted their main opposition Liberal Prime Minister Justin locked in a dead heat, polls show, while members of his party Privately, French officials
would make painful cuts. Trudeau “said he would balance but the left-leaning New blamed a leading German accused Manfred Weber, a Protesters hit streets in Haiti:
In its 100-page platform, the budget. Instead he’s running Democrats and the separatist conservative for the debacle. German conservative member of Thousands clashed with police
released during a campaign stop massive deficits that threaten Bloc Quebecois may be left with The lawmakers on Thursday the European Parliament, of Friday as they looted stores and
in British Columbia, the higher taxes and important the balance of power because rejected Sylvie Goulard, orchestrating Goulard’s downfall tried to reach the residence of
Conservative Party said it would social programs like health care,” neither main party is heading Macron’s pick to head industrial as revenge after Macron Haitian President Jovenel Moïse
erase a deficit of $23 billion Conservative leader Andrew for an outright majority in the policy in the next European scuppered his hopes of becoming in one of the biggest protests in
($17.45 billion U.S.) by 2024- Scheer said in a live broadcast 338-seat House of Commons. Commission, over her role in a the next commission president. weeks to demand his ouster.
2025. Federal public service jobs from Delta, B.C. — Reuters jobs scandal — she denies — Reuters — From news services
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Daily raids against ISIS curtailed by fight in Syria’s north Tehran says
missiles struck
ISIS FROM A1 scare and terrify people in the one of its tankers
nym for the Islamic State.
In recent weeks, the militants in the Red Sea
U.S. officials privately acknowl- have shifted their focus from car-
edged, however, that the tempo of rying out small-scale attacks on BY E RIN C UNNINGHAM
operations by the Kurds, Washing- security forces to intimidating
ton’s main partner in Syria, residents and abducting or killing istanbul — Missiles struck an
against the Islamic State has “sig- those who collaborate with the Iranian oil tanker off the coast of
nificantly tapered off” since the SDF in Arab areas, said Mazloum. Saudi Arabia on Friday, Iran’s
Turkish offensive began, accord- Doubts about the durability of U.S. state news agency reported,
ing to one official who spoke on support for the Kurds could fur- damaging the ship’s hull and
the condition of anonymity be- ther deter local residents from co- spilling oil into the Red Sea.
cause he was not authorized to operating with U.S. and SDF ef- The tanker was hit by two
speak to the news media. forts to stabilize communities by explosions near the Saudi port
A senior SDF official said the restoring local governance and city of Jiddah, local media re-
anti-Islamic State fight had come services. ported, quoting the National Ira-
to a complete halt, because U.S. The repercussions also could be nian Tanker Co. The blasts were
troops cannot operate without felt in neighboring Iraq, which has under investigation by technical
their SDF partners on the ground, been hit in the past 10 days by a experts aboard the vessel, the
and the SDF is unable to partici- wave of popular unrest that risks company said. It denied initial
pate in missions while also con- detracting attention from the Is- reports that the ship, which state
fronting Turkey. “We are focusing lamic State fight. There, the Islam- media identified as the Sabity,
on the Turkish fight,” said the offi- ic State has had more time to had caught fire.
cial, speaking on the condition of regroup from its defeats and has Lt. Pete Pagano, a spokesman
anonymity per ground rules estab- made greater progress in reacti- for the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet
lished by the SDF. vating its networks, military offi- overseeing the Middle East, told
The most immediate concern is cials say. Militants who are the Associated Press that author-
that Islamic State fighters and thought to have escaped from the ities there were “aware of reports
their families will escape from any final defeat at the battle of Bag- of this incident,” but he declined
of the 20 or so prisons and camps houz in Syria have been arriving in to comment further.
dotted around SDF-held territory. BADERKHAN AHMAD/ASSOCIATED PRESS Iraq to reinforce local cells, includ- Oil prices rose on the news.
Only about 1,500 of the 10,000 People gather at the site of a car bomb explosion Friday in Qamishli, Syria. Turkey’s offensive has ing foreigners, said an Iraqi Kurd- Brent crude oil, the global bench-
fighters, including foreigners, drawn Kurdish troops away from helping U.S. forces move against remnants of the Islamic State. ish intelligence official, speaking mark, climbed 1.7 percent to
Iraqis and Syrians, are detained in on the condition of anonymity be- $60.10 a barrel, and West Texas
prisons in the border area. The already chafing under the rule of this week to believe the Islamic a lone suicide bomber who killed cause he is not authorized to speak Intermediate crude was up
SDF continues to guard all the the Kurdish-dominated SDF. State was in any position to take himself and one SDF fighter at a to the press. 1.9 percent to $54.58 a barrel in
prisons and camps where Islamic Until this week, U.S. troops and over territory, as it did in 2014, security post. The Iraqi army has sent rein- futures trading in London and
State fighters or family members their SDF partners had been con- when its sweep through Iraq and The group either lacks the ca- forcements to the Syrian border to New York, respectively.
are being held, it said. ducting raids and missions on a Syria brought U.S. troops back to pacity to launch the kind of sus- guard against a spillover of chaos The incident comes amid ap-
In the first instance of a prison- regular basis to root out sleeper the region, he said. Although scat- tained, repeat suicide bombings that could bring a surge of Islamic parent tit-for-tat attacks on oil
er escape since the invasion began, cells, financiers and recruiters, tered attacks still take place, they that preceded the rise of its “ca- State fighters into Iraq, an Iraqi tankers and facilities in the
five Islamic State detainees man- and they believed they were man- are small in scale. A bomb outside liphate” in 2014, whether in Iraq or army spokesman said. But already Persian Gulf region in recent
aged to flee Friday during the pan- aging to stay a step ahead of the Syria, or is biding its time until it it is clear that Islamic State opera- months, as the United States has
ic triggered by a mortar strike on a militants’ efforts to regroup, ac- feels the moment is right, U.S. tives are reestablishing a degree of tightened sanctions on Iran’s oil
prison on the outskirts of the Syr- cording to U.S. officials. In the officials say. freedom of movement across an exports as part of its “maximum
ian city of Qamishli, according to week immediately preceding the “Vigilance is important. Instead, the group has been fo- arc of territory stretching from pressure” campaign against the
SDF officials and CCTV video. Ten- Turkish incursion, SDF forces cused on reviving the financial eastern Syria to eastern Iraq, said Islamic republic.
sions have also been rising at the alongside coalition partners cap- ISIS is coming back and recruitment networks that the intelligence official. This past month, a drone and
al-Hol camp near the Iraqi border, tured three Islamic State figures helped swell its ranks and fueled Pentagon officials said they had cruise missile attack on Saudi oil
which houses 70,000 women and linked to explosive attacks and slowly, but the danger is the insurgency in the past, accord- not detected that the protests en- facilities crippled the desert
children displaced by the fighting. militant sleeper cells, the U.S. mili- ing to U.S. and Kurdish officials. gulfing Baghdad and much of kingdom’s output. The United
There are also thousands of Is- tary said. real. … It’s not back yet, Although the militants lost con- southern Iraq had affected opera- States blamed the attack on Iran,
lamic State fighters still on the The progress could be reversed trol of their territory, their organi- tions against the Islamic State. But which denied involvement. The
run. They have managed to blend with the pause in the effort, risk- but they are rebuilding.” zational structures remain largely the Kurdish intelligence official Iran-aligned Houthi rebels in
in among the Arab communities ing a vacuum that the Islamic Hassan Hassan, intact, said Hassan Hassan of the said it has already become clear Yemen claimed responsibility for
they once ruled or are camped out State could exploit to step up its Center for Global Policy Center for Global Policy, who is that the upheaval was distracting the assault.
in desert hideouts, officials say. attacks or perhaps try to seize from Deir al-Zour. government attention from ef- In July, Iran seized a British-
The most worrisome pockets territory again, said the SDF com- “Vigilance is important. ISIS is forts to coordinate much-needed flagged oil tanker in the Strait of
are hundreds of miles to the south mander, Gen. Mazloum Kobane, a restaurant in the town of coming back slowly, but the dan- operations against the expanding Hormuz just two weeks after an
of the front lines with Turkey, in who uses a nom de guerre and is Qamishli that killed three people ger is real,” he said. “Their organi- Islamic State presence. Iranian supertanker was de-
the province of Deir al-Zour and known simply as Mazloum. “We was claimed by the Islamic State zation still functions. You would liz.sly@washpost.com tained off the coast of Gibraltar
along the Euphrates River valley have to keep them under pressure on Friday. An attack in Raqqa imagine it shattered, but it seems missy.ryan@washpost.com on suspicion of transporting oil
leading to the Islamic State’s for- so that they cannot regroup,” he overnight Monday was initially to be robust. It’s not back yet, but to Syria in violation of European
mer capital of Raqqa — over- said. presented by the SDF as a major they are rebuilding and still have Souad Mekhennet in Washington Union sanctions.
whelmingly Arab areas that were There had been no reason until assault, but it turned out to involve that kind of fear and ability to contributed to this report. erin.cunningham@washpost.com
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LABOR about $9 billion from its previous The Italian agricultural lobby French carmaker Renault
offer of $7 billion, a person Coldiretti said Friday that sales of dismissed its chief executive
GM appeals directly familiar with the offer said. both Parmigiano-Reggiano and officer, Thierry Bolloré, on
to striking workers Of the new total, $7.7 billion Grana Padano, aged cheeses with Friday, overhauling its
would be invested directly in GM a distinctive granular quality that leadership once again after the
General Motors took the plants, with the rest going to joint are defined by their territory of jailing of its previous chairman
unusual step of appealing directly ventures including a potential origin, have skyrocketed in the and CEO. It came days after
to employees in a blog post on battery plant near the Lordstown, United States by 220 percent Nissan, with which Renault
Friday that laid out the terms of Ohio, factory that has been idled, since the higher tariffs were shares a deep alliance, named a
the automaker’s latest offer the person said. announced one week ago. new CEO, indicating the two
aimed at ending a month-long The UAW in a statement said The new tariffs — up from companies were intent on
strike, angering the union with GM was “playing games at the $2.15 per kilogram (2.2 pounds) cleaning house after a scandal
which it is negotiating. expense of workers” and accused to around $6 a kilogram — take involving former chief Carlos
While emphasizing GM’s the automaker of half-truths and effect on Oct. 18. Parmesan cheese Ghosn. Bolloré will be replaced
commitment to the collective “purposefully stalling the process is on a long list of European on an interim basis by current
bargaining process, the letter, to starve UAW-GM workers off Union products targeted by the Chief Financial Officer Clotilde
signed by Gerald Johnson, the picket lines.” Trump administration for Delbos.
executive vice president for “At every step of the way, GM retaliatory tariffs approved by the
global manufacturing, has attempted to undermine the World Trade Organization for Citibank has agreed to pay a
circumvents leadership of the ongoing, good-faith efforts the illegal E.U. subsidies to Airbus. $30 million fine to settle charges
United Auto Workers (UAW) and UAW has made to end this strike,” Coldiretti says American of repeated violations of real
points to frustration at a lack of the union said. consumers, as a result, will pay estate holding rules and for
progress on ending a conflict that more than $45 a kilogram, AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES failing to meet its commitment
— Reuters
has already cost the company instead of $40 — which is An Iraqi vendor holds a falcon at the al-Ghazal animal market in to take corrective actions, the
more than $1 billion. TRADE expected to hurt sales in the Baghdad. The market is one of the oldest in the country, where bird U.S. Office of the Comptroller of
The UAW strike began on Sept. United States, the second-largest species have declined as a result of war and environmental issues. the Currency (OCC) said on
16, with the union’s 48,000 Parmesan purchases export market after France. Friday. Federal law limits the
members at GM seeking higher jump ahead of tariffs Nicola Bertinelli, president of time a national bank may hold
pay, greater job security, a bigger the Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese foreclosed and “other real estate
share of profit and protection of U.S. consumers who appreciate consortium, says the tariffs ALSO IN BUSINESS Korea. The move marks the South owned” (OREO) assets. A Citi
health-care benefits. Credit the tang of aged Italian Parmesan threaten the economic health of Hyundai and affiliate Kia have Korean auto giant’s first major spokesman said the bank did not
Suisse estimated the loss could cheese atop their favorite pasta 330 small dairy producers in the earmarked $758 million to settle effort to resolve years of trouble meet the holding requirement in
hit about $1.5 billion. dish are stocking up ahead of area around Parma and the U.S. class action litigation and over engine defects that have also some instances, but customers
As part of its revised offer, GM next week’s tariff hike and as 50,000 people who work in the address engine-related issues in sparked probes by the U.S. safety were not affected.
boosted the amount it plans to dairy producers in the two production supply chain. the United States and South regulator and prosecutors. — From news services
invest in the United States to countries square off. — Associated Press
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Federal Reserve to continue overnight funding and debt buying into 2020
BY R ACHEL S IEGEL an unusual Friday news release Fed officials are trying to help day’s announcement does put the “I want to emphasize that have enough capital on hand
from the central bank, which fol- foster more economic growth and central bank on course to resume growth of our balance sheet for spiked to levels not seen since the
The Federal Reserve took two lowed a video conference among have pivoted toward lowering in- expanding its balance sheet. reserve management purposes Great Recession. The Federal Re-
steps Friday that officials hope will top central bank officials. It re- terest rates after hiking them ear- Earlier this week, Powell said should in no way be confused with serve Bank of New York moved to
ease strains in financial markets flects how the Fed, under Chair lier in Trump’s presidency. Presi- the Fed would “soon announce the large-scale asset purchase pro- direct additional reserves into the
and give the economy a better Jerome H. Powell, is trying to ad- dent Trump has urged the Fed to measures to add to the supply of grams that we deployed after the system for several days.
buffer heading into 2020. just its approach to the economy financial crisis,” Powell said Tues- But some analysts argue that
The central bank said Friday it and financial markets in the face day at the National Association for the Fed needed a more permanent
would continue its overnight of changing — and at times, con- Business Economics meeting in fix. The U.S. manufacturing sector
funding operations through at flicting — data. “I balk at the idea that we’re running the economy Denver. struggles to get out of a recession,
least January. The process for fi- Interest rates jumped after a As a means of directing more and many economists have been
nancial companies to clear short- disruption last month in the short- hot. This feels very sustainable.” money into the financial system, downgrading their economic
term cash had become unexpect- term lending markets. Banks and Jerome H. Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve Board the central bank went from hold- growth forecasts for next year to
edly turbulent in recent months, financial institutions rely on these ing less than $1 trillion in assets in below 2 percent.
and Fed officials have stepped in markets to ensure they have ac- 2007 to $4.5 trillion in 2015. The On Tuesday, Powell said the
to help the process run more cess to funding. To compensate, lower interest rates even more as a reserves over time” but that “this Fed has slowly trimmed its hold- Fed’s objective was to keep the
smoothly. the Fed began its own process to means of boosting the economy is not QE.” Powell did not specify ings back under $4 trillion as the economy on even, consistent foot-
The Fed also announced that it give financial institutions enough ahead of next year’s election. the size of the new asset purchase economy has improved. But that ing.
would ratchet up its program for cash in return for safer assets like Trump has also pushed for the program. But he said it would not move has shrunk the level of re- “I balk at the idea that we’re
buying Treasury debt into the sec- government bonds. Fed to resume large purchases of be a rehashing of what the Fed serves available to banks. running the economy hot,” Powell
ond quarter of 2020, a program The Fed had previously said Treasury bonds, a move known as opted for after the recession a Wall Street grew wary in Sep- said. “This feels very sustainable.”
the central bank had tried to wind that the repo operation would last “quantitative easing,” or QE. De- decade ago. Still, the Fed has tember when there did not appear rachel.siegel@washpost.com
down as the economy strength- only through Nov. 4, but it will spite Trump’s public lashing out at shown that it will adjust its pro- to be enough reserves in the sys-
ened. now continue for at least two more Powell, the chair has said he won’t grams based on how the economy tem, and the overnight borrowing Heather Long contributed to this
Both announcements came in months. bow to political pressure. But Fri- performs. rates that banks use to ensure they report.
6 Monitor your investments at washingtonpost.com/markets Data and graphics by
Congratulations for the masterful job on the Climate change is Page 1 news — or should be choice but to take the matter to my congressional repre-
sentative.” It was one of those thoughts that you sort of
Sept. 27 op-ed page, a snapshot and a summary of voice in your head, word for word, so as to lock yourself
the substance of the case for and against President The Sept. 24 news article “Nations promise bold administration to be so dismissive of the single most into doing something that actually requires more courage
Trump’s impeachment. Each of the essays — by Marc climate action, but is it enough?” was excellent, but it important subject facing humanity is absurd and than you possess. Well, they threw her under the bus, so
A. Thiessen [“Democrats sprint ahead of the evi- was misplaced in the paper. It should have been on extremely concerning. President Trump’s policies my next actions were almost by rote. I had no choice in the
dence”], Michael Gerson [“Where the impeachment Page 1, instead of the article about two pastors [“Two are making a bad situation much worse. This should matter.
wheel stops, no one knows”], Catherine Rampell pastors. Five churches. One typical Sunday.”]. Cli- have been a front-page article. As to the naivete, when the congressperson’s office
[“Greed, and greed alone, drives Trump”], Donna mate change affects all of us, and for the Trump David Crutchfield, Ellicott City contacted me to say it would look into it, I was informed
F. Edwards [“Pelosi must own the impeachment that I could remain anonymous but was also told that
process”] and Jennifer Rubin [“Three is the magic doing so might make it more difficult for the congressper-
number”] — presented a penetrating and exact view son to address the issue. I was too starry-eyed at the
of what is known and what has yet to be decided. It
must be saved as a historical record of where we Thomas’s unifying theme Beware false equivalence prospect of seeing justice done to object to identifying
myself. My credulity in the matter lasted right through to
were on this particular day in one of the most the filing of a more comprehensive formal complaint to
historic moments in our history. Having read Corey Robin’s “The Enigma of Clar- Of all the news of Sept. 27, the lead front- the Defense Department inspector general on which both
Patrick F. Morris, Bethesda ence Thomas,” I was not surprised that Kenneth W. page headline in unusually large print was my colleague and I put our John Hancocks right there on
Mack’s Sept. 29 Outlook review, “Clarence Thomas’s “Trump, GOP hit back as coverup is alleged” the first page. The rest is boilerplate: I lost my office and
contradictory conservatism,” would reflect the baf- above a photograph of acting director of was banished to a basement cubicle off campus. My
History ignored flement of Thomas critics: Answering the reviewer’s national intelligence Joseph Maguire testifying colleague lost her laboratory and was banished to an office
predilection for “a unified philosophy [that] ties in Congress. How did that headline represent inside the animal facility that stank of animal waste. I was
I am very disheartened and baffled by The Post’s together Thomas’s complicated life,” it is summed up the photo and the accompanying articles? I fear eventually fired.
failure to mention that thousands of people in one word absent from the review: freedom. The Post was demonstrating false equivalence, I suspect what drove me to act drives many whistle-
marched in Washington on Sept. 21 to protest the Ken Masugi, Rockville as it did in the 2016 election. I hope to see more blowers to do what they do: a sense of obligation paired
decline of our democracy. How was that not The writer was special assistant to then-chairman serious headlines as the impeachment inquiry with a false sense of security. It may be called many things,
newsworthy? of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission proceeds. but I wouldn’t call it heroic.
Elena Spiotta, Woodstock, N.Y. Clarence Thomas from 1986 to 1990. Julie Walker, North Potomac Donald F. Sellitti, Montgomery Village
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The stone wall is cracking over along with a small shovel and pail. The kids play
for a short time until the shovel ends up in the hands
of Mom No. 1’s child, who proceeds to use the shovel
to throw sand in the eyes of the visitor and beat him
over the head. Mom No. 1 blames Mom No. 2 for
The House should strive to construct the most open and accountable impeachment inquiry possible. supplying the shovel.
That’s close to the argument used by Petula
RESIDENT TRUMP’S stone wall on Ukraine investigation can amass abundant evidence of Democrats are right to consider Mr. Trump’s behav- Dvorak in her Oct. 8 Metro column, “Va. voters can
has already begun to crack. On Friday, the Mr. Trump’s abuse of power without his cooperation. ior an offense potentially justifying his removal from help make D.C. safer,” in which she blamed Virginia
ambassador he ordered withdrawn from Still, it would be wise for House Speaker Nancy office. for gun violence in the District. She’s Mom No. 1 in
Kiev in May, Marie Yovanovitch, appeared Pelosi (D-Calif.) to give the president an opportunity If, in spite of a full House vote and procedural this analogy. The real problem — the people commit-
before Congress despite the White House’s unconsti- to climb down from his obstructive position. concessions, Mr. Trump persists in his refusal to ting the violence in the District — is ignored;
tutional attempt to block witnesses and withhold She could do so by offering him terms for an comply with congressional subpoenas for docu- someone else has to be blamed.
documents from an impeachment inquiry. In a impeachment proceeding similar to those adopted ments and seeks to prevent testimony by individu- It’s the violent people, not the hardware.
blistering opening statement, Ms. Yovanovitch said during previous investigations of Presidents Rich- als, the merit of an impeachment charge for obstruc- James Sherry, Winchester, Va.
she had fought “corrupt interests in Ukraine, who ard M. Nixon and Bill Clinton — not because the tion of Congress will be made manifest.
fought back by selling baseless conspiracy theories House must do so but to assure Republicans and the Democrats need not comply with every GOP
to anyone who would listen. Sadly, someone was American public that the process will be transparent demand. Because the Ukraine investigation is being
conducted by the House, rather than by a special
Improving organ donation
listening.” That would be President Trump, who and fair. Ms. Pelosi ought to hold a vote by the full
tried to coerce Ukraine’s new president into investi- House to formally authorize the impeachment in- prosecutor or other outside party, it is reasonable I want Jennifer Erickson, the author of the
gating the concocted charges about Joe Biden and quiry. And the White House should be offered, in that some preliminary interviews and depositions Oct. 7 op-ed “The heartbreak of organ donation,”
the 2016 election. return for its cooperation, privileges that were be carried out in private. Republicans should not be to come spend a day at my organ procurement
More testimony is expected next week from a granted to Mr. Clinton, such as allowing his counsel granted unrestricted subpoena power, since their organizations (OPOs). At New England Donor
former senior National Security Council official and to participate in hearings and rebut charges. past actions show they are liable to abuse it for Services, she could watch the medical screening
from Gordon Sondland, the Trump-appointed am- A letter sent to the House by the White House political purposes. process critical to protecting transplant recipient
bassador to the European Union, whose lawyers said counsel Tuesday falsely claimed that the current Nevertheless, Ms. Pelosi should strive to construct health and safety. Witness how often organs are
he would appear “notwithstanding the State Depart- impeachment inquiry is illegitimate because those the most open and accountable process that is turned down by transplant centers as they assess
ment’s current direction to not testify.” That offers a procedures had not been adopted. Again, nothing in possible in a polarized Congress and with a presi- medical suitability for transplant. Be humbled in
good example for other State Department officials the Constitution requires them. But the more open dent who disregards his oath of office. The Demo- the presence of a family facing an unexpected
enmeshed in the Ukraine affair, including the and balanced the impeachment investigation is, the crats have a mountain of facts on their side. They tragic death who is asked to make a decision to
current charge d’affaires in Kiev, William Taylor. more likely it is that Americans — and perhaps some should do as much as they can to allow the public to donate. Come and observe firsthand these highly
It’s evident, in other words, that the House congressional Republicans — will conclude that perceive them clearly and without distractions. complex medical and raw human interactions,
and then let’s discuss effective strategies for how
OPOs can increase organ donation, as New
England Donor Services has by 52 percent since
Mr. Abiy earned We agree new OPO metrics are essential. They
should be an accurate assessment of OPO perform-
ance as well as a tool to drive improvement so more
THIOPIAN PRIME Minister Abiy Ahmed’s in a hospital and on a ventilator, his or her donated
Nobel Peace Prize is an encouraging remind- organs will be recovered for transplantation.
er that peace and democracy really do go Alexandra K. Glazier, Concord, Mass.
together. It may also be a reminder that will The writer is president and chief executive of
come in handy to Mr. Abiy himself. New England Donor Services.
Mr. Abiy won his award for what the committee
called his “decisive initiative” in building peace in Though Obama and Trump White House
his region. “Decisive” is right. Ethiopia and Eritrea officials may not always agree, Jennifer Erickson
had been paralyzed in a military standoff for raised an important issue of bipartisan concern. A
20 years when the prime minister entered office. It system that leaves up to 28,000 organs from
took less than three months for him to broker a deceased donors on the table each year is one
treaty, and fewer than 100 days to release thousands overdue for reform. Fortunately, change is possible.
of political prisoners, invite back opposition parties To deliver this change, we need bipartisan
that had previously been designated terrorist commitment to see through President Trump’s call
groups and lift his country’s long-standing state of for reform. The monopoly nonprofit contractors
emergency. who run our organ procurement system may have
These changes came in concert. The border seen previous calls for reform come and go, but the
dispute over a dusty town with little in the way of data are clear: Patients deserve better.
natural resources was described when it began as More than 100,000 Americans are waiting for
“two bald men fighting over a comb,” but they lifesaving transplants. Every month, 1,000 people
fought bitterly for decades. Mr. Abiy believed are removed from the waiting list because they
Ethiopia would not be stable unless the region EDUARDO SOTERAS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES have died or become too sick for surgery. No
around it was, too. His commitment to pushing Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at a meeting with African leaders in Addis Ababa on Jan. 17. American should be forced to watch in despair as a
policies that enriched all of his country’s people loved one suffers when solutions are at our
rather than those in the upper echelons of govern- in a nation made up of nine ethnic states that are toward its northern neighbor. fingertips.
ment cracked a once-uncrackable conflict. often at odds. The response from the government Mr. Abiy should hold fast to the reality that Abe Sutton, Cambridge, Mass.
But presiding over a fledgling democracy after has been to revive some of the same liberty- animated him at the outset: A healthy nation is The writer worked on President Trump’s executive
years of repressive rule isn’t easy. The persistent squashing behavior that Mr. Abiy at first made it his essential to a healthy Horn of Africa. Ethiopia has order advancing American kidney health while
threat of punishment for any dissent kept many mission to root out. started a truth and reconciliation process. It should serving in the White House from 2017 to 2019.
tensions at a simmer, and now the pot is boiling The peace with Eritrea isn’t complete, either. The include community leaders from across the country,
over. Ethiopia led the globe last year in internally border has not been demarcated or demilitarized, including the Tigray region, who can articulate
displaced civilians. A coup attempt in Amhara and the people living along it have not been settled.
President Isaias Afwerki might be loath to give up
their concerns — and then the government should
actually address them, whether that means ac-
Approaching drug abuse head-on
resulted in the assassination of the region’s leader.
Some problems could perhaps have been preempt- the despotic practices he has long justified as countability for past abuses or concessions for The Oct. 3 news article “Judge: Philadelphia’s
ed by closer attention in Addis Ababa to local necessary in wartime, and the ruling party in present qualms. Mr. Abiy has earned this award. supervised injection site doesn’t violate federal
grievances, and others might have been inevitable Ethiopia’s Tigray region is particularly ill-disposed Now he has the chance to honor it. law” reported on an important development for
legalizing supervised injection sites. Although the
opioid epidemic is recognized as a public-health
crisis, interventional efforts to lessen the issue
have been limited by the “crack house” statute
EGRET NOTHING.” That was the ad- outcome could go either way until the Mystics, major pro sports drought with its 2018 Stanley Cup monitoring drug use to providing additional
vice Mystics point guard Kristi Toliver propelled by pure will, had a decisive 8-0 run to give win — for hiring good people, letting them do the resources. Moreover, these sites have been shown
gave her teammates before Thursday them a 80-72 lead with less than three minutes to hard work of building a team and, perhaps even to significantly decrease public drug use and the
night’s decisive championship game. play. more importantly, recognizing the responsibility to issues associated with it. The numerous benefits
And, oh boy, did they deliver. After a record-setting There were standout performances from Emma be a good member of the community. This was the that accompany these sites need to be illuminated
regular season, but still smarting from having been Meesseman — 22 points and the finals’ most valu- first year the team played in a new arena in Ward 8, over simply being seen as public places for people
swept in last year’s finals, the Mystics achieved a able player — and Elena Delle Donne, 21 points, an often neglected part of the city, and Mystics to use drugs.
long-sought goal in winning their first Women’s despite playing hurt with three herniated discs. But officials and team members have said they hope I urge other government officials to accept
National Basketball Association championship. the victory, 22 seasons after the franchise was their presence and involvement in the neighbor- U.S. District Judge Gerald A. McHugh’s ruling and
They did so with grit and determination, boosting founded as an expansion team, was truly a team hood will help bring about change. reinterpret the meaning issued by the crack-
the often overlooked community that is the team’s effort, made all the sweeter coming after the years of No question that Thursday’s victory got attention. house statute. By legalizing these sites, it is
home and giving the entire region cause for celebra- disappointment and missed opportunities. Or, as “Congrats to the @WashMystics on a gutsy, first-ever possible to better control the situation from a
tion. Mike Thibault, coach and general manager, de- championship!,” tweeted former president Barack head-on approach while staying within legal
The Mystics clinched the final game of the scribed it, “a pretty desperate time here.” Obama. “A great team performance when it counted. parameters.
best-of-five series over the Connecticut Sun with a Mr. Thibault was hired in December 2012 to turn If folks aren’t careful, this title thing might become a Alannah Trombetta, Pittsburgh
89-78 win at Entertainment and Sports Arena. “A things around, and the team’s success shows what a habit in DC.” With the Washington Nationals ad-
choppy, foul-laden affair” was how The Post’s Ava well-run franchise can deliver. Credit to owner Ted vancing in the playoffs, we — fingers crossed — hope
Wallace described the game, and it seemed the Leonsis — whose Washington Capitals ended a Mr. Obama is on to something. Moral relativism and the NBA
In her Oct. 8 Sports column, “Many firms do same
as NBA, so lay off,” Sally Jenkins showed the depth,
or lack thereof, of her standards of behavior with her
LOCAL OPINIONS ABCDE admonition to the rest of us for being upset with the
National Basketball Association. She said what the
FREDERICK J. RYAN JR., Publisher and Chief Executive Officer NBA is doing with its capitulation to China is okay
Dominion Energy is working for a cleaner environment News pages:
Editorial and opinion pages:
because many U.S. companies are doing it, too.
Executive Editor Editorial Page Editor What? Many U.S. companies supported apartheid in
Since Virginia re-regulated electric utilities in able energy. CAMERON BARR JACKSON DIEHL South Africa, so I guess that was okay. Many
Managing Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor
2007, Dominion Energy has invested tens of billions If the challenge is to build the largest and most EMILIO GARCIA-RUIZ RUTH MARCUS U.S. companies supported Jim Crow laws, so I guess
Managing Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor
of dollars in clean energy. The result: cleaner diverse portfolio of clean energy here in Virginia, TRACY GRANT JO-ANN ARMAO that was okay. Many U.S. companies supported
Managing Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor
round-the-clock power generation, solar power, challenge accepted. Today, offshore wind relies on SCOTT VANCE
segregation in Major League Baseball, so I guess that
offshore wind, energy storage, upgrades to the a European supply chain, and solar relies on a Deputy Managing Editor was okay.
energy grid and the creation of more than supply chain from China. Building the most robust Deputy Managing Editor Does it really depend on whose ox is being gored?
10,000 construction jobs. We all share the goal of clean-energy portfolio among U.S. utilities in Vice Presidents: Dennis Jimmink, York, Pa.
keeping the power on 24/7 while building our state’s Virginia means a stronger economy and a cleaner JAMES W. COLEY JR......................................................................................Production
L. WAYNE CONNELL..........................................................................Human Resources
clean-energy future. We are doing so while keeping environment. KATE M. DAVEY..................................................................................Revenue Strategy
rates well below the national average and while In just the past two months, we announced an ELIZABETH H. DIAZ ................................................. Audience Development & Insights
GREGG J. FERNANDES........................................................Customer Care & Logistics
making record investments in Virginia’s economy industry-leading electric school bus initiative, the STEPHEN P. GIBSON...................................................................Finance & Operations Letters can be sent to letters@washpost.com.
and energy security. largest offshore wind farm in the nation, a sweeping SCOT GILLESPIE .......................................................................................... Engineering Submissions must be exclusive to The Post and should
KRISTINE CORATTI KELLY...................................................Communications & Events
In their Oct. 6 Local Opinions essay, “Va. must grid-modernization program and innovative solar JOHN B. KENNEDY.................................................................General Counsel & Labor include the writer's address and day and evening
MIKI TOLIVER KING........................................................................................Marketing
reform its energy economy,” Virginia Dels. Jer- partnerships with T-Mobile and Dulles Internation- KAT DOWNS MULDER........................................................................Product & Design
telephone numbers. Letters are subject to editing and
rauld C. “Jay” Jones and Lashrecse D. Aird called al Airport. There is much more to come. SHAILESH PRAKASH...............................Digital Product Development & Engineering abridgment. Please do not send letters as attachments.
JOY ROBINS...........................................................................................Client Solutions
on us to do more. We appreciate the sentiment. But William L. Murray, Richmond Because of the volume of material we receive, we are
at Dominion Energy, we never stop working to The writer is senior vice president for corporate The Washington Post
unable to acknowledge submissions; writers whose letters
produce and deliver more reliable, clean, afford- affairs and communications for Dominion Energy. 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000 are under consideration for publication will be contacted.
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Roman Shades
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approx. 4 p.m.
Search warrants link two A judge finds prosecutors Read about the lives of
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
76° street crews to a spate of in the Capital Gazette residents of the D.C. area
Precip: 20% Fairfax County shootings shooting case did not at washingtonpost.com/
56 68 76 69°
° ° ° Wind: SW
4-8 mph that left six injured. B4 violate discovery rules. B6 obituaries.
A ‘terrarium’
angry youths, apparently the vic- big political win, securing support
tim’s friends, running toward the from Comptroller Peter Franchot
exits as Metro police officers (D). Franchot provided the second
rushed the opposite way. Three vote Hogan needed on the state’s
Metro employees gave aid to the three-member Board of Public
Va. House speaker rolls out attack ad Montgomery may add ‘teardown’ fee
cates, and equally strong opposi- Lauded by some as creative
tion from leaders of the home- and criticized by others as misin-
Cox’s move suggests Bill would introduce building industry, who say it will formed, the bill marks the latest
the Republican is fretting charge for newly rebuilt discourage redevelopment and, example of officials trying to
in the long run, hurt the county’s generate new funding to address
over his redrawn district single-family homes finances more than help. the region’s shortage of afford-
“I don’t think it’s fair that able housing. Alexandria raised
[newly built] studio apartments, its meal tax, Arlington raised its
BY LAURA VOZZELLA BY R EBECCA T AN one-bedrooms and townhouses property tax, and the District is
pay impact fees to support our considering raising taxes on
richmond — Republican House Maryland’s largest jurisdiction infrastructure, but newly rebuilt commercial property transac-
Speaker Kirk Cox, running for has an affordable housing short- homes do not,” Glass said in an tions.
reelection in a district radically age — and according to one local interview. “We have to make sure According to COG, Washing-
altered by a court decision, un- official, a segment of the popula- that our system is fairly applied.” ton and its surrounding suburbs
leashed a sharply negative ad this tion has not been contributing its Impact fees on teardowns are need to add 320,000 housing
week that his opponent says fair share to address it. rare. A spokesman for the Metro- units between 2020 and 2030, at
twists her stance on police in Montgomery County Council politan Washington Council of least 75 percent of which should
schools. member Evan Glass (D-At Large) Governments said experts with be affordable. A separate report
The ad quotes a snippet from a will introduce legislation Tues- the organization were not aware from the Urban Institute found
two-year-old radio interview to day that aims to charge an im- of any other jurisdiction in the that Montgomery, which is grap-
suggest that Democrat Sheila By- STEVE HELBER/ASSOCIATED PRESS pact fee on all newly rebuilt Washington area that has them. pling simultaneously with the
num-Coleman wants police re- Virginia House hopeful Sheila Bynum-Coleman, right, attends a single-family homes — also And a proposal for a similar problem of school overcrowding,
moved from schools. gathering in Chesterfield as she runs to unseat Speaker Kirk Cox. known as “teardowns.” “demolition tax” in Portland was has to add 23,100 low-cost hous-
Bynum-Coleman, the daughter Glass estimates those fees — shot down by local officials in ing units, the highest of any
of a former Richmond police offi- tion year, with all 140 House and ban-rural mix just south of Rich- which already exist for all newly 2016, the Oregonian reported. jurisdiction.
cer, was clear in the interview that Senate seats on the ballot and mond, became significantly less constructed homes and apart- Under Glass’s proposal, Mont- Glass said he sees the bill as
she wants police at schools to Republicans defending razor- white and less Republican. ments — will generate $10 mil- gomery would charge any home simply “closing a loophole.”
ensure safety but doesn’t think thin majorities in both chambers. “The court-ordered redesign of lion a year, $4.3 million of which that undergoes full or partial Montgomery started collecting
they should handle minor disci- Cox is running for a seat he has the district has created a greater he wants to funnel toward afford- demolition $9 per square foot for impact fees on new construction
plinary matters. held for a generation but he’s in threat to his reelection than he’s able housing. The other $5.7 mil- any additional floor area created in 1986, but about two-thirds of
The ad represents a departure unfamiliar territory: As a remedy faced in many years,” said Ste- lion would go toward school by the project. The rebuilt home the 390,000 housing units in the
from Cox’s mostly upbeat messag- to racial gerrymandering, a feder- phen J. Farnsworth, a University construction. would also be charged school county were built before that
ing, suggesting that the speaker is al court ordered more than two of Mary Washington political sci- The Housing Impact Fairness impact taxes, which are currently time and have not contributed to
feeling pressure from his under- dozen House districts redrawn. entist. “And this is how many Act has drawn strong support only assessed for new construc- its impact fund.
dog challenger in a pivotal elec- The speaker’s district, a subur- SEE COX ON B6 from affordable housing advo- tion. SEE HOUSING ON B4
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GOP operatives hope famously secluded Amish can help Trump win Pennsylvania
BY J ULIE Z AUZMER grandparents had Amish friends At Root’s Country Market, a
in Indiana, he says, who used to jumble of rural Pennsylvania
manheim, pa. — In 2016, when invite him for meals. cultures collide every Tuesday.
more than 6 million That was enough to spark his In the market’s sprawling
Pennsylvanians voted in the curiosity about the sect’s voting buildings and rows of outdoor
presidential election, the state’s behavior. After working on a PAC stands, auctioneers will sell
20 pivotal electoral votes were supporting Ben Carson’s 2016 anything, even a few boxes of
decided by a margin of less than run for president, Walters Kraft macaroni and cheese, to
45,000 voters. teamed up with barn-building the highest bidder. Merchants
Pennsylvania is home to more company owner Ben King — who who may be Amish, Mennonite
than 75,000 Amish people, and grew up Amish and left the faith or “English” peddle dairy
most who are eligible don’t vote. — to make the Amish and their products, jambalaya, wine, hemp
For two Republican local religious cousins, the oil, five different editions of
operatives, those two numbers conservative Mennonite “Anne of Green Gables,” reams of
add up to one major opportunity denominations, their new VHS and cassette tapes and
— to convince the traditionally political project. paperback romance novels, and
reluctant Amish to come out to At Elizabethtown College in a reduced-price TV set up to play
the polls, where their votes Lancaster County, Kyle Kopko old episodes of “Bewitched.”
might be tremendously and Steven Nolt — two of the Others sell Trump hats, Trump
influential. The operatives’ foremost experts on the Amish — flags and Trump bobbleheads,
project, which started in 2016 are studying the results of the and Confederate flag belt
with billboards and newspaper PAC’s efforts. Nolt said he is buckles, wallets and bandannas.
ads urging Amish people to vote skeptical the PAC can make But Trump doesn’t appear to
for Donald Trump, goes by the much of a dent. “There’s not a have gained a lot of traction in
name Amish PAC. prohibition, [but] there would be the community. Omar Stolzfus,
Amish PAC aims to garner a fairly strong, strong religious running a pit beef stand at the
more votes for President Trump and cultural bias against bustling market, said he skipped
in 2020 in a state both the [voting].” the polls in 2016 because he was
president and the Democrats are Focusing on Lancaster County dissatisfied with both
desperate to win. Amish people — where more than 10 percent of MICHAEL S. WILLIAMSON/THE WASHINGTON POST candidates. He last voted in
tend to align strongly on policy America’s 300,000-plus Amish An Amish buggy on the road near Shanksville, Pa. The Amish PAC, created by two Republican 2004. George W. Bush was the
with Republicans, who share live — the two researchers found operatives, is reaching out to the famously reclusive religious group, which tends to eschew voting. last candidate who had
their opposition to abortion and that 1,019 Amish people cast “Christian values that I shared,”
same-sex marriage. But making votes in the county in 2016, out Mennonites are much more of Christian values, his them. he said.
voters out of the Amish, who of 15,055 eligible voters. That is likely to get news about politics identification with rural America So on Election Day in 2016, Men like Stolzfus, who own
forgo technology like television not a lot, although in the late from TV, radio and the Internet, and his opposition to abortion Amish PAC mobilized voters to businesses that bring them in
and the Internet and who believe 1990s, fewer than 450 of the all technologies that the Amish and same-sex marriage all knock on the door of every contact with non-Amish
fiercely in the separation of their Amish were even registered to don’t use. Some Mennonites are appealed to the Amish. Amish family they knew of in neighbors often, are more likely
religious community from vote. very politically involved (one In 2004, 1,342 Amish people Lancaster County, offering rides to have political opinions than
government intrusion, may be a The Amish have been in the pastor’s wife even ran for in Lancaster County alone came to the polls. farmers who interact almost
steep goal. United States for hundreds of Congress last year, as a out to vote for him. They hit their jackpot at an entirely with fellow Amish
On a farm where eight Amish years but speak a German dialect Democrat). Others, like Lehman, Trump is nowhere near as Amish wedding — all Amish people. And men are much more
children in their traditional to this day, and refer to outsiders belong to more traditional popular among the Amish. So weddings take place on likely to vote than Amish
clothing were playing baseball, a as “English.” They still dress orders that emphasize the fact that Amish voting even weekdays in late fall, when the women: 77 percent of Amish who
young woman said sternly of much as they did when they communal values, old-fashioned approached that peak in 2016 harvest schedule allows enough registered in 2016 were male,
those who would ask the Amish arrived in this country. They dress and disengagement from indicates Amish PAC’s efforts time for it — where they drove Kopko and Nolt found.
to vote: “We don’t really avoid government intrusion in the earthly realm. might be working to some numerous guests to go vote. Ike Lapp is the rare Amish
appreciate that.” many forms — by withdrawing Amish PAC hopes to reach degree, Kopko and Nolt said. Walters says he is confident man with plenty of political
As she skillfully snapped lima their children from school and those conservative Mennonite The PAC, which spent nearly that if the Amish do vote, they opinions. His neighbor Bob, who
bean pods off the bushes at her putting them to work in family voters as well. $140,000 in 2016 and has raised will vote for Trump. “They can is not Amish, frequently drives
farm, another woman said about businesses after eighth grade; by Yvonne Beiler, a Mennonite $32,000 so far for 2020, relate to a businessman who him from place to place. And
voting: “My husband never did; I seeking waivers, unusual among farm owner, said she had heard according to campaign finance runs a family business with his Bob watches Fox News, and fills
never did.” almost any other American about the voter-registration records, mostly focuses on kids. I think they appreciate the Lapp in on what is happening.
The same answer at market group, to be exempt from push, and she wasn’t interested. advertising in heavily Amish fact that he abstains from Lapp says of Trump: “I think
stall after market stall, where participation in Social Security. “We don’t vote, and we just try to areas of Pennsylvania and Ohio. alcohol and drugs,” he said. he does more of what he says
Amish farmers sell their wares: Voting makes many pray for our leaders,” she said as In 2016, their “VOTE TRUMP” His fundraising messages, than a lot of the presidents ever
Never voted. Never wanted to apprehensive, just as it does in her cows mooed loudly and one billboards showed a picture of which drum up donations from did. If he says it, he means it. . . .
vote. some traditional Mennonite of her six children called out to an Amish buggy with the words, Republicans across the country He’s pretty rash, but I think
But Ben Walters, who co- communities in the region. her as he tinkered with a “Hard Working, Pro-Life, Family willing to invest in the Amish that’s what we need as a leader.”
founded Amish PAC, says the “Well, we don’t. It’s just wrench. (Young enough to still Dedicated . . . Just Like YOU.” vote, mock Democrats and use Lapp is against impeachment.
tide is turning. He says he heard something we don’t do. It’s just have training wheels on his bike, The group is already paying favorite Fox News catchphrases. (“I just think it’s another way for
from more Amish people willing something that isn’t practiced the boy is already able to adjust for newspaper advertisements to When he talks to Amish would- the people that don’t like him to
to vote in 2018 than in 2016; in among our people — they feel the wheels himself.) encourage prospective 2020 be voters, he takes a different get something against him.”)
2020, he thinks, the numbers like we as Christians are looking But George W. Bush, who was voters to register now, and will tone. “The Amish care about Though he only gets the local
will be even higher. “Their votes forward to going to heaven president from 2001 to 2009, put the billboards back up in religious liberty, business Lancaster newspaper and never
would be so important, and someday, and we don’t vote,” changed that perception for 2020. regulation, abortion and judges. watches TV or hears the radio,
there’s a lot of them,” he said. Janice Lehman said as she some in Lancaster County. As a rule, Amish church Those are four things that the he’s concerned about fake news.
Walters lives in the worked at a produce stall in a Bush and his father, George members don’t have driver’s Amish overwhelmingly support (“Sad to say, the media just
Washington area and is not Lancaster County farm market. H.W. Bush, were the only two licenses. But in addition to President Trump over whoever wants you to hear the bad side of
Amish, though he was familiar Lehman is a member of one of sitting presidents who came to getting around by the trademark the Democratic candidate is. We everybody. There has to be a
with the sect — a Christian Lancaster County’s many speak to Amish people, Nolt says. gray buggies that Lancaster’s talk a lot more about issues than good side.”)
community that settled in Mennonite sects, a Christian The younger Bush already had roads are famous for — and by we do about candidates,” he said. He’s thinking of registering to
Pennsylvania in the 18th century tradition that shares roots with goodwill built up by his father in the two-wheeled, no-pedal, Kopko and Nolt found that 90 vote for the first time. In 2020,
and has protected its farming- the Amish but varies more the community, and he bicycle-like scooter that the percent of Amish who do register he might cast the first ballot of
based, technology-minimizing widely in level of integration campaigned hard in Amish prefer — many are willing do so as Republicans. Less than 1 his life, for Trump.
way of life ever since. His with the outside world. Pennsylvania. His frequent talk to ride in cars, just not drive percent register as Democrats. julie.zauzmer@washpost.com
another backup. state] began looking at doing I-270 hope would be that phasing will
The potential impacts of Mary- first,” said Chris Conklin, deputy change somehow.”
land’s change are already compli- director of Montgomery’s trans- Bob Buchanan, a commercial
cating congestion relief efforts in portation department. “But we real estate developer and president
MARYLAND said Raven Hill, a spokeswom- records do not indicate that and families will experience a
an for Prince George’s County Barber has an attorney yet. wide range of emotions,” Mahon-
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Sunday Worship:
Diocese of Richmond
* Weekly Services * Special Events METAPHYSICAL 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. 5:15 ඉආ 9igil) Mass Great Upper Church
* Guest Speakers & Lectures DIVINE SCIENCE CHURCH
nationalpres.org 13 October 2019
* Bible Study 2025 35th St. NW, Washington, DC 20007
202/333-7630 or Dial for Meditation 202/338-1240
Twenty-Eighth Sunday
Sunday, October 13 - 11:00 am divinescience.org
* Volunteer Openings THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN in Ordinary Time
Rev. Wayne M. Gatewood, Jr.
*Church and Pastor Anniversaries Metaphysical Book Store, Tues.-Thur., 10 am-3 pm Masses 7:30 ൺආ9 ൺආൺආ
* Retreats * Concerts 12 ඇඈඈඇ(Choir)
* Employment Listings & More ඉආ Spanish) & 4:30 ඉආ
Confessions 10 ൺආඇඈඈඇ2:30-1:30
_____________ඉආ (Spanish) & 2-4 ඉආ
To advertise, call Melissa Abell Daily Masses 7 ൺආ, 7:30 ൺආ8 ൺආ8:30 ൺආ12:10 ඉආ & 5:15 ඉආ
Daily Confessions 7:45 - 8:15 ൺආ, 10 ൺආඇඈඈඇ3:30 - 6 ඉආ
202-334-7024 / email: 400 Michigan Avenue Northeast, Washington, District of Columbia
202-526-8300 www.nationalshrine.com Brookland-CUA Metro
ReligionAdvertising@washpost.com Free Parking Bookstore Gift Shop Cafeteria Guided Tours
VIRGINIA Fairfax County police Lt. Stephen The next day, two masked gun-
R. Wallace declined to discuss men leaped from a black car and
Accused leaker pleads not guilty, released on bond Results from Oct. 11 VIRGINIA
Day/Pick-3: 3-3-2
DISTRICT Pick-4: 0-8-8-5
BY R ACHEL W EINER Mid-Day Lucky Numbers: 0-1-2 Cash-5 (Fri.): 4-14-23-27-30
Mid-Day DC-4: 2-9-6-1 Night/Pick-3 (Thu.): 4-0-2
A Defense Intelligence Agency Mid-Day DC-5: 1-2-1-6-8 Pick-3 (Fri.): 5-0-1
employee accused of sharing Lucky Numbers (Thu.): 8-3-2 Pick-4 (Thu.): 7-0-8-6
classified information with two Lucky Numbers (Fri.): 2-5-3 Pick-4 (Fri.): 1-9-6-7
reporters was released on bond DC-4 (Thu.): 7-9-7-5 Cash-5 (Thu.): 8-9-22-26-27
in Alexandria federal court Fri- DC-4 (Fri.): 7-0-6-6 Cash-5 (Fri.): 10-14-21-23-24
day. DC-5 (Thu.): 7-1-9-0-2
Henry K. Frese, who had a DC-5 (Fri.): 1-8-9-1-2 MULTI-STATE GAMES
high-level security clearance, Mega Millions: 14-22-30-37-60 **8
pleaded not guilty to two counts MARYLAND Megaplier: 3x
of willful transmission of nation- Day/Pick 3: 0-9-5 Cash 4 Life: 17-33-37-51-56 ¶1
al defense information. A status Pick 4: 0-4-3-9 Lucky for Life: 27-30-31-34-45 ‡16
hearing in his case is set for Night/Pick 3 (Thu.): 9-4-0
Nov. 2. Pick 3 (Fri.): 3-5-5 *Bonus Ball **Mega Ball
“The overwhelming majority Pick 4 (Thu.): 8-4-3-5 ¶ Cash Ball ‡Lucky Ball
of discovery in this case is classi- Pick 4 (Fri.): 2-1-2-0
fied,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Multi-Match (Thu.): 2-4-6-17-40-42 For late drawings and other results, check
Danya Atiyeh told U.S. District Match 5 (Thu.): 19-23-30-32-39 *2 washingtonpost.com/local/lottery
Judge Leonie M. Brinkema. Match 5 (Fri.): 2-14-25-26-37 *6
Frese was arrested Wednes- 5 Card Cash: 2S-KS-4H-JH-AC
day morning as he arrived for
work at DIA offices in Reston,
Va., the FBI said. Prosecutors LOC AL D I GE S T
said the information disclosed BILL O’LEARY/THE WASHINGTON POST
“could reasonably be expected to Assistant U.S. Attorney Danya Atiyeh and U.S. Attorney G. Zachary Terwilliger speak to reporters at a
cause exceptionally grave harm news conference after the arrest of counterterrorism analyst Henry K. Frese on Wednesday. THE DISTRICT Prince William police said a
to the national security,” but they 16-year-old girl was behind
did not allege any actual harm. ecute the two reporters. access to five classified intelli- They obtained a wiretap for Sheriff Road shooting the wheel of the car, a 2010
The indictment does not Frese’s attorneys declined to gence reports referenced in the Frese’s phone, a step rarely taken victim dies, police say Hyundai Sonata, traveling
name the reporters with whom comment Friday. His lead attor- articles, even though the files in leak investigations, and sub- west on Graham Park Road
Frese is alleged to have shared ney, Sean Buckley, has pros- were outside his job duties as a poenaed Twitter records, court Police said a 24-year-old man when she hit the woman
classified information, but the ecuted terrorism cases in the counterterrorism analyst, ac- papers say. who was shot in the head crossing the street. Vesovic
circumstances described in Southern District of New York. cording to prosecutors. Authorities alleged that one Tuesday night in a troubled part was pronounced dead at a
court papers appear to match According to court records, According to the court docu- journalist, who has been identi- of Northeast Washington died of hospital, police said.
Amanda Macias of CNBC and the DIA began investigating af- ments, FBI agents concluded fied as Macias, asked Frese if he his injuries Thursday. — Luz Lazo
Courtney Kube of MSNBC. A ter the publication in spring after searches of public records would help a second reporter. He Kevin Better of Southeast
person familiar with the case 2018 of eight stories regarding and social media that Frese and agreed, and in a call last month Washington was critically MARYLAND
confirmed that they are the jour- foreign countries’ weapons sys- one of the reporters, whom the allegedly shared classified infor- wounded on a stretch of Sheriff
nalists linked to the case. tems. During that period, arti- person familiar with the case mation with a reporter who has Road in Deanwood that has Driver killed in
Frese is barred from contact- cles about Chinese and Russian identified as Macias, lived to- been identified as Kube. long been a trouble spot for hit-and-run collision
ing any potential witnesses or weapon defense systems were gether from August 2017 to Au- The journalists and their or- police and residents.
co-defendants in the case. The published under Macias’s byline. gust 2018 and were in a romantic ganizations have not publicly A D.C. police report said the A Maryland driver was killed
government has declined to say Frese was found to have used relationship for at least some of commented on the case. victim was found in front of a Thursday night in a hit-and-run
whether they intend to pros- his security clearance to gain that period. rachel.weiner@washpost.com barbershop called Nooks at collision in Prince George’s
about 8 p.m. Tuesday and was County, Maryland State Police
rushed to a hospital. He died said.
Thursday, police said. The incident occurred around
Teen riding Metro is stabbed as o∞cials grapple with wave of deadly violence THE DISTRICT
Would-be robber
STABBING FROM B1 ton, 27, of Alexandria, who is
charged in a warrant with first-de-
grabs phone, puts
shut the Capitol South station for
hours on Friday, forcing Orange,
gree murder.
Miler lived with his grandmoth-
it back, police say
Blue and Silver line trains to by- er and Newsham said someone in
pass the stop and commuters to the house let the shooter inside BY M ARTIN W EIL
use Eastern Market or Federal before an apparent robbery at-
Center SW as alternate stations. tempt. “We assume there was It was Thursday evening, in a
The station reopened shortly be- some relation between that sus- neighborhood east of Capitol Hill
fore 6 p.m. pect and somebody inside the and near the Stadium-Armory
Authorities did not immedi- house,” Newsham said Friday, Metro station, when a would-be
ately know what schools the adding that there are “two young robber stuck his hand in his in-
youths attended, though school people who have no business be- tended victim’s pocket, according
was not in session in the District ing dead right now.” to a D.C. police account, and
on Friday. Newsham said investi- On Thursday afternoon, a pulled something out.
gators are combing through Met- groundskeeper who had recently As with many robberies, the
ro surveillance video. “We should started working for the D.C. Hous- item grabbed in the 6:35 p.m.
have a real clear picture of what ing Authority was fatally shot after incident in the 1800 block of
happened,” the chief said. police said he was robbed while A Street SE was a phone, accord-
Newsham described himself as eating lunch in his vehicle outside ing to police. But what happened
frustrated by the recent violence, the Potomac Gardens apartment next was not so common.
which claimed yet another life Fri- complex near Capitol Hill. “For reasons unknown,” the po-
day afternoon when Jonathan Police said Marcus Williams, lice account said, “the suspect did
Jones, 30, of Cheltenham, Md., 36, tried to escape the robbery not want that type of phone and
died of his injuries after a shooting attempt by running from the car returned it.” The type of phone
in Anacostia. That pushed the Dis- but was shot in the chest in a could not be learned.
trict’s homicide count to 135, a parking lot. No arrest had been Meanwhile, at about the same
7 percent increase over 2018. There SUSAN WALSH/ASSOCIATED PRESS made as of Friday evening. New- time and place, police said, a dif-
have been nine children between Police gather near the Capitol South Metro station, which was shut down for hours Friday after a 15- sham said Williams was working ferent robber demanded a phone
the ages of 11 and 17 killed in the year-old boy was stabbed. at Potomac Gardens the day he from a different victim. When the
District this year. was killed. demand was refused, the robber
Residents in several areas of the officials said they would duplicate from police commanders and data The latest spate of violence be- In a statement, the Housing Au- reached into that victim’s pocket
city have been shaken by bursts of the Summer Crime Prevention from ShotSpotter, devices that gan Wednesday afternoon when thority said Williams had worked and took a phone, police said.
gunfire in recent days. Early Fri- Initiative through mid-December. alert to gunshots being fired. 15-year-old Thomas Johnson was for a private contractor that man- According to police, both sus-
day, two 19-year-old Howard Uni- The city will add extra police D.C. police have for the past fatally shot in what police de- aged Potomac Gardens but had pects — the robber who took a
versity students and a younger officers and step up other services, decade focused on at least five scribed as a targeted attack in a recently been absorbed into the phone, and the would-be robber
teen were wounded just off cam- such as substance abuse and jobs geographic areas for the annual community near Nationals Park. department’s property manage- who returned one — ran toward
pus in what appeared to be a drive- programs, in six areas of the city Summer Crime Prevention Initia- Later that night, Devon Miler, ment division. He officially started the nearby Metro station.
by shooting. where crime is most acute, includ- tive. This year, Newsham said ho- 24, who has special needs, and his working under the Housing Au- D.C. police said an arrest was
Last week, the Bowser adminis- ing Shaw, Columbia Heights, micides dropped 44 percent in caregiver, Lekelefac Fonge, 27, thority on Oct. 1. made in the robbery and that they
tration authorized increased over- Greenway and Congress Heights. targeted communities, along with were fatally shot inside Miler’s peter.hermann@washpost.com are looking for the suspect in the
time to police and detectives to The areas are chosen based on significant reductions in shoot- home in Kingman Park. Police paul.duggan@washpost.com attempted robbery.
target violent crime. On Friday, crime statistics, but also on input ings and other types of crime. said they are seeking Davon Pey- justin.moyer@washpost.com martin.weil@washpost.com
Prosecutor in newspaper shooting case will stay PERRY DOROTHY JOHNSON "Wanda"
Dorothy "Wanda" Johnson, age 90, of Alexan-
BY L YNH B UI torney Anne Colt Leitess to recuse MARIE E. PERRY dria, VA, passed away peacefully on October
herself from the case, saying pros- October 11, 1941 - January 29, 2015 8, 2019, surrounded by her loving family.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Beloved wife of the late Thomas Y. Johnson,
Attorneys prosecuting accused ecutors did not share certain ma- On your special day we continue to celebrate Sr. Loving mother of Thomas Y. "Jay" Johnson,
Capital Gazette newsroom shooter terials detailing law enforcement’s you. With every passing day you remain on our Jr. Cherished grandmother of Cyler Jordan
minds and in our hearts. Johnson. Dear sister of the late Robert Franklin
Jarrod Ramos will not be sanc- investigation of Ramos’s interac- You are forever missed and loved Johnson, Jr. Adored aunt of Marsha Johnson,
tioned after an Anne Arundel tions with the newspaper and local Your Children and Grandchildren Anita Evans Wildman, John Johnson, Martin
Johnson, and Ronald "Ronnie" Butler. She was
County Circuit Court judge reject- attorneys years before the shoot- predeceased by her nieces and nephews;
Sharon Johnson McGrew, Matthew "Butch"
ed defense claims that the state ing. Johnson, Aubrey "Skip" Evans, and Gerald
failed to turn over possible evi- Leitess said her office has "Jerry" Evans. Dorothy was the daughter of
dence in the case. turned over all material that it had, DEATH NOTICE the late Robert Franklin and Gladys (Carter)
Johnson. Dorothy retired from the Alexandria
The defense had asked the judge as well as material from the police Circuit Court as a legal clerk. She was a
to sanction and possibly force department, and has gone “above BEARD longtime member of the Commonwealth Bap-
tist Church, and the Franconia Moose. Wanda
Anne Arundel County State’s At- and beyond” in providing defense enjoyed watching college sports and the NFL.
ROLAND KENNETH BEARD, JR. She graduated from George Washington High
"Rolie" (Age 95) School, class of '47; and was a member of
Roland Kenneth Beard Jr., formerly of Tall the Alumni Association. The family will receive
Timbers, MD, passed away peacefully at friends at the Cunningham Turch Funeral
his Catonsville, MD residence on Tuesday, Home, 811 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA
October 8, 2019. Roland is survived by his 22314 on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from
four children, Roland K. Beard III (Faylene), 2 until 4 p.m. and 6 until 8 p.m. A Celebration
BRIAN WITTE/ASSOCIATED PRESS of her Life will take place on Thursday, October
Jeffrey L. Beard (June), Leslie C. Roper
17, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. at the funeral home.
Anne Arundel County State’s Attorney Anne Colt Leitess talks to (Jim) and Jon P. Beard. He is also survived
Keep The Heat! Being Cold Gets Old! reporters after a hearing for Jarrod Ramos in Annapolis.
by four grandchildren, Raphaelle Rodzik
(Jason), Valerie Beard, Megan Roper and
Interment will follow at Ivy Hill Cemetery;
where she will be laid to rest with her late
husband Thomas, Sr.
Christian Roper.
plea in the harassment of his be asked of potential jurors during
former high school classmate. the three-day selection process set
The materials that the defense to start Oct. 30.
team said prosecutors failed to The judge said Friday that 322
a $300 value turn over include information potential jurors have filled out
from a 2013 investigation of com- questionnaires as part of a prelimi-
12-point Home Energy plaints that Ramos had threatened nary screening process to stream-
Loss Analysis newspaper staff and others in- line jury selection. Potential jurors
volved in his losing defamation were required to come to the
case he filed against the newspa- courthouse in late September to
202-996-3586 DC per after the column about his fill out the questionnaire.
harassment case was published. Jurors will be questioned as a Because your loved one served proudly...
301-264-8482 MD “The state has failed to meet or group during jury selection at the
exercise due diligence,” said Katy end of the month, and depending Military emblems are available with death notices and in-memoriams
703-594-7808 VA O’Donnell, one of Ramos’s three on how they respond to individual
public defenders. questions, they will be interviewed To place a notice call 202-334-4122 or 800-627-1150, ext. 44122
***Attics Only - We Do Not Do Crawl Spaces*** Leitess countered that materi- individually by the judge and at-
C0979 2x3
VA #2705029456A | MHIC #46744 | DC #67000878 | NC #77474 als sought by the defense either torneys from both sides.
didn’t exist in law enforcement lynh.bui@washpost.com
UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws
price issues. From 1973 to 1976, Mr. Odle Officers and members of Felix
served as Deputy Assistant Secretary and Lodge No. 3, F.& A.M. (PHA) are
Acting Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Depart- notified of the death of Bro. Robert
ment of Housing and Urban Development. A. Neblett, Sr. a faithful member
While at HUD, his primary responsibilities of the Craft for 50 years Service
involved the financial and operational man- will be Tuesday, October 15 at
agement of single and multifamily housing the Spirit of Faith Christian Center,
programs, and the administration of the 2261 Oxon Run Drive, Temple Hills, MD, View-
nation's public housing program. ing: 10 a.m.; Masonic Service: 10:30 a.m.;
Funeral: 11 a.m. The Craft will assemble at 10
Prior to his service at HUD, Mr. Odle was a.m. to perform Last Sad Rites. Interment will
a Staff Assistant to President Nixon, at the be held immediately following funeral service
White House, where he worked for the Direc- at Cedar Hill Cemetery, 4111 Pennsylvania
tor of Communications, Herb Klein. Later Ave., Suitland, MD 20746.
he acted as a Presidential Campaign Aide. Aaron L Williams, Sr., W.M.
After he retired, Mr. Odle served pro bono Timothy McRae, P.M., Secy.
as general counsel on the Richard Nixon
Foundation Board of Directors.
Mr. Odle was a 50-year member of the
The Honorable Michigan Bar Association, District of Colum-
bia Bar Association and was admitted to
Dearest Deborah/Mom,
Passed peacefully on October 4, 2019 at her
Of Littleton, CO, passed away on Sunday, Octo-
ROBERT C. ODLE, JR. practice before the Supreme Court of the home on the Chesapeake Bay with her family ber 6, 2019. He was born September 13, 1946
February 15, 1944 - October 2, 2019 United States. He was a member of the It has been a long, hard year without you. by her side. Ruth was born in Baltimore, in Hershey, Pennsylvania to parents Henry O.
Board of Directors of the Reagan Alumni You touched so many people during your Maryland to Ruth and Norman Jensen. She is Speicher and Geraldine S. Speicher.
Robert C. Odle Jr. died at his home in Alexan- Association, the Federalist Society, the life and certainly saddened so many with survived by her husband, Johnny Holesapple;
dria, Virginia, on October 2, 2019, after being Republican National Lawyers Association, your premature death. You are always in our sibling, Norman Jensen; her daughter, Karen Carl grew up traveling with his Air Force family
ill for several months. Mr. Odle retired as a the President’s Cabinet of the Richard Nixon thoughts and will be loved eternally by all. Brown and husband, Terry; her sons, Norman before attending Penn State University. He
partner of the law firm of Weil, Gotshal & Foundation, the University Club of Washing- Marx and wife, Michelle, Jerry Marx. Preceded graduated from Penn State University with a
Manges LLP on February 23, 2015, after 30 ton, the John Carroll Society, the Basilica of Love, in death by son, James Marx (Dawn). A cele- bachelors degree in Political Science in 1968.
years of service. Saint Mary in Alexandria, Virginia, the Review Ernie, Abbey, and Amanda Piro bration of life gathering will be held October He was recruited from college to work at the
Board of the Diocese of Arlington, and the 20 at the Holland Point Civic Center for Ruth National Security Agency where he worked for
Mr. Odle represented clients on a wide range Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Mr. Odle Ellen Marx and James Mathew Marx from 1 33 years before retiring in 2002.
of matters before the U.S. Congress and was particularly honored to mentor and help p.m. until 5 p.m. In lieu of flowers please send
agencies, departments, boards, and commis- numerous young people and especially those donations to Save the Bay Foundation. Carl was an avid reader, loved Blue Grass
sions of the government of the United States. in need. music, built his own kayak and was always
In addition to his work on major policy issues,
including corporate governance, energy, the Mr. Odle served pro bono as general counsel DEATH NOTICE working in his wood shop while living in
Columbia Maryland during his career. Carl
environment and housing, he served pro to several foundations operating in Central moved to Colorado in 2012 for family support
bono as counsel to charitable foundations in and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet and help with the onset of dementia. He
Central and Eastern Europe and the former
Soviet Union. Nominated as Assistant Sec-
Union, in addition to the Richard Nixon
Library and Foundation.
CARTER lived independently but eventually required
retary of Energy by President Reagan, and
confirmed by the Senate in 1981, Mr. Odle
SALLAY additional assistance. He moved into Highline
Place, a memory care facility, where he was
Mr. Odle graduated from Wayne State Univer- GREGORY MICHAEL ROMANIAS known as a helper, a confidant and was always
was responsible for the Department of Ener- sity in 1966 with a B.A. in political science. Gregory Michael Romanias, age 72, of Bristow, up for a cup of coffee and a chat.
gy’s legislative, public, intergovernmental, He also received a J.D. from the Michigan VA, passed away on October 7, 2019. Greg
consumer affairs programs, DOE’s Office of State University (formerly called the Detroit was the beloved husband of Elaine, devoted Carl is preceded in death by his parents and
Competition, and the environmental, health, College of Law) in 1969. In 1992, when he father of Ashley and Kristin, and brother to his brother Henry B. (Barry) Speicher. He is
and safety compliance of DOE facilities, gave the commencement address, Mr. Odle Christine Bury. Visitation, Monday, October 14, survived by his son Alex and daughter-in-law
including all DOE nuclear installations. He also received an honorary Doctor of Law 2019, 5 to 8 p.m. at Fairfax Memorial Funeral Karin.
also served as the principal adviser to the degree. Home, 9902 Braddock Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032.
Secretary in the formulation and review of Service, Tuesday, October 15, 2019, 11 a.m., St. A Memorial Gathering will be held on Tuesday
national energy policy. Mr. Odle was also Mr. Odle, a long-time resident of Old Town Katherine Greek Orthodox Church, 3149 Glen October 15, 2019 at 2 p.m. at Highline Place,
appointed by President Reagan to the Task Alexandria, is survived by his wife of fifty Carlyn Rd., Falls Church, VA 22041. 6767 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO. In lieu of
for Legal Equality of Women in 1981. years, Lydia, and their son, John Paul Odle. fairfaxmemorialfuneralhome.com flowers Carl has requested donations to the
A Mass of Christian Burial will take place on Vietnam Veterans of America, 8719 Colesville
Prior to his DOE appointment, Mr. Odle was Saturday, October 19, 2019, at noon at the Rd., Suite 100, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Washington Representative for International Basilica of Saint Mary, 310 South Royal Street,
Paper Company. Joining International Paper Alexandria, VA. The burial will be in Port
in 1976, he specialized in liaison with federal
agencies and departments, and represented
Huron, Michigan, Mr. Odle’s ancestral home.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations in
the company before Congress on energy, Mr. Odle’s name to The Little Sisters of the JAMES PATRICK ROTCHFORD, MD
environmental, regulatory, tax, and wage- Poor, 4200 Harwood Road, NE, Washington, Born January 1, 1928 in Spokane, Washington, JOYCE INMAN CARTER
DC 20017 (Tax ID #53-0227542) son of Dr. Robert Lee and Gertrude Montague 10/17/1934 ~ 10/05/2019
Rotchford. Joyce Inman Carter of Reston, VA was born
in Alexandria, VA on October 17, 1934 RAYMOND E. SALLAY, JR. "Joe"
Dr. Rotchford passed peacefully at INOVA Fair- and passed away on Saturday, October 5, A resident of Washington, DC, passed away
fax Hospital on October 9, 2019. 2019 at 85 years old. Joyce and Ernest peacefully at age 79 on Monday, October 7,
M. Carter, her surviving husband, were 2019. He is survived by loving wife, Ruth Nelson
He is preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, about to celebrate 68 years of marriage Sallay; devoted sons, Roderick Sallay (Terri) and
Mary Cooney Rotchford, and his four siblings. on December 23, 2019. Joyce was devoted Raymond Cedric Sallay (Carmen); grandchil-
PIERCE He is survived by their children; Michael Joseph
to her husband and his Northern Virginia
banking career. A dedicated homemaker
dren, Jamal Sallay, Kareem Sallay, Jacksyn-
Symone Sallay and Aleksandr Sallay; a host of
Rotchford, Ellen Joy Rotchford, Brian James raising five beautiful children. They both other relatives; and many friends.
The sense of adventure was alive and well Rotchford, Mary Anne Rotchford Doland, eight loved boating and gave their yacht the The family will receive visitors on Monday,
in both Nan and Woody: just two months grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. family nickname, “The Seven C’s.” Joyce October 14, 2019 at Vermont Avenue Baptist
after the wedding, she and Sherwood were was talented in many areas to include Church, 1630 Vermont Ave. NW, Washington,
off to Karachi, Pakistan for four years, where Dr. Rotchford attended Gonzaga High School designing the family estate home in Every- DC, 20009, for a viewing from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.,
he had been sent by American Express to in Spokane Washington, University of Notre may-Mclean, Virginia where they lived for followed by a funeral service at 11 a.m.
manage the first American commercial bank- Dame in South Bend, IN, and Georgetown many years. Survivors include sons: Ryan
ing systems throughout the country. They Medical School in Washington, DC., where he Inman Carter and wife Kathryn Madison
visited India, Japan, Hong Kong, seeing sights met a lovely nurse, Mary Cooney. Carter; Bradley Inman Carter and wife
like The Taj Mahal and more. From 1959 Amy Carter. Surviving daughters include
- 1963, Nanette managed the library and They married in Washington, DC in 1954, and Cynthia Gay Carter Atwater and husband
taught social studies at The Karachi American were stationed at Payne Air Force Base outside William Langworthy Atwater III, Brenda DEATH NOTICES
School. While in Karachi, she gave birth to her Gail Carter Pero and husband Timothy MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Seattle, Washington that same year. SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
first daughter, Cindy, and upon return to the Pero; 11 grandchildren and three great-
US, the family moved to Bedford Hills, New
York where her second daughter, Dianna,
was born.
After the Air Force, Dr. Rotchford joined his
father’s General Practice for a brief time in
Spokane until his acceptance into residency at
grandchildren. She was also the mother
of the late Valerie Fay Carter. Services in
honor of Joyce will be held at: National
When the To place a notice, call:
800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
Over the years, Nan took great pride in raising
her family (her CV stated prominently: 1964
- 1974 “Reared a Family”). She embraced
New York University, specializing in Dermatol-
They then returned to Spokane, adopted their
Funeral Home, 7482 Lee Hwy., Falls
Church, VA. Visitation beginning at 11 a.m.
on Saturday, October 19, 2019. Funeral
Service to begin at 12 noon. Committal
need arises, FAX:
Black & White
realized a lack of coordination in volunteer
grandchildren: Chris Kohlenberger and Zara
Burgess; and her cousin Robert G. Rich, Jr., activities and resources for the city. She
Services will be held at Saint James Catholic
Church on Monday, October 14 at 10 a.m. in DIFFEE 1" - $150 (text only)
2" - $340 (text only)
of Reston, Virginia, and extended family in founded and became the first President of Falls Church, Virginia. 3" - $490
South Carolina. The Volunteer Clearinghouse of the District
of Columbia. She was re-elected President Private interment.
To be seen in the 4" - $535
5" - $678
from 1985-1989. She continued her volunteer
She was born in Daytona Beach, Florida,
on May 20, 1931, the third daughter of work with Volunteer Maryland! In 1993 and Funeral Services ------
received a Governor’s Citation from Governor Black & White
Ullainee Barnett Hawkins and Tomkies
Clarence Hawkins of Jacksonville, Florida. Schaefer from the State of Maryland “in Directory, please call 1"- $179 (text only)
2" - $376(text only)
Her father, Tomkies, was the State Bank recognition of your impressive commitment
Examiner, and her early years were spent to the people of Maryland”. WALTON paid Death Notices 3" - $543
4" - $572
with her sisters, Ullainee and Eileen, and 5" - $738
her fondest memories were of the beach,
the warm weather, the ocean and playing
She was also very active in the St. Alban’s
Episcopal Church community. She joined the KATHLEEN O'DONNELL WALTON at 202-334-4122. 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
with her cousin, Bob Rich with whom she WSA (Workers of St. Alban’s) as President in $150 each additional inch wkday
remained very close throughout her life. 1995, a position she held for 5 years. She Kathleen O’Donnell Walton died Wednes- $179 each additional inch Sunday
Nan’s father died of pneumonia when she has served on the Board of Directors ever day, October 9, 2019 at the age of 86 years. --------------------
was six, and when her mother remarried Rev. since. She’s been active in the Flower Guild, MONDAY-SATURDAY
James Copeland, a Methodist minister, they the SOME program for homeless, and has A longtime resident of Bowie, MD, Kathleen Color
moved to South Carolina. spent countless hours volunteering her time was born on December 30, 1932, to James 3" - $628
at the Op-Shop (The Opportunity Shop) at and Esther O’Donnell of Lexington, Nebras- 4" - $676
St. Alban’s. Generations of family members, ka. Kathleen received a BA and MA from 5" - $826
In 1953, she graduated from Asbury College ------
in Kentucky with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociol- from children to grandchildren, remember University of Nebraska. She continued her
going to the Op-Shop with her, or helping education journey and later achieved her SUNDAY
ogy. She then moved to New York City in 1954
and started as a research assistant in the serve homeless at Thanksgiving, or partici-
pating in flower-making sessions or making
PhD from the University of Delaware. GENEVIEVE LUKASIK DIFFEE
Of Leesburg, FL and Gainesville, VA died peace-
3" - $665
Library for The Hanover Bank. She became fully in her sleep Sunday, September 8, 2019 at 4" - $760
Head Librarian in 1955, directing a staff of tuna casseroles for SOME. She was devoted Kathleen spent her years in the academic 5" - $926
to her family, the church, her many friends realm first teaching English for many years the age of 84. She was the beloved wife of the
12, and she became a member of the Special late William S. Diffee Sr.
Libraries Association. and was greatly loved for her grace and at Kearney State College and Bowie State 6"+ for ALL color notices
strength, her unfailing sense of humor, her University. She then was drafted to work in Gen alongside her husband, Bill, enjoyed work- $249 each additional inch wkday
Southern charm, and her beautiful smile. She academic administrative positions serving ing together at the family business, Colony $277 each additional inch Sunday
Nan and Woody met at Hanover Bank when House Furniture. Her design visions were
he was in the training program there and will be forever missed. as deans, advisors and interim vice pres-
ident at Bowie State University, Jackson instrumental in bringing grace and elegance Notices with photos begin at 3"
he proposed to Nan in the garden of Trinity to the store, creating a destination place for (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
Church near Wall Street. They were married Services private. In lieu of flowers, please State University and California State Univer-
send donations in Nan’s name to: The WSA at sity Dominguez Hills. After retirement she people to shop for quality fine furnishings. She
on June 13, 1959, in Aiken, South Carolina. loved to play golf along with her husband and ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
St. Alban’s and/or Heifer International. worked as an administrator at the Maryland
Higher Education Commission for the state. they were members at Congressional Country
Club. She was an avid reader, and never MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
traveled without a book in tow. All notices over 2" include
Kathleen was a devoted sports fan and complimentary memorial plaque
loved her Capitals and Nats. She loved She leaves behind her loving family, her chil-
reading, music and the joy of singing; dren, Love Diffee Jones of Gainesville, VA, Additional plaques start at $26 each
singing loud and unabashed. But most of William S. Diffee Jr. and his wife, Debra, Debo- and may be ordered.
all, she believed in the human spirit and the rah Diffee Fahy and her husband James Fahy
STURTEVANT power of God and thus lived her life with
an open door willing to help anyone at any
of Leesburg, FL, and B. Michael Diffee and his
wife Darlene of Falls Church, VA; and loving
All Paid Death Notices
appear on our website through
time regardless of the sacrifice. She was a sisters and brother, Mary Smolley and Agnes www.legacy.com
giver to those less fortunate or in need. She Yablunosky both of Hopwood PA, Helen Mer-
and wife Susannah of Brooklyn, New York, knew no other way. And though she was cedes, of Leesburg, FL, and a brother Frank BRENDA TAYLOR SKIPWITH LEGACY.COM
and stepdaughter, Brooke Bartletta and hus- little, she was fierce…fierce in right and Lukasik (Geneva) of Leesburg, FL. Also surviv- Included in all death notices
band Simon Bartletta of Hingham, MA. In wrong…fierce in her beliefs…fierce in her ing are nine grandchildren, and six great grand- 1943 ~ 2019 Optional for In Memoriams
addition, he is survived by seventeen grand- children. A memorial service will take place Peacefully entered eternal rest on Sunday,
faith in God and mankind. October 6, 2019. A dynamic English teacher of
children. on Wednesday, October 16 at 10:30 a.m. on PLEASE NOTE:
the campus of Youth For Tomorrow, 11835 the District of Columbia and Prince George’s
A devoted mother Kathleen leaves behind Public School Systems. Proud member of Alpha
Peter was an avid fly fisherman, bird hunter her sons Jim, Sean and Rory, their wives Hazel Circle Drive, Bristow, VA in the Peterson Notices must be placed via phone, fax or
and sailor. A superb athlete, he pitched in the Family Chapel. Pastor Denny Glusko and Pastor Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Beloved
Sarah, Kim and Jane and her eight amazing mother Daryl Redcross (deceased). She is sur- email. Photos must be emailed. You can
NCAA tournament for Rollins College and for grandchildren. Sadly, she was predeceased Lawrence Hubb will be officiating the service. no longer place notices, drop off photos
the Single-A Cody Red Sox in Wyoming. He The interment will follow at Stonewall Memor- vived by two devoted sisters, Joyce T. Dick-
by her daughter Kerry Dallas and her broth- erson and Norma R. Davis, a loving brother, and make payment in person.
was a former Commodore of Center Harbor er Jim O’Donnell. A funeral service will ial Gardens, Gainesville, VA. In lieu of flowers Payment must be made via phone with
Yacht Club in Brooklin, Maine, where he please consider a contribution to Cornerstone Sherman G. Love, Sr., and a host of nieces, debit/credit card.
be held on Saturday, October 19, at the nephews, and friends. A celebration of life
sailed his sloop, Cachalot, and a member of St Matthew’s United Methodist Church in Hospice, 2445 Lane Park Road, Tavares, FL
Chevy Chase Club in Maryland. 32778 or to Youth For Tomorrow, In Memory of will be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2019,
Bowie, Md. at 1 p.m. In lieu of flowers, at Metropolitan A.M.E. Church, 1518 M St
contributions can be made to St Matthew’s. Gen Diffee - 11835 Hazel Circle Drive, Bristow,
A beloved and revered teacher and educator, VA 20136. NW, Washington. The viewing will be held at
he retired as head of the Maret School in 10 a.m.; service will commence at 11 a.m.
Washington, D.C. in 1994, after serving for Interment at National Harmony Park Cemetery,
24 years. He led the school’s successful Hyattsville, MD.
transition from a nearly bankrupt, relatively
unknown institution to one of the most
PETER ALBERT STURTEVANT respected independent schools in the Wash-
ington area. He was passionate about devel-
oping the full intellectual, artistic, and ath-
Peter Albert Sturtevant died at his summer
home on October 9, 2019 in Brooklin, Maine.
A resident of Sanibel, Florida, he was born
letic potential of each student in his care.
At Maret, he earned the moniker, “Big Sky,”
playfully bestowed upon him by colleagues
YOUR LOVED ONES Nonproliferation issues related primarily to
nuclear weapons and nuclear materials and
became a nationally and internationally rec-
on September 5, 1930 in Washington, D.C. ognized expert. He worked: a) At the Arms
and students who enjoyed his strong lead- Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), b)
to William North Sturtevant and Elizabeth ership and oversized personality. He was
Wheeler Sturtevant Dunn. He lost his older as a Science Attaché with the State Depart-
ever a champion for students and teachers, ment assigned to the US Mission to the
brother, North, a Yale graduate and Navy flier, especially the underdog. He began his teach- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in
in 1944. He attended St. Albans School in
Washington and graduated from Choate. He
later attended Harvard and Rollins Colleges
ing career at the all-boys Landon School in
Bethesda, Maryland, where he taught and December 15, 2019 Vienna, Austria, and c) as a Senior Scientist
at Sandia National Laboratories.
coached from 1958-1966. He is revered by
(BA), George Washington Law School (JD) and those men he taught as boys at Landon, as
the University of Vermont (MA). He had a significant role in the development
well as by his former Maret students and and negotiation of the verification regime
faculty. that was adopted in the INF and START
Preceded in death by his wife, Janet Knox TheWashington Post Magazine will publish
Sturtevant, he leaves his wife, Linda Webber Treaties between the U.S. and the Soviet
A service for Peter will be held at 11:00 Union. He was the US Chair of the negotia-
Sturtevant. He is survived by his daughter,
Elizabeth Sturtevant and husband John Eck-
am on Saturday, October 26 at St. Francis
Episcopal Church in Blue Hill, Maine. The
an Annual Commemorative Section. tions in Geneva in 1987 for the Inspection
hardt of Battleground, Washington; and three Protocol provisions of the INF Treaty. He
family requests that gifts in Peter’s memory received the Secretary of Defense Medal for
sons, William North Sturtevant III and wife be sent to the Peter A. Sturtevant Faculty
Carol of Durham, N.H., Peter Albert Sturte- Colloquium and Enrichment Fund, c/o Sally Plan to be a part of this annual tradition! Outstanding Public Service for his role in the
vant Jr. and wife Amy of Washington, D.C., Dunkelberger, Director of Development,
and Thomas Knox Sturtevant and partner Maret School, 3000 Cathedral Ave., NW, STANLEY K. FRALEY (Age 77) He supported the State Department as a U.S.
Dianna Raedle of New York City. He also Washington, DC 20008 or online at RATES Passed away October 7, 2019 after a six year
leaves his stepson, Phillip Wheeler Marriott participant in the Denuclearization Working
www.maret.org/give/pas. battle with cancer. Group of the Six-Party talks on denucleariza-
$11.10 per Line tion of the Korean Peninsula. As part of this
$150 B&W Photo He was born on June 14, 1942 in Brandon, process, he was the team lead on a number
Nebraska. He was truly a renaissance man of monitoring visits to nuclear facilities in
$200 Color Photo with his exceptional career in US National North Korea.
Security, and with his multitude of hobbies
- unicycling, guitar playing, amateur radio, Just a few paragraphs will never be enough to
When the need arises, DEADLINE biking, skiing, traveling, fishing, water skiing
and writing witty and whimsical poetry, to
name a few.
summarize this beautiful man’s rich, colorful
and successful life. His brilliant mind, his
let families find you in the 5 p.m. His education included BS and MS degrees
in Nuclear Engineering from North Carolina
generous and forgiving soul, his quiet and
gentle love, his beautiful smile will live for-
ever in the hearts of his wife Huri Fraley,
Funeral Services Directory. Friday, November 15, 2019 State, and a PhD in Engineering Science from
the University of Tennessee. He spent right
his children Kathy Fraley Flanagan, Christine
Fraley Steinbrecher, Cheryl Fraley, Steve Fra-
ley and Cynthia Fraley Baerny as well as
years in the army in nuclear related programs their spouses and all of his grandchildren and
before working at Oak Ridge National Labora-
To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, For more information, please call: tories. While in Oak Ridge, he did long range
great grandchildren.
planning for the Atomic Energy Commission,
please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. 202-334-4122 or 1-800-627-1150, ext. 4-4122 and became a subject matter expert in the
There will be Celebrations of his Life in
Michigan with his family in May 2020, in
fields of Monte Carlo codes used for neutron
E-mail: and gamma-ray radiation transportation cal-
Albuquerque, NM with his friends and col-
leagues and in Washington, DC with his
deathnotices@washpost.com culations. He is the co-author of a text book
on the subject. For the rest of his career, he
friends and colleagues at dates to be shared
was primarily involved in Arms Control and
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The Weather
Cold front approaches Today Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday OFFICIAL RECORD
Partly sunny Cloudy, rain Mostly sunny, Partly sunny Cloudy, Mostly sunny,
A cold front approaches from the warmer showers breezy Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
FEELS*: 75° FEELS: 67° FEELS: 76° FEELS: 71° FEELS: 68° FEELS: 61°
noticeably pick up after sunset but still generally CHNCE PRECIP: 20% P: 60% P: 5% P: 5% P: 40% P: 10%
remain under 15 mph. Overnight lows in the WIND: SW 4–8 mph W: ESE 4–8 mph W: SSW 6–12 mph W: ENE 6–12 mph W: SW 8–16 mph W: WNW 10–20 mph
region are probably in the upper 40s to mid-50s. HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate
M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M
through 5 p.m.
Reagan Dulles BWI yesterday
REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today. High 77° 3:01 p.m. 75° 3:57 p.m. 76° 2:59 p.m.
Low 55° 5:50 a.m. 47° 4:26 a.m. 53° 4:28 a.m.
Philadelphia Normal 70°/52° 70°/45° 68°/47°
72/51 Record high 90° 1919 86° 2010 89° 1954
Record low 33° 1906 28° 1972 27° 1964
Baltimore Difference from 30–yr. avg. (Reagan): this month: +7.0° yr. to date: +3.0°
75/50 Dover
Davis Washington Cape May
58/33 Annapolis 69/55
76/55 73/53 OCEAN: 63°
they will head east, passing parts KEY
avoid potential crowding at the
tra∞c and
of Foggy Bottom and entering the NS VE. Pentagon station.
Mall area before crossing the IA A NEW Buses that usually travel to the
3 VE.
Potomac again via the Interstate 66 G ST. NW Pentagon station will be redirect-
395 HOV lanes to the finish line at 2 Union ed to Pentagon City from the start
the Pentagon. IA White Station of service Sunday morning
Some of the street closures will NW House PEN
NSY through 2 p.m. Find more details
begin as early as 5:30 a.m., and NIA
. NW
here about how to get there,
residents and visitors should also ROOSEV CONSTITUTION AVE. NW CONSTITUTION AVE. NW parking, and taxi and ride-share
10-mile course starts at anticipate parking restrictions 4 drop-off locations.
along the route. The entire Lincoln Washington U.S. The road closures include:
The Mall
Pentagon, runs through stretch of Route 110, which runs
Memorial Monument Capitol
D.C. and Northern Va. from Rosslyn to Crystal City, will ARL MORIAE
be closed from 5:30 a.m. to Arlington Memorial Bridge
B 6
1:30 p.m. There will also be short- OH Tidal Rolling road closures I-395 HOV (northbound) to
National DR
.S 7
The District
The annual Army Ten-Miler If you are planning to drive in
will bring 35,000 runners and Northern Virginia or the District Race route Constitution Avenue NW be-
thousands more spectators to the on Sunday morning, consider a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Finish tween 23rd and 18th streets
No parking and
. 395
Washington region on Sunday, avoiding the area. Virginia Avenue NW (all
closing streets and disrupting The good news is Metro will be 27 East intermittently lanes)
closed roads
traffic, parking and transit across opening an hour early, at 7 a.m., to Potomac
Rock Creek Parkway south of
parts of the District and Northern accommodate race participants. 8 Park Virginia Avenue NW
Pentagon 1 Mile marker
Virginia. There will be extra trains running V I RGI N I A Start Independence Avenue SW
The race, which starts at 8 a.m., on the Blue Line between Franco- First aid (westbound lanes) from 14th to
begins and ends at the Pentagon, nia-Springfield and Stadium-Ar- T ST. SW 7th streets
Ri ostia
395 Fort
and the course will take runners mory from 7 a.m. until about McNair Water station 4th Street along Jefferson
through a large swath of the 8:40 a.m. and from 11:15 a.m. to 9 Drive
HOV lane
region throughout the morning 12:50 p.m., Metro said. 2,000 FEET Spectator location 14th Street, south I-395 HOV
and early afternoon. The closest Metro station to (northbound)
Runners will trek from the the race starting point is the Sources: Army Ten-Miler; D.C. Police AARON STECKELBERG / THE WASHINGTON POST luz.lazo@washpost.com
Wheels For Wishes Hogan backs impeachment inquiry in PBS interview
BY OVETTA WIGGINS The popular two-term governor Govs. Phil Scott (Vt.) and Charlie in 2016. “Look, I didn’t support the
Make-A-Wish® said he is “not ready” to say he Baker (Mass.) in backing an investi- president the first time,” he told
Mid-Atlantic Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is
the latest Republican elected offi-
supports an impeachment or a
removal of the president but
gation. But Hogan, who is term-
limited and decided against a pri-
Hoover. “He has certainly done
nothing to make me, you know,
* 100% Tax Deductible cial to say he supports an impeach- thinks an inquiry of his conduct is mary challenge to Trump earlier more supportive.”
ment inquiry of President Trump. warranted. House Democrats this year, also raised concerns Earlier Thursday, Hogan was
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* We Also Accept Boats, Motorcycles & RVs bottom of it,” Hogan told Margaret ing on Trump’s pressure on the have a fair and objective one, and whether Congress should move
Hoover of PBS’s “Firing Line,” in Ukrainian president to investi- I’m not sure we can in this Demo- forward with articles of impeach-
WheelsForWishes.org an interview that was taped gate former vice president Joe cratic Congress,” he said. ment. He answered that it was too
Thursday night and aired in full Biden, a 2020 presidential candi- Hogan, an outspoken critic of early to say but that he is “trou-
Call:(202) 644-8277 on Friday. “I don’t see any other date, and his son Hunter. Trump, reiterated that he did not bled” by the allegations.
* Car Donation Foundation d/b/a Wheels For Wishes. To learn more about our programs or way to get to the facts.” Hogan joins fellow Republican vote for the Republican nominee ovetta.wiggins@washpost.com
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Mama Mia: Free Tickets to Mac Powell & the Family Reunion Free Tickets to Vieux Farka Touré & Bombino
on October 18 at City Winery on October 16 at The Birchmere
“A little bit of rock, a little bit of country, a little bit of gospel and a whole lot of love.” The Malian-born strummer recorded Samba (2017) live in front of a small
That’s the tagline for Mac Powell and the Family Reunion, a new band led by Mac audience at Applehead Studio in Woodstock, New York. The record has
Powell, the former lead singer of Grammy-winning, multi-platinum selling band been hailed as Vieux’s finest, most well-rounded album to date. Nigerian
Subscriber Exclusives Third Day. It’s also an apt description for Back Again, “a great album that is well
worth your time.” (JesusFreakHideout.com)
Omara “Bombino” Moctar released album Deran in 2018, an instant classic
that inspired the New York Times to dub him “the Sultan of Shred.”
Access subscriber benefits at washingtonpost.com/my-post.
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It’s a car! It’s a truck! It’s Pinkman!
Aaron Paul reprises the role he was born to play in ‘El Camino.’ at Fox
Lucky yo
in an extraordinary war of words
with Tucker Carlson, one of the
network’s most popular opinion
hosts. Smith called Carlson “re-
pugnant” for not defending Fox
News legal analyst Andrew Napol-
BY H ANK S TUEVER drive off into the New Mexico sunrise, Jesse flees to the itano when a guest on Carlson’s
Albuquerque home of Skinny Pete and Badger (Charles program called Napolitano “a
Note: This review discusses some plot details in Baker and Matt Jones), who help him hide the El fool” for criticizing Trump’s efforts
Netflix’s “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie.” Camino, give him food and shelter and, the next to gain damaging information on
morning, devise Jesse’s run for the border in a far less Democratic rival Joe Biden from
What it comes down to is this: Is Jesse Pinkman better cool mode of transport: a Pontiac Fiero. the president of Ukraine.
off in our imaginations, peeling away with a cathartic When Jesse tries to stammer out his gratitude, Skinny SEE SMITH ON C2
howl of freedom in that Chevy El Camino during Pete won’t have it: “Dude,” he says, “You’re my hero and
“Breaking Bad’s” bullet-ridden final episode six years ago? s---.”
Or is he better off if we find out just a little more, as we Suffice to say that Jesse is very much that to all of us
do in creator Vince Gilligan’s “El Camino: A Breaking who loved the original show, serving as “Breaking Bad’s” BOOK WORLD
Bad Movie,” a two-hour Netflix coda that mostly serves unlikely moral center — a key piece in a prolonged saga
to remind fans that there will never be another show
quite like “Breaking Bad”?
Satisfying in almost every way that matters, “El
about the darkness within. Paul’s Emmy-winning per-
formance remains a singular, heartbreaking achieve-
ment; Jesse was and still is the unluckiest lucky one,
Words that
Camino” picks up exactly where that finale left off. Jesse
(Aaron Paul, in the role he was born to play) escapes the
attack on the meth compound that was engineered by a
destined to pay the biggest price for his own transgres-
sions as well as the sins of others.
As such, Gilligan, who always loved to trap his
vengeful Walter White (Bryan Cranston). Rather than SEE TV ON C2
beneath all
Aaron Paul returns as Jesse Pinkman in Netflix’s “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie,”
a worthy successor to the highly addictive AMC series. the sequins
‘Breaking’ news: Jesse Pinkman is alive and — well, he’s alive. Y’know, for now.
TV FROM C1 his superbly reverse-engineered As did your lawyer. You said it “El Camino” isn’t sparing with “El Camino” certainly has one — AMC, “Better Call Saul,” which
scripts, where separate tracks of yourself, a deal’s a deal.” the “Breaking Bad” cameos and bullets flying, a big explosion, squandered its early seasons on a
characters in the most desperate tension and anxiety are micro- Most of “El Camino’s” meaty connectivity, including a brief and a whiff of catharsis. slower pace and a redundantly
situations, isn’t about to let Jesse managed to a degree of precision middle hinges on how Jesse will flashback in which Cranston All “El Camino” lacks, really, is evolving story line. It’s a good
have an easy escape from Albu- that anyone should expect from a scrape up the sort of cash (hun- briefly reprises his role as the just a little more about Jesse show, but never as great as the
querque. First of all, he’s a bro- project with “Breaking Bad” in dreds of thousands of dollars) it late Walter, who once remarked himself — so beloved for his “yos” acclaim it has received.
ken man, after months of torture the title. will take to purchase Ed’s help. on Jesse’s good luck: “You don’t yet so often mute on his deepest In a similar way, nothing
and slave labor. “El Camino” Knowing that he lacks the skill While flashbacks have become a have to wait your whole life to do feelings. We need a scene that about “El Camino” makes a case
opens with the ominous idea that to elude federal authorities, Jesse narrative crutch in the peak-TV something special.” better conveys the man’s essence; that we are necessarily better off
this PTSD-ridden Jesse might be turns to another shadow figure era, Gilligan reminds us that he’s The film also delivers a good not a grand “I am the one who with it than without it, or that
all that’s left, a shell of what he in the “Breaking Bad” universe, a master of them, conjuring up a dose of dark humor, such as knocks”-style monologue, per- some great hole has now been
was. Ed Galbraith (Robert Forster), long sequence from the past that when Plemons’s Todd casually haps, but more than just his fear filled. It turns out we were fine
But Jesse comes through, as he the vacuum-repair shop owner brings back the polite, ginger- sings along to Dr. Hook’s 1978 hit and angst. with the idea of not knowing
always has. If there’s any prevail- also known as the Disappearer, haired demon known as Todd “Sharing the Night Together” Mostly, this film — Netflix calls exactly what happened to Jesse;
ing theme here, it’s not redemp- whose services don’t come cheap. Alquist (Jesse Plemons, another while driving on a gruesome it “a television event” but has that way, we could always hope
tion so much as resilience. Ed is none too pleased to see of “Breaking Bad’s” standouts). errand. “Breaking Bad” super- also released it in some theaters, the best. Now that we know, dare
Amid a massive citywide man- Jesse and offers little in the way Together, Paul and Plemons re- fans whose ears perk up at stray blurring the notion that there’s a we ask for a little more? Or leave
hunt (one snippet of the wall-to- of help or sympathy. turn us to that pit-of-the-stom- references and who jot down difference — reminds us that a it be?
wall news coverage notes that “If you believe that you can ach greatness we so fondly re- peripheral information (phone lot of TV shows and movies reach hank.stuever@washpost.com
Jesse Pinkman is believed to pull on people’s heartstrings, you member. It seems Gilligan got numbers, license plates, street for what “Breaking Bad” was so
have been part of the largest-ever should take your chances with this project just in the nick of names) in hopes of extracting good at doing and still come up El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie
methamphetamine operation in the police,” Ed tells Jesse. “From time, as both actors have aged extra meaning and significance short. Not to pick fights, but I (122 minutes) is available for
the United States), Gilligan has where I sit, you made your own and thickened in expected, yet are welcome to knock themselves include in that group Gilligan’s streaming on Netflix and showing at
written and directed one more of luck. As did your former partner. anachronistic, ways. out. And as far as conclusions go, “Breaking Bad” prequel series on some area theaters.
Final weekend A woman. A man. A coyote. An upheaval? Presented by Caos on F
My Barking Dog Fri., Sat. 8:00, The Edge of the Universe Players 2. Directed by Michael 923 F St., NW, Wasington DC $25
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Most famous for its Act III “Grand Pas” wedding scene,
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Gavriel Heine, conductor
production. Please see our website for casting.
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AMC Movie: Independence Day ★★★ (1996) Movie: Jaws ★★★★ (1975)
Animal Planet Crikey! It’s the Irwins Crikey! It’s the Irwins Pit Bulls and Parolees Amanda to the Rescue Amanda to the Rescue
BET The Death Row Chronicles 2019 Hip Hop Awards Movie: Boyz N the Hood ★★★ (1991)
Bravo (5:23) Something Borrowed (7:56) Movie: The Devil Wears Prada ★★★ (2006) (10:28) Movie: The Devil Wears Prada
Hip Hop: The Songs That Shook America (AMC at midnight on Sunday) Cartoon Network Gumball Gumball Steven Univ. Steven Univ. Burgers Family Guy Family Guy Primal Dragon Ball One Punch
Black Thought, left, and Questlove of the Roots are co-executive producers CNN The Axe Files CNN Newsroom Weed 5: The CBD Craze This Is Life With Lisa Ling This Is Life With Lisa Ling
in a new docuseries about rap tracks that moved the genre forward. Comedy Central Friends Friends Friends Friends Movie: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ★★ (2006) South Park
Discovery Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown: Rediscovered Expedition Unknown
Crikey! It’s the Irwins (Animal Johnson. Disney Coop & Cami Bunk’d Movie: Zootopia ★★★ (2016) Coop & Cami Mickey Raven Roll With It
Planet at 8) Robert goes for a swim E! (6:00) Movie: The Notebook ★★ (2004) Movie: The Notebook ★★ (2004)
Sunday Morning Futures With
with a 12-foot python. ESPN Football Scoreboard College Football: Florida at LSU (Live) SportsCenter (Live)
Maria Bartiromo (Fox at 10 a.m.)
Pit Bulls & Parolees (Animal Kellyanne Conway, Rep. Douglas A. ESPN2 College Football: Ole Miss at Missouri (Live) (10:15) College Football: Hawaii at Boise State (Live)
Planet at 9) The older dogs get a Collins (R-Ga.), Rep. Mark Food Network Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking Halloween Baking
retirement home built for them. Meadows (R-N.C.), Mark Penn. Fox News Life, Liberty & Levin Watters’ World Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters’ World
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Amanda to the Rescue (Animal This Is America & the World FX Movie: Men in Black 3 ★★ (2012) Movie: Men in Black 3 ★★ (2012)
Planet at 10) A blind puppy joins (WETA at 10 and WHUT at 5:30 Hallmark Movie: Harvest Moon (2015) Movie: Love, Fall & Order (2019) Over the Moon in Love
the rescue. p.m. on Saturday) Taavi Roivas, Hallmark M&M Picture Perfect Mysteries Movie: Crossword Mysteries: A Puzzle to Die For (2018) Murder, She Wrote
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present this docuseries about the MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour
The College Admissions Scandal Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Movie: Friday ★★★ (1995) Movie: Next Friday ★★
origins and spread of hate. MTV
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Nat’l Geographic Hard Time: Locked Up Hard Time: Locked Up Hard Time: Locked Up Hard Time: Locked Up Hard Time: Locked Up
the scandal that led to Lori FINALES NBC SportsNet WA FaceOff Caps NHL Hockey: Washington Capitals at Dallas Stars (Live) Caps Overtime Redskins
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being charged with paying to get (5:20) Movie: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ★★ Bellator MMA Live Transformers: Revenge
considers whether to scapegoat PARMT
their children into prestigious (7:05) Movie: Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017) Movie: The Banana Splits Movie (2019) Gremlins 2: The New Batch
someone for the latest scandal. Syfy
schools. Followed at 10 with a MLB Baseball MLB Wrestling Movie: Kong: Skull Island ★★★ (2017) Movie: Kong: Skull Island
discussion led by Gretchen Carlson The Righteous Gemstones (6:00) The First Deadly Sin Movie: West Side Story ★★★★ (1961) (10:45) Movie: Tom Thumb ★★★ (1958)
about the real-life events. (HBO at 10:10) Eli questions 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé
whether the ministry should TNT (6:15) Jack Reacher: Never Go Back ★★ Movie: San Andreas ★★ (2015) ONE Champ: Century
SUNDAY LISTINGS remain a family business. Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Holzer Files
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White House Chronicle USA Network (6:00) Movie: The Hitman’s Bodyguard Movie: Ant-Man ★★★ (2015) Mod Fam Mod Fam
— Hau Chu
(WETA at 9 a.m.) Leo Damrosch, a VH1 Waterboy Movie: Coming to America ★★★ (1988) Movie: B.A.P.S ★ (1997)
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10 6 5 2
A Q 10 2
10 4
K93 A87
54 J986
QJ853 K96
985 Q 10 4
The bidding:
1 Pass 1 Pass
1 NT Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead — 5
M y “Simple Saturday” col-
umns focus on improv-
ing basic play technique and
developing logical thinking.
As declarer, your first job is
to count your winners, your
losers or both. At notrump,
usually count sure winners,
then look for ways to set up
Even at notrump, you may
need to consider how many
of losing. Against today’s
1NT, West leads the five of
diamonds: four, king, ace.
Declarer has six easy tricks
and might try cashing the top
hearts, then finessing with
dummy’s jack of clubs. That
approach would fail.
West’s five was his fourth-
highest diamond, and South
can see the deuce and four,
more than five. Since West
has at most four diamond
tricks to take, South can
afford to look for his seventh
trick in spades. He leads the
queen at Trick Two.
The defense can win and
run the diamonds, but when
South gets back in, he leads
the jack of spades. Dummy’s
10 will be high to fulfill the
You hold:
Neither side vulnerable.
The dealer, at your right,
opens one spade. What do
you say?
ANSWER: Pass. Had you
been the dealer, you would
have opened one club to
contract. But you are not
compelled to enter the auc-
tion when your right-hand
opponent opens. This hand
is better for defense. For the
moment, your best chance
for a plus score is to hope
the opponents bid too much
and go down.
— Frank Stewart
This year, you take
a strong stand. At
times, you could be
very emotional and
touchy. You will not hesitate
to take action if you deem it
necessary. Others might not
appear to listen, but they are
aware of your thoughts. If
single, you could have several
wannabe sweeties. Enjoy the
process of choosing. Your
in general. Expect some ups
and downs. If attached, the
two of you go through your
share of ups and downs too.
Refuse to be overly dramatic.
Just consider this period to be
akin to a passage. Everything
could change quickly. ARIES
can be unusually pushy at
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
You might seem to be
dragging, but you also are
quite feisty. Nearly anything
could provoke your temper.
Do not allow someone else to
interfere with a pet project.
Know that you are volatile
and determined. Others will
receive that message soon!
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
Decide to keep your own
counsel at present. What you
hear could be irritating and
somewhat of a trigger. You
might do the unexpected,
starting a conversation -- if
not more. Your gentleness
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Zero in on your friends and
long-term desires. Your
temper could come out when
dealing with a friend who can
be irritating at times. The
unexpected might shake you
and others up. Know that this
will pass.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Reach out for someone
whose opinion you respect.
Though a conversation might
not go as you anticipate,
of your perspective. Do not
undervalue yourself.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
You like to think you take
the high road. However, your
temper might be a driving
force in your decisions if you
are not careful. Curb your
wildness and out-of-control
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
One-on-one relating echoes
distress from others, not
see some wild actions as well
as acting out yourself. News
heads your way that forces you
to take a second look at what
is happening.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Defer to others and be
aware of their interests. Are
they the same as yours?
Emotions seem to eradicate
communication or civil
behavior in general. What
is said or done has been
suppressed for a long time.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Pace yourself, knowing not
only what you must do, but
also what could be tossed
on your plate. Others seem
unusually emotional; you
could find yourself in a similar
mental frame.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Your sense of humor could
save the day -- at least for you.
What might be going on could
trigger your creativity. Anger
might seem to come from
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
You feel good sharing your
feelings, even negative ones.
You will get results because
of your high energy. A child
could surprise you with his
or her mood. Do not take it
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Stay on top of what is
happening around you. The
phone calls you receive could
display a variety of emotional
be jolted by the reaction of
someone close to you.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Expenses seem to go to
extremes. Feelings easily
could burst out of control. Try
to choose your words with
care and avoid triggering
others. You could hear another
person’s rampage.
— Jacqueline Bigar
More online: washingtonpost.com/comics. Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; comics@washpost.com; 202-334-4775. Plus, in Comic Riffs, Michael Cavna blogs about all things comics.
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One-hit wonder
Right-hander’s gem swings Sánchez flirts with no-hitter
series in Washington’s favor Aníbal Sánchez pumps his fist as
as Nats claim NLCS opener
he walks off the field following the
st. louis — Among the perfect ways BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY
for the Washington Nationals to open seventh inning with his no-hitter
their first appearance in the National intact. He lost it an inning later st. louis — Some St. Louis Cardinals fans even
League Championship Series, if and left after 72/3 one-hit innings, clapped — because how could they not? — when
you’re holding a ticket saying, “Aníbal walking one and striking out five. Aníbal Sánchez was finally finished carving through
Sánchez takes no-hitter into the their team at Busch Stadium on Friday night.
Barry eighth,” please report to the window Sánchez came four outs away from throwing the
Svrluga to collect your winnings. And bring a Thomas Boswell third postseason no-hitter in baseball history. In-
dump truck. That ticket for the Nats When it comes to long-suffering fans, stead, in a consolation he would certainly take, the
to win the pennant? Put it in a safe place. D.C.’s can’t be overlooked. D7 35-year-old right-hander led the Washington Nation-
Sánchez was the star of a 2-0 Game 1 victory for als to a 2-0 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals. He
the Nats over the St. Louis Cardinals at sold-out NLCS GAME 2 gave up one hit and four base-runners in 72/3 innings.
Busch Stadium, where the locals pride themselves Nationals at Cardinals He got the game to Sean Doolittle, avoiding the
on teaching folks about baseball — and instead were Today, 4 p.m., TBS
Nationals’ middle relievers altogether, and the lefty
schooled themselves. The specifics of what Sánchez retired all four batters he faced out of the bullpen.
Washington leads series, 1-0
did are important, and we will get to them. What And that effort, when totaled up, gave Washington
matters more: The Nats took the first game and STARTER W/L ERA WHIP a 1-0 lead in its first National League Championship
swung the series in their favor — heavily. Scherzer 11-7 2.92 1.03 Series.
“By no means are we thinking we’re sitting Wainwright 14-10 4.19 1.43 “It’s good when I got that kind of command,”
SWIMMING conduct after flicking a ball into end Jordan Reed (concussion) Tackle Morgan Moses Jones (ankle), cornerback Chris
the air when trailing 3-0 in the Davis, Reed are out also will miss Sunday’s game (shoulder) and guard Brandon Lammons (toe), safety Bobby
Olympic gold medalist third set. again against Miami against the Miami Dolphins. Scherff (ankle) are both good to McCain (hamstring/shoulder),
retires after doping ban Safety Deshazor Everett is also go after practicing fully Friday. wide receiver Albert Wilson
SOCCER The Washington Redskins will be out after suffering an ankle Martin started at right guard (calf/hip), cornerback Johnson
Swimmer Conor Dwyer, a two- England lost a qualifying game without tight end Vernon Davis injury this week. with Scherff out last week. Bademosi (ankle), cornerback
time Olympic gold medalist, was for the World Cup or European for the second consecutive week Offensive tackle Donald Penn For the Dolphins, offensive Jomal Wiltz (groin) and running
issued a 20-month ban for testing Championship for the first time as he continues to work his way (hamstring) is listed as lineman Jesse Davis (elbow), back Kalen Ballege (foot) were
positive for an anabolic agent, in 10 years. through the concussion protocol. questionable but is trending in wide receiver Jakeem Grant listed as questionable. All of
according to the U.S. Anti-Doping Substitute Zdenek Ondrasek Rookie guard Wes Martin the right direction. He did not (hamstring), linebacker Trent them were limited in Friday’s
Agency. The suspension scored his first international goal (chest), linebacker Josh Harvey- practice Wednesday but was a Harris (foot), cornerback Xavien practice.
prematurely ended his hopes for a to rally the Czech Republic to a 2-1 Clemons (hamstring) and tight full participant Friday. Howard (knee), safety Reshad kareem.copeland@washpost.com
third Olympic appearance and win over England in a Euro 2020
prompted the decorated qualifier in Prague.
swimmer to announce his A victory would have secured a
retirement. spot for England at the finals with
USADA said in a statement three games left. . . .
Friday that Dwyer, 30, tested Cristiano Ronaldo scored his
positive in three out-of- 94th goal for Portugal to help the
competition tests in 2018, and a defending European champions
three-member panel of the brush aside Luxembourg, 3-0, in
American Arbitration Association Lisbon.
“found that Dwyer had Ronaldo pounced on a bad pass
testosterone pellets inserted in near the area and chipped the
his body.” goalkeeper in the 65th.
Dwyer was a part of the U.S. Bernardo Silva finished off a
4x200 relay teams that won gold chance created by right back
at the 2012 London Games and Nelson Semedo to put Portugal in
again four years later at the Rio control from the 16th. With
Olympics. He also won an Portugal ahead 2-0, substitute
individual bronze at the 2016 Goncalo Guedes added a third
Games in the 200-meter freestyle goal. . . .
race. He had qualified for this World champion France and
year’s world championships, Turkey both took big steps in
which took place in July, but was qualifying with wins that
removed from the U.S. roster with consolidated their Group H lead.
no explanation and did not Olivier Giroud scored to help
compete in Gwangju, South France earn a hard-fought 1-0 win
Korea. at Iceland, while Turkey needed a
According to the arbitration 90th-minute goal from Cenk
panel’s ruling, Dwyer did not Tosun to push it past Albania, 1-0,
dispute that he had the pellets in Istanbul.
surgically implanted. According
to the panel’s final ruling, Dwyer COLLEGE SOCCER
returned home from the Rio The No. 1 Virginia men’s team
Olympics three years ago and “for allowed an own goal in the second
many months, he had been half and settled for a 1-1 draw
suffering from health issues such against Boston College in
as brain fog, low mental and Newton, Mass.
physical energy, difficulty The Cavaliers (10-0-1, 4-0-1
sleeping, depression and anxiety.” ACC) fired off a season-high
He eventually underwent a 21 shots and did not allow a shot
hormone replacement therapy on goal from the Eagles (7-2-3, 1-2-
and had the pellets surgically 2). . . .
implanted in October 2018. The Senior forward Achara scored JOHN MCDONNELL/THE WASHINGTON POST
panel wrote that “he was not in the 50th minute and added late Case Keenum, who was benched two weeks ago and did not play last week, will start Sunday in Bill Callahan’s debut as Redskins coach.
concerned with his swimming insurance in the 90th to lead the
performance, but rather his Georgetown men to a 2-0 win
overall mental health and well-
Shortly after USADA issued its
statement Friday afternoon,
over Seton Hall at Shaw Field.
The No. 12 Hoyas moved to 9-1-
1, 3-0-1 in the Big East; the Pirates
dropped to 5-5-0, 2-2-0. . . .
Keenum reclaims starting QB position
Dwyer on Instagram announced The No. 19 Navy men and
his retirement from the sport. Army played to a 1-1 draw in BY L ES C ARPENTER game. ers that might have led to touch- When asked what he liked best
— Rick Maese Chester, Pa. Keenum won the starting job downs in his four games. about Keenum, Callahan said:
Diego Manrique scored the Bill Callahan’s first starting at the end of training camp, when With McCoy, a favorite of “Just his demeanor on the field
TENNIS lone goal for the Midshipmen (11- quarterback with the Washing- McCoy suffered complications Gruden’s, finally healthy enough and around the building. He’s a
Roger Federer and Novak 0-1, 4-0-1 Patriot League). Keenan ton Redskins will be the player from three offseason leg surgeries to start last week’s game against first-one-in and the last-one-out
Djokovic went from perfectly O’Shea scored for the Black his predecessor, Jay Gruden, and had to stop practicing. the New England Patriots and kind of guy, always watching film,
unbeatable to unbelievably Knights (2-5-3, 0-3-2).. . . benched two weeks before. On Keenum started well, throwing pressure growing from outside to always inquisitive.”
beaten in the quarterfinals of the The No. 22 Virginia Tech men Friday, Callahan announced that for 380 yards and three touch- play Haskins, it seemed as if On Monday, during his intro-
Shanghai Masters. allowed three goals in the span of Case Keenum, the team’s starter downs against the Philadelphia Keenum might not play again ductory news conference Callah-
Federer and Djokovic had been four minutes in the second half in for the first four games, will start Eagles in Week 1 and another this season. But Keenum climbed an said Haskins still isn’t ready to
a combined 13-0 in Shanghai with falling at Pittsburgh, 3-1. again Sunday in Miami, though 220 yards and two touchdowns in back to the top of the depth chart start, echoing Gruden’s state-
a spot in the semifinals on the The Hokies dropped to 6-3-2, he did not commit to Keenum Week 2 against the Dallas Cow- with Callahan’s ascension after ments about the No. 15 draft pick.
line, but both lost Friday. 0-3-2 in the ACC; the Panthers beyond this weekend. boys. But he had five turnovers Gruden’s firing Monday. He prac- “Not right now, but he will be
Federer saved five match improved to 6-4-2, 2-2-1. . . . “He was the starter and the and sprained his ankle the follow- ticed with the first team this week at some point in time,” Callahan
points in the second set and Sophomore forward Justin captain,” Callahan said in making ing week in the Monday night and was anointed the starter said at the time. “We’re going to
received a point penalty in the Gielen (DeMatha) scored a the announcement. loss to the Chicago Bears. Though after telling Callahan his ankle continue to develop him and
third in the 6-3, 6-7 (9-7), 6-3 loss second-half goal to help the He later called the choice: “A he started the team’s fourth game will hold up. heighten his maturation process
to fifth-seeded Alexander Zverev. No. 25 Maryland men salvage a 1-1 no-brainer.” at the New York Giants, he was Keenum has completed 92 of and try to get him on schedule so
Djokovic, the defending tie with Michigan State in East Rookie first-round draft pick pulled in the second quarter after 135 passes for 977 yards with that he is prepared.”
champion, lost to sixth-seeded Lansing. Dwayne Haskins will be the back- throwing for just 37 yards and seven touchdowns and four inter- Callahan said McCoy’s leg has
Stefanos Tsitsipas, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3. The match was called after up, which means last week’s replaced by Haskins. ceptions. Despite his recent held up well after playing his first
Djokovic had been 8-0 in 90 minutes after the field was starter, Colt McCoy, probably Keenum also missed or did not struggles, he still has a high game in nearly a year.
quarterfinal matches at the deemed unplayable by the won’t dress for the Dolphins make throws to wide open receiv- passer rating of 93.8. les.carpenter@washpost.com
Shanghai Masters and has won referees.
four titles. Federer had been 5-0. Maryland is 6-3-2, 1-1-2 in the
Federer received a code Big Ten; Michigan State is 2-6-3,
violation for hitting a ball into the 2-1-1. NFL NOTES
stands and then received a point — From news services
penalty for unsportsmanlike and staff reports
Steelers turn to Hodges after Rudolph is ruled out
TELEVISION AND RADIO A SSOCIATED P RESS be without starting offensive line-
MLB PLAYOFFS men Duane Brown and D.J. Fluker
4 p.m. NLCS, Game 2: Washington at St. Louis » TBS, WJFK (106.7 FM), It’s officially “Duck” season for for Sunday’s game at Cleveland.
WSBN (630 AM) the Pittsburgh Steelers. Brown and Fluker were both
8 p.m. ALCS, Game 1: New York Yankees at Houston » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45), The Steelers ruled quarterback listed as doubtful on Friday’s inju-
WSBN (630 AM)
Mason Rudolph out for Sunday’s ry report. Fluker left Seattle’s
COLLEGE FOOTBALL, SEE PAGE D8 visit to the Los Angeles Chargers game against the Rams with a
NHL while he continues to recover from hamstring injury, while Brown
7 p.m. St. Louis at Montreal » NHL Network a concussion, meaning undrafted has played through a biceps injury
8 p.m. Washington at Dallas » NBC Sports Washington, WFED (1500 AM) rookie free agent Devlin “Duck” for a couple of weeks.
Hodges will get the start when Coach Pete Carroll said Brown’s
Pittsburgh (1-4) faces the Chargers injury is uncomfortable and has
8 p.m. Phoenix at Portland » NBA TV
(2-3) in prime time. not responded the way Seattle
GOLF Rudolph was limited in practice hoped. Carroll did not definitively
6:30 a.m. European Tour: Italian Open, third round » Golf Channel all week after getting knocked un- rule out either player against the
1:30 p.m. PGA Tour Champions: SAS Championship, second round » Golf Channel conscious by Baltimore’s Earl Browns, but the Seahawks could
4 p.m. PGA Tour: Houston Open, third round » Golf Channel Thomas in the third quarter of an have some significant shuffling on
overtime loss to the Ravens. Hodg- the offensive line if both can’t go.
es, a champion duck caller in his Converted tackle Jamarco
10:30 a.m. NASCAR Truck Series: Sugarlands Shine 250, qualifying » Fox Sports 1
Noon IMSA Sports Car Championship: Petit Le Mans » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11)
downtime, completed 7 of 9 passes Jones probably would start at
1:30 p.m. NASCAR Truck Series: Sugarlands Shine 250 » Fox Sports 1
for 68 yards and scrambled once right guard in place of Fluker, with
4:30 p.m. NASCAR Cup Series: 1000Bulbs.com 500, qualifying » NBC Sports Network for 21 yards after coming in for George Fant stepping in at left
5:30 p.m. IMSA Sports Car Championship: Petit Le Mans » NBC Sports Network Rudolph. Paxton Lynch, signed to tackle if Brown can’t play.
1 a.m. Formula One: Japanese Grand Prix » ESPN the practice squad after Ben EAGLES: Philadelphia will
(Sunday) Roethlisberger was lost for the be missing several key players
season with an elbow injury last when it visits Minnesota, includ-
month, will serve as Hodges’s ing wide receiver DeSean Jackson,
10 a.m. Spanish La Liga 2: Lugo at Almeria » beIN Sports
Noon Spanish La Liga 2: Ponferradina at Extremadura UD » beIN Sports
backup against Los Angeles. cornerbacks Ronald Darby and
10:30 p.m. NWSL: Washington at Portland » NBC Sports Washington Plus
Hodges, who set a Football Avonte Maddox and running back
Championship Subdivision rec- DON WRIGHT/ASSOCIATED PRESS Darren Sproles.
TENNIS ord for career passing yards at Undrafted rookie quarterback Devlin Hodges, above, will replace Running back Corey Clement
4 a.m. ATP: Shanghai Masters, semifinal » Tennis Channel Samford before the Steelers starter Mason Rudolph, who is still recovering from a concussion. was placed on injured reserve, and
8 a.m. ATP: Shanghai Masters, semifinal » Tennis Channel signed him following a May try- running back Boston Scott was
2 p.m. USTA Men’s Pro Circuit: NorthBay Healthcare Championship, semifinals » out, drew praise from his more rushing and 42 yards receiving in Wile for Sunday’s game at Arizona. promoted from the practice
Tennis Channel
experienced teammates for his a victory over Tampa Bay. Both players were ruled out Fri- squad.
1:30 a.m. ATP: Shanghai Masters, doubles final; WTA: Tianjin Open, singles final »
(Sunday) Tennis Channel
poise against the Ravens. They The Saints have ruled out wide day, along with second-string cor- Jackson hasn’t played since he
4:30 a.m. ATP: Shanghai Masters, singles final » Tennis Channel don’t expect that to change now receiver Tre’Quan Smith, who left nerback Blidi Wreh-Wilson. injured his abdomen in Week 2.
that he’s had a full week to pre- Sunday’s game with an ankle inju- Trufant is slowed by a toe injury, JAGUARS: Jacksonville list-
pare. ry. Defensive end Trey Hendrick- Wile is sidelined by an ailing right ed cornerback Jalen Ramsey as
RUGBY WORLD CUP SAINTS: New Orleans listed son, who missed last weekend’s quadriceps, and Wreh-Wilson questionable to play Sunday
6:30 a.m. Pool A: Ireland vs. Samoa » NBC Sports Network running back Alvin Kamara as game after injuring his neck in can’t go because of an injured against New Orleans.
1:30 a.m. Pool C: United States vs. Tonga » NBC Sports Network questionable for Sunday’s game in Week 4, also has been ruled out groin. Coach Doug Marrone made the
Jacksonville because of an ankle despite returning to practice on a The loss of Wile will force the designation Friday, a day after
TRIATHLON injury that limited his practice limited basis this week. Falcons (1-4) to switch to their owner Shad Khan said he expects
Noon Ironman World Championship » NBC Sports Network time Thursday and sidelined him Quarterback Drew Brees will third punter of the season. Matt the disgruntled defender to return
entirely from practice Friday. miss his fourth straight start since Bosher is already on injured re- following a two-week absence be-
MEN’S COLLEGE SOCCER Saints Coach Sean Payton de- his Week 2 thumb injury against serve. cause of an apparent back injury.
1 p.m. Syracuse at North Carolina » ACC Network clined to discuss when or how the Rams in Los Angeles. Atlanta is expected to activate Ramsey was limited in practice
WOMEN’S COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL Kamara got hurt. He was not on FALCONS: Atlanta will be Kasey Redfern to handle the punt- for a third consecutive day Friday.
8 p.m. Ohio State at Penn State » Big Ten Network
the injury report Wednesday, without starting cornerback Des- ing and kickoff duties. He saw a back specialist Monday
three days after gaining 62 yards mond Trufant and punter Matt SEAHAWKS: Seattle could
in Houston.
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Capitals need to fix
McKennie leads Nations League rout Against Dallas, Oshie said the
mistakes were offensive-driven,
trying plays the Capitals
“shouldn’t have been trying,” with
and control and are in charge of
puck management and control in
the game late in it, and we have
quite a different look than last
players trying to hold on to the year or even two years ago, so it’s
puck a little bit more and believ- part of growth as a team,” Reirden
UNITED STATES 7, ing they could get it done by them- said of the blue line.
CUBA 0 selves. So what now? The Capitals are
“It’s our own mistakes. . . . It’s headed to Dallas to play their
all about execution, I think,” Back- sixth game of the season with a
BY S TEVEN G OFF strom said. “That is what it comes 2-1-2 record, with three games
down to. I think all of us in here players are adamant they let slip
The goals began flowing a half- know we can play better, know we away. For captain Alex Ovechkin,
minute into the Concacaf Nations can help each other out a little it’s all about looking ahead.
League match Friday at Audi more. Obviously not the best sce- “Just move on,” Ovechkin said.
Field, and by the time Weston nario to lose three games in a row “Obviously it is a hard loss, but I
McKennie had completed a 13- having the lead going into the think we deserve at least a point.
minute hat trick, the U.S. men’s third.” But like I said, we have to manage
national soccer team was enjoy- Backstrom said the Capitals the puck right; we have to figure
ing a refreshing — and soon to be were too complacent and too pas- out how to play more safe. We got
ridiculous — waltz against Cuba. sive, waiting for their opponents a two-goal lead, and we blow it
The 7-0 victory over FIFA’s to come back and strike at them away. It’s hard, but nothing we can
178th-ranked team will not fully instead of continuing to stay ag- do right now, just learn and move
restore the public’s faith and gressive and win the battles. Eller forward.”
enthusiasm in a program that said the team has talked about it samantha.pell@washpost.com
spectacularly failed to qualify for
the 2018 World Cup. Nor will it
elevate the Americans’ global sta-
But with the rigors of qualify-
ing for the next World Cup start-
ing next autumn, the United
States was in punishing form
Bu≠alo wins in shootout
from the start, showed no mercy
and led by six at halftime in its
debut in the new regional tourna-
to continue its hot start
Coach Gregg Berhalter’s squad Teuvo Teravainen, Brett Pesce
will face a stronger test Tuesday SABRES 3, and Eric Haula also scored and
against Canada in Toronto — and PANTHERS 2 (SO) Nino Neiderreiter added a pair of
truer challenges en route to Qatar assists for the Hurricanes, whose
in 2022 as he rebuilds the pro- previous best start was 4-0-0 in
gram with a core of young play- A SSOCIATED P RESS 1995-96. Peter Mrazek stopped 17
ers. of 19 shots in goal.
McKennie, 21, doubled his in- Casey Mittelstadt and Jack Brock Nelson had a goal and an
ternational goal total before leav- Eichel scored shootout goals and assist, Johnny Boychuk scored
ing at halftime. Jordan Morris, the Buffalo Sabres matched their and Jordan Eberle added two as-
24, Josh Sargent, 19, and Chris- best start to a season in 10 years sists for the Islanders, who fell to
tian Pulisic, 21, also scored in with a 3-2 win over the Florida 1-3-0 on the season.
front of an announced 13,784. Panthers on Friday night. Hamilton assisted on Teravain-
Morris tied a program record Kyle Okposo set up goals by en’s game-opening goal just under
with three assists. An own goal Johan Larsson and defenseman four minutes in. Later, he gave
contributed to the tally, which Marco Scandella on a night the Carolina its first two-goal lead at
was tied for the third most in U.S. Sabres’ top two lines were held 4-2, scoring on a shot from the
men’s history. without a point and their potent point past Thomas Greiss in the
“You see the focus in the play- power play finished 0 for 4. Zem- final minute of the second period.
ers, the intensity of the players,” TONI L. SANDYS/THE WASHINGTON POST gus Girgensons also had two as- DUCKS 2, BLUE JACKETS
Berhalter said. “It was good to Weston McKennie scored three goals in the first 13 minutes as the Americans rolled at Audi Field. sists. 1: Ryan Miller had 26 saves in his
see. We maintained that focus Buffalo improved to 4-0-1 un- first start of the season, lifting
and intensity for the entire first in a statement Friday afternoon quickly. game. der new coach Ralph Krueger and Anaheim over host Columbus in
half. that it was notified by the Cuban Just after kickoff, an attack In the 37th minute, Nelson opened with three straight home Ohio.
“You see the outcome. It was a Football Association that Garcia that started in the back ended Johnston saved Morris’s clear bid, wins for the first time since 2008- Jakob Silverberg and Cam
worthwhile game for us to con- “will not travel with the team to with Morris crossing to McKen- but the deflection caromed off 09. Fowler scored for the Ducks, who
tinue to grow.” the stadium.” nie on the back side for an defender Dario Ramos’s head for Linus Ullmark finished with have won four of their first five to
The front three of Pulisic After the match, Cuba Coach eight-yard finish to the near cor- an own goal. 41 saves on a night Buffalo squan- start the season. The 39-year-old
(Chelsea), Sargent (Werder Bre- Pablo Elier Sanchez said through ner. In the 40th, Morris slipped a dered a 2-0 third-period lead. Miller was terrific after being slot-
men) and Morris (Seattle) was in an interpreter that Garcia “is not In the fifth minute, Morris’s pass back to Sargent for a power- Mike Hoffman forced overtime ted in for starter John Gibson on
top form against mild resistance. with us anymore” and declined to cross from the edge of the penalty ful one-timer. In the 62nd, Pulisic by scoring with 11 seconds left. the second night of a back-to-back.
From midfield, McKennie (Schal- elaborate. “That is something in- area connected with McKennie converted a penalty kick. Left open in the right circle, he Pierre-Luc Dubois scored for
ke) pushed into the attack and ternally we are talking about.” crashing the six-yard box for an The Americans finished with waited patiently before snapping Columbus, and Joonas Korpisalo
capitalized on fine setups. Also, defender Yosel Piedra did easy putaway. lopsided advantages in shots a shot over Ullmark’s left shoul- had 22 saves.
“The game plan was to try to not receive a visa. In the ninth, Sargent supplied (24-4) and corner kicks (17-0). der. After a scoreless first period,
get on top of them early,” Morris During the Gold Cup, four McKennie, who pivoted and It will not come as easy against Sergei Bobrovsky had little Silverberg got a shorthanded goal
said. “If we did that, then to keep Cuban players defected. Last linked with Morris for an effort to Canada, which already has beat- chance on either of Buffalo’s goals when he put back a rebound to cap
the foot on the pedal and score year, 12 left the team during an the near corner from close range. en Cuba twice in three-team and finished with 41 saves an odd-man rush that was set up
more goals. We came out flying.” under-20 tournament in Florida. McKennie completed his hat Group A and did not have to play through overtime — including by a deflection off an official’s
As is usually the case when Four years ago, several players trick in the 13th minute. From this weekend. three key stops over the final 1:45 skate. Fowler scored two minutes
Cuba visits the United States, went missing. near the sideline, Morris passed With the outcome settled early, of the extra frame. His best save later, taking a drop pass from On-
there were off-field issues for the The last time the senior squad to cutting right back Reggie Can- Berhalter pulled McKennie and came with 45 seconds left in over- drej Kase and beating Korpisalo
visitors. Defender Yonaidis Gar- played in Washington, exactly non, who crossed into the six- Morris at halftime and Pulisic in time when he kicked out his left from the right circle.
cia, 22, went missing, apparently 11 years ago for a World Cup yard box. Sargent missed with a the 67th minute. pad out to stop Mittelstadt set up Dubois made it a one-goal game
with the intention of defecting. qualifier, two players ran from stab at the near post, but McKen- “If I could have written the at the post. late in the second when he tore
According to ADN Cuba, a news the team hotel and did not return. nie and Pulisic were waiting. game up, it would have been HURRICANES 5, ISLAND-
down the left side and delivered a
website. Garcia disappeared Since 1999, more than 50 Cu- McKennie pushed it into the net. exactly like this,” Berhalter said: ERS 2: Dougie Hamilton and An- sharp-angle shot that went in off
shortly after the delegation ar- ban soccer players, most notably It was believed to be the fastest “Score early, score many goals drei Svechnikov each had a goal Miller’s arm.
rived in Washington on Thurs- longtime MLS midfielder Osval- three-goal performance to start a early and then cruise. I think we and an assist as Carolina beat New Columbus pulled the goalie
day. do Alonso, have defected while in U.S. match. Brian McBride once saved ourselves. We will be fit and York, 5-2, in Raleigh, N.C., and with two minutes remaining but
Concacaf, the governing body the United States or Canada. scored three times in an 11-min- ready to go.” improved to 5-0-0 for the first managed only two shots with the
overseeing the competition, said Friday’s outcome was settled ute span over the course of a steven.goff@washpost.com time in franchise history. man advantage.
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mlb playoffs
Nationals right-hander Aníbal Sánchez held the Cardinals hitless for 72/3 innings in Game 1 of the National League Championship Series on Friday. He left after giving up a hit to pinch hitter José Martínez.
With Sánchez shutting down the Cardinals, things are lining up for the Nationals
SVRLUGA FROM D1 NL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES have to take care of games Even if 23 of the 33 teams that Carpenter’s shift-beating bunt in with that change when he slows
Nationals lead, 1-0 started by Corbin, the dangerous have opened a best-of-seven the fifth. Stressful? Eh, it was it, as Scherzer said, “all the way
pretty,” first baseman Ryan lefty, and Sánchez, who just NLCS have gone on to win it, the kind of routine. down.”
Zimmerman said. Game 1: Washington 2, St. Louis 0 plowed through them. Nats are guaranteed nothing. And then the 35-year-old first “We call it the butterfly,”
Fine. Forgive those of us who Add some more ingredients: But sit around a table in West baseman — channeling Ryan Scherzer said. “He can throw a
Game 2: Today, Washington
do. Hudson will be back for Palm Beach, Fla., in February Zimmerman circa 2009, when he butterfly in there, and . . . just
at St. Louis, 4:08 p.m., TBS
Here’s the grocery list of items Saturday’s Game 2, and they and map out a scenario that played Gold Glove-caliber third every hitter waves at it. That’s
that worked against the Nats on Game 3: Monday, St. Louis survived without having to use says, “You’re up a game in the base — dove to his right, his what makes him such a treat to
Friday: Daniel Hudson, their at Washington, 7:38, TBS their suspect relievers, who are NLCS, and you have Max body parallel to the ground, to watch. I really feel like every
most-of-the-time closer, was in many, because Sánchez went so Scherzer and Stephen Strasburg snare Tommy Edman’s scorched pitcher can learn from him
Arizona, placed on the paternity Game 4: Tuesday, St. Louis deep and Sean Doolittle got the four times in the remaining six liner to open the eighth. Put an because of the way he puts his
list after the birth of his third at Washington, 8:08, TBS final four outs without incident. games, and neither has to go on asterisk near that one. pitches together and the way he
child earlier Friday — leaving a Game 5: Wednesday, St. Louis What’s more: The out-of-the- short rest.” Ownership, the front This was all Sánchez, doing can change speeds.”
dangerous hole in the back end box thinking of the wild-card office, the coaching staff, the what he does at the highest level. Those are the words of the
at Washington, 4:08, TBS*
of Washington’s bullpen, if only game and the division series — players, the cook and the “His ability to change speeds, Game 2 starter — who has won
for a day. Kurt Suzuki, their Game 6: Friday, Washington in which Scherzer, Strasburg and janitors — they would all take it. it’s probably one of the best in three Cy Youngs — about the
most-of-the-time starting at St. Louis, 8:08, TBS* Corbin all made relief And because Sánchez toyed the game,” said Scherzer, a Game 1 starter, who any
catcher, was still being appearances — has now been with the Cardinals, the series is teammate for two years in opponent would have to
monitored after he suffered a Game 7: Oct. 19, Washington at placed squarely back in the box. tilted in their favor. Their Detroit before Sánchez rejoined consider vulnerable when
head injury when he was hit by a St. Louis, 8:08, TBS* A five-game series has two off strength is still to come. Not that him in Washington this season. stacked up against the rest. And
pitch in Game 5 of the division * if necessary days in seven days. A seven- they will allow that. “The way he can change speeds yet he completely mastered the
series against the Los Angeles game series has two off days in “At no point do we think any — even on his change-up.” Cardinals.
Dodgers. Victor Robles, their nine days. Welcome back to a of these games are going to be And Scherzer laughed. So The last time the St. Louis
starting center fielder, sat for a Stephen Strasburg and Patrick normal rotation — the Nats’ easy,” Zimmerman said. much of this remarkable offense was seen — which would
fourth straight game with a Corbin — all spent after the strength since, it seems, the In a way, given the Nats’ rotation is built on power. The be Wednesday in a Game 5
hamstring issue, forcing Michael Dodgers series. That’s just fine. beginning of time. recent come-from-behind fastballs of Scherzer and victory over Atlanta — it was
A. Taylor into the lineup. “I think the rotation that I’m “Starting pitching has been October stresses, Friday kind of Strasburg, in so many ways, set scoring 10 runs in the first
And Sánchez, what amounts in right now is really special,” our backbone,” General Manager was. What amounted for the tone for this team because inning. On Friday, there were
to the “weak link” of the Sánchez said. “. . . Every time I Mike Rizzo said. “That’s been Cardinals’ “rallies”: a one-out everything else plays off them — innings they didn’t see 10
rotation, was on the mound. He get the ball, I want to be our bread and butter.” walk to Kolten Wong in the Scherzer’s four-pitch arsenal, pitches.
made himself into a strength. He competitive for those guys.” Here’s the knife. Slather it on fourth; a hit batsman, pinch Strasburg’s disappearing “Every pitch meant
didn’t allow a hit until his 103rd These are long series, and and figure out what’s ahead. hitter Randy Arozarena, with change-up, etc. Corbin might not something,” catcher Yan Gomes
pitch, when there were two outs none has gone seven games Scherzer will start Game 2 (on one out in the sixth; and another be as viscerally overpowering, said. “We were setting up for
in the eighth and pinch hitter without someone being down full rest), Strasburg will start hit batsman, Yadier Molina with but he has a wipeout slider. something else.”
Jose Martinez lined a clean 0-1. But think of the Cardinals’ Game 3 (on full rest), Scherzer an 0-2, 66-mph floater, in the Thus, here are the NL ranks of What they’re set up for now is
single to center. He had people task at the moment: They must would start a Game 6 (on full seventh. In an era defined by Strasburg, Scherzer and Corbin the rest of the series. Aníbal
buzzing about Don Larsen and win four of the next six games, rest) and Strasburg would be velocity, this was artistry, lousy in strikeouts this season: second, Sánchez fit himself in with the
Roy Halladay even as the Nats and four of those games will be teed up for a Game 7 — on six contact that produced lazy third and fourth, respectively. strength of this team. But the
clung to a narrow lead. His final started by either Scherzer or days’ rest. That doesn’t even flyballs. Look for the sensational Scherzer, though, believes that real strength is still to come.
line: 72/3 innings pitched, one hit, Strasburg. If the Cardinals could account for Corbin and Sánchez defensive play that preserved the any pitcher would do well to barry.svrluga@washpost.com
no runs, one walk, five strikeouts beat each of those guys once, — with one run allowed in 121/3 bid? For seven innings, there watch Sánchez. Yeah, so what if
and two hit batters. which is completely doable, then postseason innings — in Games really isn’t one, unless you count that fastball tops out at about 91 For more by Barry Svrluga, visit
Put him behind Max Scherzer, to win the series they also would 4 and 5. Anthony Rendon charging Matt mph? Get back to what he can do washingtonpost.com/svrluga.
On a night when good wasn’t good enough, St. Louis’s Mikolas takes the loss
BY M ATT C ROSSMAN came after he made a mistake in “I had a rough regular season,” In part because of Mikolas’s
the second inning to Yan Gomes, said the 31-year-old Mikolas, who strong effort, Shildt beat back
st. louis — To be the losing pitch- who lined a double to score Howie posted a 9-14 record and 4.16 ERA. questions about going down 1-0,
er when an opponent dominates is Kendrick, who had doubled to “I’m doing my best to make up for nearly being no hit and having to
to get no credit at all. And so it is for open the inning. it in the postseason.” face a tough starting rotation from
St. Louis Cardinals right-hander Mikolas tried to keep the Na- Mikolas worked with three Washington. He bristled at a ques-
Miles Mikolas, who in a losing tionals’ hitters honest by deceiving pitches — a fastball in the low 90s, tion suggesting that the team
effort Friday night was overshad- them. “[If ] there’s one place in my a slider in the mid 80s and a curve needed to shake up its lineup after
owed by Aníbal Sánchez’s near no- life where I like to be deceiving and that hung around at 80 and some- getting only one hit.
hitter for the Washington Nation- deceitful, it’s out there on the times dropped as low as 76. He “I’m not going to knee-jerk with
als in Game 1 of the National mound,” he said. “I do my best to tried not to throw them in the one game when we just got
League Championship Series. hide the ball. Fastballs in and keep same place twice. “In, out, up, through winning a series. And we
But Mikolas spun, if not a gem, them off [the plate] with the break- down, slow, fast, mix up the have gotten to this point with the
at least a performance that de- ing stuff.” speeds, move the ball,” he said. group that we have,” he said.
served recognition, especially con- For much of the first six innings, Manager Mike Shildt praised Instead of overreacting to one
sidering the turnaround com- the Nationals looked as if they Mikolas’s effort and said he made game, he said the team would keep
pared with his regular season. couldn’t pick up Mikolas’s pitches. just one mistake — leaving a fast- using the same lineup.
Mikolas has helped buoy the In the first, he threw an 80-mph ball up to Gomes that became the “There’s complete hope,” Shildt
Cardinals, though they are down curveball that Juan Soto was so far Nationals’ first run. said. “It’s baseball. It’s one of the
1-0 and must face Nationals ace out in front of he could have pulled “In command of his pitches, the reasons we love it. We scored 13 in
Max Scherzer on Saturday after- his bat back and swung again. In ball was going where he wanted an elimination game and came
noon. The Cardinals, though, the fifth, Adam Eaton must have to,” Shildt said. “[He] pitched six right back and the guy threw a
would gladly accept six innings of thought one of those slow curves innings, give up one run against a great game. But there’s nothing
one-run ball from every starter for was coming because he didn’t even JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST good offensive club, gave us more but optimism about all our players
the rest of the playoffs. flinch at a 91-mph fastball as it Miles Mikolas, who had a 9-14 record in the regular season, gave up than a chance. I thought he was and our offense, for sure.”
The lone run Mikolas gave up sailed through the zone. one run in six innings but could not match Aníbal Sánchez. terrific.” sports@washpost.com
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mlb playoffs
Nationals outfielder Adam Eaton dives into third base with a seventh-inning triple Friday. He later scored on Howie Kendrick’s single to give Washington a 2-0 lead, an advantage that would hold up in Game 1.
72/3 1 0 103
Eaton rf ..........................5 1 1 0 0 2 .167
only part of his performance that day players, because of injuries. It Sanchez grounds out.
Rendon 3b ......................3 0 1 0 2 1 .348
Nationals 1, Cardinals 0
was understated. “Because it’s made it fair to favor the Cardinals Soto lf ............................5 0 1 0 0 2 .259
Kendrick 2b ....................4 1 2 1 1 0 .296
easier for the catcher to call the in the opener, if only slightly, if Turner lines out. Eaton triples. Rendon is intentionally
Zimmerman 1b ..............4 0 2 0 1 1 .368
walked. Soto strikes out swinging. Kendrick singles,
Taylor cf .........................4 0 0 0 0 2 .250
game.” only because Washington’s line- Rendon to second, Eaton scores. Zimmerman walks,
Gomes c .........................3 0 2 1 1 1 .333
innings hit runs pitches Kendrick to second, Rendon to third. Taylor flies out.
Sánchez was on the mound up and late relief were thinned. Nationals 2, Cardinals 0
Sanchez p.......................4 0 0 0 0 2 .000
Doolittle p ......................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
because of what it took for the Then Sánchez flipped that log- TOTALS 37 2 10 2 5 12 —
Nationals to get here. They need- ic on its head.
ed everything Max Scherzer, Ste- “I probably would have bet on scoring position. meant something to set up an- got one more hitter to fly out, Fowler cf ........................4 0 0 0 0 1 .077
phen Strasburg and Patrick Corb- him fourth,” General Manager There already was a slim lead other pitch.” José Martínez ripped a single to C.Martinez p ..................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Wong 2b.........................3 0 0 0 1 0 .217
in could offer to beat the Milwau- Mike Rizzo said, with a laugh, of to protect because Yan Gomes The Nationals added an insur- center, and the fans were Goldschmidt 1b..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .360
kee Brewers in the wild-card which of his starters he would doubled in Howie Kendrick in ance run in the next half when snapped out of their hours-long Ozuna lf..........................4
Molina c .........................2
0 0 1 .360
0 0 0 .130
game, then the Los Angeles have guessed would flirt with a the second. The Nationals would Kendrick brought Eaton in with a lull. Carpenter 3b ..................3 0 0 0 0 1 .125
Edman rf ........................3 0 0 0 0 0 .273
Dodgers in the NL Division Se- playoff no-hitter. That’s because leave 12 runners on base and two-out single. Then Sánchez “I don’t claim to be supersti- DeJong ss.......................3 0 0 0 0 2 .190
ries. They needed 224 pitches it’s easy to cast aside Sánchez in a often let Cardinals starter Miles came out for the seventh while tious,” Martinez said. “But when Mikolas p .......................1 0 0 0 0 1 .500
Arozarena ph .................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
from Strasburg, the most of any nearly $95 million rotation Mikolas wiggle out of jams. Sán- Tanner Rainey began tossing as you got a no-hitter, I was freezing Gallegos p ......................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
pitcher in the divisional round, stacked with Scherzer, Strasburg chez just made sure it never the inning began. But Sánchez my butt off and didn’t want to put Miller p...........................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Brebbia p........................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
and 200 from Scherzer. Each and Corbin. But he has now mattered. sidestepped his second hit batter, a jacket on, and I stayed with this, Helsley p ........................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
J.Martinez ph.................1 0 1 0 0 0 .750
made one of their three appear- allowed just one run in 122/3 in- The Cardinals, like the Dodg- leaving Yadier Molina on first, just this sweatshirt the whole Webb p...........................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
ances out of the bullpen. Corbin nings this postseason. And in the ers five days ago, couldn’t solve a and Rainey sat down. Sánchez game.” Bader cf..........................0 0 0 0 0 0 .200
TOTALS 28 0 1 0 1 6 —
made two in relief, with mixed larger picture, he has been rock healthy mix of his four-seam was at 89 pitches and due up Once the hit fell and once the
results, and tossed 107 pitches in solid since returning from the fastball, change-up, cutter and second in the eighth. Yet without short burst of noise faded, Marti- WASHINGTON.............. 010 000 100 — 2 10 1
ST. LOUIS...................... 000 000 000 — 0 1 0
a Game 1 start. Dave Martinez injured list in mid-May. sinker. That’s three different fast- Hudson, Martinez needed as nez walked out to make his first E: Gomes (1). LOB: Washington 13, St. Louis 4. 2B:
managed as if his life depended He continued that with his balls coming out of the exact many outs as he could get from and only move. Sánchez, having Kendrick (1), Gomes (1), Zimmerman (2). 3B: Eaton
(1). RBI: Gomes (1), Kendrick (6). SB: Arozarena (1).
on every out. And it worked. best command in the early in- same arm slot. Then a change-up his starter. So he let Sánchez bat come so close to history, kept his WASHINGTON IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
But he couldn’t do that against nings Friday. His low-90s fastball that looks like a fastball until, a and pushed him into the eighth head low as he walked into a Sanchez ....................7.2 1 0 0 1 5 103 0.71
the Cardinals. He didn’t expect to painted the corners. His cutter nanosecond later, it begins fall- with the no-hitter intact. high-five of teammates and out of Doolittle....................1.1 0 0 0 0 1 15 1.93
plug Scherzer or Strasburg or worked on both sides of the plate. ing away from swings. Coaches Sánchez went this deep in sight. He did his job and then ST. LOUIS IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Mikolas ........................6 7 1 1 2 7 98 1.50
Corbin into the late innings. The He didn’t lean too hard on his and teammates often praise Sán- about half of his starts in the some. He used 103 pitches to Gallegos .......................1 1 1 1 1 0 11 3.86
NLCS is more reflective of the change-up, his favorite pitch, but chez’s ability to change speeds regular season. Doing so usually deliver the game to the only Miller ...........................1 0 0 0 0 1 7 0.00
Brebbia ........................1 1 0 0 1 0 18 0.00
regular season, as Scherzer noted instead used it in particular better than most pitchers. The led to trouble. Tommy Edman hit Nationals closer in the building. Helsley.........................1 0 0 0 0 2 13 0.00
Webb............................2 1 0 0 0 1 13 3.38
Friday, and so Sánchez started counts. He set down the first Cardinals learned about it the a bullet to lead off the inning, and And Doolittle, tasked with re- C.Martinez ...................1 0 0 0 1 1 7 14.7
with a shorthanded bullpen be- 10 batters he faced, on just 35 hard way. it seemed bound for outfield cording four outs, soon finished WP: Sanchez (1-0); LP: Mikolas (1-1); S: Doolittle (1).
hind him. Closer Daniel Hudson pitches, and soon finished the “He was spot-on with every- grass, but Ryan Zimmerman Sánchez’s masterpiece by shut- Inherited runners-scored: Doolittle 1-0, Miller 2-0,
Brebbia 2-1, C.Martinez 1-0. IBB: off Mikolas (Gomes),
remained in Phoenix following third by stranding one of the thing today,” Gomes said. “Any sprung into a dive and plucked it ting the door. off Gallegos (Rendon), off C.Martinez (Kendrick). HBP:
Sanchez 2 (Arozarena,Molina). WP: C.Martinez.
the birth of his third daughter. Cardinals’ four base runners in time we were throwing a pitch, it out of the air. Then, after Sánchez jesse.dougherty@washpost.com T: 3:24. A: 45,075 (45,538).
‘Soto shu±e’ quickly draws scrutiny and disdain from old-school Cardinals
BY S AM F ORTIER it syncs up his timing. He can’t help ball. He had done something simi- closer in Game 1 of the teams’ Teammates recommended he dial sonalities involved as players po-
it. It’s a tic. lar to Milwaukee Brewers reliever NLDS. Acuña had been criticized it back, so he decided to pick his lice themselves. Last season, in the
st. louis — Miles Mikolas turned But then, not long ago in Los Josh Hader before delivering the before for similar perceived viola- spots. second half, Soto shuffled against
to the Washington Nationals’ dug- Angeles, Soto revealed an ulterior decisive hit in the eighth inning of tions of the unwritten rules. Pitts- “That’s what I’m trying right Aníbal Sánchez, a Braves starter
out, nodded and grabbed his motive. He wanted to unnerve Washington’s wild-card win. burgh Pirates announcer and for- now,” Soto said Wednesday. “Ev- who signed with the Nationals last
crotch. The St. Louis Cardinals pitchers. The shuffle figured to sharpen mer pitcher Steve Blass notably erybody wants to get the job done offseason and started opposite
starter, having escaped a bases- “I like to get in the minds of the into focus in the NLCS because it intimated pitchers might have [in big moments], and if you get a Mikolas in Game 1. The move sur-
loaded jam in the fifth inning of pitchers,” Soto said. “Because fundamentally conflicts with a thrown at Acuña “back in the day” little bit of that [intimidation] and prised the veteran right-hander.
the Nationals’ 2-0 win in Game 1 of sometimes they get scared.” brand of baseball traditionalism for “all the jewelry and all the get a little bit comfortable with He had never seen anything like it.
the National League Champion- It worked in the minors, so he embodied by the Cardinals. St. stuff.” Martinez finished Game 1 that [shuffle] . . . you get one step “I’m like, ‘What’s going on
ship Series, was signaling to the continued. The intention showed Louis has some veteran players, by screaming at the Braves’ dug- in front.” here?’ ” Sánchez said. “I thought
hitter that he didn’t appreciate his Friday night as the Nationals’ first such as catcher Yadier Molina, out, and he told reporters of Acu- Nationals Manager Dave Marti- this guy was going to fight with
antics. The gesture went unac- National League Championship starter Adam Wainwright and re- ña: “I wanted him to respect the nez anticipated this approach me. It was kind of funny to me at
knowledged by Juan Soto. Series game turned into a liever Carlos Martinez, who hold game and respect me as a veteran might not go over well. When that point.”
The Nationals’ 20-year-old phe- junk-holstering contest on nation- hallow baseball’s “unwritten player.” Martinez later added he asked before Game 1 what he Soto never got a hit off Sánchez
nom had adjusted himself at Miko- al television. Fellow major league rules.” The crowd does, too — Soto was emotional following the re- thought about it as an old-school in six tries and stopped shuffling.
las earlier in the at-bat as part of the players, watching from the couch- was heavily booed when he cent death of someone close to player, he started, “I thought, you Mikolas — and the rest of the
elaborate between-pitch routines es like everyone else, took notice. walked back to the plate after a him in the Dominican Republic. know . . . it’s a little, you know . . .” Cardinals in the dugout — didn’t
he has maintained since he was a “Mikolas did it back to Soto. Who botched bunt attempt in the The friction never subsided — He stopped. take it for a laugh. The scrutiny on
minor leaguer. Soto used to say it saw it?” Andrew McCutchen fourth inning. The most notable of Martinez tossed up-and-in twice “But then, after talking to him Soto intensified. He heard louder
was a personal thing, what has tweeted. those invisible commandments is when he faced Acuña in Game 3 — and watching him, it’s a routine boos than any other National
become known as the “Soto shuf- Soto had shuffled up the shuffle. “don’t admire a home run,” and and the situation hinted toward that he uses to get to the next when he walked to the plate later
fle.” Most often it looks like this: He He sometimes has tweaked the Soto’s shuffle seems to violate the clashes around the league be- pitch,” Martinez continued. “I in the game, and he never let up. In
squats in his stance and sweeps his post-take routine throughout the “Don’t show anyone up” rule. The tween styles of play. Soto under- mean, when you talk to him he the ninth, after a wild pitch, Soto
feet through the batter’s box in season — stepping forward to hack Cardinals already have estab- stood these customs and the Car- really feels like that’s his batter’s jogged toward second and tiptoed
what looks like a solo, sidewinding a huge practice cut, wiggling his lished themselves as this postsea- dinals’ position because in the two box. He owns that batter’s box. the last few steps. He put his right
salsa. He stirs up dirt and — some- upper body and grabbing his cup — son’s anti-showboat task force. series between the teams this sea- And when he does that, it’s basical- foot on the base, swung his head
times — trouble with the pitcher, a but now he put it all together again. Tensions escalated between son, Molina has chirped at Soto for ly just saying, ‘Hey, I’m going to get right, then left, then right again,
byproduct of something bigger He pawed at the dirt, shimmied his Martinez and Ronald Acuña Jr., spending too much time out of the back in here, and I’m going to get looking at the infielders. It was as
happening in baseball. But he al- shoulders, grinned and licked his the Atlanta Braves’ young star, af- box between pitches. But Soto sees ready to hit the next pitch.’ ” if he wanted to remind them he
ways has insisted he needs the rou- lips at Mikolas after the veteran ter Acuña was slow around the an advantage in landscaping the What was a big deal Friday night was here to stay.
tine for practical purposes because right-hander missed with a curve- bases following a home run off the box, so he refused to give it up. sometimes isn’t because of the per- sam.fortier@washpost.com
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mlb playoffs
Astros tap
but similar to the division series, fathomable .111 batting average, When leadoff man George Springer struggled in the American League Division Series against the Rays, so did the Astros’ loaded offense.
where I was going back and forth .184 on-base percentage and
Boone said. “Just felt like Masa tively, he turned every hitter he Batters Avg AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SO SB Batters Avg AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB SO SB
Maldonado .400 5 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Torres .417 12 5 5 3 0 1 4 1 2 2
here in Game 1 is the way I faced into a pitcher at the plate. Bregman .353 17 6 6 2 0 1 3 3 6 1 Gregorius .400 10 2 4 0 0 1 6 2 3 0
Altuve .350 20 4 7 2 0 3 5 1 3 0 Maybin .333 3 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 2
wanted to go in the end.” He will see high-leverage duty Gurriel .316 19 1 6 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 Judge .333 9 3 3 0 0 0 0 4 1 0
Both Hinch and Boone said against the Astros and is more Alvarez .316 19 2 6 3 0 0 1 1 7 0 Encarnacion .308 13 2 4 2 0 0 2 1 2 0
R.Chirinos .222 9 1 2 0 0 1 1 2 4 0 LeMahieu .286 14 4 4 2 0 1 4 1 4 0
their starters for Game 4 were to than capable of going multiple Brantley .211 19 3 4 0 0 1 1 1 5 0 Urshela .250 12 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0
be determined, based on the innings, having gone two-plus Correa .158 19 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 9 0 Gardner .250 12 3 3 0 0 1 3 1 5 0
Springer .143 21 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 Stanton .167 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 2 0
status of the series. four times in September alone. Reddick .100 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 Sanchez .125 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 0
Tucker .000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 Totals .293 99 23 29 8 0 5 21 17 27 4
Greinke allowed six runs in Marisnick .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32/3 innings of his ALDS Game 3 Key Astros hitter: A.Diaz .000 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Pitchers W L ERA G Sv IP H R ER BB SO
Totals .242 165 19 40 9 0 6 17 12 49 3 Chapman 0 0 0.00 2 1 2.2 1 0 0 2 4
start against Tampa Bay a night CF George Springer Green 1 0 0.00 2 0 2.0 2 0 0 0 1
Pitchers W L ERA G Sv IP H R ER BB SO Happ 0 0 0.00 1 0 1.0 1 0 0 1 2
before Game 1 winner Verlander Jose Altuve, Alex Bregman and Harris 0 0 0.00 3 1 2.0 2 0 0 0 3 Lyons 0 0 0.00 1 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 2
James 0 0 0.00 2 0 1.1 3 0 0 1 2 Ottavino 0 0 0.00 3 0 1.0 1 0 0 2 1
pitched on short rest and lost Yordan Álvarez may be the en- Rondon 0 0 Inf 1 0 0.0 1 1 1 0 0 Severino 0 0 0.00 1 0 4.0 4 0 0 2 4
Game 4. Cole struck out 10 in the gines of the Astros’ offense, but Smith 0 0 0.00 2 0 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 Tanaka 1 0 1.80 1 0 5.0 3 1 1 1 7
Urquidy 0 0 0.00 1 0 1.2 3 0 0 1 3 Britton 0 0 3.86 2 0 2.1 1 1 1 1 1
decisive Game 5 on Thursday Springer is the driver. At his best, Cole 2 0 0.57 2 0 15.2 6 1 1 3 25 Kahnle 1 0 3.86 3 0 2.1 2 1 1 1 3
night after he had 15 strikeouts in he changes its entire dynamic. Osuna 0 0 3.38 3 0 2.2 2 1 1 2 4 Paxton 0 0 5.79 1 0 4.2 5 3 3 1 8
Verlander 1 1 3.38 2 0 10.2 8 4 4 6 13 Loaisiga 0 0 9.00 1 0 1.0 2 1 1 0 2
a Game 2 win. Witness the ALDS: As Springer Miley 0 0 6.75 1 0 2.2 4 3 2 1 1 Totals 3 0 2.33 3 1 27.0 22 7 7 11 35
Greinke 0 1 14.73 1 0 3.2 5 6 6 1 5
Tanaka allowed one run and struggled through the first four Pressly 0 0 18.00 2 0 1.0 4 2 2 0 0
struck out seven over five innings games, going 2 for 17 with no runs Totals 3 2 3.56 5 1 43.0 38 18 17 15 56
in Game 2 of the ALDS last or extra-base hits and three
Saturday, and Severino went four strikeouts, the Astros’ offense all for the team that hit the second- guy hitting sixth in your lineup Lance McCullers Jr. and Charlie because of injuries, then had just
scoreless innings in the clinching but shut down, scoring just most home runs in history? It (and Gregorius eighth) is border- Morton to finish off games. The three tuneup starts in Septem-
game against the Twins on Mon- 13 runs over those four games. wasn’t Aaron Judge (27). It wasn’t line unfair. Astros have the personnel to ber. He has yet to throw more
day. Paxton struck out eight and But Springer jump-started them Giancarlo Stanton (three). It cover for Osuna, but they’re than five innings since his re-
allowed three runs over 42/3 in- in Game 5, lacing a leadoff single, wasn’t Gary Sánchez (34). It was Astros X-factor: much better off if he is right — as turn, and his ALDS Game 3 start
nings in the ALDS opener. then going first to third on a Torres, their 22-year-old rising RHP Roberto Osuna he appeared to be in Game 5, was effective (four scoreless in-
“As far as facing the Houston single to left, before scoring their superstar, with 38 — the most of The Astros’ closer had an uh- with a 1-2-3 inning to finish off nings) if not dominant (four hits,
lineup, obviously it’s going to be a first run. The Yankees will find it any middle infielder in baseball oh moment in Game 2 of the the Rays. two walks). The Yankees will be
challenge,” Tanaka said through much easier to navigate the heart this year. Torres and double play ALDS, when he nearly gave up a careful with him, and he prob-
his translator. “But you try not to of Houston’s order if they keep partner Didi Gregorius carried three-run lead in the ninth, forc- Yankees X-factor: ably won’t go much more than
do anything sort of different Springer off base. the Yankees’ offense in the ALDS, ing Houston to bring in Will RHP Luis Severino five in any start. But his pedigree
going into the game. You prepare going a combined 9 for 22 with Harris to clean it up — and The Yankees still aren’t sure and stuff hold out hope for a
for it. You make your plans and Key Yankees hitter: two homers, three doubles, seven raising the specter of 2017, when exactly what they have in Severi- dominant performance (or two)
basically you go out there and 2B Gleyber Torres runs and 10 RBI against the closer Ken Giles melted down no, their onetime ace who against the Astros.
execute.” Who hit the most home runs Minnesota Twins. Having this and the Astros needed starters missed 51/2 months of the season dave.sheinin@washpost.com
RAYS: The overachieving
franchise with baseball’s smallest
payroll returned home from los-
ing to the Astros in the AL ANALYSIS
Division Series confident that
getting its first taste of postsea-
son success since 2013 will make
it stronger moving forward.
New York is built to exploit the weakness in Houston’s lineup
“We would have loved to be
World Series champs, but reach- BY N EIL G REENBERG James Paxton, Tommy Kahnle
ing the ALDS for the first time in and Aroldis Chapman, served up
six years is a right step forward,” An American League Champi- two-thirds of their pitches at
center fielder Kevin Kiermaier onship Series matchup we saw 95 mph or more, holding the As-
said. coming from a mile away, be- tros to seven hits and no home
“You hate seeing it end right tween the Houston Astros and runs while recording 11 strike-
now, but at the same time, you New York Yankees, kicks off Sat- outs. (New York won, 4-1.)
think about Day 1 spring train- urday night in downtown Hous- New York has three other pitch-
ing, we accomplished most of our ton’s Minute Maid Park. The two ers capable of producing consis-
goals. We didn’t finish where we juggernauts each passed the cen- tently high-velocity fastballs in
wanted to, but at the same time tury mark for wins during the Chad Green, Jonathan Loaisiga
. . . what a fun year.” regular season — 107 for the As- and Luis Severino. The Yankees,
After compiling the best rec- tros and 103 for the Yankees — in fact, had baseball’s fifth-high-
ord among major league teams and both teams flashed tremen- est rate of pitches thrown at or
failing to make the playoffs in dous power at the plate. above 95 mph this season.
2018, the Rays improved from 90 The Yankees batted .267 with Because the Yankees swept the
to 96 victories this season to 306 home runs, one shy of the Twins in the ALDS, they have
make the playoffs for the fifth major league record set by the some flexibility with their rota-
time in club history. They beat Minnesota Twins this year, and tion. Manager Aaron Boone will
Oakland in last week’s wild-card the Astros hit a league-leading go righty-lefty-righty in the first
game, then survived two more .274 with 288 home runs. The three games of the ALCS, starting
elimination games to force a Astros also created runs at a rate Masahiro Tanaka in Game 1, fol-
decisive Game 5 against the heav- 25 percent higher than average lowed by Paxton and Severino.
ily favored Astros in the ALDS. after adjusting for league and New York’s pitchers will need to
Not bad for a budget-minded park effects. Only the 1927 Yan- attack each of Houston’s batters
franchise that ended the season kees, with their famous “Murder- differently, but there are at least
with a payroll of just over ers’ Row” of Earle Combs, Mark small holes in the strike zones of
$66 million. Koenig, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, each of the Astros’ sluggers.
“I’d make the argument we Bob Meusel and Tony Lazzeri, For example, second baseman
were as fun a team to watch over performed better (26 percent Jose Altuve was 0 for 8 with two
61/2 months as . . . any team in above average). strikeouts on high-velocity fast-
baseball,” Manager Kevin Cash “My buddy texted me a while balls on the outside part of the
said. ago and said, ‘Murderers’ Row. plate this season. Alex Bregman
The Rays won 11 of 14 games to Bull. . . . It’s Murderers’ Mile,’ ” (0 for 3) and infielder Yuli Gurriel
begin the season and went a Astros starter Wade Miley told (1 for 8, two strikeouts) have
franchise-best 17-8 in September USA Today in September. “It’s struggled with those pitches, too.
to finish with 90-plus victories unbelievable every single night.” Carlos Correa has struggled with
for the seventh time since 2008. Houston’s hitters, however, all fastballs off the plate this year
The Los Angeles Dodgers (eight), have one slight weakness: above- (5 for 43, 25 strikeouts), perhaps
New York Yankees (seven) and average fastballs. The Astros, as a Yankees hard-throwing lefty Aroldis Chapman could pose a challenge to the Astros’ powerful lineup. offering a way to neutralize a key
Boston Red Sox (seven) are the team, are hitting just .238 with a component of the Astros’ offense.
only other teams that have done .442 slugging percentage against an absurd .277 with a .499 slug- high-velocity fastballs. (The As- or faster, Houston would have “We understand what’s at
that as often over that 12-season fastballs that reach 95 mph or ging percentage against every tros won the regular season se- been expected to bat .293 and slug stake,’’ Astros Manager AJ Hinch
stretch. higher this season, including dur- other pitch. ries, four games to three.) But you .579 in those seven games rather said, via USA Today. “We don’t
“We may have surprised a lot ing the playoffs. That batting av- To be fair, the Astros crushed could argue that Houston over- than the .349 and .698 it recorded. scare off. And now we have one of
of people, but we didn’t surprise erage ranks in the bottom half of the Yankees in their regular sea- achieved on those high-velocity Plus, New York might have the toughest teams in the major
ourselves,” second baseman Joey baseball (19th), notable for such a son meetings this year, batting pitches. According to the exit ve- found a better recipe for success leagues to have to get to the World
Wendle said. “I think from Day 1, powerful offensive team, al- .317 with 15 home runs over seven locity and launch angle of each in the second game of a four-game Series.
we had a lot of confidence in each though the slugging percentage games, and hitting a ridiculous ball the Astros put in play off a series in June. In that matchup, “So buckle up.’’
other.” ranks ninth. Still, the Astros hit .349 with three home runs off Yankees fastball traveling 95 mph Yankees pitchers, including neil.greenberg@washpost.com
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hugs and silly dances Howie Kendrick scored the Nationals’ first run of the National League Championship Series against the Cardinals in St. Louis. He came home on a hit by Yan Gomes.
perpetrated by the just-gone-
loony citizens of amazed and Washington, D.C., my reason they went so long 10 times over. weeping as if they are citizens of during Washington’s third-of-a-
relieved metropolises. hometown? We don’t count?” between titles is that they lost But the first year that baseball Dogpatch who need a World century in exile, were getting to
You can usually interview a However, with the NLCS seven World Series along the came back to D.C. in 2005, in Series trophy to make their lives watch players such as Frank
four- or five-generation family underway, I would like to make a way. that decrepit, rodent-infested worth living. Thomas, Roger Clemens, Wade
that plans to sprinkle scorecard quiet but firm point: The Red Sox went 86 years RFK Stadium, the team drew Fewer than 1 percent of the Boggs, Sammy Sosa, Ryne
ashes from the final victory on What is it with you people? between World Series wins. But 2,731,993 fans. roughly 6 million people who Sandberg and Barry Bonds.
the grave of great-great-grandpa Where’s the sympathy? in that span, they had 48 teams Do you know the first year now live in the Washington area If I’m reading it right, D.C.
or -grandma who never lived to Where’s the love from fans in with records over .500, eight of that the New York Yankees ever have much to do with partisan isn’t asking much. Unlike the
see it. Nobody thinks they’re other cities? Where’s the media them over .600, and went to the drew that many people? Try politics. In fact, the “people in Dodgers, who seem so distressed
celebrating the success of the empathy for a city and its fan postseason 10 times. They didn’t 1998. Washington” that every that, for the 31st straight year,
Normandy invasion, but these base that have waited longer to win the World Series, but they Don’t you think those of us politician — both parties — have they will not win a World Series
are still truly giddy occasions get less than any in baseball had baseball — and generally who live in the Washington area slandered for decades, the ones to which they feel they are
amid the usual annals of human history? good baseball — every year. are normal folks? Are we not who truly impact national policy, somehow entitled, many of us in
travail. Washington has been getting I’m a native Washingtonian, fans? Do we not hold our heads are a tiny fraction of us. the D.C. area would just like it
I also quote from or create my poked in the eye, given the lived here all my life. My old in our hands when we must wait So keeping in mind that noted that it has been no bed of
own version of the hosannas hotfoot, had bubble gum put on baseball cards begin with some 33 years — 33 years of lobbying, 99.9 percent of Nats followers roses to be connected to baseball
that every baseball scribe or TV- its hat or had its pants pulled from the Bowman set of 1955 — begging, forming ownership are not guilty of “being for 118 years — 85 of them with a
radio yodeler bestows — also down in public since 1901 by the the goofy ones with the players’ groups and proposing ballpark Washington,” could kind folks team that was usually lousy and
sincerely — on the city that “national pastime.” D.C. has had pictures put inside TV screens. plans — to get back a franchise everywhere, you know, maybe 33 seasons with no team at all.
finally got its turn to be two teams spirited out of town — Do you know how many winning in a town that was home to one say a good word about our If fans at Nationals Park for
champion in a sport that clearly just like New York City when the major league teams D.C. had of founding franchises in 1901? bouncy, close-knit, fun-loving, NLCS Game 3 on Monday are a
has no conscience whatsoever Dodgers and Giants bolted — from the time I became Do we not, with justification, refuse-to-die, full-of-old-goats decibel too demur — something
about its franchises taking but the Big Apple is painted as conscious of the sport until the feel slighted when there is wide baseball team that just knocked I seriously doubt will be the case
“turns.” profoundly wronged. D.C.? Meh. Nats finally became good in support in October for the out Clayton Kershaw and the — or if some other Nats-related
The reason my columns at Cubs or Red Sox fans, any fans 2012? 14 current major league teams — perfect Dodgers right there in flaw should come to mind, it
those times are sincere, not you want to mention — none In 56 years, the answer is one. including the Mets, Astros, Dodger Stadium? might be generous to note that
grudging, is because I approach the 118 years of bad One winning team by the time Royals, Twins, Rangers, Brewers, And if Washington should no city in America has put more
understand those fans. I feel a road D.C. has endured at the I turned 64. Because I covered Padres, Royals and Blue Jays — somehow get to a World Series into baseball for longer and
lifelong bond with the followers hands of baseball. Our problem: baseball for The Washington that have not even been in for the first time since 1933 and gotten less back. If we seem a bit
of every one of those teams, just We keep coming back for more Post, I had fun. But think of all existence as long as the 71 years have a chance to win the city’s over the top for “just” making an
as I still begin every season with cream pies in the face because, the D.C. fans who didn’t have that D.C. backed baseball from second World Series — the first NLCS, forgive us. It has been a
a little internal nod that it would apparently, we refuse to stop that good luck. When people 1901 to 1971? was 95 years ago — maybe act as while. Actually, it feels like
be fine with me if Cleveland won loving the game. who are eligible for Social The nation gushes sympathy if we are just a tiny bit akin to forever.
the World Series for the first The sad Cubs went 108 years Security have seen only one for fans in San Francisco, Los those noble “long-suffering” thomas.boswell@washpost.com
time since 1948. between World Series wins. winning baseball team in their Angeles, Chicago and Boston — fans of the Cubs or Red Sox or
Never once have I written, That’s pain. But at least they had lives, that ought to kill every iota among the most desirable and White Sox or Giants. Even For more by Thomas Boswell, visit
“Yeah, but what about a team all 108 years. Part of the of their baseball interest glamorous spots in the world — though all those fan bases, washingtonpost.com/boswell.
Excerpted from “We’re going to miss him or the next day, he might be down Game 2.
washingtonpost.com/nationals today,” Martinez said Friday for a day, so — or two. So having Robles left late in Game 2 of
afternoon. “I told him . . . ‘Hey, Guerra is important.” the NLDS after he dropped down
family’s always first.’ I mean, I get Hudson’s absence is a sacrifice bunt and tweaked his
Hudson misses Game 1 it. I understand. The timing important. He and the left- hamstring running to first base.
after birth of daughter didn’t work out like we thought.” handed Doolittle are the two He didn’t play the rest of the
It turned out Hudson wasn’t relievers on whom Martinez series, but Martinez said he was
Daniel Hudson, one of the few needed. Aníbal Sánchez allowed relies the most. available every night to pinch-hit.
relievers the Washington one hit in 72/3 innings and Sean The Nationals are treating Robles
Nationals trust late in games, Doolittle got the final four outs in as “a day-to-day thing,” and they
was not on the active roster for the Nationals’ 2-0 victory. NLCS roster is set don’t want to rush Robles back
Game 1 of the National League The 32-year-old Hudson Catcher Kurt Suzuki and because his aggressive, all-out
Championship Series. The expects to be back for Game 2 on outfielder Victor Robles, both of style might present a risk for re-
veteran right-hander began the Saturday. The player designated whom battled injuries in the NL injury. His replacement, Michael
series on the paternity list after to be deactivated whenever he Division Series, made the A. Taylor, has enabled the
he flew from Los Angeles to returns is Wander Suero, a right- Nationals’ roster for the NLCS. Nationals’ approach because his
Phoenix to be with his wife, Sara, handed reliever Martinez leaned Suzuki got hit by a fastball in defense means the Nationals
who gave birth to the couple’s on throughout the season (his Game 5 that ricocheted off his “don’t miss much,” Martinez said,
third child, a daughter, in the 78 appearances led the team). wrist and hit him in the face. He and he has swung the bat
early hours Friday morning, The Nationals kept two long departed the game, but X-rays reasonably well, going 4 for 16
according to Manager Dave men, Javy Guerra and Austin came back negative. Martinez with a walk this postseason.
Martinez. Everything went Voth, ahead of Suero because of said the catcher went through “He’s about 80 to 85 percent,”
“great,” a person with knowledge the longer, best-of-seven series. the concussion protocol when Martinez said of Robles, and he
of the situation told The “Right now, we’re better off the team arrived in St. Louis on added: “To me, it’s worth him
Washington Post, and Hudson with having Guerra,” Martinez JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST Thursday, and after the game he missing another day or two to get
chose to spend an extra day with said. “I mean, if we have to use Reliever Daniel Hudson is expected to be back with the Nationals said Suzuki passed his impact him fully back.”
his wife. Voth for a couple innings tonight for Game 2 after missing Friday’s game while on paternity leave. test and was good to go for — Sam Fortier
With wife expecting their first child, Malnati leads in suspended PGA event
A SSOCIATED P RESS started the day tied with Cook, round 69 after missing the cut in phone numbers,” he said. “If she advance to the Charles Schwab Rome, five-time tour winner
improved to 9 under through his past two tournaments, teed has to come get me off the Cup playoffs. Matthew Fitzpatrick took a one-
Expectant father Peter Malna- 14 holes and is a shot behind off early in what he called “sum- course, she will.” Barron started his round on stroke lead after the second
ti started strong and shot a Malnati. mertime” conditions, humid and Only four of the top 10 players No. 10 and shot a 30 on the back round of the Italian Open, while
7-under-par 65 Friday to lead at The 32-year-old Malnati has dead calm before bad weather on the leader board have com- nine of Prestonwood Golf Club. local favorite Francesco Molinari
the Houston Open after morning been playing professionally since suspended play for over two pleted 36 holes. He reached 9 under through missed the cut.
rain and lightning prevented the 2009 and has one career PGA hours. He took advantage with PGA
CHAMPIONS TOUR: 14 holes until his three bogeys at Fitzpatrick moved to 10 under
second round from being com- Tour title. He is expecting the three birdies and an eagle. A Doug Barron lost his great start the end. with seven birdies and one bogey
pleted in Humble, Tex. birth of his first child and said it couple of underwhelming wedge with three bogeys over his last Jerry Kelly, No. 2 in the for a round of 65 at Olgiata
First-round co-leader Austin has been “a distraction because shots may have cost him back- four holes and had to settle for a Schwab Cup behind Scott McCar- Country Club. Joachim Hansen
Cook, who opened with an 8-un- my head’s back home.” nine birdies. 6-under 66, giving him a one- ron, opened with a 68 along with of Denmark moved into second
der 64, briefly got to 11 under “But this week I told myself: Although his wife, Alicia, isn’t shot lead over Woody Austin Vijay Singh and Tim Petrovic. at 9 under with a 66, and former
before dropping all the way to 6 ‘Dude, this is your last tourna- due for another two weeks, he after the opening round in the McCarron, assured of being atop U.S. Open winners Justin Rose
under through 15 holes before ment before you become a dad. conceded he’s already “fully on SAS Championship in Cary, N.C. the Schwab Cup standings going (69) and Graeme McDowell (66)
play was suspended because of Do something with it,’ ” he said. call.” This is the last regular season into the postseason, shot a 73. were tied with three others for
darkness. Talor Gooch, who Malnati, who managed a first- “She has all the media officials’ event before the top 72 players EUROPEAN TOUR: In
third at 7 under.
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college football
Noon Maryland at Purdue » Big Ten Network
Noon South Carolina at No. 3 Georgia » ESPN
Noon No. 6 Oklahoma vs. No. 11 Texas in Dallas » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
Noon No. 16 Michigan at Illinois » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2)
Noon No. 23 Memphis at Temple » ESPN2
Noon Mississippi State at Tennessee » SEC Network
Noon Rutgers at Indiana » Big Ten Network
Noon Toledo at Bowling Green » CBS Sports Network
Noon Miami (Ohio) at Western Michigan » ESPNU
12:30 Georgia Tech at Duke » NBC Sports Washington
Texas seems like the natural pick in its annual Red River rivalry game
with Oklahoma: Longhorns Coach Tom Herman has thrived as an
underdog (going 13-3-1 against the spread over his career in that
situation), and Texas has covered six straight regular season games
against the Sooners, all of them as an underdog. (They’re getting about
10 points Saturday.) Plus, the Longhorns probably have the best defense
Oklahoma has seen this season. But they also have given up 23 passing
plays of at least 20 yards (tied for 112th nationally), and the Sooners are
tied for 10th in the nation with 28 such plays on offense. Kansas did a
pretty good job slowing quarterback Jalen Hurts’s third straight Oklahoma
Heisman Trophy-quarterback march by limiting the Sooners to 21 first-half
points last week with a defensive package that tried to rattle Hurts with
disguised blitzes. Expect the Longhorns to follow that road map.
1:30 Villanova at James Madison » MASN
2 Fordham at Georgetown » WDCW (Ch. 50)
3:30 No. 1 Alabama at No. 24 Texas A&M » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13)
3:30 Florida State at No. 2 Clemson » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2)
3:30 Michigan State at No. 8 Wisconsin » Big Ten Network
3:30 Washington State at No. 18 Arizona State » Pac-12 Network
3:30 No. 25 Cincinnati at Houston » ESPN2
3:30 BYU at South Florida » CBS Sports Network
3:45 Connecticut at Tulane » ESPNU
4 Rhode Island at Virginia Tech » ACC Network Quarterback N’Kosi Perry, left, threw for a touchdown and ran for another as Miami denied Virginia its first 3-0 ACC start since 2007.
4 Texas Tech at No. 22 Baylor » Fox Sports 1
4 Iowa State at West Virginia » ESPN
4 UNLV at Vanderbilt » SEC Network
Playing the No. 1 team in the country once per season is bad enough. With
Saturday’s game against Alabama, Texas A&M will have done it twice
No. 20 Cavaliers fall flat, su≠er first conference loss
over its first six games, which just doesn’t seem fair. The Aggies, one of five “I think the neatest thing about first nine passes and finished drives to the red zone and not a
schools to face the top-ranked team twice in a season since the AP poll MIAMI 17, our team this year is that we just 24 for 41 for 244 yards for Virginia single touchdown. So that’s on us.
began in 1936, couldn’t get anything going on offense in a 24-10 loss at
then-No. 1 Clemson on Sept. 7. Another historical trend working against
VIRGINIA 9 don’t panic,” Miami Coach Manny (4-2, 2-1). The Cavaliers entered
ranked yet were 21/2-point under-
That’s on the offense. Defense did
Diaz said. “When things are going its job holding the pillar, and we
the Aggies: Nick Saban’s former assistants are 0-17 all-time as head poorly, our guys get back out there dogs at kickoff. didn’t do ours.”
coaches against him. Texas A&M Coach Jimbo Fisher was Saban’s BY T IM R EYNOLDS and continue to fight again.” And apparently, those odds- Miami went 78 yards in 11 plays
offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach at LSU. . . . Speaking of Deejay Dallas caught the touch- makers saw this coming. on the game’s first possession,
Clemson, the Tigers will look to regain their swagger — and maybe miami gardens, fla. — Miami down pass for Miami (3-3, 1-2 Brian Delaney made three field with Dallas taking a short pass
that No. 1 ranking — against Florida State after their almost-loss to used its backup quarterback and a ACC), plus rushed for 63 yards on goals for the Cavaliers, who were from Perry and rumbling the rest
North Carolina two weeks ago. Clemson had an open date to think about kicker whose name was a mystery 13 carries. Pat Bethel blocked a looking for their first 3-0 ACC start of the way for a 17-yard score. The
how the Tar Heels were a two-point conversion away from taking a very late to some of his own teammates. field goal for Miami. since 2007. They’re now tied with Hurricanes’ next six drives went
lead. Florida State seems to have righted the ship somewhat after a shaky And the Hurricanes might have The win kept the Hurricanes North Carolina for first place in nearly nowhere — 33 yards on
start that included a loss to Boise State and a near-loss to Louisiana saved their season. from falling to 0-3 in conference the Coastal Division and could be 23 plays, all ending in punts.
Monroe, both at home. N’Kosi Perry threw for a touch- play — any conference — for what joined there by Duke if the Blue But the defense more than did
down on the opening drive and would have been the first time in Devils beat Georgia Tech on Satur- its part. Virginia got inside the
NIGHT SHIFT ran for another with 2:31 remain- school history. Perry, playing in day. Miami 30 on six separate posses-
7 Mississippi at Missouri » ESPN2 ing, Turner Davidson was 3 for 3 place of injured starter Jarren Wil- Virginia has managed only sions and came away with only the
7 Fresno State at Air Force » CBS Sports Network on kicks to at least temporarily liams, finished 16 for 27 for 12 points — all off field goals — in three field goals. Particularly cost-
7:30 Navy at Tulsa » ESPNU solve a Miami problem at that 182 yards. its past six quarters. ly: a blocked field goal in the sec-
7:30 Southern California at No. 9 Notre Dame » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11) position, and the Hurricanes “Virginia is a tough nut to crack “Red zone,” Perkins said. “We’ve ond quarter and a fumble in the
7:30 No. 10 Penn State at No. 17 Iowa » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2)
knocked off No. 20 Virginia, 17-9, on defense,” Diaz said. got to score in the red zone. That’s third quarter.
7:30 Louisville at No. 19 Wake Forest » ACC Network
7:30 Nebraska at Minnesota » Fox Sports 1
on Friday night. Bryce Perkins connected on his plain and simple. We had multiple — Associated Press
7:30 Arkansas at Kentucky » SEC Network
8 No. 7 Florida at No. 5 LSU » ESPN
8 No. 15 Utah at Oregon State » Pac-12 Network
Sure, go ahead and play Iowa under the lights at Kinnick Stadium. In
2016, undefeated and third-ranked Michigan visited Iowa City for an 8 p.m. LSU FROM D1 offensive coordinator and, as of
kickoff and left with a 14-13 loss. The next year, in a 3:30 p.m. kickoff that last offseason, an LSU offensive
ended after dark, Ohio State walked in ranked third in the country and For eons, people have said that analyst.
walked out with a 55-24 loss. Iowa now hosts Penn State with a 4-4 if run-minded LSU could diversi- Brady, a South Floridian to start
record in its past eight home games against top-10 teams, and only one of fy, look out. off, had transferred into William &
those losses was by more than 10 points. There’s just one issue: The LSU can diversify, and its na- Mary after one season on the prac-
Hawkeyes gave up eight sacks in last week’s loss to Michigan, and the tional ranking in passing yards tice squad at Air Force. He would
Nittany Lions average a Football Bowl Subdivision-best five sacks per per game — 114th in 2014, 105th in stay on after his playing days for
game. . . . In 72 games as Florida’s offensive coordinator earlier this 2015, 101st in 2016, 84th in 2017 two seasons as a graduate assis-
century and then its head coach for the past season-plus, Dan Mullen and 66th in 2018 — has leaped to tant on the William & Mary staff,
never has been as big as an underdog as he is Saturday at LSU second in 2019, as quarterback Joe helping out with linebackers,
(131/2 points as of Friday night). This comes even after the Gators beat Burrow is up from 65th to third in making him an emblem of the
then-No. 7 Auburn last weekend. Mullen seems to be taking the pregame passer rating and has thrown 22 value of having coached on both
perception in stride. “Do we get those points before the game starts?” he touchdown passes, just six from sides of possession.
asked this week. “If they gave us those points before the game started, tying the program’s season record. His coaching of the linebackers,
then I would definitely use them. If we walked in and it said Florida 14, All this entering Saturday’s show- said linebacker Green, often felt
LSU 0, I would definitely use that. The rest of it’s irrelevant.” down in Baton Rouge between the more like a conversation. He
No. 5 Tigers (5-0, 1-0 SEC) and would ask, “What do you look for
— Matt Bonesteel No. 7 Florida (6-0, 3-0), so look when you’re watching film?” He
out. would say, “Hey, I don’t want to
Clearly, Brady works well with come in thinking I know every-
offensive coordinator Steve Ens- thing, so if I say something that’s
minger, and clearly, the 61-year- off, step up and say it.”
old Ensminger and the 58-year- “He was very upfront with it,”
old Orgeron have shown the guts JONATHAN MAILHES/CAL SPORT MEDIA/ASSOCIATED PRESS Green said. “We all knew the situa-
to welcome someone about half “It’s our job as coaches to put our speed in space and to allow them tion. He was literally [just fin-
their ages. to win their one-on-one [matchups],” LSU assistant Joe Brady said. ished being] a player.”
On Sept. 7, the night LSU visited As he moved along briskly, he
Texas and bummed out its home up on ‘College GameDay’ and Kirk he definitely remembers the li- learned more under current Mis-
fans with 471 passing yards and 45 Herbstreit talking about him as cense plate: Florida, and BRADY sissippi State Coach Joe Moor-
points, a whoa went up at a gather- having a major impact on the IV. One could spot it outside Wil- head at Penn State when Moor-
ing in Northern Virginia; a cheer game. I just think it’s wild.” liam & Mary’s Laycock Football head coordinated the offense and
went up at a bachelor party in, by The whole thing is wild because Center at many an hour — maybe oversaw the quarterbacks in the
chance, Austin; a former quarter- the whole thing has been rapid, a even 4 a.m. if one so chose — and Nittany Lions’ Big Ten-winning
back marveled in Scotch Plains, quick coaching rise through Wil- could surmise that Brady, whom year of 2016. He reached the Saints
N.J.; the chat groups did perco- liam & Mary, Penn State, the New they addressed as “Brady” or even and their renowned offensive
late; and none of it related to Orleans Saints (who do not daw- “Coach Brady,” might be in there laboratory. He impressed Orgeron
anybody with LSU purple and dle with the football) and now gazing at the nuances of game with his precision and expertise
gold in the veins. LSU. It’s also newly normal in film. when Orgeron had Saints coaches
All of it related to the moments these Sean McVay days of young If you went Sunday morning, visit for a little teaching session.
Brady turned up on television honcho coaches, even if a fresh Monday morning, he’d be there He took the LSU job once vet-
screens. star of a coach hailing from Wil- already. eran assistant Jerry Sullivan re-
In Northern Virginia, the watch liam & Mary hardly rates as fresh “He was there more, if not the tired, generated the happy winter-
group included former William & news. Somehow, four universities same amount of time, as mainte- time talk that can grace SEC towns
Mary defensive end Quincey Sep- have yielded two current NFL nance was,” Green said. and showed an engaging person-
tember, cornerback Jesse McNeal head coaches each — Miami of A coach? Yeah: “I would always ality when he met with Louisiana
III, tight end Evan McGill, safety Ohio, Texas Tech, Michigan State get advice from him academically, reporters during the summer.
Ivan Tagoe and linebacker Alex and, somehow, wee William & socially and about how to go about He said: “Look, the thing about
Goodman. “They just kept show- Mary, with Mike Tomlin in Pitts- the game,” Green said. And yeah: LSU is they’re always going to
ing Joe Brady, and I was like, burgh and Sean McDermott in “He always sat in the front row of have speed and, you know, it’s our
‘Whoa, this is wild,’ ” said Airek Buffalo. meetings, always helping out the job as coaches to put our speed in
Green, former William & Mary “I just think the one thing not to younger guys,” Ortiz said. space and to allow them to win
linebacker and party host. be overlooked is this is not a sur- “He was so knowledgeable their one-on-one [matchups],”
BRETT DEERING/GETTY IMAGES In Austin, the bachelor party prise,” Kearney said. “And with the about blocking schemes and what and, “I’m not an in-front-of-the-
Oklahoma quarterback Jalen Hurts’s Heisman hopes hit a bit of feted former tight end Nolan legacy of coaches from William & we were trying to accomplish in a media-type person. I like to be
a pothole last week, but a strong effort vs. Texas could change that. Kearney and included probably 12 Mary” — he listed Marv Levy, Lou play,” Ortiz said, “that we would kind of in my office.”
former players. “His face shows Holtz and Dan Quinn, who throw him in ahead of somebody Now he’s in front of the media,
up, we all started cheering,” coached there, and Tomlin and who might athletically be more causing little cheers around the
Kearney said. McDermott, who played there — gifted.” land and lighting up certain chat
Other area games In New Jersey, William & “he’s the next one. He’s the next Ortiz found Brady an interest- groups such as the one with the 10
Gallaudet (0-3) at Castleton (0-4), noon Mary’s passing leader from Bra- one up, in my opinion.” ing case of the value of knowledge. or 11 former William & Mary foot-
Richmond (2-3) at Maine (2-3), noon dy’s senior year, Raphael Ortiz, sat Often in the eccentric annals of “You can watch hours of film and ball players and the one javelin
Shippensburg (1-4) at Shepherd (3-2), noon in a sports bar with his fiancee and American football coaching, not get anything out of it,” Ortiz thrower (because every chat
Norfolk State (1-5) at Howard (1-5), 1 future brother-in-law. “I couldn’t there’s a coach everyone saw com- said. “It’s just being a student of group can use a javelin thrower).
Chowan (1-4) at Bowie State (5-0), 1 believe someone I played with ing before he began coaching. the game and understanding the “It’s not something we ever
Delaware State (1-4) at Morgan State (0-5), 1 could be coaching in the SEC at This does not appear to have been whys of it.” doubted,” Kearney said, soon add-
Hampton (3-2) at Gardner-Webb (2-3), 1:30 that level,” Ortiz said. He marvels one of those stories. This appears Brady and fellow wide receiver ing: “I don’t think this is shocking.
Samford (3-3) at VMI (3-3), 1:30 that Professor Herbstreit of the to be one of those stories times 10. D.J. Mangas might kill you at I think it’s just how he is and how
ESPN faculty raved about Brady, Ortiz, Brady’s senior-year quar- strategy-centric video games, he’s always been.” Still, it does
Old Dominion (1-4) at Marshall (2-3), 2:30
saying: “It’s definitely strange see- terback, thinks the car was black, Kearney said, and the latter has light up a chat group.
Albany (3-3) at Towson (3-2), 4
ing his name and picture popping and he thinks it was a Nissan, but become both William & Mary’s chuck.culpepper@washpost.com
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Terps’ inconsistent o≠ense looking to become e∞cient and not just explosive
MARYLAND FROM D1 ball on the perimeter, he “has a at once, it helps mask the of-
chance to eye up linebackers at fense’s occasional inefficiencies.
typical first-down outcome was six yards away versus three to A few quick scores make the
just one yard in the Temple loss four yards away, which gives him previous futile drives seem irrel-
and no gain in Penn State’s rout. a much better chance to make evant.
The Terps have lost or gained no them miss.” “Everybody can do everything,”
yardage on 38 percent of their Fellow running back Javon Leake said of the running backs.
plays in 2019, a slightly worse Leake becomes a threat in space “Fleet can catch. Ant is fast. I'm
mark than last season’s 34 per- thanks to his speed. He returned a fast. We all can do all those things
cent. kickoff 100 yards for a touchdown and show our versatility. I just
But the Terps have survived — against Rutgers after he dropped feel like all three of us are a
and dominated three of their five the ball in the end zone and then complete package.”
opponents — by leaning on their ran toward the opposite side of Just consider the Rutgers win:
abundance of athletes who take the field. On top of his special Immediately after those four ear-
turns triggering huge plays. teams bursts, Leake has run for a ly drives generated no promising
Running back Anthony McFar- gain of at least 30 yards three offensive moments, Maryland
land Jr., the team’s most prolific times this season. scored on three straight plays.
big-play creator, frequently ex- Once Leake breaks through the First came the three-play drive
plodes down the sideline after last few defenders, he said his that included Fleet-Davis’s back-
eluding defenders. Despite a mi- only thought is, “Just don’t get to-back long receptions. The next
nor ankle injury, he scored on an caught.” He knows he has the offensive snap became a 42-yard
80-yard run against Rutgers. necessary speed, so “that would touchdown run from Leake. Then
McFarland has “probably one be the worst.” ANDREW MILLS/ASSOCIATED PRESS an interception and long return
of the more unique combinations Maryland’s No. 3 running back, Running back Anthony McFarland Jr. ran for an 80-yard touchdown last weekend against Rutgers. from Ayinde Eley gave McFarland
of speed and quickness that I Tayon Fleet-Davis, offers ability of the chance to punch in the score
have seen in a long time with the a similar level. All of the running vis said this week. “It was actually contributions to this year’s offen- Tyrrell Pigrome will replace Jack- from the 2-yard line.
football in his hands,” offensive backs have become more in- fun, just getting that receiver sive machine that generates ex- son (high ankle sprain). The slow start no longer mat-
coordinator Scottie Montgomery volved in the passing game under feeling and being that open in the plosive plays at a high rate. In all of Maryland’s wins, the tered because the Terps suddenly
said before the season began. Locksley, but Fleet-Davis became open field. I got excited.” But the passing game will miss offense has combined for at least led by two scores. Few will look
It’s not simply McFarland’s the back who showed off this skill Particularly in the first two a few important pieces against six plays of at least 20 yards. In back at that game and feel con-
speed that makes him elusive. set against Rutgers. On consecu- games, with quarterback Josh Purdue: Turner, who has also the loss against Temple, the Terps cerned about the prolonged
Montgomery credited the way tive plays, he caught a pass for a Jackson playing well, Maryland returned a kickoff for a touch- had three such plays. Against stretch when Maryland couldn’t
McFarland is so efficient in the 50-yard gain and then scored on a made massive gains through the down this year, is still suspended Penn State, a 59-0 blowout, they move the ball. Because with ex-
way he cuts. He tucks the ball 23-yard reception. air, as well. Demus, along with as a result of being charged didn’t generate any. plosive plays as their fuel, the
quicker than most, Montgomery “That was my first time” catch- fellow receivers DJ Turner, Darryl Sept. 20 with driving under the Whenever a player such as Terps won. And they did so easily.
said, so if McFarland catches the ing a long pass like that, Fleet-Da- Jones and Brian Cobbs, made influence. Backup quarterback McFarland gains massive yardage emily.giambalvo@washpost.com
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MLB playoffs NFL Miami 17, No. 20 Virginia 9 PGA Tour NHL Avalanche 4, Bruins 2
VIRGINIA .................................. 0 3 0 6— 9
WILD-CARD ROUND EAST W L T PCT. PF PA MIAMI ...................................... 7 0 0 10 — 17 At Golf Club of Houston; In Humble, Tex. ATLANTIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA BOSTON ................................... 2 0 0 — 2
Tuesday, Oct. 1: at Washington 4, Milwaukee 3 Purse: $7.5 million COLORADO .............................. 1 1 2 — 4
Philadelphia .................. 3 2 0 .600 141 111 MFL: Dallas 17 pass from N.Perry (Davidson kick), 8:55 Yardage: 7,441; Par: 72 Buffalo ........................... 5 4 0 1 9 21 13
Wednesday, Oct. 2: Tampa Bay 5, at Oakland 1 Dallas ............................ 3 2 0 .600 131 90 Boston............................ 4 3 1 0 6 9 8
DIVISION SERIES N.Y. Giants .................... 2 4 0 .333 111 160 UVA: FG Delaney 25, :00 second. PARTIAL SECOND ROUND Detroit............................ 4 3 1 0 6 14 11
Washington .................. 0 5 0 .000 73 151 Note: A weather delay prevented completion of the Tampa Bay ..................... 4 2 1 1 5 18 13 Scoring: 1, Boston, Pastrnak 2 (Marchand, Krejci), 7:58.
(Best of five) UVA: FG Delaney 21, 14:28 fourth. 2, Boston, Chara 1 (Bergeron, Pastrnak), 15:34. 3,
MFL: FG Davidson 19, 10:06 fourth. second round. Toronto .......................... 5 2 2 1 5 19 20
NATIONAL LEAGUE Montreal ........................ 4 1 1 2 4 15 18 Colorado, MacKinnon 1 (Landeskog, Makar), 19:05 (pp).
SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA UVA: FG Delaney 44, 7:39 fourth. Peter Malnati ..................................... 69 65 — 134 -10
NATIONALS ELIMINATED DODGERS, 3-2 New Orleans ................. 4 1 0 .800 115 116 MFL: N.Perry 3 run (Davidson kick), 2:37 fourth. Florida ............................ 4 1 2 1 3 11 17
Sepp Straka ....................................... 65 71 — 136 -8 Ottawa ........................... 3 0 3 0 0 8 15
Game 1: at Los Angeles 6, Washington 0 Carolina ......................... 3 2 0 .600 129 107 Carlos Ortiz ........................................ 70 67 — 137 -7
Game 2: Washington 4, at Los Angeles 2 Tampa Bay .................... 2 3 0 .400 147 148 Scoring: 4, Colorado, Bellemare 2 (Calvert), 9:43.
VIRGINIA MIAMI Mark Hubbard .................................... 68 69 — 137 -7
Game 3: Los Angeles 10, at Washington 4 Atlanta .......................... 1 4 0 .200 102 152 First Downs ..................................... 21 14 Cameron Tringale .............................. 68 71 — 139 -5 METROPOLITAN GP W L OT Pts GF GA THIRD PERIOD
Game 4: at Washington 6, Los Angeles 1 Rushes-Yards ............................. 31-74 25-83 Sam Ryder ......................................... 70 69 — 139 -5 Carolina .......................... 5 5 0 0 10 22 13
Game 5: Washington 7, at Los Angeles 3, 10 innings Passing .......................................... 252 182 Beau Hossler ...................................... 70 69 — 139 -5 Washington ................... 5 2 1 2 6 15 16 Scoring: 5, Colorado, Burakovsky 1, 12:54. 6, Colorado,
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 25-42-0 16-27-0 Mackenzie Hughes ............................ 68 71 — 139 -5 N.Y. Rangers .................. 2 2 0 0 4 10 5 Landeskog 2 (MacKinnon, Rantanen), 18:59.
CARDINALS ELIMINATED BRAVES, 3-2 Green Bay ..................... 4 1 0 .800 119 93
Detroit .......................... 2 1 1 .625 97 95 Return Yards .................................. 130 21 Robert Streb ...................................... 72 68 — 140 -4 Philadelphia ................... 2 2 0 0 4 8 3
Game 1: St. Louis 7, at Atlanta 6 Pittsburgh...................... 4 2 2 0 4 11 10
Chicago ......................... 3 2 0 .600 87 69 Punts-Avg. ............................... 3-44.33 6-42.83 J.J. Henry ........................................... 74 67 — 141 -3
Game 2: at Atlanta 3, St. Louis 0 Fumbles-Lost .................................. 2-1 0-0 Russell Knox ...................................... 71 70 — 141 -3 N.Y. Islanders................. 4 1 3 0 2 9 13 BOSTON ................................. 15 14 12 — 41
Minnesota ..................... 3 2 0 .600 112 73
Game 3: Atlanta 3, at St. Louis 1 Penalties-Yards ............................ 3-20 4-24 Bud Cauley ......................................... 72 69 — 141 -3 Columbus ....................... 4 1 3 0 2 8 16 COLORADO ............................ 13 11 12 — 36
Game 4: at St. Louis 5, Atlanta 4 (10) Time Of Possession .................... 34:19 25:41 Kyle Stanley ....................................... 70 71 — 141 -3 New Jersey .................... 4 0 2 2 2 9 20 Power-play opportunities: Boston 0 of 1; Colorado 1 of 2.
Game 5: St. Louis 13, at Atlanta 1 WEST W L T PCT. PF PA Goalies: Boston, Halak 1-1-0 (35 shots-32 saves).
San Francisco ................ 4 0 0 1.000 127 57 Kramer Hickok ................................... 68 73 — 141 -3 WESTERN CONFERENCE
Roberto Castro .................................. 73 69 — 142 -2 Colorado, Grubauer 3-0-0 (41-39).
AMERICAN LEAGUE Seattle .......................... 4 1 0 .800 133 118 RUSHING
ASTROS ELIMINATED RAYS, 3-2 L.A. Rams ...................... 3 2 0 .600 146 134 Chad Campbell ................................... 70 72 — 142 -2 CENTRAL GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Virginia: Taulapapa 8-27, Perkins 17-27, Kier 3-14, Maverick McNealy ............................. 68 74 — 142 -2
Game 1: at Houston 6, Tampa Bay 2 Arizona ......................... 1 3 1 .300 100 138 St. Louis ......................... 4 3 0 1 7 14 11
Hollins 2-7, Atkins 1-(minus 1). Miami: Dallas 13-63, Sebastian Cappelen ........................... 74 68 — 142 -2
Game 2: at Houston 3, Tampa Bay 1 N.Perry 9-18, Harris 2-2, Jordan 1-0. Bronson Burgoon ............................... 69 73 — 142 -2
Colorado ......................... 3 3 0 0 6 13 7 Coyotes 4, Golden Knights 1
Game 3: at Tampa Bay 10, Houston 3 AFC Nashville ........................ 4 3 1 0 6 19 14
Game 4: at Tampa Bay 4, Houston 1 PASSING James Hahn ....................................... 69 73 — 142 -2 Winnipeg........................ 5 3 2 0 6 19 17 Late Thursday
EAST W L T PCT. PF PA D.J. Trahan ......................................... 73 70 — 143 -1 Dallas ............................. 5 1 3 1 3 12 15
Game 5:at Houston 6, Tampa Bay 1 VEGAS ..................................... 1 0 0 — 1
New England ................. 6 0 0 1.000 190 48 Virginia: Perkins 25-42-0-252. Miami: N.Perry 16-27-0- Doc Redman ....................................... 71 72 — 143 -1 Chicago........................... 2 0 2 0 0 7 9 ARIZONA ................................. 2 2 0 — 4
YANKEES ELIMINATED TWINS, 3-0 Buffalo .......................... 4 1 0 .800 90 70 182. Robert Garrigus ................................. 70 73 — 143 -1 Minnesota...................... 3 0 3 0 0 6 14
Game 1: at N.Y. Yankees 10, Minnesota 4 N.Y. Jets ....................... 0 4 0 .000 39 101 Lucas Bjerregaard .............................. 70 73 — 143 -1 FIRST PERIOD
Miami ............................ 0 4 0 .000 26 163 RECEIVING Bill Haas ............................................. 72 71 — 143 -1
Game 2: at N.Y. Yankees 8, Minnesota 2 PACIFIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA Scoring: 1, Arizona, Garland 1 (Soderberg), 8:00. 2,
Game 3: N.Y. Yankees 5, at Minnesota 1 Virginia: Dubois 7-93, Jana 5-47, J.Reed 5-33, Kelly 2-35, Denny McCarthy ................................ 71 72 — 143 -1
Brendon Todd ..................................... 76 67 — 143 -1 Edmonton....................... 4 4 0 0 8 18 12 Arizona, Schmaltz 1 (Hayton, Dvorak), 19:21. 3, Vegas,
SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA Kemp 2-20, Cowley 2-8, Brissett 1-15, Atkins 1-1. Miami:
LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Bo Hoag .............................................. 72 71 — 143 -1 Anaheim......................... 5 4 1 0 8 11 6 Theodore 1 (McNabb, Glass), 19:55.
Houston ........................ 3 2 0 .600 131 110 Osborn 4-60, Harley 3-16, Thomas 3-14, Jordan 2-48,
Scottie Scheffler ............................... 69 74 — 143 -1 Calgary ........................... 4 2 1 1 5 12 11
(Best of seven) Indianapolis .................. 3 2 0 .600 113 115 Pope 2-30, Dallas 2-14. SECOND PERIOD
Xinjun Zhang ...................................... 67 76 — 143 -1 Vegas ............................. 4 2 2 0 4 13 10
NATIONAL LEAGUE Jacksonville .................. 2 3 0 .400 111 118 Arizona........................... 3 1 2 0 2 5 4
Seamus Power ................................... 67 76 — 143 -1 Scoring: 4, Arizona, Garland 2 (Oesterle), 2:03. 5,
Tennessee ..................... 2 3 0 .400 98 76 Vancouver ...................... 3 1 2 0 2 10 8
NATIONALS LEAD CARDINALS, 1-0 Martin Laird ....................................... 70 73 — 143 -1 Arizona, Hjalmarsson 1 (Soderberg, Keller), 18:28.
Game 1: Washington 2, at St. Louis 0 SOCCER Russell Henley ................................... 66 77 — 143 -1 Los Angeles.................... 3 1 2 0 2 11 17
Saturday: Washington at St. Louis, 4:08 (TBS) NORTH W L T PCT. PF PA Ricky Barnes ...................................... 71 73 — 144 E San Jose......................... 5 1 4 0 2 10 21
Monday: St. Louis at Washington, 7:38 (TBS) Baltimore ...................... 3 2 0 .600 161 123 Shawn Stefani ................................... 72 72 — 144 E VEGAS ................................... 15 10 13 — 38
Cleveland ...................... 2 3 0 .400 92 122 THURSDAY’S RESULTS
Tuesday: St. Louis at Washington, 8:05 (TBS)
Pittsburgh ..................... 1 4 0 .200 99 114
MLS playoffs Luke List ............................................ 71 73 — 144 E ARIZONA ............................... 14 10 5 — 29
x-Wednesday: St. Louis at Washington, 4:08 (TBS) Sebastian Munoz ............................... 70 74 — 144 E at Nashville 6, Washington 5 Power-play opportunities: Vegas 0 of 4; Arizona 0 of 2.
x-Friday, Oct. 18: Washington at St. Louis, 8:08 (TBS) Cincinnati ...................... 0 5 0 .000 80 136 FIRST ROUND George McNeill .................................. 72 72 — 144 E Detroit 4, at Montreal 2 Goalies: Vegas, Subban 0-1-0 (14 shots-12 saves),
x-Saturday, Oct. 19: Washington at St. Louis, 8:08 (TBS) SATURDAY, OCT. 19 Henrik Norlander ............................... 68 76 — 144 E at Pittsburgh 2, Anaheim 1 Fleury 2-1-0 (15-13). Arizona, Kuemper 1-2-0 (38-37).
WEST W L T PCT. PF PA D.C. United at Toronto FC, 6 Chandler Phillips ................................ 73 71 — 144 E
AMERICAN LEAGUE Tampa Bay 7, at Toronto 3
Kansas City ................... 4 1 0 .800 148 113 New England at Atlanta United, 1 Rob Oppenheim ................................. 71 73 — 144 E
N.Y. YANKEES VS. HOUSTON Oakland ......................... 3 2 0 .600 103 123 Dallas at Seattle, 3:30 Ben Taylor .......................................... 71 73 — 144 E Edmonton 4, at New Jersey 3 (SO)
L.A. Chargers ................ 2 3 0 .400 103 94 Portland at Real Salt Lake, 10 Ryan Brehm ....................................... 72 72 — 144 E St. Louis 6, at Ottawa 4 H I GH S C HOOLS
Saturday, Oct. 12: N.Y. Yankees at Houston, 8:08 (Fox)
Denver ........................... 1 4 0 .200 90 106 Michael Thompson ............................ 72 73 — 145 +1 at Winnipeg 5, Minnesota 2
Sunday, Oct. 13: N.Y. Yankees at Houston, 8:08 (FS1) SUNDAY, OCT. 20
Tuesday, Oct. 15: Houston at N.Y. Yankees, 4:08 (FS1) Peter Uihlein ...................................... 71 74 — 145 +1 San Jose at 5, Chicago 4
Wednesday, Oct. 16: Houston at N.Y. Yankees, 8:08 (FS1)
THURSDAY’S RESULT New York Red Bulls at Philadelphia, 3 Chase Seiffert .................................... 73 72 — 145 +1 Calgary 3, at Dallas 2 (SO) FOOTBALL
LA Galaxy at Minnesota United, 8:30 Josh Teater ........................................ 72 73 — 145 +1
x-Thursday, Oct. 17: Houston at N.Y. Yankees, 8:08 (FS1) at New England 35, N.Y. Giants 14 at Colorado 4, Boston 2 DAMASCUS 49, WATKINS MILL 14
x-Saturday, Oct. 19: N.Y. Yankees at Houston, 4:08 (FS1) Scott Brown ....................................... 76 69 — 145 +1 at Arizona 4, Vegas 1
SUNDAY’S GAMES CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS David Hearn ....................................... 72 74 — 146 +2 Damascus ........................... 14 21 7 7 — 49
x-Sunday, Oct. 20: N.Y. Yankees at Houston, 7:38 (FS1) WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23 Patton Kizzire .................................... 71 75 — 146 +2 FRIDAY’S RESULTS Watkins Mill ...................... 0 0 0 14 — 14
Washington at Miami, 1
WORLD SERIES Toronto FC-D.C. United winner at New York City FC, 7 Andrew Landry .................................. 74 72 — 146 +2
D: Velez 2 run ( Baires kick )
Carolina vs Tampa Bay at London, 9:30 a.m. Salt Lake-Portland winner vs. Seattle-Dallas winner at Parker McLachlin ............................... 70 76 — 146 +2 at Buffalo 3, Florida 2 (SO)
(Best of seven) D: Furgeson 32 interception return ( Baires kick )
Tuesday, Oct. 22: at better record (Fox) Philadelphia at Minnesota, 1 higher-seeded team, 10 Kevin Chappell ................................... 74 72 — 146 +2 Anaheim 2, at Columbus 1
New Orleans at Jacksonville, 1 at Carolina 5, N.Y. Islanders 2 D: Sabri 42 pass from O'Neil ( Baires kick )
Wednesday, Oct. 23: at better record (Fox) Johnson Wagner ................................ 71 75 — 146 +2
THURSDAY, OCT. 24 Logan McCracken ............................... 71 75 — 146 +2
D: Cole 17 run ( Baires kick )
Friday, Oct. 25: at worse record (Fox) Houston at Kansas City, 1 D: Furgeson 3 run ( Baires kick )
Philadelphia-New York Red Bulls winner vs. Atlanta- Hank Lebioda ..................................... 74 72 — 146 +2 SATURDAY’S GAMES
Saturday, Oct. 26: at worse record (Fox) Cincinnati at Baltimore, 1 New England winner at higher-seeded team, 7:30 D: Dunathan 5 run ( Baires kick )
x-Sunday, Oct. 27: at worse record (Fox) Seattle at Cleveland, 1 Dawie van der Walt ........................... 74 72 — 146 +2 Washington at Dallas, 8
Minnesota-LA Galaxy winner at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 D: Bruno 10 run ( Baires kick )
x-Tuesday, Oct. 29: at better record (Fox) Daniel Chopra .................................... 72 74 — 146 +2 Edmonton at N.Y. Rangers, 1
San Francisco at L.A. Rams, 4:05
x-Wednesday, Oct. 30: at better record (Fox) Richy Werenski .................................. 72 75 — 147 +3 MAGRUDER 12, POOLESVILLE 7
Atlanta at Arizona, 4:05 CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Scott Stallings ................................... 72 75 — 147 +3
Tampa Bay at Ottawa, 4
Tennessee at Denver, 4:25 TUESDAY, OCT. 29 Tom Hoge ........................................... 70 77 — 147 +3 Nashville at Los Angeles, 6 Magruder ........................... 6 0 6 0 — 12
Dallas at N.Y. Jets, 4:25 Western Conference at higher-seeded team, TBA Keegan Bradley .................................. 76 72 — 148 +4 Toronto at Detroit, 7 Poolesville .......................... 0 0 0 7 — 7
Pittsburgh at L.A. Chargers, 8:20 Mark Anderson .................................. 75 73 — 148 +4 Florida at N.Y. Islanders, 7
B A SK E T B ALL BYE: Buffalo, Indianapolis, Chicago, Oakland
Tim Herron ......................................... 72 76 — 148 +4 Columbus at Carolina, 7
M: Proctor 26 pass from Peterwas ( kick failed )
Eastern Conference at higher-seeded team, TBA M: Peterwas 1 run ( kick failed )
John Senden ...................................... 72 77 — 149 +5 New Jersey at Boston, 7 RUSHING LEADERS: M: David 12-88, Baxter 8-87.
MONDAY’S GAME MLS CUP Brendan Steele .................................. 76 73 — 149 +5 Winnipeg at Chicago, 7 RECEIVING LEADERS: M: Proctor 3-45, Rose 1-35,
WNBA playoffs Sangmoon Bae ................................... 73 76 — 149 +5 Pebenito 2-14, Baxter 1-9.
Detroit at Green Bay, 8:15 SUNDAY, NOV. 10 Roger Sloan ....................................... 75 75 — 150 +6
St. Louis at Montreal, 7
FIRST ROUND Eastern Conference champion vs. Western Conference Pittsburgh at Minnesota, 8:30
John Merrick ...................................... 71 79 — 150 +6 T.C. WILLIAMS 62, ANNANDALE 35
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11 champion at higher-seeded team, 3 Sam Burns ......................................... 77 74 — 151 +7 Arizona at Colorado, 9
at No. 5 Chicago 105, No. 8 Phoenix 76 Bo Van Pelt ........................................ 70 81 — 151 +7 Calgary at Vegas, 10 T.C. Williams ...................... 14 21 21 6 — 62
at No. 6 Seattle 84, No. 7 Minnesota 74 NCAA Kristoffer Ventura ............................. 77 74 — 151 +7 Philadelphia at Vancouver, 10 Annandale .......................... 13 6 8 8 — 35
SECOND ROUND THURSDAY’S RESULTS NWSL Robert Allenby ................................... 76 76 — 152 +8
SUNDAY’S GAMES A: Agyeman 3 run ( Scott kick )
SOUTH Daniel Berger ..................................... 77 75 — 152 +8 A: Salisbury 1 run ( kick failed )
SUNDAY, SEPT. 15 Cameron Davis ................................... 79 73 — 152 +8
W L T Pts GF GA Pittsburgh at Winnipeg, 7 A: Salisbury 54 run ( kick failed )
at No. 3 Los Angeles 92, No. 6 Seattle 69 Bethune-Cookman 27, at N.C. Central 13 Tommy Gainey ................................... 78 75 — 153 +9
y-North Carolina...............14 5 4 46 51 21 Vegas at Los Angeles, 10 A: Agyeman 5 run ( Salisbury run )
at No. 4 Las Vegas 93, No. 5 Chicago 92 at N.C. State 16, Syracuse 10 Hunter Mahan .................................... 74 79 — 153 +9
y-Chicago..........................14 8 2 44 41 28 Calgary at San Jose, 10 A: Laatour 73 pass from Salisbury ( Laatour run )
SEMIFINALS SOUTHWEST Chris Baker ........................................ 78 77 — 155 +11 RUSHING LEADERS: A: Salisbury 18-173, Agyeman
y-Portland.........................11 6 6 39 40 31
(Best of five) Jonathan Byrd ................................... 78 78 — 156 +12 MONDAY’S GAMES 20-113, Kargbo 2-24.
Louisiana Monroe 24, at Texas State 14 y-Reign FC ........................10 6 7 37 25 25
Martin Trainer ................................... 75 83 — 158 +14 RECEIVING LEADERS: A: Laatour 4-127, Berry 2-22,
Washington........................9 8 6 33 30 25 Colorado at Washington, 5
MYSTICS ELIMINATED ACES, 3-1 Utah ....................................9 10 4 31 23 24
Zack Sucher ....................................... 74 86 — 160 +16 Scott 1-7, Aguilera 1-4.
FRIDAY’S RESULTS Leader board at time of suspended play St. Louis at N.Y. Islanders, 1
Game 1: at Washington 97, Las Vegas 95 EAST Houston ..............................7 11 5 26 20 34
Game 2: at Washington 103, Las Vegas 91 Golfer ................................................... Score Thru Anaheim at Boston, 1 WAKEFIELD 22, EDISON 14
Sky Blue FC.........................5 13 5 20 18 31
Game 3: at Las Vegas 92, Washington 75 at Princeton 28, Lafayette 3 Orlando ...............................4 16 3 15 22 51 Peter Malnati ........................................... -10 F Minnesota at Ottawa, 1 Edison ................................ 0 7 7 0 — 14
Game 4: Washington 94, at Las Vegas 90 Talor Gooch ................................................ -9 14 Florida at New Jersey, 1 Wakefield ........................... 7 8 0 7 — 22
SOUTH y-Clinched playoff berth Sepp Straka ................................................ -8 F
SUN ELIMINATED SPARKS, 3-0 Dallas at Buffalo, 3
at Miami 17, Virginia 9 Nick Watney .............................................. -8 14 W: Lang 4 pass from Poythress ( Pinto kick )
Game 1: at Connecticut 84, Los Angeles 75 SATURDAY’S MATCHES Edmonton at Chicago, 8:30 W: Johnson 3 run ( Quarles run )
Lanto Griffin .............................................. -8 13
Game 2: at Connecticut 94, Los Angeles 68 WEST Carlos Ortiz ................................................ -7 F W: Mefford 64 run ( Pinto kick )
Washington at Portland, 10:30 RUSHING LEADERS: W: Mefford 19-173, Johnson 3-4.
Game 3: Connecticut 78, at Los Angeles 56 Colorado State 35, at New Mexico 21 Mark Hubbard ............................................ -7 F
Colorado at Oregon, Late
Sky Blue FC at North Carolina, 7
John Huh .................................................... -7 13 Sabres 3, Panthers 2 (SO) PASSING LEADERS: W: Poythress 10-16-1-85.
FINALS Reign FC at Orlando, 7:30 Austin Cook ................................................ -6 15 RECEIVING LEADERS: W: Hatcher 2-19, Johnson 2-10.
(Best of five) FLORIDA ............................ 0 0 2 0 — 2
SATURDAY’S GAMES Houston at Utah, 9 Scott Harrington ........................................ -6 10 BUFFALO ........................... 0 1 1 0 — 3 WESTFIELD 21, JAMES MADISON 14
MYSTICS ELIMINATED SUN , 3-2 EAST END OF REGULAR SEASON SECOND PERIOD James Madison .................. 0 7 0 7 — 14
Game 1: at Washington 95, Connecticut 86 Richmond (2-3) at Maine (2-3), noon
Game 2: Connecticut 99, at Washington 87 Robert Morris (1-4) at State Francis (Pa.) (3-2), noon Scoring: 1, Buffalo, Larsson 1 (Okposo, Girgensons), Westfield ........................... 7 14 0 0 — 21
Game 3: Washington 94, at Connecticut 81 Memphis (5-0) at Temple (4-1), noon PGA Tour Champions 19:29. W: Kim 3 run ( Williams kick )
Game 4: at Connecticut 90, Washington 86 Holy Cross (2-3) at Brown (1-2), 12:30 United States 7, Cuba 0 SAS CHAMPIONSHIP W: Daniel 65 run ( Williams kick )
Game 5: at Washington 89, Connecticut 78 LIU (0-4) at Bryant (1-5), 1
W: Kim 7 run ( Williams kick )
Bucknell (0-5) at Colgate (0-6), 1 Cuba ....................................... 0 0 — 0 At Prestonwood Country Club Scoring: 2, Buffalo, Scandella 1 (Okposo, Girgensons), RUSHING LEADERS: W: Daniel 15-122, Kim 10-49.
CCSU (4-1) at Columbia (1-2), 1 United States ........................ 6 1 — 7 In Cary, N.C. 2:02. 3, Florida, Dadonov 2 (Malgin, Huberdeau), 6:15. 4, PASSING LEADERS: W: Kim 10-19-117.
Cornell (1-2) at Harvard (2-1), 1 First half: 1, United States, McKennie (Morris), 1st Purse: $2.1 million Florida, Hoffman 5 (Dadonov, Trocheck), 19:49.
Yardage: 7,237; Par: 72 (35-37) RECEIVING LEADERS: W: Richards 5-76, Richie 3-16.
NBA preseason Norfolk State (1-5) at Howard (1-5), 1 minute. 2, United States, McKennie (Morris), 5th
Presbyterian (0-5) at Monmouth (N.J.) (3-2), 1 minute. 3, United States, Morris (McKennie), 9th FIRST ROUND YORKTOWN 42, MCLEAN 0
FRIDAY’S RESULTS Delaware State (1-4) at Morgan State (0-5), 1 minute. 4, United States, McKennie (Cannon), 13th Florida 0 (Trocheck NG, Barkov NG), Buffalo 2 (Eichel G,
minute. 5, United States, Ramos, own goal, 37th minute. Doug Barron ....................................... 36 30 — 66 -6 Yorktown ........................... 14 28 0 0 — 42
Washington 115, at New York 99 Sacred Heart (3-2) at Penn (1-2), 1 Reinhart NG, Mittelstadt G). McLean ............................... 0 0 0 0 — 0
Yale (3-0) at Dartmouth (3-0), 1:30 6, United States, Sargent (Morris), 40th minute. Woody Austin .................................... 30 37 — 67 -5
Boston 100, at Orlando 75 Second half: 7, United States, Pulisic, penalty kick, 62nd Jerry Kelly .......................................... 32 36 — 68 -4 SHOTS ON GOAL Y: Patterson 59 pass from Wilson ( Garufi kick )
Fordham (2-4) at Georgetown (4-1), 2
at Indiana 105, Chicago 87 Albany (NY) (3-3) at Towson (3-2), 4 minute. Vijay Singh ......................................... 34 34 — 68 -4 Y: Patterson 35 pass from Wilson ( Garufi kick )
FLORIDA .......................... 11 11 19 2 — 43
at Detroit 109, Cleveland 105 Iowa State (3-2) at West Virginia (3-2), 4 Yellow cards: Ramos, Cub, 49th; Rizzo, Cub, 78th. Red Tim Petrovic ....................................... 34 35 — 69 -3 BUFFALO ......................... 13 11 4 4 — 32 Y: Wilson 76 run ( Garufi kick )
Philadelphia 100, Charlotte 87, at Winston-Salem, N.C. New Hampshire (3-2) at Stony Brook (4-2), 6 cards: None. Lee Janzen .......................................... 34 35 — 69 -3 Y: Rindfusz 23 interception return ( Garufi kick )
Kirk Triplett ........................................ 32 37 — 69 -3 Power-play opportunities: Florida 0 of 2; Buffalo 0 of 4.
at New Orleans 128, Utah 127 Referee: Jose Raul Torres, Puerto Rico. Linesmen_Jairo Y: Roberts 31 pass from Wilson ( Garufi kick )
SOUTH Bernhard Langer ................................ 35 34 — 69 -3 Goalies: Florida, Bobrovsky 1-2-1 (32 shots-30 saves).
Milwaukee 118, at Dallas 111 Morales, Puerto Rico; William Rene Anderson, Puerto Y: Altubire 7 run ( Garufi kick )
Rod Pampling ..................................... 34 35 — 69 -3 Buffalo, Ullmark 1-0-1 (43-41).
Georgia Tech (1-4) at Duke (3-2), noon Rico. RUSHING LEADERS: Y: Wilson 2-79, Porter 13-46,
SATURDAY’S GAMES South Carolina (2-3) at Georgia (5-0), noon Cuba: Nelson Johnston; Daniel Morejon, Dario Ramos, Kenny Perry ........................................ 33 36 — 69 -3 Copeland 6-20, Garcia 4-2.
Mississippi State (3-2) at Tennessee (1-4), noon Erick Rizo, Manuel Cruz (Jose Armelo, 46th); Jean Carlos Gene Sauers ....................................... 33 36 — 69 -3 PASSING LEADERS: Y: Wilson 7-7-0-137.
L.A. Lakers vs. Brooklyn at Shenzen, 7:30 a.m. Rodriguez, Aricheel Hernandez, Karel Espino; Rolando Retief Goosen .................................... 33 36 — 69 -3
San Diego (2-2) at Davidson (4-1), 1 RECEIVING LEADERS: Y: Patterson 2-94, Roberts 1-31,
Phoenix at Portland, 8
Morehead State (2-3) at Jacksonville (2-3), 1 Abreu (Randy Reve, 59th); Maykel Reyes, Luis Paradela Colin Montgomerie ............................ 33 36 — 69 -3 Ducks 2, Blue Jackets 1 Rotker 2-15, Porter 2-10.
SUNDAY’S GAMES Hampton (3-2) at Gardner-Webb (2-3), 1:30 (Jose Perez, 83rd) David McKenzie .................................. 34 35 — 69 -3 ANAHEIM ................................ 0 2 0 — 2
Villanova (6-0) at James Madison (5-1), 1:30 United States: Brad Guzan; Reggie Cannon, Matt Miaz- Tommy Armour III .............................. 34 36 — 70 -2 COLUMBUS .............................. 0 1 0 — 1
Cleveland at Boston, 3 Samford (3-3) at VMI (3-3), 1:30 ga, Tim Ream, Daniel Lovitz; Jackson Yueill, Weston Bob Estes ........................................... 32 38 — 70 -2
Melbourne United at L.A. Clippers, 3:30 McKennie (Paul Arriola, 46th), Christian Pulisic (Sebas- Chris DiMarco ..................................... 33 37 — 70 -2 SECOND PERIOD
Delaware (3-2) at Elon (2-4), 2 FOOTBALL
New Orleans at San Antonio, 4 Florida A&M (4-1) at S.C. State (3-1), 2 tian Lletget, 67th), Cristian Roldan, Jordan Morris (Tyler Marco Dawson ................................... 37 33 — 70 -2 Scoring: 1, Anaheim, Silfverberg 2 (Lindholm, Rakell),
Chicago at Toronto, 6 W. Carolina (1-4) at The Citadel (2-4), 2 Boyd, 46th); Josh Sargent Wes Short, Jr. .................................... 36 34 — 70 -2 12:59 (sh). 2, Anaheim, Fowler 2 (Kase, Larsson), 14:56. MARYLAND
Old Dominion (1-4) at Marshall (2-3), 2:30 Miguel Angel Jimenez ....................... 36 34 — 70 -2 3, Columbus, Dubois 1 (Jones), 16:16. Annapolis 29, Northeast 14
Milwaukee at Washington, 6 Gibby Gilbert III .................................. 33 37 — 70 -2
Savannah State (3-2) at Alcorn State (4-2), 3 Calvert 35, Thomas Stone 7
Philadelphia at Orlando, 6 Michael Bradley ................................. 34 37 — 71 -1 SHOTS ON GOAL Damascus 49, Watkins Mill 14
Maccabi Haifa at Minnesota, 8 SE Missouri (3-2) at Austin Peay (3-2), 3 TENNIS Ken Duke ............................................ 36 35 — 71 -1 ANAHEIM ................................ 8 7 8 — 23 Douglass 24, Fairmont Heights 20
Alabama A&M (4-2) at Grambling State (1-4), 3
Alabama State (2-3) at Jackson State (1-4), 3 Glen Day ............................................. 34 37 — 71 -1 COLUMBUS ............................ 10 9 8 — 27 Einstein 20, Wheaton 6
Charleston Southern (1-4) at Kennesaw State (4-1), 3 Billy Mayfair ....................................... 35 36 — 71 -1 Power-play opportunities: Anaheim 0 of 1; Columbus 0 Friendship Collegiate 42, Riverside Baptist 0
Murray State (3-3) at Tennessee State (1-5), 3
ATP Rocco Mediate .................................... 33 38 — 71 -1 of 3. Goalies: Anaheim, Miller 1-0-0 (27 shots-26 saves). Gaithersburg 14, Clarksburg 0
Wizards 115, Knicks 99 Florida State (3-2) at Clemson (5-0), 3:30 SHANGHAI MASTERS Bart Bryant ........................................ 34 37 — 71 -1 Columbus, Korpisalo 1-2-0 (23-21). Huntingtown 33, Chopticon 7
BYU (2-3) at South Florida (2-3), 3:30 David Toms ........................................ 33 38 — 71 -1 La Plata 21, Westlake 12
WASHINGTON ................... 24 41 26 24 — 115 At Qizhong Forest Sports City Arena; In Shanghai Joe Durant .......................................... 34 37 — 71 -1 Lackey 49, McDonough 12
Connecticut (1-4) at Tulane (4-1), 3:45 Purse: $7,473,620
NEW YORK ......................... 30 17 24 28 — 99 Stephen Ames .................................... 35 36 — 71 -1 Magruder 12, Poolesville 7
Middle Tennessee (2-3) at FAU (3-2), 4 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor David Frost ......................................... 35 37 — 72 E
Hurricanes 5, Islanders 2 Meade 42, Southern 3
UNLV (1-4) at Vanderbilt (1-4), 4
WASHINGTON: Bonga 2-3 0-0 4, Wagner 4-7 8-8 18, Joey Sindelar ...................................... 36 36 — 72 E N.Y. ISLANDERS ...................... 1 1 0 — 2 North County 0, Glen Burnie 0
Rhode Island (1-4) at Virginia Tech (3-2), 4 SINGLES — QUARTERFINALS
Bryant 3-14 2-2 10, Smith 1-6 0-2 2, Beal 8-14 3-4 21, Sandy Lyle .......................................... 35 37 — 72 E CAROLINA ............................... 2 2 1 — 5 North Point 42, Great Mills 8
Georgia State (3-2) at Coastal Carolina (3-2), 5
Schofield 2-7 0-0 6, Jones 2-4 0-0 4, Bertans 3-5 0-0 9, Daniil Medvedev (3), Russia, def. Fabio Fognini (10), Jesper Parnevik .................................. 33 39 — 72 E Northwest 44, Churchill 7
Charlotte (2-3) at FIU (2-3), 7 FIRST PERIOD
Booth 2-5 0-2 4, Chiozza 1-1 0-0 2, J.Robinson 1-2 3-5 5, Italy, 6-3, 7-6 (7-4); Stefanos Tsitsipas (6), Greece, def. Brandt Jobe ........................................ 34 38 — 72 E Old Mill 37, Arundel 36
Massachusetts (1-5) at Louisiana Tech (4-1), 7
Anderson 5-12 0-0 15, McRae 6-8 0-0 15, Mathews 0-1 Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3; Alexander Doug Garwood .................................... 36 36 — 72 E Scoring: 1, Carolina, Teravainen 2 (Hamilton, Niederreit- Oxon Hill 40, Laurel 0
North Texas (2-3) at Southern Miss. (3-2), 7
0-0 0. Totals 40-89 16-23 115. Zverev (5), Germany, def. Roger Federer (2), Switzer- Tommy Tolles ..................................... 33 39 — 72 E er), 3:57. 2, N.Y. Islanders, Nelson 2 (Eberle, Bailey), 8:36 Paint Branch 21, Blake 7
Prairie View (2-3) at Southern U. (2-3), 7
NEW YORK: Morris 8-13 2-2 21, Randle 4-8 5-5 14, Tennessee Martin (3-2) at Tennessee Tech (4-2), 7 land, 6-3, 6-7 (9-7), 6-3. Skip Kendall ....................................... 31 41 — 72 E (pp). 3, Carolina, Pesce 2 (Svechnikov), 14:42. Patuxent 7, Northern 6
M.Robinson 1-3 1-2 3, Payton 0-9 0-0 0, Barrett 6-15 1-2 Army (3-2) at W. Kentucky (3-2), 7 Loren Roberts ..................................... 37 36 — 73 +1 Quince Orchard 59, Richard Montgomery 14
DOUBLES — QUARTERFINALS Corey Pavin ........................................ 34 39 — 73 +1 SECOND PERIOD River Hill 42, Long Reach 8
15, Brazdeikis 0-2 0-0 0, Portis 3-9 7-8 13, Gibson 2-3 4-8 Arkansas (2-3) at Kentucky (2-3), 7:30
8, Ntilikina 2-7 1-1 5, Trier 4-7 4-4 14, Ellington 2-6 0-0 6. Louisville (3-2) at Wake Forest (5-0), 7:30 Nicolas Mahut and Edouard Roger-Vasselin (6), France, Fred Funk ............................................ 36 37 — 73 +1 Scoring: 4, N.Y. Islanders, Boychuk 1 (Eberle, Nelson), Rockville 64, Northwood 6
Totals 32-82 25-32 99. Florida (6-0) at LSU (5-0), 8 def. Rajeev Ram, United States, and Joe Salisbury, Russ Cochran ...................................... 36 37 — 73 +1 1:53 (pp). 5, Carolina, Haula 4 (Necas), 15:09. 6, Carolina, Sherwood 41, Blair 0
Britain, 6-3, 3-6, 18-16; Bruno Soares, Brazil, and Mate Olin Browne ........................................ 34 39 — 73 +1 Hamilton 3 (Slavin, Niederreiter), 19:01. South Hagerstown 39, Seneca Valley 8
Three-point Goals: Washington 19-41 (Anderson 5-11, MIDWEST Pavic (8), Croatia, def. Robert Farah and Juan Sebastian John Riegger ...................................... 37 36 — 73 +1 St. Charles 42, Leonardtown 14
McRae 3-3, Bertans 3-5, Beal 2-3, Wagner 2-4, Bryant Cabal (1), Colombia, 6-4, 6-2; Lukasz Kubot, Poland, and Scott McCarron .................................. 36 37 — 73 +1 THIRD PERIOD Walter Johnson 45, Wootton 14
2-5, Schofield 2-6, Bonga 0-1, Mathews 0-1, Booth 0-2), Toledo (4-1) at Bowling Green (1-4), noon Jeff Maggert ...................................... 36 37 — 73 +1
Michigan (4-1) at Illinois (2-3), noon Marcelo Melo (2), Brazil, def. Ivan Dodig, Croatia, and Scoring: 7, Carolina, Svechnikov 1 (Staal), 19:10. Wise 70, High Point 0
New York 10-34 (Morris 3-7, Trier 2-4, Ellington 2-4, Filip Polasek, Slovakia, 6-4, 7-6 (7-2); Jamie Murray and Tom Pernice Jr. .................................. 37 36 — 73 +1
Barrett 2-5, Randle 1-3, Brazdeikis 0-2, Portis 0-3, Rutgers (1-4) at Indiana (3-2), noon VIRGINIA
Neal Skupski, Britain, def. Michael Venus, New Zealand, Davis Love III ...................................... 37 36 — 73 +1 SHOTS ON GOAL
Ntilikina 0-3, Payton 0-3). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Maryland (3-2) at Purdue (1-4), noon Briar Woods 28, Woodgrove 0
and Raven Klaasen (4), South Africa, 6-3, 7-6 (7-5). Scott Parel ......................................... 37 36 — 73 +1
Washington 43 (Bryant 10), New York 52 (Portis 9). Miami (Ohio) (2-3) at W. Michigan (3-3), noon N.Y. ISLANDERS ...................... 8 9 2 — 19 Broad Run 28, Loudoun Valley 14
Steve Flesch ....................................... 37 36 — 73 +1
Assists: Washington 23 (Chiozza 5), New York 21 Drake (2-2) at Butler (1-4), 1 CAROLINA ............................. 16 9 15 — 40 Centreville 43, Oakton 7
Stephen Leaney ................................. 37 36 — 73 +1
(Ellington 5). Total Fouls: Washington 27, New York 28. Jacksonville State (4-2) at E. Illinois (0-6), 1 Power-play opportunities: N.Y. Islanders 2 of 5; Carolina Champe 45, Osbourn 19
Neal Lancaster ................................... 38 36 — 74 +2
W. Illinois (0-5) at Indiana State (2-3), 1 0 of 2. Goalies: N.Y. Islanders, Greiss 1-1-0 (39 shots-35 Chantilly 34, Hayfield 7
Technicals: New York coach Knicks (Defensive three
Ball State (2-3) at E. Michigan (3-2), 2
WTA Tom Byrum ......................................... 37 37 — 74 +2
saves). Carolina, Mrazek 3-0-0 (19-17). Forest Park 39, Colgan 6
second), Morris. A: 19,812 (19,812). Jerry Smith ........................................ 37 37 — 74 +2
N. Iowa (3-2) at N. Dakota State (5-0), 2 TIANJIN OPEN Freedom-Woodbridge 37, Hylton 14
Darren Clarke ..................................... 39 35 — 74 +2
Dayton (3-1) at Valparaiso (0-5), 2 Gar-Field 51, Potomac (Va.) 7
At Tianjin (China) International Tennis Center John Inman ......................................... 36 38 — 74 +2
New Mexico State (0-6) at Cent. Michigan (3-3), 3 Justice 47, Lee 18
Purse: $500,000 Steve Jones ........................................ 36 38 — 74 +2
Celtics 100, Magic 75 South Dakota (2-3) at Missouri State (1-3), 3 Sharks 5, Blackhawks 4 Lake Braddock 42, Robinson 27
Surface: Hardcourt outdoor Michael Allen ..................................... 37 37 — 74 +2
Kent State (2-3) at Akron (0-5), 3:30 Langley 23, South Lakes 22
Mark O'Meara .................................... 37 37 — 74 +2
BOSTON ............................. 35 27 21 17 — 100 N. Illinois (1-4) at Ohio (2-3), 3:30 SINGLES — QUARTERFINALS Fred Couples ....................................... 34 40 — 74 +2 Late Thursday Mount Vernon 25, West Potomac 7
ORLANDO ........................... 11 23 21 20 — 75 Michigan State (4-2) at Wisconsin (5-0), 3:30 South County 44, W.T. Woodson 0
Ons Jabeur, Tunisia, def. Yulia Putintseva (6), Kazakh- Billy Andrade ...................................... 39 35 — 74 +2 SAN JOSE ................................ 2 2 1 — 5
S. Dakota State (3-1) at Youngstown State (4-1), 6 Stone Bridge 46, Riverside 3
stan, 7-6 (7-5), 7-6 (7-4); Heather Watson, Britain, def. Kent Jones ......................................... 38 37 — 75 +3 CHICAGO .................................. 2 2 0 — 4
BOSTON: Hayward 3-10 2-2 9, Tatum 6-15 1-2 15, Theis Mississippi (3-3) at Missouri (4-1), 7 Stonewall Jackson 9, Battlefield 7
Magda Linette (8), Poland, 7-5, 6-7 (7-4), 7-6 (8-6); Dan Forsman ...................................... 38 37 — 75 +3
1-3 2-2 4, Smart 5-9 0-0 14, Brown 5-8 1-2 11, Williams Illinois State (3-2) at S. Illinois (2-3), 7 FIRST PERIOD T.C. Williams 62, Annandale 35
Veronika Kudermetova, Russia, def. Dayana Yastremska Mark Calcavecchia .............................. 35 40 — 75 +3
4-7 0-0 10, Ojeleye 2-4 0-0 5, Williams III 0-1 0-0 0, Fall Penn State (5-0) at Iowa (4-1), 7:30 Tuscarora 43, Heritage 7
(3), Ukraine, 6-4, 6-0; Rebecca Peterson, Sweden, def. Jay Haas ............................................. 37 38 — 75 +3 Scoring: 1, Chicago, Kubalik 1 (Saad), 5:07. 2, San Jose,
0-1 0-0 0, Poirier 0-0 0-0 0, Kanter 1-7 0-0 2, Wanamaker Nebraska (4-2) at Minnesota (5-0), 7:30 Wakefield 22, Edison 14
Yafan Wang, China, 6-7 (7-5), 6-4, 6-2. Paul Broadhurst ................................. 39 36 — 75 +3 Labanc 1 (E.Kane, Couture), 11:30 (pp). 3, Chicago, Shaw
2-4 4-4 9, Waters 3-5 0-0 6, Edwards 4-12 0-0 9, Green Southern Cal (3-2) at Notre Dame (4-1), 7:30 Washington-Liberty 45, Herndon 12
Mike Goodes ....................................... 38 37 — 75 +3 1 (Maatta, Strome), 13:22. 4, San Jose, Marleau 1
2-2 0-0 4, Langford 1-3 0-0 2, Strus 0-2 0-0 0. Totals West Springfield 40, Fairfax 13
SOUTHWEST DOUBLES — SEMIFINALS Larry Mize .......................................... 37 39 — 76 +4 (E.Karlsson, Gambrell), 19:43 (pp).
39-93 10-12 100. Westfield 21, James Madison 14
Jeff Sluman ........................................ 38 38 — 76 +4
Oklahoma (5-0) vs. Texas (4-1) at Dallas, noon Miyu Kato and Nao Hibino, Japan, def. Peng Shuai and Yorktown 42, McLean 0
ORLANDO: Isaac 3-7 1-2 7, Gordon 1-14 2-2 4, Bamba 2-5 John Daly ............................................ 36 40 — 76 +4 SECOND PERIOD
2-4 6, Augustin 2-6 0-0 5, Fournier 0-3 0-0 0, Aminu 4-9 MVSU (1-4) at Arkansas Pine Bluff (4-2), 2 Duan Ying-Ying (4), China, 6-4, 1-6, 10-7. Esteban Toledo .................................. 36 40 — 76 +4 PRIVATE
Lamar (3-3) at Sam Houston State (4-2), 3 Scoring: 5, Chicago, Shaw 2 (DeBrincat), 9:27. 6, San Bullis 42, St. Albans 7
0-2 9, Jeffries 0-0 0-0 0, Iwundu 1-2 4-4 6, Jefferson 0-1 Tom Gillis ........................................... 38 38 — 76 +4 Jose, Burns 2 (Gambrell), 10:00. 7, Chicago, Strome 1
0-0 0, Birch 0-1 0-2 0, Magette 0-1 0-0 0, Carter-Williams Missouri S&T (4-1) at Texas Southern (0-5), 3 Chris Hockaday ................................... 34 42 — 76 +4 Good Counsel 42, Gonzaga 35
Cincinnati (4-1) at Houston (2-3), 3:30 (P.Kane, Gustafsson), 12:14. 8, San Jose, Marleau 2 Landon 41, St. Stephen's/St. Agnes 35
1-4 2-2 4, Fultz 1-8 1-2 3, Ross 7-16 3-4 21, Frazier Jr. 4-6 UPPER AUSTRIA LADIES LINZ Cliff Kresge ........................................ 38 39 — 77 +5 (Burns, Meier), 17:46.
2-2 10. Totals 26-83 17-26 75. Alabama (5-0) at Texas A&M (3-2), 3:30 Ken Tanigawa ..................................... 38 39 — 77 +5 Pallotti 28, St. Mary's-Annapolis 24
Texas Tech (3-2) at Baylor (5-0), 4 At Intersport Arena Linz (Austria) John Huston ....................................... 38 40 — 78 +6 Paul VI 35, Bishop Ireton 28
Three-point Goals: Boston 12-39 (Smart 4-6, Williams Purse: $250,000
McNeese State (3-3) at Cent. Arkansas (3-2), 5 Duffy Waldorf .................................... 38 40 — 78 +6 Potomac School 34, Maret 20
2-4, Tatum 2-6, Ojeleye 1-2, Wanamaker 1-3, Hayward UAB (4-1) at UTSA (2-3), 6 Surface: Hardcourt indoor Scoring: 9, San Jose, Goodrow 2 (Thornton, M.Karlsson), St. Paul's 33, Severn School 0
Patrick Sheehan ................................. 41 37 — 78 +6
1-5, Edwards 1-7, Theis 0-1, Waters 0-1, Brown 0-1, Houston Baptist (4-2) at Abilene Christian (2-4), 7 4:47.
Kanter 0-1, Strus 0-2), Orlando 6-31 (Ross 4-11, Aminu Navy (3-1) at Tulsa (2-3), 7:30 SINGLES — QUARTERFINALS GIRLS' TENNIS
1-4, Augustin 1-5, Magette 0-1, Fultz 0-1, Isaac 0-2, Andrea Petkovic, Germany, def. Viktoria Kuzmova,
Fournier 0-2, Gordon 0-5). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Slovakia, 6-4, 6-1; Cori Gauff, United States, def. Kiki SAN JOSE .............................. 11 12 11 — 34
Boston 59 (Theis 9), Orlando 44 (Birch 9). Assists: North Dakota (3-2) at Idaho State (2-3), 3:05 Bertens (1), Netherlands, 7-6 (7-1), 6-4; Ekaterina
RUGBY CHICAGO ................................ 15 7 8 — 30
Episcopal 6, Bishop Ireton 1
Madeira 5, Georgetown Day 2
Boston 25 (Wanamaker, Smart 4), Orlando 18 (Fultz 4). Washington State (3-2) at Arizona State (4-1), 3:30 Alexandrova (8), Russia, def. Kristina Mladenovic, Power-play opportunities: San Jose 2 of 3; Chicago 0 of 2. Virginia Episcopal 6, Bishop Ireton 1
Total Fouls: Boston 21, Orlando 15. A: 17,354 (18,846). N. Colorado (1-5) at E. Washington (2-4), 4 France, 6-2, 6-4; Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, def. Elena Goalies: San Jose, Dell 1-1-0 (30 shots-26 saves).
Sacramento State (3-2) at Montana State (5-1), 4 Rybakina, Kazakhstan, 7-5, 6-1. World Cup Chicago, Crawford 0-2-0 (34-29). VOLLEYBALL
San Jose State (3-2) at Nevada (3-2), 4 TUESDAY’S RESULT PRIVATE
Idaho (2-4) at Portland State (3-3), 5:05 DOUBLES — SEMIFINALS
Pacers 105, Bulls 87 South Africa 66, Canada 7 Glenelg Country def. Oldfields (25-18, 25-18, 25-19)
Fresno State (2-2) at Air Force (3-2), 7 Barbora Krejcikova and Katerina Siniakova (1), Czech Holy Cross def. Paul VI (25-18, 25-9, 25-12)
Cal Poly (2-3) at UC Davis (2-4), 7:05 Republic, def. Yana Sizikova, Russia, and Viktoria WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS Flames 3, Stars 2 (SO) St. John's def. McNamara (25-14, 25-11, 25-13)
CHICAGO ............................ 19 21 21 26 — 87
Utah (4-1) at Oregon State (2-3), 8 Kuzmova, Slovakia, 6-2, 6-4. Argentina 47, United States 17
INDIANA ............................. 24 29 28 24 — 105
S. Utah (1-5) at Weber State (3-2), 8 Scotland 61, Russia 0
Late Thursday FIELD HOCKEY
CHICAGO: Valentine 1-9 0-0 3, Kornet 2-7 2-2 6, Gafford Hawaii (4-1) at Boise State (5-0), 10:15 Wales 29, Fiji 17 MARYLAND
CALGARY ........................... 0 0 2 0 — 3
4-8 1-4 9, Dunn 4-9 0-0 8, White 10-22 0-1 24, Shittu 0-0 Wyoming (4-1) at San Diego State (4-1), 10:30 Churchill 4, Einstein 0
DALLAS .............................. 0 1 1 0 — 2
0-0 0, Felicio 2-4 1-1 5, Doyle 0-6 2-2 2, Arcidiacono 4-8 Washington (4-2) at Arizona (4-1), 11 BOXING FRIDAY’S RESULT North County 10, Meade 0
2-3 10, Mokoka 2-4 4-4 8, Simon 5-15 0-4 10, Callandret Australia 27, Georgia 8 SECOND PERIOD
1-1 0-0 2. Totals 35-93 12-21 87. Scoring: 1, Dallas, L’Esperance 1 (Hanley, Faksa), 16:39.
INDIANA: Warren 6-12 4-5 17, Sabonis 3-12 2-5 8, Turner LOCAL GOLF Fight schedule SATURDAY’S MATCHES MARYLAND
5-10 1-1 13, Brogdon 3-4 5-5 14, Lamb 4-10 0-0 10, New Zealand vs. Italy, 12:45 a.m. THIRD PERIOD Lackey 3, St. Charles 1
SATURDAY England vs. France, 4:15 a.m.
Sampson 1-3 0-0 2, McDermott 5-12 1-2 14, Leaf 3-4 1-4 Scoring: 2, Dallas, Benn 1 (Klingberg, Hintz), 0:09 (pp). 3, PRIVATE
7, Brimah 0-0 0-0 0, McConnell 1-2 2-2 4, Sumner 3-5 4-5 BELLE HAVEN At First Direct Arena, Leeds, England, Josh Warrington Ireland vs. Samoa, 6:45 a.m. Calgary, Lindholm 2 (Giordano), 2:49 (pp). 4, Calgary,
vs. Sofiane Takoucht, 12, for Warrington’s IBF feather- O'Connell 0, DeMatha 0
10, J.Holiday 2-8 1-1 6. Totals 36-82 21-30 105. In the C.C. Choi Tournament, Dan Gill and Gardner Namibia vs. Canada, 11:15 p.m. Hanifin 2 (Backlund, Tkachuk), 5:32. St. Albans 6, Bullis 2
weight title; Zelfa Barrett vs. Jordan McCorry, 12, for
Three-point Goals: Chicago 5-27 (White 4-9, Valentine Gillespie won with a score of 57. Barrett’s Commonwealth super featherweight title; SUNDAY’S MATCHES St. John's 5, St. Mary's Ryken 1
SHOOTOUT St. Stephen's/St. Agnes 3, Landon 2
1-5, Arcidiacono 0-1, Simon 0-2, Dunn 0-2, Mokoka 0-2, COLUMBIA Lyndon Arthur vs. Emmanuel Anim, 12, for the vacant United States vs, Tonga, 1:45 a.m.
Kornet 0-2, Doyle 0-4), Indiana 12-34 (Brogdon 3-4, Commonwealth light heavyweight title; Troy William- Calgary 2 (Monahan G, Tkachuk NG, Gaudreau G), Dallas
Tom Mitchell won the Christian Heurich Left Handers Wales vs. Uruguay, 4:15 a.m. 1 (Seguin G, Radulov NG, Benn NG). GIRLS' SOCCER
McDermott 3-7, Turner 2-3, Lamb 2-6, Warren 1-3, son vs. Nav Mansouri, 10, super welterweights. Japan vs. Scotland, 6:45 a.m.
J.Holiday 1-5, McConnell 0-1, Sampson 0-1, Sabonis Championship. At Wintrust Arena, Chicago, Oleksandr Usyk vs. Tyrone MARYLAND
SHOTS ON GOAL North Point 1, La Plata 0
0-4). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Chicago 48 (White, MANOR Spong, 12, heavyweights; Dmitry Bivol vs. Lenin Castil- QUARTERFINALS
Gafford 8), Indiana 50 (Sabonis 14). Assists: Chicago 14 lo, 12, for Bivol’s WBA Super World light heavyweight CALGARY ........................... 9 9 8 3 — 29 Northern 14, Thomas Stone 1
Oct. 19-20
(Arcidiacono 4), Indiana 26 (Lamb 5). Total Fouls: In the SGA Closing Day tournament, Ken Baseman won title; Anthony Sims Jr. vs. Morgan Fitch, 10, super DALLAS .............................. 9 16 7 4 — 36 PRIVATE
Chicago 27, Indiana 21. Technicals: Chicago coach Bulls first place gross with a score of 34 points. Casey middleweights; Charles Conwell vs. Patrick Day, 10, for SEMIFINALS Power-play opportunities: Calgary 1 of 2; Dallas 1 of 4. Episcopal 4, Oakcrest 0
(Defensive three second), Indiana coach Pacers (Defen- Kazanjian won first place net with a score of 45 points, Conwell’s USBA super welterweight title; Josh Hernan- Goalies: Calgary, Rittich 2-1-1 (36 shots-34 saves). Georgetown Day 1, Holy Cross 0
and Phil Burroughs won second place with a score of 44. Oct. 26-27
sive three second). A: 10,821 (20,000). dez vs. Giovanni Mioletti, 10, super featherweights. Dallas, Bishop 1-2-1 (29-27). McNamara 4, Paul VI 0
UPLOADED BY "What's News" vk.com/wsnws TELEGRAM: t.me/whatsnws
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recruit realestate merchandise pets
vs. interest rate of 4.240000% dated of $268,000.00 recorded in the $228,000.00, dated April 21, 2004
recorded in the Clerk's Office of
$203,000.00, dated April 3, 2007
recorded in the Clerk's Office of
In execution of a Deed of Trust
in the original principal amount
Email: dcmexgrill@gmail.com Dogs for Sale
December 26, 2007, recorded Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for
for the following areas: THE ESTATE OF TAMARA FRANCIS
among the land records of the Stafford County, Virginia as Instru- the Circuit Court of the Stafford the Circuit Court of the Orange of $60,000.00, dated November SMALL COLLECTOR PAYS CASH
C/O NORMA FRANCIS County, Virginia, in Document No. County, Virginia, in Document No. 17, 2011 recorded in the Clerk's FOR COINS/COLLECTIONS.
(SUCCESSOR) PER REP Circuit Court for the County of ment No. LR060006359 . The
undersigned Substitute Trustee 040015836, default having 070006185, default having Office of the Circuit Court of the Call Al, 301-807-3266.
Prince William as Deed Instrument
For routes in Defendant(s)
Number 200712280137834, the will offer for sale at public auction occurred in the payment of the occurred in the payment of the Frederick County, Virginia, in Docu- Will Come to you! Bernedoodles Puppies for sale. Ready
for a new loving home. Vet check'd,
Mortgagor(s) Note thereby secured and at the Note thereby secured and at the ment No. 110011441, at Page 0002
undersigned appointed Substi- in the front of the Circuit Court 237 vaccinations, dewormed, health
Gaithersburg, Germantown
CIVIL NO: CAEF19-07151 tute Trustee will offer for sale building for Stafford County, 1300 request of the holder of said Note,
the undersigned Substitute
request of the holder of said Note,
the undersigned Substitute
and modified in Document No.
180000102, at Page 0023, default
Firewood guar. Call 540-908-0744 or email:
NOTICE at public auction all that property Courthouse Road, Stafford, Vir- Seasoned Hardwood for sale. sshank14@gmail.com
Trustee will offer for sale at public Trustee will offer for sale at public having occurred in the payment of
Montgomery Village NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this 4th
located in the County of Prince ginia on November 7, 2019, at 2:00
auction at the entrance to the auction at the entrance to the the Note thereby secured and at Free delivery. Call for Price.
William, on the Court House steps PM, the property described in said 703-754-3813 BERNESE MOUNTAIN PUPPIES
Clarksburg and Damascus day of October, 2019 by the Circuit in front of Main Entrance for the Deed of Trust, located at the above Judicial Center, 1300 Courthouse Circuit Court of Orange County, the request of the holder of said
AKC, vet checked, love people.
Court for the County of Prince Circuit Court building for the address, and more particularly Road, Stafford, on October 29, 110 North Madison Road, Orange, Note, the undersigned Substitute 275
George's, Maryland and by the County of Prince William located described as follows: ALL THAT 2019 at 10:00 AM the property on October 29, 2019 at 3:00 PM the Trustee will offer for sale at public Merchandise Wanted $500. Call 717-360-9746
Call Chris Buker authority thereof, that the sale at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND, described in said deed, located property described in said deed, auction at the entrance to the Chinese Antiques Wanted jade,fur- CAVACHON PUPPIES 9 weeks,
made by Kristine D. Brown, William at the above address and briefly located at the above address and Circuit Court of Frederick County,
301-343-2908 M. Savage, Gregory N. Britto, R.
Virginia on November 7, 2019 at
3:00 PM, the property with
FALMOUTH DISTRICT, STAFFORD described as: briefly described as: 5 North Kent Street, Winchester,
niture,Jewelry—249 painting,Vase,
call 2023162528, 2025584078
boys and girls, in home,
$850-1250. 703-577-1069
Kip Stone, and Thomas J. Gartner, improvements to wit: Tax Map COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AND KNOWN Lot 21, Section 14, Lake of the on October 25, 2019 at 11:30 AM www.dcdogfinders.com
Parcel l: Containing 3.991 acres, the property described in said Looking to buy your old unwanted
Trustees of the Real Property des- AND DESIGNATED AS LOT FOUR
Excellent part-time income! ignated as 16404 Elysian Lane,
No. 7499-07-9706 THIS COMMU-
more or less, as shown on plat
recorded in Deed Book 154, Page
Woods, with improvements there-
on deed, located at the above watches, wrist or pocket, in any Chocolate Lab Puppies. AKC/OFA/Vet
Reliable transportation required. Bowie, MD 20716, and reported LECTOR. SECTION ONE OF SPRING VALLEY 181, and Subject to any and all covenants,
address and briefly described as: condition. Rolex, Patek Philippe,
Audemars Piguet, Cartier and
chkd/Shots. Champ lines. Males.
in the above entitled cause, will SUBDIVISION, MADE NOVEMBER, Beginning at (1) a large post 20 $1,200 Ready. Will meet.
be finally ratified and confirmed, TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bid- 1964, BY CARROLL-KIM & ASSO- Parcel ll: Containing 0.3726 acres, conditions, restrictions, ease- much more. Cash on the spot. 540-392-9707 or 540-552-6255
der's deposit of 10% of the sale ments, and all other matters of feet North of the center of Road
unless cause to the contrary there- CIATES, PROFESSIONAL ENGI- more or less, as shown on plat No. 620 and the Southwest corner If you have any old watches or
of be shown on or before the price, will be required in cash, NEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS, A recorded in Deed Book 215, Page record taking priority over the jewelry please call 703-814-2806. Cocker Spaniel Pups - AKC, champ
of a 1-acre lot of S. Tokes; thence
Newspaper Delivery Carriers 4th day of November, 2019 next; certified or cashier's check. Set- COPY OF WHICH PLAT IS DULY 297, with improvements thereon Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the
with the West side of said 1-acre Whole Estate Wanted—249 Rose's
lines, 1M, 1F. Black & white tri color.
provided a copy of this Order be tlement within fifteen (15) days aforesaid property. Beautiful markings. Parents on
are needed to deliver inserted in THE WASHINGTON of sale, otherwise Trustees may
Subject to any and all covenants,
lot N 45° E 326 feet to (2) a stake Antique can help you with Down- premises. 10 wks. $1200. 410-741-
forfeit deposit. Additional terms conditions, restrictions, ease- in the Northwest corner of said sizing, call 7039669935 1613 or email rwlyford@verizon.net
POST, 1150 15th Street, Washing- STAFFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN ments, and all other matters of of $20,000.00 or 10% of the sales 1-acre lot and in the South line
ton, DC, MD in said County of to be announced at sale. Loan 350
The Washington Post Prince George's once a week for type: Conventional. Reference
record taking priority over the
Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the
price, whichever is lower, cash or
certified check will be required
of other land of S. Tokes; thence
with said other land N 40 1/4°
10 weeks. AKC registered, 1
three successive weeks before the Number 19-282098. OF SAID SECTION ONE OF SPRING BROOKEVILLE, MD - Huge Multi family
aforesaid property. at the time of sale, but no more W 134 feet to (3) a stake in the black/white F, 1 liver/white F. 1st
4th day of November, 2019. PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE VALLEY SUBDIVISION DATED JANU- yard sale! Wide variety of stuff,!
for the following areas CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- ARY 11, 1965, AND RECORDED IN TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A deposit
than $10,000.00 of cash will be
accepted, with settlement within
line of said other land and the
Northeast corner of a 0.53 acre lot Household, clothing, books, col-
Shots. $900 each. 757-690-3052
The report states the amount of of $20,000.00 or 10% of the sales
the sale to be $246,000.00. stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & THE AFORESAID CLERK‘S OFFICE fifteen (15) days from the date of of S. Tokes; thence with said 0.53- lectibles, fun stuff. Sat 8am-12noon. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS - AKC.
BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford IN DEED BOOK 155, AT PAGE 599. price, whichever is lower, cash or sale. Sale is subject to post sale No early birds please. 2113 Carter Blk&tn Ms/Fs. s/w microchip Ger-
For routes in Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir- certified check will be required confirmation that the borrower
acre lot S 45° W 326 feet to (4)
a large post 20 feet North of the Mill Way, Near Old Baltimore Rd. man/Czech work lines, Mil/Police/
Mahasin El Amin #544 TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bid-
NW areas in D.C. Clerk of the Circuit Court For ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. der’s deposit of ten percent (10%)
at the time of sale, but no more
than $10,000.00 of cash will be
did not file for protection under center of Road No. 620 123.5 feet
LANHAM, MD - Sat 8am. VFW 8950
Fire/Rescue discount. 540-219-9550
County of Prince George's Oct. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2019 of the sale price or ten percent the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to East of the Southeast fence corner
accepted, with settlement within the sale which affects the validity of the Marcus Orchard; thence S Presents a community Yard Sale.
12275647 (10%) of the original principal bal- fifteen (15) days from the date of Loaded RV Travel Trailer, $3000.
Call Dan Santos at 240-912-7978 Shapiro & Brown, LLP ance of the subject Deed of Trust, sale. Sale is subject to post sale
of the sale, as well as to post- 40 1/4° E 134 feet to the point
9800 Goodluck Rd. 301-873-0663
10021 Balls Ford Rd, Suite 200 878 whichever is lower, in the form sale confirmation of the status of of beginning, containing 1.0 acre,
Manassas, Virginia 20109 Stafford County of cash or certified funds payable
confirmation that the borrower
did not file for protection under
the loan with the loan servicer
including, but not limited to,
with improvements thereon Rockville - St.Patrick's Church 4101
703 449-5800 to the Substitute Trustee must be the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to Subject to any and all covenants, Norbeck RD. Sat 10/19 8:00am,
TRUSTEE SALE determination of whether the bor-
Excellent part-time income! Trustee File #19-280542
6 Indian Point Road,
present at the time of the sale.
The balance of the purchase price
the sale which affects the validity rower entered into any repay- conditions, restrictions, ease- HUGE annual community yard sale.
Oct 12, 19, 26, 2019 12277036 of the sale, as well as to post- ments, and all other matters of Collectibles, furniture, sporting
Early a.m. hours Stafford, VA 22554-5819 will be due within fifteen (15) days sale confirmation of the status of
ment agreement, reinstated or
record taking priority over the goods, houseware, BIKES, holiday
Stafford County paid off the loan prior to the
Reliable transportation required. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s
deposit may be forfeited to
the loan with the loan servicer sale. In any such event, the sale Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the decorations, EVERYTHING!
In execution of a Deed of Trust including, but not limited to, shall be null and void, and the aforesaid property. Goldendoodle Pups- Born 9/3/19
MARYLAND in the original principal amount of
$498,000.00, dated April 5, 2007
Trustee. Time is of the essence.
If the sale is set aside for any
determination of whether the bor-
rower entered into any repay-
Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A deposit Garage Sales, VA ready 10/26. Adorable, raised with
TLC. Shots / wormed. Vet checked.
820 820 or equity, shall be the return of of $20,000.00 or 10% of the sales
Official Notices Official Notices James E. Clarke
Hugh J. Green
recorded in the Clerk's Office of
the Circuit Court of the Stafford
reason, the Purchaser at the sale
shall be entitled to a return of the
ment agreement, reinstated or
paid off the loan prior to the
his deposit without interest. Addi- price, whichever is lower, cash or
Alexandria, VA-27 West Glendale Ave.
Sat 9am-2pm. - vintage china & crys-
$1200. 434-960-5380. Barnesfami-
Christine M. Drexel deposit paid. The Purchaser may, tional terms may be announced certified check will be required tal, clothing, household, CASH ONLY
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BOND County, Virginia, in Document No. sale. In any such event, the sale at the time of sale. Pursuant to at the time of sale, but no more
Brian Thomas LR070016404, default having if provided by the terms of the shall be null and void, and the LAB PUPS - Blk, AKC, OFA, vet check,
FINANCING Substitute Trustees Trustee’s Memorandum of Fore- the Federal Fair Debt Collection than $10,000.00 of cash will be Annandale 10/12 9-4 5012 Mon- champ lines, S&W, POP, Written warr.
occurred in the payment of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law Practices Act, we advise you that tomgery St. Tools (Auto, carp, gar- Taking dep. Ready now. Call/text
BY THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Plaintiffs closure Sale, be entitled to a $50 or equity, shall be the return of
accepted, with settlement within
Note thereby secured and at the this firm is a debt collector fifteen (15) days from the date of den) household, antiques,furniture. 301-751-6846 or 301-246-9116
request of the holder of said Note, cancellation fee from the Substi- his deposit without interest. Addi-
v. attempting to collect the indebt- sale. Sale is subject to post sale
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City the undersigned Substitute tute Trustee, but shall have no tional terms may be announced edness referred to herein and Falls Church - Yard Sale 10/12/19,
Chika E. Nwolisa, aka Chika further recourse against the Mort- confirmation that the borrower MINIATURE SCHNAUZER CROSS -
of Alexandria, Virginia (the “City Council”) will hold a Trustee will offer for sale at public at the time of sale. Pursuant to any information we obtain will be did not file for protection under
9-1 girls & women's clothes,
Nwolisa and Uzoma N. Nwolisa gagor, the Mortgagee or the Mort- the Federal Fair Debt Collection kitchen, toys, beauty samples 16WKS old, S/W, non shed, M & F's.
public hearing in accordance with Section 15.2-2606 of the auction at the entrance to the used for that purpose. the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to $350 301-672-1072 OR 434-277-8108
Defendant(s) gagee’s attorney. A form copy of Practices Act, we advise you that
Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, on the proposed Judicial Center, 1300 Courthouse
the Trustee’s memorandum of SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., the sale which affects the validity
issuance by the City of Alexandria (the “City”) of its general Civil No. CAEF19-15753 Road, Stafford, on October 29, this firm is a debt collector Substitute Trustee of the sale, as well as to post-
foreclosure sale and contract to attempting to collect the indebt- MINI AUSSIE SHEP MIXED, 1 tiny F. +
obligation bonds in the estimated maximum amount of 2019 at 10:00 AM the property sale confirmation of the status of 2 blue eye M. $540, 4 M $440 CASH
NOTICE PURSUANT described in said deed, located purchase real property is available edness referred to herein and This is a communication from a
$200,000,000 to finance the costs of various approved City TO MD RULE 14-215 (A) for viewing at debt collector. the loan with the loan servicer Fredericksburg—Expo Center 1st shots & wormed. 301-797-5622 ,
at the above address and briefly any information we obtain will be including, but not limited to,
capital improvements. The City expects that approximately www.bwwsales.com. Additional used for that purpose. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: 2371 Carl D Silver Parkway Fred-
ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for described as: determination of whether the bor- ericksburg, VA Oct 12: 9am-5pm & OLD ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS -
up to: (i) $175,000,000 of bond proceeds will be used terms, if any, to be announced at SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (66809)
Prince George's County, Maryland, Lot 7, Village II, Villages of Marlbor- the sale. This is a communication rower entered into any repay- Oct 13 10am-3pm Over 100 sellers 4 males, 1 female, shots, dewormed,
to finance all or a portion of the costs of planning and this 4th day of October, 2019, that Substitute Trustee 5040 Corporate Woods Drive #120 ment agreement, reinstated or asking $600. Call for details
ough Point, with improvements from a debt collector and any infor- Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 under 1 roof. For info visit:
construction of the Potomac Yard Metrorail Station; and (ii) the foreclosure sale of the proper- thereon mation obtained will be used for This is a communication from a paid off the loan prior to the www.everythingbutthegarage.com 703-987-7084
$25,000,000 of bond proceeds will be used to pay costs ty described in the deed of trust debt collector. 757-457-1460 - Call Between sale. In any such event, the sale
Subject to any and all covenants, that purpose. The sale is subject 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. SHI CHON Teddybear 9 weeks,
of construction, remodeling and repairing of City school docketed herein and located at to seller confirmation. Substitute FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: shall be null and void, and the Lyon Park—Many-family yard sale
13012 Silver Maple Court, Bowie, conditions, restrictions, ease- Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law @ Lyon Park. 414 N Fillmore, ARLING- boys and girls, in home,
buildings and acquisition of necessary land and equipment. Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 2101 SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (12891) or visit our website at $750-850. 703-577-1069
Maryland 20715 made and report- ments, and all other matters of www.siwpc.net or equity, shall be the return of TON, 10/12/2019, 8AM-1PM. BAR-
record taking priority over the Wilson Blvd., Suite 1004, Arlington, 5040 Corporate Woods Drive #120 www.dcdogfinders.com
ed by James E. Clarke, Hugh J. VA 22201. For more information Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 his deposit without interest. Addi- GAINS, rain or shine.
The public hearing, at which persons may appear and Green, Christine M. Drexel, and Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the October 12, 19, 2019 12276963 tional terms may be announced
contact: BWW Law Group, LLC, 757-457-1460 - Call Between 358 SHIH-TZU PUPPIES - $700.
present their views and which may be continued or Brian Thomas, Substitute Trustees, aforesaid property.
attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the time of sale. Pursuant to Moving Sale Red and Red/White, CKC reg,
adjourned, will be held at 9:30 o’clock a.m., or as soon be RATIFIED and CONFIRMED, TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A deposit 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101, the Federal Fair Debt Collection vaccinated. Falls Church, VA.
thereafter as the matter may be heard by the City Council, unless cause to the contrary be or visit our website at Practices Act, we advise you that CLINTON - Moving Sale, everything
of $20,000.00 or 10% of the sales Rockville, MD 20852, 301-961- www.siwpc.net must go. Sat 10/12 9-4pm Call 202-304-6161
on Saturday, October 19, 2019, before the City Council in the shown on or before the 4th day of price, whichever is lower, cash or 6555, website: this firm is a debt collector
November, 2019, provided a copy October 12, 19, 2019 12276959 attempting to collect the indebt- 9213 Eldon Dr. Cash & Carry. SHIH TZU PUPPIES - Shots and
Council Chambers, City Hall, 301 King Street, in Alexandria, certified check will be required www.bwwsales.com. VA-301347-
of this Order be inserted in The at the time of sale, but no more 2. edness referred to herein and Mount Vernon—Moving sale. wormed, mother & father on
Virginia. Washington Post once in each of any information we obtain will be premises, Shih Tzu & Shih Tzu poo-
than $10,000.00 of cash will be Clothing, electronics, tools, furn
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Greats of Ward 8
The Washington Mystics waited 22 seasons for the franchise’s first title. You better believe it was worth it.
Beginning of the run The mind of an MVP The long climb to the top Right back to work
How a mid-July victory in Indy set Elena Delle Donne took her game Key moments in the history of a For many Mystics, there’s not
the team off on a 17-2 streak. F2 to a higher, spiritual level. F3 franchise that started in 1998. F4 much time to celebrate. F8
Mystics guard Natasha Cloud got the party started at Entertainment and Sports Arena as the final seconds ticked away Thursday night.
Starting with a routine game in Indianapolis, everything clicked for the Mystics
Regular season (26-8)
The Mystics set a franchise record for victories
As the WNBA season neared its and finished first in the Eastern Conference to
halfway mark with the Washing- claim the No. 1 seed heading into the
ton Mystics desperately needing a
win after losing their previous DATE OPPONENT W/L WAS OPP
three games, Elena Delle Donne May 25 at Connecticut Sun L 69 84
stepped onto the court at Bankers
June 1 Atlanta Dream W 96 75
Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis
and put on a clear plastic face June 5 Chicago Sky W 103 85
the mask, she went on to win her June 20 at Las Vegas Aces W 95 72
second league MVP award and June 23 at Atlanta Dream W 89 73
lead the Mystics to their first June 26 at Chicago Sky W 81 74
WNBA title Thursday night at
June 29 Connecticut Sun W 102 59
Entertainment and Sports Arena.
July 7 at Los Angeles Sparks L 81 98
But July 19 in Indianapolis was
a milestone not just for Delle July 10 Phoenix Mercury L 68 91
Donne; it was a watershed mo- July 13 Las Vegas Aces L 81 85
ment for the Mystics as a whole. July 19 at Indiana Fever W 95 88
That seemingly ordinary, 95-88 July 21 Atlanta Dream W 93 65
win over the Indiana Fever on a
July 24 at Minnesota Lynx W 79 71
Friday night was the turning
point when the Mystics went from July 30 Phoenix Mercury W 99 93
a talented, promising team to a Aug. 2 at Seattle Storm W 99 79
dominant force in the WNBA. Aug. 4 at Phoenix Mercury L 82 103
“There was just an understand- Aug. 5 at Las Vegas Aces W 99 70
ing that we had another level,”
Aug. 8 Indiana Fever W 91 78
starting guard Natasha Cloud
said. Aug. 11 Minnesota Lynx W 101 78
Beginning with that game, they offensive-minded identity started also helped the Mystics improve offensive might that originated in said.
closed the regular season on a 17-2 to take shape. their defense, which in turn led to their three-point shooting. But Meesseman was named Finals
run. “We had Emma for the rest of better offensive performances Washington players believe that MVP after leading the Mystics Postseason
Washington made the 12th playoff
What changed wasn’t just the the year. We kind of have two late in the season. getting used to playing with with 22 points in Game 5. She appearance in franchise history and its
health of Delle Donne, who said identities in that we have a small- “We bought into the defensive Meesseman again and then sub- averaged 17.8 points and 4.6 re- second straight trip to the WNBA Finals before
she started to feel like a superhero lineup identity and a big-lineup end,” Cloud said. “I think that was bing in Powers for Toliver made bounds while shooting 57.1 per- securing its first championship.
gearing up for battle when she identity, and we figured out how the biggest thing on the whole them more versatile. cent from the field and 50.0 per- DATE SEMIFINALS W/L WAS OPP
dressed for games, adding the to balance back and forth be- this season: buying into the de- It paid off in the end. cent from beyond the arc against
Sept. 17 Las Vegas Aces W 97 95
face mask to the heavy-duty, cus- tween those,” Washington Coach- fensive end and allowing our of- Winning with varied lineups Connecticut as she became the
Sept. 19 Las Vegas Aces W 103 91
tom knee brace she had been General Manager Mike Thibault fense to come from our defense.” and in varied situations meant first reserve to be named Finals
wearing all season to protect a said. “It wasn’t easy to do that The other adaptation Washing- the Mystics, who set a WNBA MVP in WNBA history. Sept. 22 at Las Vegas Aces L 75 92
deep bone bruise. Her return co- early on. . . . We just figured out ton made in the second half of the record for three-pointers per “We were really, really aggres- Sept. 24 at Las Vegas Aces W 94 90
incided with one other major im- different ways to play.” season was playing without start- game, were able to beat the Con- sive because we really wanted it,” DATE WNBA FINALS W/L WAS OPP
provement for Washington: It Having Meesseman back in ing point guard Kristi Toliver, necticut Sun in the decisive Meesseman said. “There was a
Sept. 29 Connecticut Sun W 95 86
was Emma Meesseman’s second practice meant the Mystics could who missed the final 11 games of Game 5 of the WNBA Finals de- switch halfway through: It was
Oct. 1 Connecticut Sun L 87 99
game back after missing 12 games work on their big lineup, which the regular season because of a spite making just four three- now or never; we cannot let this
over a month while playing for the entailed Thibault putting bone bruise and a slight tear of pointers. go. And then we were just attack- Oct. 6 at Connecticut Sun W 94 81
Belgian national team. Meesseman, Delle Donne and the medial collateral ligament in “If you had told me that we ing. Maybe it was a different Oct. 8 at Connecticut Sun L 86 90
With Delle Donne and Meesse- center LaToya Sanders on the her right knee. Reserve guard were going to win [Thursday] game, you know. It was a really Oct. 10 Connecticut Sun W 89 78
man back together for the first court at the same time. The group Aerial Powers started in her place, night playing almost a different good look at who the Mystics are.”
time since 2017 — Meesseman sat brought the team success late in bringing energy to the starting kind of game, in the sense that we ava.wallace@washpost.com
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wnba champions
wnba champions
Mystics’ dominant offense powered by three-point success and skill at the rim
BY N EIL G REENBERG increasing her volume from 2.0 to
Regular season statistics Playoff statistics 3.4 attempts per game.
When the Washington Mystics Led the WNBA in points (89.3 per game), field goal percentage (.469), free throw percentage (.875) Combined numbers from the semifinals and Finals Meesseman also led the Mys-
and assists (21.9)
knocked off the Connecticut Sun tics with 27 shots around the bas-
to earn the franchise’s first WNBA PLAYER G MP FG% 3P% 2P% FT% REB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS ket (resulting in 40 points) during
title Thursday night, they did Elena Delle Donne 31 29.1 .515 .430 .549 .974 8.2 2.2 0.6 1.3 1.0 1.0 19.5
Emma Meesseman 9 28.2 .582 .581 .824 5.6 2.4 10 8 8 24 19.3 the championship run. Attacking
more than fulfill the promise that Elena Delle Donne 9 30.2 .504 .394 .885 6.6 2.0 8 14 7 12 16.9 the rim, like three-point shooting,
Emma Meesseman 23 23.6 .552 .422 .585 .905 4.2 3.2 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.8 13.1
league MVP Elena Delle Donne Kristi Toliver 9 31.8 .436 .396 .875 1.7 5.2 2 0 20 19 14.2 is also highly efficient and is a
Kristi Toliver 23 29.5 .494 .360 .593 .857 2.9 5.9 1.2 0.1 2.0 1.3 13.0
made three years ago when she Natasha Cloud 9 34.2 .442 .378 .850 3.4 6.2 10 2 12 15 13.1
staple of the modern NBA, and
arrived in the District. They also Aerial Powers 30 19.8 .434 .362 .496 .867 3.2 1.5 0.8 0.2 1.5 1.6 11.4 that approach made Meesseman
Aerial Powers 9 16.3 .451 .263 .895 3.3 1.0 2 2 7 13 7.6
proved again that offense can win Ariel Atkins 33 24.4 .416 .357 .471 .811 2.8 2.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 2.2 10.3 Washington’s most efficient
championships. Ariel Atkins 9 19.9 .373 .333 .929 2.7 2.3 8 0 11 22 7.3 shooter in the playoffs. She aver-
Tianna Hawkins 31 15.4 .514 .363 .620 .925 4.2 0.7 0.5 0.1 1.1 2.5 9.5
Washington, the overwhelm- Natasha Cloud 34 32.1 .394 .326 .461 .683 2.5 5.6 1.0 0.2 1.9 2.0 9.0
LaToya Sanders 9 23.1 .424 — .875 3.4 1.0 12 13 3 22 6.3 aged 1.3 points per attempt over
ing title favorite since September, Tianna Hawkins 9 9.6 .682 .600 .667 2.3 0.6 2 0 8 16 4.2 nine games, a higher efficiency
Shatori Walker-
dominated the regular season Kimbrough
34 17.1 .432 .310 .514 .930 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.2 1.0 1.2 6.7
Shatori Walker-Kimbrough 8 7.0 .412 .429 1.000 0.4 0.4 2 1 4 4 2.4
rate than Delle Donne (1.1), Toli-
with its highly efficient offense (a ver (1.0) and Cloud (1.0). The Mys-
LaToya Sanders 34 23.6 .506 — .506 .892 5.5 1.9 0.9 1.4 0.9 2.1 6.1 Kim Mestdagh 1 1.0 — — — 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 0.0
league-high 112.9 points per 100 tics’ offensive rating during the
Myisha Hines-Allen 27 7.8 .362 .375 .358 .583 2.1 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.2 2.3 Myisha Hines-Allen 1 3.0 .000 .000 — 1.0 2.0 0 1 0 0 0.0
possessions). That offense got postseason improved from 108.3
even better during postseason Shey Peddy 15 4.7 .615 .500 .800 1.000 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.7 to 114.7 when Meesseman was on
(114.2 points per 100 possessions), Kim Mestdagh 15 4.7 .389 .400 .333 1.000 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.3 1.5 the court. No wonder she was
in part thanks to a system mod- named the WNBA Finals MVP.
eled after some of the most suc- nals, averaging 30.6 per game from The Mystics attempted a Despite making only four three- point barrage for the Mystics dur- “She was the difference,” Toli-
cessful NBA offenses — especially 2014-15 to 2018-19. Their foils in WNBA-leading 25.4 three-point- pointers in the deciding game of ing the playoffs with 48 attempts, ver said of Meesseman after
in terms of three-point shooting. the NBA Finals most of that span, ers per game during the 2019 the Finals, three-point shooting ac- followed by Natasha Cloud (45) Game 5. “. . . She wanted the ball
The NBA’s love affair with the LeBron James’s Cleveland Cava- regular season. (WNBA games are counted for 32.9 percent of the and Delle Donne (33), with all in the biggest moments, and a
three-pointer is well documented. liers, launched more than 10,000 eight minutes shorter than NBA Mystics’ postseason points. The three converting close to 40 per- couple years ago she didn’t. And
NBA franchises averaged three-pointers (30.8 per game) games, and the Mystics’ average Sun tallied 24.8 percent of its cent. But Emma Meesseman took so that’s a huge credit to her and
22.4 three-point attempts per during the regular season from equates to 30.5 attempts over points from long range. The Las her three-point shooting to a new her growth as a player and a
game five years ago; that number 2014-15 to 2017-18, making them 48 minutes.) They averaged Vegas Aces, Washington’s semifinal level: “Playoff Emma” shot person. So she was enormous for
ballooned to 32.0 in 2018-19. The one of two teams to attempt 10,000 24.6 three-pointers during the opponent, managed a league-low 42.2 percent on three-pointers us.”
Golden State Warriors have relied or more in that span. (The Hous- postseason — about five attempts 19.5 percent of their postseason during the regular season but So was Washington’s NBA-style
on the three-pointer during their ton Rockets, at 11,989, are the oth- more than the rest of the playoff points from the three-point line. made 18 of 31 attempts (58.1 per- offense.
five straight trips to the NBA Fi- er.) field. Kristi Toliver led the three- cent) in the postseason despite neil.greenberg@washpost.com
ith an 89-78 win
over the Connecti-
cut Sun in Game 5
of the WNBA Finals
on Thursday night,
the Washington Mystics claimed
the franchise’s first title. It was a
long time coming.
The Mystics went through
12 coaches and suffered 11 losing
seasons in their first 15 years in the
league before Monumental Sports
and Entertainment CEO Ted
Leonsis hired Mike Thibault be-
fore the 2013 season. A trade for
WNBA MVP Elena Delle Donne in
2017 put Washington on the fast
track to a championship.
Here’s a look at the Mystics’
22-year road to the top:
Oct. 1, 1997: WNBA officials
announced that Washington and
Detroit would be awarded expan-
sion franchises, contingent on the
cities securing 3,000 season ticket
holders and negotiating local tele-
vision and radio contracts by
Nov. 10.
“Until we get [a name], I’m just
going to call us the Washington
Wannabes because we want to be
a city with a WNBA franchise,”
Washington Wizards president
Susan O’Malley said.
D.C.’s ownership group exceed-
ed expectations, securing 5,268
season ticket commitments.
Dec. 16, 1997: The Wannabes
got a name: Mystics. Team offi-
cials announced the expansion
franchise would wear a variation
of the Wizards’ blue, black and
bronze colors.
“The Washington Mystics is a
powerful and positive name
which keeps with the magical
theme of the Wizards,” Wizards KATHERINE FREY/THE WASHINGTON POST
chairman Abe Pollin said. The Mystics let loose in the locker room after claiming the title. How far they had come: The 1998 team went 3-27 to set a pro basketball record for lowest winning percentage.
Jan. 26, 1998: O’Malley, who
had lobbied for months for for-
ward Nikki McCray, a member of
the gold medal-winning 1996 U.S.
Olympic team, to be assigned to
the Mystics, got her wish. The
Twenty-two seasons ago, they were of renovations to Capital One
June 1, 2019: With Leonsis and
Wizards star Bradley Beal in at-
26-year-old McCray became
Washington’s first player after
leaving the Columbus Quest of the
rival American Basketball League,
laughingstocks. Now they’re on top. tendance, the Mystics opened En-
tertainment and Sports Arena,
their new, 4,200-seat home in
Southeast Washington, with a
where she won MVP honors the 96-75 win over Atlanta.
previous year. The Mystics debuted in 1998 and were bottom feeders for a decade and a half. “It was a lot of fun,” Toliver said.
June 19, 1998: After losing “Everybody was energized. [The
their first three games on the road, This is what happened as they went from afterthoughts to the best of the best. crowd was] into it, and it helps.
the Mystics defeated the Utah When you’re out there playing,
Starzz, 85-76, in front of a WNBA you feed off the crowd. And for us,
record-crowd of 20,674 at MCI Aug. 9, 2000: McCray scored $10 million. Black Entertainment Dec. 17, 2012: After Trudi guard Kahleah Copper to the Chi- we were able to maintain high
Center. 20 points, Holdsclaw added 18, Television co-founder Sheila Lacey, who replaced Plank, guided cago Sky for 2015 WNBA MVP and energy for the majority of the
“I wanted to smile a whole lot — and the Mystics clinched their Johnson was named team presi- Washington to the worst two-year 2016 U.S. Olympian Elena Delle game, and a lot of that was due to
with this type of atmosphere, you first playoff berth with a 60-48 dent and managing partner. stretch (11-57) in franchise history, Donne. The blockbuster deal im- our fans.”
want to do great things,” McCray win over Cleveland at MCI Center June 1, 2007: Richie Adubato the Mystics hired Mike Thibault mediately transformed the Sept. 8, 2019: Washington
said. “But you’ve got to keep your in the regular season finale. The resigned as coach hours before the as their 13th head coach and gen- Mystics into title contenders. wrapped up its record-setting reg-
composure.” New York Liberty then swept Mystics fell to 0-5 with a home loss eral manager. “I think when you get this tal- ular season with a 100-86 win over
Aug. 19, 1998: The Mystics lost Washington in the first round. to Chicago. Assistant Wayne “I am extremely excited to be ented group, a coach, such a win- Chicago at home. Delle Donne
to the Charlotte Sting, 105-69, in April 4, 2002: Marianne Stan- “Tree” Rollins took over head asked to lead the Washington ning coach, the winningest coach became the first player in WNBA
front of 18,552 fans at home and ley, who spent the previous two coaching duties on an interim Mystics into a new era that I be- in the WNBA, I think that’s a great history to shoot at least 50 percent
finished their inaugural season years as a WNBA assistant, was basis. lieve will be extremely successful combination and definitely makes from the field, 40 percent from
3-27. Washington’s .100 winning named the Mystics’ sixth head May 7, 2010: Leonsis an- on and off the court,” Thibault, us a contender,” Delle Donne said three-point range and 90 percent
percentage eclipsed the 1972-73 coach in five seasons. nounced that the Mystics’ three who spent the previous 10 seasons at her introductory news confer- from the free throw line for a
Philadelphia 76ers, who went 9-73 Aug. 15, 2002: With her college oft-ridiculed “Attendance Cham- as coach of the Connecticut Sun, ence. “I’m going to work my abso- season. The newest member of the
(.110), as the worst in professional coach, Pat Summitt, in the crowd, pions” banners in the rafters of said in a statement. lute hardest. Obviously it’s a goal 50-40-90 club was named league
basketball history. Holdsclaw scored 26 points and what was then called Verizon Cen- April 15, 2013: Thibault select- of mine to bring a championship MVP 11 days later. The hyper-effi-
“I know if you look at our rec- grabbed 13 rebounds to lead the ter had been removed. “The only ed 19-year-old Belgian Emma to this incredible city, so I’d be cient Mystics set a franchise rec-
ord, it looked like it was a bad Mystics to their first playoff win banners we should display revolve Meesseman, the FIBA Europe lying if I said I have not thought of ord with 26 wins, earning the top
season,” forward Murriel Page before 14,117 at MCI Center. Wash- around winning a division or con- young player of the year in 2011, that and dreamt of that.” seed and a double bye in the
told fans after the game. “But for ington won at Charlotte two days ference or league championship,” with one of the Mystics’ two Feb. 6, 2017: The Mystics’ ag- playoffs.
individual players, it was a good later to earn its first postseason Leonsis wrote. “So to all of the second-round draft picks. gressive offseason continued with Oct. 10, 2019: Delle Donne,
learning experience. I’m not ready series win before losing to New folks who have emailed me your Sept. 19, 2013: Washington the signing of former Maryland who was playing with three herni-
for the season to end.” York in the Eastern Conference thoughts over the years about the won its first playoff game since star Kristi Toliver, an unrestricted ated disks in her back, had
May 5, 1999: Washington’s re- finals. attendance banners, as a heads up 2004 but went on to lose to Atlan- free agent who helped the Los 21 points and nine rebounds to
ward for being so dreadful was the Feb. 17, 2004: The Mystics know they are no longer up in the ta in the conference semifinals. Angeles Sparks to the WNBA title lead the Mystics to an 89-78 win
No. 1 pick in the 1999 draft, which hired former Washington Bullets rafters.” Thibault was named WNBA coach in 2016. over Connecticut in the deciding
it used to select Tennessee star point guard Michael Adams as Aug. 22, 2010: In Julie Plank’s of the year after leading the Sept. 17, 2017: Washington Game 5 of the WNBA Finals. Mees-
Chamique Holdsclaw. their coach after Stanley resigned second year as coach, former Mystics to a 12-win improvement. went 18-16 in Delle Donne and seman scored a team-high
“A player like Chamique does in January following a 9-25 sea- Maryland star Crystal Langhorne Sept. 18, 2016: After three Toliver’s first season, which ended 22 points off the bench and was
not come along very often,” Mys- son. Adams led an eight-win im- scored 18 points and grabbed straight exits in the conference with a 3-0 sweep by Minnesota in named Finals MVP.
tics Coach Nancy Darsch said. “I provement, but Washington lost 11 rebounds to help the Mystics semifinals, the Mystics closed the the semifinals. “Never listen to the crowd, be-
think she is the complete package to Connecticut in the conference clinch their first Eastern Confer- year with an 87-78 loss to Connect- Sept. 12, 2018: In their first trip cause people thought I was crazy,”
as a person and as a player. She’s semifinals, and Adams stepped ence regular season title. Wash- icut to fall to 13-21. They missed to the WNBA Finals, the Mystics Delle Donne said of those who
just limitless in what she is going down to become an assistant on ington was guaranteed home- the playoffs for the first time un- were swept in three games by the doubted her vision of bringing a
to be capable of doing.” Gary Williams’s staff at Maryland. court advantage through at least der Thibault, who suffered just the Seattle Storm. Seattle clinched the title to Washington. “Just belief in
The Mystics led the WNBA in May 24, 2005: Leonsis, the ma- the first two rounds of the play- second losing season of his career. title before 9,164 at George myself, belief in this city, belief in
attendance for a second straight jority owner and chairman of Lin- offs, but it was swept in the confer- Feb. 2, 2017: Washington sent Mason’s EagleBank Arena, Wash- Coach’s dream and just trusting
season, averaging more than coln Holdings LLC, purchased the ence semifinals for the second the No. 2 pick in the 2017 draft as ington’s second home away from the process.”
15,000 fans at MCI Center. Mystics from Pollin for roughly consecutive year. well as center Stefanie Dolson and home during the playoffs because scott.allen@washpost.com
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2019 WNBA
Raised the Game. Franchise record for total points scored in a season (3,855)
You embraced and thrived on your new home 18 3-point field goals made in a single game, WNBA record
court East of the River. 13 wins by 20+ points, 8 by 25+ points, each WNBA records
You were built to topple records. Washington averaged 21.8 assists per game,
new WNBA record
You were built for this moment.
Offensive Rating of 113.2, WNBA record
And you were built to win.
First WNBA player to join the 50/40/90 club
You Are Monumental and You Made Us Proud. (Elena Delle Donne)
wnba champions
At top, the Mystics show their championship dance form Friday at Entertainment and Sports Arena. Above, Kristi Toliver, who scored 18 points in Thursday’s 89-78 win, thanks the fans.
BY G ENE W ANG told the crowd. “And we get to kick it off on our is my second home, and you fans, my team, my best is they’ve come to work for each other.”
home court in the new ESA and Ward 8. It has coach made me feel like this, so I’m so happy The celebration began on the court late
Roughly 12 hours after hoisting the WNBA to start here because this is the community we that I could share this. And really, like, this is Thursday night, with players and Thibault
Finals trophy, the Washington Mystics were love that has been there for us since our first the most special moment of my life.” raising the WNBA Finals trophy on the floor of
back at the site of their grandest accomplish- game this season. Cloud, in her fiery way, urged on the crowd the building in Southeast D.C. they inaugurat-
ment Friday afternoon for a spirited rally at “We will share the celebration across the city as she stepped to the microphone following ed this season, then spilled over into the locker
Entertainment and Sports Arena. in the coming days.” remarks from Toliver, who had a beer in hand room with dressing stalls covered in plastic to
Elena Delle Donne, the regular season In addition to Delle Donne, among those when she took her turn. protect from spraying sparkling wine.
league MVP, spoke about making the best who received the most applause were Emma Cloud ensured her place in Mystics lore by Players wore ski goggles as they doused one
decision of her professional life in coming to Meesseman and Natasha Cloud, players with guaranteeing a championship in Game 5 after another in bubbly between sips — or, in the
the District three seasons ago. Kristi Toliver contrasting personalities who were invaluable Washington had lost Game 4 at Mohegan Sun case of Toliver, chugs — soaking in an achieve-
revealed among the reasons for signing with to Mike Thibault’s reboot that began when he Arena. ment a year in the making since the Mystics
the Mystics was the challenge of delivering the took over as coach and general manager in “When we moved in to Ward 8 here at the were swept in the 2018 WNBA Finals with
franchise its first championship. December 2012. ESA, we understood that this was going to be a Delle Donne playing through a deep knee
And managing partner Sheila Johnson indi- Meesseman was selected WNBA Finals MVP true home-court advantage for us,” she said, bruise.
cated there would be plenty of additional after scoring 22 points on 9-for-13 shooting “and it exceeded all expectations, and that’s The second round of revelry lasted well into
opportunities to bask in the championship during an 89-78 win against the Connecticut because of you guys. For teams that have to the wee hours Friday morning at a private
afterglow, including a parade in the spring Sun in the decisive Game 5. come in here and scared to play here, to come event at the Wharf, with players and the
when the players are back together in the She also punctuated a fourth-quarter run into a tough environment, it was phenomenal.” coaching staff receiving an extended ovation as
District after fulfilling their overseas obliga- with consecutive baskets that all but assured Thibault, who gradually assembled the ros- they entered the premises together.
tions. Washington of making history even though ter that set franchise and league offensive There was little rest to be had before the
The majority of the roster is headed to two starters, Delle Donne and Ariel Atkins, records this season, celebrated his first WNBA team reconvened Friday afternoon, but the
countries such as China, Russia and Australia, were playing through extreme back discom- title in four trips. “I’m the luckiest guy in positive vibes continued to reverberate.
where they are compensated substantially fort. America today,” he said, “because I get to coach “Please excuse this performance,” Delle
more than in the WNBA, in what has become “I just want to say thank you for making me these guys every day. And they come to work for Donne said. “I’m going on 30 minutes of sleep.
common practice across the league. feel at home,” Meesseman, a native of Belgium, you, and they come to work for the organiza- We’re champs, y’all!”
“Today is the start of celebrations,” Johnson said in her typically understated delivery. “This tion, but I’ve got to tell you, what they’ve done gene.wang@washpost.com
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wnba champions
Notable: The franchise cornerstone, who arrived in the nation’s capital Notable: The quietest player on the roster made her biggest impact Notable: The vocal leader on and off the court guaranteed a victory
via a blockbuster trade in 2017, was named the league MVP for the in Game 1 of the WNBA Finals, scoring 21 points on 6-for-7 shooting, in Game 5 of the WNBA Finals following Tuesday night’s loss on the
second time in her career after becoming the first player in WNBA history including 3 for 4 from beyond the arc, with five rebounds and three road to the Sun, telling fans they had better show up at
to shoot at least 50 percent from the field, 40 percent on three-pointers steals to spark a 95-86 victory over the visiting Sun. Entertainment and Sports Arena to watch the Mystics claim their first
and 90 percent from the free throw line. Underscoring her value was the championship.
The second-year guard had scored just 18 points combined over four
Mystics’ 0-4 record without her during the regular season.
games in the semifinals against the Las Vegas Aces.
Cloud made good on her promise by scoring 18 points on 6-for-11
The six-time all-star cemented her legacy in the District with a
Then in between Games 2 and 3 of the Finals, the team announced shooting with five rebounds and three assists in Thursday’s series
performance for the ages in the WNBA Finals. Following an 89-78 win
Atkins was suffering from back spasms that had her in more finale. Her two three-pointers in the fourth quarter were particularly
against the Connecticut Sun in Game 5, it was revealed that she had
discomfort, at least at first, than perhaps even Delle Donne. Atkins meaningful on a night when the league’s record-setting three-point
played the majority of the series with three herniated disks. The injury
was questionable heading into Game 3 but managed to play 13:41 — shooting team went just 4 for 19 from beyond the arc.
occurred early in the first quarter of Game 2 at Entertainment and Sports
recording two points, four rebounds and two assists.
Arena, forcing Delle Donne to miss all but 31/2 minutes of the 99-87 loss.
She spent the next four-plus days receiving treatment and turning to
meditation to help block out the pain, which she likened to “having a pole
up” her back. The official announcement from the team regarding the
severity of the injury did not specify she had multiple herniated disks.
In the title-clinching game Thursday night, Delle Donne had 21 points,
nine rebounds, two assists, two blocks and a steal without committing
a turnover in 37 rugged minutes.
wnba champions
It’s how we
treat people.
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the washington Mystics!
Real Estate
An artful
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EYA LLC, through its various development affiliates, builds homes in the Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC metropolitan area. References to “EYA” refer to EYA LLC. EYA Marketing LLC markets, advertises, and sells
each EYA affiliated property as agent for the seller. The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake is being developed by CC Homes Associates LLC. No representations regarding the development, construction or sale of any portion
of the Chevy Chase Lake community is made by EYA LLC or any EYA affiliate except CC Homes Associates LLC. Sales by EYA Marketing LLC, agent for CC Homes Associates LLC.
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Mortgage Rates
remain about the same in the com- president and chief executive. “To-
year ago. eral Reserve Chair Jerome H. Pow- ing week. day’s low mortgage rates are a
The 15-year fixed-rate average ell could have a more profound 5 5
“There’s a lot of noise with the stark contrast to what we saw last
sank to 3.05 percent, with an aver- effect on rates. Powell said the China trade deals, Brexit and the fall, which is why refinances were
age 0.5 point. It was 3.14 percent a central bank will resume purchas- 4
3.57 Fed minutes,” said Logan 163 percent higher than a year ago,
week ago and 4.29 percent a year es of Treasurys but noted, “This is Mohtashami, a senior loan officer and purchase activity was up 10
ago. The five-year adjustable rate not QE.” 3.35 at AMC Lending Group in Irvine, percent.”
average slipped to 3.35 percent, When the financial crisis hit in 3
Calif. “However, until we break The MBA also released its mort-
with an average 0.3 point. It was 2008, the Fed bought up mort- 3.05 either below 1.43 percent or above gage credit availability index this
3.38 percent a week ago and 4.07 gage-backed securities as well as 2 2
1.94 percent on the 10-year yield week that showed credit availabil-
percent a year ago. long-term Treasurys in an effort to 30-YEAR FIXED action, we have a short range for ity increased in September. The
“Last week’s full slate of eco- increase the availability of credit 1 1
15-YEAR FIXED rates to work within the data. As MCAI rose 0.9 percent, to 183.4,
nomic news was highlighted by for home purchases and prop up always, keep an eye out on weekly last month. An increase in the
Thursday’s larger-than-expected the economy. The large-scale pur- PMI data and world trade data.” MCAI indicates that lending stan-
decline in a widely watched indi- chases of bonds were known as 0
’18 ’19
Meanwhile, refinances lifted dards are loosening, while a de-
cator of the service sector, pushing quantitative easing, or QE. Earlier mortgage applications last week. crease signals that they are tight-
rates down sharply,” said Matthew this year, the central bank began Source: Freddie Mac According to the latest data from ening.
Speakman, a Zillow economist. selling off its holdings because the THE WASHINGTON POST the Mortgage Bankers Associa- kathy.orton@washpost.com
OCTOBER 12, 2019
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Home Buyer Workshop
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nants, conditions and restrictions. This is not an offer of real estate for sale, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, to residents of any state or province in which registration and other legal requirements have not been fulfilled. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Incentives vary and may be in the form of price reductions
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House of the Week
This house 213 WHITEHAVEN CIR.,
stove. Steadman said the heat
from the stove is enough to warm
the entire room in the winter.
has a barn $485,000
Features: The 1978 post-and-
Until he bought the house in
Fort Washington, Steadman
YOU Why Wait Another Day
for Your New Life in the
Heart of the Chesapeake?
an area trying to hold on
16TH ST.
13TH ST.
to its diversity, traditions
Pleasant Columbia
On Sunday afternoons in Co- Pleasant Heights
lumbia Heights, a neighborhood COLUMBIA
in Northwest Washington, Merid- HARVARD ST
ian Hill Park is the place to be. Or MacMillan
Malcolm X Park, as it is unofficial- ms Morgan Res.
ly known by locals. A group of 20 Meridian VE.
Howard University
usually is a pathway in the park
16TH ST.
13TH ST.
14TH ST.
1/2 MILE
F 29
played in this park on Sundays for
more than 40 years. THE WASHINGTON POST
through theater productions. year has been more violent than bers, we’re seeing that Columbia
Anthony Avery has lived in Co- the three-year average for the Heights continues to remain more
lumbia Heights for more than 14 neighborhood. affordable than the rest of North-
years. For Avery, the neighbor- “This has been a very tough west D.C., with the average sales
hood’s inclusive culture is what year for our community, especial- price being 28 percent lower.”
makes it home. ly with gun violence,” Christine Karimi said the median time of
“Different cultures are blend- Miller, advisory neighborhood a Columbia Heights home on the
ing here,” Avery said. “There is a commissioner for ANC 1A05, market is 14 days, and properties
multicultural aspect as well as wrote in an email. “My work be- are selling for 99 percent of their
OCTOBER 12, 2019
LGBTQ acceptance. Those things fore I became a commissioner and asking price.
are important to me.” Rowhouse restoration and condo construction have been constant during has focused a lot on how According to Zillow.com, the
While Avery loves the accep- in the neighborhood, and new, upscale restaurants are moving in. we are lifting up and supporting average rent for a one-bedroom
tance he has found in Columbia our youth as the ultimate violence apartment is $1,972. The neigh-
Heights, he has watched the small town, enjoys the perks of that bore some of the worst dam- prevention. . . . We recognize that borhood has six public housing
neighborhood change immensely living in a developing urban area. age, as almost all of the businesses there is a role for the police and projects.
since he moved there. He points to “There is a lot more going on in the 14th Street corridor burned enforcement, but as community Schools: Tubman Elementary;
the constant construction of con- here and a lot more people. And down. Residents fled into the sub- leaders, I have emphasized the Raymond Education Campus
dos, the new, expensive restau- it’s a very diverse neighborhood, urbs and the neighborhood was proactive solutions we have avail- (kindergarten through eighth
rants and the closing of mom-and- which is pretty cool,” she said. left to rebuild. able through schools, social serv- grade); Cardozo Education Cam-
pop shops as examples of how In the first half of the 20th Rebuilding was slow. It was not ice providers, and the many local pus (grades 6 through 12); and
gentrification has affected Colum- century, Columbia Heights, along until the opening of the Columbia organizations doing the hard Columbia Heights Education
bia Heights. Avery offers advice with the nearby Shaw and U Heights Metro station in 1999 that work to ensure area youth are Campus (grades 6 through 12)
for potential residents about be- Street neighborhoods, became the neighborhood started to re- connected to the community in Transit: The Columbia Heights
ing able to afford to live there. home to many of the city’s middle- cover in a substantial way. Since meaningful ways, have choices Metro station is at 14th and Irving
“Go look for a roommate,” he class black residents. Nightclubs, then, it has become a popular and opportunities.” streets NW. Several bus lines serve
said. bars and theaters thrived in this home for trendy restaurants such Living there: Columbia the neighborhood. Sherman and
Charlotte Schwartz moved into part of the city. Jazz giant Duke as Bad Saint on 11th Street. The Heights’ boundaries are 16th Florida avenues and 16th Street
the neighborhood two months Ellington lived in Columbia tiny Filipino restaurant almost al- Street NW to the west, Sherman NW are major thoroughfares.
ago. Heights. ways has a line. Across the street Avenue to the east, Spring Road to haben.kelati@washpost.com
“It seems like it’s gentrifying Then, in 1968, the Rev. Martin from the Columbia Heights Metro the north and Florida Avenue to
really fast, which sucks for the Luther King Jr. was assassinated station, retail developer DC USA the south.
people who have lived here for- and the riots that followed rav- opened a mall that includes a There are 118 properties listed To see more photos of Columbia
ever,” she said. aged the city. Columbia Heights Target, Best Buy, and Bed Bath for sale in Columbia Heights. The Heights, go to washingtonpost.com/
Schwartz, who comes from a was one of the neighborhoods and Beyond. most expensive is a three-bed- realestate.
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VA 104 Hawthorn Ct
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A stairwell affords more room for framed works belonging to Chris and Beverly With, who have filled their Logan Circle two-floor condominium with art over a lifetime
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COVER STORY memory but you buy a piece be-
cause it challenges you emotional-
wall, there are ways to get around
that with hanging systems that lay
against the wall.”
PHOTOS BY BILL O'LEARY/THE WASHINGTON POST Art is personal. “For me, it’s not
Even a small table in Chris and Beverly With’s Washington living just an investment in the artist or
room holds a collection of sculptural art pieces. my collection. It is me being a
custodian to a part of history. If
You and your partner’s tastes year later, they move or get a new everything goes well, that artifact
may differ but that shouldn’t cre- couch. Especially in Washington will outlive me in perpetuity,” Gye-
ate tension, he said. Instead cel- because moving is common. In- pi-Garbrah said.
COUNTERTOPS ebrate and broaden your assem- stead think about what you love so Adamstein said: “Hanging art
blage with works that appeal to that when you move you want to on your walls is the most direct
VANITIES both of you. “Buying art isn’t a take it along,” Neptune said. route to transforming a house into
FLOORING competition,” he added. “Many people fill their living a home. It offers prospective buy-
“When you start buying, accept spaces with sentimental memen- ers an immediate sense of homey-
TILE that your taste will evolve and you tos rather than fine art,” Larry ness.”
may not like a piece in 10 years. Kirkland, an artist and collector, realestate@washpost.com
SIDING When that time comes, sell or give said. Sentimental can be fine, but
TRIM it away,” Chris With said. it can also mean insipid prints,
“Buy what you love. That’s the anodyne landscapes, calendar still
WINDOWS most important thing. Then the lifes and pastoral photos. To see more photos on art
art will move around all your real “If you really are an art collector homes, go to washingtonpost.com/
DOORS estate,” Neptune said. some of your art may bring up a realestate.
ACCESSIBILITY Go to galleries and museums
around town.
& MORE Ask questions and ask to see
work not in view. Galleries have
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