The Washington Post Sept 1, 2023

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Sunny 81/62 " Tomorrow: Sunny 83/63 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness thursday, august 31 , 2023
re V1 V2 V3 V4

. $3

bills grow
Idalia unleashes ûoods, winds in Fla.
Powerful storm
as prices heads north to ga.
Power outages, disrupted
increase travel add to destruction

Credit cards, auto loans D ANIELLE P AQUETTE
go unpaid at rates AND A NNIE G OWEN

unseen in past decade STEINHaTCHEE, Fla. 4 Powerful

Hurricane Idalia made landfall
near Keaton Beach, Fla., on
BYT ORY N EWMYER, Wednesday morning before con-
A ARON G REGG tinuing into Georgia and south
AND J ACLYN P EISER Carolina, generating tornadoes,
dangerous flooding and <life-
More Americans are falling be- threatening= winds in its wake,
hind on their car loan and credit authorities said.
card payments than at any time in Idalia moved into Florida9s Big
more than a decade, a troubling Bend region about 7:45 a.m. East-
signal of consumer stress as high- ern time as an <extremely danger-
er prices and rising borrowing ous= Category 3 storm, with winds
costs are squeezing household approaching 125 mph, the nation-
budgets. al Hurricane Center said, tying a
The pain is most acute for 1896 hurricane as the strongest on
lower-income earners, who have record to hit that area. After com-
largely used whatever they man- ing ashore, Idalia turned north-
aged to save during the pandemic eastward and weakened in
with the help of government stim- strength but was still expected to
ulus checks and breaks on obliga- wreak havoc as a tropical storm in
tions such as rent and student Georgia and the eastern Carolinas
loans. well into Thursday, forecasters
<The increase in delinquencies said.
and defaults is symptomatic of the seAn rAyforD/geTTy imAges Two deaths were reported as of
tough decisions that these house- midafternoon, both in Florida and
holds are having to make right involving car crashes during the
now 4 whether to pay their credit
card bills, their rent or buy grocer-
ies,= said Mark Zandi, chief econo-
Residents who storm.
Heavy rainfall and widespread
flooding were seen from Fort My-
mist at Moody9s Analytics.
now, as the economy finds its
dodged devastation ers Beach northward and in com-
munities in southern Georgia,
post-pandemic footing, there are
signs the hardship for millions of
consumers will worsen before it
breathe sigh of relief with officials expecting more
flooding after the afternoon9s high
tides. Both downtown Tampa and
improves. The average credit card st. Petersburg saw a storm surge of
interest rate 4 already at a record- BY L ORI R OZSA, M OLLY H ENNESSY- F ISKE, around five feet. In st. Petersburg,
high 20.6 percent, according to D ANIELLE P AQUETTE AND R EIS T HEBAULT the water level was the second 4 appears likely to highest on record, trailing only
keep climbing, as the Federal Re- CEDaR KEY, Fla. 4 Tim Delaino didn9t even Hurricane Elena in 1985, data in-
serve indicated it could continue consider leaving his home as Hurricane Idalia dicated.
sEE dElinQUEnCiEs on a12 approached this week. His family has been in Charter fishing captain Chase
Cedar Key, a little island city in the Gulf of norwood weathered Idalia at his
Mexico, for five generations, and they have family9s home on high ground
weathered dozens of storms. overlooking their marina on the

Putin in a <People say, 8Why don9t you leave?9 But we

don9t leave for storms. We never do,= said
Delaino, one of about 100 residents who defied
steinhatchee River. His house and
surrounding rental cabins were
spared, but the rising river inun-

ûx as ruble evacuation orders and were dubbed <seasoned

and salty= by the local sheriff 9s office. <We9ve
gotten along just fine.=
dated some surrounding restau-
rants and other businesses as well
as homes along the water. several

plummets, Delaino9s house is half a block from the water,

but it9s on a ridge that rises 20 feet above sea
level, a vantage point that gave him confidence,
DoUglAs r. ClifforD/TAmPA BAy Times/AP

tOP: a vehicle is stuck on a road Wednesday near Mayo, Fla., as Hurricane idalia
sailboats anchored in the river
were hurled into a key bridge con-
necting steinhatchee to neighbor-

prices soar even as the storm sped through. The cedar tree
sEE REsidEnts on a7
passes through. aBOVE: Zach Bunkley, left, and Oscar Garcia inspect the damage
at a rental cottage along the steinhatchee River in the Big Bend area.
ing Dixie County.
sEE idalia on a6

Ukraine war sanctions

hit home for many
Russians for first time
A fast train to America9s future? Ex-cardinal is found not
Rapid intercity rail travel set for Fla. and West could put U.S. on new track competent to stand trial
J EFF S TEIN BY L UZ L AZO He still faces a second criminal
AND R OBYN D IXON sexual abuse case, involving the
ORlaNDO 4 Amtrak9s decades- Mass. judge dismisses same alleged victim, in Wiscon-
lONDON 4 When Vladimir old monopoly on intercity pas- child sexual abuse case sin.
Putin addressed top economic senger rail travel will fall in the Judge Paul McCallum, of the
officials last week after a bruis- coming weeks when Florida be- against McCarrick, 93 Dedham District Court in Massa-
ing month in which the Russian comes home to the fastest Ameri- chusetts, dismissed the case in a
ruble plummeted to a 16-month can trains outside the northeast morning hearing, after experts
low against the U.s. dollar, Corridor. BY M ICHELLE B OORSTEIN for the defense and the prosecu-
the Russian president sought Brightline, the only private AND F REDRICK K UNKLE tion agreed that McCarrick was
to set a confident tone. The passenger railroad in the country, unable to help with his own
country9s economy, he said, was is slated to open its newest sta- A Massachusetts judge on defense, said David Traub, a
growing again and wages were tion here later this year, provid- Wednesday dismissed a criminal spokesman for the district
rising. ing a train connection between charge against former high- attorney.
But despite the show of bra- orlando International Airport ranking Catholic cleric Theodore <Under Massachusetts law, the
vado, Putin could not avoid men- and Miami in three hours. Mean- McCarrick, ruling that the case can9t go forward,= Traub
tioning a growing weakness that while, work is progressing on 93-year-old former archbishop of said.
is stalking the economy as West- high-speed projects in Western Washington is incompetent to McCarrick was the first U.s.
ern sanctions bite ever deeper, states and Texas, and Amtrak is stand trial for alleged child sex- cardinal and only the second U.s.
and one that has been exacerbat- eyeing its biggest expansion in ual abuse. bishop to be charged with abuse.
ThomAs simoneTTi for The WAshingTon PosT
ed by the ruble9s plunge. 52 years. The decision underscores the His accuser in the case, James
<objective data shows that Two years after the infrastruc- avigail Elazar on a Brightline train out of Miami. new three-hour fast-closing window for potential Grein, a tennis coach from
inflationary risks are increasing, ture law began pumping $66 bil- service to Orlando will break amtrak9s hold on rapid rail travel. accountability for McCarrick, northern Virginia, submitted a
and the task of reining in price lion into the nation9s aging rail who once was one of the U.s. statement to the court for
growth is now the number one network, domestic passenger 5 projects: U.s. is way behind on high-speed rail, but that9s changing. A4 Catholic Church9s most visible Wednesday9s hearing that said
priority,= Putin said, with a note railroads are showing their great- and connected leaders and now the case was <to have provided a
of tension in his voice. <I ask my est signs of strength in genera- ing those in Europe and Asia. Biden, whose fondness for the is one of its most notorious modest level of payback.=
colleagues in the government tions. Amtrak9s singular grip on Amtrak says it views other rail system earned him the nickname figures. <I have trouble reconciling
and the Central Bank to keep the transporting U.s. rail passengers providers as complementary to <Amtrak Joe,= is perhaps the bi- McCarrick had been charged the concept that someone who is
situation under constant con- is slipping as private companies, its offerings, coming as the na- partisan project9s biggest booster. with assaulting a 16-year-old boy intelligent and articulate is also
trol.= states and the federal govern- tion9s longtime passenger rail 4 With no federal help, the mod- at a wedding in 1974, the first not competent to stand trial and
Rapidly rising prices caused ment look to fast trains as envi- newly flush with billions of feder- ern debut of private passenger criminal charge since a slew of answer for his actions,= Grein
by a 20 percent drop in the value ronmentally friendly alternatives al dollars 4 embarks on its own rail connecting two major metro- sexual misconduct accusations wrote. <I brought the charges in
of the ruble between early June to traffic-clogged highways, while plan to add 39 routes and link politan areas will come to fruition surfaced in 2018 and he was this matter, in the hope of
sEE RUssia on a10 developers promise speeds rival- dozens more cities. President sEE tRains on a5 removed from public ministry. sEE MCCaRRiCK on a7

in the news ThE ECoNomy

Commerce secretary
ThE rEgioN
authorities say they
sT yLE
Half of the staff of
BusiNEss NEws.........................A11
opiNioN pAgEs..........................A13
Gina Raimondo held have broken up a Atlanta magazine has oBiTuAriEs..................................B4
emissions myths A majority of Americans ThE NATioN ThE worLd lengthy talks with China D.C.-based robbery ring resigned after its pub- TELEvisioN...................................C4

think they can help reduce climate change9s a nonprofit identified Military officers in an effort to stabilize that targeted jewelry lisher9s crackdown on worLd NEws...............................A9

115 more forced board- staged an apparent coup economic relations. A11 stories in four states. B1 <woke= coverage. C1
effects, but falter on effective practices. A8 ing schools for Native in Gabon, days after a Overtime pay would a Virginia family is CONTENT © 2023
American children. A3 disputed election. A9 cover an additional grappling with the LoCAL LiviNg The Washington Post

shooting response A report faulted Baltimore in a possibly landmark drone strikes that de- Four superpowers that Year 146, No. 53594
3.6 million salaried death of a son in a
law enforcement for its response to violence shift, the DEA is being stroyed military aircraft workers under the Marine aircraft crash, can help tweens and
urged to ease marijuana show Kyiv9s ability to hit their caregivers navigate
at a block party, citing communications Biden administration9s the latest in a string of
the turbulent middle
restrictions. A12 deep within Russia. A10 proposed rule. A12 losses. B1
breakdowns and <indifference.= B1 school years.
A2 EZ rE the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

neWsPAPer DeLiVerY
for home delivery comments
Judge rejects Trump adviser9s privilege defense
or concerns contact us at or BY P AUL D UGGAN protect the confidentiality of dis-
send us an email at cussions between the president or call A judge ruled Wednesday that and his close aides. Like Mehta,
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 Peter Navarro, a Trump White the judge in Bannon9s July 2022
to sUBscriBe House adviser charged with contempt trial prohibited the use
800-477-4679 or criminal contempt of Congress, of executive privilege as a de- cannot argue to a jury that he fense. Bannon, who left the
was barred by executive privilege White House in August 2017, had
to ADVertise
from providing testimony and no official advisory role in the
Classified: 202-334-6200 documents to the House commit- administration during the effort
display: 202-334-7642 tee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, to overturn the 2020 election.
attack on the U.S. Capitol. With his legal defense reduced
MAin PHone nUMBer
Navarro, who has written and mainly to whether he under-
spoken extensively about his role stood the deadlines for answer-
to reAcH tHe neWsrooM in efforts to reverse former presi- ing the committee9s subpoena, a
Metro: 202-334-7300; dent Donald Trump9s 2020 elec- federal jury in Washington delib- tion defeat, is set to go on trial in erated for just 21/2 hours before
national: 202-334-7410; the contempt case next week in returning guilty verdicts in his U.S. District Court in Washing- week-long trial.
business: 202-334-7320; ton. The charges stem from his Bannon, convicted of the same refusal to comply with a subpoe- charges that Navarro faces, was
sports: 202-334-7350; na issued by the now-disbanded sentenced to four months in jail bipartisan committee months and fined $6,500. He remains
reader advocate: 202-334-7582; before its televised hearings on free pending the outcome of his the Capitol riot last summer and appeal.
to reAcH tHe oPinion PAges
fall. The U.S. attorney9s office in
letters to the editor: Wednesday9s ruling on the ex- Washington opted not to take or call ecutive-privilege issue by Judge legal action against two of the
202-334-6215 Amit P. Mehta was a blow to four Trump officials who were
opinion: Navarro, denying him a poten- referred for contempt prosecu-
tially helpful trial defense tions 4 former White House
Published daily (issn 0190-8286).
PostMastEr: send address changes to against two misdemeanor counts chief of staff Mark Meadows and
the Washington Post, 1301 K st. nW, Washington, of contempt, each punishable by communications chief Dan Scav-
d.C. 20071.
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, d.C., and up to a year in prison. Jury ino. Both had received letters
additional mailing office. selection is scheduled to begin from a lawyer for the former
Tuesday. Navarro has pleaded president directing them not to
jabin botsford/thE Washington Post
not guilty. respond to subpoenas from the
c o rr e ct i on The 74-year-old former trade Then-White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, listening as President Donald Trump speaks during a committee, citing executive priv-
and manufacturing adviser has 2020 coronavirus briefing, says his claim is <probably going to the Supreme Court.= ilege.
continually asserted, without <Had the President issued a
l An Aug. 27 Page One article proof, that he defied the subpoe- subpoena. Navarro has produced portant constitutional issues re- two counts of criminal contempt similar letter to Defendant, the
about a police raid on the Marion na because Trump, in conversa- nothing in writing from Trump, lated to the separation of powers of Congress for defying the com- record here would look very
County Record in Kansas tions with him, invoked execu- nor has Trump publicly corrobo- between the legislative branch mittee9s demands for testimony different,= Mehta wrote in Janu-
incorrectly stated that Joan tive privilege and instructed Na- rated his account. and the executive branch,= he and documents. The indictment ary this year, when he denied
Meyer9s Alexa smart speaker was varro not to reveal any privileged <I still don9t know what the said. <This is probably going to in his case mirrored the one Navarro9s motion to dismiss the
seized by police. They seized the information related to topics the president said,= Mehta told one the Supreme Court.= against Navarro, whose White contempt charges based on his
speaker9s router. committee was investigating. of Navarro9s lawyers at a pretrial After the select committee be- House tenure spanned the en- purported conversations with
The subpoena, issued Feb. 9, hearing Monday, according to gan investigating the Jan. 6 may- tirety of the Trump administra- Trump.
2022, ordered Navarro to turn CNN. <I don9t have any words hem 4 in which mobs of Trump tion. <Defendant has failed to come
the Washington Post is committed to over a list of documents to the from the former president.= On supporters stormed the Capitol In media interviews and in a forward with any evidence to
correcting errors that appear in the committee within two weeks and the witness stand, Navarro tried while Congress was meeting to book he wrote, Navarro has said support the claimed assertion of
newspaper. those interested in to appear for a deposition shortly to convince the judge that Trump confirm Joe Biden9s presidential he worked with Bannon on a privilege,= Mehta said in his
contacting the paper for that purpose after that. In refusing to comply, had invoked executive privilege, victory 4 Navarro was among plan to keep Trump in power by January decision. <And, because
he told the committee in an but Mehta described his testimo- four former White House offi- enlisting Trump loyalists in Con- the claimed assertion of privilege
email: email: <President Trump has in- ny as <pretty weak sauce.= cials who refused to obey sub- gress to delay and eventually is unproven, Defendant cannot
voked Executive Privilege in this Although the judge took away poenas and were referred by the deny certification of Biden9s elec- avoid prosecution for contempt.=
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be matter. & Accordingly, my hands his most viable defense argu- full House to the Justice Depart- toral win. In a letter accompany- On Wednesday, the judge went
connected to the desk involved 4 are tied.= ment 4 that he was compelled by ment for prosecutions. ing Navarro9s subpoena, the com- further, ruling that Navarro can-
national, foreign, Metro, style, sports, Since Navarro9s indictment in Trump9s executive privilege not One of the four, right-wing mittee chairman, Rep. Bennie G. not argue to the trial jury that a
business or any of the weekly sections.
Comments can be directed to the
June 2022, Mehta has repeatedly to testify in Congress 4 Navarro provocateur Stephen K. Bannon, Thompson (D-Miss.), said the valid claim of executive privilege
Post9s reader advocate, who can be cited a lack of evidence regard- appeared undaunted following a Trump political adviser who panel <seeks documents and a existed.
reached at 202-334-7582 or ing the purported conversations the hearing as he faced news was chief White House strategist deposition regarding these and with Trump, which Navarro said cameras outside the courthouse. for the first six months of his other matters.= spencer s. hsu contributed to this
occurred after he received the <These are complex and im- presidency, was charged with Executive privilege is meant to report.

Judge rules Giuliani defamed Georgia election workers, orders sanctions

BY R ACHEL W EINER and defamatory claims about the lighting the Georgia video. Trump vert the election results. The fed-
two poll workers. But in the same went on to reference the video in eral indictment brought against
A federal judge has ruled for- filings, he said he was not giving meetings with top Justice Depart- Trump in D.C. lists Giuliani as an
mer New York mayor and Donald up the right to argue that his ment officials and in a phone call unnamed co-conspirator and in-
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani lia- comments were constitutionally with Georgia9s secretary of state, cludes the false Georgia claims as
ble for defaming two Georgia protected speech that did not during which the president asked part of an alleged criminal con-
election workers whom he falsely cause damage, along with other for the state official to <find 11,780 spiracy to keep Biden out of office.
accused of tampering with the defenses. On Wednesday, Howell votes.= While his liability is no longer
2020 election results. said that admission had <more The plaintiffs became aware of in dispute, Giuliani still must
Judge Beryl A. Howell entered holes than Swiss cheese,= and that large gaps in what Giuliani pro- hand over financial information
a default judgment against him Giuliani was trying <to bypass the vided because of records received for the determination of damag-
<as a straight-up sanction= for his discovery process and a merits from others involved, according es, including metrics for a pod-
failure to provide necessary docu- trial 4 at which his defenses may to the court record. Giuliani cast on which he impugned the
mentation to the plaintiffs. be fully scrutinized and tested in claimed that he lost access to Georgia workers. He and his busi-
Giuliani will still go to trial in our judicial system9s time-hon- much of his electronic informa- nesses must also pay the plaintiffs
D.C. federal court on the amount ored adversarial process 4 and to tion because it was seized by the back for the attorney fees they
of monetary damages he owes to delay such a fair reckoning by FBI in an unrelated investigation spent trying to get him to comply
Ruby Freeman and her daughter taking his chances on appeal.= in April 2021. But Howell found with Howell9s rulings. If he con-
Wandrea ArShaye <Shaye= Moss. But, she said, Giuliani cannot that Giuliani failed to make tinues to withhold his financial
But Howell has already ordered <have his proverbial cake and eat meaningful efforts to explain records, Howell said, she will in-
Giuliani to pay roughly $132,000 it too.= Elijah nouvElagE for thE Washington Post what exactly was missing or to struct the jury deciding damages
in sanctions between his personal Giuliani repeatedly claimed in Former Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani speaks to reporters retrieve it, instead giving <vague= to <infer that he is intentionally
and business assets for his fail- the weeks after the 2020 election Aug. 23 after being booked at the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta. and <shifting descriptions= of the trying to hide relevant discovery
ures to hand over relevant infor- that misleading security footage problem. about his financial assets for the
mation. And she said those fail- from Georgia showed Freeman forced into hiding. Among the messages Giuliani <Given Giuliani9s much-vaunt- purpose of artificially deflating
ures, combined with Giuliani9s and Moss bringing in <suitcases= Because Giuliani failed to pre- failed to preserve and produce, ed experience as an attorney, he his net worth.=
own admissions, compelled her full of fake votes for Joe Biden. serve emails, text messages and according to the court record, is a plainly should have known bet- Giuliani political adviser Ted
to rule without a trial that he Those claims were quickly de- social media account information Dec. 7, 2020, text he sent in re- ter,= Howell wrote, concluding Goodman said in a statement that
defamed both women, intention- bunked by election officials in from the time period when he sponse to a Trump adviser9s re- that his failure to produce the the ruling was <a prime example
ally inflicted emotional distress Georgia, who explained that the made those accusations, Howell quest for <best examples of 8elec- information was <deliberate.= She of the weaponization of our jus-
on them as part of a civil conspira- so-called suitcases were regular said, Freeman and Moss are <se- tion fraud9 that we9ve alleged suggested he was trying to avoid tice system, where the process is
cy, and owes punitive damages. ballot boxes and that nothing un- verely hampered= in their ability that9s super easy to explain. disclosing information that could the punishment,= and that it
Last month, as part of the toward had occurred. But Giu- to prove his statements were in- Doesn9t necessarily have to be hurt him in other civil and crimi- <should be reversed.=
wrangling over the records he had liani and others continued to ac- tentionally false and part of a proven, but does need to be easy nal cases. Earlier this month, Giu- Attorneys for Freeman and
failed to share, Giuliani agreed cuse the two of malfeasance; they broader conspiracy rather than to understand.= According to the liani was charged in Georgia with Moss did not respond to a request
not to contest that he made false received death threats and were merely negligent. records, Giuliani replied by high- involvement in a scheme to sub- for comment.

Tour the Historic

Townsend House Dig e s t

Home of the Cosmos Club georgiA bond agreement to get him out of publicist and a preacher to the doorknob, the Columbia
2121 Massachusetts Ave., NW Trump co-defendant jail.
Since then, however, a lawyer
pressure a local election worker,
Ruby Freeman, into falsely
Police Department said.
A police news release added
Docent-led tours of a released on bail in private practice, Todd Harding, confessing to election crimes that that the investigation determined
has been substituted to represent she did not commit. the shooter 4 who legally owned
Beaux-Arts mansion The last of former president Floyd. Two other firms, the In 2019 and 2020, Floyd helped the firearm 4 was covered by
Saturday, September 9, Donald Trump9s co-defendants in Dominion Law Group and the lead the Trump campaign9s Black South Carolina9s <Stand Your
at 10:00 AM the Fulton County, Ga., election Law Offices of Brandon A. Voices for Trump, seeking to Ground= law and that no charges
Free but individual
interference case reached a bond Thomas are running bolster support for the then- will be filed. The statute allows
reservations required.
agreement Tuesday after crowdsourced online fundraisers president9s reelection bid. people to protect themselves with
Groups of four or fewer
spending the weekend in jail. for Floyd that have raised roughly 4 Amy Gardner deadly force against intruders
Harrison William Prescott $300,000. Neither responded to and Holly Bailey <unlawfully and forcefully
Ages 12 and older only.
No shorts, jeans, ûip-ûops,
Floyd, who is accused of requests for comment. entering= their dwelling.
or t-shirts.
harassing an Atlanta-area Floyd, 39, also known as Willie soUtH cAroLinA A call for a reported home
election worker in the weeks Lewis Floyd III, is a little-known invasion shortly before 2 a.m. got
Call (202) 939-1520 by 12:00 PM, September 7 to make your reservations. following the 2020 election, player who helped run Trump9s Police: No charges upgraded to a call of shots fired as
posted bond of $100,000 Tuesday. 2020 campaign outreach to Black in killing of student police responded to the scene
He was released from jail voters. Saturday, police said. Officers
Wednesday. Floyd was charged earlier this The resident who fatally shot a found Donofrio dead when they
Unlike the other defendants in year with attacking an FBI agent University of South Carolina arrived at the porch.
umbrella or sunscreen? the case, Floyd did not initially working on the Justice student who tried to enter the The statement from Columbia
retain a lawyer and did not Department9s parallel wrong home on his off-campus Police Chief Skip Holbrook did
contact the office of District investigation of efforts to street last weekend was justified not identify the shooter.
stay one step ahead of the weather with the Attorney Fani T. Willis to overturn the 2020 election in his actions, police said Donofrio, who was from
capital Weather gang negotiate a bond agreement results. Wednesday. Connecticut, was pursuing a
before surrendering at the county In Georgia, Floyd is charged Nicholas Anthony Donofrio, degree in exercise science and
jail Thursday. As a result, he was with racketeering, conspiracy to 20, died early Saturday after played collegiate basketball at held in jail for five nights 4 until solicit false statements and knocking, banging and kicking on University of New England before
Superior Court Judge Scott influencing witnesses. The the front door of the man who transferring, according to an
s0141 2x2

@capitalweather McAfee ordered a public defender charges stem from his alleged shot him when he broke the glass online obituary.
to take up Floyd9s case to reach a efforts alongside a professional window and tried to manipulate 4 Associated Press
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Su A3

Politics & the Nation

8We all carry this painful legacy in our hearts9

able to travel the long distances
from their homes to claim the
bodies. Many children were bur-
More schools that forced ied at cemeteries on or near the
Native American youths boarding schools9 grounds 4
sometimes in unmarked graves.
to assimilate are revealed A second report from the In-
terior Department will focus on
children who died at the schools
BY D ANA H EDGPETH and how the institutions were
AND E MMANUEL M ARTINEZ funded. Congress is also consid-
ering legislation that would cre-
A nonprofit group has identi- ate a commission to investigate
fied 115 more Indian boarding the schools9 operations, examine
schools than has been previously church and government records
reported, offering new insight and locate children9s graves.
into the role of religious institu- <Federal Indian boarding
tions in the long-standing federal school policies have impacted ev-
policy to eradicate Native Ameri- ery Indigenous person I know,=
cans9 culture through their chil- Haaland, the nation9s first Native
dren. American to serve as a Cabinet
For more than a century, gen- secretary, said in a statement.
erations of American Indian, <Some are survivors, some are
Alaska Native and Native Hawai- descendants, but we all carry this
ian children were forced or co- painful legacy in our hearts and
erced from their homes and com- the trauma that these policies
munities and sent to live at and these places have inflicted.=
schools where they were beaten, The coalition also plans to
starved and made to abandon release a digital archive of board-
their Native languages and cul- ing school records later this year,
ture. The U.S. Department of the allowing easier access to histori-
Interior announced last year that ans and families still searching
the federal government ran or for information about their loved
supported 408 such schools in 37 ones.
states, including 21 schools in <It9s going to be a paradigm
Alaska and seven in Hawaii, from shift so individuals, communities
1819 to 1969. and Native nations will be able to
The new list released Wednes- see in a comprehensive, profound
day by the National Native Amer- MAtt rourke/AP way who was responsible for
ican Boarding School Healing Co- Ione Quigley, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe9s historic preservation officer, returns to her seat after speaking during a ceremony at the running these schools,= Torres
alition uses a different criteria, U.S. Army9s Carlisle Barracks, in Pennsylvania, in 2021. The site is the former home of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. said.
bringing the number of known Many tribes have started to
Indian boarding schools in the periences left them deeply Reckoning of American Indian boarding schools grows Secretary Deb Haaland 4 a mem- investigate what happened to
country to 523 in 38 states. In scarred. |e National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition identiûed 115 ber of the Pueblo of Laguna tribe children lost to these schools.
addition to the federally support- The coalition9s work comes more schools than the 408 federally funded schools previously recognized, whose grandparents were stolen Some are finding answers. Tribes
ed schools tallied by the Interior amid a growing effort to expose bringing the known number of schools that forced Native American children to from their homes and sent to and communities in Nebraska,
Department, the coalition identi- the harmful legacy of the board- assimilate to White culture to 523 across the united States. boarding schools 4 has traveled South Dakota and Utah have used
fied 115 more institutions that ing school era on American Indi- the country in what her agency ground-penetrating radar to
115 schools newly added by NABS
operated beginning in 1801, most an families and tribes as part of 408 schools previously recognized by Interior Department
calls a <Road to Healing Tour.= search land surrounding board-
of them run by religious groups the federal government9s broader, She has visited nine tribal com- ing schools for unmarked graves.
and churches. centuries-long policies to try to munities and listened to survi- At the Carlisle Indian Indus-
The coalition scoured thou- eradicate Native Americans and vors and their descendants tell of trial School in Pennsylvania, one
Wash. N.H.
sands of records scattered across seize their land. The reckoning Vt.
Vt. experiences at boarding schools of the first federal boarding
the National Archives, univer- has been spurred in large part, M
ont. N.D. and the often traumatic impact schools in the United States, the
o re. Minn.
sities, tribal offices and local his- many Native leaders said, by the Idah
on their lives, culture, language remains of five Native American
Wisc. N.Y. Mass.
torical societies to identify and discovery in 2021 of roughly 200 S .D.
S.D. r.I.
r.I. and customs. students found at a cemetery
Wyo. Mich.
map the schools as part of an unmarked graves of children who IIowa
owa Penn.
Haaland9s agency published near the school will be disin-
effort to raise awareness about an died at a residential school in Nev.
N ev. Neb.
o hiio
ohio N.
N.J. the first of two reports investigat- terred and returned to their fami-
utah Ill. Ind.
nd. Del.
often forgotten part of U.S. his- Canada. Calif.
Caliif. C olo.
Colo. W.Va.
Va. M
Md.. ing the schools in May 2022 and lies for burial this fall, according
tory. Fawn Sharp, president of the kan.
kan. Mo.
ky. found that roughly 50 percent of to officials from the U.S. Army,
<Regardless of who was com- National Congress of American te
tenn. N.C.
C. the federal Indian boarding which now has a war college on
plicit in running these schools, Indians 4 a D.C.-based lobbying Ariz.
Ariz. N.M. Ark.
Ark. S.C
S.C. schools likely received <support the site. The students died be-
whether it was done by the feder- group 4 said the findings in Miiss. Ala.
Miss. Ala. Ga.
Ga. or involvement from a religious tween 1880 and 1910.
al government or a church or Canada <ignited a reawakening= texas
institution or organization, in- In Utah, experts and local
religious group, they both of the United States9 painful his- cluding funding, infrastructure, tribes using ground-penetrating
thought it was acceptable to cre- tory of Indian boarding schools, H
awaii Fla.
Fla. and personnel.= The federal gov- radar found 12 graves of Indian
ate these schools to remove Na- especially among elders who ernment at times paid religious children in July on the property
tive children from their land, went to the institutions and never institutions on a <per capita basis of the former Panguitch Indian
strip them of their language and spoke about their experiences. Note: Data as of Aug. 29. Most schools were opened and operated in the early 19th to mid-20th centuries;
for Indian children= to attend Boarding School, which operated
reprogram them under a Mani- <We9re getting to a place where a few are still open today. boarding schools run by religious in the early 1900s. They are be-
fest Destiny model,= said Samuel they9re starting to pass away, and Sources: National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition, u.S. Department of the Interior groups, according to Interior9s lieved to be from the Paiute and
Torres, deputy chief executive of we want to make sure the truth is JANICe kAI CHeN/tHe WASHINGtoN PoSt report. other tribes.
the coalition. known and the truth is told, so Many children never made it <These children were taken
Tens of thousands of American there9s some measure of justice Of the additional schools on Another operated as both a home. The Interior report9s initial from their families at very young
Indian children attended these because we9re all impacted as the coalition9s list, 105 were run boarding school and a day school analysis found that more than ages, were not permitted to com-
schools, although no one knows Native people,= said Sharp, who is by missionary groups and at one point, the coalition said. 500 Indigenous children died at municate in the only language
the exact number. Thousands are also the vice president of the churches. Officials at the coali- The coalition9s small staff has 19 of the federal boarding schools they had ever known and were
believed to have died, the coali- Quinault Indian Nation in Wash- tion said it is difficult to tell spent the past three years locat- but said that investigators expect forced into manual labor to main-
tion said. ington state. exactly how those schools were ing and analyzing records on the eventual number of deaths to tain the facility,= leaders of the
There are increasingly few Na- The healing coalition part- funded because the records are boarding schools, which are often <be in the thousands or tens of Paiute tribes said in a joint state-
tive elders alive to give firsthand nered with the National Centre held in private collections of reli- hard to find and incomplete. Its thousands.= American Indian his- ment when the graves were
accounts of their time at the for Truth and Reconciliation in gious missions or church groups latest work found more schools in torians said many of the children found.
schools. Many are now in their Canada to build a map similar to and more research needs to be Oklahoma 4 which had the most, likely died of malnutrition, abuse, The tribal leaders said, <Our
70s and 80s and attended the one the Canadian center did that done. with 95 4 and Hawaii, where tuberculosis or typhoid. hearts go out to the families of
schools in the late 1940s and 950s. looked into how Indigenous chil- Nine were opened after 1969 4 researchers revealed another 22, Their parents often received these children as we are left to
Some were physically, mentally dren in Canada were forced into beyond the time frame investigat- bringing that state9s total to 29. letters long after their deaths. In consider how best to honor and
and sexually abused. Their ex- residential schools. ed by the Interior Department. Over the past year, U.S. Interior some instances, families were un- memorialize their suffering.=

McConnell again appears to freeze LABOR DAY SALE

silent for more than 20 seconds. this afternoon.= We carry
5 only handmade
Senator9s aides cite
lightheadedness as
<Leader McConnell felt mo-
mentarily lightheaded and paused
during his press conference to-
Kentucky law would require
Gov. Andy Beshear, a Democrat, to
appoint a Republican successor if
rugs from around the world
incident mirrors July one day,= a spokesman for McConnell
said in a statement afterward.
McConnell were to leave office.
But Beshear declined to answer a LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED
An aide to the senator, who question this month about wheth-

spoke on the condition of ano-
nymity to discuss private details,
said McConnell would consult a
er he would do so, saying there was
no indication McConnell would
step down. 5 est
Low es
Pric r!
Senate Minority Leader Mitch
doctor before his next event <as a
prudential measure.= Wednesday
<There9s not going to be a vacan-
cy,= he told Politico. <That would Days Only! Eve
McConnell (R-Ky.) appeared to evening, McConnell appeared be total speculation.=
freeze for several seconds with Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) in McConnell fell and suffered a
Wednesday while taking ques-
tions from journalists in an inci-
Louisville at a <private event= for
Banks9s Senate campaign.
concussion and broken rib during
a private dinner at a Washington FREE Ever
dent that mirrored another occa- McConnell9s staff also cited hotel in early March. He was ab-
Delivery y
sion when he abruptly stopped lightheadedness after he froze for sent from the Senate for nearly six
75% Rug
speaking in late July.
McConnell took questions from
about 20 seconds during opening
remarks at a Senate leadership
weeks as he recovered. He re-
turned to work in April. Padding OFF
reporters in Covington, Ky., after news conference in July. Sens. After McConnell froze in July,
talking with a local group. A re- John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Joni four neurologists who reviewed Appraisal
porter asked him about running Ernst (R-Iowa), who were at his footage of the incident told The
for reelection in 2026, then re- side that day, asked whether he Washington Post the situation
peated the query twice when Mc- was all right, but McConnell did could have been caused by heat- 7137 Wisconsin Ave.
Connell said he couldn9t hear, ac-
cording to video of the incident.
McConnell, 81, chuckled and
not respond.
Barrasso suggested that McCon-
nell take a break and guided him
exacerbated dehydration, a near-
fainting episode, a partial seizure
or a stroke.
Parvizian Bethesda, MD
said, <Oh, that9s, uhh 4= and away. The minority leader returned The Post reported in July that Fine Rugs
stopped speaking. After about sev- several minutes later and after the McConnell had fallen two other
en seconds, an aide approached news conference was asked by re- times this year, in Helsinki in Feb- OPEN MON-SAT 10-6 | SUNDAY 12-5 " ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED
and asked the senator if he had porters what had happened. He ruary and while leaving a plane at
heard the question. said simply that he was <fine.= Reagan National Airport in July.
McConnell stared straight On Wednesday, as President An aide, who spoke on the con-
ahead, and the aide asked report-
ers to give them a minute.
Another aide then walked over
and spoke to McConnell, who sig-
naled that he was fine. McConnell
Biden talked about the wildfires in
Maui and the hurricane pounding
Florida and other parts of the
Southeast, he said he had just
heard of the McConnell incident.
dition of anonymity because they
weren9t authorized to discuss the
matter publicly, said McConnell
sometimes uses a wheelchair in
crowded areas such as airports,
Stories of the past, rediscovered.
then cleared his throat, said <Mitch is a friend, as you know, The Post previously reported.

<Okay,= and continued to take not a joke,= Biden said. <We have
questions. His answers were stilt- disagreements politically. But he9s Mariana Alfaro, Maegan Vazquez and
ed. a good friend, and so I9m going to Amy B Wang contributed to this
In total, the minority leader was try to get in touch with him later report.
A4 eZ sU the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

Five higher-speed rail projects taking shape in the U.S.

BY L UZ L AZO for the industry. Advocates say it
could alter the political dynamic
It9s no secret that the United in Washington for high-speed rail
States lags behind other devel- if a Republican-led state delivers
oped nations in high-speed rail. a project. Some conservatives 4
More than 20 countries, mostly in including in Texas 4 have been
Europe and Asia, have such rail- fighting high-speed rail projects,
ways, while this country has yet to even turning down federal fund-
build its first. ing.
Proposals have come and gone, The challenge: Although the
and projects have stalled for dec- Texas Supreme Court cleared the
ades. The ambitions have ranged way for Texas Central to use emi-
from traditional high-speed sys- nent domain, the company con-
tems connecting mega-regions, to tinues to face opposition and le-
a magnetic-levitation train, to a gal action from property owners
hyperloop service with a train in the path of the track. The
whisked through a tube. company has been through man-
The nation9s fastest train is agement changes amid recent
Amtrak9s Acela, which tops challenges, including little prog-
150 mph. New Acela trains are ress in financing the project and
expected to reach 160 mph when acquiring property.
they debut next year 4 still below Funding: The project9s original
the 186 mph considered high- $10 billion price tag climbed to
speed in systems across the world. $30 billion in recent years. Texas
Here are five U.S. projects that Central has sought $12 billion in
have boosted prospects for a high- federal loans to help fund the
speed rail system. project. The company recently
partnered with Amtrak to seek
1. Amtrak9s Acela higher- federal funding and develop the
speed trains line.
Proposed in 2011 | 28 train Timeline: Outdated projec-
sets along 457 miles| $2.5 billion tions put construction beginning
program in 2020 and trains carrying pas-
New higher-speed Acela trains sengers in 2026, but no recent
will roll through the nation9s busi- estimates have been released.
est rail stations beginning next
year, representing a significant 5. Cascadia
step toward America9s aspira- Proposed in 2017 | 413 miles |
heATher AinsWorTh for The WAshingTon PosT
tions for modern, faster and more $24 billion to $42 billion pre-
reliable intercity train service. An Amtrak Acela train on a test track at a production facility in Hornell, N.Y. New higher-speed Acela trains will roll through the nation9s liminary cost
The trains will overhaul passen- busiest rail stations starting next year. Although the service will reach speeds of up to 160 mph, that9s still short of true high-speed travel. A system of trains traveling at
ger service in the busy Northeast speeds up to 250 mph would con-
Corridor, aiming to improve safe- private intercity passenger rail- nect the metro areas of Portland,
ty, rider comfort and capacity. road in the United States. It is Ore., Seattle and Vancouver, B.C.
Notable: The new Acela fleet expanding its Florida service to Although it9s in the early phase of
will reach speeds up to 160 mph Orlando, providing a rare inter- planning, backers say the rail line
at various stretches of the city train connection at a major could spark $355 billion of eco-
Washington-to-Boston route. Al- airport terminal and making the nomic activity over two decades
though not considered true high- trip from Miami in three hours. within the region.
speed service, the Amtrak pro- The challenge: The price tag Notable: The Federal Railroad
gram will be faster than its for the Las Vegas-to-Southern Administration has designated
current trains and include track California line keeps climbing. In the corridor as among those with
improvements to reduce travel the past year, the cost estimate the highest potential for high-
time. went up by $3 billion, an increase speed rail. A new rail line would
The challenge: Despite capa- that project officials partly attri- provide complementary service
bilities for higher speeds, the bute to inflation. to Amtrak9s Cascades route,
28 Avelia Liberty trains from Funding: Brightline says it in- which travels at top speeds of
French manufacturer Alstom will vested $600 million to bring the 79 mph.
run slower than trains in other project to construction, and it9s The challenge: As planning ad-
proposed projects across the seeking $3.75 billion in federal vances, a governance structure
country because Acela runs on infrastructure funding to help that spans two states and two
conventional tracks shared with cover about one-third of the proj- countries would need to be creat-
other intercity, commuter and ect cost. A $25 million federal ed to carry the project to con-
freight trains. grant awarded in June will help to struction. It would need to identi-
Funding: The program is fully cover the design and construction fy funding sources and acquire
funded. Amtrak is using money of two stations in California. Proj- right of way for a route that would
from a $2.45 billion federal loan ect officials say the rest will be traverse urban areas, uneven ter-
awarded in 2016 to help pay for privately funded. TexAs CenTrAl/TexAs CenTrAl rain, major rivers and an interna-
the trains and infrastructure im- Timeline: Groundbreaking is A rendering of the Dallas station on Texas Central9s planned high-speed line between that city and tional border.
provements. possible before the end of 2023, Houston. The system9s trains are supposed to reach speeds of 200 mph, making the trip in 90 minutes. Funding: The proposed line in
Timeline: Originally expected followed by four years of con- the Pacific Northwest, which has
to debut in 2021, the new trains struction and possible passenger greenhouse gas emissions equiva- $25 billion secured, including between Los Angeles and San support from Microsoft, is being
have been delayed until 2024. operations in time for the 2028 lent to taking 400,000 cars off the $3.6 billion in federal grants so Francisco by 2030. envisioned as a possible public-
Summer Olympics in Los Ange- road every year. far, with California paying 85 per- private partnership. Microsoft
2. Brightline West les. Notable: This was the first cent of the cost. The California 4. The Texas high-speed train has donated more than $500,000
Proposed in 2005 | 265 miles| high-speed rail system under con- High-Speed Rail Authority is Proposed in 2013 | 240 miles| for feasibility studies, and Wash-
$12 billion estimated cost 3. California High-Speed Rail struction in the United States. It9s seeking $8 billion in federal fund- $30 billion estimated cost ington state recently approved
The electrified rail line would Proposed in 1994 | 500 miles| the biggest investment in passen- ing through the infrastructure Travelers would be whisked at funding for additional analysis
take travelers along the median of $128 billion estimated cost ger rail since Amtrak9s creation law. speeds up to 200 mph from Dallas and development. Efforts are un-
Interstate 15 between Las Vegas Electrified trains traveling at more than half a century ago. Timeline: The $35.3 billion to Houston in 90 minutes. Propo- derway to apply for federal
and Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., in 220 mph would take passengers The challenge: Voters ap- Merced-to-Bakersfield stretch nents say the system would carry grants.
2 hours and 10 minutes. Trains between San Francisco and Los proved the project in 2008, but under construction is projected more than 6 million passengers Timeline: A feasibility study
would travel at 186 mph. Support- Angeles in less than three hours if general support has waned as the to be ready for passenger service by 2029 and save travelers in the five years ago projected an open-
ers say the system would remove California9s ambitious rail project price tag 4 originally estimated between 2030 and 2033. Opening booming corridor between an ing by 2035, although a federal
about 3 million vehicles from the comes to fruition. Eventually, the at $33 billion 4 continues to for the entire line will be depend- hour and 90 minutes in travel environmental review could take
road and increase tourism be- system could extend 800 miles to climb and the timeline keeps ex- ent on funding availability, proj- time, compared with driving. years. Officials say <construction
tween Nevada and California. link to Sacramento and San Di- tending. ect officials say. The project origi- Notable: The Texas project is will not begin for quite some
Notable: Brightline is the only ego. Supporters say it would cut Funding: The project has nally envisioned trains operating eyed as a potential game changer time.=

Children improperly removed from Medicaid may number in the millions

Wednesday by the administra- this issue impacts many states.= children who have lost Medicaid so far nationwide. gan, the question of how states
tion9s Medicaid director involves Pressed on the lack of detail, Tsai for any reason 4 not simply be- According to Tsai, the problem were handling income checks in
Federal officials sound computer systems that are not set would say only that the agency is cause of the error CMS is ordering arises when a state uses a family9s the automated renewals did not
alarm, direct states to correctly to evaluate whether in- ordering every state to <assess states to fix. In those 15 states, a entire income to determine arise.
dividual family members still are and look under the hood whether KFF compilation shows, 1.1 mil- whether parents and children <It was not a priority that was
check for potential errors eligible. they have this issue of not.= Later lion children have lost Medicaid qualify for Medicaid, rather than identified previously by CMS,=
The federal agency that Wednesday, CMS said that, for out of 2.7 million beneficiaries taking into account that children McEvoy said. Months into the
oversees the program in a part- starters, the agency estimates overall who have been severed usually are eligible up to higher renewals, she said, states find it
BY A MY G OLDSTEIN nership with states dispatched a more than a dozen states believe from the coverage. income levels. cumbersome to locate available
sharply worded letter Wednesday they have the eligibility system The Medicaid unwinding, ex- A similar issue can arise in contractors to redesign computer
Potentially millions of children about the problem. The six-page flaws. pected to take a year to complete families in which parents and systems already in use. <It is an-
have been improperly dropped letter rebuking states directs Another administration offi- in most states, follows the end of their children have different im- other stage of an already difficult
from Medicaid rolls across many them to evaluate within two cial, speaking on the condition of the temporary guarantee of cover- migration statuses that can influ- effort,= she said.
states in recent months, federal weeks whether they are in viola- anonymity because they were not age under a federal law that pre- ence eligibility for the insurance. Joel D. Ferber, an attorney with
authorities said Wednesday as tion and, if so, to immediately authorized to discuss the prob- served the safety-net health in- The letter CMS sent Wednes- Legal Services of Eastern Mis-
they sounded an alarm and called stop conducting renewals until lem9s scope, estimated that the surance for three years, through day ordered states in violation to souri, said, <I9m suspicious as to
for reinstating the youngsters9 the problem is fixed. Children and number of affected children <is March. During the interval be- fix the problem right away and why so many kids have been cut
coverage through the safety-net others who have been incorrectly likely in the millions.= The official tween the start of the coronavirus gave them choices about how to off.= Missouri is one of the 15 states
health insurance. dropped must be returned to added that the problem is system- pandemic and the end of the en- proceed, including giving chil- that are disclosing age break-
The unwarranted removal of Medicaid, with retroactive cover- ic and that CMS9s directive to rollment guarantee, Medicaid dren an automatic extra year of downs of the residents losing
possibly large numbers of chil- age. states to report back is designed rolls nationwide swelled by one- Medicaid. If states do not comply, Medicaid, and half of the benefici-
dren is the most serious problem <It9s unacceptable if eligible to gather a more complete count. third, to 85 million late last year. CMS officials are telling them, aries who have been cut off in the
to materialize since the start this people, especially children, are Researchers at the Georgetown Under Medicaid eligibility they may be penalized, including unwinding there are children, ac-
spring of a massive undertaking being disenrolled from Medicaid Center for Children and Families, rules, children can qualify for the financially. cording to the KFF compilation.
by every state to figure out who or [the Children9s Health Insur- which has been closely tracking insurance even if their families <We also recognize that states <I think it9s really important=
remains eligible for Medicaid. ance Program],= a federal insur- the unwinding since the first have incomes higher than the may have significant work ahead,= for CMS to pay careful attention,
This unwinding, as it is known, ance program for children of states began resuming the pre- earnings that would allow their Tsai said. he said. <We don9t want eligible
was triggered by the end of a working-class families, said Dan- pandemic practice of annually de- parents to qualify. For that reason, Kate McEvoy, executive direc- people getting cut off, especially
pandemic-era promise that every- iel Tsai, federal Medicaid director. ciding who qualifies for Medicaid, children are especially vulnerable tor of the National Association of eligible children.=
one in the nation9s largest public During a briefing for reporters, estimated that perhaps half the to the problem CMS has detected. Medicaid Directors, agreed that Caitlin Whaley, communica-
insurance program could stay in Tsai characterized the glitch as <a states are known to be removing The problem detected in many <it9s a big lift for states.= tions director for Missouri9s De-
it. The undertaking is a prime very clear issue that extends children improperly. Joan Alker, states occurs in instances when She said the issue of using fam- partment of Social Services, said
concern of Biden administration across multiple states.= the center9s executive director, Medicaid programs use an auto- ily incomes instead of individual the state9s Medicaid program does
health officials, who have been Tsai repeatedly declined to also said millions of children are mated method, with computer- incomes, with the ripple effects not have the problem the federal
monitoring states closely in hopes specify the number of states that suspected to be affected, given ized data such as wage records, to onto children, emerged just two agency is prodding states to cor-
of avoiding a surge in the nation9s the Centers for Medicare and partial data on the total number determine which beneficiaries re- weeks ago as a matter of whether rect. In fact, she said, the state has
uninsured as low-income people Medicaid Services (CMS) is al- of children disenrolled so far main eligible 4 a method the states are complying with federal been conferring with CMS, in-
lose Medicaid coverage for paper- ready aware of as incorrectly re- through the Medicaid unwinding. federal government prefers over requirements. She said that in cluding about the fact that its
work reasons or because they no moving children, or the number According to KFF, a health-care mailing out renewal notices. The states9 detailed preparations and eligibility system is not yet doing
longer qualify. of youngsters who have lost insur- policy organization, just 15 states automated method accounts for consultation with federal health automated renewals and termi-
The flaw revealed publicly ance, though he said, <we believe are making public the number of about one-fourth of the renewals officials before the unwinding be- nations.

A six-part podcast | no-knock warrants can destroy Listen wherever you get your podcasts
Broken Doors lives. Why are they so easy to obtain and carry out? N0229 6x1
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A5

posed new routes is service in

U.S. high-speed rail travel: 8It9s going to happen9
TRAINs from A1
possible Brightline markets: mi-
when Brightline riders arrive in ami and orlando, and restoring
orlando from downtown miami. the train connection between Las
The federal railroad Adminis- Vegas and Los Angeles.
tration expects to sign off within While Amtrak has proposed
days, triggering a three-week investments in short-haul routes
testing period before Brightline 4 those generally less than
carries passengers. The company 400 miles 4 the railroad would
will then set its sights on a $12 bil- not be able to operate fast trains.
lion high-speed railway from Las outside the Northeast, Amtrak
Vegas to Southern California, a trains use freight lines, on which
huge undertaking that could put speeds are typically below 80
trains traveling at 186 mph on mph.
America9s tracks by 2028. Brightline9s miami-to-orlando
<We9re much closer than we9ve service would be quicker than
ever been. It9s going to happen,= Amtrak9s, which takes five to
said former transportation secre- seven hours via two long-distance
tary ray LaHood, putting the routes.
Western project at <the top of the Amtrak chief executive Ste-
list= of major corridors that could phen Gardner said the company
place the nation on the high- welcomes the competition. He
speed-rail map. said as Brightline grows and oth-
The test case for the United er systems are built, he expects
States9 passenger rail ambitions is opportunities for Amtrak to con-
taking place in car-dominant nect with other networks.
South florida, where a gleaming <We9re supporters of intercity
station has transformed a long- passenger rail, so I am excited to
overlooked miami neighborhood see other folks who see opportu-
three miles from the southern nities in what we do,= he said.
terminus of Interstate 95. <Trains have a role to play in the
21st century, so anybody who
Version 1.0 in south Florida shares that vision, we see as our
Up to now, Brightline has oper- ally.=
ated much like a commuter serv- Support for Brightline is wide-
ice through South florida, but its spread in Nevada and California,
orlando station will be the na- where trains would travel in the
tion9s first non-Amtrak passenger median of I-15, one of the nation9s
train link between two metro deadliest major highways. feder-
areas in four decades 4 a project thomaS Simonetti for the WaShington PoSt al and state officials say the pro-
with nearly $6 billion in private posed rail line would be a safer
investment. Although not a true alternative and an environmen-
high-speed operation, the Bright- tally friendly solution to the
line florida service will surpass area9s chronic congestion.
speeds of 125 mph in some areas fifty million trips are made
4 the nation9s fastest train out- between Southern California and
side the D.C.-to-Boston region. Las Vegas each year, mostly via
five years after Brightline private vehicles, according to
opened its 67-mile service be- project ridership studies. Bright-
tween miami and West Palm line wants to capture 11 million of
Beach, passengers fill the five-car those trips annually.
trains for sporting events and rep. Jimmy Gomez (D), whose
festivals, while commuters use district includes downtown Los
them to get to jobs. Students Angeles, said the project is criti-
receive discounted passes for ed- cal for environmental goals and
ucational excursions. alleviating the miles-long back-
Brightline uses business ty- ups on I-15. Gomez, along with
coon Henry flagler9s original mi- other members of the California
ami train station and his florida and Nevada congressional dele-
East Coast railway, built in the gations, recently signed a biparti-
late 1880s. The station had fallen Brightline thomaS Simonetti for the WaShington PoSt san letter to Buttigieg expressing
into disrepair and was surround- TOP AND ABOVE RIGHT: Passengers on Brightline in Florida. When its Orlando station opens, the service will be the nation9s fastest <strong support= for Brightline9s
ed by parking lots. The raised outside the Northeast. ABOVE LEFT: A rendering of the Rancho Cucamonga station for Brightline9s planned high-speed line in California. $3.75 billion application, filed
platform is now the hub of 1.5 mil- jointly with the Nevada Depart-
lion square feet of development, ment of Transportation.
with office, commercial and resi- national rail network that has in less than 90 minutes has been rep. Seth moulton (D-mass.), a While demand for rail is high Buttigieg, whose office will de-
dential spaces built by Bright- lagged on the global stage. slow to progress amid challenges self-described evangelist for in densely populated corridors cide whether Brightline receives
line9s owner. Brightline West, expected to be in an environmental review, op- high-speed rail and the former like the Northeast, Cervero said federal funding, wouldn9t com-
The service9s rail cars, built by funded primarily through private position from landowners and, managing director of Texas Cen- that in city pairs such as Los ment on the company9s competi-
German industrial conglomerate investment, like the florida proj- more recently, a leadership exo- tral, the company developing the Angeles-to-Las Vegas or Dallas- tive prospects but said the admin-
Siemens and operated with die- ect, is also aiming for a multibil- dus at the company developing Houston-to-Dallas line, has to-Houston, it might be difficult istration welcomes the private
sel-electric locomotives on each lion-dollar federal grant. the line. In the Pacific Northwest, called for speeding up the regula- to sell intercity rail as a driving sector9s investment.
end, come with features missing Edens said history will repeat a project is in the early phases of tory process, particularly for rail alternative because passengers at <obviously, we love Amtrak.
from many Amtrak trains 4 some itself: The United States will have planning to connect Portland, projects that he said would ben- terminals probably still need a We also love any step that would
of which are 50 years old 4 its first high-speed rail system ore., Seattle and Vancouver, B.C. efit the environment. car to move around. bring more capital to the table to
including wide leather seats, an just before it hosts its next olym- While most of the $66 billion <It9s a little bit crazy that we The 265-mile electrified rail deliver good railroad service to
abundance of power outlets and pics 4 the 2028 Summer Games the infrastructure law allocated have an environmental policy act line from Las Vegas to rancho passengers, and our job is to
strong Wifi. in Los Angeles. Brightline West9s for rail will go toward upgrading that hinders the development of Cucamonga, where it would con- invest in the infrastructure that
Attendants bring around cof- target date coincides with start of existing track and replacing projects that are fundamentally nect to downtown Los Angeles helps make it a reality,= he said.
fee, alcoholic beverages and the Games. century-old tunnels and bridges really good for the environment,= via commuter train, is estimated <We9re full steam ahead 4 no pun
snacks for purchase by economy- Japan9s first bullet train, from along Amtrak9s Northeast Corri- moulton said at a recent confer- to cost $12 billion 4 three times intended 4 on passenger rail in
fare travelers 4 items that are Tokyo to osaka, now the world9s dor, $12 billion is set aside for ence in Washington. <There the price tag envisioned in the America. And if private capital is
complementary to premium tick- oldest high-speed rail line, improving passenger services should be clear timelines.= mid-2000s. Brightline submitted part of what it takes to get that
et holders. Passengers can sched- opened 10 days before the 1964 outside that region, including for The United States has some of a 4,000-page application in April done, so much the better.=
ule Uber connections to airports Tokyo olympics. China opened its high-speed rail. the most expensive transporta- for a $3.75 billion federal grant Andy Kunz, president and
and other locations through the first high-speed line, from Beijing Brightline West recently re- tion projects in the world, said from the infrastructure law. chief executive of the U.S. High
Brightline app, and the carrier to Tianjin, a week before the 2008 ceived a $25 million grant from Eric Goldwyn, an urban planning The grant is intended to cover Speed rail Association, said ad-
offers free shuttle service at some Beijing olympics and has since the infrastructure law, while the professor at New York University. nearly one-third of the project9s vocates want the infrastructure
stations. built 26,000 miles of lines. California high-speed project has His research found that costs cost, officials said, while the com- law to support projects that are
other differences from Amtrak <It9s going to happen in the U.S. a $20 million grant for its fresno associated with governance is- pany would use private capital ready to be built, like Brightline
include assigned seating (which just like it did in China and Japan station as it seeks $8 billion more. sues, such as environmental re- and tax-free debt known as pri- West.
Amtrak offers only on its Acela before it,= said Edens, who envi- other projects have requested views, and a U.S. tendency to vate activity bonds to finance the <We can9t wait another 30 years
route and for business-class fares sions a service modeled on the federal funding. build larger stations with longer rest. An award would be one of to build a rail system,= Kunz said.
on select trains), a security check- Paris-to-London Eurostar route Transportation Secretary Pete construction timelines have the biggest infusions of federal Completing one project, he said,
point before boarding, and pas- and is already eyeing other corri- Buttigieg, who rode Japan9s made some projects cost-prohibi- funding into a privately devel- would give the nation a taste of
senger use of conference rooms at dors. <I think one [system] will Shinkansen train this summer tive. oped transportation project in the type of rail service available
stations. quickly turn to two or three or while at the Group of Seven sum- While the infrastructure law modern history, while it would only internationally.
fares, which are comparable to four. I really believe that over the mit, said funding through the law made money available, experts give Brightline an important
Amtrak9s and competitive with course of the next 20 to 30 years, aims to boost an array of rail say the biggest challenge is boost to breaking ground this 8We can finally go without
airfare, vary depending on the you can see dozens of high-speed projects. whether political and public sup- year. driving9
time of travel and how early rails built in the United States.= <I really think seeing is believ- port for rail can shift in a nation <We think that is a very effi- Back in South florida, Liliana
tickets are purchased. A ticket Among other projects at vari- ing, and when we get even one of that moves by automobile. Traffic cient use of the public-sector dol- rodriguez takes the train about
from miami to West Palm Beach ous stages, California is building these up and running 4 which I congestion and environmental lars for the outcome that will weekly to her daughter9s house in
can cost between $15 and $52. a 500-mile system between Los do think can happen in this dec- concerns have not been signifi- ultimately be the stimulus that Boca raton, where she9s been
Economy fares from orlando to Angeles and San francisco that ade 4 then Americans will de- cant incentives to reducing car the industry has always been helping care for her two grand-
miami start at $79 one way. has been marred by delays and mand more,= he said. dependency, said robert Cervero, looking for,= said Brightline chief children. The rail option avoids
Brightline will offer 16 daily cost overruns. Its price tag, at High costs and a complicated professor emeritus at UC-Berke- executive michael reininger. the 50-mile drive on congested
round trips with hourly depar- $128 billion, is nearly quadruple federal approval process that can ley9s City and regional Planning Interstate 95.
tures between miami and orlan- the $33 billion project voters drag on for years have stalled Department, who cited increased Filling gaps in Amtrak The fares add up, rodriguez
do. approved in 2008. A 119-mile projects. meanwhile, rail advo- car ownership during the pan- service said, but the system9s reliability
The service carried more than section is under construction, cates and industry leaders say a demic as transit declined. Las Vegas developer Tony mar- and efficiency have given her the
1.2 million people in 2022, with and projections call for a 171-mile decades-old <Buy America= man- <We9re historically a far more nell II, the man behind construc- ability to consistently move be-
more than 1.1 million rides this segment connecting merced, date adds complexity. The policy car-oriented society, so it9s really tion of the Bellagio and the Wynn tween the two cities.
year through the end of July. But fresno and Bakersfield to open requires federally funded trans- hard for high-speed rail to get a Las Vegas resorts, pitched the <It9s magnificent,= she said. <I
the goal has always been linking between 2030 and 2033. portation infrastructure to use foothold in the United States idea of a bullet train in 2005 to can spend time with my grand-
two of the nation9s most tourist- In Texas, a plan for a train U.S.-made materials, a challenge relative to some of the other connect the city9s casinos to Vic- children and come back home if I
friendly cities to their respective connecting Dallas and Houston for a fledgling domestic industry. advanced economies,= he said. torville, 85 miles from downtown need to. I imagine what it would
nearby metropolis 4 orlando to Los Angeles in a rock-strewn ex- be like when they open to orlan-
miami, and Las Vegas to Los Amtrak service and high-speed rail proposals panse at the edge of the mojave do. We can finally go without
Angeles 4 before taking high- existing amtrak service expanded amtrak service new amtrak service Desert. driving.=
speed rail nationwide. Brightline9s 2018 acquisition of The company said it expects
<florida is Version 1.0, and we high-speed proposals Brightline florida the project renewed hopes for the that most customers will be flori-
think it9s a great 1.0,= said Wes Vancouver ailing line. The company has da residents traveling between
Edens, the billionaire co-owner of since secured land for four sta- the two cities, as well as tourists
the milwaukee Bucks basketball Seattle Proposed stations tions and the right of way in the 4 particularly those from Latin
for high-speed
team and co-founder of fortress Cascadia line median of busy Interstate 15 to America 4 who might be reluc-
Investment Group, which owns montreal build high-speed tracks. tant to rent a car. Brightline is
Brightline. <Version 2.0, the high- Duluth rockland To connect to Los Angeles, also betting that air travelers
speed rail from Vegas to L.A., we eau green Brightline proposed extending from the West Palm Beach area
Claire Bay toronto Boston
think is the real embodiment of St. Paul grand the line from Victorville to ran- will take the train to orlando9s
what high-speed rail can and rapids
cho Cucamonga, which has a airport.
should look like. And that9s the rockford reading
ronkonkoma downtown L.A. commuter rail When train tickets to orlando
new York
system that people will look at auburn Cheyenne iowa City Chicago connection. The federal railroad went on sale in mid-April, Joshua
and emulate when they look at San Columbus Baltimore Administration finalized its re- Wallack was one of the first to
fran. Denver D.C.
building systems around the Cincinnati view for that 49-mile extension in buy. He said he wants to be on the
St. louis newport news
country.= las Pueblo newton louisville roanoke norfolk
July, finding no significant envi- debut train from orlando to mi-
Vegas Carbondale ronmental impacts. ami, a trip he frequently makes
Wichita Christiansburg
Getting rail projects rolling asheville Project officials plan to even- via florida9s Turnpike that can
The 218-mile Las Vegas-to-sub- los angeles oklahoma tually take the line to Los Angeles easily go from a 3 1/2-hour drive to
urban-Los Angeles route, dubbed San Diego Phoenix City Union Station and connect with a five-hour nightmare.
Birmingham atlanta
Brightline West, has land, federal tucson other rail systems. The line would Wallack, the chief operating
reviews and labor agreements in fort Worth Dallas Savannah fill a gap in Amtrak9s network, officer at a bar and restaurant
place, and company leaders say it Baton Jacksonville which hasn9t served the Las Ve- with a location in both cities, said
could be built in four years. Its austin rouge mobile gas-to-L.A. corridor in 26 years. Brightline will change florida.
prospects are good, industry lead- houston
new orlando for its part, Amtrak is also <Imagine the productivity dif-
San antonio orleans
ers and transportation officials tampa pushing a major expansion. It ference. The whole time I9m writ-
say, amid renewed attention to 300 mileS plans to increase speeds in the ing emails, I9m making calls, I9m
rail in Washington and historic Northeast and expand to new returning texts,= he said. <I don9t
SZU YU Chen/the WaShington PoSt
levels of federal funding for a cities nationwide. Among its pro- have to drive.=
A6 eZ re the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

Hurricane Idalia

PhoToS by ThomaS SimoneTTi For The WaShingTon PoST

8Dangerous9 storm leaves trail of destruction in Fla. towns

IdAlIA from A1 those grim realities.=
florida9s Big Bend area is par-
<It wasn9t as bad as it could have ticularly vulnerable to storm
been, but it was still pretty bad,= surge because of the adjacent gen-
Norwood said. tly sloping sea floor, which makes
The National Hurricane Center it easy for water to pile up along
warned florida residents to pre- the coast and penetrate miles in-
pare for long power outages and land.
said some locations may be unin- Nature 4 birdwatching, fish-
habitable for several weeks or ing, hiking 4 is a major economic
months. Parts of eastern Georgia driver in the region. The area is
and southeastern South Carolina often referred to as <the Nature
also were likely to experience Coast,= with multiple state and
damaging winds that could put national wildlife areas, including
them in the dark. As of 6 p.m., the 83,000-acre St. marks Nation-
according to the website power- al Wildlife refuge on Apalachee, nearly 220,000 people Bay, south of Tallahassee. The ref-
in florida and more than 230,000 uge is the winter home of endan-
in Georgia were without power. gered whopping cranes and an
Public utility crews were al- important stopover for monarch
ready trying to clear debris from butterflies.
downed trees, as state engineers After the storm moved through,
began inspecting more than 1,000 officers from florida9s fish and
bridges in the worst hit florida Wildlife Conservation Commis-
counties. Tourists in the Tampa sion launched rescue operations
area started venturing out to bars by boat for injured wildlife.
and restaurants had closed as the Tampa9s glitzy Bayshore Boule-
storm advanced but were already vard 4 home to million-dollar
reopening, even with surrounding homes 4 attracted attention after
streets still flooded. being inundated by saltwater ear-
The paper mill town of Perry, ly Wednesday as the storm rolled
with a population of 7,000, was not through and little fish were
so lucky. Though it sits more than pushed onto the pavement. resi-
a dozen miles inland, Idalia9s dents flocked outside to check it
winds had hurled massive pine out.
and oak trees into the roofs of Below a sky of gray clouds, the
homes and businesses, downed bay lapped at the concrete balus-
power lines and ruptured water trades, sending spurts periodical-
pipes. few residents had evacuat- usual tides thanks to a rare blue Instead, she found a mud-coated ly onto the sidewalk. People
ed, and scary storm stories supermoon set to rise a few hours patio. walked their dogs and pushed
abounded, tales of ripped holes in later. Nevertheless, teens in some <Keaton Beach took knuckles to their strollers right through the
ceilings and crushed cars. communities ignored the wide- the face and brushed it off,= she puddles.
The power was out, and so was spread storm surge warnings to said while drinking a modelo beer Jennifer Kranz, 40, watched as
water in some places. Yet with film TikToks and other videos in on her deck shortly after returning her 9-year-old son and his friends
skies clearing, chain saws buzzed floodwaters. Wednesday. <I have never been so played around the water pooling
as residents and work crews start- President Biden called DeSan- humbled in my whole life. It9s just in a closed-off section of the street.
ed to remove debris. Hotels were tis and the governors of surround- a relief.= They9d gotten lucky, she acknowl-
packed with coastal evacuees. ing states to show support, and on Cedar Key, an island in flori- edged. Idalia hadn9t scored a di-
<Not everybody has money for directed federal agencies to posi- da9s Big Bend, a band of nearly 100 rect hit on her city. She planned to
motels,= said Amanda manning, tion personnel and resources to residents had been the focus of stick around and see 4 from a safe
42, a housekeeper who opted to aid response and recovery efforts national media attention after distance 4 how much of the bay
stay in her rental home after a tree in florida, Georgia, South Caro- they vowed to weather the storm, would crash through the sea wall.
fell on the roof. Beyond the ex- lina and North Carolina, the despite pleas from public safety <The water is kind of yucky,
pense, she stayed in place because White House said. officials to evacuate as Idalia ap- huh?= she said as her son ran over
her daughter has asthma. The 16- fEmA Administrator Deanne peared to be headed directly their in his bright blue Crocs.
year-old needs to stay cool, which Criswell was set to travel to flori- way. Across town, meggie Castro, 34,
was nearly impossible now with- da and join DeSantis on Thursday Those who did leave won9t be watched as the water flooding her
out air conditioning or fans in the to view the damage firsthand, her allowed to return to their homes street crept up her driveway.
cinder block ranch house. office said. Criswell told reporters until Thursday, though reports <It9s knocking at our front door,=
<It9s a waiting process,= man- that she will report <back to the FROM TOP: A business is damaged in downtown Perry, Fla., after from the individuals sheltering in the property manager said.
ning said as she stood in a yard president exactly what I see, what being hit by Hurricane Idalia, which moved into the Big Bend place were encouraging, said Phil A fourth-generation Tampa na-
now strewn with tree limbs and we think the needs might be and region on Wednesday as an <extremely dangerous= Category 3 Prescott, a deacon of the local tive, she was used to storms 4
shingles. where the federal family can con- storm. Residents survey the damage in Steinhatchee. A downed Episcopal church and chaplain of which was why Castro opted not to
florida Gov. ron DeSantis (r) tinue to assist.= tree in Perry, where few residents had evacuated for the storm. Cedar Key9s fire and police depart- evacuate when the city urged peo-
visited Perry for a late-afternoon The hurricane disrupted travel ments. No deaths or injuries were ple in her zone to seek higher
news conference about the dam- plans across the South in advance manatee were undergoing dam- <We9re just waiting for the wa- reported. <I can9t use the word ground. She did park her car in a
age and cleanup statewide. He of the coming Labor Day holiday age assessments and will reopen ter to leave,= said Norwood, 23, as relief, because there is so much safer spot, just in case she needed
noted that there are not indicators weekend, with airlines canceling once clear. he surveyed the scene along his damage. But there is the sense that to escape when the supercharged
of a high death toll from the storm. about 900 flights as Idalia closed Idalia came ashore in a low- stretch of the Steinhatchee river. it could have been worse,= Prescott high tide struck later in the day.
During Hurricane Ian in 2022, he in. Tampa International Airport population area of florida 4 the <We probably won9t do much work said. <The whole island could have But for a moment, she chose not
said, officials in southwest flori- reopened for flight arrivals only five coastal counties along its path today. Tomorrow, we9ll probably been destroyed.= to stress and instead observe the
da9s Lee County received frantic Wednesday afternoon and expect- have a combined population of start cleaning up.= Storm surge that may have wildlife. <All the birds at my feeder
911 calls from people who were ed to fully reopen by early Thurs- about 130,000 4 which may keep The scene was similar in Keaton reached nearly nine feet in some are stocking up,= she said.
drowning in their homes. At least day. Both Gainesville regional fatalities to a lower number than Beach, not far from where Idalia parts of the town severely dam-
144 people lost their lives. <We Airport and Tallahassee Interna- Category 3 storms of past, authori- officially made landfall. mandy aged several buildings. <There are gowen reported from Lawrence, Kan.
have not seen that in the same way tional Airport reopened, while Sa- ties said. Hurricane Ian, by con- Adams, 42, a floridian who works businesses that might not open Jason Samenow, ian Duncan, ian
on this storm,= DeSantis said. vannah/Hilton Head Internation- trast, last year hit the booming in logistics, had left her elevated again,= he said, <and I know there Livingston, Kasha Patel and mariana
Authorities were on guard giv- al Airport in Georgia canceled Southwest florida coast, where beachfront home with her hus- will be people that will be dis- alfaro in Washington and annabelle
en the flooding that was still ex- flights in the afternoon for the rest the city of fort myers alone is band and two dogs and braced placed from their homes for a Timsit in London contributed to this
pected 4 driven by higher-than- of the day. Ports in Tallahassee and home to about 92,000 people. herself to face major destruction. good period of time. So there are report.
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Su A7

Residents relieved to avoid worst-case storm scenarios


in his front yard lost a few

branches, but other than some
debris, there wasn9t much to
clean up.
While many of his neighbors
were heeding the evacuation or-
der Tuesday afternoon, Delaino
was out fishing.
<I got some redfin and some
mullet,= he said. <We9ll cook them
up for dinner tonight.=
As Idalia churned northeast
toward Georgia and the Caroli-
nas on Wednesday, bringing with
it hurricane-force winds and
more fears of fatal flooding,
communities across florida9s Big
Bend region were beginning to
assess the storm9s damage.
Idalia cut an unpredictable
path of destruction, rending
some homes from their founda-
tions while sparing others.
But as the storm moved on
from florida, residents and offi-
cials here were hopeful that they
had avoided the deadliest, worst-
case scenarios, releasing a cau-
tious, statewide exhale nearly
one year after Hurricane Ian
caused catastrophic damage and
claimed roughly 150 lives.
<This is 10 times better than
what I expected to come back to,=
said Joe Brenner, standing out-
side of his intact home in the tiny
coastal town of Keaton Beach,
where Idalia made landfall.
residents like Brenner re-
turned Wednesday to a stunning
sight: oceanfront homes nearly
unscathed by the storm.
Brenner9s, a purple three-story
house elevated about 12 feet, was
stripped of its siding but dry
thomaS Simonetti for the WaShington PoSt
The town had been spared,
with almost no flooding. Even
the mailboxes lining the main multuous night hunkered down Idalia updates on the television.
road were upright. in his bathtub, clutching his A sheriff on the screen was
<It could have been worse,= Bible 4 <praying and trembling,= talking about statewide rescue
Brenner said. he said. efforts when Clay Houston, 33,
At least two motorists died <Things started booming and reached for his cold Yuengling.
while driving on the region9s falling out of the trees,= he said. <I9m not leaving until it9s a
rain-sodden roads, authorities As he walked through his water- Category 5,= said the sales repre-
said. logged kitchen, dodging strewn sentative who lives a block away.
The storm9s toll may rise in the spaghetti and broken glass, <And even then &=
coming days, but state leaders Johnson said he regretted his Next to him, Carl Pearson, 71,
said they haven9t yet seen the decision to ride out the storm. sipped a Guinness and pointed
telltale indicators of a high death <I should have known better,= out the bright side.
count. he said. <We needed the rain,= the
During Hurricane Ian, for in- Less than 40 miles south, in retiree said.
stance, southwest florida9s Lee the Gulf Coast community of Back in Cedar Key, a sense that
County was inundated with fran- Steinhatchee, floodwaters the community had escaped
tic 911 calls from people drown- swamped homes, restaurants something potentially ruinous
ing in their homes, Gov. ron and other businesses along the hung in the post-storm air.
DeSantis (r) said in a news Steinhatchee river. Patrick Callen and Daniel Wal
briefing. fearing the worst, fred <Trey= were among those who decided
<Just the feeling of dread those mitchell evacuated his entire to stay on the island. They have
phone calls represented, you family 4 a first for the florida only lived there for 2½ years, but
knew there was going to be a lot natives. He even persuaded his their house is 100 years old. They
of problems,= he said. <We have father, 66-year-old mitch mitch- have updated it with hurricane-
not seen that in the same way on ell, to leave, enlisting several of tested windows and solar panels,
this storm.= his friends to pepper him with which made it one of the only
Geography may be partially to phone calls until he relented. places with electricity after the
thank, as Idalia made landfall in <He did leave, finally. I was so storm passed.
a sparsely populated swath of the happy,= Trey mitchell said. <I think the estimations were
state. And, according to a neighbor, wrong about both of the severity
Even so, it was the first storm he got out just in time. and storm surge,= Callen said. <It
of its magnitude to hit this part <mitch9s house is gone, flood- almost seemed sensationalistic.=
of florida in more than 100 ed,= said Tom Willits, who runs a The two were buzzing around
Danielle Paquette/the WaShington PoSt
years, DeSantis added. seafood restaurant. <All the res- town in a golf cart, like many of
<There9s going to be a lot that9s taurants in town other than ours TOP: Water and debris surround a home in Cedar Key, Fla., after Hurricane Idalia passed through the the residents who stayed behind.
going to be required to be able to are flooded, too. It9s bad.= area Wednesday. ABOVE: Michael O9Rourke and his dog, Bella, walk on a flooded Bayshore Boulevard They were picking up debris and
clean this up and to get every- Willits, who lives about 1½ in Tampa. He said he felt confident that residents would recover. helping neighbors clear drive-
thing back up and running miles from the coast, stayed to ways and sidewalks.
again,= he said. help friends stormproof their lucky.= mood had also lightened consid- that flooded rapidly, but he felt The damage they saw along
That is especially true in the houses. But the water rose too In Dunedin, just north of erably Wednesday, as residents confident residents would recov- the waterfront, where Idalia had
paper mill town of Perry, the seat high, even for mitchell9s house, Clearwater and across the bay shifted from bracing for disaster er. thrashed bars, restaurants and
of coastal Taylor County, where which was elevated over 10 feet. from Tampa, residents like Jim to celebrating another dodged <They9ll be okay,= o9rourke hotels, was sobering. But the
some 7,000 people live. massive Webcam footage showed flood- mcGinity were also counting bullet. said. town is resilient, they said.
pines and oaks littered the water up to the roofs of some themselves lucky. mcGinity Lillian ochoa, 23, brought her Across the street, three girls 4 <Cedar Key has survived so
streets Wednesday, some pulling homes. moved to the area in 2004, just in snorkel mask to the roadway. all apparently younger than 12 4 many storms,= Callen said. <It
down power lines and punctur- Don Timone, who lives in a time to weather a run of four <I9m just gonna place my head waded into the waist-high water, survived the Civil War. The town
ing holes in the roofs of business- mobile home in Steinhatchee, hurricanes. He was bracing for a in the water,= she said, laughing. laughing and filming videos on will rebuild.=
es and homes. also stayed behind, confident big impact from Idalia, but the ochoa, a marketing account their phones. Cedar Key City Commissioner
Electricity was still out in that his dwelling stood on high gauge at his house only regis- manager in Clearwater, was hop- <This is crazy!= one squealed. Sue Colson drove by in her golf
most of the area and residents, enough ground. He lost power at tered about an inch of rain. ing to see gators, or maybe a Businesses across the region cart and stopped to chat.
many of whom did not evacuate, 4:30 a.m. Wednesday and found <Especially after last year= and stingray. But mostly, she was were shuttered Wednesday, but <This is sad,= Colson said after
were sorting through their soggy himself praying that the metal the threat that became Hurri- enjoying a welcome break from some places exuded normalcy, surveying the damaged business-
belongings, trying to figure out signs whipping in the wind cane Ian, he said, <this one could the stress of the past 24 hours. even as rain continued to pour es on the waterfront. <It could
where they9d go next. wouldn9t collide with his house. have done the same.= <maybe we9ll find a manatee,= on and off. At the old Northeast have been worse. But there9s a lot
roy Johnson, whose roof had <Does it get scary? of course it Instead, he was wading she said. Tavern in a cobblestoned neigh- of cleaning up to do.=
ripped open during the storm, does,= he said. <God didn9t 4 it9s through his neighborhood9s Down the road, michael borhood of St. Petersburg, down
was packing trash bags in front not my time, apparently. I don9t flooded roads with a pair of o9rourke, 63, watched water the street from where a mercedes thebault reported from los angeles.
of his home. know why he9s still got me here, binoculars, looking for birds. pool on the block facing his 1915 sedan had been trapped in flood- Jared leone in Dunedin and rich
The 73-year-old retired rest but I9m here. & I9m lucky. I hope Along Tampa9s ritzy and now- bungalow. His neighborhood water, beer was flowing and matthews in Steinhatchee
stop worker had spent the tu- everyone else around here is flooded Bayshore Boulevard, the was one of many across the state people were largely ignoring the contributed to this report.

Accuser is 8left with nothing9 as ex-cardinal is found unût to stand trial

MCCARRICK from A1 chio, who has accused mcCarrick Americans, too, because the ro- knew of allegations about mc- knew, and they did nothing,= uled for Sept. 18. The former
of abusing him in the 1990s, man Catholic Church continues Carrick9s misconduct with Anne Barrett Doyle, of the prom- cardinal could be a party in a
finding justice in this court. when Bellocchio was 14. <And I to succeed in shielding itself adults. Priests and laypeople inent abuse-tracking group Bish- number of civil cases as well,
Instead, mcCarrick walks a free doubt 4 in his profound arro- from criminal liability in the wrote to Vatican ambassadors, op Accountability, said after though, including in maryland,
man and I am left with nothing.= gance 4 I doubt he will fare United States, even in cases like and several harassment lawsuits Wednesday9s ruling. <mcCarrick where a look-back window opens
The steep fall of mcCarrick has well.= this one.= against mcCarrick had been qui- might have been prosecuted in october for all alleged victims
wounded the world9s largest Bellocchio, a former Catholic <The question remains why etly settled. years ago if even one of his of child sexual abuse to sue.
Christian group and produced schoolteacher and principal in warnings about mcCarrick went The Vatican made a few brother bishops had called the Some victims9 attorneys say
several unprecedented 4 if in- New Jersey, said survivors of unheeded for so long,= said unprecedented moves following police. Instead, yet again, the Catholic dioceses in maryland,
cremental 4 steps toward ac- clergy sexual abuse serve <a life mathew Schmalz, a professor of that reporting and mcCarrick9s hierarchy has outrun the clock. including the Archdiocese of
countability. sentence.= religious studies at the College of 2018 suspension. In 2020, it While the institution may have Washington, could face major
But, as an individual, mc- <It will never end,= he said. the Holy Cross and editor of the produced a trailblazing 450-page been spared the embarrassment financial costs, some related to
Carrick has not faced justice in <Every day we will wake up with Journal of Global Catholicism. report about who knew what and of an ex-cardinal on trial, the alleged abusers who worked un-
the ways his alleged victims and the trauma of it.= <The investigation into mcCa- when about mcCarrick. Pope disgrace of its complicity with der the leadership of mcCarrick,
his own American society typi- Brian Clites, a religious histo- rrick shouldn9t end with the francis also created a means by mcCarrick remains.= who led the archdiocese from
cally demand it 4 through a rian who is writing a book about prosecutors9 decision in this spe- which bishops 4 not just priests Clites said prosecutors in Eu- 2001 to 2006.
guilty verdict, victim impact how Catholic clergy abuse spans cific aspect of his case.= 4 could be investigated and rope and Australia have been Despite the outcome in massa-
statements or financial penal- generations, said losses of ac- Grein, mcCarrick9s accuser, removed for sexual misconduct. more successful in holding bish- chusetts, Barrett Doyle said the
ties. Some clergy abuse experts countability keep survivors from texted The Post after the ruling Some victim advocates, how- ops accountable in court for their mere presence of an accused
and mcCarrick accusers said healing. that he was crying with <high ever, say that new system has crimes. former cardinal in criminal court
Wednesday that the judge9s deci- <American courtrooms must emotions.= An email to mcCa- barely been used and that mc- <The collective failure, since was historic.
sion was harmful, while others find a way to provide Catholics rrick9s attorneys on Wednesday Carrick9s removal may be more 2002, to prosecute American <The world witnessed what
said they were looking to a more with a public reckoning of the requesting comment was not of an aberration than a prec- bishops and cardinals is a stain was unimaginable 20 years ago,=
eternal verdict. horrific abuses that so many of immediately responded to. edent. on the American justice system,= she said, <a former U.S. cardinal
<from my perspective, the them had suffered as children,= Explosive reporting showed <mcCarrick9s predations were he said. in a courtroom answering to
God he claimed to serve will now he wrote to The Washington that high-ranking leaders from an open secret. many of his The next hearing in mcCa- criminal charges of child sexual
be his judge,= said John Belloc- Post. <Today9s ruling affects other the United States to rome long fellow cardinals and bishops rrick9s Wisconsin case is sched- abuse.=
A8 eZ re the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

climate & environment

In our new normal, recalling the old so we can re-create it
OQUOSSOC, <Everything I do now is not called
Maine 4 Every a climate-change project, but it is
morning this driven by it.=
week, I9ve woken She9s creating a new baseline
up to a sea of for Maine. Leahy now orders her
yellow birch tree saplings from nurseries in
Climate and balsam fir in warmer climates such as New
Coach this northern Hampshire. She9s diversifying the
MiChael J. stretch of the species, planting white pine and
Coren Appalachians. northern red oak, as new insect
The wind pests and other challenges
whipping off emerge. She mentions others
Mooselookmeguntic Lake stirs pursuing <assisted migration,=
millions of leaves with a sound moving trees beyond their
like the ocean. Once darkness historic range in anticipation of
falls, the loons arrive, their voices warmer temperatures to come.
pealing across the water as they
dive for chub, golden shiners and Getting to know your
small brook trout. baselines
To my eye, this is as Edenic as The deep past can be a foreign
you get in America today. Yet concept in a nation of
almost everything I assumed immigrants. For most of us, our
about this <pristine= landscape memories of the natural world
was wrong. date back decades, or perhaps a
Maine, while 90 percent forest, few generations. And our
is also one of our most-logged firsthand experience is declining:
states. If you9re wondering where In the 1800s, three-quarters of
a lot of America9s 2-by-4s and Americans made their living on
toilet paper come from, it9s here. the land. Today, that figure has
Of Maine9s original species, sea fallen to less than 2 percent.
minks, cougars, caribou and gray But you don9t need to identify
wolves are either extinct or every flower, plant and tree
extirpated from the state. around you, or manage forests as
Without this knowledge, it was Loring and Leahy do, to know
easy to think I stood on the edge what once lived in your neck of
of primeval wilderness. Changes the woods 4 and could again.
here unfolded over centuries. Playing outside is enough to
Each generation came to see the start.
woods and rivers around them as That9s what did it for me. I
normal even as the ecosystem spent my earliest years rooting
degraded. around mangrove forests and oak
There9s a name for this: hammocks in Florida. I played
PhoTos by MiChael J. Coren/The WashingTon PosT
shifting baselines. video games like everyone else,
Today, a new normal is being From the Appalachian Trail on Bemis Mountain in Maine, hikers can see Mooselookmeguntic Lake. Though the scene may seem pristine, but my mother and great-
written in our own lifetimes amid the area has undergone change for centuries. Several of Maine9s original species are either extinct or have been extirpated from the state. grandmother slowly introduced
climate-related disasters, from me to the plants and animals
smoke-filled skies to lethal heat shorthand for generational grow them for a century or more. around us. I grew up awed by
waves. Yet accepting these amnesia of the natural world. As And he9s not optimizing for wood. land crab migrations and lovebug
conditions as normal threatens to species decline or die off, our <We9re one of the biggest timber swarms, sparking a natural
unravel what made the world cultural memory of them fades. tribes,= he said, <but the most curiosity I never lost.
capable of withstanding these We might remember the highly regarded goal is water But this affinity is not
shocks in the first place. To abundance and diversity of our quality.= necessarily innate. It9s learned,
restore the rich relationships of childhood but never imagine the For the Penobscot, the aim is suggest researchers at the
species, and our place among world of our grandparents 4 restoring a landscape and its University of Chicago. If you live
them, we need to remember our or of their ancestors. This inhabitants9 place in it 4 from in a place that once glowed with
<baselines,= whether that9s in phenomenon has already been fish to moose to future members fireflies each summer night, tell
Maine or your own backyard. documented among groups as of the Penobscot Nation. <That9s your children what you
One of the best ways to do this, diverse as bush meat hunters in one of our goals getting into the remember, and ask your parents
even scientists admit, is by telling Africa and birders in Britain. school and talking about to tell their stories.
stories. In Maine, I9ve been thinking everything we do,= Loring said. I9ll be telling my son stories
about this a lot. How can we <The tribe has made ensuring a about the wildlife that existed in
What are 8shifting baselines9? remember what once was, even as viable forest in the future the the places we go before anyone
The term was coined by marine climate change promises to priority, even if we9re not thought to call them <Maine= or
biologist Daniel Pauly in 1995. transform the planet? generating income from the <California.= If he won9t inherit an
Pauly, now at the University of The answer, Pauly suggests, is forest.= ecosystem with all its parts, he9ll
British Columbia, noticed that not simply more wildlife counts. have a shot at reassembly.
fishery scientists generally We need stories from people who A new baseline Baselines, after all, don9t
accepted the size of fish remember to re-create these Birch is one of more than a dozen keystone species in the North for the next generation always decline.
populations at the start of their baselines as best we can. <The big Maine Woods. The state, while 90 percent forest, is also one of the Maine, and the rest of the Many of the days I9ve been in
careers as normal, and then changes happened way back,= he country9s most-logged. Maine9s wood may well be in your 2-by-4s. world, can never fully recapture Maine, I9ve watched bald eagles
managed toward that goal. If wrote, <but all we have to recall the past. Our new landscape must fly over Lake Mooselookmeguntic
stocks declined by the time the them are anecdotes.= rivers and of alewife, or river looks back centuries. <We have a straddle a healthier past and a on their way to fishing grounds.
next generation entered the field, To hear those stories, I called herring, swimming upriver by the seven-generation approach,= he warming future because of In the 1960s, no one in my
this became the new normal. on the people who have been in millions, says Chuck Loring Jr., said. Unlike most commercial climate change. parents9 generation could have
<The result, obviously, is a Maine longer than anyone else. the Penobscot Nation9s director of timber harvesters, he9s aiming to Jessica Leahy, a natural done this. Just 800 or so bald
gradual shift of the baseline, a natural resources. Last year, create an old-growth forest like resources professor at the eagles remained in the Lower 48.
gradual accommodation of the A seven-generation approach fewer than 1,400 salmon returned those that existed hundreds of University of Maine who manages Today, more than 316,000 live in
creeping disappearance of The Penobscot Nation is to the state. years ago across Maine but now 600 acres of her own forests, is the contiguous United States, and
resource species,= he wrote in the among the oldest continuous Loring, who manages forests, cover only 0.05 percent of the already living there. <The ground the population is growing.
journal Trends in Ecology and governments in the world. Some game and fisheries across 189 state. isn9t freezing in the winter, the When my son is my age, he9ll
Evolution. of its members still recall stories square miles, doesn9t think in Instead of cutting trees every mud season is extending, and our know those flights as the new
<Shifting baselines= is now of Atlantic salmon filling Maine9s terms of decades in his work. He 30 to 40 years, Loring plans to roads are washing out,= she said. normal.

You9re doing it wrong: Recycling and other myths about aiding the climate
BY K ATE S ELIG About a third say the same for Americans are misguided on what they think choice and a way to reduce emis- <If you have 10 times as much
AND E MILY G USKIN using an electric stove instead of a individuals can do to ûght climate change sions.= space as you need, you will have
gas stove, and 24 percent say If both experts and Americans close to 10 times as much of an
Q: how much do you think each of the following actions would reduce
A slim majority of Americans driving slower. agree on one thing, it9s that in- environmental footprint,= he said.
think their individual actions can But experts said those actions someone9s impact on climate change? stalling solar panels can help fight
reduce the effects of climate are unlikely to make much of a climate change. More than 60 per- The big picture
some/a lot of impact little to no impact Don9t know
change, according to a Washing- difference in reducing green- cent of Americans say doing so Americans have grown less
ton Post-University of Maryland house gas emissions. installing solar panels 62% 37 would reduce their climate im- confident that their individual ac-
poll. <These are not even really cli- pact at least to some degree. tions can reduce the effects of
But do they know which ac- mate solutions,= said Jonathan recycling 59 41 climate change. In 2019, 66 per-
tions are the most effective? Not Foley, executive director of Proj- Greening your home cent said they could personally
quite. ect Drawdown, a nonprofit group Driving an electric car 51 49 Foley said there are also a range make a difference, a number that
The poll found that most peo- that evaluates climate solutions. of improvements you can make has fallen to 52 percent this year,
ple believe recycling has a lot or These misperceptions can Taking fewer plane trips 48 51 around your house to reduce your with the sharpest declines among
some impact on climate change. arise, he said, when people don9t Using a heat pump system 40
carbon footprint 4 and potential- Republicans and independents.
About three-quarters say not eat- research climate solutions thor- 58 ly rack up other benefits. Some experts say those feelings
for heating and aC
ing meat or dairy would have a oughly or attach outsize impor- They include driving an elec- are not unfounded. Individual ac-
installing an electric stove
little or no effect on climate tance to actions that seem simple, 34 65 tric car and using a heat pump, tions can go only so far, said Field.
instead of a gas stove
change. such as getting rid of plastic options that 51 percent and <The most important thing
Climate experts say they9re straws. There have also been ef- living in a smaller house or 31 68 40 percent of Americans, respec- anybody can do is to vote for
wrong on those and other counts. forts by industry to mislead con- apartment tively, say would have a lot or a climate-friendly government
(The chart at right gives the full sumers about what is most effec- some impact on climate change, agenda,= he said.
not eating meat 24 74
set of poll responses.) tive, he added. according to the Post-UMD poll. However, Kimberly Nicholas, a
These incorrect assumptions People tend to overestimate the Driving slower 24 75 <If everyone in America had an sustainability scientist at Lund
pose a problem for those trying to climate benefits of recycling. One energy audit and spent a few University in Sweden, said the
cut their emissions. Though a sin- study led by a researcher at the not eating dairy 22 77 hundred dollars at Home Depot that United States is home to
gle person9s carbon footprint may University of Leeds placed recy- on a programmable thermostat some of the wealthiest people in
be small, taken together, these cling second to last among more source: July 13323, 2023, Washington Post-UMD poll of 1,404 U.s. adults with an error margin
and a little bit of caulk, that would the world and that they have a
decisions can add up and prevent than 50 actions people can take to of +/- 3.5 percentage points. be worth a couple of nuclear pow- responsibility to reduce their car-
gigatons of emissions from enter- reduce their carbon footprint. eMily gUsKin/The WashingTon PosT er plants9 worth of energy,= Foley bon footprint.
ing the atmosphere. That9s not to say these mea- said. <Ninety percent of the world
<People are interested in taking sures don9t have other benefits 4 and dairy are among the best though, such as reducing how Sam Gude, 46, is applying that doesn9t need to reduce their emis-
action,= said Ann Bostrom, an en- recycling can help the environ- steps people can take. Most Amer- often she travels from Massachu- advice in his two homes. He9s sions, but most readers of The
vironmental policy professor at ment by reducing waste, and icans don9t realize that 4 51 per- setts to see her parents in Michi- upgraded the insulation in one of Washington Post probably do,=
the University of Washington. switching to an electric stove can cent say flying less would make gan. <It might seem obvious, but a them and is planning to switch she said.
<But if they don9t know what9s improve indoor air quality. How- little or no difference, and about lot of people know about climate the other from gas to electric The poll was conducted by The
most effective, then they don9t ever, that doesn9t make them cli- three-quarters say the same for change and still fly a lot,= she said. heating. These changes reduce his Post and the University of Mary-
know what they9re accomplish- mate solutions. cutting out meat and dairy. <It doesn9t always come naturally.= carbon footprint, but they also land9s Center for Democracy and
ing.= Stephen Mullis, 65, carefully Though flying accounts for a Meat and dairy are also heavy save him money, he said. Civic Engagement from July 13 to
Here9s what you need to know sorts his garbage for any recycla- small share of global emissions, a hitters. Project Drawdown esti- <I try to find as many win-wins July 23. The sample of 1,404 U.S.
about reducing your carbon foot- ble materials, but he9s worried few flights a year can quickly add mates that if three-quarters of as possible,= he said. adults was drawn from the NORC
print. that recycling isn9t as effective as up to be the largest contributor to people around the world adopted Chris Field, director of Stan- AmeriSpeak Panel, an ongoing
he thought. <I9m trying to do my your carbon footprint. a plant-rich diet by 2050, they ford University9s Woods Institute survey panel recruited through
What doesn9t work part, but I9m not sure if it9s work- Emily Wang, 23, hasn9t flown could prevent the release of more for the Environment, cautioned random sampling of U.S. house-
The Post-UMD poll found that ing on down the line,= he said. since the fall of 2021. She said the than 100 gigatons of emissions. that the benefit of change is often holds. Overall results have a mar-
nearly 6 in 10 Americans think decision was the logical outcome <It doesn9t mean you can9t occa- proportionate to the size of your gin of sampling error of plus or
recycling will have a lot or some What does work of her concern about climate sionally enjoy a really nice filet home. (The poll found that about minus 3.5 percentage points.
impact on climate change 4 the Among the 10 actions Ameri- change and the effect flying was mignon for a celebration,= Foley 3 in 10 Americans say living in a
second most highly rated action cans were polled on, experts said, having on her carbon footprint. It said. <But if you cut down on red smaller house or apartment will scott Clement contributed to this
behind installing solar panels. flying less and cutting out meat required some lifestyle changes, meat, it9s both a healthy dietary make a difference.) report.
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re a9

The World
Gabonese military
o>cers say they9ve
seized power after
presidential vote
Ali Bongo had won third term in election activists
say was rigged to maintain family9s 56-year rule

BY R ACHEL C HASON, and Burkina Faso, where coups

V ICTORIA B ISSET were fueled by fears over spiraling
AND R AEL O MBUOR violence linked to Islamist extrem-
ism, Gabon is peaceful and was
DaKaR, Senegal 4 A group of seen as relatively stable.
senior military officers in Gabon But the most recent election
said Wednesday they were seizing was widely seen as lacking credi-
power in this central African na- bility, Oyane-Ondo and other ana-
tion, overturning the results of a lysts said, citing the government9s
afP/geTTy images
disputed presidential election internet shutdown and a lack of
shortly after the electoral commit- observers. Bongo was declared the
tee announced that President Ali winner early Wednesday, with <Coups have become a conta- TOP: A video grab from the TV channel Gabon 24 shows The Gabonese military officers
Bongo had won another term. election officials saying he had gion in Africa, and nobody is to Gabonese soldiers appearing on television Wednesday to who announced the coup called
The Bongo family has led Ga- won 65 percent of the vote, com- blame except the political class,= announce they were seizing power, days after a disputed themselves the <Committee for
bon, an oil-rich nation with a pop- pared with 31 percent for his main he said. <They have systematically election in which President Ali Bongo won a third term. the Transition and the Restoration
ulation of about 2 million, for challenger, Albert Ondo Ossa. destroyed democracy by their re- of Institutions= and said that <irre-
56 years and has been accused by Shortly after that announcement, fusal to play by the rules.= sponsible, unpredictable govern-
critics of abusing its position to the military officers declared the He added that Gabon9s neigh- ance= had resulted in a deteriora-
accumulate massive amounts of coup. bors have also largely failed when tion of social cohesion. They said
wealth. Bongo said in a video from Mucahid Durmaz, a senior ana- it comes to democracy, noting that BELOW: An image from a video in which Ali Bongo says he9s in the video that they respected
his residence that he was under lyst at Verisk Maplecroft, said that the presidents of neighboring under arrest. Bongo was first elected president in 2009, Gabon9s <commitments to the in-
arrest and called on the interna- the military <draws legitimacy Equatorial Guinea, Republic of succeeding his father, Omar Bongo, who ruled for more than ternational community.=
tional community to <make noise.= from the recent electoral process, Congo and Cameroon have all 40 years before that. BOTTOM: People celebrate the coup In 2019, Gabon9s government
In a video on state television, which was practically conducted been in power for decades. Wednesday on a street in Port-Gentil, Gabon. foiled an attempted coup against
the senior officers declared that behind closed doors= and that the Bongo, who had suffered a stroke
borders were closed and that state coup was driven by discontent earlier that year and left the coun-
institutions including the Senate, among the people. try for an extended period for
National Assembly and Constitu- <The Gabonese people haven9t treatment. Despite criticism at
tional Court were dissolved. benefited from the state9s vast oil home, Bongo has received plau-
<We have decided to defend the and mining wealth, while the Bon- dits abroad for Gabon9s protection
peace by putting an end to the go family has enjoyed absolute of its rainforests, which cover the
current regime,= one officer said, control over the country9s eco- vast majority of the country9s land.
reading a joint statement on na- nomic activities and state bureau- Oyane-Ondo, the human rights
tional television, surrounded by cracy,= he said. lawyer, said this coup appeared to
about a dozen others in military Some inspiration from the be substantially more organized
fatigues. <We call on the popula- coup, he added, could have also than the 2019 attempt. On the
tion for calm and serenity.= come <from the Sahel, where the streets in Libreville, she said, there
Frustration with the Bongo re- failure of political elites and for- was surprise and elation.
gime ran deep, and recent elec- eign powers to curb insecurity and Victoire Lasseni Duboze, who
tions, including the election Sat- improve governance triggered the unsuccessfully ran for president
urday in which Bongo won a third wave of coups in recent years.= in the most recent election, said:
term, were marred by violence and Bongo, who was elected in <This military action is the best
allegations of rigging. As dawn 2009, and his father, Omar Bongo, thing for Gabon because Ali Bongo
broke, social media showed who ruled for 41 years before that, was not elected by Gabon.=
crowds of Gabonese on the streets had been key allies of France, Ga- <Our country is very rich. We
celebrating the coup, waving bon9s former colonial power, in a have manganese, petrol and ev-
Gabon9s flag, hugging, dancing region in which anti-French senti- erything it takes to make every
and singing the national anthem. ment is growing increasingly Gabonese happy,= she said, <but if
<It is too early to say it9s good or prevalent. As recently as June, you come to our country and you
not good, but it can be good,= said Bongo had met with French Presi- see the life of a Gabonese, it9s very
Paulette Oyane-Ondo, a Gabonese dent Emmanuel Macron in Paris. bad.=
human rights lawyer. <If it means France has a military base in the John Kirby, spokesman for the
that things will change, it will be capital, Libreville, and French U.S. National Security Council,
good.= companies dominate Gabon9s oil bTP adviseRs On behalf Of The PResidenT9s Office/aP called the situation <deeply con-
In the video shared by BTP Ad- industry. One of those companies, cerning= and said the United
visers, the firm that advised Bongo Eramet, said Wednesday that it States <will remain . . . a supporter
during the election, the president was suspending its operations in of the people of Gabon and of their
appeared seated in his residence. the country, which employ about demand for democratic govern-
<My son is somewhere, my wife is 8,000 people. ance.=
another place, and I9m at the [offi- On Wednesday, Olivier Véran, a A spokeswoman for Russia9s
cial] residence,= he said. <I don9t spokesman for the French govern- Foreign Ministry said her country
know what9s going on.= ment, said that France <condemns is closely monitoring the situation
The coup marks the latest in a the military coup underway in Ga- and hoping for a <speedy stabiliza-
remarkable string of mutinies in bon= and is <monitoring develop- tion,= according to Reuters, while
west and central Africa, including ments in the situation with great a spokesperson for China9s For-
the most recent military takeover attention.= eign Ministry called on <relevant
in Niger, which became a red line France has also said that it does parties in Gabon to focus on the
for democratically elected West not accept the coup in Niger, fundamental interests of the
African leaders. Since 2021, there where the democratically elected country.=
have also been coups in Mali, president, Mohamed Bazoum, re- European Union foreign policy
Burkina Faso, Guinea, Chad and mains under house arrest. The chief Josep Borrell said the devel-
Sudan, most of which lie in a re- Economic Community of West Af- opments in Gabon were part of a
gion known as the Sahel. rican States, a 15-member bloc to <very difficult situation= in the re-
The officers announced that which Niger belonged, has threat- gion.
Gen. Brice Oligui Nguema, who ened military intervention to re- <The ministers,= he said at a
was head of the Republican Guard store democracy. Analysts and re- meeting of E.U. defense ministers
charged with protecting Bongo, is gional leaders said such a reaction in Toledo, Spain, <have to have a
the leader of the new junta 4 is unlikely for Gabon, which is not deep thought on what is going on
much as in Niger, where the head part of that group. there and how we can improve our
of the presidential guard seized Human rights activist and for- policy in respect to these coun-
power last month. In videos on mer Nigerian senator Shehu Sani tries. . . . This is a big issue for
social media, soldiers cheered the said it is time to stop asking, <8Why Europe.=
general as they raised their fists in has there been another coup in
the air, chanting, <President!= Africa?9 and time to start asking bisset reported from london and
In comparison with Niger, Mali 8Why is democracy failing?9= Ombuor from nairobi.

D ige s t

Haiti they were undergoing condemned Wednesday an backer of the Syrian government after the United States flew long- a Spanish Civil Guard vessel near
interrogations by Judge Walther Israeli airstrike on the since a 2011 uprising turned into range bombers for drills with its the northwest African nation of
U.S. Embassy urges Wesser Voltaire, the magistrate international airport of the full-blown civil war. allies in a show of force against Mauritania after authorities
citizens to leave said. The 18 Colombians are Syrian city of Aleppo, saying It has sent thousands of the North. The launches, the there refused to let them
among more than 40 suspects, such attacks would eventually Iranian-backed fighters to Syria, latest in the North9s barrage of disembark, according to Spanish
A judge in Haiti is for the first including elite Haitian police face retaliation. helping to tip the balance of weapons tests since last year, media. The Civil Guard is one of
time interrogating some of the 18 officers, who were arrested in Hossein Amirabdollahian power in the favor of President came amid ongoing annual U.S.- two national police forces in
Colombian suspects arrested Haiti after Moïse was fatally shot made his comments during a Bashar al-Assad. South Korean military exercises Spain.
more than two years ago and in July 2021 in his private news conference in the Syrian Israel has targeted airports that North Korea regards as a
accused of being part of a residence. The investigation in capital, Damascus, where he was and sea ports in the government- rehearsal for invasion. There About 150 migrants rescued
mercenary squad that Haiti has moved very slowly, in beginning a two-day visit. held parts of Syria in an were no reports of damages from overloaded sailboats off
assassinated President Jovenel part because gang violence has On Monday, an Israeli apparent attempt to prevent caused by Wednesday9s launches. Greece coast: About 150
Moïse, a judicial official said disrupted court proceedings. On airstrike damaged Aleppo9s arms shipments from Iran to migrants were rescued from
Wednesday. The former Wednesday, the U.S. Embassy in airport, putting the runway out militant groups backed by Nearly 170 migrants returned overloaded sailboats provided by
Colombian soldiers earlier had Haiti urged all U.S. citizens to of service. The airport has been Tehran, including Lebanon9s to Senegal: Nearly 170 migrants smugglers in two separate
refused to talk when questioned leave the Caribbean country as targeted several times this year, Hezbollah. returned to Senegal on incidents Wednesday far off a
by a judge who previously had soon as possible, <given the including two attacks in March <The criminal practices by the Wednesday after spending western Greek island and off a
been assigned to the case, current security situation and that also put it out of service. Zionist entity in the region will almost a week in limbo on a Cycladic island near the Greek
magistrate Bernard Saint-Vil, infrastructure challenges.= Israel has carried out not remain without retaliation,= Spanish rescue boat. Deputy capital, the coast guard said.
who appoints judges in the case, 4 Associated Press hundreds of strikes on targets Amirabdollahian said. Mayor Lamine Ndiaye confirmed Greece has seen an increase in
told the Associated Press. The inside government-controlled 4 Associated Press 168 migrants were safely the arrival of smuggling boats
first two suspects were iran parts of Syria in recent years, but transferred from a Spanish bringing migrants into the
transported on Monday and it rarely acknowledges or North Korea launches ballistic vessel to Senegalese authorities. country over the last two
Tuesday from Haiti9s main Official says airstrike discusses the operations. Often, missiles: North Korea launched They were expected to arrive in months, mainly small dinghies
penitentiary in downtown Port- will face retaliation the strikes target Syrian military two short-range ballistic missiles Dakar by sea Wednesday heading to eastern Aegean
au-Prince to a government office forces or Iranian-backed groups. toward the sea on Wednesday evening. Since Aug. 24, the islands from the Turkish coast.
in nearby Petion-Ville, where Iran9s foreign minister Tehran has been a main night, its neighbors said, hours migrants had been stuck aboard 4 News services
A10 Ez rE the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

War in Ukraine

Drone attacks hit military aircraft deep inside Russia

caught fire and were damaged.
The two people killed in the
Hard-liners enraged at attack were security guards aged
penetration by presumed 26 and 36, Kyiv9s military adminis-
tration announced, but further in-
Ukrainian strikes formation was not immediately
available. At least two of the
wounded were hospitalized.
BY R OBYN D IXON The Ukrainian air force report-
AND S IOBHÁN O 9 G RADY ed shooting down all of 28 russian
cruise missiles it said had been
RiGa, Latvia 4 Drone strikes launched from aircraft in the Cas-
overnight on Wednesday hit at pian Sea and the port city of En-
least six russian cities, including gels and 15 of 16 drones launched
Pskov, more than 370 miles from from a coastal town on the Sea of
Ukraine, where an attack on the Azov, and from the city of Kursk.
military and civilian airport de- meanwhile, the Ukrainian mili-
stroyed two Il-76 cargo planes and tary claimed to continue its push
damaged four others, according to forward in the country9s south and
Baza, a russian media outlet with east. In the south, general staff
links to the country9s law enforce- spokesman Andriy Kovalev said
ment. troops <were successful= and <are
The overnight swarm of drones, consolidating the positions they
presumed to have been launched have seized.=
by Ukraine, temporarily forced The death of russia9s Wagner
some of russia9s biggest airports mercenary leader Yevgeniy Prigo-
to halt operations and left soldiers zhin last week silenced one of the
firing at the unpiloted aerial vehi- fiercest critics of russia9s military
cles with small arms, demonstrat- command over its failures in the
ing the ability of Kyiv or its proxies war. Prigozhin9s secretive burial
to attack deep within russian ter- Tuesday 4 also ignored on rus-
ritory. The airstrikes were the larg- sian state television 4 sent a pow-
est by Kyiv since President Vladi- erful signal that his name is taboo
mir Putin ordered his invasion of for the Kremlin, after hard-line
Ukraine in february 2022. pro-war nationalists showered
In Ukraine, at least two people him with praise in the days after
were killed and three others in- his death.
jured early Wednesday when rus- Peskov, the Kremlin spokes-
sia launched a combined missile man, said Wednesday that one of
and drone attack on Kyiv that the the theories being considered in
city9s military administration de- the probe into the cause of the
scribed as the most <powerful at- crash was that it was <an inten-
tack since spring.= The Ukrainian oStorozhNo NovoSti/AP tional atrocity,= but he added that
capital has been under near-con- This image from social media shows billowing smoke from a large blaze in Pskov, russia. russian officials accused ukraine of targeting six no conclusions had been drawn.
stant air attack since November. russian regions early Wednesday in what appeared to be the biggest drone attack on russian soil since Moscow sent troops into ukraine. He said the investigation was an
Video from Pskov, 378 miles internal russian matter and there
northwest of moscow, near rus- of the ministry of Defense an- fire in military unit 64044, the 2nd firmed that attack, while the rus- angrily. <Do we not know where could be no international input.
sia9s borders with Estonia and Lat- nounced that four Il-76 planes Brigade of the GrU, or military sian ministry of Defense said one the drones are flying from? What But despite the Kremlin9s deter-
via, showed the planes burning. were destroyed and that two were intelligence special forces, rus- plane had been damaged. is happening? Do we not under- mination to suppress all criticism
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry damaged, numbers that differed sian media reported. The russian opposition media stand where they9re being manu- of the war effort, some hard-liners
Peskov said that the drone attacks from those reported by russian In Bryansk, a city in western outlet We Can Explain, which is factured, delivered and stock- still are publicly demanding a
were <massive= and told journal- media. Il-76 cargo planes can be russia near the Ukrainian border, associated with the exiled russian piled? Where they9re launched harsher approach. Among them is
ists in his regular conference call used to transport military equip- the office of the Investigative Com- businessman mikhail Khodork- from? If we can9t cope with drones, Andrei Gurulyov, a lawmaker,
that Putin was always kept con- ment and troops over long dis- mittee 4 a federal law enforce- ovsky, quoted two witnesses in how are we going to cope with member of Putin9s United russia
stantly informed about the <spe- tances. ment agency 4 was damaged in a Pskov as stating that there were no f-16s?= party and retired lieutenant gen-
cial military operation,= moscow9s Although Ukraine has not drone attack, which also set off a sounds of air defenses working as He was referring to the modern eral in russia9s army and former
euphemism for its bloody war. claimed responsibility for the fire at the Kremniy EL microelec- the drones began attacking. resi- American-made fighter jets that deputy commander of the South-
<The supreme commander in drone attacks, the Ukrainian min- tronics plant, which produces dents in Pskov saw three Il-76s NATo allies have pledged to pro- ern military District, who on Tues-
chief constantly and promptly re- istry of Defense released a cryptic parts for russian missiles, accord- taking off after the attack, local vide to Ukraine in coming months. day called on Putin to launch a
ceives all the information both message on the platform formerly ing to russian media. media reported. Speculating without evidence tactical nuclear strike on Ukraini-
within the framework of the spe- known as Twitter that appeared to Bryansk governor Alexander Pskov governor mikhail Ved- that the drones may have been an forces in robotyne, a village in
cial military operation itself and hint at Ukraine9s responsibility: Bogomaz said a television tower ernikov announced that the air- launched from nearby Estonia, a southern Ukraine recently liberat-
around the operation, and, of <Did you know that Pskov Airport also was targeted but reported port would be closed until Thurs- NATo member country, Solovyov ed in Ukraine9s counteroffensive.
course, as for such massive at- is named after Kyivan Princess that that drone was shot down and day to assess damage to the run- called for russia to launch air- Speaking on Solovyov9s pro-
tacks, the information is brought olha? oh, what a spectacularly that the tower was not damaged. way. strikes against Estonia if this were gram, Gurulyov said robotyne
to the attention of the supreme vengeful woman she was!= Despite the relative silence Drones also hit the oryol, rya- true. was the <ideal place= for a russian
commander,= Peskov said. russian state television, the about the attacks on state televi- zan and Kaluga regions, and mari- <If that9s true, of course it means tactical nuclear strike to end
He deflected questions about Kremlin9s main tool for shaping sion, the strikes raised embarrass- time drones attacked the port of world war. If it9s true, Estonia Ukraine9s counteroffensive and al-
the launch locations of the drones public opinion on the war, barely ing questions about the failures of Sevastopol in russian-occupied must be wiped off the face of the low russia, <even with the forces
that struck the Pskov airfield. <I mentioned the attacks, although russian air defenses 4 especially Ukrainian Crimea, where russia9s Earth,= he said. we have,= to regain the upper
have no doubt that our military the drones temporarily closed six to prevent the attack on the Pskov Black Sea fleet is based. russia9s A prominent russian military hand.
experts are working on these is- russian airports, including major airport. Some members of the ministry of Defense claimed to blogger, who uses the handle <We will be able to move for-
sues and are finding out the routes airports in moscow, which also country9s hard-line pro-war lobby have destroyed four speed boats fighterbomber and focuses on ward, liberating Zaporizhzhia and
and how it was done to take appro- was targeted. Drone strikes and vented frustration at a war that carrying Ukrainian paratroopers aviation, said russia had to learn even Dnipropetrovsk region, and
priate measures to prevent such airport closures in the russian has yielded no major russian ad- in the Black Sea. Ukraine denied from the Pskov attack and make to create a threat to the group that
situations in the future,= Peskov capital have practically become a vances for months. that the boats were destroyed. sure airfields are defended well. is fighting in Donetsk region,= he
said. nightly event as Ukraine has The overnight drone attacks on Wednesday, the russian <We draw conclusions and said. Zaporizhzhia is one of four
Soldiers at the Pskov airport stepped up its efforts to make sure came 11 days after a drone de- propagandist Vladimir Solovyov strengthen the protection of air- Ukrainian regions that Putin has
tried to shoot down the drones the war is felt by russian citizens stroyed a russian supersonic Tu- expressed the frustration of rus- fields. Enough has already been illegally declared to be annexed by
with small arms, according to rus- who live closest to the Kremlin. 22m3 strategic bomber at Soltsy sia9s pro-war faction, known as the written and said about what needs russia. Putin, however, has not
sian independent media, before a russia9s ministry of Defense did air base in the Novgorod region, <party of war,= when he blasted the to be done quickly for this,= the laid claim to the neighboring Dni-
team of 65 firefighters was called not mention the drone attacks on northwest of moscow, according failure to intercept the drones in blogger wrote on Telegram. propetrovsk region, and Guruly-
to quell the fires. Pskov in its daily media briefing to the open-source military analy- Pskov during his online morning In Kyiv, loud explosions sound- ov9s comments showed that some
Kyiv has not claimed responsi- and did not comment on the dam- sis group Ukraine Weapons Track- program, <full Contact.= ed early Wednesday as air defens- russian officials want to take even
bility for the attack, but Ukraine9s age to planes at the airfield. er. A Telegram channel with links <What is happening? What is es were activated in the city. Sev- more of Ukraine than Putin has
main Directorate of Intelligence The Pskov attack also caused a to russian security services con- happening?= Solovyov repeated eral nonresidential buildings claimed.

For many Russians, price spikes and weak ruble ûnally bring war9s cost home
russiA from A1 of basic goods such as tooth- Ruble comes under pressure my crashing down were wrong have enough cash on hand to
paste, washing powder and food then and remain so,= said mark continue this war,= Ustenko said.
and mid-August and the govern- in July, compared with 16 per- The value of Russia's currency compared to the U.S. dollar Sobel, who served as deputy Elina ribakova, a senior fellow
ment9s pouring of funds into cent the month before. assistant secretary for interna- at the Peterson Institute and
russia9s defense industry are The ruble9s loss of more than a tional monetary and financial director of International Pro-
bringing russia9s war 4 and the third of its value since November 0.018 policy at the Treasury Depart- grams at the Kyiv School of
impact of sanctions 4 home to last year to a large degree is a ment and is now a senior adviser Economics, said that without
many russians for the first time, result of sanctions imposed on at the Center for Strategic and further pressure on russian oil
economists say. russia9s energy exports at the 0.014 International Studies, a revenue, the russian authorities
<The russian people have end of 2022, when the European D.C.-based think tank. <But the would probably weather any in-
been isolating themselves from Union banned most russian oil 0.012 impact of Western actions flation spike, even if the rate
these political developments, but imports and the G-7 group of against russia has been crip- heads toward low double digits.
the inflation rate is something nations imposed a price cap on 0.01 pling, and will be long-lasting.= <I don9t think inflation is going
they can9t isolate themselves russian crude sales elsewhere, Despite the impact of oil ex- to be a big issue unless the
from because they have to pay,= decreeing its oil could be sold for port curbs, the Biden administra- government has to start printing
said Janis Kluge, an economist at no more than $60 per barrel. 0.006 tion is resisting pleas from the money to support the budget,=
the German Institute for Interna- Even though russian oil trad- Ukrainian government to slash ribakova said. <If there is some
tional and Security Affairs. <It is ers have sunk into the shadows, 0.004 the oil price cap from $60 to $30 success in tightening russia9s
a way in which politics really deploying phantom fleets seek- per barrel, because it fears that evasion of the oil price cap, and
interferes in their lives, and this ing to sidestep the curbs, the 0.002 could prompt russia to cut oil Putin wants to hike social spend-
is the part which is worrying for measures, combined with a production and cause gas price ing, then that will be challeng-
the russian leadership. Because sharp reduction in russian gas 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 spikes, roiling the global econo- ing. If we see the budget deficit
no propaganda will make this go exports to Europe, have deprived my just as the United States for next year is going to be
away.= the russian budget of a key heads toward a presidential elec- around 6 to 7 percent of GDP,
russia9s Central Bank fore- source of revenue, with income tion in 2024, according to people then that is going to be challeng-
casts inflation will reach up to from energy exports falling familiar with the matter who ing.=
6.5 percent by the end of 2023. 47 percent the first half of 2023, spoke on the condition of ano- others said the inflationary
But economists say the rapid compared with the same time the according to government figures mobilization of conscripts to the nymity to discuss internal delib- impact was already raising ques-
ruble devaluation could fuel a previous year. disclosed this month by reuters, front in Ukraine and by the erations. Any such maneuver tions about the longer-term sus-
further surge in prices over the At the same time, russia9s turn to feed its war machine. hundreds of thousands of rus- would also require the support of tainability of Putin9s tactics. In a
next three to six months and the to gray import channels to avoid The spending spree has sians fleeing abroad since the European lawmakers, and risks sign of the nervousness, Deputy
inflation rate could reach double export controls 4 through coun- propped up the russian economy start of the war. undermining support for the Trade and Industry minister Vik-
digits by the end of the year, even tries such as Turkey, China and against the most deleterious ef- A survey conducted by the Ukrainian war effort, these peo- tor Yevtukhov met with retail
after the Central Bank made an Central Asian states 4 has fects of Western sanctions, allow- Gaidar Institute in moscow ple said. chiefs this month and demanded
emergency hike this month to its brought imports back to prewar ing the Kremlin to tout a return found that 42 percent of enter- <That is the central tension that they limit any price hikes,
key interest rate, now at 12 per- levels, further putting pressure to overall economic growth, fore- prises surveyed complained of a they are wrestling with,= one of russian newspaper Izvestia re-
cent, to try to counter that. on the ruble. cast by the russian Central Bank lack of workers in July. In a sign the people said. ported.
With imports still making up russian officials are grappling at 1.5 to 2.5 percent, and by the of increasing desperation, Putin A Treasury Department The increasing inflationary
to 40 percent of the average with the transformative eco- International monetary fund at last week decreed that restric- spokeswoman declined to com- pressures risk turning russia9s
russian consumer basket, two nomic consequences of Putin9s 0.7 percent, following a contrac- tions on employing teenagers as ment. economic woes into political
recent surveys show russians war against Ukraine, analysts tion of 2.1 percent last year. young as 14 should be lifted, to oleg Ustenko, an economic ones, Kluge said. <The question
have already started to reduce say. The government has doubled But it is also creating a huge cope with the labor shortages, adviser to Ukrainian President is, how much inflation is the
spending. one published Aug. 16 its defense spending target for imbalance in the russian econo- according to a list of presidential Volodymyr Zelensky, said it is russian population going to tol-
by russia9s largest market re- 2023 to more than $100 billion, my, exacerbating inflation as de- orders published on the Krem- imperative for the West to take erate?=
search agency, romir, found that pumping more than $60 billion fense enterprises work round- lin9s website. collective action. <We need sig-
19 percent of respondents had in budget funds into the defense the-clock and worsening labor <Past assertions that sanctions nificant downward pressure on Stein reported from Washington and
begun cutting back on purchases industry in the first half of 2023, shortages caused in part by the would bring the russian econo- the price cap, or the russians will Dixon reported from riga, Latvia.
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A11

Economy & Business

Commerce secretary engages in frank talks with China
where she chatted with students
from the United States, China
Gina Raimondo holds a and elsewhere about export con-
surprisingly long meeting trols, career growth and learning
from each other9s differences.
with country9s premier Raimondo also took a spin
through Shanghai Disneyland 4
where she was stopped for a hug
BY M EAGHAN T OBIN by a chatty 7-year-old dressed as
LinaBell, a smart pink Disney fox.
SHANGHAI 4 Commerce Secre- Both sides have described the
tary Gina Raimondo arrived in visit as open and practical, a
China this week with a challeng- notable bright spot in an other-
ing brief: Her department has wise tense relationship plagued
implemented the United States9 by disagreements over trade,
tough export controls against technology and Taiwan.
China, and she had to stand firm Raimondo said she had a lot of
on that position. At the same <candid dialogue= on the trip.
time, the former venture capital- <We have a moment now in this
ist was seeking to advance a relationship, and we will see if
political thaw and improve Amer- there is action,= she told
ican companies9 access to the reporters.
lucrative Chinese market. Raimondo and Chinese Minis-
For all the public smiles on ter of Commerce Wang Wentao
both sides 4 including a surpris- agreed to establish a formal chan-
ingly long meeting with China9s nel of communication on com-
premier 4 one word hung over mercial issues, something U.S.
Raimondo9s four-day trip: <Unin- Secretary of State Antony Blinken
vestible.= has proposed for military matters
Speaking to reporters after her but which Beijing has rejected.
second day of meetings, Raimon- The two sides also had the first
do said Tuesday night that Ameri- meeting of an <information ex-
can businesses have complained change= on export controls, care-
to her that China has created an fully named to convey a focus on
ever more difficult environment transparency 4 but not negotia-
for them. tion 4 on the escalating steps
<Increasingly I hear from Beijing and Washington are tak-
American business that China is ing to protect an expanding set of
andy WonG/aP
uninvestible because it9s become technologies they consider im-
too risky,= she said. <So businesses Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, left, speaks during a meeting with Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining in Shanghai on portant to national security.
look for other opportunities; they Wednesday. <We have a moment now in this relationship, and we will see if there is action,= Raimondo told reporters. Chinese state media said the
look for other countries; they visit represented <practical prog-
look for other places to go.= a consumer spending slowdown. chains for technologies that both couldn9t keep Chinese companies movement on the issue resulted ress.=
Three years of covid-related <China needs to recognize that sides claim are critical to national down, Huawei Technologies from Raimondo9s visit. Sun Xingjie, a professor at the
lockdowns snarled supply chains. they can no longer rely on the security. rolled out a new 5G phone that Still, Raimondo met with School of International Relations
Then came an unpredictable mix sheer mass of their market to Last year the Biden adminis- experts think relies entirely on American executives and an ar- at Sun Yat-sen University, said in
of raids on American businesses attract that type of foreign invest- tration tightened controls on ex- Chinese-made chips. ray of senior Chinese officials a television interview with Shen-
and opaque penalties 4 includ- ment,= said Naomi Wilson, vice ports of U.S. semiconductor chips <U.S. businesses want to do during the trip, including Pre- zhen Direct News that relations
ing the increasing use of exit bans president of policy, Asia and glob- to China, especially the advanced business here, but they need to mier Li Qiang and Vice Premier between the United States and
against foreign business execu- al trade at the Information Tech- chips needed to power artificial have a predictable regulatory He Lifeng, in an effort to stabilize China have entered a new stage,
tives. Taken together, it has made nology Industry Council. <Even intelligence systems. And just environment,= Raimondo said at relations between the world9s two and that the establishment of the
foreign firms 4 not just U.S. ones among Chinese companies, there two weeks before Raimondo left Boeing9s hangar at Shanghai9s largest economies. working group would allow the
4 wary of continuing operations have been efforts to relocate out- for China, the White House is- Pudong Airport on Wednesday. The secretary spent more than two sides to separate topics of
in China. side of China.= sued an executive order banning She has previously criticized an hour with the premier, who mutual interest from hostility.
China badly needs foreign in- The Biden administration9s U.S. companies from investing in China9s Aviation Authority for oversees the economy. <The deeply nested China-U.S.
vestment as its economy strug- hawkish approach, a continua- Chinese tech that could have blocking Chinese airlines from She also met with dozens of economic and trade relations are
gles to rebound from years of tion from the Trump era, has military or surveillance applica- completing purchases of Boeing9s American business people at a not a zero sum game,= Sun said.
pandemic restrictions, amid a ensured that Beijing and Wash- tions. 737 Max after two fatal crashes in reception in Beijing and spoke to
mounting real estate debt crisis, ington have kept up their escalat- As if to make a point that 2019 led to its global grounding, an economics class at New York Pei-Lin Wu in taipei, taiwan,
record youth unemployment and ing tit-for-tat over the supply American export controls which has since been lifted. No University9s Shanghai campus, contributed to this report.

Meta rejects own board9s call to suspend account of Cambodian strongman

BY R EGINE C ABATO Meta, which owns Facebook, er and monk Luon Sovath, who tute for Strategic Studies. Both
Instagram and WhatsApp, has was smeared by manipulated sides <find each other indispen-
MANILA 4 Social media giant struggled in recent years to bal- videos and accounts impersonat- sable,= he said. <[The] Cambodi-
Meta is rejecting a recommenda- ance freedom of expression with ing him, and has since fled the an politicians cannot give up
tion made by its own Oversight abusive online behavior. The country. Facebook and Facebook cannot
Board to suspend Cambodian company said it based the Hun Deputy Asia director Phil Rob- move on to operate with the
leader Hun Sen9s Facebook ac- Sen decision on protocol govern- ertson criticized Meta for allow- government without resolving
count for inciting violence. ing the speech of public figures ing online violence against doz- the issue.=
The Oversight Board, created that it developed after its suspen- ens of political activists to prolif- But critics of Meta, including
by Meta to adjudicate difficult sion of U.S. President Donald erate on Facebook, and only the Real Facebook Oversight
content decisions, asked the Trump over incendiary posts taking down Hun Sen9s offending Board (RFOB) 4 a group of
company in June to suspend the that he made during the Jan. 6, content, after more than six global experts monitoring con-
account of then-Prime Minister 2021, Capitol riots. months, <because their Over- tent moderation developments
Hun Sen based on a video he In its analysis, the company sight Board ordered them to.= on the platform 4 said Meta9s
posted earlier this year where he said, it determined that Hun <That9s what bending over decision <shows just how little
threatened to <beat up= oppo- Sen9s video did not occur in what backward to Southeast Asian Meta cares for the safety of its
nents, <send gangsters= to their it considered a crisis situation dictators looks like and it raises users, people, and democratic
homes and <arrest a traitor with and therefore that a suspension serious concerns about whether processes,= and reveals <the
sufficient evidence at midnight.= was unwarranted. Facebook is really serious about Oversight Board is a PR stunt.= A
News of the board9s recom- The Cambodian government tanG ChhIn sothy/aFP/Getty ImaGes human rights at all,= he said. spokesman for Meta declined to
mendation, which marked the said in a statement Tuesday that Former Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen posted a video earlier After the Oversight Board9s respond to this criticism.
first time it had asked for a head the company had exercised <fair this year on Facebook threatening violence against opponents. initial decision, Hun Sen seemed Experts have warned social
of government to be banned judgment= and that its decision to preempt a potential suspen- media companies that they need
from Meta9s platforms, prompt- <confirms the integrity= of con- democracy,= the spokesperson who criticize his decisions. In sion of his account by deleting to moderate hateful content on-
ed Hun Sen to publicly quit tent on Hun Sen9s page. It added added. <Social media companies recent years, he9s become a deft his Facebook page, only to return line that might incite or spill into
Facebook and threaten a coun- that Meta representatives were must ensure their platforms are user of social media, building up to the platform around three offline violence, especially with
trywide ban of it. welcome to continue to work in not misused in ways which more than 14 million followers weeks later, the Associated Press upcoming elections in the re-
But in a decision posted Mon- the country, whereas Oversight threaten to undermine them.= on Facebook. reported. His government also gion, including Indonesia and
day, Meta said suspending Hun Board members were still con- Hun Sen, 71, was Asia9s lon- Human Rights Watch said threatened to kick out Meta Bangladesh.
Sen9s account <would not be sidered personae non grata. gest-serving nonhereditary ruler Meta9s decision shows that Hun employees in the country, <As important elections are
consistent with our policies, in- The board said it stood by its until he announced last month Sen and other authoritarian though Meta does not have a looming, Meta is reportedly dra-
cluding our protocol on restrict- original recommendation. Hun that he was stepping down to leaders like him <can weaponize physical office in Cambodia. matically cutting its safety re-
ing accounts of public figures Sen9s video was part of a docu- hand over power to his son Hun Facebook against their oppo- Suspending Hun Sen9s page sponses, allowing users to opt
during civil unrest.= It had re- mented <history of committing Manet. He has methodically dis- nents and suffer barely a slap on would have led to an <indefinite out of fact-checks, disinvesting
moved the video cited as violent, human rights violations and in- mantled political opposition, the wrist.= The organization said disconnect= between Meta and in Trust and Safety teams, and
Meta said, and saw no other timidating political opponents,= shutting down independent that political activists face online the Cambodian government, abdicating responsibility for po-
justification for revoking Hun said a board spokesperson. news outlets, imprisoning rights and offline harassment, such as said Chhengpor Aun, a visiting litical content,= said RFOB policy
Sen9s access to the platform. <Elections are a crucial part of activists and lashing out at those the case of human rights defend- fellow at the International Insti- adviser Zamaan Qureshi.

D ig e st

soCiAl MeDiA Illston ruled that the federal employees and contractors statement Wednesday. It will be doesn9t respond to overdose union power to call a strike. The
law banning workplace age bias without the required advance available for consumers to reversal drugs. union backed up the vote with
X will face lawsuit allows plaintiffs to bring notice and that Musk forced out purchase at thousands of U.S. Narcan9s cost is key because picketing at several airports.
alleging age bias <disparate impact= claims in a workers with disabilities by pharmacies as soon as early most health insurers don9t cover Union President Julie Hedrick
class action, an issue that has refusing to allow remote work September, and companies plan it without a prescription. said the vote tells company
A California federal judge has divided courts. and calling on employees to be to make it easy to find at Brand-name, prescription management that flight
refused to dismiss a lawsuit The judge dismissed a claim more <hardcore.= pharmacy counters and checkout Narcan can cost upward of $130 attendants, who have not
accusing X, the social media that X intentionally targeted 4 Reuters registers. for two doses, but that9s often received raises since 2019, are
platform formerly called Twitter, older workers for layoffs, but <Narcan should be a medicine covered by insurance. Advocates <fired up.= American executives,
of disproportionately laying off gave Zeman a month to file an PHARMACeutiCAls cabinet staple that is in all have said that a price of less than she said, <ignore this strike vote
older workers when Elon Musk amended lawsuit fleshing out homes and first aid kits so that $50 for the nonprescription item at their peril.=
acquired the company last year. that claim. Narcan doses to cost individuals are prepared to act in would still be too expensive.
U.S. District Judge Susan Shannon Liss-Riordan, about $45 in rollout the case of an opioid emergency,= 4 Bloomberg News Visa and Mastercard are
Illston on Tuesday said the Zeman9s lawyer, said <this according to a spokesperson for planning to boost the fees that
plaintiff in the proposed class decision validates the arguments Narcan, the lifesaving opioid Rite Aid, which will charge Also in Business many retailers pay when
action, John Zeman, had we are making that the overdose antidote, will cost almost $46 for the drug. Flight attendants at American accepting customers9 credit and
provided enough evidence that discrimination claims can go about $45 for two doses when More than 100,000 Americans Airlines voted overwhelmingly to debit cards. The Visa charges are
the mass layoffs had a greater forward.= the first over-the-counter version died of drug overdoses in 2021, authorize union leaders to call slated to begin in October for
impact on older employees to X did not respond to a request hits drugstore shelves at according to the Centers for for a strike, a move designed to online transactions, followed in
continue pursing the case. for comment. Walgreens Boots Alliance, CVS Disease Control and Prevention. put pressure on the carrier April by new fees for commercial
Zeman, for example, claims X The lawsuit is one of about a Health and other chains in the The age-adjusted annual death during negotiations over pay credit, debit and prepaid cards,
laid off 60 percent of workers dozen X is facing stemming from next few weeks. rate jumped 14 percent in 2021, raises. The Association of according to a document seen by
who were 50 or older and nearly Musk9s decision to lay off about Manufacturer Emergent fueled by a surge in illicit Professional Flight Attendants Bloomberg News. For
three-quarters of those who were half of Twitter9s workforce BioSolutions has begun shipping fentanyl. Its deadliness has been said Wednesday that more than Mastercard, a new
over 60, compared with 54 beginning last November. the nasal spray to pharmacies, increased by frequent 99 percent of members who pre-authorization fee will start in
percent of employees younger Those cases include various grocery stores and online combination with xylazine, a voted recently favored giving the October, the document shows.
than 50. claims, including that X laid off retailers, according to a potent animal sedative that 4 From news services
A12 eZ M2 the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

Health agency urges DEA to ease marijuana restrictions

BY D AVID O VALLE steroids and ketamine, which can used marijuana during the past honest to categorize cannabis in and decriminalize= marijuana, no longer apply if marijuana be-
AND L AURIE M C G INLEY obtained with a prescription. month. The number of Americans the same placement as heroin, it is Sklamberg said. comes a Schedule III substance,
Such a decision would not out- diagnosed with cannabis use dis- equally disingenuous to treat can- members of Congress who sup- finally allowing many cannabis
The nation9s top health agency right legalize marijuana at the fed- order has also risen, federal data nabis in the same manner as ana- port legalization or decriminaliza- companies to turn a profit, said
is recommending easing restric- eral level, a policy that has long shows. bolic steroids,= said Paul Armenta- tion of marijuana applauded the Griffen Thorne, a cannabis indus-
tions on marijuana in what could conflicted with those of states that The HHS recommendation is no, deputy director of the pro-le- administration move. If DEA ac- try attorney based in Los Angeles.
portend a landmark shift in feder- have legalized marijuana for med- consistent with efforts by Presi- galization organization NormL, cepts HHS9s recommendation, <it <This would be a lifeline for an
al policy on cannabis. ical and recreational use. But it dent Biden 4 who is running for in a statement. The group advo- will be a historic step for a nation industry that has really been suf-
The Department of Health and may nevertheless alter the na- reelection in 2024 4 to reshape cates for marijuana to be treated whose cannabis policies have fering,= Thorne said.
Human Services has recommend- tion9s cannabis landscape, boost- the nation9s marijuana policies. similar to tobacco and alcohol, been out of touch with reality,= Cannabis company stocks rose
ed to the Drug Enforcement Ad- ing the regulated marijuana in- Last october, Biden offered par- which are not controlled sub- Senate finance Committee Chair- Wednesday after the HHS recom-
ministration that marijuana be re- dustry in states where it is legal dons to anyone convicted of a fed- stances. man ron Wyden (D-ore.) said in a mendation became public.
classified as a lower-risk, Schedule and even facilitating more re- eral crime for simply possessing other experts believe DEA will statement. A change in marijuana9s status
III controlled substance, accord- search into the drug9s effects. the drug, and he directed his ad- follow HHS9s lead. Howard Sklam- But ultimately, Wyden said, may also improve efforts to
ing to a person familiar with the <We believe that rescheduling ministration to expedite a review berg, a former food and Drug cannabis should be descheduled understand its health benefits 4
recommendation who spoke on to Schedule III will mark the most of whether marijuana should con- Administration official, said the 4 removed from the list of con- or harms 4 a body of research that
the condition of anonymity be- significant federal cannabis re- tinue to be listed as a Schedule I HHS position is <a big deal= in the trolled substances 4 with strong has long been complicated by the
cause they were not authorized to form in modern history,= said Ed- substance. government9s long and complicat- federal regulations put in place to drug9s federal status.
speak on the issue. marijuana is ward Conklin of the U.S. Cannabis The recommendation to recate- ed relationship with marijuana, protect public health and safety. researchers have to go through
currently a Schedule I controlled Council, a nonprofit that advo- gorize marijuana was made in a and he predicts that DEA would Cannabis businesses in <quite a few hoops= to study mari-
substance, deemed alongside her- cates for the regulated cannabis letter sent by HHS to the DEA this accept the recommendation. Wyden9s home state, as in others juana, said Igor Grant, director of
oin and LSD as having the poten- industry. <President Biden is effec- week, although officials at both That9s because DEA must defer to where recreational marijuana is the Center for medicinal Cannabis
tial for abuse and with little or no tively declaring an end to Nixon9s agencies declined to release the HHS on the scientific and medical legal, stand to benefit if reschedul- research at the University of Cali-
accepted medical use. failed war on cannabis and plac- letter, or to confirm the nature of aspects of the issue, which is a ing is adopted. State-regulated fornia at San Diego. That includes
The DEA, which said it has the ing the nation on a trajectory to the recommendation. Bloomberg large part of the determination marijuana industries boomed getting research approved by the
final authority to classify a drug end prohibition.= News first reported on the Sched- about scheduling, he said. during the pandemic but are flail- DEA 4 and getting marijuana
under federal law, confirmed it marijuana legalization has in- ule III recommendation. In addition, downgraded ing now because of the high costs samples for studies directly from
has received a recommendation creasingly garnered bipartisan Advocates for full legalization scheduling for marijuana would of doing business, competition the federal government, he said.
from HHS and said it will now support. Twenty-three states and say the HHS recommendation send an important message from and a glut of supply. <In California, should I choose
initiate its review, a process that D.C. have legalized recreational doesn9t go far enough, and that the federal government that mari- Under federal tax code, compa- to get marijuana for myself, I can
could take months. If DEA follows marijuana, and medicinal use is people could still face criminal juana is less of a risk to public nies cannot deduct many ordinary just go to one of the dispensaries,=
the health agency9s recommenda- lawful in 38 states. According to charges related to possession of, or health than the government has business expenses if they deal in Grant said. <However, as a scien-
tion, marijuana would be placed federal survey data, an estimated dealing in, controlled substances. said in the past. <That could make Schedule I or II controlled sub- tist and physician, I can9t go buy it
in the same category as anabolic 36.4 million people age 12 or over <Just as it is intellectually dis- it easier in some states to legalize stances. That prohibition would and supply it to a participant.=

Consumers said Neil Saunders, managing di-

rector for retail at the analytics
company GlobalData. <It under-

fall behind lines how much some consumers

are under pressure, and it9s one of
the cracks that9s appearing in the

on bills as consumer economy.=

Credit card delinquencies will
continue to rise in the second half

prices rise of the year, he added. on top of

rising interest rates and student
loan repayments, higher energy
and electricity bills in the fall and
DELINQUENCIES from A1 winter will add to some consum-
ers9 debt loads.
raising interest rates to bring in- <And that is before you even
flation under control. Student factor in the general cost of the
loan payments that were paused holidays, which no one really
for more than three years are wants to scrimp on,= Saunders
poised to resume in october. And said. <So I think there are some
banks and other lenders have been real pressures building there for
clamping down on credit for the consumer.=
months, a process that accelerated Delinquencies on auto loan
after the spring banking crisis sent payments, which have already hit
shock waves through the industry. rates last seen during the financial
That pain is in some sense an crisis of the late 2000s, are also
indication to fed policymakers likely to keep climbing, credit ex-
that their push to tame inflation is perts said. The situation is even
working, said Torsten Slok, chief worse for borrowers with bad
economist at Apollo Global man- credit, whose loans are considered
agement. <subprime= in Wall Street par-
<The fed might look at this and lance. During the financial crisis,
say this is the whole purpose of 5 percent of those subprime bor-
raising rates, to make it more diffi- rowers were 60 days or more past
cult= to make purchases, he said. due on their loans; that number
<The bigger question is when the today stands at close to 7 percent,
fed will have succeeded in slow- according to data from Equifax.
ing down the broader economy, Lenders quote them higher in-
and how many consumers have to terest rates because they carry a
be impacted in a negative way.= greater risk of default. And those
Economists say they see little borrowers tend to be less wealthy
risk yet of a looming recession in to begin with, meaning low- and
consumers9 mounting pile of past- middle-income individuals can be
due bills. They point to evidence stuck with larger monthly pay-
the economy remains in funda- ments for the same car.
mentally solid shape, with histori- Yet consumers have to take on
cally low unemployment and more debt to buy a car than they
price increases finally slowing. did a few years ago because prices
<Jobs are strong and incomes iLLusTraTion by eLena Lacey/The WashingTon PosT surged during the pandemic and
are rising. So this isn9t an econo- have remained elevated. The aver-
mywide story,= said Joe Brusuelas, Adrian mitchell, chief operat- Delinquencies by type of debt, 2006-2023 of essential goods are consider- age price of a new vehicle in July
chief economist at rSm. <But that ing and financial officer for ably higher than they were pre- was about $48,300, up from
strength is masking financial macy9s, told investors last week Delinquencies on auto loans, credit cards and consumer loans are pandemic. Americans are con- $37,700 four years ago, according
stress going on down-market.= that while the company expected at their highest levels in a decade. experts say they could rise tinuing to trim discretionary to Cox Automotive. The average
Lower-income borrowers delinquencies to climb in the sec- even higher. spending or trading down to off- used car listed for $27,000, up
caught in the pinch are resorting ond quarter, the rate of increase price and discount retailers. The from $19,400 four years ago.
to some desperate measures. <was faster than planned.= The 10% U.S. Census Bureau9s July retail meanwhile, new loan delin-
Some are leaning on credit cards retailer9s revenue declined sales report showed that while quencies are continuing to accel-
to hold their finances together. $84 million year-over-year to 9% sales were boosted by online shop- erate and unlikely to peak until
There are 70 million more credit $120 million. ping 4 thanks in large part to next year, according to a report
card accounts open now than <I think the credit card revenue 8% Amazon Prime Day 4 spending at this month from moody9s Investor
there were in 2019, and Ameri- is an indication of some of the department, electronics and fur- Service.
cans9 total credit card debt just pressures that we9re actually see- 7% niture stores declined. (Amazon <We9ve sped way past normal,=
topped $1 trillion for the first time, ing on the consumer,= mitchell consumer founder Jeff Bezos owns The mike Brisson, a senior economist
according to the New York fed. added. loans Washington Post. Interim Post at moody9s Analytics, said in a
Another red flag: Shoppers are Chief financial officers at Kohl9s CEo Patty Stonesifer sits on Ama- recent webcast, calling the delin-
turning to buy now, pay later ser- and Nordstrom also said they an- zon9s board.) quencies <very concerning.=
vices to cover necessities such as ticipated payment drops and not- credit After inflation made everything Several lenders suffered finan-
groceries. Usage surged 40 per- ed they9re now on par with pre- cards more expensive, the interest rate cial losses in the latter half of 2022
cent in the first two months of pandemic levels. Cathy r. Smith at 3% increases enacted to fight those when auto prices briefly fell, said
2023, according to data from Ado- Nordstrom told investors that rising prices elevated the cost of Jeremy robb, senior director of
be Analytics. while the retailer9s customer tends loans debt. With that combination, economic insights at Cox Automo-
major retailers are starting to to be a <higher quality credit con- some consumers suddenly found tive.
take note, reporting in their sec- sumer= and <more resilient,= the 1% themselves living beyond their <Now, with everything increas-
ond-quarter results this month steady declines could be a <precur- means and unable to repay debt, ing in price, it9s just harder and
that delinquency rates on private- sor for higher credit losses in the 0% experts said. harder for customers to get a loan
label credit cards are on the rise. future.= 2010 2015 2020 <People don9t like going into or want a loan at the interest rate
Executives at macy9s, Nordstrom While inflation has moderated source: equifax/Moody9s analytics aaron gregg/The WashingTon PosT default or delinquency with credit offered,= robb said. <There9s just
and Kohl9s noted the shortfalls are in recent months and consumer cards 4 it makes a lot of people much less risk tolerance in the
hurting revenue. spending remains strong, prices feel very nervous and unhappy,= auto loan space.=

Under rule, millions more would get overtime pay the Biden administration9s pro-
posed rule demonstrates <the
fact that elections have conse-
cern this month about increasing
the threshold for overtime ex-
emptions because of the hard-
quences.= ship it would place on employers,
BY L AUREN K AORI G URLEY ers earning less than $55,000 a than $35,568 but less than wage growth. That rule was <The consequence of the and has said it would consider
year. $55,000 would now be eligible scrapped by the Trump adminis- Trump administration was that taking legal action.
The Biden administration un- <Today, the Biden-Harris ad- for overtime pay. The proposed tration in favor of a rule with a millions of workers lost the right Some 300,000 more manufac-
veiled a new rule Wednesday to ministration is proposing a rule change stands to boost the fi- far lower threshold in 2019. to a fair wage and the conse- turing workers would be eligible
extend overtime pay to an addi- that would help restore workers9 nances of millions of the coun- The Biden administration is quence of the Biden administra- for overtime pay under the new
tional 3.6 million salaried white- economic security by giving mil- try9s most vulnerable workers, touting its long-awaited new rule tion is that millions of workers rule, according to the Labor De-
collar workers in the United lions more salaried workers the including women, people of color as part of its <Bidenomics= plan will regain that right,= Block said. partment.
States. right to overtime protections,= and workers without college de- to rebuild the middle class. As The rule is likely to face fierce Calling the rule <incremental,=
While most hourly workers are acting labor secretary Julie Su grees. part of this agenda, the adminis- opposition and legal challenges. rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.),
entitled to overtime pay, non- said in a statement. In another major change, the tration has been taking action to The Associated Builders and chair of the Congressional Pro-
hourly workers in executive, ad- The rule would boost wages rule would include automatic raise wages for workers on feder- Contractors, a construction in- gressive Caucus, applauded the
ministrative and professional for many workers in low-wage updates to the salary level for al projects and revive manufac- dustry trade group, said Wednes- bill but said in a statement that it
roles 4 including some supervi- but salaried occupations 4 in- overtime eligibility every three turing jobs by investing in green day that it was <disappointed= did not go far enough to help
sors 4 are exempt unless they cluding in hospitality, manufac- years based on wage data. energy projects and semiconduc- that the Labor Department is working families. The caucus has
make less than $35,568 a year. turing and retail 4 making them The proposed rule resurrects tor manufacturing. pursuing the rule as businesses called for the threshold to be
The Labor Department9s pro- eligible for time-and-a-half pay an obama-era policy that signifi- Sharon Block, a labor law pro- continue to grapple with labor raised to salaried workers who
posed rule would guarantee after working more than 40 cantly raised the threshold for fessor at Harvard Law School, shortages and inflationary pres- earn less than $80,000 a year.
overtime pay for far more non- hours in a week. for example, a exempting salaried workers from who led the obama administra- sures. The rule now enters a 60-day
hourly workers, raising the salaried restaurant supervisor or overtime benefits, and also in- tion9s efforts to increase overtime The National Association of comment period before it is final-
threshold to benefit such work- clerical worker who makes more dexed the salary cutoff to future benefits, said in a statement that manufacturers also raised con- ized.
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re a13

VladiMiR KaRa-MuRza

What happened
when I saw
Alexei Navalny
in jail in Russia

y unwritten instruction, political prisoners
are not supposed to be held in the same (or
adjacent) cells in Russian prisons and penal
colonies 4 a departure from late Soviet
times, when special labor camps in the Perm Region
and a whole wing of Vladimir City Prison were
designated specifically for opponents of the regime.
Some of the most prominent Soviet dissidents 4
including Natan Sharansky and Vladimir Bukovsky
4 passed through these notorious institutions,
which are described in grim detail in their memoirs.
If there was any upside, it was the chance to interact
with fellow human rights activists. Sharansky
warmly recalls sharing a prison cell with Lithuanian
dissident Viktoras Petkus, their conversations and
chess matches.
Today9s political prisoners are spread among
regular inmates 4 and so, in the 16 months I9ve been
imprisoned, I have had only a few accidental
encounters with fellow opposition members. Once, I
shared a ride in a police van with Alexei Gorinov, a
Moscow municipal councilor arrested for denounc-
ing the war in Ukraine at his council meeting.
Another time, I spent all day in a holding cell of
Corey Perrine/AP
the Moscow City Court with Daniel Kholodny, the
director of Alexei Navalny9s video operations (and Will Walsh of Nocatee, Fla., prays on Monday in front of three crosses honoring the victims of the shooting in Jacksonville, Fla.
Navalny9s co-defendant). Before his trial, Daniel
was also held at our prison, so we were sometimes
escorted together to the administrative wing to tHeodoRe R. JoHnson
meet with lawyers or investigators. Of course, we
used every opportunity for a conversation along
the way.
For one day, I even shared a cell with a fellow
political prisoner 4 Vadim Ostanin, a leader of the
Progress and backlash inspire
Navalny movement in Siberia. We were both pleas-
antly puzzled as to how this was possible, but the
prison warden realized his mistake; Vadim was
hastily removed from my cell at 2 a.m. that night.
and haunt Black patriotism
But the most unusual 4 and most unexpected 4
encounter with an opposition colleague happened

isdom is a blessing and a curse. It ing sentiments of pride looking for somewhere to committee investigating the Capitol attack that she
one morning last month, when the prison guard sometimes seems prophetic, seeing go. The memes became vessels. received messages like <Be glad it9s 2020 and not
opened the feeding slot in my cell door and told me around corners and predicting events For my father, though 4 raised in South Carolina 1920= 4 the threat of lynching loud and clear.
to get ready for a court appearance by video link. I before they happen. It9s a gift when it during the dark days of Jim Crow 4 fighting back Freeman, her mother, told the committee, <There is
did not have any scheduled hearings that day and helps us make smart decisions or avoid danger. It often meant violence from the state and vigilantes nowhere I feel safe. Nowhere.=
had no idea what was going to happen. The answer can be a burden when it sees a bad thing ahead, was not far behind. Montgomery was a painful If the former president is convicted, many will
came once I was locked in a metal cage (yes, even warns that it can9t be avoided and advises that we reminder of a powerless past. For some, experience celebrate. Those who were directly harmed, per-
when you speak by video from a secure room inside a brace for impact. Wisdom is not always right, but it saw beyond the veil, changing Montgomery from a haps including Freeman and Moss, might find some
prison, they still lock you in a cage) and the screen is always valuable. prideful moment of righteous indignation into a small measure of satisfaction in the reckoning. But
was turned on. My father9s wisdom helped me better understand flashing warning of imminent racist backlash. there will be those, such as my father, who will
the chaotic month of August, swinging between the Wisdom cautioned that a bad thing lay ahead; my respect the decision of the court and then steel
poles of joy and pain. On one side, there was the father had already steeled himself for it. themselves for the backlash. Alongside Trump, our
reaction to the Montgomery Riverfront brawl. In The wait wasn9t long. August9s pendulum soon democratic system of government is on trial, too.
Via a video link, I was called the days that immediately followed, it was rather swung to pain. But the nation9s culture, the true prize of contempo-
fun to be Black in America. Fun in the way that a On Saturday, a self-avowed white supremacist on rary political battles, will be the final judge and jury.
to testify by Navalny people can manage to fashion humor from pain. a racist mission to kill Black people shot up a And so it goes for Jacksonville. By taking his own
Fun in the way that a certain cultural understand- Jacksonville, Fla., store in a predominantly Black life, the murderer leaves a community and a
as a defense witness. ing is required to appreciate the humor at all. community. He took three lives and then his own. country wanting for justice. The wisdom of previ-
The story has become legend and inspired a glut The backlash had arrived. The shooting wasn9t ous generations tells us that the courts are neces-
of comical memes. On Aug. 5, a Black co-captain necessarily retaliation in direct response to Mont- sary but insufficient to stop such attacks. The white
What I saw made me think of a scene in Franz attempted to moor his riverboat, and a group of gomery, but the white-supremacist ideology that supremacist who executed Black parishioners at
Kafka9s <The Trial= in which the protagonist, facing a White recreational boaters wouldn9t move their inspired it was driven by a sense that Black people Bible study in a historic Charleston church received
prosecutor and assembled guests in the attic of a pontoon. The races of the parties matter only no longer know their place. Violence has always the nation9s first death sentence for hate crimes. Yet,
random residential building, has to respond to because of what happened next. When the White been used to remind us. Jacksonville still happened. Buffalo still happened.
charges of which he has no knowledge. The room on group attacked the Black co-captain ashore, Black Wisdom advised that when President Donald A White riverboat passenger who recorded the
the video screen looked like a school gym. At the bystanders came by land, air and sea to his rescue. Trump blamed his 2020 election loss on voter fraud melee in Montgomery said the co-captain was
head of the court, under a double-headed eagle Some ran, some cleared railings from higher in predominantly Black cities such as Atlanta, initially confronted by one of the men on the
clumsily fastened to the wall, sat Moscow City Court elevations, and others leaped from boats and swam ugliness would follow. And it did, on Jan. 6, 2021. pontoon, who <had this air about him that he was
Judge Andrei Suvorov, with his chair behind a small to the rescue. A chair was used. The jokes were Then-Senator-elect Rev. Raphael G. Warnock there first and he wasn9t going to move.= That is the
(also school-type) desk. His judicial gown looked everywhere. Social media. Group chats. Office (D-Ga.), on the Sunday after the U.S. Capitol riot, same air that the white supremacists in Charlottes-
strikingly out of place, given the circumstances. The conversations and happy hours. It was a time. told his congregation: <As we consider what ville inhaled while chanting, <You will not replace
room was filled with men in black masks and khaki The following week, I visited my North Carolina happened 4 the ugliness of it all 4 I want us to us!= It is the same air exhaled between the shots
uniforms. At a table by the wall on the left side of the hometown and, with a chuckle, brought the brawl recognize that we didn9t see in that moment the fired in Jacksonville and Buffalo and Charleston.
screen sat the defendant surrounded by his lawyers up to my father. He responded, <Yeah, man, things emergence of violence. I want you to see the ways in A concluding thought: The wisdom earned under
4 and it was only when he stood up to approach the like that, a lot of people think it9s funny. And I which the violence was already there.= the thumb of oppression and threats of violence
camera and speak that I realized it was Alexei understand.= Then he looked at me without blink- When Trump caravanned to his arrest and mug might be a blessing and a curse, but it has never
Navalny. ing and said, <But for some, it9s traumatic. It9s hard shot in Georgia last week, Black Atlantans were been defeatist. Frederick Douglass, one of the
The Russian authorities are doing their best to watching that kind of stuff.= filled with pride and outrage. But then there were wisest Americans who has ever lived, as well as one
hide the sham trials of their political opponents Intellectually, it made sense. But that pier in those such as Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the of the nation9s harshest critics, famously said in his
from public view. My own trial at the Moscow City Montgomery had come to represent a Colosseum mother-and-daughter election workers who be- 1852 Fourth of July oration 4 when slavery was very
Court, which ended with a 25-year sentence, was where solidarity and self-defense were the victors. came targets of Trump and his sycophants. For much alive: <I do not despair of this country.=
held entirely behind closed doors. Alexei9s trial was Observing that unity in the face of violence was a them, grappling with trauma can make the wins We do not, either. We cannot. It is our home, the
actually organized inside the penal colony in the thrill. The laughs that soon came were the overflow- harder to enjoy. Moss, the daughter, told the House only one we have. And we must be wise with it.
Vladimir Region where he is serving his previous
sentence. It was there where I was now connected by
video link, called by Alexei as his defense witness.
Because he had to respond to his official indict- HugH Hewitt
ment, Alexei9s questions to me were no less Kaf-
kaesque than the surroundings. Does public oppo-
sition to the government constitute extremist
activity? Is the freedom of public demonstrations
Here9s the right way to cover the next trial of the century
conditional on permission by the authorities? Was
his 2013 campaign for mayor of Moscow (where he

rial of the century= was a pretty elastic spectacle. Dunne, in particular, became the leading and locking up telegenic local lawyers and retired
came in second with 27 percent of the vote) just a phrase in the sensationalist 20th cen- troubadour of that bizarre cultural moment. He judges to offer analyses of Georgia law. There are
cover for his underground illegal activities? Were tury. The question of Darwinism at the wasn9t a lawyer, but that didn9t matter, because he some fine legal analysts already speaking to the four
his anti-corruption investigations detailing the trial of Tennessee teacher John Scopes quickly grasped that the trial wasn9t just about the Trump indictments from inside the Beltway and
riches of Vladimir Putin and his close entourage briefly wore the mantle, but so did the trial of slaughter of two innocent people in cold blood. It Manhattan, but Atlanta is going to become center
slanderous fabrications? And so on. A few times, I thrill-killers Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, the was about fame and jealousy and sex and, above all, stage, because it appears to be first in line and most
had to ask whether the question was serious. trial of Lindbergh kidnapper Bruno Hauptmann, race. Dunne and his editors grasped that here was a likely to be televised.
<Unfortunately, yes 4 that is my indictment,= and the trial of atomic spies Julius and Ethel drama that all the country would be watching 4 and Nominees for the reserved seats? Perhaps the
Alexei would respond each time. Rosenberg. But they were all eclipsed by the did, thanks to Court TV. Dunne filled the role of judge should take applications. My dozen nominees
We hadn9t spoken since Alexei9s arrest in January unprecedented mass coverage of the O.J. Simpson interpreter to cultural elites. reflect the intense ideological divisions already
2021, so it was nice to see one another, even in such trial following the murders of Nicole Brown Simp- Having blessed non-daily journalists with access, obvious in the media; a variety of viewpoints will be
unorthodox circumstances. Suvorov didn9t inter- son and Ronald Goldman, a saga that began in 1994 Ito could reasonably hope that these influential more credible than any attempt at bland modera-
rupt us once 4 a pleasant change from my own trial, and ended in 1995. The justice system could not voices would not trash his every move. Given his tion. Ben Shapiro and Barbara L. McQuade are
during which Judge Sergei Podoprigorov constantly survive its marriage with celebrity coverage. thankless job as arbiter of a sprawling case that will lawyers and skilled pundits who would put right and
cut me off when I spoke and did not let me ask my O.J. walked. cause political friction from Day 1, McAfee needs his left in the courtroom. Isaac J. Bailey and Jane
own defense witnesses ( journalist and Nobel Peace The coming trial in Georgia state court of former own skilled interpreters to frame his decisions and Coaston are talented essayists who, as Black Ameri-
Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov and veteran opposi- president Donald Trump and as many as 18 co- give sweep to the proceedings. Perhaps a dozen cans, could bring important perspectives to what is
tion leader Grigory Yavlinsky) a single question. defendants will be the first <trial of the century= of writers could be tapped for the <reserved rows,= unsaid about race in the proceedings. If New Yorker
Unlike Podoprigorov 4 who has been sanctioned in the new millennium, and the time to think about provided they commit to being there nearly every magazine veteran and former dean of the Columbia
the United States and other Western countries media coverage is now. Unlike the other Trump day for as long as it takes. Total immersion in the Journalism School Nicholas Lemann is available,
under Magnitsky laws that I helped pass 4 Suvorov trials, this one is almost certainly going to be specifics, plus writing talent and a smooth television send him down. Ronan Farrow, fresh from profiling
had nothing personal against his defendant. televised and might be the first among Trump9s style, can make this pool into a sort of Greek chorus Elon Musk, is an obvious nominee, as is the
Of course, that didn9t affect the result in any way upcoming legal battles. for the drama. see-all-miss-nothing conservative writer Matthew
4 verdicts for political prisoners are decided in the Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee The Post has begun to sketch out the complexities Continetti.
Kremlin ahead of time. This month, Alexei was has no idea what is about to swamp him, because, of the Georgia cases, which are likely to be the most Is it an honor or a curse to nominate current and
sentenced to 19 years in a <special regime= penal well, nobody does. But he could learn a lot from a prominent vehicle for the drama of a former former colleagues, including Townhall9s Mary Katha-
colony. phone call to retired Los Angeles judge Lance Ito, president on trial. At least two of the defendants rine Ham, The Post9s Ruth Marcus and Patt Morrison
<Only in a Russian court can an extremist call a who presided over the <trial of the century= that held have petitioned McAfee for expedited trials, as is of the Los Angeles Times? Add the versatile veteran
traitor as his defense witness,= Alexei quipped Americans spellbound in the mid-990s. Somehow, Ito their right. Other defendants might prefer to slow Evan Thomas and farmer-philosopher Victor Davis
during our courtroom exchange, referring to the managed to keep his life on a pretty even keel despite their proceedings down if they can. Regardless, the Hanson (to assure two very readable books relatively
respective charges against us. <There9ve been the unprecedented nature of the proceedings. first courtroom collisions are not far off, and quickly), and you have a dozen gifted writers who will
stranger things,= I replied. <Alexander Solzhenitsyn I think one of Ito9s wisest decisions was to anoint America9s media will be quickly saturated. see the proceedings from as many intelligent angles
was declared a traitor, and Nelson Mandela was non-daily journalists, among them Dominick Dunne An explosion of media outlets over the past three 4 and know how to share their insights with the
convicted as a terrorist. But, somehow, time has set of Vanity Fair and author Joe McGinniss, to occupy decades assures that Trump9s trial will dwarf Simp- cable world of talking heads.
everything right.= reserved seats through the protracted Simpson trial. son9s in terms of television hours and total key- So, Judge McAfee, give us a big and diverse set of
And so it will again in Russia. Of this, I have no Old-school reporters were not pleased. But non-daily strokes. Do not be surprised if TV networks are eyes on the proceedings, please. Everyone will
doubt. writers told the story on a grand scale worthy of the already shopping for properties near the courthouse benefit.
a14 EZ RE the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023





l E TT ER s T O T hE E D ITO R

Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with General Secretary Nguyen Phu
Trong at Communist Party of Vietnam headquarters in Hanoi on April 15. D.C.9s juveniles need help On abortion, honesty matters
Is it surprising that <The Wild West As medical experts, physicians, scien-

How Mr. Biden can court Vietnam spirit lives on in D.C.= (regarding juvenile
crime), as Colbert I. King wrote in his Aug.
26 op-ed? According to the Aug. 25 Metro
article <Slight gains in D.C. scores,= about
tists and advocates for unrestricted ac-
cess to abortion care, we understand that
many people have complex feelings
about abortion. But publishing mislead-

4 and help those behind bars 66 percent of D.C. public school students
are not reading at grade level, and about
78 percent are not at math grade level. It
doesn9t take many of the more than
ing information about abortion 4 such
as that espoused by Kellyanne Conway
and Marjorie Dannenfelser in their
Aug. 25 op-ed, <Republicans need to go
Deepening ties cannot mean ignoring the country9s human rights record. 50,000 students in D.C. public schools to on offense on abortion= 4 does nothing
create havoc. to advance compassionate, accurate dis-
HE UNITED STATES and Vietnam are on the nine-year prison sentence for supposedly spreading At a per-pupil average cost of $23,828, cussions about abortion as an essential

T cusp of a significant upgrade in their relationship,

to be sealed when President Biden visits Hanoi on
Sept. 10. The administration9s plan to establish a
<strategic partnership= with Vietnam is driven by a desire
to counter China in the Indo-Pacific region. But before
propaganda against the state. When in Hanoi, Mr. Biden
ought to tell her jailers: Let her go, along with all the
other political prisoners.
The crackdown has also led to the dissolution of
environmental groups, independent publishing houses,
there is something wrong. Don9t blame it
mostly on the teachers.
I suspect the problems are not unique
to D.C.
Paul S. Tischler, Chevy Chase
part of health care.
The misinformation perpetuated by
Ms. Conway and Ms. Dannenfelser (and
by the crisis pregnancy centers they
wrongly praise) is commonly used to strip
Mr. Biden raises a toast to Vietnam9s leaders, he should the country9s association of independent journalists and access to abortion from patients such as
call out Vietnam9s deteriorating human rights record and a nongovernmental anti-corruption organization. People ours and prevent clinicians from provid-
press for change. The president has more tools to who have no history of organized activism but are using Red-ûag gun laws save lives ing people with evidence-based health
encourage reform than it might appear. social media to voice grievances about corruption, care.
Vietnam is a one-party state ruled by the Communist pandemic controls and the misuse of public resources The Aug. 25 Metro article <Gun seizures Abortion is safe. It improves and saves
Party of Vietnam. Since 2016, under the reign of hard-line are also facing prosecution. Controls on civil society have under District9s red-flag law remain low= lives, and it must be available without
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the government become more stringent, including restrictions on aca- painted a promising picture of extreme- restrictions, without limitations and
has undertaken a wide-ranging crackdown on activism, demics and international conferences, increased scruti- risk protection order (ERPO) implementa- without barriers 4 just as any other criti-
dissent, civil society and religious freedom. ny of domestic organizations that rely on foreign tion in D.C. Challenges to ERPO imple- cal part of health care.
The entire leadership of the country9s climate change funding, and censorship of social media. The U.S. Com- mentation are common. Whether it9s a lack Christopher M. Zahn, Washington
movement is now incarcerated, and the jailings have mission on International Religious Freedom has found of awareness about the law, insufficient The writer is interim chief
destroyed its organizational efforts and advocacy coali- <systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of reli- training on ERPO implementation, or con- executive of the American College
tions. On June 1, Vietnam formally charged the country9s gious freedom= in Vietnam and has urged the U.S. gov- cerns about underutilization or overuti- of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
leading climate activist, Hoang Thi Minh Hong, with tax ernment to designate it a <country of particular concern= lization, jurisdictions are working to over- Jenni Villavicencio, Washington
evasion, making her the fifth environmentalist to face under the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act. come these obstacles. ERPO implementers The writer is interim director
such charges in the past two years. A human rights The United States and Vietnam established bilateral throughout the country, including law en- of advocacy and public affairs
investigation published in April by the 88 Project shows relations in 1995, and President Barack Obama in forcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, for the Society of Family Planning.
how authorities have weaponized the tax-evasion law to 2013 launched a <comprehensive partnership= with Ha- judges, clinicians, victim service providers,
silence environmentalists. noi. The Biden administration9s pursuit of an upgrade to community organizations, and behavioral Kellyanne Conway and Marjorie
Vietnam9s persecution of these activists runs against its <strategic partnership= is grounded in trade and geopoli- health and other social services providers, Dannenfelser urged Republicans to <go
agreement with the European Union and Group of Seven tics. It will allow Vietnam access to preferential trade are still learning the finer details of their on offense= on the issue of abortion.
nations, as well as Denmark and Norway, called the Just terms and greater military cooperation. But Mr. Biden states9 ERPO laws and how best to imple- Unfortunately, their offensive strategy is
Energy Transition Partnership, to help Vietnam mobilize cannot neglect the spiraling human rights situation. ment them. As of this month, 21 states and based on deception, and the referees (i.e.,
at least $15.5 billion from public and private investors to The example of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, D.C. have ERPO laws, providing a large The Post9s editors) should have thrown a
meet its commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050. The Mr. Obama9s doomed trade pact, is instructive. Vietnam network of implementers to ensure equita- flag on the play.
agreement stipulates that <for the transition to be just saw a chance for greater access to one of its biggest ble and efficient use of the law. Ms. Conway and Ms. Dannenfelser as-
and equitable, regular consultation is required, including export markets, the United States. It agreed to allow Though public awareness is important, serted that <recent polls show that 56 per-
with media, NGOs and other stakeholders so as to ensure independent trade unions, outlaw child labor and give as we note in a report we released in May cent of voters support a national abortion
a broad social consensus.= private firms a greater chance to compete against the with Everytown for Gun Safety, it is criti- limit of 15 weeks, with exceptions for rape,
There are 193 activists in prison in Vietnam. This does Communist-run state sector. Citizens were promised a cal that these campaigns primarily target incest and the life of the mother.= But the
not include those who have been forced into exile or <free and open internet.= Unfortunately, President key implementers of ERPO laws, includ- poll they cited tells a very different story.
otherwise silenced. Many of those in prison were charged Donald Trump pulled the plug on the TPP, and the ing law enforcement and health-care pro- A constructive poll on this question
with vaguely worded provisions in the penal code, such as promised gains were lost. Mr. Biden should push again viders, both of whom may petition for an would have given people options to
Article 117, which criminalizes <making, storing, dissemi- for change 4 and be more willing to strike substantial ERPO in D.C. And for the first time ever, choose from that are based on some of the
nating, or propagandizing information, materials and trade deals that would both generate wealth and there is now federal funding available to more widely held views on abortion (e.g.,
products that aim to oppose the State,= or Article 331, improve conditions in places such as Vietnam. assist states that have ERPO laws. total ban, legal through 15 weeks, legal
which bars <abusing the rights to freedom and democracy As other presidents have done, Mr. Biden will undoubt- We are excited to see progress through- through second trimester, legal through
to infringe upon the interests of the state.= For example, edly offer respect for Vietnam9s differing political system. out the country on ERPO implementa- viability of the fetus, legal up until birth).
Vietnamese author and journalist Pham Doan Trang, who But he should also speak the truth to Vietnam9s leaders: tion and the increased attention on this Instead, this poll asked: <Do you support a
last year was a recipient of the U.S. Secretary of State9s No ruler or system is made stronger when it destroys the groundbreaking tool. With the proper federal 15-week ban on abortions with an
International Women of Courage Award, is serving a rights and dignity of its own people. resources and training becoming more exception for rape, incest, and life of the
readily available, ERPO implementers mother or support allowing abortion up
across the country will be better equipped until the point of birth?= Thus, the only
to save lives. options given were (1) 15 weeks with ex-
Spencer Cantrell, Washington ceptions and (2) up until birth. As a result,

Mr. Meadows did the wrong job Lisa Geller, Washington

The writers are senior advisers for
implementation at the Johns Hopkins
all this poll shows is that more people
support a 15-week abortion limit than
support abortion being legal up until
Center for Gun Violence Solutions. birth.
The chief of staff9s role wasn9t to help Mr. Trump try to steal the 2020 election. If Republicans want to appeal to the
majority of Americans, they are going to
ORMER WHITE HOUSE chief of staff Mark Mead- existed in everything he did after the 2020 vote to help Florida9s race problems have to consider objective polls that show

F ows says he was just doing his job when he helped

President Donald Trump try to steal the 2020 presi-
dential election. This is how he justifies asking to be
tried in federal court for his actions 4 such as setting up the
Jan. 2, 2021, call in which Mr. Trump asked Georgia
Mr. Trump cling to power. Pressed during nearly four
hours of testimony on Monday, Mr. Meadows indicated
that the only thing he could think of that would have been
outside the scope of his official duties was speaking at a
campaign rally. George J. Terwilliger III, Mr. Meadows9s
On Aug. 26, a White male shot and
killed three Black people in Jackson-
ville, Fla., before shooting himself. The
Jacksonville sheriff described the
where Americans actually stand on this
issue. And if they do this, it is likely they
will have to shift direction on abortion
policy, moving away from the extreme
views being pushed by Ms. Conway and
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) to <find 11,780 attorney, described his client as Mr. Trump9s <alter ego= and shooting as <racially motivated,= be- Ms. Dannenfelser.
votes= 4 rather than in the Georgia state court- said the chief of staff9s official duties are even cause the shooter <targeted . . . Black Simon Lester, Falls Church
house where he faces charges from Fulton Coun- broader than the president9s: <He is federal people= and had white swastikas on his
ty9s district attorney. operations.= military-style rifle. Kellyanne Conway and Marjorie Dan-
If Mr. Meadows were to succeed in changing But the Jan. 2 phone call neither was <perfect,= Here are some questions for Florida nenfelser opined that voters need to know
venues, he would widen the pool of potential as Mr. Trump claims, nor did it have anything to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in light of his exactly where Democrats stand on pro-
jurors, who could come from more conservative do with federal operations. Mr. Meadows9s de- policies preventing Florida schools from tecting life. We already know very clearly
areas outside Atlanta, and he would avoid hav- fense defies the Hatch Act, which prohibits feder- teaching the history of race relations, where Republicans stand on this impor-
ing his trial televised. He would also set a bad al employees from using their official roles to and his statement that <we are not going tant issue. Though they claim the high
precedent, encouraging future presidents and influence elections. Even in the White House, to let people be targeted based on their road in banning abortions so that all
their aides to interfere in the administration of where the lines sometimes get blurry, there9s an race= [<Shooter in racist attack bought fertilized eggs will yield a live birth, they
local elections, with the expectation that they Mark Meadows important distinction between the work someone guns legally,= front page, Aug. 28]. What refuse to do a darn thing to save those very
could later claim they were acting in their official does for their taxpayer-funded paycheck and should teachers say if students ask: children9s lives once they are born.
capacities and secure more favorable circumstances at outright electioneering. Mr. Meadows wasn9t just acting as What does <racially motivated= The Republican Party has forfeited all
any trial. a staffer for his boss; he was clearly advocating on behalf of mean? Why would a White person target moral authority by allowing and even pro-
The law requires defendants to establish three things to the reelection campaign. and kill Black people? Do other White moting the availability without restriction
move a case to federal court: that they were an officer of the There are many valid reasons for protecting federal people think this way, and have there of assault weapons and other firearms that
United States or acting under an officer; that they9re facing officers from harassment by state and local prosecutors, a been other incidents like this? Why? have been used to kill our children. Their
criminal charges <for or relating to any act under color of reality underscored by the South9s dark history of resisting Will teachers be able to answer these hypocrisy is mind-boggling and certainly
such office=; and that they have raised or will raise a federal power. But Mr. Meadows9s effort to keep Mr. Trump questions honestly, or would they be doesn9t fool anyone.
<colorable federal defense.= Mr. Meadows has separately in the White House isn9t comparable to U.S. marshals fired for violating the state9s policy? Andrea S. Ingram, Laurel
filed a motion in federal court to dismiss the charges trying to enforce federal rights that Jim Crow states were And, isn9t confronting questions such as
against him under the Constitution9s supremacy clause, but violating. Mr. Meadows9s legally deficient motion for re- these from young minds part of an
this will be heard only if his arguments for removal prevail. moval threatens states9 ability to enforce their laws and educator9s responsibility? ð Read more letters online:
Accordingly, Mr. Meadows says that a <federal nexus= uphold the integrity of their elections. George Chuzi, McLean Letters:

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thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re a15

greg Sargent george F. Will

Haley9s plea Colleges hide

about 8hate9 the truth
gets a big about tuition
thing wrong rom sea to shining sea, the

s the daughter of Indian immigrants F shining faces of young people are

turning expectantly toward an-
other year in the groves of

A who became governor of a Deep

South state, Nikki Haley appears
more determined than her GOP
presidential primary rivals to talk to Republi-
can voters about racism. And that9s forcing
academe. Heading for college, they leave
behind parents who might understand-
ably be bewildered about the price of
higher education. (Higher than what?
It9s complicated, and a question for an-
her into some creative rhetorical straddles. other day.)
This week 4 two days after a White man There is ample evidence that colleges
killed three Black people in Jacksonville, Fla., mangle the truth about so many subjects
with a high-powered rifle festooned with (e.g., history, contemporary life, how
swastikas 4 Haley issued an emotional plea literature should be studied, freedom of
the Washington Post
on the campaign trail, insisting there9s <no expression on campuses, etc.) that it
place for hate in America.= In this, Haley should not surprise anyone that the
deserves credit for outdoing her primary foes.
But Haley9s remarks also captured the folly
of one of the GOP9s defining projects of the
moment: the endless quest to purge our
Babies need people, not devices. counterintuitive reality about tuition is
deliberately obscured 4 and cunningly
Fortunately, Dan Currell has enter-
recounting of U.S. history of things to feel bad
Haley experienced the horror of white-
supremacist violence during her second
Stop giving them screen time. tainingly dispelled the manufactured
mists that engulf <The Truth About
College Costs,= which is the title of his
astringent essay in the summer issue of
term as South Carolina governor. In 2015, a National Affairs. Formerly a senior ad-
White man murdered nine Black people in a BY S USAN L INN kinds is associated with delayed lan- through. But there are several ways to viser at the Education Department, Cur-
church in Charleston, something that re- guage development. combat this. rell has glad tidings: <Students are pay-
portedly impacted Haley very deeply. e know a great deal about As for <boosting= infant learning, First, the Centers for Disease Control ing less for college than they did 15 years
<I am not going to lie to you, it takes me
back to a dark place,= Haley told a South
Carolina town hall audience on Monday,
speaking about the Florida shooting. Her
message: Racist violence is something voters
W what babies and toddlers
need to thrive: food, shel-
ter, safety, love and medical
care. In addition to those basics, they
also require, and actively seek, repeat-
the opposite seems to be true. New
studies of infant and toddler brain
development and behavior suggest
that frequent screen exposure is linked
to diminished capacity for two traits
and Prevention and the Department of
Health and Human Services should
invest in a public health campaign to
alert parents of infants and toddlers to
the lack of educational benefits from
This is, as Currell knows, <deeply con-
trary to conventional wisdom,= but the
reason for it is hiding in plain sight: <In
the late 1980s and early 1990s, colleges
must take very seriously. ed, positive, real-life interaction with crucial for success in school and for tech and media and to the potential discovered that the appearance of high
But Haley also detoured into an argument their caregivers 4 fulfilling an inborn coping with all sorts of life challenges: harm of their repeated use. tuition was good for marketing.= Since
that seemed strangely out of place. <We9ve got need for relationships that our in- executive function and self-regulation. Second, government should hold then, they have toiled to keep <nearly
to end the national self-loathing that has creasingly online world threatens to The former refers to the capacity to companies promoting media for babies invisible= the fact that 96 percent of
taken over our country,= she said, deriding the disrupt. Smartphones, tablets and oth- initiate tasks and see them to comple- accountable for false and deceptive students pay about $15,000 a year for
idea that <America is rotten, or that it9s racist.= er digital distractions draw the atten- tion; the latter has to do with self- marketing 4 just as legislators are tuition. Add $10,000 for room and board,
Though Haley noted that more racial prog- tion of babies and caregivers away control, including the capacity to delay seeking to prevent social media compa- and the $25,000 total is a far cry from the
ress is imperative, she insisted that <our kids from one another to whatever beckons gratification and to manage powerful nies from marketing unfairly to teens. eye-watering numbers that colleges are
need to know to love America= and left voters from a screen. emotions without harming oneself or Regulatory agencies can require that actually pleased to have bandied about.
with a directive: <Don9t fall into the narrative It9s hopeful news that government others. Equally concerning, more educational claims about apps and
that this is a racist country.= officials are calling for regulations on screen time before 12 months is linked games for young children be supported
Why can9t Haley just decry a horrifying tech companies9 marketing to children to delays in communication and by independent research. Fines for app
white-supremacist attack and leave it at that? and adolescents. But the public dis- problem-solving at ages 2 and 4. and media companies9 noncompliance Academia has appointed
Why add the disclaimer that we mustn9t take course often leaves out products aimed The World Health Organization and should be substantial enough to pre-
this too far and succumb to the <narrative= of at babies and toddlers, despite a grow- pediatric associations worldwide rec- vent false advertising about their prod- itself the nation9s moral tutor.
<self-loathing=? ing body of research demonstrating ommend avoiding screen time for ba- ucts9 educational benefits.
There9s a charitable interpretation here. that, for children younger than 2, bies and toddlers. Yet in the United Finally, the people most likely to
It9s that Haley knows discussion of racism hours of screen time can harm their States, almost half of children under interact directly with babies and their A few highly selective colleges educate
might trigger a defensive response from GOP- physical, social, emotional and cogni- age 2 have daily screen time, and about parents should be enlisted to help. a <small and highly unrepresentative=
leaning voters, leading them to tune it out. tive development. one-third spend more than an hour Child-care providers, educators, com- fraction of students. <The top 100 private
Haley often derides the notion that the coun- It9s not that infants are posting on each day with devices. Eleven percent munity organizers and health profes- schools enroll around 500,000 students,=
try and its founding are systemically or irre- Instagram. But they are not exempt spend more than two hours per day sionals can support parents in efforts while the other 2,600 four-year schools
deemably racist. Perhaps her goal is to clear from the lure of new technologies, with screens, and of these, 7 percent to avoid screens and offer them real- enroll about 10.5 million. Most of the elite
space for some GOP voters to take white- including social media. Tech aimed at spend more than four hours. More- world strategies for stimulating and schools could fill their annual enroll-
supremacist violence seriously without feel- babies abounds on TikTok and You- over, studies have shown that the more soothing infants and toddlers. Pedia- ments several times over with the chil-
ing personally attacked or offended. Tube. Videos attracting millions of time children spend with screens as tricians are obvious messengers, but dren of the affluent who would gladly pay
But the idea that a mass leftist movement views market themselves as a godsend babies, the more time they9re likely to helping parents resist industry efforts the advertised tuition 4 even much more.
is lurking out there to declare our country to stressed parents. Some promise to spend with devices when they9re older. to hook babies on screens needs to Most of these elite institutions have, how-
racially irredeemable is itself ridiculous. The make babies stop crying; others claim It9s tempting to conclude from the begin before birth, with obstetricians ever, large endowments that enable gen-
mainstream Democratic position, and even to soothe colicky infants. Yet evidence above figures that public health rec- and midwives. erous tuition assistance for the less afflu-
of socialists such as Sen. Bernie Sanders suggests that routinely using devices ommendations don9t work, or to Babies need people, not devices. ent. For the other institutions, a sleight of
(I-Vt.), tends toward the opposite: Our coun- to soothe young children deprives blame parents for ignoring them. But They need to be cuddled, talked to, hand is the basic business practice.
try is slowly, fitfully moving toward realizing them of opportunities to rely on care- a recent study of adherence to screen played with and read to by the adults The Economist largely validates Cur-
its promise of equality 4 even if there9s a long givers for comfort 4 opportunities time recommendations from the who love them. For evidence of this, rell9s thesis. It reports that the average
way to go. crucial to developing their own re- American Academy of Pediatrics of- you need look no further than the face tuition paid by students at their home-
What9s more, in the aftermath of such a sources to soothe themselves. fers another, more hopeful explana- of any weeks-old baby staring up at state public colleges is about $10,000,
shooting, it seems self-evidently absurd to Other offerings make patently false tion. Less than two-thirds of the par- you, looking to make eye contact 4 to and that private colleges discount tuition
focus so heavily on reassuring people that claims that they teach babies to talk or ents surveyed knew of the guidelines; connect. by more than 50 percent on average. <The
they needn9t feel all that bad about the na- <boost= babies9 learning while parents less than half could cite them accu- College Board, a non-profit, shows that
tion9s past. Why do the feelings of conserva- <get some time back.= Yet we now know rately; and most parents who allowed susan Linn, a psychologist, is a research whereas published tuition and fees for
tive voters about their country9s history merit that babies can9t learn language from their youngest children screen time associate at Boston Children9s hospital, a private non-profit colleges increased
such weighty consideration at moments such machines. They learn to speak in rela- were under the impression that it had lecturer on psychiatry at harvard Medical from $29,000 in 2006-07 to $38,000 in
as these in the first place? tionship to humans who love and nur- educational benefits. school and the author, most recently, of 2021-22 (in 2021 dollars), the net price
Take GOP presidential candidate Vivek ture them. In fact, for infants and Clearly, accurate information about <Who9s Raising the Kids?: Big tech, Big actually decreased from $17,000 to
Ramaswamy, who blamed the Florida shoot- toddlers, more time with screens of all babies and screens is not getting Business, and the Lives of Children.= $15,000. The story is similar for public
ing on our <racialized culture,= which he said colleges. Published tuition and fees were
was created by those who . . . call out racism. nearly $8,000 in 2006-07 and rose to
In this telling, racist violence is a backlash nearly $11,000 in 2021-22, but the net cost
against those who demand that White people fell by $730.=
feel bad about the nation9s white-supremacist
past 4 and that we do more to combat racism
right now.
The Chinese economy is doing better But, the Economist says, schools have
<an incentive to seem extortionate=:
<Consumers tend to associate higher
That9s an exceptionally crude formulation.
But in subtler forms, the tendency of Republi-
can politicians to minister to their voters9
than you might think prices with higher quality.= (Currell:
<Bowdoin9s published tuition today is
$4,000 higher than Harvard9s.=) The
feelings about our history at such moments Economist adds, <students (and their
has become so reflexive that we barely regis- BY X IE F ENG ports of electric vehicles, lithium-ion According to BCA Research, China boastful parents) are flattered by tuition
ter it anymore. This seems designed to focus batteries and solar cells surged 61.6 per- has been the source of more than 40 per- markdowns pitched as merit scholar-
widespread anxieties about racial violence on he Chinese economy has been in cent in the first six months of the year. As cent of global growth over the past dec- ships rather than discounts.=
leftists who dare to call out the deeper roots of
the problem rather than on hard questions
about what such shootings actually do reveal
about our country.
All of this reflects the misguided GOP
T the headlines recently. How is it
really doing? Better than you
might think. Allow me to share
some facts with you.
This year, China9s economy continues
demand continues to revive domestical-
ly, China will also import more.
International businesses have voted
with their feet. While transnational in-
vestment is lackluster globally, invest-
ade, compared with 22 percent from the
United States and 9 percent from the
euro zone. For many years, some people
have dismissed China9s contribution to
global growth 4 or even hyped up the
The discounts often are, Currell says,
<institutional scholarships= with no mon-
ey behind them. <By 1999,= he says, <the
fundamental dishonesty of college pric-
ing had become clear=: <That year, Ameri-
quest for a guilt-free account of our past. Or at to recover and grow. Our gross domestic ment in China from overseas continues. <threat= from a growing China. Now, as can private colleges purported to award
least a minimally discomfiting one. product expanded 5.5 percent for the first France, Britain, Japan and Germany China is undergoing temporary eco- scholarships worth more than all the
Just this week, the Miami Herald reported half of the year, outpacing most major boosted investment in China in the first nomic adjustments, some blame China tuition they collected 4 which is to say,
that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis9s controver- economies. The World Bank has project- half of 2023 by 173.3 percent, 135.3 per- for dragging the global economy down; their average discount had exceeded
sial decision to nix an African American ed China9s economy to grow at 5.6 percent cent, 53 percent and 14.2 percent, respec- others advance the <China may collapse= 50%.= That explains this faux mystery:
studies curriculum was partly driven by some for 2023. The Organization for Economic tively. Some 24,000 new foreign firms theory. Is this fair? Colleges ostensibly cost $50,000 a year,
officials9 apparent desire to teach morally Cooperation and Development expects were established in China in the same This is a challenging time for every- <but,= Currell says drolly, <they are some-
fuzzier and less uncomfortable accounts of 5.4 percent, and the International Mon- period, up by 35.7 percent year over year. one. The world is yet to recover from the how also running out of money.= The
slavery. etary Fund projects 5.2 percent. As it has Half of Tesla9s global deliveries came trauma caused by the coronavirus pan- not-at-all-mysterious reality is, Currell
That9s also the goal of many bills in GOP for many years, China remains a most from its Shanghai gigafactory last year, demic. The Ukraine crisis is dragging on. says, that <the apparent rise in tuition
state legislatures that limit classroom discus- important engine of global growth. which rolls out one EV every 40 seconds Global recovery remains sluggish, and after the mid-1990s= is <almost entirely
sion of vague concepts on race that might be One of the highlights in the first half of on average. Starbucks now operates every country has its own problems to illusory.=
<divisive= or stir discomfort. Some of them 2023 is the rebound in consumption, more than 6,500 stores in China, open- tackle. <In fact,= Currell says, <if a typical
have sought to censor historical accounts which contributed 77.2 percent of the ing one nearly every nine hours. It would be shortsighted and indeed college collected its sticker price in full,
that are deemed unpatriotic. growth, more than 44 percentage points And don9t forget: China9s middle- dangerous to sit idly by, gloat or even its leaders would hardly know what to do
A big idea is at stake here. Political philoso- higher than last year. Notably, people are income group 4 more than 400 million make things harder for others. In a global- with all the money.= For example, Beloit
phers sometimes argue that the maintenance spending more on services: From Janu- people now 4 is on a path to exceed ized era, bad news for anyone is bad news College, a Wisconsin liberal arts school
of national pride among citizens simply re- ary to July, retail sales in transport, 800 million by 2035. As China continues for all. Countries need to pull together to with a $43 million budget, would have an
quires a <forgetting= of unsavory facts about accommodation, catering and other ser- to upgrade consumption, ease market advance economic globalization and extra $26 million.
their country9s past. As writer Sam Adler-Bell vices grew 20.3 percent year over year. access, optimize the business environ- build a community with a shared future Colleges can minimize their discounts
details, GOP laws designed toward that end Some 502 million Chinese went to the ment and strengthen supply and indus- for mankind where no one is left behind. by instead steering parents toward hav-
have morphed into an effort to <assuage movies this summer 4 more than the trial chains, the fundamentals sustaining More American friends have come to ing government provide the discount
white guilt= on a mass scale. entire U.S. population. its long-term growth remain unchanged. realize that the notion that China could with subsidized student loans. Among
To be clear, politicians of all ideologies China9s economy is also significantly Of course, the road to post-covid recov- economically collapse and America still the social costs of what Currell calls the
encourage such <forgetting.= Liberal leaders greener and more innovation-driven ery will not be smooth. It will feature thrive is utter fantasy. The United States <fundamental dishonesty= about college
frequently suggest our nation9s progress has than in the past. In the first seven months undulating progress, often with twists needs to lift technology export controls, pricing is today9s mountain of college
followed a more uniform trajectory than it of his year, investment in high-tech in- and turns. In China, we do not shy away investment restrictions, economic sanc- debt: <Many families simply believe there
actually has. But as a group of historians dustries and research and technical ser- from problems. Rather, we address them tions and high tariffs against China. It is a $200,000 tollbooth on the road to the
argues in <Myth America,= this tendency is far vices rose 11.5 percent and 23.1 percent, head-on. must stop building parallel systems and American dream, so they sign the loan
more pernicious among Republicans: They respectively. Last month, the output of In recent months, China has rolled out seeking to decouple in the name of <de- forms.=
have largely abandoned the goal of reckoning new energy vehicles, wind turbines and new policies to reinvigorate consump- risking,= which would only further com- Academia has appointed itself the na-
with our white-supremacist past, in part to charging facilities all increased roughly tion, boost the private sector and attract plicate an already arduous global recov- tion9s moral tutor whose duty is to make
play down the lingering effects of racism in by one-fourth. China9s renewable-energy- more foreign investment. One of our pri- ery. Instead, China and the United States Americans remorseful about almost ev-
the present. generation capacity has overtaken its orities is to prevent and defuse financial should respect each other, coexist in erything, including deceptive practices
Again, Haley deserves credit for talking coal-power capacity. Its installed capacity risks, including policies to ensure the peace and pursue win-win cooperation. that the tutor insists characterize unsa-
frankly to GOP voters about the Jacksonville of wind and solar power has topped the steady and sound development of the real This is the only way forward. And the vory capitalism. So, it is fun to have
slaughter. But to the degree that she indulged world for 13 and eight years, respectively. estate sector. Such efforts are gradually world expects no less. Currell9s demonstration that our sup-
their desire for a minimally disconcerting Foreign trade remains resilient. China paying off. With ample room in our policy posed moral betters have practices that
national legacy on race, she got one big thing continues to take up about 14 percent of tool kit, we are confident that we can the writer is Chinese ambassador to the are, to use one of their favorite words,
very wrong. the global export market. China9s ex- forestall systemic risks. United states. problematic.
A16 EZ RE the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

Every story starts with

a conversation.

Department of Homeland Rep. Nancy Mace Reid Hofman Susan E. Rice

Security Secretary (R-S.C.) Co-Founder, LinkedIn and White House Domestic
Alejandro Mayorkas Inûection AI & Partner, Greylock Policy Advisor

Tom Hanks Antony Blinken Jessica Berman Rep. Mike Turner

Actor, Writer & Filmmaker U.S. Secretary of State Commissioner, National (R-Ohio)
Women9s Soccer League

Rachel L. Levine Booger McFarland Robin Arzón Oscar Munoz

Assistant Secretary for Health, Super Bowl Champion VP, Fitness Programming Former CEO & Executive
Department of Health and & ESPN Football Analyst & Head Instructor, Peloton Chair, United Airlines and
Human Services Author, <Turnaround Time=

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METRO thursday, august 31 , 2023 EZ SU B

approx. 4 p.m.
Sentencing is postponed Gov. Glenn youngkin (R) Ada Deer, 88, advocated
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
81° for ex-Proud Boys leader has called for a Sept. 6 for Native American rights
Precip: 0% Henry <Enrique= Tarrio in special session to take up both in and out of
68 75 81 75 ° ° ° Wind: NNE
7-14 mph the Jan. 6 conspiracy. B6 revisions to the budget. B6 government. B4

Raids target alleged robbery racket Report:

Officials say D.C.-based
ring looted jewelers in 4
Coast, netting hundreds of thou-
sands of dollars in illegal pro-
ceeds, federal prosecutors an-
nounced Wednesday.
the stores that were robbed be-
tween January 2022 and January
of this year were outside the na-
tion9s capital. Four were in North-
states, used stolen cars After conducting raids in the
District, Virginia, Maryland and
California, officials said, they ar-
rested eight men in the case. They
ern Virginia, three in New Jersey
and one each in Pennsylvania and
Florida, authorities said.
Matthew M. Graves, D.C.9s top

Authorities have dismantled a

D.C.-based robbery ring they al-
said eight others named in an
indictment were already in cus-
tody. Prosecutors said they seized
firearms and $300,000 from a safe
federal prosecutor, said while all
the stores are owned by Asian
Americans, no hate crime charges
are being considered. He said the
on event
lege used stolen vehicles in rob- in one of the residences. stores were not targeted because
beries of Asian American-owned Though officials said the crew of the owners9 ethnicity but rather A D.C. police vehicle in the Truxton Circle neighborhood, the site
jewelry stores along the east based its operations in D.C., all of see RobbeRieS ON b3 of one of the raids, which in total yielded eight arrests Wednesday. 8indifference9 to
crowd is alleged
Shooting at Baltimore
Connecting to rural roots party left 2 dead, 28 hurt


The Baltimore Police Depart-

ment9s failure to respond appro-
priately to a crowd at an annual
block party was one of several
mistakes that contributed to
what is thought to be the largest
single shooting in the city9s his-
tory, according to a report re-
leased Wednesday by the mayor9s
The 173-page after-action re-
port 4 ordered by Mayor Bran-
don scott (D) and compiled by the
city9s police and fire departments,
its Office of emergency Manage-
ment, the Mayor9s Office of
Neighborhood safety and en-
gagement, and the Housing Au-
thority of Baltimore City 4 de-
tails failures by Baltimore offi-
cials before and after the shoot-
ing that left two dead and 28
others injured in July.
According to a timeline includ-
ed in the report, high-ranking
police supervisors showed an <in-
difference= to the swelling crowd,
choosing not to intervene or
bring in additional units. The
report also found there were
breakdowns in the city9s systems
and processes, including a lack of
preparation for the event and
inadequate communication as
the event unfolded. The timeline
also shows that safe streets staff,
which includes violence inter-
rupters who work in high-crime
areas throughout the city, mediat-
ed five conflicts, one as late as
10:30 p.m., but had left the event
MATT MCClAiN/THE WASHiNGToN PoST before the shooting began after
12:30 a.m. July 2.
Chance Holland rides a bull during the True Grit Rodeo at the Fauquier County Fair in Warrenton in July. Photojournalist Matt McClain, <This mass shooting is one of
the most painful chapters in our
who was raised in rural Indiana, was able to embrace his childhood roots in a story examining Virginia communities outside the Beltway. city9s history, which has had more
See more images by McClain from the Washington Post photography department9s <A Capital Summer= series on B2. than its fair share of painful
chapters,= scott said Wednesday
at a news conference. <The only
way we can heal the trauma is to
see bALTiMoRe ON b4

Disabled Marine9s family tries to

students withstand another loss
need a better BY A NTONIO O LIVO tralian continent during a drill
that included the militaries of

bus system Life for the Collart family had

already been hard these past
three years before they learned of
Australia, Indonesia, the Philip-
pines and east Timor.
suddenly, the aircraft went
the crash off the Australian coast down.
elizabeth Daggett on sunday that took the lives of In his role as crew chief aboard
felt so skeptical Cpl. spencer R. Collart and two of the Osprey, Collart would have
that her son9s bus his fellow U.s. Marines. worked to secure the safety of
would show up on In March 2020, just when the everyone onboard while the air-
time for the first coronavirus pandemic was set- craft failed.
day of school that tling in, the family9s Northern Twenty of those passengers
theresa she took the Virginia home burned down, survived, with one still hospital-
Vargas morning off from leaving little more than embers. ized in critical condition on Tues-
work. Last week, the beloved family day, while two others were in
By 6:40 a.m., just in case she dog, stella, died at age 12 of stable condition, according to the
was wrong, she made sure her 12- cancer that had quickly spread Marine Corps. The other two
year-old son, Henry, who attends through her mouth. Marines who died were Capt.
a school for children and young Now the family is mourning eleanor V. LeBeau, 29, the pilot,
adults with intellectual Vivian Cheung at home in bethesda. Mediation in her lawsuit against the Howard Hughes Medical the loss of spencer, 21, who went who was from Belleville, Ill., and
disabilities, was dressed and institute in Chevy Chase, Md., is set to start Thursday. The institute denies the scientist9s allegations. down with the Marine V-22B Maj. Tobin J. Lewis, 37, the execu-
ready. Osprey hybrid aircraft he was in tive officer at the Darwin base in
By 6:52, a.m., to her surprise,
she watched a bus pull in front of
the family9s D.C. home. In that
Top scientist accuses research funder when a routine training exercise
suddenly went awry. The Marine
Corps says the cause is still under
Australia, who was from Jeffer-
son, Colo.
News of the crash triggered an
moment, it seemed, her worry
had been unwarranted.
By 7 a.m., the brief hope she
of discrimination over her disability investigation.
The grief upon grief is unbear-
able for the Collart family.
outpouring of grief and messages
of condolences, among them
from President Biden and first
held for an easy morning was <We9re hoping this is the last lady Jill Biden. Virginia sen. Tim
gone. she watched that bus drive BY S YDNEY T RENT National Institutes of Health, thropic organization in Chevy one because we just don9t know Kaine (D) on Tuesday called for a
away, without her son on it. traveling back and forth to her lab Chase, Md. how much we could take, you <thorough investigation into
As Daggett tells it, when she In 2015, Vivian Cheung, a high- at the University of Michigan, Then that same year, Cheung know?= his 19-year-old sister, what happened.=
went outside to talk with the ly regarded medical researcher, where she is a tenured professor, was diagnosed with a rare genetic Gwyneth Collart, said Tuesday. On social media, some people
driver, she was told the bus didn9t began studying a sprawling to supervise her genetic research disease herself 4 so rare, in fact, so far, what is known about simply called the three deceased
have the hardware that connects Maryland family in which some there. that it has yet to be named. the crash is the following: Marines <heroes.=
to a harness her son needs to members come down with a rare In many ways, she said, it was a she suffered from extreme hy- About 9:30 a.m. sunday, spen- That description fits with what
wear while riding the bus childhood form of Lou Gehrig9s scientist9s dream 4 one funded pertension and began to lose her cer Collart and 22 other Marines the Collarts know to be true
because he experiences seizures. disease. with millions from the Howard peripheral vision and balance. were aboard the aircraft as it flew about spencer.
she was told another bus would Cheung, who lives in Bethesda, Hughes Medical Institute, an elite eventually, she would also lose over a tropical forest on Melville The lanky 6-foot-2 former de-
see VARgAS ON b4 worked with the family at the biomedical research and philan- see LAWSUiT ON b3 Island off the coast of the Aus- see MARiNe ON b3
B2 eZ re the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023


Mary Dunlap lugs her upright bass onto a stage for sound check before D.C. resident Je9Coven Norwood and others picking sunflowers make their way through a field on July 16
the Virginia is for Bluegrass Lovers Festival on July 15 near Leesburg. during the opening weekend of the Summer of Sunflowers festival at Burnside Farms in Nokesville.

Ella Dickey, 11, of Madison, Va., stands by her horse Dragons and Roses before the Bull Run Hunt9s Hunter Horse Show on June 25 in Locust Dale. Virginia is known for its horse country,
especially the portion on the western edge of Northern Virginia.

Four-year-old Anthony Merriweather climbs through a giant shark at

Dinosaur Land in White Post on June 18.

Eugene Edwards, left, holds a wheelchair for Pedro Cortijo as he fights Brandon Harden on July 1 during a
Streetbeefs event in Winchester. Streetbeefs aims to keep clashes from causing violence in the community.

In Virginia, outside E
lla Dickey, 11, has pink and blue ribbons in her braids.
Her left hand rests gently on the head of her horse,
Dragons and Roses, whose mane is a thatch of white.
<[Being] raised along gravel roads in the rolling hills of
central Indiana has always imparted a deep connection to
small towns and rural life,= McClain explained. <A story

the Beltway bustle There9s a tree line in the distance, and hazy mountains
beyond that.
It9s a June Sunday in Locust Dale at the Bull Run Hunt9s
examining Virginia communities outside of the Beltway
and far from bustling metro D.C. area gave me the
opportunity to embrace my childhood roots.=
Hunter Horse Show, about four miles from the Civil War Thus, he gives us a picture of the Summer of Sunflowers
phoTogrAphy by mATT mCClAin battlefield of Cedar Mountain. Washington Post photo- festival at Burnside Farms in Nokesville; bull riding at the
TexT by miChAel e. ruAne journalist Matt McClain9s photo of Ella speaks to a time Fauquier County Fair9s True Grit Rodeo; and Mary Dunlap
and place in rural Virginia where history is always near, lugging her upright bass at a bluegrass festival in Lucketts,
and summer seems timeless. in Loudoun County.
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re B3

Mourning practiced on the thick limb of a

tree behind one of the rental
houses the family stayed in after
Before Sunday9s accident,
Spencer Collart was grieving the
a fallen son the fire. Eventually, he was able
to do at least 11 pull-ups on that
limb, Bart Collart said.
loss of Stella, disappointed that
he wasn9t around to say goodbye
when the affectionate schnauzer
While in training to become had to be put down, his family He is away. His column will resume
MARiNE from b1 crew chief on the osprey, Spen- said. when he returns.
cer Collart called his dad to But he was also excited about
fenseman on his Arlington Coun- describe an exercise that in- the new house the family had
ty high school lacrosse team volved having to find his way out built where their old home had had visions of one day coming
loved being a marine, said his of a cage that had been sub- burned down, in Arlington9s back here and raising a family.=
father, Bart Collart. merged upside down into a pool maywood neighborhood. Spencer Collart never got to
Spencer Collart announced while strapped into a helicopter He had seen the nearly com- see the house when it was fin-
that he planned to join the ma- seat and wearing a full flight suit pleted home during a visit in ished. But the family said they
rine Corps after taking an avia- and boots. December from his base in Dar- believe that he spent his last
tion course as a teenager, enlist- <And, after that, you do the win 4 scoping out the bedroom hours feeling fulfilled.
ing the day after he turned 18 whole thing again blindfolded,= in the front that would be his, <He died doing what he loved
with plans to become an aircraft Bart Collart recalled his son say- Bart Collart said. and he died a hero,= Gwyneth
crew chief, then a pilot. ing. <I said, 8Spencer, that just <Every time we spoke to him Collart said. <We knew from the
When a local recruiter sug- sounds like a horrible thing to go on the phone, he would be ada- beginning that when he said he
FamiLy photo
gested that Collart9s upper body through.9 And he goes, 8Dad, it9s mant, saying: 8Don9t you guys sell wanted to join the military that
was too slender for the pull-up the coolest thing I9ve ever done.9 I The Collart family is grieving the loss of spencer R. Collart, left, a that house. We9ve got to keep this that was the perfect thing for
requirements in boot camp, he said, 8You9re in the right place, 21-year-old Marine corporal killed in an Osprey crash on sunday. house,9= Collart said. <I think he him.=

Ring targeted Asian American-owned jewelers, o>cials allege

RObbERiEs from b1 veniles ages 16 and 17 as adults in
cases in which they are accused of
because the suspects thought multiple robberies. He said
their stores carried a type of gold <sprees and patterns are not im-
they believed was easy to sell. petuous crimes of a juvenile who
<These were takeover-style temporarily lost control.=
armed robberies meant to terrify Authorities said the case involv-
and overwhelm store owners and ing the jewelry store robberies be-
employees,= James Dennehy, the gan with arrests in D.C. of two men
special agent in charge of the fBI9s charged in illegal firearms cases.
field office in Newark, said at a Graves said those investigations
news conference in D.C. uncovered a more coordinated
Dennehy described many of the robbery scheme targeting the jew-
targeted jewelry stores as family- elry stores, including two in falls
owned. <The violent and reckless Church and two in Springfield, Va.
actions of the alleged subjects in Prosecutors said the case then
this investigation are astounding,= sprawled to four states, involving
he said. many local and federal law en-
All 16 defendants were named forcement officers. Authorities
in the indictment, filed in U.S. said the robberies were carried
District Court in D.C. charging out similarly, by armed men in
them with conspiracy to commit dark clothing, masks and gloves.
robbery. Some face additional Authorities declined to provide
counts that include carjacking precise locations of Wednesday9s
and using firearms in crimes of raids but did confirm one was at a
violence. officials said none of the two-story rowhouse in the Dis-
suspects made court appearances trict, on first Street Northwest in
Wednesday, and it could not be the Truxton Circle neighborhood.
determined if they have attorneys. Police said the $300,000 found in
Authorities said they range in age a safe was at a site outside D.C.
from 20 to 45. A dozen live in D.C., Police and prosecutors said
two in maryland and one each in they could not put a total dollar
Virginia and California. amount on what was taken from
The announcement of Wednes- the stores, but estimated the total
BiLL o'Leary/the Washington post
day9s operation came amid a spike was in the hundreds of thousands
in carjackings and robberies in Matthew M. Graves, the U.s. attorney for the District, arrives for a Wednesday news conference to announce charges involving a D.C.- of dollars. Dennehy said owners
D.C. that authorities have strug- based robbery ring that allegedly targeted jewelry stores in Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia. <lost large sums of inventory.=
gled to control since the start of Acting D.C. police chief Pamela
the pandemic. robberies in D.C. in 2022. Police have said the sus- old with carjacking vehicles at Avenue in Northeast Washington, unprecedented rise in carjack- A. Smith told reporters that <while
are up 67 percent this year com- pects typically fall into two catego- gunpoint and unknowingly sell- according to the indictment. ings, and more recently, in armed this investigation took some time,
pared with this time in 2022, ac- ries: people seeking joyrides, and ing them to undercover D.C. police Graves, the U.S. attorney for the robberies.= the message is very clear. If you
cording to police data. those using stolen vehicles to com- officers posing as buyers. Those District, said carjacking and steal- In a new attempt at curbing the choose to recklessly disregard
D.C. police have reported 662 mit other crimes. officers paid between $1,200 and ing vehicles for profit <is a trend crimes, Graves said he has in- safety in D.C., we collectively will
carjackings so far this year, a Earlier this week, federal pros- $3,800 for the vehicles, which had that we9re monitoring.= Graves structed prosecutors in his office do everything we can to find and
102 percent increase over this time ecutors in D.C. charged an 18-year- been taken to a garage on florida said the D.C. area has <seen an to <strongly consider= charging ju- hold those folks accountable.=

Scientist9s lawsuit highlights underrepresentation of disabled people in STEM

LAWsUiT from b1 tremely, extremely pervasive,= treatment or eradication of dis- gist, had played a key role in view for her contract renewal, the breakthroughs over time,= the
said Bonnielin Swenor, founder ease is a priority, disabilities are groundbreaking research at the science officer in charge of the statement reads. <Twenty inde-
and director of the Johns Hopkins often viewed as <a less-than-an- University of Pennsylvania in dis- review <spontaneously raised the pendent peer reviewers gave Dr.
the funding for her project when, Disability Health research Cen- ideal state. They are not some- covering differences between se- issue of Dr. Cheung9s health,= ac- Cheung fourteen grades in the C
in 2018, HHmI decided not to ter, which promotes the inclusion thing to aspire to but something quences of DNA and rNA, nucleic cording to the lawsuit, asking her range and six B- grades on
renew her contract. of researchers with disabilities. to avoid,= Swenor said. acids in cells that were once <point blank about what her med- HHmI9s A through C grading
Cheung filed a lawsuit in 2020 In 2020, Swenor published There are signs of progress, considered almost identical. The ical prognosis was and specifical- scale, reflecting a strong inde-
asserting that, in terminating her data she obtained through a however. The NIH committee funding from HHmI allowed her ly asked about her vision.= He pendent recommendation not to
funding, the institution had dis- freedom of Information Act re- Swenor co-chaired made recom- to continue her rNA research, emphasized that she had <more renew her appointment.=
criminated against her because quest showing that the percent- mendations to improve inclusion including her investigation of a health issues= than most investi- Cheung9s lawsuit demands
she is disabled. According to Che- age of NIH-funded researchers that have been endorsed by NIH family with a genetic mutation on gators, the lawsuit states, and <full compensation= for <emotion-
ung9s complaint, HHmI at first with disabilities decreased from leadership. a protein that affects the struc- <strongly encouraged her to take al distress and professional
refused to provide accommoda- 1.9 percent in 2008 to 1.2 percent Last week, the agency followed ture of rNA. Cheung soon discov- the five-year phaseout available harm,= including the loss of fund-
tions and then pressured her to in 2018. through on one recommendation ered that family members suf- to her because of her medical ing for her lab and salary.
leave. <That should tell you some- and announced a proposal to fered from a rare, slowly pro- condition,= which did not allow It also seeks <anti-discrimina-
<I think it was hard for them to thing,= said Swenor, who in 2021 change its mission statement to gressing childhood form of amyo- for renewal. Another HHmI tion measures,= to identify and
imagine that someone with a dis- served as co-chair on an NIH remove <disability= in the phrase trophic lateral sclerosis known as official also raised the option of eliminate HHmI9s <unlawful em-
ability could do outstanding work committee investigating how to <to reduce illness and disability.= ALS Type 4. the five-year phaseout period ployment practices . . . as well as
in science,= said Cheung, 56. foster inclusion for people with Swenor said the current language <As a pediatric neurologist, I <and suggested that doing it anti-discrimination training for
In a statement, the institute disabilities. is considered ableist because it quickly realized that this wasn9t would be better given her health,= Defendants and all of Defen-
denied Cheung9s allegations of The National Science founda- assumes that all disabilities must just about a protein but about a the lawsuit states. HHmI has dants9 employees and agents.=
discrimination. tion, an independent federal be treated or eradicated. disease,= and the possibility of denied these allegations. After her diagnosis in 2015,
<HHmI believes strongly that agency, estimated that in 2020 <They are taking it very seri- discovering a treatment, Cheung In late 2018, Cheung delivered Cheung was able to tap her medi-
science needs to be inclusive of about 1 percent of its grant-fund- ously,= Swenor said. said. a presentation about her work cal network to find a geneticist
scientists from all backgrounds ed researchers had disabilities. The NSf also recently an- Around 2012, Cheung herself before an advisory panel of 20 who recommended a specific
and perspectives, including sci- About 27 percent of U.S. adults nounced the allocation of $5 mil- began exhibiting her first symp- scientists that would provide a biologic to treat her illness. Her
entists with disabilities,= the have a disability. lion in grants to fund projects toms of a rare genetic disease. Her recommendation to HHmI about symptoms have gradually im-
statement reads. <. . . The record The NSf data also showed that aimed at reducing barriers to full blood pressure climbed to dan- whether to renew her contract for proved, she said.
clearly supports our position that people with disabilities were the inclusion of people with disabili- gerously high levels. Damage to seven years. In 2022, she was a co-author on
Dr. Cheung9s allegations have no only group of underrepresented ties in STEm. her vessels decreased her periph- A few days later, HHmI noti- five papers. Earlier this year, she
merit. We are confident in the employees in the STEm work- Swenor said she hopes that eral vision and, after a related fall, fied Cheung that her contract received a $2.3 million grant from
integrity of the process we use to force who did not increase on a others involved in STEm funding she was unable to walk or stand would not be renewed. the Warren Alpert foundation to
review Investigators whose ap- percentage basis between 2011 and education will follow the gov- without difficulty. She was hospi- In her lawsuit, Cheung asserts lay the groundwork for an inter-
pointments are up for renewal.= and 2020. Their share remained ernment9s lead. talized and used a wheelchair. that the review panel of her scien- national project to sequence all
A montgomery County Circuit at 3 percent. As one of the largest funders of In her lawsuit, she said HHmI tific peers was <negatively influ- the rNA in human cells. She also
Court earlier this month denied While other sectors struggle in biomedical research in the world, initially denied her request for enced by negative assumptions noted in her lawsuit that she was
HHmI9s motion for a judge to rule similar ways with discrimination Howard Hughes medical Insti- accommodations 4 an extra as- and stereotypes about Dr. Che- elected to the National Academy
on the case before the Dec. 4 trial, against disabled people, STEm, tute is <integral to the STEm sistant and the ability to work ung9s research.= Comments were of medicine and to serve as presi-
an action known as summary with its reputation as a field for ecosystem,= she said. <They have a remotely in Bethesda to limit her made during its deliberations <in- dent of the American Society of
judgment. mediation to attempt a the best and brightest, has some very big footprint.= travel between NIH and her lab in dicating that doubts about Dr. Clinical Investigation.
resolution without a trial is unique obstacles, said Swenor, an In 2008, Cheung was one of michigan. HHmI wrote her a let- Cheung9s continued ability to Since her disability, she has
scheduled to begin Thursday. epidemiologist who has a visual just 15 scientists selected nation- ter afterward threatening to ter- conduct research was discussed,= become more determined to help
Cheung9s complaint highlights disability. ally by HHmI for a highly minate her contract if she did not the lawsuit states. She said that the maryland family find treat-
an issue in the sciences that has most research labs are not de- competitive multimillion-dollar, return to work primarily in her HHmI up until that point had ment.
received far less public attention signed to accommodate people multiyear research contract that lab at the University of michigan, never indicted that her work was <for me, it9s taken on much
than the underrepresentation of with disabilities. Scientists are was renewable. on its website, the suit states. After she engaged subpar. HHmI denied her allega- more urgency, especially now that
female and minority members in also evaluated <by a group of your the institute describes these sci- a lawyer, the institute allowed her tions in court filings and in its I have a treatment myself and
the STEm fields. many scientists peers determining if you are fit,= entists, called investigators, as to telecommute, according to the statement. understand how much that has
with disabilities complain of usually according to <ableist <8trail blazers9 who tackle difficult lawsuit. <Each Investigator is assessed changed my life,= Cheung said.
inequitable treatment and high views,= Swenor said. research questions that may take The institute has denied these against a high standard that re- <To see a patient and know that
barriers to success. Particularly in biomedical years to answer.= allegations in court filings. flects our commitment to bold they don9t have a treatment is
Such discrimination <is ex- research, where the prevention, Cheung, a pediatric neurolo- Before Cheung9s scheduled re- thinking and continued scientific truly painful.=

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B4 eZ re the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

THERESa VaRGaS bus didn9t pull up until 4:50 p.m. cerebral palsy and uses a on the status of buses doesn9t
During that time, mcKinley said, wheelchair, said her family was always reflect reality. Givens

Bus system fails disabled D.C. students his family didn9t receive a text or
any form of communication
telling them when they could
forced during the last school
year to extend the hours of a
night nurse so they would have
said that when she checked her
daughter9s route, it showed no
expect the bus to arrive. child care on those mornings the We live during a time when
vargas from B1 <bus= appeared more than once. staff call-outs as forcing them to <They have a phone line you bus came late. She said that we can tell how far our food
Bus issues on the first day of make complex decisions about can call, but in the afternoon leaving late meant Penelope delivery is from our house.
come later that morning. school aren9t unusual. They routes, and they said they put in there are thousands of other sometimes missed physical These parents shouldn9t have to
<It9s just really, really happen every year in place several measures to parents all in the same boat therapy at school, and that put Apple AirTags on their
frustrating,= Daggett said. She communities across the country. improve service. The office of calling,= mcKinley said. It9s hard getting home late meant she children to know when they
said that Henry is mostly But in D.C., parents of disabled the State Superintendent of to get through to a person, and sometimes was left sitting in her might get home. The city can fix
nonverbal but that he loves students spent several months Education9s division of student when you do, it9s hard to get chair, without being adjusted, these communication issues,
taking the bus, and she could tell during the last school year transportation held a hiring fair, specific information about your for hours. and it should do it sooner rather
that he was confused to see it pleading with the city to fix launched an employee child, he said. He also This school year, Penelope is than later. Already, families have
leave without him. <He kept issues that were causing buses attendance incentive and acknowledged that his family is supposed to arrive home at waited too long.
saying, 8Hm hm, where bus go?9 to arrive late or not at all, leaving created a website to list which more fortunate than many. <my 3:20 p.m. on the first day of Daggett has written on social
for a good hour after the bus families facing daily routes were running late. heart goes out to those parents school, she didn9t get home until media about the issue for more
left, he was like, 8Hm, hm, uncertainties that derailed the When school started monday, who live on Capitol Hill and after 5 p.m. The next day, she got than 140 school days. She notes
where9s the bus, where9s the schedules of parents, students families weren9t sure what to whose kids go to school in home at 4:30. the day each time she writes a
bus?9 on repeat.= and educators. expect. But what some have rockville or Baltimore.= <resigned= is the word Givens post on the site now called X.
Not knowing when the D.C. is responsible for experienced so far has not eased I asked him what his hopes used to describe how she was on Tuesday, Day 142, she
replacement bus might arrive, providing buses to transport their worries. I spoke with were for the rest of the school feeling that day. <We9ve been wrote, <Wish all was great but
Daggett decided that when her students with disabilities to several families who said more year. He said he hopes that he dealing with this for so long. We drop off times are ridiculous 4
husband returned with their car their schools, but the work is needed. They said that and other parents will get to pretty much just expect it to not 1.5-2 hours after scheduled!=
after taking their other children unpredictability of those buses they have seen improvements focus on their work during the function well,= she said. on Wednesday, Day 143, she
to school, she would drive Henry has caused parents to miss when it comes to the number of day, without worrying about Givens said that this school wrote that 5 routes were
to his school, St. Coletta of work, students to miss school, routes being covered, but daily when or whether their children9s year, she hopes to see better impacted: <Better than usual;
Greater Washington. His school and educators who had already uncertainties remain because of buses will show up. communication, with real-time we9ll see what families report.=
day is supposed to start at worked long days to stay longer. late or unprepared buses and a <Having a child with special information, from the city. right Daggett said she would rather
8:30 a.m. They walked into the It has also caused children to lack of communication. needs, you are facing roadblocks now, messages might tell not have to spend her time on
building at 9:15. arrive home late, sometimes Andy mcKinley said his son, a in many parts of your life,= he parents there is a delay, but they social media, tagging council
When students arrive late, soaked in urine. fourth-grader, attends a school said, <and it would be nice if this don9t tell them if that means the members and the mayor, asking
parents are expected provide a City officials in the spring about 15 blocks away from part of the school system bus will come in an hour or two them to address these issues.
reason for their tardiness on a acknowledged the need for home. The 9-year-old is worked as it should.= hours, she said. Parents have <But I feel like I have to,= she
sign-in sheet. As Daggett signed improvement. They pointed to a supposed to arrive home about Caitlin Givens, whose 8-year- also noticed that the website said, <because no one seems to
that paper, she noticed the word national bus driver shortage and 3:50 p.m. one day this week, his old daughter, Penelope, has created to keep them informed care.=

Report faults Baltimore police actions crowd until 20 minutes before

the shooting, <and even then
additional resources were not
asked for.=
BaLTIMOrE from B1 year-old described as a <juvenile the report. About 30 minutes <We could have asked for re-
person of interest.= The juvenile later, a request is made for any- sources,= he said. <We could have
begin by focusing on account- faces weapons charges but was one to work voluntary overtime. done so many things differently
ability. Accountability for those not charged with murder. At 11:25 p.m., a caller at Brooklyn that could have helped, with a
who committed the crime; ac- The report, which comes near- Homes seeks help dealing with different outcome, but we didn9t.
countability for the police or ly two months after the incident, someone who is combative and And those who didn9t do that will
anyone who showed indiffer- is another black eye for the says there were gunshots in the be held accountable.=
ence; accountability for a city police department, which has distance, and seeks help with the Worley also noted that there
government that made missteps; been under a federal consent large crowd. were some heroic actions from
and taking action to ensure that decree and has a long history of At 12:11 a.m., police command officers following the incident.
this never happens again in our corruption, scandals and sent a message to <monitor only The city9s recommendations
city.= strained relationships with the don9t get drawn in and become a include improvements to its per-
The shooting renewed focus community. target.= mitting process for pop-up
on the need to quell youth vio- The report largely focuses on Acting police commissioner events and better communica-
lence and to address the prolifer- the action and inaction of Balti- richard Worley said Wednesday tion among agencies about
ation of guns. The victims ranged more police. that several members of the events that are permitted and BiLL O9LeAry/The WAshingTOn POsT

in age from 13 to 32, with 15 of The department reported that force are subjects of an internal those that are not. The city also Baltimore Mayor Brandon scott (D) addresses reporters near the
them younger than 17. The two a sergeant and lieutenant <gave investigation into their roles. He plans to explore state legislation scene of a shooting last month that left two dead and 28 injured.
who died were Kylis fagbemi, 20, little consideration on the poten- also said a new major has been around its Safe Streets program
and Aaliyah Gonzalez, 18. tial public safety concerns of appointed for the Southern Dis- and home detention and moni- <It9s clear from these reports said in a joint statement.
This month, police announced having a crowd size of 800 to 900 trict. toring, given that one of the that the extent of violence could <our work must continue to
an arrest in the shooting, charg- people without sufficient police <We know we made mistakes,= alleged shooters was on home have been prevented, or at least focus urgently on reducing youth
ing an 18-year-old with seven presence. These members failed Worley said at the news confer- detention. mitigated, with appropriate co- violence and reducing access to
counts of conspiracy to commit to share the information about ence. <And we will continue to fix State lawmakers who repre- ordination and engagement,= firearms for those who seek to do
first-degree murder, seven the large gatherings for Brooklyn what went wrong. & BPD will sent Baltimore9s Brooklyn neigh- members of the 46th District harm in our communities,= their
counts of attempted first-degree Day in a timely manner.= and can do better.= borhood commended the city for delegation 4 Senate President statement said. <We must hold
murder and 41 other related A transmission came over at Among the missteps, Worley the review and the recommenda- Bill ferguson and Dels. Luke those who break the law ac-
charges. Shortly after the shoot- 10:30 p.m. that the crowd was said, was that the duty officer tions to prevent similar inci- Clippinger, robbyn Lewis and countable, and we must ensure
ing, police also arrested a 17- about 800 people, according to didn9t get information about the dents in the future. mark Edelson, all Democrats 4 accountability in government.=

aDa DEER, 88

A tireless advocate for Native American rights in and out of government

BY H ARRISON S MITH ers to launch an advocacy group ms. Deer studied at public schools
called Determination of rights in Shawano and milwaukee, be-
Ada Deer, who advocated for and Unity for menominee Stock- cause the reservation had no high
Native American rights both in holders, or DrUmS, which fought school of its own, and won a
and out of government, lobbying to prevent the sale of tribal land. Native American beauty contest
for tribal self-determination in With support from the Native as a teenager. The prize was a
the 1970s and later shaping feder- American rights fund and Wis- cameo appearance in a 1954 west-
al policy as the first woman to lead consin Judicare, a legal aid or- ern, <The Battle of rogue river,=
the Bureau of Indian Affairs, died ganization, she took the fight to although the Hollywood produc-
Aug. 15 at a hospice center in Washington, helping to develop tion didn9t go quite as she expect-
fitchburg, Wis., a suburb of madi- and promote legislation that ed: makeup artists decided she
son. She was 88. would restore federal recognition didn9t look the part of a Native
Her godson Ben Wikler, the of the menominee. American and spent two hours
chair of the Democratic Party of <mainly, I want to show people painting her face, according to an
Wisconsin, confirmed her death who say nothing can be done in account in The Post.
but did not cite a cause. this society that it just isn9t so,= she ms. Deer received a bachelor9s
ms. Deer, a member of the told The Washington Post in 1973. degree in social work from the
menominee tribe in Wisconsin, <You don9t have to collapse just University of Wisconsin in 1957,
was a tireless champion for Amer- because there9s federal law in your becoming the first menominee to
ican Indians, campaigning on be- way. Change it!= graduate from the school. In 1961,
half of Indigenous people while Later that year, President rich- she became the first Native Amer-
also working as a social worker ard m. Nixon signed the menomi- ican to receive a master9s in social
and educator. <Ada would often nee restoration Act, bringing fed- work from Columbia.
talk about how most people wait eral services back to the menomi- over the next decade, ms. Deer
around for someone else to do nee and restoring tribal govern- worked as a social worker in New
something 4 and you didn9t have ment. ms. Deer was widely York City and minneapolis;
to wait, you could just go for it,= credited with spearheading the served in Puerto rico with the
Wikler said in a phone interview. legislation 4 <I don9t know any- Peace Corps; and spent three
1995 PhOTO By ChArLes TAsnAdi/AP
<She lived that out all through her one who could have brought that years in minnesota as a communi-
life.= bill so far so fast,= rep. Lloyd ada Deer, assistant secretary of the interior for Indian affairs, right, meets with reporters to discuss ty service coordinator for the Bu-
Beginning in the early 1970s, meeds (D-Wash.), chair of the In- potential cuts to the Bureau of Indian affairs. at left is Hilda Manuel, the BIa9s deputy commissioner. reau of Indian Affairs. She was
ms. Deer campaigned to reverse terior subcommittee on Indian studying at the University of Wis-
the policy known as termination, affairs, said at the time 4 and front page of the Wisconsin State authority to tribal governments na, a town on the menominee consin Law School when she
in which the federal government became the first woman to lead Journal the next day. and repairing relationships with reservation in northern Wiscon- dropped out to focus on her advo-
disbanded tribes as sovereign en- the menominee Nation, serving as As in her earlier races, ms. Deer Native American leaders, and was sin, on Aug. 7, 1935. She grew up in cacy work with the menominee.
tities, ostensibly to force Native chair from 1974 to 1976. was ultimately unsuccessful, los- credited with defending the agen- a one-room log cabin without run- ms. Deer, who is survived by
Americans to assimilate into ms. Deer went on to teach at the ing the general election to rep. cy from attacks by budget-slash- ning water or electricity. two sisters, later worked on pris-
mainstream society. University of Wisconsin at madi- Scott Klug, the republican in- ing republicans in Congress. Ad- Her father, a menominee, on reform in Wisconsin. She never
The program proved devastat- son, where she lectured on social cumbent, who got about 63 per- mirers also noted that shortly af- worked at a lumber mill and was married and had no children, <but
ing to tribes such as the menomi- work and helped found the cent of the vote. But the campaign ter her confirmation, the agency an alcoholic, according to ms. she was everyone9s auntie,= said
nee, which numbered some 3,300 school9s American Indian studies helped raise her profile, and in reclassified a number of Indig- Deer, with a raging temper that her godson Wikler, with an ex-
people before the menominee Ter- program, which she later direct- 1993 President Bill Clinton ap- enous Alaskan villages as tribes, she traced to his childhood. His tended family that grew to in-
mination Act took effect in 1961. ed. She also ventured into politics, pointed her assistant secretary of granting them the same rights mother had died during the 1918 clude first-time political candi-
State and federal funding dried running twice for Wisconsin sec- the interior for Indian affairs. The and privileges as other Native flu epidemic, and he had been dates whom she would join on the
up, schools closed, a hospital was retary of state and, in 1992, be- position made her the head of the groups. sent to a Catholic boarding school campaign trail, offering support
shuttered and the tribe9s property coming the first Native American Bureau of Indian Affairs, an agen- <Ada has been the catalyst for for Native children, where he was while knocking on voters9 doors.
was transferred to a state corpora- woman in the state to run for cy with some 12,000 employees, a significant changes in the way the punished for speaking the tribe9s By then, any anxieties she had
tion. menominee Indian reserva- Congress. budget of more than $1.5 billion Department approaches Indian language and maintaining ties to from her early days running for
tion became menominee County, Campaigning on a platform and a role shaping federal policy Affairs,= Interior Secretary Bruce its culture. public office had disappeared. <I
the smallest and soon the poorest that called for universal health for more than 500 tribes across Babbitt said when ms. Deer an- ms. Deer9s mother came from a speak up. I speak out,= she said in a
county in the state. insurance and cuts to defense the country, including through nounced her resignation in 1997. White Quaker family in Philadel- 2018 interview with the Univer-
<It was a cultural, economic, spending, she stunned Wisconsin the management of schools, po- <Her priority has been on righting phia and left home to work as a sity of Wisconsin. <It9s not like I
and political disaster that struck political analysts with her Demo- lice departments, social services historic wrongs.= Because of ms. nurse with the BIA. She went on to plotted and planned. I just had
deep into the hearts of the cratic primary victory over state and natural resource rights. Deer9s efforts to shift authority to embrace her husband9s menomi- this general goal. I want to do and
menominee 4 a violation of our lawmaker David Clarenbach. Ad- The bureau had been accused tribal governments, he added, nee culture and taught ms. Deer I want to be and I want to help.
treaties and a betrayal of the gov- dressing her supporters in a victo- for years of incompetence and <tribes are better equipped and to do the same, bringing her to And I9ve been able to do it.
ernment9s responsibilities to our ry speech, she declared, <I9ve been mismanagement, and ms. Deer more empowered than ever be- tribal meetings when she was as <People think you9re born this
tribe,= ms. Deer later said. waiting a long time to say this: me, was not entirely successful in fore.= young as 4. way,= she continued, <but you cre-
In 1970, while in her mid-30s, nominee!= The line, a riff on her shedding that reputation. But she The oldest of five children, Ada Her mother also sought to in- ate your way as you go along. No.
she partnered with other organiz- tribe9s name, appeared on the drew praise for granting greater Elizabeth Deer was born in Keshe- troduce her to the wider world. Your life evolves.=
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE B5


SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

JOHN G. JENKINS To place a notice, call:

The Ofûcers and Members of
Local #10, International Union 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
of Elevator Constructors, are EMAIL:
hereby notiûed of the pass-
ing of Honorary Brother John Email and faxes MUST include
G. Jenkins on August 9, 2023. name, home address & home phone #
Members may call at Donald V. Borgwardt of the responsible billing party.
Funeral Home, 4400 Powder Mill Road, Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
Beltsville, MD 20705 on Saturday, Septem- Phone-In deadline
ber 16, 2023, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 4 p.m. M-F
3 p.m. Sa-Su
Celebration of Life will be held September
16, 2023, during calling hours. CURRENT 2023 RATES:

Black & White
1" - $155 (text only)
2" - $355 (text only)
Linda L. Nickerson, unexpectedly passed Patricia Gail Peckins (nee Bernhardt), age Sheldon A. Rubin, the deûnition of a 5" - $700
12/25/11 ~ 8/31/01 away Saturday, August 26, 2023. 2/22/1951 - 8/22/2023 ------
It9s been 22 years since God called you 91, passed away on August 24, 2023. Be- On Tuesday August 22, 2023 mensch, died at age 93 on August 29,
Linda enjoyed a life-long career with Xe- loved wife of almost 60 years to Keith B. 2023. Devoted husband of Ruth for 69 SUNDAY
home. We miss your love, wisdom, and rox Corporation, from which she retired. Billy Jones of Washington, Black & White
courage. God continues to bless and take Peckins (deceased) as of 2013. Loving DC, originally born in Terrell, years, father of Mitch, Gail, Lee and Glen,
She enjoyed ûshing, watching the leaves mother of Brian Keith Peckins, Todd Brad- grandfather of Dianne and great-granddad 1"- $185 (text only)
care of us. change color in the fall and was a diehard Texas entered into eternal 2" - $390 (text only)
The Family ley Peckins (Jo-Ann), Stacey Lynne Peckins rest. Loving husband of Carol of Max, he leaves many mourning relatives 3" - $560
Redskins fan. (Jack Moody) and Scott Andrew Peckins and bereft friends. Graveside funeral ser-
Linda was preceded in death by her Jones; devoted father of Cyn- 4" - $590
(Jody). Cherished grandmother of Sarah thia Jones. Also survived by eight broth- vices will be held Friday, September 1 at 11 5" - $765
mother, Geneva Ringer; grandmother, Moody Driscoll (James), Brooke Peckins, a.m. at King David Memorial Gardens, 7482
Ola Mae Popkins; brother Michael Burton ers, eight sisters, many other relatives
Rachel Moody (Brett Barrett), Jeff Peck- and friends. Family will receive friends on Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA. For a longer 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
and brother-in-law George <Chip= Gather- ins, Cory Peckins, Jessica Peckins, Zachary obituary, visit $155 each additional inch Mon - Sat
cole. Linda is survived by her husband of Saturday September 2, from 10 a.m. until
Peckins, Kate Moody, Matthew Peckins, the time of funeral service at 11 a.m. at $185 each additional inch Sunday
41 years, Neil Nickerson; as well as her Sierra Peckins, Cody Peckins and Tristan --------------------
daughter Kelly Morris; and granddaughter Wiseman Funeral Home & Chapel, 4591
Peckins and great grandmother to Ryder Allentown Road, Camp Springs, Maryland. MONDAY-SATURDAY
Destiny Morris. She is also survived by Jack Driscoll. Pat (Gram) was happiest Color
her brother Rick Burton and wife Lauren Interment Maryland National Memorial 3" - $650
spending time with her family or swim- Cemetery.
Burton, sister Bonnie Gathercole, brother ming at the Villa Pool (Fairfax, Virginia) or 4" - $700
Gregory Burton and wife Laurie Burton; as 5" - $855
DEATH NOTICE well as many aunts and uncles, cousins,
at Ocean Gallery (St. Augustine, Florida)
or playing Canasta at Greenspring Village, ------
nieces and nephews. A funeral service will SUNDAY
Springûeld, Virginia. She <saved lives= as Color
DEBOBES be held on Friday, September 1, 2023 at 11
a.m. at Adams-Green Funeral Home.
In lieu of ûowers, the family requests dona-
a nurse, ûnishing her career at Inova Fair
Oaks Hospital. She was an avid reader and
3" - $685
4" - $785
watcher of Masterpiece Mysteries. A Cele- 5" - $955
MARGARET ELIZABETH DEBOBES tions be made to Brother Wolf Animal Res- bration of Life followed by a reception will
Margaret Elizabeth DeBobes, 83, of Spring- cue, 31 Glendale Ave., Asheville, NC 28803. be held at The Village Church, Greenspring 6"+ for ALL color notices
ûeld, VA. Survived by husband, Richard Senior Living Community, 7430 Spring Vil- $260 each additional inch Mon - Sat
DeBobes, daughter, Diane Bonilla, son-in- lage Drive, Springûeld, Virginia on Septem- $290 each additional inch Sunday
law Manuel Bonilla, son, Dennis DeBobes, ber 29, 2023, at 1 p.m. Memorial donations
and daughter-in-law Stephanie DeBobes. may be made to The Village Church. Notices with photos begin at 3"
A native New Yorker, former pediatric (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
nurse, Navy wife, Girl Scout leader, Hospice
volunteer, 50+ year teacher of 2nd grade ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
CCD, and wonderful grandmother to ûve MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
grandchildren: Michael, Margaret, Austin, All notices over 2" include
Lowen, and Anna. She spent her life in lov- complimentary memorial plaque
ing service to those around her. A devout
Catholic, Margaret directly touched count- SNEIDERMAN Additional plaques start at $26 each
less lives through her incredible faith, gen- and may be ordered.
erosity, and compassion.
Celebration of Life at St Bernadette Catho-
Philip Sneiderman, award winning jour-
DEATH NOTICE All Paid Death Notices
lic Church, Springûeld, VA on September 2, nalist and valued member of the Johns appear on our website through
2023 at 12 p.m. Hopkins University media relations team,
died after battling a long illness on August

8, 2023. Phil was 70 years old, the son of LEGACY.COM

Wolfe (Debby) Sneiderman and Marion Included in all death notices
NEWBY Rosenberg Sneiderman, late of Erie, PA. His
memory is cherished by his wife Audrey DEATH NOTICE
Optional for In Memoriams

Heller; sons Daniel and Isaiah; sisters Jane PLEASE NOTE:

was deeply proud of each one. (Elliot) Stokar and Marilyn (Stephen Lerner)
Born in Inglewood, CA, Steve moved to
Sneiderman, a large but close extended
family, and many life-long friends. A private
KAHN Notices must be placed via phone or
email. Photos must be emailed. You can
Kensington, MD in the late 1940s and re- memorial service is planned for Sunday, no longer place notices, drop off photos
mained a lifelong resident of the greater September 3, 2023. A tribute page in Phil9s and make payment in person.
Washington area. He found his passion name has been established to honor his Payment must be made via phone with
early in life, buying his ûrst share of stock memory on the Alzheimer9s Association debit/credit card.
when he was 11 years old. Later, he would website. In lieu of ûowers, well-wishers
work as a research analyst at several bou- and those who would like to pay respects
tique investment ûrms before founding his to Phil9s life are requested to send con-
own brokerage ûrm, Newby & Company in tributions to the Alzheimer9s Association
1990. He earned numerous professional ac- through the tribute page.
colades over the years including becoming Tribute page link:
a 4-time USA Today National Stock Picking TR/Events/Tributes-AlzheimersChampi-
Champion which also catapulted a career ons?pxûd=828458&fr_id=1060&pg=fund
of charitable giving. Steve was an ardent
believer in investing in the next generation
of leaders and underprivileged youth. He ADRIAN SEMO
made donations to several educational or- Adrian Semo, of Frederick,
ganizations including Project Excellence Maryland, and formerly of


Steven Trowbridge Newby, born September
and the Archbishop Carroll High School.
He would go on to establish the Jim Vance
Media Program and accompanying scholar- ZUCKER
Baltimore and Rockville,
Maryland, passed away unex-
pectedly on Monday, August
28, 2023, at the age of 89. He
When the
18, 1946 passed away peacefully after a
brief illness on August 23, 2023. He is prede-
ceased by his parents Clinton Toms Newby
and Billye Trowbridge Newby of Bethesda,
ships at that school. Outside of his profes-
sional and philanthropic endeavors, Steve
enjoyed horse racing, classic cars, country
music, walking his dogs along the C & O Ca-
August 12, 1923 to August 28, 2023
is survived by his beloved wife, Nora M.
Semo; his loving daughter, Alina M. Semo
(David C. Wolf); and his cherished grand-
need arises,
MD and his wife of 47 years Barbara Baldwin
Newby of North Potomac, MD. He is survived
by his brother Clinton Newby Jr and his four
nal, spending time at the Chesapeake Bay
and Turks and Caicos Islands, and meeting
up with his longtime high school buddies
Leon Kahn, of Silver Spring, Maryland,
originally from New York City and Lorton,
children, Alexandra R. Kofsky (Andrew M.
Diamond) and Joshua M. Kofsky. He was
predeceased by his loving parents, Ra-
let families
children and spouses, Suzanne Newby-Es-
tes (Deron) of Amherst, MA, Franklin Newby
(Bridget) of Bethesda, MD, Patricia Roome
nearly every Friday night.
Steve9s generous spirit touched so many
Virginia, passed away Monday evening
two weeks past his 100th birthday, after
a full, rich, diverse life. He is survived by
his four children, Moira Graham, Velma
schelle and Benzion Semo.
Services at Garden of Remembrance Me-
morial Park, 14321 Comus Road, Clarks-
ond you in the
and he will be deeply missed by all who
(Christopher) of Bethesda, MD and Andrews
Newby (Laura) of Granite Bay, CA. He is also
survived by his 12 grandchildren: Jackson,
Henry, Ryan, Zadie, Matthew, Jones, Declan,
knew him. In lieu of ûowers, please make a
donation to your charity of choice. A private
memorial will be held at a later date.
Kahn, Clifford Kahn, and Eric Kahn, seven
grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, his
sister Marilyn Hurwitz, stepchildren and
burg, Maryland 21701, on Thursday, August
31, 2023 at 2 p.m. In lieu of ûowers you
may send a contribution in Adrian9s mem-
Funeral Services
Daniel, Isabel, Grayson, Mary and Sam. He step-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and
other loving family.
A funeral service will be held at Jefferson
ory to Hungry for Music, https://hungry- Please join the family in a
celebration of Adrian9s life at the residence
of Dr. Gabi Miller, immediately after the ser-
VUKOWICH Funeral Chapel, 5755 Castlewellan Drive,
Alexandria, Virginia 22315, on Thursday
vice, with services at 7 p.m. To read the full
obituary, please visit

During law school summers, he worked as a

August 31 at 12:30 p.m. To be seen in the
waiter in an exclusive resort at Lake Tahoe,
where he developed a taste for good food
EDWIN ZUCKER Funeral Services
and wine. Following law school, Bill taught (Age 91)
law at Willamette University in Salem, OR for Edwin Zucker of Silver Spring, MD passed
peacefully in his home on August 28, 2023.
Directory, please call
two years. He then attended Columbia Uni-
versity earning his J.S.D degree as a Ford Ur-
ban Law Fellow. He joined the Georgetown
He is survived by his wife Rita Zucker of
68 yrs; three daughters Gale, Linda, and

paid Death Notices

Marla; two sons-in-law; four grandchildren;
Law faculty in 1971, where he stayed until
retirement as Professor Emeritus. and three great-grandchildren. He loved at 202-334-4122.
and cherished his family deeply, and they
Professor Vukowich taught commercial law, loved and cherished him deeply. Born and
consumer law, bankruptcy, contracts, and, raised in the Bronx, Ed followed his knack
comparative consumer law at Georgetown. for math and football to University of Con-
He shared his expertise on bankruptcy and necticut, where he played as a Husky line-
consumer law with federal and local govern- backer, was a member of the Tau Epsilon
ment agencies as a consultant to the State Phi fraternity, and received a Bachelor9s
Department, the Federal Trade Commission, and Master9s in Engineering. He committed
the Pension Beneût Guaranty Corporation, his life to inventive engineering, working
and the Montgomery County, Maryland Of-
ûce of Consumer Affairs.
for companies incl. Xerox and Litton Indus-
tries and being granted over 20 patents,
WILLIAM T. VUKOWICH until starting his own Consulting Engineer-
William T. Vukowich was born on October
31, 1943, in East Chicago, IN. His parents
His book, Consumer Protection in the 21st
8century: A Global Perspective, was pub-
ing practice, from which he retired in 2021.
Ed will be remembered for his outside-the-
box thinking, his stories, sense of humor,
were Sophie (Jancek) and Thomas Vuko- lished in 2002. He had sabbatical stays in
wich. William died on August 24, 2023 in Europe and Hawaii. As a result of his focus strength, and huge heart. Ed believed in 2003. He was Senior Club Champion as well
Washington, DC. His maternal grandparents on European Union law, he served as a Vis- education, justice, giving back to the com- as the Co-Champion of the Middle Atlantic
were Katherine (Simek) and John Jancek iting Professor of Law at Libera Universita munity, and the power of family. The ser- Golf Association Senior Four-Ball Champion-
vices were held on August 30.
(from Slovakia). His paternal grandparents
were Helen (Smicklas) and John Vukowich
Internazionale degli Studi Sociali, Rome, the
University of Heidelberg, Germany, and the
DEATH NOTICE ship in 1995. He also won two International
Senior Golf Association tournaments in Can-
(from Croatia). He was predeceased by his University of Fribourg, Switzerland. ada and France.
older brother Thomas and wife Connie.
He is survived by two sisters Carol Blake of
An avid photographer and cyclist, he was
the longtime co-sponsor of a popular ori-
CLAPSADDLE In addition to golf, he enjoyed his travels
throughout Europe and Asia with his wife,
Susie, as well as vacationing in Scottsdale,
Phoenix, AZ, and Marlene Herakovich (Carl) entation bike ride for incoming ûrst-year and far from various positions these are also Arizona and playing bridge with his wife. As
of Raleigh, NC, and ten nieces and nephews law students. In retirement, he continued like the horses and show cattle he trained, a member of the American Contract Bridge
(Anne Marie, Bradley, Douglas, Karen Ann, to visit his ofûce on campus to associate performing for the viewer with unfolding va- League (ACBL), Clayton achieved Silver Life
Kristine, Michelle, Pamela, Russell, Susan, with colleagues. He had a terriûc sense of riety, spirit and precision. And then there is Master status. Although retired from the
and William, and their families. humor, was very kind, and was a great col- the unexpected. retail lumber and building business, he con-
league, mentor, and friend to many at the tinued to be active with his commercial real
Bill (as the family knew him) grew up in East Law Center. Jerry was represented in Washington, DC estate investment businesses. He was also
Chicago, IN, graduating from East Chicago by Max Protetch, late 709s, Nancy Drysdale a member of the Washington International
Roosevelt High School in 1961 where he In his later years, Bill spent many warm Gallery from 1981-1989 and B.R Kornblatt Piano Arts Council (WIPAC) in Fairfax, Virgin-
was a member of the cross country team. months at his cottage on Cape Cod. Gallery 1989-1990. His work has also been ia and served as President of the Executive
He graduated from Indiana University in shown been shown at Museum of Modern Board in 2017.
1965 with a major in mathematics and a Bill will be remembered fondly by many Art New York City, University of Maryland, Clayton is survived by his wife, Susanne
minor in Russian. At IU, he was elected Pres- colleagues, friends, and family. No service George Mason University in Fairfax, Pyramid CLAYTON WILLIAMS EISINGER (Susie) Eisinger of 37 years, his daughters
ident of the Student Body. He then studied planned at this time. Atlantic in Silver Spring Md and Maryland Clayton Williams Eisinger, of Potomac, Mary- Connie Eisinger (Steve) Ertel, Amy Eisinger
law at the University of California (Berkeley). Art Place. Site speciûc works include: The land and Scottsdale, Arizona, passed away (John) Gardiner and Karen (Charles) Wilkins.
Bethesda Gateway Wall, Wisconsin Avenue peacefully on Friday, August 25, 2023, sur- Between them, they have nine grandchil-
Arcade and Willow Land Sidewalk 1984-86, rounded by his loving family. He was 86. He dren, Christine Ertel (Michael) Prior, James
was born August 2, 1937, in Washington, Thomas Ertel, Lily Kathryn Gardiner, John
ZADAREKY Stuart Street/Ballston Metro Center 1989-90
and Walkway at Stuart Street/National Sci- DC to Helen Clayton (Latterner) and Con-
stantine Eisinger. Clayton graduated from
Patrick Gardiner, Jr., Thomas Clayton Gardin-
er, Charles J. (Emily) Wilkins, M.D., Andrew
ence Foundation at Stafford Place.
JOSEPH THEODORE ZADAREKY II <Joe= Landon School (Bethesda, Maryland) in 1956 Wilkins, Sunni Wilkins, George Wilkins and
JERRY CLAPSADDLE One of his paintings, Moms Remind (1979), and Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden two great-grandchildren, Samantha Lynne
Joseph <Joe= Theodore Zadareky, II - beloved Equally important as to the things Joe Sydney, Virginia) in 1960. He was a mem- Prior and Caroline James Prior.
husband, father, and grandfather 3 departed achieved in life were the relationships he Jerry Clapsaddle, an American Artist, known selected for an exhibition The Best of 4
for Pattern Painting, passed away on August Decades of Washington, DC Art in 2014, ber of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Upsilon A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m.
this world on August 9, 2023. Born on July forged. His greatest relationship was that of Chapter at Hampden-Sydney College. He on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at the
19, 1942, in Trenton, NJ, Joe was committed being the husband to his wife Lee. For over 21, 2023 on Amelia Island with his beloved at American University, Washington, DC,
wife, Virginia Daughtrey, at his side. revealed a shadow of his young son with was also an active member of the Landon Robert A. Pumphrey Funeral Home (7557
to becoming more than what the world may 60 years Joe and Lee created a life togeth- Grizzly Bear Alumni Advisory Board. Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland). A
have thought he would become. His love for er, raised four children, adored and spoiled arms outstretched, as inspiration and mod-
Jerry was born on December 12, 1941, in el. His art and process was innovative, ûuid, Clayton played sports his entire life 3 foot- reception will follow at 12:30 p.m. at Con-
his country, family, friends, and the natural six grandchildren, and befriended countless ball, basketball and golf in high school and gressional Country Club (8500 River Road,
world led him to commit his life to making friends through golf, woodworking, garden- Hastings NE, to Loretta and Jack Clapsaddle inûnitely variable, adaptable to change with
and raised on a farm in Conrad Iowa. After a bit of the unexpected. football and golf in college. He was an avid Bethesda, Maryland). In lieu of ûowers, do-
the world a better place and creating a life ing, dinner parties, and travel. One of Joe9s golfer from an early age as a junior member nations can be made to Landon School (6101
that was deûned as much by his relation- great passions was growing things. As a tal- graduating from Drake University with a
Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1964, and a Master of Jerry9s paintings have been purchased by of Kenwood Country Club and was instru- Wilson Lane, Bethesda, Maryland 20817), in
ships as by the things he did. Always one to ented gardener Joe could always be found mental in starting the golf team at Hamp- memory of Clayton Eisinger. https://www.
embrace an opportunity to grow, after grad- in his garden caring for and nurturing his Fine Arts from Indiana University, 1966, he many corporate, governmental, private and
taught art for 40 years at various institutions public collectors and institutions. He has den-Sydney College. He was an Honorary with the
uating from Rutgers University and marrying plants and creating a beautiful world. Joe Life Member of Congressional Country Club designation <Arts, Athletics & Activities.= The
the love of his life, Eileen (Kiernan) Zadareky, did the same with people. Joe never took for including University of Hawaii, Indiana Uni- been awarded grants from the Virginia Com-
versity, University of Maryland, State Uni- mission for the Arts, fellowships from uni- joining in 1972 and was Chair of the House burial ceremony will be private.
Joe proudly served in the U.S. Airforce for 28 granted the opportunity to spend time with Committee for the PGA Booz Allen Classic in
years working in multiple areas and disci- someone and was quick to care for those versity College of New York, Rhode Island versities, and two Art In Public Places grants
plines and making signiûcant contributions in need and help in any way he could. His School of Design and University of Rhode from the National Endowment of the Arts.
to defense of this country. With assignments generosity truly had no bounds. Island. He completed his career as an asso- Reviews of his work have been published in
ciate professor of art at George Mason Uni- Architecture, Art News, Art In America, Arts
to the Pentagon, the White House, the State
Department, and multiple engagements
Joe will be profoundly missed. He is survived
by his best friend and wife of 61 years Lee versity in Virginia where he taught studio art
and promoted the exhibition of student and
Magazine, Museum and Arts, New Art Exam-
iner, The Washington Post, The Washington
overseas, Joe was always one to show up Zadareky; his four children Joseph Zadareky,
early, volunteer to take on new challenges, III (Ellen), Kathleen Zadareky, Jeff Zadareky faculty art from 1982 until 2000. Times and Washington Review.
Degree in Landscape Architecture from the
and always recognize that helping others (Maggie), and David Zadareky (Sherri); his University of Massachusetts. He worked for
was the secret to becoming more than you six grandchildren Owen, Lydia, Caleb, and His art is well described by Paul Richard, The In 1997, Jerry completed an ambitious and
Washington Post, 30 August 1980 <Clapsad- innovative public art commission for the 22 years in city planning and public works
can become on your own. With Joe spending Meryl Zadareky (Jeff & Maggie); and Abby for the city of Alexandria.
a signiûcant amount of time in the Capital and Paige Zadareky (David and Sherri). While dle applies, in overlapping layers, some National Trade Center in Toronto titled Flow
Region, retiring with numerous accommo- we mourn the loss of his presence, we will 10,000 little brush strokes-horizontals, ver- of Trade. Unanimously awarded through an
ticals, diagonals and arcs. Were he rushed international competition and comprised of In his retirement he took up many hobbies.
dations and awards, Joe and his beautiful never forget his strength, compassion, and He enjoyed baking, crafting stained glass
wife of 61 years, Lee, made Springûeld, VA wisdom. or restless, the building of these pictures, nearly 200,000 concrete pavers it is the larg-
the weaving of these color-tweeds, would est public artwork in Canada. and league bowling. He had a passion for
their permanent home. After retirement Services will be held December 22, 2023 at genealogy. After moving to Greenspring Vil-
Joe embarked upon a career in Real Estate Arlington National Cemetery. no doubt drive him batty. But his works are
never frazzled, instead, they suggest con- Some of Jerry9s passions and adventures lage in 2000, he collected postcards, played
and capitalizing on his true passion to help Arrangements by Storke Funeral Home. poker, pinochle, and Wii bowling.
others, he successfully helped hundreds of <Be devoted to one another in love. Honor tentment and the pace of daydreams. They included Boy Scouts, 4H, camping, hiking,
people and families achieve their real estate one another above yourselves.= Romans are mantras for the eye. Clapsaddle repeats canoeing, kayaking, and bareback horse rid-
himself, but in certain repetitions, the weed- ing. He was an accomplished sailor on the He will be most remembered as a family
dreams. 12:10 man.
ing of a garden, the spinning of a prayer Chesapeake Bay, U.S. east coast, Caribbean
wheel4are paths that lead to freedom. In and Greece. His website
time these paintings blossom: Each one contains works on paper about his sailing Family will receive friends from 3 to 5 p.m.
seems to summon to the surface, not one adventures. on Monday September 4, 2023 at Jefferson
grid, but many grids, overlapping rhythms Funeral Chapel, 5755 Castlewellan Dr., Alex-

POST YOUR and patterns that are multiplied. The mind

drifts for a while, then focus on detail, then
drifts again. The most surprising thing about
Jerry is remembered by those who knew
and loved him as modest, intelligent, well
read, curious, contemplative, compassion-
andria, VA. A Mass of Christian burial will
be held on Tuesday September 5, 2023 at 11
a.m. at St. Bernadette Catholic Church, 7600

CONDOLENCES them is how much there is to see.=

In Jerry9s own words <growing up amidst
ate, adventurous, funny, opinionated, artic-
ulate and caring.
(Age 89)
Richard Ellsworth Pelkey died August 28,
Old Keene Mill Road, Springûeld, VA. Inter-
ment at St. Mary9s Cemetery, Alexandria, VA
at a later date.
the constantly changing ûelds of Iowa, the He is preceded in death by his parents, Jack 2023. He was preceded in death by his
Now death notices on arriving at abstraction in my work as an and Loretta Clapsaddle. He leaves behind beloved wife of 65 years, Elizabeth (Betty) In lieu of ûowers, donations may be made
in his name to the Osteogenesis Imperfecta
artist was inevitable, real and necessary.= his spouse Virginia Daughtrey; son, Roy Pelkey, and his parents, Francis and Eileen allow you The planting, cultivating and harvesting, Adam Clapsaddle (PJ); sister, Karen L. Han- Pelkey. Foundation at or the Hearing Loss
Association of America at
to express your sympathy with greater ease. working with the cycles of seasons was a
world complete, consuming and evolving,
son (John).
He is survived by his children, Michael (An-
Visit today. of nurture, sustenance and wonder. His art
on canvas and paper transformed the rows
In remembrance of Jerry the family requests
that any charitable donations be made to
gela), Barbara Simmonds (Sidney), Teresa
Horger (John), David (Cynthia), and Amy
of crops into vectors of patterns, phased in the Alzheimers Association. Nelson. He will be dearly missed by his 12

GHI and out, layered and cycled like the seasons

and the labored ûelds of tilling, planting, cul-
tivation and harvest. Approached from near
A celebration of his life is tentatively
planned for fall in Florida.
grandchildren and two great-grandsons.
Born in Ware, MA, he received a Bachelor9s
B6 eZ Re k The washingTon posT . Thursday, augusT 31 , 2023

The Weather . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher .

Quite a nice day Today Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday OFFICIaL REC ORD
sunny sunny Mostly sunny Mostly sunny, sunny, hot sunny, very
A delightful sunrise may grace us hot hot Temperatures aVeRage ReCoRD aCTuaL FoReCasT

at 6:36 a.m., with the best views

probably coming before that. The
day will be partly clear on the whole,
but it could be cloudier in the early
morning. Temperatures will be deep into the
upper 70s or around 80 for highs. It will be
breezy, with gusts out of the north about 25 mph.
Humidity will dwindle further during the day,
81° 62 ° 83° 63 ° 84° 66 ° 94° 71 ° 95° 73 ° 99° 75 °

FeeLs*: 81° FeeLs: 85° FeeLs: 88° FeeLs: 96° FeeLs: 100° FeeLs: 108°
with dew points falling into the 40s in many ChnCe PReCiP: 0% P: 0% P: 0% P: 5% P: 5% P: 5%
spots. WinD: nnE 7314 mph W: nE 6312 mph W: SE 438 mph W: WSW 438 mph W: nW 6312 mph W: nnW 336 mph
huMiDiTY: Low h: Moderate h: Moderate h: High h: High h: Very High
sa su M Tu W | F sa su M Tu W | F sa
statistics through 5 p.m. Wednesday

REgIOn naTIOn Weather map features for noon today.

national Dulles BWI
high 86° 1:00 p.m. 89° 2:00 p.m. 89° 2:34 p.m.
Low 75° 3:30 a.m. 73° 4:49 a.m. 74° 5:00 a.m.
harrisburg Philadelphia
79/60 normal 86°/69° 85°/63° 85°/64°
81/56 Record high 99° 1953 99° 1991 101° 1953
hagerstown Record low 50° 1986 41° 1986 45° 1986
82/59 Dover Diference from 303yr. avg. (national): this month: 30.6° yr. to date: +1.9°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PReVious YeaR noRMaL LaTesT
Washington annapolis
73/46 81/62 73/62
79/60 oCean: 72°

Charlottesville ocean City

83/57 74/65
oCean: 74°
77/59 Virginia Beach
76/69 national Dulles BWI
norfolk oCean: 75°
75/69 Past 24 hours 0.01" 0.00" 0.13"
Total this month 3.71" 1.85" 3.73"
kitty hawk
normal 3.15" 3.42" 3.97"
oCean: 78° Total this year 22.49" 19.22" 24.90"
normal 27.81" 29.11" 29.66"
Pollen: Moderate air Quality: Moderate
grass Moderate Dominant cause: ozone
Trees Low
Weeds Moderate UV: High Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Moderate 7 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:36 a.m. 7:40 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, mostly sunny. high 66 to 73. Winds Moon 8:22 p.m. 7:00 a.m.
T-storms Rain showers snow Flurries ice Cold Front Warm Front stationary Front Sep 6 Sep 14 Sep 22 Sep 29
north3northeast 8316 mph. Tonight, clear. Low 52 to 56. Yesterday's national World
Last new First Full
Venus 4:45 a.m. 5:56 p.m.
Winds north3northeast 6312 mph. Friday, plenty of sun. High: needles, Ca 112° High: Zabol, iran 115° Mars 8:39 a.m. 8:42 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<310 30s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Truckee, Ca 32° Low: Jungfrau Mountain, Ch 21° Jupiter 10:31 p.m. 12:19 p.m.
high 66 to 72. Winds northeast 6312 mph. saturday, mostly for the 48 contiguous states excludes antarctica Saturn 7:32 p.m. 6:20 a.m.
sunny. high 69 to 78.
naTIOnaL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 82/59/s 87/65/s Oklahoma City 92/64/s 94/63/s WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 97/76/s 98/77/s Rio de Janeiro 75/67/pc 78/66/s
atlantic beaches: Today, rain from Tropical storm idalia Detroit 72/55/s 77/57/s Omaha 84/62/s 92/65/s Addis Ababa 70/52/r 70/50/pc Istanbul 90/73/pc 87/73/t Riyadh 106/85/pc 108/85/pc
in the south; sun, areas of high clouds, windy elsewhere. Albany, NY 75/49/s 77/54/s El Paso 99/73/s 99/72/s Orlando 91/78/t 89/75/t Amsterdam 66/55/sh 67/58/sh Jerusalem 90/68/s 88/67/s Rome 80/62/pc 82/62/s
Watch for rip currents. high 72 to 76. Winds north3 Albuquerque 96/68/s 94/66/s Fairbanks, AK 61/49/c 56/44/r Philadelphia 79/60/s 80/60/s Athens 89/72/s 89/72/pc Johannesburg 74/48/s 79/50/s San Salvador 86/69/t 87/70/t
northeast 15325 mph. Tonight, partly cloudy; windy this Anchorage 61/54/r 60/52/pc Fargo, ND 85/62/t 88/62/s Phoenix 106/78/t 90/80/t Auckland 59/43/sh 60/53/pc Kabul 94/66/s 95/67/s Santiago 70/49/s 62/48/c
evening. Low 60 to 69. Atlanta 88/71/s 82/66/pc Hartford, CT 77/52/s 78/56/s Pittsburgh 76/52/s 80/57/s Baghdad 105/85/pc 107/89/pc Kingston, Jam. 91/81/t 91/80/t Sarajevo 73/54/pc 79/53/s
Austin 102/71/s 101/71/s Honolulu 87/75/pc 86/75/sh Portland, ME 73/49/s 73/53/s Bangkok 93/79/t 91/80/r Kolkata 95/82/t 94/81/t Seoul 83/65/pc 85/66/s
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, mostly sunny. Wind north3 Baltimore 82/59/s 81/60/s Houston 100/75/s 100/75/s Portland, OR 68/61/r 81/61/c Beijing 83/64/s 88/66/pc Kyiv 84/62/pc 77/56/pc Shanghai 82/73/r 85/77/pc
northeast 6312 knots. Waves 133 feet. Visibility generally clear. " Billings, MT 84/57/s 89/63/s Indianapolis 77/56/s 83/60/s Providence, RI 75/54/s 77/57/s Berlin 64/50/pc 70/55/r Lagos 84/76/r 84/75/sh Singapore 88/79/t 89/78/pc
Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, partly sunny. Wind north Birmingham 88/72/s 83/70/t Jackson, MS 93/69/s 96/74/s Raleigh, NC 80/59/r 82/58/s Bogota 70/46/pc 70/46/c Lima 72/64/pc 72/64/pc Stockholm 64/52/c 59/50/r
10320 knots. Waves 132 feet on the Lower Potomac; 335 feet on Bismarck, ND 86/56/s 89/58/pc Jacksonville, FL 94/74/t 87/71/pc Reno, NV 90/58/pc 73/53/pc Brussels 65/56/sh 68/56/r Lisbon 83/62/pc 78/62/pc Sydney 66/52/pc 63/50/s
Boise 88/60/pc 81/61/c Kansas City, MO 83/59/s 89/61/s Richmond 77/59/pc 83/59/s Buenos Aires 61/54/pc 65/55/pc London 63/59/sh 72/58/pc Taipei City 91/78/t 93/77/sh
the Chesapeake Bay." River Stages: |e stage at Little Falls will be
Boston 74/57/s 73/60/s Las Vegas 106/81/t 95/70/t Sacramento 92/61/s 75/57/pc Cairo 100/76/s 97/73/s Madrid 89/65/c 90/61/pc Tehran 91/76/s 95/77/s
around 2.40 feet today, rising to 2.50 Friday. Flood stage at Little Buffalo 72/51/s 79/58/s Little Rock 86/62/s 91/68/s St. Louis 81/59/s 85/62/s Manila 86/78/t 87/78/r Tokyo 90/79/pc 90/80/s
Caracas 78/68/t 79/67/t
Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 70/51/s 77/60/s Los Angeles 87/66/s 82/65/pc St. Thomas, VI 88/82/s 88/81/t Copenhagen 62/55/sh 68/56/pc Mexico City 76/58/sh 77/59/sh Toronto 72/54/s 78/57/s
Charleston, SC 85/64/r 84/64/s Louisville 81/59/s 87/68/s Salt Lake City 94/73/s 78/68/t Dakar 85/80/t 87/81/t Montreal 71/52/s 77/59/s Vienna 75/59/s 77/57/pc
Charleston, WV 77/53/s 84/60/s Memphis 83/64/s 89/73/s San Diego 77/66/pc 78/69/pc Dublin 63/54/sh 64/53/sh Moscow 75/57/s 78/59/pc Warsaw 71/52/pc 72/56/pc
Today9s tides (high tides in Bold)
Charlotte 84/59/pc 82/60/s Miami 93/80/t 95/80/t San Francisco 74/63/pc 72/62/c Edinburgh 64/53/c 64/49/pc Mumbai 89/79/sh 88/79/sh
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 3:23 a.m. 8:43 a.m. 3:55 p.m. 9:10 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 90/58/s 89/58/t Milwaukee 72/59/s 83/64/s San Juan, PR 92/79/c 91/78/t Frankfurt 68/56/pc 70/56/r Nairobi 76/58/pc 77/57/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow ûurries,
Chicago 77/59/s 84/64/s Minneapolis 83/63/pc 91/71/pc Seattle 67/56/r 74/58/pc New Delhi 98/82/pc 101/83/s sn-snow, i-ice
annapolis 6:03 a.m. 12:25 p.m. 6:18 p.m. none Geneva 74/54/c 79/58/pc
Cincinnati 79/56/s 85/61/s Nashville 84/63/s 89/68/s Spokane, WA 67/53/pc 79/55/pc Oslo 70/54/pc 73/52/c sources:; us army Centralized
Ocean City 2:14 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 2:22 p.m. 8:41 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 86/80/pc 85/79/t allergen extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 71/53/s 77/59/s New Orleans 94/77/s 92/76/t Syracuse 72/51/s 78/55/s Helsinki 68/57/r 66/52/sh Ottawa 71/49/s 78/53/s quality data); national Weather service
norfolk 4:12 a.m. 10:18 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 10:43 p.m. Dallas 98/74/s 99/70/s New York City 76/60/s 78/63/s Tampa 89/79/t 89/76/t Ho Chi Minh City 90/76/t 87/77/r Paris 68/61/c 74/60/r * accuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 1:56 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 2:15 p.m. 8:39 p.m. Denver 95/64/s 96/64/pc Norfolk 75/69/r 78/70/pc Wichita 92/63/s 95/63/s Hong Kong 90/80/pc 85/77/pc Prague 66/52/pc 68/55/pc measure of how the conditions really <feel.=


Sentencing for former Proud Boys leader Tarrio, top deputy postponed
BY T OM J ACKMAN Ethan Nordean. after President Donald Trump9s were <speculative and fantasti-
AND R ACHEL W EINER Nordean is now expected to be defeat in the November election, cal,= Kelly said, while accusations
sentenced at 2 p.m. Friday. Tar- leading to Tarrio9s arrest that of government misconduct in the
A federal judge did not proceed rio9s sentencing has been re- December after he burned a Black case were <meritless and not ap-
as planned Wednesday with the scheduled for Tuesday at 2 p.m. Lives Matter flag torn down from propriate & as a matter of pure
sentencing of former Proud Boys Three other members of the a D.C. church. He was banned professionalism.=
leader Henry <Enrique= Tarrio, Proud Boys, a far-right group from the city as a result. Prosecutors are asking Kelly to
who was convicted of recruiting with a history of violence, also But prosecutors said Tarrio re- sentence Tarrio to 33 years in
followers to attack the Capitol on face sentencing Thursday and cruited people to join in a violent prison and Nordean to 27 years.
Jan. 6, 2021, and disrupting the Friday: Joe Biggs, Zachary Rehl assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6, Those would surpass the rec-
peaceful transfer of presidential and Dominic Pezzola. and messaged them <Don9t f---ing ord for the longest Jan. 6 sen-
power. Tarrio and his co-defendants leave= as they led the storming of tence, which is 18 years, for Oath
A U.S. attorney9s office spokes- were convicted of seditious con- the building, which caused the Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.
woman initially cited an unspeci- spiracy, except Pezzola, who was presidential electoral vote count The long sentences come from
fied <emergency,= though a D.C. acquitted of that charge but to stop for about six hours. a government request that the
federal court spokeswoman later found guilty like the others of In a day-long hearing Tuesday Proud Boys defendants be found
said there was no emergency. obstructing Congress9s joint ses- in D.C., U.S. District Judge Timo- liable for terrorism, adding
A spokesperson for the U.S. sion, and of other crimes. thy J. Kelly rejected efforts by roughly 15 years to their sen-
Marshals Service said the judge Tarrio, 39, was convicted even multiple defendants to throw out tences, and also for obstruction of
was ill. though he wasn9t in D.C. on Jan. 6. the jury verdicts. justice.
Tarrio had been scheduled to He and many other members Their claims that the riot was
Joshua LoTT/The WashingTon PosT
be sentenced Wednesday, along of the group that he led for years instigated by government in- aaron Blake contributed to this
with one of his top deputies, visited the District twice in 2020 Henry <Enrique= Tarrio is set to be sentenced Wednesday. formants or left-wing agitators report.


Youngkin calls for Sept. 6 special session to take up revisions to state budget
BY G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER two-year spending plan. The tions dragged out through the money for priorities including Negotiators released few de- and greater spending increases
Republican-controlled House summer. Because Virginia is in raises for teachers and big in- tails, but Youngkin acknowl- for education and mental health.
RICHMOND 4 Virginia Gov. Glenn and Democratic-controlled Sen- the middle of a two-year spend- creases in mental health services. edged he had given in to the idea Lawmakers will take up the
Youngkin (R) has summoned the ate were at loggerheads over ing plan adopted last year, the Republicans from the House of providing one-time tax rebates components as amendments to
General Assembly to a special Youngkin9s demand for $1 billion stalemate didn9t interrupt state eventually gave ground on some instead of recurring cuts. Indi- the budget when they return to
legislative session on Sept. 6 to in tax cuts on top of the $4 billion funding. But it left about $3.6 of Youngkin9s demands, aban- vidual taxpayers would get $200, Richmond next week.
take up long-delayed amend- in tax cuts the legislature passed billion in extra revenue unac- doning his request for a cut in the with $400 for joint filers. In addi- <To make Virginia more af-
ments to the state budget. last year. counted for and made it particu- corporate tax rate and a reduc- tion, the proposal would increase fordable for families and local
Youngkin issued the call Tues- With all 140 seats in the legis- larly difficult for school systems tion in the top marginal tax rate the standard deduction to businesses, we must deliver on
day, just four days after budget lature on the ballot and control of around the state to adopt budg- for individuals and married $8,500 from $8,000 for single our shared goals for more jobs,
negotiators from the House of the General Assembly at stake ets for the fiscal year that began couples. filers and to $17,000 from safer and healthier communities,
Delegates and state Senate an- this fall, and with Youngkin July 1 because they didn9t know But Democrats refused to go $16,000 for married couples fil- greater workforce and educa-
nounced that they had finally continuing to flirt with the possi- how much extra funding to along with recurring tax cuts that ing jointly. tional opportunities and much
reached agreement on the out- bility of a late entry into the expect. would decrease state revenue for The deal also features a needed tax relief for Virginians,=
lines of a budget deal. presidential sweepstakes, politi- Democrats in the Senate 4 years. After the longest budget reinstatement of the sales tax Youngkin said in a written state-
The General Assembly ad- cal tension made the standoff joined by one Republican 4 had stalemate in some 50 years, both holiday for back-to-school items ment announcing the special ses-
journed Feb. 25 without passing especially difficult to resolve. passed a budget that eschewed sides finally announced Friday 4 something all parties simply sion. <Together, we can get the
adjustments to the state9s On-again, off-again negotia- the tax cuts in favor of more that they had settled on a deal. forgot to authorize this year 4 job done.=

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Style thursday, august 31 , 2023 eZ re C

tapped to
lead CNN
Thompson follows Licht,
who had a tumultuous
reign at cable network


Mark Thompson, the former

chief executive of the new York
Times, has been selected as the
next leader of Cnn, parent com-
pany Warner Bros. Discovery
announced Wednesday.
He will replace Chris Licht,
who was ousted in June after a
short and tumultuous run as the
network9s leader.
<I couldn9t be more excited
about the chance to join Cnn
after years of watching it and
competing against it with a mix-
ture of admiration and envy,=
Thompson said in a statement. <I
can9t wait to roll up my sleeves
and get down to work with my
new colleagues to build a suc-
cessful future for Cnn.=
Thompson, who begins in the
role oct. 9, comes to Cnn after a
JoShUA loTT/The WAShIngTon poST lengthy career in media. He
spent eight years as chief execu-
tive of the new York Times Co.,

Strife at a Southern magazine

where he oversaw significant
growth in digital subscription
revenue, helping to offset losses
in print circulation and advertis-
ing. He stepped down from that
role in 2020, after he said that he
<achieved everything I set out to
Half of publication9s staff Thompson had come to the
members resign over Times after spending nearly his
entire career at the BBC, where
publisher9s interference he served as director general.
In addition to overseeing
BY L AURA W AGNER Cnn9s strategy, operations and
business units, he will serve as
n a hot Tuesday in late June, the network9s editor in chief, the

staffers at Atlanta magazine
gathered for a tense meeting
with longtime publisher
Sean McGinnis. on his agenda: pro-
company announced Wednes-
<There isn9t a more experi-
enced, respected or capable exec-
utive in the news business today
<Are we, as a matter of fact, now than Mark, and we are thrilled to
writing stories based upon preferred have him join our team and lead
pronouns?= McGinnis asked, citing a Cnn Worldwide into the future,=
recent profile of a labor organizer. Warner Bros. Discovery chief
<8She9 is referred to as 8they9 through- executive David Zaslav said.
out the story.= Zaslav called Thompson <a
one editor responded that using true innovator who has trans-
pronouns corresponding with a sub- formed for the digital age two of
ject9s identity is standard journalis- SEE Cnn on C3
tic practice, <not a left or right thing.=
The publisher disagreed, according
to a recording of the meeting ob-
tained by The Washington Post:
<People will think that that is taking The post lays off seven
a stance.= from its publishing
It was hardly the first time col-
leagues have disagreed over editorial software division. C3
choices 4 in Atlanta or anywhere in
the media industry, where business Television
concerns, personal politics and news five late-night talk show
Joe Sohm/vISIonS of AmerIcA/UnIverSAl ImAgeS groUp/geTTy ImAgeS
judgment often come into conflict.
But McGinnis9s statements and sub- TOP: At Atlanta magazine, three of six full-time editorial staffers have resigned, citing corporate
hosts to produce podcast
SEE ATlAnTA on C2 interference, and the editor in chief has announced plans to retire. ABOVE: The Atlanta city skyline. to aid striking writers. C4
Carolyn Hax
grandfather9s slapping of
a teen reverberates
through a family. C8

An era ends for political Iceberg in a cocktail leads

comics journalism to tempest in a teapot
The Nib, which showcased and lifted Stewart9s photo from a Greenland cruise sparks
the art form for the past decade, signs off anger online, but experts say everyone can chill out
BY M ICHAEL C AVNA Bors. BY J ONATHAN E DWARDS aboard a Swan Hellenic cruise off
on Sept. 1, all that will end. Greenland9s east coast, they had
Matt Bors was a creatively The nib will be no more. Those looking to boost their <captured a small iceberg for our
hungry 29-year-old cartoonist The nib9s decade as a leading craft cocktail game have in re- cocktails tonight.= other photos
with energy to burn and a vision voice in alternative media re- cent years turned to <luxury= or showed still-intact glaciers with
to fill a journalistic void. The flects the strengths and struggles <designer= ice in place of the breakaways floating in the sea
popularity of nonfiction comics of many such media outlets in ordinary tap water variety. Its below and a pair of <captured=
and graphic novels was soaring the 2010s 4 a decade of high but proponents champion luxury ice icebergs on a bar cart.
in 2013, yet many news outlets volatile traffic and business tur- as the superior way to chill Some of her 1.9 million follow-
were cutting back on their topi- bulence. The pressures on the cocktails 4 boasting that it is ers bristled, chiding her in the
cal cartoons. nib involved <well, everything,= individually carved, slow melt- comments for being elitist and
Bors9s dream concept, a daily Bors wrote in May in announcing ing and has no minerals or <tone deaf,= given that climate
one-stop shop for socially en- the outlet9s shuttering. <The ris- chemicals that might affect how change has made Greenland the
gaged comics and illustrated re- ing costs of paper and postage, a drink tastes. Such an indul- fastest-warming region in the
porting called the nib, launched the changing landscape of social gence can cost nearly $10 a pop. world, where ice melts at twice
online 10 years ago next week. media, subscription exhaustion, Martha Stewart bested all of the pace of Antarctica.
Ever since, the site has published inflation, and the simple difficul- that Monday by chilling her <Global warming and melting
an impressive blend of comics ty of keeping a small independ- cocktail with an actual iceberg. ice caps but we need glacier ice
journalism and political car- ent publishing project alive with on Monday night, Stewart for cocktails?!= one person com-
toons, expanding into animated relatively few resources 4 posted on Instagram a photo of mented.
shorts and a print magazine. The though we did a lot with them. herself in a winter hat and parka, Someone else said that keep-
nib gained thousands of paying The math isn9t working any- showing off a beverage in a ing cocktails cold using the rem-
supporters and across its life- more.= gAbe gInSberg/geTTy ImAgeS tumbler with the wilds of Green- nants of a glacier <sounds like a
time paid about $2 million total Bors, a two-time Pulitzer Prize Martha Stewart, seen in las Vegas, posted a photo of herself in land behind her. In the caption, line from a dystopian novel.=
to contributors, according to SEE ThE niB on C3 Greenland holding a cocktail chilled with a piece of iceberg. she revealed that, while sailing SEE MArThA on C8
C2 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

Crackdown on 8woke9 coverage creates rift at magazine

AtlAntA from C1

sequent request to approve edito-

rial content ahead of publication
marked a tipping point in a small-
scale culture war that had been
building for a few years within
the award-winning magazine.
Staffers saw the interference as
an egregious crackdown on cov-
erage that management deems as
too <progressive= 4 at a time
when they are resolved to reflect
the evolving reality of Atlanta,
one of the Blackest, queerest cit-
ies in the South.
Now, three of six full-time edi-
torial staffers have resigned, cit-
ing untenable corporate interfer-
ence, and the editor in chief has
announced plans to retire at the
end of the year.
<Any journalist & would feel
challenged to work in a place
where the line between the edit
side and the business side is as
eroded as it9s become this year,=
departing deputy editor Sam
Worley wrote in his resignation
letter this month. <That editorial
independence is the bedrock of
what we do, and it9s why readers
trust us.=
mcGinnis did not respond to
repeated messages and emails.
His current and former employ-
ees say they are concerned that
their longtime boss9s perception
of Atlanta9s leftward drift is based
less on his own opinions than on
orders from his bosses 4 the
owners of a michigan-based pub-
lishing company that purchased
Atlanta and several other region-
al magazines 4 who, mcGinnis
told them, believe <woke= cover- isTock

age is bad for business and wants Sean McGinnis, publisher of

it to stop. Atlanta magazine, told staffers
that the August 2020 issue that
ive years ago, Atlanta faced

featured a cover illustrating a
a rather different critique. story about Ahmaud Arbery9s
mike Jordan, a culture murder in Brunswick, Ga., as
writer and Atlanta Press Club well as stories about a Black
member, called out the magazine podcast hitmaker and the city9s
on facebook in 2018 for an <inex- celebrated Black chefs <missed
cusable absence of & African- the mark= and was <too urban,=
American journalists on the edi- which one former employee
torial staff.= interpreted to mean <too
The criticism hit home in a city Black.=
known as America9s <Black mec-
ca= for its role as a center of era, it was understood that a
African American culture and publication represented the view-
power. Atlanta-based freelance point of whoever paid for the
journalist Jewel Wicker said that printing presses. That changed in
to many in town, Atlanta maga- the 20th century as journalism
zine frequently felt more like <a began to find a competitive ad-
Buckhead magazine= 4 for and vantage in <editorial independ-
about the affluent, largely White ence= 4 the promise that editors
neighborhood known for its posh decide what to publish, even if it
private schools and high-end offends the owner or its advertis-
boutiques. ers 4 and objectivity, the notion
In many ways, Atlanta had set that journalists follow the report-
the pace for an entire generation ing where it leads, regardless of
of city magazines that cropped up their opinions or the opinions of
around the country in the 1960s their bosses. Though debates over
and 970s, merging investigative these ideals and how they work in
journalism with restaurant rank- practice are not new, they have
ings, <top doctors= guides and produced a number of high-pro-
upbeat cover stories about local file disputes in recent years.
celebrities. At CNN, where corporate boss-
The magazine was founded in es charged a new executive with
1961 by Chamber of Commerce striking a more politically neutral
leaders who initially envisioned tone, staffers were some of the
an economic-development brag loudest critics of a town-hall-style
sheet 4 but was quickly taken JoshuA LoTT/The WAshingTon PosT interview with Donald Trump
over by Jim Townsend, a charis- that they believed gave the for-
matic editor with visions of creat- creased feedback from mcGinnis. ing the 2020 summer of racial He opened by asking for pa- would be objectionable in Atlan- mer president too much control
ing a world-class magazine, a In late 2018, colleagues say, the reckoning?= tience if he said the wrong thing. ta, specifically in this city,= he told over the forum. The newsroom of
New Yorker of the South, with publisher became angry about an He said he prides himself on The Post, noting Atlanta9s vibrant the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
ambitious storytelling and bold illustrated magazine spread de- isagreements had occa- remaining <nondenominational= LGBTQ+ scene. <It9s really color- erupted over what many saw as
design. Townsend went on to
found city magazines in Cincin-
nati and New orleans and con-
voted to Atlanta9s upcoming Su-
per Bowl. one small graphic el-
ement among many was an image
D sionally cropped up be-
tween mcGinnis and the
editorial side in his two decades
on social and political issues,
adding that <I don9t touch poli-
tics, as much as I9m tempted to
ful, it9s really eye-catching. That9s
what you9re going for with a
magazine cover.=
indirect interference from con-
servative owners, from the firing
of a cartoonist whose work was
sult on dozens of others 4 and in of Colin Kaepernick 4 the former at the magazine, but a balance jump in the fray= 4 and then mcGinnis also shared concerns critical of Trump to the decision
the meantime, Atlanta launched San francisco 49er turned civil always held. Staffers say that jumped into the fray, reeling off a that a story about how families of to ban a Black reporter from
the careers of lauded writers such rights activist, whose silent na- started to shift in 2017 when it list of subjects he considers <divi- young trans people and their covering Black Lives matters pro-
as Anne rivers Siddons and Tom tional anthem protests against was sold by Emmis Communica- sive.= medical providers are contend- tests after she tweeted wryly
Junod. police brutality had conserva- tions to Hour media along with <Black Lives matter movement ing with legislation in Georgia about the chaos and debris left
<When people ask me what tives burning their Nikes. several other city magazines for and how you feel about that then that restricts access to gender- behind after a country music
we9re about, my short answer is According to Heather Buckner, $6.5 million. and now, the Trump effect, the affirming care lacked balance. concert. And at the New York
8telling the story of Atlanta,9= who resigned as senior editor this Emmis had kept its magazines9 stolen elections, defund the po- <The optics of that story is that Times, hundreds of contributors
Editor in Chief Betsy riley told month, and another former em- editorial staffs separate from lice, legislation around pro-life we9re favoring one point of view,= and tens of thousands of readers
The Washington Post in an email. ployee who spoke on the condi- business, the two sides reporting heartbeat bills, bathroom bills, he said. signed a letter condemning the
<We cover all the diverse, fasci- tion of anonymity because of to different executives at the par- voting access, election security, Buckner, who consulted three paper9s coverage of gender-
nating, creative people who live rules at a new job, mcGinnis ent company who largely allowed transgender,= he said. dozen sources for the story, told affirming health care for minors,
here or who come here to find a insisted the Kaepernick drawing each magazine to make its own <more recently you start to The Post that because <all leading arguing it was overly influenced
home.= be removed. choices. <I consulted with editors delve deeper into issues around medical and mental health or- by conservative talking points.
So riley took Jordan9s criti- It was replaced by a cartoon of about covers, giving them feed- the impact of Dylan mulvaney ganizations in the country sup- In the June meeting, mcGinnis
cisms to heart. She asked Jordan a generic football player. Buckner back, but I trusted my editors and and Bud Light and Target and port age-appropriate gender- acknowledged that his opinions
to help her form an advisory and other staffers worried they their design directors,= said mary riley Gaines versus Lia Thomas affirming health care,= it made about the magazine were in-
panel that held meetings with had stepped onto a slippery slope, melton, who ran Emmis9s editori- and the White House Pride cel- sense to focus on those who formed by his discussions with
members of non-White commu- where <once he starts telling us al division from 2013 to 2017. <At ebration,= he said, shorthanding would be affected by the bans. Hour media9s CEo John Balardo
nities in the city. what we are and aren9t allowed to the end of the day, it was their several topics animating the re- Still, mcGinnis told staff he and co-founder Stefan Wanczyk.
<The attendees shared their run in the magazine, he9s just choice.= publican Party9s base and con- feared the story would alienate <[They] use terms like 8woke9
thoughts and feelings and in- going to get more comfortable Hour media, though, institut- servative media. <It9s enough, some readers, though he ac- and [say] we shouldn9t be taking
sights and ideas,= Jordan said. <All [doing it],= she recalled. ed a new chain of command, in right, to make us all crazy.= knowledged he had no statistics on issues that are divisive and we
of these conversations led to a In August 2020, the magazine which each editor in chief an- If it was initially unclear what or reader input to support his can ill afford to lose any readers
real change.= gestured to the country9s racial swered to the magazine9s publish- exactly mcGinnis found crazy- concerns. <It9s my personal opin- and stop it, stop it, stop it,=
Atlanta staffers resolved to reckoning after the killing of er, who reported directly to cor- making about these topics, he ion,= he said. mcGinnis said.
more fully represent their city, George floyd. Writer David Den- porate brass. To Steve fennessy, clarified what he meant when riley, the editor in chief, told In particular, he noted that the
commissioning more Black writ- nis Jr. won the prestigious Ameri- riley9s predecessor as editor in addressing the magazine9s con- The Post that she is still conduct- drag queen brunch cover and the
ers and spiking the usual fare of can mosaic Journalism prize in chief, the new structure suggest- tent. ing her first reader survey but has trans health-care story caught the
city-living stories with reports on part for his cover story about ed that <whoever is in the editor9s A cover story about the Atlanta seen no increase in negative reac- owners9 attention 4 and warned
the protests against plans to de- Ahmaud Arbery9s murder in chair & that person isn9t going to brunch scene featuring a drag tion relative to her 20-plus years that staff are better off hearing
velop a police-training com- Brunswick, Ga., with cover art by enjoy that same independence= queen posing with chicken and with the magazine. these concerns from him <rather
pound in a forested area near a renowned painter fahamu Pecou that he once did. waffles? <optics say a lot,= mcGin- Later, mcGinnis emailed riley than from John and Stefan.= Hour
Black neighborhood, the city9s capturing Arbery mid-stride. The By the time mcGinnis called nis said, <and a cover like this is saying the meeting had con- media, Balardo, and Wanczyk did
unregulated night club scene and well-received issue also included the meeting in June, staffers were going to get a reaction.= firmed his <opinions regarding not respond to multiple calls and
a state law banning medical treat- a feature on the Black podcast already nervous about what Worley was surprised. <I was the direction and content of the emails seeking comment.
ment for transgender adoles- hitmaker Donald Albright and might be coming. The soft-spo- aware of some controversy relat- magazine= and that <it9s clear to for the staffers who would
cents. one issue, spearheaded by stories about the city9s celebrated ken publisher was clearly ner- ed to drag, but it never occurred me that the staff does not want to soon quit, mcGinnis9s declaration
editor Kamille Whittaker, who is Black chefs. vous, too. to me that something like this accept accountability.= He re- set off alarm bells and played into
among the employees who re- After it published, however, quested that the advisory board their decision.
signed this month, focused on mcGinnis told staffers the issue members be removed from the <Having to worry about where
Caribbean communities and cul- <missed the mark,= according to <Any journalist & would feel challenged to work in masthead and that riley provide stories sit on some wokeness
ture in Atlanta. There was also a Buckner and the other former <a complete editorial outline of spectrum= would make the proc-
package about Atlanta women employee. Pressed for specifics, a place where the line between the edit side and the each issue with enough time for ess of assigning and editing sto-
shaping hip-hop and an issue he said it was <too urban.= review and discussion of any ries impossibly burdensome, said
dedicated to a <block-by-block <my jaw dropped. It was really business side is as eroded as it9s become this year.= topics that I believe warrant fur- Worley, whose official last day at
exploration of our city= that ex- disheartening,= the former em- ther discussion.= the magazine is Thursday.
Sam Worley,
amined gentrification as well as ployee said. <I understood 8too <I don9t know how this works
Atlanta magazine9s departing deputy editor,
the restaurant hot spots of long- urban9 to mean 8too Black.9 But ho gets to decide what in practice,= he said, <and I don9t
overlooked Southwest Atlanta.
This shift coincided with in-
how could these stories be too
Black for Atlanta, especially dur-
in his resignation letter
W stories are told and how?
In an earlier media
know how we would do our jobs
like this.=
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C3

Thompson also led the BBC for years The Washington Post
cNN from c1
lays ob seven from
the world9s most respected news
organizations= and said that <his
ambitious tech division
strategic vision, track record in
transformational leadership and BY L AURA W AGNER source of revenue for The Post,=
sheer passion for news make him Shailesh Prakash, at the time the
a formidable force for CNN and The Washington Post laid off Post9s chief information officer,
journalism at this pivotal time.= seven staffers last week from Arc told Axios last year. Prakash left
Zaslav had been similarly XP, a tech division devoted to the company last year for an exec-
glowing in his praise of Licht cloud-based publishing software utive role at Google.
when he hired him in february that The Post9s leadership has But the Wall Street Journal re-
2022 to take over for Jeff Zucker, looked to as a growth area for the ported earlier this year that Arc XP
a charismatic and popular presi- media company. was not yet profitable, earning
dent who had earned the loyalty In a statement, a spokeswoman revenue well below the $200 mil-
of the network9s staffers before for The Post described the layoffs lion a year it hopes to achieve by
being forced out over an undis- as <organizational changes= in- 2027.
closed romantic relationship tended to support the unit9s future It is not clear whether the lay-
with a close colleague. growth <by focusing on the areas offs will temper the company9s
But Licht never found his most critical to our customers and bullishness on Arc XP9s future.
footing at CNN, where he gradu- the market.= Jennifer Lee, the company spokes-
ally lost the confidence of em- The move angered representa- woman, said in her statement that
ployees and then corporate man- tives of the Post9s union, who ar- the division has <aggressive
agement, who decided to remove gued that the dismissals, executed growth plans.=
him from his post and put the quietly, contradicted the compa- Though the seven laid-off staff-
network in the hands of four ny9s reassurances earlier this year ers were not eligible to be a part of
executives 4 Amy Entelis, Vir- that it would avoid more layoffs in the union representing editorial
ginia moseley, Eric Sherling and 2023. employees, its leaders were al-
NEil Hall/REuTERs
David C. Leavy 4 until a new The Post launched Arc XP in ready on high alert after the news-
leader could be appointed. Mark Thompson, seen in London in 2013, will take over as the next leader of cNN. He will replace 2015 with the support of owner paper laid off 31 staffers between
(Those executives will continue chris Licht, who was ousted in June after a short and tumultuous run as the network9s leader. Jeff Bezos and a goal to diversify November and January.
in their roles but will now report revenue beyond the company9s The Baltimore-Washington
to Thompson.) up brought in. At an industry conference in forge new partnerships, and was traditional news products. With Newspaper Guild released a state-
The breaking point had been a But the network is hoping that November 2021, Thompson had asked to do something similar nearly 2,000 customers and 250 ment <condemn[ing] these layoffs
bruising profile in the Atlantic a new prime time lineup 4 set by expressed concerns about the when he became chief executive employees, it reportedly has and the secretive manner in which
magazine that had painted a CNN9s interim leadership team ability of television news net- of the Times in 2012. The news- earned $40 million to $50 million they were conducted.=
portrait of an ineffective and 4 will make a difference. works in the United States to paper publication was struggling a year. It continued: <We can only as-
out-of-touch leader. The network is also putting innovate and attract younger to transition beyond print and <I personally think that in the sume that, after repeatedly telling
Licht had also faced backlash, more emphasis on streaming audiences. <News feels like a had recorded a net loss of long run 4 and by long run, I the Guild there were no plans for
both internally and externally, programming. one of Licht9s particularly old-fashioned style $88 million for the second quar- mean, three, four years, not 15 further layoffs this year, the com-
after CNN hosted a town hall first responsibilities as chief ex- of broadcasting aimed entirely at ter of 2012. By the end of the years 4 Arc XP will be the biggest pany didn9t want anyone to know
with former president Donald ecutive was announcing the clo- older audiences,= he said at the fiscal year, the newspaper had source of revenue for The Post, they were going back on their
Trump in may that quickly sure of CNN Plus, the company9s event. <I live in the U.S., and [TV 640,000 digital-only subscribers; and certainly the most profitable word.=
turned into a circus. $100 million bet on streaming. news] seems completely un- but by the middle point of 2020,
Zaslav had not conducted a That service was meant to be a changed since the 1980s. I think the Times had 5.67 million.
formal search when appointing life raft to a future in which the it is in dead trouble.= Upon his departure, Times
Licht and had interviewed no network no longer got the major- In the announcement on publisher A.G. Sulzberger credit-
other candidates. This time ity of its revenue from contracts Wednesday, Thompson ex- ed Thompson with guiding that
around, Zaslav had promised with cable television companies. pressed his readiness to tackle <digital transformation.=
CNN employees a lengthy search, After more than a year in the the structural challenges facing Jonathan Klein, the former
which he said in early June streaming wilderness, the com- both the network and the broad- president of CNN U.S., called
would take <months.= That pany last week announced the er television industry. Thompson <an exceptional
search ended up taking only late-September launch of CNN <The world needs accurate choice= with the skills to move
about 21/2 months. max, a dedicated, 24-hour news trustworthy news now more CNN into a future more defined
Thompson has his work cut hub on the max streaming serv- than ever and we9ve never had by direct-to-consumer subscrip-
out for him at CNN, which has ice, which encompasses televi- more ways of meeting that need tions and new platforms than
lately trailed both mSNBC and sion content from across the at home and abroad,= he said. traditional television.
fox News in attracting viewers. broader Warner Bros. Discovery <Where others see disruption, I <He9s not a television program-
In July, the network averaged portfolio of networks. The CNN see opportunity.= ming wizard. He9s a very substan-
426,000 total viewers through- max service will offer new pro- Thompson got the top job at tial, accomplished steward of
out the day, compared to 723,000 gramming from CNN personal- the BBC after working for dec- strong journalistic brands,=
for mSNBC and more than 1 mil- ities like Jim Acosta and Jim ades as a journalist, beginning as Klein said. <If they9re looking to
lion for fox News. In prime time, Sciutto as well as a live broadcast a production trainee in 1979. He restore the brand, they have JoHN McDoNNEll/THE WasHiNgToN PosT

CNN averaged only 534,000, less of some shows from the net- helped the broadcaster transi- definitely started in the right The Washington Post9s decision to lay off workers from the
than half of what mSNBC9s line- work9s regular television lineup. tion to the digital world and place.= company9s tech division was decried by the newspaper9s guild.

The Nib obered blend back some time later.=

Bors said his focus on the
magazine (each issue had print
runs of about 8,000) and on the

of comics journalism thousands of paying supporters

4 dubbed the Inkwell 4 is what
kept the Nib going in recent

and political cartoons years. He viewed those elements

as more crucial than <fly-by viral
The Nib9s final magazine issue,
THe NiB from c1 centered on the theme of <the
future,= received a print run of
finalist and the outlet9s only more than 10,000 copies this
remaining full-time staff mem- summer <because everyone
ber, said he wanted the Nib to started buying it right when we
exit in a manner that honors its announced we were closing,= he
history of aiming to get cartoon- said.
ists paid well, while maintaining Bors sounded at peace with his
editorial quality online and in decade helming the Nib: <We9ve
print. (As it closes, the Nib done more than I ever could9ve
recently published its 15th and imagined, and 4 I won9t be
final magazine issue, during the modest 4 I had high ambitions
same summer that the outlet for the Nib as a daily website and
won an Eisner Award for best KaTHlEEN MaRiE baRNETT print magazine.= Someday, per-
anthology.) Matt Bors created the Nib, a haps, he9ll consider dusting off
<I just wanted to go out with daily one-stop shop for socially the Nib9s name for a one-shot
some dignity,= Bors said. engaged comics and illustrated anthology. Yet he9s ready to move
So much has changed since reporting that launched online on to other projects.
2013: The former Portland, ore., nearly a decade ago. On Friday, He has his dystopian-satire
alternative-comics artist is now a the operation will close up comics, titled <Justice Warriors,=
39-year-old father of two based shop. to create with collaborator Ben
in ontario who says he is <cre- Clarkson. He is also interested in
atively fulfilled= with what the creating creator-owned genre
Nib accomplished. comics, mainstream comics and
<I feel lucky I kept it going this perhaps a graphic novel down
long,= Bors said by phone, noting the road.
that the Nib was on its <third life The Nib is folding up shop, but
span= after its initial stint funded Bors makes it clear: <I will simply
ElERi HaRRis/THE Nib
by medium and a second phase make comics until I die.=
partnering with first Look me-

G Street Fabrics
dia before going independent in three-dozen full-time U.S. staff response to the political rise of on social media. It published
2019. newspaper jobs for political car- Donald Trump. <I9ll always be comics by Pepe the frog creator
<We lost major funding twice toonists.) grateful for the chance they gave matt furie, including his 2017
and almost shut down amid The Nib published more than a noob like myself to pivot into a piece <rest in Peace, Pepe= that
layoffs,= Bors said. <Just keeping
the thing going and navigating
6,000 comics, with its roster
including such syndicated stars
whole new genre of illustration
just because I was mad at what I
killed off his slacker amphibian
after the character was <hijacked
& Home Decorating Center
rapidly changing media compa- as Jen Sorensen, ruben Bolling was seeing on the news,= Guerra by the alt-right.=

nies and social media has been and Tom Tomorrow, all of whom said. Bors pointed out that the Nib
the major issue the whole time. are Herblock Prize winners. The Nib was also able to send was born out of the high interest
The Nib has had a lot of success, Those comics <offered con- cartoonists on memorable re- in the 2010s from tech and media " Silk " Linen " Bridal
" Wool " Cotton
but it has always been pretty
close to not existing.=
temporary political perspectives
that are not well represented
porting trips: Sophie Yanow
headed to North Dakota to create
companies backing such creative
online ventures 4 which became
OFF " Eveningwear
" Home Decorating " Quilting
much of what motivated Bors elsewhere. I got the sense that the comic <Gathering of the an era of high traffic. <Back in the
was the Nib9s unique perch. No many readers found my work Tribes: The Pipeline Protest at early days of the Nib, it would be
other news outlet commissioned
such a daily array of nonfiction
comics storytelling and editorial
cartoons, including memoirs and
essays. Pulitzer finalists who
lacked full-time staff jobs were
there for the first time,= Sorensen
told The Washington Post, add-
ing: <The Nib9s loss will be felt all
the more acutely since major
outlets are increasingly eliminat-
ing political cartoons and limit-
Standing rock,= and Andrew
Greenstone trekked to the Cali-
fornia desert for <Welcome to the
Wasteland,= a comic spotlighting
a post-apocalyptic lifestyle festi-
pretty common to get at least 1
million readers on comics,= Bors
said, including ron Wimberly9s
2015 piece about subtle racism in
comic books titled <Lighten Up,=
or <Trigger Warning: Breakfast,=
25 %
Sewing and
Embroidery Machines

featured next to young talent ing the scope of what they pub- Some of the Nib9s most politi- a 2014 comic in which an anony-
seeking their first major plat-
<one of the reasons the Nib
could even exist is because there
weren9t enough outlets running
comics= or hiring staff cartoon-
And Bolling praised the com-
mitment of its founder: <I don9t
think I9ve ever seen an artist I
know work as relentlessly and
sacrifice as much as matt did,
cally potent work, Bors said,
included an illustrated narrative
about the separation of migrant
families during the Trump ad-
ministration, reported by ryan
Devereaux of the Intercept and
mous rape survivor describes
their struggle to make sense of
the assault.
<Those kinds of numbers
dwindled by the end of the
decade, as social media algo-
G Street Fabrics
12220 Wilkins Avenue
35 %
" Draperies
" Upholstery
" Bedding
" Slipcovers
Extra Savings Coupons
ists, Bors said. <If there were, I through at least three iterations drawn by Kate Wheeler. Working rithms shifted majorly against Rockville, MD 20852 301-231-8998
wouldn9t have been able to get all of the Nib, to make a project with investigative reporters, he news and outside links,= Bors
these people 4 that was one of work for the benefit of comics said, showed that nonfiction said. <But when we were doing
the reasons to organize things creators and readers.= comics could be on par with Nib animations from 2017 to Take |e Post for a run
under the umbrella of a website.= The outlet also published serious magazine writing. 2018, we would get millions of Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere
s0108 2x.75

(The Association of American 2023 Pulitzer finalist Pia Guer- The outlet9s work often com- views on that work online until,
Editorial Cartoonists has esti- ra, the graphic novelist who mented on 4 and sometimes once again, social media pivoted
Politics " History " Culture " More
mated there are fewer than turned to editorial cartooning in defined 4 larger conversations away from video before pivoting
c4 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

8/31/23 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
4.1 WRC (NBC) + NBC News + Hollywood + Password + Law & Order: SVU + Law & Order + News (:35) + J. Fallon
4.2 WRC (IND) Bones Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne The Nanny The Nanny
5.1 WTTG (Fox) + Fox 5 + Pregame + College Football Nebraska at Minnesota (Live) + News

7.1 WJLA (ABC) + Wheel + Jeopardy! + Generation Gap + The Prank Panel + Shark Tank + News + J.Kimmel

9.1 WUSA (CBS) + Inside Ed. + ET + Sheldon + Ghosts + Big Brother (Live) + The Challenge: USA + 9 News (:35) + Colbert
14.1 WFDC (UNI) + Eternamente amándonos + Tierra de esperanza + Minas de pasión + Noticias + Noticiero

20.1 WDCA (MNTV) + FamFeud + Family Feud + Fox 5 News On the Plus + FamFeud + FamFeud + Big Bang + Big Bang + Dateline

22.1 WMPT (PBS) + Context + Moveable + The Yorkshire Vet + Doc Martin + Death in Paradise + Farm + Connection

26.1 WETA (PBS) + PBS NewsHour + Hope Street + Bancroft + Midsomer Murders + Amanpour and Company

32.1 WHUT (PBS) + DW News + School + Independent Lens + Legacy Series + Blackadem + BBC News + On Story

50.1 WDCW (CW) + Neighbor + Neighbor + Fight to Survive + FBoy Island + DC News Now + Seinfeld + Seinfeld

66.1 WPXW (ION) + Chicago P.D. + Chicago P.D. + Chicago P.D. + Chicago P.D. + Chicago P.D.

A&E The First 48 Critical Minutes 60 Days In (:05) Booked: First Day In (:05) The First 48
Netflix AMC (5:00) Movie: True Lies Movie: My Cousin Vinny +++ (1992) Movie: Vegas Vacation + (1997)
One piece (Netflix) A live-action reimagining of the incredibly popular Animal Planet Extinct or Alive Extinct or Alive Extinct or Alive Extinct or Alive Extinct or Alive
manga series <One Piece= about Monkey D. luffy (iñaki Godoy, pictured) BET (6:40) Celebrity (:50) Celebrity Family Feud College Hill Martin Martin Movie: Boomerang ++
and his pirate crew exploring a fantastical world in the hopes of becoming Bravo (6:00) Runway Project Runway Project Runway The Gentle Art Charm
the new pirate king. Cartoon NetworkKing/Hill King/Hill King/Hill Burgers Burgers American American American American Rick
CNN E. B. OutFront (Live) Cooper 360 (Live) The Source With (Live) CNN Primetime (Live) CNN Tonight (Live)
Fight to Survive (CW at 8) the first cake (Max) following the alternate- Comedy Central (:10) Office (:45) Office (:20) The Office (:55) Office The Office The Office The Office The Office South Park
full week on the island begins to universe version of finn and Jake, Discovery Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid
take its toll on the contestants, and fionna and her feline friend Cake Disney Big City Big City Hailey Hailey Marvel's Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Bunk'd Bunk'd
a hangry <team fight= loses its find themselves face-to-face with a E! Botched Botched Botched Botched E! News Botched
cool. powerful new enemy and must ESPN Football Countdown (Live) College Football Florida at Utah (Live) SportsCenter (Live)
seek the help of former ice King ESPN2 2023 U.S. Open Tennis Second Round (Live) NFL Live
project runway (Bravo at 9) the
Simon Petrikov. Food Network Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Outchef'd Bobby's Triple Threat Beat Bobby Beat Bobby
final four designers compete in the Fox News The Ingraham Angle (Live) Jesse Watters (Live) Hannity (Live) Gutfeld! Fox News at Night (Live)
avant-garde challenge, where they Freeform (5:40) Movie: Pitch Perfect (:20) Movie: Pitch Perfect 2 ++ (2015) The 700 Club
must gather inspiration from views FX Movie: Iron Man 3 +++ (2013) What We Do What We Do What We Do What We Do
of Manhattan from the 91st floor of The price is right: a Tribute to
Bob Barker (CBS at 8) Drew Carey, Hallmark (6:00) Movie: Hearts in the ... Movie: Napa Ever After (2023) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls
Summit One Vanderbilt; law Roach Hallmark M&M Garage Sale Mysteries Movie: The More Love Grows (2023) Murder, She Wrote
(Zendaya9s beloved stylist) and Bob Barker9s successor as host of
HBO (6:00) Movie: Edge of Tomor... Winning The New World (:55) Movie: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes +++ (2014) (:10) Telemarketers
Steven Kolb from the Council of <the Price is Right,= hosts a
celebration honoring the life and HGTV 100 Day Dream Home Christina on the Coast Christina on the Coast Hunters Hunters Int'l Hunters Int'l Hunters
fashion Designers of America History Mountain Men Mountain Men (:35) Alone Australia (:35) Mountain Men
guest judge. career of Barker.
Lifetime Castle Castle Castle (:05) Castle (:05) Castle
Big Brother (CBS at 9:01) After a MOvie
MASN MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at Washington Nationals (Live) Nats Xtra Bensinger Charlie Fight Sports WCK
vote, a houseguest is evicted and MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With (Live) Alex Wagner Tonight (Live) Last Word (Live) 11th Hour (Live)
as luck Would Have it (lifetime MTV Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous
interviewed in this live episode; the Movie Network at 8) A former Lost Cities With Albert Lin Vikings: The Rise and Fall Vikings: The Rise and Fall
Nat9l Geographic Vikings: The Rise and Fall Vikings: The Rise and Fall
remaining houseguests compete to criminology professor lectures for a Contenders Contenders Contenders Pure Outdoor Short List
NBC SportsNet WA Mystics Basketball Washington Mystics at Las Vegas Aces
be the next head of household. former associate, only for him to Nickelodeon SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
What We Do in the Shadows (fx turn up dead; now, she must work NWSN On Balance Cuomo Dan Abrams Live (Live) Banfield Cuomo
at 10) the crew is invited to a with her estranged detective PARMT Two Men Two Men Movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark ++++ (1981) Movie: Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade
weekend getaway at the home of a daughter to solve the murder. Syfy (6:00) Movie: Transformers: The Last Knight ++ (2017) Movie: Bill & Ted Face the Music +++ (2020) Movie
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Finale TCM (6:30) Movie: Hitler's Madman Movie: Stagecoach ++++ (1939) (:45) Movie: The Grapes of Wrath ++++ (1940)
The challenge: USa (CBS at 10:01) Outchef9d (food at 9:30) Stay-at- TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper My Strange Addiction My Strange Addiction
A pair of <Challenge= veterans set home mom Cristina is shocked to TNT (5:00) Movie: Rogue One: A ... Movie: Solo: A Star Wars Story ++ (2018) Movie: Batman v Superma...
up a for some former <Big Brother= be competing against chef Geoffrey Travel Eli Roth Presents: Ghost Eli Roth Presents: Ghost Eli Roth Presents: Ghost Help! My Ho Help! My Ho
houseguests; tJ makes a surprising Zakarian in a surprise cooking TruTV Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Tacoma FD Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes
announcement that will affect the competition, she will have to bust TV Land Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (:05) King (:40) King
rest of the game. out her skills to walk away with TV One Cosby Show Cosby Show Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different
$5,000 and beat a professional USA Network Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Movie: Olympus Has Fallen ++ (2013) Movie
preMiere chef. VH1 (5:30) Movie: Straight Outta Compton +++ (2015) Wild 'n Out Wild 'n Out Movie: Lottery Ticket ++ (2010)
adventure Time: Fionna and WNC8 Larry K Income! 7News at 6 Paid Prog. SportsTalk World News WJLA News Memory The National Desk (Live)
4 Olivia McCormack LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs + High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ++++ Excellent +++ Good ++ Fair + Poor No stars: not rated

Late-night talk show hosts to debut podcast to beneût striking writers

BY P RAVEENA after the Writers Guild of Ameri- the strike, in- reasonable demand that is being
S OMASUNDARAM ca, a union of more than 11,000 cluding in seg- set up by the guild, and I support
movie and television writers, de- ments that those demands.=
Five late-night talk show hosts clared its strike on May 2. Two aired before In another early May segment,
are uniting for a podcast that will months later, the 160,000 per- the shows Colbert also said he thought the
financially benefit their employ- formers of the Screen Actors went on hia- writers9 demands were <not un-
ees who have been affected by the Guild and the American Federa- tus. reasonable,= adding that without
Hollywood writers strike. tion of Television and Radio Art- In a seg- them, <The Late Show= would be
Usually daily competitors on ists (SAG-AFTRA) joined, making John Oliver Jimmy Fallon Stephen Jimmy Seth Meyers ment before titled <The Late Show with a guy
late-night television, Stephen it a historic double strike that has Colbert Kimmel his late-night rambling about Lord of the Rings
Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy brought Hollywood to a halt. show was halt- and boats for an hour.=
Kimmel, Seth Meyers and John The organizations are striking my Fallon,= <Jimmy Kimmel Live,= started meeting weekly to talk ed, Meyers said he was grateful <I support collective bargain-
Oliver have teamed up for a over similar issues, including <Late Night with Seth Meyers= about the strikes, Spotify said in for his staffers, quipping that ing,= Colbert said. <This nation
podcast titled <Strike Force Five,= wages, residuals and the use of and <Last Week Tonight with its news release, adding that the strong writing is <essential to any owes so much to unions.=
which will debut Wednesday. All artificial intelligence. John Oliver.= podcast would offer fans a chance show where the host, myself, is at A description for the podcast9s
proceeds from the podcast, which While performers and writers The series is being sponsored to <listen in on these once-private best a C-plus performer.= trailer said for fans who listen, it
will have at least 12 episodes, will work toward a deal with studios, by the phone service provider chats.= <For those people who have a will be akin to watching a <foot-
go to the out-of-work staffs from <Strike Force Five= will support Mint Mobile and beverage com- Colbert, Fallon, Kimmel, Mey- job in show business, they are ball team with five quarterbacks
the five shows, Spotify an- the staff members of <The Late pany Diageo. ers and Oliver will rotate as mod- entitled to fair compensation,= on the field at once.=
nounced Tuesday. Show with Stephen Colbert,= The inspiration for the podcast erators, Spotify said. The hosts Meyers said. <They are entitled to <Listen now, it9s the right thing
The shows ceased production <The Tonight Show Starring Jim- came in May, when the five hosts have expressed their support for make a living. I think it9s a very to do,= the description said.

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My home renovations will take months. How should I be a courteous neighbor?

Dear Miss earplugs? Send apologies? What a gesture that might be seen as I am surprised when someone even frustration that people are there. But on the bridal shower
Miss Manners: We will does Miss Manners recommend? minimizing the discomfort you asks about travel plans as a topic rude enough to argue that you invitations, I do not want to
Manners be moving out of are about to cause 4 is needed. of conversation when I9ve given should like to travel. have the honeymoon fund.
JudIth our house for 10 The people in the middle seats If you hope to find them still no indication of any such plans. Where you lose her is when Instead, I am having an insert
MartIN, months during a in the airplane or the theater neighborly on your return, Miss Simply replying <No= results in you assert that the normal made that lists gift cards that I
JacobINa major renovation. understand that they have to let Manners recommends that your digging as to why not. irritations caused by would like. Do I absolutely have
MartIN aNd Although we will you through to your seat, but firm apology be accompanied by I find it rather elitist for thoughtless, but not ill-meaning, to have the registry on there,
NIcholas escape the noise you still apologize for the your phone number and a someone to assume that another people justify assault. You too?
Ivor MartIN and the chaos, inconvenience. The process is promise that, when problems has the funds to travel, and almost certainly already know
our neighbors repeated for each trip to the inevitably crop up, you will be therefore it9s a rude inquiry. It how to let someone know that Sigh.
will not. There will be the usual bathroom or the popcorn stand. both available and willing to fix may just be small talk, but how you believe their questions are
trucks, mess and noise that go At some point, even the most them quickly. do I let someone know that it9s arrogant and insensitive. But New Miss Manners columns are
with any construction project. understanding fellow patron an arrogant, insensitive how about, for a lark, you don9t? posted Monday through Saturday on
We9re going to follow all the will wonder if forgoing the third Dear Miss Manners: My question? You can
legal guidelines for the project drink purchase might have also husband and I simply don9t like Dear Miss Manners: I am 51 send questions to Miss Manners at
(permits, neighborhood obviated the necessity for the to travel. It9s expensive and What happened to, <I simply years old, getting married for her website, You
notifications, etc.). But in the third bathroom stop. stressful, and I just find myself don9t like to travel=? It had Miss the first and only time. When I can also follow her
interest of being a courteous You will be stepping on your anxious to be home. Visiting Manners9s sympathy, which send out my wedding @RealMissManners.
neighbor, what other things neighbors9 toes for 10 months. family in other states is about it stayed with you through invitations, I plan on having my
should we do? Drop off More than a casual apology 4 or for us. surprise, cost, stress, anxiety 4 honeymoon fund/registry on © 2023 Judith Martin

Thursday, August 31, 2023

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

DISTRICT MARYLAND The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) XD: 3:00- Strays (R) 11:50-2:30-5:20-8:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC: Oppenheimer (R) 11:15-3:15-7:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Blue Beetle (PG-13) 11:15-12:25-
4:45-6:00-7:30-9:00-10:15 5:50-8:45 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) (PG) 10:15AM 1:45-4:40-7:40 Strays (R) 12:00-1:10 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:30- 1:15-4:20
AMC Georgetown 14 AFI Silver Theatre Gran Turismo: Based On a True Gran Turismo: Based On a True 12:00-3:00 Oppenheimer (R) 10:25-2:25- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- Golda (PG-13) 12:45-2:10-4:35- 3:30-6:00 Barbie (PG-13) 11:50-12:50-2:40-
3111 K Street N.W. Cultural Center Story (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:45- Story (PG-13) XD: 11:50AM The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:10-6:00- 6:05-9:25 6:00-9:00 7:00-9:25 The Last Voyage of the Demeter 3:40-6:30-7:25-9:20
Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- 8633 Colesville Road 6:45-10:00 Kushi (Telugu) XD: 6:00-9:45 8:50 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:05AM Dream Girl 2 4:40 Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- (R) 9:45 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing
ry 3D (PG-13) CC: 1:25 Oldboy (R) 8:50 Talk to Me (R) CC: 2:00 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 10:00- Gran Turismo: Based On a True Blue Beetle (PG-13) 10:00-10:40 Elemental (PG) CC: 1:10 ry 3D (PG-13) 1:00-6:45 Oppenheimer (R) 12:40-4:40-8:40 Along (PG) 12:15-3:45
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:45-4:40- Every Man for Himself (Sauve Retribution (R) CC: 12:30 2:00-6:00 Story (PG-13) 12:20-1:20-3:35- Strays (R) 11:45-2:05-4:35- Haunted Mansion (PG-13) CC: The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:10-8:30 Never Give Up 6:00-8:05-10:10
7:20-10:00 Qui Peut - La Vie) (NR) 9:45 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Beauty and the Beast (1991) - 4:40-6:50-8:20 7:25-10:25 1:15-7:20 Along (PG) 10:05-3:45 Strays (R) 12:10-2:35-5:00-7:25 Gran Turismo: Based On a
Mission: Impossible - Dead Beetlejuice (PG) 12:00 Mutant Mayhem 3D (PG) CC: Disney100 (G) 10:30-12:55 Retribution (R) 11:40-2:30- Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) 1:15- Talk to Me (R) CC: 8:10 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 10:15-1:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-3:30- True Story (PG-13) 11:10-2:35-
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) CC: Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-3:45-7:30 4:30-7:45 Cinépolis Gaithersburg 5:10-7:50 4:15-6:55-9:55 Golda (PG-13) CC: 3:00 3:55-6:30-9:30 4:00-5:00-5:50-6:20-6:50-7:50- 6:00-9:00
3:00-6:30 Golda (PG-13) 12:15-2:20- Meg 2: The Trench 3D (PG-13) 629 Center Point Way Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-3:40- The Hill (PG) CC: 1:30-4:45-8:00 Gran Turismo: Based On a 8:40-9:10-9:40 The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:00-6:50-
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 4:30-6:45 CC: 10:00 Barbie (PG-13) 1:15-2:00-7:20 ry 3D (PG-13) 6:00 4:20-4:50-5:30-6:10-6:50-7:30- Retribution (R) CC: 1:15-3:45- True Story (PG-13) 10:10-1:10- Gran Turismo: Based On a 9:40
Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 2:15- Tokyo Story (Tokyo monogatari) Retribution (R) 3:00-5:30-8:00- Mission: Impossible - Dead Blue Beetle (PG-13) OC: 3:50 8:00-8:40-9:20-9:50-10:30 6:15-8:45 3:20-9:25 True Story (PG-13) 1:20-1:25- Regal Manassas & IMAX
4:20-6:45-9:10 (NR) 2:00-7:00 10:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Regal Hyattsville Royale Gran Turismo: Based On a True Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:30- 5:05-8:40 11380 Bulloch Drive
The Last Voyage of the Demeter Weekend (1967) (NR) 4:45 AMC Magic Johnson 1:30-5:20-9:20 6505 America Blvd. Story (PG-13) 10:10-10:50-1:50- 1:10-4:30-7:45 8:00-10:30 Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- Barbie (PG-13) 12:00-1:40-
(R) CC: 1:50 AMC Academy 8 Capital Center 12 Oppenheimer (R) 3:00-4:40-9:00 Barbie (PG-13) 12:20-1:20-3:20- 4:50-7:50 Beauty and the Beast (1991) - Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to ry 3D (PG-13) 12:40 2:50-5:40-8:30
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:00- 6198 Greenbelt Road 800 Shoppers Way Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:00-4:20- 4:20-6:10-7:10-10:10 Haunted Mansion (PG-13) Disney100 (G) 4:00 Gibberitia (Ernest et Célestine - Blue Beetle (PG-13) OC: 5:05 Mission: Impossible - Dead
4:10-8:00 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:30- Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- 7:40 Mission: Impossible - Dead 10:45-3:55 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Voyage en Charabie) 7:05-9:00 Regal Dulles Town Center Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 12:00- 7:10-10:30 ry 3D (PG-13) CC: 6:40-9:40 Strays (R) 1:00-4:00-7:00-9:45 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 9:20 Talk to Me (R) 1:35-7:15-10:05 Story (PG-13) CC: 2:00-5:15-8:30 Bottoms (R) 4:00-6:15-8:30 21100 Dulles Town Circle 7:40
2:55-7:30-9:45 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:50- The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:00- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hill (PG) 12:40-3:50-6:50- Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- Barbie (PG-13) 12:30-1:45-3:15- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
ry 3D (PG-13) CC: 1:50-5:00 CMX Village 14
Strays (R) CC: 2:50-5:10-10:25 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 1:45- 6:40-9:30 6:00-8:00-9:00 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:50- 9:40 4:30-6:15-7:30-9:00 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:45-
1600 Village Market Boulevard
Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Mission: Impossible - Dead Elemental (PG) 6:20 Retribution (R) 11:50-2:40-5:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:00- 2:20-5:00
CC: 1:25
4:40-7:50-10:50 3:50-6:40
7:30-9:50 7:00; 5:00 Barbie (PG-13) 11:50-12:45-2:30- Mission: Impossible - Dead
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:50-4:10- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Gran Turismo: Based On a True The Last Voyage of the Demeter 3:35-5:10-6:30-7:55 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- 7:05-9:50 CC: 8:30 Story (PG-13) 2:40-6:40-10:15 (R) 10:10 Blippi's Big Dino Adventure AMC Shirlington 7 8:45 Kahaani 11:55AM
5:40-8:15-10:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 11:35-1:35 Mission: Impossible - Dead
Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 4:20-
Golda (PG-13) CC: 12:00-2:25- 7:20-10:20 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 12:25-
The Hill (PG) 2:20-9:45 Oppenheimer (R) 1:00-5:10-9:10 2772 South Randolph St.
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 6:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Oppenheimer (R) 11:30-3:30-
Landmark Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:15-1:10- iPic Pike & Rose Barbie (PG-13) CC: 12:15- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:50- 7:30
4:55-7:25-9:55 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC: 3:00-5:45 4:10-7:20-9:20-10:00 11830 Grand Park Avenue 4:40-7:30 3:20-5:50 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:10
Talk to Me (R) CC: 4:35 Bethesda Row Cinema Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:45-
2:00-4:50-8:00-10:50 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 7235 Woodmont Avenue Strays (R) 1:30-4:40 Barbie (PG-13) 3:15-6:15-9:45 Mission: Impossible - Dead The Super Mario Bros. Movie Strays (R) 11:00-2:20-5:00-
Retribution (R) CC: 12:40-3:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- (PG) 12:15 2:15-4:45-7:15
5:20-7:35-9:50 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 2:55- Barbie (PG-13) 1:15-2:00-3:45- Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Oppenheimer (R) 12:05-3:50-7:40 (PG) 12:05 7:35-10:00
6:00-9:00 4:30-6:30-7:15 12:40-4:00-6:50-10:00 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) CC: 2:30 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:05-4:05- 7:45 Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-4:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:00-6:50-
Bottoms (R) CC: 4:30-7:00-8:20- Gran Turismo: Based On a True 5:30-9:15 The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-6:00- 2:30-6:30-9:45 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 7:20 9:50
9:20-10:05 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Mission: Impossible - Dead
Story (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:00- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 7:10-8:00-9:00-9:30-10:00 Oppenheimer (R) 2:00-6:00-9:30 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:40-2:30- The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D
Oldboy (R) CC: 7:00 12:20 12:10-2:45 Strays (R) 12:25-7:45 3:40-5:30-6:40-8:30 Experience (R) 3:00-5:50-8:40
7:00-10:00 4:00-6:50 Gran Turismo: Based On a Blue Beetle (PG-13) 2:45-6:00-
The Good Mother (R) 6:00- Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 12:10- Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:50- Haunted Mansion (PG-13) Strays (R) 1:00-3:30-6:30-9:30 Gran Turismo: Based On a
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:15 Oppenheimer (R) 1:00-3:00-7:00 True Story (PG-13) 12:00-3:20- 10:30 12:20-3:15
10:40 12:50-3:40-6:40-9:40 6:30-9:50 2:40-6:30 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) True Story (PG-13) 12:00-3:10-
AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 4:15-7:45 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13)
The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Strays (R) CC: 12:30-3:00- Talk to Me (R) 10:20 Story (PG-13) (!) 2:15-7:30-10:15 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 1:20- 1:30-4:45-8:00 6:20-9:30
Along (PG) 12:00 1020 Annapolis Mall Road 6:45-9:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:30- 1:25-5:00-8:00
8:00 The Hill (PG) 12:10-3:10-6:20 The Equalizer 3 (R) (!) 3:00-4:15- 4:20-7:20 The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:45- Dream Girl 2 11:50-3:20-6:40-
The Super Mario Bros. Movie Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:45-1:30- Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC: Strays (R) CC: 12:20-5:15 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 3:30 8:30 9:50
4:15-7:00-9:45 Golda (PG-13) 4:30-6:45 Retribution (R) 12:30-3:00-5:30 7:00-7:45-10:00-10:45
(PG) 12:30 3:10-9:10 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) 5:00-7:45 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Talk to Me (R) 8:25
Gran Turismo: Based On a True Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:00- The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- Golda (PG-13) (!) 4:30-6:45-11:00 Gran Turismo: Based On a True
Along (PG) 1:05-3:55 ry 3D (PG-13) 3:40-7:00 5:40-7:40-8:20 Story (PG-13) 2:45-6:00 Retribution (R) 11:10-2:00-
Story (PG-13) CC: 12:15-3:15- Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 10:50- 6:45-9:30 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Story (PG-13) 1:45
6:15-9:15 1:40-4:10-6:40-9:10 The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:10 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing
Along (PG) 12:45-4:00-7:00
VIRGINIA Story (PG-13) CC: 12:40-3:50- Golda (PG-13) 12:00-2:25
Talk to Me (R) 9:40 4:45-7:20-9:50
Gran Turismo: Based On a True Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:00- The Last Voyage of the Demeter Experience (R) CC: 3:00-5:45- Golda (PG-13) 1:45 AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 7:00 The Hill (PG) 12:35-3:45-6:45 Story (PG-13) OC: 9:15 3:40-6:50-10:00
6:35-9:10 (R) CC: 1:10 8:30 Landmark at Regal Laurel Towne Centre 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Talk to Me (R) CC: 12:10 Retribution (R) 12:15-2:35-5:25
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 10:00 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Annapolis Harbour Center 14716 Baltimore Avenue Regal Fairfax Towne Center Gran Turismo: Based On a
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 10:30- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 12:10-2:20- The Good Mother (R) 6:00-8:30 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing 4110 West Ox Road True Story: The IMAX 2D
Story (PG-13) CC: 12:30 Barbie (PG-13) 12:20-1:30-4:20-
2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 5:10-8:00 Along (PG) 11:55-3:00 Experience (PG-13) 11:00AM
DC Bryant Street 1:30-4:30-7:30-9:30 AMC Tysons Corner 16 Barbie (PG-13) 1:30-4:20-7:10-
The Hill (PG) CC: 12:45-3:45- Barbie (PG-13) 12:55-1:30- 6:20-9:20 Mission: Impossible - Dead Gran Turismo: Based On a OMG 2 (Hindi) 4:50
630 Rhode Island Ave NE 7850e Tysons Corner Center 9:50
Strays (R) CC: 10:50-1:35-5:30- 6:45-9:45 4:10-7:30 Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (PG-13) True Story (PG-13) 12:55-1:45- Gaandeevadhari Arjuna
Barbie (PG-13) 2:00-5:15-6:15- 8:40-11:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) 9:45 Mission: Impossible - Dead
Talk to Me (R) CC: 1:40-4:10- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 9:00 CC: 12:30 3:55-7:05 (Gandeevadhari Arjuna) 1:20-
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- 6:40-9:10 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 1:45- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Barbie (PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:20- The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:20-5:00- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 4:40-8:00
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 4:00-5:40-6:40-8:20-9:20-11:00 Retribution (R) CC: 2:15-4:45- 4:15-7:35 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 1:15- 5:05-7:50-10:35 7:40
Mutant Mayhem (PG) 1:15-3:30- Gran Turismo: Based On a True 9:30 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 2:45- 7:00-7:45 Jurassic Park - 30th Anniver-
Oppenheimer (R) 1:00-4:00-7:00 3:50-6:30 5:15-7:40 Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
7:45-10:00 Story (PG-13) CC: 11:30-1:20- Gran Turismo: Based On a True Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:10-4:25- Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-4:10-8:30 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:20-
ry 3D (PG-13) CC: 12:45-6:35 Cinema Arts Theatre der-Verse (PG) 12:40-3:50-7:20 sary 3D (PG-13) 4:30-7:50
Oppenheimer (R) 12:45-1:45- 4:25-7:30-10:35 Story: The IMAX 2D Experience 7:40 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:30-1:40- 4:05-6:30 Mission: Impossible - Dead 9650 Unit 14 Main St. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing
Along (PG) 11:00-1:30
6:00 Haunted Mansion (PG-13) CC: (PG-13) CC: 12:00 3:40-5:00-8:00 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) CC: Barbie (PG-13) 9:40-1:15-3:30- Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:10-
Strays (R) 12:55-4:40 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:50-5:10-
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 2:30 10:40-2:35 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Strays (R) 2:00-4:50 2:35-6:15-9:50 7:10 2:40-5:10
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:20- 4:00-7:00
Strays (R) 11:45AM Golda (PG-13) CC: 12:00-6:20 CC: 6:00 7:15-7:45 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Between Two Worlds (Ouistre- Oppenheimer (R) 12:50-4:50- 8:20
The Equalizer 3 (R) 8:15 Strays (R) CC: 12:00 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 12:00- ham) 9:40-12:00-4:30-7:00 8:50 Regal Springûeld Town Center
Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 10:30- The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Gran Turismo: Based On a True 2:45-6:00 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC:
Gran Turismo: Based On a 2:20-6:10 Along (PG) 3:35 The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-3:40- 2:30-5:15-7:45-10:15 Oppenheimer (R) 9:45-12:05- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:20- 6859 Springûeld Mall
Story (PG-13) 1:20-4:20-7:20 12:00
True Story (PG-13) 1:00-4:15- Bottoms (R) CC: 4:00-8:00-10:20 Retribution (R) OC: 7:10 The Hill (PG) 1:40-4:30-7:10 5:40-6:10-6:50-7:15-7:45-8:15- Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem 3:35-6:00 6:30-9:30 Barbie (PG-13) 12:10-1:10-
6:30-9:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- Kahaani 12:25-6:25 3:20-4:20-6:20-6:50-7:20-9:10-
Retribution (R) CC: 11:20-2:30- Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 3:30 9:10-9:40 5:40-8:20 The Miracle Club (PG-13) 12:15- Strays (R) 1:40-4:10-6:40-9:20
Bottoms (R) 5:00-6:45-8:00- AMC Montgomery 16 The Last Voyage of the Demeter 2:10-6:10 9:40-10:10
4:50-7:10-10:30 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Gran Turismo: Based On a Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13)
8:45-9:45 7101 Democracy Boulevard Gran Turismo: Based On a True (R) CC: 10:05 Mission: Impossible - Dead
The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Barbie (PG-13) CC: 12:00-1:45- Along (PG) 1:15-7:25 True Story (PG-13) 12:10-3:30- Story (PG-13) CC: 1:20-4:30-7:30 Golda (PG-13) 9:50-12:00-2:30- 6:20-9:10
Oldboy (R) 4:30 Along (PG) 11:50AM 6:40-8:50 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 5:00-7:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-6:00- Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing 4:30-7:15-10:00 Old Greenbelt Theatre Retribution (R) CC: 12:15-2:40- (PG) 12:05 7:00-9:00 9:00
AMC Center Park 8 Talk to Me (R) 7:30 5:00-7:20 Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
Along (PG) 11:30-3:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead 129 Centerway Oppenheimer (R) CC: 2:25-9:40 10:05-1:00-4:15-7:15 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
4001 Powder Mill Rd. Reckoning Part One (PG-13) CC: The Hill (PG) 3:00 Bottoms (R) CC: 4:10-7:50
Barbie (PG-13) 12:30 Golda (PG-13) 7:00 Retribution (R) 11:50-2:10-4:40 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 12:10- Jules (PG-13) 9:50-2:20-4:05- Story (PG-13) 12:30-3:40-6:50- Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:50-
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:45-7:00- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:40-4:40- 12:45-4:15 Jules (PG-13) 7:15 AMC Hoffman Center 22 1:10-4:10-7:10-10:10 8:00 10:00 12:50-2:30-3:30-5:10-6:10-7:50
10:15 7:20-10:20 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Regal Rockville Center 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Strays (R) CC: 2:40-8:00 Haunted Mansion (PG-13) The Last Voyage of the Deme-
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 2:15- Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 199 East Montgomery Avenue Cinemark Centreville 12
3899 Branch Avenue The Goonies (PG) 5:45 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:00 ter (R) 10:30
Angelika Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 1:50- 4:45-7:15 The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:50 6201 Multiplex Drive
Pop-Up at Union Market Barbie (PG-13) 2:00-5:00-8:05 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 3:10-9:20 Mr. Ex 9:40 The Super Mario Bros. Movie
4:20-6:50-10:10 The Last Voyage of the Demeter Gran Turismo: Based On a True Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 2:15- Elemental (PG) CC: 11:40-12:35 Mission: Impossible - Dead The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing (PG) 10:55-1:30-4:05
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:45-4:00- (R) CC: 1:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Story (PG-13) 12:20-3:40-6:50- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 4:20 Along (PG) 12:00-3:10
Mutant Mayhem (PG) 3:00- 4:45-7:15-9:45 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 5:00- Oppenheimer (R) 11:40-4:00-
Barbie (PG-13) 11:15-1:50- 6:45-9:30 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 10:20 8:00-10:45 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 8:10
4:30-7:30 5:30-8:15 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Blue Beetle (PG-13) OC: 3:20
Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 1:15- (PG) 12:45 Golda (PG-13) 12:00-2:40- Along (PG) 1:00 The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D (PG) 12:30-1:55 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 11:00-
Grave of the Fireûies - Studio 4:10-7:10-10:20 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 1:30-5:30- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:50-4:40- 5:20-8:00 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) 1:20- Regal Fox & IMAX
7:30 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:00- Experience (R) CC: 3:00-6:00- 11:30-2:20-2:50-5:30-6:30-
Ghibli Fest 2018 11:00AM Strays (R) CC: 2:10 6:30-10:30 Retribution (R) 11:10-2:00-4:40- 9:00 7:10-10:10 22875 Brambleton Plaza
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:15-4:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- Strays (R) 12:45 7:00-10:00 Barbie (PG-13) 11:30-2:30-
The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 8:00 7:10-9:30 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Kushi (Telugu) 8:00 Strays (R) 1:05-4:10-7:10-10:10
7:00 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- 5:30-8:40
4:30-6:00-7:30-9:00-10:30 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 1:30- No More Bets 7:00 ry 3D (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:00 Story (PG-13) CC: 1:45 Blippi's Big Dino Adventure Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13)
Strays (R) 11:10-1:30 Gran Turismo: Based On a True 4:30-7:30-10:30 2:15-5:00-7:45 Mission: Impossible - Dead
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:35- Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX Mission: Impossible - Dead Haunted Mansion (PG-13) CC: 12:00-2:05 11:10-2:00-5:00
The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:25-7:00 Story (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:00- Strays (R) CC: 12:15-2:45-5:15- 11:50-5:10 Barbie (PG-13) 1:45-4:15 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:50-
7:45-10:15 8:00 1419 South Main Chapel Way Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 9:40
Avalon Theatre 7:00-10:00 CC: 8:30 Golda (PG-13) CC: 1:30-3:20 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 8:40
Gran Turismo: Based On a True Barbie (PG-13) 11:20-12:20-
5612 Connecticut Avenue Retribution (R) CC: 1:30-4:30- Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC:
Story (PG-13) 2:30-5:30-8:30 7:00-10:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Landscape with Invisible Hand Mutant Mayhem (PG) 1:25-4:40- Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Gran Turismo: Based On a
12:30-9:30 Kahaani 2:20-6:05-9:50
Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-3:45- 7:50-10:45 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: der-Verse (PG) CC: 8:00 (R) CC: 3:45 7:20-10:00 True Story (PG-13) 11:20-
7:30 AMC Columbia 14 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- Regal Cinemas Majestic
Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:50- MR-9: Do or Die 2:45 Bottoms (R) CC: 4:00-6:30-9:15 Talk to Me (R) 12:35-3:10-5:45- The Super Mario Bros. Movie 12:20-3:40-7:00-10:20
5:45-7:00-8:30-9:45 Stadium 20 & IMAX Retribution (R) CC: 11:45-2:10- 8:20 (PG) 11:55AM Talk to Me (R) 8:00-10:35
Golda (PG-13) 12:45-3:05- 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway
900 Ellsworth Drive 3:00-6:10-9:00 The Last Voyage of the Demeter Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-4:10-
5:25-7:45 Elemental (PG) CC: 12:00-1:15 4:40-7:05-9:30 Oppenheimer (R) 12:05-4:10-8:10
Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- The Last Voyage of the Demeter (R) CC: 2:45 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
Landmark ry 3D (PG-13) CC: 2:00-8:15 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Barbie (PG-13) 11:00-11:50-1:15- (R) 3:15 The Super Mario Bros. Movie Gran Turismo: Based On a True Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:40-3:45- 8:20 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
Story (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:45- 1:50-4:10-7:05-10:00 Story: The IMAX 2D Experience 6:50-9:55 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 2:05
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:45-4:30- 7:00-10:15 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) 2:30 Jailer (Tamil) 2:50-4:30-6:30- Barbie (PG-13) 12:50-1:40-
7:15-10:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: (PG-13) CC: 11:35AM Strays (R) 12:20-2:50-5:20-
807 V Street Northwest Indiana Jones and the Dial of Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:40-3:30 (PG) 11:15AM The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 4:15 10:10 4:20-6:45-7:40-9:40
Barbie (PG-13) 5:00-7:50 Mission: Impossible - Dead Oppenheimer (R) 11:45-4:20-8:30 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC: Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 12:30- 7:50-10:25 Mission: Impossible - Dead
Oppenheimer (R) 4:00-7:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Destiny (PG-13) CC: 10:20 Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 11:40-3:10- 1:15-6:30 4:30-8:30 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) 3:40 Strays (R) 12:35-3:25-6:15 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Haunted Mansion (PG-13) CC: Kahaani 12:30-4:30-8:35 Beauty and the Beast (1991) - The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-4:05- The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:50-6:50-
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 4:40-7:20 CC: 5:00 3:00 3:50-6:20-9:30-10:00 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 1:00- 10:00 9:35
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Golda (PG-13) CC: 2:45-5:15-7:45 The Last Voyage of the Demeter Disney100 (G) 11:25AM 4:25-5:50-6:55-7:15-8:40-9:40-
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:20- (R) 9:05 Strays (R) 12:10-3:40-6:50-9:40 4:00-7:00-10:00 The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 2:15- Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Strays (R) CC: 2:00-4:30-7:00- The Good Mother (R) 6:00-8:20- 10:05 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:00-
7:40 Talk to Me (R) CC: 9:45 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 10:40 Experience (R) 3:00-5:50-8:40
Gran Turismo: Based On a True 4:45-7:15 6:40-9:50 9:30 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Gran Turismo: Based On a True 1:35-4:10-6:50
The Last Voyage of the Demeter The Hill (PG) CC: 12:05-3:30 (PG) 11:40AM No More Bets 6:10-10:30 Along (PG) 12:25
Story (PG-13) 4:10-7:10 Bottoms (R) CC: 4:00-6:45-9:15 Oppenheimer (R) 11:45-3:50-8:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:00-6:50- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- Story (PG-13) 12:10 The Last Voyage of the Deme-
(R) CC: 9:50 9:40 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:05-7:00 Barbie (PG-13) 6:40-9:30
Landmark E Street Cinema Retribution (R) CC: 12:10-2:30- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:10- 6:00-9:00
Gran Turismo: Based On a True Gran Turismo: Based On a Gadar 2 (Hindi) 11:40-3:30-7:30 ter (R) 10:25
The Super Mario Bros. Movie The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D The Super Mario Bros. Movie
555 11th Street Northwest (PG) 1:50 5:00-7:30-10:00 6:30-9:40 Story (PG-13) CC: 12:20-3:30- Dream Girl 2 11:45-2:55-6:05-
Experience (R) 3:00-5:50-8:40 Experience (R) CC: 6:45-9:30 True Story (PG-13) 12:10-3:20- 9:15 (PG) 11:40AM
Barbie (PG-13) 3:30-4:30-7:35- Oppenheimer (R) CC: 2:00- The Good Mother (R) 6:00- Strays (R) 11:00-1:25-4:05- 6:40-10:00 6:30-9:45
8:30-9:30 6:55-9:50 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Elemental (PG) CC: 4:00-7:20 Retribution (R) 11:35-2:20-4:45- Oppenheimer (R) 10:55-3:10-
8:00 6:00-8:45 Story (PG-13) 12:30-3:20-4:00- Gadar 2 (Hindi) 9:45 AMC Worldgate 9 5:30-7:25
Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Cinemark 7:20-9:55
Oppenheimer (R) 3:30-7:15 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 5:00 No More Bets 3:15-6:30 11:45-2:35 7:10-7:50 Golda (PG-13) CC: 1:45-4:30- 13025 Worldgate Drive Fairfax Corner and XD Blue Beetle: The IMAX 2D Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:30-4:30-
Golda (PG-13) 4:10-7:25 Strays (R) CC: 2:20-4:50-7:20- The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:15
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-3:30- Haunted Mansion (PG-13) 12:00 7:00-9:30 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 3:45-7:15 11900 Palace Way Experience (PG-13) 12:00 7:30-10:30
Theater Camp (PG-13) 3:45 9:50 Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD Retribution (R) 11:10-2:00- Haunted Mansion (PG-13) CC: Mission: Impossible - Dead Short Film Program (NR) 10:00 Gaandeevadhari Arjuna (Gande- Strays (R) 11:05-12:30-3:05-
7000 Arundel Mills Circle 4:30-5:00-5:30-5:50-6:20-7:20-
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-7:00 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 2:45- 7:50-8:20-8:40-9:10-10:00-10:30 4:40-7:20 2:00-5:00 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) CC: Barbie (PG-13) XD: 12:00 evadhari Arjuna) 12:40-10:10 9:25
The Eternal Memory 3:15 6:00-9:00 Barbie (PG-13) 10:05-11:00- The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D Gran Turismo: Based On a True Talk to Me (R) CC: 4:00-9:15 3:00-6:15 The Super Mario Bros. Movie OMG 2 (Hindi) 9:30 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13)
Oldboy (R) 7:15 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) 12:55-1:50-4:40-7:30-10:25-10:55 Experience (R) 4:00-6:50-9:40 Story: The IMAX 2D Experience The Hill (PG) CC: 1:30-3:00- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: (PG) 1:15-3:45 Akelli 3:55 8:30-10:20
Bottoms (R) 4:00-8:00; 7:25 CC: 2:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: (PG-13) 11:20AM Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 7:30 Strays (R) 12:30-3:00-5:30-
Mutant Mayhem (PG) 10:15-
Gran Turismo: Based On a True 6:00-9:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:00-7:00-
Regal Gallery Place The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00- Story (PG-13) 12:00-3:20-6:40- Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- Gran Turismo: Based On a True Oppenheimer (R) CC: 3:30-6:45 8:00-10:30 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:05- 10:00
701 Seventh Street Northwest 6:00-9:00 11:15-12:55-1:55-4:35-7:20-10:00 10:00 ry 3D (PG-13) 1:40-4:50-8:00 Story: The IMAX 2D Experience Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: Gran Turismo: Based On a True
Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) 1:35-4:20-7:00
The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D Oppenheimer (R) 3:35-7:35 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing
Barbie (PG-13) 11:50-2:50-5:50- Experience (R) CC: 4:00-7:00- Dream Girl 2 11:20AM (PG-13) CC: 3:45 4:00-6:30 12:45-3:40-6:50 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 11:30-2:55- Story (PG-13) 12:20
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 10:05-10:25- Kushi (Telugu) 4:30-8:30 Along (PG) 11:30AM Bottoms (R) CC: 1:30-4:30- Strays (R) CC: 5:40-8:00 5:55-8:55 Haunted Mansion (PG-13)
6:20-8:50-9:20 9:45 1:10-1:30-4:15-4:35-7:20-7:40- The Equalizer 3 (R) XD: 3:00-
Mission: Impossible - Dead Indiana Jones and the Dial of Regal Westview & IMAX 7:00-9:30 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) 5:50-8:40 Jailer (Tamil) 12:10-8:50 10:45AM
Golda (PG-13) CC: 1:45-4:15- 10:25-10:45
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 6:45-9:15 Strays (R) 10:00-12:30-3:00-5:30-
Destiny (PG-13) 12:50 5243 Buckeystown Pike Retribution (R) CC: 2:00-4:30- CC: 4:45 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Gran Turismo: Based On a True Golda (PG-13) 11:10-1:50-4:40-
7:40 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Barbie (PG-13) 11:30-12:40-3:40- 7:00-9:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 3:00-7:00 Story (PG-13) XD: 12:00-3:10 Story (PG-13) 1:45-5:00-8:25 7:10-9:45
Talk to Me (R) CC: 9:45 8:00-10:40 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Gran Turismo: Based On a True Kushi (Telugu) XD: 6:20-10:05 The Hill (PG) 12:10-3:20-6:40-
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hill (PG) CC: 3:00 Experience (R) 11:00AM 5:30-6:30-9:20 OMG 2 (Hindi) 6:50
Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Golda (PG-13) 11:00-1:45-4:30- 1:15-3:00-6:15-9:30 Story (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:00 9:50
Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:40- 10:35-1:30-4:25-7:25-10:30 Mission: Impossible - Dead Dream Girl 2 6:35 The Equalizer 3 (R) 5:00-7:55-
4:55 Retribution (R) CC: 1:45-4:10- 7:15-10:00 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 8:30 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 1:00- Retribution (R) CC: 3:45-7:45 10:40 Retribution (R) 11:30-2:00-
6:40-9:10 The Equalizer 3 (R) XD: 3:00- Retribution (R) 12:10 4:50-7:20
The Last Voyage of the Demeter The Hill (PG) 11:30-2:45 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 4:45-8:30 Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
The Good Mother (R) 6:00-8:30 5:50-8:45; 3:20-3:40-4:25-4:50- CC: 4:30 Boys Hostel (Telugu) 10:05 Regal Kingstowne & RPX Jurassic Park - 30th Anniver-
(R) 9:30 Retribution (R) 11:10-2:00-4:45-Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:40-2:10 The Good Mother (R) 6:00-8:15- The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 5:00-8:00 6:10-6:40-7:15-7:35-9:00-9:25- 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center sary 3D (PG-13) 2:10-5:20
The Super Mario Bros. Movie 7:20-10:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 10:00 Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Along (PG) 12:40
(PG) 12:40 Gran Turismo: Based On a True 10:05-10:20 Bottoms (R) 4:00-6:40-9:20 (PG) 11:50AM Warrior King (PG-13) 6:45 One Loudoun
Barbie (PG-13) 11:05AM The Little Mermaid (2023)
Elemental (PG) 10:00-12:50-4:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead Mission: Impossible - Dead
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 11:50-12:10- Story (PG-13) CC: 2:45-6:00-9:05 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Gaandeevadhari Arjuna (Gande- Oppenheimer (R) 2:30-6:30 No More Bets 1:00-4:00-7:00- 20575 East Hampton Plaza Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Sing Along (PG) 11:55-3:40
3:25-6:10-6:40-9:20-9:40 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 evadhari Arjuna) 11:50AM Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:10-4:30- 10:00 Barbie (PG-13) 11:30-2:45-6:00- 12:50-4:35-8:15 Gran Turismo: Based On a True
Story (PG-13) 12:35-3:55-7:15- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:30- 10:15 Story (PG-13) 11:20-2:40-6:50-
Strays (R) 11:25-2:10-4:50-7:20 9811 Washingtonian Center 10:35; 12:35-3:55-7:15-10:35; Beauty and the Beast (1991) - 7:40-9:50 8:00-9:30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 10:05
Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 6:00-9:00 11:20-7:30-10:55; 11:50AM Disney100 (G) 1:00-3:25 Strays (R) 12:20-2:50-5:20-8:20 7:15-10:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:05- Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-6:00-
12:20-3:20 The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D Kushi (Telugu) 3:00-6:45-10:30 The Good Mother (R) 6:00-8:20 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Gran Turismo: Based On a True Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 4:00-6:40-9:20
Story (PG-13) CC: 3:00-6:15-9:30 2:30-5:10-7:45-10:20 9:00
The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:00-7:00- Experience (R) CC: 4:00-7:00- Haunted Mansion (PG-13) 12:25- Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- 1:00-3:50-7:00 2:30-5:30 Oppenheimer (R) 12:10-4:10-8:10 Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem
10:00 10:00 3:30-6:40-9:40 ry 3D (PG-13) 2:30-5:50 The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:00-6:50- AMC Potomac Mills 18 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Kushi (Telugu) 3:00-6:45-10:30 Kahaani 2:25-10:10 Smithsonian -
Gran Turismo: Based On a True Bottoms (R) CC: 4:00-5:00- The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing 9:40 2700 Potomac Mills Circle Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:15- Airbus IMAX Theater
Golda (PG-13) 11:00-1:40- Barbie (PG-13) 12:45-1:30-3:55- The Last Voyage of the Demeter 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
Story (PG-13) 12:20 7:30-10:15 4:20-7:05 Along (PG) 11:00AM The Equalizer 3: The IMAX 2D Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:30- 3:15-6:45 6:45-9:40 (R) 10:30
Bottoms (R) 4:15-6:55-9:45 Beauty and the Beast (1991) Talk to Me (R) 11:25-2:00-5:00- No More Bets 7:00-10:10 Experience (R) 3:00-5:50-8:40 7:15 Oppenheimer (R) 1:15-3:30-6:30 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:15-3:25- The Super Mario Bros. Movie Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
Retribution (R) 11:00-2:00-7:20- - Disney100 (G) 11:00-1:15- 7:55-10:30 Blue Beetle (PG-13) OC: 3:20 Gran Turismo: Based On a True Mission: Impossible - Dead Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:30-3:45- 6:30-9:35 (PG) 12:35 1:05-3:50-5:00
10:00 3:30-5:45 The Hill (PG) 10:00-1:05 Never Give Up 6:05-8:35 Story (PG-13) 12:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 7:20-9:45
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:50-4:25- Oppenheimer (R) 12:05-4:00- Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
Seas 12:25-4:25
Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 11:20- No More Bets 12:15-3:30-6:45- Bottoms (R) 4:00-7:05-9:35 Regal Germantown Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D CC: 8:00 Strays (R) 11:45-2:30-5:15 6:40-7:10-9:30-9:55 8:10
3:20-7:30 9:45 Retribution (R) 10:10-12:40-3:10- 20000 Century Boulevard Experience (R) 11:10AM Spider-Man: Across the Spi- The Equalizer 3 (R) 7:45-9:10 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 10:55-1:45-
Gran Turismo: Based On a True Jailer (Tamil) 11:00-6:20 3:15
Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 5:00-8:00 5:40-8:15-10:45 Barbie (PG-13) 11:45-2:40- Blue Beetle (PG-13) OC: 2:20 der-Verse (PG) CC: 8:20 Gran Turismo: Based On a Story (PG-13) 12:40-3:50-7:00- Strays (R) 11:30-2:00-4:30-
ry 3D (PG-13) 3:10-6:25 AMC Loews Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 5:40-8:40 The Equalizer 3 (R) 5:00-8:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: True Story (PG-13) 11:15-3:00- 10:10 7:05-9:45 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
Never Give Up 6:10-8:40 St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 10:10-1:20 Gran Turismo: Based On a Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 6:15-9:45 (NR) 11:30AM
Mission: Impossible - Dead Medal of Honor Theater - Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13)
The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing 11115 Mall Circle Blippi's Big Dino Adventure Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 7:30 True Story (PG-13) 11:20-2:40- 2:40-5:20 Barbie (PG-13) 12:45 6:55-9:55 The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:25
The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing NMMC Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D
Along (PG) 11:35-2:45 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:15-5:00- 11:15-1:25 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 6:10-9:30 Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-5:50-
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 7:00-9:45 Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:30- Xscape Theatres Kahaani 7:50 Along (PG) 11:00-12:00 8:40 Experience (R) 6:30
Mutant Mayhem (PG) OC: 2:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: ry 3D (PG-13) 4:10-7:10 2:10-4:50 Brandywine 14 The Last Voyage of the Demeter Bottoms (R) 4:00-7:00-9:45 We, the Marines (NR) 10:00- University Mall Theatres
Gran Turismo: Based On a True
Oppenheimer (R) OC: 12:20 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: Boys Hostel (Telugu) 9:45 Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem 7710 Matapeake Business Drive (R) CC: 2:10 Angelika Film Center Mosaic 11:00-12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00- Story (PG-13) 12:20-3:55-7:00- 10659-A Braddock Road
Blue Beetle (PG-13) OC: 3:00 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing Kahaani 1:00-5:10-8:50 The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2911 District Ave 5:00-6:00
2:00-10:15 Barbie (PG-13) 10:20-1:20-4:20- 10:05 The Little Mermaid (2023) Sing
Gran Turismo: Based On a Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 12:15- Along (PG) 11:45AM The Super Mario Bros. Movie 7:20-10:20 (PG) 1:30-6:15-8:40 Barbie (PG-13) 10:00-12:30-3:05- Regal Ballston Quarter Dream Girl 2 12:55-4:05-7:15- Along (PG) 12:05
True Story (PG-13) 11:20-2:40- 3:15-6:15-9:15 Zombie Town (R) 3:00-6:00-9:00 (PG) 1:45 Mission: Impossible - Dead Oppenheimer (R) CC: 3:30-7:45 5:35-8:05-10:35 671 North Glebe Road 10:25 Barbie (PG-13) 2:40-5:00-7:30
6:10-9:20 Strays (R) CC: 2:15-9:15; Short Film Program (NR) 10:00 Oppenheimer (R) 12:30-4:30-8:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 9:25 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 4:10 Grave of the Fireûies - Studio Barbie (PG-13) 12:00-12:30-1:00- Retribution (R) 2:45-5:15-7:45- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00-6:00- 4:15-6:45 Barbie (PG-13) XD: 12:15-3:05 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:40-4:45- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Strays (R) CC: 1:00-5:45-7:40 Ghibli Fest 2018 11:00AM 3:10-4:10-6:10-7:10-9:00-10:00 10:00 7:00
9:00 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC: The Super Mario Bros. Movie 7:10-8:10 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:25- Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 1:45- The Super Mario Bros. Movie Mission: Impossible - Dead Jurassic Park - 30th Anniversa- Gran Turismo: Based On a True
Retribution (R) OC: 4:40 1:00-4:30-7:15 (PG) 10:05-10:40-1:10 Jailer (Tamil) 11:25AM 2:15-4:45-7:05 5:00-8:15 (PG) 10:30AM Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 8:30 ry 3D (PG-13) 3:25-6:35 Story (PG-13) 1:15-4:15-7:15
C6 EZ RE the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023




f A73
g 65
f 642
g AK542
f J84 f Q 10 9 6 5
g 9742 g 83
g 10 8 g QJ97
f K2
g A K Q J 10
f AQ53
g 63

The bidding:
1g Pass 2g Pass
3g Pass 4 NT Pass
5g Pass 5 NT Pass
Opening lead 4 f J

< ... that amazing moment

when you hear a song you
haven9t heard in years, yet
you remember every word.=
4 graffiti.
Bridge involves drawing
on your experience. A good
declarer may survey dummy
and say, <I9ve seen this situa-
tion before.=
and rebid clubs with a light
hand, and South launched
into Blackwood. When North
showed two aces, South
might have bid seven hearts,
a good spot if North had held
longer clubs.
At six hearts, South won
the first diamond with the
queen, drew trumps, took
the A-K of clubs and ruffed a
South lacked the entries
to set up and cash the fifth
club; he tried the ace and
another diamond, hoping for
a lucky break. No luck; down
An experienced declarer
might see the winning play.
After South draws trumps, he
plays a low club from both
hands. He wins the diamond
and ruffs a club. Then dum-
my9s fifth club is good for the
12th trick. The ace of spades
is an entry.
You hold:
f K 2 g A K Q J 10
You open one heart, your
partner responds two clubs,
you bid two diamonds and
you say?
ANSWER: Partner9s two
spades forces to game, so
you surely have a slam,
maybe a grand. Bid three
hearts, suggesting a good
hand and a six-card suit or
strong five-carder. If partner
bids 3NT next, bid 6NT.
4 Frank Stewart





thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C7



You are energetic,
enthusiastic and fun!
You have a knack
of making things
look easy. This year is the
beginning of a nine-year cycle,
which means it9s time to be
courageous and flexible so you
can entertain new directions
and new ideas. Be ready to
open any door!

restrictions to shopping or
important decisions today.
The Moon is in Pisces.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Be open to new and different
opportunities to boost your
earnings today, because they
exist. It might be something
different from what you had
anticipated, but hey, you are
the pioneer of the zodiac, and
you love to tackle something
This is a fortunate day for
you. In particular, you will
enjoy touching base with
friends and interacting with
members of clubs, groups
and organizations. Someone
unusual might entertain you.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Someone in authority
might surprise you with
an interesting offer today.
Although it9s unexpected
and perhaps unusual, it
could expand your world and
Check things out.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
This is an excellent day to
discuss future travel plans or
opportunities in publishing, the
media, medicine or the law.
You might suddenly decide
to take a course or do some
training in an unusual field.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
This is an excellent day
for important discussions
DUSTIN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN share something. Perhaps
you9re dealing with estates,
inheritances or shared
property. It9s also a good day to
try something different with a
banking product.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
This is a marvelous day to
schmooze! In particular, you9ll
be attracted to characters and
unusual people. Perhaps a
spouse, partner or friend will
introduce you to someone very


Work-related travel might
be fun. It might happen at
the last moment, or there9s
something unusual about it.
In fact, something unusual
and different is very likely to
happen related to your work,
your health or even your pet.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Accept all invitations to
socialize and party today,
because this is a wonderful
day to talk to others. You
will enjoy playful activities
performances, special times
with friends and sports events.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Stock the fridge so you can
spontaneously entertain at
home, which is what might
happen today. You might
impulsively invite people over.
Or without your knowing,
family and friends might arrive
at your door.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
This is an upbeat, exciting
day! Your sense of optimism
is strong and you9re full of big
ideas! If you can fit in a short
trip, this will please you. You
will definitely enjoy socializing
with others, especially people
from other cultures.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Look for ways to boost your
income today, because they
exist. This could be related to
a family business or perhaps
a real estate situation. You
might even be involved with
people from another culture or
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
This is a wonderful day for
you, because the Moon is in
your sign dancing beautifully
with lucky Jupiter and
unpredictable Uranus. This
makes you fortunate and also
subject to impulsive ideas
and moves and spontaneous
4 Georgia Nicols



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.
C8 eZ re the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

He9s always with his grandkids these days, and I have started to feel lonely
Dear Amy: my staying overnight when his kids involves actual physical early in life, and I have never order, even if you believe it hasn9t
Ask Amy longtime male take a trip. As time goes by, I find caretaking for the little loves in handled the situation of my Can9t Get Past: I wonder if a helped in the past.
Amy friend and I have myself alone more and more. his life, you can either join him in infertility well at all. my husband counselor has ever told you that
Dickinson been together for We used to do things together this pursuit or find a new golfing has a grown son from his first it is not necessary for you to be Dear Amy: <Angry mom= was a
over 15 years. He during the day (take drives, visit partner. marriage. happy (genuinely or otherwise) little too upset that her teenage
lives just a few museums, bike, golf, etc.), but Some grandparents I recently struck up a for a pregnant woman. All you son was <excluded= from a trip
miles away. We talked about now days like that are few and far completely suppress their other friendship with a lovely younger need to do is to accept it as a fact some of his friends took.
marriage for a while, but that between. I never say anything identities in favor of their role as woman. We have many things in of this woman9s life, along with You should have advised her to
impulse waned as time went by. I because I understand his feelings a grandparent, and while this can common, despite the difference accepting the feelings this brings tell him what an entitled little
think we both believe that we for his grandchildren, and I don9t be great for the grandkids and in age. She is married and has a up in you. brat he is. You were far too kind.
have a good relationship and that want to start any fights or create their folks 4 this new avocation young child. She has always said one way to cope with 4 Upset
marrying or living together ill feelings. will swamp other relationships. she only wanted one child, but challenging emotions is to
might change that. Lately, I9ve started noticing He is making choices that serve recently has started talking about recognize them when they arise, Upset: Helping teens to process
He is a great, easygoing man other men 4 I think more out of his interests and passions, and having a second. to accept the reasons behind their feelings 4 without
whom I do love dearly, and I the need for companionship than you have the right to do the same. If she does, I will be unable to them and to allow yourself to feel denigrating them 4 is a way to
know he loves me, too. Here is the anything else. And, yes, I have You are already engaging in be happy for her because I have them, understanding that they encourage resiliency.
caveat: We both have grandkids dated a few other men and have pursuing other companion- never been capable of being will subside.
from our previous marriages. I been intimate with two men. I do relationships, and the way not to genuinely happy for any It would help if you explained Amy9s column appears seven days a
feel as most grandmothers do feel some guilt, but not enough to feel guilty about this is to tell this expectant mother (because it your history to your friend. You week at
that my grandkids are the loves cease looking. man the truth. never happened for me). Please can tell her that pregnancy Write to or
of my life. He feels the same What can I do? don9t recommend counseling. I brings up complicated emotions Amy Dickinson, P.O. box 194, freeville,
about his grandchildren. 4 Lonely in the Sunshine State Dear Amy: I am a grown woman, have tried it in the past, and it for you. N.y. 13068. ù you can also follow her
When it comes to sitting with in my 60s, very happily married. does not help. I want to be happy If you find you are ruminating @askingamy.
the little ones, however, he is over Lonely: Your friend has taken on I have been infertile my entire for her, but I can9t, and this is excessively (it sounds as if you
the top. He babysits several days a new family. His interests have life (that, in itself, is a long story) breaking my heart. are), then talking it through with © 2023 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
during the week, as well as shifted. Because his new interest due to medical complications 4 Can9t Get Past the Hurt a counselor really would be in Tribune content Agency.

Experts say Martha Stewart9s of her time indulging in the

luxuries of the world, but in July
she told them she is also con-
scious of the crises it faces. In

choice of rocks is no big deal mid-July, she told her Instagram

followers that a recent storm had
dumped 8 inches of rain on her
maine estate, washing out roads,
felling trees and rotting her veg-
MArthA from C1 Stewart putting some ice into ed. etable garden.
her glass, which he described as Even though Stewart didn9t do She used the storm and the
Perhaps, but plucking an ice- <zero (or at least no greater than anything harmful in rignot9s damage it caused to highlight the
berg out of the sea is not a big the beating of butterflies9 wings view, she could have taken the increasingly severe effects of cli-
deal, said glaciologist Eric ri- in the Amazon).= opportunity to highlight <the mate change.
gnot, a professor in the earth <Popping a bit of ice into a beauty of the place and how sad <And what are we doing as a
system science department at drink is no worse than taking a it is to know that it is melting nation to remedy this erratic
the University of California at glass of water from a river,= away,= he added. weather and global warming??=
Irvine. In fact, rignot, who stud- Allison wrote in an email to The Stewart does not appear to she asked rhetorically. <Think
ies how climate change affects Post. have done that, at least on her about it and start to act responsi-
the polar ice sheets, said he has Bringing aboard one or two ice Instagram account. But her trav- bly please!=
gAbe gINsberg/geTTy ImAges done it, too. fragments has been a common el companion Brian Kelly, who Although he9s a glaciologist,
Martha Stewart wrote that while sailing off Greenland, the <It is not like she went to a practice for decades among expe- founded the Points Guy travel Allison said he was concerned
excursion <captured a small iceberg for our cocktails tonight.= glacier and carved a piece of ice dition cruise ships such as those site, did so in an Instagram post about Stewart9s cocktail-iceberg
off it,= rignot wrote in an email operated by Swan Hellenic, said that he published around the pairing. The ice in Greenland is
to The Washington Post. <Ice- Lindsay Brean, a spokeswoman same time as Stewart. In his formed from layer upon layer of
<It is not like she went to a glacier and carved a bergs float at sea already and for the cruise line. It gives guests caption, Kelly said that climate snow compressing each other
slowly melt. Whether they melt a chance to see and touch the change has hit Greenland espe- over time, which traps and pres-
piece of ice off it. Icebergs float at sea already and in the ocean or in your glass does shape and structure of the ice. As cially hard but that <its beauty surizes air bubbles, he said.
not make a difference.= the ice melts, it breaks up, allow- still cannot be understated.= <If martha9s piece of berg had
slowly melt. Whether they melt in the ocean or in Glaciologist Ian Allison, a ing guests such as Stewart to put <Icebergs are pieces of art and once been buried to depths of
professor at the University of some in their drinks if they watching them float by never hundreds of meters, it would
your glass does not make a difference.= Tasmania9s Institute for marine choose to do so. gets old,= he wrote. <The magni- gently effervesce in her drink as
and Antarctic Studies, agreed, But no one ever breaks ice off a tude of the glaciers is humbling it melted,= Allison said.
Eric Rignot,
saying the environmental im- glacier; what they collect is <al- and frankly hard to fully compre- The glaciologist had a suggest-
professor in the earth system science department
pact from the fossil fuels power- ready in the sea,= Brean said. hend.= ed pairing for just such a piece of
at the University of california at Irvine
ing the cruise ship was far <It9s supposed to be an entirely Stewart is aware that some iceberg: <Highly recommended
greater than that caused by respectful experience,= she add- people must think she spends all with a single-malt scotch.=


1 First word of a
5 Chorus member
9 Autumn bloom
14 Wobble
15 Bellyache
16 Volleyball shot
17 Spot for a TV
19 Realty listings
20 Young fella
21 Large amount
23 Audition
24 Unqualified
26 Yellowish pink
28 <YOLO= NIck gAlIfIANAkIs fOr The WAshINgTON POsT
32 Slower than
Mach 1
35 Susan Swain9s
After grandfather9s slap reverberates
37 Spanish <that=
38 Horse barn
through family, how to move forward?
41 __-mo
Adapted from an and generally help. Dad needs X and has to go to Y,
42 Scope of online discussion. It is very obvious my father is and brother isn9t an option.=
influence experiencing a change in That9s it. Straight-up facts. Those
45 Low-alcohol © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 8/31/23 Dear Carolyn: personality consistent with are where you live now.
beverage About a month early-onset dementia. Here is my This may seem weird because
48 Brownie-making 3 <The Right 33 <Oorah!= org. 44 Weigh station 56 Onetime Volvo ago, my mother perspective check: I think my it9s ignoring the elephant, plus
ingredient Kind of Wrong= unit rival Carolyn had a procedure brother is overreacting. I think we make sense of the world
34 Migratory
51 Ship with singer Rimes songbirds 46 Extend 58 Cathedral part Hax scheduled in my an apology from my niece to my through talking about things,
staterooms 4 Craft 36 Negative 47 Great place? 59 Neutrogena brother9s metro father for smarting off would go but nothing can make this
52 Oscar-winning 5 Reddit sesh conjunction 49 __ Lingus dandruff area, about four a long way. I suggested this to my situation worse faster than your
role for Ariana for fans shampoo hours from my parents9. The plan brother to smooth things over, rolling in with a <should=
39 Button with 50 Adjusted was for my parents to stay with and he refused it as an option. cannon. Especially demanding
DeBose and 6 Deft tennis left-pointing beforehand 61 90º from norte
Rita Moreno my brother and his family for my siblings supported my apologies. Egads.
shots arrows: Abbr. 53 Engine 63 <Mamma Mia= about a week. brother. I feel as if I9m alone in readers9 thoughts:
55 C __ Charlie 7 Soft mineral 40 Unveiling shout booster, quartet my mother experienced getting help for my father and as l Can you see that your niece9s
57 Dollars for 8 Staged without 43 Becoming for short 65 Communication complications and was in the if my family is fragmented over parents are teaching their
quarters a break treacherous, 54 Supplemented sys. at hospital while my dad was something that isn9t that big of a teenager that it is NEVEr okay
60 Piano exercise 9 Cigarette end as a winter road 55 Bushels Gallaudet staying with them, which was deal. Can you or your readers for a man to assault her? If they
62 Photographer 10 Part of a politi- stressful and open-ended. It give some perspective here? had told their daughter that she
Dorothea cian9s media came to a head one morning over 4 Perspective Check should apologize, they would
64 Hollywood campaign WEDNESDAY9S LA TIMES SOLUTION breakfast. Between work, my teach a teenage girl that it was
honors since 11 Like photo- mother and the kids9 stuff, they Perspective Check: How your her fault a man hit her in the
1995, and what didn9t have time to make dinner brother and his wife protect face. Think that through.
graphs of an
the circled and eat it together, so my sister- their kids, and from what 4 a l A man slapping his
eclipse, say in-law planned DoorDash. my sexist, abusive grandparent or a granddaughter when he has
letters are? 12 __ out a win father said my older niece, 15, dementia-violent one? 4 are already butted in where he has
66 Caulking fiber 13 Musical interval should cook dinner when she none of your business. no business (his daughter-in-law
67 Nights before 18 Versatile blood gets home from school. my I could get well into the weeds decided the meal plan) IS that
special days donor sister-in-law said she can9t on the details, but then we9d big a deal. Whether he has
68 <Yeah, right= 22 Quote from because she has two school both be in the weeds on stuff dementia is not the point; the
69 Medicine amts. Homer projects due the next day. my that9s beside the immediate child should not have to
70 Poker player9s 25 Cookie father reiterated his point. my point of your parents9 health apologize. Bugging your brother
giveaway containers niece said he can make dinner logistics, which is your business. is just going to estrange him
himself if he wants a home- You just don9t get a vote about from you as well as your father.
71 Plant stem 27 __ center cooked meal. my father slapped your dad9s stay in your brother9s
joint 29 Cab alternative my niece in the face. home. Write to carolyn hax at
30 Low-cost prefix my brother and sister-in-law So here9s my advice: Drop it. get her
DOWN 31 Handsome kicked my father out of their Don9t opine on it, ask about it, column delivered to your inbox each
1 Creative Dan9s Ivy house. my brother still deals try to fix it. It9s done. morning at
pursuits 32 <Wide Sargasso with our parents at the hospital, Train all your attention on the
2 The king of __=: Jean Rhys but he refuses to allow our father work of Team Sibs: what care õ Join the discussion live at noon
France? novel to be around his children. I flew your parents need, who is willing fridays at
out to get my father into a hotel to give it, how and when. <okay, chats.

SPORTS thursday, august 31 , 2023 m2 D

gregg Berhalter, reinstalled as U.s. coach, leaves a team Usa has cruised into the round of 16 thanks in Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow, dealing with a
notable name off roster for next month9s friendlies. D2 part to steve Kerr9s willingness to adjust on the fly. D3 strained calf, practices for the first time since July 27. D3

If healthy, Nats close

Thomas a solid trip
could have with a rare
big impact series loss
Tight end, working back Blue Jays 7,
natiOnals 0
from calf injury, fits well
in Commanders9 offense BY A NDREW G OLDEN

TORONTO 4 For the past month,

BY N ICKI J HABVALA the Washington nationals have
moved through series after series,
Ron Rivera thinks it9s innate dispatching contenders and also-
because of Logan Thomas9s rans alike. While not exactly a
6-foot-6, 250-pound frame. freight train, the nationals have
Thomas believes it was probably operated more like a high-speed
developed well before he got that monorail, smoothly taking care of
big, when he played football in business. They had won five
the backyard with his grandfa- straight series entering Wednes-
ther and begged him to throw day9s game against the Toronto
passes that were difficult to catch. Blue Jays, and a win in the rubber
<I never wanted the easy ones,= game at Rogers Centre would
Thomas said. make it a sixth.
He has always played with a But the monorail finally ran
rare physicality 4 whether as a out of speed as the offense went
quarterback at Virginia Tech and quiet and Patrick Corbin allowed
early in his nFL career with the six runs in a 7-0 loss at Rogers
Arizona Cardinals or since he Centre. The defeat capped Wash-
converted to tight end. It often ington9s nine-game trip at 5-4.
takes multiple defenders to bring <You have to be positive after
him down. the road trip we had,= Manager
<Didn9t really shy away from Dave Martinez said. <Forget
much,= Thomas said of his play- about this one. . . . We9re playing
ing style. <I9m used to getting beat well. Today was just one of those
up on a bit.= days that we ran into a buzz saw,
During a game at FedEx Field and we got to come back tomor-
in 2019, when he was with the row and get on that winning
Detroit Lions, he ran across the streak.=
formation to block former Wash- The 11-day trip was eventful. It
ington linebacker Ryan Kerrigan, started in Williamsport, Pa., for
now the team9s assistant defen- the Little League Classic, a 4-3
sive line coach. Kerrigan left the win over the Phillies, and includ-
game with a concussion and bent ed a contract extension for Marti-
face mask from the hit. nez, a broken leg in new York for
Be it innate or learned, Thom- outfielder stone Garrett, the rev-
as9s physical play is an attribute elation that erstwhile ace ste-
on the field, and it9s a big reason phen strasburg is expected to
his expected involvement is so make his retirement official next
critical to the team9s offensive month and MLB debuts for Jacob
production. ChrIs graythen/getty Images Young and Drew Millas. It also
In 2020, his first full-time sea- Florida State and LSu met a year ago in a prime season opener. The two ranked squads play Sunday in the weekend9s best game. included series wins over the
son as an nFL tight end, Thomas Yankees and Marlins.
finished among the top 10 at his The nationals are 17-10 in Au-
position in catches, receiving gust with one game left on the

The marquee is dim

yards, explosive catches (16 yards sEE naTiOnaLS On d5
or more), receiving touchdowns
and touchdown catches on plays Marlins at Nationals
in the red zone. today, 7 p.m., masn
With the frame of a power
forward, plus a hand size
(107/8 inches) and wingspan
Top-notch openers once were a college staple. This year, there9s just one.
(801/2 inches) that place him in
rare company 4 only Darnell
Washington had larger hands
sometimes the all-powerful media playoff potential.
Lights are
among the top tight ends this
year, and Washington9s 11-inch
mitts are said to be the largest in
conglomerates ruling college
football give, and sometimes they
take away.
The matchup was crafted back in 2018 by EsPn
and two bowl games 4 the sugar and Citrus 4 to
create an appealing Week 1 matchup that would
brighter as
nFL combine history 4 Thomas
has some obviously natural gifts
that give him an advantage.
Godfrey Okay, they mainly take away 4
they almost always take away 4 but
we9re really in need of more of that
move tickets and television ratings. new Orleans
and Orlando were looking to cash in on big,
nonconference games on Labor Day weekend
Tiafoe rolls
But Thomas also has dealt with
injuries in recent years. He
missed 14 games over the past two
giving on Labor Day weekend.
There9s exactly one ranked-vs.-ranked matchup
scheduled for this weekend: no. 5 LsU against
(think of the revenue model as a bowl game, except
for Week 1), and featuring a power program from
each state was a no-brainer for a two-year series
right along
seasons and was out for this pre- no. 8 Florida state in a neutral-site game at that began last year.
season because of a calf strain. Camping World stadium in Orlando on sunday so while we can bemoan TV9s wag-the-dog BY A VA W ALLACE
now healthy and working his night. It is, by far, the game this weekend with the influence over the sport, EsPn is the driving force
way back into practice full speed, most star power, brand-name recognition and sEE On FOOTbaLL On d3 NEW YORK 4 He is accustomed
Thomas could find himself a cen- to the celebrity spectators by
tral part of Eric Bieniemy9s West now, the guy who sparkles so
Coast offense. The system often lSU vs. florida State | sunday, 7:30 p.m., aBC brightly he wears his name on a
uses multiple tight end sets and diamond pendant. Miami Heat
sEE COmmandErS On d3 star Jimmy Butler was watching
from high in a suite Wednesday
Cardinals at Commanders night, while Vogue editor Anna
sept. 10, 1 p.m., Fox Wintour sat a little closer to the
action, perched in his player box.
Rapper Pusha T was courtside.
Frances Tiafoe appreciates the

Good Counsel9s loaded senior class has the Falcons thinking big support from his famous friends
now that he has reached tennis9s
highest ranks and reels off wins
with ease. He dismissed Austria9s
BY S PENCER N USBAUM when you see them coming,= sebastian Ofner, 6-3, 6-1, 6-4, on
Weaver said. <I can only imagine Wednesday in 92 minutes, swift
Just a second and a half came actually getting hit by those guys. work that included a medical
off Good Counsel9s practice clock I know sometimes they want to timeout from Ofner, to reach the
before Frankie Weaver noticed a hit me, too.= third round at the U.s. Open for
blur on his blind side. The Fal- This fall, just three high school the fourth consecutive year. On
cons9 offensive line, one of the teams in America will feature at Friday, he will face Adrian Man-
sturdiest units in the D.C. area, least four top-250 recruits in the narino, whom he has beaten here
had sprung a leak during a pre- Class of 2024 (as compiled in twice before.
season drill. 247sports.com9s composite rank- Instead, it9s the little things
For the senior quarterback, ings). Good Counsel is one of that Tiafoe has noticed most
that meant two things. them. since he graduated from under-
The first was that senior defen- Opposite Chiles (no. 78) and dog to main attraction at the U.s.
sive end Darien Mayo 4 a Mayo (no. 213), the offensive unit Open. As the higher seeded play-
6-foot-7, 250-pound Clemson includes running back Dilin er, the 25-year-old walks onto
commit 4 would be in his face at Jones (no. 163, a Wisconsin com- Arthur Ashe stadium second,
any moment. The second was that mit) and wide receiver Elijah meaning he gets the chair closest
senior linebacker Aaron Chiles 4 Moore (no. 188, committed to to the tunnel. His team, family
a 6-3 force who can power-clean Florida state). Both rank atop members and friends sit in the
325 pounds and is committed to their positions in Maryland. left-most player9s box above the
Florida 4 wasn9t far behind. Then there9s cornerback Judah court. Even the fact that he9s now
Weaver, eager to escape dan- Jenkins and offensive lineman a mainstay on the tournament9s
ger, let his instincts kick in. In a Kyle Altuner, who slot outside the biggest stage was something to
scene all too familiar for quarter- top 250 but rank among the get used to.
backs who have come through state9s top 30 senior recruits. Dur- <I9ve never played a match
Olney over the past few years, the ing the recruiting cycle, the six before where I was supposed to
signal caller turned to his right, seniors combined to receive sEE u.S. OpEn On d10
scrambled out of bounds and around 160 Division I scholarship
chuckled. offers. Jonathan neWton/the WashIngton Post U.S. Open, second round
<Oh, man, it9s a scary moment sEE GOOd COunSEL On d5 Good Counsel wide receiver Elijah moore, part of the strong senior group, committed to Florida State. today, noon, esPn; 7 p.m., esPn2
d2 EZ M2 the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

Back in charge, Berhalter chooses veteran squad for next month9s friendlies
BY T HOMAS F LOYD u.s. men9s roster
Gregg Berhalter set his first goalkeepers: Drake callender
U.S. men9s national soccer team (Inter Miami), Ethan Horvath
roster since he was reappointed (Nottingham Forest), Matt Turner
this summer, and Gio Reyna, the (Nottingham Forest).
rising star at the center of Berhal- defenders: Sergiño Dest
ter9s extended absence, was omit- (PSV Eindhoven), Kristoffer Lund
ted while recovering from injury. (Palermo), Mark McKenzie (Genk),
Naming a 24-man roster Kevin Paredes (Wolfsburg), Tim
Wednesday for friendlies against Ream (Fulham), chris Richards
Uzbekistan on Sept. 9 in St. Louis (crystal Palace), antonee Robinson
and Oman on Sept. 12 in St. Paul, (Fulham), Miles Robinson (atlanta
Minn., Berhalter turned to
United), Joe Scally (Borussia
12 players from the World Cup
squad he led to the round of 16
last fall in Qatar, including stand- Midfielders: Johnny cardoso
outs Matt Turner, Sergiño Dest, (Internacional), Ben cremaschi
Weston McKennie, Yunus Musah, (Inter Miami), Luca de la Torre
Christian Pulisic and Tim Weah. (celta Vigo), Weston McKennie
<Watching the team from the (Juventus), Yunus Musah
outside in these last six months, (ac Milan), Malik Tillman
it9s been very clear that there9s a (PSV Eindhoven).
strong identity both on and off Forwards: Brenden aaronson
the field,= Berhalter said. <I think
(Union Berlin), Folarin Balogun
that9s one of the exciting things is
(Monaco), cade cowell (San Jose
that we continue to build on this
strong foundation.= Earthquakes), Ricardo Pepi
Reyna, who suffered a calf (PSV Eindhoven), christian Pulisic
injury during his dominant first- (ac Milan), Tim Weah (Juventus).
half performance in the United
States9 victory over Canada in defender Miles Robinson and
June9s Concacaf Nations League forward Cade Cowell 4 while
final, will not participate after right back Bryan Reynolds, mid-
recently returning to full train- fielder Gianluca Busio and strik-
ing with Germany9s Borussia er Jesús Ferreira were omitted.
Dortmund. Goalkeepers Zack These matches, along with Oc-
Steffen and Sean Johnson, de- tober9s exhibitions against Ger-
fenders Walker Zimmerman and Gregg Berhalter will coach the national team for the first time since U.S. Soccer allowed his contract to expire shortly after the World Cup. many and Ghana, will serve as
Cameron Carter-Vickers, mid- tuneups for the 2023-24 Conca-
fielder Tyler Adams and forward students at the University of one involved it9s been a lot for the acquired Monaco striker who struggled at for a while. Antonee caf Nations League quarterfinals
Taylor Booth also were left out North Carolina. U.S. Soccer said last six months, and we just want made his international debut in Robinson has been the clear in November. That two-leg series,
because of injury or fitness con- in March that the probe cleared to do it in the best possible way to June after choosing the United starter, is a fantastic player, but against an opponent to be deter-
cerns, a U.S. Soccer spokesperson Berhalter of additional wrongdo- put him in position to help the States over England and Nigeria, no one9s really grabbed that sec- mined, will double as qualifying
said. ing and that there was <no legal team.= will be playing his first matches ond position.= for next summer9s Copa América
The friendlies will be the first impediment= to employing him. In Berhalter9s absence, interim under Berhalter. He will be Three players will join Lund in in the United States. (Despite
matches coached by Berhalter In June, the federation an- coach B.J. Callaghan led the Unit- joined by another recently com- seeking their first caps: goal- hosting, the United States does
since the World Cup round-of-16 nounced Berhalter9s return. ed States through a pair of re- mitted dual-national: Kristoffer keeper Drake Callender and Ar- not automatically qualify.)
loss to the Netherlands in De- After recently telling Vanity gional competitions: the Conca- Lund, a left back for second-tier gentine American midfielder Ben Berhalter also announced that
cember. U.S. Soccer allowed Ber- Fair that he had not spoken to caf Nations League finals and the Italian club Palermo who is mak- Cremaschi 4 Inter Miami play- Callaghan, U.S. under-20 men9s
halter9s contract to expire several Reyna since the World Cup, Berh- Concacaf Gold Cup. The first- ing a one-time switch to the U.S. ers lifted by that club9s Lionel coach Mikey Varas and Borussia
weeks later amid his rift with alter on Wednesday addressed string U.S. team swept aside program after representing Den- Messi-inspired surge 4 and left Mönchengladbach goalkeepers
Reyna9s family that spilled into the need to clear the air. Mexico and Canada en route to mark at the youth level. back Kevin Paredes, a D.C. Unit- coach Fabian Otte will be on his
public view and prompted an <Those are conversations that defending its Nations League ti- <We think that he could poten- ed academy product who plays staff. Isaac Oriol Guerrero, a
independent investigation into I look forward to, and it9s just tle in June, while a more experi- tially fill the void that we had at for Germany9s Wolfsburg. longtime Barcelona youth coach
his behavior, following an admis- understanding sensitivities mental squad was upset by Pana- the left back position in terms of Berhalter summoned just now with Italian club Venezia, is
sion that he kicked his future around it,= Berhalter said. <He9s a ma in July9s Gold Cup semifinals. our depth,= Berhalter said. three players from the Gold Cup in final talks to join the staff as
wife decades ago while they were young player. I think for every- Folarin Balogun, the newly <That9s something that we9ve squad for this camp 4 Turner, well, Berhalter said.

soccer roundup

Chelsea avoids an upset in English League Cup, but Sheffield isn9t so lucky
on Wednesday 4 and Arnaut Dan- became the first team to clinch an Nunes set to join Man. City
Chelsea 2, juma scoring in the 73rd and 88th MLS playoff spot with a 2-1 victory Wolverhampton midfielder
Wimbledon 1 minutes, respectively, to complete at Atlanta United. . . . Matheus Nunes is expected to get
a nervy comeback. Andres Jasson and Monsef his wish and complete a move to
Like Everton, Sheffield United Bakrar scored in the first half, and English and European champion
A SSOCIATED P RESS has no points from three games in host New York City FC beat Mon- Manchester City in the final hours
the league but won9t have League treal, 2-0, to snap a three-game of the transfer window.
Chelsea and Everton survived Cup games for respite in the com- losing streak. . . . A verbal agreement reportedly
major scares against fourth-tier ing weeks. After a 0-0 draw at Martín Ojeda scored unassisted was reached on a fee of 55 million
opponents to advance to the third home to Lincoln, Sheffield United in the 88th minute to offset a euros ($60 million). . . .
round of the English League Cup lost the shootout, 3-2. penalty-kick goal by Enzo Copetti Raphael Varane is the latest
on Wednesday. Burnley scored in the 90th seven minutes earlier to rally Or- Manchester United player side-
Ultimately, it was another Pre- through substitute Zeki Amdouni, lando City to a 1-1 road draw with lined, with the former France cen-
mier League team, Sheffield Unit- a recently signed Switzerland in- Charlotte FC. . . . ter back ruled out for <a few
ed, that was on the end of an ternational, to win, 1-0, at Notting- Deandre Kerr had a goal and an weeks= with an unspecified injury.
unlikely upset, losing a penalty ham Forest in an all-Premier assist, and Toronto FC stunned the l GERMANY: Leipzig added
shootout to third-tier Lincoln for League matchup, and second-tier visiting Philadelphia Union, 3-1, to depth to its squad by signing de-
the biggest shock of the second Blackburn crushed fourth-tier snap a 10-match losing streak. . . . fender Christopher Lenz from
round. Harrogate, 8-0. Corey Baird and Ibrahim Aliyu Eintracht Frankfurt. . . .
Chelsea fielded a heavily rotat- l CHAMPIONS LEAGUE each scored, Steve Clark earned Frankfurt signed Algeria mid-
ed starting lineup, which was QUALIFYING: There will be his MLS-leading 11th clean sheet, fielder Farès Chaïbi on a five-year
missing Raheem Sterling and 14 winners of the old European and the Houston Dynamo beat the contract. . . .
Enzo Fernandez, against Wimble- Cup in the 32-team group stage Enzo Fernandez wasn9t in the starting lineup against Wimbledon, Columbus Crew, 2-0, at home. . . . Bayern Munich sent winger Ga-
don and fell behind on a 19th-min- draw after PSV Eindhoven ad- but after Chelsea fell behind, he entered and scored the winner. Emanuel Reynoso scored twice briel Vidovic on loan to Croatia
ute penalty at Stamford Bridge. vanced in the qualifying playoffs. in the first 28 minutes to propel with Dinamo Zagreb.
Noni Madueke equalized with a PSV, the European champion in l MLS: Inter Miami failed to the score sheet. . . . Minnesota United to a 3-0 victory l FRANCE: U.S. striker Folarin
penalty of his own in first-half 1988, beat visiting Rangers, 5-1, in score for the first time since Lionel Giacomo Vrioni scored unas- over the Colorado Rapids in Balogun left Arsenal to join
stoppage time, and Fernandez, their playoff second leg to com- Messi joined the team, playing a sisted in the 30th minute and Earl St. Paul, Minn. . . . French league club Monaco for a
who entered as a 65th-minute plete a 7-3 aggregate score. scoreless draw with Nashville in Edwards Jr. made it stand up as Albert Rusnák scored the win- reported fee of 40 million euros
substitute, grabbed the winner Royal Antwerp also sealed its Fort Lauderdale, Fla. the New England Revolution ner in the 90th minute to lift the ($43.6 million).
seven minutes later after a defen- place in the draw by winning, 2-1, Messi couldn9t convert two free edged the New York Red Bulls, 1-0, visiting Seattle Sounders past Aus- l BRAZIL: Pia Sundhage was
sive mix-up to seal a 2-1 victory. at AEK Athens. Copenhagen com- kick attempts in his first Major in Foxborough, Mass. . . . tin FC, 2-1. . . . fired as coach of the women9s na-
Everton left it much later for its pleted the lineup with a 1-1 draw at League Soccer match at home. It Luciano Acosta and Brandon Brian White scored 19 minutes tional team, which failed to reach
2-1 win at Doncaster, with Beto 4 home against Raków Czesto- was the first time during his Inter Vazquez scored five minutes apart in as the Vancouver Whitecaps the knockout stage of the World
who joined the club from Udinese chowa. Miami tenure that he was kept off in the second half, and Cincinnati edged the host Chicago Fire, 1-0. Cup for the first time since 1995.

TeLeVision And rAdio

d i g e sT MLB
1 p.m. new York Yankees at detroit » MLB Network
HocKeY he was able to join the Capitals attendance at a women9s sporting with the lesion a few months ago 7 p.m. Miami at Washington » MaSN, WJFK (106.7 FM)
for informal skates last summer, event, with 92,003 filling and has been trying to treat the 10 p.m. Atlanta at Los Angeles dodgers » MLB Network
Capitals9 hagelin but Washington announced on Memorial Stadium for its symptoms with medication. WnBA
announces retirement the first day of training camp volleyball match against Omaha. Woodland, 39, failed to reach 10 p.m. Washington at Las Vegas » NBc Sports Washington
that he was out because of a The university took aim at the the PGA Tour postseason for the
In April, Carl Hagelin wasn9t lower-body injury. He underwent record last spring when it first time since 2012, finishing at coLLege FooTBALL
ready to walk away from hockey. hip resurfacing surgery in announced it would hold a day- No. 94 in the FedEx Cup in a year 7 p.m. Kent state at central Florida » Fox Sports 1
Though he hadn9t played since October and as recently as April long celebration of a sport that when only the top 70 players 7 p.m. elon at Wake Forest » acc Network
7:30 p.m. north carolina state at connecticut » cBS Sports Network
March 2022 after suffering a retained hopes of playing again. enjoys immense popularity in advanced.
8 p.m. nebraska at Minnesota » WTTG (ch. 5), WBFF (ch. 45)
significant eye injury in practice Drafted by the New York this state of fewer than 2 million. Woodland won the U.S. Open 8 p.m. Florida at utah » ESPN
and later undergoing hip Rangers in the sixth round of the The event began with an at Pebble Beach in 2019 by 8 p.m. south dakota at Missouri » SEc Network
resurfacing surgery, the 2007 draft, Hagelin played four exhibition between in-state holding off Brooks Koepka in 10 p.m. southern utah at Arizona state » Pac-12 Network
Washington Capitals forward seasons at the University of Division II powers Nebraska- the final round.
remained optimistic that he Michigan before signing with the Kearney and Wayne State and goLF
would be able to resume his NHL Rangers in April 2011. He was was followed by the Huskers9 Misc. 7:30 a.m. dp World Tour: european Masters, first round » Golf channel
career. traded to the Anaheim Ducks in three-set sweep of Omaha in a NBA referee Eric Lewis 6 p.m. LpgA Tour: portland classic, first round » Golf channel
On Wednesday, however, June 2015 and traded again, this regular season match. retired effective immediately in soccer
Hagelin announced his time to Pittsburgh, in January The previous record was the wake of a league 12:30 p.m. Women9s French cup, third place: Liverpool at Atlético Madrid »
retirement from the NHL, citing 2016. He won the Stanley Cup 91,648, set during a Champions investigation into whether he cBS Sports Network
lingering effects from his injury. with the Penguins in 2016 and League soccer match when used a then-Twitter account to 3:30 p.m. Women9s French cup, final: Ac Milan at paris-saint germain »
<It9s been an amazing ride, but 2017. Barcelona defeated Real Madrid defend himself and other officials cBS Sports Network
it ends here,= Hagelin wrote on Hagelin was traded twice more at Camp Nou Stadium in 2022. from online criticism. 6 p.m. copa sudamericana quarterfinals, second leg: Ldu Quito at são paulo »
Instagram. <Unfortunately my in the 2018-19 season, first Memorial Stadium9s official The league announced his beIN Sports
eye injury is too severe to keep moving from Pittsburgh to Los capacity is just over 85,000 for retirement, less than three Tennis
playing the game I love.= Angeles in November and then football, but that number was months after beginning an Noon ATp/WTA: u.s. open, second round » ESPN
Hagelin suffered the injury in being traded by the Kings to the higher for this event because investigation into whether the 7 p.m. ATp/WTA: u.s. open, second round » ESPN2
practice, when a stick popped Capitals, which would become there were seats and standing 19-year NBA referee had
under his visor and hit him his final NHL team, in February. room on the field. violated league policy by
directly in his left eye. He played 187 games in commenting publicly on they will play the Volunteers on Kaden Groves of Australia
Doctors initially thought they Washington from February 2019 goLF officiating without authorization Oct. 29 in East Lansing, Mich., earned his second straight stage
may have to remove Hagelin9s to March 2022, scoring 20 goals Former U.S. Open champion from the league. . . . and all proceeds will be given to win at the Spanish Vuelta cycling
eye, but it was salvaged after and totaling 66 points. Gary Woodland said he will have Michigan State and Tennessee the Hawaii Community race in a sprint finish in
multiple surgeries, which left his 4 Bailey Johnson surgery to remove a lesion found will meet in an exhibition men9s Foundation Maui Strong Fund. Burriana, Spain, as Remco
pupil unable to dilate and gave on his brain. basketball game to raise money Michigan State has played in Evenepoel maintained his
him only partial vision in that coLLege VoLLeYBALL Woodland, a four-time PGA for relief efforts in the aftermath the Maui Invitational five times overall lead.
eye. Nebraska laid claim to the Tour winner, announced on of the wildfire in Maui. and is scheduled to return to the 4 From news services
Hagelin recovered enough that world record for the largest social media he was diagnosed The Spartans announced that tournament in 2024. . . . and staff reports
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ sU D3


U.S. men face tougher tests after sailing through early FIBA World Cup play
BY B EN G OLLIVER That dynamic changed against Kerr9s preference for quick ball Greece and 12 against Jordan. of the year, to avoid foul trouble. cic, who averaged 30 points, eight
Jordan on Wednesday, when Kerr movement in the half-court of- <[Hart] is a hard-working guy,= The 23-year-old center fouled out rebounds and seven assists in the
The few scary moments USA adjusted his starting lineup for the fense. said Brunson, who played with in the 99-72 win over New Zea- opening round. Spain, Serbia, Ger-
Basketball encountered during first time since the team left its Las A midrange tactician who likes Hart and Bridges at Villanova. <He land, prompting Kerr to admit many and the Dominican repub-
the first week of the fIBA World Vegas training camp early this to work his way to his spots with takes pride in always doing the that fIBA9s allowance of five fouls, lic also remain unbeaten entering
Cup all came early. month. With Brunson and Ed- deliberate dribbles, Ingram has little things on a nightly basis. He compared with six in the NBA, <is the round of 16.
The Americans, coached by wards entrenched as the starting often looked a step slow on the brings that toughness, that effort. a really big deal= for his squad. france, which entered the
Steve Kerr and led by Anthony backcourt, mikal Bridges at one national team. Perhaps sensing He9s relentless. He9s been doing Even so, the 20-year-old Ban- World Cup as one of the favorites,
Edwards, Jalen Brunson and Aus- forward spot and center Jaren the stylistic tension, he has occa- that since the day I met him.= chero has emerged as a pleasant was eliminated with an opening
tin reaves, breezed through their Jackson Jr. serving as the defen- sionally forced opportunities in Kerr didn9t commit to sticking surprise in his role as an under- loss to Canada and a fourth-quar-
three opening group stage games sive anchor, Kerr inserted Josh the half court and has struggled to with the new-look lineup, but he sized backup center. The reigning ter collapse against Latvia, a turn
in manila, blowing out New Zea- Hart in place of Brandon Ingram maintain a rhythm. Ingram scored should. By replacing Ingram with NBA rookie of the year was natu- of events that led forward Nicolas
land on Saturday, Greece on mon- against Jordan. The tweak paid a total of seven points on eight Hart, he was able to keep reaves, rally cast as a power forward by Batum to say he felt <ashamed= for
day and Jordan on Wednesday by immediate dividends: USA Bas- shots in the first two games, and Tyrese Haliburton and Paolo Ban- the orlando magic, but he has the first time during his lengthy
an average of 34.3 points. With the ketball raced out to a 20-4 lead en USA Basketball was plus-10 with chero together in an entertaining shifted up a position at the World international career. The french,
3-0 start, they advanced to the route to a 110-62 victory in its most him on the court and plus-45 with second unit that has devastated Cup to stretch out opposing de- who will host the 2024 Summer
round of 16 in the 32-team tourna- impressive result to date. him off the court. opponents with few NBA-caliber fenses and utilize his scoring in- olympics in Paris, won the silver
ment and will face montenegro on <The tricky part with fIBA is Hart, by contrast, has spent his players. Greece fielded Thanasis stincts in space. Though not gen- medal at the Tokyo Games in 2021
friday and Lithuania on Sunday to that you only have a few weeks to entire career as an afterthought Antetokounmpo, the less-accom- erally regarded as an impact in- and finished second in last sum-
claim a spot in the quarterfinals figure out your team, as opposed on offense. The six-year pro has plished older brother of two-time terior defender before this sum- mer9s EuroBasket tournament.
next week. to an NBA season when you have bounced around four different mVP Giannis Antetokounmpo, mer, Banchero has already Kerr said france9s stunning exit
While Kerr9s team has proved to six, seven or eight months,= Kerr NBA teams and landed alongside while Jordan was led by rondae registered several highflying was a <good reminder . . . that you
be cohesive, energetic and fo- said Wednesday. <We just felt like Brunson on the New York Knicks Hollis-Jefferson, a 2015 first- blocks in and around the paint. can9t just ease into any game= be-
cused, its starting lineup has left it was important to take a look at at last season9s trade deadline. round pick who played six NBA <I love watching these guys cause <the level of competition is
something to be desired. New Zea- Josh with the starting group and Hart, who creates extra posses- seasons before heading overseas. grow, but it9s not like they9re un- so much better now worldwide=
land built a 14-4 lead in the opener, Brandon with the next group and sions with his hustle plays and The quality of competition will tested,= Kerr said. <[reaves] than it was as recently as 2015. Yet
and Greece led midway through to see if the combinations fit. I offensive rebounds, doesn9t take pick up in the next round. monte- kicked our butts in the playoffs a Edwards, who has averaged a
the first quarter by capitalizing on liked what I saw. The game wasn9t touches away from his team9s lead negro is 18th in fIBA9s world rank- few months ago. He may be young. team-best 16.3 points, hardly
the Americans9 turnover issues competitive, but there was good scoring options. ings and is led by Nikola Vucevic, a Paolo may be young. You go down sounded concerned when asked
and poor shot selection. USA Bas- flow with both groups.= Erik Spoelstra, a USA Basket- four-time NBA all-star center. The the list, and we9ve got some young about the upcoming contests
ketball reasserted control by half- Ingram, 25, is accustomed to ball assistant, noted that while eighth-ranked Lithuanians, guys, but we9ve got guys who can against montenegro (2-1) and the
time in both games, but the slow being a lead scoring option for the some players have a knack for meanwhile, went 3-0 in their play.= undefeated Lithuanians.
starts continued a trend that de- New orleans Pelicans, and he has winning 50-50 loose balls, Hart group and are led by Pelicans cen- Elsewhere in the field, Shai <I think we9re going to win,=
veloped during a string of pretour- averaged at least 22 points per <gets 30-70 balls= thanks to his ter Jonas Valanciunas. Gilgeous-Alexander led Canada to Edwards said. <We9re unbeaten
nament exhibitions. rather than game in each of the past four NBA well-honed instincts and willing- Vucevic and Valanciunas will an impressive 3-0 start by averag- also. I think we9ve got a great
jump on foes, the Americans con- seasons. With USA Basketball, ness to hit the deck. The 6-foot-4 test a thin American front line, ing 22 points, eight rebounds and chance to win. our confidence is at
sistently found themselves play- though, he has struggled to adapt Hart collected 11 rebounds in the which relies heavily on Jackson, 5.7 assists. Not to be outdone, Slo- an all-time high. We9re not really
ing from behind. to his tertiary offensive role and Americans9 109-81 win against the reigning NBA defensive player venia is 3-0 thanks to Luka Don- worried about those guys.=

A healthy Thomas would be big for the Commanders9 new offense NFL NOTES

Commanders from d1
uses the players in a variety of
The Chiefs, Bieniemy9s previ-
ous team, had Travis Kelce, one of
the NfL9s premier tight ends.
after sitting
Thomas is the closest comparison
in Washington because of his size,
route running and more well-
five weeks
rounded game.
His years as a quarterback have A SSOCIATED P RESS
helped there, too.
<He helps others as well as the Cincinnati Bengals quarter-
guys around him,= rivera said. back Joe Burrow was back at prac-
<But he also has this ability to tice Wednesday, nearly five weeks
understand what9s happening as after he was sidelined by a
the game's happening. You know, strained right calf muscle.
this is a guy who9s a former quar- Burrow put on pads and partici-
terback, so he sits there and he pated for the first time since he
looks at the coverages and he pulled up limping and then went
knows instantly. It9s from his down during a scramble July 27.
training that a lot of the things he The 26-year-old warmed up with
does will translate into making backup Jake Browning and newly
the right decisions in terms of signed practice squad quarter-
route running and how to present back Will Grier in the portion of
himself as open to the quarter- the practice open to reporters.
back.= Last month, near the end of the
Bieniemy9s system seems to ac- one of the first practices of train-
centuate that part of Thomas9s ing camp, Burrow hobbled on one
game; he can react to the cover- leg and then went to the ground
age or the way a defender is while scrambling out of the pock-
playing him. et. He rode off the field in a medi-
<We9re able to sit in zones; cal cart.
we9re able to kind of run the l Colts: one day after Indian-
routes the way we see them, the apolis placed running back Jona-
way we feel it,= Thomas said. than Taylor on the physically un-
<There9s a chalk line, but we9re John McDonnell/the Washington Post able to perform list following off-
able to break the line and kind of logan thomas, who has size and physicality and thinks like a quarterback 4 a position he used to play 4 hopes to be ready for Week 1. season ankle surgery, General
play to our skill set, which is really manager Chris Ballard did not
fun.= of his receiving yards were after Second-year tight end Cole oped a more robust route tree, but <It9s not the simplest thing in provide a timetable for his return
Among Thomas9s biggest as- the catch. Turner, who converted from wide his strength remains with block- the world,= Thomas said. < . . . The and would not discuss any trade
sets is his strength at the catch <When people are around him, receiver, also has the size and ing 4 and he9s the team9s most hardest part for guys who are tall offers the team received for him.
point, allowing him to reliably you can see that he uses his body route running to be a frequent technically sound blocking tight is being able to block just because Ballard said the Colts want to
pull in the ball, bring down 50-50 very well,= rivera said. <It re- target of Sam Howell, who is end. of leverage alone. But I9m really repair their relationship with Tay-
balls and extend plays. Last sea- minds me a lot of Greg olsen, who entering his second NfL season Thomas9s blocking continues thankful for the guys we have in lor amid an ugly contract dispute.
son, his 60 percent contested was a guy that could use his body and first as the Commanders9 to develop, and he has credited our room because all of us have The 2021 rushing champion, who
catch rate was tied for eighth to keep that distance between the starting quarterback. positional coach Juan Castillo for different skill sets, but all of us is due to make $4.3 million in the
among tight ends and 41 percent ball and the defender.= Veteran John Bates has devel- helping him improve. have really good ability.= final season of his rookie deal, was
given permission to find a trade
partner last week, but nothing ma-
ON FOOTBALL great high school recruiting. In 2024, Atlanta will host Carolina A&T vs. North Carolina l CHIeFs: Kansas City has
But over time (and six national Clemson vs. Georgia, a sequel to Central in 2022) in between picked up communication with

On this opening weekend, championships), season ticket

holders back home at Bryant-
Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa
those teams9 2021 sellout
matchup in Charlotte. Both
schools are multiple-time
brand-name games such as
Georgia vs. Clemson in 2021 and
North Carolina State vs.
all-pro defensive tackle Chris
Jones and his representatives in
recent days, and General manager

not much to must-see here grew impatient as their annual

ticket packages lacked access to
games against opponents such as
national champions in the
playoff era, and both have
borrowed Alabama9s playbook of
Tennessee in 2024, a game that is
rankings-proof because of the
ticket-buying power of those
Brett Veach said he is optimistic
Jones will be on the field when the
Super Bowl champions kick off the
Southern California, florida neutral-site exposure 4 and local programs. regular season against the Detroit
on Football from d1 when the game is actually State and Clemson. And those paychecks. Two-time defending national Lions next week.
played? same fans incurred additional, There are a few other champion Georgia is a great case Jones sat out the entire summer
for the best game on the Week 1 one-off, neutral-site games bowl-level September travel neutral-site games this season 4 study here. Its fan base certainly workout period, minicamp and
slate. became wildly popular by the expenses, truly a one-of-one Nashville managed to lure hasn9t fatigued from anything training camp as he sought a con-
It9s something of a paradox: 2010s thanks to a simplified and problem for the only fan base in Tennessee to the Titans9 Nissan after a nearly four-decade title tract extension to put him among
Labor Day weekend is the lucrative process. Networks America that could budget every Stadium to play Virginia 4 but drought. The Bulldogs have the highest-paid players at his po-
season9s best reminder that, yes, (ESPN) would <encourage= the summer for trips to the SEC and other major metro areas have displayed a willingness to go to sition. The 29-year-old will earn
networks are decimating the pairing of deep-pocketed national championship games bowed out. Instead of a football cities such as Atlanta and $20 million this season in the final
sport9s history, but they9re also corporate sponsors such as without being laughed at. game, this year9s <Sugar Bowl Charlotte, but they boast an year of his contract.
capable of creating good, Chick-fil-A or AdvoCare with So when Alabama hosts Texas Kickoff = at the Superdome is a incredibly weak 2023 schedule l 49ers: reigning defensive
compelling inventory. cities such as Atlanta and Dallas on Sept. 9, it will be just the Garth Brooks concert, while because of realignment impact player of the year Nick Bosa still
We need them, at least for a and later Charlotte and Houston. second time since Saban9s arrival cities such as Dallas and Houston they can9t control. Georgia will hasn9t ended his contract holdout,
weekend, because these The sites would then offer in 2007 that the program has have quit for the time being. play the fCS9s Tennessee martin, but San francisco has no plans to
manufactured marquee games brand-name programs a hosted an out-of-conference In a 2022 interview with the rebuilding Alabama Birmingham trade the star edge rusher.
have dwindled in recent seasons guaranteed payout of millions Power five team. And Alabama Dallas morning News, local and Ball State (5-7 in 2022) in Coach Kyle Shanahan and Gen-
for a variety of reasons. for a one-time game (meaning has no neutral-site games officials said the right matchup addition to its standard rivalry eral manager John Lynch both
out-of-conference scheduling half the scheduling headache). scheduled for the future, opting that made <financial sense= with struggling Georgia Tech. shot down the idea of shipping
is an incongruent mess that fans would fill the seats and pay instead for traditional home- couldn9t be found. Notably, the That9s a significantly weaker away the 25-year-old Bosa, who
predates TV9s predation 4 if bowl-level prices at NfL and-home agreements with 2021 <Cowboys Kickoff Classic= résumé than a typical national will earn $17.9 million this season
anything, ESPN helped fix it. facilities, while huge audiences florida State, Wisconsin, between Kansas State and title aspirant. In the playoff era, on the fifth-year option of his
<Home-and-homes,= the industry would watch at home in prime Virginia Tech and Notre Dame Stanford was a bust, drawing even defending champions need rookie deal.
term for a contract in which two time, spread out across a over the next decade-plus. fewer than 30,000 paying fans to résumé bullets, and when l VIKInGs: minnesota was in
teams from separate conferences national three-day weekend. It9s also not a coincidence that AT&T Stadium, quietly oklahoma and Texas announced the process of signing running
agree to play once at each school No program seized upon this college football enters its first confirming what most in the their move to the SEC in 2021, it back myles Gaskin, his agent,
in different seasons, are tricky to opportunity like Alabama: full week of the season boasting a industry already knew 4 only a voided the home-and-home Drew rosenhaus, confirmed. The
schedule: You have to pay the During the Nick Saban era, the paucity of headline games just as select number of teams can make between oklahoma and Georgia Vikings also cut wide receiver and
visiting team a certain guarantee Crimson Tide has played fewer and fewer neutral sites are these things work by selling set to begin this season. punt returner Jalen reagor.
or share in ticket sales, you have 12 regular season neutral-site offering nonconference enough tickets and putting one move 4 orchestrated by l PantHers: Carolina re-
to find dates that fit both schools games against Power five matchups. enough eyeballs on TVs. and for TV money 4 directly leased quarterback matt Corral,
in both seasons, and the schools opponents, including 10 in NfL Atlanta and Charlotte are still one alternative is to go local: affected this season9s inventory its third-round draft pick in 2022,
have to match on aspirational stadiums outside Dallas and in quite functional, with the former The Charlotte Sports foundation and created one more reason it9s before he could take a snap in a
and logistical levels. Atlanta, plus games in orlando hosting an ACC game between has found success by scheduling hard for college football fans to regular season game.
Do you want to play this team? and Jacksonville, fla. The logic hometown Georgia Tech and neighboring Group of five and keep their minds in the present l tItans: Kicker Cade York, a
Does it help your program9s made sense at the time: Take Louisville on friday night and football Championship instead of a wildly uncertain 2022 fourth-round pick who was
standing or, more likely, what guaranteed paydays to fatten the the latter matching South Subdivision programs future. waived by the Cleveland Browns
you think your program9s budget, bask in national Carolina and North Carolina on (Appalachian State vs. East The networks give, and they after one year, signed with Tennes-
standing will be years from now, exposure, and play in areas with Saturday. Carolina in 2021 and rivals North take away. see9s practice squad.
d4 eZ m2 the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

national league american league
East W l pct Gb l10 str cEntral W l pct Gb l10 str WEst W l pct Gb l10 str East W l pct Gb l10 str cEntral W l pct Gb l10 str WEst W l pct Gb l10 str
atlanta 87 45 .659 4 7-3 W-3 milwaukee 74 59 .556 4 8-2 l-2 x-los angeles 82 49 .626 4 8-2 W-3 Baltimore 83 50 .624 4 7-3 l-1 minnesota 69 65 .515 4 5-5 l-2 seattle 76 57 .571 4 8-2 W-1
philadelphia 74 59 .556 131/2 7-3 l-1 Chicago 71 62 .534 3 7-3 W-2 x-arizona 69 64 .519 14 7-3 l-2 tampa Bay 82 52 .612 11/2 8-2 W-4 Cleveland 64 70 .478 5 5-5 W-2 Houston 77 58 .570 4 7-3 W-5
miami 66 67 .496 211/2 2-8 l-2 Cincinnati 69 66 .511 6 5-5 W-1 san Francisco 69 64 .519 14 5-5 l-1 toronto 73 61 .545 101/2 5-5 W-1 detroit 59 74 .444 91/2 3-7 l-5 texas 75 58 .564 1 3-7 l-1
Washington 62 72 .463 26 6-4 l-1 pittsburgh 61 73 .455 131/2 6-4 W-3 san diego 62 72 .463 211/2 3-7 l-2 Boston 69 65 .515 141/2 3-7 l-4 Chicago 53 81 .396 16 4-6 W-1 los angeles 64 70 .478 121/2 3-7 W-1
New York 61 73 .455 27 3-7 W-1 st. louis 58 76 .433 161/2 4-6 W-2 Colorado 49 84 .368 34 1-9 l-3 New York 65 68 .489 18 5-5 W-3 Kansas City 41 94 .304 281/2 1-9 l-6 oakland 39 95 .291 371/2 5-5 l-1
x-Late game

blue Jays 7, nationals 0

Abrams ss...........4
h bi bb So AvG
0 0 0 1 .251
angels 10, phillies 8
Bryce Harper put phila-
delphia ahead in the
Gibson teeters as O9s no tE s

Thomas rf ...........3
Call rf ..................1
Meneses 1b ........4
Ruiz dh................3
0 0 0 0 .279
0 0 0 0 .202
2 0 0 0 .285
1 0 1 0 .260
eighth inning with his
300th home run, but Bran-
close month with dud pErsonnEl dEpt.
angels: rHp lucas
Kieboom 3b.........4 0 1 0 0 1 .269 don drury capped a three-
Alu lf ...................4 0 0 0 0 0 .238
Giolito, relievers dominic
run ninth with a two-run
Vargas 2b............3 0 0 0 0 1 .235 leone, matt moore and
Adams c ..............2
Young cf..............3
0 0 0 0 .274
1 0 0 0 .154
homer for los angeles. white sox 10, orioles 5 reynaldo lopez and
ANGELS Ab r h bi bb So AvG
totALS 31 0 5 0 1 3 4 outfielders Hunter renfroe
Schanuel 1b ........5 2 1 0 0 2 .324
Rengifo cf-ss ......4 0 1 1 0 2 .257
bLUE JAyS Ab r h bi bb So AvG
Ohtani dh............4 1 1 1 1 2 .307
and randal Grichuk were
Springer dh .........4 0 0 0 0 1 .256 Drury 2b..............4 2 2 3 1 1 .269 placed on waivers. teams
Schneider 2b.......2 2 1 0 2 0 .426 Grichuk lf-cf........4 0 1 0 1 0 .168 BALTIMORE 4 The Baltimore Orioles comfortably
Guerrero Jr. 1b ...4 1 1 0 0 2 .267 O'Hoppe c ...........5 1 1 0 0 0 .213 won the first two games of their series with the have until 2 p.m. eastern
Merrifield lf ........4 0 1 0 0 1 .286 Renfroe rf ...........4 2 3 4 0 1 .242
Kirk c...................3 2 3 3 0 0 .255 Escobar 3b ..........4 0 2 0 0 2 .226 hapless Chicago White Sox thanks to an outburst of time thursday to claim the
Varsho cf ............4 1 1 0 0 1 .221 Velazquez ss.......2 1 0 1 0 0 .173 players.
Clement ss..........3 1 2 1 0 0 .444 Moustakas ph.....1 0 0 0 0 1 .241 late scoring. The runs at last came early in Wednes-
McCoy ph-ss .......1 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Espinal 3b ...........4 0 2 2 0 0 .228
Cabbage pr-lf ......0 1 0 0 0 0 .200 day9s series finale, but they also went to waste. Giants: activated oF
totALS 37 10 12 10 3 11 4
Biggio rf..............3 0 1 1 0 1 .218 Baltimore (83-50) ended a strong homestand and mike Yastrzemski, who
totALS 32 7 12 7 2 7 4 phiLLiES Ab r h bi bb So AvG month disappointingly, falling, 10-5, to the White Sox missed 26 games with a
Schwarber lf .......4 1 1 0 1 2 .188
wAShiNGtoN 000 000 000 4 0 5 0
toroNto ....... 200 202 10X 4 7 12 0 Cave lf.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .239
in the club9s final game of August. Provided four strained left hamstring,
Lob: Washington 6, Toronto 5. 2b:
Turner ss ............4 2 2 3 0 1 .258 first-inning runs, Orioles starter Kyle Gibson gave from the injured list.
Harper 1b............4 1 1 2 1 1 .308
Young (1), Kirk 2 (11), Biggio (7), Var- Castellanos dh....5 0 3 1 0 1 .278 them right back in what devolved into another non-
sho (21). rbi: Kirk 3 (33), Espinal 2 (21), Stott 2b ..............5 1 1 0 0 0 .296
mariners: sizzling oF
Biggio (26), Clement (3). Sb: Guerrero competitive outing from the veteran right-hander.
Jr. (5), Schneider (1), Merrifield (24).
Bohm 3b..............4 1 0 0 0 1 .281
Gibson delivered a quality start in eight of his past Julio rodríguez was out of
Marsh rf..............1 1 0 0 4 0 .290
SF: Biggio, Kirk. Rojas cf...............5 0 1 1 0 1 .289
15 appearances, including eight strong innings the lineup for the second
NAtioNALS ip h r Er bb So ErA Stubbs c..............4 1 2 1 0 1 .225
Corbin ................. 5 10 6 6 1 5 4.90 totALS 36 8 11 8 6 8 4 against the Toronto Blue Jays in his previous time out. straight day because of
Machado.............. 2 2 1 1 1 1 5.88
But in his other seven starts in that span, Gibson9s soreness in his left foot.
Ferrer................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.44 L.A.................. 020 030 023 4 10 12 0
bLUE JAyS ip h r Er bb So ErA
phiLA............. 020 013 020 4 8 11 1 ERA is 10.70. On Wednesday, he allowed seven earned red sox: oF Jarren
E: Sánchez (1). Lob: Los Angeles 5, runs over 41/3 innings, giving up three home runs for
Bassitt ................ 8 3 0 0 1 3 3.81
Philadelphia 9. 2b: O9Hoppe (3), Escobar
duran had surgery on a
Jackson................ 1 2 0 0 0 0 2.62
(3), Renfroe (31), Turner (30). hr: Ren- the second time in four starts. tendon in his left big toe
wp: Bassitt (13-7); Lp: Corbin (9-12). froe (19), off Sánchez; Drury (19), off
inherited runners-scored: Machado 2-1. Kimbrel; Turner (19), off López; Harper <Just a lot of inconsistency,= Gibson said, aptly and is expected to miss
hbp: Bassitt (Adams). t: 2:23. A:
39,303 (49,282).
(15), off Moore. describing both his outing and this stretch. <Just the rest of the season.
ANGELS ip h r Er bb So ErA
didn9t feel like, for as good as I felt warming up and
Detmers .............. 4 4 2 2 3 3 5.01 yankees: according to
Leone................... 1 2 1 1 0 0 5.54 even in the first inning, just didn9t carry over. Kind of
Loup.................... 2/3 1 2 2 1 1 5.88
been just the month of August so far for me. Just been, New York is
how thEy SCorED López ................ 11/3 1 1 1 2 0 2.77
bLUE JAyS FirSt Moore .................. 1 3 2 2 0 2 2.66 really inconsistent, not limited damage. Offense did a expected to call up the
George Springer flies out. Davis Schnei- Estévez................ 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.33 team9s No. 2 prospect,
der walks. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. singles. great job of getting the runs early, and giving them
phiLLiES ip h r Er bb So ErA oF Jasson domínguez,
Schneider to second. Whit Merrifield
called out on strikes. Alejandro Kirk Sánchez ............ 42/3 7 5 3 0 5 3.48 right back there just by not being able to make a pitch
doubles, Guerrero Jr. scores, Schneider Hoffman ........... 11/3 1 0 0 0 1 2.63 matt sloCum/assoCiated press and get out of it 4 it was pretty frustrating.= for the start of its series
scores. Daulton Varsho pops out. Strahm ................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.27 Friday against the astros.
blue Jays 2, Nationals 0 Soto .................... 1/3 0 2 2 2 1 4.86 Gibson signed a one-year, $10 million contract over
bLUE JAyS FoUrth
Kirk doubles. Varsho strikes out swing-
Domínguez ......... 2/3
Kimbrel................ 1
0 0 0 1 3.82
3 3 1 2 3.63
A blast for the books the winter to provide much-needed experience to
by tHE numbErs
ing. Ernie Clement singles. Kirk to third. wp: Moore (4-1); Lp: Kimbrel (7-5); S: Philadelphia9s Bryce Harper belted his 300th career home run in a 10-8 loss to Baltimore9s rotation, but his up-and-down perform-
Santiago Espinal singles, Clement to
third, Kirk scores. Cavan biggio out on a
sacrifice fly, Espinal to third. Clement
scores. Springer strikes out swinging.
blue Jays 4, Nationals 0
Estévez (29). inherited runners-scored:
López 2-2, Hoffman 2-1, Domínguez 2-2.
hbp: Detmers 2 (Turner, Bohm). wp:
Kimbrel. t: 3:03. A: 34,655 (42,901).
the Angels on Thursday to become the 158th MLB player to hit the milestone.
ance in recent months raises questions as to whether
he is a viable starting option for the postseason.
4 Baltimore Sun
doubles this season for
Kirk singles. Varsho doubles. Kirk to
cubs 3, brewers 2 cardinals 5, padres 4 reds 4, Giants 1 White sox 10, orioles 5 Guardians 5, mariners 5, athletics 4 the dodgers9 Freddie
third. Clement singles, varsho to third,
Kirk scores. Espinal singles, Clement to
Cody Bellinger drove in tommy edman slugged Christian encarnacion- twins 2 (10) J.p. Crawford dropped a
Freeman entering
second, varsho scores. Biggio called out whitE SoX Ab r h bi bb So AvG
on strikes. Springer grounds out. Espinal the tiebreaking run with a a two-run homer off Josh strand homered and drove Anderson ss........6 1 1 2 0 2 .240 Kole Calhoun hit a three- two-run single into left field Wednesday. Freeman has
out at second.
ricochet infield single in Hader in the ninth inning in three runs in his first Benintendi lf.......5 0 1 1 0 1 .272
run home run in the in the seventh inning to a strong shot to become
blue Jays 6, Nationals 0 Robert Jr. cf........5 1 2 1 0 2 .271
bLUE JAyS SEvENth the eighth inning, and Chi- for his second walk-off hit four-hit game, and Cincin- Jiménez dh .........5 2 4 0 0 1 .280 10th inning to cap Cleve- give seattle the lead, and the first mlB player since
Schneider walks. Guerrero Jr. flies out. Vaughn 1b...........5 2 2 3 0 0 .255
Merrifield singles. Schneider to third. cago beat milwaukee to in two days off the all-star nati beat san Francisco to Grandal c.............4 0 2 0 1 0 .238 land9s late comeback the mariners closed out 1936 to hit 60 doubles.
Kirk out on a sacrifice fly, Schneider pull within three games of closer to lift st. louis. avoid a three-game sweep. Andrus 3b ...........3 2 2 1 2 0 .243 against minnesota. the winningest month in
scores. Varsho flies out. Colás rf ...............4 2 1 2 1 1 .221 quotablE
blue Jays 7, Nationals 0 the first-place Brewers in edman became the first elly de la Cruz and luke Sosa 2b ...............4 0 0 0 0 1 .189 the bullpen squandered franchise history with a vic-
the Nl Central. Cardinals player with con- maile each had two hits for totALS 41 10 15 10 4 8 4 a stellar start by sonny tory over oakland.
after dropping the first secutive walk-off rBi since the reds. orioLES Ab r h bi bb So AvG Gray, who gave the twins seattle went 21-6 in the <There are bigger
game of the series mon- albert pujols in 2011. rEDS Ab r h bi bb So AvG Henderson 3b ....... 3 1 1 0 1 0 .252 seven scoreless innings. month.
team w L pct wCGb
day, the Cubs came back pADrES Ab r h bi bb So AvG Friedl cf...............5
Steer 2b ..............4
0 0 0 0 .268
1 0 1 1 .268
Santander rf ......... 4
Mountcastle dh .... 3
2 2 0 0 .260
0 0 1 1 .275 GUArDiANS Ab r h bi bb So AvG AthLEtiCS Ab r h bi bb So AvG numbers in my
San Francisco 69 64 .519 4
to take the next two with Kim 2b.................4 1 2 1 0 0 .278 De La Cruz ss ......5 2 2 0 0 1 .244 O'Hearn 1b ........... 4 1 1 1 0 2 .297 Kwan dh..............5 0 2 1 0 0 .271 Noda 1b...............4 0 2 1 0 1 .234
solid pitching and defense. Soto lf.................3
Machado 3b ........4
Tatis Jr. rf...........3
2 2 0 0 .262
1 1 0 0 .249
1 0 1 1 .263
Martini dh...........4
1 4
1 0 0 2 .292
3 0 0 .252
Mullins cf ............. 3
Frazier lf............... 4
Westburg 2b ........ 2
0 0 0 1 .244
2 1 0 1 .241
1 1 1 0 .261
Ramírez 3b .........3
Calhoun 1b..........4
0 0 2 2 .277
1 3 1 1 .273
Gelof 2b ..............4
Rooker dh ...........3
Brown rf .............4
0 0 0 2 .263
0 0 1 1 .243
0 0 0 0 .209
head, but 300 is
brEwErS Ab r h bi bb So AvG Strand 1b ......... Laureano rf .........5 0 0 0 0 1 .246
Miami 66 67 .496 3 Bogaerts ss ........4 0 2 0 0 0 .259 McCann c .............. 4 0 0 0 0 3 .235 Diaz 3b................3 1 1 0 0 0 .236
x-Late game Yelich lf...............5
Contreras c .........3
1 0 0 2 .281
1 1 2 1 .279
Cooper 1b............4
Carpenter dh.......3
0 0 0 1 .276
0 0 1 0 .174
Senzel lf..............4
Benson rf ............4
0 .219
3 .262 Mateo ss............... 3
Rutschman ph ...... 1
2 0 0 1 .211
0 0 0 0 .274
Giménez 2b.........3
Brennan lf...........4
Arias ss...............4
0 0 1 1 .234
2 0 0 0 .258
1 0 0 0 .209
Kemp ph..............1
Bride 3b ..............0
0 0 0 1 .217
0 0 0 0 .169
pretty good.=
Santana dh .........4 0 1 0 1 0 .219 Marte 3b .............3 0 0 0 1 2 .171
Frelick cf-rf.........4 1 1 0 0 2 .247
Campusano c ......3 1 2 0 0 0 .293 Maile c ................4 0 2 0 0 1 .245 totALS 31 5 9 5 3 9 4 Haase c ...............3 0 0 0 0 1 .200 C.Pérez c .............3 0 1 0 0 1 .224 4 Phillies slugger bryce
Gamel pr .............0 1 0 0 0 0 .200 Naylor ph-c .........1 1 0 0 0 1 .211 Langeliers ph ......1 0 0 0 0 0 .207
Adames ss ..........3 0 0 0 1 0 .214 Sánchez c............1 0 1 0 0 0 .219 totALS 37 4 11 3 2 10 4 ChiCAGo........ 043 003 000 4 10 15 0 Straw cf ..............3 0 1 0 0 0 .238 Butler cf..............4 1 2 2 0 1 .237 Harper, who became the
Tellez 1b .............3 0 1 0 1 1 .219 Grisham cf ..........3 0 0 0 0 0 .200 bALtimorE... 401 000 000 4 5 9 1 Díaz ss ................3 0 1 0 0 1 .221
team w L pct wCGb Canha rf ..............3 0 0 1 0 0 .271 GiANtS Ab r h bi bb So AvG totALS 35 5 7 4 4 7 4 12th active player to reach
totALS 32 4 11 4 2 2 4 E: Mullins (3). Lob: Chicago 9, Baltimore Allen pr-ss ..........1 1 0 0 0 0 .209
Tampa Bay 82 52 .612 +61/2 Wiemer cf...........0 0 0 0 0 0 .210 Wade Jr. 1b.........4 0 0 0 0 1 .253 300 career home runs with a
4. 2b: Jiménez (16), Vaughn (25), Benin- twiNS Ab r h bi bb So AvG Ruiz lf .................3 1 2 1 0 0 .246
Houston 77 58 .570 +1 Turang 2b ...........4 0 0 0 0 1 .219 Estrada 2b ..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .273
Texas 75 58 .564 4 Monasterio 3b ....4 0 0 0 0 1 .256 CArDiNALS Ab r h bi bb So AvG tendi (29), Henderson (21), Santander Julien dh .............4 0 0 0 1 2 .280 totALS 34 4 9 4 1 8 4 two-run shot in a loss to the
Flores dh.............4 0 1 0 0 0 .291 Polanco 2b ..........2 0 2 2 2 0 .259
Toronto 73 61 .545 21/2 totALS 33 2 5 2 5 8 4 Edman cf .............4 1 1 2 1 0 .241 Pederson lf .........2 0 0 0 1 0 .242 (32). 3b: Anderson (2). hr: Vaughn (17),
Boston 69 65 .515 61/2 Goldschmidt 1b...4 0 0 0 0 1 .278 off Gibson; Colás (4), off Gibson; Robert Correa ss.............4 0 0 0 0 2 .222 mAriNErS Ab r h bi bb So AvG Angels at home.
Bailey c ...............3 0 0 0 1 2 .257 Kepler rf..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .252 Crawford ss ........4 0 1 2 0 2 .268
CUbS Ab r h bi bb So AvG Contreras dh .......4 1 1 0 0 1 .253 Yastrzemski rf....2 0 0 0 2 0 .231 Jr. (35), off Gibson; Santander (26), off
Arenado 3b .........4 1 1 0 0 0 .274 Cease. rbi: Vaughn 3 (69), Colás 2 (18), Lewis 3b .............4 0 0 0 0 2 .307 Suárez 3b............3 1 1 0 1 1 .236
Tauchman cf .......2 2 0 0 2 1 .258 DeJong ss ...........2 0 0 0 0 0 .120
Walker rf.............4 1 4 3 0 0 .267 Davis ph-3b ........2 0 0 0 0 0 .248 Robert Jr. (70), Andrus (36), Anderson 2 Wallner lf............2 1 0 0 2 1 .230 Raleigh c .............4 1 1 0 0 2 .229 star of tHE day
Hoerner 2b..........2 1 1 0 0 0 .279 Knizner c .............4 0 0 0 0 3 .249 (24), Benintendi (39), Santander 2 (79), Jeffers c..............4 0 0 0 0 4 .271 Hernández rf.......4 1 1 3 0 1 .264
Meckler cf...........4 0 0 0 0 3 .263
nl leaders Happ lf ................3 0 1 1 0 0 .244 Motter 2b............3 0 0 0 0 1 .171 Schmitt 3b-ss.....3 1 2 0 0 1 .201 O9Hearn (45), Frazier (53), Westburg (18). Solano 1b............4 1 2 0 0 0 .288 France 1b ............3 0 0 0 1 1 .254 Hunter renfroe, angels
Bellinger 1b ........4 0 1 1 0 2 .316 Palacios lf ...........3 0 2 0 0 0 .300 Sb: Frazier (9). SF: Westburg. S: Sosa. Gallo cf................1 0 0 0 0 1 .176 Canzone lf...........4 1 1 0 0 0 .234
Swanson ss ........3 0 0 1 0 2 .246 Baker ph..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .200 totALS 30 1 4 0 4 8 4 Luplow ph-cf.......2 0 0 0 0 1 .189 Ford dh................2 0 1 0 0 0 .232 the outfielder went 3 for 4
Entering Wednesday9s games. Suzuki rf .............3 0 0 0 0 0 .263 whitE SoX ip h r Er bb So ErA
Winn ss...............4 1 1 0 0 1 .171 Taylor cf..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .228 Caballero pr-dh...0 1 0 0 0 0 .231
bAttiNG Candelario dh......3 0 0 0 0 1 .275
totALS 35 5 10 5 1 7 4
CiNCiNNAti ... 000 002 020 4 4 11 2 Cease ................... 6 6 5 5 3 7 4.91
totALS 32 2 4 2 5 14 4 Moore cf .............2 0 0 0 1 0 .228 with a homer and four rBi
Madrigal 3b ........3 0 0 0 0 1 .271 SAN FrAN. .... 000 001 000 4 1 4 2 Lambert............... 2 1 0 0 0 1 5.26 Rojas 2b ..............3 0 0 0 0 2 .288
Arraez, Mia ...................................... .350
Amaya c ..............2 0 0 0 0 2 .231 E: Gibaut (2), Cruz (1), Wade Jr. (7),
Santos ................. 1 2 0 0 0 1 3.26
CLEvELAND ....000 000 011 3 4 5 7 0 totALS 29 5 6 5 3 9 4
in a 10-8 comeback
Freeman, LA .................................... .337 SAN DiEGo .... 120 000 100 4 4 11 0
Morel ph .............1 0 0 0 0 0 .249 Pederson (3). Lob: Cincinnati 8, San miNNESotA ...000 020 000 0 4 2 4 0 victory over the phillies.
Acuña Jr., Atl ................................... .335 St. LoUiS....... 000 300 002 4 5 10 0 orioLES ip h r Er bb So ErA
Gomes c ..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .270 Francisco 7. 2b: Encarnacion-Strand (5), oAKLAND ...... 030 000 100 4 4 9 0
Bellinger, Chi ................................... .317 Two outs when winning run scored. Gibson .............. 41/3 9 7 7 0 2 5.15 Lob: Cleveland 6, Minnesota 6. 2b:
Betts, LA ......................................... .314 totALS 26 3 3 3 2 9 4 De La Cruz (13), Schmitt 2 (13). hr: En- SEAttLE ........ 003 000 20X 4 5 6 1
Lob: San Diego 5, St. Louis 6. 2b: Bo- Voth.................. 12/3 3 3 3 1 2 5.19 Kwan (30), Arias (11), Polanco (14). hr:
Harper, Phi ....................................... .309 carnacion-Strand (5), off Ty.Rogers. Hall ...................... 1 1 0 0 1 1 2.84 Calhoun (3), off Funderburk. E: Raleigh (9). Lob: Oakland 4, Seattle
miLwAUKEE . 001 000 010 4 2 5 1 gaerts (21), Contreras (26), Walker
rEDS ip h r Er bb So ErA Pérez ................... 1 2 0 0 0 1 3.65 GUArDiANS ip h r Er bb So ErA 4. 2b: Noda (18), Díaz (16), Ruiz (22), to da y
homE rUNS ChiCAGo........ 200 000 01X 4 3 3 2 (14), Winn (2). hr: Walker (12), off Hill;
Edman (12), off Hader. Greene .............. 51/3 3 1 0 1 6 4.75 Webb ................... 1 0 0 0 2 2 1.69 Raleigh (21), Canzone (7). hr: Butler
Olson, Atl ............................................ 43 E: Adames (13), Hendricks (1), Bellinger Bibee ................... 5 4 2 2 3 8 3.03 (2), off Miller; Hernández (23), off Neal.
pADrES ip h r Er bb So ErA Gibaut................. 2/3 0 0 0 1 0 3.36 wp: Cease (6-7); Lp: Gibson (13-8). in- Karinchak ............ 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.44
Alonso, NY .......................................... 39 (2). Lob: Milwaukee 10, Chicago 5. 2b: Cruz ..................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 4.12 herited runners-scored: Voth 1-0. hbp: Morris.................. 2 0 0 0 1 0 6.75 AthLEtiCS ip h r Er bb So ErA
Schwarber, Phi ................................... 37 Happ (27). Hill ....................... 4 5 3 3 1 2 8.50 Sims .................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.73
Betts, LA ............................................ 36 García .................. 2 1 0 0 0 1 4.32 Cease (Mullins). wp: Cease(2). t: 3:09. Stephan ............... 1 0 0 0 0 3 2.78 Neal ..................... 5 3 3 3 2 6 6.55 nl games
brEwErS ip h r Er bb So ErA Díaz ..................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 2.18 A: 17,723 (45,971). Clase.................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.95 Erceg.................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.95
Soler, Mia ........................................... 35 Cosgrove............. 1/3 1 0 0 0 1 1.62
Muncy, LA ........................................... 31 Woodruff............. 6 2 2 2 1 8 2.70 Barlow .............. 12/3 1 0 0 0 2 4.02 GiANtS ip h r Er bb So ErA Snead ................. 1/3 3 2 2 1 1 3.60
Peguero ............... 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.42 twiNS ip h r Er bb So ErA mArLiNS At NAtioNALS, 7:05
Riley, Atl ............................................. 31 Hader.................. 2/3 2 2 2 0 1 1.16 Jiménez .............. 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.63
Payamps.............. 1 1 1 0 1 1 2.05 Webb ................... 6 7 2 2 0 6 3.49 Gray ..................... 7 3 0 0 1 5 2.92 Patton ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.79
Walker................ 2/3 1 0 0 0 2 2.19 orioLES9 LEADErS w-L ErA tEAm
rbi CArDiNALS ip h r Er bb So ErA Jax ...................... 2/3 1 1 1 0 1 4.14
CUbS ip h r Er bb So ErA Ta.Rogers ........... 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 2.78 Through Wednesday9s game. Thielbar .............. 1/3 1 0 0 1 0 2.57 mAriNErS ip h r Er bb So ErA Garrett (L) 7-5 3.96 18-7
Olson, Atl .......................................... 112 Mikolas................ 6 7 3 3 2 2 4.66 Ty.Rogers ............ 1 3 2 2 0 1 2.94
Alonso, NY .......................................... 96 Hendricks ............ 6 4 1 0 2 6 3.59 batters Avg Ab r h 2b hr rbi Duran................... 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.70 Miller ................... 6 7 3 3 0 5 3.93 Adon (R) 2-0 5.25 4-0
King .................... 2/3 2 1 1 0 0 1.93 Jackson................ 1 0 0 0 2 1 2.31
Betts, LA ............................................ 94 Merryweather .. 11/3 0 0 0 0 2 3.30 O'Hearn .297 256 34 76 16 11 45 Pagán.................. 2/3 0 2 1 1 0 3.39 Topa..................... 1 2 1 1 0 0 2.17
VerHagen ......... 11/3 1 0 0 0 0 4.09
Albies, Atl ........................................... 90 Leiter Jr.............. 1/3 1 1 1 2 0 2.84 wp: Greene (3-6); Lp: Webb (9-11); S: Hays .281 430 62 121 32 13 53 Funderburk......... 1/3 1 1 1 0 0 3.86 Brash ................... 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.47 GiANtS At pADrES, 9:40
Pallante ............... 1 1 0 0 0 0 5.13
3 tied ................................................... 87 Alzolay ............. 11/3 0 0 0 1 0 2.54 Díaz (35). inherited runners-scored: Mountcastle.275 382 58 105 20 18 65 Muñoz ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.56
wp: Pallante (4-1); Lp: Hader (0-3). in- wp: Stephan (6-4); Lp: Pagán (5-2); S: TBD ---- ---- ----
wp: Alzolay (2-4); Lp: Payamps (4-4). Gibaut 2-1, Ta.Rogers 1-0. ibb: off Rutschman .274 492 70 135 22 16 62 Clase (36). inherited runners-scored: wp: Topa (4-4); Lp: Snead (1-2); S: Mu-
ErA inherited runners-scored: Alzolay 3-1.
herited runners-scored: Barlow 2-0, Gibaut (Pederson). hbp: Greene (Peder- McKenna .263 118 22 31 7 2 18 Thielbar 1-1, Funderburk 2-2. ibb: off ñoz (11). inherited runners-scored: Ji- Avila (R) 0-1 2.63 1-1
Snell, SD .......................................... 2.60 VerHagen 1-0. hbp: Cosgrove (Motter). son). t: 2:32. A: 25,140 (41,915). Westburg .261 153 21 40 10 2 18
hbp: Woodruff 2 (Hoerner, Happ), Alzo- Pagán (Ramírez). wp: Bibee, Gray, Du- ménez 2-0. hbp: Neal (Ford). wp:
Steele, Chi ....................................... 2.69 t: 2:38. A: 32,583 (44,494). Hicks .261 134 25 35 4 6 20 brAvES At DoDGErS, 10:10
lay (Canha). t: 2:31. A: 31,769 (41,363). ran. t: 3:10. A: 20,169 (38,544). Brash. t: 2:26. A: 29,247 (47,929).
Senga, NY ........................................ 3.17
Morton, Atl ...................................... 3.29 Strider (R) 15-4 3.46 21-5
Kelly, Ari .......................................... 3.31 Lynn (R) 10-9 5.56 13-13
Gallen, Ari ........................................ 3.32 astros 7, red sox 4 rays 3, marlins 0 (10) yankees 6, tigers 2 mets 6, rangers 5 (10) pirates 4, royals 1 braves 7, rockies 3
SAvES Framber Valdez, who Josh lowe hit a tiebreak- New York ended a 10-se- dJ stewart homered andre Jackson pitched darius Vines pitched six
Doval, SF ............................................. 35 pitched seven no-hit in- ing single during tampa ries winless streak as Gley- twice, then forced in the two-hit ball into the sixth strong innings to win his
Díaz, Cin .............................................. 34 nl scores
Williams, Mil ...................................... 31
nings in his previous start, Bay9s three-run 10th in- ber torres homered for the winning run when he was inning and struck out a ca- major league debut and
Bednar, Pit .......................................... 28 retired the first 10 Boston ning, and the rays beat mi- third straight game in a vic- hit by an aroldis Chapman reer-high seven batters in marcell ozuna homered tUESDAy9S rESULtS
Hader, SD ............................................ 28 at St. Louis 6, San Diego 5 (10)
Iglesias, Atl ........................................ 26 batters and took a shutout ami for their fourth consec- tory over detroit. pitch with the bases load- his first major league win, for the second time in as at Chicago Cubs 1, Milwaukee 0
into the sixth inning to utive victory. Four tampa dJ lamahieu and Gian- ed in the 10th inning as and pittsburgh beat Kan- many games as atlanta Atlanta 3, at Colorado 1
at San Francisco 6, Cincinnati 1
Strider, Atl ....................................... 236 help Houston beat the red Bay pitchers combined on carlo stanton also hom- New York edged texas. sas City for a three-game completed a season sweep at L.A. Dodgers 9, Arizona 1
Snell, SD ........................................... 193 sox and complete their a four-hitter. ered for the Yankees, who sweep. of Colorado.
Gallen, Ari ......................................... 182 rANGErS Ab r h bi bb So AvG wEDNESDAy9S rESULtS
Keller, Pit .......................................... 179 first sweep at Fenway park. after going 8-17 in July, have won the first three Semien 2b...........5 1 1 0 0 0 .275 Bryan reynolds and Kevin pillar and orlando at Chicago Cubs 3, Milwaukee 2
Peralta, Mil ....................................... 177 Seager ss ............4 1 2 1 1 0 .346 at St. Louis 5, San Diego 4
Wheeler, Phi ..................................... 175 Houston has won five the rays closed out a 17-8 games of the four-game Lowe 1b ..............3 1 1 0 2 2 .282 Jack suwinski homered for arcia also homered for the Cincinnati 4, at San Francisco 1
straight. august. set. they hadn9t won a se- García rf..............3 1 1 2 1 0 .248 the pirates, and Vinny Braves, who finished 7-0 Atlanta 7, at Colorado 3
Garver dh ............4 0 0 0 1 2 .273 Arizona at L.A. Dodgers, late
AStroS Ab r h bi bb So AvG rAyS Ab r h bi bb So AvG
ries since they swept Kan- Heim c.................5 0 1 2 0 1 .266 Capra hit an rBi double. against the rockies.
al leaders Altuve 2b.............5 1 1 0 0 1 .313 Díaz 1b................4 0 1 0 1 2 .327 sas City from July 21 to 23. Jankowski lf .......4 0 0 0 1 1 .272
pirAtES Ab r h bi bb So AvG brAvES Ab r h bi bb So AvG
Bregman 3b .........5 1 2 1 0 1 .266 Arozarena lf........3 0 1 2 1 0 .261 Duran 3b .............4 0 0 0 0 1 .282
Entering Thursday9s games. yANKEES Ab r h bi bb So AvG Taveras cf ...........3 1 1 0 1 0 .259 Joe rf...................4 0 0 0 0 0 .247 Acuña Jr. rf .........5 0 1 0 0 0 .334
Alvarez lf.............4 0 1 0 1 1 .292 H.Ramírez dh......5 0 1 0 0 2 .298
Tucker rf..............3 1 0 0 2 0 .292 Paredes 3b..........5 0 0 0 0 2 .256 LeMahieu 1b .......4 1 1 1 1 1 .243 totALS 35 5 7 5 7 7 4 Bae cf..................0 0 0 0 0 0 .240 Albies 2b.............5 0 3 0 0 1 .268 al game
bAttiNG McCormick cf-lf...5 1 1 1 0 0 .281 B.Lowe 2b ...........3 0 0 0 1 3 .228 Judge rf...............4 0 0 0 1 3 .263 Reynolds lf..........3 1 2 1 1 0 .265 Riley 3b...............5 1 2 0 0 1 .277
Díaz, TB ........................................... .327 Torres 2b.............4 2 2 1 1 0 .273 McCutchen dh.....3 0 0 0 1 0 .247 Olson 1b..............4 1 1 0 0 1 .271
Brantley dh..........4 1 2 2 0 1 .250 Basabe ss ...........3 0 0 0 1 1 .255 mEtS Ab r h bi bb So AvG yANKEES At tiGErS, 1:10
Bichette, Tor .................................... .314 Singleton 1b ........4 0 1 1 0 1 .196 Siri cf ..................3 1 0 0 1 1 .218 Stanton dh ..........5 2 2 2 0 2 .206 Rodríguez c.........4 0 0 0 0 2 .236 Ozuna dh.............4 1 1 2 0 1 .267
Nimmo cf ............5 0 2 1 0 1 .260 Peguero 2b..........4 1 1 0 0 1 .248 d'Arnaud c ..........3 1 0 1 1 0 .242 w-L ErA tEAm
Ohtani, LA ....................................... .307 Peña ss ................4 2 2 1 0 2 .258 Bethancourt c .....3 0 0 0 0 2 .225 Volpe ss ..............4 1 1 0 0 2 .216 Lindor ss .............4 0 1 0 1 0 .251 Capra 3b..............3 1 1 1 1 1 .200 Arcia ss...............4 1 1 2 0 1 .280
Yoshida, Bos .................................... .295 Maldonado c ........3 0 2 1 1 0 .188 Aranda ph ...........1 1 1 0 0 0 .214 Bader cf...............3 0 1 0 1 1 .240 Schmidt (R) 8-8 4.51 11-15
McNeil 2b............5 1 1 0 0 1 .265 Suwinski cf-rf.....4 1 2 2 0 1 .207 Pillar lf ................4 2 2 1 0 0 .230
Tucker, Hou ..................................... .292 Pinto c.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .268 Pereira lf .............3 0 1 2 0 1 .129
totALS 37 7 12 7 4 7 4 Alonso 1b............3 1 1 0 2 0 .220 Williams ss.........3 0 0 0 0 1 .203 Harris II cf...........4 0 1 1 0 0 .289
Turner, Bos ...................................... .287 Bruján rf .............3 0 0 0 0 0 .185 Peraza 3b ............4 0 0 0 0 0 .139 Manning (R) 5-4 3.93 7-6
Vogelbach dh ......1 1 1 1 1 0 .228 Rivas 1b ..............3 0 0 0 0 0 .196
J.Lowe ph-rf .......1 1 1 1 0 0 .286 Rortvedt c ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .113 Alvarez ph-dh .....2 0 0 0 1 1 .211 totALS 38 7 12 7 1 5 4
homE rUNS rED SoX Ab r h bi bb So AvG
totALS 35 6 8 6 4 12 4 Stewart rf...........4 2 2 4 0 1 .279 totALS 31 4 6 4 3 6 4
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 44 Rafaela ss...........4 1 1 1 0 2 .400 totALS 34 3 5 3 5 13 4
Narváez c............4 0 1 0 0 2 .202 roCKiES Ab r h bi bb So AvG
Robert Jr., Chi ..................................... 35 Turner dh ............4 0 1 1 0 0 .287 mArLiNS Ab r h bi bb So AvG royALS Ab r h bi bb So AvG
Devers 3b ...........4 0 0 1 0 0 .267 tiGErS Ab r h bi bb So AvG Vientos 3b ..........3 1 1 0 0 1 .198 Blackmon dh .......3 0 0 0 1 0 .288
García, Tex .......................................... 32 Garcia 3b.............3 0 1 0 1 2 .277 Tovar ss ..............5 0 1 1 0 2 .255 al scores
Judge, NY ............................................ 29 Duvall cf .............3 0 1 0 1 1 .276 Arraez 2b ............4 0 1 0 0 0 .349 Baddoo lf.............4 0 0 0 0 2 .220 Araúz 3b .............1 0 0 0 0 0 .125
Bell dh.................4 0 0 0 0 1 .263 Greene rf.............3 0 0 0 1 0 .284 Ortega lf .............3 0 1 0 1 1 .238 Witt Jr. ss...........4 1 1 1 0 1 .276 McMahon 3b.......3 0 0 0 1 3 .249
Devers, Bos ......................................... 29 Refsnyder lf........4 0 0 0 0 0 .250
Burger 3b ............4 0 1 0 0 1 .326 Torkelson 1b .......4 1 1 1 0 3 .229 totALS 35 6 11 6 6 8 4 Melendez lf.........4 0 0 0 0 3 .231 Díaz c ..................4 1 1 0 0 0 .271 tUESDAy9S SCorES
2 tied ................................................... 27 Verdugo rf ..........4 0 0 0 0 1 .277
Chisholm Jr. cf....4 0 0 0 0 3 .244 Carpenter dh .......4 0 1 0 0 2 .285 Velázquez dh ......3 0 0 0 1 1 .216 Jones lf ...............3 0 2 0 1 0 .276 at Baltimore 9, Chicago White Sox 3
Urías 2b ..............4 1 1 0 0 1 .222
rbi De La Cruz lf-rf ...4 0 1 0 0 0 .256 McKinstry ss.......4 0 0 0 0 2 .240 tEXAS............. 000 101 030 0 4 5 7 0 Beaty 1b .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .255 Goodman 1b........3 0 0 1 0 1 .357 N.Y. Yankees 4, at Detroit 2
Casas 1b .............4 1 3 0 0 1 .263
Tucker, Hou ........................................ 97 Wong c................3 1 0 1 1 1 .248 Sánchez rf...........2 0 1 0 0 0 .262 Vierling 3b ..........4 0 1 0 0 2 .259 NEw yorK ..... 030 000 020 1 4 6 11 1 Fermin c..............2 0 1 0 1 0 .284 Toglia rf ..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .163 Houston 6, at Boston 2
García, Tex .......................................... 97 Berti ph-lf ...........2 0 0 0 0 1 .281 Meadows cf ........3 0 0 0 0 0 .300 Blanco rf .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .237 Trejo 2b...............3 2 1 1 1 0 .237 Cleveland 4, at Minnesota 2
totALS 34 4 7 4 2 7 4 Gurriel 1b............3 0 0 0 0 2 .250 No outs when winning run scored. Taylor 2b.............3 0 1 0 0 1 .207 B.Doyle cf ...........3 0 0 0 0 2 .186 Oakland 3, at Seattle 1
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 95 Ibáñez 2b.............1 0 0 0 2 0 .244 E: Brigham (1). Lob: Texas 9, New York
Bregman, Hou ..................................... 90 Wendle ss...........3 0 0 0 0 0 .226 Rogers c ..............3 1 1 1 0 1 .205 Isbel cf ................3 0 0 0 0 0 .235 Castro ph ............1 0 0 0 0 0 .258
hoUStoN ...... 033 100 000 4 7 12 1 10. 2b: Nimmo (21), McNeil (21). hr: wEDNESDAy9S SCorES
Devers, Bos ......................................... 89 boStoN......... 000 004 000 4 4 7 0 Fortes c...............2 0 0 0 1 0 .211 totALS 28 1 4 1 3 10 4 totALS 32 3 5 3 4 9 4
totALS 30 2 4 2 3 12 4 Seager (25), off Reyes; Vogelbach (13), Chicago White Sox 10, at Baltimore 5
Turner, Bos ......................................... 87 totALS 32 0 4 0 1 8 4 off Dunning; Stewart (8), off Dunning;
E: Peña (13). Lob: Houston 7, Boston 5. pittSbUrGh . 120 000 100 4 4 6 0 AtLANtA....... 001 204 000 4 7 12 1 Cleveland 5, at Minnesota 2 (10)
NEw yorK..... 211 200 000 4 6 8 0 Stewart (9), off Leclerc.
ErA 2b: Brantley (1), Peña (26), Bregman tAmpA bAy ..000 000 000 3 4 3 5 0 KANSAS City 000 100 000 4 1 4 1 CoLorADo .... 001 001 100 4 3 5 1 at Seattle 5, Oakland 4
DEtroit ........ 001 001 000 4 2 4 0
Gray, Min ......................................... 2.92 (23), Casas (19), Rafaela (1), Duvall miAmi ...........000 000 000 0 4 0 4 0 rANGErS ip h r Er bb So ErA Houston 7, at Boston 4
Lob: New York 8, Detroit 4. 2b: Volpe E: Zerpa (1). Lob: Pittsburgh 3, Kansas E: Arcia (8), Tovar (7). Lob: Atlanta 5, N.Y. Yankees 6, at Detroit 2
Cole, NY ........................................... 2.95 (22). 3b: Peña (3). Dunning ............... 4 5 3 3 2 4 3.45
Lob: Tampa Bay 8, Miami 4. 2b: Díaz (16), Torres (22). hr: LeMahieu (13), off City 3. 2b: Peguero (3), Capra (1). 3b: Colorado 8. 2b: Jones 2 (17). hr: Pillar
Castillo, Sea ..................................... 3.01 AStroS ip h r Er bb So ErA Pérez ................... 3 4 0 0 1 1 4.84 Garcia (3). hr: Reynolds (19), off Zerpa; (7), off Freeland; Ozuna (31), off Free-
(28), De La Cruz (29), Sánchez (21). Wentz; Torres (23), off Wentz; Stanton
Bradish, Bal ..................................... 3.03 Valdez ................. 6 5 4 2 0 5 3.38 Leclerc ................ 1/3 2 2 2 0 1 2.91 Suwinski (22), off Snider; Witt Jr. (27), land; Arcia (16), off Freeland; Trejo (3),
Kirby, Sea ........................................ 3.28 rAyS ip h r Er bb So ErA (20), off Wentz; Rogers (16), off Cole; W.Smith ........... 12/3 0 0 0 1 2 4.01
Graveman........... 2/3 1 0 0 1 0 2.40 Torkelson (24), off Cole. off Jackson. off Tonkin.
Gausman, Tor .................................. 3.30 Eflin .................. 61/3 4 0 0 0 4 3.40 Chapman ............. 0 0 1 0 2 0 2.57
Neris................. 11/3 0 0 0 1 1 1.93
Poche................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.47 yANKEES ip h r Er bb So ErA pirAtES ip h r Er bb So ErA brAvES ip h r Er bb So ErA Interleague scores
SAvES Pressly ................ 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.32 mEtS ip h r Er bb So ErA
Armstrong........ 12/3 0 0 0 1 1 0.89 Cole...................... 6 4 2 2 2 7 2.95 Jackson............. 52/3 2 1 1 2 7 2.92 Vines ................... 6 4 2 2 1 5 3.00
Clase, Cle ............................................ 36 rED SoX ip h r Er bb So ErA Fairbanks............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.41 Hamilton.............. 3 0 0 0 1 5 2.24 Reyes................ 51/3 3 2 2 0 3 6.23 Borucki ............... 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 3.49 Tonkin.................. 1 1 1 1 0 2 3.39 tUESDAy9S rESULtS
Bautista, Bal ....................................... 33 Crawford .......... 22/3 7 6 6 1 1 4.08 Reid-Foley .......... 2/3 0 0 0 3 2 0.00 Hatch................... 1 0 0 0 1 0 2.70 Yates ................... 1 0 0 0 2 1 2.79 Washington 5, at Toronto 4
Romano, Tor ....................................... 31 mArLiNS ip h r Er bb So ErA tiGErS ip h r Er bb So ErA Gott ..................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.79 Holderman........... 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.06 Iglesias ................ 1 0 0 0 1 1 2.68
Jacques .............. 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 5.91 Tampa Bay 11, at Miami 2
Jansen, Bos ........................................ 29 Luzardo................ 6 1 0 0 2 8 3.62 White...................2/3 2 2 2 1 2 4.42 Raley ................... 0 2 3 3 1 0 3.25 Bednar ................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.13 at Philadelphia 12, L.A. Angels 7
Whitlock.............. 2 4 1 1 2 2 5.49 roCKiES ip h r Er bb So ErA
Pressly, Hou ....................................... 29 Puk...................... 1/3 0 0 0 3 1 4.12 Wentz.................. 5 5 4 4 3 6 6.65 Ottavino .............. 1 1 0 0 1 0 3.06 Texas 2, at N.Y. Mets 1
Schreiber ............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.86 royALS ip h r Er bb So ErA
Estévez, LA ......................................... 28 Nardi.................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.91 Cisnero.............. 11/3 0 0 0 0 3 5.22 Brigham............... 2 1 0 0 2 1 4.83 Freeland ........... 52/3 8 7 6 1 3 5.18 Pittsburgh 6, at Kansas City 3
Martin ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.22
Scott................. 12/3 0 0 0 0 1 2.48 Holton.................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.08 Zerpa ................ 52/3 5 3 3 2 3 7.04 Justice.............. 11/3 2 0 0 0 1 12.0
StriKEoUtS Jansen ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.74 wp: Brigham (1-2); Lp: Chapman (1-1).
Robertson............ 1 3 3 2 0 2 8.18 Foley .................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.54 Snider ............... 11/3 1 1 1 0 1 5.87 Bird...................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.89 wEDNESDAy9S rESULtS
Llovera ................ 1 1 0 0 1 0 4.60 Raley pitched to 3 batters in the 8th in-
Gausman, Tor ................................... 202 wp: Armstrong (1-0); Lp: Robertson Clarke .................. 1 0 0 0 1 1 5.44 Lawrence............. 1 2 0 0 0 0 3.69 at Toronto 7, Washington 0
López, Min ........................................ 196 wp: Valdez (10-9); Lp: Crawford (6-7); wp: Cole (12-4); Lp: White (2-3); S: Ham- herited runners-scored: Reid-Foley 1-1, Kowar .................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 6.38
(0-4); S: Fairbanks (18). inherited run- Ottavino 3-3. ibb: off Pérez (Alonso), wp: Vines (1-0); Lp: Freeland (5-14). in- L.A. Angels 10, Philadelphia 8
Cole, NY ............................................ 188 S: Pressly (29). inherited runners- ilton (2). inherited runners-scored: Wentz Tampa Bay 3, at Miami 0 (10)
ners-scored: Poche 1-0, Nardi 3-0, Scott 3-0, Cisnero 1-0. hbp: White 2 (Volpe, off Chapman (Alonso). hbp: Ottavino wp: Jackson (1-1); Lp: Zerpa (1-3); S: herited runners-scored: Justice 1-1.
Castillo, Sea ...................................... 181 scored: Neris 2-0, Jacques 1-0. t: 3:06. at N.Y. Mets 6, Texas 5 (10)
2-0. hbp: Nardi (Arozarena). wp: Lu- Pereira). t: 2:37. A: 15,731 (41,083). (García), Chapman (Stewart). t: 3:17. A: Bednar (29). inherited runners-scored: hbp: Vines (Blackmon). wp: Yates, Jus-
Cease, Chi ......................................... 176 A: 31,045 (37,755). Pittsburgh 4, at Kansas City 1
zardo. t: 2:32. A: 9,803 (37,446). 23,849 (42,136). Borucki 1-0. t: 2:25. A: 10,592 (38,427). tice. t: 2:35. A: 27,425 (50,144).
Ohtani, LA ........................................ 167
thursday, august 31 , 2023 . the washington post eZ su d5



nFL WnBA U.S. Open

regUlar seasON east w l pct gb At USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center;
week 1 y-New York................................. 28 7 .800 4 In New York
tHUrsDaY, sept. 7 y-Connecticut ............................. 24 11 .686 4 purse: $44,700,000
Detroit at Kansas City (-61/2), 8:20 (NBC) Washington................................ 17 18 .486 11 surface: Hardcourt outdoor
Atlanta ....................................... 17 19 .472 111/2 MeN9s sINgles 4 seCOND rOUND
sUNDaY, sept. 10 Chicago ....................................... 15 21 .417 131/2
Indiana........................................ 11 24 .314 17 Borna Gojo, Croatia, def. Mackenzie McDonald, United
Arizona at Washington (-7), 1 (Fox) States, 6-3, 6-4, 6-4; Laslo Djere (32), Serbia, def. Hugo
Houston at Baltimore (-10), 1 (CBS) Gaston, France, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3; Dominic Stricker, Switzer-
Carolina at Atlanta (-31/2), 1 (Fox) west w l pct gb land, def. Stefanos Tsitsipas (7), Greece, 7-5, 6-7 (7-2),
Cincinnati (-11/2) at Cleveland, 1 (CBS) y-Las Vegas................................ 30 6 .833 4 6-7 (7-5), 7-6 (8-6), 6-3; Novak Djokovic (2), Serbia, def.
Jacksonville (-41/2) at Indianapolis, 1 (Fox) Dallas.......................................... 19 16 .543 101/2 Bernabe Zapata Miralles, Spain, 6-4, 6-1, 6-1; Aslan
Minnesota .................................. 17 19 .472 13 Karatsev, Russia, def. Roberto Carballes Baena, Spain,
Tampa Bay at Minnesota (-6), 1 (CBS)
Los Angeles ................................ 15 20 .429 141/2 6-2, 4-6, 6-3, 7-6 (7-4); Benjamin Bonzi, France, def.
Tennessee at New Orleans (-3), 1 (CBS) Seattle........................................ 10 25 .286 191/2 Christopher Eubanks (28), United States, 7-6 (8-6), 2-6,
San Francisco (-21/2) at Pittsburgh, 1 (Fox) Phoenix......................................... 9 26 .257 201/2 6-2, 7-6 (9-7); Ben Shelton, United States, def. Dominic
Green Bay at Chicago (-11/2), 4:25 (Fox) Thiem, Austria, 7-6 (7-1), 1-0, ret; Adrian Mannarino
Las Vegas at Denver (-4), 4:25 (CBS) y-Clinched playoff spot
(22), France, def. Fabian Marozsan, Hungary, 3-6, 6-3,
Miami at L.A. Chargers (-21/2), 4:25 (CBS) tUesDaY9s resUlts 6-4, 6-1; Alejandro Davidovich Fokina (21), Spain, def.
Philadelphia (-41/2) at New England, 4:25 (CBS) Juan Manuel Cerundolo, Argentina, 6-1, 6-4, 6-3; Tommy
at Washington 83, Minnesota 72
L.A. Rams at Seattle (-41/2), 4:25 (Fox) Paul (14), United States, def. Roman Safiullin, Russia,
at Atlanta 94, Phoenix 76 3-6, 2-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-3; Frances Tiafoe (10), United States,
Dallas (-31/2) at N.Y. Giants, 8:20 (NBC)
Chicago 76, at Los Angeles 75 def. Sebastian Ofner, Austria, 6-3, 6-1, 6-4; Jakub
MONDaY, sept. 11 weDNesDaY9s resUlts Mensik, Czech Republic, def. Titouan Droguet, France,
Buffalo (-21/2) at N.Y. Jets, 8:15 (ESPN/ABC) 3-6, 6-2, 7-6 (7-1), 6-3.
No games scheduled.
wOMeN9s sINgles 4 seCOND rOUND
tHUrsDaY9s gaMes Belinda Bencic (15), Switzerland, def. Yuriko Lily Mi-
C O LL e g e FO O TB AL L Washington at Las Vegas, 10 yazaki, Britain, 6-3, 6-3; Taylor Townsend, United
Phoenix at Connecticut, 7 States, def. Beatriz Haddad Maia (19), Brazil, 7-6 (7-1),
Seattle at Los Angeles, 10 7-5; Coco Gauff (6), United States, def. Mirra Andreeva,
nCAA Russia, 6-3, 6-2; Elise Mertens (32), Belgium, def.
frIDaY9s gaMes Danielle Collins, United States, 3-6, 7-6 (9-7), 6-1; Kaja
tHUrsDaY9s gaMes Dallas at Indiana, 7 Juvan, Slovenia, def. Lauren Davis, United States, 6-7
east (7-3), 6-4, 6-3; Anna-Karolina Schmiedlova, Slovakia,
Atlanta at Minnesota, 8
Delaware (0-0) at Stony Brook (0-0), 7 def. Rebeka Masarova, Spain, 7-6 (0), 6-2; Karolina
Connecticut at New York, 8
North Carolina State (0-0) at Connecticut (0-0), 7:30 Muchova (10), Czech Republic, def. Magdalena Frech,
sOUtH satUrDaY9s gaMe Poland, 6-3, 6-3; Iga Swiatek (1), Poland, def. Daria
North Greenville (0-0) at Charleston Southern (0-0), 6 Seattle at Las Vegas, 9 Saville, Australia, 6-3, 6-4; Wang Xinyu, China, def. Sara
West Virginia State (0-0) at Morehead State (0-0), 6 Sorribes Tormo, Spain, 5-7, 6-3, 6-4; Sorana Cirstea (30),
Shorter (0-0) at Samford (0-0), 7 Romania, def. Anna Kalinskaya, Russia, 6-3, 6-4; Zhu Lin,
Kent State (0-0) at UCF (0-0), 7 China, def. Victoria Azarenka (18), Belarus, 6-3, 6-3;
William & Mary (0-0) at Campbell (0-0), 7 S O CC e R Elena Rybakina (4), Kazakhstan, def. Ajla Tomljanovic,
Sacramento State (0-0) at Nicholls (0-0), 7 Australia, walkover; Bernarda Pera, United States, def.
Tusculum (0-0) at Kennesaw State (0-0), 7 Wang Xiyu, China, 3-6, 7-6 (7-5), 6-2; Jennifer Brady,
VauGhn RIdley/Getty ImaGes Rhode Island (0-0) at Georgia State (0-0), 7 MLS United States, def. Magda Linette (24), Poland, 6-1, 2-6,
Tennessee Tech (0-0) at Furman (0-0), 7 6-2.
<I think guys are excited to get back home,= Patrick Corbin said after Washington9s series-ending loss. Elon (0-0) at Wake Forest (0-0), 7 east w l t pts gf ga
North Carolina A&T (0-0) at UAB (0-0), 8 Cincinnati ........................17 3 6 57 44 29
MIDwest New England ...................13 5 7 46 43 29
Eastern Illinois (0-0) at Indiana State (0-0), 6
Orlando City ....................12 6 8 44 40 31 h igh S Ch O O LS
Philadelphia ....................13 8 4 43 43 30

Nats suffer a rare series loss in Toronto St. Francis (Pa.) (0-0) at Western Michigan (0-0), 7
Valparaiso (0-0) at Youngstown State (0-0), 7:30
Western Oregon (0-0) at South Dakota State (0-0), 8
South Dakota (0-0) at Missouri (0-0), 8
Nebraska (0-0) at Minnesota (0-0), 8
Columbus ........................12
Nashville .........................11
CF Montréal ....................11
fIelD HOCkeY
Alexandria City 1, South County 0
Wisconsin Stevens Point (0-0) at Lindenwood (Mo.) (0-0), 8 Dominion 1, Lightridge 0
D.C. United ........................8 12 6 30 33 38
Marshall 1, Annandale 0
natIonals from d1 Bassitt was good. mixed it up nATiOnALS On deCk
sOUtHwest Charlotte FC ......................7 9 9 30 33 42
Potomac Falls 8, Liberty 2
Idaho (0-0) at Lamar (0-0), 8 New York...........................7 11 8 29 23 29
today. We couldn9t get in a groove, Arkansas Pine Bluff (0-0) at Tulsa (0-0), 8 New York City FC ..............6 10 11 29 27 35
Riverside 9, Freedom (South Riding) 0
Robinson 3, West Springfield 0
month9s schedule, their first win- couldn9t get nothing going.= UC Davis (0-0) at Texas A&M Commerce (0-0), 8 Inter Miami CF ..................6 14 4 22 24 36
vs. Miami Marlins South Lake 3, Chantilly 0
Northern Colorado (0-0) at Abilene Christian (0-0), 8 Toronto FC ........................4 13 10 22 23 39
ning month since June 2021. Bassitt, like Corbin, didn9t miss west prIvate
Their level of play has risen to the many bats and generated just six today 7:05 masn Central Washington (0-0) at Weber State (0-0), 8 west w l t pts gf ga Good Counsel 2, Stone Ridge 0
Florida (0-0) at Utah (0-0), 8 St. Louis City SC .............15 9 2 47 52 33
point that the things that contrib- whiffs in 42 swings. But the tomorrow 7:05 masn Southern Utah (0-0) at Arizona State (0-0), 10 Los Angeles FC................11 7 7 40 39 27 bOYs9 sOCCer
Seattle ............................11 9 7 40 32 27 prIvate
uted to Wednesday9s setback felt Nationals reached base only five frIDaY9s gaMes Houston ..........................11 10 5 38 36 31 Archbishop Carroll 2, Takoma Academy 1
out of character. times against him in eight in- saturday 4:05 masn sOUtH Vancouver .......................10 8 7 37 42 35 Bishop McNamara 3, Coolidge 2
Miami (Ohio) (0-0) at Miami (0-0), 7 x-Real Salt Lake..............10 8 7 37 35 37
An example came in the first nings. Young had the team9s last Georgia Tech (0-0) vs. Louisville (0-0) in Atlanta, 7:30 Minnesota United .............9 8 8 35 32 31 gIrls9 sOCCer
sunday 1:35 masn D.C.
inning, when the Blue Jays put on hit off Bassitt when he doubled in MIDwest
x-San Jose.........................9 8 8 35 29 32
School Without Walls 12, Don Bosco Cristo Rey 0
FC Dallas ...........................9 10 6 33 27 28
a double steal with two on and the fifth. He got picked off to end Howard (0-0) at Eastern Michigan (0-0), 6:30 Austin FC ..........................9 12 5 32 36 41
vs. new York Mets Central Michigan (0-0) at Michigan State (0-0), 7 Sporting KC .......................7 11 8 29 34 36
two out. riley Adams threw a the inning. Missouri State (0-0) at Kansas (0-0), 8 x-Portland .........................6 11 8 26 28 41 MarYlaND
strike to second base, attempting Washington put two runners tuesday 7:05 masn west x-LA Galaxy.......................6 10 7 25 28 37 Annapolis def. Bowie 3-0 (28-26, 25-12, 25-15)
Stanford (0-0) at Hawaii (0-0), 11 Colorado ............................3 12 10 19 16 37 vIrgINIa
to get Vladimir Guerrero Jr., the on in the ninth, but Jake Alu hit a
Wednesday 7:05 masn satUrDaY9s gaMes x-Late match Briar Woods def. Freedom (South Riding) 3-0 (25-15,
trailing runner. But Ildemaro popup down the third base line east 25-17, 25-16)
Vargas was late to cover, Guerrero with two outs. He turned and sUNDaY9s resUlts Broad Run def. Dominion 3-0 (27-25, 25-13, 25-19)
Villanova (0-0) at Lehigh (0-0), noon Langley def. Herndon 3-0 (25-11, 25-14, 25-15)
was safe, and the inning contin- walked back to the dugout as the vs. Los Angeles dodgers Edinboro (0-0) at Duquesne (0-0), noon Seattle 1, at Minnesota 1
Loudoun County def. Stone Bridge 3-1 (26-24, 23-25,
Northern Illinois (0-0) at Boston College (0-0), noon weDNesDaY9s resUlts 25-17, 25-11)
ued. Alejandro Kirk then made ball reached its apex. Soon the sept. 8 7:05 masn2 Marist (0-0) at Georgetown (0-0), 12:30
Cincinnati 2, at Atlanta 1
Bowie State (0-0) at Delaware State (0-0), 1 bOYs9 gOlf
Washington pay with a double on game was over and the Nationals New Hampshire (0-0) at Stonehill (0-0), 1 Orlando City 1, at Charlotte FC 1 MarYlaND
the ensuing pitch to give Toronto were in the clubhouse packing sept. 9 4:05 masn2 Akron (0-0) at Temple (0-0), 2 Nashville 0, at Miami 0
Glenelg 55, Centennial 51
Merrimack (0-0) at Holy Cross (0-0), 2 at New England 1, New York 0 River Hill 75, Wilde Lake 44
a 2-0 lead. their bags to come home. sept. 10 1:35 masn2 Towson (0-0) at Maryland (0-0), 3:30 at New York City FC 2, CF Montréal 0
Corbin allowed at least one <Played some good teams, just Wofford (0-0) at Pittsburgh (0-0), 3:30 at Toronto FC 3, Philadelphia 1 gIrls9 gOlf
Colgate (0-0) at Syracuse (0-0), 4 Seattle 2, at Austin FC 1 MarYlaND
base runner in each of the first kind of a long trip for us,= Corbin Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM) American International (0-0) at CCSU (0-0), 6 Glenelg 61, Centennial 34
Vancouver 1, at Chicago 0
Wagner (0-0) at Fordham (0-0), 6 River Hill 81, Wilde Lake 35
four innings and wasn9t able to said. <I think guys are excited to Albany (N.Y.) (0-0) at Marshall (0-0), 6 at Houston 2, Columbus 0
at Minnesota 3, Colorado 0 fOOtball
miss many bats, inducing only six get back home. Another series vs. won9t return until September. Lafayette (0-0) at Sacred Heart (0-0), 6
at St. Louis City SC 2, FC Dallas 1 tHUrsDaY9s gaMes
West Virginia (0-0) at Penn State (0-0), 7:30
whiffs on 41 swings. Kirk got to miami and then a couple off days. rainey has made six rehab ap- sOUtH Real Salt Lake at Portland, late vIrgINIa
him again in the fourth, opening obviously would9ve loved to win pearances in August and has Bowling Green (0-0) at Liberty (0-0), noon LA Galaxy at San Jose, late Annandale at Washington-Liberty, 7
Ball State (0-0) at Kentucky (0-0), noon Battlefield at Potomac, 7
the inning with a double and this series today. Just didn9t hap- allowed a run in two of them. satUrDaY9s MatCHes Broad Run at Park View, 7
Tennessee (0-0) vs. Virginia (0-0) in Nashville, noon
Chicago at D.C. United, 7:30 Centreville at West Potomac, 7
coming around to score on Santi- pen. We9re still playing good base- martinez said the next step for Davidson (0-0) at VMI (0-0), 1:30
Vancouver at New York City FC, 3:30 Champe at Lightridge, 7
Mercer (0-0) at Mississippi (0-0), 2
ago Espinal9s single. Cavan Big- ball 4 just got to forget about this rainey is to throw on consecutive Virginia State (0-0) at Norfolk State (0-0), 2 Orlando City at Cincinnati, 7:30 Colonial Forge at Alexandria City, 7
ETSU (0-0) at Jacksonville State (0-0), 2 Columbus at CF Montréal, 7:30 Dominion at Meridian, 7:15
gio9s sacrifice fly made it 4-0 and move on.= days. . . . Hampton (0-0) vs. Grambling State (0-0) in Harrison, Austin FC at New England, 7:30 Fairfax at Oakton, 7
before Corbin got out of the notes: Josiah Gray is sched- Dylan Crews, the No. 2 overall N.J., 3 Falls Church at Marshall, 7
Atlanta at FC Dallas, 8:30 Freedom (South Riding) at Potomac Falls, 7
South Florida (0-0) at Western Kentucky (0-0), 3:30 St. Louis City SC at Sporting KC, 8:30
fourth. uled to pitch Sunday, but marti- pick in this year9s draft, exited Massachusetts (0-0) at Auburn (0-0), 3:30 Freedom (Woodbridge) at Varina, 7
Charlotte FC at Nashville, 8:30 Gar-Field at Gainesville, 7
The left-hander9s night ended nez hinted that could change. The Class AA Harrisburg9s game Gardner Webb (0-0) at Appalachian State (0-0), 3:30
Colorado at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 Herndon at Langley, 7
MVSU (0-0) vs. Central State (Ohio) (0-0) in Chicago, 4
in the sixth, when he yielded manager said he will watch Gray9s against fredericksburg on Tues- Winston-Salem (0-0) at North Carolina Central (0-0), 4 Houston at LA Galaxy, 10:30 Independence at Tuscarora, 7
Southeastern Louisiana (0-0) at Mississippi State (0-0), 4 Minnesota at San Jose, 10:30 Jackson-Reed vs. Yorktown, 7
three straight hits to start the bullpen session friday to see how day after being hit on the head Morgan State (0-0) at Richmond (0-0), 6 Portland at Seattle, 10:30 Lake Braddock at Madison, 7
inning: a single to Kirk, a double the right-hander looks before de- with a pitch. Crews remained Southern (0-0) at Alabama State (0-0), 6 Lewis at McLean, 7
UT Martin (0-0) at Georgia (0-0), 6 sUNDaY9s MatCHes Loudoun County at Briar Woods, 7
to Daulton Varsho and an rBI termining whether he will start. upright but was removed from St. Thomas (Fla.) (0-0) at Stetson (0-0), 6 New York at Philadelphia, 7:30 Mount Vernon at Westfield, 7:30
Monmouth (N.J.) (0-0) at FAU (0-0), 6 Northern Virginia Home School at Jefferson, 7
single to Ernie Clement. Varsho If Gray can9t go, martinez said the game for precautionary rea- The Citadel (0-0) at Georgia Southern (0-0), 6
Miami at Los Angeles FC, 10
Osbourn at Colgan, 7
would score on Espinal9s single Washington probably would have sons, according to General man- Bucknell (0-0) at James Madison (0-0), 6 Osbourn Park at Hylton, 7
South Carolina State (0-0) at Charlotte (0-0), 6 Riverside at Heritage, 7
off Andrés machado, who would a bullpen game Sunday. . . . ager mike rizzo, who spoke on a Maine (0-0) at FIU (0-0), 6:30
Toronto FC 3, Union 1 South Lakes at Robinson, 7
Unity Reed at Woodbridge, 7
allow another run later to push Tanner rainey allowed a run local radio show Wednesday. Presbyterian (0-0) at Murray State (0-0), 7 pHIlaDelpHIa 1 0 1 W.T. Woodson at Chantilly, 7
Alabama A&M (0-0) at Vanderbilt (0-0), 7 tOrONtO fC 1 2 3
the Blue Jays9 lead to 7-0. That on a hit and two walks in one Crews was out of the lineup Alcorn State (0-0) at Southern Mississippi (0-0), 7 Woodgrove at Mountain View, 7
Stephen F. Austin (0-0) at Troy (0-0), 7 first Half: 1, Toronto FC, Insigne, 4 (Kerr), 23rd minute;
was more than enough support inning at Class AAA rochester on Wednesday. In seven games for Army (0-0) at Louisiana Monroe (0-0), 7 2, Philadelphia, Carranza, 11, 45th. prIvate
second Half: 3, Toronto FC, Kerr, 4, 58th; 4, Toronto FC, Virginia Academy at Paul VI, 5
for Toronto starter Chris Bassitt, Wednesday, continuing his rehab the Senators, Crews is hitting Bethune Cookman (0-0) at Memphis (0-0), 7
Osorio, 2 (Franklin), 63rd.
Chattanooga (0-0) at North Alabama (0-0), 7 frIDaY9s gaMes
who worked eight innings and assignment. rainey had Tommy .143. . . . South Carolina (0-0) vs. North Carolina (0-0) in Char- goalies: Philadelphia, Andre Blake, Joseph Bendik;
Toronto FC, Tomas Romero, Luka Gavran.
allowed just three hits. John surgery last August and has Lane Thomas left Wednesday9s lotte, 7:30
Yellow Cards: Ibarra, Toronto FC, 76th; Romero, Toronto Archbishop Carroll at H.D. Woodson, 6
Middle Tennessee (0-0) at Alabama (0-0), 7:30 Ballou at Anacostia, 6
<It9s tough when you fall be- been working his way back since. game with back tightness. marti- Northwestern State (0-0) at Louisiana Lafayette (0-0), FC, 87th; Glesnes, Philadelphia, 90th+1; Insigne, Toronto
Eastern at Steelton-Highspire (Pa.), 7
7:30 FC, 90th+3; Martinez, Philadelphia, 90th+4; Vazquez,
hind like that,= martinez said. He set a goal to be back soon after nez is hopeful Thomas can play Old Dominion (0-0) at Virginia Tech (0-0), 8 Toronto FC, 90th+6. Friendship Collegiate at St. John Bosco (Calif.), 7
red Cards: Bueno, Philadelphia, 90th+7. KIPP at Bell, 6
<We faced a tough pitcher today. the all-star break, but he probably Thursday. South Alabama (0-0) at Tulane (0-0), 8
Philadelphia, Andre Blake; Jack Elliott, Jakob Glesnes, Mount St. Joseph at Dunbar, 6
Tarleton State (0-0) at McNeese State (0-0), 8 National Christian at McKinley Tech, 6
Olivier Mbaizo, Kai Wagner; Alejandro Bedoya (Jesus
MIDwest Bueno, 69th), Leon Maximilian Flach (Jack McGlynn, Paul Public Charter at Ron Brown, 6
East Carolina (0-0) at Michigan (0-0), noon 33rd), Jose Martinez; Julian Carranza (Chris Donovan, Suitland at Coolidge, 6
LIU Brooklyn (0-0) at Ohio (0-0), noon 82nd), Daniel Gazdag (Joaquin Torres, 81st), Mikael
Utah State (0-0) at Iowa (0-0), noon MarYlaND
Uhre (Quinn Sullivan, 69th).

Good Counsel has sky-high aspirations Fresno State (0-0) at Purdue (0-0), noon
Dayton (0-0) at Illinois State (0-0), 1
Black Hills State (0-0) at St. Thomas (Minn.) (0-0), 2
Northern Iowa (0-0) at Iowa State (0-0), 2
Tennessee State (0-0) at Notre Dame (0-0), 3:30
Toronto FC, Tomas Romero; Kobe Franklin, Raoul Petret-
ta, Sigurd Rosted; Federico Bernardeschi, Alonso Coello,
Franco Ibarra (Brandon Servania, 90th), Michael Brad-
ley, Jonathan Osorio (Hugo Mbongue, 90th+9); Lorenzo
Insigne, Deandre Kerr (Victor Vazquez, 80th).
Arundel at Glen Burnie, 7
Atholton at Glenelg, 7
Baltimore Poly at Northeast, 6
Bladensburg at High Point, 7
Bowie at Mergenthaler Vocational Tech, 6:30
North Dakota State (0-0) vs. Eastern Washington (0-0) Broadneck at McDonogh, 6
in Minneapolis, 3:30 C.H. Flowers at Norcom, 7
Good Counsel from d1 because he hailed from Pennsyl- but also their ability to absorb Buffalo (0-0) at Wisconsin (0-0), 3:30 Calvert at St. Charles, 7
vania, he drew less local atten- and understand it 4 you can have Ohio State (0-0) at Indiana (0-0), 3:30 FC Cincinnati 2, Centennial at Reservoir, 7
Eastern Kentucky (0-0) at Cincinnati (0-0), 3:30 Churchill at Seneca Valley, 6:30
<The coaches told us before we tion. Jones played most of his guys who are really talented but Drake (0-0) at North Dakota (0-0), 4 Atlanta United 1 Clarksburg at Gaithersburg, 7
Crofton at Dundalk, 7
even got here that this class had freshman season with the special can9t figure it out, and you have to Austin Peay (0-0) at S. Illinois (0-0), 7 CINCINNatI 0 2 2 Crossland at Northwestern, 7
Southeast Missouri State (0-0) at Kansas State (0-0), 7 atlaNta 1 0 1
the chance to be special,= moore teams unit. only moore entered simplify things for them. We9re Toledo (0-0) at Illinois (0-0), 7:30 Einstein at Damascus, 6:30
first Half: 1, Atlanta, Mosquera, 1, 10th minute. Fairmont Heights at Gwynn Park, 6:30
said. with real cachet and a Power five able to really run more intricate sOUtHwest second Half: 2, Cincinnati, Acosta, 13 (Moreno), 75th; 3, Huntingtown at Thomas Stone, 7
Colorado (0-0) at TCU (0-0), noon Cincinnati, Vazquez, 5 (Barreal), 80th. Kennedy at Richard Montgomery, 7
on friday, the falcons (No. 4 in offer before he stepped on cam- schemes and do more stuff.= Arkansas State (0-0) at Oklahoma (0-0), noon goalies: Cincinnati, Roman Celentano, Alec Kann; Atlan- Kenwood at Parkdale, 3:30
The Washington Post9s local rank- pus. Though the football is com- Louisiana Tech (0-0) at SMU (0-0), noon ta, Brad Guzan, Quentin Westberg. La Plata at Patuxent, 7
Rice (0-0) at Texas (0-0), 3:30 Yellow Cards: Nwobodo, Cincinnati, 41st; Rossetto, Lackey at Chopticon, 6
ings after a season-opening loss But all six of the Power five- plex, the falcons keep things California (0-0) at North Texas (0-0), 4 Atlanta, 60th; Muyumba, Atlanta, 72nd. Landsdowne at North County, 6
to ohio power St. Edward) return bound players began their short- loose. one assistant teased Chiles Western Carolina (0-0) at Arkansas (0-0), 4 Cincinnati, Roman Celentano; Nick Hagglund, Bret Leonardtown at North Point, 7
Central Arkansas (0-0) at Oklahoma State (0-0), 7 Halsey (Santiago Arias, 46th), Matt Miazga, Ian Mur- Magruder at Springbrook, 6:30
to olney to face Jones (fla.), their ened freshman season on the var- after a halfhearted practice rep Texas State (0-0) at Baylor (0-0), 7 phy; Luciano Acosta (Malik Pinto, 90th), Alvaro Barreal, Marriotts Ridge at Long Reach, 7
New Mexico (0-0) at Texas A&M (0-0), 7 Obinna Nwobodo; Yuya Kubo (Marco Angulo, 71st), Maury at Wise, 7
second consecutive test against a sity team and got to reap the and reminded him he was a four- UTSA (0-0) at Houston (0-0), 7 Sergio Santos (Junior Moreno, 46th), Brandon Vazquez. McDonough at Great Mills, 6
program maxPreps had among rewards of early growing pains. star recruit, not a five-star. Ste- Arkansas Baptist (0-0) at Houston Christian (0-0), 7 Atlanta, Brad Guzan; Luis Abram, Brooks Lennon, Miles Meade at Severna Park, 7
Prairie View (0-0) at Texas Southern (0-0), 8 Robinson, Caleb Wiley; Thiago Almada, Matheus Ros- Northern at Westlake, 7
the country9s 100 best last season. Brutal winter practices in Vir- fanelli reminded his team to send Incarnate Word (0-0) at UTEP (0-0), 9 setto (Tyler Wolff, 86th); Giorgos Giakoumakis, Edwin Northwest at Watkins Mill, 7
While the arduous nonconfer- ginia, where pandemic restric- in music recommendations be- west Mosquera (Saba Lobzhanidze, 58th), Tristan Muyumba, Northwood at Paint Branch, 6:30
Robert Morris (0-0) at Air Force (0-0), 1 Xande Silva (Amar Sejdic, 76th). Oakland Mills at Howard, 7
ence slate is a welcome sight for tions were looser, helped the class fore the next practice or he will be Butler (0-0) at Montana (0-0), 2 Old Mill at Annapolis, 6
Pikesville at Friendly, 6:30
the falcons9 competitive appetite, find its physical edge. Even still, forced to play Post malone. Portland State (0-0) at Oregon (0-0), 3
Poolesville at Wootton, 6:30
Boise State (0-0) at Washington (0-0), 3:30
their ambitions remain hyper-fo- their 14-year-old frames couldn9t Above all else, the falcons Bryant (0-0) at UNLV (0-0), 4 Revolution 1, Red Bulls 0 Potomac at Oxon Mill, 7
San Diego (0-0) at Cal Poly (0-0), 6 River Hill at Hammond, 7
cused on the Washington Catho- hold up against the older players credit their rise to intrasquad Nevada (0-0) at Southern Cal (0-0), 6:30 New YOrk reD bUlls 0 0 0 South Carroll at Chesapeake, 6
lic Athletic Conference. they lined up against, so they competition among the position Washington State (0-0) at Colorado State (0-0), 7 New eNglaND 1 0 1 Southern at South River, 6
Texas Tech (0-0) at Wyoming (0-0), 7:30 first Half: 1, New England, Vrioni, 6 (Kaye), 30th minute. Sherwood at Rockville, 7
<This year, it9s championship went to the film room. groups. for four years, moore has Utah Tech (0-0) at Montana State (0-0), 8 second Half: None. Walter Johnson at Bethesda-Chevy Chase, 6
goalies: New York Red Bulls, Carlos Miguel, Ryan Meara; Wheaton at Blair, 7
or bust,= Chiles said. <When we were freshmen, we learned to deal with Jenkins, Western Illinois (0-0) at New Mexico State (0-0), 9
New England, Earl Edwards Jr., Nico Campuzano. Whitman at Blake, 6:30
Northern Arizona (0-0) at Arizona (0-0), 10
According to moore, that fire wanted to know all the little whom he called the most physical Sam Houston State (0-0) at BYU (0-0), 10:15 Yellow Cards: Gil, New England, 38th; Amaya, New York Wilde Lake at Mt. Hebron, 7
Coastal Carolina (0-0) at UCLA (0-0), 10:30 Red Bulls, 68th; Polster, New England, 74th.
was sparked when their class was things,= moore said. <We didn9t cornerback around; Jenkins has Idaho State (0-0) at San Diego State (0-0), 10:30 New York Red Bulls, Carlos Miguel; Kyle Duncan, Hassan
Brunswick at Rock Ridge, 7
in middle school. In 2019, the 6-4 have the size; we didn9t have the developed via battles with a wide sUNDaY9s gaMes
Ndam, Sean Nealis (Andres Reyes, 64th), John Tolkin
Forest Park at Riverbend, 7
(Cameron Harper, 73rd); Frankie Amaya, Luquinhas,
wideout recounted, a group of experience. one thing we could receiver five inches taller than east Peter Stroud, Dru Yearwood (Ibrahim Kasule, 64th); Tom Hayfield at Wakefield, 7
Northwestern (0-0) at Rutgers (0-0), noon Barlow (Dante Vanzeir, 73rd), Jorge Leguin Cabezas James Wood at Brentsville District, 7
Good Counsel recruits sat in the do was know what we9re sup- him, with a catch radius made Hurtado (Wikelman Carmona, 64th). Loudoun Valley at Musselman, 7
sOUtH Manassas Park at William Monroe, 7
stands and watched the falcons posed to do on the field.= even larger by his propensity for Florida A&M (0-0) vs. Jackson State (0-0) in Miami
New England, Earl Edwards Jr.; Omar Gonzalez, Dave
Stone Bridge at Martinsburg, 7
Romney, Ben Sweat; Carles Gil, Nacho Gil (Noel Buck,
dispatch Caleb Williams and That early attention to detail is one-handed snags. Every day, the Gardens, Fla., 3 66th), Ian Harkes, Mark-Anthony Kaye, Matt Polster; prIvate
Florida State (0-0) vs. LSU (0-0) in Orlando, 7:30
Gonzaga in the WCAC semifinals paying dividends today. often, SEC-bound Chiles and mayo are west
Tomas Chancalay (Emmanuel Boateng, 66th), Giacomo
Archbishop Spalding at Concordia Prep, 4
Vrioni (Bobby Wood, 66th).
before knocking off St. John9s a Coach Andy Stefanelli said, a left to battle with Altuner, who, Bishop Ireton at Mount Carmel, 7
Oregon State (0-0) at San Jose State (0-0), 3:30 Bishop McNamara at St. Mary9s Ryken, 7
week later for the championship. member of the senior core will based on weight room numbers, MONDaY9s gaMe Bishop O9Connell at St. Stephen9s/St. Agnes, 7
Calvert Hall at Gonzaga, 6:30
The experience sealed many of correct a teammate9s technique is the team9s third-strongest play- sOUtH nWSL Central Maryland Christian Crusaders at Severn, 4:30
Clemson (0-0) at Duke (0-0), 8
their convictions: They would get before the falcons9 dozen assis- er and has what Chiles called <the w l t pts gf ga Georgetown Prep at Pallotti, 7
John Paul the Great at Fork Union Military Academy, 4
to play for a winner. But expecta- tant coaches can blurt it out. best technique around.= Portland ............................8 4 5 29 37 23
Jones (Fla.) at Good Counsel, 7
North Carolina...................8 6 3 27 23 16
tions were another beast. And, as Their offense 4 which once And the entire defense is Landon at John Carroll, 7
TR AnSAC TiO nS San Diego ..........................8 6 3 27 25 20
Maret at Joppatowne, 7
Gotham FC ........................7 5 5 26 18 16
is the case when evaluating hammered the run, as many high forced to grapple with Jones, a Washington ......................6 3 8 26 24 23
Richard Wright at Sidwell Friends, 4:30
Snow Hill at Annapolis Area Christian, 4
14-year-old football players, the school offenses do 4 is more three-sport athlete who has made Mlb OL Reign............................7 7 3 24 24 21
St. Mary9s (Annapolis) at Bullis, 7
Orlando .............................7 9 1 22 21 23
contingent arrived in olney with complex than any iteration the a habit of throwing defenders off washington Nationals: Sent RHP Tanner Rainey to St. Michael the Archangel at DeMatha, 7
Louisville...........................4 4 9 21 20 17
Rochester (IL) on a rehab assignment. Angel City .........................5 6 6 21 21 25
a wide range of possible out- coach has designed in his seven his back. Stefanelli said he has Houston ............................4 5 8 20 12 14
satUrDaY9s gaMes
Nfl MarYlaND
comes. years at the helm. both the best combination of Kansas City .......................6 10 1 19 19 27 DuVal at Douglass, 2
baltimore ravens: Signed QB Anthony Brown, Gs Chicago..............................5 10 2 17 20 39
Chiles, who holds the highest <When you combine the athlet- speed and power of any player he Tykeem Doss and Tshawn Manning, CB Jeremy Lucien,
Eleanor Roosevelt at New Town, 12:30
frIDaY9s MatCH Laurel at Surrattsville, 2
recruiting ranking among the ic talent with the football intelli- has ever coached and the best TE/FB Ben Mason, DT Rayshad Nichols, LB Josh Ross,
WRs Sean Ryan and Laquon Treadwell, TE Travis Angel City at Kansas City, 8 vIrgINIa
falcons, was lightly recruited as a gence that some of these kids pass-blocking ability of any run- Vokolek, RB Owen Wright and C Sam Mustipher to the satUrDaY9s MatCHes Quince Orchard at South County, 5
practice squad.
middle-schooler because he have, that9s when you can really ning back he has taught. washington Commanders: Signed Ts Alex Akignbulu Gotham FC at North Carolina, 7:30 prIvate
played a significant amount of do a lot more schematically,= Ste- <The way I9ve seen these guys and Jaryd Jones-Smith, WRs Kazmeir Allen and Brycen Portland at Louisville, 7:30 Episcopal at Hill School (Pa.), 2
Tremayne, TE/FB Alex Armah, DE William Bradley-King, sUNDaY9s MatCHes Flint Hill at Woodberry Forest, 2
snaps at fullback. mayo, like fanelli said. <Physically, yeah, embarrass my teammates,= Chiles G Mason Brooks, S Terrell Burgess, CBS Tariq Castro- Norfolk Academy at Potomac School, 1
Fields and Nick Whiteside II, QB Jake Fromm, RB Derrick Chicago at Washington, 5
many linemen, wasn9t much of a they can do things that enable you said before pausing, <I9m not try- Gore, LBs De9Jon Harris and Jabril Cox, C Nolan Orlando at OL Reign, 6
Rock Creek Christian at St. Edward (Ohio), 3
St. Paul9s at St. Albans, 2
high-profile recruit, either, and to run more advanced schemes, ing to get done like that.= Laufeberf and DT Benning Potoa9e. Houston at San Diego, 8


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2023 ADM 000996 WATER AND SCIENCE ADMINISTRATION 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
The Washington Post Beatrice G. Fuchs aka
Estate of
Gloria Shaw Prince George's County Washington, DC 20015 703-777-7101
Beatrice Galos Fuchs Deceased Application for State Discharge Permit 23DP3857, 202-223-7900
in the Name of Decedent
NPDES Permit MD0072079:
Parkway Generation Keys Energy Center, LLC, 10322 North OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
DC, MD and VA area NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Keys Road, Brandywine, MD 20613 submitted an application
for renewal of a permit to discharge variable volumes of OF REAL PROPERTY 25804 Bowman Acres Lane
NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Notice is hereby given that a
petition has been ûled in this stormwater which has been treated to adjust pH from a 2920 Vista Street, NE Damascus, MD 20872
Deborah F. Cohen, whose ad- Court by on behalf of PHH Mort- natural gas-fired steam-electric power plant located north
dress is 1414 Penn Sq, Unit gage Corporation for standard of North Keys Road, about 1.25 miles east of Brandywine, Washington, DC 20018 Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of
Excellent part-time income 33C, Philadelphia, PA 19102 was
appointed personal representa-
probate, including the appoint-
ment of one or more personal
MD to unnamed tributaries of Mataponi Creek (Use I waters).
Lot 0819 in Square 4339 Trust from JASON SCOTT COLLINS, KELLI M.
tive of the estate of Beatrice G. representatives. Unless a re- This facility is located on a census tract with an Envi-
opportunity! Fuchs aka Beatrice Galos Fuchs, sponsive pleading in the form ronmental Justice (EJ) Score in the 91st percentile of all Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust COLLINS AND DOWNEY MONROE DUVALL,
who died on November 23, 2022 of a complaint or an objection in tracts in Maryland. This EJ score has been calculated
(<Deed of Trust=) dated January 5, 2021 and recorded on dated May 16, 2007 and recorded in Liber
with a will and will serve without accordance with Superior Court considering a combination of the following factors: pollution
Transportation required Court supervision. All unknown Probate Division Rule 407 is ûled January 7, 2021 as Instrument No. 2021002705, from Wise 34499, folio 789 among the Land Records of
burden exposure, pollution burden environmental effects,
heirs and heirs whose where- in this Court within 30 days from sensitive populations, and socioeconomic indicators Innovations LLC, grantor, to Daniel Huertas, trustee, securing MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, default
abouts are unknown shall enter the date of ûrst publication of having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case
their appearance in this proceed- this notice, the Court may take ( that certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note dated January
ing. Objections to such appoint- the action hereinafter set forth. A copy of the application may be downloaded from the
5, 2021 in the principal amount of $560,000.00 default docketed as Case No.414794V; Tax ID No.12-
To apply, go to ment (or to the probate of dece-
dent9s Will) shall be ûled with the
In the absence of a will or proof
satisfactory to the Court of due
Department9s website at
portal. At that webpage, search for State Number 23DP3857, having occurred under the terms thereof, and following 00928297 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at
Register of Wills, D.C., Building execution, enter an order deter- click <More Info,= and then select the desired document(s) to the mailing and recordation of a Deed of Appointment of public auction at the MONTGOMERY COUNTY A, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, mining that the decedent died
download. COURTHOUSE, located at 50 MARYLAND
Washington DC 20001, on or be- intestate appoint a supervised Substitute Trustee removing Daniel Huertas as trustee
fore 3.1.2024. Claims against the personal representative. If a written request is received by September 14, 2023, an
and appointing Russell S. Drazin (<Substitute Trustee=) as AVENUE, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850, on
decedent shall be presented to informational meeting can be held to discuss the application
820 820 the undersigned with a copy to Sara Tussey, Esq. and permitting process. Requests should be forwarded to successor trustee, an Afûdavit of Non-Residential Mortgage
Official Notices Official Notices the Register of Wills or ûled with 4340 East West Highway, the Maryland Department of the Environment, Water Foreclosure, and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 at 1:30 PM
the Register of Wills with a copy
to the undersigned, on or before
Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
and Science Administration, 1800 Washington Blvd., Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the current ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND
MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE (301) 907-8000 Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1708, Attn: Mr. Jonathan and improvements thereon situated in
3.1.2024, or be forever barred.
Rice, Chief, Industrial and General Permits Division. noteholder, Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction at
Persons believed to be heirs or
legatees of the decedent who do
Nicole D. Stevens Hearing-impaired persons may request an interpreter at the the ofûce of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and more fully
WATER and SCIENCE ADMINISTRATION not receive a copy of this notice REGISTER OF WILLS informational meeting by contacting Mr. RIce at (410) 537- Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, on described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
NOTICE OF COMMENT PERIOD REGARDING THE LIMITED by mail within 25 days of its ûrst 3859 or 1-800-633-6101, or at the above address, at least ten
REMAND OF THE FINAL GENERAL PERMIT FOR publication shall so inform the September 12, 2023 AT 2:10 PM
Register of Wills, including name, VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT working days prior to the scheduled meeting. Such requests The property will be sold in an <as is= condition
address and relationship.
SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING Any person wishing to review the application should contact ALL THAT LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS and subject to conditions, restrictions and
(NPDES PERMIT NO. MDR0000) Deborah F. Cohen LLC Mr. Rice at the above telephone number to schedule an THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District agreements of record affecting the same, if any
The Department published a Final Determination to issue the PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Petitioner, appointment. Copies may be obtained at a cost of $0.36 per of Columbia, known as 2920 Vista Street, NE, Washington, and with no warranty of any kind.
General Permit For Discharges From Stormwater Associated Nicole D. Stevens page.
With Industrial Activities, Discharge Permit No. 20-SW, REGISTER OF WILLS v. DC 20018, and more fully described in the Deed of Trust.
NPDES Permit No. MDR0000 (the <20-SW=) on November
Case No.: CL22001065-00
840 840 The property will be sold in an <AS IS= condition, with no Terms of Sale: A deposit $50,000.00 will be
18, 2022, and the 20-SW became effective February 1, 2023. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, required at the time of sale, such deposit to
The Department9s Final Determination was challenged in STEPHANIE G. ASOULINE, Pardo & Drazin, LLC be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY CASHIER9S
the Circuit Court for Baltimore County (case numbers C- Respondent. agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting
03-CV-22- 005075, C-03-CV-22-005086, C-03-CV-22-005087). Russell S. Drazin, Attorney the same 3 except those encumbrances of record that are CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
In accordance with an order from the Circuit Court, the ORDER OF PUBLICATION
4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash
Department has agreed to a limited remand to accept THIS MATTER, having come be- Washington, DC 20015 virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of sale by
comments on the following sections of the 20-SW: Part I.F, fore this Court upon the Motion 202-223-7900 the Circuit Court for MONTGOMERY COUNTY.
Part V.A.2.b, and Part III.C. The 20-SW remains in effect of Petitioner, by and through Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes,
pending a final decision by the Department on these
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Counsel, Thomas Hodge, Sara Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If
sections. The remainder of the 20-SW is final and not open
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 Tussey, and the law ûrm of SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE9S SALE water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be
for public comment. 2023 ADM 000921 Rosenberg & Associates, LLC,
for entry of an order of publi- OF REAL PROPERTY any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the forfeited and the property shall be resold at the
The Department proposes to re-issue these sections of the
Gladys Jackson cation, and upon Plaintiffs Af- [no street number] 49th Street, NE property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall purchaser9s risk and expense. The purchaser
20-SW as published in the Department9s Final Determination ûdavit of Order of Publication, be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
on November 18, 2022. However, the Department will Name of Decedent and the Court having reviewed Washington, DC 20019 waives personal service and accepts service
consider comments on these sections and evaluate potential NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, the Motion and Afûdavit; and Lot 0055 in Square 5178 property. by ûrst class mail and certiûed mail addressed
changes based on the comments received during this IT APPEARING that the object
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND of the instant Complaint is TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $50,000.00 by cashier9s check to the address provided by said Purchaser as
public comment period. The current 20-SW permit, further NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS
background, and details can be found on the Department's
to quiet title to real property
known as 3444 Kelley Drive,
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust, will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale for any
website at: William D. Jackson, Jr., whose ad-
dress is 5709 66th Avenue, River- Barboursville, VA 22923 (here- Assignment of Rents and Security Agreement (<Deed of Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this
Written comments on these sections of the 20-SW will dale, MD 20737 was appointed in the <Subject Property=); and
IT APPEARING that service of
Trust=) dated June 28, 2019 and recorded on July 30, 2019 SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO SETTLEMENT sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser
be considered if received by Paul Hlavinka by email at personal representative of the as Instrument No. 2019079931, from Reno 809 LLC, as BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid and for Resale of the Property. In the event or by mailing to Maryland estate of Gladys Jackson, who process has not been affect-
Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Blvd., died on August 13, 2018 without ed personally upon Respon- grantor, to Steven M. Sushner, as trustee, for the beneût in cash or certiûed funds at settlement. Interest to be paid of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not
Suite 455, Baltimore, MD 21230-1708, or (fax) 410-537-3163. a will and will service without OF STEPHANIE G. ASOULINE, of Rainman Capital LLC, as beneûciary, securing that on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the be entitled to receive any beneût from the
Court supervision. All unknown
A public hearing to accept oral comments will be held heirs and heirs whose where- (hereinafter <Asouline certain Commercial Balloon Promissory Note dated June date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in resale, including, but not limited to, additional
on September 28, 2023, from 10 a.m. to Noon at the Parties Unknown=); and
Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington
abouts are unknown shall enter IT APPEARING that due dili- 28, 2019 in the principal amount of $55,000.00, default the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser proceeds or surplus which may arise therefrom.
their appearance in this proceed-
Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21230. Comments received in writing or ing. Objections to such appoint- gence has been used to locate having occurred under the terms thereof, and following shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase
Asouline Parties Unknown and
received at a public hearing are given equal consideration. ment shall be ûled with the Reg- that Petitioner bas not been the mailing and recordation of a Deed of Appointment of The noteholder and its afûliates, if a bidder, shall not be money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of
ister of Wills, D.C., Building A, 515
The comment period closes at 5:00 PM, Tuesday, Novem-
5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Wash- able to locate any evidence Substitute Trustee removing Steven M. Sushner as trustee required to post a deposit or to pay interest. Trust Note from the date of sale to the date
ber 14, 2023. This comment period already incorporates the ington DC 20001, on or before that an estate has been estab-
and appointing Russell S. Drazin (<Substitute Trustee=) as funds are received by the Substitute Trustees.
additional 60-day period provided in §13606(d)(1)(ii) of the lished or a List of Heirs ûled
Environment Article, Annotated Code of Maryland.
2.24.2024. Claims against the for Stephanie G. Asouline; and successor trustee, an Afûdavit of Non-Residential Mortgage In the event that purchaser does not settle as required There will be no abatement of interest in the
decedent shall be presented to
the undersigned with a copy to IT APPEARING that the last
Foreclosure, and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such event additional funds are tendered at the
known address for Stephanie
the Register of Wills or ûled with G. Asouline is 3444 Kelley Drive, Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the current default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Substitute Trustee time of sale or any time prior to settlement
the Register of Wills with a copy
to the undersigned, on or before Barboursville, VA 22923; and
noteholder, Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction at and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees or if the settlement is delayed for any reason.
Pursuant to Sections 12-303 and 304, Criminal Procedure Article of the IT APPEARING that it is timely
Maryland Annotated Code, a Complaint and Petition for Forfeiture has
2.24.2024, or be forever barred. and appropriate that this Court the ofûce and costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) In the event that the Secured Party executes
Persons believed to be heirs or
been ûled in Case No. D-06-CV-23-017121, City of Gaithersburg Depart- legatees of the decedent who do enter an Order allowing for ser-
of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s)
ment of Police vs. U.S. Currency in the amount of $7,820.00 and Khaleel vice upon the Respondent(s), be
Donte Pritchard on the 10th day of August, 2023, in the District Court
not receive a copy of this notice completed pursuant to Virginia NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC deposit. Substitute Trustee may resell the property at the described in the above-mentioned Deed of
by mail within 25 days of its ûrst
of Maryland for Montgomery County. The $7,820 00 was seized on publication shall so inform the Code §8.01-316 by Order of
20015, on risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to execute their
or about September 27, 2022 at 977 Clopper Road, Apartment B4 in Publication in a newspaper with
Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Register of Wills, including name, general circulation in and pub- SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 AT 2:20 PM purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan,
address and relationship. lished in and approved by the
ALL THAT LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS proûts resulting from any resale of the property. Defaulting prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute
The object of the Complaint and Petition is to obtain an Order from the Circuit Court for Orange Coun-
Court forfeiting all of the right, title, and interest of the said currency,
William D. Jackson, Jr. ty, Virginia, and it is therefore, THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District purchaser shall be liable to Substitute Trustee for legal fees Trustee9s prior knowledge, this Contract shall
both legal and equitable, in and to the said currency. The said currency Nicole D. Stevens ADJUDGED, ORDERED AND
of Columbia, known as [no street number] 49th Street, NE, and costs incurred by Substitute Trustee in connection with be null and void and of no effect, and the
is subject to forfeiture in that it was involved in and part of violations
of Title 5 of the Maryland Criminal Law Article, the Controlled Danger-
REGISTER OF WILLS OF PUBLICATION, be and Washington, DC 20019 (Lot 0055 in Square 5178), and more such default. Purchaser9s sole remedy shall be the return of
hereby is to be publish d in the fully described in the Deed of Trust.
ous Substances Art, Title 5, of the Md. Criminal Law Article, consisting
of Md. Criminal Code Ann., §§ 5-602 through 5-609, §§ 5-612 through Washington Post once a week If Substitute Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, the deposit without interest. Purchaser shall
5-614, §5-617, §5-618 or §5-628, such that the currency was acquired for four successive weeks in The property will be sold in an <AS IS= condition, with no purchaser9s sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes and
order to perfect service upon warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions,
during such violations or within a reasonable time after and there is
no other likely source for the property, and was otherwise used or Respondent(s), Asouline Par- to a refund of the deposit and the sale shall be considered settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water
intended for use in connection with illegal manufacture, distribution, ties Unknown; and it is further agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting null and void and of no effect whatsoever. rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner
dispensing, or possession of controlled dangerous substance, in viola-
tion of Criminal Procedure Article, § 12-101 et seq., of the Annotated
CREED that all Respondents
the same - except those encumbrances of record that are Substitute Trustee reserves the right, in Substitute Trustee9s association dues, all public charges/
Code of Maryland. be placed on notice that a extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by sole discretion, to reject any and all bids, to withdraw the assessments payable on an annual basis,
The above property will be forfeited if an Answer is not timely ûled. An DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
Complaint is pending in the
Circuit Court of Orange Coun-
virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. property from sale at any time before or at the auction, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district
Answer may be ûled with the Clerk of the District Court within 30 days PROBATE DIVISION ty, Virginia, namely Specialized Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, to extend the time to receive bids, to waive or modify the charges, if applicable, shall be adjusted to the
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131
of being served, pursuant to Maryland Rule 3-307, or within 60 days
of August 31, 2023, the last publication date of this notice. Additional 2023 ADM 951
Loan Servicing LLC v. The Un-
known Heirs of Stephanie G.
water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if deposit requirement, to waive or modify the requirement date of sale and assumed thereafter by the
information may be obtained from Frank M. Johnson, Deputy City At- Asouline, Case number Case any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the that interest be paid on the unpaid purchase money, and/or purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for
torney, City of Gaithersburg, Maryland, 31 S. Summit Avenue, Gaithers-
burg, Maryland 20877, phone number 301-258-6310. Elizabeth Palmer Robinson
No.: CL22001065-00, to quiet
title to real property known as
property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall be to extend the period of time for settlement. obtaining physical possession of the property.
aka Elizabeth Ann Palmer 3444 Kelley Drive, Barbours- responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage
If the currency is not needed for evidentiary purposes in a judicial Name of Decedent ville, VA 22923; and it is further property. Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The to the property from the date of sale forward. If
proceeding, the owner of the currency may obtain possession of the
currency pending forfeiture by posting a bond in the manner provid- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT,
DECREED, that the Asouline
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $15,000.00 by cashier9s check successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey
ed in § 12-208(b) of the Criminal Procedure of the Annotated Code NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Parties Unknown must will be required of Substitute Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s)
of Maryland. appear on or before the 25th
day of September, 2023, at purchaser at the time and place of sale. Purchaser shall the conclusion of bidding. sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to
Alec Martin Robinson, whose
815 1:30 p.m. before this Court and settle within thirty (30) days of sale. Russell S. Drazin, Substitute Trustee a refund of the aforementioned deposit without
1447 Autos Wanted Legal Notices address is 5202 Dalby Lane,
Burke VA 22015 was appointed
make known to this Court any
objection they may have to the interest. In the event the sale is not ratiûed for
personal representative of the
estate of Elizabeth Palmer Rob-
Complaint and to state their TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO any reason, the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law
Lutheran Mission Society of MD DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA interests in and to the Subject
Compassion Place ministries PROBATE DIVISION inson aka Elizabeth Ann Palmer, Property; to claim any defenses SETTLEMENT BY or equity, is the return of the deposit without
who died on July 25, 2023 with a
help local families with food, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131
2023 ADM 001000 will and will serve without Court
to the pending action otheiwise
an order will be entered in favor
PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid in interest. (File # 18-700394)
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible.
MVA licensed #W1044. supervision. All unknown heirs of Petitioner and it is further cash or certiûed funds at settlement. Interest to be paid on
and heirs whose whereabouts
Estate of are unknown shall enter their
CREED that the Clerk of this Court
the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the date JAMES E. CLARKE, Beulah McCall aka appearance in this proceeding. send notice of this service to all of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in the CHRISTINE M. DREXEL,
815 Beulah M. McCall Objections to such appointment Respondent(s) at the last known debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Aug 29,31,Sep 4,6,8 2023 L0011369 BRIAN THOMAS,
Legal Notices Deceased (or to the probate of decedent9s
Will) shall be ûled with the Reg-
address of 3444 Kelley Drive,
Purchaser shall be responsible for payment of all settlement 820 850 JASON MURPHY,
NOTICE OF ister of Wills, D.C., Building A,
Barboursville, VA 22923;and
ADJUDGED, ORDERED AND DE- costs. Official Notices Montgomery County SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
STANDARD PROBATE 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, CREED that the Washington Post IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
Washington DC 20001, on or be- shall ûle an afûdavit of publica- The noteholder and its afûliates, if a bidder, shall not be Cellco Partnership and its MONTGOMERY COUNTY,
Notice is hereby given that a pe- fore 3.1.2024. Claims against the tion with the Clerk of this Court required to post a deposit or to pay interest. controlled affiliates doing MARYLAND
tition has been ûled in this Court decedent shall be presented to attesting to the dates of publi- business as Verizon Wireless
by Poonkyzhali Vallinayagam for the undersigned with a copy to cation, attesting that the notice In the event that purchaser does not settle as required (Verizon Wireless) proposes CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
Sun West Mortgage Company Inc the Register of Wills or ûled with
the Register of Wills with a copy
was published at least once a for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such to collocate wireless com- 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101
for standard probate, including week for four successive weeks. Rockville, MD 20852
Estate of Dianne Mitchell, the appointment of one or more to the undersigned, on or before Dated this 13th day of July, 2023 default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Substitute Trustee munications antennas 25 Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs,
died on 1/30/23 in Bowie, MD. personal representatives. Unless 3.1.2024, or be forever barred. and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees feet on a 17-foot building
Claims: Paula Cooper pcoo- a responsive pleading in the form Persons believed to be heirs or rooftop at the approx. vicini- vs. by 9/30/23 of a complaint or an objection in legatees of the decedent who do David B. Franzen and costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) ty of 4321 Nannie Helen Bur-
accordance with Superior Court not receive a copy of this notice Judge Orange County Circuit shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited roughs Avenue NE. Public HUONG THU PHAM Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011261
Probate Division Rule 407 is ûled by mail within 25 days of its ûrst Court BAO QUOC TRAN
publication shall so inform the deposit. Substitute Trustee may resell the property at the comments regarding poten- 850 850
in this Court within 30 days from
the date of ûrst publication of Register of Wills, including name, risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting tial effects from this site on 9807 Arbor Hill Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20903
Montgomery County Montgomery County
this notice, the Court may take address and relationship. historic properties may be Defendant(s). IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
the action hereinafter set forth. WE ASK FOR THIS: purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or submitted within 30 days
In the absence of a will or proof Alec Martin Robinson
Specialized Loan Servicing LLC proûts resulting from any resale of the property. Defaulting from the date of this publi- Case No.C-15-CV-22-004707 MARYLAND MARYLAND
satisfactory to the Court of due By Counsel:
execution, enter an order deter- Nicole D. Stevens Thomas Hodge VSB No.42862 purchaser shall be liable to Substitute Trustee for legal fees cation to: Samantha,
NOTICE Diane Rosenberg, et al. Brennan Ferguson, et al., 8600
mining that the decedent died REGISTER OF WILLS Sara Tussey VSB No. 79826 and costs incurred by Substitute Trustee in connection with LaSalle Road, Suite 301, Tow- Notice is hereby given this 22nd 4340 East West Highway, Substitute Trustees
intestate appoint a supervised ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES, LLC day of August, 2023, by the Cir- Plaintiffs,
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA personal representative. 4340 East West Highway, such default. son, MD 21286. cuit Court Montgomery County,
Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131
Ste 600 If Substitute Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, 410.853.7128. Maryland, that the sale of the Substitute Trustees V.
Alyssa L. Szymczyk, Esq. Bethesda, MD 20814
2023 ADM 000922 Counsel for Petitioner Telephone: (301) 907-8000 purchasers sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited property mentioned in these pro-
ceedings and described as 9807
Shannon A. Haworth,
Halia Ann Hartquist aka
1602 Village Market Blvd 310 Facsimile: (301) 907-8101 to a refund of the deposit and the sale shall be considered Arbor Hill Drive, Silver Spring, V. Defendant
Leesburg, VA 20175 Sara.Tussey@rosenberg-assoc.
Halia Hartquist aka 703-777-7101 com null and void and of no effect whatsoever. MD 20903, made and reported
by the Substitute Trustee, will Estate of Geoffrey T Smith Case No. 479587V
Ann M. Hartquist aka
Ann Hartquist
PETITIONER Thomas.Hodge@rosenberg-as- Substitute Trustee reserves the right, in Substitute Trustee9s be RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, Cynthia Smith
Nicole D. Stevens
Ashley B. Sawyer, REGISTER OF WILLS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Counsel for Plaintiff sole discretion, to reject any and all bids, to withdraw the unless cause to the contrary
thereof be shown on or before
13124 Wonderland Way
Apt #21-101
Notice is hereby issued this
Loeb & Loeb LLP
901 New York Avenue NW,
property from sale at any time before or at the auction, the 22nd day of September, Germantown, MD 20874 21st day of August, 2023, that
Suite 300 East WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 820
Official Notices to extend the time to receive bids, to waive or modify the 2023, provided a copy of this
NOTICE be inserted in some
Defendant(s) the sale of the property in this
case, 10437 Kardwright Court,
Washington, DC 20001 2023 ADM 000964 deposit requirement, to waive or modify the requirement daily newspaper printed in said Case No. C-15-CV-22-004286 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20886,
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ABC LICENSE: Super Garden that interest be paid on the unpaid purchase money, and/or County, once in each of three
successive weeks before the NOTICE
reported by Brennan Ferguson,
Christine N. Johnson, Robert A.
Mary Doyle Dluhy
Name of Decedent
Market LLC trading as Super
Garden Market 3444 Fairfax Dr
to extend the period of 22nd day of September, 2023. Notice is hereby given this 21st Oliveri, Melissa Alcocer, Sub-
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 Arlington VA 22201. The above time for settlement. The report states the purchase
price at the Foreclosure sale to
day of August, 2023 by the
Circuit Court for Montgomery
stitute Trustees, be ratiûed and
conûrmed, unless cause to the
David A. Hartquist, whose ad-
dress is 4119 Parkglen Court
establishment is applying to the
Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The be $369,000.00. County, Maryland, that the sale contrary be shown on or before
successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to of 13124 Wonderland Way Apt the 21st day of September,

Give the
NW, Washington, DC 20007 is Estate of NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS CONTROL (ABC) AUTHORITY Karen A. Bushell 2023, provided a copy of this
#21-101, Germantown, MD
appointed personal represen-
tative of the estate of Halia Ann
Ora Dean
Deceased Justin Dluhy, whose address is
for a Beer and Wine on and off
Premises, Mixed Beverage on
Substitute Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at Clerk, Circuit Court for 20874, made and reported, will Notice be inserted in Washington
Hartquist aka Halia Hartquist 6646 Navio Drive, Las Vegas, Ne- Premises license to sell or man- the conclusion of bidding. Montgomery County, Maryland be ratiûed and conûrmed, unless
cause to the contrary thereof be
Post, a newspaper published in
Montgomery County, Maryland,
aka Ann M. Hartquist aka Ann
Hartquist, who died on Sep-
tember 11, 2022 with a will
and will serve without Court
Notice is hereby given that a
vada 89103-2106 was appointed
personal representative of the
estate of Mary Doyle Dluhy, who
died on February 25, 2022 with-
ufacture alcoholic beverages.
Asefaw Sultan Owner NOTE:
Objections to the issuance of
this license must be submit-
Russell S. Drazin, Substitute Trustee giv of BWW#MD-359579
Aug 24,31,Sep 7 2023 0012433571
shown on or before the
day of September, 2023, pro-
vided a copy of this notice be
inserted in The Washington Post
once in each of three (3) succes-
sive weeks on or before the 21st
day of September, 2023. The
report states the amount of sale
supervision. All unknown heirs
and heirs whose whereabouts
are unknown shall enter their
petition has been ûled in this
Court by Zachary Lee for Nation-
star Mortgage LLC for standard
out a will and will service without
Court supervision. All unknown
heirs and heirs whose where-
ted to ABC no later than 30
days from the publishing date
of the ûrst of two required being in- a daily newspaper printed in said
County, once in each of three
to be $340,000.00.

appearance in this proceeding.

Objections to such appointment
(or to the probate of decedent9s
probate, including the appoint-
ment of one or more personal
representatives. Unless a re-
abouts are unknown shall enter
their appearance in this pro-
ceeding. Objections to such ap-
newspaper legal notices. Ob-
jections should be registered
at or
the-know Give a successive weeks before the
21st, day of September, 2023.
The Report of Sale states the
amount of the foreclosure sale

Aug 24,31,Sep 7 2023

Will) shall be ûled with the Reg-
ister of Wills, D.C., Building A, 515
5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Wash-
ington DC 20001, on or before
sponsive pleading in the form
of a complaint or an objection in
accordance with Superior Court
Probate Division Rule 407 is ûled
pointment shall be ûled with the
Register of Wills, D.C., Building
A, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor,
Washington DC 20001, on or be-

Aug 29,31,Sep 4,6,8 2023 0012432659

giv that price to be $220,000.00.
2.24.2024. Claims against the
decedent shall be presented to
the undersigned with a copy to
in this Court within 30 days from
the date of ûrst publication of
this notice, the Court may take
fore 3.1.2024. Claims against the
decedent shall be presented to
the undersigned with a copy to Give the
Giv subscriptions
delivers Clerk of the Circuit Court
Montgomery County, Maryland
Aug 24,31,Sep 7 2023 0012433387 Give the
the Register of Wills or ûled with
the Register of Wills with a copy
to the undersigned, on or before
2.24.2024, or be forever barred.
the action hereinafter set forth.
In the absence of a will or proof
satisfactory to the Court of due
execution, enter an order deter-
the Register of Wills or ûled with
the Register of Wills with a copy
to the undersigned, on or before
3.1.2024, or be forever barred.
giv of every day giv of
Persons believed to be heirs or
legatees of the decedent who do
not receive a copy of this notice
mining that the decedent died
intestate appoint a supervised
personal representative.
Persons believed to be heirs or
legatees of the decedent who do
not receive a copy of this notice discovery Give the giv Give the giv Giv subscriptions Give the giv discovery
by mail within 25 days of its ûrst
publication shall so inform the Alyssa L. Szymczyk, Esq.
by mail within 25 days of its ûrst
publication shall so inform the
of information of information of information
Register of Wills, including name, Counsel for Petitioner Register of Wills, including name, Giv subscriptions Giv subscriptions Giv subscriptions Giv subscriptions Giv subscriptions
address and relationship. 1602 Village Market Blvd 310 address and relationship.
Leesburg, VA 20175
David A. Hartquist 703-777-7101 Justin Dluhy
Nicole D. Stevens Nicole D. Stevens Nicole D. Stevens S0390-1x2
S0390-1x1.5 S0390-1x1 S0390-1x1 S0390-1x3 S0390-1x1 S0390-1x1.5
850 850 850 850 851 851 851 851 851 851
Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
ORLANS PC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
21712 Slidell Rd, 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Boyds, MD 20841 LEESBURG, VA 20175 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
703-777-7101 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
improved by premises known as 21712 Slidell SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE
and authority contained in a Deed of Trust, 13917 Overton Ln 12306 BACKUS DR. 2615 BOONES LN. 1804 CLARK PL.
dated April 14, 2005, and recorded in Liber Silver Spring, MD 20904 BOWIE, MD 20720 DISTRICT HEIGHTS, MD 20747 CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD 20743
29908 at Page 375 among the land records
of the County of Montgomery, in the Under a power of sale contained in a Deed Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
original principal amount of $100,000.00. of Trust from ARMINDA E. MONTIEL , dated dated May 22, 2009, recorded in Liber 30720, Folio 381 dated January 24, 2007, recorded in Liber 27238, Folio 588 dated May 12, 2017, recorded in Liber 40154, Folio 356
Upon default and request for sale, the December 21, 2005 and recorded in Liber among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD,
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at 31557, folio 268 MODIFIED ON JANUARY with an original principal balance of $293,462.00, default with an original principal balance of $238,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $171,830.00, default
public auction at the Courthouse for the 20, 2006 IN LIBER 32049 FOLIO 678; among having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial the Land Records of MONTGOMERY will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland COUNTY, MD, default having occurred George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
Avenue, Rockville, Maryland, on September thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
6, 2023 at 1:00 PM, all that property Case No.C-15-CV-23-000484; Tax ID No.05- SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 11:23 AM SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 11:21 AM SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 11:17 AM
described in said Deed of Trust including but 00314454 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
not limited to: public auction at the MONTGOMERY COUNTY buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
COURTHOUSE, located at 50 MARYLAND George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
Tax ID# 11-02961726 AVENUE, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850, on aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
Said property is in fee simple and is improved SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 at 1:30 PM The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
by a dwelling and is sold in <as is condition= and ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
subject to all superior covenants, conditions, and improvements thereon situated in and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and more fully with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
may affect same, if any. described in above referenced Deed of Trust. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $41,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $6,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $17,000 in the form of certiûed
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO AN IRS purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
sale price, cash or certiûed funds shall be RIGHT OF REDEMPTION. price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
required at the time of sale. The balance of at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per The property will be sold in an <as is= condition any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
annum from the date of sale to the date of and subject to conditions, restrictions and funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
payment will be paid within TEN DAYS after agreements of record affecting the same, if any within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. and with no warranty of any kind. Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and Terms of Sale: A deposit $50,000.00 will be settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
special or regular assessments will be made as required at the time of sale, such deposit to Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY CASHIER9S taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
purchaser. CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of sale by front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
association dues and assessments that may the Circuit Court for MONTGOMERY COUNTY. thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
become due after the time of sale will be Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
the responsibility of the purchaser. Title the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
examination, conveyancing, state revenue forfeited and the property shall be resold at the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all purchaser9s risk and expense. The purchaser ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
other costs incident to settlement are to be waives personal service and accepts service or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence by ûrst class mail and certiûed mail addressed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be to the address provided by said Purchaser as responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale for any property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
and costs of the defaulting purchaser. If the Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
sale is not ratiûed or if the Substitute Trustees sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
are unable to convey marketable title in accord and for Resale of the Property. In the event but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
remedy is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s be entitled to receive any beneût from the off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
File No. 21-289381. resale, including, but not limited to, additional shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
proceeds or surplus which may arise therefrom. in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Trust Note from the date of sale to the date property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Manassas, Virginia 20109 funds are received by the Substitute Trustees. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
(410) 769-9797 There will be no abatement of interest in the the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
event additional funds are tendered at the liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
time of sale or any time prior to settlement papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
or if the settlement is delayed for any reason. days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
In the event that the Secured Party executes by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
described in the above-mentioned Deed of purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011243 Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to execute their resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
TRUSTEE9S SALE prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
7901 Coriander Drive, Unit 302, Trustee9s prior knowledge, this Contract shall title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
Gaithersburg, MD 20879 be null and void and of no effect, and the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser9s sole remedy shall be the return of Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property the deposit without interest. Purchaser shall deposit without interest. (Matter No. 341842-2) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 355342-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 345234-1)
improved by premises known as 7901 pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes and Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Coriander Drive, Unit 302, Gaithersburg, MD settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water
rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
20879. By virtue of the power and authority
contained in a Deed of Trust, dated January 3, association dues, all public charges/
2014, and recorded in Liber 48228 at Page assessments payable on an annual basis,
28 among the land records of the County including sanitary and/or metropolitan district
of Montgomery, in the original principal charges, if applicable, shall be adjusted to the
amount of $90,350.00. Upon default and date of sale and assumed thereafter by the
request for sale, the undersigned trustees will purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for
offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse obtaining physical possession of the property. Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011390 Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011389 Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011387
for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage
Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland to the property from the date of sale forward. If BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
Avenue, Rockville, Maryland, on September 6, the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
2023 at 1:00 PM, all that property described insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s)
sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
in said Deed of Trust including but not limited
to: a refund of the aforementioned deposit without (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
or equity, is the return of the deposit without
Said property is in fee simple and is improved interest. (File # 22-007192) 3600 WAYNESWOOD RD. 8600 HOLLY ST. 1309 NOME ST.
by a dwelling and is sold in <as is condition= and FORT WASHINGTON, MD 20744 LAUREL, MD 20707 CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD 20743
subject to all superior covenants, conditions, JAMES E. CLARKE, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as CHRISTINE M. DREXEL, dated November 22, 2017, recorded in Liber 40327, Folio dated June 25, 2008, recorded in Liber 29825, Folio 173 dated July 2, 2008, recorded in Liber 30760, Folio 23 among
may affect same, if any. JOANNA FORONDA, 465 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, with an
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES MD, with an original principal balance of $290,000.00, with an original principal balance of $351,583.11, default original principal balance of $358,500.00, default having
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell
sale price, cash or certiûed funds shall be Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s
required at the time of sale. The balance of Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval
the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
annum from the date of sale to the date of
payment will be paid within TEN DAYS after SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 11:27 AM SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 11:19 AM SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 11:15 AM
the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011199 ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and 851 851 George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
special or regular assessments will be made as
of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
purchaser. an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
TRUSTEE9S SALE and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners 5920 Plata Street, Clinton, MD 20735 with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
association dues and assessments that may Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
become due after the time of sale will be Terms of Sale: A deposit of $27,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $32,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $15,000 in the form of certiûed
the responsibility of the purchaser. Title premises known as 5920 Plata Street, Clinton, MD 20735. check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
examination, conveyancing, state revenue By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all of Trust, dated September 24, 2003, and recorded in Liber price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
other costs incident to settlement are to be 18262 at Page 148 among the land records of the County at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence of Prince George9s, in the original principal amount of any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be $181,638.00. Upon default and request for sale, the funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
and costs of the defaulting purchaser. If the the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE9S, at the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
sale is not ratiûed or if the Substitute Trustees front of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
are unable to convey marketable title in accord at 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only September 5, 2023 at 2:00 PM, all that property described Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
remedy is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s in said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
File No. 22-289835. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
Tax ID# 09-3024783 foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
Manassas, Virginia 20109 covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
(410) 769-9797 of-way, as may affect same, if any. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011244 Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
thereafter assumed by purchaser. off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
dues and assessments that may become due after the interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 22-290472. purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
Manassas, Virginia 20109 of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
(410) 769-9797 Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 358329-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 352381-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356048-1)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees

Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011282

Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011392 Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011388 Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011386

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Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 852 Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 855
Charles County 855
Charles County

6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 1099 WINTERSON ROAD, SUITE 301 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MARYLAND 21090 Rockville, MD 20852 LEESBURG, VA 20175 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 703-777-7101 (301) 961-6555
12627 HILLMEADE STATION DR. 388 FOURTH AVENUE 2151 MILLHAVEN DR. 771 Generals Highway 3165 MILL PL.
BOWIE, MD 20720 GLEN BURNIE, MD 21061 EDGEWATER, MD 21037 Millersville, MD 21108 NANJEMOY, MD 20662
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust By authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated November 8, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated September 30, 2005, recorded in Liber 23643, Folio 1994 and recorded in Liber 6865, Folio 28 among the Land dated May 8, 2009, recorded in Liber 21060, Folio 415 HOPE EVETTE MYRICK, dated September 11, 2020 and dated March 26, 2007, recorded in Liber 6270, Folio 1
38 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, Records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, with an original among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, recorded in Liber 35282, folio 32 among the Land Records among the Land Records of Charles County, MD, with an
with an original principal balance of $280,000.00, default principal balance of $94,500.00, and an interest rate of with an original principal balance of $274,829.00, default of ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, default having occurred original principal balance of $107,000.00, default having
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees 5.625%, default having occurred thereunder, the Substitute having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No.C-02- occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Trustees will sell at public auction at the Courthouse door will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne CV-22-001771; Tax ID No.02-000-09907000 ) the Sub. at public auction at the Circuit Court for Charles County,
George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, for the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, 8 Church Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Trustees will sell at public auction at the ANNE ARUNDEL 200 Charles St., La Plata, MD 20646, (Sale will be held in
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401, on Annapolis, MD 21401, on COUNTY COURTHOUSE, located at 8 CHURCH CIR, the breezeway between the Circuit Court and the District
SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 11:13 AM SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 9:29 AM ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401, on Court), on
September 6, 2023 AT 9:45 AM
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 at 10:00 AM SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 1:35 PM
ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and the improvements
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince thereon situated in Anne Arundel County, MD and more fully buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is County, MD and described as Unit No. 14-2151, Building 14, thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and more buildings or improvements thereon located in Charles
aforesaid Deed of Trust. improved by a dwelling. Phase 14, in River Oaks Townhome Condominium and more fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust. County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in Terms of Sale: The property will be sold <as is= and subject The property will be sold in an <as is= condition and
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions to conditions, restrictions, easements and agreements of The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and record affecting same, if any and with no warranty of any an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
with no warranty of any kind. kind. A deposit of $5,000.00 by certiûed funds only (no and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. The property will be sold Terms of Sale: A deposit $45,000.00 will be required at with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certiûed cash will be accepted) is required at the time of auction. the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK
Balance of the purchase price to be paid within 10 days subject to utility lien(s) of record. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certiûed
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the OR BY CASHIER9S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase of ratiûcation of sale by the Court. The purchaser, other Terms of Sale: A deposit of $20,000 in the form of certiûed Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money than the holder of the Note, its assigns, or designees, shall check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or pay interest on the unpaid purchase money at the note rate purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Substitute Trustees. If settlement is delayed for any reason, at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or forfeited and the property shall be resold at the purchaser9s any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit there shall be no abatement of interest or taxes. All due any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date risk and expense. The purchaser waives personal service funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash and accepts service by ûrst class mail and certiûed mail within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before charges, or front foot beneût payments, are payable by the within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit addressed to the address provided by said Purchaser as Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser without adjustment. Real estate taxes and all Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural other public charges, or assessments, ground rent, or condo/ purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Motion settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private HOA assessments, not otherwise divested by ratiûcation of settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. In the Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive the sale, to be adjusted as of the date of auction, unless the Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and purchaser is the foreclosing lender or its designee. Cost of taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private entitled to receive any beneût from the resale, including, charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and all transfer and recordation taxes and settlement expenses, charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible and all other costs incident to settlement, shall be borne by foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. physical possession of the property. thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If the purchaser fails to go to for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer by the Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ settlement within ten (10) days of ratiûcation of the sale, taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. of interest in the event additional funds are tendered at The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or otherwise fails to comply with the terms of the sale, The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the the time of sale or any time prior to settlement or if the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is the Substitute Trustees may declare the entire deposit ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ settlement is delayed for any reason. In the event that the or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the forfeited and resell the property at the risk and expense or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed Secured Party executes a forbearance agreement with the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property of the defaulting purchaser, and the purchaser agrees to by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust, responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit pay reasonable attorneys9 fees and costs for the Substitute responsible for obtaining physical possession of the or allows the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, Trustees, if the Substitute Trustees have ûled a motion with property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower the Court to resell the property. Purchaser waives personal from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit the Substitute Trustee9s prior knowledge, this Contract shall of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid service of any paper ûled in connection with such a motion of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser9s sole but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale on themself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower remedy shall be the return of the deposit without interest. entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper by entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without regular mail directed to the address provided by said bidder off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of at the time of foreclosure auction. If the Substitute Trustees shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that cannot convey insurable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. at law or in equity shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by interest. The sale is subject to post-sale conûrmation of the ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that if applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the property from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, in law or papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten Trustee(s) are unable to convey insurable title for any days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted equity, shall be the return of his deposit without interest. days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in law or equity shall by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds (CGD File #: 460110) by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser be limited to a refund of the aforementioned deposit without as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted interest. In the event the sale is not ratiûed for any reason, purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
Richard E. Solomon, et al., Sub. Trustees purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from the deposit without interest. (File # 22-006137) improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable JAMES E. CLARKE, title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation CHRISTINE M. DREXEL, of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 360359-1) of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the JOANNA FORONDA, Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 360053-1)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., deposit without interest. (Matter No. 321245-1) SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
Substitute Trustees A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508 Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011379 Substitute Trustees
LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508


Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011385 1099 WINTERSON ROAD, SUITE 301 Aug 24,31,Sep 7 2023 L0011311
LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MARYLAND 21090 Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011370
855 855 Charles County Charles County 856 856
Frederick County Frederick County
Tucker Arensberg, P.C. Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011366
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
412-566-1212 7872 A WEST RIVERSIDE DRIVE
OF REAL PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON By authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated May 20, BWW Law Group, LLC
BWW Law Group, LLC 9316 Waynesboro Pike, Emmitsburg, MD 21727
5200 Newton St., Unit #202 1999 and recorded in Liber 9226, Folio 104 among the 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Land Records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland modiûed 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
BLADENSBURG, MD 20710 Rockville, MD 20852 premises known as 9316 Waynesboro Pike, Emmitsburg, MD
by Loan Modiûcation Agreement recorded on May 14, 2019, Rockville, MD 20852
(Case No.: CAEF17-29241 in the Circuit Court for Prince in the Land Records of Anne Arundel County at Liber No. (301) 961-6555 21727. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a
(301) 961-6555 Deed of Trust, dated May 12, 2011, and recorded in Liber
George9s County) 33134, Folio 308, with an original principal balance of SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE
$154,350.00, and an interest rate of 4.250%, default SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE 8392 at Page 7 among the land records of the County of
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON Frederick, in the original principal amount of $134,927.00.
from Allene Graves, Trustee of the Allene Graves Trust having occurred thereunder, the Substitute Trustees will OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON
sell at public auction at the Courthouse door for the Circuit 5175 SQUAWROOT CT. Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees
dated December 29, 2005, said Deed of Trust dated April 1123 OAK VIEW DR. will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the
17, 2007 and recorded in Liber 28427, folio 181 among the Court for Anne Arundel County, 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, INDIAN HEAD, MD 20640
MD 21401, on CROWNSVILLE, MD 21032 COUNTY OF FREDERICK, at 100 W. Patrick Street, Frederick,
Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, default having Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Maryland, on September 6, 2023 at 9:30 AM, all that
occurred under the terms thereof, the Substitute Trustees September 6, 2023 AT 9:43 AM Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated July 30, 2012, recorded in Liber 8098, Folio 362
ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and the improvements dated October 6, 2005, recorded in Liber 17002, Folio 742 property described in said Deed of Trust including but not
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince among the Land Records of Charles County, MD, with an limited to:
George9s Co., 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 thereon situated in Anne Arundel County, MD and more fully among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, original principal balance of $374,589.00, default having
(Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is with an original principal balance of $362,840.04, default occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell Tax ID# 05-157412 & 05-157420
improved by a dwelling. having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees at public auction at the Circuit Court for Charles County, Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
September 6, 2023 AT 11:45 am Terms of Sale: The property will be sold <as is= and subject will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne 200 Charles St., La Plata, MD 20646, (Sale will be held in and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior
ALL THAT fee-simple LOT OF GROUND AND THE to conditions, restrictions, easements and agreements of Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, the breezeway between the Circuit Court and the District covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Prince George9s record affecting same, if any and with no warranty of any Annapolis, MD 21401, on Court), on of-way, as may affect same, if any.
County, MD described as Unit numbered 202, located kind. A deposit of $13,000.00 by certiûed funds only (no SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 9:33 AM
at 5200 Newton Street, Bladensburg, MD, established cash will be accepted) is required at the time of auction. SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 AT 1:37 PM TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
pursuant to the Horizontal Property Act of the State of Balance of the purchase price to be paid within 10 days ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
Maryland known and called Bladenwoods and more fully of ratiûcation of sale by the Court. The purchaser, other buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel buildings or improvements thereon located in Charles balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is than the holder of the Note, its assigns, or designees, shall County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
improved by a dwelling. pay interest on the unpaid purchase money at the note rate of Trust. of Trust. paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale.
The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS IS= from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, existing Substitute Trustees. If settlement is delayed for any reason, an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
buildings and/or environmental violations, agreements of there shall be no abatement of interest or taxes. All due and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
either expressed or implied as to the description of the charges, or front foot beneût payments, are payable by the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $42,000 in the form of certiûed dues and assessments that may become due after the
purchaser without adjustment. Real estate taxes and all Terms of Sale: A deposit of $39,000 in the form of certiûed
condition of the property or improvements. check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
other public charges, or assessments, ground rent, or condo/ purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $15,000 in the form of cashier9s HOA assessments, not otherwise divested by ratiûcation of purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
check or money order at the time of sale will be required of price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
the sale, to be adjusted as of the date of auction, unless the at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
the purchaser other than the holder of the Deed of Trust. purchaser is the foreclosing lender or its designee. Cost of at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
Balance of the purchase price is to be paid in cash within any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
all transfer and recordation taxes and settlement expenses, funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
ten (10) business days of the ûnal ratiûcation of sale by and all other costs incident to settlement, shall be borne by funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County. If payment within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the
the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
of the balance does not occur within ten (10) business physical possession of the property. Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
days of ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 19-285343.
agrees the deposit will be forfeited and the property settlement within ten (10) days of ratiûcation of the sale, settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
will be resold and the entire deposited retained by the Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
or otherwise fails to comply with the terms of the sale, taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned the Substitute Trustees may declare the entire deposit taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP,
by purchaser9s default. The defaulting purchaser shall not charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
forfeited and resell the property at the risk and expense foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
be entitled to any surplus proceeds or proûts resulting from of the defaulting purchaser, and the purchaser agrees to foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
any resale of the property. Interest to be paid on unpaid front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and Manassas, Virginia 20109
pay reasonable attorneys9 fees and costs for the Substitute thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Trustees, if the Substitute Trustees have ûled a motion with thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible (410) 769-9797
note from date of sale to the date funds are received in the for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
the Court to resell the property. Purchaser waives personal taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
ofûce of the Substitute Trustees, in the event the property service of any paper ûled in connection with such a motion taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
is purchased by someone other than the aforesaid Deed of The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
on themself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
Trust noteholder. In the event the settlement is delayed for expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper by ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
any reason and the property is purchased by someone other or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
regular mail directed to the address provided by said bidder by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
than the aforesaid Deed of Trust noteholder, there shall at the time of foreclosure auction. If the Substitute Trustees by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
be no abatement of interest caused by the delay. Water responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
cannot convey insurable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
rent, ground rent, condominium fees, and/or homeowners at law or in equity shall be the return of the deposit without property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011313
association dues, if applicable, to be adjusted to the date from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
interest. The sale is subject to post-sale conûrmation of the of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Certain status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
delinquent tax certiûcates were sold on May 5, 2023 in the but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
amount of approximately $5379.76 and therefore the taxes into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
of approximately $5379.76 plus interest and costs will off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
need to be redeemed by Purchaser at Purchaser9s expense. null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, in law or shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of any homestead in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
equity, shall be the return of his deposit without interest. interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
tax credit. All other public charges and assessments payable (CGD File #: 453075) interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
Richard E. Solomon, et al., Sub. Trustees property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
district charges to be adjusted for the current year to date of
sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Cost of deed
recordation, including but not limited to all recordation,
documentary stamp, transfer, agricultural or other taxes or
LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
Recipe ûnder
charges assessed by any governmental entity as a condition papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
to recordation, are payable by purchaser, whether or not days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser Search our database of tested
purchaser is a Maryland First Time Home Buyer. Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted recipes by ingredient or name.
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
from the date of sale. Aug 17,24,31 2023 0012431983 resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law or Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit without of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
interest. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further deposit without interest. (Matter No. 357183-1)
claim against the Substitute Trustees. deposit without interest. (Matter No. 361392-1)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
As a part of any sale, the Substitute Trustees, in their
capacity as trustees for the beneût of PNC Bank, National Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
Association are required by law to, and shall, conûrm that LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
each prospective purchaser and any equity holder thereof A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508
is not or shall not be in violation of any <OFAC/AML Law=.
This property will be sold subject to a 120 day right of

redemption by The Internal Revenue Service.
Beverly Weiss Manne, Ryan P. Siney, Geoffrey L. Forman,
Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011371
W. Scott Tinney, IV, Substitute Trustees
Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011368

Washington Post newsletters deliver more.
Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011341 S0114 2X2 S0115-2x4
856 856 856 856 857 857 857 857 872 872
Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Howard County Howard County Howard County Howard County Fairfax County Fairfax County
10088 Oakton Terrace Road
Oakton, Virginia 22124
1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, 106 Sunlight Drive, BLVD. SE, 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 In execution of a certain lien for unpaid assessments as perfected by
the recording of a certain Memorandum of Condominium Lien in the
SUITE 310 Frederick, MD 21702 SUITE 310 LEESBURG, VA 20175 Clerk9s Ofûce of the Circuit Court of the County of Fairfax (<Land Re-
LEESBURG, VA 20175 LEESBURG, VA 20175 703-777-7101 cords=) on July 19, 2022 in Deed Book 27714, at Page 1638 (<Lien=), The
Oakton, A Condominium Unit Owners Association (<Association=), by
703-777-7101 Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property 703-777-7101 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE its appointed Trustee, as identiûed below, will offer for sale at public
improved by premises known as 106 OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
auction to the highest bidder on September 12, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.,
at the main outside entrance to the Courthouse of the Circuit Court
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE Sunlight Drive, Frederick, MD 21702. By SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE of Fairfax County at 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030,
OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY virtue of the power and authority contained OFnIMPROVED REAL PROPERTY 5495 Endicott Ln the real property and improvements with the street address of 10088
Oakton Terrace Road, Oakton, Virginia 22124 (Parcel ID # 047-4-
8323 Sharon Dr in a Deed of Trust, dated June 22, 2015, 8790 Sage Brush Way Columbia, MD 21044 23-0088) (<Property=) and brieûy described as:
Frederick, MD 21704 and recorded in Liber 10689 at Page 406 Columbia, MD 21045 Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from Condominium Unit No. 10088 of THE OAKTON, a condominium,
among the land records of the County of MARK H. GRIMES, dated December 28, 2006 and recorded in and any limited common elements appurtenant thereto pursu-
Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Frederick, in the original principal amount Under a power of sale contained in a Deed Liber 10499, folio 673 among the Land Records of HOWARD
ant to the Declaration recorded in Deed Book 5768, at Page 594,
among the land records of Fairfax County, Virginia, and all subse-
Trust from BLAKE WOOD AND AMY WOOD, of $423,001.00. Upon default and request of Trust from LESLIE D. GROSS, dated June COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure quent amendments thereto.
dated March 19, 2018 and recorded in Liber for sale, the undersigned trustees will offer for 15, 2007 and recorded in Liber 10756, folio Case docketed as Case No.C-13-CV-23-000288; Tax ID No.15- TERMS OF SALE: The Property will be sold in <AS IS= condition and
12363, folio 0494 among the Land Records sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the 394 MODIFIED ON NOVEMBER 1, 2018 IN
of FREDERICK COUNTY, MD, default COUNTY OF FREDERICK, at 100 W. Patrick LIBER 18514 FOLIO 249 AND MODIFIED ON 027304 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the without any warranty, as to any respect, restriction, covenant, or con-
dition of the Property or any limited common elements appurtenant
having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case Street, Frederick, Maryland, on September JANUARY 1, 2022 IN LIBER 21299 FOLIO HOWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE, located at 9250 JUDICIAL thereto and subject to any liens, violations, and or all other matters
taking priority over the Association9s Lien, including, but not limited
docketed as Case No.C-10-CV-23-000276; Tax 6, 2023 at 9:30 AM, all that property 368; among the Land Records of HOWARD WAY, ELLICOTT CITY, MD 21043, on to, any deeds of trust. The sale is further subject to all provisions, re-
strictions, easements, covenants, and conditions as contained in the
ID No.07-194242 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell described in said Deed of Trust including but COUNTY, MD, default having occurred SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 at 11:30 AM Association9s original, if applicable, Declaration, Bylaws, and any other
at public auction at the FREDERICK COUNTY not limited to: thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements
governing instrument, and all amendments thereto.
A nonrefundable bidder9s deposit of 10% of the sale price, will be re-
COURTHOUSE, located at 100 W. PATRICK ST, No.C13CV23000346; Tax ID No.16-218502 ) thereon situated in HOWARD COUNTY, MD and more fully quired to be paid by the successful bidder in cash, certiûed funds or by
FREDERICK, MD 21701, on Tax ID# 02-246635 the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at cashier9s check. Settlement within 30 days of sale. Additional terms to
the HOWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE, located described in above referenced Deed of Trust. be announced at sale. If Trustee is unable for any reason, in its sole dis-
cretion, to convey title to the Property, the successful bidder9s sole and
SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 at 10:00 AM Said property is in fee simple and is improved at 9250 JUDICIAL WAY, ELLICOTT CITY, MD THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A PRIOR MORTGAGE. exclusive remedy in law and equity shall be the return of its deposit,
without interest. Trustee reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to (1)
by a dwelling and is sold in <as is condition= and 21043, on The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to announce additional terms at the time of sale, (2) waive or modify the
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and subject to all superior covenants, conditions, conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the requirement with respect to the bidder9s deposit, (3) accept or reject
any or all bids, (4) extend the time to receive bids, (5) withdraw the
improvements thereon situated in FREDERICK liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 at 11:30 AM same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. Property from the sale at any time, and (6) postpone settlement follow-
COUNTY, MD and more fully described in above may affect same, if any. ing sale for a reasonable period of time as determined by Trustee. The
referenced Deed of Trust. ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and Terms of Sale: A deposit $20,000.00 will be required at the information contained herein was obtained by sources deemed to be
reliable but is offered for information purposes only. The Association
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the improvements thereon situated in HOWARD time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY cannot make any representations or warranties with respect to the
The property will be sold in an <as is= condition sale price, cash or certiûed funds shall be COUNTY, MD and more fully described in above CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance accuracy of this information.

and subject to conditions, restrictions and required at the time of sale. The balance of referenced Deed of Trust. of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final Direct any inquiries to counsel for the Association, Kristen L. Buck, Rees
agreements of record affecting the same, if any the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for HOWARD COUNTY. Broome, PC, 1900 Gallows Road, Suite 700, Vienna, Virginia 22182, (703)
and with no warranty of any kind. annum from the date of sale to the date of THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO AN IRS Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the purchaser Bean Kinney & Korman, P.C., Trustee, Attn: Andrea Campbell Davison,
payment will be paid within TEN DAYS after RIGHT OF REDEMPTION. defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property shall 2311 Wilson Blvd., Suite 500, 703-525-4000 (Telephone), adavison@
Terms of Sale: A deposit $40,000.00 will be the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. The property will be sold in an <as is= condition be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. The purchaser
required at the time of sale, such deposit to and subject to conditions, restrictions and waives personal service and accepts service by first class mail Aug 17,24,31,Sep 7 2023 0012432420
be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY CASHIER9S Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and agreements of record affecting the same, if any and certified mail addressed to the address provided by said 877 245
CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. special or regular assessments will be made as and with no warranty of any kind. Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any Spotsylvania County Electronics
Balance of the purchase price to be paid in of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a TRUSTEE SALE FREE high-speed internet for those
that qualify. Government program
cash within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of sale purchaser. Terms of Sale: A deposit $50,000.00 will be Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property.
5400 Hogan Ct, Fredericks-
burg, VA 22407 for recipients of select programs
by the Circuit Court for FREDERICK COUNTY. required at the time of sale, such deposit to In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not Spotsylvania County incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assis-
Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY CASHIER9S tance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Sur-
the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be association dues and assessments that may CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, In execution of a Deed of Trust vivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB
internet service. Bonus offer:
in the original principal amount
forfeited and the property shall be resold at the become due after the time of sale will be Balance of the purchase price to be paid in but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may of $352,240.00, dated July 30, Android tablet FREE with one-time
purchaser9s risk and expense. The purchaser the responsibility of the purchaser. Title cash within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of sale arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase 2021 recorded in the Clerk9s Of-
ûce of the Circuit Court of the
$20 copay. Free shipping & handling.
Call Maxsip Telecom today!
waives personal service and accepts service examination, conveyancing, state revenue by the Circuit Court for HOWARD COUNTY. money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the Spotsylvania County, Virginia, 1-888-592-5957
by ûrst class mail and certiûed mail addressed stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If date of sale to the date funds are received by the Substitute in Document No. 210023383, at
the request of the holder of the Switch to DISH and get up to a $300
to the address provided by said Purchaser as other costs incident to settlement are to be the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in the event Note, the undersigned Substi- gift card! Plus get the Multisport
pack included for a limited time!
identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale for any paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence forfeited and the property shall be resold at the additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or any tute Trustee will offer for sale at
public auction at the entrance Hurry, call for details:
Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be purchaser9s risk and expense. The purchaser time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed for to the Spotsylvania County Judi- 1-855-407-6870
cial Center, 9107 Judicial Center
sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser forfeited and the property may be resold at risk waives personal service and accepts service any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes a Lane, Spotsylvania, on October
Home & Garden
and for Resale of the Property. In the event and costs of the defaulting purchaser. If the by ûrst class mail and certiûed mail addressed forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the 3, 2023 at 9:00 AM the property
described in said deed, located Eliminate gutter cleaning forever!
of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not sale is not ratiûed or if the Substitute Trustees to the address provided by said Purchaser as above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to at the above address and brieûy LeafFilter, the most advanced
debris-blocking gutter protection.
be entitled to receive any beneût from the are unable to convey marketable title in accord identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale for any execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, described as:
Lot 328, Section 6-8, Maple Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate
resale, including, but not limited to, additional with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior Grove, with any improve- today. 15% off Entire Purchase.
proceeds or surplus which may arise therefrom. remedy is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser 10% Senior & Military Discounts.
knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, ments thereon
Call 1-844-566-3227.
Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase File No. 19-281365. and for Resale of the Property. In the event and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit Subject to any and all cove- 610
money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, nants, conditions, restrictions,
easements, and all other
Dogs for Sale
Trust Note from the date of sale to the date William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. be entitled to receive any beneût from the transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, matters of record taking pri- BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES
Black & white, males & females
funds are received by the Substitute Trustees. resale, including, but not limited to, additional water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association
ority over the Deed of Trust,
avail, have 1st vaccinations,
if any, affecting the aforesaid
There will be no abatement of interest in the LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, proceeds or surplus which may arise therefrom. dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual property. dewormed. $150. 301-904-8156
event additional funds are tendered at the 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase CAVACHON PUPPIES
time of sale or any time prior to settlement Manassas, Virginia 20109 money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A de-
or if the settlement is delayed for any reason. (410) 769-9797 Trust Note from the date of sale to the date applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed posit of $20,000.00 or 10% of
the sales price, whichever is low- Adorable baby doll faces. Ready
In the event that the Secured Party executes funds are received by the Substitute Trustees. thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible er, cash or certiûed check will be weekend. M/F. Local breeder
raised in home. 703-362-8718
required at the time of sale, but
a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) There will be no abatement of interest in the for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser no more than $10,000.00 of cash
described in the above-mentioned Deed of event additional funds are tendered at the assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date will be accepted, with settlement
within ûfteen (15) days from the
German Shepherds pure Bred $600
Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to execute their time of sale or any time prior to settlement of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey date of sale. Sale is subject to
Or make Offer 3 months. Good w.
Kids Must go 202-476-9637 or
right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, or if the settlement is delayed for any reason. insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in post sale conûrmation that the
borrower did not ûle for protec-
prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute In the event that the Secured Party executes law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned tion under the U.S. Bankruptcy LAB PUPPIES AKC , yellow and black,
Trustee9s prior knowledge, this Contract shall a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified Code prior to the sale which af-
fects the validity of the sale, as
fully vaccinated, vet checked, fami-
ly raised $595. 17175978910
be null and void and of no effect, and the Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011117 described in the above-mentioned Deed of for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is well as to post-sale conûrmation
Purchaser9s sole remedy shall be the return of 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to execute their the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 22-011585) of the status of the loan with
the loan servicer including, but 5 Males, 6 Females, 1 yellow,
the deposit without interest. Purchaser shall right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, not limited to, determination of 7 weeks old, 1st shots.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR JAMES E. CLARKE, whether the borrower entered $1800. Call 571-230-3023
pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes and THE COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute CHRISTINE M. DREXEL, into any repayment agreement, MINI / TOY AUSSIES
settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water PRINCE GEORGE9S, MARYLAND Trustee9s prior knowledge, this Contract shall reinstated or paid off the loan All colors, some blue eyes, S/W.
rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner MARYLAND
be null and void and of no effect, and the JOANNA FORONDA, prior to the sale. In any such Ready. $400 & up
association dues, all public charges/ WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al.
John Ansell, et al.
Substitute Trustees Purchaser9s sole remedy shall be the return of SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES event, the sale shall be null and
void, and the Purchaser9s sole
Call 540-327-5911

assessments payable on an annual basis, Trustee(s) Plaintiff(s) Plaintiffs, the deposit without interest. Purchaser shall remedy, in law or equity, shall be SHICHON TEDDY BEAR
the return of his deposit without PUPPIES in Virginia
including sanitary and/or metropolitan district vs. V. pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes and interest. Additional terms may Adorable little cuddle bugs. Rdy wkd.
charges, if applicable, shall be adjusted to the settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water be announced at the time of 10wks old. All colors. M/F. Local
TIMOTHY BRANDON PADGETT Deborah A. Washington sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair breeder raised in home. 703-362-
date of sale and assumed thereafter by the Defendant(s) Defendant rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner Debt Collection Practices Act, 8718
Mortgagor(s) we advise you that this ûrm is a
purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for Case No. C-16-CV-22-001229
association dues, all public charges/ debt collector attempting to col- SHIH TZU PUPPIES 4 Pure bred,
obtaining physical possession of the property. CIVIL NO: C-16-CV-23-001223 assessments payable on an annual basis, lect the indebtedness referred $950. 1 Male golden color, shots,
Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage NOTICE including sanitary and/or metropolitan district to herein and any information dewormed, fam raised, parents AKC
NOTICE Notice is hereby issued this 22 we obtain will be used for that on site, Bluemont, VA. 571-271-4603
to the property from the date of sale forward. If NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this day of August, 2023, that the charges, if applicable, shall be adjusted to the purpose.
22 day of August,2023 by the 620
the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey Circuit Court for the County of
sale of the property in this case,
4650 Winterberry Lane, Oxon
date of sale and assumed thereafter by the August 17, 24, 31, 2023 12428963 SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., Substitute Cats
insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) Prince George9s, Maryland and Hill, Maryland 20745, reported purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for 872 872 Trustee Himalayan Kittens, CFA reg, seal
sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to by the authority thereof, that the
sale made by William M. Savage,
by John Ansell, Jeremy B. Wilkins,
Robert A. Oliveri, Amanda Dris-
obtaining physical possession of the property. Fairfax County Fairfax County This is a communication from a
pointe, torti pointe and flame
pointe, very affectionate, pics avail.,
a refund of the aforementioned deposit without Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of cole, Paul Heinmuller, John C. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage NOTICE OF TRUSTEE9S SALE debt collector. 8 wks old. $800 each. 540-858-3392
the Real Property designated as 6410 Katherine Ann Lane
interest. In the event the sale is not ratiûed for 4725 King John Way Unit 171,
Hanrahan, Kristopher Hawkins,
Substitute Trustees, be ratiûed
to the property from the date of sale forward. If Springûeld, Virginia 22150
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (84510) 663
any reason, the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law Upper Marlboro, MD 20772, and conûrmed, unless cause to the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey 448 Viking Drive Suite 350 Pet Services
or equity, is the return of the deposit without and reported in the above enti- the contrary be shown on or be- insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) Virginia Beach, VA 23452
tled cause, will be ûnally ratiûed fore the 22 day of September, In execution of certain liens for unpaid assessments as perfected by 757-457-1460 - Call Between Are you a pet owner? Do you want
interest. (File # 21-006106) and conûrmed, unless cause to 2023, provided a copy of this sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the recording of certain memoranda of liens in the Clerk9s Ofûce of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to get up to 100% back on Vet
the contrary thereof be shown the Circuit Court of the County of Fairfax (<Land Records=) on March Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance
on or before the 22 day of Sep-
Notice be inserted in Washington
Post, a newspaper published in
a refund of the aforementioned deposit without 10, 2021 in Deed Book 26953 at Page 1418 and on March 16, 2023 in
or visit our website at Company has pet coverage that
JAMES E. CLARKE, tember, 2023 next; provided a Prince George9s County, Mary- interest. In the event the sale is not ratiûed for Deed Book 27865 at Page 1828 (collectively the <Liens=), Greenwood can help! Call 1-888-928-1656 to
Homeowners Association (<Association=), by its appointed Trustee, Aug 31,Sep 7 2023 0012433633 get a free quote or visit
CHRISTINE M. DREXEL, copy of this order be inserted
land, once in each of three (3)
successive weeks on or before
any reason, the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law as identiûed below, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest
JOANNA FORONDA, 15th Street, Washington DC, the 22 day of September, 2023. or equity, is the return of the deposit without bidder on September 12, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., at the main outside MARYLAND
entrance to the Courthouse of the Circuit Court of Fairfax County at
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES MD published in said County of
Prince George9s once a week for
The report states the amount of
sale to be $289,137.99.
interest. (File # 22-007956) 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030, the real property and Roommates
three successive weeks before improvements with the street address of 6410 Katherine Ann Lane,
the 22 day of September, 2023. Mahasin El Amin JAMES E. CLARKE, Springûeld, Virginia 22150 (Parcel ID # 0911-23-0403) (<Property=)
The report states the amount of Clerk and brieûy described as:
Aug 24,31,Sep 7 2023 0012433570 DEDICATED, PLATTED AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 10015 AT
Mahasin El Amin
FOR COUNTY OF PRINCE TERMS OF SALE: The Property will be sold in <AS IS= condition and with-
GEORGE9S #793 out any warranty, as to any respect, restriction, covenant, or condition Rockville-Share SFH Near transpora-
of the Property and subject to any liens, violations, and or all other tion/ shopping, no smoking/ no pets,
Aug 24,31,Sep 7 2023 L0011185 Trustees File#: 23-292555 matters taking priority over the Association9s Lien(s), including, but not clean/ quiet, master BR avail with pvt
limited to, any deeds of trust. The sale is further subject to all provi- bath, , pvt deck & yard, new wall to
850 851 Aug 24,31,Sep 7 2023 0012433563 sions, restrictions, easements, covenants, and conditions as contained wall carpet, fresh paint, use of W/D,
Montgomery County Prince Georges County in the Association9s original, if applicable, Declaration, Bylaws and any etc. $999/mo. Avail 9/1, leave voice INSURANCE
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR other governing instrument, and all amendments thereto. message. 240-351-5150
FOR THE COUNTY OF A nonrefundable bidder9s deposit of 10% of the sale price, will be re- SERVICES
MONTGOMERY COUNTY PRINCE GEORGE9S, quired to be paid by the successful bidder in cash, certiûed funds or by DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
MARYLAND MARYLAND Aug 17,24,31 2023 L0011099 cashier9s check. Settlement within 30 days of sale. Additional terms to
be announced at sale. If Trustee is unable for any reason, in its sole dis-
Mutual Insurance Company. Cover-
cretion, to convey title to the Property, the successful bidder9s sole and age for 350 plus procedures. Real
CARRIE M. WARD, et al. WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al. 852 dental insurance 3 NOT just a dis-
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 Trustee(s)
Anne Arundel County exclusive remedy in law and equity shall be the return of its deposit,
without interest. Trustee reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to (1) count plan. Do not wait! Call now!
Rockville, MD 20852 Plaintiff(s) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Get your FREE Dental Information Kit
Substitue Trustees/Plaintiffs, PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, announce additional terms at the time of sale, (2) waive or modify the
MARYLAND IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY requirement with respect to the bidder9s deposit, (3) accept or reject SILVER SPRING - Furnished Room. with all the details! 1-855-337-5228
vs. Near Metro. No smoking.
vs. PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, any or all bids, (4) extend the time to receive bids, (5) withdraw the
IRMA JENKINS Diane Rosenberg, et al. MARYLAND Richard E. Solomon, et al. Property from the sale at any time, and (6) postpone settlement follow- No pets. Call 646-956-6098
4340 East West Highway, Substitute Trustees ing sale for a reasonable period of time as determined by Trustee. The
886 Bayridge Drive Mortgagor(s) Suite 600 John Ansell, et al. information contained herein was obtained by sources deemed to be
Bethesda, MD 20814 Substitute Trustees Versus reliable but is offered for information purposes only. The Association
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Defendants(s). CIVIL NO: CAEF19-26715 Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs, cannot make any representations or warranties with respect to the
Plaintiff(s) Victor Kirk, Jr. accuracy of this information.
Case No. C-15-CV-23-000832
Notice is hereby given this 10
22 day of August, 2023 by the
Circuit Court for the County of
Estate of Morris Jenkins Jr.
Estate of
lsabel Juana Marin Notario
No. C-02-CV-23-000850 Give the Direct any inquiries to counsel for the Association, Kristen L. Buck, Rees
Broome, PC, 1900 Gallows Road, Suite 700, Vienna, Virginia 22182, (703)

giv of
Estate of Sylvia J Jenkins a/k/a NOTICE
day of August, 2023, by the Cir- Prince George9s. Maryland and Notice is hereby issued this
cuit Court for Montgomery Coun- by the authority thereof, that the 6002 Magnolia Court Isabel Juana Marin, Bean Kinney & Korman, P.C., Trustee, Attn: Andrea Campbell Davison,
Lanham, MD 20706 Defendant Thursday, August 10, 2023 2311 Wilson Blvd., Suite 500, 703-525-4000 (Telephone), adavison@
ty, Maryland, that the sale of the sale made by William M. Savage, that the sale of the property
property mentioned in these pro- Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of Defendant(s)

being in-
Case No. C-16-CV-22-001201 in the proceedings mentioned,
ceedings and described as 886 the Real Property designated made and reported by Richard Aug 17,24,31,Sep 7 2023 0012432418
Bayridge Drive Gaithersburg, MD as 15531 Brandywine Road, Case No.. C-16-CV-23-000527
NOTICE J. Rogers, Substitute Trustee
20878, made and reported by the Brandywine, MD 20613, and

bo ks?
NOTICE Notice is hereby issued this 21 BE RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED,
Substitute Trustee, will be RAT- reported in the above entitled
cause to the contrary thereof be
shown on or before the 11 day
of September 2023, provided a
cause, will be ûnally ratiûed and
conûrmed, unless cause to the
contrary thereof be shown on
or before the day of 22 day of
Notice is hereby given this 22
day of August, 2023 by the
Circuit Court for Prince George9s
County, Maryland that the sale of
day of August, 2023, that the
sale of the property in this case,
7302 18th Ave 206, Hyattsville,
Maryland 20783, reported by
unless cause to the contrary
thereof be shown on or before
the 14th day of September
2023 next; provided, a copy of
6002 Magnolia Court, Lanham, John Ansell, Jeremy B. Wilkins, this Notice be inserted in some
copy of this NOTICE be inserted September, 2023 next; provided newspaper published in Anne
in some daily newspaper printed a copy of this order be inserted MD 20706, made and reported, Robert A. Oliveri, Amanda Dris-
will be ratiûed and conûrmed, cole, Paul Heinmuller, John C. Arundel County, once in each of Giv subscriptions
in said County, once in each of
three successive weeks before
the 11 day of September, 2023.
The report states the pur-
15th Street, Washington DC,
MD published in said County of
Prince George9s once a week for
unless cause to the contrary
thereof be shown on or before
the 22 day of September, 2023,
Hanrahan, Kristopher Hawkins,
Substitute Trustees, be ratiûed
and conûrmed, unless cause to
three successive weeks before
the 14th day of August 2023
next. The report states that the Give the Give the
chase price at the Foreclo-
sure sale to be $409,000.00.
three successive weeks before
the 22 day of September, 2023.
The report states the amount of
provided a copy of this notice be
inserted in The Washington Post
a daily newspaper printed in said
County, once in each of three
the contrary be shown on or be-
fore the 21 day of September,
2023, provided a copy of this
Notice be inserted in Washington
amount of sale of the property
102, ODENTON MD 21113 to be
giv of giv of Washington Post newsletters
Karen A. Bushell
Clerk, Circuit Court for
the sale to be $367,299.00.
Mahasin El Amin
successive weeks before the 22
day of September, 2023. The
Report of Sale states the amount
Post, a newspaper published in
Prince George9s County, Mary-
land, once in each of three (3)
Scott A. Poyer
Circuit Court for
discovery discovery deliver more of what you9re looking for.
Montgomery County, Maryland CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT
COURT FOR COUNTY OF of the foreclosure sale price to successive weeks on or before Anne Arundel County, MD. Discover and subscribe for free at
BWW#MD-155007 PRINCE GEORGE9S #769 be $285,000.00. the 21 day of September, 2023. Aug 17,24,31 2023 0012432084 Giv subscriptions Giv subscriptions
The report states the amount of
Aug 17,24,31 2023 0012432098
Trustees File #: 19-282999 Mahasin El Amin sale to be $55,000.00.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Aug 24,31,Sep 7 2023 0012433522 Prince George9s County, Mahasin El Amin
Maryland Clerk #769 S0114 2 X 3
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Djokovic and Swiatek are unfazed by the high heat in straight-set victories
BY J AMES M ARTINEZ 23 Grand Slam titles. <I still got it.= the first round, three of the tour- proached the net 18 times, win- 6-3. Tomljanovic hadn9t played a
Swiatek, the top-seeded de- nament9s top seven men already ning 15 of those points, and she <After the second [set], it wasn9t match this season until her first-
NEW YORK 4 Novak Djokovic and fending champion from Poland, are gone. credited that newfound net game super pretty on my end. He was round victory over Panna Ud-
Iga Swiatek cruised to straight-set had only slightly more trouble in Ending the four-hour match after struggling to beat German definitely playing more aggressive vardy.
victories to move into the third her 6-3, 6-4 victory over with a forehand winner that just Laura Siegemund in three sets in tennis than I was, making me feel The Australian had knee sur-
round at the U.S. open on 322nd-ranked Australian Daria caught the baseline, Stricker the first round. super uncomfortable,= Paul said. gery and had been out of action
Wednesday, fighting not only their Saville in Louis Armstrong Sta- raised his hands and flopped on <I learned to be aggressive,= the <I knew I had to change that.= since the Billie Jean King Cup last
opponents but sticky, 85-degree dium. Swiatek has never lost in a his back to celebrate his first victo- 19-year-old Gauff said in her on- Joining Paul in the third round November.
fahrenheit weather on the hottest major to a player outside the ry over a top-10 player in only his court interview. <I did well mak- is fellow American Ben Shelton, Lin Zhu of China defeated
day at the tournament so far. top 100. third Grand Slam appearance. ing her play off her back foot.= who advanced when 2020 cham- 18th-seeded Victoria Azarenka,
<That9s why we train several The men9s side of the bracket <I9m just super happy right Gauff next faces 32nd-seeded pion Dominic Thiem stopped 6-3, 6-3; American Taylor
hours a day in humid, hot condi- saw two major upsets. Seventh- now,= Stricker told the Grand- Elise mertens of Belgium, who playing in the second set after Townsend beat 19th-seeded Bra-
tions 4 so we can be ready for seeded Stefanos Tsitsipas fell to stand crowd. <I came out and felt came back to beat American Dan- being visited by a physiotherapist. zilian Beatriz Haddad maia, 7-6
whatever awaits you on court,= the 128th-ranked Swiss qualifier good from the first set on. . . . I just ielle Collins, 3-6, 7-6 (9-7), 6-1. Another man from the United (7-1), 7-5; 10th-seeded Karolina
second-seeded Djokovic said after Dominic Stricker, 7-5, 6-7 (7-2), 6-7 kept playing high-level tennis.= No. 14 Tommy Paul, an Ameri- States, No. 28 Chris Eubanks, lost muchova beat magdalena frech of
a 6-4, 6-1, 6-1 victory over 76th- (7-5) 7-6 (8-6), 6-3. And fifth-seed- Earlier, Coco Gauff cruised into can who made the Australian in four sets to Benjamin Bonzi of Poland, 6-3, 6-3; and 15th-seeded
ranked Bernabe Zapata miralles ed Casper ruud, last year9s run- the third round with a 6-3, 6-2 open semifinals in January, col- france. Belinda Bencic of Switzerland
of Spain in Arthur Ashe Stadium. ner-up, was toppled by Zhang Zhi- victory over 16-year-old russian lected his first career comeback fourth-seeded Elena rybakina downed British qualifier Yuriko
<I still have the hunger,= said the zhen of China, 6-4, 5-7, 7-2, 0-6, 6-2. mirra Andreeva. from two sets down to beat ro- advanced to the third round after Lily miyazaki, 6-3, 6-3.
36-year-old from Serbia who owns With No. 4 Holger rune out in The sixth-seeded American ap- man Safiullin, 3-6, 2-6, 6-2, 6-4, Ajla Tomljanovic withdrew. 4 Associated Press

Tiafoe commands stage pop up as players fulfill their

promotional duties as part of
previously negotiated housing

as it keeps getting bigger deals.

But for Tiafoe, the perks he has
gained in the past year are sec-
ondary to his tennis.
U.S. Open from D1 by his own standards at the year9s <obviously, a lot of people
three majors with three third- want to come watch me play. A lot
win on Ashe,= Tiafoe, the round exits. of people have taken a lot of love
10th seed, said after his first- But this is the first time since into me. It9s understanding that
round win monday. his leap up the rankings he has tennis is the main thing. Every-
It took Tiafoe three appearanc- returned to flushing meadows. thing revolves around tennis,=
es at the U.S. open to even step Things are a bit different, in ways Tiafoe said. <If you9re not win-
foot on the court 4 and when he that have a direct impact on his ning matches, none of that really
first did, in 2017, roger federer tennis and ways that just make a matters. obviously all these rela-
was his ticket to ride. He pushed weeks-long stay in New York City tionships are great. It9s upp-
the Swiss champion to five sets in a bit more comfortable. er-echelon guys, people at the top
the first round, sparking the New Higher-ranked seeds have ac- of their realm want to see you. . . .
York crowd into a years-long love cess to more coveted practice There9s times where you see a guy
affair that, along with his nation- courts, meaning Tiafoe gets dibs that you haven9t met before, he9s a
ality and steady rise up the rank- on Courts 1-5 next to Arthur Ashe big fan, and you see him, he
ings, kept him booked on bigger Stadium and close to the players9 wants to hang out with you.
and bigger courts as his career lounge. He also practiced in Ar- [Shoot], be cool to do this, but
rolled along. The smaller show thur Ashe Stadium this week for you got to prioritize.=
courts of Louis Armstrong Sta- the first time. Up next for Tiafoe is mannari-
dium, Grandstand and Court 17 <I9ve never done that before,= no, a 35-year-old veteran he
became his homes each August. Tiafoe said. <Yeah, it makes you hasn9t played since a first-round
The Hyattsville native had not feel really accommodated, loved, win here in 2018. Tiafoe knows
played in Arthur Ashe Stadium and ready to go.= his opponent well despite the
twice in the same year before Upgraded accommodations amount of time that has passed
2022, during his breakthrough are another perk that come with between their matches.
run to the semifinals in which he success. management and mar- Another benefit? He has a
lost a thrilling, five-set spectacle keting companies are often able FrAnk FrAnklIn II/AssocIAted press pretty good idea he will be back
of athleticism to eventual cham- to finagle deals for top players Hyattsville native Frances Tiafoe cruised to a straight-set second-round victory over Sebastian Ofner. in Arthur Ashe Stadium.
pion Carlos Alcaraz. with swanky hotels, while many <I generally play some of my
Tiafoe has followed that suc- other players rely on tournament porary living situation but said away in <a bunch of rooms.= where they stay until after the best tennis on Ashe,= Tiafoe said.
cess with two titles and a top 10 hotels for lodgings. Tiafoe kept it he has a suite this year and his Star players who reside in tournament 4 then, fawning Ins- <I felt so comfortable on that
debut, though he has fallen short vague when describing his tem- traveling party is all squared hotels typically don9t reveal tagram posts about hotels tend to court.=
thE WashINgtON POst tHE diStrict EditiOn thursday, august 31, 2023

Local Living

Power up
The four superpowers kids
can cultivate to get through
middle school PAGE 10

Home How to pack 4 and move 4 Gardening What is 8electroculture9 On Parenting I9m worried about my Home Sales The latest
your book collection efficiently. 4 and does it help plants grow? 6 son-in-law yelling at his kids. 12 transactions in your area. L1
l oc al l ivin g
Jenny rogers How to
deputy editors:
amy Joyce, Marisa Kashino,
Mari-Jane Williams
art director:
Repairing an uneven ûnish on wood floors
shikha subramaniam BY J EANNE H UBER
twila Waddy Q: We hired a local handyman to
help renovate a bathroom and
Photo editor: rework two entry-area closets
Maya Valentine into a unified closet with bi-fold
staff writers: doors. This meant replacing
some of the wide-plank pine
Jura Koncius, rachel Kurzius
floorboards in our 1980s beach
columnist: Meghan leahy house. But the finish on the new
email: floorboards isn9t right, and it9s
telephone: 202-334-4409 driving me crazy. Short of hiring
a professional to sand and
Mail: refinish the entire floor of the
local living section, open-space living room, dining
the Washington post, 1301 K st. room, kitchen and hallway, is
nW, Washington, d.C. 20071 there a way to make the new
boards look better?
advertising A: Patching a wood floor and
ron ulrich, 202-334-5289 making it match is always tricky.
on tHe cover But from the pictures you sent, it
looks like your handyman didn9t
illustration by José l. soto/the try very hard. He seems to have
Washington post; istock sanded the new boards to get
them level, which was smart, but
didn9t take care to sand just
those boards. It9s not clear from
the pictures whether the whitish
haze on the new boards and the
ends of the older ones come from
scuff marks from sanding with a
rough grit, or whether the wood
was topped with a finish in an Washington post illustration; reader photo

inappropriate color.
Either way, to get everything make wadded-up rags the boards that you didn9t mask or dilute with water to create a
to match, the best solution is to spontaneously burst into flame. off. You can use a random-orbit color wash. The manufacturer
refinish the entire floor. But Hang rags individually to dry. sander where you need to says it9s not necessary to apply a
that9s a hassle, and it9s expensive. Linseed oil darkens wood refinish several boards that are wood conditioner first. But using
You should be able to slightly over time, so wait about side by side, but you9ll need to one will make the stain stretch
significantly improve the way the a week to evaluate the color hand-sand in the direction of the farther and go on more evenly,
floor looks, though, without match. One of the benefits of wood grain along edges next to said Carol Fiedler Kawaguchi,
resorting to that. Get a few trying to make new and old wood the painters tape and where a owner of C-Saw, a furniture
pieces of pine to use as test match by using oil or oil finish lone board is isolated between restoration company on
pieces. Prepare them by sanding alone is that it preserves the strips of tape. To remove the Bainbridge Island, Wash., who
in the direction of the wood normal color pattern. Pine, like finish on the older boards, you often uses these stains to make
grain with 100-grit sandpaper. many other softwoods, has will probably need to start with a repaired wood blend in with
That, not anything finer, is the contrasting bands of light- coarser grit, perhaps 40 or 60. older wood.
final sanding grit recommended colored wood that grew in Then work up to 80 and finally Water-based conditioner and
for wood floors. springtime and alternating dark- 100. the SamaN stains both dry
The old floorboards have a colored bands that grew in If oil alone doesn9t get the new quickly 4 often in less than 15
rich amber color. That typically winter. The spring wood is much wood to match the older wood, minutes. Once the surface is the
the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

comes from having an initial coat softer and spongier than the staining the new wood is your color you want and dry, top that
of oil finish, which might have winter wood, so if you apply only option, short of refinishing with several coats of a clear
been topped by additional, stain, the light-colored wood the entire floor. A couple of tips acrylic finish. Ideally, you want
similar coats or with a water- absorbs more pigment than the can help create a fairly uniform, to match the gloss level on the
based varnish. For your first test denser, darker wood. Bands of natural looking result. Before older boards. Years of wear have
piece, brush some oil-based wood that were lighter often you apply stain, brush on a wood probably changed the way the
varnish or oil-based become even darker than the conditioner, which will fill pores finish looks, so satin is probably
polyurethane onto one board, if winter wood, a color shift that in the wood so the surface a good choice.
you happen to have a can of can look almost ghoulish if you absorbs stain more evenly. If you One thing you might consider:
either finish on hand. If you need see darkly stained and naturally use a water-based stain, be sure If you get the color of the new
to buy finish, you might want to aged pine side by side. to get a water-based wood boards to match fairly well, you
get boiled linseed oil instead. It To avoid that possibility, you conditioner, such as Minwax could hire a pro to screen 4 or
will make pine change colors in a might want to go ahead with water-based pre-stain wood lightly sand 4 the whole floor
similar way but without exposing linseed oil (or an oil finish) as the conditioner ($21.99 a quart at and then apply a coat or two of
you to the same level of solvents. solution if the colors of the old Ace). For the stain, consider new finish. It9s quicker and less
(Boiled linseed oil is $17.99 a wood and the sample look fairly using SamaN wood stain, a costly than a full refinishing, but
quart at Ace Hardware.) With a uniform, even if the match isn9t water-based product that9s easy it gives the whole floor a uniform
clean cloth, rub some of the oil perfect. But avoid the ugly to apply and eliminates the top coat and makes the existing
into one of your test pieces. Let it sanding marks left by your overlap marks that sometimes finish last longer.
soak in for a few minutes, then handyman by refinishing entire show with other stains ($18.49
wipe away the excess. Be careful boards: all of the new pieces plus for 12 ounces on Amazon). Made ý Have a problem in your home?
not to leave the rags in a pile; the old floorboards that the by a company in Canada, the send questions to
linseed oil cures by combining handyman marred. Use wide stains come in numerous wood put <how
with oxygen in the air, and this painter9s tape to mask off colors, which you can mix to= in the subject line, tell us where
reaction releases enough heat to surrounding boards. Then sand together to create custom colors you live and try to include a photo.
the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023
Dc Home

Books can be a pain to move. These tips make the job easier.

Books are important to

Lokelani Alabanza. The pastry
chef and ice cream maker collects
rare and vintage cookbooks. Her
shelves feature spiral-bound
church recipe books and titles
like <Mahalia Jackson Cooks
Soul= and <A Painter9s Kitchen:
Recipes From the Kitchen of
Georgia O9Keeffe.= The books are
history, inspiration, decor.
<They9re sort of my pride and
joy,= Alabanza says.
Last year, when Alabanza
moved homes in Nashville, the
books became something else 4 a
mass of heavy, oddly shaped ob-
jects that had to get from one
place to another.
<It9s easy to look at them and
gaze upon their beauty on a shelf,
but once you have to move them,
it can be a little unnerving,= she
says. <I don9t think you realize
how many you have until you
have to move them.=
I can relate. I9m in the middle
of an international move and I9ve
spent more time figuring out
whether and how to pack my
iLLuSTraTion by JoSé L. SoTo/The WaShingTon PoST; iSTock
books than I have on furniture or
clothes. The books are heavy, nu-
merous, and spotted with dust
that betrays how unlikely I am to partially for all the books that I paperback on its side, weak card- an international move, I had to be instead of a monetary one, you
reread them. Yet I wonder how I own.= board or empty space can cause more discerning. I kept only might donate your books to a
could ever part with them. The Duffy9s collection ultimately boxes to collapse and books to be books that would be hard to library or thrift store. There are
books we own <are the fullest filled over 45 boxes, although she damaged. replace or that had sentimental also nonprofit groups that send
expression of self we have at our was on track to need far more. Before putting books into box- value. This is how I ended up books to people in prison, al-
disposal,= British author Nick <I wasn9t packing the boxes es, Beckwith recommends in- keeping George Plimpton9s his- though with some restrictions.
Hornby wrote. This is what a quite as tightly in the beginning,= specting and tidying them. <You tory of fireworks but discarding <Books that have writing in
book lover risks their mental and she says, adding that she was don9t want to take dust to your several well-reviewed novels. them, books that have highlight-
chiropractic health on. But there including scarves or other light new place,= he says. It9s also good One salve for the pain of dis- ing in them, books that have
are ways to make moving and items to take up empty space. to check for mold or bugs, which carding books is the prospect of water damage, any type of water
paring down books much easier. <Then I started to realize how can destroy books 4 or for a turning them into a few extra damage at all, we can9t send,= says
many boxes we were going to beloved bookmark you forgot bucks at a used book store. Before David Reeves, a board member of
Get the right boxes have, and so I went back and I about. showing up with a pile of castoffs the DC Books to Prisons. Many
and pack them carefully repacked.= On her second go- to sell, Beckwith says it9s best to prisons ban hardbacks, too. Oth-
No matter if you9re moving round, Duffy focused on getting How to get rid of books send titles and photos in advance erwise, Reeves says, prisoners re-
books across the world or across as many books into each box as (if you must) 4 every local shop will have dif- quest everything from dictionar-
town, you9ll need boxes. possible while making sure they Checking books for damage ferent preferences and clientele. ies to thrillers to coloring books
<The key is to get the proper weren9t getting too heavy to carry. and dust is also an opportunity to If the store you contact doesn9t and how-to-draw guides. A local
the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

sized boxes, good boxes,= says <Obviously everyone9s going to do a more existential cleaning. want your books, they may rec- books-to-prisons organization
Aaron Beckwith, manager of Cap- say this, it is kind of like a Tetris <I really like packing myself ommend another option. I sent a can arrange these donations.
itol Hill Books in D.C. and a thing,= Beckwith says. He recom- because it gives you the opportu- store near me a photo of my If you have only a few books to
former manager at the moving mends laying books flat and fit- nity to go through all your stuff unwanted cookbooks and ended give away, Little Free Libraries
company Bookstore Movers. ting others in around them to and triage,= Duffy says. up with an offer fairly quickly. across the country await your
The right box has a heavy bot- avoid too much empty space. This isn9t easy for book lovers Some larger stores, including donation. As my move-out date
tom and can be carried by one Books shouldn9t be placed in a who have spent small fortunes on the chain Half Price Books, accept neared, I strolled around my
person. Alabanza used produce way that would put pressure on collections and years reading all titles. Those that it can9t sell neighborhood depositing books
boxes from a restaurant. Beck- their spines or edges when boxes through them. Duffy purged clos- get donated, recycled or sold by into these, hoping someone
with recommends bankers boxes are stacked on top of one another. ets and kitchen drawers, but her the yard (to decorators, hotels or might want a history of clutter or
because they9re big enough for Packing paper can be used in shelves stayed largely intact. <I anyone who wants the look of a a collection of old <Ghost Rider=
most books and small enough for small spaces to keep things tight. maybe got rid of five books,= she library full of books & but doesn9t comics.
one person to carry. For rare or fragile books, Beck- says. want to actually read them). Before packing, I looked at the
Depending on the size of your with says bubble wrap, layers of <I can9t explain why books oc- The buyback price everywhere books I9d kept. There were more
books, a bankers box could hold a paper and mylar covers offer cupy this completely different will vary based on title, edition, than I had hoped, but I knew they
dozen of them, or more than 20. more protection. Once a box is space in my brain. I9ll be ruthless condition, store supply and cus- would look good and bring joy in
When estimating how many box- full, the lid should fit securely, when it comes to going through tomer demand. our new home. I wondered if they
es you need, it9s a good idea to with minimal space underneath. my wardrobe,= she adds. <But <Something that was a bestsell- were the <fullest expression of
round up. <You always want the box to be books I9m like, 8No, no, you are er two years ago, that everybody self = and went looking for that
<Take your initial number, and tight but not bursting or stretch- mine forever. I wanted you at read, and everybody has a copy, Hornby quote. I couldn9t find it. I
then probably double it,= says ing the edges of the books or box,= some point. Even if I never read that9s probably a book that we are gave away the book it9s printed in
avid reader Cat Duffy (on Insta- Beckwith says. This type of pack- you again, you9re going to stay on oversupplied on,= says Matt Dal- the last time I moved.
gram, she9s @catreadthat), who ing not only reduces the number my shelf.9= ton, director of merchandising
moved into a larger home in D.C. of boxes needed but also keeps With only so much space avail- and training for Half Price Books. gabe bullard is a writer who covers
last year. <We wanted more space books safe in transit. A flimsy able in a shipping container for If you9d like a spiritual reward culture and technology.
Home Dc

What to know before investing in a standby home generator


After Hurricane Ike knocked

out electricity to most of Houston
in 2008, my 83-year-old father
fired up his portable generator,
running extension cords through
an open kitchen window to a hand-
ful of lights, a fan and the refrigera-
tor. He dutifully kept it running for
five days, refilling the generator9s
gasoline tank every eight hours, so
he and my mother could comfort-
ably remain in the house. After
Hurricane Harvey struck in 2017,
the city went dark again, but this
time my parents barely noticed.
Within two minutes of the black-
out, the entire house, including the
air conditioning, had power. The
difference? My father had a 22-
kilowatt standby generator in-
stalled the year before.
Extreme weather, prolonged
outages and increased demand
on an aging electric grid are driv-
ing consumers to consider reli-
able backup power for their
homes. While homeowners have
long opted for portable genera-
tors, the convenience of a standby
4 including not having to manu-
ally refuel it every 8 to 12 hours or
pick and choose which handful of
outlets to power 4 is driving a
In 2002, only 0.63 percent of Generators run on natural gas or liquid propane. Unlike portable ones, standby generators don9t need refueling every 8 to 12 hours.
U.S. homes had installed backup
generators, mainly along hurri-
cane-prone coastlines. That num- liquid propane, so your home to 100 decibels for a portable unit. kW to 26 kW. House size doesn9t brick and mortar location, where
ber has grown to 5.77 percent, needs access to one or the other. matter as much as how much you should be able to view differ-
according to Randy Sandlin, sen- The generators have a transfer It9s an investment power you need, says Adams. You ent products, makes, models and
ior vice president of global prod- switch connecting them to the Expect to pay for the unit and decide what you want to power sizes. You may even be able to try
uct management for generator electrical panel that tells the transfer switch, plus installation. during an interruption: the entire the product, so you can see what
manufacturer Generac. A decade home to switch from the power While a small 7.5 kW model starts house or just essential circuits for might fit best for your home, try
ago, Jesse Adams, president of grid to the generator when serv- at about $2,000, most generators things such as central air, large some of the newest features and
Adams in Elkhorn, Wisc., esti- ice is disrupted. Unlike portable are in the $5,000 to $7,000 range. appliances, the garage door and hear the noise level, Adams says.
mates he sold and installed 35 models, a standby doesn9t need Installation ranges from $2,500 the primary bedroom. Typically, An in-person visit also allows
standby generators annually. refueling because it taps into your to $4,000 or more, depending on an installer will perform a walk- you to check out the dealer. En-
Now that figure is more than natural gas or liquid propane where you live; the location of through assessment of your home sure they are licensed and in-
2,000 a year. <More people are line. your gas meter or propane tank to calculate how much electricity sured, and that they employ fac-
working from home, using elec- Misha Kollontai, a senior test and electrical panel (whether is being used. Or you can check tory-certified technicians.
tric devices, even charging their project leader who assesses gen- they are next to one another or on your energy bills for average kilo- And ask how they respond if

the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

EVs,= Sandlin says. <A standby erators for Consumer Reports, opposite sides of the home); watts per day usage, suggests the generator doesn9t turn on or
generator is not just for storms, says that during testing, porta- whether you have a flat or steeply Kollontai. Also, Generac has an work during an outage.
it9s for peace of mind.= bles showed variations in per- sloped yard; the ease of access; online home back up sizing calcu- <If they can9t answer, they
That9s the reason Tom Dolan formance, but standby genera- and permitting fees. Typically, in- lator. aren9t the right partner,= Adams
and his wife Christina purchased tors performed well regardless of stallation takes a day. Generators says. <A generator is a piece of
a standby generator shortly after manufacturer. Major brands in- also require annual maintenance, You need a professional 20-year equipment, so you want a
moving into their home in King of clude Briggs & Stratton, Generac, which costs up to $300. installer company that9s going to be
Prussia, Pa. <We were concerned Winco, Champion and Kohler. Dolan spent $14,000, includ- Installing a standby generator around for 20 more years.=
about a medical device Christina Standby units are not much larg- ing installation, on his generator, is not a DIY project. Adams rec-
uses, as well as food spoilage, er than a large air conditioner, but considers it worth the money. ommends finding someone who Laura Daily is a colorado-based
frozen pipes and just being stuck usually about three to four square <I wanted something to power installs generators on a regular writer specializing in travel, health,
in the house for days without feet, says Kollontai. everything in the house,= he says. basis, rather than someone who food and consumer issues.
power,= Dolan says. <Two years Every week the system per- <I love that it9s seamless and runs does it once or twice a year. A
ago, when lightning struck an forms a self-test so you don9t have whether we9re home or not. That specialist handles the job from õ Chat Sept. 21 at 11 a.m. our
electric pole, the generator kicked to worry about being left without means if we9re out of town and start to finish 4 assessing your online Q&A is on a break this week
in so quickly, I didn9t even have to power in an emergency. Some lose electricity in the winter we needs; ensuring you are in full but will return Sept. 21 when Erin
reset the clocks.= models have mobile apps so you don9t have to worry about our compliance with municipal Lageman-Louies, senior manager at
There are several factors to can manage the generator re- pipes freezing. We consider it one codes, HOA rules and required Glidden, joins staff writer Jura
consider before buying a standby motely or see maintenance notic- of our better purchases.= permits; installation and hookup koncius. Submit questions at
generator. Here are some things es. And standby generators are to gas meters or propane tanks;
to keep in mind. quieter than their portable coun- What you power determines and follow-up maintenance.
terparts. Most produce a noise size Because you don9t want to be ý At Home newsletter Go to the
How they work level in the mid-60 decibels (simi- The greater the wattage, the scrambling to choose one during Home & Garden page to subscribe to
Instead of electricity, backup lar to an air conditioner or wash- more you can power. Whole a power outage, it9s best to shop our email newsletter, delivered every
generators run on natural gas or ing machine), compared with 75 house generators range from 7.5 ahead of time. Visit a dealer9s thursday.
DC Home

Electroculture, an old gardening method, is trending. Does it work?

BY K ATE M ORGAN ple, found that generating artifi-
cial lightning strikes near shiita-
Most of the space on Derek ke logs almost doubled the num-
Muller9s second-floor balcony in ber of mushrooms they produced.
Lake Chelan, Wash., is occupied And in 2018, Chinese scientists
by buckets of soil planted with told the South China Morning
radishes, cucumbers and beef- Post that an experiment that in-
steak tomatoes. In half the buck- volved applying pulses of positive
ets, lengths of copper and steel voltage to crops created a 20 to 30
wire are coiled into spirals and percent jump in yields. The World
nestled alongside the plants. This Economic Forum wrote that <the
isn9t just a garden: It9s an experi- implications of these experi-
ment in electroculture. ments are enormous too. & Pro-
The idea, in its simplest terms, ducing more food without put-
is that because the cells of plants ting exponential pressure on re-
4 just like our own 4 have electri- sources, or using prohibitively
cal signals, you can increase the high levels of chemicals is likely to
plants9 growing energy by captur- be one of the 21st century9s abid-
ing atmospheric electricity and ing themes.=
directing it into the soil. A more recent Chinese study
The term has surged on social published in the journal Nature
Photos by Derek Dean Muller
media in recent months as grow- Food used a device called a tribo-
ers with gardens large and small electric nanogenerator, powered
give electroculture a shot. A pub- physicist, Pierre Bertholon de million followers of his channel, by wind and rain, to create an
lic Facebook group called Ener- Saint-Lazare, published <De Epic Gardening, that antennas do electric field over a crop of peas.
getic Agriculture has more than L9électricité des Végétaux,= which not work. <Do you think if I could The device was built for under
150,000 members. The search recounted many of his contempo- bury wooden dowels with copper $40, and it sped up germination
terms <electroculture,= <elec- raries9 experiments in plant elec- rods in my garden & and I9d have and increased the peas9 yield by
troculture gardening= and <elec- trification. absolutely epic produce, that I close to 20 percent. It9s technol-
troculture copper wire= have been Bertholon9s book also promot- wouldn9t do it?= he says. <You9d be ogy that could be immediately
spiking on Google since early ed an invention, the <electro-veg- seeing this whole place covered in scaled, the scientists wrote, and
spring, and on TikTok, the eto-meter,= which used a large copper rods.= which <may profoundly contrib-
hashtag has racked up more than system of metal pillars and wires Espiritu is unconvinced by an- ute to the construction of a sus-
97 million views. Tutorials above a garden to electrify the ecdotes about increased produc- tainable economy.=
abound, with users demonstrat- whole plot. Things went haywire tion, he says, because he hasn9t But nothing about electrocul-
ing how to create antennas by when Jan Ingenhousz, the discov- TOP: Derek Muller is working seen any explanation for how an ture is settled fact, and a 2018
wrapping copper wire around erer of photosynthesis, installed on a documentary antenna could physically aid a systematic review of 19 studies on
long wooden dowels or bamboo the device in his garden and the <Electroculture Life= that is plant9s growth. the subject found they all <suf-
stakes. And there are plenty of plants promptly died. Ingenhousz tracking over 50 experiments in <Does it help it better photo- fered from methodological flaws,
before-and-after testimonials publicly maligned the idea, and 10 countries. ABOVE: World- synthesize? Does it help it better which lowered credibility in the
from gardeners who say that add- for the next century, electrocul- leading researcher and uptake nutrients? Does it speed results.=
ing electroculture antennas made ture fell out of vogue. electroculture pioneer, Yannick up the cellular metabolism of the Whether it can transform agri-
their plants flourish. In 1898, Finnish physics pro- Van Doorne. plant? No one seems to have that culture remains to be seen, but it9s
Muller is among them. <We fessor Karl Selim Lemström answer,= he says. <And when unlikely that adding copper rods
didn9t see much difference in the spoke at a meeting of the British understand how it worked and it someone says, 8It9s harnessing to your garden could harm your
radishes, to be honest, but the Association for the Advancement was difficult to use at a large natural earth energy,9 it9s like, plants. The risks to trying it are
cucumbers and tomatoes are of Science. He9d noted that trees scale.= So, Van Doorne says, it was okay, cool. Remember when we low, though Espiritu notes the
showing a great difference,= he grew more rapidly beneath the abandoned again, dismissed as believed the air was full of possibility, albeit improbable,
says. Those with antennas are aurora borealis, an effect he at- pseudoscience and relegated to a 8ether?9= that a tall enough copper pole
<taller plants, with bigger stalks tributed to the northern lights9 folksy practice. While there9s no hard evidence could attract lightning strikes.
and greener leaves.= electrical field. His experiments to suggest copper antennas, the Electroculture9s supporters are
But for every gardener who prompted British scientists to Re-energizing the debate <bastardized, social media-lite determined that, this time, it
swears by electroculture, it seems conduct their own, and early find- Early this spring, videos about version= of electroculture, as Es- won9t be swept under the rug.
the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

there9s another ready to debunk ings were so promising that, in electroculture began cropping up piritu puts it, have any impact in Muller, a filmmaker, will re-
it. Most evidence is anecdotal, 1918, the British Ministry of Agri- on social media, generating both the garden, research in the great- lease a documentary called <Elec-
and modern scientific studies are culture and Fisheries convened curiosity and skepticism. Garden- er field is surging. Some studies troculture Life= featuring Van
sparse. Still, proof may be mount- an official committee to investi- ing influencer Kevin Espiritu falls have shown that other electrified Doorne and other advocates. A
ing: Research in Europe and Asia gate electroculture. into the latter category. He posted systems may work. crowdfunding campaign for the
has shown encouraging results In 1936, with funding depleted, an Instagram video telling the 1 Research in Japan, for exam- project raised more than
and electroculture advocates 4 the committee disbanded. The $40,000. The time might finally
and some scientists 4 say that subject was largely forgotten by be right, says Van Doorne, for
harnessing electricity could revo- the scientific community after electroculture9s moment in the
lutionize food production. World War II, says Yannick Van sun.
Doorne, a Belgian agricultural en- <Today the media speaks about
Technology with old roots gineer and vocal advocate of elec- pollution, about chemicals, and
Electroculture might be having troculture, as synthetic pesticides everybody wants to find solu-
a moment on social media, but and herbicides, originally invent- tions,= he says. <Fertilizers have
the idea isn9t new. In the mid- ed to support military efforts, be- seen a price increase like never
1700s, around the time of Benja- came popular. The United States, before, so farmers are looking for
min Franklin9s kite-and-key dis- for example, dealt with a surplus alternatives. People are begin-
covery, electroculture experi- of the bomb ingredient ammoni- ning to garden because of food
ments were widespread among um nitrate by marketing it to prices, and because they want
aristocratic scientists, including farmers as fertilizer. autonomy. And everybody wants
Jean-Antoine Nollet, the French <It was like magic. You put a the best results with no work, so
physicist who discovered osmo- powder on your field and it grows electroculture is very interesting.=
sis, and English physician (and better,= says Van Doorne. <It was
grandfather to Charles) Erasmus easy and cheap. Electroculture Muller found in an experiment that his cucumber plants saw kate Morgan is a freelance writer in
Darwin. In 1783 another French was more mysterious; they didn9t a noticeable difference between the test and control groups. richland, Pa.

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Real Estate
LEFT: The rear portico has a set of mirrored
stairs. BELOW: The gardens include a
parterre, a section with a symmetrical pattern.
BOTTOM: Several renovations left historical
details, such as the fireplace in the formal
dining room, intact.

RobERt NaRod

GoRdoN bEall GoRdoN bEall

housE oF thE wEEk

Historical Va. horse farm sits on 132 acres

BY S OPHIA S OLANO the barns on the property.
John S. Phipps, son of Henry
Glickman also added custom
cased windows and pocket doors,
room overlooks the yard. The hall
leads to a sitting room, or office,
The manor house at Rockburn Phipps (a partner of Andrew Car- enlarged the kitchen and added a and an oversize formal living 2224 Crenshaw Rd., Marshall, Va.
Farm in Marshall, Va., has been negie9s in the steel industry), be- circular driveway at the front of room where Phipps once hosted Bedrooms/bathrooms: 7/9
expanded and renovated repeat- gan to purchase large tracts of the house, Bedford said. Many lavish parties. Approximate square footage:
the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

edly over hundreds of years, and land in the region, amassing over historical details, including origi- The second floor has a primary
it was rebuilt completely after a 2,500 acres. His son Hubert nal fireplaces, were left intact. bedroom suite with two full bath-
fire during the Civil War de- bought Rockburn Farm in 1930. Bedford remarked on <how old rooms, a walk-in closet, a fire- Lot size: 132.23 acres
stroyed everything but a stone Hubert B. Phipps was the edi- this house is= and on its <many place and a bar. Two other bed- Features: the manor house on
wall bearing the year 1828. tor and publisher of Virginia owners.= <But its integrity is being rooms on this level have a bath- this property has been expanded
The Glascock family, promi- newspapers including the Fau- left intact,= she said. <Its vernacu- room each and two more share a repeatedly over hundreds of years.
nent Virginia landowners, quier Democrat and the Loudoun lar is that of a true Virginia hunt bathroom. The third floor has a It has eight functioning fireplaces,
bought the property in 1771 and, Times-Mirror. In his free time, he country home.= bedroom, a full bathroom and a views of the blue Ridge Mountains
in the late 1820s, built the two- bred race horses and raised cattle The property, now on the mar- sitting room. and a four-car garage. the property
story frame house that burned at Rockburn Farm. And he ex- ket for $7.45 million, has a three- The lower level has a family includes two 15-stable barns and a
during the war. The date and panded the house in the 1950s, story main house with a finished room and a wine closet, with log cabin.
cause of the fire 4 as well as other adding a two-story stone wing lower level, and there are several access to a porch and, beyond
historical details of the estate 4 with a mansard roof, a white other structures. The foyer in the that, a patio. There9s also a sitting Listing agent: Cricket bedford,
are unclear. But the National Reg- stucco entrance hall and an Eng- main house has a skylight and room, a mud room, a full bath- thomas and talbot Estate
ister of Historic Places reports lish Regency-style facade, accord- leads to a library and a dining room, a laundry room and a Properties
that Rockburn Farm provided a ing to real estate agent Cricket room, each with a fireplace and four-car garage.
<safe house= and a meeting place Bedford. access to a large portico with The property, with more than
for Confederate cavalry com- The current owner, Mia Glick- stairs leading to the yard. The 130 acres, includes original wells,
manded by Col. John S. Mosby. man, bought the house in 1997 kitchen, breakfast area and mud two barns with 15 stalls each, a
The oldest remaining section and launched further renova- room have access to a porch that two-story log cabin, a silo, run-in
of the house was built in 1867. It tions, including removing walls connects to a one-bedroom apart- sheds to shelter livestock and a
was a one-and-a-half-story stone to <improve the flow [the visual ment otherwise detached from summer kitchen near an outdoor
building that later was raised to a relationship between interior the main house. pool. It is in the Cromwell9s Run
full two stories. The Glascock spaces] and proportions on the Off a curved hallway on the Historic District and protected by
family graveyard is near one of ground level,= Bedford said. main house9s main level, a sun- a conservation easement.
Real Estate dC

WhERE WE LiVE: DumfRiEs in ViRginia

Pr. Wlliam
town is D.C.

affordable, Springfield

Community of under
6,000 is 8a melting pot
of America9 Dale City

A small Prince William County WILLIAM
community less than two miles FOREST
north of the U.S. Marine Corps
base at Quantico keeps an eye on
the past while it looks to the
Dumfries was once the most
important Virginia port along the 5 MILES
Potomac River. Mentioned in © OpenStreetMap contributors

Thomas Jefferson9s <Notes on the THE WASHINGTON POST

State of Virginia,= its harbor on
Quantico Creek thrived in the
18th century and rivaled the busy the highway. ed community where residents
ports of New York and Boston as It9s been like that for decades, raised vegetables and livestock on
area farmers grew rich exporting but big changes are coming. An truck farms, said Reid, who grew
tobacco. In the 19th and early Arlington developer won approv- up there. Its residents came to
20th centuries, Dumfries was al in May for a 280-unit apart- Dumfries to shop and contribut-
bordered by the thriving Black ment and condominium project ed to its political and economic
community of Batestown. that Wood said will <beautify and life. In 1963, John Wilmer Porter,
Today the 1.5-square-mile transform our Main Street.= who grew up in Batestown and
home to 5,755 features affordable Behind an 18th-century tavern was Reid9s cousin, became Vir-
apartments, townhouse commu- and lodging house located on ginia9s first Black municipal offi-
nities and single-family houses Richmond Highway that today cial elected after Reconstruction
and a diverse majority-minority houses the Prince William County when Dumfries voters put him on
population whose population is Office of Historic Preservation, the Town Council. The Dumfries
roughly 39 percent Hispanic, 34 heavy equipment readies con- town hall is named after Porter.
percent Black and 21 percent struction of a $370 million gam- Tobacco was the engine of
White, Mayor Derrick Wood said. ing and entertainment complex. Dumfries9s growth in the 18th
<It9s a melting pot of America,= The Rose will be operated by century, but it also proved to be its
said Charlie Reid, a retired Colonial Downs Group and is downfall. In the 1780s, silt result-
Dumfries police officer who lives projected to employ 500 people, ing from the overproduction of
in Orange County but remains the company says, when it opens tobacco on area farms clogged the
active in the community. next year. harbor and choked off its boom-
Dumfries Elementary School, In its early days, Dumfries ing trade. Farmers abandoned

the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

which provides PreK to fifth- ranked among the most impor- tobacco for wheat and sent their
grade education, was built on the tant municipalities in Virginia. crops north to Alexandria for
site of the Dumfries Academy, The colonial assembly in Wil- shipping, Coulson said.
founded in 1760, said Edward liamsburg granted Dumfries a Dumfries went into a slow,
PhoTos by amanda andRade-Rhoades FoR The WashingTon PosT
Coulson, vice president of Histor- charter in 1749, making it one of prolonged decline in the decades
ic Dumfries Virginia, the town9s Dumfries, in Eastern Prince William County, features single-family the oldest towns in Virginia and that followed. City officials be-
historical society. houses, affordable apartments and townhouse communities. <It is the first to get a charter. George lieve a revival is at hand.
<It9s a nice, quiet town. It is close to D.C., but it9s not too close. The housing is more affordable Washington and George Mason <We9re working to become a
close to D.C., but it9s not too close. than further north,= says Edward Coulson, vice president of were frequent visitors. place where people just don9t
The housing is more affordable Historic Dumfries Virginia, the town9s historical society. Mason Locke Weems, the book- drive through, but people drive
than further north. It9s a nice selling parson whose biography to,= Wood said.
community. It9s a friendly com- $285,000 and $570,000. ble, with little turnover through of Washington mythologized the Transportation: Dumfries is
munity. It9s generally a low-crime The median housing price in the decades, said former mayor life of the first president, made near Exit 152 on Interstate 95. The
area,= Coulson said. the greater Dumfries area is Butch Rawner, 78, a lifelong resi- Dumfries his home and the head- Virginia Railway Express links
Bordered by more affluent $412,050, with 15 houses sold in dent of the town who has lived for quarters of his publishing busi- Dumfries with Washington, D.C.
communities to the north and the past year, according to Redfin. 55 years in the same house. ness in the early 19th century. and Northern Virginia, with sta-
east, Dumfries offers an afford- Realtor Dana Tran said <We9ve got people here,= he said, Today, the Weems-Botts House tions at Rippon and Quantico. A
able entry into homeownership. Dumfries attracts aspiring home referring to his neighbors, serves as a museum, genealogical new station is under construction
In August, a three-bedroom, one- buyers looking for something not <who9ve been here longer than research library and focal point at nearby Potomac Shores. Local
bath single-family house was sell- too far from Washington. <The us.= for community-wide historical bus service connects Dumfries
ing for $309,900 while a nearby market in Dumfries is very afford- Richmond Highway runs activities, including events for with the OmniRide Transit Cen-
four-bedroom, three-and-a-half able for first-time home buyers,= through the center of the com- children and adults. ter in Dale City.
bath single-family house is on the she said. <It9s right on their price pact community. Small business- Neighboring Batestown flour- Schools: Dumfries Elemen-
market at $599,000. Townhouses point.= es line the thoroughfare with ished in the late 19th and early tary, Graham Park Middle School
in Dumfries recently sold for Many neighborhoods are sta- residential areas on either side of 20th century as an unincorporat- and Forest Park High School.
Dc Family

iLLuSTraTion by JoSé L. SoTo/The WaShingTon PoST; iSTock

Raising superpowered tweens

in turbulent times
The middle school years are tough on kids. These skills will help them through.


In the movie <Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,= Miles Morales is 13

the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

when he gets bitten by a radioactive spider. Overnight, his pants are too
short, he sweats profusely when he talks to a girl at school, and he9s acutely
aware that people are whispering about him in the hallway. As he tries to
make sense of his disconcerting new reality, he concludes that <it must be
puberty.= ¶ Who could blame the kid for mistaking supernatural superpow-
ers for puberty? In fact, superheroes and tweens have a lot in common.
Both begin their journeys feeling like strangers to themselves, and both
must learn 3 through trial and error 3 how to activate their superpowers. ¶
Combine the turbulence of middle school with the turbulence in the outside
world, and it9s no wonder that tweens need superhuman strength to navi-
gate the tougher moments. Here are ways caregivers can help their kids ac-
quire four superpowers that they need to embrace their transformation and
recover from any setback.

acts in a way that9s brave and could make

you feel like you can do something?=
Moser said.
For instance, a child might ask them-
selves, <What would LeBron James do if he
failed once and had a terrible game and
was worried what other people think of
him?= Moser said, adding that parents can
show kids video clips of athletes talking
about what they do when they get stuck in
negativity. As he noted, <the athletes talk
about banking the past; about putting
that thing behind them and focusing on
preparing for the next thing.=
Super Balance: The power to set a
reasonable pace
In middle school, the pressure ratchets
up. Some kids react by being hard on
themselves and exhibiting perfectionist
tendencies, while others feel weighed
down by external expectations.
<Parents, teachers and schools can put
pressure on kids to be as perfect as
possible academically and athletically,
and maybe act in ways that are counter to
who they are,= said Robyn Silverman, a
child and teen development specialist and
author of <How to Talk to Kids About
As a result, a middle-schooler might
devote so much time to schoolwork and
extracurricular activities that they sacri-
fice sleep. The American Academy of
Pediatrics recommends that children ages
6 to 12 should sleep 9 to 12 hours a night,
and children ages 13 to 18 should sleep 8 to
10 hours a night. Yet, in middle schools in
every state, the majority of students
reported getting less than the recom-
mended amount of sleep.
Super Belonging: The power to find friends but feel like they9re on the edge of a What evidence supports these views you Despite the fact that friendship is
your place and make strong group 4 the proverbial third wheel? Are have of yourself ?9= everything to kids in this age group, they
connections they only lonely at travel baseball practic- Some middle-schoolers are more vul- also might sacrifice spending time with
When a well-liked seventh-grade girl es because they have little in common nerable than others, including those who peers. In a 2018 Pew Research Center
told me that she felt too awkward to talk to with teammates who attend a different are part of a marginalized group. Research Survey of 13- to 17-year-olds, roughly 40
anyone during recess, I wasn9t surprised. school? Do they have no one to eat with at shows that LGBTQ+ teens, for instance, percent of teens cited <too many obliga-
While it may be counterintuitive to kids, lunch? Once you pinpoint the problem, are more than four times as likely as their tions= as a reason that they don9t spend
even the most popular middle-schooler you can help them come up with potential peers to attempt suicide 4 not because of time with friends.
experiences insecurity. To the girl9s relief, solutions. their sexual orientation or gender identity Parents can help create healthy bound-
an extroverted classmate offered to act as but because of how they9re treated and aries, said Jennifer Breheny Wallace, au-
her <wing girl= and find ways to pull her Super Security: The power to take stigmatized in society. thor of the book <Never Enough: When
into conversations. pride in your identity Parents can be a protective buffer. Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic 4
Research shows that friendships play a Developmentally, middle-schoolers are According to the Trevor Project, kids who and What We Can Do About It.= In her
powerful role in decreasing middle- tasked with figuring out who they are and had <high social support= from their home, the internet goes off at 11 p.m. <If
schoolers9 stress and improving their whether they9re good enough. That9s expo- families reported attempting suicide at my kids are not done with the assignment,
health, but connecting with peers is easier nentially more difficult for today9s tweens, less than half the rate of those who felt low they know it goes back on at 6:30 a.m.,=

the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

for some than for others. To help all kids who not only are getting pummeled with or moderate social support. she said, adding that she wants her kids to
feel more comfortable in social situations, unrealistic images and messages, but also As Turner pointed out, <respecting the understand that <they9re human, they
arm them with concrete strategies. growing up in a time of deep division individuality of your child is always have limits, and they9re worthy of protec-
<Some kids think joining a conversation when differences can be dangerous. important for the development of their tion and rest.=
is just being present, standing next to To increase the odds that your child will self-esteem, and acceptance is especially <We sometimes think our job as a
someone, rather than actually contribut- talk to you about their fears and insecuri- important for [LGBTQ+] teens because parent is to support our kids9 ambition, to
ing to the conversation, even if it9s only ties, be clear that you don9t expect perfec- they may not be getting that from other be there and drive them to all the places,=
three words,= said psychologist Mary Al- tion and convey your openness to discuss- places.= Wallace added, <but in a hypercompetitive
vord, author of <The Action Mindset ing sensitive topics. culture sometimes our kids need the
Workbook for Teens.= <Or they may not <If they don9t want to disappoint you, or Super Bounce: The power to learn opposite 4 for us to limit them, even hold
know what to say.= they sense that you9re not comfortable and recover from missteps them back, to prevent them burning out.=
Explain that if a peer is talking about having the conversation, they won9t bring A small setback can stop even the most Every middle-schooler is going to strug-
sports, for instance, they can ask them it up and may make assumptions about confident tween in their tracks. To help gle at times to find their place, cope with
about their favorite sport. Alvord teaches your expectations,= said Erlanger Turner, them work through self-doubt and persist insecurity, bounce back from disappoint-
kids the <one-minute rule= to help them associate professor of psychology at Pep- toward a personal goal, teach them to ment and maintain balance, but that9s
understand pacing. <You watch and listen perdine University in Los Angeles. speak to themselves in the second- or what makes it the perfect time to help
to what someone is saying for a minute, You might ask, <What are these expecta- third-person, said Jason Moser, a profes- them hone their superpowers and learn to
then interject with a comment on the tions you have of yourself, or expectations sor of psychology and neuroscience at leverage any setback 4 from the personal
same topic,= she explained. Boost their others have that shape the way you feel Michigan State University who studies to the global 4 into resilience.
sense of belonging by sharing other about yourself ?= Turner said, adding that how distance self-talk facilitates emotion
practical tips, too, such as making eye he sometimes has kids write down the regulation. Phyllis L. Fagell is a school counselor, a clinical
contact and listening without interrupt- negative thoughts they9re having about You also can help them gain psychologi- professional counselor at the chrysalis Group,
ing. themselves. cal distance by seeking inspiration from a and the author of <Middle School
If your child tells you they9re lonely, try <Then we can challenge them and ask personal hero. Say, <Can you turn to Superpowers: Raising Resilient tweens in
to determine the root cause. Do they have questions like, 8Has this happened before? another individual you look up to who turbulent times= and <Middle School Matters.=
dc Family
On Parenting

My son-in-law often yells at his children. How can I help them?


Q: Is it disruptive to a child9s
emotional/mental health to have a
parent who yells, often at top
volume, as a frequent behavior-
management strategy? I9m the
grandmother in this scenario and
my son-in-law, from a different
culture, equates establishing
authority with yelling. I never
yelled at my two children, and as a
middle school teacher, I found it
more effective not to raise my voice.
I find it tough to be around the
yelling 4 it squashes my soul. I
can9t imagine the kids, ages 6, 3 and
6 months, enjoy it either. It does not
seem to have any effect on their
behavior; they continue with
whatever he is yelling at them to
stop. So, to return to my initial
question: How will being raised in
this type of environment impact
these children? My daughter is not
a yeller and has asked him to
control this tendency, but to no
avail. illuSTrATion By MAríA AlconAdA BrookS/The WAShingTon PoST; iSTock

A: Hello, thank you for writing in. With instinctively run toward us, some may also common for one, two or all of the isn9t effective, but they don9t know what
the exception of a couple of amazingly freeze and some may startle and cry. In children to yell at each other for both else to do.
patient cultures (look into how the Inuit any case, the alarm system has done its small and large issues because positive Within the range of abusive to simply
do it), parents everywhere lose their job. Your child is safe. communication and problem solving ineffective, yelling at children to correct
patience and yell at their children. In my As parents, we sometimes push on this skills are not being modeled or taught. their behavior doesn9t bode well for their
personal and professional experience, alarm button a little too much. If you have Children want to be good for their futures, but how poorly it will affect them,
there is a direct correlation between the ever told a young child, <If you don9t come parents, but in the absence of loving we don9t know. You are certainly within
amount of support a parent has and the with me, I am leaving you in this park & boundaries, they will often revert to what your rights to not stick around for the
the washington post . thursday, august 31 , 2023

yelling in the house (more support = less alone,= causing the child to panic and run the parents are doing the most 4 in this yelling, and I would take every
yelling). There are also important cultural to you, you have seen the power of alarm case, yelling. opportunity to watch and care for the kids.
forces at play here. Whether it is as small in humans. And it is effective! The child, You have mentioned that the father9s Having other adults who don9t yell is an
as your own family culture or as big as an fearing separation above all things, will yelling makes no difference on the important factor in your grandchildren9s
entire culture (your country), the volume run to your side. We have panicked the children9s behavior, and this is the one of growth, and your contribution can help
of parenting voices varies from human to child into coming with us, and they do. the dynamics that I have just described. them feel safe. Encourage your daughter
human. But over time (a short time), the child will The first, second, third and fourth time he to hire a parent coach who can work with
You have an essential question for me: stop responding to this panic. You will yelled, the children probably listened, but both parents; there are many coaches who
Is it disruptive to a child9s emotional/ begin to see them drag their feet or now? They tune him out. This is a specialize in helping parents learn new
mental health to have a parent who yells? completely ignore you, and now you are dangerous game because if a parent tools of communication. <How to Talk So
Allow me to answer it with a bit more really out of luck. You have exhausted the doesn9t have any other tools at their Kids Will Listen= by Adele Faber and
context, because I like to see these issues alarm lever 4 what threats do you have disposal, they may up the ante to verbal, Elaine Mazlish is a classic communication
in terms of effectiveness vs. left? No technology? No treats? There is emotional or physical abuse. I have a book for many parents, as well as
ineffectiveness. nothing more important to a young child tremendous amount of empathy for <Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids,= by Laura
To begin, every human is born with an than their relationship with you, so once parents who yell; I know that they don9t Markham. Good luck.
alarm system. As mammals, this alarm is you exhaust that, you are really up a creek. wake up and choose only one way to
meant to keep us alive, alert us to danger Another by-product of a parent who communicate and hold boundaries with õ also at read the
and, above all, keep us emotionally and yells too much is that one of the children their children (loudly and ineffectively). transcript of a recent live Q&A with leahy at
physically safe. When a child starts to (of the three) will become <the good one.= From a combination of how they grew up,, where you can also find
toddle toward the street and we scream, It is often, but not always, the eldest child environmental factors and their own past columns.
<Justin!= in a panicked voice, our child9s who will scamper around, trying to please mental health, many parents don9t have
alarm system is activated, they stop and the yelling parent, leading to over- the patience and support to lovingly hold ý Send parenting questions to leahy at
look up at us. Some children may management of the younger children. It is boundaries with their children. Yelling

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