Week 3

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cause we both didn't collide

cause we both didn't collide

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, you are
expected to:
• Formulate Research Questions and a statement
of the problem that helps the individual to
become Goal-Oriented
• Present a written statement of the problem that
helps the individual to become Goal-Oriented
Activity 1: Pick Me!
Directions: Choose a partner. Pick
ONE research title below. Write a
possible statement of the problem and
ONE (1) research question. Write your
answer on a yellow pad. You only have
5 minutes to complete the task.
Activity 1: Pick Me!
1. Study Habits and Learning Performance of Grade 11 TVL
students at OLSHCO.
2. Predictors of STEM Students’ Performance in Chemistry
Laboratories at OLSHCO.
3. Absenteeism of HUMSS Students at OLSHCO.
4. Effects of Computer Simulation Activity and Hands-on
Activity on the Product Creativity of Senior High Students.
5. Effects of webinar workshop on metacognitive monitoring,
self-assessment, and causal attribution on academic
achievement in General Biology of Grade 12 STEM students at
• What is the purpose of
formulating a statement of
the problem in research?

• How can the statement of

the problem be aligned with
the research question?
cause we both didn't collide
Statement of the Problem
• Viñas (2020) states that the statement of
the problem is written a concise description
of the well-targeted problem or issues that
need to be addressed by the researcher
and the goal of the study.
Statement of the Problem
• The work of De Vega (2020) indicated that
a statement of the problem should start
with a broad problem statement, followed
by a series of specific questions to be
systematically processed.
Statement of the Problem
• Solano et al. (2019) notes that the
statement of the problem should be written
in a declarative sentence.
The most common formats are as follows:
✓ This study will compare ✓ This study will examine
✓ This study will contrast ✓ This study will develop
✓ This study will investigate ✓ This study will clarify
✓ This study will describe ✓ This study will test
✓ This study will determine ✓ This study will evaluate
Elements of Statement of the

• Objective or goal of the

• Set of Research Questions
Elements of Statement of the
• Objective or goal of the study
- This is the first paragraph of the statement of the
problem. A brief statement of the main issue or
concern is stated in this part of the paper. The
researcher should also mention how the problem
should be addressed and the main objective or
target of the study.
Elements of Statement of the
• Set of Research Questions
- It is an answerable inquiry into a specific concern
or issue and is considered an initial step in a
research project. It directs you to the things you
want to discover about the topic. A topic is a
general problem or issue that the researcher wants
to be solved
cause we both didn't collide
Research Question
• It is a specific or sub-question to
specify the scope and the method of
collecting and analyzing data. It
serves as a guide and direction in
Types of Research Questions
in Quantitative Research

1. Descriptive research questions

2. Relation questions
3. Causal questions
Types of Research Questions in
Quantitative Research
1. Descriptive research questions
- ask questions on the kind,
qualifications, and categories of the
subjects or participants.
Types of Research Questions in
Quantitative Research
1. Descriptive research questions
• What is the profile of the respondents
in terms of age, gender, average
family income, and distance of their
house from school?
Types of Research Questions in
Quantitative Research
1. Descriptive research questions
How may the students be described in terms of;
a) Age,
b) Gender
c) Monthly income of both parents
d) Number of siblings, and
e) Size of the family
Types of Research Questions in
Quantitative Research
2. Relation questions
- are questions about the nature and
manner of connection between or
among variables.
Types of Research Questions in
Quantitative Research
2. Relation questions
• What is the relationship between the time spent
studying and the grades of students?
• Is there a significant difference in the scores of
the respondents during the pretest and
Types of Research Questions in
Quantitative Research
3. Causal questions
- reasons behind the effects of the
independent variable on the dependent
variable is the focus of these types of
research questions.
Types of Research Questions in
Quantitative Research
3. Causal questions
• What is the impact of social media on the
academic performance of students?
• What are the effects of Covid19 pandemic
on the study habits of students?
All Research Questions should be:
• Focused on a single problem or issue.
• Researchable using primary and/or
secondary sources.
• Feasible to answer within the
timeframe and practical constraints.
• Specific enough to answer
All Research Questions should be:
• Complex enough to develop the
answer over the space of a paper or
• Relevant to your field of study and/or
society more broadly.
Research title: Anxiety and Stress Levels
Perceived by the Community People during
This study aims to determine the anxiety and level of
stress perceived by the people in the community during
the quarantine period.
Research title: Anxiety and Stress Levels
Perceived by the Community People during

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following

1. What is the level of emotion of a person with anxiety
and stress?
2. What are the anxiety coping mechanisms/ activities
done by the people to alleviate stress and anxiety?
3. How do stress and anxiety affect the daily activities
of the person?
cause we both didn't collide
Write at least ONE example of research

Statement of the Problem Research Question

1. This study will examine the
relationship between effective
time management practices
and the academic success of
Grade 12 STEM students at
Statement of the Problem Research Question
2. The primary purpose of
this study is to investigate
the influence of peer
pressure on decision-
making and academic
outcomes of Grade 11 ABM
students at OLSHCO.
Statement of the Problem Research Question
3. The study aims to
determine the impact of
study habits on the learning
performance of Grade 12
HUMSS students at
Statement of the Problem Research Question
4. The study aims to
investigate the relationship
between playing mobile
games and the academic
performance of Grade 12
TVL students at OLSHCO.
• What is the purpose of
formulating a statement of
the problem in research?

• How can the statement of

the problem be aligned with
the research question?
Activity 2: Writing Continuum!
Directions: Go to your respective
groups. Write a statement of the
problem and research question
based on your research title. Your
group will brainstorm to complete
the given task.
Activity 2: Writing Continuum!
Directions: Afterward, present your
work to the class. Your output will
be graded based on the rubrics
provided. Write your answer on your
yellow pad. You only have 10
minutes to complete the task.
Activity 3: Writing Continuum!


Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:



Rubrics for Statement of the Problem
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Scor
(4) (3) (2) (1) e
State- The student The student The student The student is
ment of followed the could follow cannot follow not writing a
the correct most of the the format in statement
Problem format in format in writing writing the about the
writing the the statement of statement of chosen topic's
statement of the problem, but the problem problem. / The
the problem. there were some with many research
/ The errors. / The errors. / The question is not
research research research stated.
question is question is question is
clearly stated but not stated and not
stated and answerable. answerable.
Rubrics for Statement of the Problem
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Scor
(4) (3) (2) (1) e
Relevance The statement The statement of The statement of The statement
to the of the the problem is the problem has of the problem
Research problem relevant to the some relevance is irrelevant and
Topic demonstrates chosen research but lacks a clear does not address
a high level topic but could be connection to the the chosen
of relevance more specific or chosen research research topic
to the chosen focused. topic. effectively.
addressing a
Rubrics for Statement of the Problem
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Scor
(4) (3) (2) (1) e
Clarity & The statement is The The statement is The statement
Concisene exceptionally clear statement is somewhat clear lacks clarity and
ss and concise, clear and but could benefit conciseness,
effectively concise, with from further making it
conveying the only minor simplification challenging to
research problem areas that and clarity. understand the
or question. It is could be Some ambiguity research
easy to understand improved for may exist. problem or
and leaves no better clarity. question.
ambiguity. There is Significant
minimal ambiguity
ambiguity. exists.
Rubrics for Statement of the Problem
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Scor
(4) (3) (2) (1) e
Spelling The problem The statement The statement The statement
and statement and of the of the problem of the problem
Gramma research problem and and research and research
r question have research question have question have
no spelling or question have 3-4 spelling or more than five
grammar 1-2 spelling grammar spelling or
errors. or grammar errors. grammar
errors. errors.


Section: __________________________________________
Group No. ___

Name (alphabetical order) Score* Remarks**

*Rate from 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.
**Reason for the score given
Activities Descriptions

Revision of the Examples/ No The learner obtained 1-4 points based on

Examples the rubric criteria.

Revision of the Examples/ No The learner obtained 5-8 points based on

Examples the rubric criteria.

Search for three (3) related research The learner obtained 9-12 points based on
titles about their chosen topic. Revise the rubric criteria.
and improve weak statements of the
problem and research questions
Search for five (5) related research The learner obtained 13-16 points based on
titles about their chosen topic. Revise the rubric criteria.
and improve a weak statement of the
problem and research question.
• How does a statement of the
problem guide the research study?
Why is it essential to have clear and
concise research questions?
• How can the statement of the
problem/ research questions help
individuals to become goal-
• De Vega, E. T. (2020). Presenting Written Statement of the
Problem, First Edition. Puerto Princesa City: Department of
• De Vega, E. T. (2020). Stating Research Question, First
Edition. Puerto Princesa City: Department of Education.
• Dela Cruz, K. B. (2020). States the Research Questions, First
Edition. City of Malolos: Department of Education.
• Marzano, R. (2000). Classroom Instruction
That Works: Research-Based Strategies for
Increasing Student Achievement. Pearson.
• Regier, N (2012). 60 Formative Assessment
Strategies. Regier Educational Resources.
• Regier, N (2012). 60 Formative Assessment
Strategies. Regier Educational Resources.
• Viñas, R. S. (2020). Presenting Written
Statement of the Problem, First Edition. City
of Malolos: Department of Education.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, you are
expected to:
• Construct the significance of the study and
scope and delimitation of the study
incorporated in a real-world basis.
Activity: Concept Map!
Directions: Go to your respective
groups. draw a concept map and
write the three topics below.
Afterwards, the group will provide a
word/s that describes the following
topic as much as they can.
Activity: Concept Map!
Directions: The group will choose
TWO representatives to present their
works to the class. Each correct
answer is equivalent to 1 point. You
only have 5 minutes to complete the
Significance of the Study
• It provides an overview of the
significance and potential contributions of
your study. As a result, it tells the reader
who will benefit and what benefits they
will receive from the findings of your
• It comprises beneficiaries and benefits.
Significance of the Study
• Beneficiaries- These are the people
who will directly gain from the results of
the study.
✓ Academic Beneficiaries - include
educational staff, teachers, students,
and researchers.
Significance of the Study
• Beneficiaries- These are the people
who will directly gain from the results of
the study.
✓ Non-academic beneficiaries-
include stakeholders, policymakers’
agencies, organizations, and others.
Significance of the Study
• Benefits- it is the beneficiaries will gain
from the study. They refer to all the
benefits that can be gained by individuals
who are directly involved, particularly
researchers and research users.
Example: The Media’s Influence on the
Millennials: Retrospecting Academic
Performance and Media Exposure
General Significance: The result of the study
will be significant in presenting the intertwining
power of media in today’s youth and the
technological advances that brought a niche in
their lives.
School Administrators. The findings of the
study will help them realize the strengths and
weaknesses of the students on their media
access, habits, and preferences. The findings
can be further used as a springboard in
putting up faculty enrichment programs that
will help enhance teaching strategies for
improving the level of students’ academic
performance through the improvement of
their media-based curriculum.
Teachers. Since teachers greatly influence
the development of their students, they may
find this study useful in discovering ways and
means to improve their communication
degree program instruction and to enrich
students’ learning experiences through
proper utilization of the different forms of
Parents. The result of the study will develop
an awareness of the importance of their role
in the enhancement of their child’s academic
progress at home and them to be able to
guide them properly considering the number
of hours they have accessed, spent, and
availed of media.
Students. They will surely benefit from this
research work, as they will be able to realize
the importance of proper time management
which includes televiewing hours among
others, and study hours in order to improve
their academic performance.
Future Researchers. The result of this study
may serve as the basis for further study on
the influence of media. Also, it may prove
beneficial to those interested in conducting
research on relevant topics. Furthermore,
future researchers may enhance this research
to create a greater contribution to the
improvement of knowledge.
Scope of the Study
• According to Albay (2023), the scope of the
study discusses its focus in terms of the
variable involved; the location, time, and
duration; the respondents; the research
method and research design; the
instruments for data collection; and the
statistical tools for analyzing the collected
Limitation of the Study
• Limitations are factors that could affect the
study's findings and conclusions. It aims to
identify potential weaknesses of the study.
Examples: sample bias, insufficient sample
size, lack of prior research studies on the
topic, limited access to data, time
constraints, and cultural and other types of
Delimitation of the Study
• These are the characteristics that limit the
scope and describe the boundaries of the
study, such as the sample size,
geographical location or setting in which
the study takes place, population traits,
You may use the following phrases when writing
the scope and delimitation of
the study (Barrot 2017,36)

• This study covers… • This study does not

• This study focuses on… cover the…
• The coverage of this • This study is limited
study… to…
• This study consists of… • The researcher limited
this study to…
Components in Developing Scope and
• The scope and delimitation describe the
parameters to which the study is set
(Barrot 2017, 36). It is the two important
elements in research that inform the
readers what information should be
included and why it should be included in
the study.
of the Study,
sampling Research
Design, and
Topic of Instruments
the Study and Method


Locale of Time
the Study Frame of
the Study
of the
Components in Developing Scope and
• What- The topic of investigation and the
variables included
• Where-The locale, venue, or settings of
the research
• When- The time frame in which the study
will be conducted
• Why- The general objectives of the study
Components in Developing Scope and
• Who-The subject of the study,
characteristics of the participants in the
• How-The methodology of the research
which may include the research design,
data gathering technique, sampling
procedures, and data analysis scheme
Example: This study aims to examine the impact of
Facebook usage on students’ academic performance. The
study will be focused on the students’ spending time on
Facebook which affects their academic performance. The
respondents of the study will be limited to 100 senior
high school students which will be selected through a
random sampling technique. To gather the data, each
respondent will be given a set of structured survey
questionnaires to answer. The study will be conducted in
OLSHCO during the First Quarter of the school Year
Example: The purpose of this study is to examine the
efficacy of using Saba banana peels in producing
bioplastic. The study will focus on biodegradability and
the durability of bioplastic.
The study will be limited to use sized Saba bananas
with no injury or bruises on the skin to ensure the
experimental process was fair. The researcher will not be
using any parts of the banana or its plants except its
peeling. The study will be conducted during the First
Quarter of the school Year 2023-2024.
• School Year 2023-2024
• OLSHCO, Guimba Nueva Ecija
• 100 male and female Senior High
School students
• Working students and level of
academic performance
• To determine the level of academic
performance of working students
• Survey questionnaire
• School Year 2022-2023
• Determine the relationship between
family support and academic
performance of students
• Grade 12 STEM students
• The extent of family support and
academic performance of students
• Find out the factors that affect the
high passing rate of students
• Grade 12 HUMSS students
• First quarter of School Year 2023-
• Attendance monitoring system of the
school and communication of school to
• First semester School Year 2019-2020
• To find out the relationship of the
frequency of playing ML and the
academic performance of TVL students
• Grade 12 TVL students
• Academic Performance of students,
Frequency of playing ML
Scope and Delimitation
The main purpose of this study is to (1)
_______________________________ of (2)
___________________________. The study will be covered
(3) ____________________________.
This study will employ primary data that will be gathered
using a structured (4) ______________________. The
participants to be selected will be coming from different
strands to prevent sample bias. The study will be conducted
during the (5) ___________________________.
Scope and Delimitation
The main purpose of this study is to (1)
_______________________________ of (2)
___________________________. The study will be covered
(3) ____________________________.
This study will employ primary data that will be gathered
using a structured (4) ______________________. The
participants to be selected will be coming from different
strands to prevent sample bias. The study will be conducted
during the (5) ___________________________.
Significance of the Study

Beneficiaries Benefits

Activity 2: Write Me!
Directions: Go to your respective
groups. Write the scope and
delimitation, and the significance of
the study based on your research
title. Each group will be allowed to
brainstorm to complete the task.
Activity 2: Write Me!
Directions: The group will choose
TWO representatives to present their
work to the class. Write your answer
on a yellow pad. You only have 15
minutes to complete the task.
Proposed Study/ Research Title:

Scope of Delimitation: (Using the information listed on the concept

map, write your scope and delimitation in paragraph form)

Significance of the Study

General Significance:

Beneficiaries Benefits
1 1.
Rubrics for Scope and Delimitation and Significance of the Study
Criteri Excellent Good Fair Poor Scor
a (4) (3) (2) (1) e
Scope The student followed the The student could The student The
and correct format in writing follow most of the cannot follow student is
Delimit the Scope and format in writing the format in not writing
ation/ Delimitation. It includes Scope and writing the a scope of
Signific the general purpose of Delimitation, but Scope and delimitatio
ance of the study, subject matter there were some Delimitation n and
the and topics, the locale of errors. / The with many significanc
Study the study, the significance of the errors. / The e of the
population, and the study stated the significance of study.
period of the study. / The general the study is
significance of the study significance, the stated but
is well-written and clearly beneficiaries, and there are
states the general its benefits, but components
significance, the there are some not included.
beneficiaries and its errors.
Rubrics for Scope and Delimitation and Significance of the Study
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Scor
(4) (3) (2) (1) e
Relevance The scope and The scope The scope The scope and
to the delimitation, and and delimitation,
Research and delimitation, delimitation, and
Topic significance of and and significance of
the study significance significance of the study are
demonstrate a of the study the study irrelevant and
high level of is relevant to have some do not address
relevance to the chosen relevance but the chosen
the chosen research lack a clear research topic
research topic, topic but connection to effectively.
addressing a could be the chosen
significant more specific research
aspect. or focused. topic.
Rubrics for Scope and Delimitation and Significance of the Study
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Scor
(4) (3) (2) (1) e
Clarity & The statement is The The The statement
Concisen exceptionally statement is statement is lacks clarity and
ess clear and clear and somewhat conciseness,
concise, concise, with clear but making it
effectively only minor could benefit challenging to
conveying scope areas that from further understand the
and delimitation, could be simplification scope and
and significance improved for and clarity. delimitation, and
of the study. It better clarity. Some significance of
is easy to There is ambiguity the study.
understand and minimal may exist. Significant
leaves no ambiguity. ambiguity exists.
Rubrics for Scope and Delimitation and Significance of the Study
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Scor
(4) (3) (2) (1) e
Spelling The scope and The scope and The scope The scope and
and delimitation, delimitation, and delimitation,
Gramma and and delimitation, and
r significance of significance of and significance of
the study have the study have significance of the study have
no spelling or 1-2 spelling or the study more than five
grammar grammar have 3-4 spelling or
errors. errors. spelling or grammar
grammar errors.
Sentence Prompts
I understand…
I don’t understand….
I need more information
• De Vega, E. T. (2020). Indicating Scope and
Delimitation of the Study, First Edition. Puerto Princesa
City: Department of Education.
• Franco, L. S. (2020). Indicating Scope and Delimitation
of the Study, First Edition. City of Malolos: Department
of Education.
• Labrador, D. S. (2020). Significance of the Study.
Balanga City: Department of Education.
• Marzano, R. (2000). Classroom Instruction That Works:
Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student
Achievement. Pearson.
• Solano et. al. 2019. Diwa Senior High School Series:
Practical Research 2 (Second Edition). Diwa Learning
Systems Inc.
• Regier, N (2012). 60 Formative Assessment Strategies.
Regier Educational Resources.

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