Carbon Cantilever Beam Health Inspection Using
Carbon Cantilever Beam Health Inspection Using
Carbon Cantilever Beam Health Inspection Using
Abstract—We demonstrate a quasi-distributed sensor for can- lower (∼60 dB/km) in the near infra-red (NIR), thus improv-
tilever health inspection measurements using a fiber Bragg grating ing the potential for POF-sensing applications. CYTOP has the
(FBG) array inscribed in a polymer optical fiber. The FBGs were same chemical backbone as PMMA but the C-H bonds, respon-
characterized and calibrated for axial strain, temperature, and
relative humidity prior to their mounting on a carbon cantilever sible for absorption at 1550 nm are replaced with C-F, shifting
beam, the tail rotor of a helicopter. By using the zero-crossing the vibrational resonance to lower frequencies and reducing the
demodulation algorithm, we recovered the time-dependent, wave- NIR wavelength loss [12]–[15]. The excellent optical proper-
length response from each Bragg grating sensor and the vibration ties of CYTOP make it incompatible with traditional UV laser
response of the beam was extracted. We used the response of the FBG inscription methods, as there is no significant photosensi-
beam to study how the addition of masses at different positions on
the beam influences the vibrational behavior and mimics the lo- tivity in the UV wavelength region. Additionally, commercially
cation of “damage” through the time-dependent results. We show available CYTOP polymer fibres are multimode in nature, which
that health inspection measurements are feasible with polymer- results in multiple peak gratings; complicating sensor interroga-
based fiber Bragg gratings, offering accurate and rapid detection tion [16], [17]. To overcome both of these potential difficulties,
of damage points on a structural beam. we use a direct-write, plane-by-plane femtosecond (fs) laser in-
Index Terms—Femtosecond laser, fibre Bragg gratings, polymer scription method for the fabrication of FBG sensors in CYTOP
fibre, structural monitoring, vibration measurements. optical fibre [18]–[21]. Fs-laser inscription can readily induce
I. INTRODUCTION refractive index changes in all transparent materials, such as
perfluorinated fibres. Here we inscribe FBGs in a multimode
OLYMER optical fibres (POFs) have received significant
P interest during the last two decades, and this is primarily
because of their low Young’s modulus, which is approximately
gradient index POF producing a controlled inscription size for
each grating plane. In order to reduce the number of fibre modes
coupling to the grating, we limit its spatial extent to the central
25 times less than conventional glass fibres. When coupled with part of the core, in the region where the gradient index profile
fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors the increased elasticity of- peaks. In this way we are able to excite the strongest lower
fers a high tuning range, improved strain and pressure sensi- order modes thereby generating single peak POF-FBG spectra.
tivity; whereas thermal measurements are generally limited to The grating sensitivity is calibrated for axial strain, temperature
80-100 °C [1]–[7]. Several industrial applications have been and relative humidity. We develop a 2-m long FBG array as
proposed for POF-FBGs [8]–[11], however, the optical attenua- a quasi-distributed sensor and apply it to the health monitor-
tion loss of these fibres is a major drawback that limits their use. ing of a carbon cantilever beam, the tail rotor of a helicopter.
The most commonly used polymer in fibre form, polymethyl The key advantages for the quasi-distributed sensor system is
methacrylate (PMMA), has a transmission loss exceeding 100 the intrinsic absolute wavelength encoding for data recovery,
dB/m at 1550 nm, and this restricts the operational fibre length the relatively low cost, an inherent simplicity of use and a fast
to a few centimetres. This problem can be addressed through response time for rapid data recovery.
the use of a perfluorinated POF based on the cyclic transparent The use of composite materials is on the increase in several
optical polymer (CYTOP), for which the loss is significantly industries, principally for aviation, aerospace and marine appli-
cations. Carbon fibre composites are typically used where high
Manuscript received July 28, 2017; revised September 29, 2017 and October strength and light weight are paramount. However, composite
21, 2017; accepted October 24, 2017. Date of publication October 31, 2017; rotor blades are susceptible to the typical damage characteristics
date of current version February 24, 2018. (Corresponding author: Kyriacos of any composite material such as delamination effects, matrix
A. Theodosiou is with the Nanophotonics Research Laboratory, Cyprus Uni- cracking and fibre breakage. This has an impact on various prop-
versity of Technology, Limassol 3036, Cyprus, and also with Frederick Univer- erties of the composite rotor blade, affecting the rigidity, degree
sity, Nicosia 1036, Cyprus (e-mail: of deflection and frequency of vibration. Considering this re-
M. Komodromos is with Frederick University, Nicosia 1036, Cyprus (e-mail: quirement we studied the behaviour of a helicopter rear rotor
K. Kalli is with the Nanophotonics Research Laboratory, Cyprus University blade, an essential stabilising component for helicopter flight.
of Technology, Limassol 3036, Cyprus (e-mail: In addition to rotating, the tail rotor blades also change pitch
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at angle; counteracting airframe torque with anti-torque tail rotor
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2017.2768414 thrust. The tail rotor can fail if the rotor stops turning or the pitch
0733-8724 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIV ESTADUAL PAULISTA JULIO DE MESQUITA FILHO. Downloaded on August 14,2024 at 21:35:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 5. The transformation of the maximum peak to zero crossing due to the
Fig. 3. Temperature response of POF-FBG inscribed in CYTOP fibre for 35 Hilbert transformation.
to 60 °C according to the climate chamber temperature sensor.
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Fig. 10. Time-dependent FBG wavelength response for (a) no mass, (b) 17-g
mass, and (c) 34-g mass added on the beam at location 2 for the grating operating
at 1561 nm.
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