Sensors: Microstructured Optical Fiber Sensors Embedded in A Laminate Composite For Smart Material Applications
Sensors: Microstructured Optical Fiber Sensors Embedded in A Laminate Composite For Smart Material Applications
Sensors: Microstructured Optical Fiber Sensors Embedded in A Laminate Composite For Smart Material Applications
ISSN 1424-8220
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium; E-Mails: (S.S.); (T.G.); (F.B.); (H.T.)
CRISMAT CNRT-Matriaux/ENSICAEN, UMR 6508, UMS 3318, 6, Boulevard du Marchal Juin,
14050 Caen Cedex 04, France; E-Mail:
Universiteit Gent, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Gent, Belgium;
E-Mails: (N.L); (G.L); (E.V.); (J.D.);
Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland;
Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, Pl. M. Curie-Sklodowskiej 3, 20-031 Lublin, Poland;
Institute of Photonic Technology, Albert-Einstein-Strae 9, D-07745 Jena, Germany;
E-Mails: (M.B.); (H.B.)
Abstract: Fiber Bragg gratings written in highly birefringent microstructured optical fiber
with a dedicated design are embedded in a composite fiber-reinforced polymer. The Bragg
peak wavelength shifts are measured under controlled axial and transversal strain and
during thermal cycling of the composite sample. We obtain a sensitivity to transversal
strain that exceeds values reported earlier in literature by one order of magnitude. Our
results evidence the relevance of using microstructured optical fibers for structural integrity
monitoring of composite material structures.
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Keywords: Fiber Bragg grating; carbon fiber reinforced polymer; strain field monitoring
1. Introduction
Monitoring the internal strain state of fiber-reinforced polymer materials has become an important
issue since in-service strain monitoring of civil engineering and aeronautic structures can lead to
improved safety and better control over costs [1]. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensors are
excellent candidates for that purpose as they can be embedded in different materials for smart structure
applications. These sensors combine many advantages over conventional electrical sensor
configurations, such as for example their small size, their immunity to electromagnetic interference,
their multiplexing capabilities and self-referencing ability together with an often linear response that is
encoded in the change of their reflected resonance wavelength.
To monitor the structural health of composite fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP), one ideally needs a
complete mapping of the internal strain field of the material using multi-axial strain sensors. One also
needs to distinguish between the strain occurring in the axial and in the transverse directions.
Monitoring the strain in the transverse direction of a CFRP in a laminated configuration is indeed an
essential issue. In such structures reinforcement fibers enhance the mechanical strength of the
composite in the plane of the structure, but they suffer from fragility in the transverse direction. One
therefore needs to develop a system that is able to sense the out-of-the plane strains in composite
The possibility of embedding optical fibers in anisotropic materials has already been
demonstrated [2]. Nevertheless most of the work published so far has focused on axial load and
temperature variations, but did not investigate in detail the out-of-plane strain which is a key parameter
in the structural integrity of anisotropic materials. The sensitivity to transversal strain also remained
considerably lower than the sensitivity to axial strain [3,4]. In recent years substantial research efforts
also attempted at developing multi-parameter FBG sensors. Several reports described the
characterization of gratings subjected to transversal strains [5,6]. The Bragg gratings were written
either in polarization maintaining-fibers [4,7,8] or in microstructured optical fiber [9]. However
distinguishing between transversal and axial strain and correcting for temperature cross-sensitivity still
required to use a second grating [8].
Several studies indeed relied on two FBGs written in the same fiber: the first grating is sensitive to
all external perturbations (strain and temperature) while the second grating remains isolated from (part
of) the external mechanical strain. This approach allows precisely defining the influence of each
perturbation [10,11] but the presence of the capillary used to isolate the second grating from
mechanical load disturbs the structure under test.
In our work we demonstrate a new optical fiber sensor specifically designed to identify transverse
strain components in a CFRP with a much higher sensitivity than ever achieved before, and with a
response that is independent of temperature variations. To do so we use FBGs inscribed in a highly
birefringent microstructured optical fiber (MOF). Our paper is structured as follows. In the next
section we summarize the theory of FBGs and we characterize the Bragg grating inscribed in the MOF.
In Section 3 we theoretically and mechanically characterize the response of the bare free standing
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optical fiber to a transverse line load. In the fourth section we describe the embedding procedure and
we assess the behavior of the embedded fiber under several loading conditions (temperature, axial and
transversal tests). We eventually compare our results with those already reported in literature. Finally
we conclude on the possible use of integrated MOFs for precisely monitoring transverse strain fields in
laminated composite structures.
2. Description of the Microstructured Optical Fiber and Characteristics of the Bragg Grating
2.1. Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Theory
A fiber Bragg grating is a periodic modulation of the refractive index of the fiber core, extended
over a limited length of the fiber (typically a few mm). A FBG acts as a wavelength selective filter for
light traveling along the fiber: it reflects light with a spectrum centered on the Bragg wavelength B,
which is given by the following equation:
where is the grating period and neff is the mean effective refractive index in the core region [12]. In a
birefringent fiber two orthogonally polarized modes can propagate along the fiber with different phase
velocities. A Bragg grating in such a fiber will return two reflection peaks (at wavelengths B1 and B2)
corresponding to the two orthogonally polarized modes travelling along respectively the slow and fast
axis of the optical fiber. The spectral distance B between these two peaks, to which we will refer as
the wavelength separation, is proportional to the phase modal birefringence B:
2. .
where n1 and n2 are the effective indices of the two orthogonally polarized modes. Both the effective
indices and the grating period will be affected by temperature and by applied mechanical strain. To
determine the resulting Bragg wavelength shift of FBGs written in mechanically anisotropic optical
fibers, Kim et al. [13] made the assumption that most of the energy of the fundamental mode
propagating in the fiber is contained within the core and hence the principal strains at the centre of the
fiber are sufficient to determine this wavelength shift. Under this approximation and when assuming
constant temperature, the wavelength shifts can be derived from the total strain field present in the
center of the fiber core as:
where 1, 2 and 3 are the principal strain components along the axes of the fiber (3 refers to the axial
direction), p11 and p12 stand for the strain-optic coefficients [14], B1,2 denote the initial unstrained
wavelengths of the Bragg peaks for each polarization mode and B,1,2 are the Bragg wavelength peak
shifts. By applying mechanical strain to the grating, the phase modal birefringence is modified, which
in turn induces a measurable variation of the wavelength separation.
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using an amplified spontaneous emission source, a circulator and a commercially available FBG
interrogator with a peak wavelength detection resolution of 1 pm.
Figure 2. (a) Wavelength shift of the Bragg peaks versus transversal line load for one
particular fiber orientation. The red solid lines represent the linear fit. (b) Transverse line
load sensitivity plotted against angle of rotation for FBG in the fiber. The dashed vertical
lines indicate the maximum values.
Since the air-hole topology is highly asymmetric, the transversal line load sensitivity changes with
the angular orientation of the applied force with respect to the fiber cross-section. The grating
sensitivity is determined as the slope of a linear fit of the Bragg peak wavelength shift versus the
applied transversal line load for various angular orientations in steps of 15 [Figure 2(a)]. The typical
values of the R coefficients of the linear fits were above 0.995. The fiber response according to the
force orientation exhibits, as expected, a periodic behavior [Figure 2(b)]. We can point out the
differences in the fiber response at 0 and at 360 while the fiber orientations are theoretically identical.
These different values are most likely due to the difficult control of the fiber orientation and hence to
its uncertainty during the experiments. The highest sensitivity of about 370 pm/(N/mm) is obtained
when the load is applied along the slow axis of the fiber. The large side microstructure is designed to
guide the applied load along this eigenaxis to confine the stress into the core, which increases the
material birefringence and hence the sensitivity. We can compare our sensitivity to results published in
literature. It is twice as large as that obtained using conventional highly birefringent (HB) fibers such
as bow-tie fiber [160 pm/(N/mm) [19]]. In 2007 the sensing characteristics of a 220 m diameter
side-hole fiber were investigated [7]. The Bragg peak separation sensitivity reached 176 pm/(N/mm)
which is half the value found in our experiments. In 2009 the Bragg peak separation sensitivity of a
simple microstructured fiber tested in diametrical compression was reported to be about
100 pm/(N/mm) [20].
A numerical simulation of the FBG sensitivity to transversal line load was performed with the
commercially available COMSOL Multiphysics software in a two-dimensional finite element
model [16,20,21]. The exact dimensions of the simulated fiber have been extracted from a scanning
electron microscope image of the fabricated fiber. The simulation combines mechanical calculations
using the plane strain approximation and optical calculations where a full-vector perpendicular wave
representation is used to solve for the optical modes. The mechanical calculations attempt at
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determining the stress distribution in the fiber which is subsequently used in the optical calculations to
find the effective refractive indices of the fundamental optical modes of the fiber.
Figure 3. Comparison between experimental (EXP) and simulated values (FEA):
sensitivity of the wavelength separation versus fiber orientation.
The results for the maximum and minimum sensitivity obtained from the finite element model show
a reasonable agreement with the experimental results (Figure 3). The deviations are most likely due to
the uncertainty on the angular orientation of the optical fiber. As can be seen in Figure 1(a) the outer
shape of the cladding is not perfectly circular, which induces deviations in orientation between the
portion of the fiber held in the rotation stages and the portion clamped between the load applying
plates. The flattened shape of the outer cladding is therefore responsible for the flattened portions in
the angular sensitivity of the fiber observed in Figure 3. The simulation nevertheless confirms that the
sensitivity is maximal when the load is applied along the slow axis of the fiber. We therefore chose this
orientation to embed the fibers into the composite material samples to reach the highest sensitivity in
the transversal direction of the samples.
4. Response of the Embedded FBGs for Various Loading Conditions
The MOFs were embedded in composite materials in the previously defined orientation. Three
different types of loads were applied to the test specimens to compare the sensor responses: axial strain,
transversal strain and temperature tests were carried out.
4.1. Embedding Process and Verifications
The FBGs have been embedded at mid-thickness of a lay-up of 16 carbon fiber epoxy unidirectional
prepreg layers with a total thickness of 1.54 mm (M18/M55J material). The fiber coatings have been
removed using an optical fiber mechanical stripper after a chemical treatment over a few centimeters at
the location of the Bragg grating. The composite samples are processed in an autoclave using the
vacuum bagging technique, in which a temperature and pressure cycle is applied to the composite. The
test specimens have a symmetric lay-up ([902, 02]2S) and the optical fibers are oriented with their fast
axes parallel to the surface of the composite coupon. Visual inspection of the fiber orientation (after
the loading experiments) revealed a very low deviation from the desired orientation of about 3.
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The optical fibers have much greater dimensions than the carbon reinforcement fibers of the plies.
Embedding the fibers could therefore result in a geometric distortion of the surrounding fibers by
creating resin-rich pockets [22]. To avoid that problem the optical fibers are integrated in the same
direction as the reinforcement fibers. As seen in Figure 4(a), the optical fiber is homogeneously
surrounded by resin and reinforcement fibers which should have the least detrimental consequences on
the structural integrity of the host material. After embedding, the optical spectrum is still visible and
both peaks are clearly distinguishable, but we notice a shift of both peaks to higher wavelengths
[Figure 4(b)]. This peak shift is the result of the residual strains occurring during the production
process of the laminate and arising from the mismatch in material properties between the
reinforcement fibers and the resin. This was also shown in [3], where the curing process of a composite
laminate was monitored by a FBG inscribed in a conventional HB optical fiber to investigate the
possibility to monitor the different effects of axial and transversal stress and to determine the
residual stress.
Figure 4. (a) Transversal cross-section of the composite samples at the grating location.
(b) Spectrum of the Bragg grating sensor before and after embedding in composite
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hence the wavelength changes occurring during the thermal cycles do come from strain of the
surrounding material. Moreover for the bare optical fiber the Bragg peak separation sensitivity is about
0.07 pm/C which is more than 60 times lower than the Bragg peak separation sensitivity for the FBG
embedded in composite laminate. The temperature sensitivity is induced by the outer strain and
therefore the proposed sensor holds potential to evaluate process-induced residual strain in composite
samples and therefore to identify the initial internal state of a composite structure.
Figure 5. Responses of the embedded FBGs during the cooling phase; the temperature
variation is indicated with arrows. (a) Change in Bragg peak separation versus
temperature. (b) Change in Bragg peak wavelength versus temperature.
Axial displacement
Test sample
and optical
fiber direction
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Figure 6(b) shows that both peaks react in the same way and in a linear manner. Consequently the
peak separation of the sensor is almost insensitive to axial strain for both samples (Table 1) and the
fast and slow axes sensitivities are very close to those of the bare fiber (about 1.18 pm/).
Table 1. Axial strain sensitivity of FBGs sensors embedded in [02, 902]2S lay-up composite.
Fast axis
Slow axis
Peak separation
Applied load
Optical fibre
Test sample
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Table 2. Transversal strain sensitivity of the MOF.
Fast axis
Slow axis
Peak separation
The specific behavior of the sensors can hence be understood as follows. When the fiber is
non-uniformly loaded at constant temperature, one can de-multiplex the loads acting on the
optical fiber:
a Bragg peak separation change is induced by transversal strains, because the axial strain
sensitivity of the peak separation has been shown to be zero;
identical changes in the peak wavelengths will refer primarily to axial strains. The sensitivities of
the slow and fast axis for axial strain are 5 to 10 times larger than for transversal strain.
We can now assess in how much more sensitive our sensor is compared to FBGs in conventional
HB optical fibers and in a MOF with another type of microstructure.
4.5. Comparison of the Sensor Response with Previous Studies
In [23] the transversal strain response of sensors was determined for conventional bow-tie type HB
optical fiber and for another MOF structure (referred to here as MOF2) both embedded in a
unidirectional laminate. Figure 8 shows that the proposed MOF (referred to as MOF1) demonstrates a
much higher response to transversal strain than the two other FBGs. The transversal Bragg separation
sensitivity reaches about 0.16 pm/ in the case of the MOF studied here; which is one order of
magnitude higher than that of the conventional HB fiber and of MOF2. However the laminate
composite in [23] refers to a unidirectional configuration and one therefore needs to verify how large
the composite configuration influences the sensor response.
Figure 8. Transversal strain response of a conventional HB fiber of bow-tie type (HBF)
and of the MOF2 embedded in unidirectional laminate compared with the response of
MOF1 integrated in a cross-ply configuration (the sensitivity plots of MOF2 and HBF are
overlaying each other).
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To determine how important the laminate configuration is we perform numerical simulations of the
transversal strain tests. We first validate the simulations by comparing the numerical and experimental
response of MOF1 and then we model the behavior of MOF2 embedded in the cross-ply configuration.
The modeling of the laminate behavior submitted to transversal pressure is carried out with the
commercially available finite element software ABAQUS. The goal is to link the strain in the fiber
core to the strain in the laminate composite using Equations (4) and (5). The strain values used in these
equations are an average of the principal strains in the entire core region all along the grating length;
averaging the strain allows avoiding stress non-uniformity coming from the air-hole microstructure.
We assume in the analysis that the principal strain axes and the optical axes of the anisotropic fiber
overlap. We assume that the bonding between the optical fiber and the host material is perfect, the
deformations are considered small and both materials behave elastically. The composite laminate
model, illustrated in Figure 9(a), consists of 100,500 linear hexahedral elements of type C3D8R. The
mesh is refined in the vicinity of the optical fiber. For symmetry reasons, only one eighth of the
specimen is represented and specific boundary conditions are applied. The top surface is submitted to a
linearly increased load of maximum 25 MPa. The simulated length is 20 mm which ensures us to be
far away from the end facets and hence we avoid boundary effects.
Figure 9. (a) 1/8 of the laminate structure meshed and close-up of MOF1. (b) Strain in the
out-of-plane direction for MOF1.
Figure 10 summarizes the results of the finite element analysis (FEA). Figure 10(a) first evidences
the excellent agreement between simulations and experiments for MOF1 embedded in a cross-ply
laminated composite, with a relative error of only 4.5 %. This validates our model and FEA approach.
Second, the model suggests that when the same MOF is embedded within a unidirectional laminated
composite the sensitivity to applied load is slightly reduced by approximately 3.4% [Figure 10(a)].
This result indicates that the composite lay-up does not play a major role in the transversal sensor
response. Finally, the simulations again reveal the substantially improved sensitivity of MOF1 with a
factor of 6 compared to MOF2 when both fiber types are embedded within a composite with similar
lay-up [Figure 10(b)].
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Figure 10. Comparison between the composite configurations. (a) MOF1 embedded in
cross-ply laminate (experimental (EXP) and modeling (FEA)) and unidirectional laminate
(modeling). (b) MOF1 and MOF2 in cross-ply laminate (modeling results).
5. Conclusions
We have embedded fiber Bragg gratings written in specially designed highly birefringent
microstructured optical fiber in laminate fiber reinforced composite material samples, with the
intention to accurately monitor the transverse strain components inside composite materials. The
sensor response is encoded in the spectral distance between the two reflection peaks of the fiber Bragg
grating. The gratings were successfully integrated within the composite panels without compromising
the mechanical integrity of the material and the optical properties of the grating. The embedded Bragg
gratings exhibit a substantial improvement in sensitivity to transversal strain and a low sensitivity to
temperature changes compared to values reported earlier in literature. The embedded sensor sensitivity
to temperature was 4.41 pm/C, the sensitivity of the peak separation to transversal strain was
0.16 pm/, while the sensitivity of the peak separation to axial strain remained negligible. Transversal
strains can therefore be identified with resolutions down to about 10 using commercial fiber Bragg
grating interrogation equipment. Furthermore and owing to the selective response of our sensor and to
the bare sensor temperature sensitivity of 0.07 pm/C, composite curing and residual strains can be
monitored as well. This evidences the potential of using dedicated microstructured optical fibers in the
field of structural health monitoring.
The work of C. Sonnenfeld is supported by the Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders
(FWO-Vlaanderen). This work was supported in part by the Network of Excellence on Micro-Optics
(NEMO), and in part by the EU FP7 Photonics Skins for Optical Sensing (PHOSFOS) Project. The
SEM photograph was taken by the Department SURF of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The authors of
Vrije Universiteit Brussel would also like to acknowledge financial assistance from the Methusalem,
Hercules, IWT, IAP and GOA foundations.
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