Y11 Igcse Portions - Mock 1 Exam
Y11 Igcse Portions - Mock 1 Exam
Y11 Igcse Portions - Mock 1 Exam
Subject Contents
Paper # 1: Reading
• Reading comprehension [Qn 1 a-e]
• Summary writing [Qn 1-f]
• Reading comprehension [Qn 2a-c]
• Writer’s effect [Qn -2d]
First Language English • Extended response [Speech, Report, Article, Letter, Interview, Journal
Paper # 2: Writing
• Directed writing [Speech, Article, Letter writing]
• Composition [Descriptive and Narrative writing]
Paper # 2: Listening
Exercise 1-5. Listen to the audio and answer all questions.
Mathematics Unit 1
Review of number concepts (1.1 – 1.7)
Making sense of algebra (2.1 - 2.5)
Lines, angles and shapes (3.1 – 3.6)
Collecting, organizing and displaying data (4.1 – 4.3)
Unit 2
Fractions, percentages and standard form (5.1 – 5.4)
Equations, factors and formulae (6.1 – 6.3)
Perimeter, area and volume (7.1 – 7.3)
Introduction to probability (8.1 – 8.3)
Unit 3
Sequences, surds and sets (9.1 – 9.4)
Straight lines and quadratic equations (10.1 – 10.2)
Pythagoras ‘theorem and similar shapes (11.1 – 11.4)
Averages and measures of spread (12.1-12.5)
Unit 4
Understanding measurement (13.1 – 13.5)
Further solving of equations and inequalities (14.1 – 14.7)
Scale drawings, bearings and trigonometry (15.1- 15.9)
Scatter diagrams and correlation (16.1)
Unit 5
Managing money (17.1- 17.3)
Curved graphs (18.1-18.7)
Symmetry (19.1-19.4)
Histograms and cumulative frequency diagrams (20.1-20.2)
Unit 6
Ratio, rate and proportion (21.1-21.6)
More equations, formulae and functions (22.1-22.3)
Transformations and vectors (23.1-23.3)
Probability using tree diagrams and Venn diagrams (24.1-24.4)
Physics 1 Motion, forces and energy
2 Thermal physics
3 Waves
4 Electricity and magnetism
5 Nuclear physics
6 Space physics
Chemistry 1 States of matter
2 Atoms, elements and compounds
3 Stoichiometry
4 Electrochemistry
5 Chemical energetics
6 Chemical reactions
7 Acids, bases and salts
8 The Periodic Table
9 Metals
10 Chemistry of the environment
11 Organic chemistry
12 Experimental techniques and chemical analysis
Paper 2:
Unit 4- Family
Unit 5-Education
Unit 6- Crime, deviance and social control
Psychology Topic 1: Development
Topic 2: Memory
Topic 3: Psychological Problems
Topic 4: Brain and Neuropsychology
Topic 5: Social Influence
Topic 6: Criminal Psychology
Topic 7: The Self
Topic 11: Research Methods
Computer Science
Paper 1
1 Data representation
2 Data transmission
3 Hardware
4 Software
5 The internet and its uses
6 Automated and emerging technologies
Paper 2
7. Algorithm design and problem-solving
(Including Unseen Scenario)
8. Programming
9. Databases
10. Boolean logic
ICT Theory
1. Types and components of computer systems
2. Input And Output devices
3. Storage devices and media
4. Networks and the effects of using them
5. The effects of using IT
6. ICT applications
7. The system life cycle.
8. Safety and security
9 Audiences
11. File management
12. Images
13. Layout
14. Styles
15. Proofing
16. Graphs and charts
17. Document production
18. Databases
19. Presentations
20. Spreadsheets
11. File management
12. Images
13. Layout
14. Styles
15. Proofing
16. Graphs and charts
17. Document production
18. Databases
19. Presentations
20. Spreadsheets
Code 3180
1ـ الترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى اللغة اإلنجليزية ،ومن اللغة اإلنجليزية إلى اللغة العربية.
2ـ فهم المقروء.
3ـ الرسالة ،التقرير ،الحوار ،والخطبة.
4ـ الوصف ،كتابة قصة ،النقاش والجدال.
Code 7180
1ـ رسالة ـ تقرير ـ خطبة.
2ـ وصف سرد ـ نقاش وجدال.
3ـ خيارات من متعدد ،فهم مقروء ،وتلخيص ،قواعد نحوية وبالغية.
مالحظة :االهتمام بالخط ،وعالمات الترقيم ،أدوات الربط ،األخطاء اللغوية واإلمالئية ،عدد الكلمات،
األسلوب ودقة اللغة.
(األسلوب الخبري – األسلوب اإلنشائي – أدوات الربط – الضمائر – أسماء اإلشارة – األفعال -
All ppts, homework and note book
Arabic Special
. نص شعري خارجي+ بان الخليط- إذا المرء لم يدنس- : النصوص الشعرية-
. نص نثري خارجي+ " قصة "مصباح الحمام- قصة الخبز- : القراءة-
. الصفة المشبهة- صيغ المبالغة- : النحو-
. االستعارة- : البالغة-
. كتابة مقال: الكتابة-
. كل ما سبق دراسته من قواعد نحوية وبالغية وإمالئية:مالحظة
ORAL TEST with tajweed and vocabulary word meanings Surah Al Kahf (1-
10 verses)
Date: Oral test from next week on going.