Cosmetics InAyurveda
Cosmetics InAyurveda
Cosmetics InAyurveda
ISSN 2347-2375
The ancient science of cosmetology is believed to have originated in Egypt and India, but the earliest records of cosmetic substances
and their application dates back to circa 2500 and 1550 B.C, to the Indus valley civilization. There is evidence of highly advanced
ideas of self-beautification and a large array of various cosmetic usages both by men and women, in ancient India. Many of these
practices were subtly interwoven with the seasons and the normal rituals of life. Significantly, the use of cosmetics was directed not
only towards developing an externally pleasant and attractive personality, but also towards achieving excellence, longevity with good
health and happiness. Harmful chemicals found in synthetic cosmetics such as hair dyes, shampoos, nail polishes, face creams etc.
results in occupational hazards like allergies, dermatitis, respiratory health problems and even carcinogenic effects. Keeping the health
hazards with the synthetic cosmetics in view, the present study has been taken up to reveal the safest herbal beautifying formulations
embedded in the lore of Ayurvedic literature.
Keywords: Cosmetics, Health Hazards, Ayurvedic formulations.
environmental pollution. However, some of the recipes Emblica officinalis), Neeli Patra(leaves of Indigofera
mentioned in Ayurveda can be helpful to alleviate premature tinctoria), Bhringaraja Patra(leaves of Eclipta alba)
greying of hair and also restore natural colour in certain cases. and Loha Bhasma (incinerated Iron) mixed with
• External application of the paste of Triphala sheep urine turns the grey hair into black2.
(Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerika and
Table 1: Showing the chemicals useful in cosmetic industry and their health hazards1
Sl. No. Chemical Uses Hazards
a) Shampoos
Petroleum based products:
b) Hair relaxers
a) Petrolatum • Potential carcinogenic (cancer
c) Anti-aging creams
b) Mineral oil causing) effect.
1. d) Mascaras
c) Paraffin
e) Perfumes
d) Paraffin oil
f) Lipsticks
e) Paraffin wax
g) Lip balms.
• Damage to the liver, lungs, and
a) Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)/ a) Shampoo immune system
Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate b) Bath & shower products • Depression of nervous system
c) Toothpaste • Reproductive system disorders
• Severe skin irritant
Phthalates: • Negative effects on the reproductive
a) Perfumes
a) Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) system and early development.
b) Hairsprays
3. b) Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
c) Nail polishes
d) Skin moisturizers
c) Butyl benzyl phthalate
a) Alkyl parahydroxy benzoates
b) Butyl
a) Deodorants • Interfere with estrogens levels.
4. c) Methyl
b) Moisturizers
d) Ethyl
e) Propyl
f) Isobutyl paraben
• Carcinogen
a) Skin lightening products • Neurotoxin
a) Hydroquinone
5. b) Moisturizers • Skin sensitizer
• Cause ochronosis
• Nasal administration of Yashtimadhuka Taila • Similarly application of the oil prepared with the leaf
[Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Yavakshara of Jatiphala (Myristica fragrans), Karanja (Pongamia
(alkali prepared from Hordeum vulgare), Amalaki pinnata), Varuna (Crataeva religiosa),
and Tila Taila(sesamum oil)]for a period of seven Karavira(Nerium indicum) and Chitraka (Plumbago
daysis useful for the management of grey hair3. zeylanica) over the scalp alleviates baldness13.
• Nimba bija taila [Nimba Bija (seeds of Azadirachta • Application of Hastidantamasi (ash of elephant’s
indica), Bhringaraja,decoction of Asana (Pterocarpus tusk) over the scalp gives much better results in
marsupium) and Tila Taila ] used as nasal drops is curing baldness14.
effective in premature graying of hair4 Research profile:
• Regular use of Sarshapa taila(mustard oil) as Nasya 1. Many a number of research works have proved that
is also effective in the management of grey hair5 Tribulus is a testosterone booster. Low testosterone
• Intake of the decoction of Dasamoola, Bhringaraja might cause excessive hair loss. Hence, Tribulus can
and Jatamamsi (Nardostachys jatamansi) with goat's be considered as one of the drugs of choice in
milk at bedtime relieves premature graying of hair6. baldness15.
• External application of the paste of Tila, Amalaki, DANDRUFF:
Kinjalka (stamens of the lotus flower), Yashtimadhu Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost 50% of
and honey on the scalp restores the normal color of the population at the post-
the hair and also promotes hair growth7. pubertal age and of any gender. It
Research profile: often causes itching. It has been
1. Datta et al reported that the methanol extract of well established that
Eclipta alba may have potential as a hair growth keratinocytes play a key role in
promoter8. the expression and generation of
2. Eclipta alba is possessing rich source of natural dyes immunological reactions during
and the ultrasonic dyeing of cotton fabric with dandruff formation. The severity
aqueous extract of Eclipta alba is reported by of dandruff may fluctuate with
P.S.Vankar, R. Shankar and J. Srivastava9 season as it often worsens in
3. K.P.Sampath Kumar, Debjit Bhowmik et al. reported winter. Most cases of dandruff
that the Amalaki fruit is the richest source of Vitamin can be easily treated with specialized formulations.
C and is a diuretic, Laxative and hair dye10 • Pound Khas-Khas seeds (Papaver somniferum) in
4. Compared to Minoxidil, Eclipta alba initiated hair milk and apply on the scalp for the management of
growth quickly. Even the time for completed hair dandruff16.
growth was significantly less. This herb for hair • External application of the paste prepared by
growth is 46% more than Minoxidil11. pounding Amra beeja (Mangifera indica)and
BALDNESS: Haritaki(Terminalia chebula)with milk alleviates
Baldness is the partial or complete lack of hair growth, and dandruff 17.
part of the wider topic of "hair thinning". Both hair relaxer • Similarly oil prepared with Gunja phala (Abrus
solutions, and hot hair irons can also induce hair loss. In some precatorius) and Bhringaraja Swarasaisalso useful in
cases, alopecia is due to underlying medical conditions, such dandruff18.
as iron deficiency. Generally, hair loss in patches signifies • Application of the oil of Nimba and Karanja mixed
alopecia areata. Alopecia areata typically presents with sudden with Karpura (Cinnamomum camphora) over the
hair loss causing patches to appear on the scalp or other areas scalp cures the dandruff 19.
of the body. If left untreated, or if the condition does not • Grains of black gram dipped in sour gruel for three
respond to treatment, weeks and apply over the scalp for the management
complete baldness can of dandruff20.
result in the affected area, Research profile:
which is referred to as 1. Neem oil is reported to be the best fungicide21.
alopecia totalis. When the 2. The anti-microbial activity of different types of Neem
entire body suffers from extracts & Neem products are well documented in
complete hair loss, it is various studies. (Shankar narayanan 1965,Rao et al
referred to as alopecia 1986,Singh et al 1988)22
universalis. It is similar to 3. Antifungal activity of Haritaki fruit is reported by
the effects that occur with Inamdar et al 195923
chemotherapy. 4. The essential oil from the plant possesses potent anti
• External application of the paste of Gokshura fruits fungal activity against many fungi such as
(Tribulus terrestris), Tila( Sesamum indicum) Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans etc.(Thind
flowers, honey, and ghee on the scalp relieves and Suri 1979)24
Research profile: It is not only a cosmetic problem but also when the fissures or
1. Anti-inflammatory activity of volatile oil of the cracks are deep, they are painful to stand and the skin can
Haridra was investigated with reference to the bleed and in severe cases they can be infected. For this
inhibition of activated proteases responsible for acute condition some of the Ayurvedic
inflammatory processes(Tripathi et al . 1973)45 preparations are mentioned below.
2. The anti-inflammatory effect of volatile oil of the • External application of the
Haridra has been found to be greater than that of powder of Sarjarasa(gum
hydrocortisone (Katare, 1974)46 resin of Vateria indica) and
3. Various extracts prepared from the powdered fruits of Saindhavalavana mixed with
Haritaki have been wide antibacterial and antifungal honey and ghee relieves
spectrum (Inamdar et al ., 1959)47 cracks on the foot58.
4. Kashmari, Premnazole showed anti-inflammatory • Application of Ankola patra
activity comparable to that of phenylbutazone in Swarasa (leaf juice of Alangium salvifolium) or
reducing cotton pellet induced granuloma formation Vata Ksheera (milky latex of Ficus bengalensis)
in rats. (fitoterapia 1992,63,295)48 shows positive results in crack foot59
5. Rambir Singh et al., Dr B. R. Ambedkar Center for • Application of Vacha (Acorus calamus)Churna
Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, reported mixed with Madhuchista (beeswax) and ghee is also
that the Curcuma longa rhizome extracts were beneficial in crack foot.60
evaluated for antibacterial activity against pathogenic Research profile:
strains of Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, 1. Sarja rasa exhibited significant Anti-ulcer activity
Staphylococcus epidermidis) and Gram-negative against induced gastric ulcers in rats (Biswas et al.,
(Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 1993)61
Salmonella typhimurium)bacteria. Essential oil was 2. Bagade Sarojini was conducted a clinical trial on 60
found to be most active and its activity was compared patients by comparing the efficacy of Sala Niryasa
to standard antibiotics gentamycin, ampicillin, and Madhuchista and reported that both are equally
doxycycline and erythromycin in these strains49. effective in the management of Padadari62.
6. Ronita de, Parag Kundu et al., reported the FLOPPY BREAST:
Antimicrobial Activity of Curcumin against Floppy breast probably means that more fat in breasts than
Helicobacter pylori isolates from India and during glandular tissue, which helps maintain firmness. Another
Infections in Mice50 cause: The ligaments that support breast may have become
7. N. Niamsaand C. Sittiwet reported that the aqueous stretched out. Other droop-inducers include breast-feeding and
extract of C. longa exhibited antimicrobial activity weight loss. And jogging without proper support also may
against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, result in floppy breast.
Krebsilla pneumonia and Staphylococcus • External application of
epidermidis.51 the oil prepared from
8. Rana Pratap Singh* and D.A.Jain reported that the Vata Kshira (Ficus
total curcuminoids content showed better benghalensis) is useful
antibacterial as well as antifungal activity as compare for the management of
to volatile oil extracted from turmeric. Kanamycin floppy breast.63
was used as standard drug for antibacterial activity • Application of oil to
and Fluconazole as standard for antifungal activity.52 the breast prepared
9. Sujata & Kulkarni ,1989 studied In Vitro from bark, root and leaves of Kashmarya (Gmelina
antibacterial activity of extracts from T.chebula arborea) is also useful.64
against gram positive & gram negative bacteria.53 • Application of the paste prepared by pounding
10. Dhar et al., 1968 reported that the anti-viral activity Eranda patra (Ricinus communis) with vinegar
of Kashmarya against Ranikheth disease.54 alleviates floppy breast65.
Kunakha (Onychogry phosis):
• Apply the paste prepared of Kushta (Saussuria lappa)
& Jeeraka (Cuminum ciminum) over the nail to
alleviate Kunakha55 In fact, the concept of beauty and cosmetics is as old as
• Dusting the powder of Tankana on corners of nail mankind and civilization. Nowadays the consciousness of
and tying relieves in curing Kunakha56 beautification is increasing day by day not only in women but
Research profile: The essential oil of Kushta roots has strong also in men by adorning themselves with jewelry, scent and
antiseptic and disinfectant properties especially against cosmetics. Harmful chemicals found in cosmetics such as hair
streptococcus and staphylococcus (Chopra, 1958)57. dyes, nail polishes results in occupational hazards like
CRACKS ON THE FOOT: allergies, dermatitis and other respiratory health problems; and
One of the neglected parts of our body is foot, which leads to which has forced approximately 20% of hair dressers to stop
cracks on the foot and is predominantly seen in winter season. practicing their profession. Hence, herbal cosmetics have been
of great demand as they are efficient, safe and have lesser side 19. NisteshwarK., Ayurveda Soundarya Sadhanalu, Page
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nationally but on international arena. The cosmetics industry 20. Priyavrat Sharma, Chakradatta55/90, Chaukhambha
registered impressive sales worth Rs 422.3 Billion (US$ 9.3 publishers, Varanasi, 2002.
Billion) in 2010. Indian cosmetics sector is expected to 21.
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