Esearch200903 09
Esearch200903 09
Esearch200903 09
Peter B Kenen 1
An international currency is one that is used and held beyond the borders of the issuing
country, not merely for transactions with that country’s residents, but also, and importantly,
for transactions between non-residents. In other words, an international currency is one that
is used instead of the national currencies of the parties directly involved in an international
transaction, whether the transaction in question involves a purchase of goods, services or
financial assets.
It is important in this context to distinguish between a country that is host to an international
financial centre and one that has an international currency. Singapore is a major international
financial centre: banks located there, including the affiliates of foreign banks, conduct
international business for their clients and themselves, including currency trading. In fact, in
terms of the volume of currency trading, Singapore ranked fifth among all countries in the
most recent BIS Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market
Activity; its total foreign exchange turnover was exceeded only by those of the United
Kingdom, the United States, Switzerland and Japan (BIS (2008)). For many years, however,
the government of Singapore strongly discouraged use of the Singapore dollar as an
international currency – one in which foreign entities may issue or trade securities.
Dimensions of internationalisation
An international currency is one that performs some if not all of several tasks. Consider, first,
the invoicing of merchandise trade. Although some countries invoice large fractions of their
exports in their own national currencies, many others do not. In 2007, for example, some
77% of US exports to Japan were invoiced in US dollars, but 72% of Asian exports to Japan
were also invoiced in dollars, not in the Asian exporters’ currencies, with almost all of the rest
being invoiced in yen. Moreover, in that same year, 35% of EU exports to Japan were
invoiced in euros, but 48% were invoiced in yen. Turning to Japan’s exports, we find that
40% of its exports to Asian countries were invoiced in yen, with the bulk of the rest being
invoiced in dollars. But the yen is far less heavily used in the invoicing of Japanese exports to
the United States, where the dollar dominates, and it is used much less than the euro in
invoicing Japanese exports to the European Union, where the euro is more heavily used.
These numbers have been fairly stable for the last few years, save for the share of the euro
in the invoicing of Japanese imports from the member countries of the European Union,
which rose sharply in 2001, soon after the introduction of the single currency (though not at
the expense of the yen, the dollar or the pound sterling). 2
Walker Professor of Economics and International Finance Emeritus, Princeton University.
See Papaioannou and Portes (2008), Table 5. Unfortunately, the table does not indicate which currencies lost
shares to the euro in 2001. (They may perhaps have been invoiced in the currencies of individual euro area
countries before the changeover to the euro, as the contracts involved may have been made before the
There are, of course, exceptions to these patterns. Most importantly, exports of standardised
commodities traded on organised exchanges are invoiced mainly in the currencies used on
those exchanges, with petroleum being the most prominent example.
Consider, next, the issuance of bonds and other securities. Some such instruments are
denominated in the issuer’s currency, but many are denominated in the currency of the
prospective buyer and, more importantly, many are issued in third countries’ currencies. In all
three cases, however, they may be held and traded outside the issuer’s country. It is useful
to distinguish three types of “international” securities. 3 Some are issued on foreign markets
by domestic or foreign entities and are called eurobonds, even when they are not
denominated in euros. Soon after the introduction of the euro, however, the volume of euro-
denominated issues came to exceed the volume of dollar issues. These two types of
securities are listed in panels (2) and (3) of Table 1. Other bonds are issued domestically by
foreign entities and may be designed to attract foreign buyers (eg by exempting them from
withholding taxes on the interest payments). They are listed in panel (4) of Table 1. They are
called yankee bonds when issued in the United States, samurai bonds when issued in
Japan, kangaroo bonds when issued in Australia, and panda bonds when issued in China (of
which the first two were issued in 2005 by the International Finance Corporation and the
Asian Development Bank, subject to a subsequent understanding that the renminbi proceeds
would have to remain in China).
Table 1
How securities are issued
(1) Issued by and to domestic entities and traded (2) Issued by domestic entities to foreign
domestically and internationally entities and traded internationally
(3) Issued by and to foreign entities and traded (4) Issued domestically by foreign entities and
internationally traded domestically
NB: The issues listed in panels (1) and (4) are denominated in the currency of the country in which they are
issued. Those listed in panels (2) and (3) may be issued in the borrower’s currency if it is a widely traded
currency but are typically issued in a major international currency such as the dollar or euro.
This taxonomy draws on McCauley (2006), who traces the internationalisation of the Australian dollar.
First, the government must remove all restrictions on the freedom of any entity, domestic or
foreign, to buy or sell its country’s currency, whether in the spot or forward market. This
condition clearly requires that the issuing country’s government remove any restrictions on
foreign exchange trading by domestic and foreign entities, as well as any limitations on the
freedom of foreign entities to hold the domestic currency and derivative instruments
denominated in it. This condition, however, need not require that the government abolish all
restrictions on the freedom of domestic entities to hold foreign currency assets or to incur
foreign currency debts, nor does it bar the country’s financial regulators from limiting the long
or short foreign currency positions of domestic financial institutions. Indeed, it may be
necessary and appropriate for the regulators to keep a close watch on the size of the foreign
currency positions of domestic banks.
Second, domestic firms are able to invoice some, if not all, of their exports in their country’s
currency, and foreign firms are likewise able to invoice their exports in that country’s
currency, whether to the country itself or to third countries. The extent to which they can
actually do that, however, may be limited by the sorts of goods they export, the market power
of individual firms, and conventions prevailing internationally, such as the use of organised
markets for trading petroleum and other primary commodities. 4
Third, foreign firms, financial institutions, official institutions and individuals are able to hold
the country’s currency and financial instruments denominated in it, in amounts that they
deem useful and prudent. To the extent that foreign official institutions exercise this option on
a significant scale, the country’s currency will function as a reserve currency, but very few
currencies are capable of playing that role on a significant scale. At mid-2008, the countries
that report to the International Monetary Fund the currency composition of their official
reserves held 62.5% of those reserves in dollars, 27.0% in euros, 4.7% in pounds sterling,
and 5.7% in Swiss francs, yen and other currencies. 5
Fourth, foreign firms and financial institutions, including official institutions, are able to issue
marketable instruments in the country’s currency. These may include both equity and debt
instruments, not only in the country’s domestic markets but also in foreign markets, including,
of course, the foreign firms’ own countries’ markets. The volume of foreign issuance in the
domestic market may, of course, be regulated by the country’s government, as long as it
does not discriminate against foreign issuers. If issued in the country’s domestic markets,
those instruments must, of course, conform to domestic law, and disputes must then be
adjudicated in that country’s domestic courts. If issued abroad, they must conform to the laws
of the countries in which they are issued, and disputes must be adjudicated in those
countries’ courts.
Fifth, the issuing country’s own financial institutions and non-financial firms are able to issue
on foreign markets instruments denominated in their country’s own currency. In that case, of
There is a large literature on this subject. See, for example, Bacchetta and van Wincoop (2005), Engel (2005)
and Goldberg and Tille (2006). That literature, however, has focused mainly on optimal invoicing rather than
actual practice, and has taken little account of the length of time that elapses between the placing of an export
order and the payment date. When that interval is short, exchange rate risk can usually be hedged in the
forward market at very low cost. When that interval is long, as is the case with custom-built goods, forward
cover may not be available, and the risk of an exchange rate change in the interim may affect the participants’
currency preferences. The importance of this matter is illustrated by the recent announcement by COSCO
Corporation, a Chinese shipbuilding firm, that it will quote new contracts in renminbi (Beijing Review, 1 May
The reporting of reserve composition is voluntary, and countries that do not report accounted for almost 38%
of total currency reserves in mid-2008. (It may safely be inferred from the size of this percentage that China
and some of the large oil-producing countries belong to that group.) The IMF’s tabulation, moreover, does not
include the currency composition of assets held by sovereign wealth funds.
course, those instruments must conform to the laws of the country in which they are issued,
and disputes must then be adjudicated in that country’s courts.
Sixth, international financial institutions, such as the World Bank and regional development
banks, are able to issue debt instruments in a country’s market and to use its currency in
their financial operations. This may not directly benefit the country involved, although it will
provide domestic financial institutions with a larger supply of highly rated securities.
Lastly, the currency may be included in the “currency baskets” of other countries, which they
use in governing their own exchange rate policies. But that is also true of currencies that do
not qualify as international currencies.
Although Japan ranks high in both columns of Table 2, whereas China ranks low, this paper pays scant
attention to the internationalisation of the yen and much attention to the internationalisation of the renminbi.
The first reason for this is that Japan’s relative role in the world economy is apt to decline relative to that of
China, partly for demographic reasons. The second is that most of the literature on the internationalisation of
the yen was published several years ago, suggesting a decline in interest in the subject. Furthermore, the
focus of Japan’s economic diplomacy has come to rest on regional monetary cooperation in Asia, rather than
the unilateral internationalisation of the Japanese currency. There is, by contrast, a rapidly growing literature
on the internationalisation of the renminbi.
Table 2
Cross-border Spot Transactions by Domestic Entities
(percentages of total trading)
Source: Based on data from the April 2007 BIS survey of foreign-exchange turnover.
See footnote 3 for a recent Asian example.
budget deficit by issuing domestic currency debt on international markets, rather than issuing
foreign currency instruments. It may, likewise, allow a government to finance part, if not all, of
a current account deficit without drawing down its official reserves. This benefit is not
confined exclusively to reserve currency countries such as the United States, whose
government debt is one of the principal reserve assets held by foreign central banks and
governments. The issuance on international markets of private sector debt denominated in
domestic currency can likewise finance part, or all, of a current account deficit. 8
Some political scientists have argued that the international role of the dollar has greatly
enhanced the international hegemony of the United States, and that the international role of
the pound sterling has enhanced the political influence of the United Kingdom in an earlier
era. 9 Their argument has emphasised the benefits conferred by reserve currency status and,
in the case of the United States, its disproportionate influence on the policies and activities of
international financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund. It is not clear,
however, that the other dimensions of currency internationalisation have enhanced the
political or economic influence of the United States, and it is even less clear that the
prominent role of the City of London has enhanced the political or economic influence of the
United Kingdom, apart from its influence on its own colonies.
Advocates of currency internationalisation sometimes cite seigniorage as a separate benefit of currency
internationalisation. It arises in the international context when a government can issue debt on foreign markets
below the interest rate it must pay on debt issued domestically, or when its banknotes are widely held abroad,
giving the government what amounts to an interest-free loan. Thus, China earns seigniorage to the extent that
renminbi notes circulate in neighbouring countries. But it is not likely to be a significant benefit, save in the
case of dollar and euro banknotes, which are widely held and used abroad, often for illicit purposes such as
drug trafficking.
See, for example, Andrews (2006) and Cohen (2006); also Steil and Litan (2006).
policy to influence domestic economic activity – it exchanges unlimited quantities of Hong
Kong dollars for US dollars at a firmly fixed exchange rate. Singapore has adopted the
second option: the Singapore Monetary Authority relies on exchange rate changes to
influence domestic economic activity, rather than relying on interest rate changes for that
The second cost is sadly familiar. A country whose domestic currency debt is widely held
abroad, whether or not it was issued abroad, may suffer a large depreciation of its currency if
foreign holders come to believe that the country’s asset prices may fall sharply. They may
sell their claims, then sell the proceeds of their sales in the foreign exchange market, causing
the country’s currency to depreciate. It is thus akin to the risk that arises when a country has
a large foreign currency debt and its creditors come to believe that it will be unable to honour
it because its foreign exchange reserves are too small – that is what happened to Thailand in
1997. Much may then depend on the way that a country with an international currency copes
with a confidence problem, ie whether it allows its currency to depreciate when foreigners
(and residents) reduce their holdings of domestic currency assets, or whether it holds foreign
currency reserves large enough to limit the depreciation. In either case, however, foreign
sales of domestic currency assets will depress their prices, and the country’s domestic
investors will suffer losses, even if the monetary authorities prevent the country’s currency
from depreciating. And the larger the foreign holdings of the country’s domestic currency
debt relative to the size of its financial market, the greater the potential harm to the country’s
domestic investors and to its domestic economy.
The third cost is the risk to the domestic financial system posed by the issuance of foreign
debt to a country’s own residents. This cost once seemed to be quite small but looms much
larger now, as we count the cost to foreign investors of the financial tsunami that swept out
from the shores of the United States in 2008, following the onset of the subprime mortgage
crisis. The floating of domestic currency debt on foreign markets, one of the three forms of
internationalisation listed in Table 1, may not do grave damage to the domestic financial
system of the issuing country if the issuing entity defaults on its debt, although it may limit
temporarily the ability of other domestic entities to issue debt to foreigners. But the issuance
of foreign debt in a country’s domestic market may inflict widespread damage when the
issuing entity can no longer meet its obligations, even when the debt instruments involved
are not widely held, because it may impair the holders’ ability to meet their own obligations to
other domestic financial institutions.
A fourth cost resembles the third but has broader macroeconomic implications. The issuance
of foreign debt to a country’s residents, as well as the issuance of domestic debt in foreign
markets, may lead to more volatility in domestic interest rates and the exchange rate when
global markets are hit hard by a financial crisis in a major country, even if the crisis is of
lesser magnitude than the current financial crisis. There are, of course, many channels
through which a crisis in a major economy is bound to affect other countries, but the
internationalisation of a country’s currency, whether it involves the issuance of foreign debt in
a country’s domestic markets or the issuance of domestic debt in foreign markets, will most
certainly raise a country’s vulnerability to external shocks manifest in international financial
This appears to be happening to several emerging market countries that have issued foreign
currency debt on international markets and, at the time of writing, are suffering sharp
declines in their export earnings due to reductions in the volume and prices of their principal
exports. They are likely to have grave difficulties servicing their external debts, and some
may be forced to restructure those debts, including debts incurred by the private sector.
The debt crisis of the 1980s was due in large part to the inability of public sector debtors to
service and repay their foreign currency debts to foreign banks. The Asian crisis of the late
1990s was due in large part to the inability of private sector debtors to service their foreign
debts because their national governments had insufficient reserves. The current financial
crisis is affecting both public and private borrowers who have issued debt on international
markets, and some of their countries are likely to require large-scale assistance from the
International Monetary Fund and other bodies to meet their obligations. Some, indeed, have
already done so.
A cautionary note may be in order here. A country with an international currency must make
every effort to preserve it, as it can be hard to restore its role once it is impaired. In the years
after the Second World War, New York was a major centre for the issuance of other
countries’ bonds. In 1963, however, the United States imposed a so-called Interest
Equalization Tax on US purchases of foreign securities in order to limit capital outflows and
reduce its balance of payments deficit. The unintended but long-lasting result was a
migration of international bond issuance and trading from New York to London and thus a
decline in the share of US financial institutions, which was not fully reversed thereafter. A
country should not embark on the internationalisation of its currency and financial sector until
it is confident that it can sustain its role in international financial markets.
On the small size of Asian bond markets and the reasons for it, see Eichengreen and Luengnaruemitchai
See Ma and Remolona (2006).
may be a first tentative step in that direction, but only if the participating countries can agree
to be bound by collective decisions rather than retaining the right to decide individually
whether or not their countries’ currencies can be used to assist another member country.
When one looks beyond ASEAN, moreover, the prospects for fully fledged economic
integration in East Asia become even dimmer. 12
Achieving internationalisation
The obstacles to regional integration summarised above suggest that Asian countries can
and should follow a different path, linking themselves individually to the global economy
rather than focusing on regional integration, and currency internationalisation can play a role
in that process, as it has for Australia and New Zealand. 13 In the mid-1970s, Australian
borrowers began to issue bonds offshore denominated in Australian dollars, but the
individual issues were relatively small and resembled private placements. The volume and
size of the bond issues did not begin to grow until 1983, when Australia allowed its currency
to float and dismantled its exchange controls. Furthermore, the issuers included foreign as
well as Australian entities. In 2005, for example, the three largest issues were floated by the
New South Wales Treasury, the World Bank and a Dutch bank. In recent years, moreover,
foreign borrowers have issued bonds in the Australian market denominated in Australian
dollars (the so-called kangaroo bonds).
It must be emphasised, however, that the success of Australia as an issuer of eurobonds and
host to the issuance of foreign bonds in its domestic market was facilitated by the existence
of a well developed foreign exchange market, including, importantly, a swap market. The size
and quality of that market may owe much to Australia’s role as an exporter of standardised
commodities priced in US dollars.
Although other Asian countries do not have this helpful attribute, Hong Kong and Singapore
have well developed financial and foreign exchange markets, and could come to serve as
entrepôts for the floating and trading of bonds issued by other Asian countries, especially
renminbi bonds issued by financial institutions and non-financial firms, much as Hong Kong
and Singapore now serve as entrepôts for the merchandise trade of Asian countries. There is
already a renminbi bond market in Hong Kong. The growth rate of activity in that market,
however, will depend on the willingness of the Chinese government to give Chinese banks
and other private sector borrowers unrestricted access to that market, and on the speed with
which potential borrowers become more creditworthy than they are today. 14
Internationalisation is not an inevitable consequence of financial liberalisation, nor can a
government guarantee that the steps it takes to liberalise its country’s capital account will
lead inevitably to internationalisation. Yet internationalisation may be a spur to the
strengthening of the domestic financial system and enrich the menu of financial assets
available to domestic investors. It may also allow domestic firms and financial institutions to
The views expressed in this paragraph are developed more fully in Kenen and Meade (2008), Chapter 6.
The discussion that follows draws heavily on McCauley (2006).
This possibility is suggested by Chen and Peng (2007). Eichengreen (2006) goes further, suggesting that
Hong Kong may eventually substitute the renminbi for the Hong Kong dollar.
borrow abroad at lower cost and in significantly larger amounts than may be available
domestically. Finally, it will be a spur to the further development of the domestic financial
system. It is, in short, a financial counterpart to the internationalisation of the real economy
that has occurred with remarkable speed in so many East Asian countries.
The internationalisation of Asian currencies may be delayed by the severe international
financial crisis that erupted in 2008, especially the floating of international bond issues. But
the crisis need not delay the increased use of Asian currencies for the invoicing of Asian
exports; it could indeed accelerate that process, as Asian firms seek to hedge against large
movements in the currencies of their trading partners. As the crisis subsides, moreover, the
process of internationalisation can be expected to resume.
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