Traffic Management Systems Problems and Their Solutions: February 2023
Traffic Management Systems Problems and Their Solutions: February 2023
Traffic Management Systems Problems and Their Solutions: February 2023
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All content following this page was uploaded by Vilma Venus Andoy on 12 July 2023.
Puerto Princesa City experienced traffic because of the bigger volume of vehicles in the city there are sometimes
causing of accidents that cause traffic. This study focused on the evaluation of the causes and effects of the
problems encountered by the traffic management system. This study uses a descriptive design of research to find
out the Traffic Management System of Puerto Princesa City encountered problems and its possible situations. The
Results show that the traffic management system implementation of the City government smooths traffic flows,
reduces accidents, and implements the rules and regulations concerning traffic systems and management should
be evaluated its problems, issues, and possible solutions. The growing number of vehicles in the city experienced
that cause traffic, malfunctions of traffic control devices, narrow roads, lack of discipline among drivers, lack of
awareness of the pedestrians on traffic codes and regulations, and accidents on roads, no centralized terminals for
public vehicles are now experienced and happen in our city as observed traffic problems. These problems need to
be addressed and given immediate attention and the community perceived towards Best Possible Solution to
minimize the cause of traffic problems.
Keywords: Traffic management System, Traffic problems, Traffic solutions, Traffic Evaluation.
One of the most problems that the government is facing today is traffics. Philippines are losing
Php2.4 Billion per day due to traffic congestion that eats the time that could have been used
for productive pursuits. Anywhere here even in urban or rural areas there’s always traffic,
there are so many ways why the roads become traffics. Sometimes it could have accident or
either sometimes the drivers of any kind of vehicles did not give each other to give pass
specially on the part of intersection roads.
The engineers and traffic law enforcement authority have a big role in traffic management
scheme. They are responsible to create and manage designs and operations that enable the safe,
efficient and convenient flow of vehicle traffic. Engineers are highly trained professionals who
use their expertise to design and maintain free flowing traffic on the roads and highways.
Analyzing information such as accident statistics, traffic flow and speed data, the traffic
engineer develops plans for safe and efficient roads, streets, highways and traffic related
The thrust of the City government on the smooth traffic flows, reduce accidents and
implementations the rules and regulations concerning traffic systems and management should
be evaluated as to what extent of level if implementations. The growing number of vehicles in
the city is evidently experienced that cause traffic, malfunctions traffic control devices, narrow
roads, lack of discipline among drivers, lack of awareness of the pedestrians on traffic codes
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and regulations, and accidents on roads, no centralized terminals for public vehicles is now
experienced and evidently happen in our city as observed traffic problems. This problems needs
to be addressed and given immediate attention.” (Baac et al., 2011)
The researcher analyzed the traffic systems of Puerto Princesa City to determine if what are
the possible solution that needed to made to prevent the traffic and the researcher can give
advice on the traffic management based on the data that gathered and to the survey that get to
the drivers of different vehicles and passengers.
The general objective of the study is to analyze the traffic in Puerto Princesa City and the
relation to its traffic management system. Specifically, it aimed to:
1. To evaluate the traffic management scheme of Puerto Princesa City perceived by drivers
and passengers;
2. To describe traffic system analysis of the National Highway, Puerto Princesa City;
3. To correlate the traffic management scheme of Puerto Princesa City- Traffic Management
Office to traffic system analysis; and
4. To identify the perceived best solutions to traffic problems in the City of Puerto Princesa.
The researcher prepares a questionnaire and interview guide. The pre-final copies are pre-tested
to the selected drivers and passengers.
The copy of a CCTV Footage video, copy of a police traffic accidents records that was compile
at the Office of PNP, record of a traffic count of vehicles in order to analyze the flow of traffic
were asked from certain agencies. The researcher interviewed respondents as to clarity of the
questions concerned and the researcher was administered the questionnaire to the respondents
with the help of his laborers.
2.1 Research Method
This study uses a descriptive design of research. The design is valuable to find out the Traffic
Management System of Puerto Princesa City and analyze the traffic. This method collects
information from a group of people in order to describe some aspects of characteristics such as
abilities, opinions, perceptions, observations, attitudes and or knowledge of the population of
which that group is a part.” (Fraenkel and Wallen) In this study, the implementation of Traffic
Management System of Puerto Princesa City was survey through the use of questionnaire.
Also, this research were used a video recorder to record all the vehicles that pass through
between major intersections of Puerto Princesa City. It also utilized the descriptive correlation
method of query that study compares the respondents on the level of implementation of the
traffic system management of Puerto Princesa City and the traffic system analysis. The extent
of the perception on the implementation and observance of the traffic system and management
of the city was correlated to the traffic system analyzed.
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2.2 Sampling
In order to obtain a representative sample, the researcher used convenience – purposive
sampling on which the respondents are selected subjectively by the researcher” (Zulueta and
Costales, Jr.). This also used convenience quota sampling technique. Equal representations of
the sample/respondents distributions involved 100 pedestrians, 100 students, 100 Businessman,
100 Motorcycle Drivers, 100 Cab Drivers, 100 Private Vehicle Drivers and 100 Tricycle
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The table 1 shows the traffic / transport system situation of the national road from Caltex
Station (Junction 2) to Adventist Hospital, San Pedro National Highway, and Puerto Princesa
City. The traffic system analysis was analyzed according to four categories as to traffic
situation, traffic Accident, transport spot speeds and Transport Environment.
The traffic situation analysis shows that Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is 40, 317 vehicles
entering /day passing , the Hourly volume Traffic (HVT) is 1,680 vehicles passing intersection
/ hour, the Average Spacing of Vehicles ( S ) are 19.86 m / Veh , the traffic density is 1, 472
Vehicles / km and the Traffic index of 8.3 . The traffic index determines the traffic situation
of the road or intersection.
The traffic accident analysis shows that the total number of Accidents are 56 in a year,
Fatal Accidents 12 per year, Injuries Taken are 2, 052 per year, Property Damage
Only (PDO) are 916 per year. The traffic accident rate shows that 4 million entering vehicles
involves in an accident per year and the severity ratio of the accident analysis per year is 0.693
or 69.30 percent.
The transport spot speeds analysis reveals that the Space mean speed is 31.44 km / hr , the
Time mean speed is 33.36 km / hr, Time passing is 2.183 minutes every entering vehicles ,
Time Headway of 473.68 sec2 / vehicle, The Average speed 18.58 km/ hr and
Peak hour factor of 0.933 reflects that 93.30 percent of the entering vehicles trap on the
heavily traffic at most traffic hours.
The transport environment analysis shows that the Rate of Traffic flow of 49, 106 Veh / day
is greater than the average daily traffic of 40, 317 veh/day , the Road Capacity is 27, 345
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Veh / hr is less than the rate of traffic flow 49. 106 Veh / day, and the Design Repetition are
29. 43 Vehicles / Million, this shows that the traffic environment is congested.
3.5 Correlation with the traffic management scheme of Puerto Princesa City-
Traffic Management Office to traffic system analysis.
1. There is slight correlation but not significant relationships between the traffic systems
analysis and the Implementations of Traffic System and Management Program of Puerto
Princesa City because of the correlation coefficient of 0.1099 and t- computed value of
0.5750 falls short with the t- critical value of 2.05 tested at 0.05 level of significance with
df = 27, this accepts the null hypothesis.
2. There is high correlation and significant relationships between the traffic system analysis
and the perceived causes of traffic because of the correlation coefficient of 0.8933 and the
t- computed value of 10.516 exceeds the t- critical value of 2.05 tested at 0.05 level of
significance with df = 28 this rejects the null hypothesis.
3. The correlation between the traffic system analysis and the level of implementation of the
traffic codes, rules and regulations is high and significant because of the correlation
coefficients is 0.8958 and t –computed value of 10.853 is greater than the t- critical value
of 2.05 tested at 0.05 level of significant with df = 29 and null hypothesis is rejected.
Table 2: Summary: Best Possible Solutions
On Table 2 reveals the perceived Best Possible Solution to Traffic issue problems in San Pedro
National Highway, Puerto Princesa City, it rank according to the gather information from the
in Puerto Princesa City. For the summary or the total of the gather information from the
community of Puerto Princesa City the very much applicable is the Construction of over pass
(mean = 4.5625), followed by the very applicable is to Provides traffic lights along y –
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intersection Adventist Hospital (mean = 4.2875), the 3rd rank is Re-opening / construction of
roads along shoreline from Baywalk to Sicsican (mean = 3.825) is very applicable, the 4th rank
is Provide road intersection loading only (mean = 3.7625) is also very applicable and the 5 th
rank which is also very applicable is Centralized terminals for cabs and tricycles (mean =
This implies that the community perceptions towards Best Possible Solution to minimize cause
of traffic problems is to construct over pass in order the pedestrians didn’t walk or pass in the
driveway and to the safest of pedestrians, followed by providing of traffic lights along y –
intersection in Adventist Hospital, construction of road along Baywalk to Sicsican to minimize
the vehicle pass through the highway of San Pedro and make it as a shortcut for the vehicles,
followed by the construction road intersection for loading only and to make a centralized
terminal for cabs and tricycles for the comfortable of the passengers and drivers.
The perceived Best Possible Solution to Traffic issue problems in San Pedro National
Highway, Puerto Princesa City which very much applicable (1) Construction of over pass
(mean = 4.5625), (2) Provides traffic lights along y – intersection Adventist Hospital (mean =
4.2875), (3) Re-opening / construction of roads along shoreline from Baywalk to Sicsican
(mean = 3.825),(4) Provide road intersection loading only (mean = 3.7625) and (5) provide
Centralized terminals for cabs and tricycles (mean = 3.775).
From the findings of the study , the following conclusions were drawn.
1. Peace, order and safety is a primary concerned of the traffic systems and management of
the City by assisting of police officer in the front of school gate, vehicle patrols and
supervising traffic in order to maintain the smooth flow of traffic and eliminating the road
hazards that can cause heavy traffic.
2. The causes of traffics are affected by parking of the different vehicles along sidewalks,
vehicular and traffic accidents because of the slow investigation in the road, increasing the
number of the vehicles, malfunctioning of traffic light sometimes and the lack of disciplines
among pedestrians.
3. The community is not mostly aware in the traffic codes and regulations by abiding its
regulations by observing to give priority on approaching every vehicles and the same with
the drivers that drive their vehicles is lack of self-discipline.
4. The Traffic situation of the city along Caltex station to junction 2 is heavy during peak
hours morning, noontime and afternoon.
5. Traffic accident severity ratio is high and severe in general along studied area , and traffic
injuries, fatal accidents and property damage experienced moderately severed.
6. The spot speeds time passing per vehicles of 2 minutes with an average spot speeds of 20
kph and the time space mean speed relatively near to 35kph .The entering vehicles and
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passing within the studies area experienced heavy traffic most of the time or the road
experienced 20 hours traffic congestion a day.
7. The rate of traffic flow is higher than the experienced Average daily traffic, the road
capacity did not sustain the smooth flow of traffic due to greater congestion and heavy
traffic environment.
8. Traffic management implementation program of the city did not affects the traffic systems
analysis in terms of traffic situations, traffic accidents, transport spot speeds and transport
environment and the success of traffic management programs depends on the proper
implementation of concerns agencies.
9. Traffic systems analysis of traffic situation, traffic accidents, transports spot speeds and
transport environment is affected by the extent possible causes of the traffic problem
existed along the national road between Caltex station and Junction 1 causes traffic systems
problems, thus the respondents perception that causes traffic problems is correct.
10. Traffic codes, rules and regulations affects the traffic systems such as traffic situation,
traffic accidents, transport spot speed and environments, thus improper implementation and
observance of the traffic codes, rules and regulation will cause traffic system problems and
observance of traffic codes, rules and regulations will affects traffic system , and self-
discipline among pedestrians, drivers and traffic law enforcers is required to have smooth
traffic system in the area.
11. In general good and smooth traffic system is affected by proper implementations of traffic
management scheme/program, traffic codes, rules and regulations , existing traffic systems
analysis was affected by the perceived existing problems and level of implementation of
traffic codes, rules and regulations, thus they this were correlated to each other.
12. The community perceived towards Best Possible Solution to minimize cause of traffic
problems were; to construct over pass in order the pedestrians, install traffic lights along y
– intersection in Adventist Hospital, construction of road along Baywalk to Sicsican ,
construction road intersection for loading only and Provide centralized terminal for cabs
and tricycles.
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For the city government of Puerto Princesa, the result of this study will serve as basis to
evaluate the efforts of the Puerto Princesa City Traffic Management group to maintain the
smooth flow of traffic and to implement rules and regulation on the roads.
For the community, it will serve to increase their consciousness on the important of obeying
traffic rules and regulations. To the researcher, this is a privilege which gave him the chance
to know and understand how to analyse traffic and it’s correlation to Traffic Management
System. It will provide information that will be guide to become traffic engineer in the future.
To the field of Traffic Management and accident investigation, this will serve as a good reading
material to acquire knowledge about the possible solutions of the existing to be encountered
traffic problems. The outcome of this study is significant to the Western Philippines University
for the contribution on the pool of knowledge and its contribution to the community in
resolving problems of traffic flow in the City of Puerto Princesa. To give insights and
information regarding the implementation of traffic management systems existing in the city.
This study will significant for the future researchers for them to have a reference material for
their study and at the same time encourage other future researchers to involve themselves into
a deeper study on the same topic.
A. Book
1. Adanza, Estella G. Research Methods: Principles and Applications. (Manila: Rex Book Store, 1995)
2. Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. 5 th Edition.
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003) p.11
3. Zulueta, Francisco M. and Costales Jr., Nestor Edilberto B. Methods of Research, Thesis Writing and Applied
Statistics. (Mandaluyong City: National Book Store Inc.,) p. 104
B. Thesis
1. Baac, Gelwin A. et al,. Level on Implementation and Observance of the Traffic System and Management of
Puerto Princesa City. (March 2011)
C. Websites
1. (Narciso D. Santiago III)
2. (Dec. 5, 2013 – 9:48am)
3. (Dec. 5, 2013 – 9:53am)
4. (Dec. 6, 2013 – 1:11am)
5. (Dec. 6, 2013 –
6. (Dec. 5, 2013 – 9:44am)
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