P-2 L-1 Systematic - Review - of - Internet - of - Things

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Received: 1 November 2019 Revised: 21 February 2020 Accepted: 4 March 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ett.3958


Systematic review of Internet of Things in smart farming

Sebastian Terence1,2 Geethanjali Purushothaman2

Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Karunya Institute of ABSTRACT
Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, Agriculture unquestionably is one of the traditional occupations, which feeds
Tamil Nadu, India
all mankind in the world. Continuous changes are happening in the agricul-
SELECT, VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
tural field to increase production. Researchers are applying various techniques
Correspondence to improve farming methods. To monitor plants even from remote places and to
Geethanjali Purushothaman, SELECT, improve the yield of plants, Internet of Things (IoT), which is a boon in today's
VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email: pgeethanjali@vit.ac.in
world, is applied in farming, in general, known as smart farming. Smart farming
is a way where the farmers can monitor their field and manage farming activities
from remote places. This reduces man power and increases resource utilization
in farming. In this article, we have studied the architecture of smart farming
and studied different smart farming techniques, also we have classified smart
farming techniques into three categories, namely, IoT-based agricultural mon-
itoring and controlling system, automatic irrigation system, and plant disease
monitoring system. The review for the article is selected based on the system-
atic literature review method, and articles published from 2011 to 2019 are
considered for review. Different IoT technologies such as sensors, gateway, com-
munication system, user interface and experiment nature, plant type, disease
type, advantages, and limitations are also reviewed. Future research direction
and challenges in smart farming techniques are also discussed.


The world population is estimated to be about 9.7 billion in 2050, as such there will be great demand for food.1 To increase
the production and reduce man power efforts in agriculture, researchers started applying various techniques in farming.
Technologies such as sensor network,2-4 Global Positioning System (GPS),5,6 and remote sensing7,8 are used in agricul-
ture to automate farming technique. The major issues with these technologies are farmers/end users cannot access or
operate necessary functions from remote places, interoperability, complex structure, difficulties in adding new devices,
cost, high energy conservation, and so on. To overcome these issues, Internet of Things (IoT) was introduced in agri-
culture, which helps to interconnect heterogeneous devices. IoT techniques also act as a platform to access and control
devices from remote places at any time.9 Because of ease of use, low cost, compatibility, quality of service, IoT techniques
are applied in different application such as home automation, health care monitoring, smart city application, industrial
automation, environment monitoring, cattle management, and agriculture.10-12 Through improved operational efficien-
cies as well as new revenue creating products and services, by the year 2025, the potential economic impact of the IOT
is estimated to be $2.7 to $6.2 trillion per year.13 This shows that evolution of IoT in different fields. In agricultural
Internet of Things (AIoT), various sensors and actuators are used to monitor different environmental parameters in agri-
cultural field, and these data are updated to the end user and it can be used in variety of farming activities so that man

Trans Emerging Tel Tech. 2020;e3958. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ett © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 of 34

power required for agriculture can be reduced, also farmers can have the privilege to control various agricultural activ-
ities from remote places and provide pleasant environment to crops in order to increase the production. To achieve the
above requirements, researchers are developing a range of plant monitoring systems using IoT technologies. Recently
researchers applied IoT techniques to automate different farm activities such as plant monitoring, controlling environ-
ment parameters, insert/pest monitoring, automatic irrigation system, food storage and supply system, and so on. In this
article, we have studied an assortment of agricultural IoT techniques that have real-time implementation. Already some
review articles are presented by researchers on IoT-based smart farming but systematic and analytical analyses of IoT
components are missing in these studies.14,15 To overcome these issues, we applied systematic literature review (SLR)
mechanism in our review procedure and also various critical IoT components of smart farming systems are studied. We
have classified agricultural IoT applications into three categories, namely, IoT-based agricultural monitoring and con-
trolling system, IoT-based automatic irrigation system, and IoT-based plant disease detection system. In this review, we
mainly focus on IoT technologies that are used such as sensor, actuators, gateway, communication module, storage com-
ponent, user interface, implementation nature (ie, indoor (or) outdoor), plant type. The rest of the article is organized as
follows. Related work is discussed in Section 2. Review selection techniques are described in Section 3. Section 4 describes
IoT techniques in agricultural environment monitoring. Section 5 deals about IoT-based agricultural monitoring systems
and controlling systems. IoT-based automatic irrigation systems are discussed in Section 6. Section 7 provides details
about IoT-based plant disease detection system. Further improvement required for agricultural IoT techniques is given
in Section 8. Conclusion is given in Section 9.


Atzori et al16 presented a survey on IoT techniques. In this article, the architecture, applications, and challenges of IoT
technologies were discussed. Various environmental and agricultural monitoring applications were discussed. Zhang
et al17 projected various agricultural data transmission methods in his review article, namely, voice information trans-
mission, short message service (SMS) information transmission, online information transmission, video conference
information transmission, and multichannel-based information transmission techniques. Case studies, features, appli-
cations, examples, and limitations of various information transmission techniques were discussed. Kamilaris et al18
projected survey on big data analysis in agriculture. In this article, 34 agriculture works were considered for the study
and different features such as tools applied, big data algorithm used, problem and proposed solution implemented, and
data used were discussed. The type of plants and experimental duration and advantages and limitation of algorithms
were missing. Talavera et al14 reviewed IoT applications in environment and agroindustrial system. The authors discussed
about various IoT techniques involved in monitoring, communication, logistics, energy and resource management in
environment monitoring, and agroindustrial system. In this study, the authors approached all the IoT techniques with
following two questions: what is the primary technical solution of IoT in environmental monitoring and agroindustrial
system and which methodology and IoT components such as sensors, actuators, and communication technique used
in environmental monitoring and agroindustrial system. Various technical details such as power source, visualization,
deployment scenario, and architecture model of the IoT systems were discussed. The limitation of this article such as
implementation results, scalability, and reliability of the systems is not discussed. Tzounis et al15 projected a study on
trends and challenges in IoT-based agriculture. Different IoT components such as sensors, platforms, communication and
its features like memory, microcontroller, transceiver, wireless standard, network type, maximum range, and operating
frequency were discussed. IoT-based agriculture systems were classified into farm monitoring and control, agriculture
stock management system, food safety, and supply management system, and these systems are discussed briefly. Different
IoT challenges such as network coverage challenges, security issues, and IoT hardware and software issues in agriculture
systems were discussed. The main defects of this study are advantages, disadvantages, and reliability and scalability of the
IoT systems were not discussed in this article. Khanna and Kaur19 discussed overview progress of IoT techniques and pre-
cision agriculture. Various communication techniques such as IEEE 802.15.4, LongRang (LoRa), 6LoWPAN, and so on
and its features were discussed. IoT-based smart farming techniques were also discussed. However, the main features like
sensor, actuators, gateway, plant type, and communication techniques of smart farming techniques were not discussed.
Asghari et al20 reviewed various IoT applications such as smart city, health care, environmental monitoring, industrial
application, and so on. The following features such as objective, approaches, sensors, communication technique used for
IoT-based agriculture system were analyzed. The limitation of this article is that only nine smart farming techniques were

discussed in this article. The weakness of existing review techniques are given below and these limitations are conquered
in present review.

• The full details of IoT techniques such as sensor, actuators, gateway, communication technique, storage details, and
user interface are missing in many existing review.
• Scalability, reliability, energy conservation, and other important features of IoT system are not included in many
existing review articles.
• Some existing studies do not included article selection methodologies.
• Advantages and disadvantages of IoT systems are not discussed.

To overcome the above mentioned disadvantages, we have applied SLR mechanism to select optimal article in smart
farming technique. After article selection, we have analyzed various technologies such as sensors, actuators, gateway,
communication technique, storage system, user interface technologies in smart farming, and also implementation factors
such as reliability, scalability, energy consumption, cost, solar energy utilization, and security of smart farming techniques.
These various details help to provide a clear understanding of existing smart farming technique. The further research
direction of IoT-based smart farming techniques is also described.


The article selection methodology for SLR mechanism21-23 is discussed in the below section. By considering identical and
other possible spelling of the essential elements, following keywords are defined:

• (“Agriculture” OR “Smart Farming” OR “Precision Agriculture” OR “Plant Monitoring” OR “Crop Monitoring”

OR “Automatic Irrigation” OR “Smart Irrigation” OR “Hydroponic System” OR “Disease Detection” OR “Disease
Analysis”) AND (“Internet of Things” OR “IoT”).

The following scientific questions are considered regarding the objective of the research14,20 :

Question 1: Which particular agriculture function is automated by IoT application?

Question 2: Whether IoT application is implemented in real time?
Question 3: What are the IoT components used?
Question 4: How system performance is evaluated?
Question 5: What is the future scope of the IoT system?

To find the research articles, we utilized the following scientific publisher: IEEE Explorer, Elsevier, Springer, SAGE,
John Wiley, Inderscience, Taylor & Francis, Sensors, Scopus, Google Scholar. We have found 242 articles by using SLR
method. We selected articles by using the following criteria:

• Articles published from 2011 to 2019.

• Articles applied IoT techniques to solve agricultural-related issues.
• Articles contain real-time implementation data.

We also excluded articles for review by applying the following criteria:

• Review and study articles.

• Articles not published in English.
• Articles not peer-reviewed.

Figure 1 shows the diagrammatic representation of review selection method. After applying various selection crite-
ria, 64 articles from 242 articles were selected for review. All these articles were analyzed, discussed, and classified into
respective farming application.

FIGURE 1 Review selection method


In this section, the role of IoT techniques in agricultural areas is discussed. The yield of agriculture depends on many
parameters such as plant type, water quantity, environment temperature, the soil type, soil temperature, nutrients in
soil, sun light, and so on. To measure these parameters from different environment medium low-cost sensors are used.
These sensors are lightweighted; they observe environment conditions but many of such sensors are unable to connect
to the Internet and send data to store in database or cloud. In order to receive data from sensors and do initial process-
ing of received raw data, small powered computer called gateways are used. Gateway is a device that collects data from
a variety of devices and transfers data to the Internet, which is then stored in the server or cloud platform. To build
communication between sensors and gateway, a variety of protocols can be used such as ZiggBee, message queuing
telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol, and so on. These protocols were mainly developed for low-cost devices. Gateway
uses Wi-Fi modules (or) general packet radio service (GPRS) to connect to the Internet. The collected data are stored in
any database (MYSQL, NoSQL, etc) or cloud platform. The stored data are processed using machine learning or big data
analytics for decision-making purposes. The conceptual view of farming using IoT is shown in Figure 2. Systems are
designed in such a way that the end user can control the devices (actuators) such as water pump, fog pump, and so on
from the remote places. Also, IoT systems provide automatic controls such as when soil moisture is less, water pump is
triggered automatically and when sunlight is less, lights are operated automatically for optimal growth of plant, and so
on. These kinds of automation are made through deep learning or big data analytics and this kind of automation reduce
human physical work and also increase agricultural production. IoT techniques are not only applicable to traditional
farming but are also applied to hydroponic plants. Hydroponic plants are plants that do not use soil instead use nutrient
solutions as medium. IoT provides efficient way to monitor and control different nutrients in the hydroponic techniques
to provide proper growth to the plants.

FIGURE 2 Conceptual view of

smart farming using IoT



In farm monitoring, different devices were used to monitor various environment conditions and the observed details were
accessed even from remote places. Farmers can monitor, analyze. and control devices from remote places.
Ma et al24 project IoT-based water quality monitoring system in farm ponds situated in Jiangsu province, China. Water
sensor was customized and used for measuring various water qualities such as pH level, dissolved oxygen (DO), NH3-N,
electrical conductivity, temperature, and water level in farm pound. Various actuators such as water pumps, thermostat,
and enhanced DO equipment's were used to control the concentration of the water parameters. The environment param-
eters includes air, temperature, humidity, wind speed, rain gauge, solar radiation were measured with weather sensors.
The observed data were sent to gateway node using IEE802.15.4. The gateway was equipped with RS485 communication
standard and it sends collected data to lock server using GPRS communication. Whenever DO level is low, alarm mes-
sage is sent to the farmer. The farmer triggers the enhanced DO equipment by an SMS service. The environmental and
pond water details were accessed by web portal. Solar energy with battery power was used as energy source for sensor
and actuators. The system was used to maintain water quality of farm ponds in order to improve agriculture production.
Liu25 proposed IoT-based farm land monitoring system. Sensors such as CO2 sensor, temperature and humidity sensor,
soil moisture sensor, light intensity sensor, and pH value sensor collect the environment data and forward to the gateway
node. In additions to these sensors, cameras were used to record photos and video of the monitoring field. C8051F350
microcontroller was used as a gateway device. Gateway collects data from sensors and forwards it to the web portal. The
users can view, add, and delete the environmental data in the web portal, and the data were stored in the SQL database.
ZigBee technology was used as communication technology and Window socket methodology was used for communica-
tion between camera and gateway. The devices were powered by solar and battery power. The disadvantage of this system
is the performance evaluation that is missing in this article.
Lamprinos and Charalambides26 analyzed the performance of ZigBee communication technology in greenhouse envi-
ronment. Greenhouse environment is monitored by PT-1000 soil temperature sensor, SHT75 humidity sensor, SQ 110
solar radiation sensor, MCP9700A temperature sensor, TGS4161 CO2 sensor, and gas sensor. All the devices were equipped
with XBee PRO S2 ZigBee module. These sensors measure the environmental data and forward them to PC through router.
Experiments were conducted in tomato plant greenhouse and empty greenhouse. The test was conducted for 40 days and
the result showed that to achieve better result, sensor and router should be placed with proper distance and density.
Palande et al27 projected automated hydroponic system for indoor plant. In this system, different sensors were used
to measure pH level of water, temperature of water, and carbon dioxide (CO2) . The system automatically adjusts the pH
level from 5.6 pH to 6 pH, the water was heated or cooled between 24◦ C and 25◦ C and CO2 was provided by CO2 releasing

pad, and oxygen was fused in water for healthy plant growth. Light emitting diode (LED) light was provided to act as
artificial sun light, and it was switched on for 14 hours to imitate day. A camera was also present in this system. Light
and camera can be remotely accessed by web interface or Domoticz mobile app to monitor the state of the plants. This
system uses Arduino gateway, which collects data from the sensors. The sensors were communicated with Arduino using
NRF24L01+ radio. The system also notifies the user with a message whenever the measured value goes out of bounds.
The data were made available to the mobile application and web interface by connecting the gateway with a Raspberry Pi
running a local server. Experiments were conducted in indoor environment and it had shown that the plant monitored
using IoT obtained better growth than the plant that was kept outside of the system. Advantage of this system is that any
type of plant can be used, and the limitations are security and consumption of power, which are not considered.
Yung et al28 proposed IoT-based greenhouse system, which utilized cloud services for data storage and Hadoo for data
analysis. Different sensors were applied to collect a mixture of environmental data such as humidity, temperature, amount
of light, amount of different gases like CO2 , O2 , O3 , and NO2. These sensors transfer data to STM32—ARM processing chip,
which collects data and sends the collected data to MYSQL using Wi-Fi module (ATK-ESP8266), which uses TCP socket
protocol for data transmission. Periodically, data were stored in MYSQL database and transfer to cloud platform. Big data
analysis such as HADOOP HDFS was used to analyze plant details, which provides useful data to end user through web
and android interface. Video monitoring systems were also used to store videos of the farm. The advantage of this work
is that it achieves best result in terms of accuracy, memory consumption, and time consumption. The limitation of this
article is power consumption and security aspects, which are not considered.
Ryu et al29 deployed IoT-based farm, which uses &Cube (installed in Raspberry Pi) as IoT gateway to connect different
sensor and devices into IoT platform called Mobius. Sensors and controllers such as temperature sensor, humidity sensor,
heater, sprinkler, and LED lights were connected to IoT gateway &Cube using ZigBee communication. &Cube forwards
the collected data to Mobius IoT platform. The end user can access the data using representation state transfer (REST)
application programming interface (API). The end user can access controllers in virtual representation of their smart
phones. Advantage of this technique is that the user can connect farms with the system, and the disadvantage is that the
system results are not discussed.
Chieochan et al30 projected IoT based on Lingzhi mushroom farm. DTH22/AM2302 sensors were used to measure
the humidity of the mushroom farm. To maintain humidity level to 90% to 95% in Lingzhi mushroom farm, auto-
matic fog pumps and water sprinkler were controlled through IoT application. Sensors send the measured humidity to
NodeMCU, which act as gateway. The NodeMCU sends data to NETPIE by using Wi-Fi. NETPIE was cloud-based plat-
form that helps to interconnect IoT devices. Different NETPIE subservices such as NETPIE Freeboard, NETPIE FREED,
and NETPIE REST API were used for data storage and data accessing purpose. The measured data can be accessed in
mobile and computers with the help of NET Freeboard. Result shows that the implemented IoT technique reduces man-
power in maintaining mushrooms. This system provides an accurate result, but security and power consumptions are not
Kodali et al31 used Arduino as microcontroller to monitor and control a range of parameters in the greenhouse. Ultra-
sonic sensors were used to monitor the level of water in water tanks and whenever the level of water falls below threshold,
an SMS was sent to the user and the user sends back an SMS to switch on the pump. Inside greenhouse, temperature and
humidity sensor were placed, whenever the temperature or humidity crosses the threshold, a microcontroller will trigger
a relay attached to the fogger that release microdroplets of water, which remains suspended in air and drops the tempera-
ture and maintains the relative humidity. LED lights were also present inside the greenhouse, whenever the light sensor
measures light less than the required amount (from the sun), the lights were turned on, which boosts the growth of the
plants. The bee hive boxes were fitted with ultrasonic sensor, which measures the amount of honey and sends an email
when it crosses the threshold value. Finally, the product was stored in a storage house in containers that have ultrasonic
sensor, which sends these data to Google spreadsheet and a mail to e-commerce website.
Ferrández-Pastor et al32 proposed precision agricultural based on IoT. In this work, edge nodes such as sensors and
actuators were used to observe different environment parameters such as soil moisture, soil PH, soil EC, water pH, water
EC, inside/outside temperature, and so on. The observed data were transferred to fog node, that is, device with processor,
GPU, operating system using MQTT protocol. Edge nodes were mainly used for data capturing, filtering, and data con-
nectivity process. Fog nodes were used for monitoring, analyzing, supervising, and storage purpose. In fog node, machine
learning techniques were applied and decision tree was used for water consumption and plant growth control. Analyzed
details were stored in cloud platform such as Ubidots and Mobile-Alerts Cloud. Finally, the farmers were able to access
the data from cloud through mobile devices. The advantages are the proposed system designed in such a way that it can

be integrated with existing automated systems, and disadvantage is the lack of contribution toward security constraints
and power consumption.
Maia et al33 developed IoT smart device, which was built of humidity sensors, temperature sensors, and luminosity
sensor to measures various environment variables. This device was powered by solar energy and battery, ZigBee was used
for communication and it was also equipped with GPS for positioning purpose. This device was enabled with Raspberry
Pi 3 with software written by NodeJS (open source). The device (called as monitoring node) observes environment and
sends data to the node called central node. Central node collects data and stores the data in NoSQL database. Stored data
were transmitted into cloud platform for storage purpose. The device was tested in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the results are
encourageable. The advantage of the system is highly portable, and the farmers can carry the system to all places easily
to test the soil nature and environmental conditions. The systems elapsed time was 38 hours without solar power, which
could be increased by efficient energy utilization.
In Reference,34 the authors measure soil parameters such as moisture, temperature, and pH value. The system was
developed based on STM32 Nucleo platform. To measure the soil temperature, DS18B20 sensor was used, which contains
Dalla's one wire protocol. Antimony electrodes were used to measure the pH level of soil and moisture sensors were
used to measure moisture level of soil. Bluetooth technique was used to transfer data between sensor and mobile phone.
DC power supply or battery power supply was used to supply power to microcontroller. To make sensors smart, any IoT
communication protocols need to be used instead of Bluetooth for communication purpose.
Tervonen35 proposed smart vegetable storage using IoT. The system was developed to monitor environment atmo-
sphere of potato seed warehouse. Temperature sensor and humidity sensors with 868 MHz radios (from Atmel) were used
for measuring environmental data, which were then forwarded to the access point (sensor) that was connected to the
laptop by USB cable. Data were sent from laptop to database through Wi-Fi Internet connection. Sensors were assigned
with unique identifier, and radio signals (modified Bitcloud radio stack) were used for communication between sensors.
The observed data were accessed from mobile and Internet. Through this experiment, environment condition of ware-
house can be monitored even from remote places and it also helps in quality control of potatoes seed. The limitation of
this article is that the results were not accurate, to increase the accuracy multiple measuring point were required.
Pérez-Expósito et al36 projected IoT-based vineyard monitoring system. Environment sensors such as DS18B20 mea-
sures temperature and DHT22 measures humidity. To observe soil parameters SHT11 sensor was used. The collected data
were forwarded to the gateway using REST API. Raspberry Pi acts as gateway. Wi-Fi modules (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) were
used for communication purpose. To measure weather details such as wind direction, speed, and rain details, anemome-
ter, weather vane, pluviometer, and Arduino board were used. Solar system was used to provide energy to the gateway
system. The collected data were stored in MYSQL, where the end users can get details using web application, which was
developed by hypertext markup language (HTML), hypertext preprocessor (PHP), and so on. The strength of the system
was solar power used for IoT devices and system used low-cost devices. The weakness is security constraint, which was
used to prevent security attacks.
Pooja et al37 proposed MQTT protocol based farm-monitoring system. Different environment parameters were mea-
sured by different sensors such as soil dampness sensor, moistness and temperature sensor (DHT11), light intensity
sensor. These sensors send collected data to the gateway called Raspberry Pi and controllers forward the data to the
database using MQTT protocol. Farmers can send ON or OFF message to relay, to control the motor operation. This
system reads various environmental data with less response time, but energy utilization and security issues are not
Zhang et al38 put forth the concept of IoT-based monitoring system to monitor temperature, nutrient, and soil mois-
ture in citrus orchard of Three Georges Reservoir in China. Soil moisture sensor HA2001 (Handan Dingrui Electronics
Co., Ltd, Handan, China), soil temperature sensor HA2002 (Handan Dingrui Electronics Co., Ltd, Handan, China), and
humidity sensor FM-KWS (Hebei fly dream Electronic Technology Co., Ltd, Handan, China) were used to observe the
environmental parameters. These sensors send observed data to the gateway called JN5139 using ZigBee communication
module. To improve the efficiency of the system, decision-making system was used with IoT techniques, which helps
to obtain accurate result and data, which then analyzed using Web GIS. The accurate results help the farmers in Three
Georges Reservoir Area to fertilize and irrigate citrus plants. The cost of the system is high.
Bachuwar et al39 developed IoT-based plant monitoring framework that uses ADS 1115 (analog to digital converter
[ADC]), which utilizes I2C protocol. Different sensors such as temperature (DS18B20), soil moisture, and humidity sensor
(SY-HS220) forward observed data to ADS analog to digital converter and digital converter forwards data to ESP826612E
Wi-Fi chipset. Furthermore, the collected data were sent and stored in ThingSpeak server. The advantage of this system
is that it consumes less power than other IoT frameworks.

Jayaraman et al40 gave the idea of SmartFarmNet platform. In SmartFarmNet platform, user can integrate smart
devices such as sensors, camera, and so on. These smart devices communicate with SmartFarmNet gateway. OpenIoT
X-GSN was used in gateway for data collection. The gateway annotated received data are then encoded by predefined
ontology. The annotated data represented using resource description framework (RDF) are then stored in No SQL graph
database then in cloud platform (linked sensor middleware-light [LSM-Light]). To discover sensors, scheduler and ser-
vice delivery and utility manager of OpenIoT was used, which was used to discover the data sources. This model allows
the users to register smart devices with SmartFarmNet platform. Then users can access statistical data of smart device
details from the web page. The advantage of this platform is that user can access IoT services without having knowledge
of programming.
Pitakphongmetha et al41 monitor and control greenhouse using hydroponics farming. Temperature and humidity
were measured by DHT11 sensor, soil moisture is measured by KG003 sensor, ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) was used for
measuring water level in water tank, and these sensors forward observed data to the gateway called NodeMCU. These
details are stored in cloud platform called ThingSpeak. To reduce heat produced by greenhouse, ultraviolet (UV) lights
were used and were controlled by NodeMCU. User interface was developed by Blynk platform. Cantonese, petioles plants
were used in this project, and the result shows that the system increases plant survival by 45.83%. This system reduces
water consumption and energy consumption. The weakness of this system is security constraints, which are missing.
Crisnapati et al42 employed IoT technique to monitor nutrient film technique (NFT) farm, which utilizes hydroponic
technique. Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) was used to measure the level of nutrient solution, pH sensor was used to measure
acidity (pH) level in nutrient, temperature sensor (DS18B20) was used to measure temperature, EC sensor was used to
observe EC/PPM (concentration of the nutrient), and these observed data were forwarded to Arduino microcontroller.
Raspberry Pi 2 was used to store and provide interface to web framework. The system was powered by solar energy. The
user can access data from web interface or through an SMS alert. The whole system helps farmers to monitor the farm
from remote place.
Mekala and Viswanathan43 used IoT technique to measure temperature and humidity of the crop. To find the comfort
level of the crop, thermal comfort level was calculated from the environment data. To measure temperature, DHT11
sensors were used and to measure environment condition thermistor was used. Arduino Uno was used as gateway and
CloudMQTT protocol was used for communication between devices. Observed data were stored in public cloud called
ThingSpeak. The system was also able to measure the crop comfort level, and the result shows that sensor processing
time was reduced to 37% and the error rate was reduced to 6% compared with other existing techniques.
Lee et al44 implemented IoT with big data mechanism to monitor and manage greenhouse. Temperature/humidity
sensor, solar radiation, and CO2 sensors were used to measure environment parameters and forward the collected data
to gateway. ATmega128 acts as gateway and it sends the received data to the database. The system was implemented and
tested in greenhouse for 9 months to monitor tomato plants growth. The system utilizes ZigBee module for communi-
cation between sensor and gateway and 6LBR was used as border router in the gateway. Big data analysis was used for
the prediction and optimized management. Result shows that the system reduces energy conversion due to less usage of
wireless devices.
Cambra et al45 utilized IoT techniques to maintain pH level (bicarbonates, salts, and nitric acid) in nutrient solutions of
hydroponic agriculture system. pH sensor and pH electrode measure the pH level and hydrogen concentration in nutrient
solution and forward the collected data to the gateway NRF24L01. The gateway forwards data to MYSQL database and
cloud storage was used to save data. Whenever pH level was low, micropumps adds the required amount of acid in the
nutrient solution. Decision-making system decides the amount of acid to be added in the nutrient solution and was built
by Java Drools, PHP, and HTML5. The system was implemented in greenhouse for maintaining lettuce and tomato plants.
The advantages of this article were system consumes less energy and could be adaptable for large area.
Estrada-López et al46 used different sensors with IoT and cloud techniques to measure the soil parameters such as
phosphorus and other nutrients. In this work, the authors used different sensors and devices to measure all types of soil
conditions in two levels, namely, soil parameters measurement at 7 and 20 cm level (this level may vary according to root
of the plant). To measure soil temperature and humidity, sensor SHT10 and Ti10 Fluke infrared were used. To measure
soil conductivity, SEN0114 soil conductivity sensors were used. These sensors measure soil parameters and forward the
data to gateway MSP430FR5969. For communication between sensors, XBee PRO S2C radio modem was used, which
provides ZigBee communication. To transfer data between server and gateway, MQTT and REST protocols were used. To
measure soil phosphorus, artificial neural network technique called normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was
used. In this system, soil parameters were measured in two levels that helped to increase phosphorus detection accuracy.
The system also provides significant energy conservation with help of dynamic power management system.

Aliev et al47 monitored various agricultural parameters by using IoT device, and it also predicts weather details using
neural network technique. To measure temperature and humidity, DHT11 sensor was used. To get soil moisture, six
Groovec sensors were used. To control these sensors, STM32L476RG was used as microcontroller and ESP-12E Wi-Fi mod-
ule was used for communication. The NodeMCU Wi-Fi board was used for establishing Wi-Fi connection. The collected
data were stored in ThingSpeak cloud platform. The user can access the sensor details using Android mobile application.
The advantage of this technique was it achieves high accuracy with help of neural network and the disadvantage was
high product cost.
Singh and Chandra48 implemented the system to monitor greenhouse parameters such as temperature, humidity, and
different gasses using IoT technology. To measure temperature and humidity, DHT11 sensor were used and MQ5 gas
sensor was used to indicate hydrogen (H2 ) and methane (CH4 ) gas leaks in greenhouse. Gas sensor MQ7 was used to
measure carbon monoxide (CO) gas in greenhouse. These sensors send the collected data to Raspberry Pi gateway. MQTT
protocol was used for data communication. The weakness of the article was that the detailed implementation details were
Yan et al49 provided remote monitoring system using different sensors. The system was implemented in desert and
costal area of China (Kubuqi Desert, Ulanbuh Desert, Taklimakan Desert, etc.) and data were collected for 1-year period.
To read different environment parameters, the following sensors were used; air humidity and temperature sensor, wind
direction and wind speed sensor, soil humidity and temperature sensor, water level, pH sensor, and luminance sensor.
The system used MSP430F5438 as microprocessor and ZigBee communication protocol were used for data transmission
between sensors and microcontroller. For remote data transmission, GPRS module (H7210-GPRS-RS485) was used. Sen-
sors and other devices were powered by wind energy, solar energy, and battery. The collected data were stored in MYSQL
database. Big data analytics were also used with IoT techniques to build early warning system based on the received data.
The results show that, the system was capable of providing early warning for agriculture. The system needs to utilize
machine learning system to make optimal decision making.
Geng and Dong50 used IoT techniques with deep learning methodology for plant monitoring. To monitor environ-
mental parameters, soil temperature and moisture sensor, humidity sensor, light intensity sensor, and temperature sensor
were used. To communicate between sensor and central node, ZigBee technology were used. To position various chips,
CC2530 (Texas Instrument) were used. Deep learning technique called restricted Boltzmann machine was used to make
decision based on received environmental values. The detailed description about implementation is missing in this article.
Yim et al51 used LoRA technology to monitor environmental parameters in tree farm. Low-power wide area network
(LPWAN) is represented by LORA. To test the communication range of LORA, the experiments were conducted among
maple, pine, and oak tree in Indiana rural tree plantation, United States. Different sensors such as temperature and
humidity sensor (DHT11), flame sensor, photosensitive sensor, and soil humidity sensor were used to measure the envi-
ronmental parameters. All these sensors were interfaced with Arduino Uno board and LoRA Gateway—LG01 was used
for communication portal. In this experiment, they tested communication range of LoRA among trees by placing sensor
in different distance. The result shows that LoRA does not provide expected communication range among trees.
Jian et al52 monitored tomato plants in Anhui Agricultural University, China. Soil temperature and humidity, air
temperature and humidity, and photosynthetic radiation were measured by respective sensors and measured values were
displayed in liquid-crystal display (LCD) screen. To collect and process the measured data, MC9S12XS128 microprocessors
were used. Sensor node used ZigBee communication module for data transmission, and microprocessor which is used
GPRS module to send data to remote server. GPS was used with IoT technique for getting geographical information. The
detailed descriptions of statistics data were missing in the article.
Kalathas et al53 used IoT techniques to monitor tomatoes seeds. The tomatoes seeds were kept in IoT monitored
seedbed and ordinary seedbed. Environmental conditions of the seedbed were monitored by different sensors such as
soil temperature and humidity sensor (SHT10), air humidity and temperature sensor (DHT22 and Tmp 100). These sen-
sors periodically forward the data to Arduino Uno. The measured values were used to activate heating circuit whenever
seedbed environment conditions were not favorable to tomato seeds. Obtained result show that IoT monitored seedbed
reduces the time of seed growing and it increases seed breeding. The system is lacked in energy conservation and security
Halim et al54 used IoT techniques to monitor mango plants, which were cultivated in UniMAP Agrotech greenhouse,
Malaysia. To measure environment parameter following sensors were used: temperature sensor, humidity sensor, light
sensor, soil moisture sensor, and carbon dioxide sensor. MIB520CB were used to collect data from sensor using Wi-Fi
module. Data were stored in MYSQL database and Lab view was used for interfacing and programming purpose. The

detailed description about the system outcome is missing in this article. Additional features like solar system, automatic
alerts, and security constraints are to be added.
Ferrández-Pastor et al55 monitored and controlled environmental parameters of hydroponic crops in greenhouse envi-
ronment using different sensors/actuators such as temperature, moisture, PH, EC sensors and luminosity, electro-valves,
pumps, lamps, and so on. Raspberry Pi and Photon IoT devices were used to collect data from the sensors using MQTT
protocol and REST API. Collected data were processed and stored in Ubidots cloud-platform using Internet. Various
devices such as electric pumps, lights, electrovalves were triggered manually (from remote place) and automatically (by
IoT system) used whenever required.
Moon et al56 used lossy compression technique to compress the data from smart farm. In this article, various environ-
mental data such as temperature, humidity, wind direction, solar radiation, and wind speed were collected from orchard
in South Korea. The collected data are compressed by four compression algorithms, namely, boosted tree (BT), decision
tree (DT), logistic regression (LR), random forest (RF), and the following three transformation technique, namely, discrete
wavelet transform (DWT), discrete cosine transform (DCT), and fast Walsh-Hadamard transform (FWHT) were used for
lossy compression. The result shows that compression schemes help to reduce the size of IoT data with a minor loss of
data quality. The compression techniques can be applied when we collect large amount of data farm using IoT technique.
Akkas and Sokullu57 used MicaZ motes to monitor various environmental parameters in greenhouses. The environ-
ment data are observed by MicaZ motes and it transfers collected data to gateway device such as MIB 250 platform. The
gateway is connected to PC through wired medium. Mote View were used in PC to visualize the data. The experiment
was conducted in Nazilli, Turkey for 2 days. To reduce the cost of the system, low-cost sensor can be used to read the envi-
ronmental data. Table 1 shows the important components of IoT-based environment monitoring and controlling system
and Table 2 describes various features such as gateway, sensors, actuators, communication system, storage, user interface,
experiment nature, plant name/type, advantages, and disadvantages of IoT-based environment monitoring and control-
ling system. Gateway is overall coordinator, which receives data from sensing devices (sensor), manipulates data, and
then forwards data to storage device. Sensors and gateway are connected by standard communication channel. The gate
devices send data to the storage devices using Internet. Different storage devices such as SQL, local server, or cloud stor-
age such as Mobius, ThinkSpeak are used to store data from gateway devices. From the storage devices, data are sent to
farmers and it was accessed by web portal, mobile application, or SMS. The farmers can operate devices even (actuators)
from remote places. The experiments nature such as indoor/outdoor, advantages, disadvantages of the IoT systems are
described in the table.


In automatic irrigation system based on the environmental condition, the system automatically irrigates the field, which
saves farmers time and efforts and also saves water usage. The detailed descriptions of a variety of irrigation systems are
given below.
Subashini et al58 proposed IoT-based smart farming system to monitor light intensity, humidity, soil moisture and
temperature and automatic irrigation is provided to the plant. To measure various environmental parameters, following
sensors were used: soil temperature was measured by thermistor, soil moisture was measured by coplanner capacitor, light
intensity was measured by photo-resistor, humidity and air temperature were measured by DHT11. The sensed data were
forwarded to 8-bit AVR microcontroller (gateway), which transmits the data into Wi-Fi module by using universal asyn-
chronous receiver-transmitter (UART). Wi-Fi system ESP8266 ESP-12, transmit data to the web server using HTTP GET
request. Weather updates were obtained by Weather Underground (San Francisco based company). ThingSpeak platform
were used to store and retrieve IoT data using HTTP protocol. Irrigation pump were connected to the microcontroller
and was operated automatically based on air, temperature, and soil moisture level. The prototype was tested outdoor for
3 days and obtained results were slightly deviated from actual result. To determine the reliability of prototype, it should
be tested for more number of days and metrics of prototype should be discussed in terms of water consumption, energy
consumption, plant growth, and so on.
Mohanraj et al59 proposed IoT-based agricultural land monitoring system, where Arduino Uno board and TI CC 3200
Launch pad were used as gateway. This system was able to remind the farmers regarding the time to reap, spray fertilizer
or pesticide, irrigation timing, based on the stored data through SMS. Based on the estimated water needed to the crop,
the field was irrigated by the irrigation planner equipped with 5 V channel relay and L293D H Bridge motor driver; it
irrigates the field and also displays the information whether the field was dry or irrigated. To collect soil moisture, KG003
T A B L E 1 Various components of IoT-based Agricultural Monitoring and Controlling System
Sensors and Communication User Experiment name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage interface nature type Advantages Weakness
Ma et al, 2014, — Customized sensor IEE802.15.4 and — Web portal Outdoor — — —
China GPRS and SMS
Jun,25 2016, China C8051F350 CO2 sensor, ZigBee SQL Web portal Outdoor — — Performance
microcon- temperature and communication evaluation is
troller humidity sensor, missing in the
soil moisture article
sensor, light
intensity sensor,
pH value sensor,
camera sensor
Lamprinos and — Soil temperature ZigBee PC Web portal Indoor Tomato — High energy
Charalambides,26 sensor, SHT75 communication plants consumption
2015, Greece humidity sensor,
SQ 110 solar
radiation sensor,
sensor, TGS4161
CO2 sensor, and
gas sensor
Palande et al 27 Arduino and An electrical con- NRF24L01+ radio Local server Web and Indoor and Hydroponics System can be System is
2018, USA Raspberry Pi ductivity probe, a mobile hydroponic plants customized applicable to
pH sensor, a applica- for any kind indoor plants
water tempera- tion by of plant only
ture sensor, and Domoticz
an air tempera-
Yung et al28 2017, STM32 – ARM Temperature Wi-Fi, TCP socket MYSQL, Web page/ Indoor — High accuracy Not considering
China processing sensor, humidity protocol Cloud mobile (Greenhouse) power
chip sensor, storage applica- consumption,
illumination and Hadoo tion system
sensor, video for data security
camera, and so analysis

11 of 34
12 of 34
T A B L E 1 (Continued)
Sensors and Communication User Experiment name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage interface nature type Advantages Weakness
Ryu et al 2015, Raspberry Pi Temperature, ZigBee Mobius IoT Mobile appli- Indoor — High scalability Statistical data
South Korea with &Cube humidity, heater, communication platform cation are missing
sprinkler, LED
Chieochan et al30 NodeMCU Humidity sensor, Wi-Fi Cloud Web page/ Indoor Lingzhi High accuracy Not considering
2017, Thailand fog pumps, and platform mobile mush- power
water sprinkler (NETPIE) applica- room consumption,
tion system
Kodali et al31 2016, NRF24LO1 Ultrasonic sensor, Wi-Fi Google drive Web/mobile Indoor — Low cost Statistical data
India Transmitter temperature applica- are missing
sensor, humidity tion
sensor, fog pump,
grow LED, and so
Ferrández- — Temperature MQTT protocol Cloud Mobile appli- Indoor — High scalability Not considering
Pastor et al32 sensor, humidity and Wi-Fi platform cation power
2018, Spain sensor, soil (Ubidots consumption,
sensor, and so on and system
Mobile- security
Maia et al33 2017, Raspberry Pi 3 Humidity sensors, ZigBee NoSQL Web applica- Outdoor — High portability High energy
Brazil temperature database tion utilization
sensors, and cloud
luminosity platform
Na et al34 2016, STM32 Nucleo Soil moisture, Blue tooth — Mobile appli- Outdoor — Low cost Low


India platform temperature, and cation accessibility
pH level
Tervonen 35 2018, Sensor node Temperature sensor Radio signals Database Mobile and Indoor Potato seeds — Low accuracy
Finland and humidity (modified web appli-
sensors Bitcloud radio cation
T A B L E 1 (Continued)
Sensors and Communication User Experiment name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage interface nature type Advantages Weakness

Pérez-Expósito Rasberry Pi with Environment Wi-Fi [REST API] MYSQL Web Appli- Outdoor Vineyard Low cost Not considering
et al36 2016 Arduino, temperature, cation (0.34 power
weather humility, soil acres) consumption,
station temperature, and security
Pooja et al37 2017, Raspberry Pi Soil moisture MQTT protocol MYSQL Web and — — Less response Not considering
India sensor, mobile time power
temperature and applica- consumption,
moistness sensor, tion system
light intensity security
sensor, and water
Zhang et al38 2017 JN5139 Soil moisture ZigBee — Web Outdoor Citrus High accuracy High cost
China sensor, soil communication interface orchard
sensor, humidity
Bachuwar et al39 ADS 1115 and Temperature, soil I2C protocol ThingSpeak Web applica- Indoor — Low power Framework
2017, India ESP826612E moisture, and platform tion consumption implemented
Wi-Fi chipset humidity sensor and tested in
small scenario
Pitakphongmetha NodeMCU Temperature and — ThingSpeak Mobile appli- Indoor Cantonese Less water and Security
et al41 2016, humidity sensor, platform cation (hydro- energy constraints
Thailand soil moisture using ponics consumption; should be
sensor, ultrasonic Blynk plants) plant survival added
sensor, UV lights platform rate is high
Crisnapati et al42 Arduino and Ultrasonic sensor, Wi-Fi — Web applica- Outdoor and Pakcoy High accuracy Security
2018, Indonesia Raspberry Pi 2 pH sensor, tion hydroponic plants, constraints
temperature lettuce should be
sensor, and EC plants added
Mekala and Arduino Uno Temperature sensor CloudMQTT ThingSpeak — — — Less error rate Detailed imple-
Viswanathan43 and thermistor protocol mentation is
2019, India not given

13 of 34
14 of 34
T A B L E 1 (Continued)
Sensors and Communication User Experiment name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage interface nature type Advantages Weakness
Lee et al 2019, ATmega128 Temperature/ ZigBee — GUI based Indoor Tomato Low power High cost
Republic of Korea humidity sensor, applica- (Greenhouse) plants consumption
solar radiation tion
meter, CO2
Cambra et al45 NRF24L01 pH sensor, pH — MYSQL — Indoor Tomato and Low power Security
2018, Spain electrode, database, (Greenhouse) lettuce consumption constraints
micropumps and cloud plants and high should be
storage (hydro- scalability added
Estrada-López MSP430FR5969 Temperature and ZeeBee Cloud — — — High accuracy —
et al46 2018, USA humidity sensor, storage and low
infrared light, power
soil conductivity consumption
Aliev et al47 2018, NodeMCU Temperature and Wi-Fi ThinkSpeak Mobile appli- Indoor — Accurate results High cost
Italy humidity sensor, cation
soil moisture
Singh and Raspberry Pi Temperature, MQTT protocol — — Indoor — — Implementation
Chandra48 2018, humidity sensor, (Greenhouse) details are
India gas sensors missing
Yan et al49 2018, — Air humidity and ZeeBee and GPRS MYSQL Web applica- Outdoor — High durability Optimal
China temperature tion decision
sensor, wind making
direction and system can be
wind speed used
sensor, soil


humidity and
sensor, water
level, pH sensor,
and luminance
T A B L E 1 (Continued)
Sensors and Communication User Experiment name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage interface nature type Advantages Weakness

Geng and Dong50 CC2530 (Texas Soil temperature ZeeBee — — — — — Implementation

2017, China Instrument and moisture details are
sensor, humidity missing
sensor, light
intensity sensor,
and temperature
Yim et al51 2018, Arduino Temperature and LoRA — — Outdoor Oak, pine, High accuracy —
USA humidity sensor and
(DHT11), flame midlife
sensor, maple tree
sensor, soil
humidity sensor
Jian et al52 2014 MC9S12XS128 Soil temperature ZeeBee and GPRS — LCD Outdoor Tomato plant Security Statistics data
China microproces- and humidity, air constraints are missing
sors temperature and are added
humidity, and
Kalathas et al53 Arduino Uno Soil temperature Wired — — Indoor Tomato High Not considering
2016, Greece and humidity seeds productivity power
sensor (SHT10), consumption,
air humidity, and system
temperature security
sensor (DHT22
and Tmp 100)
Halim et al54 2016, MIB520CB Temperature ZeeBee and Wi-Fi MYSQL Mobile App Indoor Mango — Not considering
Malaysia sensor, humidity (Greenhouse) power
sensor, light consumption,
sensor, soil system
moisture sensor, security
carbon dioxide
Akkas and MIB 250 MicaZ motes MicaZ wireless — Web portal Outdoor — — High cost

15 of 34
Sokullu57 platform module
T A B L E 2 Different features of IoT-based environment monitoring and controlling system

16 of 34
Energy Fully Solar energy
Author Scalability consumption Security Remarks Cost automated usability

Ma et al24 ✓ ✓ ✗ Water quality is increased High ✓ ✓

Jun25 ✓ ✗ ✗ Plant growth Low ✓ ✓
Lamprinos and ✓ ✗ ✗ Environmental monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Palande et al27 ✓ ✗ ✗ Plant growth enhanced Low ✓ ✗
Yung et al ✓ ✗ ✗ Memory consumption, time Low ✓ ✗
Ryu et al29 ✓ ✗ ✗ IoT platform Low ✓ ✗
Chieochan et al30 ✓ ✗ ✗ Man power reduced Low ✓ ✗
Kodali et al ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Ferrández-Pastor ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
et al32
Maia et al33 ✓ ✗ ✗ Highly portable Low ✓ ✓
Abdullah et al34 ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Tervonen 35 ✓ ✓ ✗ Remote monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Pérez-Expósito ✓ ✗ ✗ Improving environmental and Low ✓ ✓
et al36 agricultural parameters
Pooja et al37 ✓ ✗ ✗ Improving environmental and Low ✓ ✗
agricultural parameters
Zhang et al38 ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring and decision High ✓ ✗
support system
Bachuwar et al39 ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Jayaraman et al ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring and environmental Low ✓ ✗
Pitakphongmetha ✓ ✓ ✗ Plant growth Low ✓ ✗
et al41


Crisnapati et al42 ✓ ✓ ✗ Monitoring and controlling hydroponic Low ✓ ✓
Mekala and ✓ ✗ ✗ Monitoring comfort level of plant Low ✓ ✗
Lee et al44 ✓ ✓ ✗ Remote monitoring and control Low ✓ ✗
T A B L E 2 (Continued)
Energy Fully Solar energy
Author Scalability consumption Security Remarks Cost automated usability

Cambra et al45 ✓ ✓ ✗ Remote monitoring of hydroponic Low ✓ ✗

Estrada-López ✓ ✓ ✗ Soil parameter estimation Low ✓ ✓
et al46
Aliev et al47 ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Singh and ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Yan et al49 ✓ ✗ ✗ Early warning system Low ✓ ✓
Geng and Dong50 ✓ ✓ ✗ Remote monitoring Yes ✓ ✗
Yim et al51 ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Jian et al52 ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote environmental monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Kalathas et al53 ✓ ✗ ✗ Seed bread monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Halim et al54 ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring Low ✓ ✗
Ferrández-Pastor ✓ ✓ ✗ Remote monitoring and irrigation Low ✓ ✗
et al55
Akkas and ✓ ✗ ✗ Remote monitoring Low ✓ ✗

17 of 34

soil moisture sensors were used. A calamity checker was present which changes the irrigation plan according to the
weather forecast from yahoo weather API. To provide sufficient sunlight in winter, artificial lights (grow light) were used,
which helps the plants grow better, the amount of sunlight was monitored by Light Intensity Sensor (BH1750 module).
Statistical data were missing in this article.
Sureephong et al60 proposed smart wetting front detector using IoT. In this article, the authors investigate the perfor-
mance of two soil sensors such as resistor based (RB) sensor, frequency domain reflectrometry (FDR) sensor. Along with
the soil sensor, temperature sensors were used for detecting soil moisture and temperature. The observed soil parameters
were sent to the web server using Wi-Fi. From the collected data, it is identified that FDR sensor achieves better perfor-
mance in terms of precision detection. The advantage of this article is developed prototype were highly portable and can
be handled easily. The experiment conducted for 30 days can also be conducted for more number of days for reliability of
the data.
Goap et al61 developed IoT-based irrigation system, which utilizes machine learning techniques to analyze online
weather details to predict possibility of rain in that region. Sensors such as soil temperature sensor, soil moisture sensor
VH-400, temperature sensor DHT22 and GUVA-S12SD ultraviolet light radiation sensor and Op Amp SGM8521 were used
to collect details about the field and the collected data were send to the gateway device Raspberry Pi with Arduino Uno
using ZigBee protocol. The gateway device transfers data for further processing using Wi-Fi module. The collected data
and online weather information were used to predict the water requirement. If plants need water, the system automatically
starts irrigation. This method helps to avoid wastage of water during rainy season and also system provides accurate result.
The disadvantage is that the system cost is high and experiments were conducted only for 3 weeks, which can be extended.
Keswani et al62 projected smart IOT-based irrigation system. To observe field details, soil moisture and temperature
sensor, environment temperature, humidity and CO2 sensor and sunlight sensor were used. The sensors were powered
by solar energy and the collected data were sent to Raspberry Pi board (gateway) by ZigBee communication system. Wi-Fi
communication was used to obtain data from Raspberry Pi and data stored was extracted using MATLAB. Fuzzy logic
system was applied for weather prediction. To locate water deficiency places structural similarity (SSIM) technique was
used. The analyzed data help to trigger the sprinkler unit in only dry places. This helps the system to save water.
Agale et al63 designed tiny prototype using sensor nodes and Raspberry Pi. Soil moisture, humidity, temperature, water
level details were collected and the observed details were used to automate the irrigation system. The collected data can
be analyzed in web interface. The limitation of this method was that, the prototype used was very small range plants,
experiment duration was not given and many statistical data were missing in this article.
Salvi et al64 proposed IoT-based irrigation system for indoor different types of plants. Moisture sensor, DHT11 (humid-
ity and temperature) sensor, light intensity sensor collects data from environment and forwards the data to Arduino Uno
using Bluetooth module (HC-05). The collected data were stored in cloud using ThingSpeak. The system was designed
in such a way that it automatically triggers motor whenever required. However, in this article many statistical data are
missing, so we cannot realize the efficiency of the system.
Shekhar et al65 used machine learning technique for smart irrigation system. The machine learning algorithm, K
nearest neighbor (KNN) was used to decide irrigation in field. Moisture and temperature sensor collects data from the
environment and sends the data to Raspberry Pi through Arduino microcontroller. KNN algorithm was used in Raspberry
Pi to decide water requirement. Based on water requirement, it was supplied to plant. The collected data were then stored
to Google drive. Ethernet (wired-connection) was used as communication module. In this article, the authors developed
a prototype that was tested in small scale, experimental and statistical details were explained properly.
Imteaj et al66 proposed GSM about automatic irrigation system. Environmental data such as soil moisture (FC-28),
water level (funduino sensor), light intensity (cell) were measured and these analog details were converted to digital
details using Arduino and these details were forwarded to Raspberry Pi using Wi-Fi module. The observed values were
sent to the end user using an SMS. The system triggers water motor when moisture was low and sunlight was high and
it also gives an option to operate the motor from remote places. The limitation of this article was that the prototype was
tested in small-scale area, instead it could have been tested in large agricultural area. Detailed experimental details are
missing and instead of SMS technique, mobile application could have been used as user interface, which would have
helped in reducing the communication cost.
Monica et al67 projected smart irrigation system. Moisture sensor (LM393 comparator), LM395 temperature sensor,
LDR luminosity sensor collects data and forwards the collected data to Arduino Uno board. To transfer data, Wi-Fi module
and GSM module were used. Periodically the collected data was transferred to the end user using an SMS service. These
data were also stored in cloud storage using Sparkfun. The user can also control motor pumps by integrating Bluetooth.

The experiment was conducted in groundnut plant and the result showed that water consumption was reduced. How-
ever, also it was observed that the system should be improved in following terms such as energy conservation, security
constraints and consideration of weather details before irrigation.
Rajalakshmi and Mahalakshmi68 used different sensors such as soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, humidity
sensor, light intensity sensor (light dependent resistor), ultrasonic sensor (HSC-04) to automate irrigation system. Soil
moisture and temperature sensor sends the details about environment condition and ultrasonic sensor sends the details
about the water level of tank. These details can be accessed by the end user through mobile app and web application so
that the end user can operate (ON/OFF) the motor from remote places too. Arduino was used as gateway; ZigBee was used
as communication protocol between sensor and gateway. Arduino forwards data to web server using Wi-Fi module and
the forwarded data were stored in MYSQL database for further processing. The experiment was conducted for 2 months
and it was found that the water consumption was reduced. Some potential experimental details such as name of the plant,
size of the experimental area and statistical data are missing in this article.
Vaishali et al69 automated irrigation system using mobile application. Here temperature and humility sensor measures
environment parameters and sends the details to a gateway called as Raspberry Pi. If moisture was less than threshold
value, the gateway triggers motor for water supply to plants. The end user can obtain moisture and temperature details
from remote place using mobile application. The Bluetooth module called Blue Term was used for communication. The
disadvantage of this article is that the experimental details and statistical data were missing and IoT communication
technologies could have been used instead of Bluetooth communications.
Kumar et al70 used IoT devices to automate irrigation process. Different sensors such as soil moisture sensor, rain
sensor, water flow sensor, temperature sensor were used to decide the moisture level of the land and the observed values
were sent to Raspberry Pi through Wi-Fi connection. The algorithm that executed in Raspberry Pi decides the water flow
based on the observed values. The DC motor was automatically triggered through relay. The water level in the water tank
was monitored by rain drop sensor. The gateway also sends data to cloud storage and user can access data through mobile
application. The advantage of this system is scalability, system was capable to irrigating water only to the required place
and speed of the water was controlled with help of water flow sensor. The disadvantage of this system was statistical data
were missing.
Saraf and Gawali71 gave automatic irrigation system using different sensor such as temperature and humidity sen-
sor (DHT11), water level sensor (M116), soil moisture sensor (LM 393). The sensors observe environmental parameters
and transfer the data to the gateway called AtMega328 microcontroller through ZigBee communication module. The
microcontroller sends data to computer. Received data were transferred and stored in cloud storage through Internet.
The algorithm runs in cloud platform and decides the need of irrigation. The user can get details about it through mobile
application. The major drawback of this article was, experimental and statistical data were missing.
Mat et al72 proposed irrigation system for greenhouse using precision agriculture. Moisture sensor, humidity sensor,
temperature sensor were used to observe heat and moisture level in greenhouse. The measured soil moisture data was
sent to gateway using xBee wireless system. This system reads three types of liquid, namely, silicon oil, glycol, and acetone
from the soil. The gateway transfers the received data to computer using Wi-Fi module or GSM for further analysis. The
experiment was conducted with 100 chilli tree (capsicum annum). Result showed that automatic irrigation system saves
1500 mL water per day per tree. The disadvantage of this system was that experimental results were discussed only for
2 days, which could be projected for more number of days.
Cambra et al73 projected multimedia-based smart irrigation system. Environmental parameters such as vegetation
index (measured by AR Drones with HD camera), flow level, and wind speed were used to automate irrigation system. To
measure and forward the observed field parameters 868 MHz wireless mesh network were used. LoRa Alliance was used
for mobility and communication purpose. The obtained data were stored in MYSQL database. The rule set was used to
determine the irrigation system. This system also detects fungus attack in the field, which helps farmers to protect crops
from fungus attack.
Mehra et al74 proposed IoT controlled hydroponics system based on deep neural network. The system was developed
to monitor tomato plant, which was grown by hydroponic technique. Sensors such as pH sensor, temperature and humid-
ity sensor (DHT11), light intensity sensor, temperature sensor, water level sensor were used to observe the environmental
parameters and the observation was sent to Arduino board. Raspberry Pi programmed with deep neural network tech-
nique to get data from Arduino and it takes decision based on the received values. This decision was sent to Arduino
to activate light, pumping water, and so on. The system data were periodically saved in cloud storage. To communicate
between devices, UART communication module was used. The advantage of this system was it achieves higher plant

growth. The disadvantages were system is not suitable for large scale, also agriculture and machine learning techniques
could have be applied to increase the system accuracy.
Jaichandran et al75 used IoT technique to irrigate multiple agriculture lands with well water. The authors created
IoT-based prototype to test the efficiency of the system. Floating sensors were used to detect water level in well (water
tank), when the water level was adequate, the system gets ready to trigger DC motor for irrigation. Before the DC motor
gets activated, the soil humidity sensor in the field measures soil humidity and sends the data to microcontroller. Based
on the soil humidity, microcontroller (ARM LPC 2148) sets the flow of water and triggers DC motor for irrigation. The
system was tested with a simple prototype, instead real-time application could been used. To irrigate the land only soil
moisture was used, which alone was not enough to take decision for irrigation instead other environmental details such
as temperature, weather details were also needed. System used wired communication which is not feasible for real world
Izquierdo et al76 developed IoT platform based on edge and cloud computing for smart farming technique. The system
was designed to monitor the greenhouse environment, which was responsible for water and nutrition irrigation. IoT plat-
form contained three layers, namely, cyber physical system (CPS), edge plane, cloud platform. Environment monitoring
devices such as temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pH sensor, electrical conductivity sensor, solar radiation, pressure
sensor, and actuators such as liquid counter, valves, water pumps were connected to CPS using wired channel. CPS col-
lected data from sensors and was involved in atomic operation such as water irrigation, sending alert SMS when water
consumption was high, water supply was low, power cut was detected, and so on. CPS also sent the collected details to
edge plane using MQTT protocol. Edge plane was responsible for nutritive solution preparation and supply, pH adjust-
ment in acid tank, cleaning nutritive solution tank. Edge plane forwarded farm details to cloud plane for data storage and
further data analysis. CPS was designed with IPex16 controller, 32 bit CP, 4 GB memory card, USB, CAN, Ethernet, I/O
ports, and so on. Edge plane was virtualized in a local server installed in farm premises. Cloud plane was high end server
place in University of Murcia, Spain. The advantage of this system was it reduces water and nutrient consumption. The
disadvantage was the cost of the system.
Bajer et al77 developed Arduino-based garden (greenhouse) monitoring system. In this system, FC-28-B soil moisture
and humidity sensor were used. The garden environment data were measured and forwarded to Arduino gateway. The
gateway operates the actuators such as relay to automate the irrigation. The collected data were stored in memory card
and user was able to check the environmental values in LCD screen.
Various important components of IoT-based irrigation systems are listed in Table 3 and important features of
IoT-based irrigation system are displayed in Table 4.


Potamitis et al78 proposed smart traps, which help farmers to monitor agricultural land from remote places against insects.
The basic mechanism in smart trap was that traps have a light emitter and a light receiver sensor facing each other, and
whenever an insect crosses this set up it disturbs light and voltage. In this way, the numbers of insect entering were
counted. Different traps were designed to detect different insects and the system can count insects, which were larger
than 6 mm. The insect count was transferred to the server using GPRS mode, which utilizes transmission control pro-
tocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) and HTTP protocol. The data were stored in MYSQL server and was accessed by PHP
scripting language. The system provided high accuracy in insect detection and its scalability was high. The issue with
this technique was, external factors such as raindrop had a chance of affecting the result and this issue should have been
Rustia and Lin79 proposed insect monitoring system in greenhouses. The system had three main components- Rasp-
berry Pi, which acts as gateway, Raspberry Pi camera, which was a light camera with image sensor used to capture the
image of the insect and multi-environmental sensors which include temperature, humidity, atmosphere pressure, light
intensity sensors. In every greenhouse, the sensor node was connected to the Internet using a star WSN topology, either
by Wi-Fi or 4G router. A sticky article was present facing the camera (insect will come and get stuck), the camera cap-
tures the image of the article every 10 minutes from 7 am to 6 pm also the sensor sends the environmental conditions
every 5 minutes to the server. All the data was stored in a SQL database and the processing was done using server side
scripting language PHP. The server can process the image and find the insect pest count. Even though system achieved
high accuracy, test was conducted for less number of days and less number of plants.
T A B L E 3 Various components of IoT-based automatic irrigation system


Sensors and Communication User Experiment name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage interface nature type Advantages Weakness

Subashini et al58 8-bit AVR Soil moisture Wi-Fi ThingSpeak Web Outdoor — — Not Reliable
2018, India microcon- sensor, soil platform application
troller temperature,
light intensity,
humidity, air
irrigation pump
Mohanraj et al59 TI CC 3200 Irrigation — Cloud Mobile — — — Results are not
2016, India Launchpad system, soil platform application sufficient
and Arduino moisture, light
Uno board intensity
Sureephong Microcontroller RB sensor, FDR Wi-Fi — Web Outdoor — Prototype is —
et al60 2017, sensor, application highly
Thailand temperature portable
Goap et al61 Raspberry Pi Soil moisture and Wi-Fi and ZigBee SQLite and Web Outdoor — High accuracy High cost
2018, India with Arduino temperature, air Communication Apache application
Uno temperature and
relative humidity,
radiation, relay
switch, motor
Keswani et al62 Raspberry Pi Soil moisture and ZigBee MYSQL Web Outdoor — — —
2018, India temperature Communication database application
sensor, CO2
temperature and
humidity sensor,
sunlight sensor,
sprinkler unit
Agale et al63 Raspberry Pi Motor, temperature, — MYSQL Web — — Prototype is
2017, India moisture and application tested in small
humidity sensor, environment
float sensor,
passive infrared

21 of 34
22 of 34
T A B L E 3 (Continued)
Sensors and Communication User Experiment name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage interface nature type Advantages Weakness

Salvi et al64 2017, Arduino Uno Moisture, Bluetooth Cloud stor- ThinkSpeak Indoor — — Statistical data
India temperature and module with age using web are not
humidity, light serial port ThingS- application sufficient
intensity sensor, protocol and peak
UV LED, motor Wi-Fi
Shekhar et al65 Arduino and Temperature and Ethernet Cloud Web application Indoor — — Prototype is
2017, India Raspberry Pi 3 moisture sensor (Google tested in small
drive) environment
Imteaj et al66 2016, Arduino and Soil moisture, water Wi-Fi and GSM — Mobile (using Indoor — — Not scalable
Bangladesh Raspberry Pi 3 level sensor, module SMS)
photo cell, water
Monica et al67 2017, Arduino Uno Soil moisture, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Cloud Mobile — Groundnut Water Not considering
India temperature, and GSM module (Sparkfun) application plant conservation weather
luminosity is low updates
Rajalakshmi and Arduino Soil moisture, ZigBee, Ethernet MYSQL Web application Outdoor — Water Experimental
Mahalakshmi68 temperature, and mobile conservation and statistical
2015, India humidity sensor, application is low data are
light intensity missing
sensor (light
ultrasonic sensor
Vaishali et al69 Raspberry Pi Temperature and Bluetooth — Mobile — — — Experimental
2017, India moisture sensor application and statistical


data are
Kumar et al70 2017, Raspberry Pi Soil moisture, Wi-Fi module Cloud Mobile — Beans, ladies Scalability and Statistical data
India temperature, rain application finger, radish, less water are missing
drop and water curry leaves conservation
flow sensor,
relay, DC pump
T A B L E 3 (Continued)


Sensors and Communication User Experiment name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage interface nature type Advantages Weakness

Saraf and AtMega328 Temperature and ZigBee Cloud Web and Mobile — — — Experimental
Gawali71 microcon- humidity sensor Communication application and statistical
2017, India troller (DHT11), water data are
level sensor missing
(M116), soil
moisture sensor,
relay, motor pump
Mat et al72 2016, — Moisture sensor, XBee — Web application Indoor Chili tree Less water Experimental
Malaysia humidity sensor, communication (Greenhouse) conservation duration is
temperature sensor module very less
Cambra et al73 868 MHz mesh Drones with HD LoRa Alliance MySQL Mobile Outdoor —
2017, Spain network camera database, application
and cloud
Mehra et al74 Raspberry Pi Temperature and UART Cloud Web application Indoor Tomato plant Higher plant Lot suitable for
2018, India and Arduino humidity sensor Communication (Google (hydroponic) growth large scale
Uno (DHT11), water Firebase agriculture
level sensor, photo cloud)
resistor, DC motor,
DC pump,
Jaichandran ARM LPC 2148 Floating sensor, soil Wired — LCD Indoor — — Simple
et al75 2017, microproces- moisture sensor, connection prototype
India sor DC motor, GPS
Izquierdo et al76 Customised Temperature sensor, MQTT protocol Cloud Web application Indoor Tomato plant Low Water and High cost
2018, Spain system humidity sensor, and SMS nutrient
pH sensor, consumption
sensor, solar
radiation, pressure
sensor, liquid
counter, valves,
water pumps
Bajer et al77 Arduino MEGA FC-28-B, Ethernet Memory card LCD Indoor — — Limited func-
2015, Czech 2560 relay, pump tionalities

23 of 34
24 of 34
T A B L E 4 Different features of IoT-based automatic irrigation system
Energy Fully Solar energy
Author Scalability consumption Security Remarks Cost automated usability

Subashini et al58 ✗ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗

Mohanraj et al59 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Sureephong et al60 ✓ ✗ ✗ Not applicable Low ✓ ✗
Goap et al61 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption High ✓ ✗
Keswani et al ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption High ✓ ✓
Agale et al ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Salvi et al ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Shekhar et al ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Imteaj et al66 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Moderate ✓ ✗
Monica et al67 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Rajalakshmi and Mahalakshmi68 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Vaishali et al69 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Kumar et al70 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✓
Saraf and Gawali71 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Mat et al72 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption Low ✓ ✗
Cambra et al73 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water consumption and fungus detection Low ✓ ✗
Mehra et al74 ✗ ✗ ✗ Plant growth Low ✓ ✗
Jaichandran et al75 ✗ ✗ ✗ Water management Low ✓ ✗
Izquierdo et al76 ✓ ✓ ✗ Water and nutrient consumption Low ✓ ✓


Bajer et al77 ✓ ✗ ✗ Water management Low ✓ ✗

Thorat et al80 projected IoT-based system, which was equipped with soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, humid-
ity sensor (DHT11 sensor), and camera. These entities collect data and transfer it to Raspberry Pi (Raspbian OS) via wired
and wireless medium. In the server (Apache server), the received data were compared with the threshold value and if any
difference then a notification was sent to the farmers' mobile or website. The disease in the plant was detected using a
camera and the image of the plant was captured and sent to the server. The image was processed using Open CV. The sys-
tem was able to detect a range of lead diseases such as black spot, botrytis blight, leaf spot, and powdery mildew and rust
diseases. The disadvantage of the system was that it was not scalable. For large environmental area it was found to be dif-
ficult to place camera and capture the image of all the plant leafs. Even though experimental results were encourageable,
system should have be modified in such a way that, it suits for large area.
Kapoor et al81 integrated image processing with IoT technologies to detect factuators which hinder the growth of the
plant. Devices such as temperature sensor (DHT11), soil moisture sensor, and serial JPEG camera module were used
to detect environmental changes. The observed data was sent to Arduino Uno, which acts as a gateway. The received
data was then stored in SD card. The camera captures leaf of plant and MATLAB was used for processing the cap-
tured images. Plant was kept in different environments such as indoor, outdoor, semioutdoor and results were analyzed.
The correlation between plant growth and different environment scenarios were studied using the observed details.
The advantage of the system was that the environmental factors such as temperature, soil moisture also were consid-
ered to detect the plant diseases. The disadvantages were, the system was not fully automated and not scalable to large
agriculture area.
Rau et al82 detected nutrients deficiency in rice plants and designed smart irrigation system. Temperature and humid-
ity sensor were used to detect plants state and water motor was used to pass the required water to the plants. Raspberry
bi was used as gateway. The image of rice leafs were captured and these leafs were analyzed by MATLAB. The captured
leaf's green color intensity was obtained from MATLAB and it was compared with IRCC (International Rice Color Chart).
This comparison helped to find the Nitrogen content variation, brown leaf spot and bacterial blight diseases successfully.
The disadvantage of this system was that minimum 13 MP camera was needed to take leaf picture, and system was not
fully automatable.
Pérez-Expósito et al83 developed system called VineSens, which helps farmers to monitor vineyard and detect dis-
ease called downy mildew. Two kinds of sensors were used to collect data from the environment. To measure humidity
and temperature of atmosphere, DS18B20 sensors were used and to measure moisture and temperature of soil, SHT11
sensors were used. Sensor nodes were directed by ESP8266 microcontroller. It collects and sends data to the sensor
through REST API. Raspberry Pi 2 acts as gateway and it uses Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) for data transmission. TP-LINK
router was used to connect the whole system to the Internet. To get details on weather information, weather station was
launched that consists of Arduino, data acquisition board and sensors. The entire system was powered by solar energy.
The collected data were stored in MYSQL database and the user can access the data through web portal. The system
helped to prevent and detect the downy mildew disease using Rule 3-10 model. Rule 3-10 model predicted the downy
mildew disease by environmental conditions. After detecting downy mildew, the system suggested phytosanitary treat-
ment. According to weather and environment parameters, the system decided the range of treatment. In this article,
experiment was conducted in Galicia, Spain for 0.34 acres and results were encourageable. The advantage of the system
was scalability and result accuracy. System did not use any other article techniques such as usage of camera to capture leaf
picture for disease analysis, since using camera to take photo of plant leaf for large agricultural area was impossible for
Kim et al84 proposed disease predication system for strawberry plant. The IoT systems were based on oneM2M
platform and consist of LoRa Class C devices and gateway. Sensors measures CO2 concentration, humidity, and tem-
perature of greenhouse and saves the measured value in the form of data. The collected data were then forwarded to
gateway using LoRa based wireless module. Gateway were connected to wired communication using RS-485, CAN.
Experiments were conducted on Seolhyang strawberry variety. The objective of this article was to predict the strawberry
disease called Botrytis cinerea. B. cinerea disease occurred due to temperature and leaf surface wetting duration and it
was successfully detected based on weather condition by the system and it suggests that the required nutrient solution
supply limit.
Foughali et al85 used decision-making system to prevent potato late blight disease with help of IoT. The system was
implemented and tested in Ras Jebel region in Tunisia. Waspmote sensor (combination of temperature and humidity
sensor) was used to measure environmental status and the data was transferred to gateway using ZigBee interface. Mesh-
lium (gateway) collects the data and sends the data to Ubidots cloud platform. Ubidots were also used to send warning
message to farmers whenever the environmental status reaches below threshold value. SIMCAST model were used as

decision making system. This article used environmental data to predict the late blight disease. The system could have
been extended to large environmental area.
Sarangi et al86 implemented IoT in advanced call center called Wisekar in India, which helped farmers to understand
more about plant disease. Farmers capture image of the affected plant and forward the picture to call center through web
interface. From call center, the picture would be sent to crop-disease detection center. Crop-disease detection center use
Java and MATLAB to recognize the crop-disease. Once the disease was identified the details of the disease were forwarded
to the farmers. In this way Wisekar helps farmers to identify and learn more about plant diseases. The system was helpful
to the user but India has 29 states, most of the states have their own language. So call center and website should support
regional languages so that Wisekar would be able to help the user.
Hsu et al87 designed IoT platform for cloud fog computing to monitor and detect pest in farm land. In this article,
temperature sensor, humidity sensor, and Raspberry Pi camera were used to observe the environment data and pest in
These devices send the observed data to fog mediation system. The mediation device (Raspberry Pi) forwards the data
to gateway and gateway forwards the data to cloud storage. The main objective of mediation device is to manage and
handle the sensor and camera data. This mediation helps to analyze plant pictures and sensor data. Then the analyzed
data are uploaded to cloud storage from mediation device. The result also showed that the fog calculation reduces network
cost time and analysis time. The observation of the system was decentralized data analyze helped in reducing the data
analyze time and network time.
The above discussed disease/pest detection systems help farmers to protect their plants from diseases, insect, and pet.
These articles have its own advantages and disadvantages. Various important components and features of these tech-
niques are displayed in Tables 5 and 6 respectively. Many of the authors did not discuss about accuracy of the system.
To prove the reliability of the system, system performance should be compared with real-time scenario. Also, many tech-
niques fail to minimize the energy usage of the devices and also the system should utilize the solar energy for IoT devices.
Some authors use camera to capture the image of the plant leaf to detect the plant disease; however, for the large agricul-
ture area, this kind of the technique may fail. Instead flying drone with camera can be used to capture the image of the
plants. However, this also may increase the system cost. So, plant disease should be predicted by environmental condition
and informed earlier to former for proactive actions.


The evolution of IoT in agriculture helps farmers in many aspects, but following shortcomings should be addressed in
the future IoT-based smart agricultural systems.
Security: The most important issue in the above-mentioned technique is lack of security. Because most of the studied
techniques mainly communication protocols are prone to various security attacks.88,89 For an example ZigBee is vul-
nerable to packet decoding, data manipulation, and traffic sniffing issues and IEEE 802.11 is vulnerable to jamming,
scrambling, and passive attack.90 The required significance work should be carried out to guard the data communication,
trust management techniques in IoT.91,92
Usage of renewable energy: Only a few existing IoT systems utilized renewable energy in smart forming. Instead of
using electrical energy (or) battery energy for IoT components, all the IoT-based smart forming systems need to utilize
renewable energy. Energy harvesters can be used to obtain different form of energies such as solar energy, electromagnetic
energy, thermoelectric energy, and radio frequency energy from the environment.
Scalability: In real-time scenario, agricultural activities are carried out in large-scale area. Even though most of the
IoT systems are highly scalable, it creates varieties of issues in large-scale deployment such as cost, data storage, data
reliability, data synchronization, data aggregation, and so on.93
Cost: Even though a few sensors and actuators are cheap, some high-quality IoT devices are still costly. For the
large-scale implementation, it makes big burden to farmers. The low-cost devices (with high accuracy) need to be
introduced in order to reduce the burden of farmers.
Connectivity: The IoT technology should enable formers to connect with customers or distributors. So that farmers can
understand the requirements and demands. This helps farmers produce right crops in right time. Some works are carried
out in food supply94-97 ; however, these work lack real-time implementation and solving real-time issues. Thankfully, some
researchers shown possibility of IoT contribution in food supply,98,99 but further more contribution required in this area.
T A B L E 5 Various components of IoT-based plant disease detection system


Sensors and Communication Experiment Plant name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage User interface nature type Advantages Weakness
Potamitis et al — IED lights GPRS, TCP/IP, MYSQL Web page — Rhynchophorus High accuracy Not suitable for
2017, Greece and HTTP database (HTML5, ferrugineus outdoor
protocol PHP, plants
Rustia and Lin79 Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi or 4G MYSQL Web page Cabbage White flies, fruit High accuracy Less scalability
2017, Taiwan camera, router database (HTML5, flies
temperature, PHP)
pressure, light
Thorat et al80 Raspberry Pi Soil moisture Wi-Fi Apache sever Web — Leaf disease — Less
2017, India sensor, page/mobile (black spot, scalability
temperature phone botrytis
sensor, blight, leaf
humidity spot, etc)
sensor), and
Kapoor et al81 Arduino Uno Soil moisture — SD card — Philodendron Leaf lattice — Not fully
2016, India sensor, plant automated
temperature and less
sensor, scalable
sensor), and
Rau et al82 2017, Raspberry Pi Temperature — — Mobile Paddy plant Bacterial blight, — High cost and
India and humidity application brown leaf not fully
sensor, spot automated
valves, rapi

27 of 34
28 of 34
T A B L E 5 (Continued)
Sensors and Communication Experiment Plant name/
Author, year Gateway actuators system Storage User interface nature type Advantages Weakness

Pérez-Exposito Raspberry Pi Atmosphere Wi-Fi MYSQL Web application Vineyard Downy mildew Fully automated —
et al83 2017, 2 humidity and and high
Spain temperature scalability
sensor, soil
moisture and
Kim et al84 2018, OneM2M CO2, humidity, LoRa and RS-485, — — Strawberry plant Botrytis cinerea High accuracy —
Tunisia platform temperature CAN
Foughali et al85 Meshlium Waspmote ZigBee Ubidots Web application Potato Potato late blight High scalability
2018, Tunisia sensor communication
and humidity
Hsu et al87 2018, Raspberry Pi Temperature MQTT protocol Cloud storage — — — Network and
England sensor, data analysis
humidity time is less
Raspberry Pi


T A B L E 6 Different features of IoT-based plant disease detection system
Author Scalability Energy consumption Security Remarks Cost Fully automated Solar energy usability
Potamitis et al ✓ ✗ ✗ Insect detection Low ✓ ✗
Rustia and Lin79 ✗ ✓ ✗ Insect detection High ✓ ✗
Thorat et al80 ✗ ✓ ✗ Disease detection High ✗ ✗
Kapoor et al81 ✗ ✓ ✗ Disease detection High ✗ ✗
Rau et al ✗ ✓ ✗ Disease detection High ✗ ✗
Pérez-Expósito et al83 ✓ ✗ ✗ Disease detection Low cost ✓ ✓
Kim et al84 ✓ ✗ ✗ Disease detection Low cost ✓ ✗
Foughali et al85 ✓ ✗ ✗ Disease detection Low cost ✓ ✗
Hsu et al87 ✓ ✗ ✗ Disease detection Low cost ✓ ✗

29 of 34

Compatibility: IoT system needs to integrate with other technologies such as big data, machine learning, service
composition, resource allocation techniques, and so on, so that IoT systems can deal with huge amount of agricultural
data.100,101 These techniques help in automation process of agriculture.
Early prediction and solution provider: Due to global warming and dramatic changes in climate, agriculture suffers
lots. The IoT technologies should help farmers to predict rain, cyclone, and drought. Also, IoT techniques should suggest
appropriate plantation according to future climate.
Furthermore, some agricultural IoT pilot projects such as pilot project in China102 and pilot project in Europe103
provide the requirements and challenges in large-scale implementation of IoT techniques in agriculture. These studies
help to understand different challenges in large-scale implementation issues. IoT techniques that should integrate with
satellite remote sensing technique104,105 helps to analyze and monitor various environment features such as temperature,
soil parameters in large scale agriculture land.


Agriculture is the backbone of our society. In order to smarten “farming” the practice of agriculture in an effective way, IoT
techniques is united with agriculture. IoT techniques are applied in almost all fields of agriculture such as farm monitor-
ing, irrigation, pest monitoring, and so on. Existing smart farming techniques are classified and reviewed; from this study,
it is understood that researchers should concentrate more on security aspects, food supply and food distribution. It is also
observed that, most of the experiments were conducted in indoor environment. In order to solve more real-time prob-
lems researchers should also experiment these techniques in outdoor. On the whole, this work will support researchers
to realize the current status assuredly.

Sebastian Terence https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1965-3402

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How to cite this article: Terence S, Purushothaman G. Systematic review of Internet of Things in
smart farming. Trans Emerging Tel Tech. 2020;e3958. https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.3958

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