تقرير اسنرنس
تقرير اسنرنس
تقرير اسنرنس
Report about
(Static Failure )
Content :
1-Introduction (3)
2- Failure of ductile materials (4)
2.1. Maximum-Shear-Stress Theory (Tresca) (4,5)
2.2. Maximum-Distortion-Energy Theory (von Mises )(6,7)
3- Failure of brittle materials (8)
3.1. Maximum-Normal-Stress Theory (Rankine) (8)
3.2. Mohr’s Failure Criterion (Modified Mohr ) (9)
4-References (9)
Material failure is an interdisciplinary field of materials science and solid
mechanics which attempts to predict the conditions under which
solid materials fail under the action of external loads. The failure of a
material is usually classified into brittle failure or ductile failure. If the
material is ductile , failure is usually specified by the initiation of yielding ,
whereas if the material is brittle , it is specified by fracture . These modes of
failure are readily defined if the member is subjected to a uniaxial state of
stress, as in the case of simple tension; however, if the member is
subjected to biaxial or triaxial stress, the criterion for failure becomes more
difficult to establish. In this section we will discuss four theories that are
often used in engineering practice to predict the failure of a material
subjected to a multiaxial state of stress. No single theory of failure,
however, can be applied to a specific material at all times , because a
material may behave in either a ductile or brittle manner depending on the
temperature, rate of loading, chemical environment, or the way the material
is shaped or formed. When using a particular theory of failure, it is first
necessary to calculate the normal and shear stress at points where they
are the largest in the member. Once this state of stress is established, the
principal stresses at these critical points are then determined, since each of
the following theories is based on knowing the principal stress.
Materials Von
Theories of Mises
Materials Modified
Ductile material Brittle material
2.1.1. Definition ?
According to the maximum shear stress theory, a material will fail or yield
when its maximum shear stress equals or exceeds the shear stress value
at the yield point in the uniaxial tensile test. This theory is suitable for
ductile materials . The maximum shear stress theory was first developed by
the French mechanical engineer Henri Tresca in the late 1800s (it is
sometimes referred to as the Tresca theory of failure). Tresca is known as
the father of the field of plasticity, the study of irreversible material
deformations. He developed one of the two main failure criteria for ductile
materials, with Richard von Mises developing the other.
2.1.2. Formula
Yielding occurs when the maximum
shear stress is equal to the shear
sress at yielding in uniaxial tensile test .
To avoid failure
In a uniaxial tensile test, the maximum principal stress at the yield point
will be (to avoid failure )
|σ1|=σy .
|σ2|= σy . σ1 , σ2 have same signs .
| σ1- σ2 | = σy σ1 , σ2 have opposite signs .
2.2. Maximum-Distortion-Energy Theory (von Mises )
2.2.1 Definition .
2.2.2 formula .
Yielding occurs when maximum distortion energy is equal to the distortion
energy at yielding in an uniaxial tensile test .
U=(1/2) σ 𝜀
If the material is subjected to triaxial stress
General formula
To avoid failure
Uniaxial σ1= σy
Biaxial σ12- σ1σ2+σ22 = σy2
3- Failure of brittle materials
3.1. Maximum-Normal-Stress Theory (Rankine)
3.1.1. Definition .
According to this theory, the failure of a machine component subjected
to combined loading occurs whenever the maximum principal stress
within the component becomes equal to the limiting strength ( yield for
ductile and ultimate for brittle materials ) of the material in the
Simple Tension Test.
This theory of failure is given by the British engineer, W.J.M. Rankine
so this maximum principal stress theory is also called Rankine's
Consider a component with biaxial stresses subjected to it.
Then two principal stresses are produced on the body σ₁ and σ₂.
3.2. Mohr’s Failure Criterion (Modified Mohr )
3.2.1. Definition .
In some brittle materials tension and compression properties are different . When
this occurs a criterion based on the use of Mohr’s circle may be used to predict
failure. This method was developed by Otto Mohr and is sometimes referred to as
Mohr’s failure criterion . To apply it, one first performs three tests on the
material. A uniaxial tensile test and uniaxial compressive test are used to
determine the ultimate tensile and compressive stresses (σult)t and (σult)c,
respectively. Also a torsion test is performed to determine the material’s ultimate
shear stress( τult) .
We may also represent this criterion on a graph of principal stresses σ1 and σ2 .
Here failure occurs when the absolute value of either one of the principal stresses
reaches a value equal to or greater than (σult)t or (σult)c or in general, if the
state of stress at a point defined by the stress coordinates (σ1 , σ2) is plotted on
the boundary or outside the shaded area.
2-Wikipedia .com
3-BYJU’S EXAM OREP .COM 5- Engineer edge .com
4- Engineer excel .com 6-Mechical .com