3 Module Sept 11 16

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Republic of the Philippines


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Subject : Introduction to Agriculture Discussion No.5-6 : Midterm

Class Schedule : BSA 1C 01:00 – 02:30 PM MW Module 3
BSA 1D 09:00 – 12:00 PM F WK Sept. 11-16
BSA 1C 01:00 – 02:30 PM TTh Sept. 18-23
BSA 1D 02:30 – 04:00 PM TTh

Topic/s : Classification of Crop

Objectives :

Describe the Dairy

production industry
in the Philippines
2. Illustrate the
reproductive Parts
of a dairy Cattle
3. Explain the Dairy
cattle management
including the
management on
how to
improve and
establish pasture
4. Develop different
preparations of
5. Identify the basic
terminologies of
dairy cattle
At the end of this weekly module, you must have:
a. describes the descriptive classification of crop;
b. compares the Ecological classification of crop; and
c. categories Horticultural, Ornamental and plantation classification of crops

? = Please






In this context, there is a need to classify the crops for a systematic geographical analysis. The
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) explains the principal ranks of taxa. According to
them, plants are classified based on the following criteria:

(1) botanical,

(2) descriptive, and

(3) agricultural

Globally, major crop classifications are defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
of the United Nations. For a better understanding of agricultural crops and their distribution in India and
the globe, knowledge of the classification of plants and crops is needed.

Hence, the objectives of studying this lesson are to know about:

1. Descriptive Classification
2. Ecological classification
3. Agronomic Classification
4. Horticultural Classification
5. Ornamental and plantation classification.


The descriptive classification of crops is based on five criterions:
a) Mode of Reproduction,
b) Mode of Pollination,
c) Life Span,
d) Growth Habit and
e) Leaf Retention.

The Crop Classifications attempted according to the mode of pollination. This criterion divides plants
into three categories as:

1. Naturally self-pollinated crops

2. Naturally cross-pollinated crops
3. Both self- and cross-pollinated crops

In the Naturally self-pollinated plants, both pollen and embryo sac are produced in the same floral
structure or in different flowers but within the same plant. Typical Examples include: rice, most pulses,
okra, tobacco, tomato.

In the Naturally cross-pollinated crops, the pollen transfer is done from one flower to the stigma of
another flower in a separate plant . Typical examples include, corn and many grasses, avocado, grape,
mango, many plants with unisexual or imperfect flowers.

In both self- and cross-pollinated crops, plants are largely self-pollinated but varying amounts of cross-
pollination also occur. Examples include, cotton and sorghum.

According to Life Span, crops are classified into annuals, biennial and perennial categories.

The Annuals are plants which live within a short period of time, for a few weeks or months, perpetuated
by seed, and which die soon after producing seeds. Examples include: rice, corn, cowpea, etc.

The Biennials are plants which requires two growing seasons to complete its life cycle, the first for
vegetative growth and accumulation of food reserves, and the second for the production of
reproductive parts. Examples include: onion, cabbage, carrot, celery, and raddish.

The Perennials include, a plant that lives indefinitely, including all trees and shrubs and many
herbaceous plants with underground stems (e.g. corm, rhizome, tuber) like banana and clump-forming
grasses. The Perennial plants continue growing and produce seeds year after year, either from a single
plant or, in herbaceous plants, from succeeding regrowth.

Based on Growth Habit crops classified into Herbs, Vines, Lianas, Shrubs and Trees.

According to Leaf Retention, plants are classified into Evergreen plants and deciduous plants.

The Evergreen plants are those that maintain their leaves throughout the year. Abscessed leaves are
continually replaced by new flushes.
Examples include pines, banana, papaya, palms and most tropical plants.

The Deciduous plants are those which naturally shed off or lose leaves annually for extended periods.
Natural leaf shedding is pronounced in deciduous trees of temperate regions.

2. Ecological Adaptation or Habitat:

Geography and ecology are two inter-related subjects. Most of the ecosystems are studied
under geographic contexts, the plants are also classified according to their ecological adaptation and

The major classes of plants are:

 Aquatic / hydrophytic plants

 Epiphyte or epiphytic plants
 Halophyte or halophytic plants
 Lithophyte or lithophytic plants
 Mesophyte or mesophitic plants
 Parasite or parasitic plants
 Saprophyte or saprophytic plants
 Sciophyte or sciophytic plants
 Terrestrial or land plants
 Xerophyte/ xerophytic plants.

The Aquatic/ hydrophytes plants are adapted to growing in water or waterlogged soil. They grow
entirely in submerged, partly submerged or floating, or conditions. Examples: lotus and water lily.

The Epiphyte or epiphytic plants grow above ground on another plant but is not parasitic, usually
deriving only physical support from the host and obtaining nourishment from the air and other sources.
The most common epiphytes belong to the pineapple, orchid, and fern families.

The Halophytes grow in habitats excessively rich in salts or under saline conditions. Mangrove
vegetation are good examples. Coconut, cashew and tamarind have varying levels of tolerance to saline

The Lithophytes are adapted to grow on rocks or in rocky terrain with little humus, absorbing nutrients
from the atmosphere, rain, and decaying matter which accumulate on the rocks.

The Mesophytes are terrestrial plants which are adapted to moderate conditions for growth, i.e. not
too dry and not too wet (e.g. corn and most commercially-grown crops).

The Parasite or parasitic plants grow on another plant from which it takes part or all nourishment.
The Saprophyte or saprophytic crops grow on decaying organic matter and has no green tissue. This
classification applies to the mushrooms, which are fungi.

The Sciophytes grow in low light intensity or shade, e.g. most ferns and mosses, black pepper, coffee,
hot pepper, gingers, and many orchids can tolerate or require shade.
The Terrestrial or land plants grow on land. Most agricultural crops are terrestrial plants. They are
further subclassified into various groups such as halophytes, mesophytes, etc.

The Xerophytes are adapted to conditions with little or no water. Examples: cacti and many succulents.

Why classify CROPS?

For order and organization

For logical naming: common names are not adequate because they vary from country to
country, even from locality to locality.


Aristotle classified plants based on structure and size (e.g. herb, shrub, tree)
Carolus Linnaeus classified plants based on structure only, i.e., different species with similar
structural features
Modern classification is based on phylogeny (evolution of plants)


 Rice – Oryza sativa
 Corn – Zea mays
 Wheat – Triticum aestivum
 Grain sorghum – Sorghum bicolor
 Mungbean – Vigna radiata
 Peanut – Arachis hypogaea
 Soybean – Glycine max
 Chick pea – Cicer arietinum
 Cowpea – Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata
 Pigeon pea – Cajanus cajan
 Cotton – Gossypium hirsutum
 Jute – Chorchorus olitorius; C. capsularis
 Kenaf – Hibiscus cannabinus
 Ramie –Boehmeria nivea
 Sweet potato – Ipomoea batatas
 Cassava – Manihot esculenta
 Potato – Solanum tuberosum
 Napier – Pennisitum purpureum
 Centrosema – Centrosema pubescens
 Ipil-ipil – Leucaena leucocephala
Crops for industrial processing
 Castor bean – Ricinus communis
 Tobacco –Nicotiana tabacum
 Sugarcane – Saccharum officinarum

2 Main Classification System – Horticultural Crop



Leafy Vegetables
 Swamp cabbage; tropical spinach – Ipomoea aquatica
 Jute – Chorchorus olitorius
 Lettuce – Lactuca sativa
 Celery – Apium graveolens
 Malabar spinach – Basella alba; B. rubra
 Green Amaranth – Amaranthus viridis
Crucifers /Brassicaceae/Cruciferae/Mustard Family
 Chinese Cabbage – Brassica rapa
 Mustard – Brassica juncea
 Cabbage – Brassica oleracea (capitate group)
 Pak-choi/ pechay – Brassica chinensis
 Cauliflower – Brassica oleracea (botrytis group)
 Broccoli- Brassica oleraceae var. italic
Root, tuber, and bulb
 Radish – Raphanus sativus
 Sweet potato – Ipomoea batatas
 Carrot – Daucus carota
 Onion – Allium cepa
 Garlic – Allium sativum
 Potato – Solanum tuberosum
 Ginger – Zingiber officinale
Legumes/ pulses
 4-angled bean – Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
 Snap bean – Phaseolus vulgaris
 Stringbean – Vigna unguiculata sbsp. Sesquipedalis
 Lima bean – Phaseolus lunatus
 Hyacinth bean – Lablab purpureus
 Tomato – Lycopersicum esculentum
 Sweet pepper – Capsicum annuum
 Eggplant – Solanum melongena
 Hot pepper – Capsicum frutescens
 Cucumber – Cucumis sativus
 Bitter gourd – Momordica charantia
 Squash – Cucurbita maxima
 Bottle gourd – Lagenaria siceraria
 Watermelon – Citrullus lunatus
 Loofah – Luffa acutangula
 Chayote – Sechium edule
 Wax gourd – Benincasa hispida
Tree vegetable
 Sesban – Sesbania grandiflora
 Drumstick tree – Moringa oleifera
 Himbabao – Alleaenthus luzonicus


Fruit is a mature, ripened ovary. It contains the seed (ripened ovule) and pericarp (the tissue that
surrounds the seed).


a. Simple fruit- one fruit develop from single ovary of a flower with or without accessory parts.
Example: Corn, Peanut
b. Aggregate fruit- collection of simple fruit developing from apocarpus pistil of a flower
c. Multiple or composite fruits- develop from a number of flowers from an inflorescence.
Example: Pineapple, peach fruit.


Types of fruits – fleshy fruits (Juicy)

Berry – has an entirely fleshy ovary.

Example: Tomatoes, dates, blueberries, bananas, peppers, and cranberries.

Hesperidium – have a leathery rind.

Example: oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes.

Pepo – defined by hard rind and fleshy inner matrix.

Example: watermelons, cantaloupe, squash, and pumkins.

Drupe = is a fruit with fleshy exterior and a single hard, stony pit surrounding the seed.

Example: coconut, mango

Pomes – have a fleshy exterior and a center with papery carpels.

Examples: apples and pears

Types of Fruits- DRY FRUITS may be indehiscent or dehiscent .

Indehiscent fruits are those that do not split open at maturity and are usually one
or two-seeded.
Dehiscent fruits are fruits that split open upon maturation.

DRY FRUITS (Indehiscent fruits)

Achene- is a single-seeded fruit with seed attached only at only one place to the pericarp.

Examples: Sunflower and strawberry

Caryopis – a fruits is similar to an achenes; however, the pericarp sticks or clings to the

Example: Corn, rice, barley, rye

Samara- is usually single-seeded with a membranous wing.

Examples: Maple, elm, and ash

Types of Fruits- DRY FRUITS (Indehiscent fruits)

Nut- is a hard, one-seeded fruit.

Example: Oak and walnut

Utricle- is like an achene, but the ovary wall fits loosely around the seed.
Examples: Finger millet and pigweed
Nutlet- is a small version of a nut.

Examples: Birch and hornbeam

Legume or pod- is composed of a single carpel and has two longitudinal sutures.
Examples: soybeans, green beans, and peas

Follicle- is composed of a single carpel and splits open along one suture.
Example: milkweed

Capsule- is composed of more than one carpel that are united and form many-seeded fruits.
Examples: Okra and cotton
Silique- a specialized form of capsule in mustards.

Pyxis- is a type of capsule with a lid that falls from the fruit. Example: purslane
Classification of Crops Base On Purpose

 Cereals/ grain crops- grown for their grains.

Example: Rice, corn, wheat, sorghum.
 Legumes- for pods and seeds.
Example: Cowpea, mungbean, sitao, peanut.
 Root crops- for enlarged roots or tuberous roots.
Example: Cassava and ubi
 Fiber crops- grown for their fibers used in textile, cordage, twines, sacks, bags etc.
Example” Cotton, ramie, kenaf, jute.

 Oil crops- grown for their oil content.

Example: Soybean, peanut, sunflower, castor, coconut.
 Sugar crops- grown for their sugar content.
Example: Sugarcane
 Pature/ Forage crops- used for roughage source for animals.
Example: Paragrass, napier grass, and ipil-ipil
 Beverage crops- used for brewing nonalcoholic drinks.
Example: Coffee, cacao, tea

Classification of Crops Base On Purpose

 Spices, condiments, essences- used to provide special flavor, color, and scent to food,
perfumes, soaps, and body dressing.
Example: Black pepper, vanilla, citronella, ilang-ilang
 Latex and resins- used for extracting sap from the trunk/ stem. Eg. Rubber, chico, pili, rimas,

 Medicinal and poison crops- with curative, laxative and pesticidal properties.
Example: Lagundi, sambong, tobacco
 Vegetables- usually eaten with staple crops.
 Fruits- edible botanical fruits usually used for dessert which may be eaten raw, cooked or
processed form.
Example: Pineapple, cashew, mango
 Ornamentals- plants cultivated mainly for their aesthetic value,

Classification of ornamentals
 Cutflowers- grown for its
 flowers. Ex. Roses
 Cut foliage- foliage provides background in floral arrangement.
Example: Ferns, palmera
 Flowering pot plants grown in containers for their flowers usually used for display. Eg. poinsettia
 Landscape plants- for landscaping purposes. Eg. White grass, song of india
 Foliage plants- for attractive foliage, maybe grown indoor or outdoor for decoration.
Example: Begonia, philodendron
 Turf- used in lawns or greens.
Example: Bermuda grass and carabao grass
General Classification of Crops
According to growth habit
 Herbs- succelent plants with self-supporting stems, with soft stems.
 Vines- succulent or woody plants (lianas) without self-supporting stems.
 Trees- with single central stem to which branches are attached, usually taller than shrub.
According to life cycle
 Annuals- complete their life cycle in 1 year or less eg. Squash
 Biennials- plants ordinarily require 2 years or at least part of 2 growing seasons with a
dormant period between growth stages to complete their life cycle eg. Carrot, cabbage,
 Perennials- plants that do not die after flowering but live year to year eg. Trees.
According to mode of reproduction
 Sexual- plants that develop after undergoing processes of meiosis and fertilization in the
flower to produce a viable embryo in the seed.
 Asexual- plants that are produce by any vegetative means not involving meiosis and the
union of gametes.
According to light intensity requirement
 Heliophytes
- Sun-loving (light saturation at 5000 foot candles
Example: Banana, chrysanthemum, corn, cowpea, cucurbits, eggplant, papaya, peanut,
 Sciophytes
- shade-loving (light saturation at 500 foot candles)
Ex. Ginger, Ferns, coffee
 Special types
- Parasites- parasitic, sucking roots
- Epiphytes- grow upon other plants (orchids) but not parasitic
- Saprophytes- grow in places rich in
decaying organic substance.

Special Groups
 Green manure- a crop that is plowed under while still green and growing to improve the soil
Example: Sesbania
 Cover crops- any crop grown to provide soil cover, prevent soil erosion (wind or water),
improve soil, and control weeds.
 Companion crops- crop sown for another crop and harvested separately. The combination
benefits either or both the crops.
 Trap crop- a crop which is planted to protect the main crop from pest by attracting the pest
to the crop itself and later destroying it.
 Catch crop- a short seasoned crop (pechay) grown immediately after failure of the main crop
(rice) to utilize residual resources.
 Soilage- grasses that are grown, cut and directly fed to animals.
 Silage- grasses grown, cut, fermented, and preserved before being fed to animals.


A. Short Response Test. Please answer briefly and concisely the following questions. Please be guided
by the rubrics below.

Areas of 3 2 1
Ideas Ideas are very organized Ideas are too general Ideas are vague or unclear
and consistent
Organization Organized beg/mid/end Some organization; No organization; lack
attempt at a beg/mid/end beg/mid/end
Perception Writing shows a clear Writing shows adequate Writing shows little
understanding understanding understanding

What role does crop classification play in agriculture?

B. Identification: Determine the crops' category using the horticultural classification listed below.
Glycine max Sorghum bicolor Arachis hypogaea Nicotiana tabacum
Gossypium hirsutum Triticum aestivum Boehmeria nivea Pennisitum purpureum
Hibiscus cannabinus Vigna radiata Cajanus cajan Ricinus communis
Ipomoea batatas Vigna unguiculata Centrosema pubescens Saccharum officinarum
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. unguiculata Chorchorus olitorius; Solanum tuberosum
Manihot esculenta Zea mays Cicer arietinum
Fiber Legumes Root Forage Tuber Grain Crops for


Students will be grouped and must able to create a video presentation on the on crop classification…

Congratulations! You have successfully accomplished your first module.


Arteca, R. N. 2015. Introduction to Horticultural Science 2nd edition. Australia: Cengage Learning.
Sharma, R.K., Bhoi, S.K., Pandey, N., Shinde, S. & Pandey, V.K. 2012. Agriculture At a Glance, An
Enhanced Competition Explorer. New Delhi: Daya Publishing House. pg.2-3

GREEN EMPIRE. 2016. Licensure Examination in Agriculture Reviewer (Crop Science)

TAMAYO NV and AGUSTIN AL. 2017. Classification of crops. 2017 ALE Review, Department of Crop
Science, College of Agriculture, Central Luzon State University

Prepared by:



Checked by:

Noe B. Mejasco, MSc

Program Head, BSA


Director, Quality Assurance and General Education



Dean for Academic Affairs

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