Additol XL 6557 Tds
Additol XL 6557 Tds
Additol XL 6557 Tds
TYPE This product is serving for trial purposes only. Deviations which might occur
during transfer into manufacturing in a commercial scale are possible and
Cross linkable polymeric grinding medium do not constitute any material defect.
70 % in solvent naphtha 150/180 (containing also 4 % xylene)
Non-Volatile Matter DIN 55671 Finished coatings tinted with Additol XL 6557 have high hardness, yellowing
non-volatile matter [%] 68 - 72 resistance, high gloss, good drying properties, good
(120 °C; 5 min) mechanical properties, high water resistance and/or excellent weather
Not continually determined:
In solvent borne industrial application such as coil coatings, marine and heavy
duty anti corrosive paints, agriculture, industrial wood, and other metal
Hydroxyl Value DIN 53240 coatings, the pigment pastes based on Additol XL 6557 support chemical and
hydroxyl value [mg KOH/g] 95 - 120 physical properties of the final paint system.
Additol XL 6557 is readily diluted in aromatic solvents and in polar solvents At temperatures up to 25 °C storage stability packed in original containers
like glycol ethers and esters as well as solvent naphtha. amounts to at least 730 days.
Only limited solubility exists in pure alcohol & aromatic free hydrocarbons.
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