Art of Being Happy Watermark
Art of Being Happy Watermark
Art of Being Happy Watermark
Unique P~:~J ,
o(-~ue~~it;i}>afo/ :
3-ljs:ii'll cfi ~ I
928 3
928 2
~a"~ffi cfi ~ m«f ~ ~ fulfil cfiT ~ ~ fclcfiRT 1R
2. ~tjh;r~cfi~t,
~ ~ ~ ~,
3. ~~cfi 3fcfiW{R"i I
4. ~~-~qif~ ~~mmM~ m1Sll~~, ~ 5. Write down the prominent Honours and Awards in
~~qif~~-gti\-;,r~ I sports in India.
1. Explain the concept of Physical Education and discuss 6. Explain the structure and function of the International
in detail its aim and objectives.
Olympic Committee (IOC).
~ fulfil cAf 3TmWUlT <fiT ~'1$11-t;ll ~ ~ "R~ ~ ~
3icRT<{\4 ~ ~ ( ~d) cfiT mWTT 3Tit ~ ~