Adobe Scan 19 Sept 2023

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Time : 02 hrs 30 min

Max. Marks. 75

Note: 1) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.

ri ~., ~ 3$r.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3;,id)<t,g)('f 3fqi" TT 'T1T c;~'rcrc=I@.
0 .1 A) Explain the following concepts: (ANY FIVE)
~ .ffifil"4•tl ~ cfi'U: (cfi)Difllitl 4TiJ}

1) Remote sensing

2) Motivation

3) Equity principle

4) Common Admission Test

5) Biotechnology

~ cmn;;,
6) Lateral thinking' '
oll-,tcfi~i>I ~
7) Consumer movement


8) Report writing

0 .1 B) , Write a comprehensive note on the Foundation Course (Semester IV) project submitted by (15]
you .

Q.2 A) Write a detail note on Public l.nterest litigation [15]

~ lllfM,cH ~ f?-qor ~-
Q.2 B), Explain the types and features of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. (15)


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Q.3 A) Write a brief note on Biocentrism and Deep Ecology. [15]

~ ~ 31Tf1)i ~~ffifclj <R~ fmur~.

Q.3 B) , Explain sustainable development and its goals in detail. [15]

Q.4 A) , Write a detail note on the issue of control, access and misuse of technology. [15)

~ . ~ JffiUI ciSl~l--llill l'rnfllR llT ~ ~fclffi itq ~ -

Q.4 B) Discuss the role of ICT in revolutionizing education system in India. [15]
-.ma1ctla ~~m ffl 'iMq OlHd i:nftcfh@fUf fflR ~ ~ ~ cfm.

Q.5 A). Explain time management and discuss the effective strategies of time management. [15)
~ ~~~~~"Q"~ mxurtcR~ctm.

Q.5 B) Explain goal setting and the various types of goals. [15]

,( )
> ' I

Page 2 of 2

~~ Identify the factors involved with life span and causes of death .

dillJS1HlcH ~ ~ Uccf> 3ffft)J ~$nJmcflRUft~~ msr.

Q.4 Attempt ANY TWO out of the following: [20]
&l~('SQt61 tt>1Ult'Qitfl clR~uffl'~:
.X Summarize following theories regarding continuity and change in personality during late
adulthood - Levinson's final season, Neugarten's study, Life review and reminiscence.

ti),ii!ltlll Jun~ o4Wt'll-h'cllcftcl mffill ffl cslGclFl-iisi£fi ~ ~-&idiill ~ W -

1.9 ~--tH'q I 3ITT1l-f qJTro , ~ II &I ii I df'l-lffif, ~ •.fH1ck11ctH 3fffttr 3floq1Jf_
B) • Describe any three theories of successful aging.

~ q~ii!lilll cf>1U1~1$J cfi;:f ~~iaiil 4tf.r CITTT.

~ Explain how marriages fair in late adulthood.

ti),cqitlll ~~ ~ ~~ ~<l ~ CITTT.

Q.5 Attempt ANY TWO out of the following: [20]

@~('S~t61 ct>10lt'Qltfl GR~uffi'~:
ft" Describe how aging can affect reaction time and memory. How memory can be
improved in middle adulthood?

~ cfllit:{l \.lfafw~I <lo5 3fTIU1 ~HUIS<likftct-t <f>ffl ~ mill ml) quf;J CITTT. lfgm cfq@'
tl-HOIS<likfl ¢,rt't ~m«ft ~ ~ ?
I • '
B)· Write a' detailed note on family violence in middle adulthood,

l l t l l l l ~ ~ f'gf!lill~lc'H d4S<ftclctl~ ~~­

Describe how senses are affected by aging.

q-&ii!ll:{ciJ ~ <f>ffl ~ mill ml) qllFf CITTT.

D) Explain how aging affects family relations.

q~ii!l'ql cf>~~~cfHf<ifmcR <f>ffl ~ mill <l ~ CITTT.

Page 2 of 2

Time : 03 hrs Max. Marks. 100

Note: 1) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.

m f \ H I ~ ~-
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
J\Jlcft<t>dlcl dfcf> ~ 1JU1 ~~ffcl a1a.
3) All questions have internal option. \

4) Draw neat diagrams, flowcharts wherever necessary.
~ f a q ~ ~ ~-

Q.1 Attempt ANY TWO out of the following: (20]

@ ~)t., a<ti ct>1 Dlttlltfl ·zynr~~ ~ ~:

~ Describe the physical changes and changes in functioning of senses in middle

-q~i:nfr~1~ ~ ~ 3fTfur ~~11i'i:2.11 if> 111fdl<:1 ~ qUR cRl.

B) What is the source of competence during adulthood? Explain the role of expertise in the
competence during adulthood.

%,' Write a detailed note on sexuality in middle age men and women.

l l ~ ~ 3flfur~ijffi ctfrtct>d<H aq~ftacm ~~-

02 Attempt ANY TWO out of the following: [20]

@(')"1l'Sactft q,)Dlt'qltfl zy{ ~ ~ ~ :
&-- Describe the concept of 'midlife crisis' and explain the nature of continuity in personality
developement during middle adulthood.
l l ~ qq %ilTT ~· '8ct>~~il cfU8 cR1 3fTfur ll£IT !.!lcfoll~'{UJH o4Fc@J.1(('l
fclct>ltlla 3mUIRTT ~ ~ ~ cRl.
p Write short notes on:1) The sandwich generation 2) Becoming a Grandparent
i n n ~:1 ) ~ ~ 2 ) 3fTGft-~ ~
C) Summarize characteristics of work and career in middle adulthood.

ll~ !.!lcfol Idlcl <t>lll 3fTfur cf>ft3ITTft ~ ~ cRl.

Q .3 Attempt ANY TWO out of the following: (20]

@('fl('S~ctfl q,")Uj('qjjfl WI~~~:
A) • Describe the general state of health of older people and to what disorders they are

~ ~ 3ti<lllll'i:2.II ~ ~ qtJR CITTT JfTIUl ~ cfi1URlll fclct>lxi11 ~ ll5cfIB ~ ~ -

B)· Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood .

!Ji<Mltlll ~ufu ~HOl~lchft <fl!ffi Uq;R qTTfi ~ JITTOT qTTfi "ITT<f ~ ~ ~ CITTl.

Page 1 of 2

Time : 02 hrs 30 min

Max. Marks. 75

Note: 1) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.

t) ~ ~;;,- ~ ~ -
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
~) 331q')cfi~'Jc,1 3fcn qol ;rJUT ~~1c@Tc,.
" ..:,

0 1 A) Explain the following concepts : (ANY FIVE)

( 15}
i;;u Jr) ~ '8cfit>"9-il ~ 'cfi"U: (cfi1Dk41~') 'f'R)
J1 Man made disaster
n ~fo:mt, }W:@T

t?J Vulnerab le groups

~) 3RRTa1c
A Rehabilit ation and resettlem ent
J) qo-1ch-1a-1


~ Violence against ch il dren

'-3 ) J--\<'-lic:1fl<'-l
6) Reflective listening
q TTt,a,~ TGr~
7) Middle ages
l9 ) J:Jt..q cfi I <4'J oi <fdT

~ Effective listening
<'.'.) qft □ IIJ--\cfil{cfi ~ / ~

0 .1 B) Write a detail note on the foundatio n course (semeste r Ill) project submitted
by you . [15]
~) ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ (fl n=I f c.{ 111) Sl cfi c>-q Ic1 { fl Rlfc·H ftQur ~ -
..:i [ ic.,J

0 .2
vM" Describe the legal and constitutio nal ri ghts available to children and the differently
abled . [15]
Jr) isl I <'-lcfiio-11 3ffiOl ~ ~ m,J--r c..q ctc'fio-11 ~ ~ ~~j'R
3fTfut Q C:oil,J--tcfi [ ~C.,]
~ qOTa, cfiTI.

02 B) Write a detail note on the role , functions and importanc e of National Human
Rights [15]
Commiss ion
~~ }ll~)a11~"1 ~ . ~ 3flfut~ mcf{ =ttRlhH f?:9UT~ .

0 .3 / Explain the physical , economic and social effects of disaster.

Jr) ~ ~ . ~ 3frtut fllliiRlcfi yfturm ~ cfiTI.
0 .3 B) Explain the concept of disaster mitigation and mention its goals.
~) 3W«ft ~rnaITTfi st1cfit>'4cril ~ ~ 3Wltfi ~~ ~ T ~ - [~C.,]

0.4 A) Discuss the developm ent of science in the human history in brief.
Jr) ~ $ffit;FHie1"ll>t fcb11cr11~ll1 RlcfiFHl~..,I ~is<Mlc1 ~ cfiTI.
[ ~ C.,]
0.4 Write a detail note on the concept of superstiti ons and methods to eradicate
it, [15]
.mi~ st1cfit>"9cr11 .3TTfut~, ~A(>ia11~..q1 ~ < R fl~@{ fv:r ~ -
- [ ~C.,]
" -

(P.T .O)
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Q.5 A) Descr ibe the types of leade rship and explai n

the characteristics of effect ive leade rship . [15]
31") crltj_c'cl jl:,cqj ~ 'cfUlaf CfiFai' ~ iil<f,qi't.l"'i ~ ~
ifiU. [~~]
Q .5 Write a detail note on verba l and non-v erbal
comm unicat ion . [15]

I Page 2 of 2
Time : 03 hrs
Max. Marks. 100

Note: 1) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.

~ U'M ~ 3ITITTf.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
dGlcft<f>~a Jfql 1tOf ljul G£<ffcla1a.
3) All questions have internal option .
~ U'lfRT 3fcl1IB -qQTtr 3ITITTf.
4) Draw neat diagrams, flowcharts wherever necessary.

Q.1 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20]

@~ C'> actfl cf>l OffQ I gl um-~:
A) Describe the concept of modern racism and explain the importance of measuring implicit
racial prejudice/ attitudes.
'3{T~ q.QJqlc;l~I ,Hq,c-Qqit quf;:r~ JffiUT~~~ ~ '-tlGIOQl il ~~cITTT.
B)· Explain the gender stereotypes and how they are manifested in day to day life?
fwT ~~ (stereotype) JffiUT ~ ~ ~ ~ VcPc "ITTillcl' ~ ~ cITTT?
C ), Explain origins of prejudice
q:ci!l(';iiJJ ~ ~ ~ -

Q.2 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20)

JJlii.'>lC?~ilfl ch 1Uff<lltft zynr~ftftm~ :

A) . Define Conformity and explain how social norms emerge and what are the foundations of

Conformity .

~~1.tiai\1 ~ ~ Jffi1}T 'tl141\'Glct> f.:tim cfm ~ ~ '3fTfur ~ffe Qchl f.l~ Uccf>
cITTU@') 'cl' 1TT61.
B) . Describe the compliance tactics based on Friendship and liking and explain the effectiveness
of tactics.

~iq1a--11~1 ~ ~ Jffi1}T ~ 3flfur ~ 3flmfui slclllili'rl cfOR ctRT '3fTfur slclllili-41

u'4l<fun ~ ~ -
C) Explain the reasons for destructive obedience .

fcH1£<1¢ 3 I T T l l ~ ~ ~ ~-

Q.3 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20]

@~C'>ac6\ q,jOffQigl ~ ~ '3m' ~:
A) . Define prosocial behavior and describe following motives for doing prosocial behavior -
negative state relief, empathetic joy, kin selection theory .

~ <rcR °Qfti@@ <ITTT Jffi1}T ~ qcfi <f5<0~1tlll (.cf@@ muTT ~.§ictiit cfUR cfRT -
1<f51<1c4<f5 '4fcfl ~ ~ . ~~ ~ . 11af.:lcls ~ -
8) How social exclusion and feelings of anonymity leads to reduction in helping?

'tll41fGl<f5 at~ixf>lx 3ffiUl f.H1cftqo11=cfl 'l-flcR1 ~ ¢<0~1-rft ~ ~ cf»ft cHci?

(P .T.O)

Page 1 of 2

C) • Describe the steps in deciding whether to help - or not.

tfGCl ~ml~~ o{qUQl't.ql 41Q4li,a (fuf;f <frn.

Q .4 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
@(i(lesQctfl ct,)01~,ifl ~ ~ ~ ~ :
A) Describe the general aggression model (GAM) in detail.
mi:rRl '31I1f>l-lct,dl ~ (GAM) t) aq~ftc1clH cfOR <frn.
B)· Explain the impact viewing violent films, television, and playing violent video games on
aggressive behavior.
~ c l " c R f < R ~ ~. ~-3flfl}J ~~Jh-i)l .i:@a5U Qlill~~c ITTT.

C) · Explain the situational determinants of aggression.

,jjllfi4ct,d'il ~ ~~ ~ <fm.

Q.5 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
@(i(l{'S~q,1 ct,)01~,ifl ~ ~ ~ ~ :
A) . Write short notes on - 1. Singalism, 2. Responses to those who speak about discriminatio n
~ ~ - I . ~cf,c1clI4, 2. ~~ aflc10114li-ll ~
B) Describe several forms of unintentional social influence.
3Rlq~mu !Rll '8141fGlcf> ~'l-flqT't.q1 3Acf>~cf0R cfm.

Write short notes on - Crowdfunding, Diffusion of responsibility .


If, Id 6 Q?~ l I, "1<11 I<11 ~ 1-ililI 1,Rl'R"QTcR ~ ~ -

D) • Describe following techniques for prevention and control of aggression - 1) Punishment.
2) Self - regulation

,jjllfi4cf>dl ~ i j 3fTIUl ~tj::io11.a16l M"c1" fflcfOR cfm - 1) ~arr. 2) ~-f;ttn:r;J

Page 2 of 2


C) Write a detailed note on the 'Resistance movement in Jaitapur'.

Q.4 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:

<lmt"it'I~.#;) cfi)Ulf-llltfl ~ ~.mft 3m' ~:
A) • Write a detailed note on the 'Strategy for Sustainable Development in India'.

·~l{cil<1i<4 ~ITTCR'i f'acfiFtll'tl~ ~ .:ncR cTCl'~ ~ t'rq ~ -

8) Write a detailed note on 'Organic Farming '.

C) , Write a detailed note on the alternative approaches to development with

a special
emphasis on 'Ankoli village in Solapur'.

'~ ~ d'Tfq' <ll f'at<llll<H fu~N ffi ~ f'acfiFtll<-41 ~ ~

" -

Q.5 Attemp t ANY TWO of the following:

611t4'lt'I~"' q;"jUlf-Q,g) ~ -cn.mft m n:m:
A) Parson's Neo Evolutionary Theory.

~ f.t3=t) $ct,)c--4~1aRT fmrtT .


81 The Basic Needs Strategy .

C) Are development programmes meant to induce poverty?

fucfira ~ .lfuln;rr ~ cfi{041.f1181 ~ cfiT?

D) Alternative Sources for Biotic and Abiotic Resources.

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Time : 03 hrs Max. Marks. 100

Note: 1) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3-,lq~ifisli-t 3f<f> ~ ;r_r7T ~~'rFc@rc:r.

Q.1 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20)

&114h.. ~4i'I cft'lo1c'<11II ~'t m tilll:

_/l<) Define 'Development'. Write a detailed note on any 2 aspects of Development.

•fa<m:r '<ft'~ <RT. ~ifiitllt<ll q;)u1<'<11t) 2 ~ <=m!mcm' trcJ ~ -

8) Define 'Modernisation' Write a detailed note on Smelser and Rostow's theory of

('mfrc;rqrr t)q ~ .

,P)' Write a detailed note on the theories of 'Dependency and Underdevelopment'.

· ~ .mfut 31~ifiRkk11' 4T ~ ~~!mcm' trcJ ~-

Q .2 · Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20)

&1Jh,1~,t'i ct,)Olc'<lltl 4'if ~.mfr 3tR' ~:

)<Y Write a detailed note on the 'Subsistence Concept of Development' and 'Poverty
as Relative Deprivation'.

~ifiFHl'tl~ ~ .ficfi<>Y.-il' .mfut • ~ ~ ~ ~ ' mcR' <=m!mcm' trcJ

~ -

B) Write a detailed note on 'Human Development Index'.

'J:ll'o'l'q fctcfim ~Tfcf,' cR ~~!mcm' t)q ~ -

y Write a detailed note on 'Case Study' method.

'<Rf mr· ~ <=m!mcm' trcJ ~ -

0 .3 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20)

&l~iii~4i'I ifi)Olc'<IIII ~ ~;mf't 3tR' ~:

ft Write a detailed note on issues of land displacement' with a special emphasis on
the 'Sardar Sarovar Project'.


B), How has the Forest Rights Act affected the Tribal Communities i1 . '. ndia.

qaf ~ cfil<IC.<llill ~Hc1lr1li>t ~ {IJ-tc,l<lic:H chm qftum=r ~ }%? (P.T.O)

- ~

Page 1 of 2

Time : 03 hrs Max. Marks. 100

Note: 1) ALL questi ons are COMPULSORY.

~) fief \Hf JfF1<W! J/Wcl.
2) Figures to th e ri ght indica te full marks.
~) i3uj4lqj~(1 Jfcf) TJ_Uf 1JUT ~Fc@@.
3) All questions have internal option.
~) flcfqm-r~~~-
4) Draw neat diagrams , flowcharts wherever necessary.
'tf) ~ Fcl~ ~ ~ qj"gf_

Q.1 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20]

"\1.~ @ (-{) B Q <fil <t>101 c'Q I(ft c~r-nr~;rhft '3W ~: I [~OJ

vA,'} Define social psychology. Explain in detail core values that all fields must adapt to be
cons idered as scientific in nature.

Jf) -HP--!lf;:i cfi 1--!H-H~ll@=rfl dllffiTW. -imffl £'.~ctil.-tli:111 qJq{J-Hldl ~ Jf1<ft 1--!(hcll=rfl ma~
v8) Describe Systematic observation and correlational method in Social psychology.

C) Describe the importance and roles of social neuroscience and impliciU nonconscious
processes in advancement of social psychology .
qi) flll.Jlf;:Jcfi 1--!H-H~ll@ilfl fclcfi!flll.J-at -Hll.llfGicfi ilcilfcl~H 3f1fur 3WmlfRft!cp~~ ~
.,.....,,. ...... -,• ·- ·. ·- ·r •·· ...... _ ....--J ... - ~ • - - • · · • - - - t --------·--- --·• 1 ... , - - ,,., - , - - , -


Q.2 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20]

"\1.~ ,©16) B Q<fil ¢101 c'Q I(ft cft;nr~;:ii'ift '3W ~: [~O]

fi Explain the following three nonverbal communication channels - Facial expressions, Eye
contact and paralanguage.

Jf) 3 f ~ ~~t--1011-rl M~cfr-nwf~cRT- iltH11q~a ~'illq, ~m. 3f1fur dJlqluJ1cfta %

~ Define attribution and Explain Kelly's covariation theory.

~ ar~ilil~H=rfl ~w. ~~~ ~~~~H'ql cti'lil~Q~H ~~cRT.

A Explain the basic sources of errors in attribution. L-o Y Ye<. po"' cl ctM ce
31~ ilil~H 4
UJ ~ =8 .......;,......
t>1u11~1 'j,'1';'-1 ljffl ffll(l ~ cRT.
l t\11 Cl i /
s df . s vvvi---;

Q.3 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20]

U.~ &1(-{)BQ<fil ¢1Uic'Qlgl 4);nr~~'3W~: (~O)

A) Descri be how attitudes are formed .


Page 1 of 2
v8} Explain the cognitive processes underlying Persuasion.

~ lR qi:6 fa Ol-lltll I ~ ~ l ~ 'llfi'pqi ~ cRI.

/) Describe how following methods help people in resisting persuasion - Forewarnig , selective
avoidance, ego depletion.

cf>) lR qi:6qDQltlll l . l ~ f<R)~ cflDQH-1161 fflcl ~<lTill ~ CfTlR ~Rn afct~ cfRT- 3ffuw8r,
~ '\ffi'm~. ~ {g icflcfH DI.

QA Attempt ANY TWO of the following : [20)

A) Describe the three main types of close relationship formed by people.

vB) Explain with experimental evidence how frequen cy of exposure enhances interpersonal
attraction .

~ ~ g-rnqdli'1 I m '3f lcfj tfollcH cpf[f 1lftoni:I ~ %\.141 '!lcl-fcfj ~ ~ <ITTT.

v•e) Write a note on nature of family relationship and friendship.

cf>) ~~~ 3flfur ~ 'lTTul11iin ~,l<-4li1x ~ ~ -

Q.5 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20]

~-l\ -l91t-fh-sac61 ct,101t'Q1g, -zyJ ~ ~ ~= (~Oj

A) Describe experimental method in Social Psychology.

3f) fl 11-umicfj 1-111 fl ~11@dlcl m ~ ~ <ITTT.

fi Discuss how quickly and accurately we form first impressions.

~ ~ ~ 3fll:fUl f<vcft ~ 3flfur f<l,-cft ~ fum f.mfur qj«fl cf>"«TT ~ ~ <ITTT.

C) Explain how cognitive dissonance can lead to attitude change.

vf') Describe what makes a person physically attractive and role of physical beauty in
interpersonal attraction.
S) ~ ~ ~ ~ ¢f<llljii> ~a~ rITT1 3fITUT m dll¢ifo11'l'tlT ~

~ ~ ~ < I T T T.

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