Adobe Scan 19 Sept 2023
Adobe Scan 19 Sept 2023
Adobe Scan 19 Sept 2023
1) Remote sensing
2) Motivation
3) Equity principle
4) Common Admission Test
5) Biotechnology
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6) Lateral thinking' '
oll-,tcfi~i>I ~
7) Consumer movement
8) Report writing
0 .1 B) , Write a comprehensive note on the Foundation Course (Semester IV) project submitted by (15]
you .
~ lllfM,cH ~ f?-qor ~-
Q.2 B), Explain the types and features of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. (15)
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Q.3 A) Write a brief note on Biocentrism and Deep Ecology. [15]
Q.4 A) , Write a detail note on the issue of control, access and misuse of technology. [15)
Q.5 A). Explain time management and discuss the effective strategies of time management. [15)
~ ~~~~~"Q"~ mxurtcR~ctm.
Q.5 B) Explain goal setting and the various types of goals. [15]
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~~ Identify the factors involved with life span and causes of death .
~ cfllit:{l \.lfafw~I <lo5 3fTIU1 ~HUIS<likftct-t <f>ffl ~ mill ml) quf;J CITTT. lfgm cfq@'
tl-HOIS<likfl ¢,rt't ~m«ft ~ ~ ?
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B)· Write a' detailed note on family violence in middle adulthood,
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4) Draw neat diagrams, flowcharts wherever necessary.
~ f a q ~ ~ ~-
B) What is the source of competence during adulthood? Explain the role of expertise in the
competence during adulthood.
%,' Write a detailed note on sexuality in middle age men and women.
B)· Discuss in what ways memory does and does not decline in late adulthood .
!Ji<Mltlll ~ufu ~HOl~lchft <fl!ffi Uq;R qTTfi ~ JITTOT qTTfi "ITT<f ~ ~ ~ CITTl.
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~ Effective listening
<'.'.) qft □ IIJ--\cfil{cfi ~ / ~
0 .1 B) Write a detail note on the foundatio n course (semeste r Ill) project submitted
by you . [15]
~) ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ (fl n=I f c.{ 111) Sl cfi c>-q Ic1 { fl Rlfc·H ftQur ~ -
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0 .2
vM" Describe the legal and constitutio nal ri ghts available to children and the differently
abled . [15]
Jr) isl I <'-lcfiio-11 3ffiOl ~ ~ m,J--r c..q ctc'fio-11 ~ ~ ~~j'R
3fTfut Q C:oil,J--tcfi [ ~C.,]
~ qOTa, cfiTI.
02 B) Write a detail note on the role , functions and importanc e of National Human
Rights [15]
Commiss ion
~~ }ll~)a11~"1 ~ . ~ 3flfut~ mcf{ =ttRlhH f?:9UT~ .
0.4 A) Discuss the developm ent of science in the human history in brief.
Jr) ~ $ffit;FHie1"ll>t fcb11cr11~ll1 RlcfiFHl~..,I ~is<Mlc1 ~ cfiTI.
[ ~ C.,]
0.4 Write a detail note on the concept of superstiti ons and methods to eradicate
it, [15]
.mi~ st1cfit>"9cr11 .3TTfut~, ~A(>ia11~..q1 ~ < R fl~@{ fv:r ~ -
- [ ~C.,]
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(P.T .O)
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Time : 03 hrs
Max. Marks. 100
A) . Define Conformity and explain how social norms emerge and what are the foundations of
Conformity .
~~1.tiai\1 ~ ~ Jffi1}T 'tl141\'Glct> f.:tim cfm ~ ~ '3fTfur ~ffe Qchl f.l~ Uccf>
cITTU@') 'cl' 1TT61.
B) . Describe the compliance tactics based on Friendship and liking and explain the effectiveness
of tactics.
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~ <rcR °Qfti@@ <ITTT Jffi1}T ~ qcfi <f5<0~1tlll (.cf@@ muTT ~.§ictiit cfUR cfRT -
1<f51<1c4<f5 '4fcfl ~ ~ . ~~ ~ . 11af.:lcls ~ -
8) How social exclusion and feelings of anonymity leads to reduction in helping?
(P .T.O)
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Q .4 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
@(i(lesQctfl ct,)01~,ifl ~ ~ ~ ~ :
A) Describe the general aggression model (GAM) in detail.
mi:rRl '31I1f>l-lct,dl ~ (GAM) t) aq~ftc1clH cfOR <frn.
B)· Explain the impact viewing violent films, television, and playing violent video games on
aggressive behavior.
~ c l " c R f < R ~ ~. ~-3flfl}J ~~Jh-i)l .i:@a5U Qlill~~c ITTT.
Q.5 Attempt ANY TWO of the following:
@(i(l{'S~q,1 ct,)01~,ifl ~ ~ ~ ~ :
A) . Write short notes on - 1. Singalism, 2. Responses to those who speak about discriminatio n
~ ~ - I . ~cf,c1clI4, 2. ~~ aflc10114li-ll ~
B) Describe several forms of unintentional social influence.
3Rlq~mu !Rll '8141fGlcf> ~'l-flqT't.q1 3Acf>~cf0R cfm.
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('mfrc;rqrr t)q ~ .
~ -
B), How has the Forest Rights Act affected the Tribal Communities i1 . '. ndia.
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vA,'} Define social psychology. Explain in detail core values that all fields must adapt to be
cons idered as scientific in nature.
Jf) -HP--!lf;:i cfi 1--!H-H~ll@=rfl dllffiTW. -imffl £'.~ctil.-tli:111 qJq{J-Hldl ~ Jf1<ft 1--!(hcll=rfl ma~
v8) Describe Systematic observation and correlational method in Social psychology.
C) Describe the importance and roles of social neuroscience and impliciU nonconscious
processes in advancement of social psychology .
qi) flll.Jlf;:Jcfi 1--!H-H~ll@ilfl fclcfi!flll.J-at -Hll.llfGicfi ilcilfcl~H 3f1fur 3WmlfRft!cp~~ ~
.,.....,,. ...... -,• ·- ·. ·- ·r •·· ...... _ ....--J ... - ~ • - - • · · • - - - t --------·--- --·• 1 ... , - - ,,., - , - - , -
fi Explain the following three nonverbal communication channels - Facial expressions, Eye
contact and paralanguage.
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v8} Explain the cognitive processes underlying Persuasion.
/) Describe how following methods help people in resisting persuasion - Forewarnig , selective
avoidance, ego depletion.
cf>) lR qi:6qDQltlll l . l ~ f<R)~ cflDQH-1161 fflcl ~<lTill ~ CfTlR ~Rn afct~ cfRT- 3ffuw8r,
~ '\ffi'm~. ~ {g icflcfH DI.
vB) Explain with experimental evidence how frequen cy of exposure enhances interpersonal
attraction .
Q.5 Attempt ANY TWO of the following: [20]
vf') Describe what makes a person physically attractive and role of physical beauty in
interpersonal attraction.
S) ~ ~ ~ ~ ¢f<llljii> ~a~ rITT1 3fITUT m dll¢ifo11'l'tlT ~
~ ~ ~ < I T T T.
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