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indicator("💎 DMND Algoo 💎", overlay = true)

// Get user input

// Dashboard
showDashboard = input(true, "Smart Panel", group = 'Dashboard Settings')
locationDashboard = input.string("Bottom Right", "Location", ["Top Right", "Middle
Right", "Bottom Right", "Top Center", "Middle Center", "Bottom Center", "Top Left",
"Middle Left", "Bottom Left"], group = 'Dashboard Settings', inline = 'agfh1')
sizeDashboard = input.string("Small", "Size", ["Large", "Normal", "Small",
"Tiny"], group = 'Dashboard Settings', inline = 'agfh1')

// Signals
nbuysell = input.bool(true, 'Show Signals', inline = "BSNM",group='BUY AND SELL
nsensitivity = input.float(defval=2, title="Sensitivity", minval=1, maxval=20,
smartsignalsonly = input.bool(false, 'Smart Signals Only',group='BUY AND SELL
barcoloringmode = input.string("Trend", "Bar Coloring", ["Gradient", "Trend"],
inline="levels", group = 'BUY AND SELL SIGNALS SETTINGS')
//candlecolor = input.bool(true, 'Buy/Sell Signal', inline =

ema200con = ta.ema(close,200)

// Risk Management

levels = input.bool(false, "Take Profit/ Stop-Loss Areas" , group = "RISK

lvlLines = true
linesStyle = "DASHED"
lvlDistance = input.int(20, "Distance", 1, inline="levels2", group = "RISK
lvlDecimals = input.int(2, "   Decimals", 1, 8, inline="levels2", group =
atrRisk = input.int(1, "Risk % ", 1, group = "RISK MANAGEMENT SETTINGS" ,
atrLen = input.int(14, "  ATR Length", 1, group = "RISK MANAGEMENT
SETTINGS" , inline="levels3")
decimals = lvlDecimals == 1 ? "#.#" : lvlDecimals == 2 ? "#.##" : lvlDecimals == 3
? "#.###" : lvlDecimals == 4 ? "#.####" : lvlDecimals == 5 ? "#.#####" :
lvlDecimals == 6 ? "#.######" : lvlDecimals == 7 ? "#.#######" : "#.########"
// Trend Features
LongTrendAverage = input(false, 'Trend Cloud', group='INDICATOR OVERLAY', inline =
TrendFollower = input(false, 'Trend Follower', group='INDICATOR OVERLAY',
inline = '1')
ShowComulus = input(false, 'Comulus Cloud', group='INDICATOR OVERLAY', inline
= '2')
CirrusCloud = input(false, 'Cirrus Cloud', group='INDICATOR OVERLAY', inline
= '2')
ShowSmartTrail = input(false,'Smart Trail', group='INDICATOR OVERLAY', inline =
Showtrendlines = input(false,'Trend Lines', group='INDICATOR OVERLAY', inline =
showsr = input(false, title="Support & Resistance", group = 'INDICATOR OVERLAY',
inline = '4')
// Input settings
history_of_demand_to_keep = 20
show_zigzag = false
show_price_action_labels = false
swing_length = 8
box_width = 4
box_extend_option = "Both"
res = ''
s1 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res, showsr, gaps=barmerge.gaps_on)
demand_color = #0395ff4d
supply_color = #ff00024d

// Signal Generation
supertrend(_close, factor, atrLen) =>
atr = ta.atr(atrLen)
upperBand = _close + factor * atr
lowerBand = _close - factor * atr
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1])
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1])
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or close[1] < prevLowerBand ?
lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or close[1] > prevUpperBand ?
upperBand : prevUpperBand
int direction = na
float superTrend = na
prevSuperTrend = superTrend[1]
if na(atr[1])
direction := 1
else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
direction := close > upperBand ? -1 : 1
direction := close < lowerBand ? 1 : -1
superTrend := direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand
[superTrend, direction]

// SMA
ocAvg = math.avg(open, close)
sma4 = ta.sma(close, 50)
sma5 = ta.sma(close, 200)
sma9 = ta.sma(close, 13)
psar = ta.sar(0.02, 0.02, 0.2)

//*in Easy Words Super Trend + SMA = Signals

[supertrend, direction] = supertrend(close, nsensitivity*2, 11)

source = close, period = 150

// Colors
green = #0395ff, green2 = #0395ff
red = #ff0002, red2 = #ff0002

adxlen = 15
dilen = 15
dirmov(len) =>
up = ta.change(high)
down = -ta.change(low)
plusDM = na(up) ? na : up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0
minusDM = na(down) ? na : down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0
truerange = ta.rma(ta.tr, len)
plus = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(plusDM, len) / truerange)
minus = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(minusDM, len) / truerange)
[plus, minus]
adx(dilen, adxlen) =>
[plus, minus] = dirmov(dilen)
sum = plus + minus
adx = 100 * ta.rma(math.abs(plus - minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), adxlen)
sig = adx(dilen, adxlen)

// range ADX threshold

sidewaysThreshold = 15

// boolean expression to see if the ADX is below tehe sideways threshold

bool isSideways = sig < sidewaysThreshold

// adding the option to color the bars when in a trading range

useBarColor = true
bColor = isSideways ? color.new(#4b148d, 0) : na
//barcolor(isSideways and barcoloringmode == "Trend" ? bColor : na)

trendbarcolor = isSideways and barcoloringmode == "Trend" ? color.new(#4b148d, 0) :

close > supertrend ? #0395ff : #ff0002

// High Lows
y1 = low - (ta.atr(30) * 2), y1B = low - ta.atr(30)
y2 = high + (ta.atr(30) * 2), y2B = high + ta.atr(30)

bull = ta.crossover(close, supertrend) and close >= sma9

bear = ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) and close <= sma9

// Plots

windowsize = 100
offset = 0.9
sigma = 6
//plot(ta.alma(source, windowsize, offset, sigma))

windowsize2 = 310
offset2 = 0.85
sigma2 = 32
//plot(ta.alma(source, windowsize2, offset2, sigma2))

// Chart Features

smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x[1]), t)
smoothrng = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
smrng = smoothrng(close, 22, 6)

rngfilt(x, r) =>
rngfilt = x
rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? x - r < nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x - r
: x + r > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x + r
filt = rngfilt(close, smrng)


upward = 0.0
upward := filt > filt[1] ? nz(upward[1]) + 1 : filt < filt[1] ? 0 : nz(upward[1])
downward = 0.0
downward := filt < filt[1] ? nz(downward[1]) + 1 : filt > filt[1] ? 0 :

filtcolor = upward > 0 ? color.new(#00e2ff, 50) : downward > 0 ? color.new(#fe0100,

50) : color.new(#56328f, 0)

plot(TrendFollower ? filt : na, color=filtcolor, linewidth=1, title='Trend Tracer')

// Trend Cloud
tclength = 600
hullma = ta.wma(2*ta.wma(close, tclength/2)-ta.wma(close, tclength),
plot(LongTrendAverage ? hullma : na, 'Trend Cloud', linewidth=4, color=close[8] >
hullma ? color.new(#00e2ff, 65) : color.new(#fe0100, 65))

// Comulus Cloud
candle = ta.alma(source, windowsize2, offset2, sigma2)
reach = ta.alma(source, windowsize, offset, sigma)
candlep = plot(ShowComulus ? candle : na, color=color.new(color.white, 100))
reachp = plot(ShowComulus ? reach : na, color=color.new(color.white, 100))
fill(reachp, candlep, color= candle > reach ? color.new(#fe0100, 85) :
color.new(#00e2ff, 85))

// Chart Features

x1 = 22
x2 = 9

x3 = 15
x4 = 5

smoothrngX1(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x[1]), t)
smoothrngX1 = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
smrngx1x = smoothrngX1(close, x1, x2)
smrngx1x2 = smoothrngX1(close, x3, x4)

rngfiltx1x1(x, r) =>
rngfiltx1x1 = x
rngfiltx1x1 := x > nz(rngfiltx1x1[1]) ? x - r < nz(rngfiltx1x1[1]) ?
nz(rngfiltx1x1[1]) : x - r : x + r > nz(rngfiltx1x1[1]) ? nz(rngfiltx1x1[1]) : x +
filtx1 = rngfiltx1x1(close, smrngx1x)
filtx12 = rngfiltx1x1(close, smrngx1x2)


upwardx1 = 0.0
upwardx1 := filtx1 > filtx1[1] ? nz(upwardx1[1]) + 1 : filtx1 < filtx1[1] ? 0 :
downwardx1 = 0.0
downwardx1 := filtx1 < filtx1[1] ? nz(downwardx1[1]) + 1 : filtx1 > filtx1[1] ? 0 :

filtx1colorx1 = color.rgb(0, 187, 212, 100)

xxx1 = plot(CirrusCloud ? filtx1 : na, color=filtx1colorx1, linewidth=1,
title='Trend Tracer', editable = false)
xxx2 = plot(CirrusCloud ? filtx12 : na, color=filtx1colorx1, linewidth=1,
title='Trend Tracer', editable = false)

fill(xxx1, xxx2, color= filtx1 > filtx12 ? color.new(#fd0205, 65) :

color.new(#0395fc, 65))

buy = bull and nbuysell and smartsignalsonly == false ? label.new(bar_index, y1,

close > ema200con ? "Smart\nBuy" : "Buy", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #0395fc,
label.style_label_up, color.white, size.normal) : na
sell = bear and nbuysell and smartsignalsonly == false ? label.new(bar_index, y2,
close < ema200con ? "Smart\nSell" : "Sell", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #fd0205,
label.style_label_down, color.white, size.normal) : na
SmartBuy = bull and nbuysell and close > ema200con and smartsignalsonly == true ?
label.new(bar_index, y1, close > ema200con ? "Smart\nBuy" : "Buy", xloc.bar_index,
yloc.price, #0395fc, label.style_label_up, color.white, size.normal) : na
SmartSell = bear and nbuysell and close < ema200con and smartsignalsonly == true ?
label.new(bar_index, y2, close < ema200con ? "Smart\nSell" : "Sell",
xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #fd0205, label.style_label_down, color.white,
size.normal) : na

// Other initializations
avg_volume = ta.sma(volume, 20)
very_weak_multiplier = 0.5
weak_multiplier = 1
strong_multiplier = 1.5
// Rejection handling
var int[] demandRejections = array.new_int(history_of_demand_to_keep, 0)
var int[] supplyRejections = array.new_int(history_of_demand_to_keep, 0)
var int[] demandCreationBars = array.new_int(history_of_demand_to_keep, na)
var int[] supplyCreationBars = array.new_int(history_of_demand_to_keep, na)

var box[] current_demand_box = array.new_box(history_of_demand_to_keep, na)

var box[] current_supply_box = array.new_box(history_of_demand_to_keep, na)

f_check_demand_rejections() =>
for i = 0 to history_of_demand_to_keep - 1
if not na(array.get(demandCreationBars, i))
if bar_index - array.get(demandCreationBars, i) > 15 and bar_index -
array.get(demandCreationBars, i) % 15 == 0
label.new(bar_index, high, "Checking demand rejection",
dBox = array.get(current_demand_box, i)
if (na(dBox))
withinBox = (high >= box.get_bottom(dBox) and high <=
box.get_top(dBox)) or (close >= box.get_bottom(dBox) and close <=
bearishCandlesCount = math.sum(close < open ? 1 : 0, 15)
if withinBox and bearishCandlesCount >= 7
label.new(bar_index, low, "Bearish count > 7", color=#0395fc)
array.set(demandRejections, i, array.get(demandRejections, i) +

f_check_supply_rejections() =>
for i = 0 to history_of_demand_to_keep - 1
if not na(array.get(supplyCreationBars, i))
if bar_index - array.get(supplyCreationBars, i) > 15 and bar_index -
array.get(supplyCreationBars, i) % 15 == 0
label.new(bar_index, low, "Checking supply rejection",
sBox = array.get(current_supply_box, i)
if (na(sBox))
withinBox = (low <= box.get_top(sBox) and low >=
box.get_bottom(sBox)) or (close <= box.get_top(sBox) and close >=
bullishCandlesCount = math.sum(close > open ? 1 : 0, 15)
if withinBox and bullishCandlesCount >= 7
label.new(bar_index, high, "Bullish count > 7", color=#0395fc)
array.set(supplyRejections, i, array.get(supplyRejections, i) +

f_array_add_pop(array, new_value_to_add) =>

array.unshift(array, new_value_to_add)

f_sh_sl_labels(array, swing_type) =>

var string label_text = na
if swing_type == 1
if array.get(array, 0) >= array.get(array, 1)
label_text := 'HH'
label_text := 'LH'
label.new(bar_index - swing_length, array.get(array,0), text = label_text,
style=label.style_label_down, textcolor = color.white, color =
color.new(color.white, 100), size = size.tiny)
else if swing_type == -1
if array.get(array, 0) >= array.get(array, 1)
label_text := 'HL'
label_text := 'LL'
label.new(bar_index - swing_length, array.get(array,0), text = label_text,
style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = color.white, color = color.new(color.white,
100), size = size.tiny)

f_check_overlapping(new_poi, box_array, atr) =>

atr_threshold = atr * 2
okay_to_draw = true
for i = 0 to array.size(box_array) - 1
top = box.get_top(array.get(box_array, i))
bottom = box.get_bottom(array.get(box_array, i))
poi = (top + bottom) / 2
upper_boundary = poi + atr_threshold
lower_boundary = poi - atr_threshold
if new_poi >= lower_boundary and new_poi <= upper_boundary
okay_to_draw := false
okay_to_draw := true

f_supply_demand(value_array, bn_array, box_array, label_array, box_type, atr) =>

atr_buffer = atr * (box_width / 10)
box_left = array.get(bn_array, 0)
box_right = bar_index + 20
var float box_top = 0.00
var float box_bottom = 0.00
var float poi = 0.00
if box_type == 1
box_top := array.get(value_array, 0)
box_bottom := box_top - atr_buffer
poi := (box_top + box_bottom) / 2
else if box_type == -1
box_bottom := array.get(value_array, 0)
box_top := box_bottom + atr_buffer
poi := (box_top + box_bottom) / 2
okay_to_draw = f_check_overlapping(poi, box_array, atr)
swing_volume = volume[swing_length]
var string strength_text = ""

highest_volume_last_20 = ta.highest(volume, 20)

volume_percentage = math.round(swing_volume / highest_volume_last_20 * 100)
volume_percentage := math.min(volume_percentage, 100) // Cap the volume
percentage to 100
var extend_option = extend.right
if box_extend_option == "Right"
extend_option := extend.right
else if box_extend_option == "Both"
extend_option := extend.both
if box_type == 1 and okay_to_draw and s1
box.delete( array.get(box_array, array.size(box_array) - 5) )
f_array_add_pop(box_array, box.new( left = box_left, top = box_top, right =
box_right, bottom = box_bottom, border_color = #fd020580, border_width=1,
bgcolor = supply_color, extend = extend_option, text = strength_text,
text_halign = text.align_right, text_valign = text.align_center, text_color =
color.white, text_size = size.small, xloc = xloc.bar_index))
box.delete( array.get(label_array, array.size(label_array) - 5) )
f_array_add_pop(label_array, box.new( left = box_left, top = poi, right =
box_right, bottom = poi, border_color = #fd020580, border_width=1,
bgcolor = color.new(color.black,100), extend = extend_option, text =
'', text_halign = text.align_left, text_valign = text.align_center, text_color =
color.white, text_size = size.small, xloc = xloc.bar_index))
else if box_type == -1 and okay_to_draw and s1
box.delete( array.get(box_array, array.size(box_array) - 5) )
f_array_add_pop(box_array, box.new( left = box_left, top = box_top, right =
box_right, bottom = box_bottom, border_color = #0395fc80, border_width=1,
bgcolor = demand_color, extend = extend_option, text = strength_text,
text_halign = text.align_right, text_valign = text.align_center, text_color =
color.white, text_size = size.small, xloc = xloc.bar_index))
box.delete( array.get(label_array, array.size(label_array) - 5) )
f_array_add_pop(label_array, box.new( left = box_left, top = poi, right =
box_right, bottom = poi, border_color = #0395fc80, border_width=1,
bgcolor = color.new(color.black,100), extend = extend_option, text =
'', text_halign = text.align_left, text_valign = text.align_center, text_color =
color.white, text_size = size.small, xloc = xloc.bar_index))

f_sd_to_bos(box_array, bos_array, label_array, zone_type) =>

if zone_type == 1
for i = 0 to array.size(box_array) - 1
level_to_break = box.get_top(array.get(box_array,i))
if close >= level_to_break
box.delete(array.get(box_array, i))
box.delete(array.get(label_array, i))
if zone_type == -1
for i = 0 to array.size(box_array) - 1
level_to_break = box.get_bottom(array.get(box_array,i))
if close <= level_to_break
box.delete(array.get(box_array, i))
box.delete(array.get(label_array, i))

f_extend_box_endpoint(box_array) =>
for i = 0 to array.size(box_array) - 1
box.set_right(array.get(box_array, i), bar_index + 30) // Extend only 20

atr567 = ta.atr(50)
swing_high = ta.pivothigh(high, swing_length, swing_length)
swing_low = ta.pivotlow(low, swing_length, swing_length)
var swing_high_values = array.new_float(5,0.00)
var swing_low_values = array.new_float(5,0.00)
var swing_high_bns = array.new_int(5,0)
var swing_low_bns = array.new_int(5,0)
var current_supply_poi = array.new_box(history_of_demand_to_keep, na)
var current_demand_poi = array.new_box(history_of_demand_to_keep, na)
var supply_bos = array.new_box(5, na)
var demand_bos = array.new_box(5, na)
if not na(swing_high)
f_array_add_pop(swing_high_values, swing_high)
f_array_add_pop(swing_high_bns, bar_index[swing_length])
if show_price_action_labels
f_sh_sl_labels(swing_high_values, 1)
f_supply_demand(swing_high_values, swing_high_bns, current_supply_box,
current_supply_poi, 1, atr567)
else if not na(swing_low)
f_array_add_pop(swing_low_values, swing_low)
f_array_add_pop(swing_low_bns, bar_index[swing_length])
if show_price_action_labels
f_sh_sl_labels(swing_low_values, -1)
f_supply_demand(swing_low_values, swing_low_bns, current_demand_box,
current_demand_poi, -1, atr567)
f_sd_to_bos(current_supply_box, supply_bos, current_supply_poi, 1)
f_sd_to_bos(current_demand_box, demand_bos, current_demand_poi, -1)

// Inside the main execution, after the box is drawn, check for rejections
if not na(swing_low)
f_array_add_pop(swing_low_values, swing_low)
f_array_add_pop(swing_low_bns, bar_index[swing_length])
if show_price_action_labels
f_sh_sl_labels(swing_low_values, -1)
f_supply_demand(swing_low_values, swing_low_bns, current_demand_box,
current_demand_poi, -1, atr567)

if not na(swing_high)
f_array_add_pop(swing_high_values, swing_high)
f_array_add_pop(swing_high_bns, bar_index[swing_length])
if show_price_action_labels
f_sh_sl_labels(swing_high_values, 1)
f_supply_demand(swing_high_values, swing_high_bns, current_supply_box,
current_supply_poi, 1, atr567)

trigger2 = bull ? 1 : 0
countBull = ta.barssince(bull)
countBear = ta.barssince(bear)
trigger = nz(countBull, bar_index) < nz(countBear, bar_index) ? 1 : 0
atrBand = ta.atr(atrLen) * atrRisk
atrStop = trigger == 1 ? low - atrBand : high + atrB

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