free damped vibration (1)

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Free damped vibration (SDOF)

Derivation of equation of displacement response
of single degree freedom systems having free
damped vibrations.

Consider a classical spring-mass dashpot system

as shown in Figure (a).

k(δst +x) cx

k c

m mg

(a) (b)
Let the system be displaced through a small
distance x from its equilibrium position.
The forces acting on the system are shown in
Figure (b).

With the help of Newton’s second law of motion,

mx   k  x   st   mg  cx..........(1)
we get

where δst is the static deflection at the

equilibrium position. Since the damper does not
exert force at the static equilibrium position, the
condition for static equilibrium remains
mg  k st .................................(2)
Substituting Equation (2) into Equation (1) yields

mx  cx  kx  0.........................(3)

This is the fundamental differential equation of
motion for a single degree of freedom systems
having damped free vibrations.

Equation (3) is a linear differential equation of

second order and its solution can be written as

x  Ae .....................................(4)

Differentiating Equation (4) twice with respect to

time, we have
x  sAe st

x  s Ae
2 st

Substituting these expressions in Equation (3)

ms  cs  k Ae  0
2 st

Since the quantity Aest can not be zero for all

ms  cs  k   0.....................(5)
values of t, we deduce that
This is called the auxiliary or the characteristic
equation of the system.

The roots of the characteristic equation are

c  c  k

s1, 2      ...........(6)
2m  2m  m
Since there are two roots, the most general
solution is

x  A1e  A2e .........................(7)

s1t s2t
where A1 and A2 are the two arbitrary constants
to be determined from the initial conditions

The final form of Equation (7) depends on the sign

of the expression (i.e., positive , zero or negative)
under the radical in Equation (6).

Critically damping coefficient (cc) is defined as

the value of the damping coefficient c for which
the expression under the radical in equation
becomes zero.
 cc  k

   0
 2m  m
critical damping coefficient

 cc  k
   n
 2m  m
cc  2mn
cc  2m  2 km
The critical damping coefficient is a constant
depending upon the mass and stiffness of the
system, and is independent of the actual
amount of damping.
Damping Ratio (Damping factor)(ζ)
It is defined as the ratio of damping coefficient
to the critical damping coefficient.
 
In Equation (6), c/2m can be written as
c c cc
    n
2m cc 2m

s1, 2   n  n   

2 2

s1, 2       1 n .............................(8)
If c> cc or ζ > 1, then system is over damped
If c = cc or ζ =1, then system is critically damped
I if c < cc or ζ < 1, then system is under damped

over damped system (c> cc or ζ > 1)

In this system, the damping is comparatively
large and the two values of s as given by Equation
(8) are

s1       1 n

s2       1  n 2
and both are real, distinct and negative since

 1  

The solution of the differential equation as given

by Equation (7) becomes
    2 1   t      2 1   t
x  A1e   n
 A2e   n

xe   n t Ae  2 1 n t

 A2e   2 1 n t 
 1 
*    1n 2

where ω* = over damped natural frequency of the

xe  n t
A e
* t
 A2e *t

x  e  n t A1 cosh *t  sinh *t   A2 cosh *t  sinh *t 

x  e  n t  A1  A2 cosh *t   A1  A2 sinh *t 

B1   A1  A2 
B2   A1  A2 

xe  n t
B1 cosh *t  B2 sinh *t ......................(9)
    
x  B1 cosh *t  e  n t   n   e  n t sinh *t * 
 B sinh  t e
2 *
  n t
    e
 n t
cosh  t  
* *

Initial conditions:

At t  0, x  x0 , x  v  v0
From the initial conditions, we get

v0   n x0
B1  x0 B2 
Substituting value of B1 and B2 in Equation (9), we get
  v0   n x0  
xe  x0 cosh *t    sinh *t 
  n t

  *  
This system is non-vibratory in nature. Since the
power of e is negative, x decreases as t increases
becoming zero as t ∞.

In this case, the viscous resistance of the body is

so large that when it is displaced from the
equilibrium position, it will take infinite time to
come back to equilibrium position.

This type of motion is called aperiodic or non-

periodic motion.
Critically damped system (c = cc or ζ =1)
For the system having critical damping, the roots
of the characteristic equation are real and equal
to each other.

s1  s2  n
The general solution is

x   A1  A2t e  n t
In the above Equation, A1 and A2 are arbitrary
constants whose values can be determined from
initial conditions
Differentiating Equation (10) with respect to time t

x  A2e  n t
  A1  A2t n e  n t

Substituting the initial conditions, i.e.,

at t  0, x  x0 , x  v  v0
in the equations of displacement and velocity.

From the initial conditions, we get

A1  x0 A2  n x0  v0

Substituting the values of A1 and A2 in Equation (10)

x  x0  n x0  v0 t e  n t

This is also an aperiodic or non-periodic motion.

Under damped system (c < cc or ζ < 1)

This is by far the most usual case that exists in

physical systems. The system in this case is said
to have small damping.

The two roots of the characteristic equation can

be written as
s1     i 1   n 2

s2     i 1    n 2

It is clear that the roots of the above equation

are imaginary.

Equation for displacement can be written as

    i 1  2   t     i 1  2   t
x  A1e   n
 A2e   n
xe  n t  A ei 1  2  n t
 A2e  i 1  2  n t 
 1 

d  1   n 2

where ωd = damped natural frequency of the system

ωd is always less than undamped natural frequency ωn

xe  n t
A e
i d t
 A2e  i d t

xe  n t
A1 cos d t  i sin d t   A2 cos d t  i sin d t 
xe  n t
 A1  A2 cos d t  i A1  A2 sin d t 

B1   A1  A2 

B2  i  A1  A2 

x  e  n t B1 cos d t  B2 sin d t .............................(11)

   
x  B1 cos d t  e  n t   n   e  n t  sin d t d 

 B2 sin d t  e   n t
    e
 n t
cos t  
d d
At t  0, x  x0 , x  v  v0
From the initial conditions, we get

B1  x0 v0   n x0
B2 

Substituting value of B1 and B2 in Equation (11), we get

  v0   n x0  
xe  x0 cos d t    sin d t ............(12)
  n t

  d  
Alternatively, Equation (12) can be written as

 B1 B2 
x  Ce   n t
 C cos  t  sin  t 
d d

x  Ce  n t
sin  cos d t  cos sin d t 
 v0  n x0 

C  x0  
 d 
B1  x0

v0   n x0
B2 
x  Ce  n t
sin d t   
tan  
 v0   n x0 
 
 d 
Alternatively, Equation (12) can be written as

 B1 B2 
x  Ce  C cos d t  C sin d t 
  n t

x  Ce  n t cos  cos d t  sin  sin d t 

x  Ce  n t cosd t   

 v0   n x0 
 
 d 
tan  

The free vibration of an under damped system is

oscillatory but not periodic. The vibration would
be periodic if the amplitude will not decay with
time. Even though the amplitude decreases
between cycles, the system takes the same
amount of time to execute each cycle.
Critically damped system
Over damped system

Under damped system

Logarithmic Decrement (δ)
It is defined as the natural logarithm of the ratio
of any two successive amplitudes on the same side
of the mean line. As per the definition, logarithmic
decrement, δ is given as

  ln
It is used to determine the amount of damping
present in system. This measure the rate of decay
of free vibration. The larger the damping the
greater will be rate of decay.




Figure 1
Consider a damped vibration expressed by the
general solution
x  Ce  n t
sin d t   
which is shown graphically in Figure

x1 Ce sin d t1   
 n t1
  n t 2
x2 Ce sin d t2   

x1   n t1  t 2  sin d t1   

x2 sin d t2   

t 2  t1  Td
The term
sin d t1    sin d t1   

sin d t 2    sin d t1  Td    

sin d t1   

  2  
sin  d  t1     

   d  

sin d t1    sin d t1   

  1
  d t1  2   sin d t1     
sin  d     

   d  
x1 x1
 e  n t1  t 2  e  n t1 t1 Td 
x2 x2

x1 x1
e  n  Td 
e  nTd
x2 x2
2  n
x1  n
1  2  n
x2 x2

x1 2
  ln 
e 1 
x2 1
If the system executes n cycles, the logarithmic
decrement δ can be written as
1 x1
  ln
n xn
where x1 = amplitude at the starting position
xn = amplitude after n cycles

It can be proved mathematically as

x1 x2 x3 xn 1
    e
x2 x3 x4 xn
 e 
x1 x1 x2 x3 xn 1
     n
xn x2 x3 x4 xn

n  ln

1 x1
  ln
n xn
Why damping is neglected in practice?

The value of the damping coefficient for real

structures is much less than the critical damping
coefficient usually ranges between 2 to 20% of the
critical damping value. Substituting for the
maximum value ζ = 0.2 in to equation

d  1  0.20 n  0.98n

It can be seen that the frequency of vibration for a

system with as much as a 20% damping ratio is
essentially equal to the undamped natural frequency.
Thus, in practice, damping is neglected.
Give code provision of damping?

As per clause of IS1893 (Part-1)-2002, the

value of damping for buildings may be taken as 2 and
5 percent of the critical, for the purposes of
dynamic analysis of steel and reinforced concrete
buildings, respectively.
A platform of weight 20000N is supported on Four
equal columns which are fixed to the foundation as
well as to the platform. Experimentally it is found
that a force of 5000N applied horizontally to the
platform produces a displacement of 0.2 cm. It is
estimated that damping in the structures is of the
order of 5% of the critical damping.

(i) undamped natural frequency
(ii) absolute damping coefficient
(iii)logarithmic decrement
(iv) the numbers of cycles and the time required
for the amplitude of motion to be reduced
from an initial value of 0.2cm to 0.02cm.
The stiffness k
F 5000
k   25000 N / cm
 0.2
(i) Undamped natural frequency, ωn
kg 25000  981
n    35.02rad / sec
W 20,000
(ii) Critical damping coefficient, cc
kW 25000  20000
cc  2 km  2   1427.84 N  s / cm
g 981
Absolute damping coefficient, c
  , c  cc  0.05  1427.84  71.39 N .s / cm
(iii) Logarithmic decrement,δ
2 2  0.05
   0.3146
1 2 1 - 0.052

(iv) 1 x1
  ln
n xn

x1 1 0 .2
n  ln  ln  7.319 say 8 cycles
 xn 0.3146 0.02

d  1   2 n  1  0.052  35.02  34.98rad / sec

Oscillation period, Td
2 2
Td    0.18 sec onds
d 34.98
Time required for the amplitude of motion to be
reduced from an initial value of 0.2cm to 0.02cm

= 8×0.18 = 1.44 sec

The 8 kg body is moved 0.2m to the right of the
equilibrium position and released from rest at time
t = 0. The viscous damping coefficient is 20 N-s/m
and the spring constant is 32 N/m. Determine its
displacement at time t = 2 s.

8 kg

k 32
n    2rad / sec
m 8

cc  2mn  2  8  2  32 N  s / m
c 20
    0.625
cc 32
Since ζ<1, the system is under-damped.

d  1   n  1  0.625  2  1.561rad / sec

2 2

x  Ce  n t
sin d t   
x  Ce 1.25t sin 1.561t   

x  1.25Ce 1.25t sin 1.561t     1.561Ce 1.25t cos1.561t   

At t  0, x0  0.2, v0  0

0.2  C sin 
0  1.25C sin   1.561C cos 

C  0.256m

  0.896
x  0.256e 1.25t
sin 1.561t  0.896 

At t = 2 sec

x  0.0162m
The amplitude of vibration of the system shown in
Figure is observed to decrease 5% on each
consecutive cycle of motion. Determine the
damping coefficient c of the system. Take k =
1000 N/cm, m = 2 tonne.

2 tonne

  ln  0.05129
  0.05129 
1 2
  8.165  10 3

k 1000  102
n    7.071rad / sec
m 2000
cc  2mn  2  2000  7.071  28284 N  s / m

c  cc  8.165  103  28284  230.94 N  s / m

A free vibration response of one storey one bay
fixed base portal frame with 200 kg mass is shown
in Figure. Determine the spring constant, k and
damping coefficient, c.
x(t), mm


0.594 0.371
t, sec

0.285 sec
Logarithmic decrement
1 x1 1 1.520
  ln  ln  0.47
n xn 3 0.371

  0.47 
1  2

  0.0746
From the Figure

Td   0.095
2 2
d    66.14 rad / sec
Td 0.095

d  1  n2

66.14  1  0.07462 n

n  66.23 rad / sec

66.23  k  877282.58 N / m
cc  2mn  2  200  66.23  26492 N  s / m

c  cc  0.0746  26492  1976.3 N - s/m

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