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F 404 - 99 _RJQWNA__
F 404 - 99 _RJQWNA__
This consumer safety performance specification addresses high chair incidents that were identified
by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
CPSC identified injuries to children associated with tray disengagement, falls resulting when
children stood up on the seat of a high chair, entrapment between the tray and the seat, and tipover.
By far the most common injury resulted from children falling when they were able to stand up on the
seat of the high chair because they were not secured by the restraining system. In response to the
incident data developed by the Commission, this consumer safety performance specification attempts
to minimize the above listed problems.
This consumer safety performance specification does not cover high chairs that are either blatantly
misused or are used in a careless manner that disregards the warnings and safety instructions that are
provided with each high chair.
This consumer safety performance specification is written within the current state-of-the-art of high
chair technology. It is intended that this specification will be updated whenever substantive
information becomes available that necessitates additional requirements or justifies the revision of
existing requirements.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 404
Children Under Eight Years of Age3 4. Calibration and Standardization
1500.49 Technical Requirements for Determining a Sharp 4.1 All testing shall be conducted on a concrete floor that
Metal or Glass Edge in Toys or Other Articles Intended for may be covered with 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) thick vinyl flooring cover,
Use by Children Under Eight Years of Age3 unless test instructs differently.
1500.50-.52 Test Methods for Simulating Use and Abuse 4.2 The high chair shall be completely assembled, unless
of Toys and Other Articles Intended for Use by Children3 otherwise noted, in accordance with the manufacturer’s in-
16 CFR 1501 Method for Identifying Toys and Other structions.
Articles Intended for Use by Children Under Three Years 4.3 No testing shall be conducted within 48 h of manufac-
of Age Which Present Choking, Aspiration, or Ingestion turing.
Hazards Because of Small Parts3 4.4 The product to be tested shall be in a room with an
3. Terminology ambient temperature of 73 6 9°F (23 6 5°C) for at least 1 h
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: prior to testing. Testing shall then be conducted within this
3.1.1 conspicuous—a label that is visible, when the high temperature range.
chair is in a manufacturer’s recommended use position, to a
5. General Requirements
person standing near the high chair at any one position around
the high chair but not necessarily visible from all positions. 5.1 There shall be no hazardous sharp edges or points as
3.1.2 fabric—any woven, knit, coated, laminated, extruded defined by 16 CFR 1500.48 and 16 CFR 1500.49 before or
or calendared flexible material which is intended to be sewn, after testing to this consumer safety specification.
welded, heat sealed or glued together as an assembly. 5.2 There shall be no small parts, as defined by 16
3.1.3 manufacturer’s recommended use position—any posi- CFR 1501, before testing or liberated as a result of testing to
tion that is presented as a normal, allowable, or acceptable this specification.
configuration for the use of the product by the manufacturer in 5.3 Before the application of any test methods, any exposed
any descriptive or instructional literature. This specifically wood parts shall be smooth and free of splinters.
excludes positions which the manufacturer shows in a like 5.4 Latching or Locking Mechanisms—Any unit that folds
manner in its literature to be unacceptable, unsafe, or not shall have a latching or locking device or other provision in a
recommended. design that will prevent the unit from unintentionally folding
3.1.4 nonpaper label—any label material (such as plastic or when properly placed in the manufacturer’s recommended use
metal) that either will not tear without the aid of tools or tears position. During and upon completion of the testing in accor-
leaving a sharply defined edge or labels made from fabric. dance with 9.1, the unit shall remain in its manufacturer’s
3.1.5 occupant—that individual who is in a product in one recommended use position. If a unit is designed with a latching
of the manufacturer’s recommended use positions. or locking device, that device shall remain engaged and
3.1.6 paper label—any label material (except fabric) that operative after testing.
tears without the aid of tools and leaves a fibrous edge. 5.5 Nonpaper Labels:
3.1.7 Permanent (Label/Warning Attachment): 5.5.1 Nonpaper labels or decals (such as warning labels, labels not attached by a seam: brand name labels, decorative labels, or pin-striping) that may
(1) a nonpaper label or decal shall be considered permanent present a choking hazard if removed must be permanent.
if, during an attempt to manually remove it without the aid of
NOTE 2—Paper labels are exempt from the small parts requirements of
tools or solvents, it cannot be removed or such action damages
16 CFR 1501 because paper cannot be meaningfully tested.
the surface to which it is attached.
(2) a paper label shall be considered permanent if, during an Nonpaper labels that may present a choking hazard
attempt to remove it without the aid of tools or solvents, it are those which upon removal fit entirely within the small parts
cannot be removed, it tears upon removal or such action cylinder as defined in 16 CFR 1501. Nonpaper labels that tear
damages the surface to which it is attached. when tested in accordance with (1) are considered labels attached by a seam—a label attached by a labels which may pose a choking hazard.
seam shall be considered permanent if it complies with the Nonpaper labels attached by a seam, except warning
requirements of 9.9 and does not tear, yielding a separate part, labels, that tear along a seam only and do not yield a part which
during the test. fits entirely within the small parts cylinder, defined in 16 Warning Statements—warning statements applied CFR 1501, are not considered labels that pose a choking hazard
directly onto the surface of the product by hot stamping, heat and thus are not required to be permanent.
transfer, printing or wood burning, etc., will be considered 5.6 Openings—Any shaped holes, slots, or cracks that exist
permanent if the printing in the area tested is still legible and in the product that is in its manufacturer’s recommended use
attached after being subjected to the test prescribed in 9.10. position and that are accessible to the toes and fingers of the Discussion—If warning statements are on labels, occupant through or recessed into the surface of any rigid
refer to or material that admits a 0.210 in. (5.3 mm) diameter rod, shall
3.1.8 seam—a means of joining fabric components such as also admit a 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) diameter rod. Openings that
sewing, welding, heat sealing or gluing. have a minimum dimension between 0.210 in. (5.3 mm) and
3.1.9 static load—a vertically downward force applied by a 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) shall be permissible, providing the depth is
calibrated force gage or by dead weights. no greater than the minimum dimension of the opening.
F 404
6. Performance Requirements the CAMI test dummy from the high chair when tested in
accordance with 9.8.
NOTE 3—The loading in this section may be simplified by the use of a
simple test frame that will permit the loads to be applied by dead weights If during test in, the posterior of the test
operating over a ball bearing pulley through a rope. Vertical force tests are dummy is pulled past the front edge of the seat, the dummy
greatly aided with the use of an overhead pulley. shall be considered removed.
6.1 Protective Components—If the child can grasp compo- If during test in the dummy with the force
nents between the thumb and forefinger, or teeth, (such as caps, applied reaches a vertical position with the bottom of its feet
sleeves, or plugs used for protection from sharp edges, points, touching or off the seat, the dummy shall be considered
or entrapment of fingers or toes), or if there is at least a 0.040 removed.
in. (1.00 mm) gap between the component and its adjacent 6.8.3 The waist restraint shall be capable of adjustment with
parent component, such component shall not be removed when a positive, self-locking mechanism that is capable, when
tested in accordance with 9.2. locked, of withstanding the forces of tests in 9.8 without
6.2 Tray Performance (Drop)—The tray shall remain func- allowing restraint movement or slippage of more than 1 in.
tional with respect to the chair and exhibit no sharp points, (25.4 mm).
sharp edges, or small parts when subjected to a drop test in 6.8.4 A connecting means and adjustment means for the
accordance with 9.3. waist restraint shall be capable of usage independent of one
6.3 Tray Performance (Pull)—The tray shall not become another. The connecting means shall not be an adjustment
disengaged or dislocated from its original adjustment position, means but may have one integrally attached to it.
when tested in accordance with 9.4 and 9.5. 6.8.5 Before shipment, the restraint system must be attached
6.4 Static Load—A chair shall support static loads without to the high chair in such a manner as to not become detached
causing any hazardous conditions as identified within this through normal use.
consumer safety specification. Tests shall be conducted in 6.9 Passive Crotch Restraint System:
accordance with 9.6. 6.9.1 For use with a tray or other component that creates a
6.5 Stability—A chair shall not tip over when forces are completely bounded opening in front of the occupant.
applied in accordance with 9.7. In any recommended use position, a restraint system
6.6 Exposed Coil Springs—Any exposed coil spring which shall be provided and shall include both waist and passive
is accessible to the occupant, having or capable of generating crotch restraint. The high chair shall be designed such that the
a space between coils of 0.210 in. (5.3 mm) or greater during tray cannot be attached to the high chair without the passive
static load testing in accordance with 9.6 shall be covered or crotch restraint in place. The passive crotch restraint shall
otherwise designed to prevent injury from entrapment. comply with and either or
6.7 Scissoring, Shearing, and Pinching—A high chair, (1) There shall be no vertical gap between the passive crotch
when in the manufacturer’s recommended use position, shall restraint and either the tray or seating surface that allows free
be designed and constructed so as to prevent injury to the passage of a 1.5 in. (38 mm) diameter by 3 in. (76 mm) long
occupant from any scissoring, shearing, or pinching when rod.
members or components rotate about a common axis or (2) Adjust the seat back to the most upright position and the
fastening point, slide, pivot, fold, or otherwise move relative to passive crotch restraint to the position closest to the seat back.
one another. Scissoring, shearing, or pinching that can cause The distance between the front surface of the noncompressed
injury exists when the edges of the rigid parts admit a probe seat back and the passive crotch restraint shall be less than 8.5
greater than 0.210 in. (5.3 mm) and less than 0.375 in. (9.5 in. (216 mm) when measured horizontally 2.0 in. (50 mm)
mm) diameter at any accessible point throughout the range of above the lowest point on the noncompressed seating surface.
motion of such parts. (3) The leg openings on each side of the passive crotch
6.8 Restraint System: restraint shall not allow complete passage of the wedge block
6.8.1 A restraint system shall be provided to secure a child when tested in accordance with 9.12.
in the seated position in any of the manufacturer’s recom- 6.10 Structural Integrity:
mended use positions. 6.10.1 During and upon completion of the testing in accor- The restraint system shall include both waist and dance with 9.11, the high chair shall comply with all of the
crotch restraint and shall meet the requirements of either following: or The high chair shall not exhibit an instantaneous A crotch restraint designed to work with a lap belt change in the height of the occupant seating surface above the
shall be designed such that its use is mandatory when the floor of more than 3 in. (75 mm) during one cycle of the weight
restraint system is in use. drop. During and after a change in the height of the seating A passive crotch restraint shall be designed such that surface, the high chair must comply with the requirements for
its use is mandatory when the tray is in use. openings as defined in 6.6 and scissoring, shearing, and
(1) If the passive crotch restraint is removed from the chair pinching as defined in 6.7.
when the tray is removed, the restraint must also meet the There shall be no breakage of any structural com-
requirements of ponent.
6.8.2 The restraint system and its closing means (for ex- Latching or locking devices which prevent folding
ample, buckle) shall not break, separate or permit removal of of the high chair shall remain engaged.
F 404 The angle of the occupant seating surface relative
to the floor shall not change more than 10°.
F 404
tray in the plane of the tray.
9.4 Tray—Horizontal Force:
9.4.1 Perform this test on all trays. If the tray is of a type
required to be tested in accordance with 9.3, perform this test
on a tray that has been tested in accordance with 9.3.
9.4.2 Horizontal Pull Test (Front and Rear): Secure the chair in its normal standing position so
that all legs have contact with the floor and so that it cannot
move in the direction of the force being applied. Attach the tray
in any one of the adjustable positions. Attach a test device to the center front or back of the
tray in such a manner that the force will be exerted on a pad not
exceeding 2 in. (51 mm) in any direction. Gradually apply a horizontal force of 45 lbf (200 N)
to the tray within a 5 s period and maintain for an additional 10
s. Repeat this procedure five times in both front and
rear directions for all adjustable tray positions.
9.4.3 Horizontal Pull Test (Sides):
NOTE—This CAMI Infant Dummy was constructed in accordance with Perform this test under the same conditions as in
the Department of Transportation Specification dated April 29, 1975. with the chair affixed in a position so that the horizontal
FIG. 2 CAMI Infant Dummy—Mark II
force of 45 lbf (200 N) is applied perpendicularly to the center
of a side of the tray within 5 s and maintain for 10 s.
a rotation of 180° from the original position has been attained Repeat this procedure five times on each side of the
or 4 lbf-in. (0.5 N · m) has been reached. Maintain the torque
or maximum rotation for an additional 10 s. Then remove the
9.5 Tray—Vertical Pull Test—Secure the chair in its normal
torque and permit the test components to return to a relaxed
standing position so that all legs have contact with the floor and
condition. Then repeat this procedure in the counter clockwise
so that it cannot move in the direction of force being applied.
Attach the tray in any one of its adjustable positions.
9.2.4 Tension Test:
9.5.1 Vertical Pull Test (Rear): Attach a force gage to the component cap, sleeve or Attach the test device to the rear center of the tray in
plug by means of any suitable device. For components that
such a manner that the force will be exerted on a pad not
cannot reasonably be expected to be grasped between thumb
exceeding 2 in. (51 mm) in any direction.
and forefinger, or teeth, on their outer diameter but have a gap Gradually apply a vertically upward force of 45 lbf
of 0.04 in. (1.0 mm) or more between the rear surface of the
(200 N) at the rear of the tray within 5 s and maintain for an
component and the structural member of the high chair to
additional 10 s.
which they are attached, a clamp such as shown in Fig. 2 may Repeat this procedure five times.
be a suitable device. 4,5
9.5.2 Vertical Pull Test (Sides): Be sure the attachment device does not compress or
expand the component to hinder removal of the component. Attach the test device to the side of the tray at the Gradually apply a 15 lbf (67 N) force in the direction center line of the locking mechanism in such a manner that the
that would normally be associated with the removal of the force will be exerted on a pad not exceeding 2 in. (51 mm) in
component. Apply the force within 5 s and maintain for an any direction.
additional 10 s. Gradually apply a vertically upward force of 45 lbf
9.3 Tray—Drop Test—From a height of 36 in. (900 mm) (200 N) at the side of the tray within 5 s and maintain for an
measured from the center point of the tray, drop the tray on additional 10 s.
vinyl tile over concrete flooring once on each of four different Repeat this procedure five times on each side of the
surfaces, one surface of which shall include the attaching tray.
mechanism. Do not conduct this test on trays that require a 9.6 Static Load Testing:
screwdriver or wrench to remove tray from high chair. 9.6.1 Seat Static Load Test: Secure the chair in an upright position with all legs
NOTE 5—For the purposes of this test only, the center point of the tray on the floor.
coincides with the center of the smallest rectangle that circumscribes the Place a 6 by 6 in. (150 by 150 mm) wood block on
the center of the seat.
CAMI Infant Dummy Mark II (Shown in Fig. 2) Department of Transportation, Gradually apply a static load of 100 lb (45 kg) on the
Federal Aviation Administration, April 29, 1974, and CAMI Infant Dummy, wood block within a period of 5 s and maintain for an
Drawing No. SA-1001, Memorandum Report AAC-119-74-14, Revision 11, by additional 60 s.
Richard F. Chandler, July 2, 1994.
Available from Rowley Scher Reprographics, 1216 K ST. NW, Washington, DC 9.6.2 Step/Footrest Static Load Test:
20005. Secure the chair in an upright position with all legs
F 404
on the floor. If the step or footrest is adjustable, adjust it to the 9.8.1 Secure the high chair so it cannot move.
lowest position. 9.8.2 Place a CAMI Infant Dummy Mark II4(see Fig. 2), in Place a 3 by 6 in. (75 by 150 mm) wood block on the accordance with the Department of Transportation Specifica-
center of the step or footrest. tion in the high chair seat. Gradually apply a static load of 50 lb (22.7 kg) on 9.8.3 Secure the CAMI Infant Dummy into the high chair
the wood block within a period of 5 s and maintain for an per the manufacturer’s instructions.
additional 60 s. For active restraint systems (intended to exclude
9.6.3 Tray Static Load Test: passive restraint systems designed such that they do not require Secure the chair in an upright position with all legs adjustment by a caregiver) adjust the waist restraint, using the
on the floor. If the tray is adjustable, adjust it to the rear webbing tension pull device shown in Fig. 3, so that a force of
position. 2 lbf (9 N) applied to the waist restraint will provide a 1⁄4in. (6 Place a 3 by 6 in. (75 by 150 mm) wood block at the mm) space between the waist restraint and the CAMI Dummy.
center top surface of the tray. 9.8.4 Perform the following tests without readjusting the Gradually apply a static load of 50 lb (22.7 kg) on restraint system:
the wood block within a period of 5 s and maintain for an Apply a pull force of 45 lbf (200 N) horizontally on
additional 60 s. the approximate centerline of either leg of the dummy. Gradu-
9.7 Stability Testing: ally apply the force within 5 s and maintain for an additional 10
9.7.1 Stability with Child in Chair: s. Place the chair in an upright position with all legs on Repeat four times with a maximum interval
the floor. Attach the tray in the rear position. of 2 s between tests. Apply a pull force that is 45 lbf (200 N) greater than Place an angle or bar on the floor against the leg or
the weight of the dummy vertically upwards in line with the
legs in a manner that will prevent the chair from sliding on the
approximate centerline of the dummy’s torso. Gradually apply
floor, but will not prevent it from tipping.
the force within 5 s and maintain for an additional 10 s. Center a weight of 40 lb (18.1 kg) on the seat on a
6 by 6 in. (150 by 150 mm) wood block and affix it to the seat
in such a manner that the weight will not move in relation to
the seat. Apply a horizontal force of 18 lbf (80 N) at the
center front edge of the tray at the uppermost surface of the
tray. Apply the horizontal force perpendicular to the front plane
of the high chair and in a direction that is outward from the
center of the high chair. Gradually apply the force over a period
of 5 s. Apply a horizontal force of 14 lbf (62 N) at the
center of each arm of the high chair at its uppermost surface.
Apply the horizontal force perpendicular to the side plane of
the high chair and in a direction that is outward from the center
of the high chair. Gradually apply the force over a period of 5
s. Apply a horizontal force of 14 lbf (62 N) at the
center of the seat back at the height of the uppermost surface
of the tray. Apply the horizontal force perpendicular to the rear
plane of the high chair and in a direction that is outward from
the center of the high chair. Gradually apply the force over a
period of 5 s. For high chair designs that do not include a tray,
conduct stability testing in and by applying the
horizontal force on the outermost member at a height estimated
to be the uppermost surface of a tray.
9.7.2 Stability with Child Climbing into Chair—With the
tray removed, extend the footrest to its furthermost forward
adjustable position. Gradually apply a static load of 40 lbf (178
N) within 5 s at a position not to exceed 1 in. (25 mm) from the
front edge of the footrest on a pad not exceeding 2 in. (51 mm)
in any direction. If the chair has no footrest, gradually apply the
static load of 40 lbf (178 N) to the forward most horizontal NOTE 1—Dimension A—Width of webbing plus 1⁄4 in.
frame member. NOTE 2—Dimension B—One half of Dimension A.
9.8 Restraint System Retention Test: FIG. 3 Webbing Tension Pull Device
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9.10.1 Apply the tape test defined in Test Method B Cross-
Cut Tape Test of Test Method D 3359, eliminating the parallel
9.10.2 Perform this test once in each different location
where warnings are applied.
9.11 Dynamic High Chair Test:
9.11.1 Set-up high chair in accordance with manufacturer’s
9.11.2 Position a 6 by 6 in. (150 by 150 mm) wood block in
the center of the seat.
9.11.3 Perform a drop test using a 50 lb. (23 kg) bag drop
weight of 6 to 8 in. (150–200 mm) diameter using steel shot as
the mass in the bag. The bag will be dropped onto the wood
block in the seat from a height of 3 in. (75 mm) above the wood
block. The drop is to be repeated 500 cycles. The cycle time is
to be 4 s/cycle, 61 s. The drop height is to be adjusted to
maintain the 3 in. (75 mm) drop height as is practical.
9.12 Leg Openings:
9.12.1 Secure the chair in its normal standing position so
NOTE—Not to scale.
FIG. 4 Wedge Block
that it cannot move in the direction of the force being applied.
Attach the tray in the position that creates the largest leg Repeat four times with a maximum interval openings.
of 2 s between tests. 9.12.2 Into each leg opening, insert the tapered end of the
9.9 All labels attached by a seam and that can be grasped wedge block, shown in Fig. 4, in the most adverse orientation.
between the thumb and forefinger or teeth shall not separate Apply a 25 lbf (111 N) force perpendicular to the plane of the
from the product when subjected to a 15 lbf (67 N) pull force opening. The force shall be applied gradually within 5 s and
applied in any direction using a clamp with 3⁄4 in. (19 mm) maintained for an additional 10 s.
diameter clamping surface. 9.12.3 Repeat this procedure with the tray removed if a
9.10 Adhesion Test for Printing: completely bounded opening exists after the tray is removed.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).