Life has never been so easy. Today is sunny. Tomorrow is stormy.
And this process we called “life”
happens over and over again. But, do you know what is surprising? We can take a break! We can break this process! Listed below are my proven and tested stress coping strategies:
It was in 2021 when I first read a book. I just found
that book while sorting out stocked papers and books inside our house. I immediately liked the title and was totally attached to it when I read the first chapter. Up until today, I still read novels, and in some cases, essays and poems. Not only do I believe that reading can elevate my knowledge, I also found it relaxing since I got to experience different scenarios in my head. It is also the most convenient way to pass time since it does not require internet connection and earphones, not to mention that it reduces my exposure time to gadgets.
I’ve already mentioned it on my previous essays and
reflection papers that I am an antiquarian or traditionalist or old-fashioned person, whatever it is called. That is the ultimate reason why I’m very fond of old songs, and I can’t contain my excitement whenever I hear familiar tunes and melodies. Old music calms my inner soul. Just imagine your favorites songs are playing consecutively. It is like seeing the love of your life or the feeling of floating on clouds. The sensation brought by music is incomparable.
Singing is one of my favorite pastimes. I think it has
something to do with my love for music. Although I am not so good at singing, I still do it because this is where I am happy. And I am going to admit that it is much more fun together with my family and friends. I always want to feel that comfort, the feeling of doing what you love without the judgement of others. Since then, I am an avid viewer of any documentaries program in the television. I remember watching Rated K, i-Witness, Matanglawin, or even the bloody SOCO and Imbestigador. Those mentioned programs deliver so much knowledge and awareness for the society to be used. Watching those programs indeed opens my eyes of what is happening in our surroundings. I know it’s very unusual for a teenage boy like me to put interest on it but it satisfies my cravings.
The most relaxing of all is taking a walk, specifically
at night. I find it more beautiful when I am doing this together with one of my family member, who is usually my grandma. Around 15 minutes or so, we can be able to walk an enough distance within our subdivision. We usually do this after our dinner as part of our belief that it will help our stomach in breaking down and absorbing the food we eat. Aside from that, we also get to have quality time for each other, talking about different stuffs while simultaneously gazing at stars and to our neighbors’ house. What I am always praying is that: “Please, don’t rain.”
Beating the Blues This Holiday Season: Learn why the holiday season is a difficult time of the year for many people, and what you can do to help yourself and others