In a barter system where goods are directly exchanged Before the introduction of coins, a Deposits with Bank
without the use of money, the double coincidence of wants is variety of objects were used as money. For Banks accept the deposits and also pay an
example, since the very early ages, Indians
an essential feature. Money acts as an intermediate in the used grains and cattle as money. Modern amount as interest on the deposits.The
exchange process, it is called a medium of exchange. forms of money include currency – paper modern forms of money – currency and
notes and coins. In India, the Reserve Bank deposits – are closely linked to the working
of India issues currency notes on behalf of of the modern banking system.
the central government.
Terms of Credit 85% of the loans taken by poor households in the urban areas
are from informal sources. Urban households take only 10% of
their loans from informal sources, while 90% are from formal
sources. The formal sector still meets only about half of the
ey and Cr
Every loan agreement specifies an interest on total credit needs of the rural people. The remaining credit
and the mode of repayment together comprise First Level Second Level Third Level
what is called the Terms of Credit.