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Examination Control Division Programme
BCE Pass Marks 16
2079Ashwin Year/Part ji Time

Subject: - Engineering Geology Il (CE

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable.
AttemptAll questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assumesuitable data if necessary.

1. What are the main parameter, phases and task of EGS? (1+1+1 J
2. What are the geological problems of Higher Himalaya and Tethys Himalaya zone?
Highlight the major discontinuities system of Nepal Himalaya. [1+1+1 J

3. Differentiate between confined and unconfined aquifers with suitable diagram. [2]
4. a) What are the purposes of site investigation? Described geophysical and geotechnical
exploration. [1+3]
b) Describe the various geological problems•and documentationthat occurs in tunnel
construction. [2+2]
5. a) How mass movement occurred? Classify the landslide according to Varne's. [2+3]
b) Describe elastic rebound theory.
6. a) Define RMR method •and discuss the support system and excavation method in
class Il rock type. [1+2]
b) Fourth bore hole is proposal at P, the NE corner of the square land. Calculate at what
depth the bore hole encounters the coal seam at P. [4+2]

c) Analyze the failure mode by using stereographic projection from following data. H.S:
1700/50 0, B.P.: 160 /42 0, Friction angle: 26
7. Define reserve. Calculate reserve for aggregate of sandstone bedrock having vertical
thickness 300 m at S72 0W/43 0 and in an area of 227 km2 [1+21

Examination Control Division ProgrammeBCE Jinss Marks 16
2079 Jestha Year / Part Time J % hrs.

Subject: - Engineering GeologyIl (CE553)

s/ Candidatesare required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
AttemptAll questions.
9/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
s/ Assumesuitabledata if necessary.

1. Whatis engineering geological system (EGS)? Highlights the engineering geological map
preparation methods. [1+21
2. Describe a major discontinuities system of the Nepal Himalaya and their engineering
significance. [2]
3. What are the major geological factors that formed a different hydrological condition? [21
4. Whatis tunneling? Describe the process for geological site investigation of road, bridges
and dams. [1+61

5. Define a types of mass movement. Describe the major geological hazards of the
Himalayasand their mitigation measures. [3+4+21
6. Whatis the intact rock? Describe the Bienisawski RMR classification system of the rock
mass. [1+61
7. Highlights the major application of geomorphology in searching of construction
8. Writea short notes on: (Any Four) (4x2]
a) Over braking
b) Underground excavations process
c) Stereographicprojection
d) Discontinuity
e) Seismicity
f) Aquifer

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks
2078 Chaitra Year / Part Tirnc 16

Subject: - Engineering Geology Il (CE553)

Candidatesare required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
AttemptAll questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assumesuitable data if necessary.

I. How engineering Geological map prepared? Mention the components of engineering

Geological map.
2. Outline the major engineering geologicalproblems of lesser Himalaya and indo-gangetic
plain with mitigating measures.
3. What is Darcy's law? Differentiate between confined and unconfined aquifers.
4. a) Define geophysical exploration
b) Nepal government is going to construct a new road on the left bank of the Sunkoshi
River after the devastating landside. Describe what kinds of EngineeringGeological
parameters should be consider for selecting road alignment.
5. a) Define mass movement. Classifylandslidesaccording to Vemes (1978).
b) How GLOF occurred? Differentiate between magnitude and intensity of earthquake.
6. a) Describe the geo-mechanics classificationofrockmass.
b) Discuss the excavation and Supportsystem in fair rock class according to RMR.
c) Suggest the possible mode of failure from following figure.
ID DipDirection
40 / 050
46 /040
J4 J2 28 / 200
J3 70 / 103
E J4 39 /348

Friction angle : 25

Equal Angle
Lower Hemisphere

d) Three bore holes are sunk at SW, SE and NW comers of square level ground.The
side of the square is 300m long. The bore holes are A, B, C respectively. The bore
holes meet the coal seam at 15m in A, 45m in B and 60m in C. Determine attitude Of
the coal seam.
7. The:attitude of sandstone is N420W/340.The difference of top and bottom ofbed rockOf
80m. Calculate the reserve of aggregate in 2.5 km strike length and 0.5km dip length
rock quarry site.

Full 40
Control Division Programme BCE
salllination Pnss Marks 16
E Time I % hrs,
Subject: - Engineering Geology_ll(CE553)
required to give their answers in their own words
candidatesare as far 03practicable,
Attemptu_l indicate Full Marks.
v/ figuresin the margin
t/ and Stereonet should be rovided.
Tracing a er data if necessary.

forming minerals? Describe their engineeringsignificance.

1. Whatare rock [1+2]
discontinuities system of the Nepal Himalayawith their engineering
2. Discussmajor
significance. [2]
affect ground water movement? Mention types of aquifer system
3. Whatare factors that of
Nepal. [1.5+1.5J
methods of site investigation.
4. a) Discussthe types and [3]
b) Describegeological condition for the site selection of tunnel and road. [3+3]
5. a) Differentiate GLOF and LDOF. [2]
b) Justifythe statement "Nepar is considered as a seismically active zone". [2]
c) Discussthe control measures of landslide. [4]
6. a) Howis RQD calculated in the absence of drill core data? [1.5]
b) Discussthe support system and excavation methods in class IV rock type by RMR
method. [4.5]
c) Analyze the stability condition of rock slope from following data by using
stereographicprojection method. Give your suggestion if necessary for maintaining
thestability of rock slope. [6]
Hill slope: 175 0/52 0
Bedding plane: 150 0/48 0
Friction angle: 38 0
7' Whatare use of geological map and topographical map in searching of the construction

Examination Control Division ProgrammeBCE
2078 Poush Marks
Vent'/ Part 11/11

Subject: - En ineering Geology Il (CE553

Candidates are required to give their answers in thcir own words
as far as practicabk
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks,
Assume suitable data ifhccessary.

I. What is the major engineering geological task of detail design

phases of en
geological system?
2. Outline the different major discontinuities system of the Nepal
Himalaya and write
their engineering significance.
3. Write down the engineering significance of ground water. Mention the
water potential zone of Nepal.
4. a) Discuss about the geological investigation of tunnel and road.
b) Write down the engineeringdocumentationduringundergroundexcavation.
S. a) Differentiate between flood and GLOF. What are the main geological hazards?How
do they differfrom thatof manmade hazard?
b) Write down the different types of mass movement. State Structural control

6. a) Define rock mass and intact rock. Write dovvnthe properties of discontinuities
rock mass classification.

b) Discuss the stability analysis based on the following data.

202 0/65 0, F=350 0/27 0, 1800/81 0
J2=78 0/69 0, 21 0/73 0, J4= 293 0/50 0

7. Differentiate betweeen reserve and resource. Calculate .the true thickness of Limest0ne
bed having vertical thickness 600 m at North 750E/ 500 NW in an area of 550kau .


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PøggMar)u 16

2078 Time

Subject: - EngineeringGeologyIl (CE533)

Candidatesare required to give tlleir answers in their own words ag far as practicable.
v/ in lhe margin indicate FRII Mar/€s.
Y/ T/teJigures
Assumesuitable data if necessary.

1. What are the major engineering geological task at different phases of engineering
2. What are the Geological problems of lesser I-lirnalya and Terai zone? Highlight the major
discontinuitiessystem of Nepal Himalaya. t 1+1+1 J

3. Write down the geological factor for formation of different aquifer. Mention the different

aquifiersystern of Nepal- [2+11

4. a) What is overbreak? Describe the geological consideration for bridge site selection.
b) Describe the various geological probiems occur during tunnel construction.

5. a) Differentiatebetvveen hazard and risk.What are the main geological hazards? How do
they differ from that of man-made hazard?

b) •Describe the causes and mitigation measure of landslide.

c) Differentiate between slope failure and debris flow.

6, a) Discuss the stability analysis of the given planes. [5)

0 0
Hill slope = 310 /43
Beddingplane (B?) = 306 0/310
Joint (11) = 350 0/40 0
Joint (J2) 7
Joint (J3) = 237 0/32 0

b) Whatare the parameters of Q-system of rockmass classification? [3)

c) Discuss the excavation and support system in fair rock class according to RMR. 12)
7' Define reserve. Calculate resewc for construction of quartizate bed having vertical
thickness400m at S 72.ow / 480 RE •inan area of 537 km . [31

Control Division lh•ogrannuc BCE Pass Marks 16
Examination 11/11 Tirnc J h hrs.

Subject: Engineering Geology.ll (CE

are required to give their answers in their OWJIwords as far as practicablc,
v/ candidates questions.
Attempt u
in the margin indicate
Thefigures data if necessary.
geological map? Write down the different phases for evaluation of
1. Whatis engineering system (EGS).
different major discontinuities systern of the Nepal Himalaya and write down
2. Outlinethe
their engineering
law describes ground water movement? Describe types of aquifer with
3. How Darcy's
suitablediagram. [2+2]
Write down the engineering documentationduring underground
4. a) What is overbreak?
b) Whydocumentation in tunneling should be carried out? What are the purposes of site

5. a) Define Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability.

b) Classify landslide as per Varnes (1978).
c) List out the types of mass movement and soil erosion. [2]
6. a) Discussthe stability analysis of given planes. [4]
1149/249, F-56/243, Jl=58/071, J2=30/175, J3=83/286 and Ø=25.•

b) Borehole A is 900m due to north of Bore hole B and Bore hole C is 800m due to west
Ofbore hole B. The top and bottom of a rock layer are reached at the following
altitudesrelative to the sea level in the thrcc holes.
Bore Hole A: „350m and -410m
BoreHole B: -310m and -370m
BoreHole C: -390m and -450m
Find the attitude and true thickness of the rock layer.
7' Definereserve. Calculate reserve for Limestone bed having dip amount 300, apparent
thicknessof 20m 1 [1+21
in 1128.5m2 area.
INSTITUTE OF Level BE Full Marks
Control Division Progrnntme BCE PA." MArkg 16
2076BaisaKh Time

Subject: - Engineering Geology Il (CE553)

required to give their answers in their own words
Candidatesare as far as practicable.
AttemptJ! questions.
Thcjigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
suitable data ifnecessary.
v/ Assume

l. DefineRockFortning Minerals. In which phase of Civil engineeringproject, sub-surface

siteinvestigationearried out with supplementary core drilling?
2. Whatare the major discontinuity system of Nepal Himalaya? What are the major
engineeringgeological problems of the Lesser Himalaya zone.
3. Whatare the factors for ground water movement? Describe types of confining beds.
4. a) Describe geological consideration in tunnel alignment selection which method is
suitablein investigation of bridge foundation?
b) Describeindirect methods of surface site investigation.
5. a) Definegeological hazards. How LDOF occurred?
b) DescribeVARNE's classification of Landslide.
c) Howstrength of earthquake meåsured? Describe seismic waves.
6. a) DescribeQ-system of rock mass classification.
b) Whatare the support system of Rock class-IV according to RMR-system? How do
youcalculateRQD from Drill core samples? [3+21
c) Thevertical thickness of inclined bedrock limestone is 150m & true dip amount is
470.CalculateTrue thickness of Limestone bedrock.
is resource? Describe importance of topographical & geological map in searching

Examination Control Division
2075 Bhadra

- Engineering Geol II (c8553)

{ Candidates are required to give their answerc in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt 4II questions,
{ The figures in the margin indicate Full Mqrhs.
/ Assume suitable data if necessory.

I, What are the parameters of Engineering Geology? Point out major components of
engineering geological map. [1.5+1.5]
2. What is an aquifer? Describe Darcy's law with suitable diagram. Mention geological
factors for formation of hydrogeological condition. [0.5+t.s+l]
3. Define discontinuity. What are the major engineering geological problems in the siwalik
zone? [+2]
4. a) How do you differentiate between geophysical and geotechnical exploration in site
investingations? Describe. [3]
b) What axe the engineering geological parameters should be considered in canal
aligrrment selection? Describe' tsl
5. a) Define hazard, risk and danger. How GLOF occurred? [1+2]
b) Describe mechanism of mass movemenl What are the measures for mitigation of
geological hazards? [1+4J
c) Describe elastic rebound theory. Describe intensity and magnitude of earthquake. [1+l]
6- a) What are the parameters for RMR-system? How do you calculate RQD in the rock out
crops? [3+U
b) Three boreholes A, B, C were drilled in a flat terrain to investigate depth of bedrock.
Borehole a lies N 45"W from borehole B at a distance of 900 m and borehole C lies S
20"E from borehole B at a distance of 700 m. A Sandstone bedrock is eucountered in
'following depth of each borehole. [3+3]
Borehole A: Top (-350 m), Bottom (-410 m)
Borehole B: Top (-310 m), Bottorn (-370 m)
Boretrole C: ToP (-390 m), Bottom (-450 m)
Find out attitude of sandstone bedrock with true thickness.
7. How do you define reserve? Differentiate between total resowce and undiscovered
resoluce. ll+21

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks l6

2075 Baisakh Year lPart [/[ Time I % hrs.

Subject: -Engineering Geology II (C8553)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt All questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Wrks.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. What are the rock forming minerals? Mention civil engineering significance of calcite
'w.r.t' reservoir site selection. tz+ll
2. Outline the major engineering Geological problems of Siwalik and Higher Himalaya
zone. What are the mitigation measures of erosion? Describe. u+1+11
J. Describe relation between hydralic gradient and hydralic conductivity in groundwater
movement. How an artesian formed? 12+rl
4. a) What do you mean by geophysical exploration? t3l
b) For hydropower project, tunnel alignment have to be selected. The overburden
material depth is confirmed from drilling of three boreholes, where top of the bedrock
is encountered as follow. t5l
Location of borehole Depths of bedrock at

From BH + I - BH + 2. at distance of 1000m BH+ 1 BH*2 BH*3

along N32'E -200 m -300 m -500 m

From BH * I - BH + 3 at distance of 800 m along

Select suitable alignment of tunnel, w.r.t. attitude of bedrock.
5. a) What is the mechanism of mass movement? What are the cbnsequences of GLoF as
geologicalhazard, describe. 13+21
b) How do you differentiate hazard and risk? Describe relative hazard. 13+21
6. a) How do you select support type for underground opening? Describe with justification. t4I
b) What are the support sysliem and excavation method of poor rock class according to
RMR system? Mention. t3+3I
7. a) What are the requiremerlls for selection of borrow area for construction material
exploration? Mention. Describe types of resource. tl]
b) The attitude of sandstone,bedrock is N44"W / 36o. The difference of top and bottom
of bedrock is 82 m. Calculate the reserve of aggregate in2.7 km strike tength and0.62
km. dip length of rock qua:ry site. t}l
* rl.rlr
Examination Control Division
2074 Bhadra

Subjecl; - Engineering Geology II (cEss3)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
,/ The ligures in the margin indicate Full Malb;
r' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. How engineering Geological Map prepared? Mention the components of engineering

Geological map.
2. What are the geological problems of Lesser Himalaya and Terai zone? What are the
Preventive measure for landslide? Describe.
3. What are the geological factors for formation of hydrogeological condition? How do you
differentiate aquifer and confining bed?
4. a) Describe direct method of sub-surface site investigation. t3l
b) What are the geological consideration for selection of road and dam site. How do you
investigate the foundation site for building and bridge? Mention in brief.
5. a) How GLOF occured? What are the types of movement according to varne? Describe
in brief.
b) Classifr engineering evaluation of hazard. How absolute hazard assessment carried
out? Describe. p+21
6. a) what are the parameters for RMR-system of rockmass classification? Describe
meaning of rockmass class w.r.t. shear parameter? [4+l ]
b) Intrepretate the stability condition of rock slope where canal alignment have to be
pass. The orientation discontinuities and hill slope and internal friction angle are as
HS: 138145", Jr :234"138o,Jz:098o/58o0 J3:315"/60.o and 0:25o

7. a) Define reserve. How do you estimate the reserve for construction material to construct
highway project?
b) Apparent dip amounts of Quartzite bed rock along N20oE and N65oE are I :9 and l:12
respectively. The vertical thickness of bedrock is 105 m. Calculate the reserve of
Full Marks
Examination Control Division BCE Pass Marks
2073 Bhadra Time

Subjecf - Engineering Geology II (C8553)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions,
'/ Tkefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Define engineering geological map. Mention engineering significance of quartz mineral

w.r.t hydropower project when sediment analysis has been carried out, u.s+1.51
2. Define discontinuity. Outline major engineering problerns of lesser Himalaya. u+21
3. Differentiate aquifer and confining bed. Mention geological factors for formation of
hydrogeolo gical conditions. [1+l]
4. a) What are the purposes of site investigation? Describe geophysical and geotechnical
exploration. 12+41

b) Describe the geological consideration for reservoir site selection. t3l

5. a) Define Hazwd and risk. Describe mechanism of mass movement. [2+2]
b) Describe parts of landslide with labelled diagram. Mention types of movement with
reference to vame's classification. [2+3]
6. a) Three boreholes A, B and C were drilled for limestone reserve calculation. Bore hole
A lies at 600 m distance due N28'E from borehole B. Bore hole C lies at 400m
distance dues S 10oW from bore hole B. The top and bottom of limestone bed was
encountered at the following depth of given bore holes. t5l
Bore hole Top (m) Bottom (m)
A 240 260
B 220 280
C 240 300

Calculate the tnre thickness of limestone bed.

b) What are the conditions of plane failure of rock slope. t2l
c) What are the parameters of Q-system for rockmass classification? l2l
d) How do you calculate RQD from drill core method? tzl
7 . Define reserve. Calculate reserve for aggregate of quartzite bedrock having vertical
thickness 300 m at S 72"W143" and in an ii"a of 437 km2. t3l

05 TRTBHUVAI.TUNiVERSITY Exam. Nett' Bueli (21\66 r.t I-:tfcl' Iittch)

Examination Control DiYision Programme BCE PassMarks fi
ll %hrs.
2072Wagh Year / Part II/tr Time

Sabject: Geology ll (C8553)

{ Ca4didates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ AttlmPt lllquestions.
,/ dni4"^ in the'margin indicate Full fuIarks.
/ Aisume suitable data if necessary-
f I ,Write of engineering geological system. t3l
2. Mention the major engineering geological problems in the lesser Himalaya with
mirigation. t3l
3. Describe the different bpes of aquifer system of Nepal. t21
4. a) 'What is site investigation? Mention the different types of site investigation. t3l
f;; What are tle engineering geological factors to be considered for dam site selection? t3l
' ,.'

.'c) Describc the various geological problems occur during tunnel construction. t3l
5. a) Whatis the magnitude of earthquake hazard
in tr{epal? Differentiate between intensit-v-
andmagnitude. 'I lsI
b) Describe the geological hazard in Nepaf due to GLOF.. . - tsI
i 6. a) The altitude of different planes are given below. HS : ll0"/40:"; B : 130"/20o;
' Jr = 100"/40o; Jz = 200"150", 0 = 32e, Design cut slope inclination to be stable of
- i given discontinuities from different URpp of failure. -. ' .,, t41


b) Define stereographic projection and mention the use of stereographic projection in the
different field of engineering geology. 13I
c) Describe the role of RMR system in underground excavation and support design. .{31
7. Mention the different requirements for selecting borrow areas for construction material. t3l
*,f *



Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 16
2072 Ashwin Year / Part II/u Time I )'z hrs.

. ,'.,,i,,
Subject: - Engineering Geology II (CESS|)
r' -----+
Candidates are required to give their answers in theii own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
'/ I+refigures in'the margin indicate Full Marksi.
/:: Assume suitable data if necessary.
:: .. ':l,t .. . .i: r.
:r r; '
I. Write rnain tasks for EGS in'detailed design phase of civil engineering projects. t3I
2. Describe mitigation measures of geological problems in Himalaya. t3l
4. a) Describe geological criteria for selection of road alignment. t3I
b) [now do you explain factor ofoverbreak?
)verbreak? t3I
c) Describe geophysical exploration t3l
5. a) What is factor of safety? Describe strerlgth of earthquake. 12+21
r bls How vame classified landslide? Explaig, i3l
I cr* Differentiale harzard and risk. ll.s+1.sI
6. a)1 What are the meaning of Rock mass
from RMR-system? l2l
b}' How do you measured RQD in rock dpifled core samples? [1+l]

ci* Mention conditions for wedge failure rock.mass. t21

d) Three bore holes were drilled to formdation of
hydroelectric .project. The apparent as 210 m. The
Attitude of Quartzite bed was 220"13 bedrock. t41
7 . How do you estimate:re:Sen e for constructfon materials from soil and rock strata? t3I

. 05 TRJBHWAI{TJNIVERSITY Exam. l{cgular' / I}lcli
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks I6
207I Bhadra Year / Part u/II Time l%tvs.

Subject: - Engineering Geology II (cE553)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt l!!questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuA Morlcs.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

). Describe about the preparatlon of engineerlng geobgical map in the ffeld? , : t3]
2. S/hd is the engineering significance of mqior discontinuities system of the Nepal Himalaya? [3J
How Darq/s Law describes ground water movement? Describe characteristlcs of conffning
beds? ( 1+r)
y Describe maln purposes of site investigation? How do you make the site investigation belowthe
ground surface? {2+3}
5. Define overbreak. Describe geologicalparameters forevaluation of bridge site selectbn ?(1+3!
6, Deffne intensity and magnitude of the earthquake. Explain the differerrt types of waves
generated during earthquake. [2+3J
L What is mass rnovememf? Explain whyNepal Himalaya is very proreto LandsUde. [+4]
8/ What are dlfferences between intact Rock and Rock Mass? Explain about the importance of
Rock quallty designation (RqDl in Rock Mass classification system based on Rock Mass Rating
{RMR) in underground excavation. 12+31
9. planes.
Discuss fte stability analysis of the given t5l
NS= 3200/700; p: tss0/680; Jl= 2400/80o3t2=3l0ot35o; J3=100/850; {1300



1O. How geomorphology, topographical map & engineering geological maps help to searching of
construction material? (3)
05 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. l{cgu l:u'

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks t6

2070 Bhadra Year / Part II/II Time 1%hrs.

Subject: - Engineering Geology II (C8553)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questtons.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Mqrks.
y' Assume surtable data if necessary.

l. Describe the engineering significance ofthe rock forming minerals. t3l

2. Describe types of aquifer with suitable diagram. What are the different engineering geological
problems in the Terai zone of the Nepal Himalaya? [2+3]
3. Define Rock Mass Rating (RMR). Discuss the different type and methods of site investigation for
the road in the Nepal Himalaya [2+4]
4. How mass movements occur? Classify the lendslide according to varnes (1978). 12+41

5. Explain the different effece of earthquake and GLOF in the Nepalese contelil. [3+2J
6. What is rock mass? Describe the rock mass classification based on Q-system and discuss its
implication forthe tunnel support design. 12+41
7. Discuss the differ€nt conditions for plane failure in the rock slope. 121
8. Three boreholes A, B and C were drilled for limestone rcserue calculation. Bort hole A lies at
60Om distance dw N280E from borchole B. Borehole C lies at 40Om distance due SI00W fiom
borehole B. The top and bottom of limestone bed was encountered at the following depth of give

Borehole Top (m) Bottom (m)

A 204 260
B 220 280

c 240 3000

Calculate the true thickness of the limestone bed. t4l

9. Discuss the use of tomgraphic map and geological map for the survey of aggregates. t3I
05 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Nerv llack (2066 ct Later Batclt)
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 16

2070 Magh Year / Part il/II Time l%hrs.

Subiect: - Engineering Geology II (CE553)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt 4llquestions.
'/y' fhefigures in the margin indicate Fult Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Define engineering geological map. What are the main parameters for evaluation of engineering
geological s)6tem? [1+2]
2. Describe the importance of Darcy's law in groundwater movement Elplain the engineering
significance ofmajor discontinuities system oftheNepal Himalaya. [2+3]
3. Describe the different tJ/pes and mettrods of site investigation and write down the different
engineering geological parameters for the bridge site [3+3]
4. Define Mass movement l)ifferentiate between landslide and debris flow. t2+21
5. Describe the mechanism rrf an earthquake. What are the differences between magniurde and
intensity of an earthquake? 12+41
6. Mention the differenttlpcs of rock mass classification system. How do you measune RQD fum
given drillcore samples?.:] l2Y
7. Define reserve. Describe the use of engineering geological map for the construction material
survey. ll+21
8. The apparent dip amount of an inclined bed is l:12 and l:16 alongN30"W andNlOoW
respectively. Calcularc the true dip amount and dircction. t4I
9. Discuss the stability analysis based on the following data: tsl
HS= 2o2o rc50, p= 35oon:0, J r= I 800/8 I
I z= 7 80 1690, Jr: 2f n30, ! r 2930 I s20


05 TRIBHUVA}I UNIVERSITY Exam. Ilegular'(2066 et L:ttet' Butclr)

Examination Control Programme BCE PassMarks l6

2069 Bhadra Year / Part u/tl Time lYrhrs.

Subiect: Geology (CE553)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt All questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin tndicate Fatl Martcs.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

t. Describe the engineering significance of the rock forming minerals. t3l

2. Highlight the major discontinuities system of Nepal Himalaya and their engineering
significance. t3l
3. What are different aquifer system in terai, hills and mountains ofNepal? tzt
4. a) What are the engineering geological factors to be assessed for the tunnel site
selection? tsl
b) Write down the documentation process for this task. t4l
5. a) How do you differentiate P-wave and S-wave? Describe strength of earthquake. [2+31
b) Define mass movement. Describe causes of landslide. [1+4I
6. a) Bore B in an oil field is 5000 feet due north of bore hole A and bore hole C is 10,000
feet due east of bore hole A. The tops and bottoms of a key sandstone bed are reached
at the following altitudes relative to sea leveling the three holes: A, -2500 and -2700
feet; B, -2800 and J000 feet; and C, -3000 and -3200 feet. What is the auitude of
the sandstone and how thick is it? tsI
b) Suggest the possible mode of failure from following figure. tsl

Hill slope: N45oE/70o Bending: N 55"E/45o Joint l:N47"W31" Joint 2:N77"8/36"

' Joint 3: N20oE/10"
7. What are the major steps involved in estimation of the construction materials? t3I


Examination C ontrol.Division
Programme BCE Pass Marks 16

2068 Bhadra Year / Part II /iI Time 1 % hrs.

'/ Candidates are rEquired to give theii answers in their own words as far as practicable.
E / Attempt Alt question:s.
'// fhefi.grr6 i, the margin inclicate Fttll fuIarks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

_rE 1. Define over break. Describe direct methods of surface investigation with reference to

' J:: 2. Describe river channel morphology. Describe geological factors for formation of aquifer
' system in mountain t1.5+2.5)
! 3. Write down the mechanisms of mass movem'ent. Discuss the conkol measures against
landslide ll+41
Describe condition of toppling failure. t3l
r-d 5.
& What are main parameters of Engineering Geological System? Describe major geological
+ hazards in the Higher Himalayan Zone. t1.5+2.51
6. Bore hole A is 700rn due north of bore hole B and bore hole C is 600m due west of bore
-ii ,-
hole B. The tops and bottoms .of a rock layer are reached at the following altitudes
k relative to the sea level in three holes. t6]
Bore hole A : -410m and -430m
tt Bore hole C : -430m and -450ni .
Find the attitude and thickness of the rock layer.
-# I

7. Define rock mas3. Discuss geo'-mechanics classification of rock...-.,....1,.: [l+4]

'il .- _

C 8. What is engineering geological maps? Describe the importance of engineering geological : maps in selection of burrow area.

9. Write short notes on: ()>12.s+2.s1
? 'a) Ground water movement
'-rt b) Mechanism of Earthquake
:i) ***

] ,*
' .iE'
'. ;'ii


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