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How does TYPHOON form?

- A typhoon forms when winds blow into areas of the ocean

where the water is warm. These winds collect moisture and
rise, while colder air moves in below. This creates pressure,
which causes the winds to move very quickly. The winds
rotate, or spin, around a center called an eye.

Condensation - is the process where water vapor becomes


cumulonimbus clouds - More commonly known as

thunderclouds, cumulonimbus is the only cloud type that can
produce hail, thunder and lightning.

Why does it spin?

Coriolis effect – A phenomenon that causes water and air

to curve as they travel across or above the earth’s

due to the Coriolis Effect, hurricanes in the Northern

Hemisphere spin in a counterclockwise direction, while
hurricanes in the Southern Hemisphere (known as
cyclones) spin in a clockwise direction.
( if ang bagyo gikan sa south clockwise)
(if gikan sa north counter clockwise)

PAR – Philippine Area of Responsibility

PAGASA - Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and

Astronomical Services Administration.

North West Pacific its called TYPHOON

South West Pacific its call CYCLONE

Eastern Pacific and Atlantic its called HURRICANE

The Scientific term of Typhoon, Cyclone and Hurricane is


Its called Tropical because its always happened in the

TROPICAL REGION of the world. Where the temperature atleast
27 degrees Celsius.
Typhoon Protocol: BEFORE a Typhoon Hits

• Build an emergency kit and make a family communications


• Know your surroundingsarugha,

• Learn the elevation level of your property and whether the

land is flood-prone

• Identify levees and dams in your area and determine

whether they pose a hazard to you.

• Reinforce your garage doors; if wind enters a garage it can

cause dangerous and expensive structural damage.

• Plan to bring in all outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage

cans and anything else that is not tied down.

• Learn community Typhoon evacuation routes and how to

find higher ground. Determine where you would go and
how you would get there if you needed to evacuate.

• Make plans to secure your property.

• Pasique Cover all of your home's windows. Permanent

storm shutters offer the best protection for windows. A
second option is to board up windows with 5/8" marine
plywood, cut to fit and ready to install. Tape does not
prevent windows from breaking.

• Install straps or additional clips to securely fasten your

roof to the frame structure. This will reduce roof damage.

• Be sure trees and shrubs around your home are well

trimmed so they are more wind resistant.
• Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts.

• Reinforce your garage doors; if wind enters a garage it

can cause dangerous and expensive structural damage.

• Plan to bring in all outdoor furniture, decorations,

garbage cans and anything else that is not tied down.

Typhoon Protocol: DURING a Typhoon Hits-When to


▪ If you are directed by local authorities to do so. Be

sure to follow their instructions.

▪ If you live in a weak home or temporary structure -

such shelter are particularly hazardous during
Typhoon no matter how well fastened to the ground.

▪ If you live in a high-rise building - Typhoon winds

are stronger at higher elevations.

▪ If you live on the coast, on a floodplain, near a

river, or on an narte island waterway.

Typhoon Protocol: DURING a Typhoon Hits - If CAN'T


• Take refuge in a small interior room, closet or hallway on the

lowest level.
• Lie on the floor under a table or another sturdy object. Pa

• Avoid elevators.

• Stay indoors during the Typhoon and away from windows and
glass doors.

• Stay indoors at much a possible

• Close all interior doors - secure and brace external doors.


• Keep curtains and blinds closed. Do not be fooled if there is a

lull; it could be the eye of Marte the storm - winds will pick up

• Stay indoors during the Typhoon and away from windows and
glass doors. ,

• Stay indoors as much a passible

• Close all interior doors - secure and brace external doors.


• bodajo. Pasaque

• Keep curtains and blinds closed. Do not be fooled if there is a

lull; it could be the eye of the storm - winds will pick up again.

Typhoon Protocol: AFTER a Typhoon Hits

• Continue listening to Radio or the local news for the latest


• Stay alert for extended rainfall and subsequent flooding even

after the Typhoon or tropical storm has ended.
• . If you have become separated from your family, use your
family communications plan or check the Emergency
Numbers Plan

• If you evacuated, return home only when officials say it is safe.

• Typhoon Protocol: AFTER a Typhoon Hits

• Drive only if necessary and avoid flooded roads and washed-

out bridges.

• Stay off the streets. If you must go out watch for fallen objects;
downed electrical wires; and weakened walls, bridges, roads,
and sidewalks.

• Keep away from loose or dangling power lines and report

them immediately to the power company.

• Marte Walk carefully around the outside your home and check
for loose power lines, gas leaks and structural damage before

• Avoid drinking or preparing food with tap water until you are
sure it's not contaminated.

• Check refrigerated food for spoilage. If in doubt, throw it out.

• Wear protective clothing and be cautious when cleaning up to

avoid injury.

• Use the telephone only for emergency calls.

• Emergency Calls Only Protileim Solved

• NEVER use a generator inside homes, garages, crawlspaces,

sheds, or similar areas, even when using fans or opening
doors and windows for ventilation. Deadly levels of carbon
monoxide can quickly build up in these areas and can linger
for hours, even after the generator has shut off.
• Stay out of any building if you smell gas, floodwaters remain
around the building or your home was damaged by fire and
the authorities have not declared it safe. 15, cartiana,

• Inspect your home for damage.

• Use battery-powered flashlights in the dark. Do NOT use


• Watch your pets closely and keep them under your direct
control. Watch out for wild animals, especially poisonous
snakes. Use a stick to poke through debris.

Emergency Protocol: Personal Suggestions

• Save all emergency contact numbers Ex. hospital, ERUF,

Red Cross, Fire Dept., police stations,

• Memorize contact numbers of family members

• place tags (name & contact numbers, etc.) on small


• - if possible, train children to memorize their

parents/guardian's contact number

• Agree on assembly area in case of fire or emergency

• • Avoid octopus wiring in the house

• Prepare a "go bag"

• Keep soft copies of important documents or save in cloud

• - property titles, insurance policies, etc.

• Consolidate all important documents in one folder that is

easily accessible.


What is Bomb Threat?

• The majority of attacks with explosive devices take place

without asaque prior warning.

• One of the most artiana, widespread and easiest modus

operandi related to terrorism, primarily due to the impact it

• Most of the bomb threats are hoaxes and are primarily made
to disrupt business operations.

How to Handle a Bomb Threat?

Consider the threat possibly truthful and act preventively.

During the Bomb Threat Warning: Evacuation

1. That the eviction is being carried out in an orderly, calm manner

and at the places planned.

2. Prevent the use of elevators and hoists.

3. Disconnect the electrical equipment, light, and gas in your area

and are not of vital importance.

4. Let there be no one inside.

5. Form a safety cordon so that no one gets near the danger area,
which must be clear of people.

6. Collaborate with the police as much as possible.

During the Bomb Threat Warning: If Threat is Communicated
by Phone.

✓ The essential thing is to prolong the call as much as possible,

extract as much relevant information as possible and write it down
objectively and reliably:

✓ Keep in mind that the seconds that the call lasts may be the only
contact that is maintained with the caller, hence the importance that
all information is collected accurately.

✓ Concentrate on maintaining control to provide valuable data to

the chara Police. On the contrary, the information you collect will
surely be misrepresented and may lead to Marte confusion,
misunderstanding, and possibly a bad decision that has an
undesired impact on people.

✓ It is important to keep in mind that this phone call will be the only
contact with the bombers, the only possibility where essential data
can be obtained to decide whether the threat is real or not correctly.

✓ If this call is answered correctly, more data can be obtained than

the simple warning and, although it may seem strange, many times,
the person who makes the threat will answer questions since he
may be inexperienced.

✓ The longer the person remains on the phone, the greater the
information that can be provided to the Police afterward.
Earthquake protocol

tectonic plate. - massive slab of solid rock made up of Earth's

lithosphere (crust and upper mantle).
The surface where these plates slip is called FAULT or THE

The place where the earthquake originates is called

The place where it occurs on earth’s surface is called The


Convergent Boundary – one plate is forced over another

during an earthquake.
- Which causes a Thrust Fault.
- Many hills and mountain have been formed due to the
Convergent Boundary.
Divergent Boundary – plates are drifted apart from each other.
- Plates are drifted apart from each other is forming a RIFT
- is the plates slip by each other is called STRIKE SLIP.

The instrument used by the scientists to measure the intensity of

earthquake is known as SEISMOGRAPH.

Before :
• Know the hazards in your area
• Check your house and have it repaired of necessary
• Store harmful chemicals and flammable materials
• Secure heavy furnitures and hanging objects
• Prepare your Family’s GO BAG containing items needed
for survival
• Participate in Office community earthquake drills.

During :
• Duck under a strong table and hold on to it. Stay alert for
potential threats
• Stay away from glass windows, shelves and heavy
• After the shaking stops, exit the building and go to
designated evacuation area.
AREA! Stay away from buildings, trees, electric posts
and landslide prone areas
• If you're in a moving vehicle, stop and exit the vehicle.
After :
• Assess yourself and others for injuries. Provide first aid
if necessary
• Prioritize the needs of older persons, pregnant women,
PWDs and children
• Check for spills of toxic and flammable chemicals.
• Stay out of the building until advised that it is sale to
• Check for damages in water and electrical tines, and gas
or LPG leaks.

Earthquake Protocol: When You Are INDOOR


- If you are not near a strong table or desk, drop to the floor
against an interior wall and cover your head and neck with
your arms.
- Avoid windows, hanging objects, mirrors, tall furniture, large
appliances and cabinets filled with heavy objects.
- Do not try to run out of the structure during strong shaking.
- Stay away from buildings. Glass from tall buildings does not
always fall straight down; it can catch a wind current and travel
great distances.
- If you are in bed, stay there and cover your head with a pillow.
- Do not use elevators.

If you use a wheelchair, lock the wheels and cover your head.

Earthquake Protocol: When You Are OUTDOOR

- Move to a clear area if you can safely walk. Avoid power lines,
buildings and trees.

- If you're driving, pull to the side of the road and stop. Avoid
stopping under overhead hazards.

- If you are on the beach, move to higher ground. An

earthquake can cause a tsunami.

Earthquake Protocol: When the Earthquake STOPS

- Check the people around you for injuries; provide first aid. Do
not move seriously injured persons unless they are immediate
- Check around you for dangerous conditions, such as fires,
downed power lines and structure damage.

- If you have fire extinguishers and are trained to use them, put
out small fire's immediately.

- Turn off the gas only if you smell gas.

- Check your phones to be sure they have not shaken off the
hook and are tying up a line.

- Inspect your home for damage.

Earthquake Protocol: When You Are Trapped in Debris

- Move as little as possible so that you don't kick up dust. Cover

your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.

- Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can hear where you are.
Use a whistle if one is available. SHOUT ONLY AS A LAST

Earthquake Preparedness: Building Code

- National Building Code of Philippines (1972)

- National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP)

- determines a building resilience to seismic stress

- Should withstand strong earthquakes from magnitude 7-



Medical Emergency Protocol: Medical Emergencies

- DO NOT move a seriously injured person unless they are in a
life- threatening situation.

- Know your street address so you can give that to emergency


- In the event of a serious injury or illness, immediately call 911

(9- 911 will also work from campus). Give as much information
as possible regarding:

- Nature of the illness or injury

- Victim's location

- Whether victim is conscious, breathing, bleeding

- Victim's injuries

- Chemicals or radioactive materials involved

- Send someone to the building entrance to meet the


- Locate the nearest Automated External Defibrillator (AED)L

- ONLY trained personnel should provide first aid or CPR.

Ambulance services can always be reached by dialing 911 (or 9-

911 from an on-campus phone).

For injuries that do not require urgent attention, visit a local clinic
or your campus health center.

Emergency Protocol: Personal Suggestions

- Memorize contact numbers of family members

- place tags (name & contact numbers, etc.) on com small

- if possible, train children to memorize their
parents/guardian's contact number

- Agree on assembly area in case of fire or emergency

Emergency Protocol: Personal Suggestions

- Avoid octopus wiring in the house

- Prepare a "go bag"

- Keep soft copies of important documents or

- save in cloud
- property titles, insurance policies, etc.



- Prepare an escape plan in advance

- Keep rope ladders on top floors

- Exit your house immediately after you hear the fire alarm or
notice a fire

- Doors will help you during a fire

- Make an improvised respirator

- Stay away from fabrics

- What to do if you can't get out

- Call for help if you're trapped on an upper floor 6

- If you're not too far from the ground, try to escape through a


- Close the door as you leave the room

- Pull the nearest fire alarm (located at any exit)

- Evacuate the building. DO NOT use elevators.

- Proceed to an assembly area across the street and away from

the building.
a20 Major Current Environmental Problems
1. Polar Ice Caps
2. Loss of Biodiversity
3. Climate Change
4. Ocean Acidification
5. The Nitrogen Cycle
6. Ozone Layer Depletion
7. Acid Rain
8. Water Pollution
9. Air Pollution
10. Soil Degradation
11. Global Warming
12. Overpopulation
13. Natural Resource Depletion
14. Generating Unsustainable Waste

15. Waste Disposal

16. Deforestation
17. Overfishing
18. Urban Sprawl
19. Public Health Issues
20. Genetic Engineering

A tiny percentage of air pollution come from volcano eruption,
dust storms, allergens, wild fire
Smog is a type of air pollution that reduces visibility and makes
the air hard to breathe, it engulfs the surroundings in a brown and
gray haze.
- Which is common in industrial areas and remains a familliar
sight like los angeles california, and delhi india.
Air pollution can also make very sick apart from breathing issues,
it can also causw diseases such as lung cancer, respiratory
infection nd heart diseases.
According to WHO(World Health Organization) nearly 2.4 million
people died each year from air pollution.
The biggest single AIR POLLUTER is ROAD TRANSPORT such
as cars, the air pollutants emmitted from cars can cause cancer
and also contributed to problems such as Asthma, heart diseas,
birth defects, eye irritation.
Air pollution is not a recent occurence, In 1952 The great smog
in london killed 8000 people
As carl sagan said : " the earth is the only world known so
far that harbors life. There is no where else, at least in the
near future to which our species could migrate, visit, yes
settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the earth is
where we make our stand.
Air Pollution
• A form that refers to the contamination of the air, irrespective of
indoors or outside
• Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen and mold
spores may be suspended as particles
2 classifications:
1. Visible air pollution can be visible. smog you see over a
2. Invisible air pollutants less noticeable, but they can be
more deadly sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen

Air Pollution Sources

10 common air pollution causes along with the effects that
have serious implication on your health on a daily basis.
• Agricultural Activities
• Use of chemical and synthetic products
• Microbial Decaying Process
• Transportation
• Open Burning of Garbage Waste
• Construction and Demolition
• Burning of Fossil Fuels
• Industrial Emission
• Indoor Air Pollution
• Wildfires

Effects of Air Pollution

• Respiratory and Heart Problems
• Child Health Problems
• Global Warming
• Acid Rain
• Eutrophication
• Effect on Wildlife
• Depletion of the Ozone Layer

Air Pollution Solutions

• Avoid using of products with chemicals
• Implement Afforestation
• Using public transports
• Turn off the lights when not in use
• Recycle and Reuse
• No to plastic bags
• Reduction of forest fires and smoking
• Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner
• Use filters for chimneys
• Avoid usage of crackers

10 Most Common Toxie Chemicals in Products to Avoid

• Phthalates
• Paraben
• Lead.
• 14 Diosane
• Triclosan
• Oxybenzone
• Diazolidinyl or Imidazolidinyl Urea
What is water pollution - water pollution occurs when harmful
and toxic waste. Chemicals or others particles enter water bodies
such as Rivers, Ponds, sea, oceans.
Lies suspended in the water or gets deposited on the bed
resulting in degradation of quality of water.
What causes water pollution?
- water pollution can occurs due to natural activities such as
volcano eruption, animal waste, algae blooms and residue from
storms and floods.
- other factors that can lead to water pollution are pollution from
oil spills, fusil fuel combustion, chemical fertilizers and pesticides
used by farmers.
Diseases such as hepatitis, cholera, and other infections due to
contiminated water.
Other major problem caused by water pollution is that it kills
orgsnisms that depend on body of water dead fish, crabs, birds
and dolphins.
Only 1% of earth's water is freshwater the rest is salty.
Between 5 to 10 million died each year from water pollution
related illnesses.
Water is the driving force of all nature.
It is one basic element needed to sustain life on earth.

What is Water Pollution?

• the release of substances into bodies of water that makes
water unsafe for human use and disrupts aquatic
• can be caused by a plethora of different contaminants,
including toxic waste, petroleum, and disease-causing
• 70% of the earth is water

Causes of Water Pollution

• Industrial Waste
• Sewage and Wastewater
• Mining Activities
• Accidental Oil Leakage
• Marine Dumping

Effects of Water Pollution?

• It causes typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and various other
• Destruction of Ecosystems: Ecosystems are extremely
dynamic and respond to even small changes in the
• Water pollution can cause an entire ecosystem to collapse
if left unchecked.
• Destruction of biodiversity
• Contamination of the food chain
• Lack of potable water
• Disease
• Infant mortality
Plastic Pollution
- is one of the urgent environment issues we are facing
What is plastic Pollution
- Is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles like
plastic bottles, microbeads in the earth’s environment.


- Millions of animals are killed because of plastic every
year, from birds to fish and any other aquatic
- Plastic has been found in the stomach of any land-
based animals including elephants, zebras, tigers,
camels, cattle, and other large mammals.
- Scientist have found microplastic in 144 marine species,
and almost 1/3 of these end up on our plates.

Who is responsible of all of plastic waste around us ?

- Its none other than HUMANS.
Plastic revolutionized medicine with life saving devices,
made space travel possible, lightened cars, and jets.

THIS KIND OF PLASTIC that used only once before throwing

away is called single-use plastic and it makes up more than
40% of all plastic trash.
- Grocery bags
- Drinking bottles
- Straws
- Food wrappers
- Plastic packaging around toys

Since 1950s, around 8.3 billion tons of plastic has been

produced worldwide.
Also about 2 million plastic bags are used every minute
around the world.
Soil Pollution
- Refers to contamination of soil with abnormal
concentrations of toxic substances like TRASH,
- When the level of such toxic and unwanted substances
in the soil increases enough to cause sever damage to
living organisms. Such as PLANTS, ANIMALS, AND
- Waste produced at giant factories
- Excessive use of pesticides on agricultural land
- Trash throw at home and schools
Trash buried in soil which releases Greenhouse Gas
Methane which may lead to global warming.

Harmful Chemicals that can get into soil and water can cause
- Cancers
- Deformities
- Skin problems
The planet loses 24 billion tons of topsoil each year.
80% of the worlds forest has been destroyed already IN
90% of the tropical forest cover is demolished.
Global Warming (Dr.Binocs)

Global warming is the term used to describe the rising of the

average temperature on Earth. In other words it’s a process of our
entire planet heating up.

In the last century the earth was warmed by an average of 1

Degrees Celsius

It is also assumed that by the end of 21st Century the global

warming is likely to cause an increase in the earth’s temperature
of around 2-5 degrees Celsius.

What Causes Global Warming?

The factor responsible for the change in climate is a

phenomenon known as Greenhouse effect.

Deforestation is another reason for Global Warming.

How do you prevent Global Warming?

Changing normal Light Bulbs to Energy Saving Light Bulbs

Take a walk or Bicycle instead of using the car

Always turn off Electrical items when you’re not using them

Reduce and Recycle your food waste

(Trivia Time)

Every 40,000 years the Earth changes position and this

causes climate change, also the earth is still in an Ice Age which
started 2.5million years ago.

We are in an Inter-Glacial Period called the HOLOCENE

Global Warming Supplementary

What Are the effects of Global Warming

• Flooding
• Drought
• Extreme Heat Waves
• Rising Sea Level
• Melting of Glaciers
• Spreading of Infectious Diseases
• Ecological Imbalance
• Agricultural Changes

What causes Global Warming ?

Greenhouse Gases are the main reason for Global Warming

1. Variation in the sun’s Intensity

• The amount of energy coming from the sun does
• The warming does not occur uniformly throughout the

2. Industrial Activity
• Burning of fossil foils such as coal and petroleum for
• These processes also release other greenhouse gases
such as methane and CFC’s (CFC=chlorofluorocarbon)

3. Agricultural Activity
The use of both commercial and organic fertilizers releases
nitrous oxide a powerful greenhouse gas.

4. Deforestation
Lagging for wood and paper and clearing the crop production
Deforestation is responsible for 15% of the greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere
5. Earth’s Own Feedback loop
As the atmosphere warms, it is able to hold more water which
is already the most abundant greenhouse gas.
At the poles, the warming of the atmosphere melts the ice
cover, exposing water, which absorbs he sun’s heat.

How can you help Reduce Global Warming?

1. Save energy at home

2. Walk, Bike, or take public Transport
3. Eat more vegetables
4. Consider your travel
5. Throw away less food
6. Reduce, Reuse, Repair, and Recycle
7. Change your home’s source of energy
8. Switch to an Electric Vehicle
9. Choose eco-friendly Products
10. Speak Up

Montreal Protocol

• Finalized in 1987
• A global agreement to protect the stratospheric ozonelayer, by
phasing out the production and consumption of Ozone-
Depleting Substances (ODS)
• to protect the ozone layer, Ban CFC (chlorofluorocarbon)

Kyoto Protocol

• Stipulates global ceilings(means tolerance or limit) for

greenhouse gas emmissions.
• Aim is to ban, if not, minimize combustion gases by using
alternative fuels or alternative sources of energy.
Ex. Solar, Wind, Hydro, Sea Wave, Fuel cells.

Kyoto Protocol and the Philippine Laws

Philippines’ enacted laws on environmental protection and


1. Environmental Impact Assessment Law(PD 1586)

2. Toxic Substances And Hazardous Waste Management Act
3. Clean Air Act Of 1999 (RA 8749)
4. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003)
5. Climate Change Act of 2009 (RA 9729)

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030

-projected 75% reduction by 2020-2030

Ozone Layer Depletion (Dr. binocs)

The Harmful Radiation known as UV rays or UltraViolet Rays

emmiting from the sun, too much exposure to the sun’s UV
rays can increase the risk of Skin Cancer, and can severely
affect your immune system. Not only that it can even plants
and animals.

What is the ozone layer?

3 to 5 millimeters in thickness and surrounds the earth

shielding and protecting the planet from harmful radiation
coming the sun.

1970s scientist discovered that this thin layer of gas is slowly

depleting because of man-made chemicals were responsible
for it.

Chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbon(CFC’s) and


Thinning of the ozone layer known as ozone hole.

Trivia Time

Ozone means SMELLY in Greek because of its strong odor.

Also CFC’s molecules are highly stable and can last for up
to 100 years.

Ozone Layer Depletion (Supplementary)

What is Ozone Layer?

Sits in the stratosphere between 15km and 30km above the


Shields us and other living things from the sun’s harmful

Ultraviolet Radiation
What is Ozone Layer Depletion?

• Gradual thinning of the earth’s ozone layer in the upper

atmosphere caused by the release of chemical
compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine
from industry.

• The thinning is most pronounced in the polar regions,

especially over Antartica.

• It is major environmental problem because it increase

the amount of UV radiation that reaches Earth’s Surface.
Which increase the rate of Skin Cancer, Eye Cataracts,
and genetic and immune system damage.

What cause Ozone Layer Depletion?

• Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC’s)
• Nitrogenoxide
What are the effects of Ozone Layer Depletion?

• Skin Cancer
• Eye Cataracts
• Immune Deficiency
• Aquatic ecosystem Damage
• Altering Growth
• Altering food chains and Biochemical cycles

An experiment showing how pine trees become temporarily sterile

when expose to intense UV radiation, supporting the theory that
ozone depletion may have caused Earth’s Largest mass

How to Protect Ozone Layer?

1. Avoid the consumption of gases dangerous to the ozone
2. Minimize the use of cars
3. Do not use Cleaning products that are harmful to the
environment and to us
4. Buy local Products
5. Maintain Air Conditions
Soil Erosion (Dr. Binocs)
Conservation is the act of saving or protecting a resource and soil
conservation is a practice that helps to retain and maintain the
quality of the soil by preventing soil erosion.
Soil Erosion
Is a process in which the topsoil of the field containing the highest
number of nutrients, microorganisms, and minerals vital for
plant growth is washed away from one place to another by natural
sources such as wind and water not only that but aggressive
human activities such as overgrazing of cattle, overuse of
pesticides, mining and logging, construction of road and buildings
have fasten the process of soil erosion.

What can we do to save the soil?

Minimize the use of water during farming and gardening
Planting wind breaks is a line of plants planted to stop or slow the
Build sea walls

Trivia time
The word erosion comes from the latin word “ EROSIONEM”
means Gnawing away.

Also the Colorado river has been eroding the gran canyon for
many million years

Soil Erosion (Supplementary)

What is Soil Erosion?
Is a geological process in which earthen materials (ex. Soil, rocks,
sediments) are worn away and transported over time by natural
forces such as water or wind; sometimes this is sped up by poor
management or other human impacts on hand.

Refers to the erosion of the top layer of dirt known as topsoil, the
fertile material vital to life.
What Cause Soil Erosion ?
1. Deforestation
2. Overgrazing
3. Use of Agrochemicals
Effects of Soil Erosion
1. Washing away of productive soil
2. Deposition of sand on productive soil
3. Sitting of lakes and reservoirs
4. Lowering of the underground water table
How to prevent Soil Erosion?
1. Increasing Green Cover and forestation
2. Increasing Soil Fertility
3. Using Sod-Forming Crops
4. Counter Cultivation
5. Strip cropping
6. Contour Bunding
7. Gull Control
8. Increase Soil Penetration
9. Deep Ploughing

E-Waste (Dr. Binocs)

These Devices are made of toxic Substances that include
Polyvinochlorde, Mercury, Lead, Chromium, Beryllium, Cadmium,
Gallium Arsenide, when expose to nature these chemicals enter
the air, water and soil.
Instead of recycling the factories burn the parts to gain metals like
gold and coppers etc. from this devices.
During this process emit harmful elements such as hydrocarbons,
Brominated Dioxins and other heavy particles into the air,

What we can do to help?

Avoid throwing away broken devices
Make the people aware of it

Trivia Time
Did you know we humans generate around 40 million tons of
Electronic Waste every year worldwide.
Which is equivalent in disposal of 800 laptops every seconds
Also estimate that although most of the E-waste is recyclable only
12.5% of E-waste is recycled

E-Waste (Supplementary)
Is a popular informal name for electronic products nearing the end
of their “useful time”
Computers, Televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers and fax machines
are common electronic products.
Many of these products can the reused refurbished or recycle
Acid Rain Dr. Binocs

What is Acid Rain?

Rain clouds are formed of pure water. Sometimes gases such
as SULFUR Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide chemically reacts
with the water and oxygen in the atmosphere and fall back to
earth in the form of ACID RAIN.

Types of ACID RAIN

Wet Deposition – a type of acid rain that contains WATER.

Dry Deposition – a type of acid rain that contains DUST AND




Natural Source like rotting Vegetation, and erupting volcano.

Man-made Source like Burning fossil fuels, smoke coming

from vehicles and chemicals released from the factories.

What causes the rain turn acidic?

Normal rain is already a little Acidic.

The rain dissolves carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that forms
CARBONIC ACID. With a pH of 6.

Burning fossil fuel releases gases such as Sulfur dioxide and

Nitrogen oxide gets into our rain with pH of 3.
Effects of Acid Rain

Acid Rain makes such waters more acidic which is carried into
lakes and rivers making the water toxic

What can we do?

Reducing of burning fossil fuels

Acid rain can damage buildings, Monuments and statues
Especially those made of limestones and marble, as they
contain large amount of calcium carbonates?

Acid Rain Supplementary

What is Acid Rain?

- Acid rain, or acid deposition, is a broad term that includes any

form of precipitation with acidic components, such as sulfuric
or nitric acid that fall to the ground from the atmosphere in wet
or dry forms. This can include rain, snow, fog, hail or even dust
that is acidic.

What Causes Acid Rain?

- Acid rain is caused by the release of sulfur dioxide and

nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, where they react with
water, oxygen, and other chemicals to become sulfuric and
nitric acid respectively.
The major sources of SO₂(sulfur dioxide) and NOx(Nitrugen
Oxide) in the atmosphere are

1. Burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity. Two-thirds of

SO₂ and one-fourth of NO₂ in the atmosphere come from
electric power generators.

2. Vehicles and heavy equipment.

3. Manufacturing, oil refineries, and other industries.


Wet Deposition

-commonly think of as acid rain. -The sulfuric and nitric acids

formed in the atmosphere fall to the ground mixed with rain, snow,
fog, or hail.

Dry Deposition

–Acidic particles and gases that deposit from the atmosphere in the
absence of moisture.

The acidic particles and gases may deposit to surfaces (water

bodies, vegetation, buildings.
How Can We Reduce Acid Rain?

1) Turn off lights, computers, and other appliances when not in use.

2)Use energy-efficient lighting, air conditioners, heaters,

refrigerators, washing machines, etc.

3) Only use electric appliances when you need them.

4) Keep your thermostat at 68 F in the winter and 72 F in the


5) Insulate your home.

6) Carpool, use public transportation, or better yet, walk or bicycle

whenever possible.

7) Buy vehicles with low nitrogen oxide emissions, and keep

vehicles well maintained.

8) Consider switching to an energy provider or program that utilizes

renewable resources.
Drought DR.biNOCS

Drought usually defined s extended periods with less than average

rainfall causing a water shortage on the surface.

Droughts can lead to the destruction of crops, erosion of soil,

severe shortage of water supply

DDroughts can be Classified :


How to Survive them?

Save water

Trivia Time

Only 0.3% of earth’s water is fresh water

Chaco Canyon New Mexico was abandoned in the 13century due

to 60 year mega draught
Draught Supplementary


Increase CO2 concentration in the air

Agriculture: •Deforestation Burning the forest Industrialization:

•Burning fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal) in power plants,
factories, cars, etc.

•Melt of the ice caps
•Flooding coastal areas
*Sea level rises

Climate change
•Desertification Droughts

Loss of Biodiversity
•Migration of species
•Endangered or extinction of species

Radioactive pollution DR. Binocs

Radiation is a emission of energy as electromagnetic waves, which


- Visible Lights
- Radio waves
- Microwaves
- Infrared and ultraviolet lights
- X-rays and gamma rays
Human Activities such as handling and processing radioactive
materials testing nuclear weapons, mining of radioactive ores
generate a very high level of radiation.

When the level of natural radiation increases in the environment

due to human activities is known as Radioactive Pollution

Types of radioactive pollution

Ionizing radiation

Non-ionizing radiation

We are daily exposed to some amount of Non-ionizing radiation

that merely has an on affect us.

Ionizing radiation ca penetrate our skin and damage our cells and

If these radiations enter the face tissues then it can lead to hair
loss, mouth ulceration and serious cases such as leukemia and
pre mature aging.
Radioactive Pollution Supplementary

What is Radioactive Pollution?

- The physical pollution of living organisms and their

environment as a result of release of radioactive substances
into the environment during nuclear explosions and testing of
nuclear weapons, nuclear weapon production and
decommissioning, mining of radioactive ores, handling and
disposal of radioactive waste, and accidents at nuclear power

Solutions Vitrification Synthetic rock lon exchange Geological

disposal Above-ground disposal Space disposal Transmutation
Reuse Government management plans Education and public

Vitrification Radioactive waste to glass Low solubility

Immobilization of waste for thousands of years. Widely used for
storage purpose.
Noise pollution DR. Binocs

What is noice pollution

That necessary sounds reach a volume that is dangerous for all

living being and if they get too loud or last too long they become
noice pollution.


Natural noice pollution

Man-made noice pollution

The sound come from natural sources such as birds, animals and
all-natural calamities are responsible for causing natural noice

The major factor responsible for causing noice pollution is man-

made machines such as loudspeaker, construction sites, traffic.


Human ears are designed to hear sound up to 1 Decibels or 1db

but when someone is exposed to sounds that are 85 Decibels or
above can cause permanent damage to our ears leading to hearing

It can cause health problems ranging from stress, poor

concentration, productivity loss at work and at school. It can also
cause diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cognitive


Acquatic animals also affected to noice pollution

Submarines can be heard 300 miles away from the source.
Noise pollution Supplementary

What is Noise Pollution?

• Noise pollution is generally defined as regular exposure to

elevated sound levels that may lead to adverse effects in humans
or other living organisms.

Why Noise Pollution Matters?

- sound levels less than 70 dB are not damaging to living

organisms, regardless of how long or consistent the exposure
is. *Exposure for more than 8 hours to constant noise beyond
85 dB may be hazardous.

- If you work for 8 hours daily in close proximity to a busy road

or highway, you are very likely exposed to traffic noise
pollution around 85dB.

- Urban planning

- Industrialization

- Public transportation

- Noise pollution from cars

- Construction

- Children

- Events

- Domestic appliances

- Agriculture

- Alarm systems

- Military

- Storms

- Rainfalls

- Thunder

Psychological disorders



Brain damages

Hearing problems

Cardiovascular diseases

Communication issues

Sleeping issues

Effects on animals and plants


*Reduce sound in your space

*Turn off electrapics

*Mask noise *Close windows

*Move to another home with low level of noise pollution

*Build a fence

*Plant trees Install quiet spaces

*Electric cars



*Government regulations

*Be social

*Convince others


An event when dry piece of land suddenly gets submerge in water

is usually known as floods.

Causes of FLOODS are:

Heave rains

River overflow



Ice Melts

Breaking of dams

3 Categories of FLOODS

Slow on-set floods usually happens when water bodies over flood
their banks. It develop slowly which can last for days or even

Rapid on-set floods this kind of floods lasts for a day or two.

Flash Floods this kind of floods occurs within a very short period
of time. That is 2-6 hours and sometimes within minutes.




Floods even occur in deserts in Ancient Egypt, people relied on the

Nile River floods because they created enriched soil for farmers.


• Massive rainfall
• Overflowing of the rivers
• Collapsed dams
• Snow melting
• Deforestation
• Climate change
• Emission of Greenhouse Gases Solutions

• Installation of rock beams
• Rock rip-raps
• Sand bags
• Maintenance of normal slopes with vegetation or application of
soil cements on steeper slopes
• Construction or expansion of drainage
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS)
ISO 14000 Family (Sample)

• ISO 14004-General guidelines on principles, systems and support


• ISO 14006-Guidelines for incorporating eco-design

• ISO 14015 - Environmental assessment of sites and

organizations (EASO)

• ISO 14020- Environmental labels and declarations

• ISO 14031 - Environmental performance evaluation • ISO 14040-

Life cycle assessment

• ISO 14050- Vocabulary

• ISO 14063- Environmental communication • ISO 14064 -

Greenhouse gases.


that will have the largest impact in the NEXT 10 YEARS are:

1. Weapons of mass destruction

2. Extreme weather events
3. Natural disasters
4. Failure of climate change mitigation & adaptation
5. water crises

EMS Overview - Definition of Terms 2 Environmental Impact any

change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly
or partially resulting from an organization's activities, products or

Environmental Management System

• a management system used to develop and implement its

environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects.
Pollution Prevention

• use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products,

services or energy to avoid, reduce or control (separately or in
combination) the creation, emission or discharge of ariy type of
pollutant or waste, in order to reduce adverse environmental
EMS Costs and Benefits Potential costs in the implementation and
maintenance of an EMS:

*Staff and other employees

*Consulting assistance

*Personnel training - internal and external

*Cost of preventive action

Benefits of ISO 14000

• Improved environmental performance

*Improved internal management

*Improved company image

*Improved public relations

*Improved government relations

*Improved profits

• Increased corporate social responsibility

*Optimized resource allocation and organization

• More satisfied stakeholders

*Advantages over competition in various markets

*Fewer non-tariff trade barriers

*Fewer regulatory problems and inspections

*Probably fewer fines related to compliance and regulation

• Reduced overhead costs

• Reduced insurance costs

• Reduced costs of production

The Environmental Management System

Entails management of environmental responsibilities that is

integrated into the overall operations

• Planning and policy

• Develop documentation

• Implementation and operation

• Checking and review

• Sustainability

Environmental Objective

• Overall environmental goal, consistent with the environmental

policy that an organization sets itself to achieve Environmental

• Measurable results of an organization's management of its

environmental aspects

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