Unit -3
Unit -3
Unit -3
Disease control in agriculture involves the use of various strategies to manage and reduce the
impact of plant diseases. These methods can be broadly categorized into several types, each with
its unique approach to disease management. Here are the main methods of disease control:
1. Host Plant Resistance: Host plant resistance involves using plant varieties or cultivars that
are naturally resistant or tolerant to specific diseases. Resistant plants can withstand infection or
limit the spread of pathogens, reducing disease severity. Plant breeders develop disease-resistant
varieties through careful selection and crossing of parent plants with desirable traits. Host plant
resistance is a sustainable and cost-effective method of disease control.
2. Cultural Control: Cultural practices aim to create unfavourable conditions for disease
development and spread. Some common cultural practices include crop rotation, planting
disease-free seeds or transplants, and adjusting planting dates to avoid peak disease periods.
Practices like pruning and proper spacing can improve air circulation and sunlight penetration,
reducing humidity and disease pressure.
4. Physical Control: Physical control methods create barriers or modify the environment to
prevent disease transmission. Examples include using mulches to suppress disease-carrying
organisms, installing physical barriers (e.g., netting) to keep pests away, and using heat
treatment to eliminate pathogens in planting materials.
7. Chemical Control: Chemical control involves the use of pesticides, such as fungicides and
bactericides, to manage disease outbreaks. These chemicals directly target the pathogens or
suppress their growth. Properly timed and targeted use of pesticides can effectively control
diseases, but excessive or indiscriminate use may lead to environmental concerns and pesticide
Here are the key aspects of ecological management in the crop environment:
2. Crop Rotation: Practising crop rotation involves planting different crops in a planned
sequence on the same piece of land over time. Crop rotation disrupts the life cycles of pests and
diseases, reducing their buildup in the soil and crop residues. This practice helps break disease
cycles and minimises the need for chemical control measures.
3. Soil Health Management: Maintaining healthy soil is fundamental to ecological crop
management. Healthy soils support robust root systems and vigorous plant growth, making crops
more resilient to diseases. Practices like organic matter incorporation, composting, and reduced
tillage improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability.
4. Companion Planting: Companion planting involves growing specific plant combinations that
mutually benefit each other. Some plants can repel pests or attract beneficial insects,
contributing to disease management without the need for chemical intervention. For example,
planting marigolds alongside vegetables can deter certain pests.
5. Water Management: Efficient water management is critical for ecological crop production.
Proper irrigation practices, such as drip irrigation or rainwater harvesting, can reduce excess
moisture, which may create favourable conditions for certain diseases.
6. Habitat Manipulation: Creating suitable habitats for natural enemies of pests, such as
predatory insects and birds, can enhance biological control. Providing nesting sites, and water
sources, and planting nectar-rich flowers can attract and support beneficial organisms that help
control pest populations.
7. Timing of Planting: Planting crops at the right time can reduce exposure to disease risks.
Avoiding planting during periods of high humidity or disease prevalence can reduce disease
incidence and severity.
Ecological management of the crop environment focuses on creating a balanced and diverse
ecosystem that promotes natural pest and disease control while minimising the use of chemical
inputs. By considering ecological factors, farmers can improve crop resilience, reduce disease
pressure, and maintain long-term productivity in a sustainable and environmentally friendly
1. Purpose of Fungicides: Fungal diseases can have devastating effects on crops, leading to
reduced yields, quality loss, and economic losses for farmers. Fungicides are used to combat
these diseases and protect crops from infection. They serve as a rapid and effective means of
disease control, especially in situations where other approaches, such as cultural practices or
biological control, may not be adequate.
2. Mode of Action: Fungicides function through various modes of action, depending on their
chemical properties. Some fungicides prevent fungal spore germination, while others inhibit
fungal enzyme activity or disrupt cell membrane integrity. By interfering with vital processes in
the fungus, fungicides halt the infection process and limit disease development.
3. Application Methods: Fungicides can be applied using different methods, such as foliar
sprays, seed treatments, soil drenches, and systemic applications. Foliar sprays are common and
involve spraying the fungicide directly on the plant leaves to protect them from fungal attacks.
Seed treatments protect seeds from soil-borne pathogens, and systemic fungicides are absorbed
by plants and translocated throughout the plant to provide internal protection.
4. Timing of Application: The timing of fungicide application is crucial for effective disease
management. It is essential to apply fungicides preventatively before disease symptoms appear
or when conditions are favourable for disease development. The early application helps prevent
disease establishment and minimize the severity of infections.
5. Selectivity and Target Organisms: Fungicides vary in their selectivity, meaning they may
target a specific group of fungi or have a broad-spectrum effect against various fungal
pathogens. Some fungicides are specific to certain diseases, while others have a broader range of
7. Integrated Approach: While fungicides are valuable tools for disease control, their
sustainable use should be part of an Integrated Disease Management (IDM) approach.
Integrating cultural practices, host plant resistance, biological control, and other disease
management methods with fungicide applications can optimise disease control while reducing
the reliance on chemical input
1. Disease Survey: A disease survey involves systematically inspecting and monitoring crop
fields or production areas to identify the presence and distribution of diseases. Trained personnel
conduct visual assessments, looking for disease symptoms and signs in plants. Surveys can be
conducted regularly throughout the growing season to track disease progression and assess
disease incidence.
3. Disease Forecasting: Disease forecasting uses collected data and historical information to
predict the occurrence and severity of diseases in the future. Various mathematical models and
algorithms are employed to analyze the data and provide forecasts. These forecasts help farmers
and authorities prepare for potential disease outbreaks and plan appropriate disease management
Early Detection: Surveys and surveillance enable early detection of diseases, allowing farmers
to take immediate action to prevent disease spread and minimise crop damage.
Targeted Management: By knowing the presence and severity of diseases, farmers can apply
disease management measures specifically where and when they are needed, reducing
unnecessary applications of control measures.
Resource Optimization: Disease forecasting allows farmers to plan and allocate resources
efficiently, such as applying fungicides at the right time, minimizing costs, and reducing
environmental impact.
Preventing Epidemics: Timely detection and forecasting can help prevent disease epidemics,
protecting entire crop production areas from widespread outbreaks.
Biosecurity and Quarantine Measures: Early detection through surveillance enables the
implementation of biosecurity and quarantine measures to prevent the introduction and spread of
new and exotic diseases.
Research and Development: Data collected through surveys and surveillance contribute to
disease research, understanding disease epidemiology, and developing effective disease
management strategies.
5. Integrated Approach: Effective survey, surveillance, and disease forecasting are integral to
Integrated Disease Management (IDM). By integrating these practices with other disease
management approaches, such as host plant resistance, cultural practices, and biological control,
farmers can implement a holistic and sustainable approach to disease management.