NAME:________________________________________ NAME:________________________________________
DATE:_________________________________________ DATE:_________________________________________
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Did he buy some sneakers on Saturday? ______________ Did he buy some sneakers on Saturday? ______________
Who did he visit on Friday? __________________________ Who did he visit on Friday? __________________________
Did he do English homework on Friday? ______________ Did he do English homework on Friday? ______________
5)Reading 5)Reading
When Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon When Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon
discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb, they were discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb, they were
very happy. But at that moment, a mosquito very happy. But at that moment, a mosquito
flew into the tomb and bit Lord Carnarvon flew into the tomb and bit Lord Carnarvon
on the face. Seven weeks later, he died of on the face. Seven weeks later, he died of
pneumonia in a hotel room in Cairo. pneumonia in a hotel room in Cairo.
Many months later, when Howard Carter Many months later, when Howard Carter
examined Tutankhamun’s body, he found a examined Tutankhamun’s body, he found a
mosquito bite on the face, in the same mosquito bite on the face, in the same
place. Two men helped Carter examine place. Two men helped Carter examine
Tutankhamun’s body. They both died a short Tutankhamun’s body. They both died a short
time after. time after.
This wasn’t the only strange thing that This wasn’t the only strange thing that
happened. The day they opened the tomb, happened. The day they opened the tomb,
Howard Carter’s pet bird died. A cobra ate it. Howard Carter’s pet bird died. A cobra ate it.
The cobra is the snake that protects The cobra is the snake that protects
Pharaohs after they die. Pharaohs after they die.
Lord Carnarvon had a dog called Susie. Lord Carnarvon had a dog called Susie.
When he died in Cairo, his dog at home in When he died in Cairo, his dog at home in
England died at the same time. On the same England died at the same time. On the same
night, at the same time, all the electricity in night, at the same time, all the electricity in
Cairo stopped and Cairo was dark. Was this Cairo stopped and Cairo was dark. Was this
all because of Tutankhamun? all because of Tutankhamun?
Read the text. Circle the correct words to complete the Read the text. Circle the correct words to complete the
sentences. sentences.
1 Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon didn’t discover / 1 Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon didn’t discover /
discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb. discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb.
2 When they discovered the tomb, they weren’t / were 2 When they discovered the tomb, they weren’t / were
happy. happy.
3 The day they opened the tomb, Howard Carter’s bird / 3 The day they opened the tomb, Howard Carter’s bird /
dog died. dog died.
4 Cobras watch / protect Pharaohs after they die. 4 Cobras watch / protect Pharaohs after they die.
5 Lord Carnarvon died in Cairo / England. 5 Lord Carnarvon died in Cairo / England.