Legal Education and Research Methodology
Paper Course: LLM101 L-4, T-2, P-0, C-4
Objectives: The course will focus on skill development and employability and
entrepreneurship. The study of research; various steps, methods, tools and techniques to
attempt a research. It will also include various tools and techniques to collect the primary and
secondary data, which are very important to complete a research.
Objectives of Legal Education, Methods of Teaching: Lecture, Discussion and Seminar
Methods, Clinical Legal Education (Legal Aid), Legal Literacy, Legal Survey & Legal
Reforms. For skill development and employability and entrepreneurship.
Meanings and Objectives of Research: Importance of Research, Kinds of Research: Historical,
Descriptive and Experimental Research, Doctrinal and Non-Doctrinal Research, Formulation
of Research Problems, Hypothesis: Importance, Meaning, Sources, types and Formation of
Hypothesis. For skill development and employability and entrepreneurship.
Methodology: Tools and Techniques for Collection of Data, Collection of Case materials and
Juristic Literature, Use of Historical and Comparative Research Material and Use of
Questionnaire and interview, Census and Survey, Sampling: Types, Merits and Demerits. For
skill development and employability and entrepreneurship.
Legal Research Design, Different Steps in writing of Research Report, Layout of Research
Writing, Determining Main Test, Conclusion and Observation and Footnotes, Abbreviation,
bibliography and Index etc. for skill development and employability and entrepreneurship.
Students after completing this course will be able to:
1. Remember & understand the basic concepts of Legal Education and Legal reforms. And
enhance Skill Development. (National)
2. Application of different kind of research and formulations of research problem and
hypothesis. And enhance Skill Development
3. Analyze different tools and techniques for collection the data, case materials and
questionnaire etc. And enhance Skill Development
4. Acquaint the method of preparing a research work with use of bibliography, footnotes,
references etc. And enhance Skill Development.(National)
1. S.K. Verma and M Afzal Wani, Legal Research and Methodology, India Law Institute,
New Delhi, 2001.
2. Prof. A. S. Dalal, Legal Research Methods in India, The Bright Law House, New Delhi,
3. Mosis L. Cohen &Morris L. Cohen, Kent C. Olson, Legal Research in Nutshell, West
Academic; 8th edition (July 1, 2003).
4. B.N. Ghosh, Scientific Method and Social Research, Sterling Publishers; 4th edition (2
February 2012).
5. C.K. Kothari, Research Methodology: Method and Techniques, New Age International,
6. Kent Olson, Principles of Legal Research, West Academic Publishing; 2nd edition (July
31, 2015).
1. https://main.sci.gov.in/judgments
2. http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/epgpdata/uploads/epgp_content/law/09._research_methodol
Indian Federalism: Nature of the Indian Constitution, Concept of federalism &Co- operative
Federalism, Overview of the American and Canadian Position, Challenges before Indian
Constitution. For skill development and employability
Fundamental Rights: Right to Equality: Scope and new approach of Article 14, Freedom of
Speech and Expression; The Scope& extent of Freedom Speech & Expression, and its
Limitations, Changing dimensions of Right to Life and Personal Liberty. For skill development
and employability
The Judiciary: The Supreme Court of India, Jurisdiction and Powers and Appointment and
Removal of the Judges of Supreme Court and its role as Guardian of the Constitution. For skill
development and employability
Amendment of the Indian Constitution and Basic Structure theory, Achievements, Failures and
Challenges before working of the Indian Constitution & Independence of Judiciary. For skill
development and employability
Distribution of Legislative Powers: The Scheme of the distribution in India, the Judicial
Approach and present position, and Special emphasis on Sarkaria and Venkatchalliah
COURSE OUTCOMES: Students after completing this course will be able to:
1. Understand the nature and concept of the Indian constitution. And enhance Skill
Development. (National)
2. Understand the basic concept of fundamental Rights under the Indian constitution.
And enhance Skill Development
3. Understand and analyze the concept of Judiciary and its role to protect the
constitution. And enhance Skill Development(National)
4. To understanding amending process, Center- State relations, Achievements and
Failures of the Indian constitution. And enhance Skill Development
1. H. R. Khanna, Making of the India`s Constitution, EBC, 2nd Ed., 2013.
2. A.V. Dicey, Introduction to the Study of Law of the Constitution, Read Books, 2009.
3. M.P. Jain, Indian Constitutional Law, Lexis Nexis, 8th Ed., 2018.
4. JN Pandey, Constitutional law of India, Central Law Agency Publication, Allahabad,
55th Edition,
5. MP Jain, Indian Constitutional Law, Lexis Nexis publication, 7th Edition, 2014.
6. DD Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, Lexis Nexis Publication, 22nd
Edition, 2015.
7. Prof. (Dr.) Mahendra Pal Singh (Revised), VN Shukla`s Constitution of India, 13th
Edition, 2017.
8. P. M. Bakshi, The Constitution of India, Universal Law Publisher, Delhi, 14th Edition,
9. Kailash Rai, Constitutional Law of India, CLA Publication, Allahabad, 11th Edition,
10. Subhash C. Kashyap, Our Constitution (Hindi/ English), National Book Trust, India,
5th Edition,
11. K. C. Joshi, Constitutional Law of India, Central Law Pub., 3rd Edition, 2016.
1. http://legislative.gov.in/hi/constitution-of-india
2. http://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/constitution_of_India
3. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3186574
4. https://www.preservearticles.com/education/what-are-some-of-the-significant-
Note: Latest editions of the books may be used.
Legal Theory & Concepts
Paper Code: LLM103 L-4,T-2,P-0,C-4
Objective: The prime objective of this paper is to provide skill development, employability
and explain the nature of law in its most general form and provide a deeper understanding
of legal reasoning, legal systems, legal institutions, and the role of law in society.
Definition, Nature, and Scope of Legal Theory and Importance of the Study of the Legal
Theory, Analytical Positivism: Austin, Kelson and Hart and Savigny`s theory of Volkgiest and
Maine`s theory of Status to Contract. For skill development and employability.
Natural Law Theory and relationship Law & Morality, Philosophical theory- Kant & Hegal,
Theory of Social Engineering, American Realistic Theory for skill development and
Source of Law: Custom, Legislation and Precedents, Legal Rights and Duties, for skill
development and employability.
Legal Personality, Possession and Ownership. For skill development and employability.
Students after completing this course will be able to:
1. Develop an analytical approach to understand the nature of law and the
development of legal system. And enhance Skill Development
2. Understand the various Schools of Jurisprudence. And enhance Skill Development
3. Identify and elucidate major sources of Law. And enhance Skill
4. Create and understanding of basic legal concepts about justice and other legal
concepts. And enhance Skill Development
1. Dr. N. V. Paranjapay, Jurisprudence and Legal Theory, CLA, 8th Ed., 2016.
2. VD Mahajan, Jurisprudence and Legal Theory, EBC Pub., 5th Ed. 2015.
3. Dr. NomitaAgarwal,Jurisprudence and Legal Theory, CLP, 2014.
4. Dr. B. N. Mani Tripathi, Jurisprudence (Legal Theory), Allahabad Law Agency, 2015.
5. M. P. Tandon, Jurisprudence (Legal Theory), ALA, 2015.
6. S.R. Myneni, Jurisprudence (Legal Theory), Asia Law House, 2nd Ed. 2013.
7. Dr. Anirudh Prashad, Jurisprudence,
8. P. J. fitzgerald, Salmond on Jurisprudence, Universal Law Pub., 12th Ed., 2012.
9. Dias, Jurisprudence, Lexis Nexis, 5th Ed., 2013.
10. S. N. Dhyani, Jurisprudence: A Study of Indian Legal Theory, Metropolitan Book Co.,
1. http://www.legalserviceindia.com/
2. https://www.livelaw.in/
3. https://www.lawctopus.com/
4. https://www.lawordo.com/
5. https://indiankanoon.org/
6. https://www.wikipedia.org/
Interaction of Law & Social Sciences, Law as an Instrument of Social Change, Impact of law
on Social Development, Law as a product of Tradition and Culture, Evolution of Law and
Legal Institution in India. For skill development and employability.
UNIT – II Religion, Community and the Law
Religion as a divisive factor or not, Freedom of Religion under Indian Constitution, Secularism
as a solution to the Problem, Constitutional Safeguards to Religious Minorities. For skill
development and employability.
UNIT – III Women, Children and Law
Gender Injustice and its various forms, Empowerment of Women: Constitutional and Statutory
Provisions; Women’s Commission, Crimes against Women: legislative and judicial initiatives.
Child Labour, Sexual Exploitation of Children, Adoption and Related Problems in India and
Education. For skill development and employability.
UNIT – IV Language, Modernization and Law
Language as a divisive factor, Formation of Linguistic States, Language and the Indian
Constitution, Constitutional guarantee to linguistic Minorities. For skill development and
Students after completing this course will be able to:
1. To remember and understand the evolution, development and role of law in society.
And enhance Skill Development
2. To examine the religion as a divisive factor in society and religious rights under
Indian legal system. And enhance Skill Development
3. To analyze the law in protection of different groups of society. And enhance Skill
4. To evaluate the law as a product of tradition and culture and to evaluate the language
relating arrangements under the Indian society as well as law regarding language
and linguistic minorities under the Constitution of India. And enhance Skill
1. Marc Galanter, Law and Society in Modern India, Oxford University Press, 1993.
2. P. Ishwara Bhat, Law & Social Transformation, Eastern Book Company, 1st Edition,
3. Krishna Pal Malik &Raval, Law & Social Transformation, Allahabad Law Agency; 4th
Edition (2014).
4. M.P. Jain- Outlines of Indian Legal History, N. M. Tripathi, 1981.
5. Adv. Sudhir J. Birje, Law, Social Transformation & Judicial Process in India- II,
6. G. P. Tripathi, Law & Social Transformation, Central Law Publication, 1st Ed., 2015.
7. Agnes Flavia- Law and Gender Inequality: The Politics of Women’s Rights in India.
1. http://legislative.gov.in/sites/default/files/COI-updated.pdf
2. https://indiankanoon.org/
3. https://main.sci.gov.in/judgments
4. http://legislative.gov.in/documents/list-of-central-acts
2. Students will have to complete the report within 10-12 weeks. For this work no
exemption from attending the regular classes will be given to any student.
3. The student after completing report will submit it to the college, which will form part
of the semester examination.
4. The report prepared by the student will be titled as project work. The report should be
based on primary data. It should reflect in depth study of a legal problem, ordinarily
assigned by the Director/ Principal of the College. Relevant case laws, amendments,
bibliography should support it with foot noting.
5. The report should be divided into chapters. The first Chapter should deal with the brief
information of Indian legal system and its challenges. The other chapters will contain
the research/ project work on the given legal problem. The average size of report will
be ordinarily 60 – 80 typed pages in Times New Roman font with standard font size
(12) and double spacing. Two neatly typed and soft bound (paperback) copies of the
report will be submitted to the college. The report will be typed on A4 size paper.
6. A certificate issued by the supervisor for coordinating the research/ project work under
his/her guidance should be attached with the report.
7. The report will be evaluated by internal & external examiners. Internal evaluation
would be done will be done by a committee of three members including the faculty who
supervised the project and other two nominated by the Director/ Principal. External
evaluation will be done by the examiner(s) appointed by the examination division of
the University. Evaluation scheme shall be as follows:
Internal (30) on the basis of quality of the contents & presentation followed by
questions asked out of the presentation.
External (70) on the basis of quality of the contents & presentation
followed by questions asked out of the presentation.