JOAPE_Volume 6_Issue 2_Pages 193-207

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Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering

Vol. 6, No. 2, Dec. 2018, Pages: 193-207

Multi-port High Step-up DC/DC Converter for Hybrid

Renewable Energy Application
E. Seifi 1, A. Rajaei 2, S. Zare 2, A. Nabinejad 2, S. H. Nobahar3
Department of Electrical and Electronics, Roshdiyeh Higher Education Institute, Tabriz, Iran
2 Electrical and Electronics Department, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
Department of Electrical Engineering, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract- This paper presents a novel multi-port DC/DC converter which is suitable to be used as the interface
of hybrid renewable energy systems. The converter contains three unidirectional power flow ports which two
of them are input ports and are connected to two independent energy sources while the third one is the output
port that feeds a standalone load. Furthermore, the proposed converter contains a bidirectional power flow
port to charge/discharge an energy storage system (battery). In addition to multi-port structure, high boost
value of voltage gain is the other merit of the converter. Hybrid system is composed of fuel cell (FC),
photovoltaic (PV) panels and a battery pack. Different operating states are discussed, and a control system
based on decoupling networks is presented. The control system is able to seek and extract maximum power of
PV panel, adjust generated power of FC, and handle charging and discharging modes of battery. In order to
control operating modes of the proposed converter, a power management method is also presented. By the way,
small signal model is presented for the converter. The bode diagram has been plotted from the small signal
model. Then the controller it was designed from the bode diagram. The results of simulation by the PI controller
are presented. Also, the simulation results by P&O algorithm for the converter has been evaluated. Several
Simulation and experimental tests have been carried out to evaluate the analysis and feasibility of the
aforementioned system. The results verify well performance of the converter and confirm the simulations and
theoretical results.
KEYWORDS: Hybrid renewable energy, Photovoltaic, Fuel cell, DC/DC converter, Multiport converters.

1. INTRODUCTION problems particularly at transient conditions [6-8]. A

Photovoltaic (PV) energy systems is regarded as an FC stack might not be able to increase its output
important renewable energy resource compared to power and regulate the output voltage fast enough.
other types, due to several merits such as availability, Therefore, energy storage systems with fast dynamic
noiseless, pollution-free operation, high flexibility response (battery) are necessary to be utilized. Hence,
and little maintenance [1-4]. However, generated in the literature hybrid energy systems using
power of PV panels is strongly related to the PV/FC/Battery are introduced (Fig. 1) [9-15].
environmental status such as irradiance, temperature,
Compared to single-sourced systems, the hybrid
and unexpected shadows [5], which makes
power systems provide high quality, more reliable,
difficulties to supply standalone loads. Therefore, it is
and efficient power. In these systems storage port
inevitable to combine PV panels with other
should have the bidirectional power flow capability
alternative energy sources. Fuel cell (FC) is an
[4], [11-12]. In addition, the power sources should
outstanding choice because of advantages such as
have be able to supply the load individually and
cleanness, reliability and high efficiency. However,
simultaneously [13].these multi-port systems are used
the main drawback is slow dynamic response makes
in electric vehicles or isolated small renewable energy
Received: 19 June. 2017
generation based power supplies.
Revised: 13 Mar. 2018
Accepted: 08 Apr. 2018 Several converter topologies have been proposed
Corresponding author: to hybridize energy sources [14-19]. In [20], an
E-mail: (A. Rajaei)
intelligent optimal power management with three
Digital object identifier: 10.22098/joape.2006.3753.1295
main benefits including control of temperature fan,
 2018 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili. All rights reserved. fuzzy hydrogen control and adaptive current–voltage
Ebrahim Seifi et al.: Multi-port High Step-up DC/DC Converter for Hybrid … 194

fast-charging control. In [21], a two-layer energy

management with minimizing hydrogen consumption
Traditionally, the different energy sources are
coupled in a common DC or AC link. However, such
The circuit configuration of the proposed multi-port
structures suffer from high number of components,
DC/DC boost type converter is shown in Fig. 2 which
control complexity and high cost. Recently, several
contains three terminals to connect to two energy
non-isolated DC/DC converters with multi-input
sources (PV, and FC) and an energy storage system
structure have been presented to combine different
(battery). The port to which the battery is connected
energy sources [15-16]. These structures are
is bidirectional. RL is the resistive load which can
favorable due to their simple structure and control
also represent an inverter connected to the DC link.
strategy, high reliability and low manufacturing cost.
The presented structure utilizes three unidirectional
power switches (S1, S2, S3) and a bidirectional power
switch (S4). There are also three diodes in the
DC-DC Boost structure. The diodes (D1, D2, D3) are in
complementary with power switches (S1, S2, S3),
respectively. The converter has to work in continuous
conduction mode (CCM) as it is connected to PV, and
FC, therefore, only the CCM and dynamic behavior is
Fig. 1. Hybrid system composed of PV/FC/Battery. considered here. Three operation states of the
converter are:
This paper proposes a new boost DC/DC converter
 Supply the load using PV and FC while the
with multi-input structure which is suitable for
battery is disconnected.
hybridizing PV/FC/ Battery energy sources. As
shown in Fig. 1, the presented converter has a  Supply the load using PV, FC and battery, all
bidirectional power flow port and two unidirectional together. (Battery is discharged)
ports. Bidirectional power flow port is used to provide
 Supply the load using PV and FC, while the
charge/discharge mode for the battery system. There
battery is charged.
are also several other advantages for the presented
converter such as higher output voltage gain, utilizing These three operation states are analyzed and
only one resource in case the other power sources discussed below.
can’t provide energy which this capability enhances
the safety and reliability of the proposed converter.
iL1 iL2
By proper control of the presented converter, it is L1
aimed to extract power of PV panels as maximum as r1 r2
possible, regulate power generation of the FC and -V +
D3 Vout RL
manage the battery charge/discharge modes. Both of S3
power generation sources are able to charge and VPV

discharge the battery. Furthermore, to assure efficient

performance of the hybrid system, a general power Fig. 2. The proposed multi-port DC/DC boost converter
management strategy is given. Finally, in order to composed of PV/FC/Battery.
evaluate efficiency and practicability of the proposed
A. Operation state I: supply the load using PV
converter, simulations have been implemented in
and FC while the battery is disconnected.
MATLAB/Simulink software and results are Figure 3 (a)-(c) demonstrates three possible switching
extracted. Bode diagram has been plotted from the states along with paths of current flow. On the other
small signal model. Then the controller it was hand, Fig. 3 (d) illustrates voltage waveform of
designed from the bode diagram. The results of inductors L1 and L2 as well as their current waveform
simulation by the PI controller are presented. Also, while Ts is the sampling period and Dn (n=1, 2, 3)
the simulation results by P&O algorithm for the represents duty ratio of switching mode n.
converter has been evaluated.
First switching mode (0<t<d1Ts): In this
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, Dec. 2018 195

subinterval, S1 and S3 are ON while S2 is OFF. The Inductor L2:

inductors L1 and L2 charge with the positive voltage (d1  d 2 )Ts (VFC  r2iL 2 )  d 3Ts (VFC  r2iL 2  VC1 )  0
equal to VPV+VC1 and VFC respectively. In addition, VFC  r2 iL 2
the output capacitor supplies the load [See Fig. 3 (a)]. VC1  (2)
Second switching mode (d1Ts <t< (d1+d2)Ts): In Battery:
this subinterval, as long as S3 is ON, S1 and S2 are
OFF. The voltage across L1 equals to VPV-Vout, iBATT  0  PBATT  0 (3)

therefore L1 is discharging while the inductor L2 Capacitor C1:

charges with the voltage of VFC. In addition, the
iL1 d3
output capacitor is charged by the inductor current iL1 d1Ts (iL1 )  d3Ts (iL 2 )  0   (4)
[See Fig. 3 (b)]. iL 2 d1
Third switching mode ((d1+d2)Ts <t<Ts): In this Capacitor CO:
subinterval, S1 and S3 are OFF and S2 is ON. L1 and 1
L2 are discharged until their voltage value equals to d 1T s (I O )  (d 2  d 3 )T s (i L 1  I O )  0  i L 1  IO
d2  d3 (5
VPV -Vout and VFC-VC1, respectively. In addition, Fig. 3 )
(c) shows that the output capacitor is charged through Using (5) and (4), average value of L2 is obtained
inductor current iL1. as follows:
iL2  IO (6)
d 3 (d 2  d 3 )
L1 S1 L2

g2 t
The voltage gain of the proposed converter in first
r1 D3
Vout +
- RL
operating mode is shown in Fig.4.
Battery g3

D1 VL1 10

iL1 iL2
S4 8
L1 S L2
voltage gain

1 r2 6
- + +
r1 D3 VC1 RL
S3 Vout
- 4
iL2 0
D1 0.4
iL2 0.3 0.45
S4 0.35 0.4
L1 S1 L2 d 1T S d2TS TS 0.2 0.25 0.3
d2 0.1 0.15 0.2
r1 r2 Mode1 Mode2 Mode3 0 0 0.05 0.1 d1
- + +
D3 VC1 (d)
S3 Vout RL
VFC Fig. 4. Voltage gain of proposed converter versus d1 and
VPV S2 D2 d2
B. Operation state II: supply the load using
Fig. 3. Operation mode I: current path during a) first power sources PV and FC and battery charging.
subinterval, b) second subinterval, c) third subinterval, d) In this mode, PV and FC supplies the load as the
switching commands and typical waveforms for inductors
generating sources. The battery is also charged by
voltage and current.
both power sources PV and FC. Four switching states
Utilizing the balance principles of voltage-second are possible. The first, third, and fourth switching
and current-second to the proposed converter in this modes are the same as first, second, and third
operation state, the following equations can be switching modes in the operation state I, respectively.
obtained: The second switching state is discussed in the
Inductor L1: following. Fig. 5 (a)-(d) represents paths of current
flow for these three switching modes. Furthermore,
d1Ts (VPV  r1iL1  VC1 )  (d 2  d 3 )Ts (VPV  r1iL1  Vout )  0 (1) voltage and current waveforms of the aforementioned
VPV  r1iL1  d1VC1 converter are illustrated in Fig. 5 (e).
Vout 
d 2  d3
Second Switching mode (d1Ts <t< (d1+d2)Ts): In
Ebrahim Seifi et al.: Multi-port High Step-up DC/DC Converter for Hybrid … 196

this subinterval, S1 is ON as long as S2 and S3 are off.

According to Fig. 5 (b), the inductor L1 charges with g1
the VPV-VBATT and the inductor L2 discharges with VFC- iL1 iL2
L1 L2
VBATT-VC1. In addition, the output capacitor supplies r1
g2 t

- + +
the load. D3 VC1
S3 Vout
Utilizing the balance principles of voltage-second S2
(a) VL1
and current-second to the converter, the following D1
iL1 iL2 iL1
equations can be obtained: L1 S
1 r2
- + VL2
Inductor L1: r1 D3 VC1


d1Ts (VPV  ri
1 L1  VC 1 )  d 2Ts (VPV  ri
1 L1  VBATT )


(d3  d 4 )Ts (VPV  ri

1 L1  Vout )  0 D1
d1TS d2TS d3TS TS




VPV  ri
1 L1  d1VC 1  d 2VBATT
iL1 iL2
Vout  L1 S1 L2

d3  d 4
r2 (e)
- + +
D3 S3 Vout RL

Inductor L2: VPV S


2 (c)

(d1  d3 )Ts (VFC  r2iL 2 )  d 2Ts (VFC  r2iL 2  VC1  VBATT ) D1

iL1 iL2
 d 4Ts (VFC  r2iL 2  VC1 )  0 L1
VFC  r2iL 2  d 2VBATT (7 - + +
VC1 
VC1 r2 Vout
D3 S3 RL

d2  d4
) Battery
S2 D2
Fig. 5. Operation mode II: current path during a) first
iBATT  d 2 (iL1  iL 2 )  PBATT  d 2 (iL1  iL 2 )VBATT (8) subinterval, b) second subinterval, c) third subinterval, d)
forth subinterval, e) switching commands and typical
Capacitor C1: waveforms for inductors voltage and current.
d1Ts (iL1 )  (d 2  d 4 )Ts (iL 2 )  0 Inductor L1:
iL1 d 2  d 4
 (9) d1Ts (VPV  ri
1 L1  VC 1 )  d 2Ts (VPV  ri
1 L1  VBATT )
iL 2 d1
(d3  d 4 )Ts (VPV  ri
1 L1  Vout )  0

VPV  ri
1 L1  d1VC 1  d 2VBATT
Vout 
C. Operation state III: Feeding the load with d3  d 4
power sources PV, FC and battery.
Inductor L2:
Generated power of this state through PV and FC is
not enough to supply the load. So, it is required to (d1  d3 )Ts (VFC  r2iL 2 )  d 2Ts (VFC  r2iL 2  VBATT )
discharge battery to supply needed power. Four  d 4Ts (VFC  r2iL 2  VC1 )  0
switching states are possible in this mode, while the VFC  r2iL2  d 2VBATT (11)
VC1 
first, third, and fourth switching states are similar to d4
first, second, and third switching states in the
operation mode I, and the second switching state is Battery:
discussed here. The paths of current flow for these iBATT   d 2 (iL1  iL 2 )  PBATT   d 2 (iL1  iL 2 )VBATT (12)
three switching modes are represented in Fig. 6 (a)- Capacitor C1:
(d) while their proportional current and voltage iL1 d 4 (13)
d1Ts (iL1 )  d 4Ts (iL 2 )  0  
waveforms are depicted in Fig. 6 (e). iL 2 d1
It should be noted that the proposed converter can
Second switching state (d1Ts < t < (d1+d2)Ts): In also operate when there is only one input power
this subinterval, S2, S3 and S4 are ON while S1 is OFF. source (only PV or only FC) which is easy to
The inductors L1 and L2 charge with the voltage of understand, and not discussed here for the sake of
VPV+VBATT and VFC+VBATT respectively. The output brevity.
capacitor supplies the load [See Fig. 6 (b)]. Similar to
other switching states, relations for capacitor voltages 3. SMALL SIGNAL MODEL AND CONTROL
and inductor currents can be obtained. OF THE CONVERTER
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, Dec. 2018 197

It is necessary to study dynamic comportment of the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control system to
converter to design its controller. To achieve this, be used in the converter. As a result of existing
small signal model of the understudying system is various interaction control loops in MIMO systems, it
expressed bellow. is hard to design closed-loop controllers for it.
Although, decoupling network can be used in order to
D1 g1
design apart closed-loop controllers for MIMO
iL1 iL2
L1 S1
L2 systems. As a result, small signal model of converter
g2 t
r1 r2
- + +
is required to design closed-loop controllers of the
D3 VC1
g3 proposed MIC. This model is efficient in determining
S2 D2 VFC transient behavior, stability and appropriate design of
controllers. iL1, iL2, VC1 and Vout are the state
variables and the state space averaged model of the
iL1 iL2 VL1

converter is as bellow.
r1 r2
- +
VC1 + A. Operation mode I
D3 S Vout RL
3 - During this mode, two control variables d1 and d3, try
S2 D2
VFC to manage three state variables. So, the state-space
averaged model is shown in:
iL2 d1TS d2TS d3 TS TS
L1  VPV  r1iL1  d1VC1  (1  d1 )Vout
L2 dt



- +
VC1 + L2 L 2  VFC  r2iL 2  d 3VC1
D3 S3
RL (e) dt (16)
  d1iL1  d 3iL 2
S2 D2 VFC C1
dV V
D1 Cout Cout  out  (1  d1 )iL1
iL1 iL2
dt RL
L1 L2
r1 r2 B. Operation mode II
+ Here, d1, d2, and d4 are controlled as control variables
D3 Vout RL
3 -
in order to set all of state variables. As a result, the
S2 D2 VFC state-space averaged model is given as:
L1  VPV  r1iL1  d1VC1  d 2VBATT  (1  d1  d 2 )Vout
Fig. 6. Operation mode III: current path during a) first dt
subinterval, b) second subinterval, c) third subinterval, d) di
L2 L 2  VFC  r2iL 2  (d 2  d 4 )VC1  d 2VBATT
forth subinterval, e) switching commands and typical dt
waveforms for inductors voltage and current. dVC1
C1   d1iL1  (d 2  d 4 )iL 2
According to small signal technique [15], the state dV V
and control variables are composed of two parts: a DC Cout Cout  out  (1  d1  d 2 )iL1
dt RL
̅ ) and a perturbation ( x, d x̃d̃) as below:
value ( X , D D
C. Operation mode III
x  X  x, d  D  d (14)
To manage all of state variables, the control variables
x  Ax  Bu (15) d1, d2, and d3 are controlled. So, the state-space
y  Cx  Du averaged model is given as:
Where x, d and represents vector of state L1
 VPV  r1iL1  d1VC1  d 2VBATT  (1  d1  d 2 )Vout
variable, control variables, and system output,
respectively. L2 L 2  VFC  r2iL 2  d 4VC1  d 2VBATT (18)
As described before, the presented converter is able dV
C1 C1   d1iL1  d 4iL 2
to operate in three modes. It is necessary to set input dt
generation sources and output voltage through dV V
Cout Cout  out  (1  d1  d 2 )iL1
various control variables in order to control the dt RL
converter in each mode. This paper has introduced a According to equations (15) and (16), the matrix of
Ebrahim Seifi et al.: Multi-port High Step-up DC/DC Converter for Hybrid … 198

the small-signal models for three operating modes is a0  a1S  a2 S 2  a3 S 3

GVd 
obtained as: b0  b1S  b2 S 2  b3S 3  b4 S 4

Mode I: a0   RL ( D2  D4 ) 2 (VC1  Vout )( D1  D2  1) (22)

 r1 D1 D1  1  VC1  Vout  a1  iL1Lm RL ( D2 2  2 D2 D4  D1D2  D4 2  D1 )
  0  
0 
 L1 L1 L1    a2  CLm RL (VC1  Vout )( D1  D2  1)
 r2  D3   VC1 
 0  0   
 L2 L2  
L2  a3  CiL1Lm 2 RL
A  B 
  D1 D3
0 0    I L1 I L2  b0  RL ( D2  D4 ) 2 ( D1  D2  1) 2
 C1 C1   C1 C1 
    b1  Lm ( D12  D2 2  2 D2 D4  D4 2 )
1  D1 0 0
1    I L1 
 C RLCout   0 
b2  CLm RL (2 D12  2 D1D2  2 D1  2 D2 2
 out  Cout 
 iL1  1 0 0 0 2 D2 D4  2 D2  D4 2  1)
  0
 iL2   d1  0 0 0
x  u  C D0 b3  CLm 2
0 0
 C1   3 

0 0

vout  0 0 0 1 b4  C 2 Lm 2 RL

According to the Eq. (20), Gvd relation is extracted. Mode III:

d2 and d3 values are considered constant. Equation  r1 D1 D1  D2  1 
  0 
(21) is ratio of the output voltage small perturbation  L1 L1 L1 
 r2  D4 
to the d1 small perturbation in operational point.  0  0 
 L2 L2 
a0  a1S  a2 S  a3S 2 3 A 
GVd    D1 D4 
b0  b1S  b2 S 2  b3 S 3  b4 S 4  C1 C1
0 0

 
a0   RL (VC1  Vout )( D1  1)( D1  D2  1) 2
1  D1  D2 1 
0 0
 C RL Cout 
a1  iL1Lm RL ( D12  2 D1D2  D1  D2 2  2 D2  1)  out

a2  CLm RL (VC1  Vout )( D1  1) Vout  VC1 Vout  VBATT  1 0 0 0 (23)

 0  0 1 0 0 
a3  CiL1Lm 2 RL  L1 L1  C D0
 VBATT VC1  0 0 0 0
 0   
b0  RL ( D1  1) 2 ( D1  D2  1) 2 (20)  L2 L2  0 0 0 1
B 
b1  Lm (2 D12  2 D1 D2  2 D1  D2 2  2 D2  1)   I L1 I L2   iL1 
0    d1 
 C1 C1   iL2   
b2  CLm RL (3D12  2 D1 D2  4 D1  D2 2  2 D2  2)   x    u  d 2 
  I L1  I L1  v
 C1   
b3  CLm 2  0   d 4 
 Cout Cout   vout 
b4  C 2 Lm 2 RL
According to the Eq. (24), Gvd relation is extracted.
Mode II: d2, d3 and d4 values are considered constant. Equation
 r1 D1 D1  D2  1 
  0  (25) is ratio of the output voltage small perturbation
 L1 L1 L1 
 r2 ( D2  D4 )  to the d1 small perturbation in operational point.
 0  0 
 L2 L2 
A 
  D1 D2  D4  a0  a1S  a2 S 2  a3 S 3

0 0
 GVd 

C1 C1
 b0  b1S  b2 S 2  b3 S 3  b4 S 4
1  D1  D2 1  (21)
 C
 out
0 0
RLCout  a0   D4 2 RL (VC1  Vout )( D1  D2  1)
a1  iL1Lm RL ( D4 2  D1  D1D2 )
Vout  VC1 Vout  VBATT  1 0 0 0 a2  CLm RL (VC1  Vout )( D1  D2  1)
 0   0 0 
 L1 L1  C  0 1 D0 a3  CiL1Lm 2 RL
 VC1  VBATT VC1  0 0 0 0
 0    b0  D4 2 RL ( D1  D2  1) 2
 L2 L2  0 0 0 1
B  b1  Lm ( D12  D4 2 )
  I L1 I L2 I L2   iL1 
   d1 
 C1 C1    b2  CLm RL (2 D12  2 D1D2  2 D1  D2 2
 x   L2 
C1 i
 u  d2 
  I L1  I L1  v
 C1    2 D2  D4 2  1)
 0 
vout   d 4  (24)
 Cout Cout  b3  CLm 2
According to the Eq. (22), Gvd relation is extracted. b4  C 2 Lm 2 RL
d2, d3 and d4 values are considered constant. Equation
Utilizing the small signal model, the transfer
(23) is ratio of the output voltage small perturbation
function matrix proportional to the converter is as
to the d1 small perturbation in operational point.
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, Dec. 2018 199

G  C ( SI  A) 1 B  D (25) y1 g .g  g .g g .g  g .g
 g11  g12 13 32 12 33  g13 12 23 13 22
u1 g11.g 33  g13 .g 31 g11.g 22  g12 .g 21
Converter stability can be verified using matrix
y2 g .g  g .g g .g  g .g (32)
Eigen values. The Eigen values of the matrix A equal  g 21 23 31 21 33  g 22  g 23 13 21 11 23
u2 g 22 .g33  g 23 .g 32 g11.g 22  g12 .g 21
to -0.3±1201.6j and -4.6±212.7j in a common
y3 g .g  g .g g .g  g .g
operating point. As a result, aforementioned  g31 21 32 22 31  g13 12 31 11 32  g33
u3 g 22 .g33  g 23 .g 32 g11.g 33  g13 .g 31
converter is stable in the referred operating point. The
Fig. 6 illustrates the thorough control strategy.
rank of the transfer function is determined based on
the number of control variables. Since existence of
two or three control variables, the transfer function of
the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) is as bellow:

 y1   g11 g12   u1  (26)

 y   g   (a)
 2   21 g 22  u2 
 y1   g11 g12 g13   u1 
 y   g   (27)
 2   21 g 22 g 23  u2 
 y3   g 31 g 32 g 33  u3 

Figure 6 shows the transfer function (plant) of the

system. From this figure, it can be seen that the
control loops are coupled to each other, thus
designing a close-loop compensator for each one is a (b)

difficult task. As a result, decoupling network can be

utilized to design controller of each loop
independently. So, a decoupling network is applied
which is represented in Fig. 7. According to
decoupling network derivation [33], the state vector x
can be written as x=Gu* where u* is the modified
input vector made up of duty ratios. Therefore,
x=GG*u. Based on modern control theory, to permit (c)
one control input to determine on output, GG* must Fig. 7. Converter model along with decoupling network
and closed-loop compensators in (a) mode I, (b) mode II,
be a diagonal matrix. Based on G*=G-1xu-1, and (c) mode III
decoupling matrixes G* can be written as:
  g12 
g11 
G 
*  (28) Several simulations are performed in
  g 21 
 1  MATLAB/Simulink software to evaluate the
 g 22  operation of the presented multi-input converter.
G3*3 
Then, According to the Bode diagram, PI controller
 g13 .g12  g12 .g 33 g12 .g 23  g13 .g 22  for all three operating mode is designed. In the
 1 
 g11.g 33  g13 .g 31 g11.g 22  g12 .g 21  following the P&O algorithm which is one of MPPT
 g 23 .g 31  g 21.g 33 (29)
g13 .g 21  g11.g 23  algorithms, is applied to the converter in operational
 1 
 g 22 .g 33  g 23 .g 32 g11.g 22  g12 .g 21  mode I. An experimental prototype of the converter is
 g .g  g .g g12 .g 31  g11.g 32  provided while several tests have been performed.
 21 32 22 31 1 
 g 22 .g 33  g 23 .g 32 g11.g 33  g13 .g 31  Simulation and experimental parameters are provided
in Table 1. According to three operation modes of the
Cross-coupled two-loop control system G can be
presented converter, simulations are carried out in
separated into two independent single-loop control
three steps. The operation mode of the presented
systems via decoupling network G* as follows:
converter is related to generated power of PV and FC.
y1 g (30)
 g11  g12 21 While the generated power is adequate to supply the
u1 g 22
load, operation of battery is not necessary. Otherwise,
y2 g (31)
  g12 21  g 22 while the generated power of PV and FC are not
u2 g11
Ebrahim Seifi et al.: Multi-port High Step-up DC/DC Converter for Hybrid … 200

enough, it is essential to discharge the battery in order Parameter Value Value mode Value mode
mode I II III
to supply the load. When battery requires to be 50V 50V 50V
charged, and the generated power of PV and FC is
VFC 80V 80V 80V
more than required power of the demanded load, the
VBATT 24V 24V 24V
extra power will charge the battery. The switching
frequency is fixed at 50 kHz. D1 0.57 0.575 0.51

D2 0.115 0.05 0.05

Operation mode I: In this operation state, PV and
FC are utilized to supply the load. Voltage of DC link D3 0.315 0.05 0.16

is adjusted to be fixed at 450 V. The consumed power D4 None 0.325 0.28

is 2 Kw .Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 represent the simulation C1 10µF 10µF 10µF
results. The voltages across the capacitors are 1000µF 1000µF 1000µF
illustrated in Fig. 8 (a). According to this figure,
L1 5mH 5mH 5mH
voltage of output capacitor (DC-link voltage) is fixed
L2 5mH 5mH 5mH
at 450 Volt. Also, the voltage of the capacitor C1 is
about 250 V. The generated powers of different f 50kHz 50kHz 50kHz

sources are shown in Fig. 8 (b). As it is shown, the RL 100Ω 100Ω 100Ω

sum of power supplies the output load. The currents iL1 5.2A 6A 5.2A
flow from the sources are also shown in Fig. 8 (c). As iL 2 9.4A 9.2A 9.3A
it is shown, the battery does not operate in this 250V 210V 288V
operation state. The current flowing from the FC has
Vout 450V 450V 450V
a very low ripple which improves the efficiency of the
Proportional 1.6653e-8 3.6273e-8 3.9183e-8
FC. Power switches are selected according to voltage (P)
stress of main switches. The voltage stress waveform Integral (I) 0.0016653 0.0036273 0.0039183
proportional to each switch is illustrated in Fig. 9. By Parameter Experimental Value
assuming 450 V as the output voltage, these voltage L1 5mH

stress values are reasonable and acceptable. L2 5mH

C1 47µF
Operation mode II (PV, FC and Battery charging):
Through this state, PV along with FC is employed to Cout 220µF

supply while the surplus generated power is utilized VPV 50V

to charge the battery. Similar to mode I, according to VFC 80V
Fig. 10 (a) the output DC link voltage equals to 450 200Ω
V and demanded load power is still 2000 W. Fig. 10
f 50kHz
(b) depicts the generation powers of the sources. As
Vout 200V
shown in this figure, battery power is not zero. The
currents flowing from the sources are represented in
discharging the battery. Voltage of output DC link
Fig. 10 (c). According to this figure, battery current
equals to 450 V and demanded load is 2000 W. The
has fluctuations while Fig. 11 shows the voltage
output powers of the sources are shown in Fig. 12 (b).
stresses on the switches.
As shown in this figure, the power of the battery is
Operation mode III (PV, FC and Battery not zero and negative. Fig. 12 (c) shows the currents
discharging): In this operation mode, the load cannot flowing from the sources. Fig. 12 (c) approves
be supplied only by the PV and FC. Therefore, the fluctuations of battery current. Again, the voltage
load is supplied by stresses on the switches are depicted in Fig. 13. The
Table 1. The experimental and simulation parameters. results are shown below.
The simulation results of the presented converter
indicate that the converter is able to operate in
different conditions. The results are in consistent with
the analysis done in the previous sections. Also, the
presented control strategy can control and regulate
voltage of DC-link.
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, Dec. 2018 201


Fig. 9. Voltage stress on different switches during operation mode
I, (a) Switch S1, (b) Switch S2, (c) Switch S3.

Fig. 8. Simulation results for operation mode I, a) Voltage (a)
of C1 and Vout, b) Output power of PV panel, FC stack and
battery (battery is disconnected), c) injected currents by
PV panels, FC stacks, and battery.


Ebrahim Seifi et al.: Multi-port High Step-up DC/DC Converter for Hybrid … 202

Fig. 11. Voltage stress on different switches during

operation mode II, (a) Switch S1, (b) Switch S2, (c) Switch

Fig. 10. Simulation results for operation mode II, a)
Voltage of C1 and Vout, b) Output power of PV panel, FC
stack and battery, c) injected currents by PV panels, FC (a)
stacks, and battery.


Fig. 12. Simulation results for operation mode III, a)
Voltage of C1 and Vout, b) Output power of PV panel, FC
stack and battery, c) injected currents by PV panels, FC
stacks, and battery.

Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, Dec. 2018 203


Fig. 14. GVd Bode diagram for operation mode I


Fig. 15. Output of PI controller ( D1 ) for operation mode I

Fig. 13. Voltage stress on different switches during
operation mode III, (a) Switch S1, (b) Switch S2, (c)
Switch S3.
In this section the PI controller is designed for all
three operating modes.
Fig. 16. Capacitors voltage for operation mode I with PI
According to Eq. (21) bode diagram for operational controller
mode I is shown in Fig. 14. According to bode
According to Eq. (23) bode diagram for operational
diagram, P and I coefficient for operating mode I are
mode II is shown in Fig. 17. According to bode
obtained and given in Table 1.The output of PI
diagram, P and I coefficient for operating mode I are
controller has d1 value. d 2 and d 3 values are
obtained and given in table (1) .The output of PI
considered constant. The values of d 2 and d 3 are controller has d1 value. d 2 , d 3 and d 4 values are
brought in Table 1. Simulation results for converter in considered constant. The values of d 2 , d 3 and d 4
operating mode I with PI controller are brought in
are brought in Table 1. Simulation results for
Figs. 15 and 16.
converter in operating mode II with PI controller are
brought in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19.
Ebrahim Seifi et al.: Multi-port High Step-up DC/DC Converter for Hybrid … 204

Fig. 17. GVd Bode diagram for operation mode II Fig. 20. GVd Bode diagram for operation mode III

Fig. 21. Output of PI controller ( D1 ) for operation mode

Fig. 18. Output of PI controller ( D1 ) for operation mode II

Fig. 19. Capacitors voltage for operation mode II with PI

Fig. 22. Capacitors voltage for operation mode III with PI
According to relation (25) Bode diagram for controller.
operational mode III is shown in Fig. 20. According
In this section P&O algorithm results are shown in
to bode diagram ,P and I coefficient for operating
operating mode I. Duty cycles of first and second
mode I are obtained and given in Table 1.The output
switch are considered constant. The output of P&O
of pi controller has d1 value. d 2 , d 3 and d 4 values
algorithm has value of first switch duty cycle. Both of
are considered constant. The values of d 2 , d 3 and Power-current and power-time diagrams are brought
d 4 are brought in Table 1. Simulation results for in Figs. (23) and (24).
converter in operating mode III with PI controller are
brought in Figs. 21 and 22.
Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, Dec. 2018 205

Fig. 26. Experimental prototype of the proposed converter.

Fig. 23. Input power vs input current for PV panel.


Fig. 24. Duty cycle of converter with MPPT algorithm


Fig. 25. PV Power with MPPT algorithm.

A laboratory prototype of system is implemented (c)
to show the practicability of proposed converter. The
hardware implementation is shown in Fig.26.
Similar to simulations, the experimental results are
obtained in different operation modes. All operation
modes including:
1. only PV and FC
2. PV and FC with battery charging
3. PV and FC with battery discharging
Results are provided in three cases as depicted in
Fig. 27 and Fig. 28.

Ebrahim Seifi et al.: Multi-port High Step-up DC/DC Converter for Hybrid … 206

is able to make various green energy sources able to

supply a load. The presented converter has composed
of two unidirectional power input ports as well as a
bidirectional one. The converter has the capability of
providing the demanded power by load in absence of
one or two resources. The promising performance of
the converter and employed control method offer a
high reliability for utilizing the converter in industrial
Fig. 27. Experimental results for operation modes I (a, b, and domestic applications. Furthermore, steady state
and c) and II (d, e, and f), a)gate signals (10V/Div., 20 model of the converter and various operating modes
μsec/Div., b) output and C1 voltages (50 V/Div.), have been discussed completely. In order to design an
c)inductor currents (0.5 A/Div.), d)gate signals (10V/Div.,
efficient controller, small signal model of the
20 μsec/Div., e) output and C1 voltages (50 V/Div.),
f)inductor currents (0.5 A/Div.). structure is extracted. Decoupling networks are used
to design a more practical control strategy. Finally,
simulation results have been presented to evaluate the
accuracy confirm of the presented converter.
Simulation results confirm the predominance of the
proposed structure from view point of simplicity and
efficient operation. The bode diagram has been
plotted from the small signal model. Then the
controller it was designed from the bode diagram. The
results of simulation by the PI controller are
presented. Also, the simulation results by P&O
(a) algorithm for the converter has been evaluated.

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