202411 - Masterweek - Hoe kies je een Master
202411 - Masterweek - Hoe kies je een Master
202411 - Masterweek - Hoe kies je een Master
Family values
Roots or
origin Experience
You Qualities
& history Irritations or
from others
Dreams &
Compliments wishes
Role models
Wat zou ik later willen
doen? (interesses) Hoe ziet de sector eruit?
motiveert/drijft Wat voor soort
me? (waarden en organisaties en functies zijn
motivatie) Ik Arbeidsmarkt er?
Wat vind ik
belangrijk? Wat is de toegevoegde
(waarden) waarde van een master?
Waar ben ik goed Andere opties: werken,
in? (vaardigheden) tussenjaar?
Transferable Skills – Skills of the Future – 21st Century Skills
Professionalism & Work Ethic Multicultural Competence Influence & Persuasion Communication Problem Solving
Accept and demonstrate that good View the world from other’s Persuade or induce someone to Speak clearly to convey messages Use knowledge, facts, and data to
results require hard work, a sense perspectives. Respect and value follow a course of action. in a calm and focused way. effectively solve problems, analyze
of responsibility, an emphasis on other cultures and differences. Proactively shift the thinking, Articulate thoughts, ideas and issues or make decisions. Use logic
quality, a high level of Develop a tolerance for ambiguity. actions, and even the emotional messages in order to educate, and be resourceful.
commitment, and drive. state of other people. influence or persuade.
Resourcefulness & Adaptability Teamwork & Collaboration Creativity & Innovation Research Technology
Deal well with new or difficult Work with others to reach a Combine knowledge from different Develop and refine search Demonstrate knowledge and
situations and find solutions to collective objective by sharing areas to produce unique ideas or strategies, evaluating sources as to experience with computer
problems. Learn new information knowledge, learning and building solutions. Use imagination, accuracy, validity, appropriateness hardware and software.
quickly. Change directions, if consensus. Demonstrate reliability visualization, design, aesthetic, for needs, importance, and social Select and use appropriate
needed, to solve problems by following through on group social and literary talents. and cultural context. technology to accomplish a given
tasks. task
Industry Sector Purpose of the Organization Departments Job titles Job Tasks Type of Organization
The category or trade of the The goal or mission of the Divisions of the company that Your position within the Your main tasks within the The size and ownership
organization organization make it run organization, titles often used organization rights
• …
www.rooster.uva.nl (tip: volg hoorcollege en praat met studenten)
Masterkeuze E learning (alleen voor UvA studenen
Alle trainingen en workshops
CV LinkedIn Netwerken
Bootcamp CV & Linkedin Met success op
Motivatiebrief schrijven
(NL) sollicitatiegesprek
Zelf analyse Hulp bij studietwijfels Masterkeuze Ontdek wat je wil in werk