Lean Tools Project
Lean Tools Project
Lean Tools Project
Submitted to
School Of Commerce And Management
“Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University”
In Partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Mr. Sushant Sanjay Bhavar
PRN: 2021017000120005
the coordinator
Study center: K.T.H.M. College Nashik(5404A)
Academic Year (2022-2023)
I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project work entitled“A STUDY AND
work carried out during the course of my study under the supervision of Prof. Priyanka D. Patil
I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project work. I
further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the project report does not contain
any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.
Signature of candidate
(Sushant Sanjay Bhavar)
PRN No:-2021017000120005
This is to certify that the report of the project submitted is the outcome of the project work entitled
“A Study And Implementation of Lean Tools” At SIEMENS LTD, Nashik carried out by Pooja
B Thakare bearing PRN No.: 2020017001895752 Carried under my guidance and supervision for
the award of Degree in Master of Business Administration of YCMO University, Nashik.
iii. Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the MBA degree of the university.
Signature of guide
(Prof. Priyanka D Patil)
I would like to put forth my earnest thanks to Prof. Priyanka D Patil, whose invaluable
knowledge, suggestions, and guidance were of immense help and support. Once again I would like
to convey my acknowledgment to all people directly or indirectly associated with the project work.
I thank one and all.
Signature of candidate
(Sushant Sanjay Bhavar)
PRN No:-2021017000120005
A Synopsis
Submitted to
School Of Commerce And Management
“Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University”
the coordinator
Study center: K.T.H.M. College Nashik(5404A)
Academic Year (2022-2023)
1. Introduction
"Lean" is a systematic method for the minimization of waste (muda) within a manufacturing
system without sacrificing productivity, which can cause problems. Lean also takes into account
waste created through overburden (muri) and waste created through unevenness in workloads
(mura). Lean principle and lean tools have a very much important role in various Industrial sectors.
Today‟s market face many problems and an issue regarding the elimination of waste which comes
as a result of many processes and certain measures that has to take to prioritize this waste. The
main aim of lean tools Goal of this study is to identify the different lean tools which had been
implemented in various industrial sectors. The methodology used for identification is industrial
visits, discussion with industrial professionals, experts from lean sectors. The knowledge and
information available at the source is only a limitation. Lean Manufacturing is derived from the
methods of the successful Japanese automobile manufacture, Toyota. Due to the book, The
Machine That Changed the World, by James Womack and Dan Jones, Lean manufacturing is
identified by the world. Lean management is about operating the most efficient and effective
organization possible, with the least cost and zero waste. In lean manufacturing, the value of a
product is defined solely based on what the customer requires and is willing to pay for Toyota
Production system had identified Seven Lean Waste: Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting,
Over Production, Over Process and Defect. Now unutilized Human Resource is also considered as
Lean Waste.
6. Hypotheses
1 The major findings of this project are: there was a missing workstation layout, material
management, and visualization hence cycle time is more also visualization problems were there
also Was a problem for material management like material availability and material location for the
Urja panel.
2 The basic conclusion of this project is the use of lean tools to reduce waste like cycle time
and workers movement and improve visualization, material management. Hence productivity will
increase and customer demand will be satisfied. also, waste will eliminate.
7. Research Methodology
Research Methodology is the method followed for preparing the project report it is the heart as well
as brain through which any research work can be completed. It is an acts guideline for any research
for the collection of data. It is a systematic way of solving any research problem.
Data Collection:
Data is a collection of raw and unorganized facts that has no individual meaning. When raw data is
processed, organized, and presented in certain structures in such a way that it becomes meaningful
and useful, it is known as “Information”. Data is regarded as the foundation of all types of research
and hence it is known as “Life Blood of Research.” A research can be carried out with the help of
two types of data, viz., Primary Data and Secondary Data.
8. Expected Contribution
In a competitive business environment, many manufacturing organizations around the world are
deploying various process excellence methodology to improve the efficiency of the process and
quality of the products using the principles of lean thinking. And lean manufacturing is a well-
known phrase and buzzword all over the world in the majority of business environments especially
the manufacturing industry. Lean Manufacturing is a business improvement philosophy that has
developed over many years. this project emphasizes on to study the lean concept, lean tools, and
lean planning and also identify the problems at the urja workstation and overcome problems by
implementing a lean tool.
The contribution (objective) behind this project is to design a proper workstation layout that will
help reduce the high consumption of time and workers moved to the cycle time. And also, to
improve the visual management on Urja workstation with the help of lean concept to improve the
productivity and to overcome the quality issue. And this lean or visual management concept also
helps to overcome the problem of material management and location Urja workstation at Siemens.
to help the study of the overall lean concept and lean tools and identify the problem that occurs on
the Urja workstation and solve that problem by implementing lean tools at the Urja workstation.
Hence lean tools help to solve the problems that occur at the Urja workstation like improve
visualization, reduce cycle time, visual board for the quality issue, material issue.
9. Chapterisation
Chapter No.1. Introduction and research design.
Chapter No.2. Overview of the industry.
Chapter No.3. Customer behavior: A conceptual Discussion.
Chapter No.4. Data Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation
Chapter No.5. Findings, Conclusions, and Suggestions
10. Bibliography
1 Angelis, J. and Fernandes, B. (2012), "Innovative lean: work practices and product and
process improvements", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 74-
2 Boppanna, C. (2012), “implement the lean manufacturing in a pharmaceutical company”,
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas, and Innovations in Technology, Vol.1, No.4,
pp.4-5. https://www.ijariit.com/manuscripts/v1i4/V1I4-1137
3 Kag, T. (2014), “Implement lean production system for fishing net manufacturing”,
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas, and Innovations in Technology, Vol.1, No.4,
pp.4-5. https://www.ijariit.com/manuscripts/v1i4/V1I4-1137
• The Researcher got an opportunity to work with the organization “ Siemens Ltd. and also
got exposure to practical work of the organization.
• The Researcher got to know about the all assembly process of Urja (Auxilary
Converter)and lean help to reduce waste.
• This study helped the researcher to gain practical knowledge. This experience will help in
the future and it will guide to improve the skills.
2) Utility to company:
• It can help the organization to improve visual management and to reduce cycle time and
improve productivity and quality and also for material representation and material
identification at Urja workstation.
3) Utility to workman:
• Workmen got an opportunity to express their views about working and according to their
effectiveness the solutions are given and this will help them as well as company.
For heavy duty application in industries such as mining and cement, the factory also
produced medium voltage variable frequency drives and shovel drives in
collaboration with global Siemens internal technology partners. To fuel continuous
innovation, the factory has its own research and development facilities and developed
many components for products manufactured in the factory as well as adopting global
Siemens products for local conditions.
2.2.3 Different groups of SIEMENS
➢ Siemens Financial Services Private Limited
➢ Siemens Technology and Services Private Limited
➢ Siemens Industry Software (India) Private Limited
➢ Power plant Performance Improvement Limited
➢ Patent Radio Pharmaceutical Solutions Private Limited
➢ Siemens Rail Automation Private Limited
➢ Siemens Postal Parcel & Airport Logistics Private Limited
➢ Siemens Convergence Creators Private Limited
➢ Proctor Software India Private Limited
3. Pravin shisha (2015) applies the value stream mapping on bearing industry and
reduce the work in process and inventory and lead time. this article gives
information about value stream mapping and gives the methodology for
the implementation of VSM. In this case study paper to apply the 5s and
kanban system for the reduction of work in process inventory and lead time.
(Shaswat, 2015)
1. Primary Data: Primary data are freshly collected data that provide information
about a particular problem. It refers to the data that is collected by the researcher for a
particular research. Primary data is the data that does not have any prior existence and
collected directly from the respondents. It is considered very reliable in comparison to
all other forms of data. These data can be gathered using techniques like:
• Interview, Direct Observation in production
• Interaction with concerned authorities of the company.
2. Secondary Data: These can be gathered from published reports like census
reports, annual reports, financial assessment reports, and journals as well as from
published sources. It refers to the data that is collected in the past but can be utilized in
the present research work. The collection of secondary data requires less time in
comparison to primary data.
• Books, Company Records
• Internet & Websites
• Since the Toyota Production System requires that activities, connections, and flow
paths have built-in tests to signal problems automatically, gaps become
immediately evident.
• Results of the TPS are improvements in reliability, flexibility, safety, and
efficiency. These lead to an increase in market share and profitability.
• Transport (moving products that are not actually required to perform the
• Inventory (all components, work in process, and the finished product not being
• Waiting (waiting for the next production step, interruptions of production during
shift change)
• Over Processing (resulting from poor tool or product design creating activity)
each production center when it is needed to meet a customer's order. The benefits
• Less inventory
• Increased productivity
The core of Lean is founded on the concept of continuous product and process improvement and
the elimination of non-value-added activities. The Value-adding
activities are simply only those things the customer is willing to pay for,
integrated. Improving the flow of material through new ideal system layouts at the
customer's required rate would reduce waste in material movement and inventory
processes, or services over time, with the goal of reducing waste to improve
What is 5S?
2) Andon
What Is Andon?
The Visual feedback system for the plant floor that indicates production status, alerts when
assistance is needed and empowers operators to stop the production process.
3) Bottleneck analysis -
What is Gemba?
A philosophy that reminds us to get out of our offices and spend time on the plant
floor – the place where real action occurs.
5) Continuous flow -
What is Heijunka?
A form of production scheduling that purposely manufactures in much smaller
batches by sequencing (mixing) product variants within the same process.
8) Jidoka (Automation ) -
What is Jidoka?
Design equipment to partially automate the manufacturing process (partial automation
is typically much less expensive than full automation) and to automatically stop when
defects are detected.
9) Just-in-time (JIT) -
What is Just-In-Time?
Pull parts through production based on customer demand instead of pushing parts
through production based on projected demand. Relies on many Lean tools, such
as Continuous Flow, Heijunka, Kanban, Standardized Work and Takt Time.
What is Kaizen?
A strategy where employees work together proactively to achieve regular, incremental
improvements in the manufacturing process.
What is Kanban?
A method of regulating the flow of goods both within the factory and with outside
suppliers and customers. Based on automatic replenishment through signal cards that
indicate when more goods are needed.
What is Muda?
Anything in the manufacturing process that does not add value from the customer‟s
What is Poka-Yoke?
Design error detection and prevention into production processes with the goal of
achieving zero defects.
What is PDCA?
An iterative methodology for implementing improvements:
• Plan (establish a plan and expected results)
• Do (implement the plan)
• Check (verify expected results achieved)
• Act (review and assess; do it again)
Quality &
Communication Fast & Positive
Slow & Uncertain
Difficult and
Easy & Fewer Supervisors
Supervision Fragmented
Customization Difficult
Basic Information
Urja panel is an auxiliary converter which uses in tram buses in a European countries. siemens has
currently started the development of this product in the nashik plant in November 2018 they import
this convertor to European country .customer of this product is European Govt. or private company.
• High consumption of time and issues generated due to some constraint lead to low
efficiency at urja workstation.
During the study of this workstation it observes that there are many problems are there at the Urja
workstation like visualization, material management workstation layout quality issue. due to these
problems quality and productivity is decreased. cycle time is more for Urja assembly and there was
a waste of worker movement .there was not visualization management at Urja workstation due to
this problems occurred like a quality issue. Also there was not proper material management at the
Urja workstation. to solve all these problems some solutions are given with the help of lean tools.
Input : 750 V DC
Output: 460 V AC
3 Phase
50 Hertz
20 KVA
24 V DC
Manufacturing target 30
September 2019
Last date of completion
Takt time is equal to the ratio of available production time to the customer
The benefits of takt time -
Once up and running, takt time is very easy to measure. Electronics manufacturers
operating Lean production lines will use this tool to ensure as much "waste" is
removed from the process as possible - i.e. minimizing the takt time - and monitor
performance very closely. The work content within each build stage should be
balanced, to ensure the takt time is maintained, and if for any reason operators
finish a stage quicker than planned, or struggle to keep up, the engineering teams
can then look at ways of rebalancing the production stages.
One of the main benefits takt time offers is increased visibility for production line
operatives and their supervisors. With each stage broken down, the build process
becomes very visual. If an operator struggles to keep pace, then production output
starts to slow or, in the worst case, stops altogether. While in itself this is not a
good thing, the immediacy with which a problem is highlighted to the supervisor
is a benefit and allows them to react accordingly.
For improvement of efficiency and quality of work, it is so important to improve
the take time.
So we are suggesting the take time template or board at a workstation
In the current situation, there are lots of problems occur in workstations due to improper
the layout of that problem is as follows:
• Large time require in employee motion
• There is no proper identification of the workstation
• Improper arrangement of raw material
• No proper visualization
• Meets-up of all sub-items of a panel at the workstation
• Large time is require for the material moment
• Workstation space not specified as per their task
• Due to Improper arrangement effect on material unavailability causes line
• Take time affect
• Indirectly Quality is affected due to improper workstations.
These workstations arrange in such a way that will help to overcome all barriers which
occur in the urja workstation. After analyzing the current workstation situation we notice
there is a strong need for a proper layout to reduce barriers that occur in a workstation. In
the current situation at Siemens production demand for the urja products is not high and these
urja products recently started in Siemens so in the future there will be a strong possibility of
an increase in demand. it is a necessary step to draw a proper layout for these
workstations and implement it. So it will overcome current barriers and future barriers
that occur at a workstation.
In the workstation layout, blue colors show the workstation floor which is a blue epoxy
floor painted for electrostatic discharge for resistance. The Gray color shows raw
material storage, workstation of the module, panel assembly on the floor. The Yellow color
shows process flow which indicates the direction of the process. The Red color shows the testing
field on the floor. The Green color shows the completed panel storage.
ment Before workstation After workstation
layout layout
Workstation Testing
4. 00:03:12 00:02:48
Before applying visualization tools or any board at the urja workstation. This board is used
in other product workstations at Siemens. They also plan to continue with the same board.
It is easy to understand but there is some weakness in this board. To overcome and
make plan vs. actual board interesting we are designing another board that is easy
and very interesting in look. As talking about weaknesses of this board is this board
only shows monthly plan vs. actual production. Whereas newly design board shows
monthly, yearly, and also weekly production units. The Biggest weakness is this board does not
show backlog production units of year, month, or week. Whereas newly drawn board
overcome all weakness of old board and also interesting in look
It designs in dashboard format due to which it is easy to understand actual quantity &
plan quantity for employees and managerial persons.
It designs in such a way right corner shows a year, month, and which week we are
considering for visualization.
The Upper left corner shows the overall yearly target and actually completed quantities and it
shows in a circular format. The Downside of the board shows dashboard format of weekly and
monthly targeted quantity and actual quantity completed with the help of a dash or
As shown in the design there are two arrows green and black.
Green shows plan quantity which we are considering for month, week and black
arrow show actually completed quantity for month or week.
In bottom rectangle form box is there which shows backlog quantity of month and
For visualization of the plan and actual quantity, we propose another board which
shows an overall year, all monthly, weekly plans, and completed quantity
which helps to employees and manager
It designs in dashboard format it starts from 1 st month to last month in rectangular
box format. That box contains 2 sections. 1 st section contains red and green
color which shows the plan and actual quantity of month 2 section of the box shows
weekly completed quantities in a circular section. Arrow moves on the dashboard as per
month passes. The Right bottom corner shows the year.
For easy understanding, it is a basic whiteboard that shows actual vs. plan
quantities with the backlog for weekly and yearly visualization. There are 2 tables
which shows weekly and monthly plans vs. actual. Monthly and weekly are near
about same table both consist of 7 columns. The First column is for weeks where 2
the column consists of 2 sub columns as a backlog of last week and targeted of current
week plans as both sub column are added which shows the current week perfect
the targeted plan then shows in 3 rd column where 4 column shows actual
completed quantity for that week and 5 column shows the remaining quantity of that
week which is called backlog and 6 column which helps to remind backlog
with the help of status which is in emoji sticker format of red and green colors
which indicates not satisfied-sad as a red and satisfied- happy as a green status
respectively so the employee can understand the remaining quantity of that week or
month easily.
This template we design in such a way that it covers all possible things which are
stopping the lines at workstation like man, material, machines, and other things.
This template is for weekly purposes and all week covers in the template. So it is easy
to visualization of line stopping things at workstation for weeks so it is easy to
overcome that line stopping material, machine, or other.
This board shows all details about problem or issues that occur at the workstation this
board consist of 7 columns
1. WHAT – what problem occurs at the workstation which is written in this column
2. WHO – who created the problem or due to whom the problem was created?
3. WHEN- when this problem occurs to date, time shows in this section.
4. WHERE- where shows the exact location that is workstation number or any other
5. WHY – why this problem occurs that is the reason behind these problem shows in
this section?
6. HOW – how shows the approach to solving this problem
7. OTHER –any comments on that problem are written in this section.
After implementation, this board helps to show the quality issue that occurs at the Urja workstation
in an easy and simple way in one look. so it is not time-consuming to write and to read also like the
first board.
6.8 To implement two bin system for proper material management at Urja
This is a standard two-bin system or supermarket system this is a standard way for material
representation or availability. two bin systems in inventory management uses two bins in order to
reduce the risk of production stock depletion. in the two-bin systems, there are two bins for each
item when one bin will empty it will replace with a second bin and an empty bin should place on
the last floor because it is easy to identify the bin is empty and it should replenish. due to the
two-bin systems there is continuous availability of material because of this system there will not
line stoppage for material unavailability and waiting time also will reduce.
At Urja supermarket there are 600 types of raw material hence material identification is really
important to reduce time and to find out the item (material) which is required to the worker for
panel assembly. To avoid this problem I have a design code for each item for supermarket system.
Suppose 1R2C4 is code for raw material A then 1 represents a rack no of that item, R2 represents
the raw of that rack in which that item is present and C4 represents the column of that raw material.
After implementation, this method material arrangement is proper no mess-up in the material.
There is continuous availability of material at the workstation .material can easily identify with the
help of that location or codes. so this method is not time-consuming.
Quality &
Fast & Positive
Communication Slow & Uncertain Coordination
Difficult and
Easy & Localized Fewer Supervisors
Supervision Fragmented
7.1 Findings
• Siemens Ltd, Ambad is well organized leading supplier and one of the top
• In Siemens Quality and standards are the key driver and processes are certified in
accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification. They mainly focus on
7.2 Conclusion
It has been learned a lot from an internship at Siemens Ltd. Ambad, Nashik. The main focus
of the internship was to study the overall Lean concept, Lean tools in detail and also
study Lean tools which are already applied on other workstations and identify the
the problem occurs on the urja workstation and solves that problem by implementing Lean
tools at urja workstation hence Lean tools will help to solve the problems that occur at urja
workstation like visualization, cycle time, quality, material representation and
material identification.
8.1 Suggestions
1. A Company could use a digital board for visualization. That board could contain
monthly, weekly, and yearly Plan vs. Actual target.
2. For inventory management company could use RFID technology to the tracking
material and check their availability.
4. Weekly meetings in order to improve and maintain lean tools. could be arranged
a committee to overlook the implementation of lean could be
5. Company could use a kanban card system to monitor the flow of inventory
9.1 Bibliography
• Angelis, J. and Fernandes, B. (2012), "Innovative lean: work practices and
product and process improvements", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol.
3 No. 1, pp. 74-84. https://doi.org/10.1108/20401461211223740
• Boppanna, C .(2012), “implement the lean manufacturing in a pharmaceutical
company”, International Journal of International Journal of Advance Research,
Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Vol.1,No.4, pp.4-5.
• Kag, T. (2014), “Implement lean production system for fishing net
manufacturing”, International Journal of International Journal of Advance
Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Vol.1,No.4, pp.4-5.
• Shaswat, P. (2015),” Value stream mapping”, International Journal of
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Vol.1,No.4, pp.4-5. https://www.ijariit.com/manuscripts/v1i4/V1I4-1137
• Sudarshan.S.D. (November 2015). “Study of the Lean
Implementation”, Int.Journal of Engineering Reasearch and Application”,Vol 2
,No.3, pp 11-15.
To acquire a challenging position in an environment where i can best utilize my skills and
First Class
M.B.A K.T.H.M Ycmou University 2019 with
Savitribai Phule Pune First Class
M.Com K.T.H.M. University 2015 with
Government Savitribai Phule Pune Higher
Diploma in Co- GDC&A University 2015 Second
operation & Class
Accountancy Board
Savitribai Phule Pune First Class
BBA K.T.H.M. University 2013 with
Maharashtra state
HSC K.T.H.M. board of education 2010 First Class
Maharashtra state
SSC Maratha High Board of Secondary 2008 First Class
school and Higher Secondary
Education Pune
YCMOU University At KTHM Centre Counsellor 2015 Till date 7 year
2. Appointment as Internal Examiner for T.Y.B.B.A (HRM) Project viva June 2021
at Bhonsala Military College, Nashik.
3. Appointment as Internal Examiner for S.Y.B.B.A (HRM) Project viva June 2021
at Bhonsala Military College, Nashik.
6. Analyze the BBA Departmental Result Summary & Submitted to IQAC for Fy-
7. BBA Departmental Scholarship Data Analysis & submission at Blue Cross Labs
Pvt Ltd, Fy-2020-21
8. Exam In charge for Democracy Election & Governance for F.Y.B.B.A Students
G.Suite and Allied Tools in Education, Sant Gadge Baba 29th Jun to 4th
7 Teaching & E-ContentDevelopment ( Amaravati University, Jul2020
one week – online) Amravati.
16 National Level Quarantine quiz on Kanhoj Angre Maritime Research 18th Jun 2020
world Waters Institute
17 State level webinar on Challenges B.B A Arts, N.B.Commerce and 10th Jun 2020
andOpportunities for college B.P.Science College,
students Digras,Yavatmal
after lockdown.
18 National Webinar on Post Corona: Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalaya 3rd & 7thJun 2020
Society and Mankind Wani Dist. Yavatmal
19 National Level webinar on PCETS S.B Patil Institute of 17th Jun 2020
Masterclass on Data Driven Management and Pune Business
Digital School.
Marketing 4.0 for Business
20 National E-Conference on Sandip Universities, school of 10th & 11thJun
Resilience& Re-invention- Commerce and Management 2020
Sustainability and Science
growth in turbulent times
21 National Level webinar on Late KU. Durga k. Banmeru 16th Jun2020
Challengesin Higher Education Science College, Loner, Dist
Due to Covid-19 Buldana.
25 Life After Covid-19 Pandemic PCETS S.B Patil Institute of 13th Jun2020
andRebooting Economy Management and Pune BusinessSchool
26 TRIZ For Business Management & TRIZ Association of ASIA 18th Jun 2020
27 National Level webinar on k.k.wagh College, Nashik 11th Jun2020
HigherEducation Due to
Opportunities and Challenges
28 National Webinar Rajarshi Tendon Mahila 24th Jun 2020
DemystifyingDepression Mahavidyalaya, Constituent
College Of University Of
Allahabad, Prayagraj
29 National Webinar on Higher Anand College of Education for 29th Jun2020
Education: Post Covid19- women, Amritsar, Punjab.
Challengesand strategies for
teachers and
33 National Level Quarantine Quiz on Kanhoji Angre Maritime Research 8th Jun 2020
34 Quarantine Quiz on Matters Kanhoji Angre Maritime Research 1st Jun 2020
Maritime Institute
35 Quarantine Quiz on Matters Kanhoji Angre Maritime Research 29th May 2020
Maritime Institute
36 Quarantine Quiz on Matters Kanhoji Angre Maritime Research 19th May 2020
Maritime Institute
37 National Level Webinar on BUNTS SANGHA‟s Arathi 13th Jun 2020
University Shashikiran sheety Junior College
Goal Setting Secrets
38 International Webinar on Future Ashoka International Centre for 20th & 21st Jun 2020
and Educational Studies and
Prospect of Higher Education Research,Nashik
39 National Webinar on Impact of Shri. Raosaheb Ramrao Patil 4th Jul 2020
Covid Mahavidyalaya,Savlaj
19 on Indian Economy and
40 National Webinar on “E-Content Shivaji University, Kolhapur 29th &30th May 2020
E-Learning through MOOCs”
41 Effect of the Covid Pandemic on M.V.P Arts & Commerce College Vani 18th Oct 2021
Higher Education Students
42 Research Tool Gokhale Education Society HPT Arts & 29th Sep 2021
RYK Science College
43 Workshop on Syllabus Ashoka Center for Business & Computer 6th Aug 2021
implementation of Third year Studies
(Sem- 5&6) BBA (CBCS 2019)
44 Workshop on Restructuring of SPPU with MES Garware College of 7th Jun 2021
Syllabus of subject (Business Law) Commerce Pune
Likes travelling
Listening music and watching movies.
Learning new things.
Positive thinking
Self confidence
Loves challenges
Date of birth : 3rd May 1993
Marital status: Single
Nationality : Indian
I hereby declare that all the information given here in is true to the best of my knowledge.