Renewable Energy
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, a comprehensive mathematical model was developed and proposed for a cylindrical cavity
Received 23 October 2017 receiver, placed at focal point of a parabolic dish collector (PDC) system. The main approach in the model
Received in revised form is based on non-isothermal internal walls of receiver. The model was validated with experimental data
6 March 2018
and the statistical parameters of R2, RMSE and MBE show that there is a good agreement between the
Accepted 7 March 2018
Available online 8 March 2018
model results and experimental data. The effect of some operational parameters such as, HTF mass flow
rate and global solar irradiation intensity, and some geometrical parameters of solar receiver such as,
receiver aperture diameter and its length on the thermal performance of the system were investigated.
Mathematical model
For the parabolic dish collector and its receiver, a new definition called as solar irradiation concentration
Cylindrical cavity receiver ratio (CRirr), was proposed. For a receiver with geometrical concentration ratio (CRgeo) greater than solar
Parabolic dish collector irradiation concentration ratio, by increasing in receiver aperture area up to 0.2 m the Heat Transfer Fluid
Solar irradiation concentration ratio (HTF) outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency are increased. For CRgeo less than CRirr, the
Geometrical concentration ratio mentioned parameters decrease due to increasing in heat losses. The proposed model can be applied in
Design for Manufacturing Design for Manufacturing (DFM) of novel high performance solar receivers.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-1481/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782 769
properties as receiver wall reflectivity, absorptivity and emissivity Leibfried and Ortjohann [4] validated their new model by spherical
have significant effect on thermal performance of the receiver. The and semispherical cavity receiver experimental data.
heat losses from the receiver include the conductive losses from The convection thermal losses from cubic and rectangular re-
non-insulated walls of receiver and convective and radiative losses ceivers has been investigated extensively [18e23]. Sahoo et al. [24]
from the receiver opening aperture to the ambient. The radiative analyzed the heat transfer from a trapezoid cavity receiver used in
thermal losses from the receiver, depends on walls temperature, the Fresnel linear concentrator system. In this study, a CFD model
walls optical properties and receiver geometry. The conductive was used to simulate the system. Faca ~o and Oliveira [25] studied
thermal losses from the receiver depends on the receiver walls and optimized a trapezoidal cavity receiver for a Fresnel linear
temperature and insulation material properties [3e5]. concentrator system using ray tracing and CFD simulation. Larsen
Based on essential and important explanations outlined above, et al. [26] investigated the thermal loss of a solar receiver in an
it seems to provide a comprehensive and accurate mathematical experimental and numerical study. Ngo et al. [27] carried out a
model in order to thermal analysis of a solar receiver is necessary. In numerical modeling and optimization of a finned surface solar
solar systems, to consider the effect of all important parameters, receiver. Reddy and Kumar [28] investigated and studied numeri-
categorized in operational, structural and optical parameters, a cally a solar receiver to obtain heat losses due to convection and
detailed and verified mathematical model related to the system radiation mechanisms. Prakash et al. [29] investigated the thermal
under investigation must be developed. So far, in such systems, losses in three different geometries of receiver and carried out a
especially solar dish collectors with receivers, many theoretical and CFD study for a cubic, spherical, and hemispherical receivers.
computational studies have been done, but, most of them are Kalogirou et al. [30e33] carried out a comprehensive study on
concerned with a macroscopic modeling of the system and have not parabolic trough solar collectors for various applications.
reviewed the details of the system. Relatively few previous studies have focused on exergy analysis
In the last two decades, many experimental and theoretical of solar parabolic collectors such as parabolic trough collectors and
modelling studies were carried out in order to thermal analysis of parabolic dish collectors. The exergetic performance of a concen-
solar dish collectors and receivers. A large number of researchers trating type solar collector was investigated by Tyagi et al. [34].
focused on thermal losses from solar receivers and proposed a Abid et al. [35] compared a solar dish collector with a parabolic
macroscopic mathematical model or correlations to predict the trough collector and showed that because of higher concentration
thermal losses from receivers. Madadi et al. [6] estimated the ratios associated with lower thermal losses, the dish technology
amount of heat losses from a cylindrical cavity receiver based on performs better energetically and exergetically and has higher
simultaneous energy and exergy analysis. Koenig et al. [7] sug- thermal efficiency. Madadi et al. [36] developed a macroscopic
gested a model that predict the convective thermal losses from a mathematical model for a solar dish collector with a cylindrical
cylindrical receiver in range of 550e900 C. Harris et al. [3] inves- cavity receiver based on simultaneous energy and exergy analysis.
tigated experimentally and theoretically thermal operation of a As mentioned before, most of the studies presented in the
solar receiver with several receiver geometric shapes (cubical, cy- literature, proposed a macroscopic mathematical model or a CFD
lindrical, conical and hemispherical). They concluded that the simulation of solar receivers in order to thermal performance
cavity geometry has little effect on overall system efficiency. Nat- analysis of receivers. In the present work, a differential mathe-
ural convection heat losses from a cavity receiver, at a constant heat matical model is proposed which can predict the HTF temperature
flux on the receiver wall, was investigated by Polat et al. [8]. They distribution through the receiver length, by considering all thermal
derived an experimental correlation to predict the rate of thermal losses from the receiver, as convection and radiation losses and
losses from the receiver as function of Rayleigh number (Ra), also, considering the radiation exchange between internal walls of
receiver inclination angle and aperture ratio. Stine et al. [9] pro- receiver. On the other hand, most of important and practical works
posed an explicit model for a cylindrical receiver that predict the presented until now, are based on isothermal receiver internal
combined effect of operational temperature, tilt angles and aper- walls. This approach cannot be reasonable and realistic due to HTF
ture surface on thermal performance of the system. Prakash et al. circulation in the receiver. In this study a simple, detailed and ac-
[10] proposed a model that forecast the convection thermal losses curate mathematical model based on constant heat flux at receiver
from a cylindrical receiver aperture in rang of 50e75 C and cavity walls, is developed. The model is verified and validated with
ratio larger than 1. LeQuere et al. [11] suggested an experimental experimental data at various conditions. The model can predict the
correlation for a cubic open cavity receiver in which, the Nusselt effect of operational parameters such as, HTF inlet mass flow rate
number (Nu) depends on Grashof number (Gr) in different angles. and temperature, solar irradiation intensity, ambient air velocity
Siebers et al. [12] suggested a simple model for prediction of the and temperature (in heat losses from the receiver, which are
convection heat losses from aperture of a cubic cavity receiver included in Nu number), geometrical parameters such as receiver
using experimental data. Khubeiz et al. [13] studied experimentally dimensions and PDC aperture area, and optical parameters and
free convection heat losses from a semi-spherical cavity receiver by properties such as emissivity, reflectivity and absorptivity of PDC
considering constant receiver wall temperature. Ma [14] investi- and receiver walls on thermal performance of a cavity cylindrical
gated the convection heat losses from a cylindrical receiver with a receiver.
wind velocity of 3 m/s. In this study, the aperture diameter was
smaller than receiver diameter. The results were similar to no-wind
velocity conditions. Eyler [15], Kumar and Reddy [16] studied 2. Experimental setup
analytically the two-dimension convection heat loss in rectangular
and semispherical solar receivers. Paitoonsurikarn and Lovegrove A pilot-scale solar dish collector with a cylindrical cavity
[17] presented a correlation for Nusselt number based on analytical receiver was set up for performing the experiments. The schematic
simulation of a receiver with three different aperture areas. diagram of the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 1, part a,
and a photo of studied solar dish collector with cylindrical receiver
770 R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782
Fig. 1. Solar dish collector with cylindrical receiver apparatus, part a, schematic diagram with dimensions, part b, photo of studied dish with its receiver.
mounted at its focus is shown in Fig. 1, part b. The details of 3.1. The energy balance over differential element of receiver side
experimental conditions, operating parameter ranges, solar dish internal wall
collector and receiver dimensions and measurement devises has
been reported in previous works [6,36,37]. In the model, the total heat losses from receiver side internal
wall surface by convection and radiation mechanisms are consid-
ered. The energy balance equation is written for a differential
3. Mathematical modelling length of annular gap, shown in Fig. 2.
An elemental energy balance for a differential length of receiver
A mathematical modeling technique is used in order to model side internal wall, is denoted by ith element, is shown schemati-
the solar cylindrical cavity receiver and analyze its thermal per- cally in Fig. 3. A constant heat flux reaches to the receiver wall from
formance. A detailed sketch of one-dimensional energy balance for the reflector, a portion of it transfer from the receiver wall to the
Heat Transfers Fluid running in annular gap of a cylindrical cavity HTF, a portion will be lost from the receiver wall to the ambient air
receiver is shown in Fig. 2. In many of previous studies, it is by convection and radiation mechanisms, and moreover, the radi-
assumed that the receiver internal walls are isothermal, which, this ative heat exchange between the bottom and side wall elements of
assumption causes more error in result prediction by model and in receiver and between side wall elements are considered. These
the other hand, is far from reality due to the HTF circulation items can be written mathematically as below:
through the receiver along its axial direction. So, in this study, it is
00 00 00
q ðpDr dxÞ þ qcondh ðpDr ts Þjxþdx qicond ðpDr ts Þjx h i
þsF1i jx ðpDr dxÞ 4
Tw;x¼L 4
sFi3 jx ðpDr dxÞ Tw;ave;i
Tw;ave;i 4
n h i (1)
þ sFij x ðpDr dxÞ Tw;ave;j
4 4
hconv;sa;x ðpDr dxÞ Tw;ave;i Ta hconv;HTF;x ðpDr dxÞ Tw;ave;i THTF;ave;i ¼ 0
assumed that a constant heat flux reaches to the receiver internal where, q} is the constant heat flux reflected from the collector
walls and there is an axial temperature distribution in receiver surface and reaches to the receiver internal walls, Dr is the diameter
internal walls. of inner cylinder, hconv:;sa;x is the local convective heat transfer
The assumptions used in the formulation of the model can be coefficient between differential ring element and surrounding at
summarized as follows: position x, Ta is the ambient temperature, Tjw;i;ave and THTF;ave;i are
ðTjw;x þTjw;xþdx Þ
the average wall temperature, , and HTF bulk tempera-
The operation of the system is at quasi-steady-state condition. 2
ðTj þTj Þ
The HTF radial temperature distribution in the annular gap is ture, HTF;x 2 HTF;xþdx respectively for ith differential element from x to
ignored and only axial distribution is considered. This assump- x þ dx. The view factors for radiative heat transfer calculations,
tion is reasonable because a spiral path is embedded around the F1i jx is the view factor between differential ring element surface
inner cylinder and in the annular gap, in order to HTF circulating and bottom surface of receiver, Fi3 jx is the view factor between
through the annulus. differential ring element surface and surroundings and Fij x is the
A constant heat flux reaches to the internal receiver wall view factor between differential elements i and j at position x. The s
surfaces. is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and is approximately
A 3 cm Rockwool insulation is wrapped around the outer surface 5.67 108 W/m2 K4.
of cylindrical receiver, therefore, it is assumed that the heat loss By rearrangement of Eq. (1), the energy balance for ith differ-
from the outer surface of receiver is negligible. ential element of internal receiver wall can be simplified as:
R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782 771
8 } h i h i 9
> q þ sF1i jx Tw;x¼L
4 4
Tw;ave;i sFi3 jx Tw;ave;i
Ta4 >
> >
< h i >
d Tw 1 Xn
þ s 4 4
Fij x Tw;ave;j Tw;ave;i ¼0 (2)
dx 2 ts ks >
> >
> >
: ;
hconv;sa;x Tw;ave;i Ta hconv;HTF;x Tw;ave;i THTF;ave;i
Fig. 4.
The amount of total heat reflected from the dish collector area to Concentrating characteristics of the system have an important
the receiver aperture is calculated using the following equation: effect on the optical-thermal conversion efficiency of a solar dish
collector and the application of the receiver. The Solar Energy
Qrad;ref ¼ hopt Aap;c Ash Ig (3) Concentration Area (SECA), Aconc of a dish collector, is defined as the
area at focal point of dish that total solar energy reflected from the
where, hopt is optical efficiency of dish collector and considered as dish is concentrated in this zone. This definition is shown sche-
matically in Fig. 1, part a. For an ideal dish, this area is a very small
0.75, Aap;c is dish collector aperture area and Ig is global solar
like point focusing systems, and for real dishes is larger and it de-
irradiation intensity. A graph of the global solar irradiation versus
pends on optical and structural properties of dish surface.
the time for a specified date at experiments location is shown in
Fig. 2. Sketch of one-dimensional energy balance for HTF running through a solar cylindrical cavity receiver.
Fig. 3. The energy balance for a differential element of receiver side internal wall.
772 R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782
Time of Day
Fig. 4. A graph of the global solar irradiation versus the time for September 28, 2017.
According to the mentioned explanations, the Irradiation Concen- air in cavity space can be obtained from Eq. (8) [38],:
tration Ratio (ICR) is defined as the ratio of the dish collector
aperture area to the solar energy concentration area. The irradia- 0:13
Nua;x ¼ 0:0196Ra0:41
a;x Pra;x (8)
tion concentration ratio is defined as:
where, Raa;x and Pra;x are the Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers of
CRirr ¼ (4) trapped air in cavity space at position x. The local Rayleigh number
can be calculated from Eq. (9)
The Geometrical Concentration Ratio (GCR) of a dish collector
system is defined as the ratio of the dish aperture area to the
receiver aperture area, and is given by: g b Tjw;x Ta L3s
Raa;x ¼ Gra;x Pra;x ¼ (9)
CRgeo ¼ (5) In Eq. (9), g is gravitational acceleration, b is the thermal
Aap;r expansion coefficient, a and y are the thermal diffusivity and ki-
nematic viscosity of air respectively and Ls is ensemble length scale
where, Aap;r is the aperture area of receiver. For the studied dish
of receiver, which is proposed by S. Paitoonsurikarn et al. [38], and
collector, the irradiation concentration ratio, CRirr is estimated as is calculated from Eq. (10).
207.36, and the geometrical concentration ratio, CRgeo varies from
207.36 to 829.44.
When the irradiation concentration ratio is equal to the
Ls ¼ ai cosð4 þ ji Þbi Li (10)
geometrical concentration ratio, the total reflected irradiation from
the dish surface, reaches to the receiver aperture at the focal point
of the dish, and for conditions when the geometrical concentration In Eq. (10), the 4 is the receiver inclination angle and, the con-
ratio is greater than irradiation concentration ratio, a fraction of stants ai , bi and ji are reported in Ref. [38]. Finally, the local
total reflected solar energy reaches to the receiver aperture area, is convective heat transfer coefficient between differential ring
introduced to the receiver cavity space. Finally, the fraction of total element and surrounding at position x, can be obtained from Eq.
solar energy reflected from a dish collector that enters to the (11):
receiver cavity space can be calculated as:
8 ka Nua;x
> CRirr hconv;sa;x ¼ (11)
< hopt Aap;c Ash Ig if CRirr < CRgeo Ls
Qin;r ¼ CRgeo (6)
: where, ka is thermal conductivity of air. All properties of air trapped
hopt Aap;c Ash Ig if CRirr CRgeo
in the cavity space are calculated at logarithmic mean temperature
at position x. The logarithmic mean temperature of trapped air at
where, the Ash is the shadow area of receiver in the PDC surface. The
position x is given by:
amount of average solar heat flux, which reaches to the internal
receiver walls, is calculated by:
Tjw;x Ta
Tjm;a;x ¼ . (12)
} Qin;r
q ¼ 2 (7) ln Tjw;x Ta
pDr L þ p Dr
The HTF local convective heat transfer coefficient, hc;HTF;x in the
In absence of wind effects on heat losses from the internal annular gap for constant heat flux at walls can be obtained from
receiver walls to the ambient air, the local Nu number for trapped Eqs. (13) and (14) [39].
R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782 773
8 h . i 9 2
Lx þ 12
0:023 ðReHTF PrHTF Þ Dxh = Dr Lx
Nux ¼ 4:36 þ h . i (13) Fi1 jx ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 (17)
: 0:8 ; Dr
1 þ 0:0012 ðReHTF PrHTF Þ Dxh Lx
Dr þ1
Fig. 5. The elemental energy balance for HTF running through the annular gap of receiver.
774 R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782
340 R2 R2
300 310 320 330 340 350
HTF Inlet Temperature (K)
Fig. 6. The effect of HTF inlet temperature on HTF outlet temperature (different ambient air temperatures in range of 296e305 K, solar irradiation intensity in range of 600e1050 W/
m2, receiver aperture diameter and height of 0.2 and 0.4 m respectively).
HTF Outlet Temperature (K)
340 R2 R2
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Solar Irradiation (W/m²)
Fig. 7. The effect of solar irradiation intensity on HTF outlet temperature (HTF inlet temperature in range of 309e343 K and different ambient air temperatures in range of
296e305 K, receiver aperture diameter and height of 0.2 and 0.4 m respectively).
5.1.2. The effect of solar irradiation intensity on HTF outlet 5.1.3. The effect of HTF mass flow rate on HTF outlet temperature
temperature The effect of HTF mass flow rate on HTF outlet temperature for
The effect of solar irradiation intensity on HTF outlet tempera- three values of solar irradiation intensity is shown in Fig. 8. By
ture is shown in Fig. 7. During the day, the solar irradiation intensity increasing in HTF mass flow rate, the HTF outlet temperature is
is increased from about 500 at 9:00 o’clock to 1100 W/m2 at 13:00 decreased and this reduction for small amounts of HTF mass flow
o’clock in Isfahan, Iran with coordinates of 32.6546 N, 51.6680 E. rates is more significant due to larger contact time between HTF
According to the results shown in Fig. 7, throughout the day, the and heating surface of the receiver. The results in Fig. 8 indicate that
HTF outlet temperature increases and the rate of temperature for large HTF mass flow rates, the increases in HTF outlet temper-
changes for smaller HTF mass flow rates, is greater. ature is negligible. The results in Fig. 8 is so important, because for
When the solar irradiation intensity increases with the passage various system thermal application, which, the different HTF outlet
of time during the day, the amount of solar irradiation reflected temperatures is required, the system user can select the desired
form the dish collector surface to the receiver aperture increases, HTF mass flow rate. For instant, when the system is used for hot
and consequently, the thermal energy gained by receiver increases, water generation, the larger amounts of water mass flow rates
which this leads to an increase in the HTF outlet temperature. through the receiver can be selected and for other application that
776 R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782
300 87.4
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
HTF Inlet Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)
Fig. 8. The effect of HTF mass flow rate on HTF outlet temperature (HTF inlet temperature of 335 K and ambient air temperatures of 301 K, receiver aperture diameter and height of
0.2 and 0.4 m respectively).
HTF with high outlet temperature is required, for example, the gained by the receiver, and as a result, the HTF outlet temperature
heating of an air stream in drying processes or regeneration of and subsequently the thermal performance of the receiver
adsorbent in an adsorption process, the system user can select the decreases.
smaller amounts of HTF mass flow rates to achieve the higher HTF The effect of receiver length on HTF outlet temperature and
outlet temperature. receiver thermal efficiency for various HTF inlet mass flow rates
Also, the results in Fig. 8 indicate that the prevailing changes of and solar irradiation intensities, are shown in Figs. 9 and 10
HTF outlet temperature and thermal efficiency of receiver for respectively. The results in these figures show that, by increasing
various solar irradiation intensities occurs in small amounts of HTF in solar irradiation intensity and decreasing in HTF mass flow rate,
inlet mass flow rates, so that, the about 90% of changes occurs for the HTF outlet temperature increases for all other constant
flow rates of 0.01 up to 0.05 kg/s. On the other hand, the variation of parameters.
HTF outlet temperature is considerable for different HTF mass flow The results in Fig. 8 indicate that the receiver thermal efficiency
rate through the receiver, while the receiver thermal efficiency for a dependency on HTF mass flow rate for various receiver lengths and
specified HTF mass flow rate and different solar irradiation in- a constant solar irradiation intensity is little. The results of model
tensities are the same approximately. show that, for a solar dish collector and its focal receiver with the
same CRgeo and CRirr, the maximum changes of HTF outlet tem-
5.2. Effect of receiver geometrical parameters on HTF outlet perature and receiver thermal efficiency for various HTF inlet mass
temperature and receiver thermal efficiency flow rates occurs in a receiver with a length of 0.45 m. For an
existing receiver (a receiver with a specified length), when the HTF
The receiver geometrical shape and size has a great effect on its mass flow rate through the receiver increases, the HTF temperature
thermal performance. In this study, the proposed model can predict difference through the receiver decreases, and therefore, according
the effect of geometrical size of a cylindrical cavity receiver, such as to Eq. (24), the amount of energy gained by HTF running in the
receiver aperture diameter and receiver length on its thermal receiver will be approximately constant, and for a specified solar
performance. intensity, the receiver thermal efficiency will not change signifi-
cantly. Therefore, the HTF inlet mass flow rate through the receiver
has no significant effect on receiver thermal efficiency for a con-
5.2.1. Effect of receiver length on HTF outlet temperature and stant solar irradiation intensity.
receiver thermal efficiency The results in Fig. 10 indicate that the receiver thermal efficiency
When a cylindrical receiver with a larger length is selected as a is independent of solar irradiation intensity, and for a specified HTF
heat exchanger in the focal point of a dish collector, the amount of inlet mass flow rate, the receiver thermal efficiency at a length of
more solar energy can be absorbed and, on the other hand, the heat receiver is the same for all solar irradiation intensities. The varia-
losses from the internal wall surface of the receiver to the sur- tion of HTF outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency for
rounding environment also increases. For a constant solar irradia- small amounts of receiver length, is more noticeable. The results of
tion intensity and consequently, a constant solar irradiation model indicate that, for a specified value of solar irradiation in-
reflected from the dish surface to the receiver aperture, when the tensity, the maximum amounts of HTF outlet temperature and
receiver length increases from a specified value, the heat losses receiver thermal efficiency for all HTF mass flow rate can be
from the receiver internal wall surface dominates the solar energy
R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782 777
600 95
350 60
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Receiver Length (m)
Fig. 9. The effect of receiver length on HTF outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency for various inlet HTF mass flow rates, I ¼ 1000 W/m2, HTF inlet temperature of 310 K,
ambient air temperature of 301 K, and receiver aperture diameter of 0.2 m.
500 95
HTF Outlet Temperature (K)
440 85
360 70
300 60
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Receiver Lengtht (m)
_ ¼ 0.0175 kg/s, HTF inlet temperature of
Fig. 10. The effect of receiver length on HTF outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency for various solar irradiation intensities, m
310 K, ambient air temperature of 301 K, and receiver aperture diameter of 0.2 m.
achieved in a specified receiver length. For example, for solar system similar to the system that has been analyzed in this study
irradiation equal to 1100 W/m2, the maximum HTF outlet temper- and operates during the day, the maximum HTF outlet temperature
ature and receiver thermal efficiency is observed at receiver length and receiver thermal efficiency can be achieved at various receiver
of 0.7 m and for a receiver with this length, the maximum thermal lengths. For instance, as the results shown in Fig. 10, for solar
efficiency is about 90%. For constant values of HTF mass flow rate irradiation intensity equal to 700 W/m2, the receiver length is about
and various solar irradiation intensities, as a practical example, a 0.6 m and for solar irradiation intensity equal to 300 is about 0.5 m.
778 R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782
650 100
HTF Outlet Temperature (K)
Thermal Efficiency, %
550 70
400 30
300 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Receiver Aperture Diameter (m)
Fig. 11. The effect of receiver aperture diameter on HTF outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency for various inlet HTF mass flow rates, I ¼ 1000 W/m2, HTF inlet tem-
perature of 335 K, ambient air temperature of 301 K, and receiver length of 0.4 m.
HTF Outlet Temperature (K)
Thermal Efficiency, %
350 20
300 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Receiver Aperture Diameter (m)
_ ¼ 0.0175 kg/s, HTF inlet
Fig. 12. The effect of receiver aperture diameter on HTF outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency for various solar irradiation intensities, m
temperature of 335 K, ambient air temperature of 301 K, and receiver length of 0.4 m.
As a very interesting and practical result, this can be used as a 5.2.2. Effect of receiver aperture diameter on HTF outlet
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) of the cylindrical receivers at focal temperature and receiver thermal efficiency
point of a dish collector in different locations, but it should be noted As previously explained in section 3.1, one of the most important
that the average daily solar irradiation must be considered in cal- parameters of a solar dish collector system and its receiver, is the
culations in daily usages or average season solar irradiation must be Solar Energy Concentration Area, SECA, which, a few number of
considered for season usages. previously researches have been focused on this subject and have
R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782 779
not yet been explored scrupulously. In the experimental setup 5.3. Temperature profiles along the receiver length
studied in this work, the SECA of dish collector was measured and
obtained a circular surface with about 0.2 m in diameter at the focal The profiles of HTF temperature, internal receiver wall tem-
point of the dish. Thus a cylindrical receiver with a cavity of 0.2 m in perature and mean temperature of trapped air in cavity space along
diameter was designed and manufactured. the receiver length for solar intensities of 700 and 1100 W/m2, are
The effect of receiver aperture diameter on HTF outlet temper- shown in Fig. 13. The results in this figure indicate that, the HTF
ature and receiver thermal efficiency for various HTF inlet mass bulk temperature along the receiver length varies linearly, while,
flow rates through the receiver and various solar irradiation in- the internal receiver wall temperature and mean temperature of
tensities are illustrated in Figs. 11 and 12 respectively. trapped air in the cavity space varies logarithmically. It can be
The results in Figs. 11 and 12 illustrate that, for a cylindrical explained that for a surface with constant heat flux, the tempera-
receiver with a specified aperture area, the receiver thermal effi- ture variation along the surface is linear, while, the internal receiver
ciency is independent of HTF inlet mass flow rate and solar irra- wall temperature is nonlinear, because the dominant mechanism of
diation intensity for the same CRgeo and CRirr. It can be explained heat transfer between receiver internal surfaces together and with
that, when the receiver length is fixed, if larger amount of solar ambient air is radiation exchange. Since the maximum temperature
energy is input to the cavity receiver, larger amount of heat energy driving force along the receiver length, is at the beginning of the
can be gained by HTF running in the receiver and therefore, the receiver aperture due to entrance of colder HTF, the temperature
ratio of energy gained to the input energy, which is called thermal changes near the aperture area for receiver internal wall and air
efficiency, remains constant, although the HTF outlet temperature trapped in cavity space is more significant compared to the re-
rises. ceiver’s end.
Figs. 11 and 12 show that, in such a systems, the maximum HTF Although, according to results in Fig. 13, for higher solar irra-
outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency can be achieved diations, the HTF outlet temperature is larger, but, for a constant
for the same CRgeo and CRirr. At constant solar irradiation intensities, HTF inlet mass flow rate, the thermal efficiency of receiver is con-
for CRirr less than CRgeo, which it is occurs when the opening area of stant and for this case is about 80%.
receiver is smaller than the concentrated solar energy area at the One of the interesting and important result obtained from the
focal point of dish, the smaller amounts of solar irradiation enters to proposed model is the prediction of HTF mass flow rate running
the cavity space of receiver. As mentioned before, the SECA of the through the receiver at different climatic conditions, in order to
studied system is a circular surface with a diameter of 0.2 m, various application of receiver.
therefore, for receiver with aperture area smaller than SECA, the
smaller amounts of solar irradiation is input to the cavity receiver 6. Conclusion
and consequently, the thermal efficiency of receiver is smaller. The
maximum solar irradiation is input to the cavity receiver when the In this research, a comprehensive and detailed mathematical
receiver aperture area is equal to the SECA. For receiver with model was proposed in order to thermal performance analysis of a
aperture area greater than SECA, the total solar irradiation reflected cylindrical receiver at focal point of a parabolic dish collector sys-
from the dish collector surface is input to the cavity receiver, but the tem. The model was validated and verified with experimental data.
surface exposed to thermal losses from the receiver internal walls The statistical parameters of RMSE, R2 and MBE show that there is a
to the surrounding is also larger. good agreement between results of model and experimental data.
The graphs trend in Figs. 11 and 12 demonstrate that, by In order to thermal performance analysis of the receiver, in the
increasing in receiver aperture area up to SECA, the HTF outlet proposed model, some operational parameters such as HTF inlet
temperature and receiver thermal efficiency is increased due to mass flow rate, HTF inlet temperature and solar irradiation in-
larger amounts of input solar irradiation in the cavity receiver, and tensity were investigated. Also, some geometrical parameters of
for receiver aperture area greater than SECA, by increasing in receiver such as receiver aperture diameter and receiver length
receiver aperture diameter, the HTF outlet temperature and were studied. A new definition was proposed for a parabolic dish
receiver thermal efficiency decreases due to constant solar irradi- collector and its receiver, which is called as the irradiation con-
ation input to the cavity receiver and greater amounts of heat losses centration ratio, CRirr.
from the receiver internal walls to the surrounding. The effect of HTF inlet temperature on HTF outlet temperature
By comparing the results in Figs. 11 and 12, it can be said that, for was investigated and the results show that by increasing in HTF
CRgeo less than CRirr, the receiver thermal efficiency is independent inlet temperature at constant HTF mass flow rates, the HTF outlet
of HTF inlet mass flow rate and solar irradiation intensity. For CRgeo temperature increase linearly. The effect of solar irradiation in-
greater than CRirr, the solar irradiation intensity has no significant tensity on HTF outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency
effect on receiver thermal efficiency, but, the reduction in receiver were investigated too. The results show that by increasing in solar
thermal efficiency for smaller amount of HTF inlet mass flow rate is irradiation intensity (with passage the time throughout the day),
greater than larger values of HTF mass flow rate. It can be explained the HTF outlet temperature increases linearly, but the receiver
that, for smaller amounts of HTF mass flow rate, the HTF temper- thermal efficiency is constant during the day. It can be explained
ature through the receiver is higher, and consequently, the thermal that although the HTF outlet temperature increases by increasing in
losses from the receiver internal walls to the ambient air is higher. solar irradiation intensity, but the amount of energy delivered by
According to discussion about Figs. 11 and 12, it must be notice HTF to the input solar energy is the same for various solar irradi-
that in order to improve the thermal performance of solar cylin- ation intensities.
drical receivers, the receiver opening aperture area must be The range of 0.01e0.11 kg/s of HTF through the receiver at
designed and manufactured based on solar energy concentration constant other parameter were analyzed and the results were
area of dish collector. The best situation is to design and manu- shown in Fig. 7. The results show that more than 80% of HTF outlet
facture of a cylindrical receiver with opening aperture area equal to changes occurs for HTF mass flow rate from 0.01 to 0.04 kg/s. for
solar concentration area of dish. smaller amounts of HTF mass flow rate, the HTF outlet temperature
is higher, but the receiver thermal efficiency is smaller due to
higher thermal losses from the receiver walls to the ambient.
During the day, for solar irradiation intensity in range of 300 up to
780 R. Karimi et al. / Renewable Energy 125 (2018) 768e782
Temperature (K)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Receiver Through Length (m)
_ ¼ 0.0175 kg/s, HTF inlet temperature of 335 K, ambient air temperature of 301 K, and receiver aperture diameter of 0.2 m.
Fig. 13. Temperature profile along the receiver length, m
1100 W/m2, the maximum receiver thermal efficiency varies from cavity receivers, some suggestions can be presented by authors. The
80 to 90%. receiver opening aperture area must be designed based on the
By increasing in receiver length, the HTF and receiver thermal ability of dish collector in concentrating of solar irradiation or dish
efficiency increases sharply for a range of 0.05 up to 0.4 m, and then Solar Energy Concentration Area (SECA). The heat losses has sig-
the changes are negligible. It can be explained that for a specified nificant effect on thermal performance of receivers. The effect of
range of receiver length and a constant solar irradiation intensity wind velocity can be considered in the proposed model in windy
and HTF mass flow rate, the contact area and solar energy conditions. The effect of receiver position in focal line of dish col-
adsorbing surface is increased and consequently HTF outlet tem- lector has great effect on its thermal performance. It can be
perature and receiver thermal efficiency increases, and after that, modeled by a ray tracing software.
the ability of receiver to gain the solar energy is at its maximum
value and therefore, no considerable changes are observed. Even for Nomenclature
larger lengths, there is a tangible reduction in HTF outlet temper-
ature and receiver thermal efficiency is observed because of
increasing in thermal losses due to increasing in exposed area with
Alphabetical symbols Definition
trapped air in the cavity space.
Cp specific heat capacity (j/kg.K)
For geometrical concentration ratios greater than irradiation
m_ mass flow rate (kg/s)
concentration ratios, the smaller amounts of solar irradiation re-
q’’ heat flux (W/m2)
flected from dish enters to the cavity space and a portion of re-
Q solar energy (W/m2)
flected solar irradiation is lost. In the studied system, the dish
T temperature (K)
concentrated solar irradiation is an area of 0.2 m in diameter at its
F view factor
focal point. The results of model show that the maximum HTF
A area (m2)
outlet temperature and receiver thermal efficiency can be achieved
L cylindrical receiver height (m)
for a receiver with aperture of 0.2 m in diameter, due to maximum
I solar irradiance intensity (W/m2)
entrance of solar irradiation into the receiver cavity space. The
hc convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2.K)
maximum thermal efficiency is about 90%. For receiver with aper-
D diameter (m)
ture diameter less than 0.2, by increasing in receiver aperture
Nu Nusselt umber
diameter the HTF outlet temperature and receiver thermal effi-
Ra Rayleigh number
ciency increases because of more solar irradiation entry to the
Gr Grashof number
cavity. For receiver with aperture diameter greater than 0.2, by
Re Reynolds number
increasing in receiver aperture diameter, the HTF outlet tempera-
Pr Prandtl number
ture and receiver thermal efficiency decreases because of
k thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
increasing in thermal losses, and this reduction is more significant
g acceleration due to gravity (m2/s)
for smaller amounts of HTF mass flow rate due to higher HTF
Lc characteristic length of receiver
temperature and consequently, higher thermal losses.
N total number of data
In order to improve the thermal performance of solar cylindrical
Oi i-th experimental data
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