Kumar 2019
Kumar 2019
Kumar 2019
Keywords: An experimental investigation of 16 square meter Scheffler concentrator system with automatic polar axis
Scheffler tracking has been carried out. Various test sequences were performed under quasi-steady-state to analyze various
Optical efficiency parameters like optical efficiency and thermal characteristics of the system. The paper mainly focuses on the
Thermal efficiency experimental analysis of 16 square meter Scheffler concentrator system and its performance assessment for
Performance assessments
various regions of India such as New Delhi, Leh-Ladhak, Madurai, and Mumbai. It is studied that, the optical
efficiency of the system is achieved up to 59% and the convection heat losses (W/m2K), radiation heat losses
coefficient (W/m2K2) are 2.2 and 0.001 respectively. The performance of the system was also studied based on
various reflectivity (i.e. 84% and 95%) of the solar-grade mirror and various selective coating (i.e. Silicon based
high-temperature coating and black paint). The performance characteristic of the system is also investigated on a
seasonal basis i.e. equinox, winter and summer solstice.
1. Introduction drolyzing, distillation, and in other cases power generation. The de-
ployment of solar thermal is growing rapidly for industrial heat
The energy scene in the world is a complex picture of a variety of applications in this country. Around 140 numbers of solar thermal
energy sources being used to meet the growing energy needs. However, systems have been installed globally for industrial heat applications
there is a gap in the demand and supply position. It is recognized that with a total capacity of 93 MWth [1]. It is estimated that about 40% of
decentralized generation based various renewable energy technologies energy consumption by natural gas and 41% by petroleum is being used
can, to some extent, help in meeting the growing energy needs. for industrial process heat applications. Solar thermal energy can fulfill
Renewable energy landscape in India, during the last few years, has the heat energy requirement in the industrial sector for process heat
witnessed tremendous changes in the policy framework with ac- application and irrespective of the geographical location. In developed
celerated and ambitious plans to increase the contribution of renewable economies, solar thermal can also provide about half of the energy
energy such as solar, wind, bio-power etc. Concentrated solar thermal consumption by supplying pressurized steam, hot water, hot air for
has good potential for power generation and/or process heat in the different applications. Greater use of solar heat occurs, where medium
industrial sector from renewable energy. temperature (150–400 °C) needs are high, especially in India, where the
The Concentrated Solar Thermal technologies (CST) capture the success of solar technology in buildings could be carried over to in-
direct normal irradiance and reflect it to the receiver. This makes the dustry [2]. Parabolic trough collector, linear Fresnel reflector and
technologies best suited to areas with a high percentage of clear sunny Scheffler technologies are used for medium temperature process heat
days. These CST’s have combinations of mirrors to concentrate direct applications. Although parabolic trough collector, linear Fresnel re-
normal irradiance to produce useful thermal energy for generation of flector, parabolic dish are widely used, these are not practical as these
electricity and process heat for various end-use applications like ster- technologies have rigid structure and higher maintenance cost. This
ilizing, extraction, pasteurizing, drying, cooling& air conditioning, hy- motivated the Scheffler technology to come up with polar axis auto-
Corresponding author at: Research Scientist, Solar Thermal, National Institute of Solar Energy, Gurugram, Haryana 122003, India.
E-mail address: uk.sec.mnre@gmail.com (U. Sahoo).
Received 10 April 2018; Received in revised form 21 December 2018; Accepted 3 January 2019
2451-9049/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kumar et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 10 (2019) 103–111
matic tracking, lower maintenance cost and comparatively much easier has been designed and constructed for development of mathematical
methods to fabricate the technology. This technology consists of flat modeling. The equations were developed and validated with experi-
mirrors attached to wooden, steel or aluminum frames with polar axis mental results for both winter and summer seasons [15]. In this paper, a
automatic tracking, which was popularised in India. Scheffler reflector 16 square meter Scheffler concentrator system is investigated under
provides a medium temperature range and different processing appli- quasi-steady-state test conditions and its performance assessment for
cations have been carried out successfully [3]. Scheffler has developed various regions of India such as New Delhi, Leh-Ladhak, Madurai, and
a special Scheffler reflector with an aperture area of 50 m2 to heat two- Mumbai.
meter square ceramic chamber at a temperature of 700 °C [4]. Many
researchers have developed Scheffler technologies for various domestic
purposes like cooking, desalination, oil extraction, and sterilization 2. System description
[5–11]. A new mathematical model for estimating the intercept factor
of a Scheffler type of solar concentrator has been developed for Stirling The system is equipped with a polar axis tracking mechanism to
engine [12]. The thermal performance of a cylindrical cavity receiver track the sun. The reflector area of the system is 16 square meter, the
for an SK-14 parabolic dish concentrator has been investigated. It is major axis of the reflector is 5 m, the minor axis of the reflector is 4 m,
studied that, the exergy factor increases under high solar radiation and and the concentration ratio is 220 as shown in Fig. 1. The axis of ro-
high operating temperature condition. The heat loss factor of the re- tation of the reflector is set to the local latitude angle i.e. 30.9° so that
ceiver is 4.6 W/K and the optical efficiency of the system is 52% [13]. A the axis of rotation of the reflector and polar axis are parallel to each
combined heat loss analysis of solar parabolic dish modified cavity other. The axis of daily rotation is located exactly in a north–south
receiver for a superheated steam generation has been investigated to direction, parallel to Earth's polar axis and runs through the center of
identify the effect of various parameters such as receiver inclination, gravity of the reflector. That way the reflector always maintains its
operating temperature, the emissivity of the cavity cover, the thickness gravitational equilibrium and the mechanical tracking device doesn't
of insulation on the combined heat losses from the modified cavity need to be driven by much force to rotate it synchronized with the sun.
receiver [14]. Two-axis tracking of 8 square metersScheffler collector The focus is located on the axis of rotation to prevent it from moving
when the reflector rotates. During the day the concentrated light will
S. Kumar et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 10 (2019) 103–111
the heat transfer fluid for calculation of convection heat losses (a1; W/
m2K) and radiation heat losses coefficient (a2 ; W/m2K2).
Various testing parameters such as inlet temperature, outlet tem-
perature, ambient temperature, DNI, the mass flow rate of heat transfer
fluid were measured and recorded using measuring instruments listed
in Table 1.
Table 1
List of measuring instruments used for measuring various parameters.
Sl. No Measuring instrument Make Range
S. Kumar et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 10 (2019) 103–111
Table 2
The month-wise average value of Cos .
Months Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Cos 0.84 0.8 0.74 0.67 0.61 0.58 0.59 0.64 0.71 0.77 0.83 0.85
Aperture Reflector Area (m2) 13.44 12.8 11.84 10.72 9.76 9.28 9.44 10.24 11.3 12.3 13.2 13.6
800 temperature difference between the mean fluid and ambient tempera-
5.5 ture, and the square of the temperature difference respectively. The
matrix form have been expressed to find out convection heat losses (a1)
Direct Normal Irradiance (W/m2)
Time (Hours) The thermal efficiency of the system can be calculated as:
Fig. 3. Variation of DNI and thermal output (clear sunny day) with time on 8 Q
March 2016 (clear sky day). [A × DNI ]
a1 (Tm Ta) a1 (Tm Ta )2
= × cos
th 0
DNI DNI (13)
800 4. Experimental result and discussions
Direct Normal Irradiance (W/m )
1.6 The performance analysis and assessments are carried out by using
Thermal Output (kW)
the test result for four different locations like New Delhi, Leh-Ladhak,
Madurai, and Mumbai of India. Also, the effect of various parameters
600 1.4 such as optical efficiency, heat loss coefficients, DNI on the perfor-
mance of the system is also analyzed. The field experimental analysis
has been carried out for clear sunshine and cloudy days. The variation
1.2 of DNI and thermal output of the system with respect to time on 8th
March 2016 (clear sky day) is shown in Fig. 3. It is observed that the
400 thermal output of the system is achieved to 7.2 kW at DNI 720 W/m2
Direct Normal Irradiance
1.0 and ambient temperature of 28 °C. The variation of DNI and thermal
output of the system with respect to time on 10th March 2016 (Scat-
Thermal Output
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9:0 9:3 10:0 10:3 11:0 11:3 12:0 12:3 13:0 13:3 14:0 14:3 15:0
0 tered cloud day) is shown in Fig. 4. The solar radiation during the day
was fluctuating as there were scattered clouds.
Time (Hours) Different test sequences were conducted to determine the optical
Fig. 4. Variation of DNI and Thermal output with time on 10 March 2016 and thermal characteristics of the system. The testing was carried out in
(Scattered cloud day). two different segments. One is to find out the optical efficiency under
no heat losses conditions and another is to find out heat loss coefficient
(i.e. a1 and a2) using calculated optical efficiency. The measured value
of optical efficiency o is achieved to 59%. The convection heat losses
Q (a1) and radiation heat losses coefficient (a2 ) are calculated to be 2.2 &
= m × Cp × T
Unit Area (8) 0.001 respectively. Fig. 5 shows the performance characteristic of the
Scheffler system. It is shown that the thermal efficiency of the system is
By equating Eqs. (7) and (8) optical efficiency o of the system is achieved up to 45% at the value of 0.013. It (Tm Ta) is also seen that the
calculated. sessional cosine losses (cos ) was 0.74 during the month of March. The
The thermal losses are modeled by a 2nd order polynomial ap- thermal losses increases as the value of (Tm − Ta) increases as tem-
proach, the convection heat losses (a1) and radiation heat losses coef- perature is independent variable and efficiency is the dependent vari-
ficient (a2 ) being the heat loss coefficients corresponding to the able.
S. Kumar et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 10 (2019) 103–111
dt (Tm-Ta) = 70 °C
0.25 dt (Tm-Ta) = 80 °C
Thermal Efficency (%)
dt (Tm-Ta) = 90 °C
Fig. 6. Performance assessments of the system throughout the year at DNI of 600 W/m2.
0.22 New Delhi 24.5 5.21
0.20 Leh & Ladakh 7 6.26
Mumbai 27 3.50
0.18 Madurai 26 4.98
the technology at the DNI of 600 W/m2. Attempts are made to study the
behaviour of the thermal performance at different operating tempera-
tures throughout the year as shown in Fig. 6. It is observed that the
y y h il y e y t r r r r efficiency of the system is maximum in the month of December and
uar uar Marc Apr Ma Jun Jul ugus embe ctobe embe embe
Jan Febr A ept
S O Nov Dec January, and is minimum in the month of June due to cosine losses. The
efficiency of the system decreases with an increasing temperature dif-
ference (Tm − Ta). It is also observed that the efficiency of the system is
Fig. 7. Simulated Performance of Scheffler reflector at four different cities at 25.3% and 18.5% at (Tm − Ta) of 70 °C and 90 °C respectively in the
the given Tm = 100 °C. month of December. The available thermal energy is reduced in the
month of June due to cosine losses as the aperture area in summer
4.1. Performance assessment becomes lesser as compared to winter due to a change in the value of
solar declination.
The optical and thermal characteristics of the system are obtained Month-wise performance of the system at desired mean temperature
from the testing which is used for the assessments of the performance of Tm of 100 °C is simulated for New Delhi, Leh-Ladhak, Madurai and
Mumbai in India as shown in Fig. 7. The climatic parameters of the four
S. Kumar et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 10 (2019) 103–111
Efficency of tested system
0.3 Improved Efficency due to
solar grade mirrors
Thermal Efficiency (%)
S. Kumar et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 10 (2019) 103–111
Fig. 10. Effect of heat loss factors on the thermal efficiency of the system.
Tm-Ta (°C)
Fig. 11. Performance curve of the system on equinox days.
5. Conclusion The same Scheffler concentrator systems have also been investigated for
winter and summer solstice days. The simulated optical efficiency is
The experimental analysis of the system is performed under quasi- increased by 64% and 43% in winter solstice and summer solstice re-
steady-state to analyze various parameters like optical efficiency and spectively, due to changes in cosine losses.
thermal characteristics of the system. The optical efficiency of the By changing the silicon based high temperature coating in the re-
system achieved up to 59% at average DNI of 600 W/m2 and (Tm Ta ) ceiver instead of the black paint based receiver the optical efficiency of
of 80 °C. By improving the first order temperature dependence heat loss the system increased by 15%. The results will be helpful in performance
coefficient (a1) (i.e. 2.2–1.2 W/m2K) increases the system output up to assessments of Scheffler technology under various climatic conditions
4.5 times. of India, and provides scope for an improvement in the system for better
By improving the optical properties and heat loss coefficients the performance. It is expected that in the near future the Scheffler con-
final optical efficiency of the Scheffler concentrator system achieved is centrator system will constitute one of the competitive options of var-
up to 55% and the maximum temperature difference is up to 200 °C. ious end use process heat applications from solar energy.
S. Kumar et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 10 (2019) 103–111
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