Guided Notes - The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Guided Notes - The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Guided Notes - The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
In this lesson, you will
In the Constitution preamble, “We the people” means that the government is developed with the
consent of the nation’s people and gets its power and sovereignty from this consent.
Limited Government
Guarding the civil liberties of citizens provides one of the most effective ways to ______________ the
power of the government. The Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the Constitution), names and
protects US citizens' civil _________________.
Federalism refers to how governing powers are shared between nation, state, and local governments.
Under the federal system, ______________ run most of their affairs, but the ______________
government takes precedence in many matters.
Executive Branch
Article II of the Constitution describes the powers of the __________________, the qualifications for the
office, the process for indirectly electing the president and vice president through an
__________________ _______________, and the executive departments that serve under the president.
The Framers gave the president these important powers: conducting _______________ affairs, acting as
supreme military director, appointing executive and judicial officers, pardoning those accused of a crime,
and vetoing ________________.
The Judicial Branch
Article III describes how the Supreme Court will be the chief court of the land. It gives the Supreme Court
and other ______________ courts the power to check the other branches by reviewing laws and
__________________ actions and __________________ whether they violate the Constitution.
Article VII briefly describes how nine of thirteen states were needed to _____________ the Constitution.
Living Document
The ___________________ process gives rise to the understanding that the Constitution is a living document.
Religious Freedoms
The religious freedom clause of the First Amendment contains two pillars. The first pillar prohibits the
government from establishing an _____________________ religion. The second pillar prohibits the
government from interfering with the "__________ ______________" of religion. The government cannot
make laws that _________________ or limit the practice or expression of religious beliefs. The Founders
based the religion clause on the principle of _____________________ of church and state.
How does the Bill of Rights protect the unalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" listed
in the Declaration of Independence?