Nature of Biology ? ? ? (3)
Nature of Biology ? ? ? (3)
Nature of Biology ? ? ? (3)
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IB Roadmap:
Molecules Cells Organisms Ecosystems
Unity & Diversity (A): Common ancestry has given living organisms many shared features while
🔴 🔴
evolution has resulted in the rich biodiversity of life on Earth.
Form & Function (B): Adaptations are forms that correspond to function. These adaptations persist
from generation to generation because they increase the chances of survival.
Interaction & Interdependence (C): Systems are based on interactions, interdependence and
integration of components. Systems result in emergence of new properties at each level of 🟡 🟡
biological organization.
Continuity & Change (D) : Living things have mechanisms for maintaining equilibrium and for
bringing about transformation. Environmental change is a driver of evolution by natural selection.
Length: 6 lessons (a lesson ≠ a day. Some lessons occur in less than one class period while other lessons will span multiple class periods).
Guiding Questions:
● What are the features common to all cells [life] and the features that differ? (A2.1)
● What is a species? (A3.1)
● What tools are used to classify organisms into taxonomic groups? (A3.2)
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Linking Questions:
● How do species exemplify both continuous and discontinuous patterns of variation? (A3.1)
Unit Outline:
Welcome Letter
Welcome to IB Biology
Student Questionnaire
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Parent Questionnaire
3 Themes and “Conceptual learning focuses on organizing ideas and their TOK: What Themes Topic Posters
Levels of interconnections.” THEMES motivates the
Organization ● Outline the major themes in the study of biology. pursuit of knowledge IB Biology note taking “how to”
● State that the themes of biology are applicable to all in the natural
levels of biological organization. sciences? Themes of Biology Notes
“Conceptual learning focuses on organizing ideas and their TOK: In what ways Levels of Biological Organization Wall Art
interconnections.” LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION do limitations of Hexagon cut out
● Compare molecular, cellular, organismal and ecological human perception Structures cut outs
studies of biology. impact what is Example of final wall art
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4 Emergence 🟡 C3.1.2— Cells, tissues, organs and body systems as a Notes C3.1.2
hierarchy of subsystems that are integrated in a multicellular
living organism. Students should appreciate that this integration Notes C2.2.16*
is responsible for emergent properties. For example, a cheetah
becomes an effective predator by integration of its body Decades-long bet on consciousness ends
systems. — and it’s philosopher 1, neuroscientist
● Define tissue, organ and organ systems. 0
● Outline how integration occurs between and among
tissues, organs and organ systems. 2 Leading Theories of Consciousness
● Define emergent property. Square Off - The New York Times
● State an example of an emergent property for each level
of biological organization within a multicellular New: Consciousness Wars.pdf
New: Insects and Other Animals Have
🟡 AHL C2.2.16— Consciousness as a property that emerges Consciousness, Experts Declare
from the interaction of individual neurons in the brain.
Emergent properties such as consciousness are another example Emergent Properties CFU
of the consequences of interaction.
● Define emergent property. How Complex Wholes Emerge From
● State that new properties emerge at each level of Simple Parts (A&B)
biological organization. ● Questions for students
● Outline consciousness as an emergent property. ● For teachers
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In class review
5 Shared 🔴 A2.2.7— Processes of life in unicellular organisms. Include NOS: Patterns and Notes A2.2.7
functions of life these functions: homeostasis, metabolism, nutrition, movement, trends: Scientists
excretion, growth, response to stimuli and reproduction. analyze their Processes of life review slides
● List the common processes carried out by all life. observations,
● Define metabolism, homeostasis, excretion, growth, looking for patterns Processes of Life CFU (G-form)
nutrition, movement, reproduction and response to or trends, and try to
stimuli. draw general Single celled organism lab
● Describe characteristics of Paramecium or conclusions by ● Slides with directions
Chlamydomonas that enable it to perform the functions inductive reasoning. ● Pond Water Organisms ID card
of life. ● Plankton key
● Virtual pond dip
6 Classification of 🔴A3.1.2— Species as groups of organisms with shared traits. TOK: What is the Notes A3.1.2
life This is the original morphological concept of the species as used significance of key
by Linnaeus. historical A&B The 'dark matter' of life on Earth
● Define species according to the morphological species developments within (G-form questions)
concept. the natural sciences?
🔴AHL A3.2.1— Need for classification of organisms. TOK: To what extent Notes A3.2.1
Classification is needed because of the immense diversity of do the classification
species. After classification is completed, a broad range of systems we use in Review of taxa and nomenclature -
further study is facilitated. the pursuit of includes Hierarchy mnemonic
● Define “taxonomy” knowledge affect the
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● List the levels of classification in the traditional hierarchy conclusions that we A&B A Brief Yet Discerning History of
of taxa. reach? Scientific Classification (G-form
● Outline the benefits of having a system of classification questions)
of organisms. TOK: In what ways
are biological A&B A Passion for Order (G-form
classification questions)
schemes a
consequence of
human psychology,
language and
🔴A3.1.3— Binomial system for naming organisms. Students NOS: Science as a Notes A3.1.3
should know that the first part of the name identifies the genus, shared endeavor:
with the second part of the name distinguishing the species. Scientists Classification and nomenclature Check
Species in the same genus have similar traits. The genus name is communicate and for Understanding (G-form)
given an initial capital letter but the species name is lowercase. collaborate
● Define binomial nomenclature. throughout the A&B What's in a Name? (G-form
● State four rules of binomial nomenclature formatting. world. Agreed questions)
● Outline why the binomial naming system is used in conventions and
science rather than local names. common Exploring Diversity and Classification of
terminology Life with LifeGate2022
7 Dichotomous 🔴AHL A3.1.14 — Engagement with local plant or animal species TOK: Are Notes A3.1.14
keys to develop a dichotomous key. Application of skills: Students classification
should engage with local plant or animal species to develop a systems invented or Canvas: dichotomous keys challenge
dichotomous key. discovered?
● Explain the use of a dichotomous key in the Dichotomous key lab
identification of a specimen. ● Aquatic insects
● Demonstrate use of a dichotomous key given an ● Invertebrates
unknown specimen. ● Seeds, leaves and flowers
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8 Variation as a 🔴A3.1.1— Variation between organisms as a defining feature of TOK: What are the Notes A3.1.1 (note: at this point the
feature of life life. Students should understand that no two individuals are consequences of focus is on variation as a feature of life.
identical in all their traits. The patterns of variation are complex exaggerating the The sources of variation are included but
and are the basis for naming and classifying organisms. amount of variation not emphasized in this unit)
● Define organism. between organisms?
● Define variation. Darwin on variation reading
● List sources of genetic variation within a species.
● Compare discrete and continuous variation. Variation card sort (sort into groups of 3
● Compare variation within and between species. cards)
🟢 D3.2.15— Box-and-whisker plots to represent data for a TOK: Why are many Notes D3.2.15
continuous variable such as student height. Application of of the phenomena in
skills: Students should use a box-and-whisker plot to display six the natural sciences Descriptive statistics readings:
aspects of data: outliers, minimum, first quartile, median, third described using the ● measures of central tendency
quartile and maximum. A data point is categorized as an outlier language of ● measures of spread
if it is more than 1.5 × IQR (interquartile range) above the third mathematics? ● selecting the correct graph
quartile or below the first quartile.
● Compare quantitative and qualitative data. Quantifying variation lab directions and
● Compare discrete and continuous data. data collection G-form
● Determine if a data set contains an outlier.
● Quantify variation using descriptive statistics. Analysis directions and template for
● Create visualizations of biological variation using graphs. quantifying variation (first slide is the
student handout, prints 11X17, see this
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Prior to quiz:
● Command terms “I have-who
● Reminder about academic
Unit Quiz
Graphing (T3.4)
● Sketch graphs, with labeled but unscaled axes, to qualitatively describe trends
● Construct and interpret tables, charts and graphs for raw and processed data including bar charts, histograms, scatter graphs, line and curve
graphs, logarithmic graphs, pie charts, and box-and-whisker plot
● Draw and interpret uncertainty/error bars
● Design dichotomous keys
The earliest evidence of life on Earth dates from at least 3.5 billion years ago. Through reproduction and natural selection, life has diversified
tremendously, occupying a wide variety of niches. This diversity makes biology both a deeply fascinating and significantly challenging study.
The study of life makes progress through not only advances in techniques, but also pattern recognition, controlled experiments and collaboration
between scientists. Unifying themes provide frameworks for interpretation and help us make sense of the living world: Form and function, Unity and
diversity, Continuity and change, and Interaction and interdependence are four of the themes around which this biology syllabus is constructed,
although other frameworks are possible.
The scale of life in biology ranges from the molecules and cells of organisms to ecosystems and the biosphere. This way of considering complex
systems as simpler components—an approach known as reductionism—makes systems more manageable to study. It is the foundation of
controlled experiments and has thus enabled major discoveries, but it provides an incomplete view of life. At each level of biological organization,
different properties exist. Living systems are based on interactions, interdependence and integration of components between all levels of biological
A student of biology should gain not only a conceptual understanding of the subject, but also an awareness of how biologists construct knowledge
claims and the limitations of these methods.”