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This template enables users to compile an investment account statement for any fixed term dep
interest calculations that are based on daily investment account balances and capitalized to the i
template provides for multiple investments of funds, withdrawals of funds, interest payments, ba
accounts can be compiled for any investment period.

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or any fixed term deposit. The investment account statement includes
d capitalized to the investment account on any user defined date. The
nterest payments, bank charges, interest rate changes and investment

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Excel Skills | Fixed Term Deposits Template

This template enables users to compile an investment account statement for any fixed term deposit. The investment account s
calculations that are based on daily investment account balances and capitalized to the investment account on any user de
provides for multiple investments of funds, withdrawal of funds, interest payments, bank charges, interest rate changes and inv
compiled for any investment period.

The main purpose of this template is to compile investment accounts and calculate interest based on the same calculation meth
most financial institutions. This template can be used to recalculate the amounts on account statements received from financial in
used to compile account statements for informal investments.

Important: If you use this template to compile investment account statements for your clients, the investment account statement
converted to a PDF format before being e-mailed to clients. You are not allowed to send the template in its current file format
because this would fall outside the scope of a single user license and result in a copyright infringement.

Worksheet Summary

The main purpose of each worksheet is as follows:

TransCode - includes the default transaction types that need to be selected when entering investment account transactions. Ad
can also be added to the default list of transactions codes.
Statement - all investment account transactions should be recorded on this sheet. All the interest and investment account ba
template are based on the transactions that are recorded on this sheet. Note that the Statement sheet includes 10 columns but o
require user input (the columns with the yellow column headings).
Summary - includes a monthly summary of investment account transactions that is calculated from the Statement sheet. No use

Note: The template includes a lot of complex formulas and has been designed within a specific worksheet structure. We therefore d
additional rows or columns within the existing worksheet framework because it may result in errors or inaccurate calculations b
therefore want to add your own calculations to the template, we recommend inserting a new worksheet for this purpose.

Transaction Codes

The TransCode sheet contains a list of 6 default transaction types that can be used to record transactions on the investment accou
transaction types should be left unchanged but you can add additional transaction types to the list if required. Each of the defau
specific purpose and if you therefore change the type of transaction that is associated with the default transaction code, you may
in the template calculations.

All the transaction types on the TransCode sheet are included in list boxes in column B on the Statement sheet. Additional transac
to the default list of transaction types are also available for selection from these list boxes. You will therefore be able to enter th
these transaction types on the Statement sheet but note that all transaction types with transaction codes greater than or equal to
one column on the Summary sheet (column H).

Note: The contents on the TransCode sheet have been included in an Excel table. A new transaction code can therefore be crea
new code in the first empty cell below the table in column A. The table will then be extended automatically to include the new transa

Investment Account Transactions

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Excel Skills | Fixed Term Deposits Template

All investment account transactions need to be recorded on the Statement sheet. This sheet includes 10 columns but only four
user input (columns with a yellow column heading). The contents of this sheet have been included in an Excel table which means
blue column headings (containing formulas) will automatically be copied for all new transactions that are recorded.

When you therefore record any transaction, you will need to enter a date (in column A), select a transaction type from the list box
interest rate (only if an interest rate change transaction is being recorded, otherwise enter 0%), enter a transaction amount in colu
all the other columns will automatically be copied from one of the existing rows in the Excel table.

Note: New transactions can be recorded by simply entering a transaction date in the first blank cell below the Excel table in colu
automatically be extended to include the new transaction and all the formulas in the columns with a light blue column heading w
into the new transaction row.

The following important guidelines should be followed when recording transactions on the Statement sheet:

The first transaction that should be recorded on this sheet should always be an interest rate change transaction (transaction typ
should be recorded on the same date as the first transaction on your investment account statement. The interest rate that is ap
should be entered in column D and the transaction amount in column E should be nil (the transaction amount for all interest rate ch
always be nil). This entry establishes the interest rate that should be used to calculate interest from the beginning of the investmen

All the transactions that are recorded on the Statement sheet should form part of a continuous cell range. There should therefore b
transactions, otherwise the investment account balances and therefore also the interest calculations will be inaccurate.
All transactions should be recorded or sorted in an ascending date sequence (oldest transactions first). If you enter a transaction th
transaction date will be highlighted in red. This error can be corrected by simply sorting all the transactions on the Statement shee
the date in the first column. By sorting the transactions in the correct order, you will ensure that the date sequence is rect
calculations are accurate.
Interest is only capitalized to the investment account when you record an interest capitalization transaction (transaction type 4). T
column E should be nil because the monthly interest capitalization calculation is performed automatically through the formula
column F. This interest calculation only applies to transaction type 4 - if you therefore enter the incorrect transaction type, the inte
to the investment account.

It is imperative that you don't replace any of the formulas in the columns with light blue column headings with alternative value
inaccurate calculations. We recommend that you save the template under a default file name after downloading it and save each
a different file name. You will then be able to revert back to the original template if you delete any of the formulas by accident.
All transaction amounts except for withdrawals of funds, bank charges and interest payments should be entered as positive v
charges and interest payments should be entered as negative values - if you enter positive values for any of these transactions, th
be highlighted in orange.

The following section covers the default transaction types that should be recorded on the Statement sheet:

Investment of Funds

The Investments of Funds transaction type should be used for all deposits of funds into the investment account. This includes the
and all subsequent deposits into the investment account. You can record as many investments of funds as required by simply
transaction date, selecting transaction type 1 and entering the appropriate amount in the Transaction Amount column (column E)
should be entered as positive amounts. If you enter a negative amount, the amount will be highlighted in orange until the error is re

Withdrawal of Funds

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Excel Skills | Fixed Term Deposits Template

Any withdrawal of a capital amount from the investment should be recorded by using transaction type 2. Note that capital withdraw
and interest payments. Withdrawals need to be recorded by entering the appropriate transaction date, selecting transaction ty
column B and entering the withdrawal amount as a negative value in the Transaction amount column. If you enter a positive am
highlighted in orange until the error is rectified.

Bank Charges

All bank charges should be recorded by entering the appropriate transaction date, selecting transaction type 3 from the list box in c
appropriate amount as a negative value in the Transaction amount column. If you enter a positive amount, the amount will be high
error is rectified.

Interest Capitalization

The interest calculations in this template are based on the daily investment account balances. All transactions except for interest
are included in the daily investment account balance as if the transactions occurred at the beginning of the day. Interest capit
deemed to occur at the end of the transaction day. This means that the day on which the interest capitalization transaction is re
interest that is calculated. This principle is best explained by way of an example.

Example: If we assume that the previous interest capitalization occurred on the 28th of February and a withdrawal of funds transac
of March, a bank charge transaction is recorded on the 25 of March and an interest capitalization transaction is recorded on the 28
days will be included in the interest calculations:

the withdrawal of funds transaction will be deducted from the closing account balance of the 4th of March and interest on this bala
20 days (the 24th minus the 4th). Note that a transaction date of the 4th is used in the calculation because it is deemed that the w
beginning of the 5th and the transaction amount therefore effectively forms part of the closing balance on the 4th.
the previous month's closing balance will be included in the interest calculation of the current month for 4 days.
similarly, the bank charge transaction (recorded on the 25th) is deemed to have formed part of the closing balance of the 24th - th
4th from the 24th and not the 25th.
interest capitalization transactions are however deemed to have occurred at the end of the transaction day. The interest calcu
interest capitalization transaction is processed (the 28th) will therefore be based on 4 days (the 28th minus the 24th) even
transaction was recorded on the 25th.

if you add up the three interest calculations, you'll notice that the interest calculations covered the full 28 day period up to the 28th o

All interest calculations are automatically performed based on the transactions that are recorded on the Statement sheet. As we'
imperative that all transactions are recorded in the correct date sequence (ascending date order), otherwise the interest calculati
Interest is calculated by applying the appropriate interest rate to the previous transaction's closing balance and based on th
calculated by applying the transaction date principles that we've just explained.

The calculated interest accrual is only capitalized to the investment account when you enter an interest capitalization tran
don't record this type of transaction on the investment account, no interest will be capitalized to the investment accou
account statement will not be accurate! It is therefore imperative that you add an interest capitalization transaction to the
the appropriate interest capitalization dates.

Interest can be capitalized on any date whether it is a month end date or any other day of the month. You can therefore c
last day of each month by simply entering an interest capitalization transaction on the last day of each month or you c
(say) the 27th of each month by simply entering an interest capitalization transaction on the 27th of each month. The
calculates the days that should be included in the interest calculation based on the date of the previous transaction that h

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Excel Skills | Fixed Term Deposits Template

Interest capitalization transactions can be recorded by entering the transaction date, selecting transaction type 4 and ente
Transaction Amount column. The amount of interest that will be capitalized is calculated in column F and is automatically added
balance in column G.

Note: When entering an interest capitalization transaction, you should not enter a transaction amount in column E. If you enter a
value, the value will be highlighted in orange until the error is rectified.

Note: If the interest that is earned on an investment account is paid out at regular intervals, you should still record th
transactions and also record the interest payments by using transaction type 6. All interest payments should be record
and will be included in a separate column on the Summary sheet. If you record an interest payment as a positive va
highlighted in orange.

Interest Rate Changes

This template accommodates an unlimited number of interest rate changes. An interest rate change can be recorded on the Statem
effective date of the interest rate change in column A, selecting transaction type 5, entering the new interest rate in column D an
the Transaction Amount column. You'll notice that the interest rate in column H (used in all interest calculations) changes to the
been recorded. Interest on all subsequent transactions will be calculated based on the new interest rate (until the next interest r

Note: When entering an interest rate change transaction, you should not enter a transaction amount in column E. If you enter a
value, the value will be highlighted in orange until the error is rectified.

As we've mentioned before, the first transaction that should be recorded on the Statement sheet is an interest rate c
transaction establishes the interest rate that should be used to calculate interest from the beginning of the investment
transaction, the interest rate that will be used to calculate interest on the initial investment account balance will be
therefore be calculated and capitalized to the investment account until an interest rate is defined.

Interest rate changes can only be recorded by using transaction type 5 - if you enter a new interest rate in column D and select a
the interest rate change will not have any effect on the interest calculations. We have added conditional formatting to column D to

Other Charges

As we've mentioned before, you can add additional transaction types to the TransCode sheet and select the appropriate transact
in column B on the Statement sheet when recording transactions. All additional transaction types will be included in a single c
Summary sheet.

Investment Account Statement

All investment account transactions should be entered on the Statement sheet in accordance with the guidance provided in th
reading through the previous section, you should be able to record all the transactions on the Statement sheet and we'll now
calculated columns (columns with a light blue column heading) on this sheet.

The transaction description in column C has been included on the Statement sheet so that it is easy to identify the transaction typ
the list boxes in column B. The list boxes only include the transaction type numbers - we've therefore included the description in co
review the transaction type that has been selected.

The capitalized interest in column F represents the amount of interest that is capitalized to the investment account on the approp
we've mentioned before, an interest capitalization amount will only be calculated if transaction type 4 is selected in column B.

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Excel Skills | Fixed Term Deposits Template

This amount is the total of all the accrued interest amounts in column J since the previous interest capitalization transaction
calculated based on the interest rate in column H, the interest days in column I and the previous transaction's closing balance in c
account balance on each transaction date is calculated in column G.

Investment Account Summary

The Summary sheet includes a complete breakdown of the movements on the investment account for all monthly periods. All th
calculated from the transactions that are entered on the Statement sheet. No user input is required on this sheet - users are on
Excel table for the appropriate number of new rows in order to add the required number of monthly periods to the summary.

Note: The contents of this sheet have been included in an Excel table. The table can be extended by clicking the arrow in the botto
and dragging the table border downwards for the required number of rows. All the formulas that are included in the table will be cop

The first monthly period on the Summary sheet is determined by the transaction date of the first transaction on the Statement shee
row 4 on the Statement sheet therefore determines which monthly period is displayed in the first row on the Summary sheet. All su
on the Summary sheet are calculated based on the first monthly period.

The Investment of Funds column is calculated based on all the transactions with a transaction type of 1 on the Statement she
(transaction type 2), bank charges (transaction type 3), interest capitalization (transaction type 4), interest payments (transaction
(all transaction types greater than 6 that have been added to the TransCode sheet) are also calculated based on the transaction
that are recorded on the Statement sheet.

As we've mentioned before, interest is only capitalized to the investment account when an interest capitalization transaction is re
sheet. If you note that a nil value is displayed for any monthly period in the Interest Capitalized column (column F), it means tha
transaction has not been recorded on the Statement sheet for the particular month. If an interest amount should have been capita
transaction on the appropriate transaction date

The Summary sheet can be used to analyze the movements on an investment account on a monthly basis. It is therefore an
reviewing the investment account transaction and balance history.

Help & Customization

If you experience any difficulty while using this template and you are not able to find the appropriate guidance in these instruc for assistance. This template has been designed with flexibility in mind to ensure that it can be
environments. If however you need an Excel based template that is customized specifically for your business requirements, p
function and provide a brief explanation of your requirements.

© Copyright

This template remains the intellectual property of and is protected by international copyright laws. Any public
template outside the scope of the permitted use of the template is expressly prohibited. In terms of the permitted use of this templa
the template to persons within the same organisation as the registered user or persons outside the organisation who can reasonab
access to the template as a direct result of the use of the template by the registered user is allowed. Subsequent distribution o
outside of the organisation is however expressly prohibited and represents an infringement of international copyright laws.

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Transaction Codes

Code Transaction Type

1 Investment of Funds
2 Withdrawal of Funds
3 Bank Charges
On this sheet:
4 Interest Capitalized
This sheet includes the default investment account
5 Interest Rate Change
transaction types. Additional transaction types can be
6 Interest Paid
added to the list by entering the new codes below the last
default code. The transaction types entered on this sheet
are included in a list box on the “Statement” sheet.

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Investment Account Statement

New Interest Transaction Capitalized Account Interest Interest Accrued

Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Rate Days Interest
4/1/2019 5 Interest Rate Change 7.00% - - - 7.00% 0 -
4/1/2019 1 Investment of Funds 0.00% 250,000.00 - 250,000.00 7.00% 0 -
4/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 249,930.00 7.00% 24 1,150.68
4/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,294.48 251,224.48 7.00% 3 143.80
5/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 251,154.48 7.00% 27 1,300.86
5/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,445.36 252,599.84 7.00% 3 144.50
6/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 252,529.84 7.00% 28 1,356.43
On this sheet:
6/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,501.72 254,031.56 7.00% 3 145.29
All investment account transactions should be recorded on this sheet in order to calculate the
7/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 253,961.56 7.00% 27 1,315.40
investment account statement balances. The calculations on this sheet accommodate an unlimited
7/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,461.51 255,423.07 7.00% 3 146.11
number of interest rate changes and facilitate daily interest calculations. Investment account
8/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 255,353.07 7.00% 28 1,371.59
balances are calculated and displayed on all transaction dates. User input is limited to entering the
8/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,518.50 256,871.57 7.00% 3 146.92
transaction date, transaction code, new interest rate (only for interest rate changes) and the
9/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 256,801.57 7.00% 28 1,379.37
transaction amount. All the columns with light blue column headings contain formulas which are
9/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00%
automatically copied for all new transactions added to the table. - 1,527.11 258,328.69 7.00% 3 147.75
10/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 258,258.69 7.00% 27 1,337.65
10/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,486.23 259,744.92 7.00% 3 148.59
11/23/2019 5 Interest Rate Change 7.25% - - 259,744.92 7.25% 26 1,295.17
11/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 259,674.92 7.25% 2 103.19
11/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,553.09 261,228.01 7.25% 3 154.74
12/25/2019 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -70.00 - 261,158.01 7.25% 27 1,400.97
12/27/2019 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,556.59 262,714.60 7.25% 3 155.62
1/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 262,639.60 7.25% 28 1,461.13
1/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,617.63 264,257.23 7.25% 3 156.50
2/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 264,182.23 7.25% 28 1,469.70
2/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,627.13 265,809.36 7.25% 3 157.42
3/1/2020 2 Withdrawal of Funds 0.00% -50,000.00 - 215,809.36 7.25% 2 105.60
3/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 215,734.36 7.25% 24 1,028.79
3/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,262.94 216,997.30 7.25% 3 128.55
4/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 216,922.30 7.25% 28 1,206.86
4/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,336.12 218,258.42 7.25% 3 129.26
5/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 218,183.42 7.25% 27 1,170.52
5/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,300.54 219,483.96 7.25% 3 130.01
6/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 219,408.96 7.25% 28 1,220.69
6/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,351.44 220,760.39 7.25% 3 130.74
7/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 220,685.39 7.25% 27 1,183.94
7/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,315.45 222,000.84 7.25% 3 131.50

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Investment Account Statement

New Interest Transaction Capitalized Account Interest Interest Accrued

Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Rate Days Interest
8/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 221,925.84 7.25% 28 1,234.69
8/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,366.93 223,292.77 7.25% 3 132.24
9/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 223,217.77 7.25% 28 1,241.87
9/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,374.89 224,592.66 7.25% 3 133.01
10/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 224,517.66 7.25% 27 1,204.49
10/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,338.28 225,855.94 7.25% 3 133.79
11/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 225,780.94 7.25% 28 1,256.13
11/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,390.67 227,171.61 7.25% 3 134.54
12/25/2020 3 Bank Charges 0.00% -75.00 - 227,096.61 7.25% 27 1,218.32
12/27/2020 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,353.65 228,450.26 7.25% 3 135.32

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Investment Summary

Total Investment of Funds 250,000.00 Total Interest Capitalized 29,980.26

Total Withdrawal of Funds -50,000.00 Total Interest Paid -
Total Bank Charges -1,530.00 Total Other Costs -

Opening Investment of Withdrawal of Interest Interest Other

Month Balance Funds Funds Bank Charges Capitalized Paid Charges Closing Balance
Apr-2019 - 250,000.00 - -70.00 1,294.48 - - 251,224.48
May-2019 251,224.48 - - -70.00 1,445.36 - - 252,599.84
Jun-2019 252,599.84 - - -70.00 1,501.72 - - 254,031.56
Jul-2019 254,031.56 - - -70.00 1,461.51 - - 255,423.07
Aug-2019 255,423.07 - - -70.00 1,518.50 - - 256,871.57
Sep-2019 256,871.57 - - -70.00 1,527.11 - - 258,328.69
On this sheet:
Oct-2019 258,328.69 - - -70.00 1,486.23 - - 259,744.92
All the amounts on this investment account summary are automatically
Nov-2019 259,744.92 - - -70.00 1,553.09 - - 261,228.01
calculated based on the transactions recorded on the “Statement” sheet.
Dec-2019 261,228.01 - - -70.00 1,556.59 - - 262,714.60
You can add additional monthly periods to the sheet by simply extending
Jan-2020 262,714.60 - - -75.00 1,617.63 - - 264,257.23
the table to include the required number of additional rows. No user input is
Feb-2020 264,257.23 - - -75.00 1,627.13 - - 265,809.36
required on this sheet.
Mar-2020 265,809.36 - -50,000.00 -75.00 1,262.94 - - 216,997.30
Apr-2020 216,997.30 - - -75.00 1,336.12 - - 218,258.42
May-2020 218,258.42 - - -75.00 1,300.54 - - 219,483.96
Jun-2020 219,483.96 - - -75.00 1,351.44 - - 220,760.39
Jul-2020 220,760.39 - - -75.00 1,315.45 - - 222,000.84
Aug-2020 222,000.84 - - -75.00 1,366.93 - - 223,292.77
Sep-2020 223,292.77 - - -75.00 1,374.89 - - 224,592.66
Oct-2020 224,592.66 - - -75.00 1,338.28 - - 225,855.94
Nov-2020 225,855.94 - - -75.00 1,390.67 - - 227,171.61
Dec-2020 227,171.61 - - -75.00 1,353.65 - - 228,450.26

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