Tests for the functional groups.docx_20241209_202126_0000
Tests for the functional groups.docx_20241209_202126_0000
Tests for the functional groups.docx_20241209_202126_0000
Disappearance of Compound is
orange-red colour of unsaturated.
Dissolve a little of the given organic bromine.
Bromine Test compound in about 2 ml of distilled
water in a test tube and add few drops of
bromine water to it and shake well.
No disappearance of Compound is
orange-red colour. saturated.
effervescence is
Take about 1 ml of the given liquid in a dry test due to the
Sodium metal tube, add about 1gram of anhydrous calcium Brisk evolution of
Test sulphate and shake well to remove water. Filter effervescence is hydrogen gas
the liquid into another clean dry test tube and produced. indicating the
add a small piece of sodium metal.
presence of
alcoholic group.
Place a drop of the given liquid (or a crystal if Blue litmus turns to Presence of
Litmus Test solid) on a moist blue litmus paper. red. phenoilc group.
Place a drop of the given liquid (or a crystal if Blue litmus turns to Presence of
Litmus Test
solid) on a moist blue litmus paper. red. carboxylic group.
Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test Brisk effervescence Presence of
tube and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it. is observed. carboxylic group.
Carbonate Test
Place a drop of the given liquid (or a pinch of Red litmus turns Compound may be
Litmus Test solid) on a moist red litmus paper. to blue. amine.
Presence of
Bubbles of nitrogen primary aliphatic
gas. amine.
Make a solution of about 1 g of sodium nitrite
in about 5 ml distilled water in a test tube and
cool it in an ice bath. In a separate test tube,
Nitrous acid Presence of
dissolve a small quantity of the given Formation of a yellow
Test secondary
compound in about 1 ml of conc. sulphuric acid oily layer.
and cool this also in ice bath. Mix both the
Presence of
No visible change. tertiary amine.
No precipitate (clear
solution). On addition Presence of
of conc. HCl, insoluble primary amine.
material is seen.
Take a small quantity of the given compound in
a clean test tube, add about 2 ml of 25% NaOH,
2 ml of water and 1 ml of benzene sulphonyl Precipitate is formed in
Hinsberg Test chloride. Shake the mixture for about 10 Presence of
the test tube. It does
minutes and then cool under tap water and secondary
not dissolve in conc.
note the formation of precipitate. Treat the HCl. amine.
precipitate with 2 ml of conc.HCl.
Precipitate is formed in
Presence of
the test tube. It
tertiary amine.
dissolves in conc. HCl.