Tank system
Tank system
Tank system
Design and Implementation of Two Tank Conical Interacting System Using Intelligent
Technique (PSO)
Abstract— This paper deals with the modeling and liquid level and main goal is to track the set point of the liquid
control of highly Non linear system using intelligent technique level for the requirement given. In olden days, the traditional
namely Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Control of method called classical PID is used for controlling the process
process or process variable in process industries always variable To implement PID controller , three parameters
employ a non linear system i.e., Two Tank Interacting proportional gain , integral gain and derivative gain are to
Conical tank System (TTICS) is to be chosen due to its
determined very accurately and many approaches liken Ziegler
greater advantage. Conical tank system has varying cross
sectional area, and its level (process variable) is constantly Nichols , Cohen coon method were developed [6]. In these
changing and exhibits a non linear dynamic behavior and so traditional approaches the steady state is not achieved properly
controlling of this system becomes a challenging problem. So and it doesn’t track the set point accurately because correct
in this proposed work, the mathematical modeling for a tuning parameters are not identified. To overcome this
TTICS is obtained using real time process data. weakness, the new artificial techniques or intelligent
So for controlling the level of the process for proposed techniques like Genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization,
system, the process is tuned using the intelligent technique and particle swarm optimization are introduced in order to
called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in which it is tune the process and tuned parameters are given to the non
guided by cost function, which considers the minimization of
linear system to control the process variable. Here in this
Integral Square Error (ISE), Integral Absolute Error (IAE)
and settling time. It is evident, from the simulation results proposed work, an attempt is made to control the process
that the control of level for the process is tracked and its variable for a TTICS using particle swarm optimization. In
effectiveness is compared based on the various performances fact, the PSO technique can produce highly optimized and
indices which has also been tuned using other tuning method solution within the shorter computation time and has stable
like Ziegler Nichols method. convergence characteristics [7]. Thus for this advantage, the
PSO technique has found attention towards wide applications.
Keywords—TTICS, Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Cost II. PROCESS DESCRIPTION
Function, ISE , IAE.
A. Mathematical Modeling of TTICS
I. INTRODUCTION Mathematical model is the one which gives complete
A system is said to be non linear when the description about the process under consideration using some
performance can’t be described by equations of first order mathematical concepts [14] [15]. The process that involves in
[14][15]. In most cases the process are non linear and its developing a mathematical model is termed as mathematical
mathematical modeling is unable to provide the general and modeling. Mathematical modeling of the liquid tank system is
accurate solutions. Comparing to linear systems, the non linear derived using the Total Mass Balance Equation. According to
systems are difficult to understand and solve them. But most that principle,
of the process industries use cylindrical, conical, spherical
tanks which are basically non linear due to its varying cross
sectional areas and its major goal is to control the process In TTICS, the process contains two identical conical
variable. Comparing to other conventional tanks, conical tanks tanks; the two identical pumps deliver the liquid flows Fin1 and
offers many advantage such as inexpensive, reduced product Fin2 to the tank 1 and tank 2 respectively through the two
losses. control valves MV1 and MV2 which acts as a manipulated
Liquid level control systems is the one which mainly variable [1] [2]. The two tanks under consideration should
involve to control the manipulated parameter of liquid level, have the same cross sectional area expect the outlet because it
which in industry have a wide range of applications in various has a non linear behavior. Our main objective in mathematical
automation fields. As for the industrial production process is modeling is to find the transfer function for the system that is
considered, there are many places that need to control the relation between output variable H2(s)
Specification H2=15 Cm H2=25Cm TABLE 5 Performance Criteria of TTICS tuned using ZN-PID Controller
Maximum Overshoot 5 4
From the graph, it has seen that approximately around in (Mp) (Sec)
25 iterations the PSO method can prompt convergence and
obtain good evaluation value, thus achieve better performance
criterion that are rise time, settling time, percentage of Table 6 shows the performance comparison for
overshoot and steady state error condition. various time domain indices i.e. IAE and ISE error values, it
B. TTICS Tuned for Ziegler Nichols Method depicts that PSO method performs well compared to ZN
In order to emphasize the advantage of proposed method because the error values are very less in PSO tuned
PSO-PID controller, the Ziegler Nichols method has PID controller for TTICS
adopted[12]. The simulation results shown in Fig 4, depicts
the step response of the system for different set points (15 cm TABLE 6 Performance Indices Comparison
and 25 cm) tuned using Ziegler Nichols method. Compared
to PSO – PID method, the ZN method will follow the set Set point Controller ISE IAE
point with larger overshoot time in the initial condition. (Cm)
There will be larger error between the desired response to the
actual response of the system i.e., IAE, ISE values are larger. 15 PSO 145.6 173.2
TABLE 4 PSO - PID Tuning Values for various operating points ZN 152.5 181.7
when Ziegler Nichols Method
Tuning Parameters 25 PSO 153.5 184.6
15 0.8 0.032 0
25 1.2 0.06 0
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