Microsoft Word - Top 500 Adjectives
Microsoft Word - Top 500 Adjectives
Microsoft Word - Top 500 Adjectives
Out of the 2265 most frequently used words, 528 were identified as adjectives.
However, 393 words were primarily used as adjectives, while the remaining 135 words
were different types but could be used as an adjective. For example, the word "gold" is
a noun, such as, "The price of gold is very high right now." However, it can also be an
adjective, "The gold trims are beautiful."
Because of the multiple meaning of words, the ordering of words were conducted by 1)
taking the frequency of only adjective types, then 2) taking the frequency of (adjectives
+ other type), then finally 3) taking the frequency of (other type + adjectives).
There can be typos or errors. If you find anything that is incorrect, please email We will do our best to correct everything.
18 mental (adjective)
19 scared (adjective)
20 additional (adjective)
21 emotional (adjective)
22 old (adjective)
23 political (adjective)
24 similar (adjective)
25 healthy (adjective)
26 financial (adjective)
27 medical (adjective)
28 traditional (adjective)
29 federal (adjective)
30 entire (adjective)
31 strong (adjective)
32 actual (adjective)
33 significant (adjective)
34 successful (adjective)
35 electrical (adjective)
36 expensive (adjective)
37 pregnant (adjective)
38 intelligent (adjective)
39 interesting (adjective)
40 poor (adjective)
41 happy (adjective)
42 responsible (adjective)
43 cute (adjective)
44 helpful (adjective)
45 recent (adjective)
46 willing (adjective)
47 nice (adjective)
48 wonderful (adjective)
49 impossible (adjective)
50 serious (adjective)
51 huge (adjective)
Knowledge Icon C/o. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 2
52 rare (adjective)
53 technical (adjective)
54 typical (adjective)
55 competitive (adjective)
56 critical (adjective)
57 electronic (adjective)
58 immediate (adjective)
59 whose (adjective)
60 aware (adjective)
61 educational (adjective)
62 environmental (adjective)
63 global (adjective)
64 legal (adjective)
65 relevant (adjective)
66 accurate (adjective)
67 capable (adjective)
68 dangerous (adjective)
69 dramatic (adjective)
70 efficient (adjective)
71 powerful (adjective)
72 foreign (adjective)
73 hungry (adjective)
74 practical (adjective)
75 psychological (adjective)
76 severe (adjective)
77 suitable (adjective)
78 numerous (adjective)
79 sufficient (adjective)
80 unusual (adjective)
81 consistent (adjective)
82 cultural (adjective)
83 existing (adjective)
84 famous (adjective)
85 pure (adjective)
Knowledge Icon C/o. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 3
86 afraid (adjective)
87 obvious (adjective)
88 careful (adjective)
89 latter (adjective)
90 obviously (adjective)
91 unhappy (adjective)
92 acceptable (adjective)
93 aggressive (adjective)
94 distinct (adjective)
95 eastern (adjective)
96 logical (adjective)
97 reasonable (adjective)
98 strict (adjective)
99 successfully (adjective)
100 administrative (adjective)
101 automatic (adjective)
102 civil (adjective)
103 former (adjective)
104 massive (adjective)
105 southern (adjective)
106 unfair (adjective)
107 visible (adjective)
108 alive (adjective)
109 angry (adjective)
110 desperate (adjective)
111 exciting (adjective)
112 friendly (adjective)
113 lucky (adjective)
114 realistic (adjective)
115 sorry (adjective)
116 ugly (adjective)
117 unlikely (adjective)
118 anxious (adjective)
119 comprehensive (adjective)
Knowledge Icon C/o. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 4
Knowledge Icon C/o. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 7
Knowledge Icon C/o. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 8
Knowledge Icon C/o. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 14
Knowledge Icon C/o. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 16
Knowledge Icon C/o. Dream Weavers Group, PPR Mall, SCO 1‐12, 4th Floor, Jalandhar. 17