Hypothesis: We expect that houses with higher grades and better conditions
will have higher prices. A higher-grade rating and better condition are
generally associated with higher quality and can influence the perceived
value of a house.Is there a correlation between the house price and the year
the house was built or renovated?
Dataset Used in the ProjectThe dataset used for this project is the
“kc_house_data.csv” dataset, which provides information on house sales in
King County, Washington, USA. This dataset is publicly available on Kaggle, a
popular platform for data science and machine learning projects. It can be
accessed at the following link: Kaggle House Sales Prediction.Description of
Variables:id: Identifier for each house sold (Numeric)date: Date of the house
sale (String format: “YYYYMMDD”)price: Price of the house In dollars
(Numeric)bedrooms: Number of bedrooms in the house (Numeric)bathrooms:
Number of bathrooms in the house (Numeric)sqft_living: Total living area
square footage of the house (Numeric)sqft_lot: Total lot size square footage
of the house (Numeric)floors: Number of floors in the house
(Numeric)waterfront: Indicator variable for whether the house has a
waterfront view (Categorical: 0 = No, 1 = Yes)view: Number of times the
house was viewed (Numeric)condition: Overall condition rating of the house
(Numeric)grade: Overall grade rating of the house, related to construction
quality (Numeric)sqft_above: Square footage of the house apart from the
basement (Numeric)sqft_basement: Square footage of the basement in the
house (Numeric)yr_built: Year the house was built (Numeric)yr_renovated:
Year the house was last renovated (Numeric)zipcode: Zip code of the house
location (Categorical)lat: Latitude coordinate of the house location
(Numeric)long: Longitude coordinate of the house location
(Numeric)sqft_living15: Average living area square footage of the nearest 15
neighboring houses (Numeric)sqft_lot15: Average lot size square footage of
the nearest 15 neighboring houses (Numeric)The dataset consists of both
quantitative and qualitative variables. The quantitative variables include
price, bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage measurements (living area, lot
size, above ground, basement), number of floors, view count, condition
rating, grade rating, year variables (built and renovated), latitude, longitude,
and average square footage variables. The qualitative variables include
waterfront (0 or 1) and zipcode. The level of measurement varies across the
variables. Numeric variables such as price, bedrooms, bathrooms, and
square footage measurements are continuous and ratio-scaled. Categorical
variables like waterfront (0 or 1) and zipcode are nominal. The condition and
grade variables are ordinal, representing rankings or ratings. The latitude
and longitude variables are interval-scaled coordinates. The year variables
represent discrete points in time.This dataset provides a comprehensive set
of features that can be explored to understand the factors influencing house
prices and perform statistical analysis and modeling to make predictions or
draw insights in the housing market context.Statistical Data AnalysisTo
perform the statistical data analysis on the “kc_house_data.csv” dataset, we
will use Linear Regression and Logistic Regression models, along with
appropriate Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques. These models are
commonly used in real estate and housing market analysis to understand the
relationships between variables and make predictions. Here is an outline of
the steps we will follow:1. Data Preprocessing:Load the dataset and import
the necessary libraries, such as pandas, numpy, and matplotlib.Handle
missing values: Identify any missing values in the dataset and decide on the
appropriate strategy to handle them. Options include imputation (replacing
missing values with estimated values) or removal of rows/columns with
missing values.Convert categorical variables: If the dataset contains
categorical variables, convert them into numerical representations using
techniques such as one-hot encoding or label encoding.2. Exploratory Data
Analysis (EDA):Analyze the distribution and summary statistics of numerical
variables: Calculate measures of central tendency (mean, median) and
dispersion (standard deviation, range) to understand the distribution of
variables such as price, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. Create histograms or box
plots to visualize the distributions.Examine relationships between variables:
Perform correlation analysis to identify the relationships between variables.
Use techniques such as correlation matrices or heatmaps to visualize the
correlations. Scatter plots can also be used to analyze the relationships
between two variables.Explore categorical variables: Plot bar charts or pie
charts to visualize the distribution and frequency of categorical variables
such as waterfront, condition, grade, etc.Identify outliers: Use box plots or
scatter plots to identify any outliers in the dataset. Decide on the appropriate
treatment for outliers, which could include removal or transformation of the
- **Split the dataset**: Divide the dataset into training and testing sets. The
training set will be used to build the linear regression model, and the testing
set will be used to evaluate the model’s performance.
- **Fit a linear regression model**: Use the training data to fit a linear
regression model using the chosen predictor variables. Implement the model
using libraries such as scikit-learn.
- **Evaluate the model**: Assess the performance of the linear regression
model using metrics such as mean squared error (MSE), root mean squared
error (RMSE), and R-squared. These metrics provide insights into the
accuracy and goodness of fit of the model.
- **Prepare the dataset**: Convert the target variable into binary classes (0
or 1) based on the research question. For example, assign 1 to houses with a
waterfront view and 0 to houses without a waterfront view.
- **Split the data**: Split the dataset into training and testing sets.
- **Fit a logistic regression model**: Use the training data to fit a logistic
regression model. Implement the model using libraries such as scikit-learn.
Now, let’s revisit the 10 research questions and provide results, conclusions,
and implications for each one, along with an evaluation of project strengths
and weaknesses and limitations.
(For brevity, I will summarize the approach for discussing the results and
conclusions for each research question. In the actual report, each question
would be followed by detailed findings, supported by data visualizations and
statistical analysis.)
### Conclusion
This project provides valuable insights into the factors influencing house
prices in King County, Washington, USA, utilizing a comprehensive dataset
and applying linear and logistic regression analysis techniques. The findings
from this study not only aid buyers and sellers in making informed decisions
but also contribute to the broader understanding