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Variables in the Equation

95% C.I.for EXP(B)
B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lower Upper
Step 1 When to wash feet(1) 2.169 .441 24.149 1 .000 8.751 3.684 20.786
types of floor respondent(1) 1.476 .629 5.503 1 .019 4.377 1.275 15.029
Edducation status of 3.657 3 .301
Edducation status of .979 1.031 .902 1 .342 2.663 .353 20.085
Edducation status of .216 1.034 .043 1 .835 1.241 .163 9.419
Edducation status of .041 1.131 .001 1 .971 1.042 .113 9.569
Respondent occupation 6.682 4 .154
Respondent occupation 1.900 1.558 1.488 1 .223 6.685 .316 141.546
Respondent occupation .373 1.306 .082 1 .775 1.452 .112 18.762
Respondent occupation -1.103 1.994 .306 1 .580 .332 .007 16.525
Respondent occupation -1.901 2.013 .891 1 .345 .149 .003 7.728
Respodent age category 6.257 5 .282
Respodent age category(1) .603 1.018 .350 1 .554 1.827 .248 13.442
Respodent age category(2) .289 1.099 .069 1 .792 1.336 .155 11.519
Respodent age category(3) -.650 1.137 .327 1 .567 .522 .056 4.843
Respodent age category(4) -.872 1.219 .511 1 .475 .418 .038 4.561
Respodent age category(5) -1.325 1.646 .648 1 .421 .266 .011 6.694
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.774 .528 27.640 1 .000 16.018 5.695 45.049
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.075 .418 24.647 1 .000 7.962 3.510 18.062
Q204. Is the person wearing -.653 .486 1.803 1 .179 .520 .201 1.350
shoes a time of interview? (1)
Q205. Wearing shoes at .874 .532 2.697 1 .101 2.397 .844 6.807
Q206.Wearing shoes at -.405 .606 .447 1 .504 .667 .203 2.186
Q207. Frequency of wearing 1.219 .615 3.927 1 .048 3.383 1.013 11.296
Q208. What is cleanliness of 10.200 3 .017
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .382 .530 .518 1 .472 1.465 .518 4.139
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.556 .682 5.208 1 .022 4.738 1.246 18.023
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.923 .766 6.309 1 .012 6.843 1.526 30.688
the feet at time of interview?
Q211. How do you wash your -.727 .708 1.057 1 .304 .483 .121 1.934
Q212. Do you regularly travel .332 .538 .380 1 .537 1.393 .486 3.996
by bare foot for different social
Q213.During farming do you .417 .656 .404 1 .525 1.518 .419 5.494
wear shoe?(1)
Constant -7.598 1.824 17.344 1 .000 .001
Step 2 When to wash feet(1) 2.166 .440 24.191 1 .000 8.722 3.680 20.675
types of floor respondent(1) 1.501 .629 5.697 1 .017 4.488 1.308 15.397
Edducation status of 3.523 3 .318
Edducation status of .974 1.036 .885 1 .347 2.649 .348 20.175
Edducation status of .233 1.038 .050 1 .822 1.262 .165 9.657
Edducation status of .051 1.136 .002 1 .964 1.052 .114 9.759
Respondent occupation 6.685 4 .154
Respondent occupation 1.941 1.577 1.516 1 .218 6.968 .317 153.275
Respondent occupation .412 1.325 .097 1 .756 1.510 .112 20.255
Respondent occupation -.964 1.988 .235 1 .628 .381 .008 18.781
Respondent occupation -1.965 2.032 .935 1 .334 .140 .003 7.519
Respodent age category 5.951 5 .311
Respodent age category(1) .633 1.019 .386 1 .534 1.883 .256 13.882
Respodent age category(2) .356 1.094 .106 1 .745 1.428 .167 12.190
Respodent age category(3) -.573 1.129 .258 1 .611 .564 .062 5.151
Respodent age category(4) -.747 1.204 .385 1 .535 .474 .045 5.011
Respodent age category(5) -1.075 1.595 .455 1 .500 .341 .015 7.771
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.778 .527 27.835 1 .000 16.086 5.731 45.149
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.068 .416 24.660 1 .000 7.911 3.497 17.896
Q204. Is the person wearing -.635 .486 1.708 1 .191 .530 .205 1.373
shoes a time of interview? (1)
Q205. Wearing shoes at .840 .526 2.546 1 .111 2.316 .826 6.500
Q206.Wearing shoes at -.350 .597 .344 1 .558 .705 .219 2.270
Q207. Frequency of wearing 1.236 .614 4.046 1 .044 3.442 1.032 11.477
Q208. What is cleanliness of 11.332 3 .010
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .406 .529 .589 1 .443 1.501 .532 4.237
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.601 .677 5.594 1 .018 4.956 1.315 18.670
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 2.013 .753 7.147 1 .008 7.483 1.711 32.731
the feet at time of interview?
Q211. How do you wash your -.747 .705 1.121 1 .290 .474 .119 1.888
Q213.During farming do you .488 .644 .574 1 .449 1.629 .461 5.757
wear shoe?(1)
Constant -7.722 1.841 17.594 1 .000 .000
Step 3 When to wash feet(1) 2.118 .432 24.091 1 .000 8.315 3.569 19.371
types of floor respondent(1) 1.559 .624 6.237 1 .013 4.753 1.399 16.154
Edducation status of 3.419 3 .331
Edducation status of .948 1.029 .850 1 .357 2.582 .344 19.401
Edducation status of .214 1.031 .043 1 .835 1.239 .164 9.351
Edducation status of .046 1.127 .002 1 .968 1.047 .115 9.533
Respondent occupation 6.513 4 .164
Respondent occupation 1.840 1.553 1.404 1 .236 6.295 .300 132.009
Respondent occupation .323 1.300 .062 1 .804 1.382 .108 17.676
Respondent occupation -1.032 1.971 .274 1 .600 .356 .007 16.960
Respondent occupation -1.952 2.010 .943 1 .331 .142 .003 7.297
Respodent age category 5.995 5 .307
Respodent age category(1) .639 1.022 .390 1 .532 1.894 .255 14.047
Respodent age category(2) .362 1.098 .109 1 .742 1.436 .167 12.352
Respodent age category(3) -.546 1.132 .233 1 .630 .579 .063 5.326
Respodent age category(4) -.788 1.206 .427 1 .514 .455 .043 4.835
Respodent age category(5) -1.047 1.605 .426 1 .514 .351 .015 8.146
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.726 .518 27.724 1 .000 15.273 5.536 42.133
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.053 .414 24.544 1 .000 7.788 3.457 17.542
Q204. Is the person wearing -.601 .483 1.552 1 .213 .548 .213 1.412
shoes a time of interview? (1)
Q205. Wearing shoes at .841 .528 2.537 1 .111 2.319 .824 6.528
Q207. Frequency of wearing 1.117 .578 3.731 1 .053 3.057 .984 9.498
Q208. What is cleanliness of 11.053 3 .011
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .413 .528 .610 1 .435 1.511 .536 4.255
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.587 .676 5.506 1 .019 4.889 1.299 18.403
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.946 .742 6.874 1 .009 6.999 1.634 29.972
the feet at time of interview?
Q211. How do you wash your -.746 .705 1.120 1 .290 .474 .119 1.888
Q213.During farming do you .511 .643 .631 1 .427 1.667 .472 5.883
wear shoe?(1)
Constant -7.635 1.815 17.704 1 .000 .000
Step 4a When to wash feet(1) 2.153 .429 25.241 1 .000 8.615 3.719 19.957
types of floor respondent(1) 1.602 .625 6.560 1 .010 4.962 1.457 16.906
Edducation status of 3.408 3 .333
Edducation status of 1.011 1.022 .979 1 .323 2.749 .371 20.388
Edducation status of .279 1.025 .074 1 .785 1.322 .177 9.865
Edducation status of .152 1.114 .019 1 .892 1.164 .131 10.329
Respondent occupation 6.588 4 .159
Respondent occupation 1.809 1.517 1.422 1 .233 6.104 .312 119.313
Respondent occupation .324 1.273 .065 1 .799 1.382 .114 16.749
Respondent occupation -1.186 1.944 .372 1 .542 .306 .007 13.787
Respondent occupation -1.845 2.007 .846 1 .358 .158 .003 8.066
Respodent age category 5.727 5 .334
Respodent age category(1) .568 1.004 .320 1 .572 1.764 .247 12.614
Respodent age category(2) .264 1.075 .061 1 .806 1.303 .158 10.714
Respodent age category(3) -.562 1.119 .252 1 .616 .570 .064 5.112
Respodent age category(4) -.882 1.189 .551 1 .458 .414 .040 4.255
Respodent age category(5) -1.118 1.591 .494 1 .482 .327 .014 7.392
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.749 .518 28.185 1 .000 15.623 5.663 43.099
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.066 .413 25.018 1 .000 7.892 3.513 17.732
Q204. Is the person wearing -.523 .475 1.212 1 .271 .593 .234 1.504
shoes a time of interview? (1)
Q205. Wearing shoes at .983 .500 3.869 1 .049 2.674 1.004 7.123
Q207. Frequency of wearing 1.068 .574 3.464 1 .063 2.909 .945 8.954
Q208. What is cleanliness of 11.957 3 .008
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .412 .527 .612 1 .434 1.510 .538 4.240
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.648 .673 6.005 1 .014 5.198 1.391 19.422
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.979 .739 7.170 1 .007 7.232 1.699 30.778
the feet at time of interview?
Q211. How do you wash your -.518 .636 .662 1 .416 .596 .171 2.073
Constant -7.598 1.795 17.915 1 .000 .001
Step 5 When to wash feet(1) 2.126 .427 24.771 1 .000 8.380 3.628 19.358
types of floor respondent(1) 1.480 .608 5.923 1 .015 4.394 1.334 14.474
Edducation status of 2.878 3 .411
Edducation status of .928 .997 .867 1 .352 2.530 .359 17.851
Edducation status of .282 1.005 .079 1 .779 1.326 .185 9.499
Edducation status of .164 1.100 .022 1 .881 1.179 .136 10.183
Respondent occupation 7.285 4 .122
Respondent occupation 1.821 1.518 1.439 1 .230 6.180 .315 121.154
Respondent occupation .314 1.296 .059 1 .808 1.370 .108 17.354
Respondent occupation -1.256 1.958 .412 1 .521 .285 .006 13.211
Respondent occupation -1.901 1.997 .906 1 .341 .149 .003 7.487
Respodent age category 5.549 5 .353
Respodent age category(1) .410 .973 .178 1 .673 1.507 .224 10.153
Respodent age category(2) .046 1.037 .002 1 .965 1.047 .137 7.995
Respodent age category(3) -.741 1.092 .461 1 .497 .477 .056 4.051
Respodent age category(4) -1.050 1.164 .812 1 .367 .350 .036 3.431
Respodent age category(5) -1.267 1.577 .646 1 .422 .282 .013 6.199
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.704 .514 27.624 1 .000 14.935 5.449 40.932
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.089 .412 25.693 1 .000 8.074 3.600 18.105
Q204. Is the person wearing -.555 .473 1.374 1 .241 .574 .227 1.452
shoes a time of interview? (1)
Q205. Wearing shoes at .874 .478 3.346 1 .067 2.396 .939 6.113
Q207. Frequency of wearing .969 .558 3.016 1 .082 2.637 .883 7.874
Q208. What is cleanliness of 12.595 3 .006
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .372 .522 .508 1 .476 1.450 .522 4.031
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.650 .674 6.003 1 .014 5.208 1.391 19.495
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 2.022 .742 7.419 1 .006 7.551 1.763 32.340
the feet at time of interview?
Constant -7.491 1.781 17.693 1 .000 .001
Step 6 When to wash feet(1) 2.307 .413 31.269 1 .000 10.046 4.475 22.551
types of floor respondent(1) 1.521 .593 6.581 1 .010 4.579 1.432 14.642
Respondent occupation 7.681 4 .104
Respondent occupation 1.848 1.464 1.592 1 .207 6.346 .360 111.931
Respondent occupation .417 1.226 .116 1 .734 1.518 .137 16.799
Respondent occupation -1.141 1.889 .365 1 .546 .320 .008 12.959
Respondent occupation -2.073 1.912 1.176 1 .278 .126 .003 5.331
Respodent age category 4.929 5 .425
Respodent age category(1) .633 .963 .432 1 .511 1.884 .285 12.441
Respodent age category(2) .337 .993 .115 1 .734 1.401 .200 9.818
Respodent age category(3) -.333 1.046 .102 1 .750 .717 .092 5.562
Respodent age category(4) -.744 1.134 .430 1 .512 .475 .051 4.386
Respodent age category(5) -.750 1.546 .235 1 .628 .472 .023 9.786
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.675 .507 27.839 1 .000 14.516 5.374 39.215
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.182 .406 28.872 1 .000 8.865 3.999 19.649
Q204. Is the person wearing -.610 .469 1.692 1 .193 .543 .217 1.362
shoes a time of interview? (1)
Q205. Wearing shoes at .995 .467 4.547 1 .033 2.704 1.084 6.749
Q207. Frequency of wearing .943 .551 2.927 1 .087 2.567 .872 7.558
Q208. What is cleanliness of 11.864 3 .008
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .403 .514 .612 1 .434 1.496 .546 4.099
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.633 .670 5.930 1 .015 5.117 1.375 19.039
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.977 .746 7.027 1 .008 7.219 1.674 31.131
the feet at time of interview?
Constant -7.488 1.574 22.624 1 .000 .001
Step 7 When to wash feet(1) 2.214 .402 30.282 1 .000 9.156 4.161 20.149
types of floor respondent(1) 1.599 .580 7.612 1 .006 4.948 1.589 15.407
Respondent occupation 8.809 4 .066
Respondent occupation 1.856 1.454 1.629 1 .202 6.400 .370 110.694
Respondent occupation .416 1.240 .112 1 .737 1.515 .133 17.213
Respondent occupation -1.398 1.681 .692 1 .406 .247 .009 6.664
Respondent occupation -2.232 1.960 1.298 1 .255 .107 .002 4.996
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.394 .452 28.012 1 .000 10.957 4.515 26.590
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.223 .396 31.597 1 .000 9.239 4.255 20.061
Q204. Is the person wearing -.660 .462 2.037 1 .154 .517 .209 1.279
shoes a time of interview? (1)
Q205. Wearing shoes at 1.073 .450 5.673 1 .017 2.923 1.209 7.067
Q207. Frequency of wearing .797 .517 2.377 1 .123 2.219 .805 6.114
Q208. What is cleanliness of 10.441 3 .015
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .261 .497 .274 1 .600 1.298 .490 3.440
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.506 .643 5.490 1 .019 4.507 1.279 15.883
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.643 .715 5.277 1 .022 5.170 1.273 21.001
the feet at time of interview?
Constant -7.075 1.298 29.695 1 .000 .001
Step 8 When to wash feet(1) 2.096 .389 29.084 1 .000 8.134 3.797 17.424
types of floor respondent(1) 1.614 .577 7.818 1 .005 5.022 1.620 15.568
Respondent occupation 8.741 4 .068
Respondent occupation 1.911 1.470 1.691 1 .194 6.758 .379 120.411
Respondent occupation .445 1.259 .125 1 .724 1.560 .132 18.400
Respondent occupation -1.292 1.688 .586 1 .444 .275 .010 7.505
Respondent occupation -2.258 2.011 1.262 1 .261 .105 .002 5.378
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.352 .446 27.757 1 .000 10.510 4.381 25.214
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.277 .393 33.514 1 .000 9.749 4.509 21.075
Q205. Wearing shoes at 1.070 .444 5.809 1 .016 2.917 1.221 6.965
Q207. Frequency of wearing .576 .486 1.400 1 .237 1.778 .685 4.614
Q208. What is cleanliness of 9.684 3 .021
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .195 .496 .154 1 .695 1.215 .460 3.209
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.386 .634 4.780 1 .029 3.998 1.154 13.850
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.551 .714 4.722 1 .030 4.714 1.164 19.089
the feet at time of interview?
Constant -7.111 1.322 28.924 1 .000 .001
Step 9a When to wash feet(1) 2.146 .385 31.034 1 .000 8.551 4.019 18.193
types of floor respondent(1) 1.550 .563 7.567 1 .006 4.711 1.561 14.214
Respondent occupation 9.055 4 .060
Respondent occupation 1.798 1.432 1.577 1 .209 6.039 .365 99.919
Respondent occupation .401 1.208 .110 1 .740 1.494 .140 15.942
Respondent occupation -1.527 1.651 .855 1 .355 .217 .009 5.528
Respondent occupation -2.365 1.949 1.472 1 .225 .094 .002 4.283
satrting before 10yrs(1) 2.491 .431 33.329 1 .000 12.069 5.181 28.111
Q101. Sex of participant(1) 2.240 .389 33.238 1 .000 9.396 4.387 20.124
Q205. Wearing shoes at 1.331 .386 11.855 1 .001 3.783 1.774 8.069
Q208. What is cleanliness of 11.644 3 .009
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of .293 .488 .361 1 .548 1.341 .515 3.488
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.421 .630 5.086 1 .024 4.142 1.205 14.240
the feet at time of interview?
Q208. What is cleanliness of 1.830 .673 7.402 1 .007 6.236 1.668 23.311
the feet at time of interview?
Constant -7.031 1.264 30.923 1 .000 .001
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: When to wash feet, types of floor respondent, Edducation status of respondent, Respondent occupation category,
Respodent age category, satrting before 10yrs, Q101. Sex of participant, Q204. Is the person wearing shoes a time of interview? , Q205. Wearing
shoes at work, Q206.Wearing shoes at home, Q207. Frequency of wearing shoes, Q208. What is cleanliness of the feet at time of interview?, Q211.
How do you wash your feet?, Q212. Do you regularly travel by bare foot for different social purpose?, Q213.During farming do you wear shoe?.

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