Achieving together,
Fairhaven Primary School Year 2 Curriculum Overview Believing together,
Caring together.
Participate in discussions, improved phonic these and reciting some, words and punctuation taught so corrections to their own correctly and
presentations, knowledge, sounding out with appropriate far writing by : consistently
performances, role play , unfamiliar words intonation to make the Evaluating their including the
improvisations and accurately, automatically meaning clear writing with the progressive form
debates and without undue Understand both the books teacher and other Subordination
Gain , maintain and hesitation that they can already read pupils (using when,if ,
monitor the interest of Re-read these books to accurately and fluently and Re-reading to check that or because )
the listeners build up their fluency and those that they listen to by that their writing and coordination (
Consider and evaluate confidence in word Drawing on what they makes sense and that using or, and , or
different viewpoints, reading already know or verbs to indicate time but )
attending to and building background information are used correctly The grammar for
on the contribution of and vocabulary provided and consistently Year 2 ( see
others by the teacher including verbs in the Appendix 2 )
Select and use Checking that the text continuous form Some features of
appropriate registers for makes sense to them as Proof reading to written standard
effective communication they read and correcting check for errors in English
inaccurate reading spelling, grammar Use and understand
Making inferences on the and punctuation ( for the grammatical
basis of what is being said example, ends of terminology in English
and done sentences Appendix 2 in
Answering and asking punctuated correctly) discussing their
questions Read aloud what they writing
Predicting what might have written with
happen on the basis of appropriate intonation
what has been read so far to make the meaning
Participate in discussion about
books, poems and other works
that are read to them and
those that they can read for
themselves, taking turns and
listening to what others say
Achieving together,
Fairhaven Primary School Year 2 Curriculum Overview Believing together,
Caring together.
Achieving together,
Fairhaven Primary School Year 2 Curriculum Overview Believing together,
Caring together.