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Nitoflor® FC150 HP constructive solutions

High performance, solvent free epoxy Description

floor coating Nitoflor FC150 HP is a multi-component solvent-free epoxy
resin high build coating producing a slightly textured gloss
Uses finish. The formulation allows the incorporation of anti-slip
A heavy duty, industrial / commercial coating for concrete grits and provides good chemical and abrasion resistance.
floors that is attractive and easily cleaned. Highly resistant to Nitoflor FC150 HP is available in a range of colours by adding
chemical attack and the action of forklift vehicular and Nitoflor Colour Pots.
commercial type traffic.
Nitoflor FC150 HP is also available in pre-tinted kits in Koala
When used in conjunction with the appropriate slip resistant Grey colour and in made to order special colours.
medium, Nitoflor FC150 HP is suitable for use in wet areas
where strict levels of hygiene and cleanliness are required or Note: Care has been taken to ensure that colours manufactured
where chemicals are manufactured, spilled or are an integral under our modern process are as close as possible to agreed
part of the process. reference samples. However, it should be noted that no
guarantee can be given of exact colour matching.
Used in the food and chemical industry, hospitals, schools,
kitchens, high traffic applications and many other installations.
Design Criteria
Specially selected and processed grades of quartz sand anti- Nitoflor FC150 HP is designed for application on floors in two
slip grits are available to make safe all types of working areas coats to achieve an approximate total dry film thickness of
for both personnel and plant. 400 - 500 microns (200 - 250 microns per coat).
Nitoflor FC150 HP may be used without anti-slip grit as a For applications on vertical surfaces, the application rate is
sealer on concrete floors, epoxy floor screeds or as a high reduced to avoid sagging and curtaining. Achievable film
quality protective coating for bunds, coves and drains within thickness will vary depending on environmental conditions.
production areas. Typically 100 - 150 microns per coat.
Nitoflor FC150 HP with Nitoflor Anti-Slip Grains can also be Substrates should be dry and not suffer, or be likely to suffer,
used as a slip resistant finish over Nitoflor SL / SLX. from rising damp. Substrates should have a moisture content
less than 5% at the time of installation.
 Long lasting and easily maintained with good resistance Properties
to many industrial chemicals
Solids content: 100% w/w
 Slip resistance improves safety for plant and personnel
VOC content: 11g / litre (ASTM D3960)
 Provides an attractive gloss finish Pot life: 8 litre - 40 minutes @ 23°C
 Available in a wide range of light reflective colours to Tack free time: 15 hours @ 23°C
provide a brighter work area.
Recoat time: 10 - 48 hours @ 23°C
 HACCP certified for use in food handling areas. 20 - 48 hours @ 10°C
Foot traffic: 24 hours @ 23°C
Standards compliance
Vehicle traffic: 72 hours @ 23°C
AS/ISO 9239.1-2003 Reaction to Fire Tests for Floorings -
AWTA Test Report 21-001308: Full cure: 7 days @ 23°C
Service temperature range: <50oC
Critical Heat Flux (CHF): ≥11.0 kW/m²
Smoke Value: 25 %.min Line-marking paint
adhesion to coating: Dulux Excellent
HACCP certification for SSZ (Splash or Spill Roadmaster A1
Zone) - items are suitable for use in food Note: Pot life will be reduced if product is mixed and left in
handling areas such as kitchens, production original container. To extend pot life pour product into flat
areas. trays such as roller trays.

Copies of test reports and certification are available from the

Fosroc website.

Jan 2024 Page 1

Nitoflor® FC150 HP

Chemical resistance Application of the proposed system on a small test area on

Resistant to a wide range of chemicals. Resistance to site, prior to commencement of works is highly recommended,
spillages (examples only). to confirm actual slip resistance.

• Toluene • Sulphuric Acid 30%

Application Instructions
• Acetic Acid 5% • Skydrol
• Sodium Hydroxide 30% • Sodium Chloride Surface preparation
• Ammonia 20% • Kerosene It is essential that Nitoflor FC150 HP is applied to sound, clean,
dry substrates in order to achieve maximum adhesion between
• Used sump oil • Petrol the floor coating and substrate.
• Hydrochloric Acid • Lactic Acid 5%
The substrate should be free from all loose materials, old
• Vegetable oils coatings, curing compounds, release agents, laitance, oil and
Surface staining may result from exposure to some aggressive grease) either via light grit blasting or grinding to achieve CSP
chemicals. profile of 2-3 ( As per ICRI guidelines). Dust and other debris
removed by vacuum cleaning. Substrate moisture content
Good housekeeping practice requires spills to be quickly
should be <5% as measured by using Tramex CMEX11
removed and washed.
moisture meter.
Light Reflectance Value (LRV): BS 8493:2008 Because Nitoflor FC150 HP is a relatively thin coating, the
substrate must be fine textured. Any surface irregularities may
Nitoflor FC150 HP Black: 4.28%
show through causing excessive wear on high spots.
Nitoflor FC150 HP Fern Green: 18.09% If surface preparation produces an excessively deep profile
on the substrate, advice should be sought from Fosroc
Nitoflor FC150 HP Harbour Blue: 17.70%
regarding suitable methods to produce a smooth and level
Nitoflor FC150 HP Koala Grey: 33.77% substrate. A ‘scratch coat’ of Nitomortar 903 and fillers is often
used to smooth out irregularities.
Nitoflor FC150 HP Light Grey Blue: 44.09%
Steel should be grit-blasted or abraded to remove all scale,
Nitoflor FC150 HP Pastel Grey: 66.01%
rust, grease, etc.
Nitoflor FC150 HP Raspberry: 10.43%
Nitoflor FC150 HP Safety Yellow: 52.50%
On very porous concrete an additional (3rd) coat of Nitoflor
Nitoflor FC150 HP Sand: 57.50% FC150 HP may be required or the area may need to be primed
with Nitomortar 903.
Nitoflor FC150 HP Silver Grey: 63.53%
Nitoflor FC150 HP Curtain Call: 13.85% New concrete floors
Unless water-reduced, the floor should be at least 28 days
Nitoflor FC150 HP Off White: 86.21% old and give a moisture content reading not exceeding 5%
using a Tramex CMEX11 moisture meter. If substrate moisture
Slip resistance test results: AS/NZS 4586:2013 reading is >5% consult Fosroc for advice.
System Used Appendix A Wet Appendix B Dry
Pendulum Test Floor Friction Test Old concrete floors
Nitoflor FC150 HP P1 D1 A sound, clean substrate is essential to achieve maximum
(no additional grit) adhesion. Light grit blasting or grinding should be carried out
as for new concrete floors. Depending on extent of the
Nitoflor FC150 HP P5 D1 contamination, oil and grease penetration may be removed
saturated with by hot compressed air treatment and primed with Nitomortar
Nitoflor Anti-Slip
903. Adhesion tests must be carried out to confirm sufficient
Grains 01
Nitoflor FC150 HP P5 D1
saturated with Epoxy screeds
Nitoflor Anti-Slip
Grains 02 Nitoflor FC150 HP may be applied to Fosroc’s epoxy resin
screeds. High spots or trowel marks should be rubbed down
Certificates of slip test results shown are available on request. and dust and other debris removed by vacuum cleaning.
The results were achieved in controlled laboratory conditions; Overcoating times are important and other preparation such
reasonable variations are to be expected on site, due to site- as light sanding of the existing epoxy surface may be applicable
specific conditions and variances in application. - contact Fosroc for advice.

constructive solutions Page 2

Nitoflor® FC150 HP

Mixing Application on vertical surfaces

Stir the base and hardener components prior to mixing. Add Application rate of Nitoflor FC150 HP to vertical surfaces
2 x 500g Nitoflor Colour Pots to the base component and mix needs to be reduced to 8 to 10m2 litre / coat minimise runs /
thoroughly using a low speed heavy duty electric drill and sagging.
suitable spiral mixer for 1 minute.
Add hardener component and mix for a further 3 minutes.
All tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately after
Do not add solvent to the mix. Adding solvent can affect use with Fosroc Solvent 10. Hardened material can only be
the cure and intercoat adhesion and is not required with this removed mechanically.
new formulation.
IMPORTANT: Once mixed the product should be poured into
flat, open paint trays to maximise pot life working time. Holding The service life of a floor can be considerably extended by
the product in the original mixing can will lead to an exothermic good housekeeping practices. Regular cleaning of Nitoflor
reaction which will significantly reduce the pot life. FC150 HP may be carried out using a rotary scrubbing machine
with a water miscible cleaning agent. Refer to Fosroc’s “Guide
Application to Industrial Floor Maintenance”.
1st Coat Limitations
Following the required preparation, apply Nitoflor FC150 HP
Note: To ensure a uniform colour, use only components with
by brush or roller at a rate of 4 - 5 m²/litre.
identical batch numbers in the one application area or contact
When a slip resistant finish is required, the appropriate grit Fosroc for advice.
should be applied as soon as sufficient area has been coated.
Nitoflor FC150 HP should not be applied to any surface subject
The Nitoflor Anti-Slip Grains should be lightly and uniformly
to back water pressure; otherwise failure of the bond is likely
broadcast over the wet Nitoflor FC150 HP. The size and
to occur.
distribution rate of the grit should be in accordance with that
prior agreed to by the client or their representative. Intending users should always consult Fosroc if there is any
doubt as to whether a proposed application may involve
If any areas have lost their gloss, re-coat lightly before applying
conditions other than “ordinary”. Such extraordinary conditions
When the first coat is hard (usually the next morning - refer
 Porous or poor quality concrete causing excessive use
re-coat times in “Properties” section) sweep or vacuum off all
and absorbency of the product
excess grit. For good appearance and easier cleaning, it is
important that all loose grit be removed at this time.  Unusually cold condition during curing (<10°C)
It is also recommended that the first coat be solvent wiped to  Elevated temperatures of service (>50°C) e.g; floors subject
remove any contamination which could affect the intercoat to hot water
adhesion of the second coat. Fosroc Solvent 10 should be
 Severe, or unusual, chemical attack
used for this and cleaning rags changed frequently.
 Severe, or unusual, conditions of service beyond the limiting
2nd Coat physical and chemical properties of epoxies
Mix the components as before and using a paint roller (deflocked Care should be taken in selecting colours as some will darken
mohair is recommended) apply a coat over the grit. (See or develop a brown tinge when exposed to sunlight or certain
‘Coverage’). It is important that this final coat be uniform but chemicals. This effect is noticeable on white, light coloured
the exact rate of application may be varied to suit the finish and grey systems; on brown, yellow and red colours it is less
required. A heavy final coat will give an easily cleanable floor noticeable.
but a fairly light coat will give the best slip resistance in wet
conditions. Nitoflor FC150 HP is not recommended for exterior use where
it is subject to sunlight or in applications involving prolonged
Brushes / rollers to be washed thoroughly at least once each chlorinated water immersion. Contact Fosroc for detailed
hour, using Fosroc Solvent 10. Ensure all solvent is removed information.
before reusing. Brushes / rollers to be discarded after use.
Nitoflor FC150 HP should not be applied on to surfaces known
At temperatures of 20 - 30°C foot traffic may be permitted to suffer from rising damp or having a moisture content reading
after 24 hours, and light vehicular traffic after 72 hours; greater than 5%. Refer to Fosroc for further advice.
however, in cold weather a longer period before use may
be required. Do not apply below 10°C. Allow 5 - 7 days Nitoflor FC150 HP should be applied only when the substrate
before subjecting to chemical attack or abrasion. temperature and the ambient temperature is above 10oC.
Nitoflor FC150 HP is not recommended as an application over

constructive solutions Page 3

Nitoflor® FC150 HP

Do not add solvents to Nitoflor FC150 HP. Some solvents, Ancillaries

including acetone and methylated spirits will significantly affect
the curing and intercoat adhesion of epoxies. Nitoflor Colour Pot Black 500g: FC605135-0.5KG
Nitoflor Colour Pot Fern Green 500g: FC605137-0.5KG
Nitoflor Colour Pot Harbour Blue 500g: FC605138-0.5KG
Nitoflor FC150 HP is supplied in 8 litre 2 component kits
(colour pots are additional) Nitoflor Colour Pot Koala Grey 500g: FC605139-0.5KG
Nitoflor Colour Pot Light Grey Blue 500g: FC605140-0.5KG
Nitoflor FC150 HP Base of 8L Pack: FC605119-5.2L
Nitoflor Colour Pot Off White 500g: FC605141-0.5KG
Nitoflor FC150 HP Hardener of 8L Pack: FC605118-2.6L
Nitoflor Colour Pot Pastel Grey 500g: FC605142-0.5KG
Nitoflor FC150 HP Koala Grey is also supplied as pre-tinted Nitoflor Colour Pot Raspberry 500g: FC605143-0.5KG
kits in 8 litre and 15 litre.
Nitoflor Colour Pot Safety Yellow 500g: FC605144-0.5KG
Nitoflor FC150 HP Koala Grey Base of 8 litre kit:
Nitoflor Colour Pot Sand 500g: FC605145-0.5KG
Nitoflor Colour Pot Silver Grey 500g: FC605146-0.5KG
Nitoflor FC150 HP Hardener of 8L Pack: FC605118-2.6L
Nitoflor Colour Pot Curtain Call 500g: FC605147-0.5KG
Nitoflor FC150 HP Koala Grey Base of 15 litre kit:
FC605113-10L Nitoflor Colour Pot Spec Col (MTO) 500g: FC605148-0.5KG
Nitoflor FC150 HP Hardener of 15 litre kit: FC605118-5L Nitoflor Anti-Slip Grains 01 20kg: FC611080-20KG
Nitoflor Anti-Slip Grains 02 20kg: FC605185-20KG
15 litre Special Colour kits can also be made to order subject
Nitomortar 903 Base 20L: FC381019-20L
to a minimum order quantity of 23 kits with a lead time of 14
to 21 days. Nitomortar 903 Hardener 10L: FC381018-10L
Nitoflor FC150 HP Base 10L Spec Colour: FC605114-10L Fosroc Solvent 10 4L: FC600800-4L
Nitoflor FC150 HP Hardener 5L Spec Clr: FC605118-5L Fosroc Solvent 10 20L: FC600800-20L

Floors: 4 - 5m²/litre on concrete / coat
(2-3 m2/l second coat over Nitoflor Anti-Slip Grains)

Vertical surfaces: 8 - 10m²/litre on concrete / coat

The coverage figures given are theoretical - due to wastage
factors and the variety and nature of possible substrates,
practical coverage figures will be reduced.

Nitoflor FC150 HP should be kept in a dry place in the original,
unopened packs between 10°C and 30°C.

Important notice
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is available from the Fosroc website. Read the SDS and TDS carefully prior to use as application or performance data may change from time to time. In emergency,
contact any Poisons Information Centre (phone 13 11 26 within Australia) or a doctor for advice.

Product disclaimer
This Technical Data Sheet (TDS) summarises our best knowledge of the product, including how to use and apply the product based on the information available at the time. You should read
this TDS carefully and consider the information in the context of how the product will be used, including in conjunction with any other product and the type of surfaces to, and the manner in
which, the product will be applied. Our responsibility for products sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. Parchem does not accept any liability either directly or indirectly for
any losses suffered in connection with the use or application of the product whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.

*Manufactured and sold under license from Fosroc Parchem Construction Supplies Pty Ltd
International Limited. Fosroc, Nitoflor and the Fosroc 1956 Dandenong Rd Clayton VIC 3168
logo are trade marks of Fosroc International Limited, Ph: 1800 812 864
used under license. ABN 80 069 961 968
Distributed in New Zealand by: Concrete Plus Ltd
constructive solutions 150 Hutt Park Road Gracefield Ph: 0800 657 156
Page 4 NZBN 9429033691282

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